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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
:sco:i c lv journal; - ti1.::d. . j.:day lvzhino'. November 3, i. : i 4. I. "-r "T' - ... .-. . ' . ' . : BAzaa samnuMuioa wxas ' bbv lAVS,' UOTVBBS aT XXTit- ' viTmT, jurrxxa book to oot- bvo ku cuts .inittta ana MSXaVATXOV. A' series -of dlniilons among certain ' factions of tha North Pacific Dental col es, baa .resulted- In gebelllon in tha claaa of '0 that promises to terminate either In tha expulsion of certain stud ents or the resignation of Dr. K. L Lane, . lecturer -on-metallurgy.- Dr.- Herbert C MUlerK dean of the Institution, however, believe the incident to be trivial and that it will be settled amicably in a few 'days.""'-'-'-.''; .,.:.-,-'. Tuesdat a week ago Dr. Lane went to ' the college to deliver bis regular' weekly lecture to the -class of '05. When ha en tered several of tha class began to stamp their feet on the floor, keeping step with him as ha walked to tha rostrum. By . the time he reached the platform others ' had Joined la the ' demonstration and there was a tumult Ha is sV4 to haa remarked that ha preferred Ifclurlng to gentlemen rather than - oxen and left : the room. -.,-. - - Last Tuesday ha Went to tba college gain to-deliver his lecture. Only five of Its members of th (4 were there. . Tha trouble is said to have been in stigated by several -members of the" class of 'OS who failed to pass their ex aminations last year. The examinations "In which they failed were "conducted Jy Dr. Lane. Thoae who .failed were denied diplomas , and were forced to , enter the same class again this year. They 'are said to have threatened vengeance against Dr. Lane. ' ii' .1 T - Cannes Broods, i- - Allen twls Best Brand. ; : . . wVASoiajrs vortoz ci lixx. ." . ' KOTlfTC la hereby stvea that the aaderatrned. goardiaa of the person end saute ef Charles . I). Moatelth end Marsaret -' Meatelth. mlaore, paraoaat to and by vtrtee of aa - order ef aale duly soade aed enarred b the county eoert of Line county. Oregos, on fhe lTtb day or- Scpteeiber. 10O4, to the matter e the gaardianeblp ef aald minors, . wtll, ea Moaday. the -Slat day ef November, . .ajatvt, at the bow ef 1 e'ehirk la the after- - noon, at the front eoor ef toe eoortbofue, ra :-t .the erty-ef PortUnd. la MultaooMh coontr, Orcsna, aeU, at peblle aoctlnn, to the hlahcet bidder for caeh la hand, en Meet te conflrma - -i- tloa-by aald enart, the fellowlng deacribed r real property bolaeglng te said minora, to- .;J wit? - - - - - The nadlTtdedV eae half ef lota asmberrd One 11) and Two (J) U block Beeentyltht T8), laad. In tba city ef caat rortiaao. bow rorv la ataltaoauh county. Oregon. - C P. HOGIJE, Gaardlaa.- V. yrxXP WaJTTTTV-lfsIT. THH erirlnal J no. A. Holer bee opened eae of his famous barber eollegaeNat 844 Clay St., Baa Praaciaco; - special Indeeementa this -I . month ; positions yuaraataedi tuitioa earned while Jeamtna. Write , Clay aU, Baa Frsaeiscev gKILLan AMD tmgRIIXED LA BOB ef all -- daeonpnoae, promptly ssppueev - - ehanre to emploTere. BArtBBN'aj EMPLOTtnifT OrPICw - 3S North Beeead street, aaa. etaraalae. tir.K Is learn barber trade la weeks sad eaters proSUble poaltlonai a pedal ladwe- ments thla month: eauiogae mailed fraa. Walar ByatrBi CoUege, Baa Praactaee, Cel. - THB COI.t'MBUS CALIFORNIA . 1 Wine Denote- heedoaertere fce-eeeha -aad .,3 waiter! ail ainna or wine oc per giaao mau. P. Loratl. 148 Fourth at. Phone nea 18S8, Kit VAa-fTlV-rTalaXE, 1 hfiwwK eUK mmJt gdoejbej: T la family t I i adulDv'eolored Or. white. ISk , ST at North TwenUeUl ,'t.. near Waablagtoa. CIRL to aealat with light housework. Apply 41S , Tillamook at. . z; WaJlTED BtAIJt AND nMAIJt HXt'- -y can -turniah aay kind ef work yea want; ,Taead tOe stleas or poa stampa for detail - to The Oem Corraapoadlng club,- poatoiOc ' " 10IT. ,Jrtlad; r. ", ,' DtVaTIOXS WANTTfl aT8TT, WANTED By young aa of M. good habits and s at catty worker, poalrloS with any bona - er enropan'y e porter, -clerk, shipping clerk, collector, any pnaltlen egulealent to each; '-. heat of city refereacesi can furnlah aond. O 81, care Journal. MAN and wife, good ceok, Tery ladnatrkme sad ' cleanly, with t aulat -chlldretr. boy 14 and girl yooaser. would Ilk employment: aua and hoy t lp about the place; maa la car ' - neater; country preferred.' Call 148 Staatoa . St.. Portia ad. Or. ... - WANTBD-By yoang reatlemaa, pealttoa ef any kind; kae fnnr year' prlcnce aa hardware ' ealeemaa; aa)0 anderstanda bookkeeping, i Ad- dreae at. I. Mogaett, 820 Fourth at. L TOITNO maa ef bnetnea ability wlabee em . nlorment In wholeaale er retail boo where - Wince ability and faithfulness Is appreci ated. F 84, cars Journal. ,. AT.t-ROITND aalnter sad MDerhincer. married. tedy and reliable, want atetdy week t cut wacea- unvunDg niraitar preiarrcev 4 , ST, Journal. - . BOY IB