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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1904)
J NEWS OF TilE MIES J VTii Ever C:;;: ; j C : C;l:!:j ! JOHN DAY COAL BUT HAVE KOT DECIDED mim I?. LITTLE DEVELOPED on second mm The Big Store in the Middle of the Clod; c:-V:-73 Ti:!rd Street, C:Rvc:n C::i end Fine. if- ' I' XJJ, cxaxm owsns TO STSB- sxs6vniu axotxsx Mia nun rKX" GSMAXi 45MABACTJSB or roa.norxBTT tt asi iot UXKLY TO Tin Vr OOaTSTBVO- s . -V jfi 'inriCi raosrBOTnro. ! V; i I -' People interested lirth f.oal deposits r.f the John py valley. r'f hoped t ae this year bring U J definite Information f th extent of th bed. there, end samples trf coal tan from such depth es would be ,ttlv ; evtdcno of what the fuel is worth.w. Bare for ihe-Srork don at Heppner. on the property of the Heppner Coal ft Rail way -oompany. little lu bn accom plished la this, direction. . A scor or s prospects, covering an ar from th lowc John Pay. about Black Diamond. " UP to near Canyon and Prahie City, hav : been -.worked in very desultory, man ner.. .. N . .- " . In eome of these the aeams were proved at the vry"surfc to have com mercial width, and conditions generally favorable, but no company of aufflclent capital nas.tSKen no ei ." ' linn low ......... r, t The property of A. Mohr ' and I - Walker, about 19. mites from Arlington. '. i... ju. i,niuri-Ar the result ? that' a seam-mor than, eight feet n width he been openea. ii is wuu a maJ OTwitjk of nlcfnr coal. tl. ai Til- Vaitonn. man- ' - aged by Robert I lines, has been explored r .py tnree inclines , m ; , flw. K at Mama wm round In close contiguity. sandstone layer but a few tncnea wiaa separating mtm. iiw ' eoa has bea given light tests at to Its i . utility, and seem to meat all requlra- v . , ' - ,v --.i... ..... . nth.. n,An.rlf.a m w ttM- rmtaimA shallow tunnels. The coal area la" thug MtaXiiafiiui hm atwint aft milea In l length. Many farmer. In that section ; use the coal for their smttn anopa, ana k some for domestic fuel. ' These experl- ments cease to excita - local - interest, snd areNibt exacting enough to furnish vaiuaoie inionniuaD u am ouistus t. w vi IV.,. ' ' ' " f ' -aw .... i. Ir r . - , Most all of the propery ownera tof Tnai region ronow uia wore ai t lcppncr exploration has been prosecuted. Should tntn mine prpva a gooa proauoer, ana us rosi una resay ihukd iBsrs is no oouoi Thkra"nHmber"8r other pi unities wrthte the range of , transportation or near where new rait lines are probable would be actively developed. 7TTTTTT?rXw'"r- SMELTER IS ASSURED PERMANENT SUPPLY ' Manager Fuller, of. tha 8umpter nmemsr. isarftngth to build a xinmber " of eottageaTiear-the-plantr f ortha sa nf workmen employed at the amelter. Ttttt siuullei' la nearly a - roll- from Sumpter proper, and men forced tar walk that distance wnen snow is aeep una themselves ' seriously 1 Inconvenienced. - The winter km son IS settlsg in for the upper districts of the Blue mountains, and tha work planned Is to be hastened. " ATrangements have Jbeen made for hauling ore through tha winter months, when traffic la mora or leas obstructed. ' Snow succeeds wagon hauling quickly in the. fall, and While sleds are in use delivery , of . or will be more economl- : cal than during tha summer, but when winter breaks and tha snow roads bn coma flast mush, and then mnd, traffic is suspended for a, period of a . month snd a half or more. As Manager Fuller liss'put on his'' list moat of tha big lines of tha district, soma of which are wtthn seven miles of his smelter, and hi also receiving good quantltfes'of ore from tha Seven Devils and other dls- ' tricts la lower altitudes, he will no doubt b able to paas this period' of , difficult hauling without suspending work, j ' :, ('.,. .