The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 02, 1904, Image 14

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    .'J'---1 THE C- z:i L. 7
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Mm'i fine heaw ierscv ribbed Shirts and ' ' 7". "vj. v 1-. Y ''i 7- .-,.1Y-..m-W w-v;
Dwtrs, fleece .lined.' steam shrunk, cql- OF f EXTRAORDINAKr ItbAKUAIIN S U WJLUSK-;
ors diuc, - yruwn ru suuiwuj .Kwusis s,
salmon; elsewhere ' " . '''..- -'' -'tttAt 'a"w-' V-rrt7: '
a bargain at 50c - -r WEAKv "At t'LESS mail" W JClUl-f Jw 1. K 1 X1C
eruption . , .
faens nne January iacurai vw piuru -77 ,.. - - !..;. . -'. '. -" - - Y -" ' V" '
WrighVs Health UndemeaV- s
' XfnV nrniiln Tjwneri. drbv ribbed .col-' ''l'-'l'K. r: iu' '." V v'V-V',: v'.'V?r-VV-ST:
ors Diue ana pinit;, vaiues. - "11 ft 80 dozen Men's Wool SockSTDest "C
j ERUPTION t,RIG,.......;;lOV , , ; values. ERUPTION PRICE.. ,.,YC.n
" ; Men's extra s fine, fleeced. Underwear tov ' -prcsidentSuspendersr ; ; ? ' r Oi ' ;
ered seams ! a creat $1.50 Value. AO . tttjttdttom PPirTT- : . LtJL '
AO , TrxTTTrrTsr pptptt
KVTIPTinN PRICK :i . J VrtC "v .VrT.
a-Li rJ.iV cuU. .W Men's JapOTette Handkerdiiefsriarge silk
..y."1. "x"'w"1; i i"1 ;. initial: 15c values. 7
3Ien's extra grade GolJ Shirts, al newandjj' :
up-tolate patterns, every sizeH to ;3Km "9SC
devalues.. v , r AQn - : - y --.V,,'''V" ' ' '
...ERUPTION PRICE....:'.... -'TP lbo" dozen ' Men's '; Silk Fur-in-Ha5dsA all
Hen's black satine Shirtsyoke back, dou- new styles and patterns; 25c values. A ;
Me stitched seams, seoarate collar bands: ; 4 ERUPTION PRICE. .. .Y.J .w
h v ERUPTIONPRiCE:7.I.4)t)C j MeflV Natural WolJ5ox,wamiess toe, A .
200 dozen Mens Natural Wool Socks; best - -
25c values in the city. - 1 H n 1 Men's Stiff B6som Percale' and Madras 7
J; :XRUPTIQN PRICE. . I . i".Vi . .Y 1 1 , r ; Shirts ; 60c and 75c values iri
Same m black.7;;.V;. ,II7 j V ERUPTION. PRICE... , ..LDL 7
"A C You cannot afibfd I to
a .- '
rsA - -
v. f .... :...
s Waists,, detachable waist bands j
' Eoy:
: - ft v t
. vaiue. ...-r ,. tji
Boys' Corduf oy Knee Pants, also chev- '
c ots and cassimere ; others sell' them
? at 75c; all sizes ERUP-77QC
7 TION Price.S.. i ?. . ;i OOC
: Boys' Ironejad Hose3riple knees, dou-
. ble heeii and toes ;' a writing'Wlr
; Aublebwith each . pair ,7 ; .1 7 C
Boys'. Wool Sweaters Navy blue and
'; marcion ; 50c and 75c, Valuei.A J
- eruption price. .7.'.u"c;
; all other' boys' sweaters -half-prices;-
. 7. 7 ;
Boysyt' Reefer Coats," Oxford." grayl-t
i-i'ages 4' to 7 years ; $1.50,. - - APi.
7values7; ERUPTION. PRICE"uC ;.
- Boys'-GqU. $htrts; some with twa extra-
collars ; 50c values.-- . .. 5-.,
;In all the latest shapes, soft and stiff..
17. We "will suityou and fit your head"
v " With Stylish ! hats ; ' .regular : value '
1. i il J X -
" Ul' 7 iJ-'y
w::en Ycyj
tt IT IM . CDH
vl '.ii!' -1 . Y
r u ; ."end:'
7 AD.vTTrS sa;
.QTilLA TO 7
now nuMxor roa oovarrr
umons ntxas&r mit
xbszoatzov wmnonra X o:
qom oprrs ateww..-.
Tb BOvrBtBnt Irrigation project for
matllla county has ben Abuidonad.
- 1 h attennpt to revive It, which we
made la Pendleton failed. W. J. -Fur-
ntah. president of the Pendletoq Savlnrs
' tmnk. who ta ki Portland, aajrs the meet
Ina; of the delegates from different parts
of the oountr was addressed by John T.
