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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. FORTLANP. T.sUr-CDAV LVZi:. 3. MO L'j.:;.U BERNlQUc CAIlXVOYAMTa, Tir: vziled paoriixTiiss Weaker Feeling in Local Hogi n Izzlt Down Tody-Sheep "Are Stroi .r Zitter War on in Sweet PoUtoes Chicker.a Clump. TODAY'S MARKETS I' ' at tb Bests fflce ef PorttaB 'mm Bullae. rn.tkldr dull niM; For 8. 10 SO page. I t: 82 rl paver, I crui;, j M psgea, S nxtraoirxa. .Msln 2M Baslasas Office.. FORIMN AJyTXaTISrMw BIPBXSEnmTITX, Vireland-BragamlB 8i-cUt Advertising MajJ. IN Nissan street. New tork; Tribune BulM-v- lug, Cklesg. - : . - , ... .) : 'I urBBCftirnoir batia -' Ima tr nt. ' T Pstly JournaL with Sunday, 1 yer...$T.W Tea Dally Journal. I rMr.......v.--vL41;J 1M Dally Journal, with Sunday. sawafW-J ja the Dalle JoatnaL 8 months. ; Tee rnr ouj7. a months,.! Tbsjisllr Journal, I months -"' WTially bvul. wit. Snndsr ! month, lb Daily, nor mtk, dellrered. Sunday IMtarf ...... . . . .a..'- - Til- Dally, per weA7"deUTereA Sunday .1 Ti by KaU. ' ' The Dally IwmI wltt Sunday. 1 yenr...$T88 The Pslly Journal, t rw...,. j... i " The Tiwll JouraaL wit Bundsy. BJoath. J-JJ Tbe Dally JosrnaL ino".....;..! the Dally Journal, wltk Sunday. $ moBtke. ? Tb Dal'y JoeussL I months i'"-;,;" 1 J, 7 he Pallr .lonraaL wltn raiuoay, a' "The Dalle Journal, I aeotfc..p.. .... Sunday JoeraiL 1 yeer ....... Xke Sunday Journal. awmfha ..a. ..' ion . .0 ' Tta Semi-Weekly jurni-. 7 fb rntf-WekiT Journal. to 1$ " , Hrt torn. illustrated, full nuuket re art. 1 w.....,.-..v..-............;". . .. Tke Weekly otnal. The. Weekly Jovctl. IimtoImium of T; ' v- tar !. -HUM trt4. full J"',yM Mn, riprm ram id imU auKmiiM n MptabJ blaa 1-e.o ,5' JSit.' i P. 0. Bra 1. PrtlM. r. - . WHUXk XHX fOUUAI. MAT BS I0VVO. ' lovraaJtM iV limii ii'li il th lo Inwlnc p1o: romi. idh pw !. v '" CHICAGO PoatofiVw Ww. onijn)T. 1T Dm Pl'NTKBCX1f. X1riVk Bt"BTr rnmpaoT. ll 4Vmtvntb utravts J. Vhiek. Rlntwntli and fwrtta attw. ...... r ANSAS CITT Va Now Nrwa eMDinnr. . on AKURLB8 B. r. Oarnnw. I tj Uprtnr atnwtj OUtwT Haliw. Boat RprlnK atmet, -WINNBAPOU 1L ;)t ImiHik. -.MjtMtk - ThW. KBW TORK CTTT Brmtaan's. Cnlow aqaara. . or.riKN Ornra Kw com pan?. ( OMUHk MlttwHotl nrwa taa4: V-catk dtattooarr wniany. 1S1S Panmm atraet ALT LAKB.C1TT .KaaaM fcwlel wwm atn: Barrow Broa.. 41 Wnt Hrmnd atiwat, Snotfc. IT r fir nhltl - milt lrait atrppt. - BAN fBANTISCO W. E. Arrtln. r1t HoM mi ataad; Qnldaml Braa.. xw uar atnwt: rrH W pura. 10n Vrrt (tract. BPOKAXC. WAH. Joh W. Qrahaa A O. TACOMA. WABH. Cantral Nrwav oompaar. 11S1 r KZSTXlto BOTIOZ. HIINIHAHA TRrBK. No. t. ImpmaHl OrdJ Rra !!. TiV rnrular matlna will ha Iwld " la tb nrw wlawaok. Wtllamatt kali. No. . liny, tVconwl ittwt, at I a'rVpek.a. m. aack j. Thursday awolna. , . ' " PAO CARTKH. BattnB. , I. rAB8TKiT". ChW of Rat-orda. :,:y-i;.;:.? WBATgJSB BPOBT.- .. '. Tha aiararbaaca rawtarda aorta of Montana kaa dlaaoiiaarad and tha aturm la ttaa (alt at at pa fcaa akaad absat suf) mllaa aaat aaA la aow era tral am aroatarn Florida. Thar la waldaiira f a third dlaturbaaea at aaa (( tka Brltlak C'nhinihto Mkaat. t i ModcRatalr kaiT rrlna kaaa falVa la waatpra ar.ahlnwtoa. Tha rain mod It Ion la tha rnlf atatoa ka drlftrd aaatward and rain la 'alllaa thf. BMrBlnf (aura llx ta tba aootk-AUawtW wtataa. . " It la ararw aoolar In tka aortkara BorkT Bvrfintata platcaa atatpa, and mrraapondlnaU ' wanaar In In Naw F.nrland and tba mind la At lanlle dlatiiPt; alaawharc tha- cfcanaaa . la ' fi miwra fur hin bpn nalmnortant. Tha Indira tlona ar .for rajotlmad wrtaattlad wnatkrr la thla dlatrlrt FrMar wltk rata went of tha rsaradaa and klfliar trmpprararaa -aa- araiu axrrpt IB wpatrra waaniactoa. .. - - V- MABBIAOB UCBBMB, f Joka Patraa. 40, WilU Walla eowntr. Waak ' togton, and alalia Martin; 89. - " f-harlaa I..' Smith. 2S, and rrr Halraal, It. ' Poa F. Wllaon. SS. and Mabal iMtar. ST. K. W. Croatbta, SO, a ad CkrlaUaa H. Dwa koar. n. i . Ckmrlaa A Bjuratt. M, Marloa enantr.- and Paarl aina. IB. r.rajp) B. FalrVr, XT. and MiValatna 0. tUrka. SB. Uaorfa View, 21. and Skaalr, 23. SfrTHB. ' Ortokar , tn Mr. and Mra. Alfrad Bark '. kardt of TM GUaaa atrppt, a daacbter. tirtokpr l. to Ur. and Mra. 0. F. WooKar, f TH1 Mlaalaalppl aaanna, a danxhtar. Artnbar A, to Mr. and Mra. Joka 0. Pataraon. - af aiifl Mlanaaota aaanaav a aoa. ' Ortohar 14. ta Mr. a ad Mra. A, W. Mowrr, af tbla ally, a dannhtar. w (letoliar U. to Mr. and Mra. Joaapk F. Eal W. of 374 Oollaca a trap t. a daachtar. ' Ortolwr SI. to Mr. ar.d Mra. Edward Harold, , at 4-4A Twanty-thlrd atraat. a aoa. r (Vtohar . to Mr. and Mra. H. K. Darla, of . Br VI rat atraot, a aoa. Oatobpr ). ta Mr. and Mra. Ckartaa 2ohaaoa, . of Mo Baat Braanteaatk atraat, a aoa. Ortohar X to Mr. aad Mra. John Staoyar, at ni t'orbatt atraat. a daafhtar. ,r Ortobpr . to Mr. and Mra. Harkart Strat . ton. of STS Twaatyrnrt atraat. a ara. . Ortobar Zt ta Mr. aad Mra, Bdward Hat anrraua. of Kabraaka atraat, Fnlton, a aoa. Ortotx-r SI, to Mr. and Mra.- Fred J. FoUrka, at 714 Watar atraat. a aoa,... , . .. v " C0BTA010TTS DIlIAStB, i fWobpr ST. Oraarad Uaka, 800 Kaat Klcrcatb Btrpt: dlphtkarla. . . , Ortonar ! 8. H. KUbora, 8t Tlaorafi bo. JUl; dlpktkrrla. 1 ; ,' '; DEATHS. . '' Koranbar I. Joba Dnkekart. arrd ST. at 'S64 Yamhill atraat: raoao, rarabral kanwrrbagr. Burial at Elrartlaw camatary, Norcmbar I. Fradprtrk V. Aadrawa, arad M yaara, at J4 Abarnatky atrarti rauoa, rarabral ufunlnc. Borlal at ltlrerrlaw caaKfery,' Crematortam On Oregnn City ear Bae. - near Skllwood; modern, setaatlfle. complete. Ckargra Adults. 86; rblMrea. 23. Visiters S a. aa, te 6 p. m. Portia ad Cranutloa aaaodatkn. Portland, Or. n - ' Tka Bdward Holaiaa Hadertaklng eompasy. ft.asral directors aad embslassra.' 220 Tklrd street. Phone 607. 