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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
THE OZZZ I ' DAILY JHNAL. 1 .TLANU nv, mm m m J t! etun TuYtn xs ' ..' stAXS ' I -'"'-PfCaW m ITDMTIf TO fiinn of the-prise, rinx. who, ai i yaafWOf axe, can shy hU castor Into - "aquarad circle" and rnaka a creditable , :" showing worthy vf one, of . half bl -Vyeare? any wonder then that the Kncilahaian is ever ready dd honor to her greatest of llvlne- champions the veteran Jem Mace? . -; v y -. v - Americans have their pxts-lllstle ,ldoI In tha only" John I Sullivan, for with all hta faulta thay tore him still. Yet . Sullivan' at 4 la almply a physical wrack - of hta .former a-reetnesa, whom Mace - reuld probably beat In a punch. It. Is . '. even doubtful If Charley Mitchell, Ene; - land's boxing champion, now la New York, could more than hold his own. with - his early Instructor. v - 1 '.' , It was only the other day that Mace returned to "d-ir old London" from a three months' trirr-to Booth' Africa, whive ha went to ajve publlo Sparring oxhllVtlona. and. hta "ahow" fattine; from poor i.nanagemeot. fha Veteran fitted up " a gymn.tslum. where ha save, lessons In the noble art to, tha awalls from tha diamond Jlggl'nga,-. He aays ha la ready " to box wlt,b any man In England, . '" One who aw Mace en hie return aald: "I aaw little difference In the ap pearance ef thlsmarrHloua man from the days when, aa wonderfully clarer ambidextrous boxer, ha would 'change .. legs' and Vse: either hand i-with equal rapidity; 'atremndpUB hitter at halt arm or full lengtn, a. rajw juaaje i is- tance, and a wrestler of the highest rliu.. H has tha -same aprignuy awn. the quick eye nndirirmea wy age ana mi good Ifgs. which nr,T h owner 19 miles- every morning', . pipe opener before breakfast" ? - From this description it is difficult, la the light at present day champions, who rarely last mora than a decade, to dlaoover- the aecret by Which Mace has retained his physical perfection. King, his rival for ehampionship.honors. died t the age 'of al years, 'and Bayers end Heenan Joined the great majority at - t years. ;-'..' ..-. .. '. In America, one jnay .: easily' pame a dosen champions In "tha several claasea wh have retired la comparatively .re rent years, and at an aget wJUcb I makes them grandchildren Of the. eld champion. There were the -Three -Jacks" Sullivan, Pempsey and McAuliffe---wltta J Dixon. Larry, who left' the ring only a J few - years ago, and all, have had their sue ' cesaors. ; ,. .-., . It was from Maca during his Vlalt to America, covering a period of. several years, that boxers on this side first ob ... talned an idea, of "footwork" in' tha - .-mg. In thoae early- days It wm tha slugger and the ability to stand irrmly on- the feet while shooting 'out the ".ten second mitt with full force of .the up per body that waa expected to win the fight - Probably one of tha beat expo nents of tha early American style . WM -Sullivan, whom Mitchell raced nearly to death at Chantllly and Corbett beat .at New Orleans, .-'('- I -. Jem powker,' who recently won front TTankle Nell at the National, parting . club. London, ta aald to be a miniature -action of Mace in his former dares ness ' in 'footwork., for in this oontast cable t rt porta show that well, wno ia oenevea to', outclass Bowker as - fighter.-- aa Americana . understand. the term, was j ' beaten througB Bownera aDiuiy to avoio . punishment. . - ".,.', . . v Mace holds the. middle-weight -cham ' ploirahlp of England belt, the belt fought . for by Bayers and Heenan, tne cnam- plonshlp of America belt, a silver 'belt - given him-. tn . California, and several f other trophies. He is writing a book on his Ufa whlcll la shortly to be published England.' , - :-; .- n rOOTBAU sOmiMXASBB. ' : Goodell and Oberteuffer were th star ' ground gainers for High school y ester- ' day.- Their work waa commendabla Moore played a great game for Co- lumbla. aa did also Webster, Bingham I and Leeaton Smith. . , . Tha one marring Incident of yester - ' iaya game waa the manner in which the . j crowd surged en the field, making the ' play difficult for both teams and pre venting the spectators .from witnessing ' "i the contest. - Had Columbia got aa busy in the first as she did la the'secoad half there might ' have been a different tale to:tell.