- -b J W toa ; rcsTLAi.r. c:rr r- cnr rsrrm. CITT V- .laTiio. vovzzzzzz r. v 4 hosed end Siexrlhad aa rbt- -wsi I Im tlee avrnf at the wa..weat oornar ef . Ctark (wn tract, ra-1 eoeed a a- c T pe-e, dtj. Record x koiunoatsa CounlrJ tnaaaa Mia to Biiaulsa. east l- ehalne. la tha n. Lwede, 1efi tbenre eoxnh 4 4areoa. weet all teat; -"m xrt J tmaw, SO wrootra vast, ta "" ox axarnaaxs raea; tkcaoa aorta 81 Z"'0"ta' Met an hat. mat or leas. . IT.'." township 1 aiwTr 1 w " Miaaaexie axeruuaai neara oontk 14 Qe'eaee, eaat. parallel vita eeaik Ue MT "a e-rie i era tract. .ip Awa to - wane w wijubmu rxeae at 1am - ' ,loe w,k of eeld rt Mh 40 Oacjeee, araat a ltnks Iten Bar I T6 ee. r-. 0 mtoatM wat. Mr. 4 rk aae k 'n told Brick lard tract, t 4 w to the aaat Ilaa of Macadam read: tneoee nerxn "' !,Bk. M east itae a? A tract s Una boaadad and dcwartbsd M fol- ""J Wmmeaetn, at ami t beast aaraar oC rT .?' Prt,B HotaMtoadl taaaoa aaat ta Mat llaa at Macadam road; theace BorUerlr . wmt Macadam road ta its tetaraaettna with tka aaat Um of the all aujtr roaa: thaaa eosttierly ta to pleas ef beclontnc. Oknowa Owner. ftSA.OO. Atraet af Und boended aad dcscrmed aa tat. I r.enrinc af wa aaatatraat af oh a hUerMB Tract, recorded ta b para eiie. hVeoard af Doede. Maroaaw.h I J""fi manna boot a w terra Be, araat lvo feeti thsaee eoaU T dee raea aO mUwtee, aaat ta waat haak ac Wlliaawtta rraar at lav tr rki tKaaa aUnf Um traat aaak M aald Hrar aarth 46 daaraaat aaat ta aaatav earaar af aald Joaa lkwraaa tract: nam aartk It dajraia M Klaataa, vaat aloa ta nna or aaia Joea KHraaa traat aa Um ml hA4ilM nl m a u A tract af laad aoandad aad daarrlbai aa toi lawar CaBawacta la tha aaat Una af Maa4- ("ad trhara MB a lataaurU tha araalarlr ;t"'a b t praaaat awraa tha aarth llaa af tha Kallar Wraiaa oaa-aara tract, ra mrdad la bonk O. aaira aot. Record af Daada. Mnltnomah Coqatri taaaoa aloac aaat llaiW Maaaoam rnad aorth H daaraaa M ailaataa, not 1M.4 faat; thaaraaarthld darraM 10 nla- .."t ! faoti tbcaca aarth 7 Mania ailBBtaa. aari I I tm4 mm rk mlmrm ha. ftnnliut; thaaea aaat TO J fact to waat bank af WUlanatta rltar at low wata warki tbaocc aarth alon tha wt baak af aald rtrar lot faat: thaara traat T81.T faat to aaat Uaa af Maaadaai raadi thanea aoath f dartaia 0 aata- aaw.'aa aa tan. la piaCd U Bacaiund, eaha W. Lanrdon. Ti.0d. A traat aflaad boaadad aad aaarrtbad a fot iawai Ooatnaaclnc la the rat llna of bfaa adaia raad whora mm h) tntaraaetad by tha ort uaa af tka KaUer Wamaa ana atra I traft.rarardad ta bank O. aada 801. Eaoord af I oaaoa; Multaoaiah Ooaaty; thaa aortbarly I I""ft x" tlnm " ajacaoaai roaa aa rouewa: hulk Of M ( . m mm A . I thaaea aarth T4 datraae 14 atlaataa. waat lwt.4 1 rprii taeaee aorta 7 aarraia aa aMaataa. waat fMt: taaaoa aarth daaraaa Blaataa. waat aOJO faat aa tha alaea af baaiaalria; thaaaa aaat TaOd faat to waat bank of Wll laatatta iIto at low watar Mark; thanoa aartnarlr aka the waat baak af aaM rlrar a0. fMt tlMaea aarth IS diarin 10 aihv tea. aaat HO T laot. aiaaa m amith una at Monetl tract, eartloa la. tawaari taoata, raaca 1 Mat, ' WlUaaaatta BMrtdlaa; I itneaea waat alarur aoetb 11m of Mid afofrattl , freer a taa aaat I ma of .at aeadaal ana 4: haa aoaxa aMBf taa aaat una er atacadaat road I r h balaolnd. XarvlUlaar Laad Oeav I bear. 1ST. TO. I a tract af laad bMBdad aad diarrftiad aa 4awas Caaaaraalaa la tha Mat Uaa af hi Mf" raad where aw la totaraaetad by tha I feeerdad la book 0. Bare lOS, Record af DaBda. wwwxu aim wtw mmiimr m wrmii aaaia im trmei nuiinai imrr; weaee aortnarir imm aaai llaa er Macadam road M followa: North I at oaraM aw aanta, waat 1U.4 feet; thaaaa wia a M(TMa 10 aiaatea, waat 14.4 raati I "are are-ia 1 oaf ma oa anwiatee, waat I7S.M I eat Mpl.ce af herloalaa; thaaea Mat to waat I ana e wiiiamette near at low watar Baark : I lieaea aertherlr alreie waat hank or aaM rteee I f4.lt fact 1 thaaea waat to aaat Mm of Vee. I Idee road: thaaea aoatberlr alnaer aaat Um I r"",.r"" eoota a aierna a bibmim, aat avja) feet: tbaaea Mil duarana Ml hlaatoa, Met 10.64 fMt. to alaa af baaiitn, I tract -Of laad out dmillii it aa hJ. hwa:. Oanajaacln at a aoUt la tha aaat 11m aarnaa nani waera aawa M aatraaetaa 7 aorta una ar Keller Wraiaa one-acre rare, rarotaea la anoa o. uh aoa. in .m.1 m aada, afaltaaaMh OMatri thaaea aarth aloa eaai ina ac maraaaai raaa aa tnaowa: arth SI drrraM to mlnatea. waat 1M.4 feet: f t feet aa tha place of beclanlnci thence m ra ami Mac at -wiiaiaietta Ttrer at low iw Mrii mmem aartMiiy alona waat Mna r mm near ta ami una at Of Mary r. Oraea teat. raaMdad ha haoh aaa. r Daada, Haltaoaaah Oeaarri tbenra awl loaf aoath Una af mhJ treef to aaat Mar af araaaai ronok taaaM aoata aUHut Mat I me aennam mo a paan ac Mguaiaa, Aaaa Raraatt. .. .- . tract .af lead boaadad aad daduBJid aa fsl- a: fiamaiemlntr at aalat la aaat Um hi a oa 4am road where him la totaraaetad ina wnrwr ima or km aeian at wtan e-acra tract, aaaaidad m hak A. am fnirl a) Peeda. Malraeawh Oeaatri thence ana at umeie av mine taa. waat iim faati rww .both 14 4ria 10 ailaataa, weet (1 fMt: thaaea aaat ta waat baab at WU. hietta rlrar at law wafer mark! thaaea btherlr a loaf the weet bank af mM rrrer f a raet; thaaea waatMT.04 fMt: tbeaea aarth I aigrana. weet za reet: tbeaea wart ino fMt: race aorta as acareee. araat IM. faat, 1 ca m mtmim. L.ina rwtcnee. aim aa. tract af land lytnr httwcaa the aMth Mna Rewndarr atraat aad a waat err aatemtm erne la Vta fraaaat eaana aad a Um Itld 1 BMiaarr irora aad raranel tberawlth 1 Between taa waat ima of htacadaaa nad p the dretatoa Itoa aatweaa Mith.M 10 aad Mwnaam 1 Man, raaaa 1 aaat. WITIaai a amrldtaa. R. W. Rlacham aad Rmrna L. ct af taadtrm bitwaaa hm Mbm m. letlTal 11 44 feat Md fU.1 feat anath land aaralial with aoath llna af Raaadary -aa ana a wMiarrr eirenuoa or Mate M inml aaaiaa and hi I aim taa waatarly fan eerthma Id aad IB, tawnekln 1 eaath. IM 1 aaat. Willamette arid lea. Jaaa.a. nan, liam, aean.nn. fraet af Und frhui batweaa raw Tmea ra. tleerr 44-YAS lent and 0BO.00 faat aaweh ad Mrallel with aouth Uaa af Raandar ret aad a weatertr aitenalon af mm la Ita heat eaana aad between the WMteri Mna lainiia.wn Ma taa aieianm Una ae- tea aectieaa la aad 14. towwahla 1 aaath, 1 wi. w luamatia aaarii I'qairBk azaa ta. raet aa mad nraar haeweea tlealr M M feat Bad I feat aoath af I aaralial with the anath Una af Bonndarr let and a waaterre aataaahm af Mate la Ita eat eearea aad betatea tha waawrra Haa Macadam road aad tha drrmtna Uaa bo. wa aonmaa to ana ia, 11 aaiaaa 1 aaath. Ira 1 aaat. WUlamtlta BkarMlaa. Aaaa M. ett. IW K. . art af mnd lrto bitana 0 Maw