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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1904)
ML V i IS A i "j . cj U.AO , at mm cm : mim mil veeEG (Special DUpftrh la Th Jeoraal.) , Red Lodge, Mont, Nov. . Na report Tiatf been rwelv4 up to I lat hour this mornins; from tha posse under Wlierlft Jell Champlun. which la pursuing the- thr-rbbefs wbo-ysterday after noon In attempting to rob -the Cody. Wp, .National bank, murdered Caabler O. ' L Mlddaugh. Tht robbers entered tha bank In broad daylight and ordered . every one inside' to throw " up his. hand. Thla command was refused and instead - of complying . the employee reached for thjlr weapons And- opened fir. The outlaw -turned' and fled. ,. .- Many eltiiene Who had been attracted o the cen by the shooting opened '' Are and the cashier followed the ban ' ' dlta Into the street, where after he ' emptied his guiwJi waa hot and killed. h robbers were recognized aa two cowboy who. had vbeen arouneV the,' town everal days. JUesplte all efforts, they tmpat .,. ..!,. -..v -.' Y ; ,v.. .. ' A telephone message from Meeteetse V states that a- posse that left there at-'- midnight came upon the Cody bank rpb .'. .bers at daylight In a lonely apot on the Gray Bull river. The outlaw put up a atl it Oght and cot away, on b- - Ing Injured. - . -Y' ' , -.. , In addition to the posses that started - ' last night, word waa received from CoL ':. W. P. Cody that be. waa en route from : Omaha in his- special car to take the trail. Accompanying him ' are' several .. Rngllsh friends and the Sioux chief, - Iron Tail. ,-- , --: . .--.r- CUE COMPLETES WORK (Special Dtepetca-te Toe Jowsal.1 - - " i ' Eugene, urv -Nov. Burveyors nave -v . ' completed a preliminary survey for the . 4 Willamette Valley j:iectrle railroad's . line. from Cugene to the mouth of the ' "j Buislaw rlyer and returned to this elty last ,svehlng.t took the party more . than four weeks to make the distance i- of 78 orrio miles. - .. ' ' V ' : t Jt la annouaced that the - American ..Paving company,--of .Minneapolis, a big ... concern. wlU move lta headquarter to . -" : Eugene next aprlng. ' Y- ' '! Prohlbtttontsta of this city ntd H . rally in the courthouse hist night. The - - principal speaker was Li McAlliter, -tj-of Portland.:.' h ; ' A large number from Eugene Kebekah - u Lodge went to CreewaU yesterday efter- ,. ' i noon to halp Institute a new lodge of that - order there , last. ; night. .-. Mrs. Q.f N. - ."Fraaer, of thla city, waa Instituting; ofnv -cer. ' The Eugene - delegation returned (WM .1141 Luiauuiuiiii m mm t r l.mwmij ESCAPE FROSI DEATH ,4 . :k Ik' Falling a distance of about If feet from -la scaffold on tha- Morrison street bride. -iytctor Joaeph. a laborer- had -a--aaToaf r'scap from instant' death laat night. In 1 Ms flight haf struck on the cap of a pll---Ingr-bedty - Spraining ' ai1 - brourlrisr his t-t. backr From there he plunged down Into , the rivrr, ind in hl disabled condition J, he u f rtroed tm ewlm ashore or drown. !.Fortunatly. the' land waa only about : Meet 4flstaand he euoeimded In reaching t It without aaaiatanc. . v1 :. V '-' .-, y Joseph statt tha be would not nave ';been ao badly hurt had It not been -for 'another workman who fell . . from the 4 scaffold at the same time. When he - struck the' piling his companion Ughrwi - ' on. top of htm with both feet planted In ' the small of hla back. Had it not been. i for hla atrong will ptfwei. he atatea thai the jaln ; ha-' suffered- would, have un . dcubtedly caused him t6 lose oonsoloni ' (Special lUssetcb Is The IwuL w-' , - Salem, Nov.. 3.