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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
r7 .. ' .a: f ' ' irrr cj c: ' N ' w to - I -rv ( of C r oi -I f -; r .r at 1 - the On""-'! j " -aaa t a- -4 r aad 9 d pee., t mA t i u - . . . . f ..A , ceer .!(- t -waf tur i kmprov t of C e,re-, ' t - the 1' c of W i .. r - t i of r t jt, m t ' ; Jto.4 U i.. U t. . j Au.V o -4 to t- kfuarMnr Bt of' M Oald Wv ,BM-t 11 'UtBO la WH f to 1. (ion. ! ad t. d wt i t o As r wi" a la a . a from ta o , r t i i p- ...nlkea of thla a-"- s t 4i a"C - I be heard aod Wlf th ; Betura lb poaa, , e( , o--iu, .no 81 !'. JM( of e 1- hmC CoCl-iB It... , t.. rilr t( lw H lUC A. Nor" n Peciile IWol Corn, -, t.wt 76. Vwt- N, lot ,, ' I. r-wtbern . ke -terminal C oay, I .,';. b , j . .rm r-i - tpeay. 81.14? , -cti- Pec U , m-nal Com ony, (j l4 8. No" a Pa i- Terminal Co-. . $ T 8. , ,X U, . -eotKe- u mm I, 1 i .'n i. tn- , nuny, uS.6i an- ' -d U oi bt 8, rorL -4 Oa OowiMitr. .. 'i M i, I- mi . , Caatpui, V. ' K , Port- . - '""i Cowiooojr. Li A 4 ot M .'i'H Jot '8, Tb Kwl i mi. Coo"o. I'lOj tuullrldod W H T, T- fciouiil Concur. ' - MPK , lot H ' ' W 6, . ChartM fmHM, i.5i . ' ! H of Jot . (urlM twin, Trauo, , ' .88t north U oi tot . Aar It Oontoo . . ; g. 30.s; lot t. Ud4 Woo, j : Total, 4tfe?U48 , ' . ' - , ' - TH08. 0. BEVtlW. ' . Aodltor of tbo Cltr el PortUa. Par(la.- Oraov Oetooor $U 1804. ; ' ' MOT OF tATTSY mm. -i.'.. t.l. ,oi WUV tl rMrtiaM OTupooM IO . t ' followlna 4rmrrbm4 mnvu dd i V or in m ' tain. opoHiiir aa4 oomkUrtf v bOOtfltai ! tho oomnnta a MMM1U filO UM . , - jnd doMTlptlou ttamroof ir ! toaorown"1 r vi" niH airwi, rrom i lut iw ox t him Toaoo to Ibo Voat lino it TVoa atoo, M luoThiad or ordlaaaco No. il.iif.. An obJortloM to ttto (wortkwawnt of root ' fn oM ImproOoanoiit vast bo am o la litla ;v too Couaell on4 fjw4 wlth tao Aadltoc wltala 16 dao troai tao aU ,-t tho tlrat Ouhllrattnn r U a. UL! AkLMrtinna f will bo hoard e--d OVtoralaoO' by Coawril 'rwforo tho Huin of tho ortUaPBQT, maatlpf .. h "t of oat. laaarovcnarat, : t BIA-i-rlTXK 8. aaath IwO foK of lot'- 80, Koaua t'omoile Archblatiop of tao vucoao of OniMr. ilH.Ot: aoath 100 faol of Vtt 11. , Bona a Catholic ArcbdUonp of b0 Dloeoao or urofoa, flkVlOs aovth - 7.00 . foot ot - t BMth MO, fort - of. hat M, Koaioa 'v ' , .. 1'athoU u. Arrhblobop ? o vho- - Dlacoao '5'. H 0rx- U; aoah -l,0.f-- of Aot 3tt. , . Roaaa Catholh! Anav.W aha 1lncaao .- Boaua Catholic Arrhoaihoo of tho Dloeaoa ;l S oo. .! oooth 100 foot of lot 7, . Boaiao Corhnate AroobtakoO of tao Dtoorao - of Oraooa, foo.R; oaath 100 foot of lot 34k, Hf.f CoBTanl of St. Domini, $3 J8; aooth 100 fact . of lot B, Ooarant of m. ' Domlal, f-22f ' rt 'ooath 1"0 foot of lot M. Jotw Potoro. oawth 1K faot of lot SA. Ida Jobnaoa. $0SA; aoath 100 foot of lot 2. M. B. MootxoaKrT. .-, , to3.ST: aaoth tl f wi m a t tin. , nah, 0S aouth loo foot of lot X.'KmlL U-Mi aenth I7.KK foot Of lot 1, , v A Nora UcKtnao, 11AM: lot IS. Mary Tnonor, :,. ,Aa).18: lot If, Marr T-mor. aao.Gtt. BLOCK ,',' M. oooth 100 fort of lot SO, Bwodlah U lath- - . oroa Kuiaaoal Ctnireh. 81.1: aooth 100 frot of lot tS, jha W. Sfcaaa, fySHTOi oooth 100 ' - foot of lot M. C A. arvl II. Corlaoa, 61.T7;i .... v - fmith 108 ttt orfot IT, Aaroa Molr Kaute, v.V; Holra of, 800 TO; aouth 100 faot of tot 18, 'Aaron Motr Eatnta. lirlra of. fMt.TO; oaath v 100 foot of tot 88, Saroh S, toworti 8V 88; , onoth 100 foot of lot 84. aVarah K. Bkmat, f , . IV.68; ornifh 100 foot of lot 38. Barab K. Bkonnt. 8M.88: oooth Ion fortW lot 28, Blmor - t. rTi 80 Tl oouth 100 fact of lot 21. ;.r-;t lla C. IfaUory." 8.M; oooth 10O foot of - . .'(lot 20, John P. WllaoB. 830.88: '-Booth 100 , - ' .fort of lot 18. John- P. .Wllaon. .M.17 aaoth j. .,. 27 .BO foot of lot 18. Emma Matthlaa, $.S: lot 1T. CaiBio Matthlaa. 811.78; lot 19, Rama ' x llatthlaa. (108 38. BarbOK W. lot 1. K. IT. . ' ritavlbboa, IL23 29; lot 2.-0. A. -Voaoorbock, . '. 12.32; north 100 foot of lot 4. Jaaala Lor, , lNI.81; north 100 foot of lot , OJ. Hooari . . brok? 884A4: Borrh UM foot kF lot i A. '- ; foliar. 1MM: aorth 109 frot of lot T. Joob ,-' t.yrbatra. 8M.80: oooth 108 foot of lot . - .. .. aiaroToorrJI T. -TVmlinaoai 8M.6: aorth 100 fV ast 8. Blloa V. Rom, 8M.80; north fjo foot of lot . William Tlnrn, Sot.H; aorth 100 foot of lot 11, W. 8. North. io4.12; i .; wrm iw root u n iy V8iU wraalnarr. . ! M; north 100 faot of lot 18, Paal oo ..... ..: iinoor, ooA.10:- oooth j42H foo? of ht 18. , " Joha Blaaaai Kouto, Balra or, 828.88: aorth t, t rroi oc tnt ..-. rirat uormaa at, a. cnorca. v . ii.ii.o- , : 1 Hana ' S. .Mai OT., BLACK 14, aortli 100 foot of lot l. I TTinram STa v, aMh.laa faot of lot --' 2. Haaa .Yoanoaon, 271.84: aorth 100 foot of i.'.. Jj I' aaawwa ja fHBiKuaii M aaiiaio, aaira oc, r v l1 aorth 108 foot oT lot 4. Jaaaao B. , , ' ' XootronMrz BauV Hatra of. 880,78: aorth ' . -100 frot oi lot 8. Jaaiaa B. Mootomorr- En- ' 'tato. Hrlra of, 130.72: aorth 100 frr of lot o. Maaro B. Mmitroasorr Botato. Bairn of, IIA84: aorth 100 frot of lot T. lamoa B. Moot nanorr Rata to, Roto of. S0.l: north 100 ' foot of lot ft. lamoo B. (ontaomory Batato, Prank Ball, 837 25: .aorth 100 frot of lot 10, . "J r4 JHodlrr. tS0 l ; aorth 100 frot of lot 11, . Jamraf T. Walla. 837.40: KMUMfnt of lot Indlrr. 8S0 81 ; north 100 frot of lot 11, r. Walla. 837.00: north 100 frot of lot . 11 Jaaaao T. Wnilo. 837.80: aooth '10 foot of M 14. Jamoo T. Walla. H2 north 88.88 f-ot of lot 14. Joha Pa troll, to 28: lot 18, ' v. 'oba rrro)U 8114 3. Total. 83.128 8& , ' a , . 4 ; Aa4ttor of tho Clt of PorOaafi. :- Tartlaatt, Orocoa. Ortohor 81, 1804. . ,V .noTotzo'-AMmnmn ros vmon- aUUTf l OF SITJBipy fTXTZT. ' NoMoo - lo hOrohr arlvao tKaf tho " (Votarll ; of th City of Portia d4 ptopoaoa to aaoaoo " tho followlaf . drocrlbo proporty 8ad oaroor -' or ooiawo aa batat OBOrJally antl, norallarly . f -, hoaofltr4 la tba ahnooata oat opooalto tho at.aira "" Bad drarrlplloao thoroof far tho Improraaiont of Xrlaloa atrrot, from tho trrot lino of Granol Kaaao to 80 fret woot ot tho aroot Hao of at Third stroot, aa proTtoad by oraiaaaco Ko. 1M74. - i -:V , : . ' Aar oblaotlaM ao tho - aoaorrloaaont of aoat . for raid Improroawat Biaot bo aaado la wrtrtna; , to tho -Coorwll and filod with .tho Aadlta wittiln 18 daya from tho data of tho flrot pahllraUoa of thlo aorleo. and aald obJoctlaaa will bo .hoard and drtrrminad by tho Coooetl ha for a tho paoaago of tho ordlaaaca aaaiaalad tha artat Of oold ImnroTomont. . ' ' ITttPHRSS' AOPITfOit to tho City of Port. s , laad-.-nr.OCK 81, lot T, Inmoa-Poolaaa Im- ' ' '. paar. 81M.80S lot 8. famaa-Poaaaaa Oompany, ''.. S8.38: aoath 18 'frot lot 8, Inaua-PMilnoa t r . Company. 88.(0) aaoth 18 foot lot 4. lamao Poalora Compaar. 828.83) lot B. laaua-Ppol-': ; oa Company. 888.44; lot 8. rnmaa-Pooiara , romnaay, tanfl.&d. . BtfM'K 60, lot 7, lamao Poofaoa Oompany, 82z2.81 ; lot 8. Inmao . '. ' . Poalara Company, 808. 73; aoath IS foot lot 8, lomaarponlara Coanony, 817.77; aoath 18 . ' ..'faot lot 4. Inaaa-Poalaoa Coaapany, 828.88; , , V :1,lot 8, iBmaa-PouleonsOnBr-anr, 00 87: lot 8. ' . ; Inaaa-Poulaoa Conpaay. l2.