The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 02, 1904, Image 13

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    TI w ' C .mCv J
. A Aaa .. , ,
-. : i . t, rorrr
. . ct c ix z:z
wo'le Is bare! r"v.u t tne C'"H
h u c-iy of r- 4 " to'
. tne foPi-wiu d.n--.yW p.ooerty and o
or o-n-a a L s-ie. and ieren,.-riy
' benemed til t Us s-t etiOMi to ud
, 1 and ttaarHitun tt .root to la tmprv-.-iit
2 of Glisao street, from the e4st line of 'luird
Street to tb nil ll-o of I"- ul auet. M IW
Tided or ordinance b... 1. i ..
'", v " ' Any objection to t.' a. j.itV' -nt of et
tor sslg t'utwf twcf ti "t be to W
:,..T-"to too Cosncll (nd (,-4 wl , , e ' Au
within IS Bert from t, " i
i publication of this e.d J o
-Will b. he.r.1 mA' . H. th l.u..i
',or to P t, o-llnanee Bseiselng
T '" PL Mi j it rov eo ml. '
; i COITUS ADUITIOV to Im City of' Port-
i.,.? "nd South BLOCK A. Northern Padre
.terminal company. l T8. BLOCK N, tot
" " , ' ! Northern lacli,c lerailiisl toipr,
--1 .-,, kit 4 Northern - Peclflc Terminal
j . Company. $181.14; lot S, Northern Puelfla Ter-
Inlnal Company, $ d.On HI Northern Pn-
iwniill UOmpanT, .H.1U. UK. XJ,
nr. 8
BixllvWcl H el 1K i, Tbe Nleolal Bros. Com-
8nny, $03.ti3; undvl'-l H of lo 8. Purtland
Oowpaiir, $j.t; Int . Part Land Gal
- " i iP""! a'4lrll H of lot B, Port-
. lud Uaa OuUMur, 'l.t a ml W Med U of M
'-. V t Portland laa Coin, hM.lHi nndUldd
14 of . lot . Tho .Kicuii r Urea. Coeipaur,
i JBl fc: nndlTUIod H of kt T. Tho- NieoUl
Brno. rnM. 1 rut. itr-ni'ir 'ii Int
Marruvtta hauba a Batata. Hair of. . SI
lot 6. Chart lUarkuw. Tramm. lltW.M
' ' ChatriM Tharlow, TroatM,
).)5'-north u of lot , Ambrnao B. Gaoten
boln. ao.a; kut T. Auld l Utom. 07.MO.
Aodltnr of th Cllr of l-orttaattV;
- ruttaqn, vrvfim, ucuoar ai , ii.
; ; rtoroico AisiumxT ro xxraors-
. " otlw I harebf rtM that tbo CoOBrtl
? Cltr of fortlaad prupaat ttaMu
....tho followlnaT dMrrUwd prnparty tad owoar
im aa bainf apoclalljr and ponllarlf
-. : bnfltod In tho inoaMt aat wpnalta th MM
V ,;"!" drourlpMouf tbanof for tba IwproTameot of
Ktamoa atraot, trnrn tho oaat lino of WUllama
.- (Taau to too waot Iln of tlnlooi milt, a
., iP""M4 by ordlnjUK No. 1,15.-. . . .
, . Anr objwtloaa lo tba ppottlanmnt of root
' V A " iBiproTameat muat bo uaor la wi-Ulnf
i. r w ' lnv uoru ana liwa wita too aaniior
, wltblo 1 dajr from tbo date ' of th flrat
i' poblloatloa of thla ootlra. and aaid objrctloaa
. - will ba board asd aVtaroiliMd by th Vouadl
, . ' bfforo tbo paaaaa of tba onttaaao aiaailn
,t v n rwa or aaiq imorovcaioiic. . '
v... .-1 AI.BINA Hr.K K US. mtmt tiat.raat of lt An
, r i. Itomaa iJattintle Art-bblaboa of- tbo Moea
' -:'- of OrogOB, I7H.0S; aootb 1UQ ft of lot 81,
- Homao t'UKllc Arrbblotinp of th Blown
. of Orrfoo. fIS.lOs . aoutb - ST.BO . fort of
- ; pobu aw i rot oc lot- u,r luaii
'. ('tbnlln irrhblokop of tbo Dloroa
y. of Oro, IM.tio; amitb 100 foot of lot .
!-''- Romaa tMiolic AwtIabos of tba.PIoeM
s: s of Orofon. al.73( oooib ld0 foot of lot 28,
. . ; Jtoaian Catholla ArchbLakop of lb Dloecoe
' . ' of Orogob, IMLSS; aootb 100 feat of lot ST,
,' i. ; s Knanaa . CetJmlle Arrhblabop of tba Plocoaa
'Of orefoa. fai.M: aoatb 100 feet of lot t.
, s ,4 of St. Domini, $:, eootb 100 fot
aootb 110 feet of lot ii. Joha I'atoro, ttl.Kf:
AH. 1,1 k M 1 II J Id .
' " ' V BUV Jb. UW 0bW", yiMW,
aouth 100 fort of lot SO. M . K. Mootamry,
IM.BT; aoaib 100 foot of lot SI. A D. Mo-
. : vv "", ao8.)T aoulb 100 teat of art 90, Easily
H.firabn. tSS.88; aootb HI 60 feet of lot 10,
J if' lpkna, $16.63; b la. Mary Toomoy.
. ? JT lot IT. Uary Toomay, M li4.. BUH K
. . 1. aoatb 100 feet of lot SU. Rwodlob U Lotb-fW-l.
eraa, Kmiatwl Cburcn'. tkl.l : aantb 100 fret
- -of lot 2. jnba w. Bbana, W.TO: aoath 100
' : mutb trrt of lot . iina Malr ttatala
.....w.oj Holr of, IM.70; aantb 100 feet of lot W.
, r'.-Aaroa bleir Batata. Hatra of. 150. TO; aoatb
., t ; ' 100 feet of lot SK, Sarah J. Stewart, $0M;
- t" n,B 100 f of lot l, Sarah K.
v rwV RkmQt. aitO.on, emith 1O0 feet of lot 2S, Bltnrt
i 1 - 'JS' ELm. alaUory, W.M( aootb- 100 feet of
i oao -. iiaon. f.vj.on: annib luo
. .a-, feet of lot 10, John p. Wllee. ( aoatb
! V- IJK. feet of lot-l, Emma Mattblaa, $.B;
, lot IT. Emm UattbUa. Sll.T; lot IS, Earoia
, jiariniaa, iw.iu. BliUtJaV I, lot 1, K. H.
,H J Itairl bbno, A122 1S: lot St O. A. Vaoderbeek,
V.v f'P; aortb l0 feet of lot 4, Jeaale Ur,
- &LUi aaP ,u0 oef of lot S. C. ..Heoe-.
jferojLfok. )M M: north 100- feet of lot 4. A. B.
i S"r- SM M1 aortb 100 feet of lot Tt Jeaa
,:V., pyhatra. SM.S0: north 100 foot of lot .
" . . , warguorltt T. . TomUnaoa. SM.A8. north 100
-.; ;.; "l or lot a. El Lea Raaer fM.oo: north
j 'v 100 " of lot 10, WUll.m VUirera. AM. 30;
... h.-. nortk 100 feet at lot It, W. r Northv M.ISs
: ; -'r.-jortb -lOS'feat of lot , Paul Wroalnaer,
"'i-' IVLWl aortb 100 fee of lot 18. Panl We
i alneerr fM.ld,' aonth 42 . feat of lot IB..
- . , jonn tiruner mtate, rlelra or. 28 W: north
-f TH feat of Int ltV rtnt (lormaa K. B. fherb,
i -l.fl1l.0T.- BICK II. nortb 100 feet of lot 1,
: Han Toaneaoiw 176. V): north 100 feat of lot
- " Tonnoeoo. f71.M; north 100 feet of
V ; ,i ion . aate u, Motitaoaiery Katate, Heir or,
r -.' t.ts.lS;. nortk loo feet of lot A. ! n
;' , Montgomery Relate. Metre f. SS0.T6; north
)-...' - f"' oi hh n. aniaa B. Montimmery Ea-
S .'. at. Helra of. g.VI.71: north 100 feet of lot
- . jamea n. MiMiiaoatery - Katate, urn or,
- BA0.B4: north 100 feet of lot T. J a nee B. UVynf.
.1 . ' , yororrr Retain, iielra of. $S0.ft: north 100
-,.'rer n. Jamea a Montaomery aetata,
rlelra of. $.V.M; north 100 feet of lot 0.
-ii Prl Wtadlea, HVO.ol: north lOtVfeet of lot 11.
V .:..,- ,' Jamea T. Walla. 17.4"t nortb 100 feet of lot
.: , 12., Jamea T. WaUa. t-IT.30: .aontb 10 feet of
y 1. Jamea r. Walla, north SO.M
, .- . reet or lot 14. jona larrelU lot la.
"1 ' ''. .-Joha funll, 1114 .t. Total. IS.UW BS.V .
t -J. ,.J . ... . Til AS. C. DEVLIN, " '
"r?JfiZ"' i 1 Auditor of tna-ntr of Portland. :
j, . Port land, Oregon. October SI. 1804. -
'.--. , Kotle im hereby eiren ' that .the Coeorll
- tf tte fllr l Portland sroDoeea to a
't, ,. tba following dearrlbed property and owner
ownera a a Being a penally ana peculiarly
., benefited In tba a mount a art or-nnatte the name
' and dneerlpUooa thereof for the Improtement
1 of M rial net a tree t, front the areat line of Uraad
aeeeae to to feet went of the ereat tin of
. 'Bit Third itreet ee proTlded by ordlnaaea
ti: 1S.8T4. . . ; . , .'