1 Whistler, government engineer In charge
of the reclamation work la Oregon, who
stated that. the government had paeeed
UIKvn the project and rejected It. ' .
o "The -people of Umatilla county-are,
f course, greatly disappointed," eald
' Mr. Furnish, "but It had been understood
for. some - time ' that , the scheme was
unfavorable. A great many people lost
money on It as they rushed In to take
up homesteads with the Me , that the
1 Irrigation was assured and the land la
row worthless. There. Is soma talk of
interesting private capital .to proseout
the plaa to eompletton but I do not think
It wlU amount to anything."
The Umatilla scheme was one of the
first In Oregon to receive attention from,!
- the national government. . At the time
f the meeting of the Irrigation congress
;1 Portland two years ago the plan was
proposed and through the Influence of
, the Oregon delegation In congress engU
Tbera is hnt On SwctUa4"
7 . T" y 7 .':-7' v c: -'.;-' :V
A famous Turkish confectton. We
. have Jt as made from the original
Tclpe A comblnatloat of al
' monda, honey and sugar, making
a most delicious and ' wholesome
"sweet '. Not to be had In other
stores. , '. .-- . , .,
25c the lb.
.The balance of this week If you.
say you "saw It In The Journal",
otherwise It's iOe a pound.- Dis
played In our east window
i:v;i!:r.'J Son'
J 4 . J vl. ;
neers were "sent "W make surveys. . The
preliminary surveys were very favorable
-and It was thought the scheme would be
practicable. At this Juneturs land
agents began flocking to the Echo coun
try and settling bomeseekers on land to
some under this ditch at 160 each. . -The
business waxed mighty, and hun
dreds of credulous people .wero Induced
to part with their hard earned money In
return for a ouarter section of sand
I dunes and sage brush Inhabited by lack'
rapoua. ine operations 01 uwh wiua
agents finally became so ' detrimental to
the Interests of the community that the
government sat a special agent to Pen
dleton who tnrormed uie irrigation aai
elation " that unless this trafflo -w
stopped the government would stop the
work. --The business men of .Pendleton
took the matter up .ana finally succeeded
In putting a .stop to the business, but
not until after the agents- had reaped
a handsome profit.-- v "
The reasons given for abandoning- the
project Is that the "soil Is unauited to
the conveying of ' water thrugh the
ditches to the reservoir. Then the ex
pense attached to the undertaking would
bo so much greater than was expected
that It would hardly be nrofl table. .
Mrs. Jennie McCready. the Buffalo
oapltallst who will erect the Inside Inn
at tne lawis ana ciarx rair is nos
avers to newspaper Interviews, but she
does , dwuu to hare . herf .nam
misspelled. - ' '
"Why." she said, on the first morning
after her arrival In the city whan
newspaper man ' called on her, "tb
papers all along the route out here JiaV
said an kinds of things about me. Some
of It was true and some of It false, but
they dldn t make any distinction; and the
manner, ki which they garbled my name
was tenwjje. j was snown a paper en
the train yesterday morning which bad
my nam as stra. Makeready., . -.r
- Local talent under the direction: of
Martin E. Roblnaon wUl produc tile
sacred Opera "Balthasar" at the Mar
qua m Grand theater on November 7 and
for the benefit of the Central Christian
church. East Salmon and Second streets,
Rev..X K. Ghormley, pastor. The cant
will include 71 people. The opera will
be the same as that given under1 Mr.
Martlh'a direction at the Chautauqua
this summer. Rehearsals are now being
held each evening in the Grace M. K.
church. . .-'.,-.:
No Long Dreary Evenings.
With a"pbonograpfc", In yonr home. The
rainy season heed not lor bode dull,' tire
aome evenings at home If you have on of
these : wonderful machines to gather
around after supper. The Journal la
making It possibl for . every family In
Portland to own a fin Columbia gihono
graph comparatively free, When you're
down town the next time drop In at The
Journal office and hear on of the ma
chines demonstrate Its abiuty as a first
claes entertainer, then enter your sub
scription tor the Dally and Sunday Jour
nal tcr a year and receive a Columbia
phonograph free. A guaranteed perfect
telkuig machine not a toy. . ' . .
: - '
Energy all gonet Headache? Stom
ach -out of order? Simply a case of
torpid liver. - Burdock's Blood Bitters
will make a new man or wmaat t yen.
too ax. orrzov eaiorAXCMr
, toamn iu ssiioimrATion
jm ." now AMUR - UQVOB
t.' Vr nmi xizTTxovziTns.
Ther Is perfect "pene and harmony
between Dr. Rader and the W. C T. U.
In 'view of the local option campaign
they, have united forces in working for
the same ends, with Dr. Rader as chair
man and Mrs. Ada Unruh as secretary
of th committee conducting the -ww
Next ' Sunday afternoon - at t o'clock
ther will be a large mass meeting at
the Whit Temple, when Dr. J. Whit
comb Brougher, Dr. 1 Burgette Short,
Dr.. El win I Hous,, Mrs.' unrah and
Hv. - Mr. .McDaniels, the 'Methodist
evangelist, will. speak. Dr. Rader will
prsldv i Charles W. Hart of Immanuel
Baptist church Will eonductth msle.