-' V I ROASTERS DELIVERED - - AT. THE MONUMENTAL ' ITauling tha additional equipment for the Monumental mine, In northern PlBklyou eonaty, is progressing rapidly. Colonel T. W. M. Draper stated upon his return from a. recent trip to the mine that the two Cylindrical roasters .-bad ' keen delivered for tha leaching process that Is being Installed. Values at the .Monumental are essentially gold, si; though there Is some eopper. V. . Boms experts who have examined tha property state that It will be a dim rait proposition, to mastnr with cyanide. Underground development in tha shaft Wsls la progremlng steadily, and. If all of the ore blocked out is commercial, the company already has a vary large reserve In sight. , -,. srrxx. zs mmovt vzast. 'i' Bhlpment of tha complete . 1 0-ntamp , Will recently ordered by C. D. Crane fpr the Lucky Queen ' mlno. - Josephine county, is to be made by the Hammond . company soon. Mr. Craoa reports that tha mill building is being rushed to com' pletkn, Bd that he win be ready for -the-machinery when it arrives. No " difficulty will be experlenred In hauling tha plant from Merlin to Its destination, . ss the wagon roads in that section are .always In nood aerfdlMorfe : RATIONAL TREATMENT SlomacK Diseases i : -..t ; : Means: Dfst&rd Injttrious Drtjr TA R&rmlm, Powerful , ,1 Cgrmlclde).. -v Send twenty-five) cents ta ry postapa on Freg Trial Bottle. Sold by leading druggists. Not genuine without my signature: 94 i ' '" 62MIrtnfc;H.T. ' Wrtt bMtrlet sa ItatlMal TriiNal mf. n. MniHiiiknt . nf tha Champlln Dredging company will probably not determine this , rail wneurer or ..n 'nia la n ha aracted on Foot S creek, Jackson county.' Such an addition h h. n iiAiunui. anH. botb fiunerln tende.nt Christian and, Manager Champlln; cava. apaen orxna Troyeci Vruu abla development of tha near future, hut as no aerinlia arrangemenis nava ummu mnA fA. MmmMiAjniMt tmfora winter weather, it is regarded probable that they. win not taie up xne wora una ymr.. -Power would be furnished by tha r.AMa r.1 . n hlMt. arAiilit altAtlnata the , heavy - xpensa- of engine . and boners, ana thus materially reauca me initial cost or a oreager, inw wmpur nas about 1,00 acres of land on Foot's creek, more than . 400 of which - is re ntwlt wAArf AmAriTiw vraniiA. and bv ad n 1 1 inn in inn incL coma amaiiv- nrw vide an area of even mora than two dredgers for tha period of thaurnatufil uf.' -j - 4 v TUNNEL TO PLACER IS1 . NEAR ALLUVIAL BED ' Tha tunnel begun by MessTg. Mets, Thomas and Le. on Silver creek, near Orants Pass, which is calculated to open t- placer deposir at a depth permitting ydranllo operations .ta'. bedrock abovo reat allda filling tha canyon. Is Bear ing completion. ' Tha tunnel is more. than 700 feet long, and lata reports from the property Indicate that grave! should be reached shortly. ' The canyon of the stream hag been filled with a slide, and above tha obstruction gravel has ac cumulated to a depth bf to or IS feeU according to tno prospecting none, as good values were had front other work along this stream where the currant was without impediment tha owner balleva they will open exceptionally rich ground there.;-:'. . . :-.