The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 04, 1904, Image 10

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    311 DAILY
V ,
ef t beet singers in T" will
1v aUhssssr.' -tinder u t reotion
of UjLrtln SV Roblnaon. Tne chcuru will
be auBtained by a new eoeablnatioa of
mualcal instrumentea. This wUl be on
of th greateat mualcal treats of th
n . n -
3 So Shoe Swe
: I
Md ldd and velour calf Lace Shoes, medium
weight , leather soles, patent tips, new style
toes and heels ; regular $3.50 -qualities ; all
sizes.-- r '- .,r- -r;;-;
prices ci:T0.:t.;r.,;r.;p?i.55
Ladies' vid ldd, velour calf and box calf Lace
Shoes, medium weight flexible leather soles,
tid, patent and calf tips good styles; regular
SIM- to $3 qualities. ' ? w CC-!-- ; .; 1
PRICES CUT TO.?.;.. . . . . ...... . . ,81.95
'Kid; box calf and storm calf Lace Shoes, me
dium and heavy solid leather soles dependa
ble for wear; regular $3 qualities. -'
PRICES CUT TO...... .... .... 2.25
Men's vici kid, velour calf and box calf Lace
. Shoes, genuine Goodyear welt soles, light, me
dium and heavy weights; regular $3.50 and $4
" grades.' -. : v: ; i-V.;. - ry'-y.'7 "
prices cut To.;w;..:,;r..;:..i.$2.05
ice CAL
:m cciiiiiy fit
irarrmnm k ooxriir
aac mass 011 boot wid
ow ra see urrmv
Arrangement are being made, by
fitefTner Company to install a mill on
their Kara county property,. California.
'Development at the tain It opening a
larger and better ore body, and tha man.
efrement feels that tha reserve la suffi
ciently largs to - warrant a ' redaction
; plant arhlla-work. ts batn proaeoutad on
Jp lavela. - . ; -. ;. t. J :
Lata aamplaa aent to tha hona offloa
from tha ahaft working ara tha flnaat
tr aver taken from the mine. Thla or
ta a brantlful quart, . heaytly impreg
nated rlth Iron aulphld,. galena and
aome free gold. One picked sample
from a lo-pound place want nearly I00,
and 1100 aaaaya from grab aamplea ara
not Infrequent The ore com from the
I9 level of tha mine, where tha high
grade ora baa widened to four feet and
etUl.eeema to enlarge with tha drift that
la being run. Jn tha appar worktage
there waa a high-grade ore, but tha ore
body waa not ao large. Drlfta will be
extended tha length of the shoot, aad
later the shaft win be aent on down.
" "Permanent water level ' has not bean
. reached, aa the oountrr la vary dry.
t rree values ia moat of the' deep orei
axe or a- muca jeaa percentage than
near tha surfaee, where oxidation was
quits pronounced. In tha upper part of
vthe-teserve the management eatlmatea
that 10 to sa per cent of the gold ia free
, end will yield withlramarkabla ease to
amalgamation.' But a thla is merging
quickly Into base with depth,, tha man
agement is con fronted with the necessity
or erecting a plant adapted to the latter.
An order will be placed for tha mlU
. soon, after which all dispatch win be
. made in Its erection and operation there
after, as tha mine la ready to commence
producing.. Mr. Stefrher any that ha ts
.well plaaaed with tha sneoeas attained
, In work, and hopes to bar tha property
-lintgacior Bieaauy soon.
- Bvaarorw ssisan
' A. Burch, manager of tha Crane Plat
placer. In orant county, I busy dellv
ting the dredging plant at tha prop
erty. While in Sumpter thla weak h
' said that tha work was progressing
rapidly, and that tha management ex.
.peot to , have all la good - ahapa by
spring. , ....