--8enator - John . K Mitchell was the principal speaker at a Republican raiiy held hers last night. In. which too men paraded to the musla of three' bands, while bombs and Ore oraekers exploded and torches flared. The opera bouee waa inadequate to aeat Uioae who wished to hear the senator's address.. Bute fetonator KuykendaU, of Lane county, preceded Senator Mitchell with a carefully worded speech, which was well received. - MltchtU'a openlnr waa apt 11a re ferredVo the fact that i years ago this month he made hla first political speech in Balsm.- while Abraham. Llncola'o cam paign waa la progress. . '- ..'- lie paid conaldvable attention to the tariff laaua and to- foreign trade condi tions particularly In the orient The Ianama canal history he handled with brevity and the' trust question he gave proportionately small attention. ; - National expenditurea came In toTthe extent that the apeaker denied, state ments regarding them made in a reoent speech by Judge Parker, after which be took up imperialism at length.. In this connection he said: ,.''' ' Tb Philippines are ours; oura by purchase, oura by treaty, ours as the re mit of a most successful war with Spain and by brilliant and stateamadllke diplomacy at the cloa of tha war. The people of that archipelago, ' by ' every principle of International law, ows alleg iance to the United Btatea and to the American flag. . -. - "?o have "withdrawn, as suggested by the Democratic party, would have been moral and political cowardice; to have withdrawn would have been toiamlt our Incapacity aa. a nation .iitfAeel with great Questions, which the emergency of war had thrown' .upon us; to have withdrawn would have been to acknowl edge that it la not the , duty of the United. States to suppress lnsurrectlon- agalnat Its authority in a portion ni its territory; to have , whdrawn, would have been to admit that the war that had been-waged by our American sol diers In iuppresslnf the Philippine in surrection, was an nnholy war, and a war ot criminal aggression." , . . ,; j. BASEBALL PLAYER IS . PAID TO STAND ABUSE -gj-r'-T'-1 V y??XX '"" A basebau ' player must stand ' aU abua hurled , at him, short of actual profanity; must not retaliate at epi thets buried at him by thoa present during games. . and If abuaed beyond hla limit must. If desiring protection, call upon tha polio. v- , At least, auch Is the decision of Mu nicipal Judre H. W. Hogue In the aa fagalnat Catcher Henry Bpieaof the Lo Angeles team, wno waa cnargea ay Csrl Orton with assault and,battery. A flne'of ' $2t waa 'imposed. " ' 1! . Judge Hogue said that a ball, player is paid to perform for th- benefit of his employer and th noment of the spectators; - thth.. must control, Jilmr self, no matter how hard th crowd may hoot and jeer hlra 'The minute a player rtitfnf ffra mt ters in hie own hand, said Judge Hogne, he la acting Illegally-and must stand the consequences.- ' . : r ' " ' Spies' trouble occurred at ' the "ball gam last Saturday, At. th-TTm of the aocMent the men ' wer employed at mixing concrete, which i was being placed In the center pier of th ; bridge, HU companion escaped unhurt, EXPLOSION INJURES TWO SCORE PERSONS Jiu -.-'A',' U-' -rk , ..(Joaraal BpeMal trvke. - ' ' Mfc- Vernon, N. Y,. Nov.