v n Rctirinfrom Business After 15 Years v' ';'''';of,1; ..'v :;' mi i nivic cumniv Kiir.Hi i 11 , . i i i i i 1 cj i -ri i i , s h -, .1 r i i - 11 . i -. Mae rirm Suffer. More w Less t - ' Total loss. - .! of th" hvlt" lor 'In, this fere Or was B. Bromberser, who has -been Iiw-buslDass on this corner for tha past II yrm, under ths old, famlltar nun o CHEAP CHARLEY. His loss Is by water only, as th flr propr aid not reach his stock.' H had Just re ceived his FALL and WINTER CLOTH INO. HATS. SHOES and FURNISH INGS, and he says his stock is valued at about $40,000, with Insurance about $:o.000.' Other sufferers sre: Psrls hous. damsce $4,000. insurance IJ5.000; C L. Hon Co loas $4,000. Insurance $4,100: Cosmopolitan saloon. loss $1,100. Insurance same; Spanish, restaurant, loss $$00, Insurance $1,000. . . THIRD AND' DAVIS THAT DOES AS IT ADVERTISES TO BO Continued Sue cess in This iease and, Fix tures for Sale - A Mammoth and Winter Clothing, Hats, rfereV no mystery about tils sale thie i-'tuuEnce company had to stand the bulk of the losses and we have decided to shoulder an additional loss in order to close this stock out at once AS WE ARE GOING TO RETIRE I I FROM BUSINESS when. this .vastatocks cUsposed of. j '' C'" :yyU:C'-7 , ''j' J t" ; ; ...... . . ,. " .. - . . ,(;.- v i ..4 -4 t i...,-". , v - - .r- Is drawine -the eaeer thrones to this REMARKABLE BONA FIDE SALE. . It's simply impossible for us to quote-prices and jive detailed description as the eager buyers snap up the offerings Is rapidly as they are 1.. 1 : wrt t,.. .air n Hisar.nr.int anv tme. as vou mipht call for some advertised Article that had been exhausted in the mad rush for bargains, but we will guarantee that you can buy here at from r v .i... -.. .m in nW ' tf vnull com and look vou will learn how ereatlv it is to vour advantage to buv' here duriner this forced sale. You will find evenrthine AS REPRESENTED, and we will ill not ask you to buy the bargains will speak for themselves. GOOD JUDGMENT AND GOOD FORESIGHT should tell yoti'to supply your present and your future needs at this sale. Suits, bvercboits Shpss Dcri&rsr HoinPdltercuieifs, Collars and Cuffs, Oil Clothing, Overshirts, Pants, Caps, Sweaters;; Boys' Suits,- Umbrellas, Suit Cases, at 15, 20, 25 and 50c on the Dollar . . Those desiring to cxthange goods or want their money returned will please call between 8 and 9 oVlock in thf morning and bring saltT slips. No goods exchanged at any other time. If Yon Would Share in tMs Stiipehdons Sacrifice Sde Yon Hhve to -Hurry J SENATOR FULTON ON IRRIGATION I4T1 TXAT X katxos BBraBTimrr o modi vou noaBumT n? sajmcit ajtb naxanK ' oovstxbs n i watkb is rxjtwnrxri. Senator C. W. Fulton, returning from Visits to Harner and Klamath counties. ; expresses himself stroncly favorable to ' the pushing of government projects for Irrigation In those v sections of Oregon, svnd declares he will exert every posslbls . effort to indues ths reclamation bureau at Washington to give thos counties tmmedlsts attention. II ssjrs a mlstaks kas been mads by Chief Engineer Newell f the bureau in undereetlmatlang'th - s mount of water necessary to make the SUviee river district productive. Hebe- Jleves that' there is enough wster avail able to reclaim far more than Mr. New i sal's- tlmat-Q-e0,es rrs. . The senator takes th view of Engi neer Whistler ; snd other government : agrnts who havs Investigated ths Sllvles . rlvsr valley, that fully S00.000 acres of rid land can be reclaimed by a reser voir In the Bllvles river. This project - will not impede' ths Malheur county ir rigation scheme entered upon by th governmmt this year. Bines Oregon contributes a vary large part to th na tional Irrigation, -fund.- this stats Is en titled to a correspondingly largs ex- psnditur of th money in ths hands of the government for thst purpose. - - Ths Klamath county Irrigation proot will meet with no trouble, saya the aen tor. as there is mor than sufficient water,, and ths private Irrigation enter prises now on foot thers havs signified their readlneas to glvs way to ths gov ernment whenever it la ready to begin avork en a general irrigation scheme. ' isf erred atosa Oaaa Oooas. - ' 'Allen and lewla Bst Brand. SUCCESSFUL SOCIABLE AT WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Tha tea. e-lvan resterday afternoon at the Woman's exchange. IS Tenth street. Si largely attended, society, was out in force, and while It was a successful noiai it. 