The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 04, 1904, Image 16

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    ',. ; - , .- '. rnz c: da::. journal, po'rtland. l day l
... tm a?TnL ciTT ot: l , , -- cart uvnctx- -ti li
. . citt otoncn.
r:orosz 'uiiuxnT " WaWTft.
kutt or nBartnzXT (imx mioax).
" Settee X kOetry sire fbst tho
tho a.y-a Portland bee (ff a rvp"ed
guy Ihe IniproeBiiicBt of nm siree.
an. M fe-t south ' tke south U y Arthw
iuTU te K0 feet north o Uw north lino of
Ar7k -treel. ..4 ban, ".fW;
jmins lust appertkesktat et 6 tne llor
trBtln iSW. with the spjekl nod
cull.r henrilts drtred by p" "
Z? 2 or perl thereof oithln tie
".trl" niTku spportkaed the seal tor sold
. ImpTiraVut In the .mou mt V
s.rcsl of tan 4 kt er pert thereof a lie .
An abjections lo the apinwtlminent r mat
gar n4 narmtstat wul he made In wj'lnf
to the Council sad Blea w 1 1 i ""-'"'-18
dare tr.a the data f the 8mt twbHmtleu
-7 .... .n4 eulectloao will be- beard
.'..(mcII hetnra tbo lt
age af tbo orUlnmaco iiwHl the eeet-e MM
lainrTiTeaient, '
HiBTLAND BLOCK 105. to 1. Henry Weln-
hard.; lot 3, Henry Welnhsrtt, $10.00;
kt 8, Henry Wei shard, I10.U); tut 4, Henry
utinun, .w me. " ' " -
.. . - . . . i or .i 1... T
.- .Henry Welohmrd. $io.oo-. kt 8. Henry
tin no. RIlKk lot. Smith A Wuteoa
liw York. fcN.BO. BLtH K 1UT. lot I, kiltk
. WkikTm Irok-WoAi, ot , 8mltk
h ta' Iron Work, 110.00; lot . Kmltk
a a.. i . .lAaua. I -. aV Mm ill
"V Wauoa'i Irua Worln, S1U.UU; M ft, Hmltk
rZ Wataok'a lroa Warktt f 10.00; lut . tlBltb
tWktaoa'k Irua Work, ilO.uu; lot T, Mmllk
Wkuoa'a Iroa Worka, 1 10 00; kt . Kailtk
- Wttaok'1 troa Works, lo.m. BWX'K lito.
1W l, umn ioiatMBj. 4v.wi m
Cobiwiit. (10.00; tat S. Oro CompkBT.
' tio.oo; lot . Urf0B Ocupuy. $10.00: hx .
1'r.nk UornatroBi. 10.00: Berth V lot .
i BopbU IU11. .0o; kokth 4, "H
luluchkr.Vo.Ou; tut t , M. Wllll.m 10.00;
W S. K. WUlUmi, 110.00. BUtCK 111. kmrtk
til u 1m 1 . H-Mm U Pttrkjir. tt.OO: kortk
1rt mt wt W fMt lot 1. 8U kt. Pkrkar,
. AO.So; Mat M;ft wcat 40 fn lot 1,
. BrkU UorOra. 3 00; nrt W (art of rt
o tvrt lot i BwkW OaHoa, 3 W; Mt 00
to tot 1. A. BaumfkniiMr. t 00; ortk It
IM at arat M iMt lot a, A. Baamcaraaar.
o (at lot X Maria bake, 0.o; aoatk DO feet
lt 1 Marie Deke, 00; lot i Marie Dekx.
tf KK a 1.. Bit TA ' In a Junh
Vajer, (0.00; aoutli (0 (eat lot 1, Jacob
' Mum, (4.00; aorth M (et at waat M (oot
lot T Htarr S. McOUa. (11.30: waat HO foot
' lot ft, Urarr K. UcCloa. (8.00; aorth SO fact
s of out so not tot i, Bone raraar. au.oui
east M teat ef lot t. Bode U. Parker, M.0U.
auvua a", an a, aa. vmpb fi.wi u
joaepo lraoB. 'iraaKaa, atv.w; i a, ioaa
, CkmTtoa, (10.00. A trtaasalu tract ef Iaa4
ItIu hotaraea the aontharlr Una at lot a.
etock 123, Part land, tka Berth Una of block
t OaraUwre' addltlea to. FortUad. aa4
Vim. too tmm Mrth MmA .ar. ILnl arltb
toe Vaat Uaa ot rirat atraat, Jotaa Claytoa.
(a.W. A track at Iaa4 lrln( between the
and toe aartkerly Una at block 10. Carataers'
- - aoolOon to ertlan4 kad between the aaat
Iim af attMkt anal a Una loO feet
eaat af aa4 aarallel therewith. BaTlnfn
loan BodetT at Baa riaacleco. M.40.
JKiIAtil BUX'K l'JX lot ft, KaTlnra 4k Loan
fKtmj vi aai rraaciacoi eiv.w; an . mt
1 .m loan oodetr ot Baa rranciaco, (10.00:
tut T, BosweU k, Lamaea, (10.00: lot (, Uoe-
well X. Lameoa. (10.00. BLOCK 123. lot 1.
' J oka A. beUa, 110.00; lot I John A. Dae.
Da, (10.00; lut a, Uannaa Manors at laa
.. twcieir. aiu.uo: KV a. tMorca u. vaaace,
. (i0.00: lot ft. Kkto Benoereoa. 110.00; lot ft.
Creln aad Mansret O. Kelloa. (10.00: lot 7.
rela Kallof, (10.00; lot S, Ida tt. Gees;.
10.00. BLOCK 13d, Wt 1. Vacr A Itodd
v m , K. am aa. L a l n a Twiijl
aaiata, aeira ol. aiv.ov; kK a, wourre u.
Ckaace. (10.00: lot . Oeorsjn H. Chance.
- $10.00; lot ft, Bteahen Meade Estate, heir
. ot, iaw; eoeia ao wet ax a, . ncepnea
. saeeoa aasata, aeire ot, sa.uu; noru iu feet
kt 4, C. C Newcastle, ((.00; west M feet
lot T, C. C, - Newcastle, (tt.OO; wast (0 feet
. and 8, a a Newcastle. (0.00; aaat 10 (set
lot t. Lacy A. Itodd KsUU, heirs of, (1.00;
east 10 feet tot 8, , Lacy A. lied Batata,
heirs ef, (1.00. . BLOCK, 1ST, tot 1. Joeephlaa
A. Kloatensan, (10.00; tot S, Josenklna A.
Klostarkiaa, (10.0k; lot (, Ahrahani H. Barter,
a i.i . .. 1 . . . 1 k ,v a,,, n... i .
i asanas apuunan,' sio.w; tec n, av, ij. nay,
f 10.00; kooth Uti feet tot T. B. L. Bay.
ii-70; north lll-l feet tot T. hUry E. Ar
heckle, (a.; tot 8. Mary K. Arbackla, (10.00.
liUHlI 1.U aU at waat 10U aa,E af htnek
- except aorta o faet, Artamanta Tkariew,
(; all of aaat loo teel ef block eacevt
'north 60 feet, Josephine BaUhran. (10. 0o;
aortk 80 fact af west 100 feet af block. Hat
tie tialdsaalth, (a. 00; south (0 feet of aorth
(0 feet of westaoO feet ef block, Uasle A.
Wehards. (COO: north M -faet ot aaat 100
- tM at bleckv Oscar Mlhaoa, (10.00. BLOCK
HO, tot 1, - Cater J. : Maan, (10.00; lot 2,
1 ter J, Mann. (aD.uo; lot , iretar J. Mann.
(4.M0; lot Mary atoblneon Lata to, hairs
- at, (0.T0; lot ft, Mary aWMiaaoa Kauta, betrs
af, (l.oo; lot a, J uaa W. and Uelea Mas
CwTsa. (10.0OJ lot 7, rater i. Maaa, (10.00;
tot . reter 4. Mann, (10.00. BLOCK 14U,
lot 1. M. U MeadeaoaU BsUta. heir ot.
i. "., w wwa - viwaua, aiihw; lea a,
LaMla V. I Bin lift, .In ln.,4. a
. Chaesiav f 10.0O; lot a. Beaton Kliiea. (10.00;
tot .' H. K. Buroliaas, (10.00: lot T, 1. M.
Watts, (10.00; lot a, (. M. Watts. (10.00.
lixxa 11, wt l, Uearfa H. Kay, (10.00;
. tot a, Michael i. tieUt, (10.00; lot (, Charles
oj-e - JT'w.w-w , aneea -ma, eaaBsBBTanm, a. sf WsmVMam VtrU.
. (10.00; lot b. O. U. Bmlth aad Ban A BaUls,
(10.00; aoath eS feet ef tot , o. hL Bmlth
' sad Bene A BalUs. (S OO: north teat at
tot d, Mary rranced Hurley, (0.40; sooth (d
feet ot lot T, Mary trances Hurley, (T.Bji
north 1 feat el lot 7, Aaale B. Uarklns,
"i (o; tot (. Aaale aV Uarklns, -(10.00.
B, Eauma U. atobtaaoa, (lo.oo; lot B, Jacob
Mayer. (10.00;, lot d, Jacob Mayer, (10.O0;
tot ft, Wlitlaas Iarusaa, (lo.oo: lot d, WlUlaa
inn ei i, vaaiat ana Uktherlne
jlOOO: tot d. J W. and. Cook. 10.0o7tot
J- W- d V. Cook, (10.00: lot a. J. W.
w, yum eiu.uv. su-Jk aoo, aaat 4a
tot 1. WlUiaam Koeklar. lA.ial: w, L In, I
gTS - l-tn. dB.u; lots, Mary Unto;
J" oeare ot, aiv.oo; lot a.
John t. OeorreU.60: Waal U faat lot a.
aomaa CaLhollc Aivlablalvoo .r k. f
of Oregon, (7.60. A triangular tract of
. 112. J?" the aoath Hod of block
Portland, the north Uue of block 1.
S as roruaaa, a ma tea aaat
Jn -jost. Manrlc f. Ueadaa,
rORTLAKB BLOCK 167. lot ..'John Beaweber.
W.ftO; 1st JL John Beteachar, (1.86; lot d,
'P Jaobberer, (o.lo; lot T. Joonih
J B I III 1 1 ri a l ll T rUd. la al n.l a , .1
roBLbct rSi, lot 1, Lacy A. fc Uilcki
fiwi!? '"i ","u 'wriouuV;
t. . i T - -- -J ( . f IV.VVi IV( aaw
tBT C-iUe-iin Kelly. Iiv.OO; lot A.
. ----- -a aa--as. VI, lJKJVt 8v
Sk 'j"1! Caiberlkd Key. (lo.oo; eaat
, 55 .k ! tk - liimiay, (2.60; eaat
- v i? . . rotiuay, (aao; west
. - - " ., a, wuift SriaLaie. aeira
. T. , 7 r. 1 . ivxh aui a, 4oeepn n.
- i t., !" .",r 7 60. BLOCK 160.
"wPJmLa!.a"h feet tot 1, Aacusta
- - i "n2,a .SJJL.-"" 2 feet lot 1, Barak
!t Mt X. Ha rath H lswiiaa tn m.
(eat ot aM U feet tot L J? aTwmpia. J,"
t' i?; "" a feet af east 71 feet lot 1
- ee.uwj art a, utto Koe-
: aaat eo raet lot a v
lUtrlet No. 1 (; kt (, 8. s DU.rTct
, ; . ev.w. aorta a n-e Be. 4. kVuool
' PUtrk-t No.1. (4.40: sealk 9N tZt ZTT
'-f'; ."n "Vhool lMstrlct No. I, lot t. Sce-ol Metrtrt Ho. , (fo on
jot 8, Bchool Dtetrlrt Ne. J. (lu.00. ' HLOCK
.; 11, tot 1, W. t. Drrr Eatsu, helrsot
(10.00; lot t, Anns and Pbllllppe trkiuerea.
I0( anrtk Ho feet lot (. Kamer I SeeoL
, (.0O; south 30 f-t lot S. Marl. McCulkTah.
(t oo; lot 4. T. McCnlloukh, (lo.wrEt ft.
. U Isense-, (10.00; lot d, WHUani laea
. eee. (lO.Oo; nurik JO feet lot 7, l L. Howe.
M ; ant, Ik feet lot f.W. P. Dwyer Estate,
heirs of. (4. OOi lot a. W. P. S!!.!.'
belraof. (10.00. BUrTK 1M, tot 1. WlllUni
and Hneloa Urlrer, (10.00: lot t, Wllliaai
sod ttomlna Oelcer, (10 00; In a, kVIck
Netaon, (10 00; lot d. Nile Bkluad. (lo.oo;
west U lot 8. Lurr Doncherty, (6.00; east
UU6. A Bo a aVrolar. (A.uo: anntk u u a
leon rVailer, (i.00: north lot d. Marfle
W. Utile. (S.oo; tot f. Maria MeCulrtmsh.
UK K IDA. tot l.J.mee Wllana. (I0t; let
2. Janjea U lleoo, (lo.oo; lot ft. troll Johnaoa.
(10.isi; lot 4. Willi. m Masters Eetste. heirs
rt. H..U"; weet eaj reel lot k, rrank I
Veb-r, (dex; eaat (4 feet lot 8, Joseph
N. laolpb Ketste, betrs of. (3.40; lot d. Jo
eph N. tlelph Haute, Be Irs af, (10.00: let
7, w. r. ncDnii r-.t.te. neirs or. (I0.0;
I t I W. r. aw-soil r-etate. betrd of, (10.00.
r X l4. eaat 4ft feet hrt I, A. J. rertaee.