-m.H2. BLOCK tl, " ,. oaat 80 fort lot 7. Innaa-Poalaaa Compaay, 803.28; oaat 80 foot lot 8, laaaa-Poulaaa ... ' ', ' Company. 830.82; ooat 60 faot of aoath 10 -- ,-.-.-' - r,t lot 0. Inmaa-Poolaaa Ooapaay, 20 22. KERNS' ADDITION to Boat Portland BLOCK 0. lot 8, ThoBtao Olaan.-81.M lot T, Tho ' , Kortbrra Ooontlao laTaotmaat A . Trnat Coaa - pany.' Ltd., 823.41; lot 2, Chkrloa Orraory. ''77.83: lot 1, Uorhart B. MrBarra, 82M.07. ' V- ' l. BLOCK B. nt8. WlllUa 0. Brown. j)7.72; lot T, WHMoa a Browa, 848.10 lot 2v Wll ' ..Woa C. Browa 8M.74: lot 1, WUUaa 0. ' 1 .Brown, 8218.15. All ' of bharh A la Kama' , aodltloa lylDA bottroaa.tho waat lino of Baat . Third otraot and a lino 60 frot waat thrraof and naraltrl thorowlth aad batwroa tho aaath ". -Jloo of Dtrlaloa otraot and a lino 100 frot , .aoath thoraof and paralM thrrowith, 8a- ' ',. J rurlty Sarlnaa Traot Ouupany, 2411.80. To-. ,-taU , AoiMtnr of tho Oty of PorttaadV ;. 4 Partlaad. Orofoa, Ortobor .81.. 1804. TB0PO8ID A8SE88MEXT FOB TMWKOTaV NaHro la hortny rroa that tho. Coanni of tho Oty of rnrtiaaa nropoaaa to aaaaoa tha i foltowuut drarrlbod aroporty and owner or owarra aa bring apociaiiy ana noeaHariy ' - bonaflted In tho amoanta art oppoalto tho BaaM ' . : and oyeorlptloeo) thrraof for tho Improromant of ' -Romany atrrot. from tho waat Una of MrTon. tornth atrort to tbo oaat lino of TwaotloU ' ). ' itrrrt, aa'pnmdcd by ardtnanro' Ko. 18.807. Any nblrrtlona to tho oppoetleoaent of mot for. aald luproToaiont anat bd aodo la writing , : ' to tho rounrtl and ,Hlod with tho Aadltor U - within 16 daya fronf tho data i of tho flrat 1 nnhliratton of thlo aotlro. aad aald' abjaottono : ( will ho hoard and datrraUard by tho Coonrll ' ' baforo tho yooaogo of tho ordlaaaoo aaaaaatog , - tho ooat of aald Improrrmrtit. .. :. COPCII B ADUIT10M to tho City V BLOCK 281. lot 1. Ollrar J Orooa, 8121 27 V"- lot 4. OHraf J. Ororo. llTJtt; aoat H lot . , - Alwtn and Clara KadV jMO.ISr oaat lot ' -.Alw1o aad Clara Kodn. T8,78 waat k4 M 8. Mario L. PndOfJ.Jrwant H IkA )'"', .' I. Mafia U rinwo. 1177 ,2. AiCK 282, v,.. 8arln A Loan WIty ot. fan Fran " ! riara. t'Wi.M; lot 4. BaTlnra Loaa Bnrlaty ' " . of baa rranrlaoo, J 08; rat 2. Pari-h of 8t. , 1 V k liar a Churrh; fIT 61 ; fct of 0J. i biark'B Chorrh. 24 88. BLOCK 2n8lot 4, , .V-frtio Ba,.lK70;J0t 8. Mary H. Coorb, 617 28; lot Mary IU.rj.iirh. 88.73; lot . 1 ,f Vary ft. Cooch. 88 88; lot 9, Mary B. firt. 2i02'i lot It, Mary H. Coajh, 6131 't lot IX. Mat iTOoorh. fl3alW; lot 17. a.. , H. IVach. H Ullot 8V Mary-H, Coo. i"01. PUViiK feA. lot OllrrlfJ. r i ' Jai; o 6. Ollrar J. Orooo, 217.18; i. '': f- 6. Omlntloo t. Twlo. 84: K T. ClroHj. - " tloo r. Lowrn. AMM. BIAKK 284. lot . - V ary n f -V I' wl a biarrt R. ; Coorh. It d. h. H. Cwrh.Jlf7: rt 1: J 4 HjOC f t. a ft, 1 a. THE T X' -a r 4 171 oaat U lot 7. Alma A. . .."; waat k lot 7, Barnard Brady, I ; l' l', Karra Kr Uaamoam. I ii i t K 10. Jacob Baaor, 8N1.18: , r-.t 2-8 M 11, l-ortlaad Truat Coapauy of ' t--n, f t : .waat 14 lot 11, John J. s. t aaat 1-8 lot 14, joha J. v f .. u. ' waat 2-8 lot 1. B. H. aad , ! n a Iraae. f 32; lot 18, D. ht. MrKay, I i.n; lt 11. Jrod J. ; Vrrmahr1, 207.68. V T' 0. DBVUM, ' - r - n" , of tho City of Portlaai, Port hi od, u, Oetooor V 1004. V. t ACfOA. - A HI 106 IW107I. Xlea la barony glroa - that tbo ' Caaarll of a City ot Portland tuo' tolloanaoT. daarrwad nropetty tad owarr or ownrro aa b. .aaooUUy and Bocullaily boaofltad la tho aaoonta not oppoatto tbo aaowa and dnrtntkau thoroof for tho. Improaoaiaat of Para otraot, frua 18 foot Baot of tho woat lino of Twanty-firat otraot to 12 faot woot of rna oaat Una of Twonty-eemod atroot. aa pro vided by ordtaaaea No. 14.HH. ' - - Aay ot)oioaa tb tba apportion mant of root tor oaM lwmoroBiont moat bo made la writing to - tha CiMinoil and ftlrd with tha Aadltor wlthta 18 daya from tho. data of tba flrot annuratloa' of thla notloa, and aatd objrotlona will bo board and drtormlaad by -tho Council lefao tba aoaeaKO of tho ordthaaoa aaaaaakag tho ooat of aatd UBprorrmont. , .. a , KIN0 8 BBC0.N0 ADDITION 'to tho City of Portland -"A traot of ' 1tmt lying bo . twooo tho woat lino of Twanty-flrat otraot and , a Una lud faot woat thoroof and parallel there- . with, aad batwaoa tho north Uoo of -Doric " otreot aad a Una 100 fart aorta thoroof and parallel therewith, Ooorgo W. Batoa. 8124.07. . A tract of land lying betwaea tho aorth lino of Daela atroot and a Uoo 100 fret, north thoraof aad parallel there with, and between two Unoa reepectlealy 108 frot and 1M feet . Woat of and parallel with the Waat lino of Twanty-flrat otraot. O. M.' ftkilth, 8S3.B7. A . tract of bud lying botweoa tho Berth Bno ' of Dora atroot and a lino 100 foot north thoraof aad parallel therewith, and between ' two llnoa roapaotlrely- IM feet and 204 feet . went of and parallel with tha woot Ihio' of Twroty-flrot orreet, Baaford B. Whiting. "' (47.72V A tract of land lying botweoa the .aorth no of 'Doris atroot aad a lino 100 reot aorta laoreor aad parallel therewith, and . hrrweea ffho Unoa rroportlrely 204 feet and mi. a mi van oc ana parallel with the weet l oo ot Twooty -flrot atroot, JalU B. Roffaaa, Bin2.1S.. . 4 tract of load lying between 'the ' aorta l"e of pooa atroot aad a lino 100 faot Bona) thereof aad parallel therewith, and . berweea two I aaa reepeetrrely 841.4 foot nd , f-fl .8 coot wk of aad parallel with tbo weet I "no of Tweaty flrat err eat, Paanlo Btrohan,' 8nl.l. -A tract of ' land lying between the , aorth -line of Derlo afreet and a line 100 feet . aorth thoroof and Barallel therewith and be twaea the aaat lino of Twenty-eroond eHreet ' and 8 lh 8X7 Jl feat Weet of and parallel : with tho woat lino of Twonty-flrat otreot. ' 8Whla Uolaeo, SU.S4. Tho north 100 foot of parrel of land boaaded . and deecrlbed aa fol- tnwo: Coinoioaalng at a point la tho aoath line of Tjotw otreot lflO.8 feet weet of the woof Irno of Twanty-flrat atnaot. thenes oaat a - ana odath Jii of Daehr otreot to tho .. wet lino Of Tventy-flrat otreot,. theaco aoath . . along tho woot lino of Twoaty-flrat atroot to Ita tnteraacttoa with thovnartberly lino of .Wtahlnotnn arrant., ahoaro woeterly 158 frot . along tha anrtbeaiy line o( Waohlngtoa afreet. theaco aortlierlr lo praee of aolnnl..' WIV - Baa Bherlack Eatato, He Ire of. 8202.48; Tbo north 100 frot of a parcel of land bemAed " and deeerlbed aa fnllpwa! Commencing to' tbo " aoath line of thtrta atroot 403.1 feet ooat of tho ooat Hao of Twenty aorond atrrot. thence waat alneia the oonth Una of DaTto atreet 187.1 -' .feet, theaco aontherly to the nolo! In the I ; northerly llne of Waobtnrtoa afreet 168 feetd. weoa oc tao wool line o( Tweaty-nrt orreet. . theaco weaterly 138 feet alone tho Borrherle , Hoe of Waahlngroa afreet, tbonc northerly to nlaco of beahinrac. Zonhaoaa aVBpooldln.. 8388.61. 