Aay oblretkma to the BDmrtlnament of eoat
. , if, for aald Imnrorement moat be made la writing
'.. ta oouncii and niea wiia th Aaoitor
1 ' wltbln ' IS daya from the date of the flrat
-.- . nuhllratlea of thla notice, and aald ob)ettona
. t j w 111 be beard and determined by th Council
.... .. before the naeeag of tba ordlnaaea aaaaaalng
..'5... the root ef aald Improvement. "
STEPHEN!" AUPITIOK to tad flfy of Port
r land BLOCK M, lot T, Inman-Ponlaen Com
.v v: tiaii.T. fri.l; Wt S. Inmaa'I'aulaea Company,
f'ia.aS: aontb 10 feef lot 0.. Iniian-l'oulaea
' .' , rompany. dtx.OO; aontb 10 feet lot 4, Inman
' ?,., Pnukten Oomaaar. $U8.M kt 6. Inmaa Potil
., ,- e Company. fftO.e-t: lot' 0. Inman-Toalaea
,V .. fomuany, A2B0.o. BIX)t K 40, lot T. lamaa
... , , Poulaen..Vm party, im.tU; Ut , Inman-
' v-tViaraen-rotananr.- and.TUi aontb 10 fret lot
; . Inmaa-Potilaeo Company, SIT.TT; aontb 10
feet eat , inmaa-roniaen twnpany.;
lot S. Inman-Penlaea Tompany. fBO BT: lot .
1- Inmaa-Ponlaea Company. A2.VI.B1. BIOCK SI,
, eaat SO feet lot T. Inman-Pooleen Company,
f.3K: e"t AO feet lot S, I nma a -Pnukten
' . ,Vompnny, tlt.M; eaat f0 feet of aontb 10
-' fret lot 0. Inman-Poulaen Company, $10.83.'
-j,.' 4' ADDITIUM to Kaat Portland BUH'K
, ' C, lot R. Taomaa Clarn. IHM.M; lot T, , Th
- '-Nnrtbrrn Cou title Iareatmeot V Treat Com
. riany. Ltd., 141.41! lot 9L Cbarlra Orranry.
t ; ;- ITT.lH: M 1. Herbert B. ilrEwen. f an.oT.
..' ' S' BLOCK B. lot S. WIIHant C. Brown. jauT.TJ;
1 . lot T, Wllltam C. Hrawn, 4S,t0: lot g, Wll
.1' ' Ham C P.rewd,v4.74t kit UWllllata C.
' Brown. tJlS.l.V All of block A la Kern'
addition lying between the weat line of Kaat
'. ' : Third etri-rt and a Hue SO feet went thereof
-' . . and narnllrl therewith aud between, th aonth
. - line af Inrl.l.m atreet and a line 100 feet
-' . v" aonth thereof and parallel tberrwltb, a
,. . eurltr Sarlnaa Truat Company, $111. SO. To
:V 'J, ' tal. aV'.aTl.lS. - - , ' - ,,.-v.,
' ' a -j . ' " ' TH0S C. PEtTJH. j
, , . 1 Andlto of lb Cite f Portland.
S.V Portland, Oregon, October HI. 1904. .
'. " v wn or avmiY stmit. ,-.--
. , ' Kotlc hey gleen that the Conndl
.' of the Cltr of Portlaad neopnaaav to aaaeea
't th foUowlaaJ1. deeerlbed property and owaer
- . rr owner aa being apeclaHy and nacnlUrly
C' ' benefited 1 the arooonta art oppoelta tte nance
: . - . and drarrlptlnna thereof for the Improvement of
' H Oulailiy atreeK from the weat line of a.Trn
teentb atreet tn the- eaat line of Twentieth
t tret. aa proTlded by ordlnanc No. lS.nrT.
i Any objection t th pporttonnent of eoat
; V for aald Improvement moat be made In writing
-t th Council and filed , with - th Auditor
. within IS day from the date of tb flrat
rmbllcatioe) -of thla notice, and aald objection
" will be beard and -determined by tb Coanetl
' efere rb paeaage of th ordlnanc graining
the eovt of aald Improvement. -
'.itOfCH S nnUITtO to tba City of Portland
-. BI)CK Jftl, lot 1. OUrrr J. Oroce, $121. ST;
' lot 4, OHrr i. Oroc. flT.M: eaat ti lot B.
Alwln and Oar Bade, $ao i; eaat H lot
S. Alwln and CUra Bade, $T.TS; areat H
.,, , lot S. Maria t. Pleader. W! weat H W
r ' .1 Uarla L. riaoder, $171 M., BLOCK SBJ,
'." , lot I, Savlna St Loan Society of San Pran--,;
' rlaeo. $.i.10.aa; lot 4. Savinm a lAaa Society
','' nf Sa rreactaeo, SflJ.OSi lot S. Parlab of St.
V . - "' Mark a Charch. SIT.BI; t S. Pariah of St.
. lla-k'a Church. $24g.aA. .BLOCK MS, lot 4,
, Lottie- Bae. $IM Ti lot . Mare H. Coork,
' ."' SIT.KI: lot . Mary M. Cental. $6.Tf ; lot S,
llrry H. Conch. $M BS: lot 0. Mary H. Conch.
$IB21Wi lot IJ, Mary H, Cnnck. $131 8M;
lt 11. Mary M. (Vack. $14.B0; lof IT. Mary
"-II, tyuch. $i1l: lot is, irr H. Conch,
' ' f,ol. BLOCK . Wt S, onrair J. tiroec,; lot S, Plltre. J. Oroc, 417.12; art
S, Clemlnllne P. Iwle, SB( lot T. Clemla
tin r. Ueb. $.Ut M. BLOCK 3. lot S.
, Mare IT. Cnneh. $JWO.H lot 8. Marr H.
.Coach. II.T: Int i. MaryM. Concb. S1T.T2;
)"t T. Marr H. Cmirk. $244.K2. BLOCK S4.
I lot I, J-h lla'rld Ralate. heir nf, $124. Do;
I M 1. M" -W. $IT eaat H let 4.
alrh.l k-.y, .4.IT; weat H lot S, Tkee-
f-t It; eaat H M T. Alma A,
1 1 .j. ... : t.t V.
kt 7. f-roarrt Brady
I ; et ' l -t ln. f rea K. Kaaniuarn.
ik t ' H 11. a.cio Bauer, axl la-
e-.t t-S t 1 , lortuiad Truat t'ompaay of
( 'rami, 1 ; w A-m it, juaa
t -q, ' ; e. t l-t lot 14, -Joba
I a. . . ,: , - 11 lot 14. B. H
- I , e 1 . -, $.T.. !; lot Id, D. If. McKay,
i Vt IB, t'red J. Venuebi, $JST.B8.
' . . TT-1. C. DBTLI!t. - 1
, f A - ""'or of V Cty af Cortland.,
Portlarl 1 1, Cctuoer U. 1004, . ,
t .n iob Durtoyx.
' Kdtlc la berebr glee that the Council
of too City of Port tend - are ieea fav aaaiaa
tb following deecrlbed property and owner
ar wnera aa being aparlally and peculiarly
aetwiHed In tba amount net oppealte the name
anu aeacriitiioiui inereor lor aie unprovainent
of Da, la atreet, froin IS feet eaat of the weat
line of Twenty-flret atreet to IS feet weat of
tba eaat. tin of Twenty.ecoa4 atreet, aa pre
vkied by or4hnc Mo. 14.1SS. , - ' . .
Any object lone to the apportionment of eoat
foe aald IniproTeueat moat be Blade ha writing
to to tawncii e nn teii wiu th Aadiuar
within 16 daya from tb data of th flrat
puhllcation of thla notice, -and aaid object iona
nikl be beard and drteraalned br the
before th paaaag of the ordlmno aaaaaalng
the eoat. of aald unproTement. .
ki.iu 9 navoau ai"m iv v to tbe City
ot Portland - A tract of lead lying be
ta" a the weat lltie af Tweaty-Uret atreet and
a Una IceJ feet weat thereof, knd parallel there-
, with, and between tbe north floe of Parte
atreet and a Una 100 feet north thereof and
parallel therewith. Oeorae W. Batee. $124.0T.
A tract of land lying between lb north lint
of Pari atreet and a -line. 100. feet nortb
inereor ana parallel tnrre itn, and between
-two line reaneethrelT 10S feet and 1IM feet
weat of and parallel with the weat line of
Twoaty-ftrot street. 0. M. Smith, f M 67. A
Uact of land lying between th north tin
- or uaria atreet ana a line mjo -tmt anrtk
v thereof and parallel tnerewltb. and between
-i iinee leoyomiTeiv ion eei ana teet
went of and parallel with th weat line of
Twatg.flrat atreet, Sanford ft. Whiting.
$47.72. A -tract nf land lying between the
, nortb Itn of Parle atreet and a. Itn 100
;. feet aortb thereof and parallel therewith, and
1 between two line trrepectlTel 004 feet and
S41.4 feet treat or and iiaralle! with the weat
. llu of Twenty-flfar atreet, JuHa B. Baffnwav
ai.-a.u.' a tract or land lying between tbe
aortb linn of rnrrlg atreet aad Una 100
, feet nortb thereof and parallel therewith, aad
. betweea two line reepeettrrly $41.4 feet and
v 8T.S feet ireet of and parallel with the weet
: lln of Twonty-rtrat atreet. rannl Slraban.
