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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1904)
.7- . ; j i:c7 cc:ivz:.i-:rr . tiis ETonz Tiiows yov-: EXPERIENCED CHOPPED WILL TIL : THEM THE SATISFACTORY VAY - . ; ' PROMPTLY, TOO.' ' ,'' '"' '", DOING BUSINESS ON THREE FLOORS OF NEW SJXTH STREET ANNEX KITCHEN FURNISinNGS AND STOVES IN WEST ANNEX-STORE, -THIRD-FLOOR. BEDS,-BEDDING, CURTAINS 'AND" DRAPER IES,' WEST ANNEX, FOURTIt FLOOR LEADING MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT AND CARPET WORK ROOMS. WEST ANNEX FIFTH FLOOS SECOND FLOOR WEST" ANNEX OPEN NEXT WEEKTHE MONSTER. NEW ELEVATORS LARGEST ON THE COAST START TO RUN MONDAY NEXT, v FIRST, FLOOR WEST ANNEX OPEN SOON, THEN FORMAL "OPENINGS :':;; r,'..y ' it. ,5 1 I. . " - "T-'-r " Toil O rfv" ", 1. on the Coast . y : -' Fa th, Sixth "and :Va2hinton 1 . . A . - t v. f4 r ii1 iLlilill r...-' f- : . . ' , . ., . v - -. . ......... .. ,. . r - . - - . . . , ... . . . . ; ..-r Wfc THE ENTHUSIASM GROWS DAILY. 'CANT HELP IT. WHO ISNT INTERESTED IN FURTHERING THE MANUFACTURE AND USE OF AMERICAN PRODUCTS? A MAN SAID THE OTHER DAY : "GUESS THE MEN WHO ARRANGE 'BIG STORE' EVENTS MUST HAVE ALL READ ABOUT A BIO SUC CESS SOMEWHERE AND ALL STARTED AT ONCE TO EMULATE IT." WELL, HARDLYTHOUGH t "GREAT, MINDS OFTEN '; DO RUN IN SAME CHANNELS." WEl PLANNED THI& SALE LAST SUMMER HAVE OTHERS PLANNED . AHEAD TILL NEXT SUMMER. BIG STORES HAVE TO PLAN THAT WAY. HAPPILY, HOWEVER, OTHER STORE FOLKS ARE CO-OPERATING AND THIS IS BEING MADE INDEED A GRAND "AMERICAN X WEEK" FOR PORTLAND FOLK. COINCIDENTS HAPPEN OFTEN THIS IS ONE. IF WE CAN USE THE EXPERIENCE OF OTHERS TO AID US WE ALWAYS DO SEEKING TO PROFIT BY AND BETTER IT; WE AIM :TCT START WHERE OTHERS LEAVE OFF. THAT'S WHY THE BEST IS AL WAYS AT .THIS STORE WHY THIS STORE'S "AMERICAN SALE" IS 'BEST BEST VALUES IN AMERICAN PRODUCTIONS AND BEST EXPL6iTE'D.. , 'WE PRINT A FEW BARGAIN AMERICANISMS BELOW. ? THE STORE. IS . FULL OF EM TODAY. ALL UP FOR AMERICAN INDUSTRIESAND THEIR PRODUCTiT' ?,'::?:X JIDD JNTEREST TO JLltERICAN WEEK ANNEX AMD THOROUOOTARE Ladles' - Flaniiltt Nishtvowfta, flalnty eolorM atripM. Kur r w noki with turned Mlowa eolKtr, dUiopa euiia wra wutr imiaaea wu ihiot atltohln. MtnlarlW lUil IDWltl t ............ w.. 854 Hmw Unw CantarpiMM Md poMaa, In all lsa. atMBiMd tn a graat JtrarUtJr xt Mount MalUck tfaalsni rajtular prtaca from U to li.OO; apMtal at Jut one half ncular -prtoa . i.i ................... '.1.B' 1-.uu Chlldran Toquaa, ( wool or alllt. with ehanllla pompon .ana long sua taa la. In plain and rarlcmt4 ooiora. raaniar pro i-m, ipwm i anf Ladles Taa Aprona, of fine Bwlaa, lon amns, inmmea wun riooona, a-incn ruffle, adced with lac. raular prtoa Mo and 0or apaolal at ........ .23 Ladloa' Corset COTsra. of Una nainsook or oambrkj, full bloua front, rabrold- ary or lacs trtmmad at naca ana innnoiM, wun w irat uvuns ww ertlona, aU ahwa. regular prioa. 11,16; special at ..r;...89 i ; X; :tKBT.XWBamjLkMXXBmtt FLOOR." vt ' C MUtk avsrr parchaa at tecular pricaa thia weok amoontlna; to f or over In tha 8H00 section we will absolutely FREE a pair of Beat Quality Women's Rubbers. , No need to buy rubbers while wara 1rlnc.'wa away .thla American Week. . .-4 ..t- ; s, . : ' Sale of t Footwear ... .. .. . ..w i nwmawi ahoanafears lorm an AU me worm j rp' J "'""V." J Ii.. r., .W ti. land leads In production. Lwtrolt, Mich., boaau i ahoa. created by the sons of the fcunous old Governor ( Potato Pfclcb ) Plnraai nakere ef tha famous -Qlorliia V for an women "Protection" and "Oorarnors". I . . ..