'Tbo ondlairlod Vi of tho north 100 fret of 8 barrel of land botntded and de , ortihod aa fnllowalrdamearrng at tha rater. oectloa -of tho oocflh lino t nana afreet with tho root line of Twonte oaoond atreet. theaco aoath- 180 feet along tbo oaat lino of ' wen i y eo orreac, , rnenco oaat lai reer. theneo northerly to a nolnt In tho aoath lino of Darla afreet 108.1 ferf Boot of tho ooat ... line or- -yweniy aaaoaa erreecv roe Dee -weo r along tho eonth-Jtne of Parte afreet tn place or neeiDnioy. jp. v. neroer. tbo an- drrbad V- of tha aorth 100 feet ft a nareal - of land boosdod and deaarln'ed 4a followe: - CVavnewrtua at tbo tnteraecttoa of. tbo aoath line rf Darw otreot , with tbo oaat , Itno of - Twenty aatraid -otreot. theoee oooth 160 feet bar the ooat Une of -Twenty ear raid otreot. , tbenotr oaat 181 feet, thence, aortberrr tn a point la tbaanatb lrao of DoVbt atreet 108.1 . feet ooat of tha ooat lroe of 8wenty aacond atrrot, thaeico' oeot along tho. aoath lino of Tiaela otreot to Mace a beginning, C. Seraey, 7 884 U .Totpl. 81 mas. . , " -i. . THOB, C. MMTLIrt. ' - - - ' Aadltor af -tbo Cltr of PortlaaA TNartWn. Oraeroa. Ocaober 81," 1804.- fBOPonD ABrcsaincirT fob impbotb .Knrr op kabt rwKBrr-BEooyp btaeet, Noflc U beretry alreoi. that' the Council Of tbo. City f ' Portland iPaaa to' aaeeea thd , teltowlng-deactibed prooorty and - owner or owaero aa being apecially and peculiarly benefited la tad aaonata aet oppoalto tho naaeo and deacrlptloaa thereof for the improeemeat of Boat Twenty acroad atreet, from tho north line of Donn a addition to tbo aorth Uno of Boat rrarn1 tie atroot. aa ororlded br ordlaaaca o. ,14.087. . ' . jaoy onjnrime ie-no ipwunawi w cm far aald Improeeatent .airt be mode la writing to- tha loowotl end-filed with- the -Aadltor arltiiln 16 daya froao the - data of tbo flrot buhl lea tloo of tht aorleo.1 aad aald abtoctlooa will ho board and determined by tba Council before the peeeaget of tho ordlaaaco aaaooalag the ooat of aald. Impreeeaeant. ' DrNN' addition to Bot Port land p lock .8, tot 8,-Atlae Mllllnd Oaaopamy. 878.381 lot X Atlaa MllUno; Gempano. 6101.30: tot 4. ,Atlaa Milling Coapony,, $118 oi. BLOCK T, ' lot 10. Mar7 R. Jonea, $18.02: lot 8. Mary K. Joaea. 84B.T8: tot 2. Blloa Jonea. J38.78: lot 1. 81 lee Joeoa, 8168.60. , BLOCK 8. tot '' ). Kdnh K- and Joha OateeV $114 81 tot 8. BdnaiB.- and John Galea, 838.81: tot 8. Edwin- (X Johaaon. 811 7l tot 1.- Bdwia C . Jobnoon. 881.77' BLOCK 8. waat 142 feet lot . Atlaa Milliner Oompany. $14.71:- tot 8 O. M. Smith. $78.a2: tot 6. O. M. Bmltb.. I $88.47 ( tot 4. Prank Thleaane 80J ST. BLOCK in, tot 8, Klbert W. Onoper. 8148.81; tot 7. Blbert W. Cooper, $37.82; woat 14.2 faot tot ' 8, Paal Kraeat Jonoa, $11.48: weet 14.2 '' fret tot 8. Janaeo P. and Annie Watklaa. 811.27: tot 4. Jameo P. and Annie Watklna. I 88.75: tot 8. BV B. Hatnor. A148 87. BLOCK , 1. (tot 8. John P. CordrayV $18. 2; tot 7. .. JebA-P. Cor dray. $88.0 woat 14 2 feet lot rpaul Braeot Joneo, $11.18; weet 142 feet lof 8. I41U-Morrta Cordray. $84l; tot 4. 1 Ml lie Mrtrrla Cordray, $12.09: tot 8. UlHe V ..- .Auditor f tao Cltr sf Partlaad.' Pnrtbrod.. Oregoa, October 81. 1804. nOFOOO AB8K88hTClrX FOB 8XWXB HI ' , wtttoot rmT. . iotlco . Wr baraby alrea that tba Coandl of tho Cltr -of Pnrtleod aropoooa to.aeaoeo tho foltowln deecrlbed property, and owner or earner aa being apecially and perwllerly benefited in tbo amount aet apooolta tho aaaaee and aeeerlptiona thereof by tbo dun tract Ion of a aower la Pettigroyo treet, frma 168 foot went of Twenfr-loncth atreet to tba aewar la PettTtrVa atreet, aa BrarMed by ardlnanoo Ho. 14.178. " - ; . -t Aay objection tor tho apportion Bern! of root for . 814 aower moot 1 he made 1a writing to tho Council and fried With tbo , Aadlbw within IB- daya from tho elate of tbo flrat pnhHoatlon of tbla notice. and aald objortlona will be board and. determined by tbo CoancU before tb paeeago of tbo. ordinance aaaaaatog tho coot of aald aewer. . '- GOLDSMITH'S AltDlTTOW to . tba etry of PnrtloarH-BLOCK 10; tot 8, bt. Arnold, . 817.781 fet 7,at Arnold. $17.7(1.- BLOCK II. - lot 6. Iwla . MrArthar, 28 IB) lot 8, LouU Gold.rnlth. f 828.18. Total, $7 jn, . - . Aadltor of 4 he Cltr. of Portlaad." Port bind. Oregon, .October U. 1804, FK0POBKS A88KBBM8KT FOB . - rMPBOTB- Atxrr or m kabt xalf or bixtxibth . mmatry - - s v- lotlco ; to " berehy ftrea that fba- Ooomell eOtke City of Portland' pmpoaaa to aaeeea tbo foltowlag aVocrlbad property 8BaV owner or owner a being anorUlly and peeallarly benefited In tbo omounta oat oppoalto tho aaaie and daarrlotlaoa thereof for tho Improvement of the oaat bait of Bliteoatb atreet, from thH annth enrb Uoo of Tayhw otraot to a Uoo M0 feet aontlf of tho ormtk Uoo of Taylor atroot, aa BrnrMed by ordaanrd No. 14.168. . , - Any oh)ectloaa to tbo apportionment of 'root far aald tmproToaent meat be. made la writing to tho Council . and filed with tbo Aadltor within IB daya from tkd data of tho flrat BwhllcatlnB) of -thla . notice, and aald objeetlona will bo board and deterataed by tbo CoancU before tbo peerage of the ordlaaaco aaaiaatng the root of. oold lmprnreaMat, . -tnnTLAHiv.Ri.oric aia. tot 8. tf. B. KbmlcL 808.04: tot 7, H. SL etlaealdV $44U. Totalc -'"''' Trt0. e-IWtTtllf.e-''.'. , , Auditor of tbo City of Partlaad. . INrtiaad. Oregon, Octobor 8L laDo. . OOMPXtlOK AV A0CKTTAVCK OF HI .. PMTiKwjrr vr- libak nibf. Hotter to herehy girea . that Wllllaa C. ptlMtt, City BnoiuoeOi has Med hi the efrlco bf ' tho andfofaBed . notice that Port la ad Hy dree ne Bteoo lomnany. contract no for tha lav proean t or u liaa a otreot. aader 'the aro- rlalona of erdlmur Ne. 14181. baa completed raid atreet from IB feeb root of tho weet lino ( P 8 atreet to 11 foot weat at tba aaat 11a Klntb atreet. - ' Bead aorenunco wilt be eonoldeiad by'tho Treriirlee board at 4 It'rIOek on the 4th day ef Koocarhet. 1K04. and obtortlona H tbo accent, one of . oald atreet, or , any port thereof, may bo Bed In tb ofnr of tbo dare l Bad 81 8nJ ttm rHnr thereto. -Tn BXBC1T1TB BOAKI). - -By THOl. C. PIVLIIf, . 'Miter of the City of Portlaad. " job. uctooor a, lova. - "OREGON' "r - iLY f JOUKNAi; --ton." aaonbjeeioanhaaoaa Bye,,. 1 fc -m 00BE A. "-ST fOE tKFKOTX- -. MEJfT OF bBAJf BTBEIT, ; . Kotlea' -h hereby girea'tbat tbo . Coandl ot the City' of Pcrtiaud Brunoaea to oaeeaa tho following .dreruued Property 8nd owner cr eWDcra aa being apomalle- aad peculiarly benefited la tho amount net oppoalto the name and deacrlptloaa thereof Tar tb Impioveaent of Ollaaa atr.t. froor 18 feet aaat of tho weet lino ot Park atreet to IS feet weat of the oaat Uno of Ninth atreet. a provided by ordlaaaoa No, 14.181. .--.,.: v - Aay objection to tbo apportionment at ooat for aald Improvement muat be made 1 writing to tha. Cuonetk. and filed with tha Ahdleur wlthle 16 daya from tho data of the flrat put, lira ttoa of thla notlco. aod aald obieetloaa Will bo heard antT datermloed By tbo Counoll before the paeeago ef the ordlaaaco aaoeaelaf tbo oaat of aald Improvement. COI'CH'B ADDITION to tho City of Portland BLOCK ' 73. .lot I. Mario Btrecher, $110.07; 'tot 2, Adolub Burcfchordt., $U).7. Total, $221.84, ' . - .. '.' '-. TM0B. 0. DKVLIM. '.?'. '' ' ' Aadltor of tho City of Portland.. . Portbiad. Urgoa, October 81. 