. $A1J0. A t-r-t ot-land -lying between tb
- north llnovif Davla atreet and a lln 100 feet
; borth thereof aad narallel therewith end be
tween the eaat line of Twenty-neeond atreet
nnd a lain SeT.S- fact Weat of ' and parallel
with 'the weat Una of Twenty-flrat atreet.
Suobta Holme. tfA.Uj Th nortb 100 feet of
u Tn
d and
t a pot
lea.j i
Parcel of land bounded and dearrlbed aa fnl-
,' looimenctntt at a point in tb onrh
; lln of Pa-la atreet im.f feet nyeat of tb
weat lln of Twenty-flret atreet, tbene et
jAlong th aontb lln of Parle atreet to th
wear lln of Twenty-flret atreet. tbene aoath
- along tb weet lln of Twenty-flret atreet to
, l' tntereeetton wtth -tb northerly lln of
Waahlnewjn etreet. thence weaterle IM feet
I - along tn nort berry fine of Waabtoeton atreet.
J theae norUierle to place of bertimlnr, Wil
liam rnerwca Eeraie, neira or. fJnAn, vTti
nortb 100 feet of a narcrl of land boanded
nnd deecrlbed aa followai Commencing In Hie
r"' im iiiw w , 1 . mn rue. reec run 01
i eaat line of Twenty-nrcond ktreet. three
west. along tbeocaitk lln t Parla atreet 187.1
feet, thence aontherty to tb point 1a th
northerly Hit of Waablngrnn etreet IM feet
weat of tba weat Itn of Twenty-flret etreet.
thenc weeterlv IBB feet alone tb northerly
Un of Waahlngtoa atreet, tbene northerly
tn nlaer begbintnr, Eephanen S. Stwnldlne.
tlKIJIl. Tb nndlTlded V, Af the north lta)
Teet of parcel of land -bounded and de
arrthed aa fnllowa: Opmmenelng at tb tnter
aectlon of tn aontb lln of Davla atreet
with tbo eaat line of Twentv-aeonnd etreet.
thenc aontb U0 feet along tb eaat line of
Twenty aoennd atreet, tbene et ISt teet,
tbene northerly to a point In tb aonth lln
of Dark) atreet 10S.1 feet eaat of th eaat
lln f Twenty eeoood atreet. thenc weat
long, the aenth lln nf Pa ale atreet re plc
ef neailuauiK. S. O. Heraev. Tbe an
il I Wed ta, of tbe north 100 feet of a parcel
ot land bounded and deacrfned aa followe:'
Commenelnn at the tatereedloM nt the eaih
. Jtn nf Parte atreet with tb oast line of
Twenty-eeeond atreet. tbene aontb ISO feet
aktoa- tb eaat Hn of Tventy-eecond atreet.
tbene eet 1S1 feet, thence northerly tn a
point In the. aontb line nf Parle atreet lot.l
feet aet of tb east lln of Twenty-eeeond
.-etreet. I hence weet alone tbe aonth. line of
Pevta atreet to niece r bagmnlng, C. Beraey,
$441. Total, f 1,7T a,. r-- V
- ' ndltnr of tho Cltv of Portlaad.
Portland. Orrgoav 04eb SU- 40O4,
Kotlc la hereby given-tbst tb Council
of the city of Portland propoee to asses
tb following- oeerrlbeg property and. owner
or owners aa being apeelally and peculiarly
benefited in tbe amonnte eat ooooalt the aame
aod drwrtptlona thereof foe the Improvement of
Eaat Tweaiy-eeewnd street, frem th nortb line
of Dnnn'a addition t th north Un of East
riurnaiiM street, a provided by ordlnanc. a.
14.007. :,..:.: ..: 1. ...... .
Any object iona ta be apportionment of eoat
for aaid Improvement ainet be mad la writing
to tha. Council and fll'd with tb Auditor
witnin. la qay irom tn .oat r tn nrat
(wihUrntlnn of tble notice, and said objections
will be beard and drtectntnrd br tba Counrtl
before tba paassge of tbe ordinance assassins
I he eoat nf said Improvement.
M'KH'K ADPIT10 to Eset )rtUnd--BlOCK
a. ant a. Atlsw Mtumg Compsny. f78.a8; lot
x. a, tie Hiiung tmpnnr. aiui.a: mt 1,
Alms MIMIna Comnsnr.. itl.ldJL. BLOCK T.
lot 10. Stare K. Jones. $r.03: lot 0. Mary
K. Jones. S42.TSL lod- V Sllaa Jeaee, SMkTai
- lot 1. Hllaa Jones. $100.50. , BLOCK S. lot
jiN-rjona. at.- ano eooa tares, aus vii mi av
Bdnn K, nnd Joba flat, $ : lot 3.
Ederin C. Johnson. SI1.ST: lot 1. Edwin U.
Johnson, $H1.TS. BIXX K S. weat 14. t feet
bit . Atlss Mining Company. $14.71; lot
. O. V. Smith. $T3.0: lot B. ft. U. Smith.
SMS.4T1 bit 4. Prank Tblrmsn. $ft.T. JLOCK
jo. tot a. r.lhen w. t ooper. i i: lot T.
cioerx w. iwoner. vn. 112: west i a rewi lot
a, Paul Krneet Jones, ' $11.48; weat 14.S
feet lot S, Jbum F. and 'Annl Watklna,
it 1,27: bit 4. Jamea P. aad Annl Watklne.
$.16.75: lot S. 8. ft. Bntner. $148 .87. BLOCK
ft. lot a. Job r. Cordray. $140.88; lot T.
John P. Ordray, $A4.40: weat 14.1 feet lot
S. Paul Krneet Joora, $11. IS; weet li t feet
er e, aiiie erarrni vie ,u eo.e'l aoc v.
l.lllle Monte Cordray, $12.0t; lot 8. Llllte
kl orris, cordray, IUZ.Z4. ixtai.
" " Andlror of the Cltr of PortUaeV
Portland. Oregon, October 81,- 1004. -
Notice I hereby given that tba Oannell
of. the Cltv of fVrtlind arnnos to aaaiaa
tha following described property and owner
ee owner bring specially and nofnltarly
benefited In tb a omenta net opposite tbe names
and deecrlptione thereof by tb construction of
a aewer In Pettrgrovg atreet, front 150 feet
weet ef Twenty fourth atreet to tbo aewer la
Pet rr grove strest, aa crorkled by ardlnanca Na.
14.17. i
i Any ebjertlnna o tbe eppgrttoameat of met
for oaid aewer mast be tnsde la writing
I the Connelt and filed wltb th Andltnr
within 15' day from 'the daU of the flrat
pulillcatlon of tbla notice, and aald abjection
will be beard and determined by tbe Cou sell
before tb nsasaaw of . the .ordlnaaea aaaeea la a"
th eoat of sbm aewer. . - m.
ttOLPHMITH'H AI1(T!0! t " tba City of
Portland Bl.CIf K . in. mt aj, ef . A room.
$17 71 let T. M- Arnold, $1t TS. BUVCK 11.
Int B. Lrwla L. MeArthnr, $28 13: lot (V toaia
OeldamlUt, $38.15 Total, $07 .80. . , , ,.
- : V Auditor of th City f PortUia.
Portlsnd. Oregna. October 1. 1004. '
STB SET. .",.'-" V-
Notte 1 hereby alven that - tb Coascll
f tb Pity f Portlsnd proposes to aeaes
tb following deecrlbed prnparty and owner
or ownera aa- being epeclally and peculiarly
benefited In th amounta set otronslto tbe naaaen
and deacrlntlona thereof for the Improvement of
tn oast nsir .ot nisieenin etreet. irore tnr
sooth trrb line ef Taylor street to a line 1110
feet south of th smith line of Taylor street, aa
frovlded by ordmanee Da 14.158. vj
111 wjmiiiM .w m, ai'nipaiwai ni
tor ssld Improvement ntnst Ve mad In writing
to tbe Council and filed with tbe Andltnr
wlfhln IB day from tb data nf , th flrtft
publication ef thl notice, and bald object Iona
will n nearn aaei oeiermineo 07 aw tvancii
before tb oaaesa nf tbe ordinance Baa sails
th eont of ssld Imprweensent.
POBTLANP BLOCK 810. lot 8. H. B. T1ne1d,
Jon.os: mt it H. at, nmeai. see n, uotsi,
110.08.- ;..
" TBOB. C. PKTLTrf,- - ;
. kodltoe the CUV if
' Pert) ad. Orea-on, October SI. 1004. . .. , -.
Kotlc In dierebr ateea that William' 0.
Kniett. Cltr Enslneer. baa Sled In tbe nfftce
nf tb ttnileralaiied nolle tkat Portland Hy
itrnunr- ntoo onmpsny, contractor mr tn inv
nrneement of Ullaaa etreet, under the pro
elalona of hrdtnanc He. 14.181. hsn nomnlcted
said atreet from IS fdt eaat of th west lln
of Psrh street ta IS feet west sf to eeet tin
af Klnth street. : - ,- t l--t
Bald aeceptancg will be eonaldered by th
Rierntle Bnerd at 4 o'clock on tb 4th day
ef November. 1004, and objection to tb accent
Bare of aald etreet, or any part thereof,
may be Sled In the riffle of tb aaderalgnrd
at gny time prior tberrto. .
