The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 04, 1904, Image 2

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Pacific Coast Tdepionc CompanyFails to:6Iake
v ' Good . Promises . to -Imported and Local
wie a s vew , v . ;
Threata of etrtte-:f -the -strike.
i breakers hl were . Imported - from
Seattle and other town id the north
and the local glrla who have taken tbe
places of the ualoa pmton who are
.put oa atrlke, confront tbe management
of the-Partus Btatea Telephone company
la thle city. Olrla who are now .wort-
lng at the switchboard declare that the
walkout teay occur at any tuna
. Tha trouble la aald ; to ?. hare keen
eauaed by the failure of the company to
comply with aa agreement to pay extra
- aalarlea to tboae of the operators wno
worked overtime. Teeterday wan pay
- ' day aad tbe expected aume In payment
v for hoar of overtime did not mater lal
,. be.' : . -.'. -'
Then the operatora' held an Indlgna
tlon meeting In the dining room at the
company's bulldln. .West Park and
" Alder streets, laat night and Ulked
abeut-their grievances,... Threat .tojro
-1 out on atrlke were wehement .' .
-.The OM Trouble, -v.--'-,.
' When the exlatenc of a onion among
' -"' tha operatore of the awltchboard of. the
'"'"v- Paclno ; Telepboha company waa dla
. covered aoms three weeks ago. all the
glrla were called toto tha manager's of
fice and attempt wer mada com pel
them to ' fore wear allegiance- to tbe
"" " union.' They refused. Then, tha eoro
pany asked for two days in which to
. eonalder' the'demanda of the anion. : The
glrla consented, v . ' :..",-., '".; '; " V ts
Eranilssariee of ' the company were
aont at once to varloua eltlea to eecur
. ' otheF glrla to take tha plaoea of thoaa
who had Joined tha union.. Messages
-were aent to all tha eltlea wher the
company haa branch, office, T " .
- At the expiration of tha two daya IS
girls from Seattle, Taooma and other
eltlea In tha north arrived auddenly In
' Portland. Ef forte were made by f
" flclala of the company jto keep " the
knowledge of their arrival from tha op
" orators. Then tha company announced
lthat It' wonl grant all the -demand
v provided' tha glrla promtaed to dteaolvei
tha union. : They refused n4wr ,n"
n mo airla' walked out , Their
placea were Immediately filled by the
girls from the north and local tre who
refuaed to affUUU with tb union.,
The company agreed to pay tha regu
lar aoale of wage to the new operatora
and alao., It la claimed, to pay oouDie
tha amount ueually paid for overtime
work. A day a work, according 10 tn
rfulea of the company, la from TH to
houra. When a gin waa xoreea to
work mora than that on hour t would
count for two houra on her pay check.
worked many hour over time. , .-
They all .looked forward hopefully to
yeatarday when the ohecka would ba
paaaed around.'. The checka, ao It la
charged, wera for only altghtly UrgerJ
auma than tha regular aalartea. inera
enjy a amall amount of overtime
pay, Jt la alleged. - The glrla aoouaea
the company of breach of faith. . '
Tha operatora met In tha dining-room
laat night and thoroughly dlaouaaed tha
oltuatlon.- Soma of tha mora Iraacibla
favored declaring a atrlke at onoe. Oth
era counaaled waiting until tha oompany
had explained Ita action. Tha Utter aug.
geatlon prevailed. . Th glrla Inalat.
however, that they-- will- follow the ex
ample of th union glrla If tha company
doea not keep-Ita promlaea with refer
enca to their aalarlea. - " -
"The glrla held a meeting laat night
and there la no talk of a atrlke." aald tha
manager of tha company today. There
la Doaltlvely no dancer of another atrlke
and there la abaotdtely no talk about It
I am not at liberty to aay what aalarlea
wa paid tha glrla yeeterday, or whether
the company kept ita promioea or not."
Tha union glrla atlll keen their head'
quartera at Cooke and wait err hall, on
Salmon street between Fourth and Fifth.
They were paid yeeterday tha amount
they would have received If they had re
mained, in ui service or tha company.
