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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1904)
....L.Z : ; :-:,v-.- .y-y wv the c JOURNAL, . (PORTLAKP, :i::g, V RAILWAY ...It ME SAW BARS: AND zrte i. i V C as . 4 ' ' ' ESCAPE 1 ' 4- &unty;PrkonT-TooIs . tion wxo ssoAvn. i ' ' ;' ' '" 1 Frank' allss rJohn- 4 8mtth-Are f year, .height ."".' feet Inches, weight 18S to 140 ' pounds, - dark complexion, two - ' t tower front ten missing. James Turner -.Age I or, 40 years, height t feat 0 inches, weight i pounds, light earn.-.. nlexton. sandy mustache, near down the right' side of face. - .: Uk KoieyAg . . or 49 yea rs. hetgnt . f eet lacrHWT weight ISO pounds, ; dark. , hair 'and mustache, dark (ray .eyes. ; Mysore' on right forearm. j : ' . ' Frank Matthewsr-About ; SS .years j(4d, height v.i feet 10 luetic v4ht rlW -pound,, red mustache, light, hair, right hand, crippleu. . ..' . ; v. ' S; . '. , Frank Hc-gah A g about 4, years height I feet Inches, wel;ht 114 pounds, , Ty ' hslr and mustach, reft thumb ampu- tated. :.'"' -:ry .i a Attention la called by Sheriff Word to the fact that aU the . a) fugitives may have shaved oir. -w their 'mustaches. A reward ofw 110 will be paid for th appr-. hension of -each, of the men, . .. ' Five shorf term , prisoners saw through the "bars of their ll and the trrldorpf an Inner court at the county jH last night and gained their liberty. Indications are "that the saws with which they obtained their freedom wera .se . -cured whlie the fugitives wera at work on the rock pile. Sheriff Word aseeft ' that there are a jiuraber of suspicious ctrcumsUtnees ra connection with this ' break not usual)- attending s,uch affairs. Tbebreak-'1ftaa not discovered until . o'clock this morning, when Julius von Prloi. a "truaty," want Into Corridor No. t to give tba prisoners their breakfast. lie found cell No. unfastened and a glance showed him that one ef-tha- bars had bee sawed Mr twain. rairacui ' ately informed JaUef Grafton ---and iMnutv Sheriff Dtnsnajdof bis discovery. An Investigation showed that tha five prisoners kept m the cell had gone, the -method of their escape being plain.-: Th ascaried men ar:! ; , . . " ' liiksTWey. semim a yeas tor larceny, whose eenteno would have aspired next (teptember It; Frank Matthews, one year . for Uroeny. wlthie same date of dis charge; Frank Bodwell. s alias John Smith, a year for lareany," who would 4iave.been released next July li; Frank "r irogan,' k yearr-laTTenr.-'data-af e- : clratlon "of aentenoe - next - Marck - 1 - FOECEPAIlTtllTS-. : ESTE1ATE 2 i '-fT ' ' : ; ' ' Estimate of expenaituVes of th Port land fir department for 1M has been . made by Chief David Campbell, in which ample proviaton. is njade for th run- nlng expanses and the flv new engine ' companies and Improvements In the fir alarm system which he desire during tb coming year. TL total , estimate - of running expenses and Improvements , Is $274.8. Ofthl smount f 14.840 is - for running expenses and. f 110,f50 for "improveront of th service. ' provision Is mad for tha following ...- Improvements: Shigin company ' at Third and OUsan street - $18,710; en- gin company at Fulton. 110,580; engine ' company at Broosiyn, angina company Portland Heights, $18,78; T chemical : at Highland Changed to n : gin company, $11.88; truck company in Alblna, 14.820; flreboat lios wagoa. v. $S. 880; Tour reserve -horse, 8800; flr -r alarm and telegraphy $14,020; lira alarm , sad telegraph in caae five new companies . are organised, $10,100.' ' . Kstlmst of sxpensea for other !- Htrt meats are-- follows: - City . en gineer's offlc,. $75.72; street repairing. i $ST,8$: civil service commission, $1,000; - 1oard of health, $28.