1 ,.: north 44 fret of east 46 feet lu 1
. J. aramer. (.VIA;, waat ftft fee lot 1,
tet tot 1 Ireda iN-llar. (4 HA; aoath d
4 H I, Northern Ooantles lareetavrnt
t t . I4d., !.: lot a. Northern Ooa
e leiaatioant Treat .. Ltd., (WHO;
4. Nor i here (veintlee Ineeetiaent A Trnat
, IM (! ; ell of lot ( ekeent anrth 17.
I t -Hr rwker. (.1.76; a-etk 17.J feet
8, rredertpk Neabsner. Trastee. (3.TA;
k 10 fx M t rrederleh Neuliaaee,
. (l'; kaa-tb 40 feet hit V J. B.
eex. (S,0: seat H tot T. Annie Rnb
V ; seat H let a. Annie rlnhnea.
; weet H tot f, Iteklamln fatlsy, (6.00;
t a. tot 8. Beanlk 'allay, (6.00, ,
f euy, eii.w; mn e, ueary Miliar, 10.00.
BLOCK 16ft, tot L J. W. anaf Osok. JlO.00;
LiL01' 'J 00 tot 4, J. W. and V.
Cook. (10.OO1 lut A. 1 W .na V ain-b
-riM iiuai aatata, aeira at, aio.ou;
" l.n M."'y (10.00; lot 6, Morris Wise,
f J15?:mff. fl Tlvereaa U, Voat, (lo.oo; tot ,
.Jseva) eValalfer.. SU fm- eaT . .
- iZ. ? ' V? i aiaiue Martla. (lo.oo;
tot ft. iietiasa M. llferd. (10.00; lot d, Mary
" -,ba tpeen. (10.00; lot 1. James W. Beaky.
. (10.00; weal do feet let d. rhL
. ouviik 1, tot i, inoaaaa ualaaaa. dlo.o
tot a, Thoeaea Oalnasn, (10. SO; tut (. Jobs
tiaai'bell. r(i0.a; lut 2, John
'O.oa; lot B,uilaai Drvuek, (10.IU; lot a,
' Vt UlUaa Droeck. (lo.6; lot 7, . Mar k.
Wlaaua, (10.00; 'lot a, Mary K. Wlleoa.
(10.00. BLOCK 8, lot 1. Kmlaaua Hleer Booai
up., f 10.00; aorta w lot a, cuariee waiter,
(ft.83; aoaU Vk hit a, W. J: roller tea, (A.IM;
tot 8, KaUaaa Klrar Boon. Co., (10-eo;
In a n.i... W . n . . til nftj In a. 4-taoaaaa
7 bin. aim 1A - k.r a. i'h.maa U..n Simla;
Jot 7, laoaaaa Maaa, (10.061 lut a, Kmlaaua
Kieer aMuta Co., suiu a, kh i,
kwduer OUsaa Balm t a, hoars of, (10.05; tot
8, Kvdoey OUsan KsUta. aeira of, (10.05;
lot k, ttodnay U lima a Ketata, helra of, (10. Ou;
lot 4, Ksther Hooofaky; (U.d6; tot ft, Albert
Huber, (1&.SS; lot d, L. Oktheva Cottel,
116.00; tot 7, CoUrta M. -raaer, (lft.d&:
t d, Oollita It. "ramar. (16 tto. BLOCK
a. tot I, Charles L. farker, (10.d5j lot 8.
Charles L. Carter, (10.0ft: aet ft, John Lackel
.i. aiu.06: lot d. Joha Lackel at at. io.oo;
lot ft, B. -Wlstar Mortis, (20.116; tot 8. W llllaak
A. tireooiea, (Mkao; ex 1. aaraa a. otaoa-
berry. M.6; lot 8, Taotaaa tinlaeaa, KM eft.
' BLOCK ft. east 100 feat tot I, Mails baker.
(10.00) waat d.8 feet tot 1. William rUedoer,
(o.6; weet 8ft feet tot ? Wllllaoi s'lledoar,
. (tk.06; west 8.8 feet tot 8, WlUlaa. rileuaer.
0.86; eaet 100 faet hkt t, ,J. W. . Baker.
. (10.00; east loo feet tot 8. I'f, O. Baker
aatate. helra ot, 810.00; tot 4, Willi. in riled
' nor. (I0.5; kt ft. W'UU.aa VUedoer,
. tot d, WlUlaa FUodnar. (.4.66) tot I, W llliaai
klledner, (6.(6; tot (, WUllms. iliedaer.
(26.06. BLOCK d, kt 1. John ferry, (lo.;
tot 8. lMlpatno W bairn. (10.0ft; lot a,
. Itebeeea Hochteld. (10.116; tot 4, WlUlaa.
I'Uedaer. (; tot 6, WllUsm TUeduar,
110 06; tot d, Charlea ktltach, (10. S"r lot T,
ydlk H. Taylor, (10.06; lot a, Lydta U. lay-
lor, (10 86. BLOCK 7. kt 1, Clara Oold
stein. (J0.0S; kt 8, AUea C Taylor, (ao.6;
waat 8W tost tot 8, Pater Tsykr, (6.18;
east 80 fast tot 8. brine W. frstt. (U.eO;
. kt 4, Petat Tsykr, (mU-dft; seat d feet
kt ft. Peter Tsykr. (O.dd; east 8fe feet
kt 8, rote Takr. ko.nb; west 108 faet kt
6, Caaadlaa Americaa Morta(e tt Treat
Co.. Ltd.. 810.00; west 100 teat tot 8. Alfred
: J. raraear, (10.00; kt a, J. W. Uackataa,
(lO.dft. A tract at at ad bennded dad de
scribed am follows: ComnMoclntj at n point
In the east lias ot ttoooad street. Mid polat
' beliur to feat Booth of the lntaraeetlon ot the
Bonth Una ot Bkarman' street wlU the oast
Unai af Heeoad .treat: thanes aoath hknd the
east Una ot Secaad atraat to a point loO
' feet aoath et the aouta noa ot aoariaaB
anraat: theara eaat 71.71 feet kleac n line
. loO feet eouth ot Bod parallel with the south
" Una et HharSMa street) th.aos weet ka.1
feet stone a Una 71.71 ' teet east of and
B...1WI wltk tka aaat Una af ftMKond Street
thence north 64 degrees 88 ktinutes wast 16.6
feet; thence went 0 teet along a Uaa 8H feet
.' aoath ot aad parallel with the eouth lino of
. Bhermmaa street; -tbeneo north 18 feet aknf
. a Una 88.01 feet' east of and pmrmllel with
, the east Una ot Second atraet; thenco waat
f alons a Una 60 feet soaU of aad parallel
with the eouth Una ot Bharaaa street to the
place -of ketlaaloa. J. W. Utckauo. (4.40.
A tract of toad boaaded aad daacrtbed as
follows: Comnaamclns at the aorth treat cor
ner of tot X, block T, Cerutber'n- addition
' to Portland; theocs aoath along the west
. Ilea uf lota 1 and 8. block 7. Carntbera'
addition . to Portland, to a polat 100 feet
. aoath of south Una of asrmaa street; tneact
. i.. Li 9.1 faat alone' a Una 100 feat aoath
rot and parallel with too sooth Una ef oher-
aoaa street; ueaco nana seem aaamg a
Una 71.71 feat east ot and parallel with
' the oast Una of steeoad street; the ace aorth
' 84 deeraea (8 Blnatsa what 16 ( feet; thence
' went 8 teat along a Una 88 feet south ot and
parallel with the south tine of Bberaun
aireati thanaa aorta aktur a lino B8.0L teat
aaat ot and paraUal wldv the aaat Una ef
Becond street . to its inierssctaon enin tae
sonU Una of Khar sua street; tbeaoe oast
mkmg the eoetk Itoe of kkermsn strait to
place of beaianinc, Walts 8. Uaffbrd. (O.ftft.
, BLOCK H, lot 1, atodnay OUaaa Batata, heirs
' of (16.(6; kt 8. Beduey Ullaan Batata, heirs
of. (16.06; kt 8, Bouaar OUsaa Bsfata, heirs
of. ( Is. OS; kt 4. Lola May Ootul, (16.06;
south kt ft, Lola May Cottsli 86.83; north
' lot ft, Charlea W. OottaL 6.((; lot 8,
" bodaey 6llaaa Batata, heirs, (10.04; lot 7,
Bodney Gllaaa Batata. ' helm, (10. kd; lot 8,
- kodmey -OUaaa IstaU, helra, (lu.oi. BLOCK
8, kt 1, Harah J. Btanaharry. (10.(8; kt 8,
, Barah J. bunaberry, (10.00; tot a, Barab J.
' Btaaebsrry. (18.16; lot d, Barah I. Stanaberry.
(18.16: tot ft. Barah 1. Btanaharry, (10.06;
- let 8, Barak J, Bl.askarry, (10.koj kt 7,
Barah J. Blase berry, (10.06: kt 8, Bsrab
J. Btsaabarry. (10.8S. BLOCK 10, tot 1,
Mary B. Lufty, (10.06; lot a. J. UyUad,
(10.; kt 8, Mary L. Ttlton, (10.06; kt a,
. Martla Bchada. (10.86; tot 8. Charlss Kirch.
her -aad Henry Hanao. (10. 06: kt 8, Joha
-kmery, (lo.ko: tot 7, eVM.-Walc, (10 6;
kt a. lbs Title ttamrmatee e. Trust Co.,
' 810.86. BLOCK 11. kt 1. Uasrge aad Sarah
vtaajnbertr 810.06; lot 8, Joseph hhaak, 110.06;
east n leet lot (, Martha A. Cooledge,
'(7.T0; west ( ft feet tot 8, Haakell Brown.
(m6; west 30 .6 feet .tot 4, MmakaU Brewa,
(a.n6; oast 77 teat lot 4, Fred Nesbauer,
(7. to; waat S teat tot ft, Alfred 1. ft-arsmer,
(a. 00; oast 88 feet of wont 108 toot tot 8,
: Leon Beamier. (3.30; eaat 8.8 foot of tot 8,
Haakell Brown, (O.ftft; . aaat (.ft feet kt 8,
Haakell Bromra, (0.66; weat 101 feet tot 8,
' Mary A agnate Bauealn, (10.10: tot 7, Joseph
- P. Netdernteyar. (10.86: lot 8. Otto Bothchlid.
s (10.86. BLOCK U. tot 1, Martha A. tklUa,
(10.86; north H ef lot 8, Adolph Colaon,
(6.IU1 oouU tt ot tot a. Dora A. Norma n,
16.83; lot 8, Mary L. Thar low, (10.06: lot
4, Henrietta Btrmuma, (10.86; kt 6,. Antnony
IT. CmrreU, 110.86; tot d, Anthony r. Carroll,
(10.86: tot I. John Emery, (10.(6; kt B.
. John EBVary. (10.06. BLOCK 18, weet 8.6
f In. 1 William Bailie. 80.86: oast 88.8
feet of weat 48 feet kt i. Louis p. Bono.
: 8e.i oast 88.8 -fast ot west 48 feet of
aortk A feat lot 2. Lou la p. Bono, 80.80;
south 1ft feet ot aaat 83.6 tost tot X toula V.
11 nne south 1 toot of oast 83.8 teet
let 1. Ooldla BareU, (0.10; north. 80 feet
nf mmt turn feet lot x. (lolltta BarelL 84.40:
west 41 feet of ssath aft tost tot 3, Bonan
Catholic Archbishop ot the Plumas of Ore
' aoa, 83.88; weet 48 feat tot (, atosnaa CatboUe
Archhlanop at tka Dtoceaa of Otwgom, (4.(0;
weet en f-et ot east o3.t feet kt X. WUUsni
BaUls, 88.20; north 3ft feet af oast 88.8 feet
of tot 8, Louis P. Bena, 88.1ft; oust 88.8 teet
, of eouth 8ft teet of kt . 8, Boaaaa
Cm too lie 1 Arrhblahiv of the Dtoeeee ot
Oregon, ' (8.16; lot a. Boankn Catholic
ArchbUbop of the Dtoeeee of - Oregon.
(laikV; lot S, Bosmaa Cmtholle Archbkhop af
the Lrtoceee ef Oregon, (10.06; kt 8, Boniaa
(atbollc Arrhbtehop ot the Diocese of Oregon.
I (10.05 lot 7. Bonmaa Cathollo Archbishop ot
the IMoceaa ot Oregon, (10.06; weat 8-4 feet
, of oast 83 feet ef aoath 11 feet tot 8, Booms
1 CsthnUe Arcbbtmhop ox the inocosa 01 uregon,
.. kli IA; .meet 74.6 leet of South 11 feat tot 8.
ilouiau Catholic Arehbkbop ot the Dioeese
of Oregon, (1.(8; eaat 38.M feet of tot a.
Wllliaai Ballla, (3.40; west KL84 teet of
SB tmt tat . Jeaala Belcker. (8.48.