1. P. Flnley A Ron, -raaeral director aad embslsaere, bare remorad te new aetae liakment, corner Tklrd aad Msdlsnn atreeta. etetk pannes ko. 8. . Funeral wreatna and cat flowers a- epadalty at Rose City .lireenkouse. Twenty ascaad anj Jat Merrlaoa, opp. eamatary. -j-- Clark, Bra, (or flawara:"2S8 VoTTlon atraat, ' RXAX XStATB TBAB8FE2S. ' tl. W. Oordoa and wife ta B. H. Mirth, eonth 14 kt 8. block Hi. Ceratkere' addt- ' tlon to Cersthere' addition 82.000 ' A. B Mssley. sdmlnlstrstor, te B. B. . . Rokla. lots 8 and 10, block 14, Sanay. a side addition ..vv. 878 Blirirf to B. Brett, BOxInO feet beginning . at point lateraectloa of Lewnadsl snd Market 1.272 fiherlrf ta K Reanett. lot 10. block 14. Capltan 'addition to Eaat Portland .... . 12 St. A. Fleming to- r. llarrtson. I acre. In aoutheast 14 Clinton Kelly douatloa land clslm ....... ....,.!.,..,.........-.. 600 S. Homlne and wife to ft. F. HalL M . 8. block 118, Conch addition 1 Sheriff to Ar Hareld, lots In OUnkarea. ' Park ..... ; T A. C. Hsosea and kaabaad ta A. Meyer, . earnal Uat In aectkon 6U townsblp 1 eouib, range 1 east .................. 1.200 W. J, Peddlmrd aad wire to A. n. Waulee . naethweat U lot 2 block 41. James John's addition ee St. Johns 800 M. T. O'Brien and knsfceed to J. C. Far " .ll .... u. I aad . block 140. Beet Portland ' a aS hnahaad ta M. B, Cortla and wife, tot A block 1. Wynkoon rllla. 2.800 & B. Stansbery aad wife te 11. W. Not--, tar. part block 1. Colnmhla Helghta ... 228 If. kf. llanrlltoa teeera Noakes. 8 aerea u MnthaMi u eawloai Pii . In amah lo . ' t setith. rsage 1 east (00 L. A, tfllol and knsnsnd te W. K. Brsla ard. L I 16. Meek 8. Villa 11111 I0 I. II. Kiiak and wife to A. A. Mock. ht 1. IT aad 18. block 8. Trenxint Plsr. . T30 Tli le llaarantee A Trust earn piny to W. nil laaa A aad a. klork 8. Nertk Ire iiuttna too C. U ktcKena and wit 8 M, A. 11 ad- WAR IS RAGING IN SWEET POTATOES DIAUM miT TO OOBTTBOXi OJT TKASB AM niOBS ill XrOWBST xnrzx cmxcxxv UAMKJIT - OOXB Tro-trxxcxs , 'wm hiatt am- - Front BtravV Ni A Tka aaloalpal faatnraa af tka Purtlaad wkolasala aaarkau todaa ara; - Bwaat putatu Baa war. t'klckaa markat suaa to Ulacaa. Supply of wild blrda qulta laraa. . Last raar'a bopa ra auld. . . ' . ' Faue Jaraar eraabarrlea la .- Still mora aaatvra cfia-coaM, . Pruaaad koca cmd tua faat. . Hraar auppllra of Taal air Ira, . ' Ckaaaa markat ta wy Braa. (YaaiBarr batter la aulta weak. Wkaat rke la dali. . waat fatata kUa War. Sweat pot.toaa ara ebaapar IB . . .... a I than orvr bafurav la fact, tha prlcaa all aw tha country ara Juwar than aror. Iarxa aaa eallaut aropa ara raaponalbnt fur tha attar oa- mura llaatlun at ut pricaa aiaawnara, win n Portlaal a war aBomj; tba aommtaskMt Baa la 1 ha muaa. It casta tba dealer on aa arenas af front fl.M to 1. par .aack to daUrer tha potatoae In. tbla city, bat Bust 01 toe aesiers today aaa quoting thaot to thatr trade at around 91. Boom faacy lota for shipping kaea keaa kald aa high aa S1.2a, but na gaouiue offer of a aorckaaar la refuaad today. As waa told In Tka Journal prsTtoaaly tka' war la.dua to tba bringing ta of mreeta to tbla city ky a eon- aaratlraly'kew 'Srii wktrk aeema to kaea iu audacity to try ta do bueinesa for Itself without relying en others to order tba goods wanted. - Oregon Petateee Ara Tory Dull. It aow traaanlrea that two cart af Oregon fntatoee ware shipped yesterday to tba Baa Francisco market. Una of tka Urge dealers here recelred tha "storks oa ' eoaalgamaat but being anabkvto dispose of them bare wsa forced to aklp them ta the bay city market aa tha eame terms. There ta aoma local buying at toe low nrlrea, but- this does Dot take Tory kesVj stocks to supply. PHcas Bncksaged. Oklakaa Market Bess te kaoas. Tkera waa a Terr weak fsellag ta poultry-to day, esperlslly ta chick ana, and prices quoted may be said ta be nominal, aoase aslaa being abort aad soma below the qdoted Sgnres.. Tba supplies ara eery beery aad ark 'coming from all directions. Tnrkeya ara coining faater and are-wot aa nrm. Wild game la arrlrlng ta larger aaopUea and prices during cae aeit few days are quoted to go about 60a lower. Tka egg aiarset w steady. Aaotker ear of aaa tern stock is das todsy. Last Tear's Mope Ara Bald. It la reported that A. I. Lace kaa eold kls remaining atnek at 180S kopa at SOHc ' Tka hop msriet la quite Brav but ..traussctiona are few. Tka brews-a are blaring a waiting game la oraer to stem tka rising quotations yoota Uous Buchanged. - ' Draasad Hogs Corns Tea fast. '.- .. Tba ennnlr of dressed kosa. la. . vera kesrr. storks constating -peine! pally of poor grsdes. rrirea aa inese are lower, uooa nogs bring wlthla a fraction of yesterday's quotations. Vcwt- la eomlna from all sides and la oat -so arm. ' orajuaarT Batter Is Balta Weak. The shod lies of erermarr hatter are ahowlna aa lnmaaa from nearby apCtWma and tka mar ket Is dalle. Most of the dealers aow prefer tha enstera gooda at tha lower Dcursa. Coun try store butter la arriving la larger lota and quants m oao wira oemsna alow, na cki market continues eery Arm. 1" . .' Wkeat Market la Dull. The Portland wkeat market la bains' wkln. mwed between the eastern snd the foreiga mar kets and prices .are nnesey wltk no changes in tne iiete tuaay. . Tnera is ant nominal Dual nesa In eats and barley. Thla market Is too high on the latter to admit of eklpmeuts to tne bay city, ao operatioas ara now confloed el moat exrlueleely ta the local Beld. Tka Sour markat la quiet rat nrm. , Today's wholesale quotations, as rerleed, ara aa fuilowa: . v .- . 1 : . i wrain, Fkeur aad Faad. - WHEAT -New and eld Walla Walla, SIO SV; blueatam. MQ7t; ealley, 87 Gotta. ' BARLEY Feed, 2l.HQU.1it rolled, M.o0 H 23.60; brewing. (22.00. CORN Whom. fJX OO par ton) erecked, (2S 08. , BYE II 58 par rwt. ' OATS Prodneers' price Ms. 1 white, S2T.cs), STST. iM )02B.00. r - FLOUB Raatera Oregon : " Patents $4.tS; straights. .H.Tn; rallay, fd-iQ. graham. a, 4.": l"s. S4.46. MIIXSTCFFB Bran, HIM Bar toa: mid. dllnga. S2S.0C; akorta, eon n try, e22.Fl; ekes. Ilk 00. - . HAY Prods cera prW Timothy. Willamette alley, fa ocy. f I4.0018.00i ordinary. SHOOdJ 11.00: eaatern Oiegoa. IIS OOOln.iO; ml led. 110 OOfjll oO; clnrer OOOll.oJl grsla, SU M) aaasjuj. aneaa. an weyn eo. Hens. Waal aad BIAen. HOPS IPv4. 