- t. -Two " acore of person - wer Injured and , property loss of 1108.000. caused here - this afternoon by the explosion of a -' , quantity of dynamite. Th dynaaUta had - bewn atored, under the Bond , bridge and a passing train on the nw i Haven railway caused the diaaater. The , bridge was wrecked and several houses V badly damaged.. No n waa killed,, al t though many' peraona wer In th , clnlty. The dynamite waa being . used ( In construction, work. PIONEER OF 1845 DIES AT uOODBURN (Bpaciat Diepateh U The JearaaL) . Salem, Or.. Nov. I. Sheriff W. i. Cul ver returned to this city on th 10:10 train laat night hfcvlng in. cuatody Carl Long of Battevllle. who Is accused of assault with Intent to kill Henry Cam eron, a laborer. Cameron,- who has not yet recovered oonadousness,' waa brought to Salem hospital. - The atory of th trouble, which occurred at ButtevUlejj Monday' afternoon, as nearly aa eould be ascertained la aa follows Carl Long, aged about 10 and Henry Cameron, a laborer of middle age, be came involved In. a dispute over a dloe gahtjv in a aalooa ' at ButUvllle. .Long proposed a light. The belligerents were Informed by J. J. Ryan, one of, the al dermen of Buttevllle, that they would hav to go outalda of th city limits If they wished to light They wnt to th public school grounds on a hill east of th town where Long says h truon Cameron over th head with a club after th latter had struck at him with hla flat' Two, ytr"wltnese say that Cam eron waa struck while he waa removyig hi coat and that after be fell Long stamped on hla face. . Long went to Oregon City where he was arrested. .".' .Welter L. Toosa of Woodburo yester day denied that he had Joined a hop pool. He aays there are no more than to bales Of hop left nnsold In th Woodburn dis trict . H- favor a pool, however, If there are hop enough to warrant one. Aa chief of th bureau of nop appointed by th 'county court of Marlon county to aid 'in making the exhibit for th county at th Lewis and Clark fair, he yesterday named his assistant a fol lows: W. H. Egaa of Brooks, Jullua Wollf of Silverton, H. J. .Ottenhetmer of Salem and T. A, tlveelaey of Salem. ROBBERS HOLD UP ' WHOLE' TRALN tREW S " (Jdarast Special Service.) Berkeley. Cal Nov. t.-A. atory waa brought her by the .Well Fargo mes senger on th Southern FMlle i Oregon express of a 4esperat hold-up of a freight crew on th train preceding tha expresa between Chlco and Blgga The erew dlsooveired two men In a oar and ordered them tor get" out Instead of obeying the man drew revolver and compelled th conductor, brakeman and th rest of -th crew to throw -MP their bands, after which they went through their pocket.- w : : . . '' J Th robber then fired Into the side of th car and made their eacape, leaving behind three stick of dynamite. - r tnllavad th man weras. rldlnr north to get near- some" f avorabl-tAC f People to hold up th Oregon Kxpresa. ACCUSED OF USING : MAILS TO DEFRAUD - SpertU Dtspetrirt The fearsaL) ?' "f ' Woodburn, -Or Nov. 1 B. F Hall died at hla home in thla city this morn ing. He was born In Clay county, Mis souri November 1. 1(1. and cam to Oregon In 1845, being on of th party that was lost on Meeks cut-off. He leave- widow and the following chll-dren:-! " "--v. A- D. Halt, Waldo Hills; -Mrs. a J. McLaughlin, Buena :' Vlataf-BHrner N, Dallas; Kdwln T. and W. W. Hall. Sa lem; Edith E. Hall, James J. Halt Wood-burn,-. Clarence C Hall, Portland. . Th funeralt will h held Wday. -' f ? WBBS BaVami OT III. VXUT. (Joemal Special Bervlee.) .' ...';.' . Franklin,' Pa., Nov. x. A wedding of not her today was that of Mlaa Flor ence Edna Wiley, daughter of Brlg.-Oea. John A. Wiley, and Dr. B. K. Van Naten of this city- Many guest from out of , (8peUI Dtosatet te Tb JearaaL)4 eVJwln attended the ceremony, which waa IZJZZSnZin - -5' k itLsr?.. iT tTrlii- . .rmm nvntin. .t h.4 dental overturning of a lighted lantern Nursery club. - ' ' ; Hives are a terrible tprmenB. 'tO th little folks, and to acme oldef ones. Easily cured. .Dean's Ointment. "never fella. - Instant relief, permanent cure. At any drug store. 10c. - . t Har-.