-t of Circuit ' Crvtlle O. Jen- i '. i t :.. ( t( i Jen i r th allenaUon t' t octlona He s. i of t "0 set of harness ;.; Ho c 're 1 I at" t t. d. w. ioh were at Fra- Colaakla... .....i VtaaoHra' i stareuaai Orasd. ....... 'Te CVmnty CuairoMQ' .. : orrfra v "Hut ef I tile - Baker ..... ............ ....Vsuuefill Arcade -.,.'.. ...............Veil,' -e BIJos ............................... 'Tin-" I. Trie. .................... i..ttiTiw eUsr ............. ...................VaeueTUJ From the ' prise winning articl'on "OTagoa," b Joephln Usher, to th ' abl dlaoueelon by Ifired BaUln on "War "W Ship in Foreign Bottom,' th cur rent number of th-Chamber of Com meroe Bulletin la a strongly, written number. Theodore B. Wlloox, tb ne ly elecUd president of the trans-Mi. issippi eoncreaa. write a. pries erxicia . on the hletory of the- aonreas and the benefit to be derived by 1U meeting . ' next year In Portland. Under the head- -In of "Engineering Facllltie of the Northwest" appears a description of the . Columbia Engineering Work, one 1 of -, Portland'e great machinery pleat. The - .-. Oregon Development laagu lav shown by i an excellent halftone engraving from photograph of the Grant Fa onvn ' tlon, and an artlole aettlng forth -th ,- alma of the. organisation. "Oregon , Mining Induatry", la th subject of an artlole by 3. H. Flak, mineralogist to ' . the Lewie and Clark fair eommisalon. . aleatt1 Tuna mmrmtmryr Af (Via f?lt.l. sn alltaitoe. contribute a strong ar- tide giving reason for the existence of that organisation. .( r j At amtlng -of Portland lodge. B, P. O. B.. laat evening, plana for the pro posed Elks' home were submitted by Architect Richard Martin, Jr., and ac cepted. The building will eost 175.009, and work will be commenced a Boon aa the three smell dwellings now on th Elka lota at the comer of Seventh and Stark streets, oan be removed. A clay model of th proposed building will be shown at the next meeting of the lodge. The plana provide for a first floor of store bulldlnga and a second story of of. f Ices. The third and fourth stories will t th Elks quarter R. D. Inman, W. J. Van Bohuyver. D. Soils -Cohen and J. P. Flnley make up th building commit-! -Though it may rain in PortlaTHtrrfceTC la sunshine eest of th Cascade range of mountain. Th new' and beautifully furnished steamer- Charles R. Spencer leaves from foot of Washington street 'Mondays. Wednesdays and Friday, at t m.. Bailing -up th ploturesque Colura. bls, through th grandly magnificent Caaoade mountains to The Dalles, au lng at way landings, returning n alter-l y M this time, r r nat days. JPaasengsra for PorUan4fv , - - f- -r should take the steamer at The Dalle, thus eavlng la fare besides enjoying th delights of the most wonderful scenery In. the world. , TeU Main. 1111 .j Portland sawmill men are considering - a proposltlo made by W. E. Toung. of .the Paolfjo . Aenerloaa Tar company, of BelMngham, Wiah., for th eetabllsh , ment of a plant in this City to utilise the waste from the sawmills. Mr. Toung v- say a that every cord of wood will pro. due II gallona-of material that can be '. converted Into tar, oil and turpentine, Tand that if the millihen her wilt guar .antes to furnish (00 gallona dally he will f". Install a plant that will yield monthly 1.100 gallona of turpentine, 61 barrel of ter, 10 barrels of tar oil and 1.000 sacks ,; of charcoal. .