. ! 1 ! TtfdiSl r BkSlf I
kJ - A4lfw M ihm City mt KprtUirtt
nnNt ViTVSrajsE, VVDQVWW Of, v ,
-.- K' t
Kotlc I M b-
e!ven "that -tka Council
of - .ike Cltr of 1 - ad Dr.oee to aaa
tbe following d od proierty and owner
rr. wacra aa beiarf aoeeiaiiy ana pecunany
bene riled In tbo autuunU ae oppoelta the nauie
end deecriptloaa for the ImpfOTemeiit of
uiaaao atl--el, rrum 1A tret eaai or law weec
line of Park etrret o It fret weat of th eeet
lln nf Mnib atreet, aa nrarldad hy rdinaae
ho. 14.MI. 1 . - - -
Any objection to th aonortloninaot of eoat
for aald liuvroeement mnet be made la writing
t in Council and Med wtth . tba Aad'
within 18 daya tnm tbe date of tba first
puhlicatloa of thla notlce. and aald objection
will be beard Bud determined by tb Council
before tb paaaago t tb ordlnanc aaseaalnf
tne coai ar aali iranrof rroent.
COCCU S APUITION to tbe Cltr of Portland
BLOCK 78. hit 1. Maria Strachcr. $110.T;
' mi AOuipa aurciittajot, , giiu.or. , xoaat.
"$221. $4.' . '
. , , - : ' -' TliOS. PETLIN.
. Auditor of th Cltr of Portland..
rortland. urcgoa, October ttl, luO.
- Nntlea Bt hereby clven that tb Council
t tb City vf Portland propoee to aaaae
tb following . deecrlbed property ud owner
or owner a being epecuuy ana peculiarly
benefited In tbe antoonta art armoalt the aamaa
and drorriptiona therrot tuf Uia Impreeeuaeut
of Nortbriay atreet, frem the west. Ha of
Twentrecnnd street to -the 'eaat line-of
Twenty third street, a provided by ordluanco
n. u.12. - ., .
Aay objection to tba apportionment of coat
for aaid improvement muat Ve made tn writing
to th Council aad tiled with tn Aaaitor
within IS days from tb I date of tbe first
publication of tbia notice, and aaid object lone
will be board and determined by tb Council
before tbe nasaac of tbe ordinance a aaaae loa
the eoat of aald improvement. ,
WH'CH'S APDITION to tbe City' of Portland
MXa, nun. lot a, J. w. vrieeoii, giut.Bx;
kt I. Bithnr C. Hoencee. S14.H0: lot 1.
Kobert Brace Wileon. $a.T0;' lot 8, Bridget
Lyons. isa.DH; lot s (lemeatme s. wileon,
Il!2.J l.L,t li. Clemenilne L. WUson. S61I.0I :
lot . IS. .'letnenttue L. Wllaon. f-ftlfM: . lot
IT. CarolhiK E. Wileon. $t8.; let 18, Samuel
-Wagner. $9T.2t. BLOCK SOB, lot 1. Good
namarirsn Hospital, 't a, uoon
Samaritan IloapltaJ, SIB.BTT lot a. Good Sa
marl tan . nospltal, .$.10.83; lot T, Oood Sa
maritan HoanltaL aoT.nn: lot 10. Good be.
", snarhan Hospital, inO.SO; lot 11. Good S.
mriiii numoiaB. !; Mf. .v. www
U.,.l , .1 BArf ,iO . a a land
1.1... h.,wi k. ... k lln. Ar NnrtkniH
atreet aad a line 100 feet laoutb tbereof and
aerallrl . therewith and between, the ..cast
lln of Twenty-third atreet and a Un 100
fet egnt thereof and parallel tncrewitn,
fiond Samarlua. Hoeplut, $IIS.. .Total,
S1,011T7. . -.' - ?.
" -; tnos. c- pxTLiir, ; ,
' Auditor af th City of Portland.
Portlaad. Orngon October U 1004. . . '
i ... atZHT OF SATIXE""STBEXT, - ".JIa
Kotlce la hercbr aivenv that tbe Codncll
of tb City of Portland aropoae t asaees
tha following desta'lbed nroaerty add owner
or owners as . being specially and iecullarly
aeneriten in tna amounta eet oppoene uh nauee
and description thereof for tbe Improvement ot
Bavler street, from tbe -west lln of Twenty
eighth etreet to tbo east Un of Twenty-nJuh
treat, aa provided by ordinance No. 14)S.
Any objections te tb apportionment f Mat
for aald Improvement must be made ha writing
so tn Council aad filed with tha Auditor
within 15 days from tb - date of tbe first
publication f tbla notice, and "Said objections
will be 'beard and determined by tb Council
befork tb pa as age af the ordlnaaea aaaeaalng
the post ef said improvement. - - :
1.0ms uotdanntn, $iui. vi mt z. imiib uoi
: smltlv $14.65; lot S, Louts OnldamMk, $T.1;
" lot T, I-auls Goldsmith. $30.40; lot 10, Louis
4 Qoldemltb. $W.k7; lot 11. Percy H. Blyth,
SB2.4T; lot 14. Perry H. Blyth. $'j2.BT; lot IS,
Emily ". and- M. B. Moor. I104.0T; lot IS.
; Charles Kohn. $M.J0: lot IS. Charlea Kobn,
ff.Jt.42. BLOCK B, lot 4. Percy H. Blyth,
$8.06,' kt S. Percy H. Blyth. $14.00) lot R.
f.ll. .Jl V -yar AAA . I-A sb K- . T
, r rut 9 r itru ui nisnrr- diiwf.wrt, sva a( djra-xt w tn
Birth. $111.27 r lot ., Peel Van t4eVkrT
SI0V.0S; lot 12, Matilda C. Mclntoab. fluS.OS;
10c a. wiuiam Msckintnan, atMi.zui mt in,
William Mecklntoab. $Ti3.1Bj lot IT, W. P.
Brooka, $52.70: lot 80. W, F. Brooks, $64. $4.
ToUL I,t0S.0S. . ,
' ?--Bdito of tbo aty of PortUad."
Purtland. Oregon, October SI, -1004. " -
STEEXTs, - ; ;v't.i-. ''.;',' -T
- Notlcef la ' brrrby gtrm that tb Connelt
of the City of I'ortlaad peepoae to eeeeee
tb . foUewlna described nronerty and owner
or ownera aa being aneelally and peculiarly
aoneiirea in tn anvmune eat peeeit ane names
and deect-lpttona ' thereof for tb Improvement
of tb south half of Taylor atreet, from th
east curb lln of Sixteenth; -atreet to a Hno
100 feet east of vita eaat- line of Sixteenth
atreet, ad provided by ordinance No. 14,100.
- Any objections to tbo pport1onnint-f eoat
for aall Improvement most be made la writing
to the Council and filed wltb tha Auditor
within IS dare from the date of tbe -first
publication of . Uils notice, and ssld objections
will be heard and determined by tbe Council
before the' passag of the ordlnaaea sssesalng
tbe. "cost ef anld Improvement. - - -
PORTLAND -BLOCK .JIB. lot t, H. B. Kla,
,ciY SS0.SS. ., , ;
t , TT. THOS. C. PEVLIW, .
Andltnr of tha Cltr of Portlaad,
; Portlaad. Oregonv October tt.- 1004. : "
, Notice la berty given that the Council
of tbe City -of Portland pronoaea to saeees
or owners being specially and peculiarly
benefited In tb amounts set opposite th aame
ad dVeerfptlon thereof for tbe Improvement
of Funklln etreet, - from - the wast Un of
Thlrty-eroood etreet to tbe eaat Una ot Hogby
street, as provided by ordinance No. 18,088.
' Aay-abjections, to tb apportionment nf eot
for ssld Itvproventent mnet be made ta writing
tn the-Council and filed with tb Aadltnr
wltbln IS daya from the date of tb flrat
publication ot tain notice, nnd aald objections
will be beard and determined by tbe Council
before tb naeeag of the ordinance assessing
the cost of said Improvement, t .
- Percy II. Blyth. $105.40: bat 8. Fsrry- Tf
Blyth, $15.00; lot S, Perce H. Blyth. $TLS2;
lot 8. Cbsrlra If. Bnjrglna. ; lot S,
. Percy H, nrb. $08.67; lot IS. Cynthia A.
. Bancroft. $tsllSi lot 11,- Percy II. Blyth.
$.47; lot IS. Percy fl. Blyth. $t3.B8; tot
IT, Perry H. Blyth. $50 22. BLOCK 21. lot
, 1, (eottlsb Antertcen Inveetment Company,
lUd., $108.71: lot 8. Seottlab Americas la
' vestment Company. Ltd.. $45.00. A tract of
- land lying between tbe aontb Hn f Prank-'-
lln atreet and line 100 feet aoulb thereof
and parallel therewith and between the weat
lln of Hmaaton street and a lln S10 feet
weet thereof and narallel tberewith, Scottish
American Inveetment Company, Ltd., $407.71.
i xoiai, ei.iiv.ijv. - v. n
. . v ., .- . V THOS. C. PEVLI. v .
- ' . Aedltor of the Cltr of Portlaad. ,
, Portlsnd, Oreron, October SI, 1004. . J
Korlee Is . hereby given 1. thst tb Council
f tb City of Portland prornwes to
th following described benpsrty and
or Owners na being specially and peculiarly
benefited In the emonnta set opnnetta the name
and desert nt loo thereof for tb Improvement
of East Third street, from point as feet
north of the nortb. line ef Bsst Pasta, street
to th north line of East Comb street,, a pro
vlded by ordinance Ka. 14.11.
' Aay oliictlona to the apportionment of rnefl
ror aaiu iruprovesnenc ranst s tnuuo in writing
to the One sell snd filed wHb the Auditor
wltbln IS daya from tbe dale ef th flrat
pnhtlrstlou of tbla notice, nnd aaid ebjeetbm
will be beard and determined by tbe Council
before th paassge nf tb ordlnanc aaaeaalng
the cost of ssld Improvement.
