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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1904)
L"ai THAfl SlA -" m mm at sea .i U'Li V . ; .-lir s'wt-ib cf rmircial r:L".c northwest j TO DHEAH U? RALLY -W. rraas or xxrmmAMC raaoaa mtam WABXaa'S " BFBBCB XM jrnABX ABBIBATB IS LATS zraa tatxo aaxjrraas r ." '(Jearael ScorUl Sfrrtn.) ' N..ulL N. J. Nov. ; tAfter M at tempt mad by Republicans to break up big meeting at. which ha u lateeaort ylrty . afernoon from Anwerp, ( to appear. Judge rarker last night spoke In Base troop armory; r-. -7- The armory ia one of the largest aa ' BemblybeJlaontheeaatesnieaVeatlr.g two-thirds aa many -as can Madison Kauare Oartees Before Judge Parker ar, .jived tt waa filled. At a, mention of Kooaavalt'a nam tha Republicans, aa though by prearranged -effort, - began cheering and raising a deafening nulna, which waa prolonged deaplta tha utnioat ' efforts-of the poltoa to bring tba-dla- turbers to order. '. ' .''7 Threat were mad - and v several amaJlcr dlaturbancea took place. For a time It aeemed that the Republican would aucceed In creating a riot, but tha Democrats by sheer force, of number Anally restored order. 1 '. . Parker, after dining at the home of ex-Senator J ante Smith, Jr., where ha ( waa tendered an Informal ovation, waa escorted by a monster procession te the -armory, where with difficulty he ouc ' ceeded in reaching the platform through a stage entrance. 1 ' Tha Democrat gave him tha most en i thusiastlo applauae that haa aver been ' observed In thla atate. . It lasted for It t minutea, at the expiration of which time j Judge Parker atepped to tha front of tha platform and auoceeded In Quelling t the noise;'. ' '.- ' " - Hi speech" waa attentively listened to ' and applauded at. Interval, tha Repub ' 11 can disturbing ' element having evl- ' dently decided that further attempts to break up tha rally would prove lneffeo- -"Shalt tha trat combinations of mil lions to the campaign fund secure the right to continue wrongful taking of mlJUiona a year from tha people.",."- -x At tha close of his speech Parker es caped a second oration with great effort and -took his departure for Jersey City, where' In Klks hall, he delivered an ad dress. Tha hall waa filled to overflow ing. His address there waa brief and nearly tha same- apeech waa later r de livered at St. Peter' hall,- where again ' Ms reception was ' exceptionally en thuslaatlc. Ha left for New York at ' 11:50. and ao worn bV his evenlnr's ezertlona thatf hi voice was scarcely audible. rAZUAjnca . oobthubs tovb. '. - (Jueroal Special Scrrlre.) ",J. . Hammond, rod.. Nov.. Jr Senator Fair.' bank left here thla morning In his p cial car for another day of apoechmak ing in Indiana. Michigan City being tba first plaoe at which aa address waa' an nounced to be made. Other places in. eluded in the 'day's itinerary are Ply mouth." Arm. Rochester. Peru, liOgaos port. Ju'onticella and Delphi, .concluding with a night meeting at Lafayette. , . boss waMrr.irB vo'anAaf T:7' r -At themeeting of the Home-Traln-Ing aaeoctatlon tomorrow afternoon at t o'clock at the Y. W. C A. roomi, Miss lit -Jur of the chl'dren'o .department at the city library will apeak on the "Im portance, of Proper. Literature for Chil dren,1:.' , . ... ;.. , . y . roa ta. ' -r - (Special Mapatch to The Joarael.) ' TJctiaieton. ' Ori Nov. ' 1. Charlea Cun ntrgliam today sold 1.S00 head of old ewes at II. the largeat prioe paid this season.. Thk sheep were bought by Sam t'amcron or North Taklma. .. a , . WAeat Chiliad