WKare Coo4 tbhtpian PUBtifal
'tWhcn the H
Frost Is on the
Poeta sing of -tha old-time
Pumpkin Pie. Try them aa made
by ua and you'll underatand why.
kada from aelected pumpkins,
aromatlo apices and a cruat Hunt
and flaky. Baked In large graa
Itaware platea to just the right
brown not a bakery pie. They're
rot aaar to make aa we make
them, and If you know how nice
ours J re you wouldn't bother to
rfce them In the home oven.
Vlth a cut of cream cheese, there
Is nothing nicer for lunoh or a
aesseri. .
Order by
S:v2ll2nd ti Son
27t:m-sa It'
, . ST9 1"H sTCTI STCirX
t iaiiiiiiiiisaianaaianannaaiasssnm
Tl-r Is Cm "farcers"
Closed to all traffic from the cast side, and as the
people have to come around "by the other bridges,
we are making a great reduction in prices on de
pendable Footwear, as an inducement to come- to
our store, ' Every article offered here is worthy
of your inspection. Read the items youll find it
worth the effort..'-:,.''"-:" .'.- :: v:.'':;-: . - .:
Kid, kangaroo calf . and ' box1 calf Lace Shoes,;
medium and heavy solid leather soles ; regular
$1.25,, $1.50 and $1.75 qualities - .
Sizes- 5 to 8. PRICES CUT TQ. . 90
Sizes 8tf toll. PRICES CUT TO..S1.00
Sizes y to 2. PRICES CUT TO. .$1.25
Infants' fine soft kid, lace, soft, sole Shoes, in'
white, pink, red, chocolate Fand black; sizes
1 to 4; 35c values. '. . ' -".- .'... T':r
PRICES CUT TO.-. . . . . . . ; . . :C. . . ...25
boys' box calf and( kangaroo. calf Lace
Shoes, medium weight solid leather soles ; $1.50
values; sizes 9 to 13. .S
PRICES CUT TO.p.V.W...i.fl.lO
Boys' box calf Lace Shoes, good weight solid
. leather durable soles, good shapes and ex-'
celledt fitters dependable for wear; $2 quali-"
ties ; sizes 13 to 6irr ;;rc 'f'2z:zn
PRICES CUT TO.. Y.-.. . .'. . ... .; .81.45 1
MORRISON ST. 230-232
raois . mis gxtt waxo
wzu rmmrxrr maxmut utmost
B9 can vxu noBAJSXT ooata
to oun
- Witnassas . summoned from ' Baker
oounty for tha third trial of Letaon Bai
lie la tha United "States district' eourt
of Iowa,: ara departing already. . B. V.
Potter, . ex-poatmaster- of Baker, who
haa been called by the government each
time that tha case came up, haa left
Thg case is to come up November it.
As Balllet recently rellnquiahad pro
ceed In ga begun In Ban JTrandsco to re
gain control of, 160.080 sharea of stock
In the White swan Mtnea company,
limited, accepting the sum of S, there
fore he is plainly broke ana wui Da ac
pendent upon, his father for-tha fight
that is' to be made with the govern
ment, which will undoubtedly be the
last. . If conviction cannot be scoured
this time It Is hardly probable that the
government will prosecute further.
An enormous expense haa- been an.
tailed already in tha effort to overcome
Balllet s political influence "and money,
If tha third effort is not a charm.
seems useless for tha government ; to
strive longer. : -
At this hearing evidence will be
given aa to the total amount of money
raised by tha promoter, wbloh ia - be
lieved to exceed It 00,000, for his books
showed receipts of $210,000 more than
two year ago, and hs" haa continued
to operate to some extant alnoa arrest
Of this total he spent but a trifle at
the mine. His outlay for the Whlta
Bwan mine waa about If ,000, aa ha se
cured it on Judgment salea, and up until
tha government' commenced . . prosecu
tions ha had spent not to ezoeed t&.OOO
legitimately on the property.