- : BIG ItXU. XSXJI TBT." ' The Connor creek mine. Baker county, which waa taken on a bond early in th year by 'Captain J. Myrick. superin tendent underthe Reed regime, was not worked very Jftenalvely this year. Ther is an old Sf-tamp mill on tha property, which was ruh aeversi years ago. .After th.veln waal (put an th level bf th lower tunnel, fcne or two batteriee were used, but the Vnin hag been practically idle fora loja period. Tha deep tunnel drlvTfTcTofen the vein is oa-S,-4vl well below the mllt hut a tram device haa been arranged to run ears up to the bins, , . . , . . -Th Connor creek mine, which haa pro duced perhapa the prettiest specimen rock ever mined in Oregon, and la re ported to have bean profitable . when worked, has been the object of many examinations of late years. Whan th S. O. Reed aatat waa being partitioned pursuant to -tha provisions of th will, it was generally supposed that th prop, erty would be put on th market at om rtgur, but as yet no on haa taken It and commenced serious operations. OK rocmoaur. (SpaeUl Dbpatra to The feoreaL) . Vancouver, - B, G, Nov. I. K strika was recently mad at Tmlr, B. C on th Foghorn mine, owned by th Golden Monarch Mining tt Milling company of Bpokane. After th mine itself had been temporarily' cloaed a few man were left to do. a little aurfac work. They un covered th anex of one of tha veins heroascut' th long tunnel, revealing nine feet of or. Mora man have been set to work developing th find, and it Is probable that the mine will tat worked all winter..,. ... ....'.rrt rUOIB OK SJTKaJKBOAT OKKIK. osephltm Bounty. to nave tnia season . another active placer property. Bine th Mixer group was taken by 3. A. Whitman, arrange ments for prosecuting thorough work have ' been ' unremitting. Th new owner found a good-ditch system for power, so that his eouirment work haa been confined to finishing that "Which had already been commenced. - HTLXm BTfKKZKa 1(OOTKXT. I. S. Hammond of this eltv haa re turned from Bohemia. When, he da- parted th Vesuvius mill wss doing ex cellent work, as the preliminary teats havtr fceen finished, and the plant has been found to be ready for a permanent run. - - . .4 - . , ... . NEW ISLAND IS FOUND IN OCEAN Mi cavtajk axons ion tback OF X.AK9 WKJCK BOXSJ KOT AP PA OK KAVTZClT. CKABTS KO CXAKOa OF XT TOKO) A JDKAOB, eSoSOoOOO 1L vy JlLr SAYING AND DOIINO DOIISQ AND SAVING Vortt of Men" and Boys' FIno Clotlla. Hota, Shoos and FurnUKlntJ Goods At a positive reduction of frotrx CO to 50 por cont oa Evorj Dollar. FA LL AND WINTER COATS CeofetteSfi- ;- .. Mote than a thousand for jfpu to select from. No old ; carried-overs fro m last ) year,' but -all new and 'of this fall styles, at prices that make them' the best ; bargains ever offered any: : where, at 25 to 50 percent off regular ? prices. ': AH t shapes aWlzesrohYS to 50 bust measure, . Broken sizes, in darkAurora ; or Beech Grove Meltons; cut from $8 and $9. yf ; (TO For choice of hundreds, all styles and colors and weights, with or without . belt back, in all lengths from the . finger tips to the heels; medium col- , ors; $12, $13.50 and some $15 in this , great lot. ; . ' ,; Fall or winter weight. Overcoats or Cravenettet; a display of styles and 'materials and colors to please tht most exacting; Including the very newest-and best of our $15 and $11 and some $20 Ones; also Crouse ft : Brandagee's world-renowned hand- tailored garments- -r- v-: hi wNl: ' r -asaawags ' : Ci avenettes and Overcosts, consist : ; of our best $20, $22J0 and some $2S ones. . The styles, materials and ; worlrmanship are of the top notch order"The variety iiisutti theldnd" you may waht. :t , .