BLOCK 14, tot t," Pf alt WBllooniD, (10.05;
kt 3. Pratt Wkltosnib. (10.06: kt . Pratt
. Whltaottib. (; at a. teaae aaaa, eo;
l.crnll I0.6: lot B. Bilk L.
bio sr. bliu K Ik. lot 1. lieoree Lanaford.
- Iioidft; tot f. George Langford, $10 .06; kt
g, Parker r. Moray,; io a, juaroy v.
Toole, (10.(6; lot ft. TbomaaJne P. Bcott,
(lO.Oo; eat O J ihub.uu. r. imnh w ' " ,
Jot 7, Mead O. Hsdeoo, ( 10.06; kt 8, Msnd
' . Hudson. $10.85. BLOCK 18. kt 1, Harriet
, M. K lemma. 810.66; kt 3, Harriet M. Klesman.
- (10.86; kt 8, John m. Lnu, iu.uo; an a.
'It. V. Prktt, (10.06; lot ft,Wlley B. Allen,
I 10.66; aouth tt tot 8, Wiley B. Allen,
taa- eairtk uVl ktorees barde. (6.U:
...t u lot f. Charles L. Parker, (6.32; aaaf
u. in. a rkariaei I- Parker, (ft.88: weat tt
kt 7. Elinor O. Hare. $6.!l2; weet tt lot
1 8. Elinor tt. Hare. 80.88. BLOCK 17. kt I,
v Mary D. L. Barnhart. (10.06; kt 3, Mary
. D. L Barnhart, (10.05; esst 100 feet kt (.
Charles U Psrker, $10.00; west 8.63 feet
of aouth tt kt 8, Mary E. Arbuckle. (0.82;
weet 8.63 feet of -north tt tot (, Benaon B.
Arbuckle. $y.3: east 100 feet kt 4, W'llllanj
K. Puffer, $10.00; weet 8.63 feet kt 4.
Mary E. Bmlth, $0.88; kt 8, Mar B. Bmlth.
110 06; south tt tot 8, Mary kt. Arbuckle.
' $6.32; north tt tot 8, Benson h Arbnckk,
(A.8H: kt 7, John J. and Annie L. Pshls.
, $10.06; kt 8. Joha 1. sad Anala L. Pshle,
(10.0. " BLOCK 18. tot 1. Oermsa Bsrlag
t- A Loan Society, $10.06; tot S, Beth L. Pope.
i 810.05: tot 8, Chsrlss B. Parker. (10.89: tot 4,
Charlea E. t'arker, $10.66; west 60 feet tot
ft, B.hmel T. Hinsda. $6.00; east ftd.ft feet
tot ft. John' Barber, (6.86; kt 8, Bea Belling.
Tree tee. $18.06; weet tt tot 7. John Ueorge
need, (6.(11; south 3 feet of wast tt tot 8.
Jobs George Seed, $0.80; wast 48 feet of
weet tt kt 8, Mary Seed. (6.10; east tt tot
7. William II. and Frederick J. Joyce. $S.U;
east tt kt 8, William H. and fYederlck J.
Jnrce. (6.88. BLOCK 10, tot 1. -Krederlck
' I). Mkttkews, $1.oo; tot 8, Pivdertck D. Mat
- thews, $10.86; tot ft, Edgar Poppletoo, $10.86;
kt 4, sVlgsr Popple ton, (10.66; kt 8, Mlnnls
V.rwlg. (10.66; aouth (8 l-( feet kt d.
' Chrl.ilaa Keller, $7.10: north 18 3-8 feet kt
8. Daniel end Catherine A. Kelly, $3.ft6;
, lot 7. Daniel and Catherine A. Kelly. $10.66;
lot 8. Orahsm Wlkas Batata, heirs of. $10.06.
BLOCK 30. kt I. Pets J. Maaa, (10 S; hit 3.
(triham Olaes Karate, belrs of, $10.66; lot 3.
tirah.m Qlaes Eatate, heirs of. $10.06: tot 4.
Jasmes t. All.rd. $10.06; , tot 8, Klls D.
'- K-achreat. (lOIBi lot 6, W. C. Hann.r,
$10.66; lot 7. John W. .Currsa, $10.66; kt 8.
.Peter J. Mass, $10.68.
CARi'THfllir ' ADDmOW TO Rl7rHrl8,
ADDITION to the City of Portland BLOCK
31. tot a, Anthony P. Carroll. 1 10.00; lot 1
Aathony P. . Carroll. (10.(0; kt .
Mary Brenean, (10.00; kt 4, Issse
Ofaer, (10.80; lot 6. Emma Branch
(10.60; lot 8. Prsak Cllef, $l0.6l;
' kt 7. John B. Criee Relate, helra of. (lo aii,
lot H. ixetls i. Oeatner. (10 0O. FIOCK 23,
kt 1. William l. Uawklna, (10.60; kt 3.
. William J. Mawklsa. (lO.dn; kt 8. II ear let I.
C. Btnmkelnwe. (10.80; north tt of eaat 7.1
feet kd 4. Herman (3.76; weat at
feet kt 4. Aeanet, J. HayeW) $3.10; aenth
ef oset 78 feet kt 4. DarM D.rltex-h
to, brlrs at, $$.78; kt 8, Mkthaa Bele-
south tt tot O, wiuism . urenieu.;
east asTft fort of north tt tot ft, WlllUm
H. OreafeU. (1.88; west 80 feet of north
14 kt 8. Stephen prldenng,- 84.00: kt 8.
Aathony t. Carroll. 810.86; kt 1 Aothony P.
smoa, 810.80: kt 8. N.'h.a f luaiiaj 810.80:
eaat lj kt 7, H. W. 1 ,,,, mToir! ot.
kt 8.
W. Lie re haute,
'"',(?,; wast tt .lot 7. Mellsw M.
Blferd, (6.6U; weet tt let 8. Melleea M.
Blferd. (60, Bl)Vt l, Br.t.oi
heirs of. (A.
81O.0II: hmt X. Pw. a,...... liu.i
1 jot a. aauipa er. roxwraan. (10.8U; kit
, KaU ritroda and Boaiae V. leaaind Kststo. heirs
" ee-eo, an e ueorge W. Carpeater,; eouia n w 1. avkllta Brewing Co.,
Tr"",0: mwtB H kt 7, I hllllppl aaJ
Anna tluperon, J6.80; kt 8. Phllllppt kad
-- eiW.O-1. BLiUUJk H K 1,
a,.. 0. uwf,; a, John r.
nartmsn, (10. ou; hat 8.- Anna m. Meyers, d, Aeaa .- Meyera, (laoo: lot
Bogene and Kilaa Parkt, (10.00; aoutn 4
kt 0 Kugeoe and Bllaa Perlut. (6.80; north
H HI s. niuuua and Andrew Krlberg, (6.80;
tot 7. WlllUm and Aaurew mberg, (10.00;
vx a, eona lannaer aatate, heirs of. s 10.00.
BLOCK 86. kt 1. Catherine price, (10.00;
north tt kt WUIlaa. B. Jolly, (6.80; aoath
H - kt 3. Clara etaooTTtoh. (8.80; tot (.
Ioree ' Jeroaae Murpby, (lo.OO; tot d, Hans
J. Bcneraer, ( kt 8. Heary J. Tbenip
boa kVatste, helra of, (10.(0- hit 8. Leulsa A.
t artar, iu.av; aaat a lot T, Tmmiinaa 4. Kel
son, (S.SO; asst H kit t, Tboausa i. Nekoa,
86.80; west tt kt 7, A. W. CulTotv (6.80:
-west H kt . A. W. Calrer, (6.80. BLOCK
Sd, kt 1,. Parld'Coulka, .00 aorth 47.36
feet kt 3, Ida M. Church, (8.60; sooth 3.7ft
feet kt 3. Era it. Clyun. (0.46; tot 8. Era
R. riyaa. (0.00: lot a. t'erhmno B. - Wood.
(0.00; oast (0 feet of south tt of lot 8.
Corlnno B. Wood, (3.0UI eaat 17 teet ot north
tt of tot 8. Bra ft. riyna, (1.70; weet 1( feet
of aorth tt of lot ft. Jwaa B. BUleter, (1.60;
weet a feet of south tt of kt ft, Btepbon
oarecea. (0.30; oast 30 foot Of kt 10. Bieoa
ea Voaeeckas, (J .00; kt 8. Atol Petersen.
80.00; oast 40 feet of lot 7. v.Carl and
Betey Carlson, (4.00; oast 40 foot of
north '30 feet of kt 8. Carl and Betsy
Carlson. $1.00; west 60 feat of tot . T, John
V. Nelson, (6.00; north 30 feet of west 60 feet
of lot M. John P. Neleoa. (2.00: aouth 30 faet
' of tot S, LbnUo D. Lsonard, (6.40; tot 8. JaaMej
utile tee, w.uu; wast w ieei em ae
WlthyconbT (d 00. BLOCK ST, tot 1. John
A. Derjln, (ia0; kt 8. WlUUtn H. Uaa,
8l0.n0. - ,
Beglnailng ' at the aoatkwsat roraer ot
lot 3. block 37, Carathers' addition, thence
.north 8 feat, tbenco west parallel with Bber
maa street 1 foot, thence south 84 fact, thence
east 1 loot to beginning, William U. Leah,
' Beginning at northwest cornet tot 1, block 37,
Caru there' addltko, thenco south d feet,
tbenco weat 1 foot, . thence eouth 84 teet,
tkeaeo went 80 feet, thenco aorth. 84 feet,
1 nance east 1 loot, laouco norm 00 imh
thenco oaat (0 foot to beginning. Ida Bcfaloth,
xin on . .. .
Beginning hrn sooth lino of BboraaB street 88
fan. nf mnrthavaat earner af block 37. Car
athers' addition, tbenco eouth n fret.-theocej
east 38 feet, thence north 00 feet, tiienee wast
30 feet to beginning, Bd A. Bchlotb, (2.80.
Beginning at northwest earner. , block 17,
Cerutbaro addition, tbenco . south l feet.
Ttieooa east ao leet, tasnco smwio em
tbenco west 38 teet, the oca north pmrmUel
with BUth strost 08 feat to aoath lino of
Bhertnaa street, thence west to .beginning,
Winifred Masher. 87.7a
ADDITION to the city or roruana bia. .
7, lot 8, Ada and A. B. ranno, (10.00;
' kt 4. Joaeph P. Kelly. (10.80; kt 8. Ceo-
tral Trust 4k In Teat meat Coeupaay, (10.00;
kt 8, Central Trust dt Inenstmeot uouiueny,
klOaO. HIJM'K int. - Waet 80 feet lot 1
-Melee Herein. M OO: - ereet 80 feet tot 8.
Helen- Harris, (8.00; oast 78 feet tot I. Jacob
, Bchwtnd, (7.00: north ( feet of eaat 7d feet
tot 8, Jacob Bchwlnd, (0.76 south 4ft feet of
oast 7( feet tot 8, Hulda Btelnleln, 80.86:
.tot 8. DkTld Tsggart. 810.80; kt 4, Uerld
, Tmggmrt. 810.80; kt ft, Darld Tsggart, (10.00;
tot 2. Darld Tsggart, (10.00; kt 7, Henry i.
W IntiUnaerode. (lO.ot): lot . 8. . Patrick J.
Murphy. - (10.60; kt '8, Mary A. Murphy,
: 810.00: lot 7. Bruno BU Oonther. 810.00: seat
40 feet lot 8, N. A. Bcnooen, (4.00; west
00.03 foot tot a, H. W. ttllpln. (d 00. BIXMJK
80, kt 1, Joha O. Craacla and Tlllle Stark,
(lo.oo; ex z, Aooipa wituman, aiv.ou; an
8. Vincent Cook. 810.00: lot 4. C. W. Bhleoly
$10.80; lot 8, Anna Herrsll, $10.60; south
' 88 1-8 feet kt 8. A. Dleklnaun. 87.06: north
18 8-8 feet lot 8, BmsM Dickinson, (3.56;
Bonth 18 3-8 feat kt 7, ism inckinson.
-' (.1 56: nortli 88 -1-8 feet kt I. Tbecnee B,
Allen, $7.06; lot 8, Richard D. Jordon,
. 810.60. : BLOCK 81, kt 1, Fred W. rrenn,
- kio.ort'- kt 8,- Connecticut - fire - Ineuranca
Company, $10.80; kt (.Connecticut Fire In-
- eurnnco Oompanr. - $10.60; weat- 84.03 . teat
tot 4. Prank feTDIcklnaoa, $3.40; east 73 feet
Vit 4. John Rieblach. 87.301 kt B. Emmet B.
