Tin: c. neon da: r .'V. l&;73; lVcv?w c roW stamp! ' nysotriSBflP taMaiArri -hKCWWiWil l.'.sswirt mapwswtPi . . , 7 DM Mteawssn? 1SW1P " -v; 'V. V- - i BSETl :: v 15H1L . Til IE-. i . i .'EMr - II r . I ' V J, . , , . , -". V -- " ' '" ' ' . - '-f'V iJV , . - - - -. V-.- e ''f -i-. r-.-.- r! .: J - .,.-ri ',...; . , i .- 1 V : "... - 7, - T. - '. : . i-..''-" , t - V.- Tjf : MiiiMfiiiriiiiiil rc-ras sarin POT pn Ma MB . iiiwiNifiniii MR 0(SRf1P mm K5H .iti.-fT""" jo. r wnw ! nviCRV TEN-CENT PURCHASE OR MULTIPLE .THEREOF AVE WILL GIVE VOU GOLD; STAMPS PASTE THESE ON TIIE BACK OF A SHEET, WHICH COIJTAINS phlfR PAGES WHICH WE GIVE YOU. HOLDING 50 STAMPS EACH. : WHEN YOU HAVE FILLED ONE OR MORE PAGES. BRING THEM TO US AND WE WILL GIVE YOU .IN EXCHANGE BEAUTIFUL SILVER AND CHINAWARE OF- THE BEST f QUALITY. YOU WILL SOON SECURE A HANDSOME ; DINNER SET AND A FULL SUPPLY. OF, HIGH ; ;GRADE;:SILVERWARE.;ABSOLUTELY;PREE.i ' -, ' - V '.-V i Joo! IS v trading stamps FR6ri another viewpoint V : TTHINGS are happening every few days In 6urgret growing city of Portland. r The 'II anM-tacle of a number of Portland Merchants who have been' for everal months enei- M neerihg achemea. auch aa. world's fair trips,1 giving away, watches, footballs, $10 bWs, 1 ti- miK1- ttirntiirh m-ilim tit tha nKU.1 - Thfl Dublic hli ilH W MAW MWV IWWMW , , also been told that by purchasing a certain quantity of goods they could obtain these specified ar - tklea free of cost at these itorea. ' Of course th credulous public can sea at a glance that the cost of these different ptUea or gifts, comes out of the pockets jof the giverU . It always does. ; Of course the public takes It fof granted that these donation (?) schemes are legitimate and business like or these merchants would not stand back of 'them.1 So far; so good. ;l.-'y.: ; re;' . : 'Now a certain retail merchant, not included in the above, comes out with a proposition along similar lines, and. these same merchants tush into -print warning the public through the, same . ... :...-. vi. t t. m ivmtWii nint nc-t to h avoided end that roods have to be v.lfrV.-r tr : nl alA alc the hewanaoera to succor! them in their contention Dresuma- J. 1UW , 7- C " "I... , ' - . t """"""" a--- ujKje- tnreat ox wunarawing xneir eaveriwuis puuu.s. . u -f w w "v - , i , - . - ...... .. ' . J- i . . . .1. . l.. i M-ftnm-t! cnnfnllel them and the nrizes mduallv decreased in value and varierv. When the Dublic ob- rpty ;:;y(c.iio rRADIraoTAFIP cinity is wen uarde4a " M ithpre or less success. The principal objection to them has been that nd the prises graduanT decreated la value and variety. When the pubUc ob-: -jected to tbia thecompaniea packed up and lef We have been esUblished' in business here In Portland for the past ltyu doing a legitiniate Vade, paying, our bills in full and have never beei through the bankruptcy courts, and we stand back of mis proposition because we control both the stamps and prUes We issue the stamps ourselves and have the merchandise on exhibition In our stock.;... V--,:l-'a :r Every customer gets a stamp for every 10c worth purchased and can present any amount, xrom one page vi w .mp. wF uui t ,r? ,.v- , , , ..: . . . '.: : ' N.oW; we ask in all fairness, is if not a Httle remarkable this- sudden anxiety for the publicelfare? targe eastern stores, aa Slegel. Cooper and othera have .showed by their Increased businesTlhat - 4 1 PAOE QOLD STAMPS - 1 Butter Knife. "l::yXX.:': i Sugar" SpootLT'-'-;'i':l 1 1 Round 5-inch Vegetable Dish. PAGES QOLD STAMPS ; , 6 Individual Butter Dishes. I 1 Creamer. :-' 'X---- h': '-'-i V ' 1 Round 6-inch . ,V egetable Dish, r.l" Pkkle Dish. r , - r ' ; . 2 PAGES GOLD STAMPS- ,.G Sauce Dishea. . '-'!v.;.''v ; ,. 1 Gravy Boat V-:. . -f-.--.l- Meat Platter, 8-inch. ' r - l.Round 7-inch Vegetable Dish. I 1 Oblong 7-inch Vegetable Dish. -.;i Cake PUtter.rr;;"-:. .. ' ' 1 Quart Pitcher. XX.'C JX. 3 PAGES GOLD STAMPS;;--. X Large Berry Spoon. - IT Cold Meat : Forfcr- : ;T Lj:c-Li 1 Pie Knife. pi Gravy Ladle,---.:.iv r- 6 Teaapoona,T.:V. r-tx;;'K:;',H'--'-' i 1 Sugar BowLv ' i '' ' V--r:v .. a. tx.ii iai..l ;t ' ..-1 ';. '. jl meat riitncr, (vuko. . , 4 '.1 Round -Vegetable Dish, 8-inchT !. i . x . vowng v egetaoie , una, . o-incn. ( TRADING 5TAriP AT THE STORE In additiOTi you will have; the advantage of the low $ ; prices7 on-the;; following merchandise : Stapl Ury uoods Fancv Goods Hosiery Underwear Wrappe rs; Gloaks and Gents Furmshihff uoods V" Housekeeper Supplies Specialty . 3 PAGES GOLD STAMPS-r '.I., 6 Pie.PUtes, 7-inch. V. ' 1-Round : Vegetable Dish, 9-inch. 1 Pitcher, 7pinta. A .v;;;:. 4 PAGES GOLD STAMRS f : 6 Breakfast. Plates,.8-inch. . . 1 Meat Platter, 12-inch. ; i Celery Trayf;84nch. .v';,:,:C:i r. 1 Cracker: Jar." ;. - -. . X ; ; ,;:-l Teapot. r-. ,V ;-'-v-. IV";'" 4 J PAGES GOLD STAMPSp ' y 1 Covered Butter Dish. 5 PAOES. GOLD STAMPS rki"-B Dinner-Plates, Wnch. v v :-r 6 Soup Plates, 8-inch. " JX:-'1 Large Berry Dish. ; T JX'X'Xf -v 1 Meat Platter,"? 14-inch. .7v'..v-:f::i 6 PAGES GOLD STAMPS u .' --:.-6 Table Spoona.. : . , . '.- . 6 Forka. l'.(X 'X," .1 6 Cups and Saucers. ''J' f 1 Covered Vegetable Dish', 8-inch. 8 PAGES GOLD STAMPS- " . e Knives.' h-- - X 1 Orange, Bowl" .V r,; :XXX: X 1 ' i i i i i i ii - v.-. i STAMPS every department of our store THE BEST GOODS AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. ; ; i ,v J. nrr ; L -KxX'i':- '" TT v T ri T : Y CORNER SALMON AND FIRST STREETS Xj) J, K. STANTON, Manager :iriFi it-tst? Ml T '1 HI 33 run i 11 !RRDl65AnP EH DM iMim"(SMi ibotibmi mm mm mm wm mmmnmWM WMWffi