-...... aJJWfcO t fB.OO SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THUKBOAI " Cuban heels, neat round toes, hand-turned soles, on a trap,, regular M.W value.): epeclal American Sal prlo,jalr .jr.. J.jujt...y.ji tl.Tt iron WOMEN" JtrLlTTE9 WORTH !.-- . ' , x -Li Women S.HOUS) juntiua, in m ' -vi"-. " - - round toes, very cnolce ealaetlon.of stock; ular. valua.- Bpeoial American Bale ptioa, pair .,....... . ...... ;1.T8 L4 FOB OLD LADIES' $1.71 8HOE8 : ' - --, Old laulea 9011a v.omiorr- .iww. jHOTn V anlee. good broad toes, flat heels, fins soft kid uppers, regular 1.71 value. .". Bpeclai American Bala price, palr... .... .... ; ................ .f 1.48 $.49 FOR WOMEN-a $.0 SHOES-- ., - j -v . --i ,7. y - Woman' Dress Shoes, very fine. In choice now hurts, very latest toes, mili tary, Cuban and Frenck heels, very dressy toes, and matt - tops, . regular value. Special American Bal price . . . . . f 3.43 MlfSEB AND CHILDREN! SHOES kf (sees' and Chridren's Sheas la bos calf for winter aad school wear, very plump uppers, heavy soles and round toes: Sties to I. regular 11.16. Bpeclai America! Sal price ,.8 lses itt t 11, re-ul J1.60 Bpeclai American Sale prloe -f lrflS Slsss 11S to 1. raolar 100p. Special Amartoaa, Sal prlo BOYS' SHOES Boys' Winter Shoes, mad of box calf -e viol kid, with dou ble extension soles, fun round toes, extra piump stoca tnrouvnoutK Sises 11 to It. "Little Qonts'." rscular 1.T value, Special American Sal prlc . j . , . ri .. .,- ....... f 1.28 Slse 1IM to S, youths', regular tt.O valua Special American Bale prlc . . . ..w .,.11.41 Stses SM to - IH. boys'. resTilar i. vahl. Special American Sale' . "7 price , . .! . i t . .. . , '...,... ....... . .81,T8 tLTS'FOR WOMEN'S H.t SHOES ' - .'JV, T$ ' Neat street kinoes, aiso nn ,ni ureas enoss, very newest toss, patent tip and military heela, oholc kid uppers, regular $M0 valua Special ' American Bale price, pair , , . .' , ..Sl.TM Ma FOR HdtfSE COMFORTS . WORT tl.B . , . . . .-...,. r Woman's hous oomrorta, witn uiaoa or red felt uppers, fur trimmed, res Ular tl.B vain. Bpsclal American Sal price, pair , . . . , .884 pAniencn jtanKets ana Comforts J YANKEE SEWINOU k r MACHINESa; SPECIAL NOVEMBER SALE THIS WEEK FOURTH FLOOR NEW SIXTH ' - c STREET, ANNEX ' ... .. Tbs World's Best Blankets ar here taany of them mad In Oreron all '- American made Price made lass this weak v WOOL BLANKBTS WORTH fi.lO FOB fCTS ' : 'l. ' These Blankets ar mad of Oreron wool and are manufactured In Oreron. . tre 8TRICTLT ALL WOOU larrs sis and com In whit, rerutmr II.B9 V ', valya. Special American Sal prlo only, pair t, . . ... .fe.TS PILKOLINB COMFORJERS WORTH 11.71 FOR fAAa . 1 4. Theee are American-Made Comforters, fUled with downal lne, 'Which I ifr" manufactured from the finest lons-f lber Am eri ea a- wwa cotton, and ov ird with plain silkollna, rsrnlar $t.1t yalua Special Americaa Sal price la,- sach. if, . , '...,. ,93.S8 i;f5"? 'AMERICAN WEEK SALE t) w K." P ,fc. - "'i Sewing Machines Note the Savings tat 00 FOR OLDS, WORTMAN KINO SHWINO MACHINES " ! T -Olds. Wortman King Sewing Wachmes, American make, golden Oak cibl- net. blgk arm, ball bearing, drop head, wltk drawera Spaolal American 1 8nle prloe, each ,.....,..828.00 AOENCT PRICE US.' ,, . ? f -T V V ' .';..'.