. Wllllame, $10410: north tt tot 8. M. 0. and
' 1mA- (k taBiB. aat ma-4. - V At a Sfk . - . k, -
sad rred Ma'ulbeetch, $80; north S3 tact
kt T. Ida Nalaon. (4.86: south 37 feet kt 7.
t Lamma Bchaltee, $6.78; tot 8. Mary Beatalaeech-
or, (10.00. BLOCK S3, let 1, City ot Portland,
810.M1: kt X. Cite of Portland. 810.00: kt
, $, City of Portland, $10.00; lot , City of
I'ortiana, (to.oo; sot a, wity et roruana,
liaoo: kt 0. Cite of Portland. (10.00: kt
7, City of Portland. $10.60; kt B, City of
Portland. $10.80. BLOCK 33, east 100 feet
' kt 1. Pater O. Cartoon. $10.00; west 8 feet
mt 1, Aipaaus ai.. uoiisosngn, ptjw; norm
-80-fast tot 8, -John nnd Mary V.-Manning,
$0.86; aoath 30 feet lot 3, Mary A. Bell, $4JaS;
. north 10 feet kt 8. Marr A- BelL 82.10: aouth
40 feat kt 8, Tbereaa H. Xoat, $0.60; north
30 foot kt 4. Theresa. H. ioat. $46; aouth
' 80 feat kt 4, Jamas I McCown, $4.36; lot
8. Jsmsa L. McCown. $10.60; tot 8, Jsmea L.
McOowu, $10.00; west SS feat tot 7, H.. C.
bnalebert,- (3.N0; west 38 feet .tot 8. H. C.
Enelebart. (2.80: oast 38 fsat of ' west 66
feat tot 7. A. H. Bow sua, (3.80; eaat
feet of weat 58 feet tot 8, A. H. Bowman
82.80: weet 38 feet af east 80 feat kt 7,
V.Joha Iiinklktar. 82.80: west 38 feet et oust
60 , feet kt 8, John Llnklmter. $2.60; oast 33
- feat kt 7, Alpaeus HoUabaugh, (2.30; asst
- 33 feet tot 8. Alpheus HoUabaugh. $3.20.
BLOCK 84. lot 1, John Barbey. 310.60; north
41 1-8 net lot a, a ilea bets at. Msatera,;
aoath 8 3-8 feet tot 3. lsaaa Oerurtn. 8140;
- eaat 103 tt tart of north 83 1-8 feat lot 8.
: lease Oeeurtm. $4.86: eaat 103 tt feet af south
14 3-8 feet tot ft, Margaret Augusta Bcag
rlne, (3.40; east 102 fast tot 4. Margaret
. AUgaSta BCOgglDS,
A tract of tend bounded aad dsscrlbsd (S
foikws: Comineneing at north weat earner kt
I. block as, camtBers' addition, tnenca weat
on south lino of Sherman street 61 feet.
tbenco south 88.8 feet, tbenco oast 61 feet
to a noint 88 foot south of Bbermsn street
' tbenco north to ptoeo of beginning, - Jamsa
A tract of laad boanrled and deserlbsd as fol
Iowa:' Commencing 61 feet weet of northwest
- roraer of kt 1. block 84. Carathers' sddl
. tkav, sold point being 167.033 feet west af
weat lino of Slsth street, thence west 98
1 tso aouta iroe ot n tier mas street njn reel
. thence sooth 100 feet, thence east 87.878 feet.
tbenco north to the place of beginning, Bruno
, IV. uuntnjer. 010.40.
. A tract at laad hoanmdsd and described ae fnl-
towo: Commenelng on south lino of Bhermsd
street 324.4 feet west of the west line of
Sixth streeL tbenco aouth 100 teet parallel
with BUth street, .tbenco west 87.386 feet
" to the east lino ot County Read, theses
northwesterly on the oast line of Couaty
' Road to the aouth Una of Sbernvsn - street
; 68.71$ faet wast of place of beginning, thence
eaat to the place of , beginning, Annie H.
. Mskney-, $8.79. '
A tract af land baondsd and described so fot
,kws: Comroenclng at the north . line ot,
Carulhere atreet extended 103.61ft feet weet
of the west line of 81 ith street, thence north
and pnrsUel with Blsth atraet 101 feet,
tbenco westerly 43 feet on the aouth Una
. of Tsggart's parcel of tend situated la block
81, Caret hers addition, thence southeasterly
' 108.22 leet to the north line of Carntbera
- street 1S-4 feet weet of the 'place ot begin
ning, thence esst to the plseo ef beginning.
E..X. Dixon, $6.78., . .
A tract of land bounded and deectibed as
fnlkws: rymmening on north Una ot Csr
' atbers street 117.81 feet weet of want line
of Btttb street; thence nortkweeterly 100.(8
fret to a potnt -loo- feet south af Shermsa
-street and IM0.T1 feet west of west Use
. of Sixth atreet; thence oast 3S.7 feet to
southeast corner of B. B. Ouatbera panel
of land; tbenco north 1.4 feet to south line
of Tsggsrt's parcel ef land; thence eaat
'. 10.S leet; thence nontheaeterly 100 23 feet
topUce of beginning. Christian Welslfer,
,A tract of land bounded and aVecrfbed as
follows: Commencing ee north line of Csr
. ntbers street 117.01 feet weat of west Hoe
of Sixth street; tbenco northwesterly 100.22
feet to a point 180.71 feet west of wast line
of Sixth street nnd 100 feet aouth of south
"- Una af Sherman etreet; tbeaee weet parallel
- with sooth Una of Bbermsn street 88.46 feet;
tbenco soatheaeterly 100.23 feet td" (he north
; Uae of Carntbera street If extended (8.46
' feet West ef plseo of beginning; tbenco east
to - lice et beginning. Henry Slnsbetamer,
(T.0TV. ; .v
A tract of land bounded and described as
follows: Coin meoting on north line et Car.
- atbers street If extended 103.68 feet weet
ot weet line of Sixth street; tbenco north-
wesrerly 100.33 feet to a point 220.14 feet
weat of west line ef Sixth street nnd 100
' feet eouth of south line of Shermsa street;
: thenee w-et 87.3N6 feet parallel with south
line of hennas street to east -lino of eonuty
mad ; .thenco southeasterly akng east Una
- of ennnty, rond 108 feet to lMrth line of
farm here street If extended 43.04 feet went
- of plseo of beginning; thence esst to place at
beginning, Mary B. HV.ffmao. $0.40.
r tract nf laud bounded end described SS
folks a: Ommeneing st Inteeaectlon of aoatk
" line of Csrnthers atreet and weet line of
Klith street: the nee south on west lino of
: Sixth atreet Km feet; thence weet 100 feet;
. thence north 100 feetr thence eaat to plseo
- of beginning. J. Henry He bade, $0.30.
'. A tract, of-. land hoe tided end described ss
folloae: Comaarnclng un weal lino of Sixth
street Inn feet aouth of south line of Csr-
ethers street; thence eouth on west line af
. Slxtk etreet ftn feet; tbenco went 100 feet;
tbeaee north BO feet; thence seat 100 feet to
place of beginning. Terr. see Bngers, $0.10.
, A tract of land bounded and deeerihed ss
, follow ii Cominencimg on .Pset, Bee of BUth
Thompson Ketste,. nerra ou io.ou; tut e, mi m, icior ueuinv,. eo-ui. ana aaun.
HearyTT Thompson Batata, helra of, (10.60. of rami 8$ feet tot 4, Emll C Oonther. (6.16;
BLOCK 38, lot l7Ad.m aad Mary J. Catlln, west 17 feet tot . Wllllani P. glmmel.
$10.40; kt 3, PblUp P. Dwyef, $K60 kt 8, , (0.15; west 17 foot tot 4. William P. HlmmeL
7'nnr.J Onul... . ill) kt Z llrU. V. -1 1 l ia loot lot 8. William P. HlnunaL
'atreet XM feet aoatk' ef aoath Pa of Oar.
SSer. .TTtbene. north JO tM toooc,
aeet 48 feet; thence south e ti.; tu-ce
- - ,yn n (M. n aBSt UOO Of PSItOa l4i
. lk--t"ir emet lino of Patton
JodTeT point 1W feet eoetk of south Una
of t; thence aaat 77 d feet;
thorns oiuth 70 feel I iBenee.eee. iia torn,
ilTikMo of beglnuUig. Mutual Baringa Bunk
of nan mncleoo, JuU6- .'
A tract ot toad bounded and deecrroed as
folk" Comi.rln on south lino of Oar
Btherm atre.t loo feet west of wast lino of
8 U etiVw; north 8 feet nnd par
1 Jiiel wlh west Uae - Bllh
Jo t; nVTv'ih.Mtorly 74 fwet .and
parallel with eaaf line ot couaty road aad 80
Lnl dlstsut therefrom; thence west (o feel
. to point in east Una of eonuty road, said point
being ikT Tea feet west of west line of 4uU
atreet and 43.37 feet nouto ot aouth Una of
i aruiuers street; tueuco aootbemmterir on oast
line of eonuty reed to a point loo feet south
of south Uue ot Csruthere street sad 177.4
-feet weet of weet Uae of BUth atraat; tkonee
saet 77 4 feet; thence north 100 feet to begin.
" mtt. Thomas' U. Corbla. $84.411. .
A tract ef Jsnd boaaded and deacrlbed as
' foikws: tommsnelng on center lino ef Car
ntbers street, extended 300 teet waat of wea
liaa of BUth street; thence southeasterly sad
- parallel with eaat line ef eouaty road 74
leet; thenco was 80 feet to e point which
- la 800.82 feet wast et west Una ot BUth
atraet aad 48.37 teet sooth of south line of
- Carntbera - atreet; thence aortbemmterly on
east line Of county road 80 feet; theocs seat
80 feet; thence southeasterly and pmrmllel
with county toad 14 feet to place of begln
alug. J a ines Uaddock, $6.40.
ADDITION to tbo City ( . roruana
BLOCK 88. Waet 81 feet lot 1. Bertha la
' King, $3.10; went 8t feet tot & Bertha L.
kuna. k.lo: emmt as teet tox t. sopaia Vn
Kaappka, $3.80; east 38 feet kt X Boobla C
ippke, (8.BVI west 88 teet of oast 71 feet
1. Minnie C. Wkltcomb. (8.80; weet 88 feet
net 71 feet of tot 3, Minn la B. Wbiteomb,
hot 1, al
of aeet
$a.o; west tt'tot $, Eugenia H. Tmggmrt,
ao.tu; wees n sot - e, -nngenma am. mma
gart. $(.10; oast tt tot 8, A. hi. and Ada K.
1'aano, $6,10; eaat tt kt 4. A. K. nnd Ado
ft. Psnno, $6.10. ' All ot block $8. Caru there'
addiuon to Carathers addition to Portland,
lying between a Una lu2 feet weet ot too
weat Uaa ef block 88, Caru there' addlttoa to
Csrnthers' addition to PurtUad, the west Una
of county rood and between aouth line et
ttrant atreet- and north Una of Sherman
atreet, D. R. Kelly, (0.30. AU of block
86, Cam there' addition to Carnthsrs' addi
tion to Portland, lying weat of the west lias
of the -eouaty rood, Magdalene V. MUlsr and
Maria A. tiunthor, $4. SO. -A
Uact of knd bounded and deecrtbed op
follows: CosjuBenclng nt a point In the
south Una of Lincoln atraet 3u0 feet west
ot northern et earner of block 87, Carathers'
addition to Carathers' adcUtioa to City of
Portland; thence west 48.7 faet; .(hence
south V degreea SS minutes ereet 44.3 feet;
thenco aoath 37 degreea 18 minutes east to
a point too feet eouth of south Una of Lin
coln street; thence east 300 feet .to a point
300 feet went ef weat Una of nerentk etreet;
teence north 100 feet to place at beglaaiug
Maris A. Uanther, $4.00. ,
A tract af land boaaded aad danerlbad as
foikws: Ceeauenclng at s point la went Una
of Sixth street 160 teet aouth of eouth Una
of Care there street! thence south 80 tost;
thence went 103 foot; thence northerly 70
feet; thence easterly t teet; tkanea northerly
10 feet; thence easterly 100 feet to place ef
berlnntnr. KUnabeth B. rinnegnn. $16.6.
addition to tno city ox rortisna ' miw,k
87. kt 1. Henrtetu Bayer. $10.00; kt 3. Hen
rietta Bayer. $10.00; north (7 feet of oset
88 feet kt 8, Julius H. Horr. $6.18; ooutk
18 test of east 88 feet kt 8, Victor tteof.
troy. $3.18: north 18 feet of oast 88 feet
m r.
l.So; nest 18 feet tot 8, WllUsm 1. BlmmaUJ; weat 88 reef pot o, msna a. uuninor,
8.30; weat 83 feet tot 4. MarU A, Oonther.
(O.20; east H Kit l, euuns tm. obtt, eo.uv,
east tt -tot 8. Julias H. Hmrr, (6.00; weet
. tt tot 7, Maria A. O anther. $8.00; west tt
kt (. Maria A. Onther. (5 00. BLOCK 88,
kt 1. Jesse t. Bow lea, 810.00; tot 3, Jensa
-T. Bowks, $10.00: kt 8, toderlck Neubmaer,
t 10.10; kt 4. Cells Herman, $10.00; west tt
it 8, Clam -A.- iancin snrtnto helm of,
bk on. . U. In. . I 'I... A BVaneta Ka.
tsto, netm of, $B.00r east tt tot 5, Abe Were-
stein.-(O.oo: oust th tox a. oe weinstain.
$6.00; tot f. Nik Ektund. $10.00; kt bV
Nits Eklund, $10.00. - -
ADDITION TO the city et rnruana BLOcn.
A. ell o( north 48 feet of tot I except weet
33 feet. Barak J. McKitrlck. $8.06: nontk
4 feet of eaat 00 feet kt L. Albert N. Poadlch.