The fundi ware obtained by entertaln-
menta that have been given and by dona
tions that have been mad by a ym pa
thetic unlone. --;.-rr-.-n-- --;..
rnsmATiov or vom mttst oa
nan aAsronoir bt a&so
toxi o orm voxpoA
tbam. Tuonxa cwxuvmwt.
turn lunTrvuT naeoaux-
' KAMT-TOTnfO'ooirTrr.::-;:,'f
.. tnterfat tonight at the pariah fair of
Bt- MaryTrrcathedral will center arout
' . the voting contest. ' A contest naa oeen
' arranged between the Catholla Order of
Foresters and the Knlghta of Columbua.
but the prise and tbe representative
' '. onteetanta are not yet chosen. The
k boys are having a contest outside, and
to the one selling the moat season tick
' ets Will be given a bicycle or Us equiva-
' lent in cash. Another content between.
' the ' large stores has aleo been an
' Bounced. " I ?v' i'--"- .' :' 1
"v ; ' Th fair la arousing much Interest
The hall at Seventh arid Stark atreeta
preeAnU as attractive an appearance aa
- ' could ba wished, J, -A. Orsef superin-
.. , tended the decorating. Tha mala bchema
la red and green with ropes at roses
.' festooned alternately with ropes of In-
- . candescent lights. The booths present
f ' ' various gay color, but most striking la
: the candy booth draped In St Patrick's
' p'- green and hung with tempting ' fruit
and flowera. Mtaa Susie Stoll and Mlaa
e, ft Jane MeBiide hold sway here.
' The Teoag Letdiea' Sodality and the
s library . have a ' booth of yellow and
T whiu . where everything 1 conceivable
'; "' seems to ba on sale. Miss Mamie O'Nell,
f ' ' JJlss Louise Rica and Miss Masle Mus
f t ''', phy " superintend . It " Under . their
auspices, too, la a shooting gallery and,
. " t" prettiest " if all. a charming Japanese
: - tea garden, aereened In with straw and
s Ttne-lacM lattice workv-Eaoellent tea
' i' and wafers are served here, and one
S'Vif ' feels really Oriental with hideous, star
;'.; lng gods, ebony tables and even a 'Jap
r anesey odor. Mlaa K.' A. Dillon and
. ' . .- Mrs. F, M. Uamberger preside here.'
'"V. The AlUr society, with a booth of
' . ' nlle green and white, offers a hand-
'...eoena clock tor the .nearest- guaaa.-ln-a ,
bean contest Mrs. Joseph ReldeU Mra
, - M. F. Oallather and Mrs, William, Eb
' "; ara offer -various useful articlee for
j, sale. . . The fish-pond nearby la under
y their auspices, and Miss Mamla Helen
, 3it Flyna baits th hooks. 1 In a mysterious
. ; tent of red and green Mrs. James Sutton
' '; discloses tha future aa only th gypsy
.:';. can. , . , . -
' St Xnnla aoclety haa used red end
white to beautify Ita enclosure, and Mlaa
" Mollis Burke, Mrs. J. W. Sweeney. Mrs.
u Xatherlne Daly nd Mt- JJTJ)e cpn.-l.
cue i ne saie or ineir articles. Several
V handsome pieces of furniture, dona-v-r-:tlons
from Interested firms, ara for
t ale., .-
, The Ladles' Aid eociety haa some
KMjt' f..- lrvKnM-MTKwna0Dttx, Federation of Wo-
beaatlrul fancy . WorlTBiritg blag-gtrert . -iHh- Tha women areued that
tha ecbool buildings were Idle so much
white draped - counters, v Mrs. . D. W.
Burke Is aaeljited by Miss Mary McKay
and Mrs. A. 8. Johnson ia disposing of
their stock In trade. ' t r. r '
- Tha -various organisations have -collected
their displays ' Independently of
one another, and ao each one offers
some of tha aama kind of things. But
there Is, however, a great variety -and
almost everything one wants can ' be
found here. There are beautiful hand
worked pillows, burnt wood and leather.
Plain and fancy crocheting, articles of
dress. baskets, toys, dresser furnish
ingsall the dainty , hand "work one
want for Christmas presents.