kM.1 aaath ef aad aaralial with anath llaa af idarr atraat aad a winterly aaaeeet. dary thw af" 'tha 1hr7llUatr dLaUBn aatwtta the waat line of ha Portland and the at. ra llaa batwaaa) aeetfcwa id aad 18, tnwa- I anata. raaaa 1 Mar. wiuaaartt eaha W. Laardon. till Ta. ImI af laad knaadaj and tiatiRnd M fee- : fannnniit at a aatot to taa aaat I af Macadam raad Vnern tha Maaa hi w I Vrtod by aba anath Uaa af KelW I li. "rT tree, ratia aa m aaa n. Ve aoath St diftMa. waat SO aaat: thaaea k to darrM SO mtkama. east 10 feat; ra aarth 3S fa ante, waat 40 fMtt tbaaea a M mct'm ao aatMtea. cant 100 fret: SO wbva tea. wmI lob eea. fa eoata at 4 Uhwlaa. CM- ef Panlaad. tl.40. act at laad 1 Coma at a boom kt tha wast f Willamette rreer at law watar 4 faat aarth at Beath Uaa af Twwlllkrar I ha tee. want ta aaat Itoa at Macadam raad: te aarth II amaae. wast Sat feet: IT luilii 4 mmatiai waat SeO M rt toot; tbeaea aaath SR. drama IS mln-1 eaat law tort theacs haataa. waat Si fart? tl w aarth SI till 11a I 10 mhearee. aaM 4STI.S feat Ptoea af I tirad. eoha Rahmy Juais Com pan . is. so, Camsimima at :lna LawB) Oherhx 4300. let af hunt li alii had tmiflid aa Nl- CiaaiHhf waera tha aarth ame at i Staphs M toMlhia Uad elnkm la aw ha west baak at WBIamsfts rreer at asar amarhl thaaea waat Sew ekaaaat aantb IS dactain. aaet 4.4B ehatoe: Iwaib- 4. 47 tkahaat Uaaea milh 44S te thee ef baaUalns. eae aad eaeeat la tesiiimid ta bank toa. pa so ti. Bund P, -t af had Cimmasihm at a aatnt sua feel anwthe I m where the aaexh Baa ad Terwtnmar I f-a Mad dakw huaiMtm tha aaat Uaa af I . aad thoan aeeterty IS4 4 reel I iht lUn m the panra of - bartrmkie: acre 40 feet paraUel with tha ra Nna ef Mara Sam read: thaaea eeat- rfnwttowM Hwa ef rfa of we ef I rwttoa4 A Wl 11a we taa taller Ralbwad I ?l Bun am thai It 40 4aat ah ag aald I way: toewrw w a. nelly bb plaM af hs I t4a ArnntdL B4.aa. I t e Uad kiMdad aa4 Aaifhad M Snt- I 1 A teat ' t ) il at,: d ' rarmaiJet tTV- 'oX-PSX fSwrra. SO V.t -2Tr 4rwt!?!Tm - utoaTM, want I ft eke baa: thaaea Berth tl 'ehrr aaxk: tbeaea mttTTama f m!TTJu 1 atos: thewea tJf"!! . r1 Fal rUha) hne AT4rbahm tarast baa ef Wll' ' Main.' mm 1 aaat, wioaaatta awrMtaat Vmrm coo m a. aaat-d.IT ahatua; " tteaui at I 'turf to waat bank af Wli - laaMfta rtaar at wa aiarkl tbaaea aarth u airia. m a.19 alaea of bagtaaJac, ar. t i(W. A tract of load tiiHij aad dai illiif aa M--lowa: final a IM at aoathwaat aaraar af tha WUi ia aad Boaiaa Oelaar tract, aactloa 14. towMxta 1 aoath, -rura 1 aaat. WUlaw , atta mrki'o; thaaea waat A.0d ekalna; thaaaa Maui xa aaaraaa aa anaaua. aaat 1.7U cbalna " thaaaa aaat 4 04 ahahw: thaaea aarth 14 da traaa M ailaataa. WMt l.Tnl chalaa. to alaea ' J4 0a?'1' Ohllferala ' Pawdaf Warka, A tract af laad artef batwaaa tha waat Uaa of h aaadaai nad and tha aaat Una af bloeaa M, kf aa4 U. .ra rwrtlaad. Oraaoa. aad ; iai -a m - --a aoaaaapr or taa Tarwa . 1 rar a aa .4 alula aad tha aarlb Uaa at awe awd M, aaathera Idrtlaad. C faa. aad a -a a -a twa af Caaalsa acraet A t act ; li Saad trt 1 af WaMdaai raad aad t . 4 a. klark a. thd waat liaa aaat Uaa af lota f A4dlt1aa ranaw aad bat th Una af the Tarwlu Haa af uar doaauoa lead alalia aad tha aoetk f lata aad 4, buck 4. Oraaa'a AddtUaa to Port laad. BVoooI Dam-lrt No. 1. $40 m wici av taaa irasa Mwaaa taa 1 af faMea Fark aad TtVe anhaoa llaa Haa IIBtlina 14 aad 14. taeraahla 1 aoath. I aaat. ulaavatte BMriuiaa, aad bitwaaa taa Math Haa ef .tha iarla road aad the anrth : wa 01 awea ta. rvnom ran. raiiaa ran Laad 0aaaar. dTAo. ' A, tract araaad trU batWMa tha waat Uaa aa mi ica rara ana tna darlataa llaa hatwMa 1 Mat ttUlaaiette Mrldlaa. aad batweaa taa eooih 4Jaa af rarth e traat aad tha aorta Una ar toe atraot aa taa aorta rue af black Cl'aa M. ran. raua ran A traat af toad kaaadad aad dminiil ha fol bwa: Oaaaaunehif 10 chalaa WMt aad S 41 - atilac aarth. T di rraaa waat, af aarthaaat car- Bar af block 1. raltaa Park! thaaea aaat W eaana; uaaea aorta a aaaraaa. waat 1.1 ahalMt thaaea waat akaar auath Haa af' Na- ja4a atraat.ta a Be hit aarth t lirriaa. waat a-iu coaiaa. iraat piaca ot aarmainti raaaaa ' aoath T 4afTiia, aaat t.10. chalna. ta alaea af baaiaalaa. Kate . Blnaham. tit DO. A traat of lead boanded aad daaerlbad aa fol ks coaMMBClac 10 chalaa waat af aorta- aaat aaraar ef Mork 1. raltaa;. thaaea Berth T duraee, waat 4 01 rhalaa. to aoath Tina af erada atraatt thaaaa waat akm aaath law af Haaada a mat ta aaat Haa 1 af rht af war af aha MetraaoUtaa Rallwar Onapaar: thaaea BMtherlr alaa aaat llaa of aald rlrtit of war to aarth Uaa af block at, raltaa Park; thraM Mat aloaa north llaa af raltoa park te alaea af haelaalaj,, H. W. Corbatt Batata, Bain af. illl.W. . . traat 1 A traat of laad boaadad aad liatttm aa Iowa: OoBiawaclat' at aoatbeaat caraar ef Meek a, raltoa 1 thaaea eaatarlr alona Berth ntaa aMtarlv iVn. aarrh noa m mrraraaiw vaaMtarr, eeraea u. a able I aoath. nam I aaat. WlUaaaatta a K Brraralaw Oaoararr, eartloa tJ. tewa- narKi" taa, to waat Uaa af Macadam road: tbeaea northerly aleac waat llaa af all tMd ta anrtaeaac caraar of block 4, raltoa; thaaea aMtherlr akoer the aaatarb' Uaa af block 4. raltoa. to alaea af tualaalnd, Uearca X. aad aurr at. naraea. aa.ou. A tract or land baaarlad aad aaatrRiii aa fol Iowa: CoaiaMBclBt 11 0 ebaiaa waat and -M cnaiaa aorta or aoataeaat eoraar af Thaaiaa RtatthMa AMatlaa kai ale bar Himim Mth ' TO daartki. waat M I t rada) thence aorth SO aeiiaaa. earn ra wi llna at uitf atraat: uaaea Mai vo aaM bm at noaa atraatt f Beam aorta ta aeataweat caraar or lot I. block I rarraa rarat taaaoa aaaia l nifnia Perrr road: thaaea aoath SB deatinm. weet I.0S enema; thaaea aarth TO oef reee. weet 10 , caaina. to piaap at katlMmg,. Ueraoaa Jtata rar. fKS-HO. - A tract af lead kaaadad aad daeertbrd aa fol Iowa: Covin endue at aarth laat aetuar lot t, . block 10a. raltoa arh: abaaca anrth 40 feet: ' tnanea aorta e aatiaiie. aaat MS faat, to take 00 feat aoath .from .aoath line af tha Matagwr tract, eecttoa-at. 