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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
THE OnrCON DAILY. J3UKNAU 1 CUT LAND. :day THOS. W; George WesthgHoaseand; His .Battle With the - Trost MakerSt a Struggle ot ttonest yortn -"and Solid Merit - Against Hanipufators. , -iieVora Every body" ktagaalna) , In 1 I had Joat nniehedone of. the taot alreuuou and auccesaful financial terepatgna I ever engaged in, Thla was the W eating hnuse deal, -of which the rra wrr fuU t th tlm. George -WantlnrhouM. to whom the world owe ' la air braka . and countless' improve- irmta In electrical machinery. ; having ..Mrnftna th. eUf&CUltt that Clog th - 'early sirpw of the Inventor who wouldl be his on muter, ha i&aen ram. yesr before, nmi tH groat ngurea of th diyj- Th variou corporation In mr-a bearing ts"nm had prospered ' emaalngtr; hi ingenious appliances had ellsplacea boas products In U European market, and UtieS and decoretlona had .""been conferred on tha Inventor, which, fcewerer. Ilka tha atnrdr American he , WaatlnahouM bad put asides Thla - gtoat nocoe waa- wholly the fruit of Georg- Westinghouses paraonal endeavor. It awed nothing to atrnous Innwnore. It had bean accomplished . olon the manly. Independent. Yanke line which ' hava mada tha nam In every part of tha civilised nrorld aynony moua with buatla -and success. A bora all. tha man had organised and devel oped hla companies without tha aid of the "lyiUm or without truckling to ita vataries, and consequently had Incurred the deadly hatsed of soma of Ita lorda paramount. "- . . In the bualneaa world Westlnghouse's great rival- waa, tha General Electric " company, f -mention Wtttighou" and "General Electric" " in tha aaine breath waa to apeak of a thine;, and Ita antithesis. Everything Oeorg Weettng ' house waa or had been tha General fclec- . trie waa not and had not been. The General Elect rlo had been and waa by :la ve of the "System;" In fact, it waa ione of Its very foremost examples'. Ita high priest was I. Plerpont Morgan: Its home. Wan'streetrlts- owners, the Vinal v a tar lea of tho "system. it naaiwas u restore ina vt esiingnouse stocks crown becauaa of their favor and by the -rankest examples OI anoca-oown-ano-drag-out methods of consolidation of all rnmoetltOTS but Wstingbous. ; - , Just previous to 1S94 WeaUnghouee bad rejected a dassllng scheme of unit Ins; the two inatlutlona on an Immense capitalisation wnicn ' wouiu nave mw orbed. Billions and millions of tha peo- pie's aavlngs and earned millions in.eom- missions for Us projectors. Wall street's indignation at hla hardihood knew : no .(Bounds, and at the time of which I write the yeggmen of the "System" were lay "tng for him with dark lantern and sand .'bagv-v-- -: . ' - i-J.Oeorfw WaBtinotma. -. To appreciate tha atory of what 'the -System" tried to do to George West ' tnghousa and what ho withstood, one must know the man. . Ha fulfills in many .ways the conception! of what tha Ideal American jmonld DC, Trying te Brlag Kb to'Trma. . In Dll of We unneralleled-sueeeaa Wnd the accumulation of a great fortune. be retains the esme simplicity or man--r,mr ant conduct that characterised blm when working at the bench for weekly ' wages. His remarkable six feet ana oan W physique and his fertile, powerful - brain are the admiration or tu true men t with whom he comes In contact; bttc with all his shrewdness and force of : character he had preserved simple. fenneat. childlike belief in humanity. Slnale-handed he conducted all his great enterprises on a plain, patriarchal basis, using their revenues for exten sions, and depending on his faithful and , well-satisfied stockholders for such fur -ther accessions of capital aa tha busi ness might In his judgment need. About the tlma General Electric was moat anxious to bolster up Ita Jerry-built "ntructure with tha solid Weatlnghousa 'concern, tha latter Institution had begun the erection of soma big new plant a :' which required Immediately several mil- lions additional capital. - weatlngnouae prepared to apply to his stockholders for the required funds, and tha an nouncement waa to be mada at tha an nual election which was soon to -take tplace. - Suddenly tha financial aky be . came' overcast Tha stock market grew panicky and money aa scare In. Wall street as rain in Arlsona in July. It waa Just-such a situation as tha " : ,tem" might, hive