t ah Paata - Painkiller ZZ2 1 aeadad lo.sweea eoUs ana o vl m We are showing all the celebrated Waltham, Elgin and Duber-Hampton movemen'u, in gold, ailver and solid gold I cases, from 317 V You make small payment and the. remainder $1 a week. j VVe give a full guarantee on every Watch. , ' - (GevIIRTZ , Corner Yamhill ' - -' - " .The Little-at-the-Time Store : t - - ' VAKTTOV, nOK atAxaa T.oa -Tm abottbb OAn or arooa ion- sxfbbxbbcbs tbbbxsu btobm AVITBAZIAT ' , :. Struck by a tremendously etrona gala while off the western coaet of Australia, tha British ship Hampton, which reached waa toeaed about Ilka a cork on the tur bulent water.-- Seas washed tha deck and a. numbec of eallore narrowly escaped from either being drowned or dashed to pieces against tha maata. - - It waa. a pitch-dark night when the atorm'raged tha fiercest, and two-men were at the wheel. A wave carried hem off their feet, and Apprentice ' French, one of the' two, was borne on the cur rent against the side of the veaael With auch force that one of hla arma waa nearly broken. . . It waa three weeks .be fore ha waa able to lift It. Tba merobera of tha entire night watch were hurled from their position a Every thing movable waa drifting about. the deck, and that no one waa killed seems a miracle. Tha galley door waa broken In, and In a few aeconda tha ateward and ajl the cooking utensils came floating out Pater McDonald, a son of tha captain, was thrown headlong over tha wheel, but he quickly picked himself up and staggered to a place of safety, ' Further than receiving. s alight hurt about tha body he got out of the predicament un injured. T-'i- Thinking that a quicker passage could be made. Captain McDonald. -master of tha ahlp, concluded to go around tha Caps of Good Hope Instead of rounding uapa Horn, -as tsrone by the' majority of tha navigator. , Fine weather waa experienced unm. the . pacirio was reached. WTien near Australia 10 days or ngni jwipae, ana-xlrae .followed,, hut finally -tha cloudless sky became dark and tha storm-which caused so much concern and hrlHing escane broke out In great fury." tt lasted only one night, or there undoubtedly would have been a different- tela to -telL At tha time tha storm tooa piaee . the veaael was out from-Antwerp ! 0e days. Penrhyn island was passed July. IT, ana me vessel was ma cloaa that tha na tlva fishermen could be plainly Been on the ahore. From the longitude of the Hawaiian Islands protracted-calma wore encountered nearly all tha way to lioe Angeles,' which port was reached Sep tember It, after a paaaaga of 111 daya from Antwerp. A portion of tha cargo waa discharged there, and on October I tha trip to Portland waa started. It re quired 21 days to reach tha Columbia river.- - . ; . :'.t Many exciting episodes have happened In the hlstery of tha Hampton. A year ago, wnua lyrng in the harbor at Java, the Dutch Indlea, aha was run Into by a uerman. iorpeao-Boa. , Her Bide was badly scraped, but no- further damage resulted. . But at tha time the 'offloeta and craw ware afraid that tha collision would causa an explosion and blow all of tham to eternity. The war veaael aalled away In a badly leaking condition. It was later explained by her officers that they lost control of tha engines, but the ship could not ba stopped In time to preyent a collision. BsTCa: BAU IAXXJL Vow Under Charter Hay .