EAST POBTLANP BLOCK 80. south tO feet
lot 8, ttreeoa Real Eat ate Company, $5.171 1
lot S. (tregon Keal Katate Company, $08.83.
HlSlCK m, lot 8. Caroline Atmand Marietta
Menasdorfer, $11(1.70:' hvt t. "srotlae Ann
, and V arietta , Meossdorfer. $88.03; Bit S,
Tabltba J.. Wilson. $B0.0T: lot S. Tsbltba
J, Wilson. $50.07. BUM'K 74. south 80 feet
.- bvt 8. Louisa H. Moors Estate, heirs of.
. $08.18: lot 4, Lonlaa H. Moor Katate, kelra
of. $110 t. , BLOCK TI), lot 1. Michael A.
; Pllna. $100.18: lot X, Michael A. Pllnn.
' $80 OS: lot 8. Phoebe J. Col bum. $50.70: lot 4.
; l'bob J.. Colborn. $50.40. , Total. $000.71.
".,-..' - THOS. C. PIVLI. .
Audlroe of the Cltv fwttaed. -
Portlaad. Drrroa, October $1, 1004.
, Nortec la hereby - elven that " the Counoll
of - tbe Cltr of Portland .nropiwse to s.snas
the fallowing described prenerty and owner
or owners a brine aneclslry-"s'fid peculiarly
benefited In the amounts art opooalte the aamea
and deacjiptiona thereof for Hbe ttnpeovement
ot Klnlh street; frem th worth Hn of Vitas
street to tb aontb lln ef Hoyt street. SX
provided hv nrdlaence No. 14.105.
Any oojrcvunve in tne nppnrtioament r eoat
for aatd Impreveasent mnet be mnde In writing
te the. Council snd filed with tbe A editor
Within IS dars) from Mhe date of the first
putilleatlosi af tbla notice, snd nld objeetkma
will k beard nnd determined by tb Council
he for tb ssaaege of- the serTlnaaco s sees, lag
the met of sold Irapruvement. , .
COCCU S APPIT10M so th Cltv of Portland--
HMM b, J Mt 8. Anelpb Burckhardt, $44 82:
hittA. Adolpb Burrkksrdl. $44 82. BIXtcK
T4. kt x, l ean H. Iwls. $4.89f tot4-4.
lon ft, Lewlo. $44.82; lot 5. James tt.
Ilnddlmrn. $44 42: lot 8. -Jen It. rladdl.
mm, $44.83, Totsl, $887.71
- - TH08. C. DITtJif, : :
' Andltor of th City gd PnrtUaC
Portia d, Orrgoa, October SI, 1004.
';' ' ' :' ' v .'
. 1 It. AEKt OF X-" 1 j:TT-aUaHTH
1 -11. . - . ' , '
-Moa at hereby' gl , Wlf laaf -tt
f . nty bnglueer. b-s i t Id t ofnc
e, i a underalgued a-ic 1 t a. B. Brfmrnoiav,
ctnti-ecti fotlhe tn w t of fcesi Twsnty.
r asm sret. voder 1 e p.o.alon of erdlnauc
No. 13,0. has comn -ted said street from the
enter l of Tse ware to tu eeuts Uu
b o street. ' . ' -
8-4 ecc uia see will b considered bf" to
r ' tord at d o'clock to 4tb day
0, cuim ber. li4. and objection to the secept
a .c 01 odd sir eat, or sy " .,nr""'l
;...i k. e., 1. ih. .nfiloa el the uoderalgiied
" ' TUB EXtllTIVB P0T).M :
- i :. "'. V By THOS. O.-povt lN,-..
- V Andllor ef the-City ofPtKUaua.
Portlnad. Cirgoa, Oct-lr Hi, Iw0. . '
, v .. .i.e. - tn. William O.
Elliott, City tuglucee, baa Sled n tb ofBce
of toe uuderslgued not Ice that Smyth How
ard Comnaay, uMitrsrtuf for fbe Itn prove nienl
of Paris street, under lbs prorlslous oell
uence No. 14.16. has eompleted aald street
. in . . .. iiu of Twetity-
flrat atreet to 18 feet want ot lb ..a. of
iweoty-aerand street. ... , . ... :A
Said aeeptaacn will he eonaldered t tb
W. , . -A . A .i.tnek AM th 4th dy
ot November. InUI. and objection to the accept
aac. of aald atreet. or any -tart tbrreot.
may be tied la U afflco f th nadnrnlgnsid
I a tlm prt, r.t. ,-
ill. .Al.' - e,
tor of th City of Portlauit
Portland. Orea-on. October 20, lWOi. .
" " - j1- . ) "
; ,- FEOTXXXirf OF feoet btexxt,
' Vie - t. luoi,,. - that - William ' 01
Elliott. City Eualueer. bag Stsd In tb fno
of tbe nnoerslgued nolle that Arrni meson.
aratrMClne tn. th. Imnenvement off Sroal atraea.
nodar tb prorlalons of ordlnnnc No. it.Son,
ha eosopleted aald atre froea IS feet aortb of
in norm un or woooa iusii -w Lee vw
Un of Hrover atreet. - - j '. '
Said acceptance win b onnsldired by Jb
Kiecutlr Board at 4 O'clock on the 4th day
of November. 1V04, and objections to lb accept
ase of said street, or any part thereof,
mar be Sled In the efuce of tb sBdarslgaed
at any Urn brlor thereto. "
w Asdlfof T-the City of Portia ad. -PortUad,
Oregon. Ootober 80. 100a. - . -
'Notice b hereby give that William C.
Bllln,r ri.-lr,.vlnr h.e glad In tba offlce
of the ndetwrgned notloa tbst Smyth How-
ot Hark street, under tbe provlatoua of ordl.J
aBsB f aB1 lu It dxhthEfsig IsaP I (MP int imurVfauitxtuk
sane no. la.nTM, Sal compieteoi aaio Bire
from the north line of Washington, atreet to
tb center line of Stark atreet. ' .
Said aoreptane will be eonaioerea or
Bieeutlve Board at 4 O'clock on tbe dtb day
of November. 1004. end objection to tb accept
ance ot said street, or . any pan iser,
may be tied In tbe ofnc of th undersigned
at say time prior thereto. . '
i...., . turn simrina . .
c .4 v v - By THOS. fl. PEVLIK.
"s ' v ' Aadltor of the City of Portland.
Portland; Oregon. October 80, 1004. i '
K.Hm ta . berehe at Tea that Wllltam 'C.
Willed, . ,, KHme. ha a-: Bled In the efoca
of tba undersigned notice that Star Sand Com
pany, contractor for th Improvement of Park
atreet," under tb provislonu of ordinance No.
1S.454, . aaa completed' aald atreet from th
renter Un of stark street, to tb center lln
f Bur osld street.. . . '. .
Bald acceptance will be eoBaioerea oy in
ftieeutlve Bosrd at 4 o'clock on the 4 uia day
of November. 1004. and object loeM to ta aceept-
ane . ot . said atreet, or any pun inereoi.
may Jm Bled- In the Of n ,JL tJUdsrslf M
at any time prior rnrrrio. . . r
V. . TttJS KAJH-t lltS SltlSLi, ..
V t-.-:"'- By THOS. O. MVUN.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland, Orrxoa. October 80, 1004.
; TATL0E BTBXXT. "- - '.' -
Tfotlcr-aj hereby glvew-fbat-Wllttxm Crl
ami..,. CH tulniii W.e BImI In the afftee
ot th nuderslgned notk-o tt -Portlsnd Hy
draull Ston Compaay,- er.ntrsetor for tbe Im
provement of aootb on, half f Tar tor atreet.
under th nrevlalona of ordinance Mo. 14,inu.
baa completed aald atreet from tbe eat curb
ttns or sitrteenrh street to a sine 10 fret east
f-of the esst curb lis Of Sixteenth street.
Said acceptance will Deonaiaerea. Dy m
Executive Board at 4 o cloca oa ue ta oas
ef Novembee. juoe, ana oojectiona to aceepr
.mm .f Mlit street- r one nart thereof.
mar be Sled In the offlce ot the nuderslgned
at any time prior tnereto.
, . - Ink i rjAtu c 1 1 n suanv.
i ' By THOS. C, PKVLIK,.'
Aadltor of the City of Portlaad.
' Portland. Orraon. October 20. 1004.
TEXBTK STEEXT. . -. "- .
Notice la krrebv atveathst Wllllsm 0,
Elliott. City Enalneer. baa Sled la th offlce
ef the a no. rale-nee. notice that Portlsnd Hy-
drsnlle Stone Company, contractor for the Im
provement of eaat one halt af SUtoenth street,
UHdee tbe provision of ordinance Ne. 14.15H.
has eomnletrd said etreet from th south curb
nne f Tartar street to a lln iu iet aouta
nt k. aonth etirn He of Tartar atreet.
Bald aoreptane will n conmaerea ny id.
there tlv Board at 4 o'clock en tbe 4th aay
et November. 1004, atva selections to in accept.
anew wi e. in iu"i w e.
may a Sled In tb f Be of lb nadoralgacd
at any .. lime on or xnrrrio. -v -a
.- TUB) BJXIH I 1 I rM.ABLr .
" - , , By THOS. O. PKVLIK.
Auditor of the City ef Portlaad.,
Portland. Oreaxin. October 80. 1004.
KoMen Is hereby alven that Wllltam C.