brought 'about to ac .rorapllah ita fell designs If it had Pos . eeased the power to work miracles. And tha "system" took care of -Its ad vantage. At a .tense moment in that soul and nerve-trying period, with Wall and Bute streets full of talk about General Electrlc's probable absorption of Westlnghouse. General Electrlo being :,- then at Ita highest price, tilt per share, the Westlnghouaa companies held their "'.annual meetings and tha big inventor, - confidently facing his stockholders, quite 'regardless of conditions which be . thought could hava no possible bearing : on biS .concern's splendid prospects, - name forward with hla demands for the ' millions required to complete the pro- Jects already under way. . Thla was the . signal. From all the stock market ub ' cellars 'and rat holes those wriggling, Contractor Meredith's Story, of ".t How an Important' Portland Job Was Done in Record Time. v - Contracts are aa - Important 'feature : of modern business systems. "And the ' 'most important consideration In-con-'tract work Is contract time. Contrac tor a Meredlts, who lives at til Twenty "first street, says that Doan s Kidney Tills fulfilled tbelr contract with him two or three daya. ,t ' B. Meredith, tha well-known brick ma "ion, contractor and builder, who Uvea at Ml Twenty-first streets, aaya: "Doans t Kidney Pills ia ona of the beet reme dies I ever usedt and I cheerfully recom mend them to any one suffering with , kidney trouble I waa bothered for eare with attacks of kidney complaint and no medicine gave ma permanent re lief until I procured Doaa's Kidney J'llis at the Laue-avla Drug Co.'s store. Yamhill and Third, streets. - 1 waa ao well pleased with them that when nr wife had a sever attack a abort time ago and could .hardly get about to do her work, I had her take Ixtan'e Kidney Pills. Ia two three ' nays ther atrengtbened her up lit fine shape. We ' both Indorse tba claims roade for Doan'a Kidney Pills and have ' nothing but the highest terms of praise for such a valuable remedy." , v rnr aal by all dealers. - Price It rents per box.' Foster-Mllbura CY, Jiuftalo, N. T, sola agents, for tb United States.. -. r tteraember the nam DOAVS and t e no subeUtuta, Oil (0111(1 IW -SINTER slimy snakes of bastard rumora which, seemingly fatherless and. motherleaa, have in reality multi-parents wlto beget them - with a - deviltry, of , Intention: "George Westlnghouse had mismanaged bla companies;" "George Westlnghouse, because of gross extravagance,', had spread himself and hla companies until they were involved beyond resurrection unless by 'consolidation with General Electric;" these and many mora aeeped throMah tho financial -haunts of Boston, Philadelphia and New York, and kept tba wires hot Jnto every financial center in America and Europe where aid mtist be sought to relieve the crisis. There came a crash in Wesinghouses stocks, and their price melted. From' amidst tba thunder ' and lowering clouds emerged the "system.'- Notwithstand ing the black ey tha nam of every thing Westlnghouaa" had, received. It would atand by and consolidate and save the dayl But tha "system" and Ita ev erything gauged-by-machlnery votaries had reckoned without ita boat. George Weatlnghousa waa too strong a man to be thua easily shaken down., Ha threw back his mighty ahouldera, shook his big head and flung hla great private for tune into tha market to stay the falling prices of his securities. The tide was setting too strongly against him at the moment, and bis millions war but a temporary help. . He got oa the firing line himself and' did a thousand and one things" that only a brave, honest and democratic TankM would or could do everything but accept tba cunning: aid offered blm by tha "system or Us vo taries. ...He knew too well that the friendly mask concealed a foe and that the kid-gloved hand extended blm bad dagger up Its eleeve. . - Xrfiwsaa OaOled for. These were tha conditions when 1 aa an expert In stock-market affairs, was prin--tcanoo in for assistances Tha problem to their former high price, and, con fidenoe being -re-established, to eell the new treasury stock at such a high figure as would pay for tha plants and other projects the company had under way. The completion-of - these 'meant greatly Increased earnings and such an advance In facilities and economy of manufacture as to be a source of greater menaoe to the