1004. " PA0PO6BD ASSESSMENT FOB IMPK0TJ, h V - MUI OF M0KTKBWT BTBUT. t ' Kotfco bf ' hereby five a - that tho CoancU Of tha City of Portland prop nana to oaeeaa tho following deorribed property aad owner or owaero aa being apoclally and peculiarly benefited la tb aruounta aet oppoalto tho naaeo and deacrlptloaa thereof far tho Improremeot of Northrnp atreet, froaa tho writ lino of Twoaty-eerood otreot to tho oaat Una , of, trd (treat, aa Horlded by ordlaaaca bio. 18,724. - -., ; V ' i Aay oOJerllona to the aaportlomrat of coat for aald fmprorament moat be made la wrttlag to tho Cbancil and. filed with tho Aadltor wthln 16 daya fronf tho dato of tho flrat puhUrotloa of thla noticow and aald objectioaa will ho heard and delorniUiad by tbo Coonml he (ore Aha .paaaago of tho ordlaaaca aanaltg tha coak of aald- taprooeraoBt. - COI'CirB ABDITI0N to the City of Portland. BLOCK Bod., lot 4, J. W. ' Drlacolt. 1104.32; .lot a. Arthur C, Spencer, 14.80; lot 6, ' Kobert rtrneo Wllaoa, 854 70: lot 8, Bridget ' I.Tona. 8A8.60; lot 8. Clementine L. Wllaon, , BrtilM; lot 12. Clementine L. Wllaon. 808.8I1 lot IS, cnementlne U Wllaoa, 82,l bri , 17. Caroline U. Wllaoa, 218.88; lot 18, Bomnel -Wagner, 887.81. BLOCK 806, lot 1. Uood "Bamarltaa HoaplUL 6108.01: lot 2, Good , 6108.01: lot 2. Good $16.67 tot B Good Bo. IW.83: tot T. Good Ba I67.0H: tot 10, Good. Ba- . Baaariaa ttoapiuu, ai maritan RoanltaL Sn. --tnarltaa Hoepithl,; -t . ooa ea ' awrttaa Hoapltal, fM.tb; lot 14. Good 8a- Berltaa Hoaplul, AM.OU. A tract of land lying between the! aouth line ot Morthras - atreet aad a Hna 100 foot aouth thereof and . parallel thorowlth aad botweoa the aaat Uno of Twenty-third atroot and 8 Una 109 feet oaat thoraof and parallel therewith, r ttood ' Kamoriua BoapltaC E I11S.8B. ,; Total, :p??V;ys Siloi r,.wu- ,i . Aadltor. of tha City of PortHaaV. Portia ad, Oregon, Octobaf 81, 1804. - FB0P0B1D AS8ZBBMXXT FOB IMTBOTJ, ;. : , BUT V uriu of the ntr af Portland nropnoeo to tho v following deecrlbed property aad .owner or owner an being apecially and peculiarly benefited to tbo omounta oat oppoalto tho aaawo and doacrtptloBa thereof for tho ImproTetbeBt of Barter atreet, from tho weat line of Twroty elohth atreet to the oaat lino of Tweotr-nlnth atreet, ao provided by ordinance Mo. 14,038. -. -Any oojeotiona to too appornoanieni 01, roet ftie aald lmmnimmt mnat be Bad In writing to tho Council and - filed with tho ' Aadltor within . 16 daya from - tha data 01 tn rirat puhllcatloa of tbta -awtlce, and aald objectiena will be board and determined by tba Ooomell Ubeforo tba paooago'ot ho ordinance aaaaaalng tne coat ot ami a laproreinoiK. WlLLAMRTTB HSIGHTSBLOC&t 0. lot 1, : Loata Goldemlth, 101.811 tot 8. Leola Gold ".amlta,414 M; lot 8, Loald Gotdemltb, tS7r18; , .lot 7. LouU Golriaalth. 888.40;. tot 10, Lou I a ! ' Goldemlth. 868.871 lot 11. Percy . Jilyth. 8o2.47; tot 1. Percy H. Blyth. 862.(7; tot 16, 'X Emily I. and V. B. .Moore. 104.7: lot la. - Char lea Kohn.- 862.20; tot 18. Chartoa Kobn. E42. BLOCK B, lot 4. Percy H. Blyth, 06r tot 8. Percy H. Blyth. 21400: tot 8. X rtiedlander. 107.48; tot 8. Percy H. Blytb. 8111.27; lot 8. Panl Tan Prldagh, . 8108.08; lot 12. Matilda 0. McTntoob, $106.08; . Tot 8. Wllllaa Macklntoab. 868.20: lot 18. Wllllaa Macklntoab. o2.1n; lot 17.- W. P. Brooke, 862 78: tot 20. W. 1 Brooha, 64.t. - TBTOS. C. TUTU, - ' .Aadltor. of tbo City of Portland. . Portland.. Orogoa, Octobor 81. 1 1004. PA0P08XS ASBXBBMXVT FOB rMrKOTt MIBT OT TBI B0UTK HALT OF TATL0B R1IR. . , '.-,, ''; Kotlce to - hereby given that the Council Portmad tho following - deecrlbed property aad owner or owneco aa- oetag apocuuy ana pecu benefited in tbo amount oet.nfmoette tao a Bllorly aod daocrlptioaa thereof for tho Improve Meant of tbo aouth half of Taylor atreet, from the rant curb Una of sixteenth atreet to a Una 10O Toot oaat of tb eaat lino of Slxteoatb treat, aa provided by ordinance No. 14.180.. Any objectlooa to tbo apportionment of met ror eat a lmproromepc mnat no aaaao in wnnng to tho Council, and filed with tbo . Auditor wtfhla 16 daya from th date of tbo ftret pabUcatlofl of thla notice, and aatd objectiena will- be hoard aad determined by the Council before tba paoaago' od tho ordlaaaoa aaaaalng the coot f oald Improvement. . PORTLAND BLOCK 818, tot B, B. Kv Kta ."cald, $80.28. , , . . .. ...a . ' Andlbw of the Cltr of Portlaad. Portia ad. Oregon, -October 31. 1804. ' .- FB0P0BED A88E88MMT FOB IMPKOTaV MXKT OF FBAHKXIH BTKIZT. .. -. Itotlc 18 bervfiy given that tba Council of tho City of Portland propoaoo to aaaoaa tbaj following; deecrlbed property aad owner or ownera aa being apociaiiy aad peculiarly benefited la tbo amount aet oppoalto tbo namee aad daeorlptloBO thereof for tbo Improvement of Prank Itn atreet, from the waat Uno of ITitrty-eecond atreet to the nat Uoo of Kagby treat, aa provided By ordinance No. 1S.B88. - Aay ebjectlona to tbo apportionment af coat for aald lapmvoaeat mnat be made lo writing to tho Council and fltod with tbo Auditor withla 16 daya from the data of tbo flrot nuhUcaUnn bf tbla notlco. and oald obteettona will bo beard and determined by tbo Council before tho Baaoag of the ordinance ooaooalng the coot of aald Improvement. WILLAMETTE HEIGFITB BLOCK . tot 4. Percy H. Illy tb. 81088; tot 8. Parry H. mytn,; lor a, t'erev u. niyra, t lot B, Cbarlea. M. flnaalna. $06 81: tot . Percy H. , Blytb, $88.67: lot 12. Cvntbla A. Baacroft. 808.16: tot ' IS. Percy ft. Blytb. ' 814.47 1 lot 18. Perry It. Blyth. 8X2.88; tot . 17, Percy a. Blytb. $60 23. BLOCK 21. tot 1. Bcottiab Amertraa In Teat meat Company. '. Ltd., $108.72: tot 2. Scottleh American In ' veatmeot Ooapaay, Ltd., $36.08. A, bract of . toad lying between the nontbf Uno of Prank . Ua atreet and a line 100 feet aootb thereof and- Barallel therewith and between the weet ' Una of Honatoa atreet and a lino 810 feet weaf thereof and parallel therewith, Scottleh .' American In vent meat Ooapaay, Ltd., $497.71- Total. $1.278.0.- , ,1 , 1 ' THOB.- C. ' flKVLIIt." .' ' Aadltor of the City of Portlaad. : Portland, Oregon, October $1. 1904.. FK0P08ID ; AB8EB8MEKT FOB IMPBOTB- ; xurr or xast thjad min, ' , Kotlee l herehy given! that ' tba Council of the -City of Portland prrwoaoa to aeaea tba following deecrlbed property aad owner or bwnere aa being apecially and peculiarly benefited la the amounta aet oppoatta tho namea and deecrlnttors thereof for the laprovement of Poat Third otreet, frna a Botat 80 feet aorth af tho north line of Kant Darto atreet tn tho north Uno af Beat Conch atreet, aa protj vioea ov orriinanco no. je.iei. r - Any obh-etiono to tbo apportlKnaieat of coat fat oald Improvement nmn be made In writing tn tb Cpunell and filed with tb Aadltor withla 15 daya from tho 'date of the flrat pnbllcatloa of thla antic. ' and aald ebjectlona win no aoora aaa aeterminea ay rno tamncu before tbo pooaoge of tbo ordlaaaoa aaaaaalng tne cool ot nam improve1 menr,. , KABT PORTLANDBLOCK 8. ' aoath 8n feet lot a, Oregon Keal Ratata. Company, aiut.71; ' lot B, Oregoa Hear Batata Company, $08.83. BLOCK r. lot 8. Carolina Ana and Marietta Meaardorfrr. $1.7: lot 7, Caroline Ana - and Marietta Meooodnrfer. $88.88; lot 8, -'. Tabltha. J. Wllaoa. 868 071. lot B. Tahltha J. Wllaon. $.18.07. BLOCat 74. aoath 80 feet ' let B. Loalaa M. . hlooroe Batata, kelr ef, $S.18: tot 4. loutaa H. Moore Batata, balra . of.' $110.02, BLOCK 78, lot 1. Michael A. pllna. $tafi.l8: tot 1 Michael A. Pllnn. iot.BBf tok 8. Phoeba J. Tblbara. $60,70: tot 4. . I'hoebo J. , Oolbnrn. $S0.4uV Total. 