Elliott. City Engineer, has Slsd In ths fflc
of th nnderslxned notice tbst Portlsnd Hr
drsnlle Ston Company, contractor for ,b Inv
pceve merit or Mnta atreet. aaaer tne provminoa
et ordinance No, 14 105. baa eompleted aald
atreet from the north lies of- Ulisaa afreet
to th aontb no or noyi treet. K '
.Said aereptanee will b eoaaldered by th
Exeeutlv Board at d 'clock oa tb dtb day
of November, loo, and ebjecuoaa t ta accept-
nc of aald atreet, ar any part thereof,
mar be Sled In tbe office of tbe aadsraigned
t hay time prior thereto. , ' -TV
, v e Trial r,aniiiix mianu.
v . , : By TtlOE C. PEVLIK.
' " ' ' Auditor of th City of PortUad.
Portlaad, Oregon. October 20, 1004. ..
STEEXT, :" --" -.
Kotlce bj hereby gleea- tbst ' wTtllsm ; 0.
nilott, Cltv Enalneer. kas Sled ta tbe office
ef tb andersta-ned notice that 1. B. tVNell.
contractor for tb Improvement of East Twenty
eighth street, ander the provtelooa of ordl
nanc Ne. 18.S4S. has completed ssld street
from tb renter Hn et Esst Vsmhlll atreet
to th center tine of Bast Taylor atreet.
Said aereptanee will be eoualdrced by ths
Executive Bosrd at 4 'clock on tbe 4th dey
f November, 1004, and abjection to tb areetit
anee of aald atreet. or -eny part thereof,
may be Sled In th of8c of tb aaderilgued
at an time prfor thereto. , . -
TIIB TTXBrt'TlVE BO IB 17. '"; :,
"' ) ".."'. i By THOS. C. CEVLIK. ,
, , - . - Aadltor, ef the City of Portland. "
Portland. Oreonn, Oetober 20. 1004. ,
OObtflettov aed accxVtakce of .
peottmxbt , of ; east wa8hie0t0e
; STEEXT. ,-; ;.,,.::,'.,."'..,'.- . i
Kotlce In hereby - given lhat William C.
Elliott, City Knxlnser, baa Sled Pa tbe offlc
of tb naderalxned asttc tbet I. K. O'Nell,
contractor for the Imnrorement of .Kaat Wash
Ington etreet. ander tbe provtalons fcf orillnaar
K. 14.203, bss completed Bald atreet frem th
eeet lln nf Eaet Thlrty-elxhtb atreet to tbe
West Itn ef east Thirty-ninth treet.
Said aeeeptonr will be considered by th
Eiwurlv Board at d o'clock on the -fill day
of November. 1004. and objection to the eept
ann of -aetd atreet, or any part thereof,
may be gird, In the efflce of th undersigned
It any time prior thereto. -
" V f ! By TTI08, C. DEVLIJt, '
- " Aadltor of tbe City of PortUad. i
Portland. " Oregon. Aeteber 80, 1004. -
STEEXT. ;- ".' ,,-:.r , -
Notlcw a hereby gleva ' that" WtlHam C.
Elliott, City knaineer. baa Sled In the afSr
of the nuderslgned notice tbst Bechlil Bros.,
contract ore for th Improvement of Kelt
Twenty -elriilh arrest, nnder tb pro vl .toe ef
ordlnanc No. !t,848, have completed seid street
from ths South line nf Belmont atreet to tb
ettrter lln -of Eaet Yamhill street.- -
Said accepts nee will be eonaldered by fk
flteentlve Board at t s' eloc en the h dsr
of N'evembar. 11VV4. sod objections t th sceent
nc of said street, or sng part thereof,
may be Sled In" th afBe of tb usderalgne
at any tlme prior tbrreto.
- . Andltnr of the City ef Portland.
Portlaad, Oregon, October tw, 1004.
Kotlce to hereby glvra that at the meette
of th LouncU of Jbs city ef Portlaud, Ore
held on the mtk osy ef October. JOO. U
ollowlng resokitua was adopted: .
Keaolvsd, That tha council of the City
Portland, Orrgoa. deeme It expedient and peo
Ptawn to eouatruct a aewer In East Alder street
from TS feet west of Eaat Thirty. of lb street
to tb sewer In'Bset ThUty-foortb street. Ssld
sower to be of vltrlned aewer pipe with all
SMcaeeary caicb-bsslns, msa-bolea. Uup-hut and
hraachea, aod to b of lgut Iswltea Clear In
stil diameter. - - - . , t
bald aewer t be eanstroeted In eeoTdane
with the charter and erdtnaacea of tbe City f
Pwrtland ami the plana, specification nnd cert
mates of th City Engineer, Sled In the fnc
of th Aadltor of tba City of Portland- en tke
ITtb any el - October "4. liideraed: "City
Engineer' plan aad speetkeatlous for a tower
In Eaat Aider strret from 75 feet west . ot
Esst Thlrty-Afth atreet to sewer lo East Tblrty
fourth street sad tb estimates et toe work
to be done aud tha probable totsl-eoaf thereof.
Th eot f aald aewer to be assessed a pro
vided by the elty charter anon tb peeperty
apeelally and peottwly benetted tberebr snd
which la hereby declared to be aa follows:
Lots 8. S. 18, block , and Ma T, 10, II, block
0, Sunnyilii.
Ttie Engineer' estimate of ths probebl lottl
eoat for tba consfructiaa of ssld sews I
$H2.00. N. ,
Tb plane, spec! Orations snd estimates SaT th
City Engineer for th const mc Hon of aald sewer
gre hereby adopted. .
Keaolved. That tb Awrltor of tb City ef
Pcrtiaad be and ha is hereby directed to give
aetlr of the propoard eonatrnctlen sf aald
sewer as provided by tha city (barter. -
Benwnstranres agalnat the above aewer may
be Sled In writing with the nadarettned within
80 daya from th data of tka brat publica
tion of thla notice. i
-By order of th Council. ,
' " . Aadltor ef the City ot Portland.
Peril a Bit Oregon, October 22. 1004.
rxorxiixirT of xoeeis iteeet. .
Kntiuo' la . berehv stvrn that William O.
Elliott, City Engineer, baa Sled In the office
of the wnderalgned notice that Cieblach A Jnn
11 n. rontraotora fur tke Improvement of Morris
street, j ander the nrovlslons of ordinance No.
14.1.19. bsvs eompleted aald atreet from the
eaat Uad of Union vena to tb esst line of
Alhlna. - i i .
Bald acceptance wtll be considered by tbe
Execntlve Board at d e clock oa tke 4th day
of November. 1004, aad objections to the accept
anee of ssld street, oe any part . thereof.
aiky h Sled In tb of See nf th andmigned
at aay Umo prior thereto .
r.7, ? -.Br TH0S. C. PEVLI!;-
, ''" Aadltor of tb City of Portland.
- Portlsnd. Oregon. October 80, .1004. - .
STEXXT, - i , .:-:
Katies is kerrbv elven ' tbst William ' C.
Elliott. City Knclnear. baa 8 led la tb ofSee
of tbe undersigned notice met uminra s
Joplln; contractora for the Improvement of Eaat
Thirty-third atreet. unoer ta provisjon o;
ordinance Mo. 13.878. have eompleted .aald
atreet from the center line ef Ksat Aider
etreet to tha center Una ef Eaataa&LBgJaB
treet. ,.. ..'-.--
8a d acrentanca will b oouetoered ny tna
r.lerntlae Board at 4 e' clock on the 4th day
af November. 1004. and objection to tbe accept
ance et ssld street,, or any part thereof,
may bo 8 led In the offlce of the undersigned
at any time prior mere to.
. TUB E ABC t'Ti vm unanu.
. . zi - vrm r nnvT.r
Aadltor of th City of Portland.
PortUad. Oregon. Oatober 20, 1004. -
tUI U herehv elven that William C.
Elliott. Cltv Knrlneer. bss.Sled In tb offlce
of th undersigned notfc that Smyth A How
ard -Company, contractor for tbe Improvement,
sf Main atreet. ander the provisions of ordlnanc
No. 14.008. has completed aald atreet from
tb weet lln ef Second strsst ta tha cast Una
f Third street. J
rewlll be
Executive- Bosrd st 4 o'clock on tbe 4tb dey
of November. bt)04. and objections to tb accept-
anr ot aaldi street, or any parr inereor,
buy be Sled. In tbe offlce of the undersigned
St 'any time prior thereto. ; -. i ;
i v- - . . By THtJB. C. PEVLIK.
: Auditor of tko.Cltr et l-ortlsod.
Portlsnd. Oregon. October 20, 1904.
Notice Is- berebr - alven that '-William 0,
Wlllnte. rite- Knelneer. - has filed tor tha often
of the anderaigued notice that BerhlU Byoa
eonvrecvnra tiiv I ne consLrncvion or n sewer in
McKerebrr- snd Wlllr atreeta,- ander the pro-
I - 11 , . ,.v k - Mmnl.U
lieuw .1 vniiaHni i, u. , , , h... vu.f,e,..-.
aald aewer from 100 feet Berth of the aortb
line ef Hawthorne avenue to a connection with
too newer in. awei -iBnny-uiu-u suwrt at vr 111.7
atreet. !-. - .
Bald aerentane hill be considered by tb
Executive Bosrd at 4 o'clock on tb dtb day
f Noveanber. 1004. and object ton to tb secept-
nc or ssld" sewer, or ny part thereof,
may be Sled In tb offlce of. th underalgued
V any time prior thereto. ' i
..... 7 .1 TUB EXEC1T1VB BOABB. . ,
. ... , By THOS, C. PEVLlK. , '.,
, T Aadltor of tha City of PortlaaA.
PortUaA. Oregon, October 85. 1004.