This ease is regarded the most monu
mental swindle perpetrated in any min
ing promotion of the west, aad has east
a reflection upon the promotion busl-
naea. While Balllet Is now down and
apparently helpless, save for tha pater-
devotion, moat mining operators
would Ilka to see a conviction -for the
effect it would have, and tha example
that would be set. ; . -
Sinking, raising and drifting on the
No. t vein aad prosecuting general de
velopment in the mine. Manager C 1.
Allen, of the Monumental mine, in Orant
county, enter upon tha winter season
prepared to prosecute work steadily. Tha
win z sn No. I la down It feet, the ore
continuing as good there aa above, and
the raise is about 40 feet above tha
lower adit level. Th work above and
below th tunnel Is being dona lit feet
from the point where the "vein la cross
cut by the lower tunnel, at the edge of
th ora shoot that ha bean explored for
that dlstanoa.' -
This or body , I the largest yet
opened In th mine. In soma place run
ning four to Ave feet, with quit .high
value ingold and silver. The deep
workwbelng Inaugurated will foUow thl
we, and theratse being made to tha sur
face wUl be the shaft for hoisting to the
mill level. The Monumental vein la ale
being explored with good results. As
H la. near No. I, a crosscut from the
lowest level attained on this Assure will
obviate tha necessity of sinking on the
Samples of th or being taken from
No. and displayed at the of flee of. the
Portland Reduction company. Commer
cial building, which own th mine, show
ruby, silver and heavy sulphide, which I
always blprh grade rock at the Monu
mental. Th fact that tha ore body I
widest' In the work being done of any
other development favor great depth.
The email hoist Installed la actuated by
air from tha com pressor, but later a
larger sinking plant la to be put In, The
development crew now number II men.
which will probably be Increased before,
the winter Is over. ) i
napAJuara tob wxbtbb.
Superintendent Bert Rusk, of the
Platts group, in Baker county, ts lay
ing In supplies for continuous winter
work-- . Teams, ara - engaged - between
Hal nee and th property, which I near
th bead of the west fork of Rock creek.
... c
'' f,' " ... , i
.. . ; , ' . j . .... , .) :'j
on the North Pol divide. Two drifts
ara being run on .th lode, one on tha.
victor and the other on the Log csdiu
claim, and tha- management says that
ore Is la both faces. Late work shows
marked Improvement In values.
The management discussed a com,
pressor plant for a period, but as all
work la on th vein and th Rock creek
power plant will not extend a pole Una
over the mountain this year to suoolv
electrical energy the idea 'haa been
abandoned for th season. . .
N. " J. Sorensen of Sumpter, general
manager of - the Friday- and . Highland
mines, in Oregon and Idaho, ha re
turned home from an extended eastern
trip, which ha. pronounces quit . suc
cessful. Both of the properties , com
menced to produce, shipping or, tola
fall, which la encouraging to tha man
agar, and h says that further develop
ment le to be prosecuted vigorously.
while arrangements wlU be made later
to. increase in output
Bcnrilro nxmonam xm nroxAjra,
L B. Hammond ha gone to Spokane
on mining business, where he will be
detained a - ahort period; . Mr. ' Ham.
mond is identified .with mining inter.
eats of that region, and Js not there on
a visit relative to tha machinery buav
neSS. .,'...., . .
At th Una Augustus Thomas wrote
Tn Mlsaoura," tha beautiful oomadv
which is being presented by tha stock
company at me Columbia theatre thla
week, he waa -about tha aame age aa
Oeorg Ado when hi great success,
"Th County - Chairman.' . waa written.
Each of them laid hi work amona
people equally quaint, but vaatly apart
in o us tome and charaoterlstlcs aad both
plays bacam great piece of property.
uniy uire more time will "la Mls
aoura" b play hare- - '
Eunday the Columbia oomnanv mhi
in "Th ,Qlrl I Left Behind Me," In
wooee origin uavia Balasoo waa oon
oerned and in every ecena of which his
Incomparable hand appears.. Its lltararv
styU is that of rrankUa Fylas, the emi
nent dramatlo ciitlo. The production
io o given at tne rjoiumbia la receiving
tha ' aame careful attention of atu
Director Bernard that haa distinguish sd
sua - were Heretofore.