year of age would like poaltloa where h caa leant a trad or where there la chance , ef sdTtnceuMBt. Aaarms A r, care journal MIDIiLE-AOnn maa waste pneltloa, In grocery Tore or signi warenman; oaaay wita tool. gond .ll-rouna smb. - s, ew, care jouraai. ndjeU JATIC BITVATION bf good., graduated. - experienced boos keeper: ane recommenaation. AOoreaa, J. g. Pareone, 841 Broadwar, dty. . MAN ef in. experienced In atorea. Jtardware and metala, went poet t Ion; references. L an, Eaat Twelfth at.. North. CARPENTER work by day or by Job: Drat, claaa man i repairing a pecialty. K ST. cmr Journal. FIRT-CLA.; JANITOR dealre poeltlon, with beat of rercrancae. i L w, care journal ' MAN AVn WIFB want poeltlon In hotel or aa farm, gooa reierence, m. ao, . rfournai. MTDOLnVAOED maa dealrea work la kitchen. -.Address K an, ears journal. WANTtn Poalrlon an etoek ranch. . P t. car Journal. : Address glTtlATIONB WASTED TEltALE. NliDERLT WOMAN, wants place a housekeep er; Sooa coo, or win fF euu nma tor men. Addrew H. Norwood. Suaayalde P. O., port- ' lead,. Or. t.-- ..- -s "T WANTWD -Sltnatloa by yvan lady In tnr . wrapper or in M unary; axperwncea nana. , Aanreee A bt, oare- journal. - W0"elA,N wlah work by day. f Oolnmhls. ntTtOTannrr Aantona. AIX ktsd sf awl help notice free to onloyr. farslshet aa aaert (.?.. WILLIAMS ROtTBB, -Fhoa Red 1BL BPH North ' aish free te von Rfl (ABl B HELP. Msaga . Oolltaa, tTO-Banelde, Heoa ur. , FOR LA DI!". ONLY. PORTLAND Women's Employment Compeer, : 118 Allaky, roe.-Sd and Morriaos, Bed 8tT, PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO-Lehor - tor) help free te ampwyerm. si flit weeS aed aaaolled. male e famale. .. B. 0. DRAKE, SOflw Wsshlnglea St. Clay 445 WORK for men, uiea Pw war. HANRRN'i omCB. td North tfrcuud St. CmimOPOST AND MANICTIaMNO. WM. DEVENY and EBTMXi "DETENT, the only wHenUSe ehlropodiata, pariora room I TW bins., leg Second at. Pboa Mala 1801. Tkla le the leet-halred geattesma. Ha Is the sua yea sr loosing ear, ... v.. t.,( t . 1 nm .. UH:U.nLi . LUUUrltM. . WeU-n4a book et lees tu-o halt publisher' wboleeal r'liw: J.iiuo-p 8J-60 et, 80s; agents weured. (law leooa-sj, ioer. u, i. WimeAt a. g lat 'W frmUanayOt, , WANTED Axenta. ladlee or gentlemen, to to. Tua. Ador. J ogee' Boob aKecc) geTAIooc. ' WABTED HHCTTTaWOUa, WANTED Mors sprertng and whitewashing; , the only gasoline compceasi d sir surertn - oalilt a tha cuaat. M. 0. Morgaa A Co., 87 -Mllwaukle at. - ' -i . . i . . --. WANTED 100 man to gat 'their M hate Bade ww. H. H. Smith, practical batter. ' all Fourth t, . WANTED Farm -wsros; must ba cheap fpe . cask. Address H Da, ears Journal. ' WANTED Cbssp bore to dog . Sellwood. Bos IS, .' WAXTXD TO int, WANTED By gentleman, mosi (and board) u Brlghborbnod of Twentieth end Irving sts. - Addreas Box A TS. fere Journal. fob itt Hotrmrjirora bqomb. 1.TS. 'BR -WEBI&tBrgs, claaa. furnished boueekerptng room, with eae of leuadry. bath, Kou; tlao ehep furalehed cottage. J. odlgaa. 184 Sherman. Phone Clay tog. NEWLY fnrnlabed housekeeping rooma; roe aonalil. modern, eoureolent; noil Clay. Pkoae . Main SOM. PLBASANT fnroiabad room for honaakaap - ins (or eeaple, private -faaitly,--MA lis, hill at. , CLTFTOlf, BMH rtret at., eor. Colombta olta U tS ear weak and ep. ' X0 KPT-jfTOaTlgHja EO01IS. ONI vary slraly furnlabae front parlor, alao one aide parlor, anltabla for tiro saotlemaa or two ladies each; akw nry aaalrable ap aulra raama, akely located oa corner, with ererr caciaDlauoa, at Na. 821 Fifth at. '- THB DEXTER, Na. 134 12th.. ear Wahlntn . Nice eoaafjr vrooDia; uodcra coarauiaooaai traaalaat. . Plane flraea 48. NIC'ELT foralahed front room, electric Mfht. , beet, betb. private famllj, 18. 188 Eaat 8Uth bet: Yamhill and Taj lor. PLEASANT PUBNI8HRD. ROOMS,- two door from Buaacll at. two car lroee, bath nd pboa. at 80 Ktrsy st. 1M THIhTEENTH. eor." Waahlngtoa4-Eleant aewtj nirnianeo roe me, aiogi or as- uii, gaa, bath, phone. NEWLY furalahed quiet tranateat re am a : 184 rourta su raouavaiea seas. FINE 8 LITE ROOM8, 'B01 loth St., cor. Tay lor: reaaonauie, - FOX RENT tTNTtTRNlBHID ROOM 8. - TWO anfuralahed room. In good condition: of bath; phone; eeter see raom- ib Tvnitaerrt.- B00MB ANT) BOARD. ROOM AND BOARD la private family where ; there are young people acairee ny young mas of goud character. Addieaa SLoom Suo, Waah , tngtoa bldg. NEATLY : furnlabed rooms with rood table Doer a ; moucrn coBTeuence. . m v-uiy. Phone Main 6099. -. - ' CONDDCTINO a rooming beueef Advertum the fact la jearaai waat uiiamaa year BOARD with rooma. well furor" bed; mod era conrenlenoeai UbM eeara. xu TBirceooia . FOB BINT H0TJBEB., BA8T 8IDB rental office ef J. L. Well Co., 4 drand avenoe ir yea Bare a Boaae te rent er want te rent a soum. If you br s houa or lot to eell, or want to hoy houae r lot. If pod want to- lame your houae and rural- -A ture la th Phoenix In. Co. ef BartXord, Cobb., eau up phone Eaat SI. FOR RENT CHEAP 10-room houae, all modern Improvement, n ret -claaa condition, tuu cement beaement. . Int hOxlflO: No. 844 Eaat Second at.. near Weldler at., UolUday'a add. Call Phoa . late bus. -- .i.