(.. f .' R OLDS.' wortman KINO SBWINO MACHINES -.j. Xf ' With quarter-sawed oak cabinet and boa top; otherwise It l the nam as - abov machine. Special American Sal prlo only .8?1.00 ,.;;A0ENCT PRICB l0.t lv; - .. -Vhv; . ,.,J. , t Sam as abov, with bot top and I drawers. '-, Special American ' Sal ' price, eoh'-.-i...:.v ....,,.,,.. ,. ; ......810.80 ., A0K5ICY PRICB $4, ,. . ; . . i . - :- t.,.. . . C ' THESE MACHINES ARE ALL GUARANTEED FOR 1 YEAR. , rThef-SweepihgS M V.',.- " . - - r- IBmNT) ITiVIIL i - e--rr--r 'r'jJf''rY'" --rfw - " - t ' ';. Ery hat to the houf nrcUssIy reduced. Nonf Reserved, none, laid as Ida ; t once of every vest Irs of stock. Reductions trend from one fourth to .Ana thlnl Bluf nr. h.tV ' Nn naarf to IT tell you of the great crowds that ooma king these bargains to Bnd. No need to .tall of the ' enthusiasm dlsplajtad over the. values offered and ths superb, handsome,- stylish hats being so ruth lessly sacrificed. The fame of the sal has gone Into every bom within shop ping distance.' Crowds eom because they've heard the news of the bargains "Olda, Wortman King Holding a Clearing - Sal of Tbelr Millinery Stocks.' The choicest,' smartest hats vr. brought together In Portland, at . your mercy at bargain prices. The sal lasts all week. V W offer our entire millinery stock of all ths nswest creations none . re- l - served every hat In ths house goes at a uniform reduction of on fourth off all regulsr prloea-. : - . " - To. rank the pace hotter still we will reduce special lots on third and on half off former; low prices. Scattering . mentions ; - t , ;? :" .": s'" ; 4 : 109 of th newest styles la 8treet and Ready-to Wear Hats, Sailors Turbans " and' dress shapes In all new. colors,7 " avsn less than 11.10 In value, others " 4t.a qualities; spaolal at. . . , , . .984 SO Ready-to-Wear and Tailored Street . Hata, In a big variety pf : shapes ' . - very-stylish, feather, pompon, breast, iwing. etc. trlmmlnrs. vaiuaa to tlAtv special- a .......,..,,.,.....81.49 t00 Trimmed and Tailored Hats. Turt : baas and dress snaps, biaoks, browns, navysk reds " and greens, v value to Special at77,7.....7t7..8a.w8 Special bargains at. $ 3.48 and, 84.88 Look for the red prlees they aoark u,: carnage of prlc slasbtng. - A ' SPECIAL " EXTRA Feather Tu'rbans. ." in black, whit and aray.- great -bar. .. gain at f i.0e; special this week ifor 82.88 Ths J department to b cleared ' fj , . School Vote for Award of Panama Canal ModdL . ' t Aa eminently American educational - feature. - Have you Master and Miss sent la your com poet lion ictT There's Xmaa money In Ik ;r- , THE VOTEwAT I . M. TESTEP.-, v.;'' DAT STOOD. St. Mary's AAademy ...... .'....?,M .High School ........ ...Uu.lMli Harrison School . , . . , ,7l.4it Portland; Academy .....(V.,qS.llT Park School ................ .BB.4.' Atkinson School ......... n..t4.IS Williams Avenue School, ..,.J,10 iFaqinsSciooi'. .... ..Xtt.tu HoUaday School ".7.-, .. . . , . J,0S7 Sunnyald School .,..w....',..l,054 Total Vote J.....t.f. .yiQQROUSREDTJCTIONS -MADE - ON WORTHY OOOD8 OF - AM75RICA N "i . MANUFACTURE FOR THE ' AMERICAN SALE IN THS : . - Knit Underwear and Hosiery Aisle ' FIRST FLOOR." r fr ST FOR WOMEN'S COTTON TESTS WORTH Klbvi. ' ' Women's Whit Cotton Medium Weight Vssts. high nok, lon sleeves, vsry. sOghUy .imprfct.:buLnotU nurt In" th 1st at for wear, reg. too vatj spaclal Ameiu , lean Sal prlo each i , . i .k.....,,.jj7 ONLY LW FORWOMENSy UNDERWEAR.; WORTH Woman's fin ribbed Union Suits, cashmere finish, winter. . mmifut, ions; sms is, aoais lengtn. in white and stl- ver gray, regnlar prlo to II.H; Americaa Boe price, suit ,mi ... . . ........ 