81k.z82c for ei ports; 80181e far choice: 2H33014 for prime. WOOL Nominal, valley, coarse to medium, ITic: fine. ISc: ranters Oregon, 12djl6. - MOHAIR New SOe. fiHEIPSKINS Bheartaat. tn20ei akort sreeL 2C0c; SM-dlnm west. AOClaocj long weeL 60rt 00 each, . . talluw i-nsas. par in,, stjae; no. a ana greaae. 2)2'Ae. MITTlM BARK e nef Pa, norrng price. Hir.ES Drr hides.. Na. 1. IS ton aad on. UHdllSe per Th; dry bin, Na. 1. 8 to 18 lbs, tlHc:. dr calf. No. 1. ander S Rw. ISlAe) drr aalted bulla and etira. 1-8 leaa tbaa dry 8lnt: aalted hides, eteer sound. dO Iba or aeer. Twae: on te ao lbs. Te: aader ao ma aaa enwe. 647e: at an aad bulla, aoand. 6et kla, IS te 80 Iba. THe: aoand. 10 to 14 Iba. 8r; aslf. aoand. aader 18 lbs SUei green fnn ealted, le pee lb less: nils. Ic aer lb least koraa hides, aalted. rack. II SStal.TV drr, aack. 81 aoa 1.(10; nlbj' kldes. eaen, snefSiiei goat sklna, aemmoa. each. lOgJUet Angora, wltk wool an. each. 6r!ll.oo. ' Better. Bans aai ysnltrr. BrTTFR FIT Sweet. 28He: asor 28H. " r.rTTER Cltr eresmerr. best. 8(V: eeacad grade. 262T14e: eiitalde fancy, 27 Set SOe; ordl- r.iry, 25f27V,c: cold atorage, 2244c; aaatarn. 22v4eT'i6c'. store. ia13Hc r.imx no. 1 rreen uregon, aTHQavc, eastern fresh, V: AWlls, 24c. CIIEE8B New Full cream. tnrlB. lSAlSUe: Xouna America. 1441414c.. . ... POI'I.TRY Cklckena. mixed. 1nUe per Th; kens, lie per Ik: rosafrts. old. Tl,ee per lb; young. - ltc per lb; Deollers, izh per lb: fryers, lie per Ih; 'docks, old, 14 per lb: nun. IV per lb: geeee. 8e per Ik4 turkeys. loe ner in; nreaaen. ibm-c per in.- . . WILD GAM B Teal. 82.00: widgeon.' SlBO: malUrd, 84 00. . . , v Frslta nd Tsgetaklea, - . . . MIT a Tapo Bm. - aw - - -- tprera' prices, "i75c. accond grade. 83f76c; nuring pnre, oom oc; awseu, 61-O0U1.26 per ewt: crated. II. aS. tiniOMM-ierii. i.eeri.T0,' bayerr price, 81 .60! garlic. Blioe per lb. FRESH FRL'ITS Apple, extra fancy, f2.lioa2.25; fancy Oregnn, 81.0011. 78 per box; cheap grades. 76c box: orangea. late Valencia. i.oom.OO per box; ba nanas 6e per lb I lemons, choice, 82.7602.08 per box: fancy. SX.oudia.50 per box: llmea MPTlcan, 86c per 100; pineapples. 62.6lNo!8: nluius 60080c per bosai wanrh.s. Nor per box; pears, ll w'lllll; grapes, T6er1.15 per box; Con cords. 101b bsaket. 86t4ort kucklebeniea, 81 loe per lb: cranberries,' locsl, H .50 per bbl; Cape Cod. 604c.i0 per bbl: Jersey, 610.0041 per bbl; orunee. 2c per lb. VBtfKTABLrfo Tnrnlpn. 61.00 pee aacrf; rsr fots. 61.00 per aack: beets, 11.25 per ssek; son, lota 10. 11 and 12, block 10S, tat- erslty Psik r,.; A. E. ITuItt sad hue hand to M. R. Cum mlnga, lot 1L black 22, Portsmouth. .. 800 Set yenr Insurance and ahstnrt to real tststa frsm the Title Aueraatee A Trast eass psay, Ckamber ef Commares kalldlns. Bcxusra; PIBkOTA Norember 4. Oregon Water Power A Railway Companr. alterations to three -a tor? brick build ing, northeast corner First and Alder atreeta; oust. Sl.kuu. : t ! . Norember 2. K. K. Ba Inter, repairs ta frame bonse. Fourth between Yamhill aad Taylor streets; cost, f.T50. Norember 2. J. ft Wllaoa.- dwelling," aouth coat ewir Utlm ad Fortieth treete; Noreaiber 4. B. Padarann. cot to re, Wllaoa betwaea Taastlatk aad Tweety-flral atrsdu; cost, 8l.4is). . . Norember 2. W. 1. Wn.dpn (m aetM Baat Hihaoa between Kaat Thlrty-aereuth aad a.w ufrir-eignTs arreeTa;' cost, a,eiBj, . Noeehsber 8, Mamuel MrKee. repairs to brick ImlMlng. Hccind belweea Yamhill aad Taylor streets; enst, 200. ."' Noremher 2. U. F. Burrow, dwelling. Com aerclal l-tneea 8 hirer aad Falling streets; Oregon radlabea, 15a nee dna: eahbars, Oegen. ewt: lettuce, hothouse, sue doa; green PTpwa, .uiiv wer bos i celery, miaiToe wow nee aoai eatery, ett Toe : uregoa. BSe par hoi ; parsulpa, Tftql reen peaa. Be per lbt rreen enlona. doa: nle plant. 2Vrt pee IVl at ring II ; green 12Sae Rax dot beans, 4c: ceullnower. Hue uor sVik bntlee Keana frf pumpkins, 1 We pee lb; koreeradlek. Te net lb; siwouts, dr: hiuah rooms, siuaue per lb. DHIKlk FRl'lTdAppies. er.oorated. Icfte per lb) eprloate. SftlSe nor lb: sacks. fe Far in asea; paaekaa. BUIka per lb; pa ara per lb; praaea. Italian. SHtk4u per ni krencb. maiHt per lb: Sga. CaUfarala black. Irv,a per lb: California white' . ear Is: phi ma. pitted per lb: dates, goadea, S)k e aaawa, qi.ev par JO-W BOB ' ' . Braaailsa. Beta. Xts. BUQAB Baiih aularaiM, aa an, maaiwi fruit grssslated. Sd lS; dry graaalated, M 16: beet arsnulstad keLda: um C AS. 11 goiaen u, en eft; bhls, luc; H bhm. Sbei I tue sdraace oa aack haala, teas 23 rwt for COFFEB Amm UmIi. auLSbV 1,m ' baft. Snrttie; Jars. good. BHBZbe; Jaaa. ardlaary l8(taue: Costa Bice faoce. laalniia! Ooatn Klca, good. ldOINc; Coats Blca. erdlnarr. HOI eer in; pscssga COITeO, gW.TS. xkah Oolong, different era das. ISC Sea: gun powder. S4)Se3oe: Engllak breakrae. dl' farent eradea. 12UnftV! ul4a.Ua. nncolored "Pan. S0aeei groan Japan (rary scares I. 0B per lb. a 1 1 .'k icim n e' a a. sa Aa ailnO: table, dairy, 50a. P o0Q11.k0: ions. s 00; Imported UaarpnoL 60s. S15.00flld.00r 1140016.00; 224a, SU.60ai4.6O; aitrs (.bla. 2s, Ss, 6s. 10a, .S4.60i balk, S2I la Oft- -sacks. StwJ . as? SIO.UOaitO.wr ivw, tra I ids, S20. lbs. BALT Coarse Half ground. 10ns. nar tan. fS ) Itn. oar imT ! 00! Uaarpool BAMil- mmn Mrk HfivteiiM m par tool oo-ia racm. r.'mo.iB: iuiis, an Tavo.zs. ' (Abora prlcaa apply to aalea of esse tbaa ear Iota. Car lata at apodal, prices aabject la flneruatlona. ' - ' . OKAi.f BAOIt Calcutta. SB-TBsaajba per io RirR Imnerisl Japan. No. 1, 4Ve: So. t : Near Orleans ha kUakSB: Adlsek. SMel Creole. 