- -Still. Columbia did tha same thing " against Hill military last Saturday, play , lng ragged ball up until tha close of the game, when all of a sudden . the men Joke tip and rushed Hill for a touch own, v'l , .' f '.',-' ;. Manager . Watkfns received the con .. ' tract from the Seattle Athletic club this ' r'fnornlng for the December game. The ' ; contract will b signed., today and re ' turned to Seattle. - . .'';. -' . Tha Multnomah 'varsity will meet r sgaln this evening for practice. The In ' s dlans are coming on Saturday and Mult ' nomah will be kept busy dodging, etc . ' Saturday's game, Multnomah versus : Chemawa, ahould he the most apectacu- hr contest of the season. . They are real live Indiana v. r; " VALUE OP charcoal . ; .; -ki -Vi . ' . ; . i J"ew Veople bv How TJsef al It la la . J w nast- iilsg Health and. Ma7. . ' Nearly everybody knows that charcoal ia the safest and moat efficient dlsin , fectant and purifier la nature, bat few realise- Its -value -when taken Into the , human system for the same cleansing purpoaa Charcoal is a remedy' that the more you take of Jt tha better; It Is not a drug ' at all, but shwnly-absorbs the rases end impurities always present in is etomach and Intestlnea and carries tnem out of tha system. : . - , ,, Charcoal sweetens tha breath after r-noking. drinking or after eating onions , tul other odorous vegetablea Charcoal effectually clears and ' Im proves the complexion.. U whitens the teeth and further Hots as a natural and eminently aafe cathartic. . . , It absorbs the -injurious gases which Willect in the stomach and bowels; It dla . cta the mouth and throat from the of oatarrb. . : : Ail druggists jell ' charcoal In one ar another, but probably the best uercoal and the most for the money is i 'usrt's Charcoal Losenges; thev are .d of the finest powdered TVillow I. and other harmless antiseptics i t jt form or rather In ther form of , fleasant tasting losengea, tha -rtt I being mixed with honey. ally uaa of these losenges win t,t In a muob imprevad- condittAa - t general health, better complex b..t breath and purer blood, and . be oty of It la. that no possible 1 ' a result from tbetr continued , r-'t on the contrary., great benefit. 'lo physician In sneaking of I - s of charcoal, aays; "I ad- t .art's Charcoal Losengea to sll suffering from gas in stomach i vowei. and to clear tha eompjaxlou i purify tha" breath mouth and : 1 eleo betteve the liver Is greatly I by the daily una of them; they t twenty-five rents a box at drug i, atid although In some sense a , r-enaretlnn. yet I believe I ret . ,d better -"ell a renal In tttnart's 1 fjosenges then In any Ot tbc chaixoai tabiela" - J L.3 SCIIOCL CrATS cohj;.:::.. eleven . i:'- Tha fast Hlah school eleven defeated Columbia yesterday afternoon on Mult soman's "griddle" by the score of II to 47 The High school lads outplayed the Columbian men In tha first half, while the honors of- the second half went to the team from aorosa the Willamette. la the aha pa of faster tun -work and a nretty drvp kk-k Tram the lt-yard Una by Leaton-amlth,- that gave Columbia her only score. The gridiron was soft for reel' fast work, yet the work of the youngsters - waa spirited and' shewed splendid dash. : ' , .. In tha first half High school carried the 1 ball by rapid atrldea towards tha Columbia goal line. - Flrat Ooodell would rush - through Columbia's , line . and crumble It, and tha next ' play. Ober teutfer would akate through Columbia's right tackle for substantial galfia. There waa something ' radically wrong -"with Columbia's defense, her men . mlaalng open tackles with glaring regularity. After -five minutes of play Oberteuffer carried the hall outside of Mclnery and ruahed through . a broken field, going straight for; the two. rnea la. tha back' field, eluding both of them and scoring UMicnaowa after 41 yarns of steam In a. The goal waa easy. , . " .' ; . .., All thla time High school persisted la fumbling and the Columbia men didn't seem ' active enough to' recover on Seven minutes after the second kick off. Oberteuffer smashed . through : Colum bia's line and repeated Abe , trick of a little while, before, aoorlna- . another touchdown. The' goal waa kicked. ' In the second half, High school started out with a rush, but after advanclna thebail about-4t yards lost it after, an attempt at -field .