it u a source of axaxlfioaiion h..H
ousineas increased at th Marquam laat
evening over tn night before. Portland
tneatre-goera seem to have wakened to
ine zact mai in Countv Chairmajt"
1 th greatest offering of it kind ever
witnessed on th coast, or in aar nan
of th world for that matter. -,: - . -
At tn conclusion - of th . lntanaalv
dramatta third act last night. Theodore
Kooens was compelled to make a cur
tain speech, which he did with th grace
of a Chaaterf laid Cicero. . Th ovation
waa spontaneous and waa well deserved.
in (bounty chairman'" will be
pea ted tonight and tomorrow afternoon.
th company leaving immediately after
in maun. : . , -i
"Th : Tenderfoot," th newest ai
WW suooaaaiui muaioai comedy pro
duction yet sent out by th Dearborn
theatre management, will be th attrac
tion at th Marquam Grand theatre
next Thursday, Friday , and Saturday
nights, November 1. II and 1L with a
special prio matin Saturday. This
splendid wont comprises all th sJ
men ta tnat hav keen found so sadly
g in moat proauouon or this
Its east M mad uo of naari
me exact oompany wnion appearad dur
ing th run of 1 nlghtsu just closed.
at lb Now York theatre, and comprise
among others, th following wall-known
artiste: Phil Ryley, Geerge a, Romain,
Thomas I Cameron; Arthur G. Wanser,
. ttooney. Mr. tfaruett, m. Baldwin.
L. Peters. Mary Malstests. Louis
Gardner and Luelll Adams, Th aaia
of seats ,wlU open on next Tuasday
morning; -,r - r ;-v - - -,
" BkT.gnT A KAAB
"A - brilliant
1 aa-'round
success"; "Belshassar Is ' a . musical
t": Is a big auocaas"! "a crowded
house": "audlanoe waa delighted"; ara
aome of th expressions of th pre
throughout the Pacific northwest, oon
oerntag "Belshaxaar," aa given by Mar
tla ' El RoMnson- oC Chicago. . Th n
thuslastlo reception of "Queen Esther"
last June and th unstinted praise given
-iseianassar- at the Chautauqua last
summer, reveals something of what is
in store for th public at th Marquam
evening a, whan a chorus of 104 yoloes
Commencing with the matinee next
Sunday the laat engagement to b played
by any company at th hlatorto Cor
dray'a theatre under the management of
Cordray RuaaeU will b Mason and
Mason, the famous German corned lane,
and their brilliant company, in their lat
aatand -graataat mualcal comedy suc
cess, "Frits and Snltx," It teeny with
pretty, tuneful . music. funny lines,
laughable situations and handsome girls.
The costumes and scenery at especially
gorgeous, and th attraction haa never
been seen before outside of th highest
priced theatres. : . '. -
Aslda from showing on ef th great.
st bills ever presented at the Lyric or
In Portland, the management or thl
theatre provide another attraction by
giving away three it goiq pieoes at
each performance on Friday evenings.
Every person attending ha a chance to
In. zoio, Keno ana zaia, in oomeay
doll act; Jo Allmon, th king of mon
ologulata; Hedendorf and Krausa, Ger
man eoroeaiana; ivaimaa - ana vevine.
Harry Hoyt an4 th Vltaacop make up
a will
r- fgmxmr ajdtajtob - baxb.
Th advance sal of seat will open
tomorrow (Saturday) . morning: at II
o'oloct, -for Champion Jame J.-Jef t
fries, who comes to th Marquam Grand
theatre next Tuesday ' night. November
I '(election day), presenting the back-
wooda drama, Javy Crockett. Th
scenic features ara elaborate aad th
costumes will be true to the period, and
the supporting oast is oompoeea of
clever players who will continue on th
tour with Mr. "Jeffrie and appear la th
New York production of th play. -
UBS , arum A ABOABB.