(90; plumbing in - prctor's offlce, $2,885; poundmaster's i office, $1.77; city attorneys office, $,--' "60 The othor departments filed their . I ' estimates at the meeting ef th council . ' this afternoon.' ' . : -- ., ; . TO DISPUTE REED WILL (Continued from Pag On) '' It,'' reiterated Mr. Robertson for the ' third lime, r .' ? ' Some Salrs to Ooatsit WUL Whethrr ' or- not -Mr.. Robertson's -.cvaKiv replies are to ba regarded as confirmation r.f tha Supposition that ; Mime of th Portland heirs ara Inclined i Vf Join -in contesting th will, there Is , little doubt that certain hlrs In Call . fornla wlU attempt to break th will If Ahrayt.Hsnienber th Full Nam gaative llromo, CyMne QtTe!uuessI " FREE : ESTIMATINO BLANK i : ' Aiwuts aatrsiwAC (aimm nwnnw ,'v".'t November f, J04.i;,'...v I. ' My estlmste on th total vote veracer , isve, is .fix WAMaf ............. , - - POfSTOlTICB , ........ '. '.' V ' -. z state :. ......... sro rimn 6 jjrr 2tnrr X lerst In th electloo and In th : Great Presicte W will glv fr on s timet If sent ' : v'v ; n , I ' ' a ' . . . . 4 Mii44i4ftim4$f4iifi FR0M; JAIL v; "V? Smuggled r tovThem Jamea Turner, sight' months for larceny, who would have . been , reieasea -jiext March li. . ' " YMa ave-Tka atonim, ' Tha prisoners got ot,fJJ sawing bar In two. sliding One upward, extending a hand J"?" aperture and lifting th bar th door and climbing on 9jttMbl sawed two bars out of acn of two win dowa. on window fitting into ach sld of a thick brick wall. , '. w," f . Crawling through th mad, they obtained extending from th rr of th Jail Into a central twurt.. Kachlng through th bars of an Iron door at th wAot the corridor, they sawed brasa lock off and found themselves at liberty. - Corridor No is located In th rear of th Jail structur and can not b Sen front themaln corridor. Th sound of sawing could not be heard In th Jailer1 apartment ' It Is Improbable that ny of the other prisoners would have sounded an alarm in as they ".ht,w," In progress A pecwH 'ot th"' not th. nrriAnr Wall located TOT f break, but that th bars wr-sosoft th prisoners sawed only y Prt way through thn and easily broke them t "Tier li no doubt In my mind bu tha.t thes saws wer ebUlned by th men while' at -work on th rock plla," said Sheriff Word. "1 do not believe that with tha strict watch which has been" kept and for other reasons saws oould have been carried Into th prlsoi In any other manner., There are a num ber of auspicious circumstances in con nection with this and the previous break not usually attending such affairs.? v l ' sTigM Wetofcmaa Vidiit Sea. The guards on th rockpll r James Johnson and W. Briggs. ' They were ap pointed by th board of county commis sioners Might -Watchman Lea did not hear th noise msd by sawing th lock of th outer gat of th corridor leading into the central court Lea failed also to detect the last escape previous to this lit time to render any service. He is jio special -night watchmen of th Jail, but ef th courthouse w , - , - - meriir wora win ssa in eotmiy com' mlssloners for a Jail "irtght watchman, to be stationed. in the broad corridor, tn thr rear of th structur, or, to keep watch in- the rear af th building.' With sue! a person keeping vlgir neither of th two recent, breaks could have been so easily accomplished, The authorities of all near-by towns hav'bn telephoned descriptions of th escspad men and telegramsf have bean sent to San Francisco, Seatfle, Taeoma, BpoKsna, waua walia-and other cities Th descriptions f the men are a fol low this should seetft possible. In View, how ever, of the a4abllbed faota of Urs Reed's resident-. nd th provision of th orepon laws, Martin Winch, th ex