4e. . una wo -ki Am, white. Hc; pink. 4c kayoa. n: llmaa, Se, Most ean reds, Ht. nni resnnra. rut rnmnaa. ewe war " raw, SOlOe ear Tb: roaated. eoceaaata. SnO kOe nee Am- mImm l.aiaaatAtae ear lk: Pi ant. lnrjlIHe per lb: Mekore nuta. to per re, rhestauta. eeatera. ISOlOe per lb: Bra ill nuta. 16c -per lb; Alberts. ineslOe per lb! faacy Pecans. I4t1ne per Ih Imnnde. inrjioa paw eat masts, run aaa riarmnaa ' . per lb; cows, St6Vk par lb; mutton, dressed. acne per lb; lambs, areeaeo. aaoe per io. FRESH M BATS Front etreeTBeef, stescs. 4A6c per lhi pork, block, tr) per lb; pack ers, OViO per lb; DUllS, al-o per hi, sow SH04HC per lb; mutton, dressed. t6e per lb; real. Vxtra, Te per lb; ordinary, &HiHe per lb: poor, ec per lb; lambs. 6K5tta per lb. - naaiB, BAUun. arii;. rorxiana pacsi iwmir hi on. 10 to 14 lbs, 13H per lb: 14 to IS lbs. l.ivae per lb: IS to SO. Iba, 13V40 Per lb; coftage. 10Zc ner IrK breekfaat bacon. 14Q1 per lb; picnics, lie per lb: regular abort cleere, as-4. smoaea. lonje per w; srooasa. time per iw, dear barks, unamoked. 10c per lbt amokedV 11a par lb; Union kufta. 10 to IS ma, anamoaeo, ae per -tb: .smoked. Pe per lb; clear kelllea. a smoked. HV4c per lb; smoked. 12 He per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 11 e per lb; 6a. Ue per lb; 60-lb Una. lc per. lb; steam rendered. 10. lOHe per lb; 6a. lOSe per la; ooe. inc per lb: compound tierces. oe pas lb; tnhs. e par lb; kOe. S4 per lb. - CANNED SALMON Colombia rtrer I -lb tslla, tl.M; l ib talis. 12.60; faacy 1-Ik gats. S1.00; i-lb fancT; fane, j.jb erakl. SAT6; Alaska tafia, pink, SeOleOei red. 81.60; aomlasl S, tall. S2.00. - . FIHH kork cod. Te Per re: flonndera. Be ner lb: halibut. TMc per lb; crsha. 81.25 per doa; striped bass. lOtfltH par lb: catfish, Te per lb; salmon. Chinook m. .... . per lb: aUreraldra, 6 ner lb: kerrlne. 6e oar tb: solaa. So per lb; shrimps, 10c per lb; shadV driend. par lb; neeen . ne ae m ahaa rae. i - ner' id; had ftp n n,. Mack end So nar Iba allrer eireu. oe ner in: loosiers, iza,c; rrean winw-i, kc; crawflab, -20c per doa Soaadera, Be per lb; arnrreon. Tc per Jb.-. .-"''.' uisTKitn nooaiwaTer aay, per taaii nar aack. M OO natt Olrawta. ae sack. 86.26; CLAMS Hard sbetL per bag. 82.00; raaar ciaaas, ga.uu ner box. n nk a - - - ii, i a a. as. B0PB Pure AtsJkUa. ISlae; aiaadarnV.llkai Slssl. UH& - - COAL OIL Pearl - r Astral Caaaa. UHs par gal; water white. Iron bbla loe par gal. wooden nor nail 'headlight. 170-deo, aasea S3Ue per gal. Iron bbla 17e per gaL UNKKED OIL Pare raw. In bbla 64o fag gal, ease 6We per gal; geaulne kettle boiled, ease 61c per gal, bbla 66e per gal; groana cat a, csr lot 826.00 per toe, leaa tbaa ears 120.0s per ton. - . . 0A8OLINB aS-der. eaaea SB par gaL tree bo la mt per gal: atora. cases mm Iron bbla 18e per gaL os-oen, bbls 1SU.S nar esL PAINT OlL Raw. bbb SSe pe "gaL SSe per gel; boiled, eaaea 40 per gat, - TOBPENTINB In -eaaea 86c per gal, weeden bbla. Sle par gal. Iron bbl TB pa sal. JO- HIT ttATea1 lot Hi par Ik. SCO-Ik let Te per n. aa lots Be par lb. WIBB NAILAV Present kaea at 62. aS. HOGS WEAKER, AT Iff TO 15 CENTS LOWER Porflind TMoa Btoekyarda,' Nor. 8. Tbsr Was weskneaa la tka kog market today on ac count of tba . better weather, and prlcaa are loe to 16c lower. The cattle market ta firm, but beep are eery atrong. Tba recelpta today constated ef 608 bog. 64 cattle aad 162 bass. Official ruling prlcea today are: Cattle Beat eastern Oregon, eteer. 8S.2641 2.86; best ealley steers. S3.00US.25; steers, i 2.5002.75; cows. -; be Us. $LT6, .00; stage, 82 00. - Hogs Best beery,;; block, (4.281 4.86; China fata. S4.86j,A60; atorkera and feeders, 83.7564.00. - - .heep Beet grala-fed wethers . 82.2602.60; lambs, 8.0oaa.2B; mixed sheep. 82.26. IA8TEBB HOPS ST1AJT, CklcsfO, Not. Av-Uraatnck recelpta: 1 ' . Hoes Cattle. Sheen. Chicago .....v. ..20.000 12.000 18.000 Ksnsss City 10 IKK) 10.000 5.0110 Umaba d.&no 8.60O 11,000 Hog opened ateaay wit .uw leri oeer. celpta a year ago were 16.000. Prlcea: .Mixed. 84 5otYS.20; good. 86ooi&.20; rough, $4,460 4.80; light. 84.5585.06.,''. . Cattle Steady. . Bheep Strotig. -- -ij -.-r , THE RISE IN COTTON IS 5 10 9 POINTS (FntBMied by OreTbeck, Starr A Conks Oe.) New York. Nor. 8. Cotton futurea closed S ta 8 points higher. , The official msrket: .. upen. 11 1 1 11. 1' w , viaip. Jsnuary.., S.M February.. . . Msrch.Ai J0.01 ' Aprn-.W-ri'tni Mar....:.. 10.05 JOOO .o4 " 8.WC0B8 , : 10.040d 6 85 10 (10: 10 "lO-Wr1 "10.141 10.12 "10.10 ' 10.20 10.O6 10 21 " 8.70 ' 8.80 10.01 ' 10.1Hin18 June?,,.. . 10.110 10. ( , 10.04 8.70 8.74 J0.1HM17 O.10r22 5.7oi72 .8BIKI July 10.011 Norember.. 8.70.. December.,- 8.77,' tlTrpoal Octtan Lower. , . Llrerpool, Nor, A Cotton future, berttly ateady, 6 to 6 points lower. eloard Biw tobx porrxx kabkxt, t ' New Tork. HdV. A Coffee fntnres "closed nnrhsnged ta 6 polnta an. Tb e facial market at the cloee Bid. Aek.l Norember.. . 8.5 80. 70 June December... d.MO 8.S6 July Jannarr. .... 8.00 8, tacit August. .., Bid. Ask. .67.80 87.38 . T.40 T.45 . T.45 T.60 February.... T.n T OM Heptembrr. T.55 TOO March....... T.1T.lWOctobrr.i,, 1, April ;.. 7.18 T.St.'l . 80 T.t - Tmltt Coffee Markets. " New Tork. Nof. 8. Harre coffee tdranred . Hamburg edranced 14. owing to Krlacbe'e estlmite of 060,000 tn 1.000,000 bsgs a th receipts of Rio and Santoe during November and December, , ' AJT rBABCISCO MJBIMq STOCZB. Ban Frsndseo, Nor. 1. Mining stock closlsg: nia. Ton, Montana ,.(1.80r Co ImpeHal:, r.-'Mi rteinmnt .,.... .76 . Midway .88 Jumbo .... - .43 MrNgmara ..... .27. Ton. Hold ML... .IT Ton.' Nerada . .. .08 Toa. Gold Field, .its Hile A Korcrok . .88 . Yellow Jacket.. .18 Ophtr 2.25 Mexican , 1.30 Oonld A Curry., .18 Best A Relrber. 1.05 Cob. Cal.'Vs,.. 1.80 Savage Jt (hollar ..IDA Potnal, , .11 Crown Paint... . .. or Kentucay .112 Ilek-her .14 Sierra Naiads... .(to Bullion ........ .18 Orermsa ....... .18 I'nlon Con.,.,.. . .42 Sllrer H1U .... ",4 . Oee Mental - .74 : Hna-pka i, .OT Aipnia uoa ..... , ,14 Conadrwre ,SAA t tab .08 r. Belcher 0 Unities . ...... .06 . k'ali'donla ...... . 