'tcwnahla 1 aoath, aaaterly aaralial with aoath Una af alH Mata- far tract to a ataka ha weet Una af Tarlor'a errr road: rbeaee BMtherlr ta caat Una of bkwk-iot, raltoa Park; tbeaea Berth 100 feet m I 111 I . A uU ktub lie waat 100 feer-tn nlara af heelnnlne. rWtland Clay Company, I4.B0. Aa .Irraanlai' trart of land triof between tha aenta ilea af bloek a. raltoa, aad aa eaaterly eiiaamoa ac taa aaaae m ua aad the waat Um af Macadam raad, the : aorth Una ef Hector Campbell donation land claim, weeterly Im of Uaradam mad and im Marorir ima at TavHr a rarrr roaa. eVlv arrlaw Crmaterr Aaaorlatloa. aiaf.40. A tract af land IrVaff between, tha aorth Ttne , wf Hector ranmneU a eVmatkm laad claim and raa nan Baananrr er me t ire . ot rnrtiano and helweee tee wee Ku mf ke WIIUmII rlrar at low water mark Md tha weeterly line af IleaM'a rarrr road aad Taylor a Ferry mad. aaaa aaa eaaeni wmt 1. m amine aa raa maty nr rwruaao. trreana. aaaiiaiaa ny tm imm OaaraatM A Traat Cwiapany. ReeHatered. Na. 7 a. aiaetriew camaterr Aaeortetloa. IMI.Ta A tract of lead aoandad aad deerrfned ae fnl- lowaj Oammiaelaa: at tha tateraaaraaa ef the aorta UM at tract dean-lead honk. A, Bare onu. innara nr iieene, rtattaemaa twuaty, wita aaat ima af Taraw a rrrrr mad: tneaoa north arly aloac Mid raad SOO feet; thence went 40 feet to hm Im ef Macadam road: thaaea anath SOO fMt: thaaea aaat ta place of ha JlanJac, totality BarlnM A Traat Oempaay, tract etf laad Boaadad aad daaerltied na rVil. lews: Com O) ear Ina to teat aoath and SO feet want nr anntaweot earlier at viocb an, to Parki thMM aaat SAO teeti tbeaea aontk an rMt:.rjience weet inn recti thence aoata S0 faatf theaM weet IM feat: thence aorth idO feat to alaea af beylnnlnc, Rjraa P. Card- wau awtare. nein ar. aa.ou. A tract ef mad bona dad aad daeerfhad aa frd own: fwatatenelnd at the lateraeetlon) of the aorth Una af lAebarmaa tract. leeorOed la bonk at. mm Bva. accord at Hal da. Mnltnomah Canal, with tha aaat Um af old Taylor Parry roaa; tnence norm nmnar anm rnaa auo raet; thaaea aaat to Willamette rrrert thence foUow ww tha mtaadarlaaa ef Mid rlrar to the aarth lute ar mm uanarmaa tract 1 raanra waat the nlaM. ef baclaalsQ. Heary R. DapMU A traat nf land l alil aad anaerOitd M far- lows: - Oommaacmc 0 aha Ina enat and 14 chalaa Booth ef eorthwnrt comer of aortheaat nix or aeetloa SS, tnwnehlp 1 anath. raaaa WlHanwttn Mat t chatM: thaaea anath. 4 4i 11111. weet S.T4 chalna: thence weet a an abama ta aaat ima i af Macadam mad thaaea Bert her! alnor aaat ima or amwa mna ra im m neeirmau, eeaMt iarhm A Traat OomMar. S.lt.Ta. A tract af Und branded aad deacrtbed aa far Iowa: Cewreenclnc at aorthweet enrner of block . raltoa Park: thaaea anrth TS teat, tbeaea aaat te- weet haak at (Til la met la rlrar at mm water mora: tnence a Joan: uia west baak of Hrar to aarth aaat sutaat af blort V. raltoa Park! tbeaea weet to pmca at hagla Hln. Chartoe Lhtbarmaa.- Sldia. A traei at laad toaatit and tnnUiil aa fol. towa: Oimanathir at aoatbeaat iwair ef lot 4. kloch 1, patton: tbeaea aontberly alona araat Haa af Tayhwa rerrr raad to 4 aatot 14 faat northerly rraaa anrthaMt caraar of block T. raltoa : thence, aertherlr abate a Um Berariet with northerly Um of hlorh T. rnltoa. to Its mrereectbm wttfe the aaerherre line ef lot a. alack I raltaa. H. J. Ratosl ma 4X M. A tract at land breaded aad denttflwd aa M tmrs: rammaarma IS.10 rhabia north ..aad IS.M ehatoa weet ml -MathoMt snraar at Thiiiaaa ttephenn donatloa toad claim: theacs Ta diateaa. Mat AOd chnnnm. to weet bank at Willamette iliai at hw wahar mark: thMfa a Iran weet Mna of aald met. aorta 40 Oigraia. aaat 1.40 rhataa: rbenea anrth t 4 name M mhtatee. east M chain: thence weet T.14 chalna: tbewee BMth 4 dreraeo SO . aaaa haa rharoe, to the alaea af ha- toalna. Praaclaca hchwltt. la.BO. A tract at hud hiiMdad aad di Bulbed M foj Iowa: Oman si lad at tamo mile aeot ta Mae. adam read: thiata aaat to waat hank af W Il ia met te rtrar at tow wator amrht tbeaea aarth alona tha waat Wat af MM rtrar ta CJ? af eoraar af Mark M. Partaa Park; went earner the aaath Um at blarha hi aad S. raltaa Pan. to Macadam mnd: anath an abm nf hantnnlna Tin 11 I na N train i. tto ha. A traat at load silil aad tea nihil MM- S deersea ha mtnnmn. ant 1 m ehanaai thanea north St toeiaia. west t enatae; thaBM aorta a aiarns. weat 4 raas; thanea aorta 4S ticTias weat BBS rhalaa; tbaaea aoath 84 - 4 ame. swat 0 rhataa; thiaik Booth IS 4 aiaaa. aaM 4 ST " ' to .alaew n aa. raU. Joseph aad Prank Weber. ewT.BO.' t traat at hand buna aad aad 4inisl M ft, aioraaambg at a patot to rha eeet s af MiraaaBBaad where mbm to toaar rUaaatta rreer at tow water mark: theaM ssath- erry is lipna aaat a Una tha waa baak af aaed rteae. al ht faat: thaaea waat parallal I low leet BMth af rha aenta ana af enmmannao aarth Id aaaiaaa. Weet lad chame. from arathaeat aaraar at Thamaa StiakiM daaattoa laad aaatmt tbeaea week S.T4 ehslM; tbeaea aarth SB 4iuaa SO mhaataa. areat htS ehatoat thaaea aarth hi Arrreee IP wrnn tea. went 4.00 ehehaa; tha era aartk 4 dial im SO mtowtea. waat JH chela: thmra aarth the aaat Uaa af Maaadaaa raad: tna am aartk hna asad Una ad Macadam rand ta the Ba ml k.chmUa. I.hikt h, MpaUny. A. of hand k. an tit Bad toiralBi I M OiUiwai Oimaa ailm el SMtkaanl enrwar af Ua ha. Mne la. , rwrttaad: thaaea want 844.4 fast; tbeaea aaath a saariae 80 nlnlia eaat M Baaih ktoa af Bnada erraat: thaaM aaaa aAnap mi ih bma af Riaada atraat to erase bma ad Slabs rand: thaaea aarth wUaal son Itaa at aratom ra4 ta BtoM ? tttlTL M iJuy Ommwht at haaiiilra at weet U ef BtoMrUaa Band wth taweb bwa ef be-, Itoa ef II 1 1 spa aaraM; r ran si sal B smrraM tos Bel: thsMS eaat Ha 4 atJm toTT mmmmi2L!!!itZF$ TmaaMsy Wa imrn 0ttmm e- IR IS feat aorth., 4 aa- a a r. 1 aorrnaaat e; - 1 oerlr ah of hW-e 1. . .r 1, -at 11 m reet: w-i i 4.4 .-! 1 e aorrh 44.44 fact te 4 4 (-! 1 e aorra no. no teat te a af K- wt; tbeaee waat VI. it xta w- 1-J tec: thaaea soata 1 be mn. . e-t k J-04 feet; theaM a t 1 -n ; U.. Berth SO .0 maal a. -na. aaa, e4n rees e eUee W h.tulC. Ml RohM. tMe-tU. A tract af ld bonaiV-4 aad daacrlBad as , fnllowa: Coaimaarlna l.7 cMina aortava ee tiwj 0 mbanua eeet, and S A1 ehalM want of aortlweet corner af block 1. Pollen: thence 1 WMt 1 e.45 fMt: thence north 4 oecreea. waat to mil UM of he. da atraet; theace Mat 1 4.a4 teeti thaaaa mil to plaea ef beejpalac. Caarlea D. and I. Uaa (;hrlntnaoa. tlt.M. A traat af tead boaadad aad daaerlbad m n.n Wk I BVlree- thanM WCBt 10 ChalM aorth f desTeee. WMt S.S3 chalna i thaaaa aaat eeO 71 feef; tbenoa aoath S Mfrana aa mm Men. neat Ml.nA faat: theBCO BOCtb 40 da anm al m Ina lea. Mat S11.X0 feat; tbeaea Math decrees to aitnatM. east M il feaU to , plac. if biclnaln,. P. i'eenr.. 444JO ' A traat af Uad bounded and deecrtned aa fnriowe: Cewiawaclna at aMtheaat enrner at 1 block 4TH. raltoa Park: thaaea weet S"0 feet ta aaet line af rtret atraet: rheeoa aartk SOO feet ta snath Um af lawaa atraet: thaaea aaat ta aorthwaet corner .af Mid block; tbeaea aoatberlr a km waat nae ef Mid Mock to placa af baclaalac, raltoa Park iad Cam pan. ad. so. - a Vlet m laad haonded and dallowa: Oannmrhi at aoatbeaat corner nf ' hiMi arix ru l ina Park: thence a eat ario fMt theaM eoth