General Electric, whose fate was surely sealed If It had to compete with Weatlnghousa under the new conditions. So Its every effort was -bent to force the alliance. Her was" - this sound. sturdy Institution standing for every thing that was best and self-supporting In American finance adrift on the Wall street shoals, and It seemed almost a hopeless task to attempt Ita rescue. But' It waa a task eminently worth while, and I undertook it-with all tb energy I could command. My fight was hardly begun when I saw tt we to be opposed by ail the force of General Electrlo and the "symtem," and I concluded defeat was sure unless by a -counter movement on their .stock could keep them ao busy that they would have no time to Interfere with Westing- house. Thereupon I laid out that at tack on everything connected with Gen eral Electric which created so much con sternatlon ah tha time, To this day. It my enemies are asked for soma one thing more than all else to Justify their hatred, they wtU point to my terrible General Electric raid. They will tell you J broke th stock from lit to M In a day. and thereby caused on of our moat disas trous panics; that I compelled reorgan isation, and then did not let up. They will ahow you that the misery and ruin I wrought war beyond calculation. I will simply say that, of any of th things I am proud of having don. I am proudi est of what I did In General Electrlo, and.- willingly. I would., give over five years of my 111 to go through th ex perience again, , - V ' The right Woa. It was a most arduous campaign, and our -fat trembled many times In th bal- By dint of ' bard, overtime . work and what my anemle were pleased to call rank manipulation, we drove Weat- Inghouae stock back to Ita former price. after which a strong ' syndicate waa formed to take tb new stock, and th righted Institution at once magnificently swept on its International career which today Is at It height. . Though I had taken Op th Westlng house cause as a business venture and Its successful termination waa most prof itable to me, I had entered Into th cam paign with th ardor of a lawyer de fending a client unjustly accused of a heinous crime. But ther -was thla dif ferenceIf in spite of his efforts the law yer failed to convince" th Jury of his client's Innocent It meant no detriment to hla fortune 'or blareputatloni whereas all I had weak Involved 1n thla atitrk . change struggfe. Th great rewards that are tb guerdon of success In financial fights are balanced by the' terrific con sequences of defeat. Tn broker general engaged fat suroundlng his enemy re quires every dollar he and hla principals can pledge nr beg, and Where great forces are In conflict millions are burnt up to seise any vantage, aa Kurokl sscriflce a regiment to gain a bin.- X had won for myself aa well as for Westlnghouse but if th fortunes of th war had been on tb other aide, I must certainly bar been wiped out. . .. . Xa a wir Deal. r v. Mr, lawaon subsequently enlisted la th. ranks of Adlcks, whose Bay Stat rOas company of Massachusetts waa men aced by Standard Oil. In course of time Mr. Laweon decided to try to legitimately settle with Henry H. Sogers hlmselft His description of that conference forms a wonderful picture In th following Un guaget .. :: At last Z turned the corner of Fifty. seventh street, and when I looked down Mr. Rogers' homelike hall and grasped his outstretched hand ..and heard hi Lawson. 1'ra glad to see you." I would have sworn it was hours and hours since 1 t ten in iiiii tani in th corner of Delmonieo'. . Xhe-chlef Impression I recall of my experience that night la gratitude for Henry K. Rogers' unexpected kindness, and admiration for tils manliness. ability and firmness. When thla mem ory rises In my mind I regret "Frensled Finance" and all tha consequences with wbloh It In fraught for him and bla connections. When the American peo ple are aroused, as ther surely srlll be, to demand restitution a Ad are In th act brushing, with a mighty sweep of Indig nation, back Into the Isps of th plun dered the billions of which they have been robbed, and "Standard Oil" and th "System" break and fall like reeda be fore Che gale, I doubOVefT lf-lt. H:" Rogers be brought fac to . face with ruin, that be will feel hslf the pain I ahall. for I know that tha nlrtur of that memorable nisht will sural some hack t m with all the vividness of reality. - ..