Tonight 1 amateurs'- night at th Ar
cade theatre and onoo mora th manage
ment will give a number of Very tal
ented amateur aa opportunity to dem
onstrate their ability a entertainers,
Thl will be In addition to th full pro
gram. The Alvlnoe have aa act that
1 full of novelty. Clifford and Smith
keep i the ' bouse in a roar with their
burlesque. (.
Thar is no disputing th fact that
th Baker draws th crowds. - Th bill
this week contains aome axoaedlngly
high-priced acta. . -Th Great Blgney in
hi diving act astound" hi audiences.
Th Boolis, Suropean operatto singers,
are great Mualcal sketches, ' alngers,
dancers and other number eomplet
th bilL : . , .. . ... '. ... . .;- ..;
at bxjov. ; . : .
' A gold watch ia coming to somebody
at t o'clock this evening. It I th
Bijou' present to th holder of the right
matinee coupon. .Have yon seen Roacoe,
me nypnouat, break big rock upon hi
own body while ins, aelf-impoaed hyp
no tie state? - Have you seen Kellsey
Moore stand on a alack wir and swing
recueasiyT j - ,
' At th 8 tar theatre thl week moving
pleturee - ehew-thrllllng -near "during
tn roooery ox a nana: oy oaring cracke
men. - Sterling novelty net max '- un
the regular bllL Th beautiful Illumi
nated dance of Kitty Rockwall la on
of. tha most ant ert sining en the pro-
gram. . ... , : ,
Municipal Judg Hogu .this . morning
refused to- fin or senteno to prison
Lottie Smith, charged with loitering In
rear room or the Canadian reeort a h
loon on Upper First atreet becauaa. h
aid, ta same taw 1 broken every night
in the north end district and no arrest
are ever made.
Polloeman Whit made th arrest lata
yesterday afternoon, and when on th
witness stand thla morning told Judge
Hogu ' he had been ordered by Chief
Hunt to "clean up" all reeorta fat th
new south end district -. 1
Judge George Cameron. ' representing
th woman, promised he would Instruct
hi client never to frequent dive in th
new district again and sh
K Cored aOmaelf of Sarlons Somaoh
, ; . Tronbl by OerkUg ,
, Fliwt BilnoxplM.
-A man of large affair in on of our
iromlnent eaetern eltlea by too close at
tention to' bualness, too little exercise
ana too many duo dinners, nnaily be
gan to nay nature' tax.' levied In. the
Form of chronlo stomach trouble; the
failure of hi digestion brought about
a nervous
ervoua irniaoiiity, maaing it
goaaioie to apply aim sen to his daily
ualnees and finally deranging th kid-
iye and heart.
In his own words he saysi
I eon.
aulted one physician after another and
eacn one seemea to understand my case.
but all the same they each failed to
bring about the return of my former
aigeauon, appetite and vigor. For two
year I want from pillar to post, from
ons sanitarium to another. 1 gsnr up
smosing, i quit eonee ana even
nounced m:
my dally glaaa or two of beer.
but without any marked Improvement.
"Friends had often advised me to try
a well . known
Btuarts Lyi
often nerusec
ments of the
any stock la advertised medicines nor
cine would touch my case.
- "To make a Ions story short. I Anally
nougat a ooupie oi paoaages at tn near.
eet drug store and took two or thre
taolata after eacn meal and occasion
ally a tablet between meals, when I felt
any feeling of nauaea or dlaoomfort.
"I was auroiiaed at the end of tha
first week to note a marked improve
ment in mv annetlta and sranaral health
rnd before the two paokagea wer gone
waa oartaln that Stuart' Dyspepsia
issiets waa going to our completely
and thay did not disappoint me. I can
eat and deep aad enjoy my coffee and
cigar ana no one wouia suppose i i
ever known the horror of drsDensls.