SO fMt; tnence aaat Sud feet: theaM aorth so raet re piaro oc neainninc aoath Portland Real awtare uomparty. a no. a ef lane! heaiadnd Bad daecrlbad fol Iowa: Cammanelac at a point 00 fMt aoath aad 00 feet weet af Borthweet corner af block TS. raltoa Pan: thaBM Booth SR0 fMt theaM , went n0 faat; thence aorth S30 fMt; thanea aaat S40 fMt to place of baftaamd. Ooafrec . ttoa Rath laraeL SISAO. . . .. -. -.A tract ef laad boaadad had da a I Hie 4 M fellawa: Oommenrtna SO fact aoath aad to ' feet Want of aoathweet corner of block TS, PnltM Pan: tbenoa aaat TOO tost: theace Mata. to Interaactloa. of aorth Ima af Poplar atraat with weet llna of Rlchtb areaae; theeM waetorl ta Rieraath stmm; tbeaea north to .aorth llaa af B pence atraet: tbenca araat SOO - feet; theace Berth to a point 40 feat aaat af north Mat earner af block at. raitoarara; eKe. aea tMB fee! thMM BOTth 80 fasti thence eaat 800 fMt: tbeaea BMth SO feet ta bUm ad tortonhic. Ttaeeat Cook, S0S.00 A tract af Mad boaadad and daaerlbad aa foThrara: OomnMCjelm: at northaaat career of lot . black 104, Pultun Park: thence Berth O0 Sset thaaea aorth 40 detiBM. aaat S444 feat,, ta aenth Um of Metaaaa tract, eeettoa S3, toanmhlp 1 aoath, mute 1 Met, Wlllam- . atta aaarldlaa! thaaea aortaaaaterhr parallel with WMt 11 M af Mht Metacer tract to aaath Una af Hajbl atraet: thaaea waat to a aotat dM aarth af north WMt eoraar af block 104, raltaa Park: thaaea aoath to Borftweet aer er af aald block 100: tbeaea eaat 100 fast to place ef beclnnlac. vmcrat Cook. 4M.eS. A eraeC af lanel lVlnat hetwaM the tiumf ef Saeead atraet ft erleaiW aoath la Ita prea ' eat coorae aad the dtThrtoa Una between nao thma SI aad SS, towaahlp 1. aontk. raaaa t aaat. Willamette seeridlaa. and between a Ua SO feet aoath of aad parallel with Booth line of bmcke 44. 04 and 06. raltoa Park, and the Berth Ime af Mock PS, tha nwtneaareri j ana Borthweaterly llnee af block TS. raltoa Park. Heary FlecbBMtem. Ui. ... - , A trlaaa-ular tract of Und Trlac tola re a tha aaath Haa af Taylera rarry raad. the mmw ilea af PiannM rerrr raad and the 'dtThrtoa Una batweaa aeetJoM 21 and . IS, 1 1 I township X Sohth. ranee I eaer, wuiarnaiis alert dlaa, ittnarerationai awca inw. m ow. Attract aTUad ly1a betwaea the aoatll Hoe -of Raymoar trenoa aad the anafh Ua af Boaadary atraat extended Weeterly 10- It preaent eoarae and between the WMt Una ef hreead etreet and the dlrarloB Una batweaa aaethms U aad 18. tawMhlp 1 aonfh, raaaa 1 Met Willamette Mafidtaa. ' arw11Uar Laad Compaay. tlto.on. - - : A traat ef Uad boaaded aad daeerlbed aa fol lows: Coamearlnc aa aaet aide Vf JKrH eeaatyv raad S.0M feat aorth and 4SS Scat Met ef eontb Uaa af the Torwl Ulcer daaa ttoa toad claim, where same m lataraaetea by tha dlrhuoa Una between eaat H sad weat U af Mid daaatloa kind Halm; tbeaaa aoath - M difrim 40 mtnatre east Boo a reef: tnence aarth SI d'srus 10 minutes eaat SOO.T feet: tbenoa north M derreM SO mlnatea wait to the aeathwMterty Um ef the Blarla aeaaty raad; theace northweet SI dapraM 10 mla atM waat SOO.S fret; tbeaea Math SO eecreee 45 mlnatea waat 4t.4 feet to place af befld nine, OotUleb Indemrakle, CM ho. - - . . A tract ef laad bonaded and drarrlbad as fol. Iowa: Coca mend nc at aorthwast earner ef block 148, Csrathers' Addition ta tha City ef Portland, aa Mid oat by the Sooth Portland Reel Batata Aaooetatlea; , theace aoath son - fMt; thence WMt 4n0 feet; throes Berth 300 feet; thence Met 400 feet to place af belB- . nana. Mra. B. A. Owens Adair. SU R. - A tract nf land BMnded nnd dancrlbad aa fol- . lows: Cemmearlnc ' at aorthweet corner af ' block 148, Carathere Addlttoa ta tha Ctty af ' Portland, ss laid nt by tha Booth Portland Real Batata AneoruHea; tbenoa weet to feat alone the aoath Um of Carry Street If extended weeterl hm Its kraaeat eoane: theace aorth 830 feat parallel with the weat 1 II M af rirat street: tnence eeet io cm Benin waat aa of block lis. Cera there' Addl. floa to the City wf Portland aa laid eat by the Booth rortiaiMi rieei aetata awnmncai thence sooth 820 feet to place at ksdlaalag. WlUlam M. Srairary. tldSH. All the land need aad eecapled by the Ora pna A California Railroad Company tor rhjht af way pnrpnais. eacept where Mid rUrbt ef way Is bested la straets. lyinf belweea the aorth Um af PUrlea ( era there' donation land claim and -the Boa them neundarr of tha City ef Portland aad betwaea the- weet baak af WllUmetta iirar at low -water man sad the dlTlsloa llnea between sectlona 4 and t. t aad 10. IS aad 10. SI nnd SS. towaabla 1 aoath. . ranee 1 eaat. Willamette Meridian. Orecoa A California " Railroad Compaay, -8180.00.- --- -- All the anriiartee ism yino Between ina aartk i UM af 1 Sbarldaa atraet sad Ita rate Baton WMtarty la Ita p reee at eoarae aad the anath Una of p. carathers' doaatlna land claim aad belwaen the weat Um af PoarU atraet aad Ita eitrnelea aoatberly aad a atralcht Um eateadlnc enotboaaterly from the later- aecnoB ac tka aorta una oc awn at. ca ra there" - Addlttoa- a-Caeatber' Additloa at tha Ofr af Partlaad. with the areeterl ltae af aald block, to a pout la the aontk Una af r. Oera there' aonatlM land claim, where it la Intersect re by the dITialoa HM Baton aaet to na S and 10, brwnshlp 1 Math, rsars 1 Met, WllUmetta Meridian. Or una Rail way m Ft a i ration row near, aai.ao. All the BnaUted laad lriae? between the aaath flM af P. rarathera' dona t Ion land rtatm aad tha soarh Um of Rllnabeth rarathera' dot ttoa laad claim and betwaea the dlenrtea Um betwMn. sect tone aad 10. rawnahlp 1 aontk, raaaa 1 eaat, WllUmetta Meridian, aad the west Um ef Ptaret afreet, except two Barrels af land awwed by Mrs. B. A. Owns Adair aad William M. Oreanre. ftrefea Railway A Narlaatlsa Corn pan J70 aa A tract af Und lylne betwaea as sartarty eateaaloa of the aorth Una af Carathers street aad a Una ISO feet aarth thereof sad parallel therewith aad batwaaa the seat Um ar watsr street ana a flM an leet eaat thereof aad pareUel therewith. Jermlek Wortck, til. 04. , A tract af Uad honacVd and daMrfbid aa tot Iowa i CummaMlac 10 chalna waat aad S.0S ehaln Berth t drcrars waat of anrthaaet earner at block 1. Paltoa: tbaaea aaet t AO rha Im; Uenca anrth 0 daaraas weat 1. 14 ehelM to aontk Haa of Nerada etreet; thence weet abm BMth Um ef Nerada etreet to a point aertk T di cima ml A10 ebataa from plaea nf beclnalnc; tbeaea aontk T darrim' raet t.10 chams ta ahn at betiulac, Kate B. Blncham. 