-,.-., - FOR RENT 8-room enrae bouse, modern Co. Teoieucce, qewiy pepereu -"vi , v.ucv. - quire 835 Beat. Thirteenth at.. North,; Pkoae KADDERLY Traaafer Commlealoa C.; piano a na rurniture moves py expenencew me. 110. North Third (t Phone Mala 1888.: FOR SALE Neat, nay little faralihed borne. aeaa Beet cex eui iim te mi inj, aom hoaeeker. Owner, 189 Front at. : FOR RENT House, cottar's aad rata, saesers aad aa-to-date. rcated free et eearge. - I. Omrts At Sons, First aad Yamhill sts, - FOR BENT Corner store. 4 rooms and has. nent. inqulr forenoon at si rim w. 1 FOR RENT er aale, 11 -room house;. seth ssd. .yardTTm KarU Eighteenth at,- FOR RENT 8-room houae; bath; aad yard.- art nortn Eigntaenta t. - - - FOB RIKT dlTOKXB. STORE BOOM for rent. riBest location in Cltr ' 1 CROM A 8hAW. : I S8S Waablngtea et- XOM BALE REAL ESTATE. WHY pay rent oo small farm of 10 to SO ere oear tn city wnen yoa caa our in same from ua with norolnal caah per men t and tatereat leaa than rent t IT. 000 will boy lftT-acr farm near hyi tbe wood thereon I worth fB.OiiO. Bee anlck. Daeldaoa, Ward A Co., 408 Chamber of Commerv. . 4-ROOH houae, 8400; 8-reoui hone, romplete; irail; 8-room eettagf. not complete, S0O; large ' lot for 80 to 180; eaay term, 88 nd 88 per month. See owner. Jo Naah. st Naeh vllle atatloa. oa the Mount Scott car line, . BNAP-Two new. colonial residence, eaat fid. close la; en T ana on room, run eoacrat beer nent; modern thmusboat; alao en 7 renm, two-etory houae. cheap.. Address owner, 488 Eaat Seventeenth si FOR BALM One 8-room bouae, lot BfhtlAO, for 8kV; 8000 dowa. the bal. on one year'e time without tntereet; located at Point View. 8t. Jnhna, Or. Inquire at Elliott s drug store, St. Johns.-- . - - -. - - .- - FOR BALE 8 modern Broom cottage, nret tleat little heme In Upper Afhlna: 18-mlnut walk to atevl brtdg; will sell oa or both, 828 Baa Rafael at, cor.- Rodney are. 14.000 8 bona, furnlturs and graasd: east V.IHIUI 10 minute- wen irorm touri wewjei rents will pay for properly Is B years, J. Laadlgaa, 184 Shermaa. - ' ' WELL flnlabed enfrage, full Int. Eaat Nineteenth- at,, 1 blocks M car Una. 81.000. H. " Hatfield, Wulkey blk., Second and Morrlaou. FOR SALE CHEAP A new 4 room, mndera houa with lot 90x11(1 feet, with s BO-foot - alley; ey terme. - Phoae t'nlon 8804. FOR BALE 8-room cottage, eemeat cellar, lot JTaVDO, gl.xoo. on Bhermaa near sutn. In quire at 804 Stxth t. FOR BALE 8-rom cottar, eemeat cellar, lot STilOO, $1,800. on Bhermaa Bear Sixth. la- - quire at no sixta si. A BXArVOn ef . the beet feonrlna-heuses In th tnwa, clone In, cbeap rent, long leu. 138 twventn at., room t ,. FOR BALK Oirner lot with T -roomed, house. modem. Improved, for 82,800 If Bold at eoc. 881 Inloa are. ti. 8 ACRES platted tn lot Arlington Heights, top of Cannon noadt Will eell cheep, Inuulro 88T alorrleoa at. WB build hottee, easy payment; lota furnished ir oeeireo. sis ramawrcui Blag. Mam iiieu. FORTY acre timber, for wood ea Clackamas rleer, A. J. Brawa, Currlnavllle, Or. FOB SALE FARhlB. OREOON farm heat them alii Aad hv a lag th sda uadar this seeding re '11 yea'U flad na A 0OO0'4anacra atock fans fur sale by ewneri $4,800. E. H. Deri. Corvallte, Or. WATZT RIAL XSTATB. WANTED Hav cash to bay t ee 8-eeoea a . ra Boa, wt td ! particulars must glees. H 81. enr JournaL TO EXCHAEOE. TO KXCnANOE Patentahl naeclt tn i rhange'for aomelhlng aeefnt. er will gle half Interest t pa Mr with rab te Mtant aaise. tj tAsareas ie no, caa sotarsai.e, . - III-. . . - . -- "' , ; . , I i . , i III - I v. . ' !..'. -( auinnu eHAVoia, i j en n was Jr CO. r TL Jf als 188. t " U8T YOUR HOU 8821, Washington St. WITH JBNJflKGS Th Place ' To Buy JtoonilnB Houses. And BoalBcae Chances Of All Kind. rf. . 4 Large Liat to Select From.' ' We Protect Our t'Uenta. - - 1 , WE HAVE BUYrfrta FOR ALL SIZED '. ' ; ' . HOU8EB. . Wl ARE VXAKIJtO SALES , ' - Every day. Our liat of bargain this week eiceeda anything we bar erer had. Don't .think -of buying until yon, hare sees. as. W caa eeee you money. , JK.SMNGS CO. ........ .833H WASH. ST, WB HAVE BUYERS FOR ALL SIEBD UOi;8E8K . T. room, good tnveatment .......88.800 14 " cheep rent, good bay ....... 1.0AO 1 , good board and roaming ..... "0 M " " modern brick 8.8" "2a i.."orner houae, central ........ J. 2S " good flat, rloae la 1.8IHT ' en . ' aelact board and room ....... t.ouo . 10.f .alwaya full, see this -. - !M -.- " . housekeeping, pays well ..... aiio , II r-ery low rent e 800 11 " very low rent BOO BO - M making plenty ef money 6,000 : 40 " ' tarn furniture, clears fZ25 a -- ,. ,- month. ' r ' LIST YOCRHOniE". WITH JEJtNINOS - A CO. We have plenty of mosey to lose St LOW . rate of INTEREST te barera: nearly, all - ahore have leaaea; glee good TERMS. JBJtlNS-A CO .....83JV, WASrLJT "Wa HATE B0TERS FOB " ALL SIZED : -t .r..