ByKho means la tha refreshment cor
ner the least attractive. - Mrs. M. X.
Foleyir Mrs. p. F." ' Laavay . and Mr
Springer exert themselves to give their tney can dlspoaa of.. They
will serve luncheon st rioon while
ths fair lasts and today they, aoeommo-
dated large number of buslnsss men
and women. - .' t
This evening Mr. Bruce will give sev
eral piano number during tha evening,
but there will be no formal program.
Everyone is made welcome, and Father
McDevitt who 1 at the head of the
fair, makes all comers feel It , ,
: ' ' (Bpeelal Dtasateh te The Joaraal.)
. EndVott Wash.. Nov. t. The Bank
of Endlcbtt.wa broken Into last Bight
and dynamited. Tha charge blew two
of tha outer doora off tha aafa, totally
ruined It and damaged tha bank furni
ture. The damage ia fully covered by
burglar Insurance. . .
They did not got Into tha money
chests. - Tha officers have descriptions
and ara on th track of tha burglars.
William Duntley, a wealthy farmer, la
prealdent of the bank, and Edwin T.
Co man, a capitalist of Colfax, la vice
president ; '
The Federation of Women's club haa
received a decided, rebuff la an attempt
to opea tbe, public school bulldlnga of
this atata for tha purpoaa of Inaugu
rating public meetlnare along tbe lines
of the old towa meetings of early New
England times. City Superintendent of
Schools Frank Rlgler eoaie time ago
refuaed to throw them opea- for that
purpose,' eta ting that ba bad no au
thority to do ao. The federation then
went to the state , superintendent 'of
schools. J. H. Ackermsn, and, from hlra
they- received very ; llttla enoourage-
ment - -- '
Mr. Ackermaa stated that ha thought
it would ba unwise for them to throw
tha schools of ths state .open to publlo
moetlnaa a la many -i Instance .the
school apparatus would be badly Inter
lera witn ana me aonoot propeny uam-
aged. Ha thought, perhaps. In large
cities, as Portland, whsrs there ara as
sembly halls, that permission mignt
ba secured to hold the meetings. II
advised ths women to present the mat
ter before the Portland taxpayer at
their annual meeting to be held In De
cember and It they rave their permis
sion to open tha buildings to tha public
it would ba all right - t
A point has now been raised that ui
taxpayers at their annual meeting have
jurladictlon over matters relating aolely
to th raising of taxea for school pur
poses, and In- order to get permission
to- open the - buildings,--tha -consent of
tha taxpayers must ba secured throng
a regular election held for that purpose.
This point was brought out In this
city once before -when an attempt was
made to establish kindergarten, acnooia.
It waa held by prominent lawyers that
ths taxpayers at their annual meeting
could, not com : to a. decisive
decision regarding th matter, as It
was not ander their Jurisdiction. Ths
question had to be placed before- the
people at an election, where it was de
feated. ' a ''-. :,- ' ' ': ,-" i' '
: Superintendent Rlgler stated) thle
morning that ha bellevea tha only thing
for the women of th federation to do
in order to gala their desired end la to
get th people t vote on tha propoeltion
at aa election, or to get a law paaaed
through tha legislature to throw open
tha school bulldlnga for suoh purposes.
Ths movement waa started - some
mam so bt arxxorasv xxro
or boojomt axo nroS4snio3r
n 0' ISs liiniWIIH UUaTtr
nro x voirsT. f "- - 'r
From all indication th year will
close and find tha city's flnanoea la good
condlUon, Tht will, have been, brought
about only' by tha strlcteet economy.