1 00.' " Rlfbt ef war. City A tamwrhsa Railway Csav paay. Ill, IS4. tk. Total. SdXaW.M. thob. a DBTtnr.' ' AsdTter at tha City af PortUad. rarfUnd. Oraaea. Narembar 4. IPO. , PRO PORKS IVROTaTjmrt - ITRXZT. - Or. PAOTORT Netted ha hereby alTaa that at tha sm.rlae af the Omarll ef the Cltr af Pert kind. Oreanav keld aa the Sd day al Sereaabar. Jdud. tha fee- Uwtnc nenBjrtoa waa adopted: Raesrred. That tha Caaaet ef the Ctty ef racial no, laiiis, with tba charter and erdtaaacea- af tha Cltr at Partlaad and the pUaa. apectaeatUaa aad eerlmatra ef tha City awctaair Bled ta the efSea af the A editor ef tha Ctty of Partlaad to the SMk day af October. 1404, andean. 4: tr aaciaaaa a Hua aaa ipniai.slhiM tar the eat ar rarwary etreet tram tha am lb Vancho etreet ta the aarth Mm ana sums aad tha eerJamsm of tha te. ha 4we psd Ua psakilU total ant The enat af BaM ImBisiasaaal ta ha -- - - as Branded by the etty charter aaaa tha prap ertr neeetelty aad peer Bar It baaaStad thereby and which h) hereby dacUrad ta ha all the beta, parte thereat sad aaraata at mad rytaa; bw twaaa a Um 100 Net wast ef sad parallel with Ua weat Uaa af Paetery atraet and a Baa Ma) feet eaat af aad parallel with tha aaat Bm af am saa nr rwraary at aae er iiaai The Pnalaaai eaat far the Ian Me leer ananaawr Bar IBa Bnaaneeanaaal atnryisBmat aew barony aaVmed. Bi mraad. That Imp Aaamr c ma fellowa- O rreee SO av bomb m rmpraaa raimry atraet tram tba sonts Um af Tanchn atraet to the aarth Um of Thar BU atraet. by aradlna the sweat ta the arnda M f rrea by the City Cart near, aad hp Siaatiatt bac arttarUI atone shWwalka. . . . Baht Imsi inmisl ta bo mala ha Macadam a peat aad uiaim atraat aad the Berth ssttmata ef tho H itaStp total SB. ' Btaaa. MeilBjatlias aaat aaenaaaaM nC City af -toa of Be 1 11 11 4 ki wne.il a? awht amy be Bead ka weetaas wtah Ua aii I ejto Aayawaa aha data ad Ua that paanw By srawr ed taa Oaaawtl Aanwahl af UOSJZaliA. . . SOU STXX-TT. NatlM to haeeb el raa thet at af the CmbcU ef tha C..y of rwllaal. On held M the S4 day af ' ri" oer. UV4. tallaa Ilia raaaluliea area aAn. A1 Raaoirad. That tha Dmai af tha City ef Part la ae crraaaa It -" - aad 1 PoaM ta Imnrora Vaat Maaeaoa etreet from the eaat Haa af Kaai TwaDt.ainth atrdat to the est Um af teat Thirtieth atraet la the fallow "rirat hr'aradina the atraat ta the arhda as bxwlti ShoWB I own by the atakea art by Ua Clip h-ncumar. naroaa ay eonatmcOnc wooaea atoewnian. Secol hald Imprnaamaat to be aaa da to eoeo-oaaoa with the charter sad ardlMaoM af the tty ef Partlaad and the plana, epeeioeatiooe end aate autea af the aty Enctnoar Sled ta the et,w of the Aadltar af the City of Port Und a) tut SOU day af October, IWOe. ladareed: ''Otty Bnclaaer'4 pllna and spedOcatlnM for bd tm proaameat nf Eaat ' Madhma street from the Met Um of Beat Tweaty-elath street to tha west Um ef Raat Thirtieth atraet, and tha Mtl aaatM ef the work te be doae and tha preoable am coal IMTSOI. " The caat af Mid amnrnaamaat ta be aasaasad ss proTlded by the city charter a pen the prop er it epeciauy aad necaiiariy Mnenien tnenor and which la hereby declared Is be aU the tola, yarn thereof aad aaroela af Uad lrlia; between a line 100 fMt aorth af aad parallel with the aorth Um af Eaat Median . atraet and a Um 100 feet anath ef aad parallel with tt4 swath Um af Eaat Madlioa street sad between the Mat Um ef tut Twentr-alnth atraet and tha weat Um nf heat Thirtieth atraet. - The lmel Mar's eeUmate af the praoaBia natal the ImnraTsi it af aald But i street la 4340.00. Tha BUM. aaactOcatlou aad eatlmataa at tha City tatlneer far tha ImuraaimMt aald Baal Madlaaa. atraet era harahr ndODhad. RaralTad. Thkt the Aadtter af tha City af Portland be aad be Is hereby directed to de aetira at the prupoatf liaaiaramiat ac atr art M pro Tided by the etty char tar. RamaMtranaM aealnnt tha ahnra lmiiffBTamaaf may be Sled ta wrttlnc with the aaderalcned wtthla SO days from tha date at the tret psb- Ucatlea af this Mtlca. . . , . , - y araat af Ua Coaarll. - ' Aadltof of the Oty af Portia ad. rartlaBd. Orecoa. Noremhar C 1004. rRorosu) otrROPiaizNS P BKXCX ; . BTBXKT. NotWw la hmwbr rlrm that at tha mratlM of tha Coaaell ef Ue City ef Partlaad. Oreeon, neiq aa us aa My ot neremner, irve, taa ear srwtaa reaorutlon waa adopted: . i - BeaolTsd. That The Cos net 1 af the dtp af Portland, Orecoa, ooema It axpadlaat aad pre posM to lmprero Beech atraat from the WMt Um af MlaakealoDl stmm to the eaat Uaa. of Mlansssta a raaaa, la Ua follow Ink mi asar, to wit: Pint By rrndlnp tha street fan width with fall tatareeetloM to the era da ad ahowm br the atakM Mt by Us City rnclaeer. neoona ny ronairacrmc wqoom naraiixa. ThlrA By com true tine v -coded earba. Poorth By ssMtractlvp wooden erosewalka. Bald In Drove meat to be made ha aeeerdaan wiu the charter aad erdlaaaeaa ef Ue Ctty af PortUad and Ue plana, sped Oca ttooe aad Mtl ma tea at Us City Enflaeer Sled la the sf Scs of the Andltor of the City ef PortUnd oa Ua let day ef Noretober, 1004, ta dorsad: "City Xactaaar'a pUne aad speclScatieM far the 1m aroTsmnnt of Beech street from tha araat Bm of Mhmlasippt ansae to the sat Uaa of Mia- acta araaaa. aad tha eatlmataa af the work as Branded by the city charter epoa t art spectall sad pecalUrtT beMdted aad which la hereby declared to be aU the prop- tba lata. Darts thereof aad oarceU ef land Irlaa between a Una 100 feet aorth at aad parallel with tha Berth Um af Beech street and a Uaa 10O feat Booth af aad parallel with tha BMth Um at Beech street aad between the weet Uaa af Mlaahmlppl araaaw and tha east Uaa etMla aewta areoae. - f , The Bnrlneer'a aatlauta at tka areeahle total out for taa lapreraniant ef said, Beech atraat la JM0.0O. . I The plana, sped Sea Mom aad esttmatot s tha City BaclBoar for tha latimaiil ef aald Beech atraet ana hereby adoatad. RceolTed. That the Aadltar- at ttaa City ef PortUad be sod be la hereby directed to fire notice ef the . aronoeed Imersasmsat at aald atraat aa prortded by tha city charter.- . naaionairance acainac isa lawnswr ar M niea in wnrnf wita wlthta SO days from Us data of Ua ant asbU astlaa af tola Botlce. 