$0.8o; wast 33 fset kt S, Oregon rnraltuxe
.unwimi jnuiommr, r.n.w, ww.
. . c iae 00.
wast 33 feet
kt 3, Oregon Pnmlturo Mean tacra ring
none. 81x0: an erf kt 8 exxeet waat 33
Albert N. Ponuick, $8.40; all ot north
- of kt ( exeeot weat 18 feet. Charlea
v (6.86: nU of snath tt of tot 8 except weet
18 -feet. Nettle A. 8. Bee ton. $0410: west
418 feet kt 8. O. Coram no, $1.80; aU of north
'tt of tot 4 except want 81.18 feet, C. E.
II lee. 84.30: noath 38 fsat. kt 4. O. Oor-
dnno, 84.46; wast 81.18 feet of north tt kt
' 4. a. Curdenn. 80.10: waat BO feat kt 8.
IMmlnlck Lngrsnd, $8.00; weat $0 feet kt
. 8, Margsret Cukgrore, $8.00; oast 10 feet kt
ft, O. for dm no. (1.00; east 10 fact kt 8.
:, O. Coram no, (1.00; lot T, Oregon Furniture
Manufacturing Company, $10.00; tot 8, Ore
gon Furniture Manufacturing Company. .(10.00.
BLOCK B. north 22 feet kt 1. Daniel. B.
Henaley, $4.40: eouth 38 feet tot 1. Lis. Is
. Appleetone. $6.80; lot 3. euUua and Carolina
Wrslter, $10.00; north tt tot $, Portland Trust
' of Oregon, $6.00: south tt tot 8,
.. (V uocnreio, go.ou; tox a, wiiuam u. court
ney, (10.00; oast tt tot ft, Jsno E. Jobnatone,
$6.00; west tt tot 6, Charles A. Waster,
' $6.00; tot 8. Perry O. Baker EsUto, helm of,
, 810.00: west tt tot T. Tkomaa P. Campbell.
(5.00i eaat tt tot T. Jacob Btalder. $6.00;
lot 8. Jsniee r. Dnelea, (lo.oo; lot n, u. Mara.
(6.T6; kt 10. Stephen Meado Estate, heirs et.
J 7.70; kt 11, Perry o. Baker Betato, aeira ox,
8.86: kt 12. Perry O. Baker Katmte.-kalra of,
$0.80. BLOCK 0. kt 1. Perry G. Baker
Batata, helra ef. $10.00; kt t. Perry 0. Baker
Eatate. helm of, (lOOO; kt 8, WlllUm
Waacher. (iao0: lot 4. William Wkecher.
$10.00; kt 8. Ellen Wllto, $t0.00; south tt
kt 4. Archie and Csrkttn Blchsrdsan, $6.00;
' north tt tot 8. 8. OugUelemeUI BnUta, heirs
: of. (8.00; aoatk 80 feet kt 7. J. A. Pnmntl,
84.00; aorth 30 feet tot 7, Emma and Jennls
Kafka, (4.oo: wt . ism ana .enais avuxa,
$10,011. BLOCK D, west tt tot 1. A. W.
rbener. 86.00: west tt kit 37 A. W. Cheney.
$6.00: eaat tt kt 1. HsrlUbk Security A
Mortem re I arret meat Company. (6.00: k
.tt kt 3. Heritable Security Mortgage Ia-
' rest men t company. no.oo; lot a, smiiy 4.
m . , .1,1 , w, . In. a V
ncnne-iwer, W ' v. v , m. wuj.r . , nimwvi ,
(lO.Wi; kt S, Klrbolas Bcbannn. $10.00; lot
8. PblUp New, 110.00; kt 7. Bueas C. Bntler.
118.00: kt 8. Joseph Pink. $10.00. BLOCK
. sndl Tided tt kt 1, London 4k Ban FT. nc lace
. Bank. $6.00: audi Tided W lot 8. tondon A
San Pmnclsce Bank. (S.OO; andlrlded tt kt
' 1, Dundee Mortgage A Truet Inrestment
Company, Ltd.. $6.00: andlrided tt kt 3,
1 Dundee Mortgage A Truet Ineeatment Com-
Mir. Ltd.. (ft.OOt kt 8. Carl Abeadroth
. $10.00: kt 4, Curt Abendroth, $10eW; weat
- tt kt B, William H. Baylor, (5. On; east tt'kt
8. Fanny Barry, (ft.oo; lot a, ranny Marry,
$10.00; sonth tt kt 7. Fanny Barrr, $6.00;
' north tt kit 7, Jsmes Berry. $8.00; kt 8,
Jamia Vrry. $10.00. ' BLOCK T. kt 1.
J. '. Lackel, $3.66; tot 3, J. C. Lackel,
$3.65; kt 8. J. a LockeL $2.06;
: tot 4. 3. C. LockeL $3.t; tot ft. J. 0. Luchel,
$2.80; tot 8. J. C. Lock el, (2.S6; lot 7.
' J. V. LockeL (3 86; kt 8, J. C. LockeL $4.88:
lot J. c. Lackel, 83.(6; tot 10, J. C. Locket
8XI; tot 11, J. C. LncfceL 3.8ft; tot 13,
JVC. loekeL fX86: tot IS, J. O. Lackel,
$3.66; kt 14, J C. LackeL $3416; kt 1ft.
, JT C. Lackel, O.ftft: kt Id. J. C. I-wkel.
- (3 66: kt 17. Aaru.ts Marks, $205; kt 18,
' Augusta storks, ftlOft. o IB. Augusts Marks,
(2.06:. kt 30, Augusta Marks. (.96 . kt
21. John a Ztegler. (X8S: sodlrided tt kt
22, William. Mootag, (I.e.); nwllrided U M
33, William Montag,
34, William MonUg,
$1.46; undivided
81.45; n ndlrided
(1.80; andlrided
5 tot
. kt
26, William MOB tag,
23. Henry Ckars, $1.80; and! Tided tt kt
23. Henry neere. (1.46; nndinded tt kt 84,
Henry ClesTe, (1.46: . andlrided tt kt 3ft,
Henry Cleave, (1.75. BLOCK 0, lot 1,
Issbella B. sad W. A. Lewis. $8.65; kt 3,
lea bells B. and W. A. Lewis, . $4.65; east
-60 fee of west 58 feet kt 8, MaHldk A.
Baker, $7.80; esst 60 foot of west ftS tost
kt 4, Matilda A. Bsker, $5.00; aU lot (
except west 63 fset, Edmund B. HIIL $6.00;
. nil kt 4 except weet 88 feet, Edmund B. Hill,
$3.36; andlrided tt west 8 feet of west 80
. feet tot 3, . Londna San Fraa-taea Bank,
" Ltd.. $4.30; u ndlrided tt went 8 feet of weet
, 50 fset tot 4, Loudon San Pranclsco Bsnk,
Ltd., $0.15; andlrided tt weat 8 feet of weet
60 feet kt S. Alllsace Trust Company, Ltd.,
JO. 16; andlrlded tt west 8 feet -of wast 50
eet tot 4. Alllsace Trust Company, Ltd.,
$0.16; sod I Tided H oast 47 feat kt ft. Loo
don Ban Krsndaco Bsnk. Ltd.; $0.16:
andlrided tt eaet 47 feet kt d, Loadoa A
San r'rsncleeo Bank, Ltd., $2 85: andlrided
' tt east 47 feet kt 6. Alliance Trnat Company.
Ltd., $3..-: andlrided tt eaet 47 feet kt 8.
Alliance Trent Company, Ltd., (2.86; weat 63
feet kt (. Edmund B. Hill, $5.00; weat 53
feet kt Edmund B. Hill, $6.00; weat 88
feet kt 7, John H. Lewis. $2.60; went 36
-feet tot 8, John H. Lewie, $250: eaet 7$
feet lot 7. Isabella B. - and W. A. Lewis,
$7.50: east 75 feet tot (. Isabella B. and
W. A. I,ew1, MM. BLOCK H. tot 1.
krnees' Caesar Eatate, heirs of, $7.85; kt
8. lemene 'ae.r Estate, heirs ef, $8.60;
kt 3. Ann Slnnott, $21.10: tot 4. Ana Ntnuott,
? 23.06: kt ft. Ann Slnnott,. $17.66; eaat 1$
eet kt 8, Clemens Csesar Estate, heirs' nf,
RBftt Weat let reet kt -S. ' Perry O. Bsker
tate. helm of, $11.06, All ot hkrh 7, er
: atbers' addition In ( rut here' sddltton, ex
cept wctarly.46 feet ef -southerly 88.6
feet. John 0. LockeL (78.00.
' A tract of ksd hounded and deei Hind as
follows: Cnmmencing st Intersect loo of oset
" line of Rend street with north Une of Bsker
street; thence ee atari, en. north line ef Baker
Street $4.( feet,; , theace northerly parailol
t Side Una of
n. ' -' -
V f a-
t '(
ra .1 .
er street to aaa. ' .
a ; i -o southerly oa eamx 1, w ox ) -e
a - , , , . inning, Henry bcnesi.nd 1 m,
k . ,i.oo. - -
f - to the city of for tie. t . t
J. v. -e Drouck. $180.00. Itlii i k.,
- .h, j. ,-ker, (lid 60. BLOCK L, 1
- -e Ho tml Dispensary of . i,
' letl-X. l aAeUK M, I -
' A oeasary of Portland, ft- oO. 1 i
' N. K uonaoreOile boepltal A L-nennmry of
Poet -ad, k- BLOCK O, lia--'c
XI 41 -Maary ot Porflat.L ,.
Li.v.ja P, nnuiTi--d tt tot 1. lu-.x Lmi-a l,.,-..,-
Knr, (lS-fto: nnuielded tt kt 3. loeg Lead
nuutr. anaiwlded U kt A l..
fatna uompaay, sa.o; nnaiTidea H lot 4,
paay, $8.40: nndtTided tt tot 4.
Company, $8.40: nutueldd tt tot
tad company, (4.40: unuiTldd u
; Land Compmny, (14.00 1 snojrld-4
inea taxaa co
ft.. Ibex Land
kt 8. Ibex Ll
tt tot 7., Ibex Land Comoany. (iAoo: u,
Tided tt h (. Ibex Land Comoany, 'i .;
andlrlded tt tot 1. Anna. B. Conneil. $ u i;
Km. A sua & conueu, i.o;
8. Anna B. Conaeil, ii.4o;
tot 4. Anna B. Conneil, it.40;
tot ft, Anna B. Conneil, $4.40;
kt $.. Asnn B. . Conneil, (4.40;
kt 7, Anna B. Ooeuell, $4.4il;
t 8, Anon B. uonneii,
1. Clara BelL (38.00; north 8
feet kt 3.
tllara BailL 83.88: noutb 41 feet
kt 3. Oersssn Ha ring A Loan Society, (18.O0;
tot (. German Baring Loan Society. (15.00;
,kt 4, Oermoa 8a ring Leaa Society, $14.00;
.tot 6, Oermsa Baring Loan Society, $14.26;
tot 8, Oermna Baring Loan Soekty, $1A36;
. north feet ot west SO feet tot f. German
SaTing 4) Loan Society, $1.00: south dl feet
' tot 7, German Dating, A Loan Boclaty, $14.80;
aorth S feet ot eaat To teet tot 7. Clara Bell,
4106; oast 70 feet tot 8. Clara BelL $.I6
west SO feet tot S, P. Ouglklnwlli, $8.10.
BLOCK B, German Sarlng A Loea Boclaty,
A tract of land Irlng between ths aeutk
, line of Meade atreet and tha northerly line
'. of block 82. Cm re toe rs' addltka to Car-
ntkeen' addition aa shoo a on tee map of
PortUad, published by the Title Go arms tee
. 'A Trnat Company) 1803, aad between tbo weat
line of Hood atreet and 8 lino eo net east
ef and parallel with ths esst Una ot Corbet
street. A. P. Smith, $66.36:
ADDITION to the city er portisno -ttiiucn.
S, weat 40 feet of north $3 feet of bkek 8.
Hannah Ceahaa. 843.26: waat 40 teat Of
-.south 4$ feet of block B, C M. Heywood,
(14. OO. , BLOCn. T, Tnomaa au - awwania,
$i. 76. V BLOCK 88, Emma Austin, fwJ.JO.
BLOCK 40. tot 1. B, H Parker, $33.oO;
tot 3. E. H. Parker, $30.3$; kt 8, B. H.
Parker. $28.36; kt 4, ft. H. Parker. $3d.26;
eoot 4$ feet kt ft, B- H. Parker, (0.06;
east A3 teet kt 8, E. H. Parker, $0.66;
east 4.3 feet kt 7, B. IL Parker, 80.66;
'eaat 4.3 teet tot 8, B- H- Parker, $0.66;
, west 36.8 feet tot ft, 6. W. Campbell. $11.06;
weet 86.1 feet at nontk- It foot tot . D. W.
. CampkelU $3.80; went 3ft feet of east 1
feet lot ft, John ft. and t. I. Mann, $6.60;
. weat 35 feat of east 38.3 feet of south tt
tot 8. John ft. aad P. 1. Mann. $3.00; east
S8 feat of waat ftl.S foot kt 6. George Noth
nrngle. $8.1; east 38 feet of ursot ftl.S feet
of south 17.8 teet tot 6. George Noth nag le.