The fire department has' had to do with
out several pieces of needed apparatus
snd Its supplies have been allowed to run
very low. in th city engineers oe part
meat the oxpdnaea have been lowered by
about ll.oo a month through tna.atai
of ths time and there were euoh excel
lent , opportunities for. educating jhe
people by getting them to assemble la
such placea-for dlaousaloa--along cur-1
rent topic and musical and literary
programs. They thought tha facilities
should ba utilised by. tha people, aa It
is by them that th school buildings are
maintained. ... : :. . ., ..;xlijlJ-l
s til. J-H:::
,. (Bperlal Dlspaeos) te The JeeraeL) . -
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. Fraudulent
registration to tha number of 400 haa
been discovered. It Is said that' 101 arc
to come from Seattle on life morning of
the election In a body. Campaign man
agers will try to arrange to' block the
scheme. The places named where th
Ulesally- registered from are! Roches
ter hotel. Hotel Roosevelt Massasott
hotel. ' Oakland house. Hotel Sampson
and Olymplo block. : - . - ?
Many Illegal voter are said to ba
sports from Portland, Their names ara
withheld at praaent - It is asserted In
some Kjuartere that the gamblera ara
at tha back of the fraudulent registra
tion. Tha man war to vote both in Se
attle and Tacoma, v - ,
i .:XBpedal Dispatch te The JoaraaL)
Taooma. WaahM Nor. T. J. Morse,
wno was yeeieraay '. neia bare on a
charge of smuggling, today paid tha
penalty on Jiia amuggled goods and waa
releaaed. The silks and curios wera
confiscated by tha government Jnspeo
tors loaay seisea another batch of silks
secreted In the hold of the - ateamer
nnawmut Tha owner la not known.
The value I well up In tha hundreds,
(RDeeUl Dtoeeteh te The JoensLl
Lewlston, Ida, Nov, 4. John Scott a
half breed Indian, la under arreat for
alleged assault en 11-year-old Sonoma
Jame. . . t.
By special arrangeraent with the Co
lumbia t Phonograph company The
Journal is making it possible for any
one and every one to own one of these
wonderful machines.:
Drop in The Journal office and hear
one of the machines play. Then, if in
terested, clip this coupon anTsend or
bring it to The Journal olfice.
" Please send your refr-
resentattv to my a4-.
dress, - as given be
low, . to secure my
order for ONB CO
PHONB, v eto and
Th Journal under
the-terme. .of your
.special effer: .r. ...r ..Z
Kama, j
Address ,.........
A Perfect Talking Machine
t I U ' A 1 I Lttir I I LIUII I
Jearael Seedal Servlea.)
' St Louis. Mo.. Nov. 4. T. C. Bsnbow.
the Montana aeronaut stated today that
If tha weather permitted be would at
tempt a flight with bis airship Saturday
afternoon. -
Baldwin stated this morning that the
"Arrow would probably make no more
flight at the fair, his contract having
expired. He wm take bis amp, which
waa recovered - practically uninjured
yeatarday, back to California, to complete
Its mechanism. ,
V . ! : '(loareal Spsdal Servlea)
' Washington. Nov. 4. Society I whle-
periDg that - Alto - Roosevelt la being
kept- in strict seclusion in the White
House for fear eh might say or do
something to hurt tha president's chance
of election. ' ' ' " - ,
Toung Theodora Is said to be at home
for tha - aama reason, ', instead of at
school at Oroton, .Maaa.7 Alice and Ted
are" both outspoken on tha negro questluu
and might air their frleadahtp for the
rac. .. - . v -. ; .1
- Jtocheatar, - N. TV Nov. 4Ia a fight
with gang of Italian la Borers at Egypt
this morning. Foreman ; Dean was
fatally injured. , Two Italians wera killed
and several wounded. Dean was attacked
by tha Italians with knives and stabbed
ta a hundred places. Before he fell he
uaed hi revolver effectively oa hi assail
ant,..:.' ..... .sir :
- (Continued from Page One.)
Letters were Introduced ' whose sols
contents were composed of single bunches
of matches or perhaps a few bullets with
the significant note attached, "yon know
what this means. Other letters, num
bering nearly a acore, addressed to va
rious members of the association. In
which - were r contained . direct threat
against both Uvea and property, were
made putue ana a matter of record. '
With these facts given careful consid
eration It la evident that Crook county's
rsngs troubles " have reached a crisis
which neither laws nor argument can
satisfactorily adjust and what tha out
come will be next year with this laat
slaughter Intensifying the bitterness of
existing conditions no stockman In Crook
county I In position to stats. ' ,
charg of engineering draws. . Th force
In tha street-cleaning and street-repair
ing department haa been cut down, all of
which ha saved tbs city thousands t
dollsra. . - .