- j : , ' Sweet potatoes Ar cheaper thla year s ; than, ever "before. . Tbla condition la ' hrnurht about hv. two causes a very heavy , crop allNtver th country and a L fight which 1 raging among th Front - ; ' street commission men for the control of - the trade. Prices to th trad ar eon. slderably lower than the dealers pay - - for the, goods themselves, and th con ' surner gets them for Just about Cost. ;.- , The quality of the potato la better limit, lu f vwn - . . i -ContretfoV about tiOjOOO worth of supplies for th. Portland water works were let yesterday afternoon at a spe cial meetinsr of the water board. . Th ' largest of these, contract was for BOO . ton of cast-iron pip and special a The - TTnlted H tares Csst-Iron Pipe company of Chicago waa th lowest bidder and the contract was let ) that company for v 117,100. Th Crane 6ompay of thla City waa awarded the contracts for 1177.00 ' worth of corporation cocks and 11,104 '- -. worth of gaU-varv. AH Sen, an aged Chines woman. Is in --' Jail at Coqulll. Or, on th charge of larceny. She Is said to fee th victim of - persecution by a tong of highbinders ' j i that is endeavoring to cur a sum of money she Is thought to have la her pos sessions Th woman 1 said to be 111 and may not survive th trial. In ease , she Is acquitted and. lives, officials will .. attempt-to have her sent back to China, I A program Is taking form for th n " - tertalnment of the traveling paaaenger " agent of th Northarn Paelflo railroad, who are to arrive in Portland on a spe cial train November II. A. D. Charlton will depart November I for, Bpokan to men th delegation.- , '., ; ;-; ( .. V. Morgan of Scappoo,'4S years of age, died at Good Samaritan hospital "last night of pneumonia. - He waa taken. '. to th hospital October It. Th remains i , were sent last nlrfht to Scappoos. , ; ' Armed with th proper writ. Dputy - Bherlff Oruaal left the courthouse yes- tarns ey t an STTinn -wtrwmmrtjw nannnaTrn ar rn V III II "Not the little light Cheap-John keep, running, but the powerful , Dig uuvAn nujrfi , - ; ) i Lot? Hauls Hpnrl Rfnrlre Qan r Edgrers 51ab Slashers, Etc. We how" have this department In .charge of an expert sawmill , designer,, and our aodera 'Jplant does, th test at prices which str m iiLfa stai-i. ana sthy are sow held at to aherLf s office. Money belonging to aeed, in possession of a local realty agent, has bees garulaheed. There la' aa estrangement between John Bchonle. janitor and superintend ent at the reading-room for boys that la maintained by the Kplaoopal church at Twantyvaeoond and Reed streets, and th youngsters who attend. The lads do not Ilka th Janitor, and It Is said that th Janitor doe not Ilk th boy They threw checkers and other thing at him Thursday. Th arrival of Bishop Mor ris stopped th disorder. : . , At Oakland, this etaU, Harry W. Mil ler and Frank SL Klnoart appeared yes terday before Unitdn). Bute Commis sioner Z. 1 Dtmmlck on the charge of conspiracy to defraud the government by mean of fraudulent land entries. Each was held to th grand Jury la th sum of 11,009. Deputy United State Marshal 3. A. Wilson.' who went to Rosebnrg to arrest the men, returned to the city this morning, ...au,-.