, $1.66; east 35 feet ot wast 74.8 f eet kt 6,
P. W. DaHatf. 86JS0; east 3ft feet Jf we.1
7S8 faet ot tot 8, P. W. DeHaff,
$4.66; west 101.$ feat of north tt tot 8,
tisrms Ha ring Lean Society, $1$.3S: north
8 feet ot weet tt of south Hkt 6. (Jermma
Baring ' Loan Society, $3.25; west lol.S
feet of -aoaU tt tot . Gee (nan SaTing
Loan Society, $13.00; went 10J.8 feet of nortk
. tt tot 7. Barak L. Carpenter, 813.00; tot 8,
German Sating Loan, Society $3-3ft.
BUK.K 4JL esst 7S feet tot 1, John I. and
- taors K. Lanta, $38.00; west 33 feet tot 1.
W. and M. Bcett, (13.00; kt 3, Thome. H.
Smith, tat. 60: tot 8, Lewis hL Psrrt.h,
- 1.T2.60;- lot 4. -ntm. ' Anal DypoL ?
lot a, reroinnna uunuurpia, -
n I aad B. I. levKranco. (.12.50: south
49 feet tot 1, Louie P. Bono. $31.88; north
1 foot tot 7, Caaadlaa Settlers' Loan A Trust
Company, -Ltd., no.o; tox a, - lanmuimu oej
tlere1 Loan Trnat Company, Ltd.. $43.25.
BLOCK 43, tot 1, i. M. Matnebsk. $43.86;
kt 3. J. M. kUtBchek, $33.50; tot $. Joseph
PoUrks, $33.50: tot 4. iWk Poilrka, $80.00;
lot (.Prank PoUrks, U.35; kt 8, Frank
Pollrks. $32.50; kt f. Catherine Ssbel.
$33.50; tot S, Catherine Smbel J42 25. BLOCK
43, kt 1, A. . Hinnocd, $33,50; kt 3. A.
67 Hammond. $ai.00; kt $. Dlsdanna and i. M.mmnnaL 818.60: tot 4. Dladaana
-.and Julia Ij. H.namontL W-00: totS, A. Q.
Hammond, (20.0U; iOX O. a. . meaaaa,
lo.oo; oast o tost ox tot i, ' -
1 85; esst $ feet ef tot S, A. 0. Haaunond,
1.86; west 5 feet tot 7,, Theodore Senn,
-OO; WOSt OtI Tear aum O, meeseaums aeraia.
iA tract of Und between blocks 48, "d 4$,
- r.mthm'. aooinama ta UBaaiieuia eaaiw.
- and between too north Une of .Porter etreet
-and a lino 100 toot north thereof and parallel
therewith. A. 0, Mammon" 040.10.
A tract of land betwaan btocka 4$ mnd 44, anvnttoni to Oaiothom' add tt ion.
and between the noath Une of Hooker atreet
eee-a Wno ion. last soars tnereox j
Herewith Theodore Sena. 815.80.
--ADDITION to the City of Port lad BIXX K
mm ' n... - Kit hat ' of arret 100 feet lot 7.
. W. D Smith, $11.40; east 50 feet of west 100
feet kt 8. TT. u. nmiui. "' V'
tot 1. Jn Spltsenberger. f209' to 1
rnptTnenoerner, eie-eu, en- " n.. '
11A8A; kit 4, cstnetiae r. . jnerBewou, .
t $. Josef rritsclie. $13.00; tot 8, Michael
ai.i ttx no: lot 7. J. A. Crocker.
$18J6; tot 8, J. A. Crocker. $2S00. BLOCK
Ik . In 1 - tt.-n B. Bataft. (26.001 kt 3.
Henry B. Rsnrt. (10.09; lot a, xeesxei ocoop
part. $14.45. tot 4. MeZ $18.00; lot S.
' A . gall at. rjarxua. fieei, ew
S. Rsrton. $16.36: tot 7. Abagall 8. Barton.
(1825; lot 8, . ADagatt 8. Barton (26.00.
BLOCK 46. lot 1. Join Bedlak, (4236; 1 kt 3.
John Bedlak. $28.38; kt 8, John Bedlak.
20.38; kt 4, John Sedlak. $30 00; kit ft.
.inn Sedlmk.J $..O0; lot 8, John SedUk.
" k-m M, . V. John Sedlak. 820.36: tot A
John Sedlak. $43.36. - BLOCK 47. west tt
kt 1. Josie Darts. $18.50; west tt tot 3, Joel.
Daris, (1A00; north 30.68 feet' of east tt tot
3. Tbesnas Mela berg. 8810; east tt tot 1.
Tkataaa Mslaberg. $1A86: aouth 38.85 feet
of asst tt tot TL Patrlcl : Murray. $1L86;
kt $, KUsnboth Morgan. $33.50; west 85 14
. .... ta u-i fan. i-e 4. Anna B
Orotka, $13,001 east 83 14 feet tot 4. Charles-
F. Heywooa.; wear aw le to mi a,
Robert knd Msry P. McBwen, $18.00; kt 5.
Melissa B. Hug. $4125; kt 8, MeUssa B.
' Hug. (37 60: lot T. Melleas B. Moresn, (.12.50;
-: lot A Melleaa B. Morgan, $42.26. BLOCK
48. east loo feet lot 1, in r. ane oarsu m.
Guthrie. (40.40; wast feet kt 1. P. M.
fjnkt.n thaler 80.86: West 8 fset lot 1 f.
t M. Uchtsnthalef, $0.86; eaat 100 feet .of
nortk tt tot 3, H. C Englebart, $14 35;
east 100 feet of smith tt tot 3. John Dudley,
. e. la. t. B Ink. TaniUnv BJM mo. In a
- Joke Dudley, $43.36; kt 5. German SaTing
- Leaa Soekty, $42.36; let 4V German Sarlug A
Losn Borlety. aaxbo;i wear lo reet ax j,
M. ft. Inch ten thaler, (1300; weet 75 feet
lot 8, af. R. Llcktenthaier. BlB.zo: east si
T. P. M. Uchtenthakr. (7.80:
81 feet tot 8. P. it. Lick tenth. ler, (1286,
' BLOCK 40, sooth tt kt 1. Hsne Wel.ter.
' 88.10: north tt tot L Andrew . Hssaon. (S.IO
A tract of land lytpg between-two lines re
spectlToly 300 feet aad 320.8 fret aorth ef
and par. I lei witn tno Bona line or annur
street and between the west line of Water
etreet and a line 108 feet west thereof and
parallel tberrwltn. Anarew iianson,
A I.ntTIlJ ins. tnan Bailee Hsa BebemmOd 1 mAmL--.n4T JoiT" mt
40. tot 3,'j. W. Bsker. $15.00; tot 8, Edward
Mendenhsll, $1A35; tot 4. Edward Mendpn
ball, $10.(0: tot ft. JMcbard Mstttn, (8.7(;
v tot $, Hsnanh Martin, $7.80; let 7. Hsnn Lnr-
aen. (OnkUl annul Ik mi a, nsna mexreen.
$2.00v north tt tot S. John DoJmn, (2.80.
- A tract of land lying between two Ilnea re
spectfuny 300 feet mad 3204 feet aorth of
nnd parallel With the north line of Arthur
atreet and between the east line of Front
. atreet nnd a line 108 feet oast of sad
Krallel with tha oast line of rtvat atreet,
ha Damn. $1.08. - -
- A tract of land between two lines rospee
: tlrelr 330 ft. feet and 341 fset north of and
naralkl with the north Hoe of Arthur etreet
nnd between the west line of Wster atreet
. end a Una 108 feet weat thereof .and
parallel therewith. Soufate Sebad, (J.iO. .
A tract of land lying between two lines re
opeetlTely 220. ( feet and 341 feet north of
- and parallel with north lino of Arthur atreet
and between tbo east I tno of Front street sod
, a line 100 feet esst thereof and parallel thero
' With, Jaoaes Surmnn, $146. . .
' A tract of land lying between tare tinea re
, epectlrely 230.4 feet and 241 feet north of and
pmraUel with tha Berth line of Arthur street
. and between the weet line of Front atreet
and the east line of First street, William
FUedner, 84.(8.
' A tract et Isnd lying between two tinea re
, BTiectlTely 300 feet end 820.5 feet north of
and parallel erttK the north line of Arthur
atreet nnd between tbo west line of Front
etreet nod the eaat lino of First street, Oro
(nn RiIIw.t NaThr.tlon Company, (4.58.
ADDITION to the City of Portland BUX K
50, kt I, Sophie Schad.. 80.7ft; lot 3, Sophie
Bchad, $8.60: lot S. Konhk Sciikd, $6.60; lot
4. Sophie Schad. $6.60; kt 6: James Bar
man, (6.60: kt 4, P. A. Marajnsm, (6.50; kt
7. H. B. Bradley. $4.85; kt S. H. B. Bradley,
(k id. BLOTtr 81. kt 1, William FUedner.
Ill IB! lot 3, Willi. m riledner, (O.OOi kt 8,
WllUsm riledner, $0.00; kt 4. WllUsm Filed
ner, $13.16; kt (, William FUedner. (13.16;
kt 8. William Fltadner, $8 00; lot 7, W III
Imm riledner, 00; kt' Jt, William riledner.
$13.16. BLOCK 63. lot I, Oregon OXallwsy A
. Nsrigattoa Compmuy. (10.00; kt Oregon
' Railway Nselgattnn t'oeipanf. M.71; lot (,
Oregon Railway A NaTigntlon Company, $0.70;
. lot 4, reo Rallwsy A tfsrlgation t'onv
' peey, $10.00; let 6, Oregon Railway N.Tl
; gstkd Compsny, (10 00: kt 8, Oregon Rall
wsy Navigation Cownear. $4,70; - kt 7.
. Oregon Railway dV . NsTlgstlon . Company,
$-JH.OO; tot A Oregon Rallwar NsTlgatlon
compsny. $36 00., BLOCK 68. kt 1, Albert
WrlghLJ (Jli 60; kt 3, Jiillns H. Hsit. $26.00;
tot (, .WlllUm P. D. Mercer. (30jiK kt 4.
Ids B. Mereer. (43.35; tot 6, Byroo F. Banna,
, 844.351 aoath tt kt 8, P. Wildl, $26 38; north
W kt sV Jobs Uakw, $2SJ5; tot 7,
t .; ,
i ,
Baainuee em
aadlrlded tt
UBdlrlded U
undtrtdVd tt
auainaea .
ndlrided tt
nnaiTiaed Vh m
', 400j tot $, toaw Arnold.
A 64, lot 1. Fran.''n Ltase,
2, rtsC-iiu TJraka, l r; -an-i
14 8, l a t-tmmo, '-:-i
Wt 8, W. Nslsen. 44 ;
M 't. 8-A36; kt ft, h.ry
9, e ,i
i' .i;
;: kt o. Mary L. Bteo,
T, rnut vr-eerom.
1 t A rmrnaina maacBam.'
Wt 7. Nki B. Tayiee, tiAi; oaat
no kl. Tayk, $ji4JU. ILOCK
f d l. ..t No. 1. $8340; tot $T School
4 1-letrlct no. 1,; ioi
. r i, i Ano; lot 4.
Sebool Dlstnet
Pwulet No. 1,
. I i 1 t k, t naot twtrlet No, L $-3A0;
i t . t eoT L. ..ict Bo. 1. $oJ 50; lot 8,
ooul i uict No. i Ma aa-LOCK ftd
t l. f t L. Pope, $He.76 tot 3. Beth U
- f Mi toti, Vreeton W. Gu.ette,
f ; M 4 k oUle Staafurd, $36 00; kt 6,
V m B. Jo, y, J13.Mt tot 8. WUlUm B.
r v. t - ; a t t. Martui ocamoe, e.u
kodM. bLOCat 67,
ti 1- &' -emor, 8-3.yS north tt
.1 J-?'-- ' "e: In Ml eoeth tt
J".' ' -. (.eo; sxmrth tt tot a. A.
J ' $4,; eo , lot (, Honid Alger.
J i ei t, i -..oi A'eer.; so. e.
ameo L. J .--, $ e.0t); kt 8, Janmoa
- L. Jobnamnaa, h. Bouih 38 feel el east
5 ' H 7, Aoule O. J uae, (1A0; west
(I ft ef east $4 6 teet tot 7, A bole O. June,
'; weet BO feet of oaat M.t feet tot 8,
Abue 0. Juno, (1.4a.- BoeU 3ft foot of esst
8.6 feet tot 7, 0. P. 8. Hummer, (1.80; eaat
S S feet kt 8, 0. P. 8. Plummar, $1.06; west
3o feet kt 7, Nannie ft. Taylor, $14.06: weat
: K Nannk ft. Taylor. $14.66.
LO( X 64, kt L hoslo 0. Post He lata, heirs
of, $ I.; LH 3V Suam C. Poet letaU, helra
. of kn4 oo; kt t, OttoUo Bortsch, . $33.60;
. kt 4. Ottella Bertsch, $43.36: tot 8, PUUllp
and JnUn A. , Uwton. - $43,251 tot
4, Mary Ahera, ooAftO; west 83 feet
tot 7, I mmmno-1 Baptist Charm.