What haa assisted la warding off a
deficit at the end of tha year la th large
amount of. revenue which naa coma-to
th city through 1 the collection ot
licenses. 'Tbs past two quarters have
been record-breaker in the aaia Of city
licenses, and tha present quarter bid
fair to surpass any other in th his
tory of the city. '. By working unusually
hard th license colleotora have "placed
1 11.80 or 110.000 more tnie year than
formerly In tha coffers -of th city.
Suma have also coma In from tha delin
quent taxee, and large amount have
been turned over by th olty engineer's
department from per cent collected oa
all aaaeeementa. for improvements. Aa
several .big assessment have been lav
led during th fait th sum derived from
this source la quite largo
Auditor Devlin stated this morning
that, he felt sure that there, will be
enough funds to meet the expenaea of
ovary, department for the remainder of
tha year, and in all probabiuty.ther will
b a y ttl left over. ,. . .. -a . ,
A ' young ' man-' from . the eaet want
aboard a gaaolins launch yesterday that
la conveying passengers across tha river
while the Morrison-street bridge - Is
closed to ' passengers. Ths . launch
makes regular tripe every tea minute
to accommodate thoaa who desire to
cross at Morrison' street i -
Tha man who collect : fares . came
round and thai young .man handed him
a, dollar, -.Thar far 'for on trip la A I
cents, so the sum of II cants waa given
back te him. Ha was so astonished that
ba asked permiaalon to make - another
trip. -i-He was told could make as
many aa he wanted, provided he paid
cent -aeon-trip.-
He rode till th dollar waa spent and
devoted almost aa entire afternoon to
tha trips. Th launch is run from ths
Merrill boathousa and 1 In charge of
11 V.
(IpeeUI Otsastch te Ta VearaaL)
Mineral. Idaho, ; Nov. 4. A eheep
herder named Lewis waa shot twice la
th neck and ence In th shoulder yea
tarday by an unidentified man. - Ha was
known to have had" trouble with, pthot
herdera . Ke mar die.
;Me"i Dice':: l::opci;:VL:.":cjK
C' ..
1 ,.1
i 1 1 )r
During the month of November we wi3 receire thla equpon the tzzr.a u Ora DoUair
in cunwejt jwnea xne purcnaxa eunounta to Ten Jjoiurs, sgz!y oca cov-en will be "
i received on a single purchase. , Cuy whatever you wish and we wUl receive this,'
.. counnn in nan navmenL v. - -. .
; n n o
"... v
,t at ,. . . 1, . .
;; lt$ AND wf TinRD; STREET. g; gffgUOHAVni BLDO.
The 3rown Suits, aa displayed in our .windows, have gone out like hot cakea on a cold
morning. Every young man who aeea 'em wanta one of our single or double breasted.
FASHIONABLE BROWN SUITS, reeular $15 values. Special for Saturday at 811.85 '
KM , -11 . V; A-;, :!"' SaWUia SeW .
J. . ' . r- H--.Hv .-,--".--'e'.',
There's been a regular craze all through the east, for Brown Suits. .'The manufacturers In-:
form us tnat crown Kabrlca are very scares and nave advanced in pnee. uur oaie on -.
Brown Suits enda Saturday night "They'll be.$19 after thla week word to the wiae, etc - .
e. ws ss eskoeaaa eie j wat jeear
Wool Cashmere ; Under-
"wear,- full winter weisht'i
1 regular price i.Z. "ope-
; cui at ear a.' rarment. -
O.. .... Jit.1
0 UUl ; WlUUUWr MISjWSjr,,
of new Fall Hats, in latest-
Tatiff and'.abft ahapea. ajbdLTl
newest colore. V They are
Prompts us to begin a Cut Price Crusade on our stock of SUITS, CLOAKS and MILLINERY early In the season. 4 The .
principal reason is, we want to sell 'em, at the aame time believing that it Ia better to put an end-of-a-eason price-on them ;
now than later. Then, too, we are a new concern and thousands of people have never visited our store and have no idea of
what we handle and the popular prices we Sell at Every hat and garment we are offering here ia new, thie season's goods and
Is the best quality combined with the essence of style. We guarantee a reduction now thus early in the aeasorir-of from one
fourth to one half the prices asked at the opening of the aeaaon, , Read with care this ad. and compare youll find every, a
aertion correct.