--,--- ' y A detachment ; of 60men of the Twenty-first infantry, en route from Fort Keogh, N. D to Ban Franclaco, be came lost in this city yesterday while doing praotloe marches, and the assist ance of th police waa necessary to lo cate them. rThey marched about th 01 ty for some time, and when they atari, d for th union depot were anabl to find ft.z;:r. '''''xXZl ' ' ' ' After lingering la a unconscious condition for a week, Sd Albee, who fell from pole last Sunday morning, died at fit. Vincent's hospital at 7 o'oloolc today. ' He was aa electrio lineman. ' He never regained consciousness. ' Funeral arrangements have not been fully com pleted, " bat service - will - take - place Sunday, - The body I at the Flnley chapel , y-; :: ' 'r'' ;"i Th exercises given by "the Japanese residents- of Portland ' at Allsky hall. Third and Morrison streets, : last Bight, in honor of the 43d birthday of the em peror of Japan, were attended by prac tically all th Japanese of this city and by many Americans. .Contractor S. Ban presided, and the program that, has been published In Th. Journal was carried Htr- f H 1 - - -There -is considerable opposition to th proposed issuance of 1 10,000 bond to build four new room to the scbool bous In district No. a 1ft St John la air probability th proposition will b dereatea at we ertction wnicn taxes nlace next Tuesday. . Many of the real- . hlnb ,K , . . ,aji 1 . , . Wl mm, fit Th body of Edward K. Whltshead-, who died of pneumonia -several day ago at th Mount Tabor sanitarium, will be sent to Peterson. N. J for DurtaL The deceased waa 41 years of age. and spent a good portion of his life in Portland. For more than 14 years he was employed in various capacities on steamboats Ply-i In in local, waters. , . ' :-;--:'- I well 'realise th difficulty ;"a'new Arm meets to introduce its goods, and I am willing to pay for It Therefore, I will for a Bhort time gle you: prices' and terms on pianos that no other firm can afford to meet. Make comparisons and b convinced. A. W. Meyer, 74 Sixth st II 000 reward for any adulteration In "Oregon" Grape" or "Paelflo Evaporated Cream.- First --ertlneate- win - the 15 50 piano. , Examine inalde.. o aca C C C Tonl will help yon to be strong and useful, to do your dally task with lor ana prom. ror sate at Knight's, 107 Wgahlngton. - Wa-Hoo Tonic, Th great blood port fler. nerve tonic and liver rerulator. Just what you need theee daya For sal by. all druggists.,- - . - .- k. v,,"--u , ' W clean and press your clothe nd shine your shoes for II. o per month. Unique tailoring Co 147 Washington, Chew Dea-Tal-Oum, hav pearly teeth and prevent decay. ; For sal vry- wher. .. v T Jv - For Sign see W. -P. Brgt Son, 114 Tamhlll: phone Red 1001. ' . CHINESE GAMBLERS GET FINAL WARNING ' Sheriff ' Word and :' Deputy Bherlff Downey mad th round of every gam bling : house in Chinatown yeetarday afternoon and Informed th various pro prietors that If . they continue playing fantan he will remove the iron doors and demolish all the gambling apparatus, in cluding tables and chairs. - ) "Gambilns? waa going on at - only en place." said the sheriff- thl morning. "There w had to wait a 'short tint while before w were admitted. An the Chinese ' promised - to , discontinue the games. If they break .their pledge ssmIII AaMMT tBtt tttan wMkAeMftlass tnilfHIHM 'I asked the proprietor oc every eatan- Uahment about yielding Up money to a county official. Each one told me in Downey's preaeno that, not a cent had been paid to anybody slno I took offto and began to raja their joints.'.