-Joaraal eeeUI' BerHee.l -" Omaha, 'Tov. l.Henryauriatrerr eordlng secretary, and John Cushing. president ftrf th Bouth Omaha Trad and- Labor council, ar under - arrest charged with uelng the -malls to defraud. It la aliened they aont out circulars asking -for. money-to pay tb fine of men convicted in the recent meat strtxe, the money te be paid Hauflalr, who had no authority to receive It. :. ' CLENCOE BOARD IN.l' -FIGHT WITH DISEASE Discovering that a child named Bvans. attending school at Olenco. had diphtheria;"- Chairman ' Dabney of th board - of school directors for that dis trict, acting for th board, ordered th school : closed 'yesterday and - sent for County Health Officer Evana. Th schoolroom was fumigated by Mr. Evans ana in Kvmn lamiiy ox uienco quar antined. ' ,.-:..'',.,.' OVERTURNED LANTERN i CAUSES $5000 FIRE last night th barn -on th ranch of Louis Muller.'hear Helix, was burned. Th loea included two horses and a targ quantity of hay and grain, . ; , Th damage Is more than tS.000. Th barn la on or the largest structure of th kind In th Helix, country. " ..1 X :flj One of our most attractive Overcoat styles is - the (Hart. Schaffner ft Ma..w13ox. sU.J 1 . !r- A rsther long; coat, with full back ; it gives the figure ' a good substantial look ; and is one of the most becoming ' Styles we can offer for most men. -' f - , , You haven't a clothing wish nor a preference Jhat we can't gratify, as' we are agents for -the famous' Hart, " Schaffnerft Marx clothes, r " '.; " . SUITS, OVERCOATS RAINCOATS ill Copjfifbf.IOOA bf r Hart Schaffner & Marx ' . - ' f - ' ' ' ' y '1 Rosenblatt Sz to $3(0) '-. ." fV ;- ;. - i- 'f I ' . ' 1 '"' "' "' ' ' x ' '" 1 .- , " ' s :' " '"' ' v v; ' :; "1 .' ' ; t . '-.. . - . . . .. ... I ... j. . . ' ,'..'. :.'.. -. ... - . . :r . - -,. -, - " - ' '." " --.',: I-;.- ;-- . - ' . . . . -. - - i "'" . ';.li.':,...V..i f',v . . a '.:. -'"sj 4 e e j - - e - ' e .v e ( 1 'fW-I ::JV.;:i.:'T ' ' : V'ir-t' v-yr4!d J 5 Vai V mm mi) m mm SPLENDID SUITS of heat casalmeres, worsteds, - serges and cheviots of the.newbrown and gray . effects! Knee Pants Suits in double breasted y and Norfolk models : ages 8 to 18 BUSTER BROWN AND SAILOR SUITS; ages vfy tcj 9 years; exquisite styica wtiHMT. " with us r.V. . . . ; ". .f 5.00 BOYS,' OVERCOATS AND REEFERS of v ; ..' .every popular demand; ages 8 to 18 yevsY.f5.00' ; YOUTHS LONG PANTS-coat, vest and pants; i cheviots, tweeds and worsteds ; 14 to 21 ye vC AT THE THSATXIES oovbttt CsTirmaraw."- - "As BUI says,' was the farnillar in troduction to a story in New York and Chicago last year. It bad lta origin in th expression that . la constantly used by Jim Hackler in Oeorg Ade'e mas terly comedy drama, "The County Chair-' nuuCT which Henry W. Savage offers at -Mi Marquam Grand . theater tonight. Thursday and Friday nlghta'wlth th last performance Saturday matinee. Tlm Hackler Is th county chairman of hla political organisation. - He 1 on Qf thoe big hearted, honest, genial -fellows that seem tb have a hold upon th immunity. -Hackler at th earn time la a shrewd - political I manager ana n never tgricu a wwu Judge Rl$v. a political aapiranV fought in th civil war with Jim Hackler and hurried home before It wa over to win, through treachery, th only woman Hackler vr loved. . Th big .county chairman remembers - this and - fight Rlgby in every eampargn for 10 odd years. Hackler, dominating the conven tion, has nominated hla young law part ner. TlUford Wheeler, for state's attor- Inay fx-' t nighy Thla Is awkward far Tlllford, who is engaged to be marries to Luoy aiabv. the pretty daughter of the Judge. It all comes out right