cutor, s not uneasy about tba outoomei He said this morning: r -- - - "I have heard th rumor of contest, but I know no thin a of Its truth:' Tha California attorney 'did not call upon m. Of course, w wish to maintain the will and if any of the heirs ar dis posed to contest it we shall have to "inni. rn uoudi some ot tnem ar aiaaai isfied. but th property waa Mrs. Reed and she had right to dispose of it as sh saw fit t Her wishes should be re spected, i There can be no Question that Portland was Mrs. Read's legal rsldeno at th time of her death. Th evidence on that point Is overwhelming." ' Mrs. Reed left numerous minor be quests to the public snd charitable In stitutions of this cltr. tewr them beln oTinmn in ner generous girts, while only a slngls institution in Pasadena, Cel., her temporary home, was, thus r membered. This, of Itself. Is regarded a convincing evidence that ah looked upon Portland as her home. If this fact bf resMeno In- thla city Is establialuut it is airncuit to see bow a content en d. successfully maintained, at least to xnai part or tn estate Irlns- in BANK CLERKS ARE TO COUNT-jr,O00,O0O , f ! (JootmI Bpecial Berries.) - ' " Chicago, Nor. t. In tha lobhr of the First National bank a niost unique com petition will take place this evening when clerks representing ' the leading banks of Chicago will engage in a money-counting contest- Th First ,Na ttonal bank wlU provld $1,000,000 In bills for th battle of brains and ulck- nesa. -in cierxs who make th best records for speed and ; accuracy in money counting will recelv prises and other prise will be awarded for profi ciency us of adding machines. Tha, rules are: .Each package will contain . approximately, $5,000 In mixed money, th same to be sorted and mad up in packages of $500, marked. Initialed, entered on make-up and footed. - Inaccu racy In count bar. contestants. ' y j JV-Z bat. 35c Free i .. :z;-.X - ,;- . to be cist for President an Me. .,.ii...,i.,.o,..,. V... ............ ...7................., . . - " '' : " ' ..... " - : , .- qbtm. Xii order to stlmulat in- . ntial Contest In -on the blank above. ' ' : . " ran vi aaa, rvnnaaP! on. . . . a urjtiTi stilt, xa 710Oaf--m6r3rrar 'TTOaurr 'z'Amd xaoAJb TzrzMwswtiTtrm or arsAsa stATa wajuc MMaxnawt, Sheriff Word is still master of the Situation, so ar .as th operation of poolrooms If concerned. Th Warwick turf exchange remains - closed - and In charg of Deputy Sheriff Parrbtt It will not .be allowed t reopen unless Sheriff Word lose In court proceedings whjin h anticipate will be 4nstitutea. 'An agent of th' Portland General Klectrio company called up the sheriff by 'phono thla morning and said he had been Instructed by Mansger M. O. Keas of: th Warwick to- . inquire as ti whether , or not th sheriff would as sume responsibility for electric light bills. . e , .- V . . Th sheriff srs he aeaumes nO re sponsibility for anything". replied -Dep-fi uty Sheriff HoUlagsworth, "Any order to contlnu or shut off th lights of the Warwick must, com from j Manager Neas.- . - " .J - - Pending- their disposition by habeas corpus proceedings, institutea yester day by Attorney John M. Oearln and Judg Watson, th prisoners were re leased last evening on their own recog nisance by Presiding Judge George of the circuit court Argument was begun yesterday afternoon by Attorney Oeaiin on behalf of th arraaUd men and by : Attorney H..TI. McGinn, repre senting the shertff. The aeoaiei . was heated, and tr etwen, Attorney mo- Olnn and District Attorney Manning, who attempted to explain MS position, somewhat acrimonious. . - Attorney Oeaiin declared th men ar rested had -violated , no - law and were being held without complaints being filed