'tha greatest interest cen tered In th work of th organisation. A largs display of needlework, pjam ana td ' ths successful methods employed. Ths sxchang finds sals tot such srtlcles mads st noma py poor women, and vry plc must go . .k tttM UmwtAm Af Aft InfiMCtlon COIB- mitte to be pronounced up to th re quired standard. Fancy sewing ss wsll ss plain mending la don. Mrs, William . w mA iim TT Tannhanaer Were in charge of this department ysstardsy and many articles wers soio, Ths ' cooksry - departmsnt ' offered .kiv miiiM fnr nal. If ra.--Leon Hlrscb and Mrs. H. C. Kchsnberger sold home-made candle. Mrs. . A. crown and Mrs. E. JL Ehrman "had chargs of ths fruits and jellies. Miss Berdan and Miss Atwood were In charge f th cakes and various pastrloa The committee receiving . th guests was composed of Mra. Henry L. Plttock, Mrs. Ellls-O. Hughes. Mra H. C Echen. berger,- Mrs. E. Ehrmsn, Mrs. Leon Hlrsch. Mrs. 8. A. Brown, Mra t Llp msn, Mrs. M. IL Steers. Miss Eleanor Oile and Miss A. I Atwood. - Mra Plt tock and Mra Hngbes presided at th tea table. Miss Clara Teal. Mlas Martha Hoyt and Mlas Eleanor Oil supsrln tended th decorations, which consisted of cosmos snd ferns artistically dlsposad about th rooms. , ' ' .-y ! Winter Rates to Yaqnioa Bay. " ; Ths Bouthern Pacific Co. will sell, on Wednesdsy and Saturdays of each week, until' March 1. 106, low rat round trip tickets to Taqulna, limited to days from dat of sal. Th sal of thee excursion, tickets during th winter months is a nsw departure and has been brought about through th deslr of our local sportsmen to enjoy th exceptional ly fin hunting and fishing privileges of thst section. . . COLUMBIA THEATRE GEO. L BAKER. Mgr. ram puiii.b . . . - ; . Fourteenth and Washington Streets , v : THtt HANDSOMEST THEATRE IN THE WE8T .- ' - THG TALK OR THE CITY "SHOW ME" TONIGHT AT 8:15 AND ALL THIS WEEK , ;f'.K-. "'7Vr :V"-' MATINEE SATURDAY - - 1 An Excellent Company Presenting -I IW'KIIZZO.URA It was Written by Aosnttua Thomas, Author of "Arizona" Especially for NAT C. GOODWIN GST YOUR SEATS EARLY OR YOU WILL BE SORRY. jjrromMATiojr uaAxxx mm ajto mow to aaovma mn. Prirm-ETmlni, Is. Iso, lie, c; gallery, lie Matinee, )0c, lo and ,leAlTdiyr'own3"town--Tlcket ofllc open at Row A Martin's drug store, Uth snd Wsahinsion. from 1 a. m. to 7 p. nj. Main 110. After T p. m, a th thaatra, Furtntl and Washington. 7 to 10 p. m. ill. ' - DEPUTY SHERIFF . ACTS STRANGELY SAX MWEtr nox mm woaxo onqi xbss Txunon that oovst bzsxkxsto in BAjrorrwAXiTOM wua n Bosavr. . Ir' Deputy Sheriff Bsm Xowney baa mads Ihs Important discovery . that wireless telephones sre In us In ths spirit world. Asids from ths wide Interest this an nouncement will ' create In scientific circles of both hemispheres. It will at tract public attention generally. . Yeaterday Deputy Downey took Charles W. . Walton Into court befors Circuit Judg Clelsnd. Ths couri wss surprised and asked why Waltori had been brought from ths. county Jail and before him. Deputy Downer said ha hsd been summoned to tak th prlaoner Into court. . - "Well. I hav th motion to free him under advisementr'but I don't know o any isasun.why h should b In court now," ssld Judg Cleland. Downey took Walton bask la th county Jsll. He wss pusslad. Jsller Orafton was surprised . when Downey cams back so soon. ; "You got .. through with proceedings quickly," h remarked. "Bay, didn't somebody telephone me to take him Into court T" queried 8am. ' "Not that I know . of," answered Orafton. -I took it for granted you had been told" to tak him." Then Bam wens upstair. Nobody In ths sheriffs office had ssked for Walton to "b baled before the 'court Nobody In the district attorney's office knew snythlng about It. , Non 'of th clerks hsd sent for th prisoner. . Td swear somebody had telephoned for Walton." ssld Bam. "I can oven now hear th word of th' request echoing In my ar. "Bring Walton Into oourt before Judg Cleland." . .. Deputy Downey seldom takes a drink of anything stronger thsn lemonade. All th authorities are unanimous, as a con- seaueno. In expressing the belief thst some mischievous denlsen of th spirit world brought a wireless telephon Into us and mad Downey th object of Its jok.