87' 11 naiteage .. .ta Itan. Maw York.. ,p5A 22 per gal. fcron JULY WHEAT GAIN IS THREE QUARTER oxzoaoo m,rrf oraira rauiOTx- - 0AZXT TrHCaTJajrOJ UVT UXMMU jiXTTXH 0T BAJJ AJlOXJTTTjni BVB- - rOBTS- - BB0man3B - AMD MAT BACK ADTAJIOB V4 OBBT. TODAY S VHBAT MABKnST.V open. Close Closer Oala 'Today. Today. . Wed. Today. December ... .61124 6112sA I1.12ML 0014 War f... 1114 1.I2A 1 11 July ad . J M) (Farnlshed by Orerbeck, Starr A Cooks Cm.) CLlcsgo, Mot. 3 Logsl A Brysa aayt la wkast price current waa bearish. Minneapolis (locks Increased aa far this weak S06,0U0 busk els. The marks! opened atrong and .kald firm the first hour, bat later dee lined to tka tow point of the day, from which wa bad a sharp rslly. Continued fair weather la eaualng aoma concern, and la making July nre actlre aad causing uneasiness oa the part of December and May akorta. Tka trade la disappointingly email and seem , te be largely of a acalplng nature. The cask situation la reported by all primary market ss sllgktly lmprored. At tba close tb market had a quiet and Mra ton. "', ' Weather Will Barry Oarn. Is earn six loads were taken at tka seaboard aad about 230.000 buakela of corn were reported sold. This fine weather will kurry the srvp ta market, aad there has been aoma aelllng by cask houses against purchase already made. The tone of the markat la strong, and whlls wa look fur a scalping market for tba time being, we are Inclined to make purchase of , stay oa the breaks. - Tne oats trad in tka on continues Terr nant and purely ncaL It la a aeelDlna market and will be go ear ned largely by tba action of earn. Oadaky Buys Brernvloni, In prorlalona Price Currant renorta tba neck ing of koga aa 410,000, agalaat 86,000 laat ear. Aside from tka baying of pork and ribs y tba Cudahy Packing company, the market waa without fee tors, we feel traders anould take profit when la sight, for tba time being at least. . . ., v, ". . Today's official markets! . , - WHKAT. , ; Open. Utah. Low. . ' Close: Dec:. 8 l-iz , 1.11 I 1.18 8 118. 8 1.J21B May. .1.1214 1.1114 1.12 July 6 .M - - .SS .88 CORN. , i..... - ...... - .62 NoT..;. Dee. v.4814 - .4TH -"-.ASM A .46$ .4lJ . .46 A ... aaC .aa .asl- May Jaly...iiT OATS. .la Not, e w May...." July.,-.. .SS". 8lS , ' . .294 : C'.28 8114 .81 .3114 l.,- .61 ;-r ORst. 81B - V ' FOR Dec..... 11.25 11 26 12.87 14 12.874 LARD. 11.1214 Ian. 12.O0 iiei 12.0214 ; 1X.OO 12.86 T IOA ' ' T.06 T.16 . T.85A 19 -68 . B.67H Msy..,.. 1X0214 Noe.. Dee Jan...... T.12H T.26 , TIT May T bib: ;iBi NOT a arn a ...-- i ..... - r r, , t -. r B.BTH" rB.BS- 8.67)4 S.T0 - 6 8714 Jan..;..'. Msy...,. f BOIAKTr STnTnTEBTS ABB CT.IABABCTA 1 . - . Chicago, MoT A Primary receipt: v Today. Tear Age. Bu. Bu. Wtieat..i.......,......,l,oa.o00 1,424.000 Corn .V B15.000 - 40,000 BhlrHaanta ware: ... r Wheat Bea. 000 . . 87,000 Corn . . . .... ...... .. 218,000 - S16.000 Clearances ware: - , Wheat and -flow, bav .. .4d.BO0 Cora, bu. .T.-...r...r.; A400 Oats, bu. .....,..-.....1,000 T BAB TLUrrBJrMAlBl . Ban Frandeeo. Nor. 8. Today' offlelal 1140 a. m. sraw marxea: , . ,. . WHEAT. - Open. High,- Tjow. CI Deeembar .... 81.43', $1.44 $1.48 81 May 1.441, 1.46 1.441J 1 1.46 BARLEY. .... 1.10 1.10 ......1.08)4 , ..... 1.08 4 108). Ak. , ; 'OBIOAwO CASH WBXAT. Chin go. Nor. B. Cash wheat la practically nncnangea. ana omciai marsei cmains Bid. Ask. 1.18 1.18 1.16 1.12 No. 8 red , No. S red c , No, 2 bard winter No. S kard winter ......... ,,,, No. 1 nortkorn aprlng .......... ...S1.1T ... 1.12 ... 1.12 ... 1-03 1.10 108 1.18 No. 2 northern spring No, S spring 1.16 V04 OUTBIDS WHEAT CLOSES. " December. Way. ..,..$1.124 $1.1114 ..... 1.182 1.16141 Milwaukee St. Louts , K ansae City Mlnneepoll ........ Dulatl' New Tork Chicago ..... 1.04 i.m't 1.16HA 1.14 1.144 1-14 .....1.174 1.131. ..... 1.124.A 1.12V Winnipeg .... Ba rranciae ...... 144 - 1.46 i OHICAwO 0BAIH CAB LOTB. ' Chicago, Not. A Orala ear Iota: Cars. Grade. Bat. Wheat ...;ri7......:...vr s.-.; TO Corn ft 4-66 Oata 18 IB 84 Wheat ear today: Minneapolis, BA0; Tha- tutk, 202. Yesr age: Minnas poll a, 864; Du- lutk, 413; Chlcsge. 11. Irrsrpoot Orala laarkei. . Llrerpool. Nor. A Closet Wheat December 7 4148, lower; March T Sd. Hd lower. Corn December 4 Tttd. V.& lower. . ' Tseosaa Orala Markst. (Special Dlapatcb to Tka Jonrnal.) Tscoma, Nov. S. Wkeat Steady. Blocat, 88c; club aad red. 85a. 7---' B0BT0B COPTXB BArXr - Boetotr, Nov. A Copper United SUtr closing: 2414 I!'.!'" 1 Adrenture Arcadian Arnold . . eea ( JIHI -. 1'4 K1J4 83i 88 Bingham ........ Calumet Centannlsl N,,....oiu w . 2V4 , 2 topper Hangs Daly West . ... Mass Mining Mohawk Mlrhlgsn .-. .rr-r-.-Old Dominion Parrot Oacsola .... Phoenix .' Qulnry ,...r.... Hhodav lalend-1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . Santa Fa ...r. Shsnnoa , ,1,,.. Tarosrsckr "-p.'....ef..,. Trinity ... Victoria!... ............. Wlnon v. . . Wolrrrln Oraene Copper oa oa WV 10' T T 28V4 28 VI 2 .....105 108 i.e...... 114 2 .. ...1 15-18 214 . ,. R)t 8)4 24" 25 144 .15 lis 11 86 100 ......... 2614 26M SAB IBAB CISCO LOCAL STOCKS. . Siu Frinrlars,' Nov. A - Locsl atock elos t io:au a,.; : '- Bid. nHne Vallpr Watee ' SJ S. F. Oas A Electric lint Powder ..................... Hawallsa Sugar Tfonokea Sugsr' ..,.,.;.,..... Hutchinson Sugar . Makswell Sugar Onomea Sugar Paanhaa Sugar , Alaska Parker . '.. California Fruit Cannrr.... Oceanic Steamship -. r... .air i siiiomis m uie AsnoiuPl.r,.,,, ... Pacific Ststee Telephone , ... ... ' TOBTLABD BANK CLEABJM0A Clea rings ,wm. $70. 377. 81 . 82.461.07 Balance Ssmand Sterling. New Tork, Nov 8. Demand sterling, 486. 25 B 488. 86,- SO days, 4A8.6041488.TA . 1 ' an Baw Terh'Oorb. Mew Tork. Nov. 8. Cur (motatlona: Norfk em Seruritles Opening. 1161,; klgb, ' 1161: low, 114 twee, lltdjllt)) aalea, A 004 ' Aik. 30 Vi IMV 67 83 U 84 , 6i; if 181, 16 ev, 8 27lJ 28 80 81 161 .... B0U 100 8814 100' 14 -8 78 . 