-' But aa my mind harks bark, thara clashes with this, another, a hellteh picture., which the same ' Henrv If. .Sogers palnled wlCb th brush of Amalgamated, and a proeesalen' of con victs and suicides trails slowly toward me out' of tb canvas. Then I realise that my Pen la but the Instrument of a HshiMui retribution and that no per sonal feelings, however fender, must be allowed to interfere. , 'VNt , Th Xntervlw - Tom this way." aald my boat, strid ing ahead of ma along th hail. "Th drawing rooms are full of young people. In her we can hav our talk and our. amok undisturbed." He led me Into the big. empty dining room and cloaed the door, r ur Rorers." I began. It la kind of you to be ao nice after the mean things we hav aald of each other. Am I to understand you don't lsy any ot all that has passed up against mT" Lav It up against you, my.boyT crop that .all out .of your mind. - You prob- fubly know t Ulk to the point and mean what I say,'-, If you nan-nit oeiow mv belt aa that Addlcka haa. I would lay it ud against . you and a hundreo years. would not make ma forget- it. - I know what you've don and. why youv don it. and It waa as much your rigm mm mine to do what I hav dona I hav nothing against you. and, if It come ao that I can do anything to maae your Job easier without hurting my own In terests mind that, without hurting my own interests U will do It. Ton hav my word for it." ' '. W sat within a." few TM or acn other and t looked squarely Into his eyes as h said: t'Tou hav my word for it," and they wr honest eyes hon est aa th lt-year-old boys who with legs apart and hapd In .his pockets throws bis head back and says: "Walt until I am a man. and I will do It if I die for it" I looked Into them and I knew "My word for it" was all. gold ano a hundred centa to th dollar. For- a mlaut w looked steadily Into-through each other, and I, knew h was reading away lrito'th back-of my bead. In wardly I said:'' "If 1 do business With thla-manj:for.A.darpr.a lltetlm. I will never fac him and say. ona thing and mean another." and in -th years after when w did millions upon mtl itnna of business, with only each other's word for a bond of fslr treat-. ment. not one 'did -I depart from the letter of my resolution. Up" h re nt famous ; "Gag- Trlal." where our -roads suddenly shot off at right angles. owing to a tfoul act. or perjury, nenry H. Rogers ftevr tired of meeting all attacks upon m by his associates with: "Lawson's word Is gospel truth with me." ' ' V " 1 ' ' KThen n dronned our eye, both evi dently satisfied, h ssld: . "Now, what hav you to say to met" ., i I spoke my piece rapidly and without Interruption: , -There are four things possible, aa t 'wrot you-only four.- I will tak up th fourth first. I hav absolute power to apeak for all our local companies. If w. you and I. com to no settlement by tomorrow night. I will, without wmlng to any one, eonfes a default to th notes of our different -companies and hav a re ceiver appointed. As our stocks and bonds are held by our beat lnvestftrs all over New England, and aa no such move is suspected ther will be a terrific rumpus, in th crash I ahall go down with Addlcka' and th rest t or"we "bar all "put-our personal' resource - behind the enterprise. I will see that th howl following th crash snait t sucn as all will hear, and I will call attention to th Illegal acta of vry on your companies,-Addicks companies, . and tb city and stat orriciai tnat ,rart brought th condition about. I don't think you -will be abl to withstand ths cyclone this crash will rats, nut whether you will or not,-th receiver. havlnc no Interest to pay on oonas. will be tn a position to smash th price of gaa to 70 or 71 centa, and Impossible for you to get possession of our companies for at ' least so long a tlm that th consumers win .never ai low you jo gat ' th price back to a prof (table ' one. Hav I mad It clear that under .no circumstances can thla fight go on until you hav tired u out and crushed , us In your own wsyT" , His answer came aa clear, quick and shnro as ths click of a rvolvr: "Per fectly, provided you can do th thing you ay." . ' will prov to yon I can." . 1 - "It Is not neceseary." he clicked back. "Do yon giv tn your word -that you can?" ';,.'