81.89 S6 FOR WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR WORTH S0& V Wemn'g Vesta and Pant, eream-tiated, eottoa, fleeee '. lined, long-aleeve vasts and ankle-length panta, big too , value; special American Sal prlc .....35 FOR WOMEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR WORTH To . ' Woman'a Batumi wool plalUd Vesta tad Panta, good Tin value; special American Sal price, each.... ..55 ssf for women's sso hosb : .' .,: T" . Women's black eottoa Hose, heavy weight, full finished, Pllod heels and doable soles, fin I5qvaluei spwiaL A maMaM aa . flat 1 aa axeUaA Wvam l a-a, bp jL - CHILDREN'S HOSE Children's Black Cashmere Hoaa, double kn .Fashionable;; Stih&-. ffldSmart7C.oiits .', :Nvh)-;Ybf;;.Real FOR GENTEEL DRESS OF PRACTICAL AMERICAN .WOMEN GRAND 'SALONS 8 ECOND FLOOR THE FA SHION . CENTER OF THE WESTERN . GARMENT WORLD." : , '; ' ' ' v ' ., - ; ; ), Dam Faahion bag ordered Iter courtiers despotlo monarch that ah Is 4o bring back, the queenly velvets from their exile, long endured. And they're restored again to ryal favor. Velvet come- closest flow to Fashion's heart. - (Velvets and ricu laces their malds-ln-walUng. Ye , matron young, middle- '. aged cr aged do y not remember th vdw of former years T Twaa this "Soma day, 111 have a handsome velvet gown, wiui.long. eourtly train and rich trimming of rare lace." But when tha . ags of , picturing childhood . . merged Into th sterner years, velvets' seamed almost too picturesque for pra lean. lives Bo rs, Practical Style has jut off getting th velvet gown till velvet should, b restored again to Fashion's royal favor. . ; And now velvet are la atyla. and aofteiv prettier velvets than war ever known before, for th world weaves them better now than eh ever kiraw be- , for. Soft as -goaaamer rich as velvets, th acme-ef riohneea. .The buyer for- th great 'salesrooms demoted to women's faahlanab outer apparel 'is home from New York and Chicago's great style fete, th "Horae Show" (lft ths Utter Saturday last) came Wednesday. , She aame. bringing. In ths sheaves of a later harvest. .. ' .".'" STYLES That will be shoiwt by other local - storss as : "new," a year V ksn6 at --------- - I r-;,v; . '--r : .. r ' ' PRICES Other stores will ask for the elder fashions two months hence. NEW Walking or Street Suits. Calling and Evening Gowns, Opera or Theatre Coatumes and Wraps, Coats in th later models. Rain Coats. Tourists' . and form fitting. Evening Waists, Bklrta, dress and strolling lengths, et aL . Velvets, crushed or plain. . , ,. - . - ? . r . Velvet Suits $1850 to $125.00 Velvet Coats $18.50 to $65.00 " Thanksgiying Table Napcry 8aTeual ,1 .THE WORLD'S BEST LINENS 8ERVB AMERICA'S GREAT FESTAL SEA . , SON THANKSQIVING THE LINEN BTORE FIRST FLOOR. ' SPECIAL SALE ALL THIS AMERICAN WEEKALL TABLE LINENS U- ' ' JZ- k SHARPLY . REDUCED.. U -' , X:- i'.' ' . How may w apply this product of Ireland. Germany,' Scotland and Franc to aa "American Sal r on might ask. 