- Shipment of Cereals Awe as Wlttr U0.86 bushels' of wheat aboard valued at 1,9, tha French bark Du- pletx-has moved out Into tha stream and will leave down for tha mouth of the river tomorrow morning. Tha cargo win go to the united. Kingdom and la being dispatched by the' Northwestern Warehouse company. It ' will he the first grain ahlp to dear, for mora than two weeks. ' v I The Pierre Voll and Cambronnee will be tba next vessels to ba fitted out with wheat cargoes. - It is probable that they wui-oe ready to aau within the 1 next week, Tha Crllloa la also loading and will likely get away a few days later. When the fleet now .under charter Is 1 supplied with cargoes It 4s generally .50 up ;& and first Strefets f i.'-v . t v. "Gevuts Sells It for Less ' 4 - !.; - SONS aVafK'-' :. - Tuf irirrr -iT trrr f? m w a 1 Are being lacrlficed at prices that represent only a fraction of their real value. ... The Immense crowds that flocked to this store yesterday is only another; proof of the confidence the buying public places in the goods handled at this store. The people simply and went away with ' stop to quote prices, content at . i 15; ?20(25i 35 and 50 Gents goods that other are assing. . Goods ' Those wishing to exchange goods, we will ask to call between 8 and 9 o'clock in the mornings and bring the sale slips, ; Goods will not le ex- cnauigcu at any ouicx :r tS . BlOMBERGER. Proprietor CORNER THIRD AND DAVIS believed In shipping circles , that a long time -will elapee before1 any other ivesi sels are aagaged ' to carry grain to Kuropean' porta ' If the railroads can handle It tha statement la made that nearly all of tha cereal will be taken to Chicago and other domeatlto markets In the interior Thla la also svldenUy tha prevailing opinion among tba ahlp owners and they are endeavoring to charter thi vessels to . engage aln the lumber trade. Ae the demand for lumber appears to ba very poor at tha porta across tha sea tha owners have thua for - had no suocess 'In keeping their 'tonnage moving. . AUIAJTOa 1 Almost a week 'overdue the steamer Alliance croaaed tha Columbia river bar thla morning at t o'clock on her way from San Kranclaco and way porta to Portland. She Is expected to reach here tonight. . . - While on. tha outward trip tha veaael was detained at Coos Bay for four days on-account of a rough, bar and she was forced to remain at tha same place near ly three daya on the return trip. She aalled from sfarahfleld on Monday night and had aha made an average paaaaga aha would have reached here last even ing. It ia supposed that aha encountered acme -very rough weather while coming up the coast. k .-....! soni. Astoria, Nov. . Left up at s a. m.. British . ship Durbrldga, French - bark ASla. ...-'. Left iip at a. m, Italian-ship S. Ceieate.' . Sailed at I a. m., ateamar WhltUer for Bah. Franclcso. ,. '' ! Arrived at 1:41 a. rtt,. steamer Alli ance from San Francisco and way ports. Condition of tha bar at a a. ra., rough, wind aouth, weather .cloudy with tight rain,' thick outalde. '. -- v . . -i- Ban Francisco, Nov.'.!. Arrived at a. m., steamer W. H. Kroger from Port land. '" " ' ' '' ' Balled ! at .a., m.; i schooner, Joseph Russ. . ;. :,: , - CITYJO CET AWAY i - FRO!! FINE SYSTEM v,;- ;i, . ' : ' - .;..-' : - ; a '' An ordinance , to alio w - counter mer chandise machines - to, run was, Intro duced before the city council today In tha form of an amendment to the pres ent ordinance. ' It provides for tha tax ation of tba machines, the amount be ing II a quarter for each, which was considered a better plan than having tha license, collected In court, la the' form of a Sna. - ' ' Originally an effort "was made by tha saloon men to aecure tha paaaaga of an ordinance, allowing, tha cash machines to. run, as well as the trade machines. bot the mayor would hot tolerate 1C He flatly refused to "give his consent The new ordinance la tba result of an agreement' made between membera of the city council and cigar mercbanta twe week ago.