- $18.35 weet i teet tot 8, Imawnaol Bmptlmt
Church, $18.50; eaet 44tt feet tot 7. Soak
C. Post Letmte helra of, $0.78; oast 44tt
Ifeot tot 8. Hile U Post leetmta, helra -of
13.50. BLOCK EO, weat $14 feat of oertk
i foot tot 1, A. I. Nsojmrt, $4.(0; see in 36
feet lot I. A. P. Neunert, $18,001 eaat 78
feet ot north 38 feet tot 1. Henry Wain hard,
$18.60; tot 3, Joha W Usees. $oAOO;ktot 8.
C. E. Lembereon, $88.00; -lot 4, Emll J. Y
Moore, $4d.36; kt 6, Joha CorkuA. (oATS; kt
8, Edward, J. Hart. (M.00; west U M .I.
Fannie .B.i Dkdrlck, $0.76; waet tt kt 8,
fannk B.
I8.7B1 east
lot T
Loum Cohn. $8.76; aaat tt tot 8, Louis Coku.
( - block so, kt 1. James HUB
(5nS0; kt 3, Jamsa Uampbrsy, $540;
A. P. Neunert, (8.60; lot 4. Emma ft.
40.75; oaat 80 tost kt ft. Lou la 0. I
(6.60; eaat 80 foot tot 8, Lee la O, Sbotno,
S3.oo; west one leet lot a, laabella Dottier
$6,601 west 48.S foot of tot 8. Isabella
i Bottler, $.$0; tot 7. May Back Hia.
0.fto; ' lot 8, Hey Back Hln, $6.60.
' BLOCK 81, tot 1, Michael McCalTatt
Estate, fcelrs of, $36.00: lot 2, German BaTlngm
Loaa Soekty, $J1.10: aorth 85 foot ktft,
- German Hmrings Loan Soekty, $18.00;
' sonth IS feet kt a, Angusts Marks, (5.30;
and L
lot 4, Augnatn Maria, (l(.uo; lot 8, W. A
kte-tArwkm, (T.ov; mt o, w. Aw on a
1. B. Lewie, $13 00; lot T,
$17.85; tot 8. WlllUm lest
A tract of land between
wiuism leenoos,
no. (27.7ft.
twe Llnee esaasB
treaty 300. feet and 830.$ foot north of nnd
pmrmllel with tha north lino of Arthur street
and between the weat Una of First street and
s J tno 108 feet wast thacoet sad parallel
therewith- James Humphrey. $1.85.
A tract of land between two Itosa inopscttesly
300 fret and 220 .6 foot north ot and sera He)
who tno Bjorta linn ox Artnnr strost ana Be
tween the east Una of Second street and a
Una 108 feet eaat thereof and parallel there
with. May trk Hln. $1.80. i
A tract of knd between two lines rev
epeetlTely 830.8 feet nnd 341, feet north ef and
parallel with tha north line of Arthur street
and - between the . weet Una of Ftrmt atreet
and A Una 108; foot weet of and parallel there.
wltk, Attgueta Marks, $146.
A tract of land between two linos reapee
tlrely 320.8 toot and 341 foot north of and
parallel with the ortk Una of Arthur street
aad bote sen the east Una ot S.cond street
and a lino 10$ foot oaat thereof and paraUal
therewith, W. A. and I. B. Lewis, $ll6.
A tract of kad between two Unas rsopM
freely 330.8 feet and 341 feet nortk of nnd
pnrnUel with the north Une of Arthur 00001
and between the waet Une of Second etreet
and a Una 108 fset west thereof and parallel
therewith. Isabella Bottler, $ 1.8ft '
A tract of knd between two 1 hmfts rtspss
treaty 220 6 foot and 341 reet north of nnd
parallel wltk the nortk Una of Arthur atreet
and. between tka eaet lino af Third SI meet and
a Una 108 faet east thereof pad parallel thaTO-
wiie. newi miianm. fiw.
tract or jena note
tlrelT 200 faet and 320.8 feet north of nnd
pmrmllel with the north -lino of Arthur atreet
aad between the west Une of ftaeond atreet
and a line 108 feet west uiereof and pars lie)
tnerewitn, nignr roppmunm. ei.eo.
A -tract of land lying between two ltnea ro-
epeetlTely 300 fast t
t and 8204 teat north of and
parallel with the -north Une .of, Atahur atreet
nnd between the- eaet Una ef Third etreet
and a Una 106 foot east thereof and psralk)
therewith, Anton Biaenofborger, $16.
. Vermont atraet and tha north Una-of bloek
SO. Boathom Portland, and between the oaat
line or PesnnylTaala street and tha wearer ly
- line -of the Orsgon and tllfornU RaUroad
. Comnany'g right at ory. Martha M. Creweil
A traot of toaof between the aoatn line Of Ver
; most etreet end the north Una af block SO
Southern Portland, and between the west Iks
" of Connecticut street and tbo easterly Una
ef the Oregon and Cullfurnls Rallroad Oora-
Cny'A tight of way, 0. P. OroweU Bstato,
eira of $1.88. v.
ADDITION to tbo City of Portland BLOCK
63. lot 1. Edward Brady, (28.00: lot 3.
' Israel M.dwad. (176; lot 8. Israel Mad wad
$13.00; kt 4. laabella Bottler, (IA00; lot 8.
Henry Tlmm, $10.40; soutk H tot 8, Cecelia
Tlmm, $6.50; north tt tot A Aank 0. Roenicke.
, $6.60; tot 7. Edward Brady, (lft.60: lot 8.
Ckra M. Harding, (21.10. BLOCK 88. tot 1.
. Edgar Popplaton, (5.S0; lot 3, Edgar Poppto
, ton. $5.50; kt 8, Edgar Pnrrpleten, $6.50; east
, 76tt feet tot 4, Patrick Murray. ao77(;-weat
' SO feet tot 4, George P. Bottler, $3.36; weal
tt tot A J. Henry Woltrtng, (ft.30; weet tt
lot 6, J. Hoary Woltrlng, $6.30; eaat tt
tot ft, Anton Bhvhofbsrger, $3.0; oast "tt
tot 8. Anton Bku?hofbaraer. 83.00: hat T.
Thsophll BUleter. $8.75; noath 40 feet lot 8.
.Theophil BUleter. $346: north 10 feet tot S,
Anton Jlscnofherger, (5.30. BIiOCK 84, north
tt tot 1. Charles P. Hoeeker. (16.26;. south tt
tot 1. Kstle P.TUbeoelck, $S.7(; kt 3, Katie
P. Rsbrnokk, $22.76: kt 3, John P. Copies,
828.26, kt 4. Joim P. Oaplsa, $12 .10; west
86 feet lot $, Hike Epstatn. $10.30; waat 86
feet kt 8, Mike Bpstelo. $18X0; eaet 10 H
feet lot (, -Aona E. Woltrtng, $1.40; oast
lOtt toot tot S. Anna B. Woltrtng.
tlcfo: tot T. Annn B. Weltring, $8.00:
d S. Anna I. Woltrtng. (1200. BLOCK.
68. kt 1. Addle B. atnrray. $35.75;
tot t, Addle B. Murray, $28.35;, lot 8.
Frank ft. OraOj- $20 8r kt 4, - O. P. S.
ptomnier. (36.T(: eaiez TH oSTeerTof- S.
J. R. 0. Taompson. (4.50; waat 73 3-3 faet
lot ft, James Bbort,-$1.60 oaat U $-8 feet
ot sooth u lot 8. AV Bf C. Tbomneon. (1.70
' mreat 73 3-( feet of eouth tt- kt 8. James
Short. S4.S0; north tt kt 8. Addle B. Murray,
S 0.7ft; tot 7. Addle ft. Mnrray, $1$.00; tot 8,
osenk Pmk. $18.60. -
- A tract ef knd keminued and dowiibad as foi
kws: Onnmanrkg at tnteroectlou of weal
' Una ef Second street . wltk sonth Una of
. Honker strost. tneoee aoatherly to nortk Una
ef Woods street, thenco west to oaat line
- of right of way of Oregon California Be II
: way company, thence northerly along the east
line er sale right of wsy to lis Intersect 100
wita mo aoatn una 01 nooaor street,
east to barhatif. O. . Smith. 84M7.60.
ADDITION to tbo City of Portland BLOCK
v 67. all of kt $ bring weet of Oregon Calf
fore la Railroad Coin pane's right of win
Jeremiah Weriek, $18.60; oil of tot 4. bring
. west ot umgon et camornm luuroaa com-'
, psny's light of war,, Jeremtah Worlck,
$18 00: aU of kt 7 lying north of Oregon A
Calirnrnln Ralkoad Company's right ef way,
ElbMbeth Baamgsrtner, $0.78; all of tot i
lying west of Oregon Calirnrnln Railroad
(VunDany'a right of wsy, Gabriel Baomgartner,
f 7f5. BLOCK 68, aaat 88 feet lot 1, Jennie
. ring iM. fii.oo; oust no leet 01 norm ao
feet tot i Jennie ling Lee, $4,301 west II. (
mt tot I, Albert B. and Kisk ft. Wright,
. $1,881 weet 31.1 foot of north 30 feet tot 3,
- Albert B. and Elsie B. Wright, $0.06; south
SO feet tot X Melissa ft. Hug, $7 .So; north 40
I feet kt 8. Melissa E. Hag..$10 40; South 10
) fset af oaat 60 feet tot 8. Albert S. Wright.
mt a,
tot 4,
lie. (8.10: sll of kt 8 ereent
the Ore eon calirornia Railroad Cnmpaay't
right of way. Melleea I. Hag. $8.60; tot 8.
'. Melissa B. ting. 86J0; aoatn 80 fast ot
tot 8 east of Oregon California Railroad
- Cooinany's right of way, Melissa B. Hug,
r.10; north 20 feet of kt 8 oast of Oregon
California Railroad Company's right ef
way. Albert ft. end Etets B. Wright, (3.70;
' all of kt 8 east of Oiwooa California Ball
mad Comneay'a right ot wsy, Albert ft. and
F.lmle B- Wright. $13.00. BLOCK 68, lot, 1.
. Oregon Esllwsy NSTbfhlton Compsny, (O.00;
kt 3, Oregon Railway A Nsrlgatloa Company.
f6.66; lot 8. Oregon Railway NsTlgstka
onipany, $5.86: kt 4. Oregon Railway- A
NaTlgatloO) Company, 88.00; lot 6. Oregon
Rallwsy NaTlgatla Company, $$.00; lot 8,
- Oregon,, Railway Narigatkn Company,
. $6.H6; kt 7, Oregon. Railway Naelgatloa
Company, (5.86; lot 8, Orogoa Railway A
NaTlgatloa Company, 88.00. BIX1CK 70. west
' 3 feet tot 1, Joseph Cohn, $1.00: west 1 feet
lot 3. Joseph Conn. $1.00; oast 104.8 toot kt
I. Roes Wsber, $4.10; east 104.5 feet kt 3.
" Roam Weber, $3.00 kt 8. Bona Weber, $6.00;
kt 4. Roma Weber. $4.60; eaat 8 feet tot 8
Soma Weher, $1.60; mat 8 feet tot 6, Rosa
Weber, (I Mi; weat 88.8 feet of seat 86.8 feet
. kt 8, Magdolrnl R. Marakrf, $4.MI; weet (3 (
feet of east 6.( feet kt 8, Magdolenl ft.
1 Marlsloff, $4.56: . west 78 feet kt 5.
Sehaatlaa $nd Lydln Matehet. $6.15; weet 70
feet kt S, Seheetlan and t.ydls Matrber.
.$8.16; east tt kt 7, Joseph Coba. $7.60; east
tt kt n, Josenh Cotta. $0 60; west tt lot 7
Wllhelmlne Muebler, . $4.nn; weat U kt (,
Wllbelmtno M nek ler. $6.76: aorth S feet of
block 70, smkaowa owner. $6.60. BI-OCK 71
wool $1 faet tot 1, Sarah A. Bvaes, $7.60;
.west t feet lot 3. Surah A. Bsrnss. ( JO;
seat 7 8 f-et' lot 1, Hoea II. Weber, j rt.Wl
seat 74.$ feat kt t, Rosa IL Wsber.
eaat 81 feet kt 8, ftoso H. Welier, 10.00;
weat ' 8 teat kt (. Petrick Murray, I 31"
weet Si.ft twet Lt d. fatrk Murray, (3.00:
-oat 81 feet kt 4. iaa Appk. $10 60; east
8ft f-et lot ft, Patrick Murray. $100; east
8 ewt fat C, Psukk MuVay. '0ui, 0,,5
46.65 feet of weet 108 feet kt 0. Pklrl.;k
liurray, (ts 40; weet 101 .$ feet kt (. Ltmula
"Tepfer, (itf.36; west 101. ( feet ef south Ala
feet lot 4, I raqis Tmnfer. (1.50; seat tt tot
7. Msry Jscooe, $7.00; oast tt tot $, UsrF
' Jacobs, $.; weet -tt tot 7, Mrs. Mark ,
O Neil. i4.b.; om iZ 4r I Un. Mark
O N.ll $10.00; south rfeet of block 1. 8ir
known owner, (.7(. BLOCK 73. tot t,
' Raffmek llnainrtellM BIO rj- in, - a. fharteo
P. .kjiwort, $Uj.rtot 8, Chaylss P. Elwert. ',. ;.
(14. NO; wast (lilt toot lot 4. D. Loonmnl, , 1. ,
, $3.36; oast 75 feet tot 4. Louisa Horn, $0-60 I
tot 5. 0. P. Smith, $18.00; north 23 1-3 feet ,v J
tot 8. Dora Trmno. $ 75: south, 38 8-8 feet -n-r
-kt S. 3jed Ca.per. $.7$; kt 7, Secorlty , ,
SaTian Trust Company, $16.35; tot ,. . '
Security Strings A TrusT Company. $17.85. . '
rL0Crf 78. aorth 108 foot ot bkek, Oregon --i-
Ballroad Narigatkn Company. $48 5l -
fonth 60 feet of north ISO feet of west 1"6 -
- 'est et bkek. Gostae Sckeel, $17.6; soolh ;
60 foot of north 3u0 feet of west 100 feet of - ; ; ,
bkek. Nathan Psarcy Lsrata. heirs of. $18.36: .