- - - - , Skin Diseases ; ' - ...... are cured by 7. Glycozoive CaSorssS kf t)U Mxttai FrttntU. By dcstuoyiris; ferms, they as-'; gist nature to accomplish a cure. - Send thirty-five cents to pay ex pressage 00 Free Trial Bottles. S.U r UkllH Dfisa. . . H1g Issssllsbsl wlrtiWw but 2M Prlnoa attawt, K. Y. WrHe IWr rM IsfWnaatla Bb4 vaaotosjaa sLitsMia . . FOSTER CASE BEFORE IT ' nnii cmxnnr : nrv innlll LITIL OCKVItC OUAKU ' Ths trlsl of C. E. Fostr, th polio officer , who wss suspended two weeks sgo by th executive board on recom mendation of Chief Hunt. and. who ap pealed his eass to th civil service com mission, will tak place next Wednes dsy, beginning at I o'clock in th 'morn ing. ...... .' - r This will ba th first tlm In thehis tory of th civil servle commission in thla city that anybody has taken advan tage of th appeal over th' decision of tha heads of tbe'departmenta or the ex ecutive board, and much interest . is being manifested in th proceedlnga -. Secretary McPherson Is busy Issuing subpoenas for witnesses and preparing everything so thers need be no delay on the dst of the trial. - Mayor Williams will slt ss Judge over the proceedings and ths three members of ths commis sion will b th Jury. .1 - It Is understood that Officer - Foster witnnsk a detennlnedBght t be ri Instated In his old position, as he claims thst his suspension by th chief wss certainly uncalled for under th circum stances. John P. ' Logan has been en gaged to conduct his case snd City At-tornejr-McNarywin "bocaned "Upon- to assist in th prosecution.,- . TWO-WHEELED CARTS ; CROSS BRIDGE FAST letter carriers driving two-wheeled carts, will hereafter b' allowed' to -trot their horaes across the Madison street bridge without being interfered with by th watchmen of that structure. At a meeting of th board of county com missioners yesterday afternoon an order was entered permitting this practice by letter carriers, snd th foreman of the bridge watchmen was so notified. It Is unlawful for ths public to drive across ths bridge fsster than a walk. Letter carriers found It necessary to violate th order of th board In order to mak their round In schedule time and were frequently stopped and forced to wslk their horses by the watchmen. Th matter was drawn to ths sttentton of the board, th order resulting. NEW ENTERPRISE IS TO START HERE SOON After a trial for th last year on th wheel of a buggy, used by Harry W. Rand of Vancouver, ths first fsctory for manufacturing a nsw attachable balK bearing hdb Ja being atabllshed at II East Ninth street, Portland. iA compsny hss been organised, of which th offi cers ars: : President, Myron Hume, Ban Francisco; vice-president, Benjamin P. Youmane. Vancouver. Wash.: secretary and treaaurer, Harry T, Rand. Vancou ver. Thee officer and Thurston Dsn lels and O. R, Perclval. both Of Vancou ver, form ths board of dlrectora The Inventors of th dvlc ar Mssra Rand and Youmana vTh invsntlon Is so sim ple thst It can be applied to any wooden or Iron hub already In us on a vhcla - . MdloaL From th Mount Morris Index. - A Rochell physician wss called to at tend a bay who swallowed a couple of pennlea When ho returned . a friend asked: -.' - v, .....' "How Is your patentT' t - "No ehang yV'-was th reply. " IS KO PLACE FOR AMERICANS rruraroa bo iuwom oi za AlTOa AWO AMXM10AM9 xom CAir an ajuovo AOVZJIAIJDO . MAT TtMTT,' MZMM, sats UTtraro souxsb. f" "American working men will make a mistake by going to th Phlllppln lsr aiida" says Hand Taft, a Portland boy who has Just returned after nin years' servjc In ths lslanda Ths work there