-y ; '.. "'; y- y,;y y; i We have cut loose. Take your choice o the finest and best fall or winter -,;; Overcoat or Cravenette in the store, . including all Grouse ft Brandagee's - best $25, $27.50 and $30 styles, trim-,; med and. tailored fit for a king. '' V ' 1 .... ;f .' , There never was shown In this Pacific Northwest such an Immense variety of Suits ; as In this Great Sacrifice Salem SUITS There Is-DotAcolororklnd , but you can scc here &t a saving of one-fourth to one Half price. All shapes and sizes. Hard to fit and hard to please men SPECIALLY ' For choice of a big lot of dark and ' ' medium colored all-wool $10 Suits; u lunited lots. -" Takes -choice of hundredeof single -and double breasted Suits, in all col 'Ors and materials; cut from $12,' 4 tlZAO and some $15. ! ' .j. Including a fine lot of Frock Suits ; worth up to $20; for elderly gentle ( men. v .- '(; ' '' ; . --.v ;w Corruption sale' price $10, but The Chicago only; wants f 8.00. i;::t.y:; ;y , (C - 1 1 V - custom-finished, all , hand-tail ored, in fine black, blue, brown or -nobby plaids; also neat - mixtures,? f worsteds, cheviots, tweeds, etc The j . choice of our $15, $18 and. eome $20 v suits, ' ; .;. ",v y .vyy.v- Puts you right into. the grandest lot of hand-tailored, select style Suits,? 700 of them, consisting pf single and double - breasted ; sacks and Prince , Alberts; our choicest $20, $22.60 and V some WW ones. '; Tke4 the best Suit in the house none reserved--including aU ;, the ' nobby merchant-tailor patterns that , r-we-haye -been sellings at$30 and : $27.50, and the most select of our- . great $25 suits, including all the new ' wood brown and finest black Thibet unfinisned worsteds," some silk and ' , satin lined. Not a suit in the lot of ' over 300 but would do credit to the : best tailor In the land in style, ma-;; terial and workmanship. , ' 'MAKING ROOM FOR A FINE WHOLESALE STOCK. THE LARGEST SHIPMENT CF KEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING THAT EVER CROSSED THE ROCKIES AT ONE TI5!L Out In the Paclfld ocean. In latitude 21:3 decrees north and Inncltud 12S:Z3 cant, uiere lies a small island -.which sons not' 'appaas upan anr mn Ttt published. . . ' Its verjr existence 1 unknown to even thos who prepare the . hydrotraphic charts fortha various Rovemments. No one knew nythlr.a about th stranae speck ot land out there In the s unttH captain Jonas, master of th British ship Lanjrdale. which . arrjvedln th harbor -yeaterdar afternoon frOin China, mnd th discovery about twa months ago. . While sweeping th horlsoiv with his (lasses on th evenlnr of Beptempcr he saw a slfht which alAoat ataa; Sered his belief. Not more than three mile diatant ther stood a Jon trei As near as could be Judged It wss about i feet, in height, witn seven ' large brjnohas, which appeared to be covered with heavy foliage.- . Th captain knew that ther should be no land in that locality, but to on vlncehimself that he was making no Bilatake ja his geography, h consulted his chart Closely. 21 had one of th latest charts Issued, and according to It ther ahould not have been an Island within 100 miles of where th chip then lay. ' Upon further investigation and deliberation of tha strange occurreno th skipper arrived at th cohclualon that he was a discoverer. - "All on boar" said th. first offloer last evening, . "saw th .