- goal, whteh failed. Right here Columbia , braced 'up and played .such, a -aat gam that. High school waa demoralised. ' Moore and Bingham ran High, achool'a ends and hit' tha line "with (great- success.- On one play Moore waa 'dragged fo S yards by his team mate. . With the ball Lan. the five-yard ,ltn, the 'umpire pen alised "Columbl for offside play, when in troth it was High school that was the .offender. - Tote-put- Columbia at a disadvantaged and ) Smith ' tried for.' a aroy an maue ic, . Tne game ended one minute Uttr. The line up:- t High School . Position. . Columbia. J Bradley . ; .-. . . U ER.f .... McKenna Plnkham .. .. . ,L. T. R.'. ,v. Mclnerv 8m y the ........ '.L. Q. R. ... Qulnlan Jones .......,, .-.,C.. .-..".'.. 1 ' Meaner Pugh . . ........ R. O. L. ........ Oulnn Cason ..;.......R.T.Lt....i.... Scott Holoomb .R.aL.v...i. Mangold Reed . i .Q.-. . . Leeaton-Smlth Kberteuffer 4....L.H.R....,, Bingham Armstrong ,.,..R. li. L,...... Moore uoodell s..,vF, Webster DlAr.:0.ND GLISTEtilNGS Lou Runkle waa tha" iieid v.f.r. accepting ..eight chancea without an error. He also' pulled off a double nlav unassisted. , 1.. Krug ajffl Frary. the Mv' nan ilitiMl by Butler,. were in the game yesterday and proved welcome additions. - Portland plays in Los Anselea next week, Oakland aw. Tacoma meet at Fresno, while Seattle meets the Seals at Sao .Francisco, . , , , ; j If Tacoma loses today they will have lead -of . only one mint above 1m Angeles.. Yeeterday Tacoma had the game won until Overall weakened In the igntib - ;' -. ,i. . . v Del Mason ad Huck Chanca'weri 'in ma game ror jsoriay yesterday. Mason relieved Oscar Jones and held the Tigers oaauana defeated. Seattle ,m' tha in augural game at Oakland yesterday be lore a itur sum. crowd. - It Is believed that next season Oakland will be allowed to aupport her own oluavv - Joe Cantlllon, owner of the Milwaukee American association -team, , ia In- Dee Molnea with tha Intention of buying that town's franchise in tha Western leagua Bert Del mas has Joined the Seattle olub and will take Kid Mohler'a place at second for a while. Mohlefs wife died recently and be hag taken her body to VAOXnO OOajr ZdAwTra. . MK4 Tec Lis ADelr . , Oakland Seattle ....... Baa rraaclaee 1-ortUn ..... 40)4347iB4 1 Schmidt Waa afteotire. ' Oakland. Nov. I. Schmidt, waa invln. clble with men on basea . and ennu. quently Seattle fell by the roadway., The -' "-:''n- Seattle e 0 I l a i i Oakland . , i ... ,1 0 1 9 J o 4 1 Batteries CL Hntl mw,A r Schmidt and Sterk. ' . ' ' ' reran Oeta auirad. "A ' ',' Loo 'Angeles. Nov.'-1. After hivlne nw ytngeis pnssiea up until the eighth Inning yesterday.-Overall weekened and Flood's men batted In runs and cinched the game. Score: ,.( ,i .,,;, i . jf Xngeles '.';. U I 19 U Tacoma -. . . . . . 1 I 1 1 (Tl 6 0 li - I BatteriesJones, Mason and Chance: Overall and Graham. vi mi vi -ern ne. TAvoxa Aim iroijijaurn. St. Louis. Nov. J. Kvervthlna- 1. In readiness for-tha fight between Benny '"inw i v.aicaao ana jsck McrTieiianii of 1'lttsburg. which la to be pulled otfj (onigm oeiore Jine w eat End club. The principals, two of the foremost boxers of thor country at ' -tha weights, are trained to tha hour and prepared to put up a hard battle for the .honors and the long end of the purse. 'i he articles of agreement call for a H-round go at IK pounds. . The match ha attracted much attention, and a large crowd la expected to be at tha ringside. , ' - . a obo root, OstaJgiPX (nr. ' v" .... (Joaraal Special Merries.) - , St. Louis.. Nov. I The final kontest in the plsy off of a three-cornered tie for the pool championship of the- world was won by Alfred De Oro. who de feated James R. Keogh of Buffalo by tha score of III to 124. : i - '.'; -...' OW JAMAICA TBAOK.- r " (Jearaal Hseclal eWrtre.) ' " """ -. New Tork, Not. (.-Jamaica sura- maryt .... ..'.-.,., .- Six furlongs-DIamnnd .woni time. 1:11 t-t. v - - Ont mile and a furlongBar Da Luc won; time, 1:S -(.-. .4 . - - - . : -Mil and 70 'yards Tha . Huguenot won; time, 1:45 S-i. .-n; -r , . . The Remsen hsndlcap five and a half furlongs Dandelion won; time. 1:01 4-A Mile and a alxteenth Eagle won; time, 1:40 4-1. , ' . ' Six furtongs-kildl Fluf won; time, 1:14 l a ' - . " iMte. IB ltll- 60 .(MM 11 m 8 4ft .OA 12 14 4M .4i .. WiiO 4ft 17 JO .. 