In the end. - Tlllford marrle th girt and h la elected state'a attorney. -Seat ar now 1 Augustus Thomas enjoys a reputation among American playwrights - that Is second to none. "With th two excep tions of Oeorg Ad ' and v WUllam aillettebe la th only writer, so critics declare, who possesses tb great faculty of conflnlqg a play, plot, dialogue and character to any American locality and making it a succ." -. ' Augustus Tbomaa. -author- of aT Mlssoura." lived among the quaint peor pi of that aactlon known ' as Pike county, and h -. d raw hi wonderful romance of Jim Radburn and Kate Vernon from an actual happening while h wa a resident thera A sheriff loved a girl and she loved another. He gave up duty, fell from a high place of honor and finally abandoned horn out of love for the girl. These ar th facts, as Thomas describes them, but In th play h nds everything happily. - Mr. Baum la playing th rol of Bad burn with splendid success In th Co lumbia theater stock company presen tation Of the- play this week. Miss Brandt Dlavs opposite him.- The leading comedy part la - asumd by- Mies I Counties. . . . - or oxzoaoo. Commencing tomorrow Cordray a ftuaaell take pleaaure In submitting Lin coln J. Carter masterpiece of stag realism. The Heart of Chicago, for an ngagsment ot three night and a Sat urday matinee. .,-.'-. Tb atory 1 on of th moat thrilling one ever written. It 1 cleverly connected-and mounted with th greatest dlaplay of scenlo Ingenuity and stage craft which has aver marked a produc tion fn this country. It never' falls to hold th Interest from start to finish and th unusual talent of th company, seen In th play this year Insure Its cor rect interpretation. . .. camko ins . jwmnu. From th prise ring to th stag la a jump that many' hav attempted,., but missing their footing, : hav landed in Ignorainous defeat.. Not so with Jemee J. . Jeffrie, the world' greatest cham pion, who I now touring th United State at the head of his own company, producing that' sterling! drama of th west -by Prsnk Mayo. "Davy Crockett" Jeffrie will appear In this elty Tuesday night, November I, st th Marquam Grand theater. Th advano sal of seate will open next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. .;l ' Y' Y f". , CXOSa A COmD KAY'S. ' ' The brilliant engagement ef Theodore Kraantf successful metropolitan melo flreraa. "ThT Fatal Weddlngtake place thls-evenlns at Cordrey'a, ' No attrac tion which has visited Portland during the present season .ha givsn such unan imous satisfaction haa tht ' one Much of the Interest of th production center In . the work of little Oussle Shire, the child stsr, on of th young est and undoubtedly the moat remarks bl child actress on th American stag. BUOV WAT. .' A hypnotist in a popular priced vaude ville house Is a big novelty. And among the beet hypnotists. Roecoe. th Bijou' 'pellblnder. I a novelty. Every day he give some new display of bla wonder ful power. . To near Newman, th Happy Hooligan, who th real thing, means a good soul-sstlsfylrut laugh. The other acta are of th beat; that la tbeBlJou way. . Y ; ' , - . - PSXJJCP ZS 00 SUA o. Honolulu. Nov. 1 -Prlne Fuahlma. a cousin ef th emperor of Japan, arrived onj th steamer Manchuria tviay en roal to the United .state. He wa ain a great demonstration. ' - ATlAJBDlSit DO YOU1V EYtS OR .YOUR HEAD ACHE? If so, there' something wfong . with your eyea They demand Im mediate attention. Cpnault J. H. Knickerbocker ;.-... ;. D. O."." 7'. " .'