'Tls true that cllmatle conditions 7 preclude the poaslbllltypf manuacturlnr.Knana in competition with th great -flaogrowlng countries.,- But Americana -demand th best linens In th world. . Th most durable and finest o we, as one of. America's largest ilnen'buy- -era, go to th source of supply th famous Irish Richardson, family of Bel- ' fast and ua our beet American Judgment, acquired In over a quarter cen- -tury of oareful linen burlng. and select linens for. this big store's great shop- . ping family. Special Value this week. " - - .d. DAMASK WORTH fl.l FOR I1.1J. Table Cloth, sis txltt yards, with 1 , ;.. BleSohed Damask, 71 Inchea wk) and dosetl Dinner Napkins to match: . ' extra good value at.St.tO th yard; special Thanksgiving and Amerl- . special TManksglvlng and Amerl- can Bala prlc. eet. 86.75 -."can Sal prlc at. yard. .. . .81.2STabl" aoth, sis tsl yards, - with l NAPKINS t match, dinner also; spe- do sen Dinner Napkins to match;, elal Trianksglvlng and. American 1 special Thanksgiving and ' Amerl- 'Sale price at. the doiea. .. .83.88 can Sato prlo, set.,.. 87.40 BLEACHED DAMASK WORTH Sepsrat Cloth, sis 2sl yards; spe '' . ' , $1.15 FOR ll.ol.' ' i . elal Thanksgiving and "Americaa , .Bleached Damask. - 71 -Inches , wide. - : Sal pvloec each -82.70 regulsr I1.IS value; special Thanks. -Separate Cloth, sis rxSH yard; sp .. glvlng-and Amerlcarw Sal price, , . clal Thanksgiving and . American , the.ymrd .81.05' Sal price, eack ....... i . ..83.35 " NAPKINS to match, dinner slse; ape-.Separate Cloth, slsa txl yards; spa , clal Thanksgiving and American clal Thankaglvlng and American Sal prioa, th doSen. 83.45 ' Sal price, each ........... 84.05 ' P LUNCH r NAPKINS. regular $l.0- Tray Cloths, Ta notha, Lunch value: extra special fbr Thanks- Cloths. Sideboard Scarfs, Dollies, all ! giving and Americaa Sal, the .; dosen ...... j ...... , 82.48 ' i LINEN SETS. -Tabl Qoths, sis 1x2 yards, with 1. -" dosen Dinner - Napkins to match; apeclal Tbanksgtvlng and ' Amerl-, ' can Sals price, st-i....... 85.85' ! FOR lH4o FLANNELETTES. A larg assortment ' of Amsrtosn s made Flannelettes, regular 11H value; special American Sal price, ' I yard .,..10' ? ' - ' WOOL . WAI8TINOS. All th latest designs In fancy Wool - Suitings, American mad; - special American Sals prlo,- ' . f 7rd ..,....60)( TB4 and 85) HALF WOOL FABRICS. -Voll Crepe and Superfine Voile. t Inches - wld have the touch finish, st special-Thanksgiving and American ' lustre and draping quallues of ail nrlcee. - ' .. eoatly fabrios at aonular piioee; llo-FOR COTTON SUITINOSv als Dantah and Poplar Cloth, It . WORTH ISo. .' i Inch wide. W have a splendid. Dark mixed eottoa Suitings, regular 'assortment -f eolor In both taaee II value;' apeclal American Sale lines; special Americaa Sal price, pries, yard .............. ..iavw th yard 25w Slsea t to 7H. reg. tie; special American Sal prlc. pair. .ia . ., Btses ( and IH,-fv 10c; special American Sal price, pair ...u..19f T. S1 and 10, reg. 15o; special Americaa Bale. prlc. pair ....... 21 CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Children's Fine Ribbed Whit Cashmer Vasts . aad Pants, xoaUst value at regular prloe .. .''-vi.: , slsa ... . ............... . it, 20.- 31 1 i-it i g Ly tj Regular -prte .t'... ....... tod ' Ha, I0a' 't SKA . T(i . ?s v . sn" tzl Amerlosa sal 4rio. . . . . .. 