"1 "h fpet of west l"0 , ; .
feet of block. IsshsUa kmken, $8.75; soulk .
0 feat of north AJ teet of west 100 feet of .. i '
bkek. Angela Maasoeo, $10.40; esst 100 feet ? .
"'a0 feet of north 823 feet of btock..
Clmmm Comlllo, 8M.40; south 41 feet of
' . ,mmt 100 tost of bkek, " -
JeAfdeeal, (10.40: eouth SO feet of north -M
'-st of eaat 100 feet it bkek, Jewwh . -Lsdiea'
'; BndeaTor Soekty, (K.OOi south 60 ' . '
. feed of north 30f feet ef eaet 100 feet ot , ,.
bkek. Theodora . Serleko, $10.40: south tt
of south 73 feet of north 378 feet of rnsl 'V
; llOfeet of block, Tbereaa Do Psko, $8.10; v.
or tt of aouth 73 feet of north 378 feet
of aaat 100 fast of bkek, Angelo Maasoeo, -$8-10:
soutk BO feet of north feet ef met '
100 foot of block. Llngl Capatosto and
GUTigenno Bolardont $5.60; south 100 feetA
of ancth 42( feat of west 1(J0 of block, v' ':.'
."OmPb Behe, $ni75; south 60 feet of north . '
7 foot of eaat 100 foot of block,. Joha and :
Mary Bar be to. $8.10. ' Vi.
A tract ot Innd bounded and rleecribed k ; -
follows: OnmsioncBag at totorssetkn of wmt '.
lino of Fourth etreet with south Una of Meade '
k'reet, rf extended westerly: thence north 00 .
feet, thence meet 106.08 feet, thence south 40 "
feet, thenm waet 106 feet, tbenco aouth 60
tkeace seat 113.06 test to beginning. '. ,
Catherine Cola. (33.60. . . . ' '
fL.!!0-?' Ud bounded aad deserlbsd aa "
-folkwnt Commencing 100 feet north of south. .-,,
eaet sooner of Fourth Street and Meade etreet.
If sxtonoed weeterry, thence north 35 feet, iv
thenm west 100 feet, tbenm eouth 38 feet,- ;
beam l feet U beginning. . Elisabeth , x i
' P. Cole, $8.80.
A tract of land bounded and deeerihed so "
follows: Commencing 100 teet north sod 100
'-feet west of mtbaast earner of Fourth street " ','
- and Meado atreet, extended weeterly, thence " .
"S 5? U-m west 13 06 feet, thesm :
south 60 feet, thence east 12.06 foot to begin
algn. kt. J. McGratb, BSe. . ... . ,c
s tract of head bounded nnd dmcrlbsd aa fol- -tows:
Commeoctng 400 feat north of sooth-
aaat corner ef Fourth and Meade streets r.-, '
'tended weeterly, thence west 218. CV feet. .U:-;
tbenm sonth feet, thenm eaat 108 feet. 1
- tbenm north 40 et, thenm east 106.05 fett.
bence north 10 fmt to beginning. . Balmet I..L;;
T. Hlnada, (1235. .....,,
A tract of land bnunded and described at v
feltows: - Ooenmenchig 40 feet north of In- :v- '..
tarsmtkm of eaat line ef fifth .mUt ... '
tended aoatherly and the north Hna of Mmrto
. atraat extended weeterly.-. thenm north 64
leet, tbenm mat 80 feet, tbeara noath 60 - ' .
; Net, thenm weet 80 feel to beginning, Then, f
and Amntnaao A. Medk, $3.35. . ""
A tract of land bounded and deeerihed .aa "
. follows: Commeoclng -SO feet worth and -80
feet east of ktaneetloa of east. Hue of ,
Fifth street extended southerly and north r
line of Meede atreet extended weeterly. tbenm " -"
. north 80 feet, thenm seat 70 feet. I hence south ,
M fset. thenm went 10 fmt to beglnnlsB '
I. ft. Norgard, $L86. . .... ,' ' -
A tract of lnnd bounded and dWrlbed. as ,
, follows: Commencing 800 feet worth of to-
' toTssctloa of weat Une of Fourth street with ' '
aouth Una af Meede street extended westerly, , .
. thenm . weet 313.05 feet, thenm sonth 60
-fmt, thence east 113.03 fmt.. tbenm sonth :
' 35 feet, thence met 100 foot, thence north '
.75 fmt ta beginning, Tnomaa Puffy. $2.0.
" A treat of land bounded and- deaarlbed ss - --
r olio wet -Uommeoeliur 60. feet
-sraot- eoeaee o4 bkek 48, Camlbem'-Alltt-n-
. to Carntbera' Addition, and on aa sxtoHabia
; of south Hue ot Meade street, tbenm weet J
on aa eitenmkn of oonth line of Meaik street . .
.317.70 fmt, thenm oonth- loO feet and - .
..parallel .wltk. emmt lino of Fifth etreet; ex- :.-r.
tended southerly, thence out 320 fmt. thenm U.
. north 100 feet to beginning, ,. Jamm Suortr .
840.00. - . - . ,
A tract of land bon tided nnd drocrfhfrn .08
tcutowai Commencing 100 fmt aouth of north-
. weet earner of bkek 88,-Carathers' Addlttoa
74a Cnrutbero' Addition,- thenm weat 300 feet
aad paraUal with-aoath line of Meade etreet.
' thenm sonth 60 feet nnd parallel with sot
lie) ef onld block 68, thsnos met 300 feet end
KraUol wttk oonth Urn of Meade - atraet,
mm north ta place of beginning, Fran cave
BaldL $8J0.". . f- ..
tovrmnw Amirrton ro'tSAvrTriKn'r-T'-'r-AVDiTioH
to the City of Portland UMN'K :
Tl. mat 30 fset of aorth 100 fmt of block. ' ; - -Balfour,
Guthrk Co.. (31.45t weat t
feet of mot 80 foot of north 1 feet of hkek. ,; v',
-tmnik Tramnter, $17.kSs weat 30 feet of -eet
130 fmt of north 100 feet of block. Lneretla ,
Nast. $18.00; west 60 feet of east 1:M feet ' '
of bkek, Therem Flab. $8.76; north 43 feet "
of aoath 83 fmt of eaat 88 fmt of tvtock. - .
. Mary Jncbemkrk. $16.35; west 60 feet of met v .
-180 fmt of south 50 feet -of bkek, . Mary . ,r
Jpcbemlcii, $8.10; mat 74 fmt of sooth 50 feet- '
. of bkek. Mettle Johnaoa, $10.60: weet 36 . -feet
of eaat. 130 fmt of snath 56-fmt of . ' .
Mock, Tktor Geoffrey. $8.75; wmt 81 fmt -
". of mat ISO fmt -of horth BO' feet of onuthr - '
108 feet of black, Henry H. Melerer. 816.00; j
met ftw fmt ot north S faet of oonth l"0 .. : ,
- feet of bkek. Henry H. Mekter. (3.5". v?A
BLOCK 77. southwest tt of bkek. Joseph St. ' ,
' bbsb and Cttw. a. Dolph. (74.7ft; north weet H . '
of bkek. WlnOeld T. Stenhens. S74J5: north,-. -x
; tt or aortheemt tt of block. Mollis Stanford,' .
$4228; oontk tt of nor t bees t tt of block. . . V
: Breno NIchoL" (33.50; aorth tt of snathesst
tt of block. Sarrah B. Wallace. AS3JWI: eoetk -4
of aoatkoost tt of block, E. L. CoUweUt
A tract of land bounded and neerrlhed a
foikws: Commencing at tnteraectka af snath
Une of Porter atreet with the west Une of
. Orogoa California Railroad ComnaaT'a right
of wsy,' tbenm west 68.70 feet tbenm noath
100 fmt, thenm mat 88.35 fmt to weat line .
of Oregon California Railroad Company's
right of way. thenm BnrUiwmtsrly to be-
5 toning. Laeretia Nast. 818.80. . 1
, tract of kad bounded and (teeerfbrd 'ee
folkwe: 1 nrnnmencing at toterarrtloa of snath
Una of Porter atreet with eaet line of Ponrtli
etreet, tbenm eaat on south Una of Torter
street 78J fmt. tbeoce - oonth nt right
- angles to Porter etreet 100 fmt. tbenm wee'
$0.03 foot and parallel with Porter etreet 'to
' eoot Urn of Fourth street, thence unrtbweat
-to be Inning, Henry Thompson Estate, helra
of, $1A00.
A tract of ,rand heanded aad (.serlned ss
follows: (ommeneing nt tarerseetka of north
line of W001 Is street and mat line nf Fourth
street, being 300 feet sonth pnd 50.33 feel
cm . ox son th weet corner or block nr.
Carathers Addltko to Csruthora' Addition,
thenm eoot on anrth Una of Fourth atreet -
86.80 foot, thenm north 100 fmt at right .
angles to Wanda street, thenm west and...
parallel with aorth line of Wend street, :---:',
106.H feet to east Una et Peartto . street. K
OIlTor XL Holmes, SaSJS ' , --A
train of knd bounded and rlemcrtlied se "- '.
folkwa: Oonimoiwlng st Inrereectlon of
' north line of Wood street and weet lloe of
Oregon .California Railroad Company's right '" , '
, - w, war, , n.i,, u wew. ma worm rote wt near. , -r-
J atreet 83.7 fmt, thenm north at right angles -V,
to Woods atraet. to a point 100 feet north nf 1
.' Bonn una 01 e, eona atreet, . thenm east and
K reiki with tbo north Une of Wooda street .
.14 fmt to point on west line of Oregon , : ''
. CsllfornU Raflmed Cmapany'n right of war. -.
thenm sonthesalerly to beg Inking, Loalm K.
Foster, $27.00. . , ,
A tract of knd bounded, and described ss
folkwa: Commencing on aouth line af Per-..
, ter atraet at the latereectloa ot Fourth street;
thenm weat on aenth Une of Porter atreet '.
87.83 feet to weet lino of ok) Fourth atreet ""'J
extended aoatherly tbenm aouth 50 -fmt '
' on west line of old Fourth street extended
souther ly : thenm esst snd parallel with aenth - x
Urn of Porter street ins. 18 feet to weet . ,
Une of Fourth street: thenm northwesterly -.
to beglaning, Ellen C. Morrison, $0 76.
.A tract af knd bounded and deacrlbed as .. V ; '
lulkers: Cemmencing nt point en mat linn .
ef Fourth atreet 110 fmt south nnd 84 feet ; -: '
eaat of southwest cerne ot block 87. Car
at berk' addition ta Canithenf addltka; thence .
weet 108.10 feet to west Una of old Fourth .
i atraet extended aoatherly; thenm aouth E(0 - '
feet on west Km of old Fourth etreet ex- '
tended: thenm oast 114.83 feet to west. Una
et Fourth street aa now aaUbUshed ; thence
north weeterly to beginning, Q. PoBenedeltl .
Estate, heirs of, $8.25. . , .,"'
A tract of knd branded knd described s j
folkwa: Commencing st 8 point 00' weat .
. lino of Fourth street, mid point being lot)
feet south and 10.55 feet esst of amtbweat ,
corner of block 87, - Carathers additioa to
Carnthera' addition; tbenm weet and psrslkl .
with south Una of Porter street 118.48 feet ''..
. to weet Una of old Fourth street attended 1
southerly; thmca north oa maid we.1 Una nf '
old Fourth street 85 feet; thence met 118.33 , ,
Tee. IO WC ii". ., a.iwi, vneic-u
. southerly to beginning, Harry 8. OodshalL t
.. M1 , ....
A. tract of laad boaaded and 8. earthed k(
foikws: Commencing nt iote reaction of aorth
Urn of Woods street snd weat lino of Fourth
street, said point being 3m fmt south end ',
30.78 feet esst of anutbweet eomer of block
87. P. rather.' sddlttoo to Csrutbera' addition;
thence emit 188 feet an anrth Une af Wooda - -street
extended wmterly to sot line old ' 1
Fourth street, aoatherly; thence north 100 feet '
on sold weet Una ot old Fourth street: -ibenre '
mot and parallel with oonth lino of Porter ,
atreet J16.44 fmt to weet Una of Frerrth
ntreet; thenm ami her ly ta beglaning, Chnrkd .
Jmks,' $17.88.. .
A tract of Uo4 Iflsf satwots tt ports 1im
-'.: .t