110 a area, A , , i : ' : PROFIT TAHIfkG INAfJALtelATEO BBXB AIM XaBT OO BT XOZSBma --TOX.TJ1CB oi BTjaoraaa imqm BUT BCABBBT ZB VVBBZT FBOe JTITBBTOWSTi BTBBla XStTOS ' AMM WBIaTa BOTOXT. (rnrnlehed by Orerbeck, Starr A Cook Co. I Naw York, Nov. A Logan A Bryan eayi Tka atock market closed kriu. After the opening some bselution wsa displayed snd some llttls proflt-tsklna ensued. The volume of business was large out of a professional ckaracter. An unfavorable statement Is, looked lor by the banks oa 'Saturday. There waa macb profit taking la special stocks, suck aa Erie, Amalga mated Copper aad Peaaaylvanla. Steel stocks ksre been well bought all day by tba publlp enerally. While bellerlng la tha aoand condl tone prevailing wa ara Inclined to hold off pending the election. On all declines tha mar ket continue to receive good support. Wa atlll believe that antll the European political quea tlon and our presidential election to out of Ibe way tha eounarvatlva course will be wlaa to follow. ... Today1 offklsl atock market: " .:- DESCBIPTI0N. ' Asa oo son Mining Co.., AmaL Copper Co...... Atchison, com. do preferred..... Am, Car A round., an do preferred Am-. Sugar, asm.. Am. Bmeli. com do preferred......... Am. Ic. en do preferred......... BaltlmoreA Ohio Brooklya Rapid Transit lanauiaa raciac, . com.. CbLl A Alton, com...... dot preferred.......... Chi. A ut. Wast., com.. Chi., Mil. Attt . Paol... Chi. A North., com Chi. Terminal Ry Cheeapeake Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron, com, Colo, Souther s, coal,.., ' do 2d preferred... v. do 1st nref erred 24 1T0T4 ioi 10V isuawsra at- xtu. D. 11, 0., com llAV.-laA-llS4i; do preferred Erie, cos do 24 preferred...'... do 1st preferred If Illinois Central LeuhiTUle A NaahrUle.. Metro. Traction Co Manhattan Klerated.... Mexican Central By.... Minn.. St. P.. A BtBeM.. do -preferred Missouri PadSe. M., K. A T., om. ...... do preferred.......... New York Cantral...... Norfolk A Western, com . do nreferred... 13614 ' T814 norta M14 ax 8814 4114 Pennaylraaln Br 118714 138 He 14 r. O.. UtC, Co 108 : Pressed Steel Car, com.. I t0 we prrierrea. , Pari So Mall 8 team. Co. Keaoing, nam. ao M prsrerrea . do let nreferred. . Ben. Iron A Stool, ensat. oo prersrrea. Rock Iilaud, com. .... do preferred .., Southern Ry eos...., do nref erred..,.. 1,.'. Southern PadSe , 8LL . A 8. F.. 2d nfd 80 62 Vt St. U A A W., com.... 22W 14 6ls 80 4814 we prsrerrea. .,. Texe A Padfle. ........ Teaa, Coal A Iron T.rit. L. A W.t oosa.. do preferred Cnloa Pari Be, aoa..,.. do preferred., IT. A Leather, com..,. do ' nreferred. , a'T o I 2714 82 'I P. A Robber, com... ..j 28 oo prarcrm.k "Ii 821 81 11 Ml Wliowi. m neet A U B., eon,,, J lstf do 2d preferred. ...,1 27 , de 1st nre'aerad-..:.-! a. wiaconmn uentrai, com. do preferred W pa tern L'nton Tel... Wabash, com 81 48 IT do preferred. United States BtoaL aeefarred.' ex-dlrlAaad t 1 per cenk . -' Total aalea for day, l.llH.TOO aharaaA- -- Money, 214 per aent. ' OBJECT TO MANUAL TRAINING CENTER OOuua BTBJBBT - B BBLUBBTTS niOs TBtnr bttjcOabsj u jLzT" aoazbtst xti rJnM00BATBU aTOXOOZr TJTBBABTBBDBBT BZOUB ItOTBS zt to mAXBioa: btbjubt aoxooz.. Residents in th vicinity of tha Couch school do not want any mnnual tralnlns depnrtrqant. Bo atrenuoualy hv they object that It has bean trajiaferrecP to th Balelsh street nchooL . A day or two Sfo on of th portAbl bulldlnc was moved from the Ladd school to th Couch school and workmen started to erect It, Immediately thr cam objections " -from tha , property owners.' They stated thay did not want any sueh unalghtly bulldlnss . In that nelshborhood, as they were aUteniptlns: to beautify tba street. They complained to ' Superintendent RlBler snd to tha board of school direc tors and finally got up a petition signed by 17 names to protest asalnat the con structlon of tha' addition. Tha school directors, . Superintendent Rlgler snd Principal Stanley did not know what to do about tha matter. Tha' Couch school was located quite' cen trally In that district and ' there was plenty of room in tha yard. Finally thay selected tha Raleigh' school as tha next beat -plac and after a brief consulta tion tha carpenters wera ordered to erect tha bulldlni there. . , Tnxii nan xobsb tbzbtbb, ' , ' (Journal Special Service. t . : Leogansport, Ind., Nor. I. Delegates from Ohto, Indians. Michigan and Illinois are attending the annual con vention of the National Horsethief De tective aseoclatlon, which began a two days session here today. Plans will be dlscuased for more vigilant work, snd co-ope ration with the officers of the state comprlalng the association for th breaking up of th band a of thieve which carry on ytematlo operatlona, and for the more effectual prosecution f the offenders. ' : ' , -. . . ' TZSTJTXTJB AO AIM TIOLBBTT. . - . (Jonrnal SpedaT Barvlca.) : -' Roma Nov. I.-Mount . Vesuvius Is sgain in violent eruption and a heavy fall of aabea has beerr experienced at Naples and surrounding districts. . ':;..; BT7BB T0B SZTOBOB. (Special lHapatrh to The Jonrnal.) , Ban Francisco, Nov. I. Anton Bow man, formerly of Portland, today sued for a divorce from I4111e Bowman slleg ing; desertion. j, . . 184 81 82 Klf 88 6114 61 TlCTlV 14214 14214 18214 182 128 123 161 101 17 1714 82 821. 14T 147 102 108 68 6814 68 6Hlh 184 184 T2 T2 -1 TCLL, YOUH NAMB" Spedd This Week, $10.00 Llfal ' x There are ns mistake In -th predlct&a msde by the great and wonderful peycblc. Ton may wish ta know It It Is adrisabto to avaka a chang la huilaess. la fee, la., mar riage. "Shall t oueced In my new undertaking T" "Can I obtain my hopee, gay wlahas, my am oltlonaT" Shall t ever enjoy the tnxurtoe of wealtkr' "Csa I trust my friends." ;'Hsr I enemlsaP' ' - ,' ' . "When shall I mirryr' ' How often (hall I men-TV"1 ' . . ' .'.' "Shall 1 erer be dlrorcedr' '. "Doe another ehare th love that rightfully belnnga to mer ' "If ao, whomr : , - "Am I lored In return T' ' ' ' ' "Is there a rival la my Iotst" - - , "When aball aty lor sffilr tannine t la marrliger' "When aball my domestic troubles andP I "How can I make my life and home happy f "Whea aball my abaent friend retain 1" .-"Why do 1 not raceiro a letter 1" ... HOURS 10 .to DAJLX. AND BUNDAT. 