Tb committee was appointed at the
meeting, of the ministerial - aUlanoe
Monday ' afternoon. with Dr. Brougher
and Hev. M. M..JBledsoe, from the Bap-
tlst . alliance; Dr. Rader, Rev. Andrew
Monro and Rev. G. W. Denlston. from
the Methodist: H. R. . Gray, from-' the
Congregational, and Mrs. Janney, Mra.
Ston and Mrs. Unruh from the W. CL
The ministers of the olty bar been
asked to hold temperance prayer meet
ings on Thursday evenlnga of -y this
week... The Sunny tide ' churches have
arranged for a union temporano meet
ing at that time In the Bunnyslde Meth
odist church.. Rev. El N. Allenof the
Cumberland and Rev. S. J. fltraub of the
Congregational church willaddress the
meeting. 1
. On Monday 'afternoon . a half day
prayer meeting for women wUl be held
In. th Taylor street Methodist church,
led by Mrs. Keller, the evangelistic
superintendent of th. Central W. C T.
V. A fuU attendance of all women In
terested l urged. Plans will then b
completed, for' Bonding women to th
polls on voting day. They will follow
the nam plan as lft th spring cam
paign, when their - Influence Was gen
erally recognised an Important fac
tor. They wUl probably serve coffee.
Prominent tempera nc men will be at
th meeting to make th assignments to
th different polls. This artemoon tb
Central W. C T. IT- which Instigated
th whole- movement, will hv a meet
ing at th horn of Mrs. Janney, .;
"If st range what Ideas some people
have of th dimensions of our state,"
said Aaa latent Secretary Miller, who has
charge of the permanent exhibit or th
chamber -of commerce, "A man. from
Wisconsin Tonne in here the other day,
and after looking, over th exhibit and
talking for some time he asked me If I
knew a men -by th nam of Smith. I
told nim I did- nad aaked whicn Bmitn
In particular he had reference ta lie
said he didn't know hi first name but
described htm to me, saying that hs was
a Smith who used to live In Wlsoonsln.
snd a neighbor had sked blm to look
Smith npjout here." ., .
-Another men.." -eald-Mr. Miller, "who.
Visited ' th rooms - during th forest
fires whea th smoke Jiang, over th city
: "A
f ,
7 fon Either the Daily or .Sunday
- In -order to Introduce The Journal want eolumn mor
-widely Into Portland homes and business hdusei Th Jour
nal. by special arrangement with' th Portland Flouring
Mllla, announces J hat for a short whll it will give with
- aqhwant adVfr either- th- Datl y r- Sunday Journal
"th choice f these three product; -A package f - r
il l 1 1 1 f u 11 11
'' How- these' .. household' necessities ar need: ;: . ?7 -'y-
:j V7 Olympic; rncake Flour
Sterilised -and self-raising. ' FuUy prepared and In thre
minutes you can make hot cake that will melt In your
month.-- For waffles and gems It la unequaled- A:,boon t
dyspsptlea. , -t ' -. . - ; . ,- - - . ..- -- s :. . j. .,
Olympic Cakelahd Pastry flour
This, g th most economical flour for - pastry you . can. buy.
It gWes your, pastry a eolor and arlspness not obtained by
., th us of any other flour. , ..' . " r; ' -::'".
H 7-0lympic .Whearts 1
. Thl Is a sterilised product for mush, Finer and mor app-
tlslng than. any. other mush, on th market and absolutely
.'Y 77v7 v;7 777;7' 77
p. Priz'toivthe Boyslmd GiFisfJ
NbtwltlisUndtng ' tn I a" greet fr offer -th prise picture
will positively remain in th packages, p .' v -"'
Sav a full uncancelled set of these pictures, 'numbered
from on to nine, and present them to THH PpRTIUfD'
FIGURING ' MILLS Co., 214 Stark , street, and get your
choic of :i;yaluaU prises. i. ...: ,;'-,, , tr..y.
The WANT ADS M? Alone are Worth Tthe Price
leJ. 21 Words 15 Cents
il i ' Y U- , , i.-s ;; vY.,- . ' H :
so thick you souldn't see, said h wished
this smoke would clear off so -he could
get a good look at th ocean before h
left" .,' . ." .
."But Oregon people aren't so smart.
themselves, continued the -secretary. "A
man who tiaa lived in this state for some
time end 1s a good lawyer went up
through Idaho on a prospecting expedi
tion. He returned In high glee saying
that h hsd located a good mine, one
which would be a paying jxropoettlon,
asserting that h had good' lead for
gold and silver with an exposed ledge
two feet wide of ambergris." '
No matter how long you have had
in. vmianf ii 11 nun t eireeay aeveiopmi
Into conatimptlen. Dr. Wood's Norway
Plnyru9 wui sur tt : , . .. T
. 7 FRFE ' 7
. s'..-
" jmr -i. -7 i--. S
&nd many persons are
; takinj fed vantage of it I
iiliy- KOT YOU,
hi: ,
7 77M 77Y,,-Y,7-'.
7,7 7; 75; 7 -:;
- - fj (,-.. 1 ., .V, . . ft. ' . JL.