--f ,U0CSE8,J .; -' .-. ? ' ' ' " RtTRlVirJia OPPORTrrNrTTEg. ''" RtTCHER 8HOP In good Oregon owi.fl'.BO0 PBI.ICATEflSKN and Tunchroom u . . , . V MO CIAR. I'ANDJ and rrtllt ator ........ l.ono , flKm eKI in nne location, win invoice., I 8ALOOf ob on of the beat streets 4,780 GROCERY with Urine- room 478 FAMILY LIQI.'OR STORE In Oil city. 8.000 ft PUT A TTB ANT. oo of th best la dty. 8.S&0 OKOCKRY and feed stor 1 euburbe.. l.K WOKKINO Interest la good sawmill.... 1.OO0 . 10 good ' aalooa propositions sad other J nod chances not advertised. ENNI.NGS CO.... ,,3324 WA8H. ST. LIST TOCB HOUSES WITH CO.., , JENNI3W8 SNAP T!4 CIOAR STORE. Ijieated oa Bne corner, g years' lease, rent . only 75; clear orer 8 100 month ever es peaee aad emplors two meaj price, lnclud ln stork, about 83,000. JhfNNIN'GS A CO ...8824 WASH. ST, EMPIRE INTE8TMENT CO. , (. Boeeeeeor to Baker Real Estate Co. ' ,- 1 ' .8 rbamher of Commerce. BbOlflNa-HOt'BKB. WB HAVE GOOD BUYS. , 1 . v WB HAVE MONEY-MAKERS. ' CAN MAKE TKRMS. ! 10 ROOMS 14th at., rent 840, Income- 898: BnosakeeDlnc rooms always rented. Price BhOO. It ROOMS 12th tt..- extra furniture and car pet: . a . good awory-makeri rent 858,. Price 81.180. . i 12 ROOMS Yamhill, knuaekeenlnc. on cor ner, Al condition; yoa caa make good mosey here, price, si.ijo. 0' ROOMS Very cloe In: houas fall; reni 840jlacome 878. - Price 1750. , .. ; " . 11 ROOMS 10th st., well fnrnlebed, sn cor ner, cloae la; rent gen. r-rice, l,in. m ROOMS Sd at. comer brick, good tnca tloaj rent IA, Pries 2.800, . , , IB ROOMS 10th-t., boardlng-honee. ebock full ef boarders; half rash, price fi.sup. - 9rt ROOMS Fine location, snod furniture. ceYncte, lectrts lights, (team, lease. Price UOOO. . . . - 45 ROOMS The- beet that your - money can boy, enrner. - dew brick blork. central, ateam heat, electric light. Full Information st of fice. ;v. : " " . : . .. -. - IB ROOMS let St.. fin IHtle tranetont. rooma a 1 war a filled at Bight, rent 8.10. 1'rlc 8MA0, -part caeh. " 82 ROOMS B 800. part cash, will bne this swell traneient souse In neat locution. Biasing sver 8250 a month: on corner, leaa over fair. , 2 EMPIRE INVESTMENT H, B Chamber of Oosimeecs. FOB BALE jniCXLLAEIOtrS. " IJNtiERWOOO TYPEWRITER. Vlalhle wrltlne. Tabu la toe. i Ball bearing. Light ruaaiag. - ggvaey es rroat st. i-hons nea ivsu BILLIARD AND POOL tables for reat sr fat as In on eoer payments. TUB BUVNBwfcK BALKE CoLf ENDEB CO, s loirs ir:., rort la no. BAROAINS I eecond-bend machine. Cnder eood Typewriter Agency. 8) trout St. If ILK dairy and route for tt dVrtng good maauiea. n so,, car journal. LA RON Jersey cow. Inquire Mr. Lewis, freatr next May, 27 First at. $.0O. FOR BAI.K Oenulne huff hantsma. 7 Wll Ham are., cor. Going St. FOR- SALE Cash reiteri Brat-claa ahap. Apply 2 North Third at.' FOR BALE Taady ator. ' 800 Waablngton at. I. M. Hanaon. MANURE delleured sad plowing done. Phone . i mon bi.w. 'A 108? AWB FOTTBB. LOUT A Doeke sank eotitelBlng tween Twentieth and Btnrh ss4 Twenty-first snd Oak. Am.lT Mr, toctbur. tTweaty-SMoad sn nar Morneoa. DON'T be a loeeel Be a winner, we sdeertldng la Journal Want Columsi: they saee lb - see rest war la (aeewsav 21 word for 18 rents FOR BERT MI8CE1XAKX0UB. HIOII OBAnn -ntaBo -for -rent tn rcspssslble L pari, aaoree a, zs. cars joaraaa,- - i g. Three Valuable with "Want Sunday journaL PAKGAKlt mora aDDetlslna: BVSTBZSS CXABOZB. BOOMING H0D8B HBADQUABTBRB. TAFT CO. 12B-B Abiagtea Block. Phoae Mala IBB. 64 BROOMS Fashionable boeMlng-house. b4 locauoni furnlahlns aery line; reea heat; hot and cold water lu moat of room; reat 8V2S; good Usee. Price. 84.000. 80 ROOMS Up-to-date boueakeeplng apartments: verr floelr located; good leaa! rent right; furnlhlnaaesry. best; steam hast; - ' 8.8w Eaay terme. 80 ROOMSHetel. steam beet, right ap te . date; new Dricki tow tent, wag w. .. 8,000. ... . ... . ' BOOMS On Ftfth t.; good location;' now . clearing about S2U0 per month; S yeara' leaae-thl Is s bargain.- 88.800, 44 - BOOMS Very elegantly furnished, ateam i neat, hot end cold water is au mens, ' ' fin location oa Third st.; leeee, 8 year. ' 8175. Including steam, heat. Trie -t-.ooot- . -. .. ' , . 41 BOOMS Fatrly well foralahed; doing gond prontabl . oueuieee; rant uo-, eeuee. 81,800. . . ' 40. BOOMS New brlclr. wery morteru In way; tarntshins gooaj. sii nir tr...... Mnr. onl AlOO: 1-Tr mat- 88.800.. Might Uk smallsr houa la ex change, - , i v- -. 88 BOOMS elcewt apartment hone Is dry: all runt siegantiy ruruianeu; r ua, . lease.' 83.760, , ': lROOM8WFshlaaabl 1nardlng-heuM, very finely. furnlabd -XllQlca,. corner; tm abort, dlaxaar from Portland hotel; - X . '( yr leaee; iotlow, wo.k a ; 80 BOOMS Beat part ef Waahtntroa at.: brick Building, nteam nei, -Tvnnini - amat of rooms; now elesrlnf orer 409. pr SMoth) low reat; lsass.. 