.". -. "Absolutely." v "I am satisfied. ' Go on." ' Tar FoMfbllltls. ' ' : "That leaves only three possibilities.' t continued. "Tou buy us; w buy you; or. w consolidate I will take th third first. Under any circumstances or eon' dltlons will you Join force and do busl ness with usT" "Under no- elrcumstsnces nor condl Hons will I do any business with Ad dlcka H has played m false, broken hla word, and lied to m when ther was no necessity for doing so, and" no man who baa done thla one can ever do business with me a second tlma" I one stood by a mechanism through which passed a strip -of metal. Click! Twaa cut. Click! 'Twss a cylinder. Click! Whirl Click! A corner, aa adg. n nd,vand b-r-r-rrt It -waa dropped, a metallic cartridge, to do Its part In peace or war. It waa more fascinating to-se Iht human machfn Jct the product of Its whirring brain. "Then w hav but tw possibilities. Will you buy us out at th prlc w must havT" "What I th prlcT" "Sufficient to task good th promises that I have made to Addlcka, my lyhypaylOCenta. lor an imiuuon . ' mantle when you can get a GENUINE WELSBACH . MANTLE ) ; (THE Ho.2.L00P) ' For 15 Cents ' orlKe No. 2.Cap for 204 both Mantles of - cxcellertt'Quallty The best -- -, VmSBACHMAirniSfirt Wbxibach YbaEA' 33 VrklJBACH J(wlalaslMaWla)3(K jmSUCU HsMHiTB. 25 AtLDAlXS3i II m I .1 WEuaaia -i. Addict to UllisJraixi v How He Put a; Hole :-t:;r friends, and th public atnc I hav been In command." I replied, ' " "Pass that by aa an Impossibility.- . "Then. Mr. Rogers," I eonttnued. "we are down to this, there is but on thing possible: , Tou must sell and- we must buy you out." , - , " - ', - "Right ' Now, how do you propose to buyr -v--. " For months the ablest financiers and business men of. Wall street d Boeton had , atrlven to start up . negotiations with Mr. Rogers looking 'to a settle ment, and all had dropped them without even getting In an opening- wedge, and her was I at th end of If minutes of my first meeting, owing to pecufiar cir cumstance a. with my task bait accom plished. i went on: , .. .- "There- la . something mere you must do, Mr. - Rogera ' You must assist' us do, Mr. Rodger.. Tou must aaalst us fn, buying, which means you must sell at- the term ydu and I agree are th only ones-we can-meet. Therefore I will 'run ovr our situation. - Tou - bar certain - property, J consisting - of - th Brooklin company- and miscellaneous Investment In connection with " It. What coat doe It atand you?" ' . ; JSoaWra Frankness " WanVIv K wh. VI. Wa. ton gaa - war inveatmeni - consisted of and what It bad - coat, which, boiled down,-amounted to tt.i00.0O0. H then said "Lt us flgur what It will be worth to you when. It being known you hav won out, you will hav addtflonal pres tige -and no competition." - W agreed upon tt.0oo.fi0S apprecia tion for what we word to aoqulr from him. without any of th Increas to our own securities., I ll tak coat. - tt.t00.00t. ' If It It cash or th equivalent, or I win tak .t.600.000 ba- cradlt of natur that assares m my money event ually,- ana i wut aivia my pronr or a million equally - with, you, which, of coarse, will be in addition t anything you may be paid ty Addlcka" -- - , - Instantly, aa If w kad agreed upon It In advance, with hi - laat word our eyes met hla cold, clear, and steely business trnlne, I hopd, th sam. For a second neither -of u said a word. Than I said:- "Thank -you for-th offer of the ttOO.000 profit, but w wUl cut all such offer out. ,My pay comes from my sld. . I -never yet hav known Th man who could tak pay from both-alde and do his work properly." I slowly drew out th word "properly," and b In th asms ton of voice said:.' "Properly Is better than "honestly.' Tou know, lawson, thr 1 much cant In these times-of which, 'honesty Is th ; -You and I will mak no headway dis cussing moral .stales, Mr. Rogers, al though w may in discussing business ethics," I said, and X chalked up on my mental : blackboard: .."Test Che." Then I went on:- . ' . " . "I agree that I4.t00.000. In anything we can pay In. la as fair a prlc aa tt, 600,000 cash, provided-w And a credit guarantee satisfactory to l you, unless you ar willing to allow Us th f 809,000 you juat offered ma. -' ... - u , "What Z offered. you waa part of my pront. i will not allow any of it. My prio is th gam whether (. pay you any' thing or not." --j v Ways to Oome Togatker. . , - . "Very well. Mr. Rogers, then thltu- atlon Is this: In any trad that la mad it will nrst be necessary for you to turn your property over to