- r wfll 0 00 stuff, which makes you poor to and durable equipment for the !; Band Saws I Jve Polls iTAxuur tjllzzj nw SKOTS BX I ' A.7ZT9-' :TM STOsKJ OXrOTstXsl - AJI9 XXTMM TO ..TMSA -AJU OW A XOVsVat bTWIX Of oou ocaajr. - ;- JBelng an expert awlmmer la all 'that saved th life of Quiaepp Avar,, abl seaman, who arrived In port yesterday afternoon on board th Italian ablp 8. Celeet . - - ' Averaa fell from th rigging into th see. A wave caught him and carried him a long distance from th ship. 1 Life preservers were thrown overboard, but none of them went within reach of th man struggling la th water. Burdened with clothing and long sea boots he could never be abl to regain the ship, his mates thought - A mll boat was lowered. JBefore It reached him th sailor, had succeeded in kicking off his boots and freeing himself of every article of clothing he wore. , When the boat got to him he climbed la with out asslstsnce, and appeared to be a fresh as he was whan h had first fallen from th rigging, although h had 'been la th water for more than half an hour. The 8. Celeete earn from Antwerp In live months. Bh is docked at the foot of Pin street, where a general cargo whioh ah brought will be dis charged.' Th bulk of her freight con sist of cement, although her manifest shows that ah ha a big variety of other good. - . ; ' On striking feature about th vessel la that all of her officer wear uniform At first It was presumed by many of th local navigator that they were An adjunct of th- navy, but ' the first of ficer - explained that they war simply merchantmen and nothing mora. Further- information was volunteered that th ship- belonged to a new company which had been exlatenc but three years and on of th rule of th concern I that all .th officers must -wear uni form -' 'r-' ' - -" ' -.- Th S. Celest has been in eommisalon but tines years. Her home port Is Naples, but ah. was built at Glasgow. Scotland. . Two other- vessels ar owned by th company, t Th on now In Port land is said to be among the beat of the sailing craft that has ylaited the har bor this season. Captain Nareaoa is master. H is accompanied by hi wife. .Vw i i - vr rBmrm- Asr First rlp Td Thlg hi Fort Thre Tse Tear Ago.""' : One of th beat 'known vessel in th harbor la th French bark Asle, whicd reached port yestsrday afternoon in bal last from San Pedro. During her last visit here,' which was thrse year ago, ah turned turtle while lying alongside Of hr dock. ; Th rigging wa so badly damaged that It required th greater part of .th winter to put th vessel In condition to go to sea. On this trip ah cam in command of a new skipper. Captain Trelllard, who was formerly her flrat officer. ' j.S.-r:- - To-San -Pedro th Ais came from Antwerp, bringing a cargo' of railway Iron, She lay there 41 day discharging re . x am capiaiu vn;(,r iuh u w nsver permit her -to be loaded with so much freight again, stating that It waa only by a miracle that sh. succeeded in completing the .voyage without going to the bottom of the . Bh-s weighted down In th water so low that th decks were Inundated th greater part of th time. The skipper aiao ex plain that th bark was put to a, very ssver strain, ana n now wonaers now hrtnanage&to get along without going to pieoea. Th majority of th ahlpa of her .caDaclty seldom .carry more man 1.000 tons of freight Several of her stanchion a wer loosened iy th Iron cargo rolling back and forth, but no darna of any consequsnce ree-uitea. - In order to add to her bounty earnings the Ais went around th Cap of Good Hop -instead of taking th more famil iar rout by way f Cap Horn. As aa excuse , for traversing that eours sh put in at uooart, Tasmania, ana ais charged 19 barrel of cement. The ves sel is under charter to the Northwestern Warehouse company to load grain for th UalUd Kingdom. ; - .vunra m wATsmrBOaTT. ; For ' four hours yeaterday afternoon th staamer Ion lay stuck on a aandoay