Kntten ta hereby elven that William C
Elliott. City Engineer, ha Sled la the offlce
44 tke underalxned. unties that-Becblil Bros.,
cr.ntractnrs for the construction of sewer la
Eaat Aab etreet. nnder tbe ' nrovlslons of ardl-
oaBca No. 14.228, have eompleted said aewer
from tb esst line of General Anderson Ad
dition to a nonneetloBj. with aha sewer ta East
Twenty-fourth street. r
Said acceptance will be ro soldered by tb
Exeeutlv. Board at d o'clock oa tbe 4th day
ef November, loot, aad ebjeetwog to tb secept
ana at aald aewer, or aay , part thereof,
amy be Sled tn the of See o( tbe undersigned
Bt any time prior thereto. f
, Auditor of tbe City at Portland.
Portland. Oregon. October 80, 1004.
1 "oMc1" kt tecchy given that William C.
Sllott, City Eoxlseer, has Sled In tjie offlce
tbe anderelgned nolle that Fralnay A Keat
ing, enntractor for the conatrnrtton of s newer
l.i Eaat .Srcotid atreet. ander tb provision of
ordlnanc Ko.s l4.t08,- - have empltd - aald
aewer from tb center Hn ef Oregon atreet to
n connection with tba aewer la Kaat fillaaa
street. '
Ssld accepts nc will he considered by tb
Bxerurfve Bnard et 4 o'clock oa tke 4th day
of November. yo4, and object Iona to tb secept
sore 'nf said aewer,' or any part thereof,
may be Sled In tbe off-re- of the andarslgned
st any time prior thereto.
"'. -T- ' y THOS, C. PBVLIK, -
- " n ' Aadltor of tbe City of Portlaad.
Portlaad. Oirgrn, October 80, 1004.
' Ifotle it hereby give thst Wllllsm O.
Elliott. Cltv Enrlneer. baa-Sled la tba o flics
ef tb nnderslxned notice Chat H. X. Bluer,
contractor tor tba construction ot a newer ta
Pine atreet, under th provision of ordlnanc
Ne. 14.187. has '-eomnleSed said sewer from
th esst llaawt Sixth strest to tba Willametta
river. .
Ssld acrepUncw Will be eonstdereg tig tbe
Rierutlve Boerd st 4 o'clock en tb 4th dsy
of November. 1004. and object too to tba aerept
anee. ef saia aewer, or .any part inereor.
may be Sled In tba office of th naderslgnsd
at any tlm prior therrtn.
' Txtai h Ant i 1 1 v r.(rar.iv. -'
.'"'"; ':'.-. By THOS. C. PKVLIJf.
' Auditor of th City of PortUad. ,.
Portlaad. Otcgia, Octiler 80, 1004.
Kotlc la herrbv gtvea thst William C.
Vnilott. Cite Enalneer. baa Sled In- th office
of the nnderslxned notice tbst Psqnet A John
ston, contrsrtors for the Improvement of Cntnn
avenue, nnder too provisions or eedloaue Aa.
18.0KT. nana eompleted aald atreet from tke
renter line of Eaat.. Madison treat to th north
Un of Hawthorne avenue. -
Bald Bcceotanee will be consider eel ny th
P.veeurlv. Board at 4 o'clock on tb 4th day
of November. 10O4. and objections to tb accept -
snce on. ssia street, or any pan . inereor.
mar ne rtHed to the nfflc sf tbe aadarslxned
t aay time prior thereto. ,rr
'inn nArjio-iivni simr.ii. -v
- - By THOS.. C. PEVL1.
- Andltnr of the City" of PortUad.
Portlsnd. Oreron. October 80. 1004. ,
WnMc Is hereby alven thst en tbe 18th ear of
October, 1004, I took up and emponnded at the
City ' pound, at no, aoi nixini Btreet, in
th Cltv of PortUaaL Oregua, tha . folnrwlkg
described' animal:
nrrer Borse. left kind- toot white," near
left freot font and shod In front; and ualre
tb ewner. or other aersoa or persona having aa
Interest therein, shall claim poancaslon ot tb
Sams- aad pay all coots had ckerxra of th
keeping anil advertising aarae, .tegetker ' wllh
the gonad fee erf- aaid ntasely aa. provided by
or dl nance No. S.K2S, amended, of aald City
ef Portlaad. I will on th 4th day of November,
10O4. st the knur of 10 n. m.. et the Cltr
Pound, at Ka. tni Sixteenth, to ssld city, tall
lha above deecrlbed animal st (nihil auction to
th hlxhect bldrlvr. to Pay . the costs and
ebsrgee tsklnf ap heaping tad kdvertlalog
nch animal.
Ps ted lb la SBtn say af Wokeey inn.
. 'i t. W. EEEU, , f ouadmattx. -
T .'
Scaled prxpnaaU wtll be received at tka f
f of th Audita f the City of portiaed bbu!
I rider, November d, lOiet, st 1:00 o'ek. p. m.,
for tb Imnreeetoeot ef Tknrman etreet from
tbe west line of xaugby atri to tbo weat lln
ef Peter bmlld'a dwnsllon laud tb
manner nrovloed by uronianc. No. 14,205, ub
i.i ta Ihm wrevtaton of th charter and ordi
nance of -the City of Portlaad andXha, estl.
mat af th City Krislneer, oa SU.
K.rfe mnet bo sirictlr In socordane with
printed blanks, wkl. k will b furnlabad on
anoiicatlon at tba otnee of tb Auditor of th
City of Portland. And (aid tmprarament must
b completed on or before ISO day from tha
date ct tne signing sf the eontrse by tb
parties thereto, v . .
No nrooossls or bids Win be considered an-
less sccompaafrdr by. eertlSed. check pay-
r si to tbe order of tbe Mayor of tb City of
ortland. cer titled by reapenslhls bank for
aa amount equal to Id per east sf the aggie
Thght to reject V-ny ' and . att. bids hi
hereby reserve. ..... i , ...
By order t the. Execntlve Board. ....
. .-.-.- THOS. a OEVL!K, s
;- I' - Aadltor ef tho City sf Pert lend.
'. Port last. Oren-on, October 80, 1004.
'. ....... STEXXT.. . -..
., Notice U hereby given thst at th meeting
of tb Council ef the Crty ef BbrtUad, Oregon,
held ea tbe 10th day of October, 1004, Ue
following rssolntto waa adopted:
Besolrrd. Tbst th Council of th City of
pertund, uregon, neema it ipuinx aaa nro
iineas to Imurove Parao atreet from the east
line of Osntenhela a venae to tbe seat line of
Commercial street la to following mesne,
to-wlt: . '' - '
. First ny griding tna treet rait en dtb .with
tnll Intersection to the- grsds, sn given- by
Hi city CMineer.
Keren d By eonetroetlng woodan sidewalks.
' Third sty constructtna trooden aroaswalka.
Said Improvement ta he made la accordance
with tha charter and ordinaacea of tho City
ef Portland and the plans, specifics tlotut aad
eetimateu ot . ui city ainginser, filed is -tn
offlc of tbe Auditor of tbo City of Portlsnd
en the 23d dsy of September, 1004, Indorsed:
''City Engineer's i plana and apectf Icatlona for
the Improvement Of Perg atreet from the asst
line of Usntenbeln avenue to th ea.t lln of
Commercial street, and tb sat I ma tea ef tb
work to ba done and -the probable UU1 east
thereof." " - " . ,
Tbe coat, of aald Improvement to be aaaeeeed
aa nrovld4 by tb city charter neon tnev prop
erty epeclally and peculiarly benefited thereby,
ana which are hereby declared to be all tha
lots, part et let ana parcel or land lyins
between a -Una IijO feetbortk of and narallel
wltb tke north line ef Psfgn-street snd a lln
100 feet aoath of and parallel with the aoutb
line of larxo atreet knd between a line lou
feet east of and parallel- wltb the rat, lln
ot Oentenbeto avsou and' tba eaai link . of
Commercial atreet, - -. '.
Th Engineer ' estimate of th probabl total
Boat for the Improvement ot aald 1'arg street
The plane," specifications and estimates of
the City Kngineer for the Improvement et said
fc'araw atreet ar berebr adoated.
Heeolved, That tb Auditor ot th City of
PortUad b aod be I hereby directed to giv
notice of the proposed improvement ot , sals
street, ae nrovloed br tbe city chsrtsr.
B era on. trances agalnat tb above Improve,
nwnt anr be filed la writing with tb nnder
slxned within 80 dsv- from th data of tb
nrst nobiicatioa or tbla notic. , ,
. By rder of tbe Council. - - "
i . . THOS. C. PETT.tK ,
'" '. Andltor of tb City of Portlaad.
PortUad. Qrsgou. October 22. 1004. -
co, ice m mr. n, j . - H . - " ...iiih
Vlllotr. Cltv Knelneor. baa Vied la tb office
ef tho wnderalesed not! re that Bine A Rlner.
eon tractor for the improvenumi ot . uueaa
treet, nnder tb nrovlaion of ordlnflno No.
ix ma - ban romnUted said BtreOT" fronTtb
eeet lln f -Third strsst to the neet lino of
Front tret. -'
Raid accrntance-wlll be eonaldered by tha
Exeeatlve Board at ' clock en the 4th day
of November, 1004, aad objection! tn th aeerpt
anc of said atreet, or any part thereof,
mar ba Sled I tb of Ac of tb tmderxlxned
t any time nrtor tnereto. ,
r THE X tx-l'TIEtr-tWAKlX-nr
'Auditor nf tbe City of PortUad.
Portland, orrann. nctoher at. iwh.
Dr. VJ Norton Davis. .