"Out of friendly eurlosltv L wrote to
the proprietor of th remedy asking for
inrormaiion as to wnat tne taDiete con
talned and they replied that th prlncl
ai ingreaienia war . aseptic pepsin
aovernment teatl. malt dtsatsae enA
other natural digestives, which digest
food regardless of th condition of th
The root of th matter la thla. ' tha
dfeeetlve elements contained In Atnarfe
I)yspepsla Tablets will digest th food,
give the overworked stomach a chance
recuperate and th nerves and whole
system receive the nourishment, which
ean only come from fooSt stimulants
snd nerve tonics never give real
strength, they give a flotitloua strength.
Invariably followed nv reaction. Kvar
drop ef blood, every nerve and tlsau I
manufacture! rrom our aaiiy rood, ana
If you can Insure its nromot actum and
complete digestion by the regular uae
of so good and wholesome a remedy
Stuart's Dyspepela Tablets, yen will
hav no need of perv tonlo and sani
tarium. Althoura Btuarrs Dvananala Tablets
hav been In the market only a few
rears, yet probably every druggist In
he TTnlted Statea. CanaVta enA nn.1
Britain now sella them and oonaiders
them th most Oooular anf tiv.u.fiil
ef any prepanOlon for stomaxh troubl.
F' wi..
Th latest and nw
t patterns for fall
- - -i 1 r - t: -jay - v ajs..
Many beaut";! tr.i t
' . ' - - - hi toinerrctw, cr try "ether shorplnsr day.
ceasing endeavor to prove, wtlcc.j hoitj and hostesses of an appreciative public All the little
points f business efficiency ii ccurt::7 rra re-ixdid, a well, as the more usual and funda
mental principles. The tilcrt U ruis to systematUe and verify all that is dona by thla
store so aa to do the most for all ani every customer. - WE TRUST TODAY'S NEWS
U " "::
LOT 4, AT 451.71S-These
broken line 'of wool cheviot
Day Skirts; we have them
black - and brown ; good
value for $4. . Oar Price
LOt 5, AT 92.65 This is the crack
., aiack lot; they are In wool cheviot, in
shades of. brown, navy, black and
gray, they have 5 to 8 rows of tuck
IjJn arid, stitching; the miU's(jT f?
price was $5..; Our Price. . Paw0u
LOT6r AT f 2.85 Wool findsey, in
Ladies' tburistCoats
We have just received a line of samples in
those handsome mixtures, mannish in style and
up-to-the-minute They come from 42 to 54
inches longlthntrapped back; and the prices'
are the lowest ot-the aeason -
$8.60 Quality, now .".";:. ; . ; M
$9J50 Quality, now. . i . . . . . . .v
$11.00 Quality; now, .... . .
$12.00 Quality,now: ....... . ..
$13.00 Quality, now..........
$14.50 Quality, now . ; . . 4 . . . . :
$i7.ow yuanty, now.. ...9X4.tia
$20.00 Quality, now.l. i . 8155 '
Our Pur Sale still continues. In .
Scarfs and Boas 'we have a few
of the sample line left at 951, v "
fl.95, f 2.50, 825, 83.95
and 84.95. which is 33 per cent
less. than factory prices. ; r i . .
. tut oo:
full " tfoubl bod sis Comfort.
covered with bright colored oalleo,
filled good, daan- ootton; ' ragular
ttl. Special ........89
fun oostroavra, is. v '
A full " doubl bed sis ComferV
. nicely . quilted and ooverod with
, pretty floral designed sllkolln and
well flUed with pure, whit oot-'
ton; regular value, ' 1 1.7 1.
Bpeolal ... . ............ 91.25
V ; aass tnMAXf, fi.55.:.' '.
A beautiful, heavr fringed "whit
and colored Bedspread.1 extra
' larg sisa, elegant designs; worth
11.11. Bpedal. ... ......1.65
-taoe nrmBAxtn, . '
A . nice, fin oalltr . of white and
colored . Crochet . Bed Spreads,
slightly golld; full doubl bed sis.
These are exceptionally good
values. Special, while ther last.