against .them. Attorney McGinn asserted that th law had been violated and declared In emphatlo languag that It was th duty of District Attorney Manning to file informations - against them without delay.: 1 : Mr. Manning then arose and explained that he had seen in th papers that black-lack, nokerand other games were being played at th Warwick, but he had learned this to b untrue. If the vt dene - submitted were strong- enough, h added, he would fil Informations) be fore lea vine- the' courthouse. - "Sheriff Word Is not responsible ' for Statement accredited to Mm In certain of th papers." said Mr. McGinn. "He has never told anybody that gambling other than the selling of pools waa go ing on at the Warwick. It Is your duty to prosecute these proceedings. Mr. Manning Intimated that he would not do so until ha had examined th evidence, whereupon Attorney McGinn declared that before, th public prose cutor was through with th affair be mlghthav to do so, ' A "postponement ot further argument nntll 1:88 o'clock this afternoon waa granted by Judg George. "TArtrwrd-Attorny" McQtn and District Attorney Manning; held a conferenc In JudgQeorg'g chamber. 1 which la said to hav been of rather heated nature. 1 -f- Sheriff Word announces' tnat If th district attorney refuse . to tu infor mations In- tin circurf court Ttfid tho men arrested ar discharged following tha habeas corpus proceedings, he will lay Informations In th Jostle court "I do ear abdut th operator,'' said th sheriff. "It I tha closing- down of poolroom gambling that I am -after, Th Warwick will remain . closed wt long as I can keep It closed,' Damage suits hav no terrors for- sh.v . ?"Ybu ar bn record now; that w on Important fact w wanted to accom plish". h' r-.-..-,r-.--, - This final slap of Attorney Henry E. McGinn at District -AUomsy Manning marked th conclusion Of proceedings In habeas corpus before Presiding. Judge George of th circuit court thla after noon, resulting In th release or th won arrested when th Warwick Tnrf ex- changs was raided yesterday by Sheriff Word's deputies. v When tha defendant appeared In court Attorney r McGinn . Informed - Judge George that no answer had -been 'filed to the habeas corpus proceedings by th district attorney. ahouht uearini ithereupon moved that th defendants b dismissed front custody. Judge George SO ordered. . - ;.' - . : Mr. Manning, who failed to appear id had been summoned by telephon Wis t explain his stand. Ha said no (evi dence had bean gtven him pr compfalnt mad relative to th poolroom. Attor ney McGinn declared IhAt th Ilcens at th city ball spoke for Itself and that Mr. Manning had turned John Bain of th Municipal Reform association down when he went before him to lay an in formation. This wss denied by Mn Manning. 7 Attorney McGinn then made th remark which closed th court pro ceedings. ' Jasper I Fuller, a Veteran r Indian fighter, waa this afternoon sworn In as a deputy eherirf . by .Sheriff Word, given a rifle snd placed--on duty at th Warwick club on Fourth street nesf Alder. He wss Instructed to hold th poolroom at all haxards. ' Another armed deputy will reinforce Tuiler to night - , , v -, " ,p .to oun Cstxnga akbs, ' Instruoiion it Is reported will "be given to Chief of Police Hunt by the City councll-thls sftsrnoon to close all th -fantan and- lottery games that ar running. ! Chinatown. It la said' that there are 14 fantan games In operation and It Chines lotterle. ' ' , ; INQUEST IS BEGUN v..iv,;-'!;- 1 : 1 1 u tH-v-vj.- .('' (Continued from Page One.) . ' Special service In honor of th event wera hrA In alt churches.' and with each was cotiblea- praxw-tor a vfotory for Russian srms. . It was announced this evening that General Llnevltch will take command of th first Msnchurlan army and General Kaulbsrs of th third Msnchurlan army under General Kuropatktn.. ;t i . - .. V.