us to manax In conjunction with our own. When th publlo see it In our hands, our securities will then advance and we can sell it and secure whatever difference it 'will be necessary for us to hav over what we can borrow on your securities. - Do you agr with mT" , - '- ,., ' H aw It as I did. . - "Next, you will never consent to turn you property over to us on our say-so that w will later pay -you for Itt" - "Tou are right there. I would not taka X Edward Addlcka guarantee In an form h eould.poaafbIy put It for one h got hi hands on my company,, for even tt days, h would so far misuse It that he would deliberately default -for tha purpose of returning It term In a dam aged condition, and. In addition, would piay some or - tho trick which ar second nature to him," It will be tieoessary for u than." I went on, "to giv you aom forfeit bond which will b so large that, even if wt miu your property while it la In our hands, you will be repaid for th daman done, and at the sam tlm something of such value to n that vn Addicks win b compelled to play falrr "Now. what can you Dut.unT" Mr. Rogera asked. i Addicks has a right, thronarh tha fia Biaie company or Delaware, to issue, through the Bay State company of New Jersey, a million and a half new bond for the purpose of acquiring new prop erty He and I hav talked th scheme over as a last resort should any- settle ment seem possible."- t "Do you mean to tell me there Is anv. inin. jLoaicas can get hi hands on which he ha not yet need for his com panies nor stolen for himself 1" ranllad Mr. Rogers, incredulously." . . les, n has tlm and aaaln assured m of this, and hs would not dar to 11 to m under existing condition." He arose from bis chair and stood di rectly in front of m and straightened up for whet I could sea waa to b an unusual effort. Then with tha force and Are which la all his uprme moments maxe Henry H. Rogers wll-nlh Irre sistible he said. . .. . . , ; ' A Vera ona! wot. : ' Tawson. 1 - hav listened to vmi Now listen to ma. I hav taken yon at your word, and hav talked frankly and shown you my band as I have seldom shown It to a stranger. To do th busi ness I want to do. I see I must Ulk van mor frankly than I already have, nd I want you to weigh carefully what i snail y to you. for It may hav a great bearingon your after Ufa How old r.you7" .'. ' ... "Tblrty-seven." X replied. '1 thought you were- about thirty- be aald. "WelL I am flfty-elx. and am old enough to be your father, I am about to say, especially aa I give you my word that I speak for your bene fit first and my own afterward. I watched you before you hitched up with Addlcka. and alwaya thought that if th oppor tunity arose, or. w might, do business together. ' We. or a you and others like to cell us, "Standard Oil," have money. enough to carry through whatever bual neaa we embark on and we knew where ther I all th bualn t be had that we are to engage In. ,'W hav every, thing in fact, but men. We ar alwaye short of young man to do th things w want to do young men. who ar honest, therefore loyal, men who hav no prlc but our price. To such men . we can afford to giv th only things they hsve not got. or. If they have already got; them, to giv them In greater quantltlte '1 Hepatation. Alien Throagh a wntract - - I mean power and money. ' Tau mad a great mistake 'when you Joined forces with Addicks, because no man can- afford to be associated with th kind 'of rascal Addicks Is, th lowest I hsv yet -come across. He Is the type of man who cut hla best friend' a throat with 'as much ease and satlefaction aa-h does his worst enemy's, if not more. -1 fully ex pected by this tlm h would hav aold you tic If h had,-whr wuld you hav been?' Now, her you are-from sheer deepe ration driven to me to avoid utter failure. Buppoae you can do all you hop to get th bonds, put them up and seour my property; do you nog sup pose that by that tlm Addicks will hav aom mln dug under you "which will blow you to - destruction? But grant even that h plays' fair, and you being th Boston ' situation - up ta paying place, what good d yout -1 You urely hav mora, sense than to- believe a man of Addicks' make-up can b per manently succeasful., . ' . f 'H "'.: f - Mr. Rogers halted. ' I bad risen, and we stood facing each other. I felt that I was-nkit her playing for th greatest of all stake, my self-respect, th loss of which to any, man, I bad long befor discovered, mean unqualified fallura. '-"What do you want jn: to dot" ,1 asked..