. - SCIENTIFIC OPTOMETIST Win Allaky mid-. Fhoa Clay 40S. IMPROVEMENT-BONDS; ARE AWARDED BIDDERS Bids for the disposition of t4.IU.ll city improvement bond wer: -received yesterday afternoon, inis morning me bids were segregated and the ways and mean -oommltto -made, their recom mendations regarding tiwawajrdlng of the bonda . - 'i ' Tliere-was much luteiest manifest in the contest and altogether bids amount ing to 1410.000 were received.. Nearly very bidder offered to pay a premium on th bond,; and some offered aa hlh aa t per eeat premium . . Th bona draw en annual Interest ot. t per cent Tb following ar tb award Whk-rr hv been awarded ,t)y the way and mean committee: ' - -' . J. R. Krauss. par, accrued Interest and I per cent premium, 11.000; Fred Long- ermatv par, accrued interest and J per cent premium, 110,000; hV A. Ek:k- ORIENTAL, ART GOODS We have just opened our. new store and will be pleased to- ' r havethe public calfand examine our large stock jtL Yl, CHINESE AND JAPANESE '-.' V- CURIOS . - y s Consisting orthektestty Vases and Trays, Decorated Chinawvc, Netsukes, Purses, Ladiea' Silk Crepe Kimonos, Beautiful Embroidered Handkerchiefs and 1VE ARE MAfJUFACTURERS Of Ladies' Gents' and ' Children's Underwear' which ve . .- . MADE TO ORDER.- . The Western Importing Co: r 16W70 FIFTH STdOOSSOUCa Bl'lCING. CPP. PCSTCFFiCE : hardt par, aocrued interest ami tH per cent premium, tls.000; A. K. Bckhardt. par, accrued interest and Sa per cent premium. llJ.OOOr A, K. ESckhardt. par, accrued Interest and i per cant premlum, tlt.OOO; H. K. Noble, par, accrued In t er ect and 14 per cent premium, 110.009; A. H. Maegley, par. accrued tntereet and 2.001 per cent, premium, 420,000; A. M. Smith, par, accrued lntereetand par cent premium,- 17.000; A, L. Mills, par, accrued Interest and t per cent premium, Total. OOlLlf. . Wall hav plenty of potatoea next yar. . , .;-.. .. .- . Thora Eg U6 Timo m-' mm Y ' V : .; It is not a ''little thing." It's a deadly thing. It eTill not " get well by itselt'l if you let it alone. Whiskey and quinine and such things, brace you up for the time, but they don't cure you. - . YY :". Ask any intelligent doctor why you catch cold so easily. He will say, 'Because you ve a bit run down.", : He means that the force which nature placed in your body to keep out disease germs the resistive force is weak ened. The door is open a little wsy toward disease. . ' There is not a gravestone in any cemetery in the world caused by consumption or pneumonia or any lung trouble whatever, 'which did not start with what you call "Noth ing but a cold." . ', - - -Y,4 . . A cold should not be beaten back or drugged over it should be cured) sad the general health should , bo ENGLISH REMEDY should be taken at the first symptoms of cold. . It is a tonic " for! the whole body, a specific lot sudden colds, coughs or 'sore throats. , It doesn't matter where the cold is or how it , got there, we know that Acker's English Remedy will reach it and cure it. It. is sold on a positive guarantee, KO CCnS KOT PAT. W you, have a cold-no matter how slight it means something. Take Acker' EngUsh Remedy st once. Keep it in the house. If it does not relive you almost instantly, we will refund you ' tne price paid. - ' "Acxit'a Eaoufsj ttaartov aavad my lib, 1 A cough, slight at first, grew constantly won and I finally had lo giv up my work in tb Knit Factory at Waldeo.' I bad freueat bleeding spells. Was examined by local doctors, prominent phjriicians la Nw York and at a Medical Col leg. They all pronounced soy cas hopeless. I began using AexsVa , Emolmh Rxhsot and a (aw bottles corsd m. I am today a prct'y well man.- (Signed) A. H. SIMPSON, WaUaa, K. V. Acker's KnHsU neaei' ' live guarantee that the purchase mor case of failure. , 83c, 1 0c., and tl.C . fiOLD-AND jCUArNTZ !Joa a fc:I-