-W.'Jf ' - y BtTSSXaJra &OSB lfiOO XflBV. ' ' Japan Said to kUva Captured Two --.;-W- tg a Pert Artknsv -s.v-s;- ' . . . 'Jearaal gneclal rtlct ' '. Rome, Nor. i. Blspatches from, Man churia state that th Russians lost 2.000 men snd four. runs in th fighting -of Monday last ; Ths Japanese right and center continue an enveloping move ment It is also said th Japanese havo captured forts 1 and I at Port Arthur. ; i ' ' . XCTTM3sTT AAttU. : ; ':; - ' joarast Special Ser1re.)'j ; ,:i Gibraltar Nov. J. All th excitement caused by IM mobilisation or yesteraay has a be te. and th crisis Is believed If ba over. , While no outward signs ar visible It la known thst strict watch Is being kept on sny possible movement of th Baltic fleet . . , ', - ' , . , , i i - Wvef erred stoek Oanned os' ' ' Allan 4k LewU' Beet Brand, V LOOK OVER 'liii.;33 T - - . . ''; :. ,..-T... . .... ' sroBTstzBST 7. ACilxd lC- mJttiroxa mat ma to sbow tbsm: m- pOBTAkTOB OS UtWXS An OXuUUC ' wavw AJTS Dlfllll tJTOjsT . .TMSXm DTTT TO OOBTr.' "Through th f forts of A. K. CI aland, general passenger agent of th-Northern Psclflo at St Paul, and A. D, Charl ton, assistant general passenger agent of this city. train, load or passenger snd immigration agents will visit this city thla month tor tn purpos ot see ing th country that Is traversed by thalr road and . acquainting themselves with conditions preparatory to th great rush' of business that la expected dur ing th Lewis and Clark fair. They will arrive tn Portland November, 15. Efforts hav been in progress y Charlton for several month to arrange Kor- the western excursion. It Is ths intention ox muse wnw wiu,uw.. -trip' to gain mor than a superficUl knowledge of this country. They hav of cours read of it In -pamphlet knd an kinds of aiteratufe ; that has been distributed'fcy th varloa railroads. It la believed, however, that a personal trip of Inspection will b of mor bene fit than anything that could ba pub lished. -After th trip thay wia b "pre pared to lend their assistance to th fair and to this section of the- country la telling prospective Immigrants of Its resouroes. .!-- . Mr. Cleland wllt personally conduct th excursion. ' . H will "b accompanied by . Wr-Mott of 81. Paul, chief of th Immigration aspaxtmen t. - Tn immi gration agents. It la bitVd, wmb of lmmens assistance to tha fair. Re cently Governor Chamberlain acted on th advice of Mr. Chariton ana ap pointed 800 of th Northern Psclflo passenger and Immigration agenta. as special commissioners to th fair. , . Mr. Chariton wiu iiaeiy maae ui trip a far east as Helena in order to meet the excursionists and escort thera to this city. They wllr spend several days tn Portland and will make separate trip through th wuiamstt vauey ana up ths Columbia.- Beside visiting this city they wilt also stop at Butte. Spo kane, Wall WanarKennewtckV Yakima. RiiansbursL Seattle. Taeoma. Victoria, Yancouveat Everett and Pendleton. TbeyH will also visit other snuuier cities n Oregon and Waahlngton. -' z Th complete personnel of th party has not been arranged, but It will In clude th following: District Passenger A genu C. K. . Foster. - Boston; W. C. Mason. Buffalo: J. C. Thompson, Chi cago; J.' J. Furryi Clncluuatlt r-gt-H RookwU, De Moln; W, H. wnitaaer, Detroit; C P.-O'Donnell.' Indianapolis; Charlea C. Trout. Milwaukee; P. W. PummlU,- Philadelphia; C -. Brlson, Pittsburg; D. B. Gardner. St Louis, and Harry W. Street St Faux; uenerai Agent f ths Jassengr Department C. Ar auuiuid,' uiimiv i.