near filddle's landing. Finally th-Pa- loma cam along and psllW 'her ept Into deep water. . Thos In a poaltlon to know say that thla is th first mishap that has occurred to th Ion during th oast fir years. . Usually sh 1 regular as clockwork in reaching Portland from oolnt up th rlvr. - 1 ':-.. Fully repaired ana in snip-snspe con dition, th Bteamer Maeoot went out on th run laat night to Vancouver. ' Tem porarily the Alton will be kept on tb Lewi river run. Th Lurllne, of tb am liaojs th MaecoC was taken out on tb way "thl roornlns at th Fort- land ahlpyard for a general overhaul Thla morning th German snip ivomia waa moved over to Columbia dock No. I, Both tb schooners Robert Hind aad Ethel Zane wlU be escorted t sea today bv the Harvest Queen. The Hind re ceived a lumber cargo at Stella, and th Ethl Zan at Ralnlar. - - yj '". inasaaDaa nr, fobt. . After an uneventful passage of - II day up th coast from San Frenolsco tb British ship Durbridga captain Wannll, reached port yestsrday after noon. Th Durbridg lay in the narDor at th bay city for thre month wait ing for a Charter. Sh arrived there let In July with a general cargo from Hamburg. . While lying In the. aouthern port nearly every member of her craw deserted, tb sailor now with, her being new men. - Th vessel cam In ballast. which, IS being discharged at th sand dock, Sh Is under charter to load lum ber for Dels go Bay, South Africa. - Th cargo wlU be secured at th North. Pa elflo mill. ,, . , :. ,; . t; ; STXW BOAT TO OOPS BAT, .j When th Lewis and Clark fair open thro.wlU be another steamar plaoed on th run, between Portland and Coo bay by thaXCallf onln Oregon Coast Steamahip company. lust what vessel will be operated In connection with th Alliance- tb local repressntativee of th company as yet have not bn lnfgnned, but they dealer thit th proposed . in ere In ,th servloe will . , urely be made. During the fair year it Is pre sumed that the- traffic down th ooeat WlU reach such proportions that it wilt be necessary for a weekly sarvio to be msrntalned in order to tak ear of th business propwly. - ZTAXXAB svaaoxraro. Leaning ar an angl of six degree toward th river th Italian ship S. Celeste, which 1 lying at th Coloma dock, look to th superficial observer aa though ah Is likely totoppl over Into the etreem at .almost any time. She la aground and her officers ar of th opinion that her keel is resting upon 014 BIUb m atoB which, hav aoouma- Fcrt.T.e$t I"'.:'.:sr4 of Learrv . - hj Adcpl!n5 tie Kttro- Dnrfnff th past y th 'ducatlonal voriTJi been deenly stirred by jreal tsatloa of tie Importance of the Pianola In Inculcat.i an appreciation of muaw M dtlngul-Ited from tho old-faahlwjed idea toat a musical education ConslsteU solely in trying to rogressvlf'schools and aonege wJMah aim to have the latest and best appli ance for the ua of rupUs hairs sdJ-d or ar about to add taolm to the le partment of Muio. Tb ffljowlns; but a partial list of suah inUtutlon in whloh either a Pianola or an Aollan U at preaent being usedi We Xl sekeet . ', , ' .. f Or -ea. ".""V! ', Orsgea iut siensal Seaest .... .- . - ef Oihm. v.. h-.y-- , -"' '", .: Bareart HeJseialty. . - -; , j, ' - - .. WumVl VnlTrity. j , ,.- v '"' Amherst Colls.. , ssssr Oolleee. , ..' W." aadeltff OeUeg.. y" ' ,,' I' ' ,' " J Tufts OolUee, ' .- - r,fc' " tesaee' Oeues.--,' v-.- .-- , Valvenity ef MefagasVJ- rK.l , :'.' I'' I. i. Oberll wiee. .- x i e 1 Beielt Oellese. 