' W treat enecesa fully an private in use aad
rtronlg dieaaxee et men, alas blood, stomach,
heart, liver, kidney snd throat trouble.
aure avPHtt.t.18 rwlthont mevenrrl tn etaf
cured forever, In SO to SO day. W teme
STKICTliBK. without ops ration at pnla, to IS
W sen dratna. the reeslt of aelf nbejna.
rmmedlstelr. W eaa raotor tbe eexaal via
f aay man ander no ay meaaa ag weu sr
meat goeaiwr ta aorseivov
Core Conoirfcoca la iMti
Tb doctors of thl Inatltata ar
all regntor
Bred sates, he bed mit yearn
IS rears.
have be known la Portland for
kave a reputation to maintain, aad
tak a eass aaleaa cerula anr
W gnarantoa to eara la every cast
take r ebsrgs aa fee. Cbnxwltstlnn
tees eonfldentlsL Tnatrnetlv BOOK
melbHt free In rlsln wrannsr.
will aader-
If yea eaanot call at orne.
0 ' boar 0 to S. and T to"a.l tanduVaatl
Sv-tSA.H A W 1
j; : rj aWlWBS aV EW dkdtt, j- - s . . .
KM ItMAiiC r41t fit Horttwwit '
Di.W. Norton Davis & Co.
tBji" ''OT''axtotat." W.'.s7 ayitJUT
snag BTOewta.
... - X,ayg''t BBV Koat Complex
Bxwwawr; ta sES Eormwsrt.;":'
Bottled Beer a Specialty
'rMuunon no.-, v
OtBtht 13th bb Bttrnatda Btraeta.
u s:3Ti::xa SYnu?
Ban beam aewd by Kllllon of Bothers fear thokr
rblldren while Teethinst foe over Plfty Tanr.
I eoothat too ehilit, softens tb gums, nil. to
all pain, earn wind olio, axut to tha Boat
anxnedy for dlarrbce.
Lef-jeWenV til 11
riokat onices isa yug , mo
TresnscontlnanttiI ' sa.
eaaf . TralnsB Dally . 6
Darllght trip through lbs) Caeca da
and Rocky tnountalna. Tor full pcrtio
ulara, raits, folders, ate cell on or ad
drgas K. tlXOBBff-T, C-v AX.
IE! TElrA nVtrwet, 1 .J.
B... - it.-1 - --- --..-. s " rr . -iMntj a . . -
A?7 mm
A- l llllMnm.
x -v" as. - i -
r af I
iy W-nserti -
TllrongS Piillmsa ttsadard an tanrlat aleew.
Ing cars dally to Omaha. Chicago, Kpokant
bnarlst aleentng. cars gaily to Ksnsse Curj.
throunh PuHutsa tonrtst aleeotne eara ineram.
ally oondtirte.ll weekly to Chic. so, BeeUnina
ckatr ear (aeata frer to the But Sally.
1 f CNIOE DEPOT. , i fevea. Arrtvaa.
SI'EOIAU. t -18 a.m. B tSn,tBa
Wot the Eaat via Bant Dally. , Dally.
- Ington. .- . v- - - ;:.' -
SPOKANE PLTEB. n -, , . , .... r
Pae Eastsra Washlna- " " -J '
ton. Walls WalU. Lew- U a. ax. -n0 a, m, "
Iston, Coen d'Alene Dally. 'Dally. ,
and - Creaf .-. KorUMra . , ., '." -
point. .; .. J.', .
For to Eaat vU Hunt- ' " " :
Inyton. Dally. - Dally. ,
" ' f) CT A K " ZTri lYlSllCHI DT7L X. ' " ; ',
S. S. Geo. W. E4r - Ainswwrth i'. '
Ko, 2. 12. Si , , DockT ba. I
.' 8. CotumbUa' i 8:04 0-81
Kov. -7. 17. 87. : y j-'.
point, connecting wltb
tmr.. foe llwac and
$ 09 p. m.
Dslly. '
ex. Sunday
6 :00 p. m.
North Beach.4 atr. Has.
ex. Sasday.
saio. A an at. gock.
0:no p. m.
I ID m n
-- - v .. , ui.iiai
CHtT mnA Yamhill Dl.
v nn a a.
S-nnn. an.
botnta, strs. Kutb sou,
ex. Sunday
sx. Sunday.,
aeoooo. Asn-at. nnca.
(Water nermlttln
r -7 -ir .
nnaae givsr Bout.
g aOs. na.
ana way point froo
Rlnarla. . W ...
ax. Sat, -v
& oo a. a.
Bpekane and Lawlston!
Isx. Prtdey.
TICKET OPriOE. Third and Washington. Te
- poon msin i in.
For Tokobsmn and Tlone troee ..nin .
Rrbe. Kg-akl and Sbsnxhsl. taking- fm, 'it
via cennectlnx tree mere tor Manila. Port Ar.
tour and Vladivostok: 8. S. AKAUONIA. Oct,
88; S. S. NICOMEDIA. Nov. 21; S. S. KUMAN.
TIA.'Drv. 8. For freight aad further farucoo
Ura-apply to
JAMES Tt. DEWSOtr Agent.
Tr.rpbon Mala 80S, Upper AUska Doe.
Itralnafor Salem, Roes-1
I our, a an lann, nacrs.
Bieato. Oaden. San Era a
T;2S a. sa.
icioco, Btociton, ue AS-l
ixeles. El t-aao, hw ur-
leans snd tbe Eaat,
Moraine tram eee
I aect - at Woodbnrn
I dally - except Sunder
wttn train , ror Mt.
7;10 o. at, .
I AmreL - Stlverten.
iBrownanua, a art ta a
JneM, VeodUng a a ai
I Natron, -
I Albany paeaenaee eo
Jnecto at Woodbnrn with
bit. Ante! and SUrar-
no:io a.m,
Itoa local.
I onrvants peeeenxee. .
IIBrMa. to
I aienuan paaainxer
I M a. a
i j . 1 1 . . - - . mr" ..... , . .
FortiAad-Oswegs Subarton Servtos aad TasnhTS -
.rv n. I n.ii. . ... . . .
Ttennt Foot of Jeffereon Street.
Tave Portland dxllr for Oanveeo T-xA . es s
180. 26. 1:26. 6:20. S.28. S 80. 10 10 n. S-.
Dally (xcent Sunday). 8:30, 8:80. S:S8. 10-
,. m.; 4:00. UJN) p, m. Suaday nJjf, b..
Keturalflg from fhrwreo. arrive Portland 3"o ,
I 10 a. m ; 1b8. 8 0S. 4:80. 8:18, T . t , f
11:10 P. ng" "Dally 4exoapt Sundsyl iuL 7:; , '
M. 10:20. 11:48 a. m. Except Itonday, U.aJ
n. m. Sunday only. lo:t a. m.
Leave from as me depot for DsTlst and Inter'
mediate point dally texcept Sunday) 4:00 p. aa.
Arrlvo Portlsnd 10:80 a. m.
Th . lndenendence-Monroonth tfotoe i f q
operate dally te Monmouth and Alrd. -
neetinx wltb Pout neve rsrina oompany a xrvw.4
at DslUs aad independence.
rirat-eUss fare from Portland to nxtnania.i
Bad San FrsBctsco $30, berths $8: earona s a
far $18. neeond-cUa berth $8 80, 1
Ticket to Eastern points, sad Peeop. ghnS
Isnea, China, Honolulu aad Ausrraha.
CTty Tlckrt OfOc corner Third Bad Waahe
Ington streets. - Phone Main TIE
0 W. STIN0ER. . W. E. COMA1S.
City Ticket Agent. v- teen. Paae. Aawat,
POtstTLtANDq '
Psret Sodnd Limited.
S: a. at.
11 . a. ba.
JOB. at,
for Taooma, Seattle
Olympla. aouta nena
Bad tsray't - Harbor
point. i
Nortk Crest Limited.
afVon . m, aaWaStIaa
Bntt. St. Paul, kt la
nes polls. Chleatm New
York, Boatnn and points
" ' '
f a. am
Eaet anq nentneasr.
Twln-Cltv Exnrana. I
Tacoma, Seattle, Spo-
kan. rieiena, Bt. pbu.
Mlnneenolla Chlcaeo.
New York. Booton aad
all - points Ksst and
Puget Snond - Kaaske
Clty-dt. Leu IB Special,
far Tacoma, Seattle.
Spokane. Butte. Bllllnaa.
Denver. Omshs, Kansas
City, Bte loula aad all
8:80 a, m.
f 00 .
pointa East ana Bonth-
eaat. t
All train . dally xerpt en Sonrk -hraack.
A. D. rnARLTOlf
.. Asatstant General Paaaeaxar Agent 1 i
.128 Morrison at., so. Third. Partload. On,
Astoria & Coliimbiav
' ! . rt ' ' r st l n .
8 no a. :
Foe MarsWksUterJPelly.
Clstskanl. Wast port.
11. W a. avi
Cliftoo. A tons, war
sentoa. Plavsi. Ham.
mood, - Fort Steeest.
Srarbart Park. SesaMe.
Astoria aad Beaaaor.
Express dslly, '
Astoria Sages,
T 00 . i
8 . 4$ p. m.
$. e. MA TO.
' . ' "' - O. T. nd P. A , Aat.K-ts. Oe.
C. A. STEWART, CommerrUl Ageni. f Aloe
tt 1'aone Mala ak
pixc U-J r. :
1 la tha fithew r- ( f ;'
the world. laoH Win
of Irr1 rv-et. I
4 '
Oreeen. k ill T
47 O O i
Leave. I
. A.