Is all don by Filipinos, and th wages ars about 1 a day. All th building, road making and much of th mercantile and clerical work is dons by Flllplnoa Only th superintendents ar Americana It is no place for any on excepting men with larg capital." -.' " Mr. Taft enlisted In th Second Oregon volunteers when' ths wsr with Spain began. After three yssrs In th Infantry he r-enllsted lnth Fifth cavalry and waa tranaf erred to th Thirteenth cav alry, where he served three years, and then sgaln re-enllated. His third tsrm expiring, h returned home on the trans port Logan, and after a few days' visit with his relatives her he will try his luck In Central America. Ha says that a soldier whose tlm hss expired in the Philippine has little choice other than to r-enllat. He Is usually without funda. arid has nothing excepting ths privilege of free, transportation noma as a ruls he chooses to continue In th servle rather than to come horn financially embarrassed. .. .. "It is ths earn way with most of th clerks or . subtordinat. officials In ths Philippines," he saya. , "Thsr wer 20 of thess rstnrnlng on th Logan, and very on of them wss "broke.' It Is all a big graft. In . control of an official 1 1 j 11 v vrg ill 1 iu run lur uiw vviiviiv of th politicians and btg capitalists, who get ths franchises an1 contract There la no chancs in ths Philippine for ths ordinary American cltlsan such as ths small merchant, prof easlonal man - or artisan. Th ring hag no us for them. The Filipino Is a clever workman whsn trained, hs la eager to learn and he works cheap. Th Filipino ar th moat ambitious people I ver saw. Th greatest favor anyone can do them la to give them a book or teach them some thing new, end .they learn quickly. Whsn I first went to th lslanda only ths Span ish snd ths Filipino dlaleeta wer heard. Now you can bear pretty good English spoken in any part of the laland of Luson, whsrs ths army hss been quar tered. Th younger Filipinos pick up ths languags vsry quickly.". He says Agulnaldo is still a resident of Msnlla and Is treated a "a little god" by sveryone psrtlculsrly by ths Ameri can officials. .. "I hsvs heard." ha saya"wthst Aguln aldo Is soon to mak a tour of th United 8tataw - ,. - ' KOBUT TO ATTSKB MAMQVWt. ......... ' 1 1 . , . ( . v ' (Journal Speelal Service.) . Pittsburg, Pa.' Nov, 4. Elsborsts ar rangements hav been completed for th annual banquet of th Pittsburg cham ber of commerce at th Hotel Sohenley tonight. John Morley, th English atstssmsn. will bs th principal speaker. His services wsr secured through Andrew Carnegie, who mads a personal sppesl to Mr. Morlsy to, accept tha In vltatlon,"'.. j. 4, .-. ., - ... ... . r. ' we;repaifc and recover Wind-Proof and -Rust-Proof Umbrellas :;': $ i .50 to $3.50 . ; WE MAKE! THEM : ' ... RUSTPROOF Umbrellas cannot ' rust off ,t the top . . and break through the material, for the ribs are finished with brass. . It is impossible to turn them wrong-side-out if they, have the Windproof brace. . ' . - v - ; r - II - THE COVERING of these Umbrellas is made of a . - wood fiber and worsted, the strongest material known fori' wear and rough usage and one that we guarantee not to split - Get our make and you get the, best.. . j X """ w f ir 1 ALLESINA rwo Factories 309 Morrison Street, 286 Washington Street. t 'tMMMMMMMt One Guess Free ' IfREE ESTIMATINQ BLANK U '-, - ... A ' !-.. . .OBSOOVJOmUVA-V. VOBTsVAJrO, OBSOOsT, ' Novsmbr j U04. , - , ,. l'My sstlmat on th total yot to bacast for Frsldsnt on No-., rember s?l4. Is ..V.H'...'...;...';,i...... . -'' . .'" 1 ; - --..-f i. -: ' v ., ' ; " !-V, ' -. .-., - NAMJS po8tofficb . ';..v.'.I..;...v..v;.,i;..'.V...'.v....i.. t ITO FATSOnfT OF AsTT mra UQinUD. . In order to stlmulat In- T trt la th olectlon and In th , , .' " Great President! X W wUl giv fr'e on esjlmate If sent In on th blank abova " mmmmMAt, rvaui wm- ? MMvMM MM mOKAJT, FrMiSsmtb a W, jnrOWXM, KaaagsaV r rosnvajro, omm, anrmowgiar "FO Bats from 81 ta flO p day. nr. V..-'. injur ersnth sad Washington 8tnta. Hi Coras aCJaaCasScr. CtO U 2 ?VP . .. . '..-. 'I 'A K f