4 87 .440 t xt .g7 miw i"trr BST AU UA3 X 'BaU OLD "Frankle Nell'e exnerianea In England la an apt, Illustration of tba old saying mat laraway . fields look green. Neil Went a long way to get hla bumps, and cne trip has been a losing one for him and hla relatives and backers." says a writer In the Philadelphia Record. "While in Philadelphia Nell wag of fered a guarantee- of 11.500 lot two six-- round bouts, .but ho preferred to go to KnglaAd - and take -chancee on. getting the losing end of a purse of $1,150 for to rounda, and that la what he got. In addition to tha damage, which his repu tation Buffered from tha beating which Bowker gave htm.-' Had Nell beaten Bowker, he 'would net have gained wery much, as while the latter the best lad of hla weight In England, that country does not cut much figure In boxing ' nowadays,, for hardly a ship cornea over which doee not bring back some one who has gained a champion-, ship of that land. . '. ; "Had Nell remained In thla Country and beaten such 'Of the many local boys whom he could have got matohee with he would have made a great deal mpre money than, be did by going to England, and It waa money' that he claimed to be afters and he always wanted a big wad to box in thla city. Men who atudled Nell's boxing while he was . In Philadelphia were not Impressed with - his showing. , He could only use one hand hla left, His . right hand was almost useless) to him;' It waa plain to be seen. that man with two good hnds would beat' Kelh and the conteat with . Bowker ahowed that this conclusion Was 'not very far wrong.' f ' ., "Men who are familiar with the way that boxing la run In : England 'were rather dubloua of the result - when it was announced that Nell was going to box Bowker. The contest was to come off at tha National, Sporting cldb, which place is aald to haw degenerated Into WHelearlng-hoase for-London bookmakera. In .England books are made and betting done. In. many waya different from what it la In thla country. - Over there there are hundreds of men who stake a living betting, on boat racea, foot race a, dog races, swimming events and In various other ways. In addition to horse races, which is tha common form of Jookmak, lng in this country. ' - . ' ., "I a order to keen their play 'going these .. bookmakers - take up promising athletes' and keep, them Just aa a. man would dp, a horse or- a"dog.' They Are boarded; lodged and clothed and trained regularlv for .the varloua events la which' their backer -enters them," It-is. of course, the intention of thelrbscker to win with them, although, it ia -often found profitable. for -the backers to bet against their men If they find that they can do sa It I asserted that Bowker is -one - of these - gamblers boxers. . Ha la said to be in the employment of the National - sporting club with -a salary and a . small percentage: of the winnings u inings go nis way, . . "If these -reports are-oorrect It can reaauy no seen - What chance a man would have In a natch against him In the National' Sporting club, where the effort , la always made to get as. many pets oown on the side as possible. ' With the club controlling the boxer and tha referee and tha majority or all -of thaf members' Interested , In tha outcome jot the match Jt would , not-; be at v all strange, considering tha past tilstory of English ring matters, to see a visiting Doxec, especially- an - American, get- a ansae tn worst or it.' - BUUER'S BROWNIES ' DEFEAT THE SEALS IJoarsa Special Berrkw.) , T, '-' .; Sah Francisco. Nov.' .Ika BUUara -Brownies swooped down-' unon tha amooth-coated Seals yesterday afternoon ana-trounced them to the tune of to The Portland team dlaolayed a great Improvement In form over their laat an- pearanoe here and when Butler made hla appearance he was given a rousing ova tlon. .- RunWe and Spencer played- splen did ball, tba former's work being of the nnutant ' order. . Frary . waa the only visitor to make an.erroa-'Thielman was In good, form and kept the Ban Fran cisco bunch guessing throughout the game..,. The score; ., , ., . ' SAN . FRANCISCO." f V '- , , A B. R. It Pa A. E. Hlldebrand. L f. . " 9 Meany, r. f. 4 Irwin, lb. ............ t Van Buren, lb ..,... 4 Waldron, c A ........ I Anderson. Jb. . 1 12 0 .0 1 . 0 ." . : 1 , I I 1 i 4,1 Oorton, c. ........... 4 Oochnenr, a, a. 4 wneeier, p. .....r.. 4 ToUls , .....II ' t -I IT 1 ., ; PORTLAND. ., ' AB. R. H. PO..A. VL n. rwa. jsi. J 1 0 1. I I 1 ; 0 i iM-ennen. ex. ...... e x Spencer, 2b. ......... 