- ; ROSEHANTELLO'S TALE OF TERRIBLE CRUELTY 'ti.-;'-. " : ..;''''..,. Startling cbarkea of cruelty are made by Rose Mantello In a drvoroe ault filed against Raffael Mantello through At torney Albert B. Ferrers In ' the cir cuit court thla morning. He. Is accused of beating and kicking her while aba was In a delicate condition; of knocking took possession of the place; large packages and pleased looks. Owing to, the rush of business we are unable at but we will say that you can. buy ..; . lt .. vV , - y- :a ON THE DOLLAR stores would ask you .at leisT three ; -r V .A , -4i Exenanged and RefundsfT: uxuc in uic ua. , CITY ; RROPERTY I OA S-room 1 oottaga; lot 10x190, In , . - ., Highland. Park; 1800 down, bal- , . anoa i per montn. xot along side $126 S7S down, balance 16 pec-month. - - flMO 2 acres, arc blocks from car line; Sna (-room cottage, well Improved. " SHOO a acres, 7. blocks from ear line; house under construction; ground A Improved; fruit on place; grow- : lng section; a good speculation. a&OOZ. BOOxaoO, suitable for manufao . turlng or warehouse; .rail track alongside; a fine buy. Price and . - terma on aappllcaQon. - . ' 4 "., Clackamas County Farm, Fruit and Horn Lands SIS raa dare 170 acres; IS In eultlva tlon; partly cleared; living wa ter; fine apple or hop aoU. 1 ACBa 120 acraa; t In cultlva- , fir and cedar timber; creek; good home orchard; house, barn. etc. S40 TMM AOaa 40 acres; i In cultlva , , tlon; red loam aoil; fine apple soil; aome small fruit: house. ..-'-.'' barn.- workshop; near school and town; Sna spring; , ,. ' Jt flm IDntttt Jrrtmtlttnm .i- sae B Acaa 160 acres on O. W. P. A Ry. lines Into Portland: 1.000 cords of wood; 40 acres awale land, easily cleared; Clackamas T ' rlverr-landlevelr soli the best; would . make fine hop ranch. "" Terms. CROSS & SHAW feeal wsvaee Brokers. S - EXCHANGE ' Four new dwellings, well rented; will trade' for afarm. . HENKLE & BAKER BIT Ahlagton Bldg, Fortlaad, Or. her down while she was holding at In fant child In her arma; of throwing bar out of a neighbor's-house while aha waa 111 and making it neceasary for -her to go to a hospital; of choking her and of threatening to kill her with a loaded revolver and a knife. -.. 1 Mrs. Mantello declares' that her life waa saved one for the reason that her husband feared to beat her further be-i cause aha ecreaaned so lottdly.. and on another occasion by her- rpromlslng to ba hla slave.". - Hla cruelty la aaslgned aa tha reason for her fleeing to a town In Washing ton a few months ago. She returned on account of love for her child, aha eaya. Attorney Ferrer denies that aha ran away with another man .and de clares that aha brought back all the money aha took a wag with her.". TTnraa tiaoe aoava. t ' (Special IHspetrfc t The JaarseLI Roeeburg." Or., Nov. 1. W. D, Kin- cart of Oakland and H. W. Miller from thla place, but lately of Jackson county. have been put under .bonds of tl.000 each, to appear at aa examination, which will be held as soon as tha necessary wltnesaea can ba summoned, by -United States Commissioner 1 Ik Dnnnsen at Oakland for deceiving people In order to get thera to take up Umber claims, r CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ; h Kind Yea K8 Alxijt f::t Boar tha . i)i4piAtrg of n . ........... 