6900.71. . 1 'Aid1tor af tb City of Portlaad.'. ..Portlaad. Oregon. October 81, 1004. . : rtOrOBEiV BJBISBalXVT FOB IatFB0Ta . . tux t or mutt btkht... .-- . Ketle to herehy given that tho Coaaell af the City of PorMand propoeoo to lam tho following 'deecrlbed property and owner or owaero aa being apecially aad BocalUrly benefited In tba amount oet oppoalto the name and deeerlptiona thereof for the. Improvement of Ktatb atreet. from tho north Hna of Ollaaa aweet no tbo Onutb Uno of Hoyt atreet, aa provided he- ordinance No. 14.106. -Any objectlooa to tb apportion meet of root for MM luiproveaent meat be Bad tn writing to tho , rootict t and filed with tbo Auditor withla 16 daya from th date ef the flrat publication of thla notice, and aald ebjectlona will bo heard and determined by tho Council before ibo paaaago of th or dt Banco aeaaeelag the eoet of aald Improvement. . -COWH B ADDITION tn the City of Portland BIXK'K 78. bt 8. Arlotph Burckhardt, J44.83; ,.lot .8.-Adolnh Burckhardt, $44 82. BMK'K ,74, tot 1,-lna II. Ink. $44.02; bit 4. Um ft, Lewie. - $44 82; -tot A Jamaa H. Hndxlleara. 44 : tot . Jaaea a. Uoddlo. ' Son, $44.(2. - Total. 2j7.7S. j - ; . r, Z1 1 TllCMl.,C.--DBVt,lJr, "'' . . Andlbw of th atT of PortlaBaV ' mrvand. tarrgoo, , October 8L 1804. , .. . . O AY j ... citt r- OCTfTTTIOW ak Aocrrti i or tit. FtOTimiZ Or KAZI Ii.aia . . . . . ... . 1 unlit, n Fotlco tb aereny giv-u '"V , Kl'intt. City' Engineer, k a the ofBoa ef tn anoeralgnod aotlro 1 J : ";JKPVt'. contractor t- tho Im-oven t ot S,ot " . ifTaya Atreet to tbo Looabw Uao "a!. .' will ba 'nnderw bf tbj Pi-4v ..rd at 4 o' clerk on tbj k iuU and obieetloaa to tbo accept ance of oahl atreet, or - nay ert ereoir. may bo Bled la tha of hoe ot. tha aaoramaod at time nrlar thereto. '-' i "i " mSa T.qninl V v r't. j' s; iftoB: LiLii. : !- Andltor of tho Cy of Puruoad. Porrlaad. Otegoa. Oct-jbot be,.l4. T ooHTumoy akp ocrwtAr or . ni. Kotlea to hereby given " "'""ZnZ ElUett, City BogiBoar, baa 8 . 1 b tbj ofae af the aaderolBaed aotkea that bwrtkA How- ord Ooapaay, contractor mc l"T , of Davie BUt under tbo aro'totooa of ordl. kJ- , BA IM kad MbWtl.iaattal alaaii Vtf MV fToVlt feet of tho woat .tT"'H a e. 1 hat waat af th aaat Uo ( Twraty-aeooBd atroot. . ; -,JL ko eke . Bald aoceptaac will be coaaMerod by'ttj Itecutlvo Board at 4 o'clock oov tb 4tbOay of Nuvoabor. 180. aad obJocUooa b aacept- at any prl ttereto. ' , h .' ' Auditor of the City of ParUaaaV Portlaad. Oregoa. October Buy IWO. OOMPLBTIOIT aM9 'ACCXrtAXCM 09 --noYXMxT or fbott ramr ". - Wotlce la Hereby glwa that jriVManJ C. Klllott, ty Kagtaoor, bo Bled In tbo ofltoo . .eaii mIIm that Archie Mi raatractoi for tho Improvement atT rroat a treet. aaaer tna proyuiona or orumeoce baa comptated aald atreet from M feat aarkb of the-north II ae ef Wooda gtreel h tha aoatt Uoo ot Groeer atroot. . , -:, Bold acceptance will ba eoaoldefed by the Bxeeutlva Board at 4 o'clock! oa- tb diolday ef November. ipo4. and obtocttoaa to tbdJBOp' a ace of aead atreet, or aay part tooreof. aay ba Sled -ia tbo offtea of tba aadaralgaod at aay Obm trior thereto. 2 - , By THOB. 0. liaVUl. Auditor of tbo City of I portkoad. Partlaad, Oregon. October. BO, 1804. tjfjatPLjrriov Ajrs ' AocrPTAKCK - or a novnuii or jus bix-. . . ' Mot to- to - hereby given , that WlltlaJB C. lUott. City Kaaioeer, baa Bled la tha office or too anooraignea notice mat qerw t ard Company, ooa tractor for the Improvement . n m. . , j .k . ,m ..lelnee m9 earn. naaeo No. 18,064, baa eeapleted aald atroot from tbo aorth Una ef Vvaahlngtoo-atreet to Uo rontor Uoa of Jltai r .'i oaia aoceuimaco wiu ww.,-, . r BxecaUvo Board at 4 o'clock oa the 4lb day ee-November. 1804. and objection to tha accept. aaca of aald atreet. or any para meraoi. aa bo Bled In tbo offiea-of the uadaralgaartl at aay Mae prtor thereto. , - . ;; - , ' ' ; By THOB. C, DEVLIN, f ' : Aadltor of tho City of PortUad. Portlaad: Oregon, October 20, 1004. ' - . COXPIJrnON ' AJTD AOCEPTAKCK OF Ot. : MOVXKOPrr OF PAAX BTBEZT. ;';) ' Kotlcd la horoby fjvaa that Wllllaa' 0. Klllott. City Engineer, boo Bled la tha of Be of th wnderalgaed notice that 8 tar Baad Com pany, contractor for the Improvement 'of Pork atreet, under the provlrlone of ordlaaaca No. J3.0&4, baa completed aald atreet from th enter lino of Btark atroot to tbo eeuter Una of Bumalda atreet, - Said acceptance will bo cooal dared by the BxecnUvo Board at 4 o'clock on tho 4th day ot November. 1804. and object loo to tho aooopt once of oold' atroot, or any .part thereof, aay. bo Bled hi tbo office of tbo anderalgnod at any time prior thereto. - THB BXBC1TITB B0ABD. " '-'1. ;'-' By THOB. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbo City of Portlaad. " Portland, Oregon, October 2, 1804. 0OKPLXTION - AMTO - AOCXPTANCI OF TJf. - FBorxxxNT oi nni . tn uir or : TATL0B BTBJtXT. v.-..- , - . vMiH L. vank riven that Wnllam C anuM r-i, . Vaeineae. haa ftkad In the office of tho andoralgned notlco 'that Portland .Hy draulic Stone Company, cootractor for tbo la BroveBmat of -aoath oa half of- Taylor atreet, aader the proyhitona of ordinance No. 14,100, baa eompleted oald atreet from tbo oaat curb Una ot Sixteenth afreet to a Uno 100 feet oaat of tho ooat curs uno ox maveeuio aire. e.i. ..i.m will ho eeaaJdered bv tb Bxecutivo Board at 4 o'clock on the 4th da or November, isoe. ana oojocuooo ee ioo oecepr nco of oald otreot, or . any port- . thereof, may bo Bled In tbo office of tb andoralgned at aay time prior thereto. -. . t . .. , ' TUB BXbVl'TlVB BOARD.. ' By THOB.. C. DEVLIN, " r Andltor of tbo City of Partlaad. ,. Portlaaa. oraaen. uciooer.iK, COatPLXTlON AND ACCXPTAXCX ' Or ' lat. FXOTXXXXT Or XAST- 0XX XALF OF BUT, rXXNTK STXXXT. 'N .' . . ..- - Notloo to bareby flroaj fBati Wrtllaa- 0. Elliott, City Engineer, haa fltod In tbo , of See of tho aaderalgned netlVe that Portland Hy drunllo Btoao Company, contractor for tbo Ina-, prove ment of eaat one half of Sixteenth otreet, under the brovlaions of ordinoaco ho. 14.168, baa coBptoted aald otaaet trea tba aoath curb Uno of Taylor atreet to a Hap loo feet aoatb of tho aoath curb lino of Tayfcr atreet. - Said acceptance will bo reaetdered by tba Executive Board at 4 O'clock oa tba 4th day of November. 1804. aad objoettona to tba accept ance of aald atreet, or any part thereof. Bay be fltod. tn tho office ot tbo underalgned at any tine prior thereto. ,; , . THB KXBCliTITB B0AKD. ...1 ' , ' Bv TrlOS. C DEVLIN. . 1 Andltor of tho City of Portlaad. , Portlaad. Oregon. October 88. 1004. . - 00XTLXTI0N AND , AOCXPTAXCX OF- IX- -v- BOTX20arr--or- xtxth btxxxt. - ' Notice to hereby glvea. that William C. Blllott, Cite' Engineer, baa Bled la tbo ofOeo ot the nnderalgned notice that Portlaad Hr draulle Stono Company, caatractor for tho ln provement of Ninth atreet, under the nrovlnlono of ordinance No. 14146. boa aomnletod oald afreet from tbo north Hna af GUaaa atroot to tho aouth lino of Hoyt atreet. ' Bald acceptance will bo cooaldcred bv tha Bxecutivo Board at 4 o'clock o the 4th day of November. 