89,600. . : ROOMS New brick building, steam beet, hot sad cold water ka ry room; every; tntng new sad In good eoadltloa; good leeee; rent ; 8110; big SKjoey -maker. 8,800. e 80 BOOMS Bight dowa town; well furnlah ed; team heat; Mass, nest Buy uu maraet. Only 2,000. . IB BOOMS Oa Mocrleo at., all on on floer; nicely rurnlabed; rent low. ss.nuu. . . IS ROOMS Oa Prk at.i boardlBgi very flnei locaiioB guou, reni io. -rce e,. IT ROOMS Furniture good, rent only ISO; good location; fuu. 8 1.SUW. 11 BOOMS On Tenth et.t rent B48j furniture good; has good Income. 1900. v . RESTAURANT. FIRST-CLASS reotanrant, doing goad butlneea; locatwu right; muat eelf at eoce oa ae - count ef slckneaa; any ressonabla ax-opoet- tloa not turned down. " CONFECTIOMEBT. One en -Waahlngtoa st... .......... One on First St....... BM .-,BS0 1.000 One en MorrlaoB at DELICATESSEN Am m Wim - Mfwlnls AM. . . .11.000 Oae ea, Washington at., receipt . ...wo -&m CAM MAKE TERMS ON ART OF THB ALL TITLES OtABANTEET. BDYBRJ PROTECTED AS WElX AS SELLERS. WE WANT 10 TO IB-ROOM HOUSES; ALSO 20 TO 40. . . TAFT 00. , .., 128-8 Ablngtoa Block. : 104 Si Third at. i 1 PONT BTTY ANTTHIWa. DON'T SELL ANYTHING, UNTIL YOU BEE US. WB HAVE - BAROAINS IN BrSINKBS CHANCFS. BARGAINS IN APARTMENT HOt'BES. - BARGAIN'S IN REAL EST AT B, WB MAKR UIANS. SQUARE PEAL BROKERAGE COMPANY. ' 128 Seventh St.. Portland, Or. A SNAP "AT ABHWOOD. OBEOON." f 10.000 eterk general nteretiandt st dleeeuntl stock ess be reduced; belMing snd lots for -sale, or . will resU Iseulr ef Journal, er writ B toCay. " J. W. A M. A ROBINSON. NEW Arkansas oil flels . kL. Bailey. Mis souri Fartn ImmigratiAB agent mile noes, Ark., can get yoa aa ell lea, trifling ea- pen. Foetuses from fule l lesaia,. PARTNRItwAetle nr el tent. Is beet sewepaper propieiltHio on PH(le eoaat: 1.1.000 reulred . heat references gives. Address R 48, ear ' JoortieL , - - - PATENT FOR TRACTION VEHICLE Will eell all or eart nf.L'slted States reasonable ot let eat Nw (Utes sa royalty. . W 4T, JoaraaU Premium to be Given 'Away Ada", for Either, the Daily or In order to Introduce The Journal want' columns, mora widely into Portland home and buainea houses. The- Journal, by special arrangement wllh i the Portland Flouring Mills, announcea that for a , short while It will give with each "want ad" for either the Dally or Sunday -Journal tha choice - of - thess three products:' A package of -. FLOUR, CUCE AND PASTKT FLOUR - WHEAT HEARTS . : : ( How these household necessltlss are used; , ' OXTKnO FAXOAII nOVB Bterillsed and self-raising. Fully prepared and ' In three minutes you can make - hot cakes that will melt in your mouth. For waffles and gems lt,ls tinsqualed. A boon to dyspeptic n . OlTafPIO OAJCa AMD JPABTBT nOlTB. ' Thta la the moat economical flour for pastry you can ' buy. It given your poetry a color and crlspnesa " not obtained feylht use of any other flour. . - ', OI.T3OPT0 . WHAT XMAMTM.: ' j' Trils la it sterilised product for- mush. Finer and than any other muh on the mar- ket ana.abaolutely pure. rami ob txm aors ajto zbza Notwlthstsndlng this great free "5ph,e" prliT ' pictures will positively remain in 4he packages. Save full uncanceled get of these Ptures num be red from one to nine, and present them to TUB PORTLAND FLOUKINO MILLS CO.. 224 Stark BtYect, and set your choice of 19 valuable prises. Tbe "Want Ada" Alone are Worth the Price. RATE: 21 VVords for 15 Cents. miOIAL MANLY vigor restored br Dr. Roberts' Harve Globules. One month' treatmeat. -! 8 months. 88; sent curly led by mall. . . M. Jk m . k a, f PtftlauV ue. eifreuuH wvwifer viw -- w . - ' "THB BOOK OF NATURE. "Book sf Llfs. 'Mabel Grsy. "Utery of s niaee.-- --nsusr -eatalogara fre. - A. Bchmal. 22S First YOUR preacrirttlona are--saore-seeurstaly-and reasonaDiy Biieo at areeu e ro.rey, en Mornaoa t., oatwaea eirei uu snvss PERSON A L Tour barinees or profeeelonal eeed . v TT-. . will hrin. Von haslnaasi 21 worda for 18 cent. Try tt. CARPET-CLEANING Carpet cleaned en - the -Boor without removing nirauur irons rwis phone CUy 881 for e free acmo narration. MARRIAGE PAPER lOe. sealed: BOO wealthy; many worth 8; neet Dans mersncee, 8th year. B. L. Lore, Denrer, Col. PACIFIC Coait Detective Aeeoclatlno, Inc., rooms-BIB sad SIB .Goodnough; ressoaaDM rates . TTr;T - ClAIRVOTAjrT AVS PALMIST. : MADAME JOHNSTON Clab-VevaBt, palmmt. card reader: I sir recta reliable aao im portant on t il aruirs st rest nr. 80c. 88" Seventh St., aear Oak. PALMISTRY snd card reading S oueetlorj answered for go cants. Waahmgtna St. 41. BZBVs - ASTBAL PAVmo, THB Trinidad Aanhalt Pavtsg OS. et Portia sd. Office BBS Worcester blk. ATTORXXTB, ANDREW- L. CHE2BM BB. tt Wsshlngtos .bldg.. gaseral law buslnee; paper draws; titles exemlned. Phoae Mala 1SOO. BARO-nre aed LioirrxRixa. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO., in i. rssnt visn siij. CH1BOPRA0TIO. DR. J. R. MARSH (Chlropractlcl. 288 Halt strsr Dearaeas, rheumatum, liver, stomsra, a lane f snd female dlsessee . nermanaBtly cured; ap- pandlcltla without th knife. dGAmS ABD TOBA00O. ESBBRO-GUNBT- CIOAR CO- - .- . lllatrlbuters -sf FINE CIGARS. PartUsd, anBSaaaSBauaBSxmaBESSmcaBrsss3s3 OAEPXbTXBS AED BtrXLDXXS. l j AUTHORS aad H. B. WOOD, earpeaters f (a4 bolldere; reph-1ng snd jobbing; stars ssd office Bxtureg petit.. Shop BOB Cslsmblsv Phoae Clay 18BL . r" A. M. DEB. hulldlag snd remodeling; store as tune a specUlty. 282 'First St. Phoas CI J 824. ' OOMMIBBIOK MXRCHAJfTB. BVBRDINO A FARRRLL. produce and eommls bIob merchants 10 Frost at., Portland. Or. Phone Mais 178. . DAVENPORT BROS.. 180 Front St. Fruits, pro duce: eenelgnmenta eolMted: premnt returee. XJAFZA STAB RESTAURANT Horn eoeklng s spe cialty; airs I tJekete 88. Tboa. Leech, prop. Cor. Twalfth snd Wsahlngtoa. THB OFFICE, SSB Washlnstou at. Mais 771. Pickett A Vlgneest. Phoae A OOAX AED WOOD. GBBAT WESTERN COAL CO., 44f Hoyt, eor. 11 Ik; washed lump Bootless sosl, 88.00 per ton; But. 8.00; a genu for Cumberland " Bang. 27.00; C'satle Oet. 88 80: wbaleeale prleae; free delrrert fall w1ghts sstlsfse- tloa gaaraateed. rboae Mala 848. WESTEBN .FEED A FITBL CO., 184 North Fifth t.J dee lore la eoaxeetle ssd I stones Kk blsAamlth soaU ehareoel aad eoke. xae Mala 1018., ALRINA FUEL CO.p Bstlmsd at and Alblns see., sear. ferry ; slab and block wood, dry ssd green. Phoe East 87A - STEEL BRIDGE WOOD YARDAVWeod ssd eojL Oftlos, 218 HolUdsy avsos. - Phoa B. 4a. C. E. TILIN, Srst-elssi wend ssd eeali sfOes - U ARdse svs.; sear ferry. Dry slabwood. OREGON FUEL CO.t ll klsds sf soal ssd Wood. 844 Mocrleo. Phoas Msln 86. ; HOOVER ad eosL CONWAY, 818 Water St., Pbons Mais 4888. OTMirT 00VTBA0T0RA HAWKINS A CO. Resldene. SOS Fourth et.. phone Frost IBM: eemeat work ef all de ecrlptloaai stop work specialty i work guar ' asteoA CHAS. H. CARTER A CO.. f formerly Carter A Ell); cevaeat contractor. Bit Taggart. rseee Eaat 1878. All work gusraateed. 'n,M CAOCKZXY ABD 0LAB8WAEE. WHo'tESALE crockery and glamwsrs. Praet. Hegele A Cew 100 te log Fifth, ear. Stark St. SBESSJaAXnia. LADIES' Ssd children's ferments, silk skirt, waist sad wrappers made te order. 188 Blevesth st. Telephone Mela 8127. MRS. MeKIRBEN. artistic drew sad eleek staking. 801 Morrlaou st. SAEcntc . . . . MRS.' OB ANTS -sdutt' snd eblldres's elas Aesdemy ef Moelc. Morriang at.. DOw ABD H0R8E HOSPITAL. t CBWaV rk.W M.alKBM mm vn, w. - vmnnw.. '. t. v., m t geos. remseed t 28B Gllsaa SL, set. Fourth sag. gut sts.. , i""". 'zlYaXS AXB f ABIES), POTLANU STRAM C - - lNO AND tf.MXl Woraai prarurei ua rwcin., miw boas aae plume eleaed a ad curled by aa XI 1 guurtB. rnaue Liar iu. CLOTHES CLEANED AMD PBE88BB i l pee month, iiaiaee iipwu ,nor toa a. ' " . W. YTRNER. prafesatoeal dyer nd slasast, SOS leffereoa st Phone Main 2818. DZO0BAT0RE. HENRY BERGBR1S0 First at J waVoaner. Ingralss, tapeetnss, appueju isiar lor ejecoranng, XLXOTRICAX WORKA : ""' 1 . NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL E-ai-.a-yiir. tTJfn's Is ths electrical Use. Phoae FPRE1TURB FACT0RHA FURNITUBB'Bunufactnrlng and special order. I Hevessay e raruitur lacvurz. - OR BOON Furnttur Maaafactaring compsav ai.iierai rnaai c rural lure sue ih ts"ei ee rtret St. - - - - 4. - rXATZEVAL nrgTniABo. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foreuwet freter. aal society ef northwest! protect in i" Ing. J. L. Mitchell, eopreme secretary, 812 and CIS bldg.. Portland, Or. TeW- phos Mais Baa. rORETV RxSIT scto.- FOREST RESERVE BCRIP FOB BALE Ap- pri.ea, anreatneted, recay for immeniei wi lowest nrl ra. B. - F. m F. B. Blley. BOB (.hamber of Commerce. . rrKiTivRB BEPaxinie. TJPHOIJrTERtNO. repairing: mattreeaas mad t traerr rncl incK a, eso wssingao a. Fhoa Red ill. BR0CERS. WADHAMB CO.; wboloaal BToeere. an faetsrer and comalaaloa mercbaals, Fear th . and. Oak sts. ....... ALLEN LEWIS, enmmbaxloa est nrodne chants. Front ssd Davis at., Portland tland. Or. HTatAB HAIR BOLLS. J. 1. Bono. . Bth. Phoae manfr. hamaa hair rofla. 428 B. East 2211. Store. 888 Morrleaa at. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland, A marl caa plea; 83, s per day. BELVEDERE; Buropeaa pla;4thssd A Wee eta. nSTBABOB. ISA AO L, WHITB, nr tuaurnes.- -- sidg. , r.- -. BOO Detrsm JAB. Mcl. WOOD. emptnTere llabinty and le dmauai secident surety oosos er au aisoa. Phose T. sox Mcnay-nag. - fsB ta an Baemawe sa ww E a M w Am D r OAftlaMAI V V As Be- nn-winn', ett Bhrloe bldg. Oregas Psoas Clay 888. FIRB INSURANCE J. P' Rmsedy A Cou 221 Bbartork bldg.