- " . . 'Day you'll com with us. and well nx up tb Boeton situation In aom way that wlU forever eliminate Addicks from our affairs your and my affairs. -1 would not Insult you by asking you to aell Addicks rights tn Boston. You and I can flgur out a 'wayv that will tak ear of every other Interest, and we'll giv Addicks a lot more money and mak a lot of money and make It fairly and abdv board. But I am not thinking ao much of that aa to get you to come with aa and help ua carry out om deals we have on hand. - X ahall put you' In a position mak mere money and seouxe mora real power than you could possibly obtain tat th same tlm under any other conditions. You know corporationa and the stock market, and -you can readUy see what-th combination of our money and prastlg and your knowledge of tb market and lnvest,orwtll mean." ; - - '';vjlm to B '; "' Heaven knows I could sea what tt meant. I had even at that time In a cbry sella stat thoa plan for destroy ing the "System" whtch-- now In a rounded put -and matured form I In tended to superstructure of my story of -Frnsld Finance.' irhad, a. year- before. In Paris, outlined , thos plana to aom of th brightest financial minds of Europe, and whll they had marveled at their radical nesa, they bad pronounced them aound, and bad offered ta.'furnlsh in hundred: million, dollars required . for their execution. Then I realised that to tak, thla money from banker would hamper an In th execu tion of my plana, and I postponed put ting th project In fore until I could furnish th necessary .money through my own connection. "Again, I kad big ldeaa as to the copper situation Idea ithat only awaited unlimited, capital to be brought befor th people, and which. If carried out, would b for them what had aa yet. never been don giv them j tremendous profits upon their aavlngs. I And bar was th unlimited capital and I unlimited , bualneaa , prestlg . right at hand, but -.' .. -.'. ''Mr, Rogers." X aald. "Mont! Pleas don't. -1- appreciate your proposition, and X thank you- but I can't accept. ' I a are wlU you about Addicks, th po sition I am la and tn mistake or rooi- Ish recklessness I was guilty of when I linked un with this' Boston mesa, put that doesn't alter th case an lota. I am enlisted with thla man. X knew what he was when X consented to tak eharg of hi affairs, and I ahould hat my self If I sold him out, -oven though I know h would without hesitation sell ms out. X must be true to myself. Mr. Roger remained silent. I went on: ' . "If I accepted your proposal. I could no longer be,. vn ir Addicks and Boe ton Gas were out of It, The man who Is 'Standard Oil , wears a collar, and If I did what you aak I ahould expect to wear a collar and and I cant do It.' I atopped; I was not excited; I could not be with that calm figure, apparently cut f rony crystal Ice, so near me, but I waa very niuos id 'wronm - a viuyywu, X didn't know what h would do. H raised bis hand and held It out to me. mln grasped it, and wMhout a .word thus w stood long onough to "put that seal on our friendship which non of th many financial balls - w Jointly passed through In th after nln years waa not enough to melt. But that I ended. Henry It Rogers' evidence In th Boston "Gas Trial" was th apart that kindled th dead leaves of th past Into th conflsgratlon which! now.' spreading beyond th control of man, haa brought to light th bidden skeleton of pa, misdeeds and exposed them for an tn wor to see. Th Spell Broken. H at last broke th spell. "Lawson you'r a queer chap,- but w all are queer, for that matter, and w must work along thos line -w each think beat- Ionc stood. Just as yon do now. In front of a man whom I looked up to aa all that was wisest and best. 