354 404 45 50 554 Oe es TOs 20c for Pretty; Piquant, Patersoii, i: V. v' ' N, libbbns . That I1 eriwliei among American stores at lo end lie a yard. Tha Ribbon Alale, first floor. Ribbons worth 10c and tic for 20 About .OM yards of all-silk - Taffeta Ribbons, : bought by us st a r- . -markably low rigors. Ribbons IH and I inches wide. In all colors, blue, ream, pink, turquoise, old roee, lavender, cardinal, scarlet., rile, also black aad white, especially adapted for neck wear, hair rtbbona and fancy work, worth 10a and ll th yard; special. Americaa Bala prlc only. yard..ZO . CarjtsFoiirth Floor Lsrgaat stock of tha newest Carpets shown by any house on th coast And Amerl can Carpets ar beat. Outside of th rare old Orientals, th Americaa makes ar sold altogether by this great carpet bouse. Worcester. Maaa; HartfordVOona.; Philadelphia, and .Yonkera, N. . Y are noted carpet enters. Our new earpet salsarooms Just opsnsd on fourth floor are the largest and lightest in th city. Not an old carpet or old-' pattern In our stocks and With our immense output that allows of our making" absolutely lb l9weetTrtct onCerpet quoted In Portland- by any reliable hnus. ... . Every-Day Helps American Folk .7, -i " - 'FIRST FLOOR.r :, Lots of people hav had "Yankee notions' running through their head . this week. If you'v a notion for any of thssa It's goodi buying tlma . Sal price ar Umptlngv . ' II FOR. SEVEN SPOOLS COTTON THREAD. Spool Cotton. American manufacture, best s-cord thread, for hand and machine aewlng; 200 yards to th spool, aU numbers, S t 100; black and white; special American, aaJe price, seven spools for i goo tlo FOR DRESSING COMBS WORTH lOo American hard rubber Dressing Combs, with fin aad ooars or all eoars teeth; value lie; American sale price, special at, each ..Mo 10 FOR PAPER NAPKINS WORTH 10 Paper Napkin with colored border. . Americaa manufacture; value ieo tn hundred. American sale prloe. special' at th hundred ...w. ...... Se lo FOR WHISK BROOMS WORTH 2 lo Whisk Brooms, fin American corn brooms, with celluloid handlss; value 15c, special - Americaa sal . price, each .....,...lo lto ' FOR ' RUBBER CUFF . PROTECTORS WORTH He Rubber Cuff, . Pro tectors, cascae style. lor use in omc or siore; vaiu ISO, special American sal prlo pair..., ,...,,..lo lo FOR NET SHOPPING BAGS WORTH 15c Net Shopping Bags, extra tout cord, wood handlss; value Iftc, special American sal prloe, each,,. is lie FOR WRITING PAPER WORTH 15c National Vellum, fin writing paper la wnite, asur aaa gray tints, envelope i matcn; vaiu . lie, special Americaa sal prlc at. box ,. o FOR BELT BUCKLES WORTH Jut steal aad riveted Belt Buckles; vaiu lio. special Americaa sals prioe, aacb. i .... ,i ... t i , 4to FOR MEN'S WATCH FOBS WORTH ISo Man's Americaa gold"' plat Watch Fobs, with lockout; vain tlo, special Americaa sal prlc. eaoh. A l(a FOR TORTOISE SHELL HAIRPINS WORTH 11.11 Real Tortola Shell Hairpins, plain or crimped, pins In" box; vaiu $1.15, spectsl American sal prlo , ,.. lto FOR BEAUTY PINS WORTH Ho-Gold-plate Beauty Pins, I aud pta sets; vaiu lio set. special Americaa sal prlo, nly. set...... A..,. it 40 FOR BACK COMBS WORTH ISO Fins quality Back Combs, shell cot or, extra quality aad finish. Americaa manufacture; regular so vaiua; spe cial Americaa sal prioa, each. ....... ................ ,.........,.... lie DRESS SHIELDS FOR 11 Ho American-mad Shields, while, light. weight, washable and odorless; medium slse; regular loo value, speoiai ni lean sal prlc at 1114. ar twa pairs for v. .s....t t lo FOR SAFETY PINS WORTH o Nickel-plated Safety Pins' In thre si"' mall, medium aad Urge, an dosan On ard; vaiu so, speouu ' prlo, th oard T5o FOR HAIR BRUEHES WORTH IhOO Peat q"'""V r " Bruahaa, all bristle. Americaa make; r- ::ar i ' ' ' prlc special at, each .-. , r .' t