Wa are showing a swell Una of New Walking
. Skirts. A Trimmed Voll 'Skirt, with ruf
- fled drop skirts, only .... ........flO.OO
Are here In many styles aad an tha beat
, makes. . We have them for $110, L7 ;
. and . .................... f SX.39
-At a
Th lateetetylee 'best maUrlal and shape
are to ba found in our stock yst the prloea
are ao ridiculously low we are almost aahamee
to quota prices. Tha goods will talk for
themselves If you only ooma and see them. '
H AS Velvet Hata. trimmed with 1 '
plumea 'a.......,.., .. ("- . 09.94)
.00 Oage Felt Toquee... .... ......fa.OO' unuaren s reu vauors ...... ...... .w
Children's Wool Tarn o'Shantera, Ttc....32
St.TS ' Children's Drees Hats ........ .St. 7S
4.0 CbUdren's Dres Hata ...... ....$3.00
, AU etreet aTat at Xatf yrloa, ; -Misses'
Caps, worth TBa, now .49er
TJntrlmmed Shapes ......... ......,.60i
Tailored FsK. Turban, mad on wlr -frames-,
... 3.SS
.stats Tsnoas ran or osAn. v
A' Swell Line All New
:;;! ; ' vi- Qarments; Vv .
"X00K tha cit over and com nre youll find w hav th
beet styles, th beet materials aad at th lowest prices to,
the city. W ar ahowlng aU th new tyle and good.
Tourist Costs
A swell line ot thee 'new
I V"-v ' Btyledi garments, in th
hew misturea. . Wa
. ' '1 a seUlng a 111 Coat tor,. w
' i : - '"-i . J'
grade at
small advaac in th p$
Children's Coi.t$
IE very garment - reduced.
; , All Children' Jackets and
' CoaU at ball price, we
(. ; ; ." have them from to
. ' . as HtUe aa.......fa.S8
i ; ' - . - .... ... --. .. .
Lcn Co:t$ for
fl4.0t Coats bow. ..f 9.00
I1M9 Coat now...S;r.OO
A fteata kMf...4 MI
tf 70a want a coat or a Jacket for mother or daughter. It's
here, and ws will make th price to suit every garment
shows here new, this season's goods yet reduced In prto.
'. Jri
-gS.' - . -
Ifefl K I Mlfi
'v i mm s ivjf
Tlandred to select from every on new. this
eeeeon a good, and at .a prio that la naiou
lously low. .. y ...-!.-, "r ' : -j
. Women's Tailored 'Suits
Alt onr 111 aew Fall Suit, tailored and fash
lotted to perfection colore bhie and browna. '
J - Autumn Bala Price, while we have -thm
. . , . ......9T.B0
Women, Jacket Suits
Hand-tailored, fashioned and trimmed ta th
height ot faabion, tha iateat material, la
'' the new -mixed goods, browna, black .and
r blues. Including th new. Tourist Suits,, 1
' only ...... ............., ..... 910.00
- All $30 and $35 Suits
Including ths swellest line la medium priced
garment ts b bad In the elty, reduced .-.
..tO . ...f.fc. .,..... . r. .920.00
Every Suit Ia tbe House' Reduced;
That mean now fall garments at " on ' third
less than they ar usually sold for at thkt
eason of the year. !.,:. , - v
Mail Orders
We win fit) mall order
during tola sale . and
guarantee perfect "satis
faction or refund th
money. '-t'-
tl J. Copland rulinry I'M.
lThe Popular Price Hbucs of Portland"
No Misrepr
fl sentations 1
........ . m a, - ; J
Hera everything a ad- 1
vertised, and If it la not
we cheerfully refund the
money, Afeatlafled cua
tomer always her. - . .
.. ir-