1804. aad objectlooa to tho accept aaca ef aald atreet, or aay Bart thereof, aay ba Bled la tbo ofOca ot tbo anderelgned at any time prior thereto. , THB BXBOTIVB BOARD. , ; - .. . . . By THOB. C. DEVLIN. . ' Aadltor of tho City of Portlaad, , Portland. Oregoa, October 20, 1004. - COXPLXTION AND ACXPTAKCri - OF XX. PBOrXXXNT or XAST twxbtt-xishtx inTXXXT.' -".'.':, -v ! : :'- " Notice ' to hereby giver) ' that ' Wllllaa TX pillott. . fit Engineer, baa Sled la tbo ofSe Of the nnderalgned notice that J. lu O'Nell, contractor for the Improve moot of Bunt Twenty, eighth atreet, under tb provliloaa of ordl. nance No. 18.048. baa completed aid atreet from tho center Boo of Beet' Vamhtll otraot to tho renter lino of Boat Taylor otreot. ' . -Bold acceptance yrlU-be cooaldcred byrtht Ejrcutlve Board at. 4 o'clock oa the 4th day ot November. 1804, aad obtorttona to tbo accept aoc of aald atreet, or any part thereof, may be Bled In th office-f the underelgnrd at gay time prior thereto, . , , THB PXBCTIv'B BO AND. -, - By THO. 0. DEVLIN. ' , Aadltor of the City of Portlaad., Portland. Oregoa. October 28. 1804. ooxrijrnoN ajtd accxptanox or rx. rxorxxxxt or xast ' washtkotox stxxxt, " i-v,.- -' ?7 ; ' Notlco to hervhy ' given that Wltllaa C Klllott, City Rnglneor, baa Bled la tbo offlca of tbo aaderalgned notice that J. R. O'Nell, contractor for the Improvement of Knot Waeh. Ington atreet. Bnder the provlalone of ardlnanc Ka. 14.208, baa completed oald atreet from tho oaat lino of Eaat thirty-eighth atreet to tbo want Uao of eaet Ttalrty-nloth atreet. . . Bald ooreptaooo wlU be eoraddeved by tha xeeuttve Board at 4 o'clock oa the 4th day of November. 1004. and object Ion to tba accept ance of oald atreet, o? any part thereof, Bay bo Bled In tba ofBrg of tho -wMrVelgneo at any time Prior thereto. tj? ' ' . By THOB. 0.-DEV1.1N. . ..- Aadltor of the City of PerttonC . , Portlaad. Oreaon, October 20. 1004. , , coBCPLrnox and acttxttaxox or rx FxoTXKxrr or rASTjr!rxirTT XiXTX BTXXXT."" M " ;......'. -I v . ' Not let' s : hereby 1ea that .Wllllaa C F.lUott,- City Boginoer, hao Sled tn the office of tho ondaretguod notice that -Becblll Braej, contractor for - tba Improve moot ef Beet Twenty-elghtb atreet, nder the ovwvlelono of ordlnaaro No. 13,848, have completed oald treet froa tho oooth lino or Belmont atroot to tba inter line of Eaat TaahlU atreet. Held accefitonco will- be ooaoldered by the Bxecotlve Board at 4 o'clock oa tb 4th dey ot Bow mher. 1004. and objection) to too accept aoc of eirtd atreet, or any part thereof, may bo Sled la the office of the aaderalgaed at aay tlae prior thereto; - ,. ,v . ,nil M1 TITX BftAHTf. ' By 1H0B. C. DEVLIN, , , ; - " " .i Aadltor of the City of Portland. . . rorUaad. Oragoa, Oeieoer 20, 1004. - - lTLAKp. - -V: Vi'': l vzwNt novi::jber t, 'J ' CITY NOTTCXl. -u -uru l - 'f OOXTLXT10X AND ACCXPTAXCX 0T EX . PXOYXXIXT Of X0XX1B STXXXT. Notlca la hereby I gteeu 'that Wllllaa 0. BlUott, City Btiglueea. hao Bled -In th bfne ef the anderalgued notice that Glebleeh A Jop. Ua. eoatractora Cor tha Improveaent of Morria atreet, andet tho prevlekone of ordinance No. 14180, have toapbted aald treet froa tho neat Una) of luloa avenna to tho Boat Ha ol Albino. -A....,' .. - - - J" , v. rf Bale: aeeepta nee will he ooaoldoroaV ay ; the lUecuHee Boar , 4 ,ftM ea tho tth day Te" i' lVt- ""Jectkxia to tbo accept. - any pare pmw. Bay he Bled lo tbo office of tho aaderalgned. .gaM !! tr Ua V rrr-T-uTO. .'...,..'. TUX EXElTTlVB POARD. by TH06. 0. .DEVLIN.- . . ' Auditor of the City of fur t land. h Portland. Oregon, October 3a, 1004. , ',, . coxpxrnoN and acoxptaxcx or tx. rxovxxixT or iast tkixtt-txtxd Stbxxt. - i. !! Notlco hi ' tereby glvea that WUUaa C. tniott. City Xugtnaor. hat tied In the office of tbo - uoderolgued notion that 'Glrblach A Jopllu. rontractora tor tha Unprovearat of Boat Thirty-third tract, under tbo -nravtelnna of ordinance . Ko. 12.878, have completed aald treat froa tho center Hao of Enat Aide otreet. to th center Ua of Eaat Waahlugko atreet. ' - i Bald acceptance will bo court dered by the Bxecutivo Board at .4 o'clock on the tth day of Novombor, 1004, and objection to the accept anco ox aaia linai, or any para jncreor. may b Bled lo the otSca of the andeceleued 81 Bay una prior wereio. . . i THB - BXECCTIVB BOAP.rr f- t By THOB. Cf DEVLIN. i J Auditor of the City ot-Porikaad, -i Portlaad, Oregon, October 2. .1804. . i nxiiarxrnoM ajtd aockftakcx or ix. 'iv PKOTEXXaTT OF MAIB BTKEKT.", ;, ''j ifotle to hereby glvea that William ft. Ulott, City Bngloaor. baa Sled in the effleo Of tho anderelgned notlco that Smyth A Haw ard Ooapaay, osatrartor tor tbo improvement ot Mala atroot, aader tba arorlilone of ordkoanc No. 14.088, aaa ooapletad oald atreet from the waat Uno of Second atroot to tbo oaat Uoo of Third otreot. .. . . .. i Bold accept no . will bo ooaoldered by tb xeeuttve Board l 4 e'eloek oa tba 4th day of November. 1004, and objection to tba acorpb mm. e mmlA ahaat ee . anv nart thereof. aay ba Bled ha tba offlca of the anderalgne at aay time prior .thereto, - CT5i 'l. THOB. OL DEVLIN, - V Aadltor of th City of Portlaad. Portland. Oregon. October at. laua.. OOXPLITIOX 'ASTO AJITTAXCX OF BXWXX , IX XoXXXCHXX AND WIXLXT STXIXTS. - , k .WtfA Wltllaea C luon, .ay BBiiiww, . - r . or tho anaeroignaa nonce uiaa smmui ." contrnctora ror ino eomitrwinivB oi e eww McKorcbar aa wilier etrreie, nnoar mo pvo rialons.of ordlaaaco1 No. 14,170, hare completed aoio M.a iniaj aw vw m. . - Uno of Hawtboraa avenue to a eonnoctton with tho aewar 4n ,aat -xniriy-uuxu eu-eoa ea o"i atreet. ., . , ' , ' Bold acceptanc . will be oooaldered by tbo Bxecutivo . Board at d o'clock an tba 4th day of November. 1004. and objoettona to th accept ance of aald aewer, or any part thereof may bo fltod 4n tbo office of. tho uaderalgned any uavpnw wi. . "fl-i Uy TH08. C, DEVLIN. Auditor of tb City of Portlaad. Portland, Oregon, October $,. 1004. O0XPLXTI0N AND ACCEPT A CX OF 1111 , . i 'J, IX .XAST ABB. BTXXXT. ' Notlco to hereby 1vb that Wlinaja-C. Mil.!, Ma. Ta.tnua kaa Bllewu Itb hah .UjMeWAB , lllDla, VF , aaanaw .-w -. ebametari iot u ptjoiinwiiwi wi awv-w. aa Bast trtvt. BOr m pmimumm dk A 11 x Aab-wB. iNriBvAYirFl AA rfU(M tar. ab fMnkwtllMI Wltk tkat Mfftt 1& BaVt Tw-oty-fo-irt. crtt. ' i- lb M!fl IWPtlDN Will - 9W CWIBTTwU T ...w am a.4 i . A ..laaaaV otan t Vwah alth at a uf aarKaarijuw-ay SMwavru aia, at ar t-awa wn w of Novombor. 1004. and object loo to the accept ance of oald aewer, or any part thereof, k aierf the mtti af tha Bndoralgaod 8t aay tlaerior thereto, it ... xnai bam una . eoBou. -, i, V," ay, TH08. 0 DEVLIN. ,. . - . Auditor of th City1 of Portlaad. ' Portland. Oregoa, October 28, 1004. . . 00XPLXT10N AND ACCXPTAXCX OF BXWXX .? ! IX XAST SECOND STXXXT. - v.h . t.eeehv otvaa that WUUaa C BUIott, City Bngtnoer, bno Bled tn the office of tbo anderelgned notlco that Pralnay A Beat- a lha ffnaalnirtln of a OOWeT la Kaat Becond atreet. under tba provtaloao of erdlnaneo No. m.iuh. Bare compreieu eeia aower from the renter Una of Oregoa atreet to a connection with the aewar' la Kaat GUooa BaYd 'accepraavi will be coneideved by tb Bxecutivo Board .at 4. o'clock on tbo tth day of November. 