25 15 ,. . MSB m t , they carae in thrones the present time to here to your heart's . O . ; times the prices we' Money 4 , ' STREETS MTO AOBBS AH fenced' 1,100 acres open graslng land; ISO acres cultl- mj". wmm iM ui.ii uviVf good bouse and barna, excellent vc . ler, rauroao tarougn land; one or - the beat stock farms la tha valley. - TO AOBBS All One bottom hay land; - (6 acres cultivated: aood hew house. barn, etc. on main county - roadi- , convenient to ecnooi, store, eio. npo neighborhood -2,60. ISO AOBBS All good aoil; nearly ' all level,, in Clarke county. Washing lton; running brook of water; So . acres fenced; 40, acres cultivated; I . acres' orchard; good -7-room house; good barn, f 2x114 feet; stanchions for 40 cows; will exchange for good property In Portland or Vancouver. Price ti.600. V .' v ' 0 AOBBS All flne aoil; II acraa Ac tivated; new "house t rooms; palnt i. ed; fair barn;-100 fruit trees; near "' school, church, store and creamery; II miles from Portland; will trade lor noma in t-ortisno ai.aeo. . Sw ACBBB All Ilea nloa to cnltlvato; j i. 10 s acraa cultivated; 10 acres ". slashed; house, aome fruit; watered by springs and brook; some good - timber; near Hlllsboro; on rood level road out; very-cheap ll.liO. ' 40 AOBBS - All, rich.- blackv soil, and ievei; ib acres - sruuivatea; gooa house and barn, stock and Iraple menta; Clarke county, Washington; tevei roaa to Vancouver fi,V2. SSI AOBBB land, fenced: 120 acres etil tlvated: 100 acres oien nasture: 100 - acres of fine timber; good logging - Birviun wwir tnrvusn uura; nm- . ber now marketable; fine outrange ror sioca; e neaa cattle, so goats, . 20 sheep, 1 team, all farm Imple rnenta, all crops: YamhUl county. - Price for all M,760. v. KiniS farm of tl acres, near For : eet Orovas 70 acres eultiyated eww. . a fuoo mTesimeni, ., , HENKLE & BAKER ' .. SIT Abtagten Bldg, ForUaad, Ot. For Sale .4 ISO AOBBS Homestead claim, T'mllea from R. R. and county seat, 1 mile io logging stream, road to place! cabin built; . will cruise J.000.000 feet fir; a anaxk-at 1160. , ISO) Ai AOBaoi Homestead claim, S miles to n. n. wiion; e acre siasneo; -3 seeded; t acres In cultivation; 40 acres easily cleared: about 20 acres piling ana saw timber; double log' hnuee: about a Inn. rhutim 40 rods picket fence; '400 pounde fence wire: a-ood eook stove Mink. Ing utensils, dishes, couch, t sets wire springs, combination mattrees, fpwiwwv, in cioinei, ioois ror wora ng place, all nearly new; young wuit . ah i or touv. BB In large and . email ' tracts. : ... i.rin-, nRn, improTwi ana unim proved city property. . Maxwen a Burg ) SSI Aslaftom aidr, Fortlaad, Or. Crook County Lands FOR SALE Six contracts, 160 acres acn. of the Columbia , Southern Irrigation company, Deschutes. Crook county, Ore gon. Will trade or sell ln ' amounts to suit . W. H. Grindstaff 246 Stark Street ft ,s T , ,, h -r'wmf- - . - .STw FARM'S 1 i Lots are selling fast, and - we ask you to remember that when these " adver tisements cease 1 there will never again be homesiteai offered in . Portland suburbs at ten centa a day. . ' ' $75 $3.00 DOWN $3.00 A MONTH Many aretakfng ad , -.vantage of the opportu-i J nity, and-many will re-'; ' -'-t-gjet, that they failed to : ',' ; ' r;'AU JotA-jhavV alleys 4, , and water mains. Every city convenience at same : ; V. prices. Pure . air, health 1 ; and quiet of the country. ' , Twenty-fi"it minutes w. frorrr First street Mt, -- " T' Scott car--5c ; fare. . , V M p . Agent on groundTVV- -.' : Cky fficeoen even- -: ''."'ings.,.f.,';.;. Geo. W. Brown Room 203 Pdlllns Building PHONE MAIN 2129 novsErS- a-BOOnt hew modern house,' naO. base-' meat, bath; full lot, fronts on ear -- line; improvea street, concrete waia; ' good location; snap at SlOO. S-BOOxg modem house, in Sunnyslda; $1,800. , . ,. - ,; S-BOOIg modern ' up-to-date house. In tioiuMiay a Aoajtion ii,oo. TBOOat modern house,-1 East - Alder. near 12th street I J.000, . . MtOOM new cottage. East Portland Heights 1100... - . - . I house, come lot, near Thorn p achoolv860. T -. . . - j . houaa In Unoer Alhlnar nmM t 111 per month; will exchange ;0) HENKLE & BAKER -SIT Ahlagton Bldg, rortlaad. Or. $80 $90 - i- a ' - . , TREM0NT PLACE TREMONTVILACE Tha Cheapest Lota on the Market Looa- ,.-.' uon rtrat-Class. . I- CORNERS. , 890 ' a5 Down and BS Par Month. . Ooma and Take Taw Pick, - , So. 10TH tnrst Street. Boom T. . Farm Bargain 100 AOBBS All choice land; no gravel; 71 scree cultivated; l-room modern ...plastered house, concrete basement. hall, pantry , closete, bath, etc; nice barn, rustic ana paintea red; house and barn nearly new;. 10 cowe, J ' y calvea, hogs, some chickens, team, . harness, wagon, covered hack, plow, ' harrow, rake, mower, cream ; ope rator; 40 tons hay, 460 bushe po- inioee; iv miiee inm roniano, OQ nice, level road all way oat: 1U miles from aleotrto line. Price for ail. iio.eoo. " HENKLE & BAKER . SIT AblngtOB BMg, Fortlaad, Ox. St Johns Park "Fine, new cottages hear' Woolen (Mills and car Una, for sals eheap, on Install- meat plan. '. One with I lota... ..........fl.oso One with 1 t-l lota. ...fl.oao Three with 1 full lot eacFl.-s . . . . . SOO Tha Woo lea BCnis will ba In oneratlnn soon and 10 to 100 new house will ba needed In. St Johns. ,, P CHIPMAN St KINQ Oeneral Ageata, , ehao. 0L Bolarook, Owner. TSS qhaaabar of SaVarbaa home, with I lots, at Mllwau- aie; iinna - aoMaa-a. on Bell wood strut, mu block from car shops; rents for 110 for eale at 11.000. M The only vaoaat lot left on Kast Madl- eon. mr jn atraet; -wi sell this week for 11.000. - j- - S80 Two lots on Sandy road, at lid eireec . . TAB W. ABBaBSOB. ooaaSOl McKay Bldg, Third and Stark, IS ACBBaV 11 miles out 1 mils to boat janaing; s acres cultivated: good - room hous use. barn. orchard;, fronts , on. good road 1900. HENKLE ft BAKER 1 SIT Abburtoa W0Agn rwtUm, 01. ' 'x TK3ATRE ' s Wee, X. Saker. rxr. ..Mloe .atatt'llO. - Vearteeatk aad wasluagtea (tiiieta, . - f ' ,aunsoKrtT tkxatxs tks yhtrt. t -. tsiv talk 91 m orrt axotsxs , CAOwiiD mcii iMs mm. . : TOIISKT AJ 1:11 ABB AIL TKXS WXZZ. - MAtnraa saiweat.-tj-,-'j:v' '' ; Aa SaeeOeat Oemeaay, iB.sllsg t-- - . MMIK'' as) '' W i ii. ..In. Tki.i Am.' thsr ef "Artea," eaeeeially let-. . i , . Bat O. .wesawia, ,.. in TOVB SKATS IlllT OS T0U WTXX BS MDZZdDUKA r.. MUT, . ; ..... . .. - v '.' :-. '' t ' v-, .y.- - i. ;. .v.'. ' tafenaaaea lesaiejatprtoea aad hew ataani . Frlcee Brenleg, ' lie. S5e. lee. . Wt" gat- 'j, lery, 10c. - .... ,. , ' , .. - -r7' " . AH day Sown tews Ticket ' efaee pn at ' Bowe A Martia'a erasetare. 8utth sad Wash. . lagtoe, from 10 a. a, to T p. av Mala 110. . At V m. wm - K.. W . - ;' Waaaingtoa. t k 10 a a, rmoes 111. , mone vala ass. - AwlB mmm. .Xth mmA BVIA.w Mt. - test pwformaDee aabltat., o, a, Qeorge Aoe's eomedy Orsma, evsl OvPAnfT OBSTBaTtW." BllSBlllS PHr Kuril. Ia.m.Im. fl IA Baleoay, ant rows, 11.00: nnrt I e laat 0 lew. TBc last I rmre In seleony, see. - Sa tire gallery, BOe. ' Boxee aad luces, $10.00. w.i-uw i ihh liuure anrar Boor, si.oo. Baleoar.' nrst a rmr, tkoi bt a .TKn. Oauery. gee, tee. geate are Bow selllnc . CORDRAY'S THEATRE '" 00BOBAT A KCRSKLU MsBageea. 