'He mad aa earnest effort to Indue me to chooa th ministry for my life work. but X choe dollar Instead, and -I some times wonder If I choee wisely,-but, as 4 HIU, wv waft Miua. vviwt, vur UKft BLDO, aa w ar th one who must carry It, I auppoa no on ia ahould com plain." , V ' - 1 nere waa a ting or disappointment In hla words, but I shot ahead into th buslneaa a though w had not left It It took m but ,a few minute longer to arrange th detail of our trade. Th Bay a tats ox Delaware waa to buy all hla Boston Investments and to pay for same ,oo,oos . in - six months, 11.000,00 In a year, th bal ance in a year and a half, with Interest at I per cent, and It. th Bay State, wit to put up, a a pledg of good faith, tl. 100.000 new Boston bonds, and as soon as such deposit waa mad h was to transfer his securities and corpora tion to ua. I waa to go to Philadelphia that mgni ana arrange an aetaiia with Addlcka and report to blm th follow ing Gay. ''. - -. Every . ?. wooaarfat MAim Wairk Sary the sew varM ). htif Nesaae SMftea. B ) . Mmrt, xiwn If be Menotsawuy tM ptaneaa, aen.iH a um. sstMM aaaas fnr lliaatrate tml-wM. llfl'as tall partiralaraanaairertlomiii. Ttie an., jew kern. -Trrt Sal By . V " tJOOFMIelsnC, XSnW" 1 UflUBfl Is mill. Wl -w i Hi 'S- r sWI aAa.HIia larfca is era fr OTtsr CO ran. ' sonal r er ' AU Cotznterfelta, Xmltatlons I-rrrjlzacnta t3utt trifle with rjhat lo CASTORIA T ' a Oxrtorljt is baxmless gnbstltixte tat Castor OH. Tatrai : corli, JDrops and BootMnjr .,'Mwauu ateiuitw vptuni Mwrpuma nor outer iareOG9 .v v&stanoe. Its ikjro is Its fj-oarantee.- It dettoors Torms : ' v . and tY FeVerlshBess. It cores Diarrhoea and Wliul I Oolie. It reUeres Teethlnar Troubles, cores ConstlDatlorji . and inataleocy. It asulmilates the Food rerulates tho ' tornach and Bowels, giyinc healthy and natoral sloe? : . The (Silldxns Ftvriavcetw-Th Uothersi FHextde ' Qcnumc ASTOW A.. Hio M:YonHa?o MnapBoiiit -ORIENTAL. ART! GOODS WeJuve just opened otit new store and willbe pleased to. , :' t - .I.- .i.i: .T1 -.J ...t.. .... . ... XMrvs uiw uuuub vau euiu CHINESE: AND JAPANESE :;' ''-'' ' '. Cpnsistinc of ,the latest . style x Trays, Decorated Chinaware; Netsukes, Purses, Ladies Silk Crepe Kimonos, Beautifal Embroidered Handkerchiefs and. U'Pongee Silks. ; ; &m ;IWE; Mi MAIllJMCTlJREIBi--t- . Of : Ladies', Gents' and Children's lUnderwear,, which- are ; " v ".V ; ,J , MADE TO - ORDER. ZV 1 y 'VHTT" The western iem nm .sr. racsssuca Otir Phone is Malta 966 -W respectfully call th attsntlon of Hotl and Xtaatanrant trad ta. th fact that w manufacture Hotel Ranges from 4-ft. to lt-ft. both portabl and to set in brick, also hav larg lln of Hotel goods, copper and returned, Writ or phon ns for prio. - - - s ...; . ...... r We manufacture th largest lln of Cook Stoves, Ran gaa ana Heaters ' on'th PaclflQ Coaat. t-.- ' " ' r - LOEWENDERG G. GOING CO. . . , jtobtx istx Ajm Dry short slab wood, stove .. &.:..$3.oo Same Kind of Wood What's' the Difierence? Per cord Banf ield, Veysey Fuei Co. Phone Main 353 v 80 Third St., Cor. Oak Special rate -mad to famlliaa and bath stabllahment In the hotel. BARBER LOSES MONEY BY NOT KNOWING NAME - A barber shop. on th east aid sells book f ahav. that la. It Issues tickets good for ao many shave - One of Its regular patrons purchased I a book on credit. , . .. I ' Unfortunately the barbers' didn't know hi nam ao they wrot on th book hla chief characterlatlo to distinguish him. rromsn nias yro4n wi.utt ! iaan ia (ua aa vail M a,tlsd. atMtfina or ms an ean kr Jr. osapO's eIK " I vslMatiaa4bMa(uiis. 1 -Wt,r t J m aaaai si. auaaJk a.Ot Hi aa. A lr D) ni txJ borna li rirrtM r nnrrriion gfnno t-a i nriui. - - nd "Jua-t-cu-cood" are btts and endtuixer Ot healtlt o ; . rr Crrnps. ; It Is Pleasant. 1 usuuuc vui .wia swwa wi -CURIOS trry:'. -; ; , v , Brass - Heriglng Vases and ' l.'i-iI-nX-'i V J-t. ''- tuiciis. cpr.poncffict P atTTjra Dry short cord wood, stove lengths, per i CA "rtord .......;...;..4)tefJ U Aiacrlctalto cX $3 Per Day td Upward ASQVaJiTame rom. vovbxsts . urn ooktacsmcXAii TBATaums. alngl gsnUimru ' A modern Turkish ' H. C BOWERS. Manager. It waa "Mr." Hook Nose." Of . oours th patron didn't i It, tha barbers y just punched tha ticket very time be got a shave. After being shaved th other' day ha decided t pay hla account. H was told that h owd fl.OI. He insisted that h owed only t cent and wouldn't b con. VI need to th contrary. - "Look at th book,' hs finally aald. "That will atu th dlaput.- Olv It to' me; let me see It." Then ther waa consternation among " th barbers. They didn't dara let htm -know that he. waa known at tha ahop ' only aa "Mi, Hook Noa." for he waa ' on of th best patrona Th head bar. " bar fumbled with th book for a time. "Oh. I was mlsUken' h aald. "Ton owe only 0 cent." Then h hid th book. He lost It cent on th deal, but ' It wss worth that amount to keep th imporn to pairun in KUUWUlg U1HI UB Bam WSa "llookv Nob. . w . , i:- .1 ... IT'