-tree, which seemed to be a Ion sentthel standing guard otif there" In the Paolflo. It waa growing dusk at th tlma th discovery was made, or .we would have lowered a email boat and explored -th -spot. Tito, tree- was -fully t feet in height, anff I each of th seven limb seemed ' to ba perfectly madA From eur point of ob servation It waa Imponalbl to See land, but ther must have been land or ther would have been no tree. : "My opinion is that a new coral reef Is lust making Its appearance in that locality above the surface ef th sea. But in order to have gained sixth jtelytit th tree must bav been ebovs th water for a number of years. It la straight as an arrow and. of a dirty, brownish color." . . ' , Th Langdala. came'- from Hon gay, China, and completed th passage to the mouth of th Columbia rlvar In 71 days. For th most part fine weather waa ex perienced. Th vessel cam In ballast and moored at th Banfleld dock. While lying In th orient she was chartered by Balfour, Guthrie Co. to load grain at Portland for th United Kingdom. The Langdal was her two yeara ago, but at that time ah wag In command of Cap tain Hunter. .She belong to the Sam line-as th Carnarvon Bay, which was recently In thia pnrt: - 771' Rsoidzi CaxrrA , TEETH Boston Painless Dentists Known th . world' over, are th only dentlat In Portland having th lat bo tanical DIBCOVSKT to apply to th gums for EXTRACTING. FIlLiNO and CROWNINO TEKTH WITHOUT PAIN, and guaranteed for TEN TSARS. .IT "far rtUlnff j,.,,,,....!. i..,,.V BO Gold PUUaga .7. . . ... , . .fl.OO hU Set TMtk that fit (ma .ia.00 Oald Ore was , .MOO a jg.00 Brldjr Work ,a.00 to -OXO OUR encCKKB Is due to our PAIN LESS METHODS" IX)W PRICES AND GOOD WORK DONE PT SPECIAr.tSTB In each department. NO STUDENT". In th office. All work don PAINLESSLY by SPECIALISTS -ef Ion veers expe rience. Give ua a call, and you will And w do Just a w advertlsa , , Boston Dental Parlors X-Uth aad Werrlaoa a treeta, Batraao sVi i : sni o nrxrsuss. (gpeelal bi.pttch te The JoormLJ La Grande.- Nov. . -Oscar Olson,- young man of North Powder, SI miles east of this city, died ther Sunday from the effects of Injuries received when a tors fn oa' him a few tmka ago, llBi Good Enters Into every tool rsqulrtng that material you may buy- from ua. Its en trance, too. Is worth considering our tools sre scientifically made. Hsnc carpenter', machlnlats' and -butchers' toola which have one oocupied aav por tion of our store spec may be relied on absolutely as to excellence and lowness of prlc. . . '.v . - , . Avery & po; ' 83 THIRD STREET '- CUTLERY O Is adapted, to all who are. fun dowrt i phy'sicMJaiMJ ' mentally; It strengthens and builds up and thus storesj lost vitality, ill ef fects of malarial' chronic diseases and impure blood, y ", ; v- vrj w'v,'' For'. Sale at KNIGHTS, - v 307 Washington. Hotel Estacada On the litis of t&e (laclinus : OPEN XIX, THH .TKAR. ; ::J . qOCD KUNTO AXD RSSIXG REGULAR MEALS V firrr cents f O. W. P. trolley oar to tta dorm . For Special Luncheons or Pin ners, phon Mr. Martin, manager. ; ;-."'. ' ; :." '. ' . BUSINESS. -! COLLEGE.,- ' waxrnjun" stosusaosr y m ' WM S BIAS UMXW Monday " and" 1 t Thursday vnlngs from seven ;.- . to nln. - ' v.':;;'v I ' , . SOOXKnraro .. -(LaboratoTjr-. Mothod). '..-.'.. :. v. .-' SXOBTXASm (Pemin SysUm). . tlPSefaUTUa m (Touch wthod) - coichtnoxAXi umuno, v sMXAivo), -v-y,o, aaTwUSat and :, y.; :--.. TMMWC, -- Tuday, Wedneeday - and rrtdr evanlngs rom svn ; to nln-thlrty.. -r : . v., By th month s! dollars for th first month, flv dollars per month - for th following flv month and four dollar per month . there after. - -v..,.-... ... Ct!A cr send for Cttologst ..;lf' . -"' .:' ;-' r7r" - v-'-;:v,--.';----:; x.. 4... -'r.ttAiaV gl 4 -r'