7- v; . - . By order ef Ua Coaadl. ; J THOtJ. a SITU. . Andltor of the City sf Portland. PortUad. Orecoa, Nerember t, 1004. ... PROPOSED IMPROTXatKBT BTRXZT." OF atAIX "Notice IPheraby cWm that at tha mtatlac af the Coaaell of the City ef Partlaad, Ore coa, held oa tha Sd day at NoTembar, 1004, the follow! tic TMolntloa waa adopted: ' Reaolrad. That tha Osaaetl of tba City at Partlaad, Orecoa. dee ma It expedient aad ara posre to Improra MaU etreet from the weat Una or aniwascie street to The Met HM or Beat Bl.,k. ue w a. I..1L..I.. . . . . fleet Br cradlnp the a traei fall width with fnU Intereectlone to tba proper aabcrade as flrea. ay iir aevincar. Pecend By eoMtracflBa woodaa slewwaTka. Third By aeastractinc waa die w aaaa a Iks P earth By aeMtraetusj has aad -stems (at tars. Ptftb By brlaarlac tha aarfaee ef the atraat nu wiota wita ruu ntansctieas ta (nda wiu SraraL Bald Imprsrimsat to be made la sccordaace with the charter and ardtaaacM af Ua City at rwuiN aaa xen pinM.. epeciDcnuoM aaa artr ntei ef the aty tteaineer olcd la the etSee of tha Andltor of the City of PortUnd aa tha SOth day ,t October, 1004, ladoraed: . "Ctty Baclaaar's plin sad apaetdcattoM far tha Im PrOTemeat ef Mall street from the ant Hm ef Mllwsskle atraet ta the east Um af Beet BlchU atraet. aad Ua ee time tee at tha work to be aVma nnd Ua arohe The Met af Mid lmureramaat ta ha aa pro Tided by Ue dty charter apoa Ue prop- err r specially aao pacauarir aeaeataa tbsrsby and which ta berate OerUred to be all tha Uta. parts ef tots and perceU at lead lyhat batweaa a Um 100 toet aorth of aad Mrallel with Us Bona um at mail etreet sad a Um 100 feet BMth af and aarallel with Ue Booth Hm af MaU street aad betwaea Ue weet II M of Mlt- washls atraet aad Ue Mat nae af Beat XlchU street. Tha Bnalaiir't wittmata ef taa proaabU total eaat tor the lararemeat of Mid MaU atraet Is S3.S10.0a. Tbs shore lmprorrment Is to be claaaid m 4 traral faa prere meat aad aball bd SaalaUlnad ay taa city tor a portoa of an T Tided that the ew-aere of a BMjaril 4ty of Ua property benented by Mid lmpreament ar aay portloa thereof a hall aot petltloa for a sew er different lammaml hefoee the anarntiaa af each period. The puna. apeciaearioM aad astlajstaa sf the City Baclaear for tha Imprwremeat al Mid mail street Bra barenr Beealrad. That Ue Aadltar af the Ctty ef Partlaad be aad be hi hereby directed to ctra aotlce of the propoaad lmiiiiiimist of Mid a treat aa prwrldad by Ue elty charter. Reajoneerancee araloet the ahwra ImsawremaBt may be Bled ta wrltta with tha ai withla SO dare from Ua data af Ua am pab Ucattaa of tkle aetlet. , , By seder ef the CeanriL thou. rj. vwruw. , ' " Aadltar ef Ua Ctty af Partlaad. . rwTtmaaV Oreaaev Neawaabar a, hwM. PR0POSXS taOiOTXatXaTT 0V RAS1 BZOOBS Notice Is aerny clraa that at tba BMettaf 1 the Omarll of the City of Portland, OracoaTke oa tba Sd day af Kerember. Iron, the ToUawti af aid Ilea la a laanlattoa was adopted: aVworrad. That Us Ooasrlt of the City of PortUnd, Oropoa, deems It ecpedleat aad pro, pans to Improve Bant Baeead Street from Ua aarth Hne ef Helix day araaaa to tha seeth Uaa af WaKUar street, hi Us fnllialnd aimii rirat Br cradTBC the street fan width with fail laloieotthMW to Ua Banner Mberrada ae Cima by the City Baal near. y enMaraetiM ertiaelsJ walks la airordaaca wita Us City yam aweciacntinna aaa esTimstM. lies sr sHMUMiiac rraeewaika, - r PoarU Bp eoMtfwctlac axons pottara. Plftk By eoMU-aetlac aroonaa eadswaTaa fa acanrriaace wita ua city PnsTlasar 4 MaelOcstloaa aid eatlmataa. Blxth Ur hrlnataa tba omfMa af tha 11 1 1 fall width wlU fall Utereeetxnw ta arrcoer rraaa wlU crsTsl, In aiemiUaae with Ue City BaaV wr-a a lens, eoertaeatieea and an iniai mm lmproTeaxeM e m sib ta wtth the atetrtat aad ardtoaacM af Ua Ctty of Partlaad aad the pUaa. spaildisUeas aad MtW asatra at tha Cltr KaAiaaaa 4Ud la tha aea of the Andltor ef the City of PortUad aa tba Slat day af October. 1004. tadarmd: "CttT rraeeCs ihu aad saaatBcstlaM tor tax, laa Tement ef Seat aeeend easel tram tho aarth ef' HolUdar arinse to tha aad Haa. at WaMUr street, sad Ue eatlxaerae ed Ua wort ta be dene aad the paahahU anal east II 11 1 f The east af Mid lissn 1 ami at ta ha-aaeaaaad aa pmllid by Ua dtp charter apea tba srep- anj nerniir nn peeniiariy sameBteal nae as f to be SB the Una. Partn irta Uerasf aad parrnas ef mad ertaa kilaeaai Uaa 100 fret aaat af aad parallel wltb the mt Baa ef Beet Seeasd etreet sad a Rao M0 feet west ef aad aad Mil street and 1UI wtu the want Uaa ef Beet Bemad aawnt 9waTsaxt. e - ar' - - - - - Tha BnarfaaorB tottmeta sf fhaajti tittr taOxd etreet to 823nO ea, mrnrnd Tho skin 1 1 i 1 imiat Is to be abiiii I m 4 paral aeanre-reaamS aad ahnB aw aaBaakeamrd by the City tor a parted of tea paara, seamaid akadfha liaai al sratorhry ed haa pen fhareaa7aJIaa SMIawAw n ar" mi 9 IrMphxam, aaawBBaajebaM amf ma&mmmi cf tba rwinMITiarbTa hereby dtoaetod ta Pa at tha arapeaed IwprcTimaat ot Bned M prarfdad br aha ctty charter. , . aeeaooairaneea acalaat the ahees Imeswannaee T.be 4le4 ta wrluap with the Beo-ce- J whta SO dara tram the) data at Ua Bant pe 1 aatioa af tbU aotios. . . . By order nl the CaaaslL' . THOB. C DBTTJaT. . Aadltar ef tha City of ParOaad. . rartUad Orecoa. BoTombar a. ISM. PB0P0SXD . IVnOtXatXaTT OP BaXMOat " BTRXXZ. etwa Is hirik alraa that nt rha af the OsoacU af the City ef Portland, taapaa. haM oa tha 3d day at Narembar, 1bv4, Ua hee iDWtad rasolatlaa waa adopted: Reeoreed, That the Council af the CHp of Portland. Oreeon. oaetoe It expedient aad aro- fau width with full lntereertiorje ta tha araaa aerordlBxt to aukce eat br tha Cite kiiialaanr with pood, clean rarth, Uy, frarel, reek ami awr ewuini uiu, he rood By . ronatrnctlnr wooden stdawalhs la aroerdauM -wlU the City . Xslaear's BUM, epeelflcaUoM Bad aa time tea. Third Br pUaklnp the roadway fall width with fall mtsrescnoM la srcoraaaM wlU tha City Euclaear a pUaa, spaTlacatloM aad Mil- BMtM. Bald impccrrameat ta be' made la aeeordance with the charter aad ordinances of the City ef PertUBd and -the pUns. spaclScsttoM and Mtlswtes sf the ,Clt Enclaeer . Sled ta the etace ef the .Aedlior ef the City at PortUad M Ue SOthiday at October, lftot, todoraed: "City Bndlnaar'O f Um sad speclflcattaM for the Imareramrat af Belmont street, from the east Uaa af Bast Watar atraat to tha waat Um ef Ualoa anaae. aad the eatlnutea af tha work to be doaa and the probable total cost thereof." The coot of Mid ImpreTemeat te be a learned aa proTlded by the city rkirtar apoa tha pros arty specUlly and peculiarly benefited thereby aad which U hereby dMlared te be 111 tba lota, parte thereof and parorU ef Uad lylnp batweaa a Um 100 feet narth af aad parallal with the aarth Um af Xalmoaf etreet ssd Um 100 fMt south of aad parallel with the asath 11 ns sf BeUaoat atraet, aad batweaa the eeet Um af Beat Watar atraat aad Ua Waat Um af Union arcane. v The Ecelanra eetlaaata af tha DrobsbU total east tor Ue Imprarimnt of aald Belmont street iaiiS.tao.oo. tbs seers impi jumiirt m to m man aa a eiak rue da ay ImprsTamaat aad. ahsU be mala, laed by the dtp tor a perUd af two years. preeioea tut no owi pro party beMOted by nera af a matoHty at Mid ImpreTemeat ar aay portion thereof shall aot petition for a er dl ft area t JmereTeteeat before the expire Uea sf sack period. The tha, apadBcarMha sad eatlmataa st rbe mrr BmcinMr ror ue marawaisi as Belamnt atraet are bwrhr edoated- BaaolTad, That the Aadlwit of tha City af PortUnd be aad be ia hereby directed to sir aotlce af Up prapnid ImpreTemeat ef said atraet m tawrided br tba etty charter. SimiastrsacM acalaat Ue a bora laimsssmsnl it' bn SUd In wrltlne) wlthr the nnaarahrned witnia au oars rrom taa data ot ua ant paau, y sroer oc ua tamncu. - . J - THOOJ. ft rTLlN Aadltar of the City ef Portlaad. 