4 Beck. 3b. . , . f ' 1 Krug, r. ..,.-. D 11 I, m m A. a z i 1 1 , . 0 I .o Kellackey. c... ....... 4 .i 'i 4 Frary. lb. ........... 4 00 11- 0 1 Thlelmaiv p. ........ t . .A I I 0 Touis . . ...i...';.; t a 17 .13 ti . BUNS AND, HITS BT INNINGS. Portland .. ...... 1 0 I t I 1 M 0 i Hits . -. .0. 1111)11 04 San Francisco ..,.0 110 3 ftita , .......t 0 1 9 113 1 9 1 . ; stTMMARTr - -- - .1 Stolen base Drennen. Saorlfica lift Spencer. Flrat base, bn errors Ban Francisco. 1: Portland, t. Flrat base on -called balls Off Wheeler. 4: oft Thlelman, I. - Left on bases San Fran cisco.' I; Portland. . Struck out By Wheeler 4; by Thlelman, - Double plays Thlelman to Frary; Runkle (un assisted); Oorhnsur to Anderson' to Vsn BuVen. Wild pitch Thlelman. Time of game One hour and" 4 min utes. Umpire Brown. - - -.': , n 1 1 - - Mitchell Sentinel: The Mitchell water works la an assured fact at laat the company has laid their main pipes from the reservjplr and along Main atreet as tar down aa tne city drug ntors and will soon have pipe for the extension as far ss' the-(Commercial hotel. - r. . C3.-Gu:::i's clc:d 4H2 t:r.VE tc:::3 1. A tiMtt TO TAKM It MlU TtaTa, , aetkifesji pw sav aa avw waras n rpwiMs aw sw. row Disease. Orerwerk ar Dliileattsa,'. . To 4WW r7e aas gtrafta,f set fmt), " Tt gaawaie Weaaasae frm sag OaMS. Ta Creaf Aara ferea Tmlmptet th mmm. U tttr 01 tit IfU. , T 91 HtaHXt 'eaa. fe te f'e fsra, T Uk llvr Aelh. fa Pare a Wwey Piaaaat rna teer4s. r Cea. . T Cart Pya-aaaa . - sifow-MM atf Ceaataatjee. sou tr MuoaitTa, ot tun on Rtctirr ' . 0rillct,7e.AMX;t0XUlf. Da. POSagXO CX, TMXULBWtWUL, PA, 'vJART'OR CL. CENS.AT CC. a) ' Toa will not have many more chances to go to Cordrays to see melodrama, comedy, opera or tragedy. That hlatorta house has la its ttms enteruunea its : V . JOHN f. NICHOLSON ; Aa John Amea In The Heart of Chicago" : . at Cordraya,' '-. -j. ' ,':- ' ;. patrons , with , all four, bat -after next week it will become a -vaudeville house with new owners and a new policy. -Toa will not have many-, more oh&ncea, but one of the last chances will be on of the beat Managers Cord ray Bussell take. Pleasure In announcing-that.. com mencing tonight they will offer a brief engagement of Lincoln J. Carter's great eat melodramatic triumphs, "The Heart of Chicago." This production is con sidered a . masterpiece. , Mr. Carter .Is recognised as tha foremost producer of spectacular 1 mechanical .and melo dramatic plays in the -country. eThla Is a rare chance and one of the last. - To night and until Sunday. , . ; J AT THE TH2ATIULS '';1.;' 'v';"A 11 nii-rw p ' ; Asa-s ooicvor btzmflt- oaaA. Everybody around tba boatoffloe at Antloch, . Ind., has rushed like' mad to wards the depot at the sound of a ball and whistle. . - ' ' ''What's tha matter a firer aaka ths drummer. ',..k.. . .. .'.. No." replies the old resident "lt'a tha five-thirty train!" - :a . . -, And upon--- this rock - Oem-ra Ada founded the .greatest rural comedy ever witnessed in America. - Tha County Chairman.' ' I hops this opinion will be taken seriously. Tne greateet! There isn't a pen tbia side of William Winter's which could properly describe the beau ties or ths play presented at tha Mar quam Grand laat night, and the praise that will bo bestowed upon It here will seem feeble to. htm who haa witnessed It- - - ..... v ;' . 1 If "Shore Acres" waa. "a. krutli fmn New England life.1 thla la a huricana Trora Indiana. "The -Old Homeataad." I Sag Harbor" and all their kind, wo into total eclipse alongside. There has not been such a portrayal -of character Hfe Jn the hlstory-of the stage aa the young man wno suddenly became a second Charles Hoyt. baa given us. . ' And the .house laat. night was. not filled.