- Pboa stain isos. ARTHUR ' WILSON. r bldg. Phone Main 100, LVstBXB. KORTH PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY Not In the combine Capacity .ooo.ntaj reet per oey, The larseat stork fn the cltr ef dry rustic. Boating, celling snd Snleh and all common grade. Will All local order et tb biweat market nriee. Pramnt delleerv snaranteed, Purchasers should see our stock before placing orders. Ofneee. No. . 8 Worcester .block. Phone Mats 201 Mill.. Sherlock svs. sad rleer front. Phon Mala 282. MEDICAL. MRS. L. A. . ELLIS. M. D. Chronls dlaeaeoe crretiacally treated. Office 808 Balmoa st, aTVSIOAX. MR. AND MRS. H. A WEBBER, banjo, mando lin. ewltarlaetrWrriomMslBlW MUWO DEALERA FISHER Ml'SIO CO., ISO Third at. VUrto tslk- Ing machines ; repairing. Keo SOS. MAGBXTTO HXALDfO). MRS. L. H. HART sncceeafullr treets sll dis ssscsi method .tughU . 'lVLThouf ht reeding room. Ill Tournej bldg. atals 417XT MASSAaK. FRENCH lady glees hath asd massags treat- meat. aus rifts st. West 1B7A atoaxr to ioab. FkED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. If near en Inee - Ma emnmlaataan I am ta a posttles to make Immediate lee s Imprseed real estate er tor building purpssesi ssy amount; awderat lotereat. W ap ian frees nlaoa 'and sdrasce moaay ouuning program a! wpuea w reef ' nt after ess rear. --- FRED H. STRONG, Flnasclar Agent, 108 Second at., Sear Stark, THB STAB LOAN CO. Any eelarled employ, ware-earaer, can get e his sots, without smrtsags aioath u.bfnnrh. Week. Jo on Retmy as fix Xt r .n or 88.88 29.00 Repay to ee i S8 er 81 88 er tt.eS lo.0o Ropar te us 4.00 er 82.00 er fl.OB SALARY LOANS Yea esn borrow mosey frees as oa your salary sr Income for see ts si mouth. 1a soy amount from 8 t (loot lowest rat ef Intereet; bo watt, a d. Ir; 11 aegotlatloo are strictly priest sad eon Aden tlal: psyments aua needed is case ef elckneea. The Oeeceot Loaa O.. 811 Ore gonUs bldg. SALARY LOANS Asy salaried penen having rreaar position with teepoesinie bus btelB money sa tb aey ciys-eut plea, wlth et publlcttr or delay v- all bn-lneea treated etrtsfly" stafldeuttal. NORTHWEST, LOAN CO.. 821 AUngtoa bldg. eity- .LOANS ON 1HB EASY PAYMENT PLAN... - Ts Salertel People. Strictly Coaflleuttsl, yfflc sonre. B s. m. to B P. Bt EMPLOYEES' LOAN CO.. Pbons 224. Room 7 Id. Tb Deksm bldg A W. eor. Third snd Washington ets.. MONEY TO LOAN oa resL pereoasl aad t Uterel Mcuritji special attention ta chattel . mortgagee; : notes bought. C. W. . Psllet. 804A Fentoa bldg.. 84 Sixth t.. HIGHLY reepeetabl pte srhrA tadlea aed gents ess borrow mnnev ra diamond and - Jewelry, Collateral Loan "Bank, 288 Waab lngtea st, TsMphoee Black TL EB The Dans-Lswrence Co.. reel estate end snanclal igenta: money t mes ea awwtsag securities at low rates la Sams Irom 8300 ts 810.000 1494 Pint St.7 MONEY ADVANCRD eelerted nennl. tea etc., without aoetirltr: ev per meats: larg set buelnee tn 48 prlnctpsl cities. Tolxsas. 228 Ablsgton bldg. MONEY tossed ee pianos, furniture snd thee . chattel eecurirlee: ell buelnee strictly pri vate. NORTHWEST IX) AN CO.. 631 Abtag- - toe srag., cltr. . I.AM Pre oared to buy good notes satmid an "" nr Mad of real eetate Ir Oregon or Waeh- irgtna.. H. E. Nobis. 812 Commercial oia. CHATTEL Inane la amounts rsnglne from 828 to SB.nnOi rooming hou e S eeectelt. nw Era Laas A Truat Co., 208 Abingtnn bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ea Improved er entmproeed rltp property, la en ire to aolt, ran-1, Wat- klns a, Co.. 280 Alder et. , t na fee .i - - - - iwMm. .awi anv sacurlty note purrhsssA . Eastern Leaa erne. 418 McKay bldg. MONEY TO IOAff .ra ti-ge sr smill aaasanta en good security t, laweat rates. William a Reel. SOT Falling bldg. MONFV TO LOAN en Ctsrlramas cootitv tends P. F, sad F. B. Blley, BUS Chamber f Com- MONRY o chattels snd real estate securities. Addreea Y 48. car Journal. . OTXRALLA BOBS OF THB ROAD OVRRAIJt aed . ers ctotblnsi aeloa madu, N ousted tee mans fact ureru, pre-tiand. Or. PATTVT ATTOFTTTR, R. O. U t e THE OREOON PLAT laartoa st. rhawe e-.J. sad leeiiuarlng. nvmxrX MNHgRBERw BADgJ4C"38 . FOX A Co.. mnltary plumbees, Bsl f-onad mmm ssu aaiasoa. urea) s swish, - FR1BTIJIS, - BUSIIQNO CO Flont and Blark sts.. pet-s. leg. uiaograpalng. bank books ssd rrica unpllee; work dun ea ttms: aseet . couuMeu printing orBce la the week. Mala 104. ANDERSON A DTTNIWAT COMPANY, nrtntlp.. lltbosraahiaw. bjjr boeka. Pheee Main Is. aiaer at. - - - J OXTPYTEOB, MAKE MONBTI CBB pnnaa m ipeisnsi Blng ap Blark. 11 aad ardor a ssouths serrtce eoeering eeery tows la ny er an states; ds'lt messenger eerelee; sdesae r poru ou en contrast wars. rerUaa effMav 10B Second at. " . PAIBTS, OILS ABU BLABS, th beat thing nwde la paints ssd general building materials: and glaelng s specialty. 188 First St. Pbe-w Mels 1U4. W, P. FULLER A CO Manufacturer Ptoneee Lead, Pboastx Paint, Kepallne; s gsaruatee fleen with every gaOoa ef paint maaatse.-.. urd by as, ' BASMUSSEN A CO lobhsrs, pelsts, ell, gktaa, Sana ana aeors. tan rrret ex. B0P.. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.--Cornor Fsteeeta snd Northrup sts.. .PertlaBd. Or. SAFZA ' LARGEST stock in city; THebold work: locboejt opened. Repair. -Jail work, steel eellins, rreav ment and goods meriting year pstrosap. J. E. Daels. A Third at. STBBXB STAltTS. P. O. STAMP WORKS. 28 Aider St. Main 710; rubber stamps, scale, atesciis. Bg gg. trade eh rebel send for catalogue. OOlTBw. TIN ROOFING, gntterlng. repairing and general Jobbing. J. Loll, Xl a jerrersoe t. AIX kind of mots repaired snd nalntad. W. 1. Ferretl. 684 Ftrat. Scott 842. , BPRAYTE9 ABD WmTEWABHTKBs I WANT te bid ou year pa In tin of roofs, docks. U are houses, stores, sans, aims, newt ana - all other almllar work don In oil er water palnta. in eome reapect Better man uruaa. Ta-1rtk rhe tnnv 'Bsnn: ar own iroceoa: ma nV T-ara ef enperienc Adrdeaa CSS Eaat Wash- . Til fTnlAA 99UA. W mf nma. Morgan. SHOWCASES AND FTXTVREB. SHOWCASES ef every deecrlptlooi - hBh. he and ator nxrare mo ro oruer. sjuibjw Menufacturing Co., Portland nd Seettl: ; BTORAOE ABU TBAVSTXB. ' SAFES. pianos snd furniture . perked Marie for shipping asd shipped: all wore; euarairteed: larre. tetorV. brick,' Srwu nsrone warehou for store r. OfSe 128 First et, C. M. OLSEN. ... Pbuue Mala M7. v., a O. PICK, office SB Fleet et.. between Bterk snd- Oak sts. i prion sun; .piano ana wmv. ture Bored and pecked, for- shtpplngi earn modlon flreproof brick wsreooue. Froet and Clay ts. . " " TBAHBRa AJTS HATTLEBO. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth, Phona Main BP. - Heavy haullag sad starsge. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Na. BOOV Waen- at. - r-soee aiaia ew. 1 1 FE WRITERS. IOB TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS , , 230 Stark Street, ' We rest, repair. lk xebang trpewrltera, ATI aupplles for sll maehlBae. Btaadsrd machines 828 snd Bp te 810A -' Do yna want s atenogrepher or trnletf , .W br Ut of good applicssta. . ,. Pbun Black S87L tfNPFRWOOD VTSIRLB TYPEWRITER. Sgeaty t . SB Front St.. pbou Red Intl. - TOWXL SUPFLT. -fjr il.r-r,omb. lntl. aoa. a? per month. Lawrence Bras.' Towel Snppiy WALLPAPXB, MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-141 St.. bet. TamhIU snd Tartar, reel las. rXKAXCXAL. '-" I obtbOsT a bast rmAircxBoo L LXJCITHJ). Cbambsthf - smmerse BuOAtag. . Stark aussts. Tklrd sad Head Office. 88 Old Broad Street. Leaden. This hank transacts s general banking boa. ee. make losss. dlecousta hllle snd loaa i a letter ef credit a reliable for tie re lore aad few tbe purchase of merchandise la uy lty mt the world, imsis in raretga aaa eosseen Interest Mia mm su time aesoaita. - W. A, MACRAE. Mas SBOTBITT aATXBTIM s TTJBT OO-, 864 BimilasB St,. Portland. Or, TTSasaeta a teeuTsi nsnsmg em reus. . i-mjoa TirtiBTurw. Interest Allowed ea Tins snd Barings Dap salts. Arts as Trustee Bor Estate. Drafts ssd setters of credit aealuMa la sll porta ef the worlA 0. P. APAM9. .....Ptoaldest W A. LF r is. ............ .eirex tics-i i saxnens A. la MII.l..... ...... ..8ooeal Vkie-rveMeut B. a. JUBITS U8TTTZD BTTATHtJ WATTOVAX, BAjnC L0F POBTLAWD. ORXOOlf. BOBTHWTST OOA THIRD ABD OAK STB Trssssets a ueaerej Banning sjuaaaees. DRAFTS IBBUEO Avsllsble ta all dries of the Putted Ctatss 'sad - Europe. nng noog sag atsaiia. COlLXCnOEl MADX OB FAVORABLX TXXJtA Pretldeat i V tee -Preeu debt... . a AIKSWORTTf I.....W. B AVER .B, W. BCHMBKR ...A M. WRIUHT Caehler Aealstaat csshler MaBlOXLAJBTtr WATTOWAX. BABTK. Ill """TlidBHi " - J FRANK WATBOS.. . . Preelde R. L. PrRH AM. R. W. HOYT.... ...Tlee-PreeloVnt Caehle- Aeatetrint resale GEORGE W. HOYT ......... Trssasets a Beaklsg Drafts aad setters of ercilt leased sealisMs .to aU parts ef tbe world. Celleetloa s speclslty. 6aM dust baaght - FOIST BTATTOWAXt WASTE ef Fortlaad, Or. Deelgnated Denaaltytrr and Financial Agent sf tb United Stetes. ' ...' Preeldetrt. A T.. MT7.IB Caehler I J. W. WEWglH; Amlatant Ceehlee .i,....W. C Al.VOHO Second Aaristant Cashier B. P. STEVENS Letters at credit farmed aeaiiasw fm mmA Ih, Eaata-a Statee. Sight Exchange nd Teleeraphls jrtsfers old on New York. Roetse, Cblcase, Bt. Lanla. Bt. Pul. Omaha, Ban Frascmre ssd lbs prtnrlrwt polnta In th Nortbweet. - Slrht and time Wile draws In nine te estt na London. Paris. Berlin. - Wank fort -ow-rfce Meln. Hong Koog. Yokohtma. CopenhaM. Cbrtotlanls. Stockholm. St, Petersberg. Mes. aaa. CurlK XtaMlahS. Oollectloue made sa faeorsbls LADS TXX.TOW. bahkbbbj, (Eelahllahed lu lfS TraaoMU a Oewerai Basking Beaieeee. Collection made st sll flnts as feerr" term. Letters ef credit tossed eallMe U Europe snd ll pot ate In the Pelted Statee Bight Exchange n Telegrphlc Treeef-.f paM an Hew York, Wssbhrgtou. stc.go, Bt. txiul. Deeeer. Omaha. Ben Frsaeleee ssd Montana and Rritlah ColsmMs, Eirhang nlda Lmido. r.rte. nrrl. Frankfort! Bong Kesg, IeAehsm. AasUs . Honolulu. I. 11 - m