'aVrtUad, Oraron. NoTembar i. 1004. mrats IMWB.arXaTXwT . or . axou of Ua Coaaell af tha Cltr af Partlaad. Oraaea. aeia om ua av My at naTampar, Aava. IM roA krwlnc raeetatloa waa adopted: aeeoirea. That the coaadi af no city of Portlaad, Oreeon, diami It expedient aad pro- P00M ta Improra Alder atraet from tha waat line af Leweedalo atraet to Ue weat Use of Chapman street, by brlnplBd the etreet fall width wlU fall IntrreertloM ka era da aeeerd lac to the stakes Mt By tbs City Pnclsaer. with rood. eUaa earth, rock. aTarel. clay of ether ealuMo fllltmsj. by planklnc the road way fell width wtu fall lntaraactioaa, aad by aoMtractlBp waa dan aldawahrs. . . .. eld Improra me nt ta be made la aeceidaBM with Ue charter aad ardlnaneM af the Cltr af PortUad aad the pUne. spedBoarioM aad Mtlmabw at lbs aty Indnaer Bled la Ue efOca st tha Andltor of the Ctty of Portland oa xae a lex aay at uctooer, reo. inaorsao: "City Ikiclnear'a BUm end BpedScatloM for Ue ImnroretMat ef Alder atraet from Ue wast 11m e( LownedaU atraat ta the. west Uaa ot Chapman street aad the MtltMtaa at tha work ta be doM aad Ue probable total east thereof." The coat ef Mid lmnreramsBt to be annul as prertdrd by tbs city charter apoa the prep arty specially aad paraHarly beMSted by raid Improvement end which Is hereby declared ta ee na fellows: tm aoata one aair ar aiocka IIS. 821 sad SB, aad Ua north om half of blocks 814, 82. aad 828. ta PortUad. sad a parcel sf laad lylaf between Ue weet Hm of ChaDOoaa atraet and a Hm too feet went thereof end parallel therewith Sad between the Booth Una of Weehlactea street sod a Hm 100 apet Boots thereat ana parallal therewltaV Tbe EaatDaer'a aetlmata af Ue probebU total snet far ths Imprerement af Mid Alder, atraat m azu.oea ou. - tbs spots imprareBMat M to be classed as a plank roadway (mprorcmsBt ssd aha II be main tained ay ue city ror a period ef two PMra, provided that the en mi a of a majority ef the property beMdted by mid lmproremeat ar any portloa thereof ehsll aet petition for a new or different Impraremeat betar the eaplratloa of Owen pertoe. 1 Ths pUaa, apaeiSntlaaa aad esttmstas of the vity aaicinaor sac ue ImpreTemeat of street are hereby adopted. .- ataeoiTea. i net xee a editor er the city of PortUad be sad be la hereby directed to plrs Botlce ef Ue proooaed Imororement af Mid street M prortded by tha dty charter. atoamstrsacM era I net the a bore Uaprweaaaawt taay be SUd- ta wrltlnp with Ue aedaraxirBed wlthta SO dare tram the data at Ua Brat pahhV Mttoa af Uto Mtlca. By erocr ef tha Onncfl. THOB. 0. DRtXIIf. adltar ef the city of IHanUad. Iwitltkl Orncea, UiTsmker 4. 1804. rUlvtD IaTJB0TXMXarr or, jaoxbor- ItlxTf. Ifatlea hi aerahr smm Iheea- of taa Coaarll of Ue City ef PortUnd, Oceana, held aa the Sd day ef Kerember, 1804, tto fob an niaintiow e aa aoopxeo : n laareaa. net tnax texaru ar tho City af ParUand, Oreaon, deems It expedient aad are- bosm to Imprwra Jeeeaoa atraet from Ue west llM ot blocks 4S and 40, Carter'e Addlttaa ta tha east Hm af RlaeteeaU atraat, la Ua fol- Pint Br cradlac Ua atraat fan widen wire fen tafsreeetUM ta srada aa (Irea by tho City dCraad' By eoaatrarUn-t artlscUl ataaa enaa. walka. - Third By osMtrw-Ha-- artlaHal ataaa awrha. P earth Br brlnerlnxt the narfeen af lha axeaet fall width with full mterearOoM U srada wlU wiu Ua charter aad ardlMaaee af Ua City ef PortUnd and the plana, apedScatloM aad aett matoa ef Ue City taxi near aud la tha nfAra of the Aadltar ef the City af PortUad aa tha am My ac unaser. lava, tadesaed: city Bnclnam'a oiaae and aiiaaldi aiinaa rae taa ImproTamnt af Jarkaoa street from the weat noe at blorka 4S and 4B. Cartars Addlttaa ta um ec wiMieenu etreet, af the work to ho aewe and 1 abU total east thereof." Tho enat af aald laniuaiil ta ha as prertdod by tba rlty charter noon the prop erty eaeelaDy aad peeaUarlr ha a. Sled Uereby aad which la hereby declared te be. aU the late, perm of hate aad parcels af Uad ayUaj betwaea a Una 1W feat aorth ef ssd parallel with the aeru Bno af Jeeheoa atraet ssd a Hm loo feet aontk of aad parallel with rha asath Uaa ef Jet eon atraat aad belaaaa Ue waat Hm at block a 40 aad aa. Carters Addl Ilea ae the City ef Partlaad aad tho aaet Um af Blaw teenth etreet. Tba Bna-taeer-e eartmste of Ua prebabU total for Ua Imsssismsat af sab! Jack aaa atraat M 8020.00. The 1 a Bora ImsisiisMst Is re be cleaned aa 4 imni 1 1 imnnt aad SBstl be BMlBtalned 7 fee a sirled ef 00 yean, prorlded rwBera of a maloritr sf tha Brnoerrr d by aald Injprovrmeot er aay portloa ehaR hot Betlttaa for a arw er dlffaeeef mial haaxra tha MnxratUm af aa a period. t TVa pteaav sped Oca tloM sad mtlmates af the City BkMrlsear for tha Imprereanrat ef Mid street BeaolTwd. That the Andltor 'af tha City of Pert Uad be aad he U hereby directed te crra ot the m iineai 4 Iropmvemeat at aald e by th ctty charter. raa leeiBei ue xae 1 e 1 SUd ta wrtUxat with Ua withla So daye tram the data of panneataea ef Uh) aotlce. . Bp arawc of tho Cwanrll. THO. . DBtTJTf. , . Aadlbaaf the aty ef PortUad. Pertland. Oraaea, Rerembar 4. 1S04. roft ihtpRorsJUJri or ALBTJTA - ana wtrk a rrMtaWsa aaooeed la' ranler mra I lad of the rawarll, held .iiinea x. jaoa, aecianiap tha awtrhrt benae Sled by Ue Uaprareeaneejt af AlbtM aeiaae fl 'm tba Barrb Hm af Pare street le) tha ranter bwa at Breer etreet, and Omwetlanr Ua Aadttnt af the CMy ef Pert Und ta prepare a srell mi sery ininani area the Uta. kUrha aad perrwaa-af Und Wtthla takd dhrtrtct. - Bew. thevaavaw. aatlea la hereby freea fhef eeew aaaaaanaewt Is new mm Ska ra tba nfaee of aha Aadtaw at tha Clip af Port la ad and that eoy ohUrtlnM am aa. me-4 mael be Otod la wntlac wtth tha Aaditnr withla ! dare freas tha ITU day ef Memmner. land, thw mat day af pabMenrtea af Ok aatlea, .ni rartar Is farther freea that aald abUctl-M wiu ka beard by tba fwenetlest a spse'ief to br bold oa Ua Tth day af .,,,, Mr. lsA end SB 1 n mM aiwr1eed thereby er Interested thwrara moat be pi meal at aald Base-tine, a era warmed Bat ta depart there frata sntil p . reaaaaawaamxt haa) Mas eewiputsd. THOB. C. fnnyiftf, AndMer af the City af PrtUt, 6, xhrto