- Shame oh ,- you,Portland. . Ton should know "The County Chairman." ' . It seems superfluous -to stata thar a play must be of the highest order to run for nearly a 'year. at Wallack'a theater. New York that run ceaalng because of hot weather but this la part of tha rec ord of Ade's comedy, and Portlandere did not seem to realise what Henry W. Savage was sending to their doora -r It Is -a 1 downright.) disgrace, . even after Frank Daniels demand noon the nocket- nook, that people were not hanging from tne rreacoed celling to witness the cur rent attraction. - : -' . The curtain rises on a typical scene la village, at, the beginning. of a county political campaign.' Jlmmleon's store on Mam street Is shown. - In the store is the postoffloa. - The second floor la the I. O. O, F. hnu. with the three , links painted On the - window curtains. . The villagers ark gathered outside awaiting news from the convention and jtttscusstng political situation affecting not only the cpunty." but the' whole "universe.' George Ade n Incomparable style Is revealed at the. end of about alx. minutes, when the town: milliner casts an Intoxicating glance at the drummer, and he, forget ting his mall and all else, rushes down the street behind her. ' In a little while they return, ahe on his arm. t ' 1 am so glad to have met you. - Mr. Roaenquest she says. . X-- ,' No not - RosenquesL he answers; my name ia Whlttaksr," i. . ; ... ,, . "Oh, yea. excuse ma .Ton see. I meet so many traveling gentlemen., , Now. It wouldn't bo real if this girl wag anything but ' a milliner. Every commercial. man .will agree to that. In thla one 'bit of toomedy Ade's wonderful power of observation stamps Itself In delibly on one's mind. But, to eontlnua with the story.' There is a crabbed' old lawyer running for nrosecutlng attorney and a goodly old tight of Blackstone who hates him be cause ot. perfidy on the part, of tha for mer In a certain love affair. The good , one of tha rivals determines to beat the other and secretly secures the nomina tion nf hla youna law Partner on the op poarta aide of the-ticket, -then becomes bis campaign manager, But the young man ta lit love with the daughter of the rival candidate, and their marital plans are seriously unset by tha political situ ation. .Thereafter the play growa In tense In plot, and excruciatingly funny lij dialogue. . The second act. In which a Campaign rally la pictured, with martial bands, merchlng clubs, -. a decorated platform and all that sort -Of .thing Introduced, waa considered a marvel until the third act. which transpires In the law office of the county chairman, and goes to the very limit of dremetlc construction. s . i AfUr the climax Theodore Robert! re 2 .In ca i ' I.. . I dasei. T i rs r- 1 c i toe .Voi. f ' . t early .aa 1J, at i : , theater., being V t if , ' ' -hta of London.'? l t ft t li a has become . one of t r " t character actors on earth, it a r be elated, incidentally, tti t , haa -a rowing better than the c chali . i. As this ebaraoter t.e Is i . ate.y f'm e only sore r t 1 f expet. oed In ail his life!,. love x r a schov mate's wifebut still eni!'-r-Ing to look at the world and s-uie. Ar finally, whan the peot-up xwaejoa'rf hta soul explodes In a denunciation t tK-t traitorous companion of other ye , thla man Roberta becomes auperb, l. acta with tha same repression .that dis tinguishes his cousin, Florence Roberts, and portrays the lights and shadows of a rols Ilka this with too same, consum mate art. : i, .,, ' There are more than IB principals In the cast of "The County Chairman," and it would be (Impossible to describe here each Individual performance. It would,' likewise be unjust not to point ont some of special merit. George Thatcher, the inimitable negro tmperaonator, did noth rng in all hla career In minstrelsy aa funny as his Saaaafraa A better Uncle Eok doean't live jthan Charles A. Burke, who, I believe, once . played the co,nt stable in fWay Down East," Wlllam Lamp, who waa here in stock, la a cap ital Tllford TVheeler. the candidate, and hla oppoalte, Flore nc Smyth, aa Lucy Rlgby, wag charmingly aweet ana win aonaa. Tha milliner, zenaiae -wiiuama tha windmill.- drummer. Will Phillips, and the ' boarding-house ' girl, Florida Klngrey. -irere all remarkably good., in troth, there haa not been a larger, and better company from New York on the ooaat in these many yeara, And Just on word In conclusion, to pay tribute to Oeorge Marlon, under whose masterly direction the play was so marvelouslyi produced. . He wing i title here aa a king among stage 'dl rectors, .. it '. vV' -v i.: . ! RACB. WHITHBI, TmA" BBAWTJI waub. The production of "In Mlxaoura" al the Columbia theatre corftlnuee to at tract great attention. ' - There baa : not been a vacant aeat in tne lower part, or the bouse since the play wag nrst pre sented and -the advance sale indicates that this record' will stand until the doee of the week. Only four opportuni ties of witnessing this delightful comedy remain. - ..v.