: good value for Is. 00 rWUl be sold
for w.. ... ... ...... ....f 1.10
65. .
Fine Honeyoomh Spread, larg bed
sis; comes in four different pat
tarns; regular. $1.00. . Our prle
for this week, special, at ...65
65. . -
10-4 gry Blanket, good sis, never
old for lee than-11.00) our price, -Xir
... ... .......(J
. fi-rs Bxjuraam, l.20.
11-4 gray and tan doubl Blankets,
extra larg sis, good Jieavy
fleeoe. pair ........ ......MtJlO
. 9omo Hsairsn, 94.95.
White wool Blanket a beautiful
t quality of ' heavy whit wool -
Blanket Tun doubl bed else, with
pink and bin border, beautifully
soft and warms our . leader at
.M pair. This week for... 94.98
S4.TS BXJLrarlfL 93.70.
nlo, fin qua.lty ot, grer, -tan and
'Vicuna Blanket; extra heavy and
stra larg else; good 'vain at
4.71 Special .... ..-9S.T5
rsclitive plans made
A purchase timely fortunate for you. We nave
'bought' a mill's overproduction of Golf, Rainy Day
' and Walking Skirts and We are now ready with our
Cloak and Suit Room brim full of bargains. We
tell you about a few of them on this page. You can
aafely Judge the whole by these few: ; tJi Ali.,,
LOT 1, AT ttCorl'grav Rainy Day Skirt,
. 4 rows of stitching; well worth $1.60. :S- OA.
; ; Our Price .. . ; .'.OU V
LOT 2, AT D0 This is a pretty Walking Skirt,
; - some have 8 and others 4 rows .of tucking, trim
j; med with satin ribbon; would be cheap - v.. (Jfk
, y. for $2.fi0.rOur Price . . , , . .v. .. ., 7UV
LOT 3, AT t?l.C5We have thU skirt in navy
and S shades of gray; some are tucked and others
stitched; a good, skirt for stormy days 5 Cf .C
-elsewhere they ask you $3.50. OurPrfce j)I Ud
are a
gray over black, lapped seams, double
' stitched, from 0 to 8 rows of stitching
"ron bottom , of skirt ; this ; skirt we
consider. cheap for. $6. OP
Our; Price. . . , . . .;.7. ...PAVoOd
LOT 7, AT tJ2.G5 This skirt is
made from the. plaid back wool golf.
. We have them in different shades of
; brown and gray;: they are made with'
--.lOrinch-ilounce ahd.i rows-of stitch
ing on flounce; they have been sold
' for. $6.50. ;. i ' M OC
- Our Price ... .t . ; ..4AWVd
in tut
in naw
m p
. -4 .
. 4.95
- .... 57.e5
. . .; , 8.45
. ..... 9.65
. . ... .$11.95
- An sztre. lrge 11-4 nixed gray .wool '
'. Blanket. fancy-. colored border;
wUl wear ,weU; big value at
s Special ,..,.,.,,.92.45 j .
: ' . s-ua. mMwa 480. y' -
lUow . Feather Pillows. I lb.
od strong feather-proof,
j atr.pett ticking, SpecUl, - .,
.; Ach ...... 9 . ... f. .48
XioM widow from 254 aav .'w .
'). masf aU sis. Ar . .-,' .
Table Linen Opporitalty :
ll-lnch Cream . : Danasaf" TabUng,
. good, strong linen, very durable,
. fin designs; regular valu 40 .
494.' r
19-lnche wide, evsry thread tpur. .
. . bleached linen,, good, strong qual
Hr a number of dainty design to '
. choos from; regular value He (
r.?. tor ,..'... j','."494
tabu lVTanar, 694. -
A full K-ln. wide,, of every thread "
pur Unen satin - Bnlahv Damask; .
' good valu at $1.00;. our v
' pHc ... . ..... ............ .694
A fuU Un of Damask . Napkins .
from ... .-.. 784 ao t 92.95 .