-.i...,-gratl-AgentJ.. JU Daugherty. ChJ- m. TnvaMna -reis7i ana ruMnisr Agent XX L. Robb,. Cincinnati Travel Ing Immigration' Agent H, Bw-Brynlng, Kansas City; District Freight and Pas senger Agent O. W. Hsrdlsty. Montreal; General Agent.Paaanar-Jpsjrtinnt W-F.:.MerBhon, New Tork; Traveling . . a W r "UVirMHM Omaha, and Contracting- Freight Agent W, Mv Burit. Bt, ym. -w .,w..'v 0 HOLD RALLY be ,y?nonstr rally, at which John A. Jeffrie, candidate for prcsldsnUal elector; F. V. Holman. national com.mlt teeinan. and other will known speaker will address th erpwq. " Jut.a iMMiin of nolltlcal belief Th crab meets Thursday " t irhlch tim J. W. Cochran, f Chicago, win irnlM an address. ' . z ' . Ward xomes from Nalem to Bortarr Hsney that at a meeting ot th students of th Willamette university s Parksr and Davis Democratic eiun was organ. Ised. with the following officers: Presl dent Edgar F. Ayerill; vie president Murray Shanks; secretary, A. Markir treasurer. George K. 8lmpson. A committee was appointed to arrange for a Democratic meetlna- to b held thtr week. .' Bishop H. I Barkley, W. B Dlllard, preldntlal elector, and a num ber of other prominent party men wl. b th speaker. - I , The -roll of membership at present contains 2 names. . ,..,-, ? , . .; OATSOUO PATa TOKOBBOW. i Th C&tholio cathedral fair' will open tomorrow evening In th Merrill build ing. Seventh snd Oak streets, There will be a special musical program each evening, voting . contests between the Foresters and- th Knights of Columbus, and contests for th most popular young lady. . A business men's lunch will bs served nqb afternoon.. a 2JUUUU V So many people .who have apparently, recovered from an attack of La Grippe arc stricken: with Pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the Bronchial Tubea and "Lungs are left weakened: and unable to resist "a i1 - V - :, . . ' not only curts La Grippe Coughs, and prevents Pneumonia, but strengthenhe; Lungs so they will hot be susceptible to , the development of serious lung troubles. v Do not.' take chances ' with J some unknown preparation that may contain come harmful dru when;FOLEYSi HOMEY AND TAK costs you no more ana is saie ana sure. contains no opiates ' I hsd bad case ct La Grim o weak that I have bees troubl4 FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAK, wnicn cured me completely and mi Mint o longer trouble me. J. H. BROwTHNO, D.D.S., Orrtck, Mo. r. . v ; The Soc bottles contain Every plec at HALF PRIC3 yr".'.' tunlty for art lovers and Chr'i i . Our Beautiful Oriental Art c ... ' ra Tsaea. Xoroa. raX: t evexy, XHaa Oread Iry a4 Biaia saul its t4 j " lmrmg this sai our revar rflai without exception, presenting an unoa? j ; onoortunlty. to all , Oriental Art iovers. bwjsz x j t, 7K . I , ' '-. ' ' ;HSaSrtrS33li.'. ::zV- mi$us-LAzzy sZ:i: . rz.zj i - v v RUBBER GOODS ; : ; v r : Bvry Rubbr Item w sail la guaranteed If not satUfactory your money :. back. ! - - - ' ...' ..,.. . NOTtV Ladies win always find competent saleswomen In attendano. bit ' rect telephone Exonang 11) to our Rubber Department . We , make . prompt and free delivery to all parts' of .tha city.; SOBCB SFBOZAJUI . Win xvtuv, r t ' TTRIAK .TEN rOTJNTAlN"STIt-'v JNGB-BApId flow our vary best; ' fully guaranteed, l-quart; regu- lar ti. WoojJardCClarke S 'z-.'-yi' "'"' 'rl ' ' V 'iz - Jy''''''-1 " "'f , 'UV.-K''".''-' w "- i -""V-" 'J:'--'i'is'-tt- .EETKfc-WiGJIJSiESS. 