-k , - -The Olrl I. Left Behind Me." which the "Columbia" gtoclrompajijr-will- pro- duoe next waek, ia a play on the same order as- "Shenandoah." Held By the Enemy" and Alabama,' but la regarded by many, critics aa Infllnltely superior to these in dramatio construction.. s' --rm nrnuaa. uaaa."r s' One of tha great features connected with. James J. Jeffries' revival of the favorite " old drama, TOJaVy Crockett,4 which will be the attraction at the Mar quant Grand theatre next Tuesday vert ing, November election night), la .the cabin acene -where . - the frontiersman cornea in with a big deer on hla shoul ders as the result of hla daya hunt. - Jeffries Is a great hunter and ho has prouabty sought gam in every held in the weat The' aklnsnd fura atone wnich ha hag collected during hla life time,-are worth many thousands or col lars. The advance sale of seats will open1; next - Saturday morning at 1 o'oloclt. -vs..---jui , Next to reading accounts about ttte battlefield maneuvers - of . the Russian na la the far east tha next beat move la to aea Dletares Illustrating- tha war story flashed by a bioscope, ana thin weak" these can be seen at -the Arcade. - Wiry Coasacka flit paat : on their no leaa wiry ponlea,-and make a striking .war spectacle Clifford and Smith are rapid-fire - comedians, - with lota ef ' laughe punctnatlng their work. They Swing big Indian clubs, and their boxing match contains many laughable features. George Evans makes a hit with hla black-face monologue, and so do Sully and Phelps . la .their. Irish comedy act. .d -.i.. ..-!'," a - , ' -,' ' 1 . t" v. 'ft:, r avaox act nsrij'UJia. ; - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burch ara cer tainly mystifying people In their' top liner act at the Star this week.' He places' Mrs." Burch Into a trance , with the aid of Inhalations from a bottle and a aerloa of signs. ' She reclinea on a conch and ascends wpward, 1 supported apparently by .the air, while Mr. Burch paaaea; a hoop around her to show that she la free from supports. Kate kocx well's' act. In which she danoea the lily dance, surrounded by lllualonary flames. Is alone worth the price of admlaaion, Harry -Boyd, ta blackface performer who talks, arousas-a tumult of applause, f , KASOM. AV9 VASOV 11X1 WSSK. The popular German comedians will Open' a week's engagement at Cord ray's next Sunday afternoon, They are too well-known In Portland to require an extended introduction. Their - - new vehicle TTTlt A Snlts" !s one of the greatest .mnaloal ; comedy suoc asses of tha- year, and Includes the usual con tingent of pretty, girls, funny corned la na and talented singers.' The .production Is laiahly mounted and presented with tha -same- aocuracy . aa marked its ax tended eastern run... -..v.- ., "- : -'-.'.;'" "" '" ' i.,; -. .-jAjprai ctoos mxx. . . -' Nerc' -;e any vaudeville house In the city of " rt land grown ' In favor In a few dy. s has the Baker. Every per formance seea the houae filled to over flowing. - This week the bill is a strong one and it Is quite often people pay 11.10 to.aee a vaudeville performance of leaa merit; v .'.:-'--- , ,,-.-.-.v. ; -: , mu axaxT a avraxa . Friday la gold night s the Lyrla end anyryio in the audience may be lucky and draw a. If gold piece,- One of the best blirs of the season Is -there this week. -- ; ' 1 ,,'1'. ' 'Tf' ,, K, "'.' a 1. " ... OAa aiTMAaa socntrr.- ' (Jooraal BpacUl Serrica.) V v ' St Louis, Mo., Nov. I. The American Humane society met In annual conven tion in thla city today - with delegates present from state and local organisa tions throughout the United States and Canada.' The sessions will continue sev eral days and will be devoted te-discussions of ways and means for extend ing the. scope and Influence of the so ciety's work.' Congress will bs petitioned to take steps to prevent cruelty to ani mate employed .In the construction . of iav x 1 1 m- wniu. Defective-Drainage Is responsible for many and varl-' oua Ills typhoid fever One of the many. Let ua sell you tiling or sewer pipe that aoida or coaatant Ue won t damage. . , We are manufacturers of Stand ard Sewarnlpa and Fittings, Drain Tile, Vitrified Brick, eta. Our prices are as low as quality' can bo sold for. , y - CI-snd C.rlrk Ct ' Oatoe lot BasaeU -, VerMaad, Or. I 21 . sars -reel aasemy aareea, - JLE5S v .;f . : Go3toricPainle53 Denticto .'