1 . rartlaad's Most Pooalar Pluhaaea. .-' Tonight at 1 18 Velock. last perternaaee eC the B""i"i wwwraaaa inr wntiee. . . , fataxi wassnra. - Three alglrte, eeanBenetag Tbsmdsy ere.. Ho. : sBbar a. witk gaterday. ihatloee, ea eatbely ' tacalar predoetlae, , - "TBB ajA OS OXZOAOO.9 Weetefal BMeaaaleal OeTtcea. Mrstorfcxis electrical effects. A virld picture ef the great are. So tke aurrclon approacauui trals. A powerful eosapasy, latroeacing a SBteadld Mae rrlea. -10e. SOe aad SOe,' pecUl to an seats, eve. HltlnM SB AMta . pert et : ehlldrea (apeclal aeaUI. Ite. The Star Theatre " . Cer. Tark aad WaaisteB. m S1AB1 MOST TABHI0BABU i' , iaiiuu inHvay v - - alR. AND MRS. JACK BURCH v J NEFP AND MILLER LlLL KATE ROCKWELL :; Z JUMPING" DB ONZOT , !. WILL C. HOYT 1 THE PROJECTOSC0PB I S:W to 4:00 m, m.. TtOO to WHO a, a' adauasloe, 10; tunad boa eeata, xe. . ' BAUER THEATRE Third ead Tsmhrll eta. Betting m Flood, aura. . v m ioolti - rB BAKBB ' '- '"'--' BT7BAJTT ABB BAUWUT . . ; s:;;;..:..; TBB OBBAT BIOBBT . MIVBAB ABB BtAOX. . ' ... Brovxra abb obabt. ',: 1 , batmostb o. BAiawur n , J--. -.- BUfLl BAUIWIV, , ' na aioaaArx. 1 v . -, 10. Parloriaaeoa. 3:0, T:S0, 0:10. BIJou Theatre Birth St.. Ops. Oroeiaa. . ttub wsea e eeneran: boojoob. BrrrnoTigr , ErJ BTaTBXi FOaTOIOaT ' VJBMIOI XrAMOBT . - XB1ABT BOOaJ , " HABBT nWHiV ' MTM PBABli OUTIOV votzbo noTumas. All ror io emta. Aftetaeea. fresj S:M to 4:80; evealaga, fteea to 10:10. , The Arcade Theatre.., ;i The Ongiaal TaaUly TaaeevQle Beaea, That ww: ' -. . AXi vXaTOB . r IOTD " ounoaD abv bbotb: : soxx.T abb rxaiurs , " KATB com .. .-' v,t;.... m azowoora. v; v ghewi :80 te 4:80 B, Ba... T:S to 10-AO a. Admlaaioa, lOe, to ear eeat. THE LYRIC THE A TRE . SrranU sod Alder atreeta. . Thl Werk. tmiMU1 ABB KBATBB. . OX.A, BBBO ABB BOtA, SatMAI ABB DBTTBB, T v . JOB AXX.KOB. ; - . XABBT BOTT, ,. i-r -. TBI YITABOOTB. . - eAA A. A.AA . e.OA . A.oa f. aa. AOsuarloa 10 eeate ee hither. CONCBBT BALL i ''. ... - ., BLAZ1BB BBOS. ' V.; f CONCBBT BTBBT BIOBT. ..V'i '941.B4B BURNnrDB. STOCK FARM : SO AOBXaWllO acree eultlvatedf 400 ' acree pasture; 4. acres in naavy .... yellow fir timber. 10.000,000 feet; . land la level, rolling and creek bot- -- torn; good soli, watered by stream ., i or spring In every Held and paa. ' ture; new l-room house, water r piped to house and barn' from'' spring; hot and cold water lit-'' -: house; S barna, wagon shed, chick-, en-house, hoghousea, emokehouee, " ' 110 heed fine grade Shorthorn cat-. tie; 400. chickens, S? hoga. 1 fine span work mares. 1 fine span drlv- -Ing mares, wagon, buggy, farm im-; elements, fine outrange for stock, fine neighborhood; In Benton county. - ri The new electrlo road will run' - within ft miles of farm; stock and .Z . Implement a will be sold at .market , ' value; will take some trad a Price . of - farm, Including hay . In barns, 110,000. ..'... , '.,.;.., HENKLE & BAKER .' v SIT Ablagtom BJAgH Fortlaad, Or. CHEAP HOME ; S-aOOBt house, all In good order; par. lor, hall, closets. Da in, nice porcnea. nous xurnisnea. nic psnor mmu csruets, rugs -pictures on walls, bedroom aeta, dining table, chairs, rockers, stands, . stoves, nice new range and dishes, ground 200x300 feet; nice painted fence. ' choice fruits, berrlee, flowers. Chicken 'park, barn, etc.; hay In barn, wood, r etc.; a nice suburban home, all goes now, cheep at 12.100. ... ' HENKLB & BAKER SIT AWagtoa BldtFortland, Of. It - . f : .... f - 4 T - f