1 -v.. Bteeklye Instant ef Arts ead felaaees. r rmmuwlum (atsss.) gonsal gokael. - - Oehimkla OonsemtoiT ef aUsle JOhleage)., . Oieae stomal Isstltate ef , ktasle , . . Iluu. ST. T. . Bill ieheol (PtMstowa, Fa.), . ' Brlarollff Bsner aksel. . ' Berlss ltreet ynbUs sokesl . - ' - : : (Hewark, a. i. . j , - Kiss Kay Wlaser'a ehoel (Betes) v - ; . St, aUry's Asaoemy (Barluurtas, Vt.) Th Pianola has in th Metrostyl an Improvement of the utmost ImporUnc whloh is not even approximated in any other piano player. - Ellers Piano-House, sole Northwest agent. 111 Washington street, corner Park. See us or .write for deeerlptlv matter and particulars as to prices and payments. la ted near th dock. The captain doe not like th appearance of thing, and If any damage results to the vessel th probabilities , are 4hat a' will make some one psy dearly for It. The ex planation mad is 'that acoordlng o. a written contract h earrie th ship 1 supposed to be kept afloat wbll in tb river. There I some talk of having bar moved to another dock. . . , - . ;- An attempt to tak th schooner Andy Mahony through th bridges yesterday afternoon rseultsd in failure, and ah had to be towed back to th Inman-Poul-en- dock. It Is said that there 1 not sufficient depth of water in certain lo calities above th bridge to aeoommo-. date her draught'- Arrangement ar being made to tow her down today dur ing high tide. The vessel Is loaded with lumber for Ban. Francisco.. Th Iran, tying at th asm mill, Is also loaded and wlU probably leave down today. -,. . ' 8TO1VBXX XJgATBS TODAT. - - Gontrary to yesterday's arraagaments the French fcark Duplelx did not leave down for the mouth of th river until tbis morning. - Bh I loaded with grain for the-United Kingdom. . ... Two other Frenchmen will complete their grain cargoes ' thl-ynlng. - They are the Pierre Lot! and Cambronne, and It 1 said th Crtllo will flnlah rry-Text week. , v .- ' . Astoria. Nov. 4. Sailed al Jl.lS a. m. Bteamer x Asuncloa .for Paget sound. condition or tn ear at ev nr.. rougn; wind southeast) weather cloudy, 8an Franclaco, Nov. .-Sailed at 4 p. m, Bteamer jtoaecran ror roruana. ORAYHEiN WILL" FIX" " UP RATES FOR FAIR - Ther was a meeting ' of th Dray man's association in th general off lose of th lwta and Clark fair thla morning for- th purpose of discussing cartage rates that will prevail during the ralr. Th meeting was called by Director of Works Huber to take np th proposition of transporting exhibits to the ground in less man canoaa iois. Th association 1 formulating a propo sition that will be submitted to tb com mission within a few day relative to th rate that will be charted. K. W. Ood dard. president and general manager of the new automobile transportation corn pany. wss present and will submit bids for haullna rretsmt to tn arounas. Th fair management Is strictly oppoeed to excessfrs price being charged during th fair and bop to prevent evn th rumor of exorbitant rate oeing cirou tad. - It la for this purpose and to, reach some deflnit conclusion with th dray men that th meeting was neia today. CHIEF INTERFERES WITH COURT AGAIN Lottie De Mar. arrested by Sergeant Blover aa shs entered a negro resort at Ninth and Ollaan shortly after midnight was released tbla morning by- Chief Hunt, but it Is likely Municipal Judge Hogu will hav hr rearrested and brought before him. Sh is a whit woman, and in entering tb place stated ah violated one of th strictest rules of th polio department, aa wall' a a city ordlnanc that compels people to keep on tn streets artar midnight, un less they hav lawful occupation. Chief Hunt. It la said, reared to -hav th woman go -before Judas Hogu be cause of .the fact that she entered th am- resort that Policeman . Foster claimed he was watching th morning he failed to report from hla patrol box and for whloh h was discharged. "r' V OBXBTXT sfaVSJOaTAJIk '' -' F. It Fawk oriUckreaU 1 registered at th Parkins. S. a Hlnton of HUiaboro Is tth Perklna - . ': - ;, Mrs. Ray Gilbert of Salem Is a gueet at th ImpartaL -,,'.