1004. and objoettona to tba accept aoc of oald ' aewer, : or aay part thereof, may ba filed, la tbo office of tb nndrralguad "tiSnxW Bfxa ' . . - . - By THOB. C, DEVLIN, - .1 '-, --Aadltor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oiercn. October 20, . 1B04V - OOXPLITIOX AND A0OXPTAXCX OF SXWXX K ,-: :-.'., It FTJIX BTXXXT. .. r. ,. ' Notloo to hereby glvea that William 0. Elliott, City Engineer, ba Bled In th office 8f - the' anderalgaed Botlc tbot R. B. Rlncr, enntractor for tb ronatractloa af a aewer la ptna atreet, aader the previa lone of ordinance No. 14.147, baa completed oald aewer from the oaat Ua af Sixth otreet to tha Willamette rivet. , - Held aeceptaac wtll ba cu net der ad by' tba Riecnttv Board at 4 o'clock on the 4th day of Noveahor. 1004. aad object Irma to tba aecept aac 'of . aald aewer, or aay part 1 thereof, aay bo Bled In 'tbo office of tbo naderaigned at i Bay tloo Prior thereto. ' , , ! "'", THB XXXCCTIVBi BOARD. .' ' By THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' ''- Andltor of tho City of Portland, , Portland. Oiegoa, Octotar 28, 1004. , COXPLXTION AND ACCEPT ANOXA OF Of. . ' PXOTEXEXT Or , VXIOX ATtXTJX, . ' ' Not! no ' to hereby glvea that WUUaa ' C Elliott, City Englneor. boo Bled In the office of tbo naderaigned notlco that Piquet A John alon, eoatractora lor tbo Improvement of Vntoa avenna, aader tha provtntona of erdlnaneo No. 18,087, have ewmprrred eold atreet froa the renter line of Kaat Madleon atreet to tba Berth Uno ot Hawthorne avenue. , Bald ' aerrotanee wHl ba cone! drred by tbo Executive Board at 4 o'clock oa the 4th dey of November. 1004, and objectlooa to tb accept ance of- aald atreet, r , any port thereof. Bay he Bled la the office of tba aaderalgned at aay time prior thereto. , . v THB rXBCCTITX BOARD. -, : , By THOU. C. DEVLIN. '; - Aadltor of tho City of Portlaad. J Portlaad. Oregoa. Octobor 20, 1804. FX0P0SED A88I88XENT FOB SXWXX, IX . TBJaD nun. - .". a Notlco to hereby oivea that tba' Counet of the City of Portlaad ucopoaes to aaeeea tbo following deorribed . property aad owner or ownera oa. being apecially- and peculiarly benefited tn tb aamunl art oppoalto tbo namee aad deeerlptiona thoeot by tho conetroerloa of a aewer tn. Third otreet, tram IB feet oonth of tho north Uno of Aleode atreet to the aewer la lUrqiiaa gulch, aa provided hy . ordinance No- 14,172. ''',''' " . Any object lona to tba apportionment of cool fog aald aewer. mnat bo Bad . In wrltieg to ' tho flowncll and " filed with tbo Aurittor wtthta 1ft daya froa tba date of tho flrot publication of thla Botlce. and aald objeetlone will 4m beard and determined by the Council before tbo aoaaago of tbo ordinance aaaeeetog lha mm, tfne 1 .1 aewer. -. - CARVTHERo ADDITION TO CABUTHERwJ APDIXON v to tbo Ctty of Portland--1 BUNJK 64. ' hit B. Anna K. Woltrlng. $0 801 lot ?, Anna K. woltruig, e no: eaui - " weet 100 foot of tot. ' Anna B. Woltrlna. ' 80.40; eaat 4 .feet of weat 100 feet of tot 1, Anna X. WoltfW $0.40: waat Of) feet of lot 8, lllko Epeteln, p.!M; weet 88 fret of lot 5, Alike Kpatoln, $KA6. . BLOCK OS. tot 8. J aeph Pink. $. BLOCK . tot J. Omgoa Hallway A Navigation Company. 28.06: tot 8. tirogon Beltway A Navigaltoa Company. $26.06; lot 8, Orkgnn Railway A Navlgettoa ' Company. $23.06; lot 4. Oregon Railway A Navigation Company. $26.06. . BLOCK 08, .. u t I. Jennie Hueb LM. 221.801 . . IVirfeet of eaat 100 febt f tot 1, Albert ' B. aad Kioto B Welrht, $3.80. Total. 17A86. j . , . T11Q8. C.' DBVLI.n. ' Andltor of tho City of Portlaad, i- Portland. Oregoa. October 21. . 1004. - 1-f - PROPOSALS FOX tTXXXT WORK. - "Bra tod prooceala will be received at tbo Of. Bee of tho Audit. of th City of Portland antll Prlday. November 4. lt4, at 8:00 'chick a. m., fi tbo Improvement ot Thuraaa atreeO) fron tho weet line of Kughy atreet to the weet line or reter unno a aouactou tmmm manner nrovlded by ordinance No. 14,206, ana-. lect to tho prevlalona of -the charter and Ordi nance of . the City of Portland aad tho ee ti me re of the City Engineer, on Ble. .. , Bide auet bo atrlctky In accordance wit prioVad hlaoka. which, will he fnvnlehed on application at the office of tbo Auditor of tho City of Portlaad.. And aald ImproveaeBt auet bo completed .oo or before 120 daya froa tho date ef the aignlBS of tbo aoatract by , the portlea thereto, ' No pmpoeohi nr hid will be eaoatdorod aa teee accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of tbo Mayor of the City of Portland, certified br a reennnalhle boob for aa amount equal to 10 pee eaat ot tb aggre gate propoaal. , ' The right to reject any aad 6U old la Bereuy reaervear By .order of th Kaecottra Board. , . - THOB. C. DaVLfN. - : - Aodltnc bf the City of Portland. Portlaad. Orenou, October 20, 1204. V'2 .? t ,-"ian''''r CTTT I ' roTnroiusTxx'i aoncx. Notlca to hereby viae that aa tbo Both any IMk)htf lu,i4 I toon up auu erseeueoeu In tho City or i-eriaaeu, we a .rVr.''. ft- 4tocto "rtod wWU !. whit tltot rlBBt .Icl". calf, toft bind foot -Mta, lac, whltTind tower ballot toll whlta. ,; ,j- . Brlndia n wniie ai.v. I. i.rJrUt thorala. hall ctoia poaeooton o( ?h. aVmaTandy allolt and rhTrlea ef tho ig and oovortlalng tbec Mba. with th. poind fcaa oa oald anlaahi, aa prov dad by ordlnVncV No. B 02S. aa anc-ndod 1 .i..i t amlll nab Him klh uf Of 30TtBa- bar W. t the bom of 10 a. m.. at tho City Peuai" at No-21 Blxteanth, In oald dty, ooll theVhove deecrlbed aalaato at Pubkl auction to the blgheot bidder; to Bay the rata and rTargea for taklBB np. eeeplMB nd advorthiluB - Dated tola' Slat dby af October, 14. . r f. w. BEKD, PouBdmaatar. COXPLXTION . AND ACCXPTANOX Of . FX0VEXX8T ow ,wiomm . Ikil WlllllB C. EUlott, City- BogiBoor. baa Blod to the offlc of tho BBdaralgtud. notlca -hat Blper A B ner, eeatrartura for tho improvement of GlJarl atreet, under too nroviaiona i v.... 18,878. hare compietod aald tract froa the eaat Uno of Third atroot to. tho waat Us of r-Toni atreet. 7 ' . ',.. Bald accepaiKB WIU oo mwaon. r Executive Boerd at 4 o'clock oa the tb day of Noveahor. 1804, and objectlooa to th accept anco ot aald atreet, or any. part thereof, may b filed In tbo offlc of too underalgned at aay tiae prior inereiw. . .1111 r..iy i in . c . i. ' . ' , d i. , nvainar law vr " - . , Portlaad. Oreqea. October 28, 100. - t 00XPLXTI0N ANO A0CEPTAN0X OF Df . rXOTXXXXT OF FLTTX BTXXXT. Notlca W herehy - glvea that Wllllaa C, nil.,. Pile Bnetneae 'tiaa led In the of Be of the uoderalgoed notlca that .Warren Con etmcuon, lompany, coairacror ioo ue iniierore. aent of fifth atreet under the Brovtatona ot ordinance No. 13,838. ban completed aald atreet from tbo north Uno of Aide atreet to tba center Uoo -of Aakenf atroot. ' . : ' .' Bald ueceptanc will he canal drred by the Xxerutlve Board at 4 o'clock on the tth day ot November. 1004. and objoettona to tb accept anew ot oald otreet. -or aay part thereof, aiay ba Bled la tbo office of tba aadoralgaad at aay tiae prior thereto.. . v TUB BXBCCT1TB BOABfr? 1rM! - By TH08. 