af Brat pah OM ttoa. Be raw.ee ,." a fAJnm cbzxx uiu ui t avI .Iiattosi, . Notice to harehp clraa that the Butce earned oomxaltM af tha Coaaell will toTeaclcata tha -arh wf swpahrln Ua Taaaar araek eewec an lave, at 10 a clock a. av. aad affected by MM rawer reee Ira are la riled ta and a riptmeatatlra to nacu ta. !rr.rsixoiAJr, - a. . albbb, , v. R. t. IWLIli ' ' - '- .'twaasarrrM of the biewamber T, UHMa tsdSeecnbtort YcrrAttentlcal t ' fall to tmrefullr axhrolno ! aroporty. U U Ie WAXXwaT . OBto4 era tba , era tha aaowt aicnuy tarjia aaaa ow twwaa tba rtwora and oa Dots oar iiaoa. Na quMtlon Walnut Park will become tba an oat vajtiablo reaWerjt property Ui tba cltr of roruana. rriosw snofx 110 srsi. Tartnd owAh, Monthly, or 0 Bar ter ly BayraeBta. Do pourealf ktntTfneM tr otvlllaaT r aandlna for WAUiUT rAlut. RBTMEldBElt. I ha TO many ebolco bhrsaJAB bb- Portlaad praparty. W. M. KILUNQSW0RTH botr of laaitaa lvsamo, with I lota, pA MUwca- bio ai.see: xarxnn. seals fa, on miiwsoc iirwi. . DiooK rrom. ear onepe, rout a cor 4 far aala at 11.444. t . Tka atUr wwtnhat lot Isft tm "Eoat Ifadl- aon. near lid atraot; wlU aaU this ' - week for 11,000. fB80 Two lou oa ftaadr road, t IM - atraat. - . tabt w. AJroamosr. aVooam B01 atsBZaj 9Mg TalrA aav4 bark. Trrc will nayer kick If you burn DIA MOND ooaL Trr it 'onco and you will always use it. It burnt brighfly, does not el taker, makea no aoot and vary llttla aab. Tolopfaoao us your order. KI1NQ COAL CO had XaBAay Vta. i ' Main 1423r ' TRT Vufcan Coal Cb's . Raven Lump Coal at $6.30 ; 4 COAL Ualliaiafl. li s R ood;-mAp xvoootort Rock Springs Lump Coal at $8.30. Nrrwrwd.' It '8 tho sUmBawt'Ofed tHBSt oo this morkat - Bcrwened ooal and ruu aefHM - - iii., -Bldo -, Op p. iosoaow. Uoblt Works t scHJunaf i kxtj, r lV laaiBttrar of aad oaaiara ia au uusn KmTtrt, Granite sntf : Stont Wqrir : &rtl stated OItwb' on AppUawAloa. , Bat, Madlaoai aad JeltaTwoa Btroota. rOKTXJUfa OP. . LAROGEIE (A VINOUS EUXlft.) rtTsJcUjw hldhly rarnmmead R nVEJUL" inn acre-1 sac mama ' .slwWC4 ftttwxWajiwtwl c:Sb t WrjTUaenn4 5TT.W? a i m Mnilkf B11T1 al tf r-"1 T anildraa while teathlna for ever Ptfty Tears. nssaeo pnrataiiBimx, W1SIMITB CTaTTB A xMrTTrB, evnewajre-aeeeneee'WeeevneVSraenA CsaBac OJtoraw m harem, laSama of maeeas .. PataUa aad net 1 peat Ml or seal la Blare sisppsr. br earreaa. are an Id. tof 41 44. er I aotlleam 71. Uranlar aanl aa tasannxV aVJLT1MORX (V OHIO UR. Ttokwt e-ah. Trnsrt4fMt29ntlrb4ntl . eBxaf . . Trttlrtds DaUljr atc2 PACT TIMD anaNrt.Atvf K C -. 7Jf Ae,J ALL t-vrxxfld kae,'. -V-1, trie) tvroush tha- C - ' j t ry . Fop fs'l 1 1 ..J, '.4Y tw:i (.A a 1 4 l er xJtratRa- I f Owe?TJ I VvaamW fanajajam ' 1 7m YhlttaCwaheal 6s. - VamwaMTIet- 1 J VB.Aa r 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAI Tbraaarh Pntlmaa ataadard sad toartst e' tad ean dnlly to Omaha. ChUere, Bwei to oriel slaeplnp ran dally ta ha ame 1 throaah Pullmaa tosrUt skeenlnp ears Iw ally ssadactad) weekly to Chlcaca, Beau. ics I aae cs rrea! to the Bast talip. CRION DEPOT. OTICA trO-PORTLAND BPBOIAL. far the Raet Tie Boat totea, - 1 0-Ua.m. t tS a. I Dally, , bpocanb rr.Taa. re Kaatara WaakUw-l tea, WaUa Walla, LawJ Mtoa, . Orarar d'AUM 4:ldB. m. SMB. I Dally. . Muy, aad Oraat potahv . . Merthera, ATLAWTTO XPRaatS. Paw tho Bast rla Baat-I 8-18 a. ax. TtlSn, laptsa, Dally. . Dnlly. rOB SAB f RAX CISCO B. S. Oeo. W. AlaawerU Dock. 810 pat , Nor, 8, 12, 22. . Bm I ft ft Cotambta Her. T, IT, ST. poa irmii x 4 :00 b. a, aetata, . oaBaeeciaaj with turf dim 1. X stmr. nr Ilwaae sad RorU Resrh, etc. Baa- SrSOp, Star Satnrday aaaa. aan-rt. dock. Tnmhlil' RlTar xtento. 1010 p. JOB DATTOPJ. ftracM aty had Taaaklll River Td)aah polata, atra. Kath ad,Clly. Modw.Aeb.et, dock. as, Sasnlay (Water Perarl t tl ac. ) I 8 S4B.I anally. ttaaha Rrrar ftaarta, POB LBWiamnj la. and wayrirfnU frem Klnaela Sxr.-w Ban a. tat..-.- liaxa Dally. 8 pot ana aad Lrarlaton. pyx" a TICUT OPP1CB. Thlea r PbQM Mala fit, aromnAjro m uuno a tv oa P Tehoname aad Haa atoad, oaDraaj st Frbs. Raeaaahl sad Shanckal, taklaa fv . - i rla.-snasi ulnar ataamws fcr ktrilll.rwt J Ua Bad Tladtroatok: S. ft -ABAvOltlA, C V Mi ft B. KI00MBDIA. tat. tit ft ft uV' TIA, Dee, 8. For treUbt aad torthat pna Ian apply to ..... Telrpaaae Mala Sot, . rpeVltaska AsaftV EASTria. SOUTH las ran I TJPJI0S? DBPOT. Afrtaaa, OTBRLAMB RXPR tralBa, for Batam, Bias bora. Aahlaad. Baera-I tihB' wlaVfb BY. Breata, Ocdea. Sea praa-i' axeea, a toe a tarn, laa ih cstss, Bl paaa, Bow a mb aaa vna aaax. ' htoralar trala 41 pacts, af at iter "JiHab. er-Ma.sa. tar Mt ABpal. Silrsrtsa. BrowarrllU, BptlOaH Saw. WeadUap a a dl Batroth Albaa BSMiai nasta sf WMdbsia wita Mt. Aaeel aad tnTar-i loa aoeal. . CorralUd "131?. )4:80 P.B Sbarldaa PwIaaA'Vwa .... IHTUlea. TiDsfly. Deaaf Poet ef Jefferaaa BowL -taaro PortUnd dally for Osaiaa fits a. Bhf 1(0. t, 1. S SO, OrSB, S:hX 10:10 P. r . Dally (except Bnaday), 0:80. 4:04, O M. 1 a. bx. 4M, UM a aa. iBaaday aaay. RetaralBa froak Oaaage, arrtee Portlrnd p"a :80 a. m.I :M. 1:06. 4-A4. 0 1S. T I. , 11:10 p. as. Dally (exaaptSnadar) d he, T t M: 10 0. 11:40 a. s. Bxeept axOBday. la -J p. m. So nda y only, 10:00 a, m. &.aa las rmna -ra ma aepwa xor xrainm aww aanaee mediate points daily (eieapt taadaj') 4:(al p. axe arne rortii Hand 10 bPwJ JatweW'wrMi bat dni ally ta rh aeetlnc with Bonrhern Pneinc at Da lira aad tedepsadsBca, Plrat-ctoM fare trora Portlaad to sad San pnaclera Pw. berths. P fare TlS. marat el era berth ft-M. Tlcksts to Baston aatnbj aad ' Jape a, ChlM, Plmmrala sad AMtraba. Oit Ttcket OfOee owaar Third sad TBaanra Bir' 'nr. fl C. rf OnWOBTt, omtut, tana, Al CHP Ttaket Aawnt, TIME CARD . TRAIiio. poim-pArcD DKIOB D2POT. Papet Boasd limited, for Tsssms. SeaKle Olraxpia. OeaU Bead aad leray'a Baxbac points. BaetB ' f lmrl4 for Tsiinae. awattta. Batto, St. Pwal. Mia arapoUa. Charaaa, Raw Tare, Biewia aad potato But ui tMBb tawa Tarta-Uty Bxprasa. far larime. neaitia, aaa- i.aa Sialaaa. M. Baal U.-ditVI Raw larh. Boa tea aad all aetata Boom eeet. papet rtte-ht far - Taceena. Seattle, f pokaae, Porta. Blillnaw. Fleeeae. Oaaakn. aaaae 1Mb Bb City, St. Inaxea aad eu antnta Bant aad BeaU- tSSt All traiM ddty eaeept aa f LI. rjHUIn. . I waaarsl Pa.na.iii A-Sol St.. aaa. Thwd, r artlea, M. Astoria &i Columbia ' River Railroad Co. taaraa. I tBIOB DEPOT. Par htarpara. Retnter. r"r. CUinkaaan. W. w;rt,Hje A I CUftna, A . v ne law, Ti ural, Kam4 rwrt aaaeea. Park, aeew I Aenerla aad m twra Dally. . 4 1x84, a A. t-riPAT. C 'w St. ssao a.eU I a mer le A - o. a Maara ! 0m, Bast aad lowed ffaaaaei Laaxla xtxpraat daffy. AntaVta 1111411