- Ralph W HaU f Moscow, Idaho. 1 at th Prktns.. , . . J. W. Brown Is registered st tn Portland from Astoria. - F. S. Rleder and win f Burn ar at th Imperial - - - - ,- Mrs. Scnreeder or BaKr an u guest at th Psrklnai . .. , . Mrs. Bellaad aad Mis Anal Bellaad of v Astoria ar at th Perklna. Walter Lyen of lndependeno is at tli Imperial.-' - i Mr. Marlon Klin or Tn Dalle is a guest at the Imperial. . . . R.-M. stiller or urvui is Ttgiatereo at the Imperial. , j Al Cody, formerly a member Of th Portland nolle fore; now ngagd In buatn at Noma, la la th city, , Friend' In this city hav learned of th death of Bert Qordoh, who bcam 111 In Juneau, Alaska, and died In Wood- prldg, Cai. . H wag well known In this . we Can We will sell you a Dia mond or watch, on easy, weekly or monthly pay ments, cheaper,, than any , store- in the city for caah.:' ' : The Portland Loan Office DAIS MARX, Prop. 74 3d Street. AFTER 21 YEARS OP Me X All these years we have built j reputation the jrery best values in merchandise iiT our lines ' , of any house Ton tne coast. 1 SUITS AND Are all hereall the new styles, new goods and beat hand- j tauorea gooas are zouna in 25 OFF 25X x : y-- . ? J COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! NO ?AKE PROP- J ' 4 OSITION mm ; ' , CLOTHIERS XND FURNISHERS. J ' V ; f Phone Black 201. , : ? . jssyssyswsssswwTs v Spcdalfor SATURDAYS ' Choice of a half ' dozen tab jects. .- i. - ; '-.J I :,-v ; ; Hiindsomc 1 Matted Picture 15x20 inches, 'with every 2 pound purchase of our . . Special Blended COFFEE :.2Sclk You must call at store to get the picture with this offer, MAINES' 170 THIRD STREET ; . Phone Main 17C3. Tea Storo We can prove that by our "credit system" we are actually doing busi nes jfffclLJJest ..percenUgeof. loss than cores of v ao-called cash jewelera. -: Today we are selling more Dia- , monds and Watches than any house in thla part of the country. T; ; ' WHY ?' Because we are the only bnes fin this city t. selling "on - credit at : cash prices,' giving you Immediate pos session when making first payment. We demand no security, charge no Interest, no annoying investigations. SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS and operated upon an enviable 5 Wow our -? OVERCOATS our stock, yv e sxe giving i IN THIS. ; 869-271 Morrison Street 1 PortJanTg Crtattst Book Store W0 Invite -"1- i The ; attention of connois seurs to our new line of ele gant : Leather . Goods, . com prising the latest and neweet ' ' noveltiea. ' . Portfolios ;c Music Rolls Bezels Sets Bridlse Whist Sets Piaochla Sets All leather gooda stamped i Free of Charge. . The J. It GILL CO. BookseCera ( e r- third a::: ; -Iuvn-I.lCLi:Li WINTER II BBsBsgew? , i . 1 ' I v.eli)V.. AT tortfi's UzviL 7TH AND OAK CT2. SPECIAL FEATURE Or nd ran sirs t program each venln"'. Voting coo test for the most popuU.. Foreetsr or swnlght of Columbus. An artlstl assortment -of fancy- wl taol article suitable for helUlAy btIIl-n voims concvHixr mi popular youn f ImAw in Drill man. Wolf it Co.', . worrmi msn & Bung's of 1.1 Luncheon served from -11:1 to 1:19 and during th everlng In. the tearoom' Kxcellent cuisine. . . , . . , - - , , V.