0. DKVLIN. ' , ; f- ' Aadltor of tbo C4ty of Portland. , . PartUad. Oregon, October 20, 1804. , COMPLETION . AJTD'. ACCEPTANCE OF' tM , . rXOVXXXITT OF BELL WOOD STXXXT. Notlco la hereby Uvea that Wllllaa C. Klllott, , City Engineer, haa Bled ta th office af th aadcralgneir- notlco that Loulo Janln contractor for tbo lei prove meat of SoUwood atreet. under the provUkona of ordinance bo, 18,726, boa -completed, aald atroot froa tho enter Uno of Rodney arcane to tb weat Uoo af Union avoauo. ' Bald aoFCptaBoa will bo. ooaoldered by tbo Bxecutivo Board at 4 o'clock oa tho tth day af November, 1804. and objection to tba accept ance at oald atreet, or any part thereof. Bey .ba Sled, la- the office of tb Boderalgned at Spy time prior thereto. - ; a, ao, tn-w EXBCi'TlTX B0AP.D.V , By THOB. a-TEVLIN. . ' '- Aadltor of tbo City of PortiaaeV ' Portlaad.. Oregoa. October S8. 1804. - OOXPLXTIOK AND ACCXPTAXCX 0Fy XX . namtn err kaLBKT Staxit, , - Notlco .to herehy giveo that Wllllaa' tS Blllott. City Bngloaor, baa Bled In the erse of tb anaaralgMd notlca that BecbtU Broa., MnhaflMfinr the . ImorovemoBt of Hatoey atreet, aader tba provtaloo of ordinance No. 1.BH. BOV Compielee eaia exruea irea.iw aeat Uno of fcoat Twenty fourth atreet to th cater Una ot Knot Twenty-oUth atreet. Saidt acceptance w:u no eonaioeroa oy- ino Wveentln Heard at i O'clock OB tha 4th da of Nerembav 1804, and objectlooa to tb accept anc ot aald otreet, or any pan - raereor. Boy ba Stot In tbo office. of the. underalgned at aay time prior, thereto. ' u ' " THBaBXliCitTITB BOARD. ,. ' , -f ":" 'r-V ByHOS. C. DBVLIrf. ' ' '' . Andltor of the City of Portland, Portlaad. Oregon. October r 10114. Double-Trade Mijssburi River 0 Tha ChiafffvPortlantf SdccIaL the most luxurious train in the world. DrawInK-room Bleeping-cars, dining car, buffet smoking ana library car Sirber and bath). Lets thAB Uirt rs Portland to Chicago. ( ;. ThroughTrairis Chiraf a ft Nonb-Wextero Ky. to Chka-o froa Portlaad and points lo Oregon aod Kaatora Waahlngtoa. . f . ' Daily excuTaloni In Pullmaa toarixt alecpingcart from Portlaad Ikyrougb . . to uncago wilDoul CDaoge. BV R.X1TCHIB. 0. BABKBR. Geaerel Agent. c. a b.-wTb. Oeo 1 Aft. fa, Caeet, ' 4it Market Street, OR Tairo wreet, . 1, Sax PBAacjtco. Cau roaTLAMh Oaa, tioxob ota oa ua Ttttx ti. -hn owo Trfriaicoritlriantl Train OsZly , FACT TIMC c TO SroKAK-n.. f T. T DUI 'TTH, ., MINNftAPOt ) i Aj5 . . AUe I V ... -i . ... - ".-t tet- f - rvO - Oaoe-' '. a 'I r i !, 1 . 1 w i' r . . i.-t III: ..:" i , r II JAITLWORJ. t OHIO R. R. JKIL. TRAINS VIA VAJakXNOTON (11) a' . . i'y. ARbUraonPAcinc 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Throagb Parian atandard tad tenrlat tie Ing cora dally to Omaha. Chlaooo, Bpokanot touriat oleenlng ear dolly to Kaaaaa Cttf through Pullaaa touriat aleefMa eara (peraon ally conducted 1 week ly to Chicago, Bealkataat - , . , , : UNION DBPOT. - Laavea. . Am Tea. .-, " , CHICAOA-PORTLAKB -. vJV BPBCIAL. 6:188.1. IB 8. 'Be ? y Tor the Eaat via Boat Dally. . . Daily. - . v . '., . Ington. - ,' .... - fa'- v-,. , BPOKANH PLTER. -J ; - i v )" 1; For Eaatern Woahlng- . ' 2 . !,,v ton. Walla WoTU. Lew- :ld p. 86. B8,'bVa ,v let no. Coenr d' Alone Dally. Dally. Jv and Great Nortbero "'" r .,' i polat. .' .- , . ; . , v , V.v? ,;- IftxTr? lUbb f:B,Btoi if? in'gxonT B"' Pny. Dally.x -70CXAX Alrp'xrvXXJ(TirOTrrA j;; . P0B SAN FRANCISCfjlL . f ; - .'. ' i "W" Alnawortb "I-"- Nov. 2, 12, 22. Den, ,, BB .,. t. S. Columbia , -'. 8:00 p.a '' ' Nor, 7, 17. ST.-.. '.' j'" ' Oolumtl River D1 via Ion. . ' FOB ASTORIA aad way I WlB t ; points, cooncctirg with Dally. -v" i atmr. for Ilwaro .' and ex. Sunday SeOB B. ate. ' Jlartfe Beach, vatr. . Ba- Saturday . aa. Buodqy. . aalo. Aab-ot. dork. 1010 p. a. I , . . Tamhill Xlver Xouta. ' ' BOB DATTON. Oregoal ' - " " I City aad Yaahtll Blver 7:00 0. a. S:Bb.b, Elnta, atra. Bulb and CrDy. ' DaUy. odoc. Aoh-ot. dock. ex. aaday ax. aoadoya Waterjpwinlttlng.) Saaba XToar Xoata, " ' FOB LRWISTON. Ida.. B-40 a. ba. About and way poleta from D.H,. , 8:o0a.aa, Rlparla, Waab., etrare. ZZ "il Dolly. Bpohane aad Lewtotoa. ea. TICKET OPPICB. Third and Waqbiagtoa. Xueaa phono Main T1X For TnkohaBM - and Hon' tar. ealltnc mi Itrba, Nagnaakl aad Shanghai. Uklrgr frelr' via eoBnerttna eteaaora for Manila. Port a-v thor and Vla.llvoatok: . 8. 8. AKAGONIA. f-. Ml A. 8. NICOMBDIA. Nov. 21; B. 6V KUBkn. TIA. Dec. 8. For freight aad further aarucae Lara apply to . - JAMBS ft. DKWS0N. Agent. ' Teeffrbono Mala B98. TJpcer Alaaka Dock. SOUTH ,..-i. TJNTON DEPOT. Arrlv BRLAND BXPBXSS train, for Balam. Roaa borg. Aahland. Bocra- 8:80 $ av aenta, Ogden. Baa Praa-leTdBa. 82 eiaco, orocaioa, tea oof gcuo. El Paeo, Few ur- laona ana too mm Moraine train Beet - . of Woodbara dally except Bandar with tea Ib for Mi S:M8.Ba. T:18. ba, Ancel. Bllvarfen. Brownavillc 8prlag- neia. n a aoufig aaa Natron. Albany poeeeui 4:00 f. a. v ' :' ' I 7:80 a. BL neeta at Woodhurn with 10:lSa.n. t Antral aad auvac- toa kcaL Oorvallla IIB:imn.a Bherldaa paoqengiir, 8 d q. t- - 'Dally. IIDally. except Buadar. Farliaad-Oawego Suburban Sirrlia and ToaaaU ... trivial. - Depot foot of Jafferaon Btreet. Leav Portland dally for Oawvtro 7:80 a. B.t 12 60., S-08. 8:26. 8:20. 8:26, 8:80. 10:10 p. . rjeltv' texreot Bo a day 1. BiBO. 8:80. 6 so- 1 1 a. bv; 4:00, U M p. a. Sunday amy. Returning trom Oewego, arrive Portland a-"- 8:80 a. a. I 1:68. tM. 4:86. 8:16, T:M. $ , 11:10 p. m. Dolly (except Bnndayl tU, 7 , 8:80, 10:20. 11:46 a. a. Except Koaday p. n. Sunday only, joot a. a. - Leavee froa nana depot for Delia and laO a. nadlato potnto daily t except BuadayJ d:00 B. aw Artlva Portland 10:20 a. m. . . Th Indepaadoace-MonBioatb ' efobw' XAao opoiato dally to Moomouth ana Alrrla. a- - neat Ing wltk Borttheru r act Be aa neiiaa aeo laoeuenoeac. Plretlaao faro fmm Portlaad to Baeraa and Baa rrancleco azo. Bertha an; faro 818. oecond-claaa berth $3.80. Tleketa to Xaatern Botaaa and E im. r-1n noTMnlu and A nitre lie. City Ticket Office owner Third aad Wa2 togton atreeto. Pbon Mala 712. . CT W. 8T1NGIR. . W. ft. CVyXATf. - Oty Ticket Agrat, TIME CARD ' TRAINS iRTi-Mvivrti i, UNION DXPOT. ... njnt Bonn Limited. Peparto. 1M b ax. 8:00 a. at. " ' Arrive, i StSBfvBto tl' 7 XX) a. an, .'-! Ittk BW for Tacome. Brattle Olyapla. Booth Bend and arty' . Harbor nnlnta. . .North Ceaet LlnrlteC XOV aai we., '- wee, Butte. St. Paul. Mkn pea polio. . Cblraao. New York, BVwton and poknta Kaat aad Soutbeeat, -Iwln-Cltr Bxnreo. for Tacoaa. Seattle. Spo kane. Helena. Bt. Peal. . i ...... New Vork. ttoeton and 11 1 B. B8, ail poknta . Kaat Bontbeeet. . Pucet Boood . RTi , j r! S.S0a.a. City-tit.. LouU Special, for Tacama." Beaftle, Bookano. Butte. Bllllnoa. Denver, Omaha, Kaneoe City, Bt. Leuka kad all 7:00 a, a. point aaat and Beau . ' . t ; ' agar. . All train dally except oa Booth - Bt at braaeh. W - A. - D. CHARL10-4. Aalataat Oaneral Peenx-r igea. i S2S Morrleoa t., cor. Third. Pm-tland, 0. Astoria & Columbia 'V River Railroad Co.' I . Leave. UNION MrOT. i AyetteK V- 8:410 a. ft. Doily. For Mayrer Bjiet.r Clatakaalo. , We.tport. Clifton.. Aetort. Tiar raatoa. Flarei, flaoi aood. Poet Btceee. Qearhart Park. BeoeMe. Aatoria aad Seaaboro. telly... Xli ri V -,. t' . 9 ai s '. Sally. 7 -oo a, m Dally. . iatarla Erpreaa, - - , - . g, tj. a Tv, ' 0. P. and P. A., Aetort. 0. -C. A..BTXWABT. Ccmtierclal Agaut, .4 4 1 , (t. rbono Main 8. 1 .' ' -I vvrn."