29VA Morrison St., Corner Film Barne rioor -of Bostoa. Bental Farlora. 01 IX K0TICXA TBOrOBED ASSESS MXBT T0B - IBTBOTX t KENT. OF OLIAAJf BTBXXT, ' Notice to hereby gtrea that the Council of the City of Portland proposes ta the following described property and or owner being apeclaUy and .pe benefited In tb s mounts art opposite aad descriptions thereof for the improvement ef allien street, from the west line of Twenty second street to tbs east Una of Twenty-third street, aa prorlded by ordlaaac No. 18,877. Aay objection to Ihe apportionment of coat for aatd Improvement must be made la writing to' the Council aad filed with the Auditor within 18 days from the data of the first publication of tbla notice, "and aald objection will be beard aodj determined by the Ooundl before tb paaaage of the ordinance aaaalag the cost of aald Improrement. -MEAD'S ADDITION to the City ef Portland BLOCK A M 1, Stephen Meed Estate, heir - ef.j66.78; lot 2, Stephen Mead ' Estate, heirs of, lo.&fl; lot 6. Stephen, Mead F.elate, heirs of. 86.65; tot A' Stephen Mead Ketata, kelra Of. 14.76; lot 8, Stepkaa Mead Estate, heirs , of. $10.11 ' i A trsd ef land lying between the ' Booth line of Glleaa street and a Una loo . feet aoutb thereof snd parallel therewith 7 and between the east fine of Twentythlrd street aad n Una 200 feet oast thereof and ' parallel therewith, flue tare and Albert. C Wahardt. 888.ST. , A tract ef lead lying bstwes th north line of flllsaa street and a line TO feet north thereof and narallrl therewith and between the west line of Tweaty-eecond etreet and " a Hno 100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith, 8 tap ben Mead Batata,, heirs ef, $18.1A KINO'S SECOND -ADDITION to th aty of Portland BLOCK IT, north 88 feat lot A Barry W. Scott, II. 4T. A tract, of. land lying between the north Mn of OHsaa etrect and a line 100 feet north thereof and parallel therewith and between two Uneo.respectlrely . 1O0 feet and 150 feet west of aad parallel with the west line of Twenty-second street, Bather Ilarrk,'l.8B. A tract of land lying . between tb north line of Ollaaa street and a line 100 feet north thereof and parallel . therewith and between two Unes reapeetlTely 150 feet and 200 feet west of and parallel wltk the .west line, or nrwemy-eeeoDu. susex. KINO'S SECOND ADDITION to tb City of Portlinifc BLOCK IT. lot S .Lewi .If MrArtkar Rotate, heirs ef. $10.71 : lot 1A Berths -Oms. 880.18; lot 1A Berttia Cobs. - $T6.T8; lot IT Rustar aad Albert Burkkardt. $3.80: tot 18, Ouatava aad Albert Burkkardt, i4.1S: right ef way. City A Suburbs Ball . way, $3157. Xotal. 846.1.68. , , TB0S. C. DEVLIN. " Auditor "of tb City of PortlsnA. - Portland. Oregon. October 81. 1804. - C0MFLXTI0 AND ' ACCETTABCB OF U--"MOTiaiBBTrOFf BAtOB BTBBTW.-- - Notice H - hereby - glees tbt Willi 0.' Elliott, City Engineer, ba- Bled in th office of tba undersigned notice that Oeorg Bauer, contractor for the Improrement . of Maeoa etreet, aader the proriaion of ordinance No. 18,878, kaa completed aald etreet from the center line of wllllama a rease to the cantor Una of Cleveland arena. ' Said aeceptaao will be eonsldered by the Bxecutire Board at 4 'clock on the 4th day ef November. 1804. and objections to tha accept sare of ssld street, or any part thereof, may be Sled In the efBce ef tb anderalgned at aay time prior thereto. -"v.- TUB BXBCt'TITB BOARD. By TH08. C. DEVLIN, m i " Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, October 28. 1804. . OOBTTLZTIOV ABB 'dVCCkPTABCX Of 'XB rBOTXMZVT 0T TENTH BTBXXT. : Nolle la hereby giro that Willi! C. El liott. City Enaineer. bss Sled In th office of the nderslgsed notice that Star Sand Company, eontaaetor for the Improvement of .Tenth street, ander the provisions of ordinance No. 13,816, hss completed aald tract from the north line of Washington street to the center line of Btsrk etreet and from tke center line of Burn aid street to th center Una of Moat street. Ssld acceptance wlU be considered , by the KxecutlTo Board at 4 o'clock on tke 4th day af Norember, 1804. and objection to tba ac ceptance of ssld street, or suT part thereof. may be a lea la tbe ornc of tn n Darraigned at aay time prior thereto. TUB BXECITTVK BOARD. Br THOS. C. DEVLIN. Afldltor ef the City ef Portland. Portland. Oregon. October 28. ISO. TRIBESMEN-MASSACRE ' SHIPWRECKED MEN (Special Dlapstrb to The Journal.) ; . Aden, .Arabia. Nov. I. The , captain, and 21 members of tha crew of th Glasgow steamer Baron Inherdale wars massacred after being wrecked on the Arabian ooaat. Troops' have been sent to avenge the murders. ' . Only details from native traders hav been received, which came to them from other friendly nattv. Theae stories ara to the. effect that the shipwrecked men were barely able to get to shore before they were net upon by the tribesmen , snd slaughtered, although giving - no offense and In no condition to resist ' . J'.'"!- (- Xow Blephanta Bleep, ' From the Lahore Tribune. -: ..In captivity elephants always stand up when they sleep, but when in the Jungle, In their own land and home, they lie down. The reason given for the dif ference between the elephant In captiv ity and In freedom is that the animal never acquires complete confidence 'In hia keepers .and alwaya 'longs for lib erty. ...,. OVERBHCK, STARR & COOKE CO. "" Members Chicago Board of Trade. ' . , , ', . OBATB. raOTlBIOira, 0OTT0BT, STOOKS ABB ,' B0BS3, . ,"1 102 Third B treat, McKay Building, Portland, Or. , ' T";'''"'aaraD0A btbjotxiT ooataasaioaf bubibbbb. --";-.