?. .'.' cwa. jrarra: faa araaaaoa. y- C--f. Whose Tr- slooal General Manager haa spent years In research and ' - thousands of dollars, haa been fully rewarded, as his secret preparation has made the 1 JSTOM PSSTISTS the largeat Dental concern 'in the . world, with offioaa in KBATTU, TAOOMA, VOXAaa and VOSLTHAJra. Anyone of which has twice the capacity and equipment for doing all Den tal, work t Aasav- .'...'. '.-.-,.?. .rf ,;,;--.,.:..'; .- , ... f -' -1 . . Teeth Enwfed Without Ptlin And replaced with new ones tha same day and guaranteed, fit Oa ao , '; y V, ;-. a i p V". , vr- -r. -. i 1 ,..t .. .5 -. ' .'V ... aa Old roots and broken down TlaTS restored to their former - usefulness . and beauty by crowning or.fllllng without pain at a small coat If you go .to BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS j- ), .r:.;'L ' on. nm its KOianoc '' . - . ; , . '. TEStti WILL7BB EXTRACTED FREE FRIPAY AND SAT- f...r.uRDAY OF THIS - WEEK - -.-.---1 1:. . ; -J 4 ( . t Crown and Brldgo Work at a price years If you go to. . .: . s . - :---.-- r-r i. -f- ' BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS -" 'i " aar era -pNlHOUpAlND4-OOUI .Will be paid to any person who knows or usee our secret preparation Tot' . extracting. "filling and crowning teeth without pain. - . , T, -.--- BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS ' Known the world over are the only dentists la Portland 'having . the -late ' botanical DISCOVERT to apply o the gums for EXTRACTING,. FtLL-V - OTJR BUCCESS ia due to our PAINLESS METHODS, LOW PRICES AND GOOD WORK DONE BT SPECIALISTS in each department. NO STUDENTS n tha offloa. All work done PAINLESSLY by SPECIALISTS " of lone years' experience. Give na wa advertisa ' 4 -'.'t.-..''. BOSTON DEINTAL PARLORS ruin and Morrlaen ax-Mh, AS A REMINDER 1 ).-... rZtui. Wg Stor In thV Middle ;TBio&V; 6W3TI.Ird 'SmmftiK end Pine THINK .OF A 1 GOOD NAMEi i $ 1,0-00-NAME . The Chicago will pay theV . above amoant to any person V "sending in a name that will be considered best for their great $2.50 Hats. The firm ' sell i moce SZ.M;;'nats"ithiiri7t any store in Portland, keep-- tng dp at all times over 23 ''" : styles' and colors. The value;' ' of the hat .is a wonder at the ' price.s. The styles are exact ' Vduplicates of-the leading S5. soft; and stiff - hats ? of ;.thet; times, They want to chris tert'the hat give it a. ita -ble Tame.. Send short names r 'if you will, as they .will be ' given, preference.; Address all cpmmunicatibns advertis- . ing manager of The Chicago, 69, 71, 73 Third street., on-i test closes Monday,' Novem--t ber 8 at 8 p. m. . All names -: ry'xW be numbered as received' and in case , we. decide' 6n a.;; ' name that is repeated by two ' ' ... . J ' . . . a.m' 'fit or more persons, ine tu win . pe 'gTven to. -'the..' first party suggesting the name. What is in a name ?, ; v.,'; ' . ir r i rr p r i tr a r id wishes to cai ttW : 11 L li IL ; LkllLAblP on f ?ple to to- which will contain ths most made by a clothing store on the PS WiSSSS- A - ; THEY ' IXAvZ T.1Y NICG-; TEETH. .'-.:'... DENTISTRY aMef. JL .-'.-.I I .- .,;. - K"1 -. la reach of all and guaranteed for 10 inn atoaaaoa, ncinuut"., j-juct,mua , aiiaranteeai '.. - for TEN, TsiA. 8, -1- :v --- r , C. axamlaatioa ;'i'.y .V: A Trea -' . Sllvay millngs ........ ....... ao ''', OoM IMlliaga ( i ,rr. .'.... . .'.flJW . 'i rail Set Teeth that At from. . .SSQ old Orowrai, . , . . . .93J0Q to SaJM asldga Weak. to ttUM a call, and you will And we do Jtiat aa . I . VitsV.; ''-;e ' r.-w; "',-"'. r v-. I aaranoa ttlH 4 It ,Vi"'" ,'U tompsny Trumpet lirt- Form' solid square. ;V?, Election night, next Tuesday ' will, post complete- returns from .the-." largest y bulletin board in. the city- erected in 'ti ;i front of our store.4 '-'-. 5000 5 2tS A wilj , be ' distributed , to the 'crowd just to 'eep things j i 'r's humming. ;' -'-''',i -; ; '' -V;. '"' -.'r . ' -' m at ' v V, Wanted! K (,'-'- r ,;A' spellbinder for the .occa ' sion ; one with enough" mag ; netic power to keep bad elec tion news : from 'jarring; the ; nervous syem of .the .man ' on the losing side."1'' ' - - . -w- . v-. i. uiuiiuw c veiling papers important announcement sver Pacific coast J mm ATTENTION Tnimn r "it "' H.. 1- ? .. .. ... -..V..' -J. . '', ".1.: . ' i. - : 'Is" 1 -. t ..