Cirea'tWear :
aflsae heavy Knit Skirts, solid ool- "
, ora, finished , with crochet' edge, r
, Special ... ... ... ..604
'Misses' and Children' knit Skirts;
ail eolore. Special ... ......854
Misses' aad Children' heavy-Out-
lng Tiannel' Oowaa, . with double .'
.'' yok; all slse .....a4)4 '
Children's heavy ribbed, fleeoe lined .',
Sleeping Oarmantsj aU lses...854 -Olrle
cloth and AngoraTams; plain
and mixed color.: Special ..154 '
Misses' and Olrle Cape, all th lat- '
eat. style.-whit, and aoiors. -
Special .....504
Children ' ynsoinator - and Wool ..
Hoods; all ooiora." Special .M154
Children Wool ifnlt JLegglns, knee .
length; colors, black, rd and
white. Special ... ... ......854
k't.--mJ A
tu A wU
monthly of f Mon
1 1 . 1 1 , i
aw uoaa, . : .
B a free y ef
for your ccm-
It is our un
for Vo-reaaa
See Monday's
Journal for spe
cial announce'
ment of this -
store s generos
ity toward its
Ine announce
ment will
prove interest
ing reading to
all who would
get good values
for their money
and appreda- .
tion shown "the
customers for
their patronage.'
Lctj Cravxnttta
We have just received an
other line of those beauti
ful ; light . weight : water-'
proof Skirts, in the shades
of the season." We quote
you a ( lew prices $9.50,
$5.85 and. . .... PJOt)
Our line of Misses' Skirts
is now complete. We hare
them in all the new mix
tures, plain t colors and
snowflake effects, and at
the right price. . We have
them at $45, $3.95, $8.95,
a in . ' . .-
$2.25 and.... ...J)IV0
Sheets for Your Bed
.-; ss araoarra, 484.
llxtO Bleached Sheets, hemmed and
. Ironed ready for uae; good heavy
cloth. , all on width, no Mama.
- Btmow , ............... ...48 M
4lxSI Pillow Caae to match," -
, If , Special ....... . t, 4 , 104 I
:v Portieres tmd Cnrtaiivt .
, $44M fOBTtsaiS, 92.95 fAXM.
, Heavy Chenlll Portieres, I yds.
., long , and 4 lnohe widej heavy
:. frlng top and bottom; a larg a-'
', eortmsnt of color to select from;
nevsr old les than 14.00. Our;
; price, per pair 92.98
- fflM OTmTAXJO, 684 '
y" -. ' 9AZM. i . (
Nottingham Lac Curtains a yard
' long. 40 lnchee wide. In flowered
- and plain canter, handsome borders;
?. well worth 11.00. ; Bale price, --. -.
-per pair ... 684 :
ixss xuom aumtAxxm 894 'azav
Double thread Leno Lao Curtain,
: small or larg pattern, also plain
. oenterr would be chean for 11.11.
"WhUo they laat. par pair ....894
rev. thla week every naa
. parohaalng a pair of Portiere shall
eetve pole aad axfrnxoa free, e
a pair of xo . Ourtataa, a anma
Woaen's and ChCiren's
- Underwear :v"v';,,';..'
Ladle wool plaited Vesta and
Pants; regular, 76a Special ...504 '
Ladle' , fleeo lned, knit Union
BulU; grey- and Cream oolnred. .
, Onalta tyl. Special 504
i Lad tea whit wool TJnlon Bufta,
Onelta etjrt; regular, $1.00,
: stpcial . . 81.25.
Children' fleece lined, ribbed Union
Suits all Ue. Bpeolal .....254
- Boys' camel' hair wool Vest and
Drawers; regular, iOe; ell slsee.
Special ... ... 35
Boy xtra heavy fleeo lined Shirt
, and Drawers ; all stse .....854
. Children's fleeoe lined, ribbed Vest
and Drawers; all else 254
Ladles' tra else, fleece lined Vest
, a4 Pant .... ... ,..,......85