-7l-"' f Continuous Markets by Private Wire. gulrk Service. REJK FENCES -Ladd dt . Tmod, Bankers, and United States National Bank of Portland, x i i sib SS Sir Fraacis Crste 30314 Washlnftoa yl; StrMt. Sir Francis Drake 510.0Q Coc-Jete Life Reanss for Thb Week Only 50 c IIB WILL TELL TOO T0UB rrLL KAMS. , A0B. OCCUPATION. ANL WHOM AND WHBN YOU WILL MARBT. X WUl forfait $600 where 1 fell to teach yen how to fssclaats aayone' yon desire, how to makr your enemies your friends, eaue a speedy marriage with tbe one sf your choice, ' f:lre yon good lock and make yon ancoeaaful a your ' bust neaa, rsmors crll Inflosoces, re unite the separated, glee you lucky numbers, : locate .the earth's burled treasures, ant tie the old estate that 'time baa placed beyond tba lawyra shrewdness, and posiUrsly ,eouplta your kamneas. ( . . , How, raa I bav good lock 1 ' How can I succeed la business f ' , How can I maks my borne happy t . . . '. How can t eooquer my eoenilesT How can I marry the one I cboowf ' . How esa I marry welll " v " How uoa ean 1 marry 1 j. i How ean I conqHer my rival T - t - How eaa t make kny one lore ant ., How eooa will my torer proposal .-. - Host esa I get a letter! , How can 1 get a good pnsltlonT', How eaa I remove bad Influenced . , How make dlatant onaw tklnk of met ' ' ..Hew aaa 1 bold my bnaband'a levat . How eaa I keep my wlte'e Invet w.-.i' BIB FRANCIS DBAKB telle all and awres.. aka question. HOURS DAILY, 10' TO T, AND SUNDAY, . 808 WASHINGTON ST., COR FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. . CITY X0TXCZA yBOPOSBB A SSTSSBTENT" TOB HrFBOTE- XXNT 0T BAST TWBJfTT-XIOXTH BTBXXT. - Notle I hereby given that tb OmhwII . of the City of Portland prupoass to tba tollowlng described property aad owner or owners aa being specially 'and peculiarly benefited In the atuounta set opposite the nims and nsrrlpttona tbersof for the Improvement of Bast Twenty -eighth street, from tb aouth lino of Belmont etreet to the north Hue of Hawthorne arsons, aa provided by onUuance p,o. U,848. ; - - - - ... ' Any objectlone to tb apportionment of coat for aatd Improrement must be made la writing to the Council and filed wltk the Auditor within M day from tb data of tb first . publication of thla notice, and aald Objectlona nil! ba beard and determined by the Council before the passage of tbe ordinance sssusilng the coat of ssld ttnprorement. UANHON'8. ADDITION to Eaat Portland -. BLOCK A tot A Mrs. M. Anreretaln, $26.72: lot 7, Mrs. M. Angersteln, $I7jl2; east H lot A J. P. Woods. Ill.av; east V lot 6. J. P. Woods. 14.85; west H tot 6. Wilms : L. Page. H-Xii west 14 lot t, Wllmer U Page. 68.23. BLOCK 12. lot A Loola C, Heury, 82.83; lot 7. Loula C. Henrys, $04.60; - lot . Mary Coughlla. Laa.62; kit 6, Mary Cougblla, 422.00. - MURRAY HILL ADDITION to Bast Pnrtllnd . BLOCK 2. tot A Sarah H. Isaacs, jo6.38; tot - T, Barak II. Isaacs, 648.15; lot 8, B. 14. Bar gent. $47 68; tot A Joseph 0. Gibson, 837.1TT BLOCK 8, lot 8, T. O. Brownson, $2,881 lot T, T.,0. Browsaoa, $26-TJ' lot A -X. U. ' Brownson. 815.87. ' - i . 00LAJCS ADDITION to th City of Kaat Port ; hind BlOChl A lot 6, Id Bay Mrandea, $18.82; west 14 lot 57 Ida Ray Brsndea, IHtU; seat lot 5, Annie M.. Peafre, 8:17.80. BLOCK A lot 8, Blpporsn White, $7 8; hit T, flppcs-ik White. $34.08; tot A fUpporak White, 60.88; tot 6, Zlppurah Whits. $42.w, BLOCK 11, totA Louisa kL Oberender, $48.66; 1 tot T. W. L. Gordon, S31.T8; tot A Collin -C. Fra-ner, $1T.71; let 6. Ooluaa 0. Braator, 127 64. HANSON'S Sir.COND ADDITION to Baat Port land BUM K 21, lot 1. Ida B. Hoberto, 83.87; tot A Ida E. Roberts, 11.67; west 14 tot A Eleaaor Pslmer. $18.88; west y, lot A Kleanor Palmer. $3r.6V; seat X4 tot 4. ' Ida B. Roberts, $.1.74; eaat lot a, Ida E. Boberta. 88. 7A . BLOCK-B4, - tot via -- C, ,la-ec' Vy. rta, 87.18; A ). 0. sloberta, w.os; tot a, j. c. oneria. tot A 1. C. Roberts, .; lot ILnlMrta tl TX RIaMTK 9S. lot Scott. $40. 3; lot 2, 6L Boott $6A87 tot A John i. Dojrl. $50.82; kit , Fred w. Hanson, 840.5$. BLOCK 28, tot 1. Ana Col Una. 60.80; tot A Ana Collin. $1.18; tot A William Btevenaon. $11.18. . -- DO LAN'S ADDITION to tha City of Bast Fort Mad BLOCK. A lot A Wllllsm atsTPnaon, . $18.78; tot A Wllllsm Sterenson, 6:12.65. BLOCK T, lot 1. Msy HarVy Jenka. $o3.T& lot A May Harley Jenka, $8.86: tot A May. ' Harley Jenka, 840.82; lot A May Harley Jenka. 848.0K BLOCK 10, kit 1. Sylreater "Wkltcomb, 84AT0: tot A Bylveator Wklt- , comb, 880.48: west t A- J. - N, and Mary X. Darla, $18.08: west H tot A J. N. , aad Mary B. Darla, $27.78; eaat H tot 4, J. N. and Mary B. Darl, $0.48: rait V4 tot A J. N, and Mary K. Oavia, $0.&2 Total, 6LA08 .63. THOS. C OITUN,-- J , " , Auditor of tba City of PorOaaA. Porta sd, Orssjon, October 81. J804. 00MTTJETT0N AMD ACCEPTAMCX 01 Oa PBOVEMXXT Of WBUTAXAB BTBXXT. -' Notice la hereby glees -that WflUam ft Elliott, City Knglaeer, baa Sled In the ofSce of the anderalgned notlo that Smyth A How ard Company, contractor for tha imnrorament -ef V hi taker atreet, under tbe proriaion of ordinance No. 13,773, ba completed mid atreet from the seat Una of First street to th canter Una of Corbett atreet- ' Said acceptance win b Co nal dared by the Bxecutire Hoard at 4 o'clock oa the 4th day of Norember. 1804,- and objection, to the accept, ore of aald atreet, or , any part thereof, may bo Bled In tbe offlre ef th aaderelgad at any tluie prior thereto. V TUB BXBcrTTTB BOARD. ' By THOS. ft DEVLIN, ' --rw . Auditor of the CTty of Portland, i Portlatiil, Oregon. October TO. 1904. "v b. MENANDWOMCR. Use Big J tor annstnrai dlaeharsea.lBSammstloaa, IrriteUon or nlosrattone ef maaana mambrsaes. , Painless, aad ae aatrla , nant ornoiaonon.' lei by Ml aalato. . or asat In puis wraasar, -by eg gran, arepsld. tat 81 .8. or 8 bottles 81. T. Otmulse seat on iubmA COMMISSION CO. (taeorporated) Room i Chamber of Ctemmeros, Ground Capital aad Surplus SwOOrlrOfcCw. ' ; 1. '-. . - . .. Brokers IB .. . GraIn,ProvIs!on$, Slocks and Bonds tsrgrot Prlrt Wire System ta Itasrlm. sepoMtbl. end OunserrstlTa. ' . Ee K. At-DEIM. Manasrasr f SOWBTBTCr, BfOlTCIBrB CO, - - (Established 1A) T . waraAT abb btocx bbozbbs. ' , " Boom 4, Oronnd Tloor. -CstAMBBB Of OOMMstmtTB. ' A "S -rw ar -t'tlstlsA I OaaJaal3'J S esg set M swleisia. lflrBSJBSal C2BnrwBBnBBnU l7elTEAlilCKtSK;tiC ay, . Charge Me lntereet .far' Carrylag Long f Stocks.-., - .1 :- ..:.,J.-.r, A !