-';' :V''-i''V?;.'- '.:,.. Meet Me In theTeaRoonv An enjoyabl vnlng Is aairared ou patrons.'' : ' i . See. I Baker, atr. " Faeae Bala lla - ' - roereatk.and WaaUsgtea Streets. ' ; BAyXMOXXST THZATU TCT WEST. rn taxk e m crnr Aytrrxr-;, exowszs noTJB uit aionx. Teaisiit. tesaerrew fcistlBee aed at lat pee Mrswae C te Oolnsibis Btoe waasaXi - n wee written Vy ABgastea Thesaea, -A thee ef "Ariseaa,' eeeeeleUy fee V.. - Bat O. deeeela. en tovb sxats xabct os.tov wrti i -. eoaaT. -t- - Vr ' tafonsatlea tsgeicJagyrloes a4 hew te Prlese BvenlBg, Ue, Oc. B BOet' r , lery, UVe. . - Iteusee, . Ks, . lee ead . -lsry, lOe. ' '. - AU dsy oswa tews Ticket erOce open ' Howe A Msrtla'l drafstare. fuxth and ingtea, (ram 10 s. ; te t p. nv - Msia 110. After 7 B. at tke teeatre, rimitMtt aa Wssblst ton, t 10 p. B. Paeae HI. An : Hert Week. Starting - Matlae ; SeaeX 4 November 6,- . ... , Belaae ea yylee erea Bnitary Flay. The Girl l Left Behind r ; Rlarqaam Grand Theatre w pi. w? Pbone Msia Kt, ' ' Ks?.0! I - WSIOHt am. Tke iTestest rorsl eesMoy ,ever wltaissi 4 I AsMrics." JooroaL Hsstt W. Bavsge I glOlBg QaaM "OTfnr -4MI Oesud "TO WDITt Csl ATstM AST." - Kigiit sricee 0 easts te l.0O. Vutloee prices eseU.ts 11.00. - OOmoaAX'S TKXATKS-Oordray alaaagera Portland's -most - peonlsr-y'-hoeae. Tnetcht sb4 tomorrow siirDt, s--aee gansraay, Uneela-. 3. Otr. i ' ipectanilar enxlactlo. '1'HS ass. 7 t - eklOAAO." aeepier Mg Mwesss. K -r' . special seessry. Wonderful Bwehsaicsl i Tires. Ifrsteriees electrical effects. A v slctsre ef tke sreat are. Bee tke mm. ' BDoreschlas trsla. A Bowerfal . trodaclag a speda line ef alblasB nee. . ) ' Week ' eeameeelBg Sudsy sisrtBss, We-- I, mstutee Bstnrdar.' special enaaaearit , XASOV ASS BtAsOS, la sf.rs a. latest snrceesfol sbusIcsI eofnedy, "i A-MO 1VITZ." KHrsetie 4 sueeie W . - haist end Carrie. 40 eaa srein(Nrs , The srand etnaing ekeras. New. krinat ' steal asstbers. new seenery. met nines rrepsrties. Netklag set laagka traaa nae . all ef certaia. ' Prices. lOe, We, tOe; Beeaisl rsswee B' Ae. lUtlnee. S9e Say part ef tke lb. eklldrsa (speclsl seats). lOe. THE STAR THEATK Oer. Pare aad WsaklBceaek Tke Best end A.- , yaahlooatle vaudeville TnfH. . KS. AMD all. Jr t roaw. irr Aas a -f t. win o. roir. rn raonoYOdoovsV - gkesrlag tke s rest aaoetng picture, "tke Hank Habbm gbewa 1 30 te . B. sa.. t te 10:sO p, m. SeaersJ admlsslna, 10s; near. bos easts, SSo, - BAKEIX THEATOG Tklrd sad Tsmblll st. Keatla psed, akjc. lavsvst Vsurtvllle Hwe I s Swiss. , -. ,. rri . nn a . ," PTetAsTT AJTD ""TJ -'.,. ?tj okvaAr v g M1.VAST AT At aVATstOirD O. T wJg '. ,. . . . ataa-us r - TsuS " SS.-1 ... Adinlsaioa. 10c. rerturasBces, ;a T sn, rt3. BIJou Thcttre litk St.. op. VIC This week s w"hi 0v acr m a X t a x 1 KAi -g Tmr- eg .d ar " . TA Kwtisit a-tcrbsks,S. - All Tor to cents, tress t.M to 4 -JO) erselne. fna After sown, t 1JU s 104. The Arcade Theatre.,, Tk etigtaal aUy Yeadevtqe Tsss Tkle week- -Vj . ,. ' TTd AX.TZV . w i :.: - eg 9t1 9 ' CTTT vavO AMO TTM -V . - - TauS sUOSCOYl Ska 10 to 4:8 p, at., fT:W 10;g B. as. Adsstasioa, ion, t anr Sfac TUB LYRIC THE A TRE Seventk aad A W Street This Wee. . ' Wfii)0r AJn smACetB, . av t,A BfaTO AaTB OtA. v XtaTZktAS AKTJ D1II1A, -- JOS A 1.1. MOW. ' , . ' -. atanar morr, - nu VITAS COTS. ' PerferaieBee a -SO Is 4 k I o to JO rkl a. as. AdmBwIoB 10 seats e hlsket. . COMOWT BALA . stAzr" . ', . . err: " ' sassBsBnshsaasiBn