1 - .L 1 Th Suits and Overcoats which we had .made tj j fof us by. the leading makers of America , i-Hiccording to iurt specilicAtions figure among thejmost perect garments that were eyeir b.uilV, along modern lines they must be perfect in every particular before they' find a place in our. stocic. ne variety oi graacs, the prices range -j t " , . ; t WSB : -a. mmmmm , ! Each : grade is guaranteed "by us to be the best the same amount of money -can buy : relsewhere. on this1 continent -and front 20 to 30 per cent better values than a like sum' .will J buy in any other store in this city. A complete variety of styles itv shown h?e at each jprtee -station, so' that the man who can'tor don't want to pay more than. $10 for a Suit "or Over , coat can dress as fashionably -as; the owner -offhe1 biggest -bank -account--the, difference lies -solery $tnd onty 4n th quality tf4he-goc-ni-trimmtog.-V ' . 9BITB$I atXJJTOPOSB. . , ' , - "The Great Roico," th kins; of hyp notist, -who is filling an engagement at th Bijou theatre, performed hi marvel ous feat of driving inrougn in city ,,,.A:z 0 j o !diseas&v,,' .i.,;.;-l-,lu'-';' nr"7i about tsn ycara ago which loft fny Lanft mora ef leas every winter aiace until I used two and one-half time as mock as tlje LAUE-DAVI. DRUG COMPANY, THIRD i ; , X , L at:or, Th season's ppor-" rrlslnr-' - . '' ' - - A yjm - Psrsslsrss, aad Oleisoas " Inatanc ar in every Instance ar eut tn two j n . i, - ,.. Electricity is a care Tor ' llcny Ills I v This li a cut Ot our ': : Woodlark Horn Medical . Apparatus, ' tb f lneat lectrio battery for th treatment of " disease ever made; polished oak box, full set ' iof nickel ' lectrodea, , sitljt -covered . cords, sponges and book " - of Instructions; uses dry c call; no liquid to spill or stain,' Our popular jrtc . for . this" BaUery complt 1 90.50. . Our Royal Fountain Syringe, fully sk-llsa n niavA4 i ... , J A Tynan Family Bulb Syringe. V Bulb' Syringe. I, ',bard rubbr ; Iff" iplpea. OIK Bring Prtscrlp Wtlohs-tbyJJsMSt i Compare our prices, W sava you money -' z on your medicines. No stale r musty drug on our shelve. W turn, our stock v,. - i over constantly. - -. -:-'Z'., ' ' ' BOTB We send for. prescriptions,, fill , , and return th medicine promptly.'and mak no extra charg for th service Pnon Bxc.hang II, , ,--;f &..h' siyics inu muucis, ia dui omi V ' L - i. , -, ' ' ,t , -!-aW if--.V -25 mm Qcthlcr 269271 blindfolded at 1 o'clock today. H accompanied In tha carriage by a com mittee that wag appointed to see (hat no deception ' was practiced. Befor th carriage left another committee had bid den. a pin which Rosco found. , '. . Jr. -V LiulJ ' A v. '-r v' ;v- V' ' ;r V.-. ?: v7 nr'n ; ; O. VACHER, 1ST Osgood St., Cbleafo, saye? "My wife bad very ever caae of La Grippe, and It left ber with very bad. cough. She tried a bottle of POUT'S HONEY AND TAR and it gave Immediate relief." small site soeUhe fixio bottles almost AND YAMHILL STKSETS. rro Vlzts "end '; , UrjzrDCpsct&t ,' ' ' '-. Quarts. California Port and Sherry . ,2St , Cloverdale Claret, our popular tab! - win . . . . r. . . v, . . :. .7. , ; vx j Crystsl Rock. Ry and Tolu , . ,i4 1 ; Canadian- Rye i..f0l Old Cabinet Blend , .65- Tli C:fora S. wt..l 8 UUJ, ' beats ths world; bolls pint of water lh 3 minutes usee no wick; burns, wood or alcohol; will last a lifetime. Our cut prloe ...... ....... .)9 ,Dr. Tu!!cr's . :l(h!rlin2 Spray 1 ''-.J: crscxAXt -, Cold wyerhr ls for : - . - -SX00. , ' .T iru :'--A;'.:':v-.'' . 'r . v -v i, ! fZ .' - CK1 NATO MTTl';''i Boyal Olotk Xnsssd abbea- Water Bot- 98C- L, Company mi ?' inu tfvcrcuais, is s wiuc wiai , , f."'" . ""' --h- , , . ; ' m ' k - a4 Fcrchhert MotTbca St. v Phone Clack 201 Tacoma," Nov. i. Th big steamer Shawmut. it days out from Yokohama, arrived in. Taboma. harbor last night. A fun cargo for the Shawmut. f or t th orient, haa been engaged, but It Is doubt- it w iui ii sne can sau again wrtnout repairs... uuu 0), alx times as Brack. mm 4- ; i.y v "1 -: