The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 02, 1904, Image 12

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    . . - .'..i THE C
... D..IL . JJJRHAU 0I5TLA1. J.
- ni
crrr noticxx
rixix STREET.
Ketle hereby green tbr At th meeting
rS ik Oniuctl of the City of Portland, ore.
' pen, held oa the loth day t Ocu.ber, lev.
u following renototuaj was adopted :- -
. Resolved. That Ihe Conodl of the tnty of
. pra-tUnd, Oree.. deem It expedient end
- la-opoees to taj prove Tlr-nt etreet from
7 the seat Una of Jwkmi etreet the Bank
line af Clifton MMl la the (oUuwtuC Un-
Mr. to-wit: - .. - ' "
" rh. n nadlse the etreet fall urMth wit
i foil toereetlone to the proper .eub grade u
tlrM be the City Engineer.
''- Second By tHinging tbe nnrfse of the street
fell- width with-full IsUrseotlasa to axed
r with macadam. '
t ThlnA Hy ontrne41nr nrtt8cll (ton 1d.
ore I a In ereocdence with the lly Kngtoeoro
'" of PortUnd and 1h plana, eneclflcellone and
, e-rlmatre of the City r.ngtneer Sled In the of-
Bee or too Auditor or trre lit of rvjctiano oa
' the ' 22d day of . rVptomher. 14. Indorsed:
'tilty Rngtneer'e piano and epeclncatl..c.a fi
( Che lanttravemetit of Twentv-Aret ell cat frl
. the aouth lino of Jackson street to tho north
T Un of Clifton ihwt n4 tho eaUniatao of
- the work to be don aad tae probeoM ni
coat thereof." ' ' . ' '
Th cost of eald Improvement to W sssreacd
, . ae provided hy the dty charter upon tha prop
erty eneclaUv- and peculiarly benefited thereby
and which kt hereby declared o bo all tha
lore, nana of lota and perceU of land IT"
UMawa lit 1 feel or ana nnreiie.
th tho vreet Dm of Tweety-Srst otroM and
Jna loo foot oaot of and parallel with Me
. -at Una of Twroty-nmt otroot and botwaoj
t to aoath lino of Jaraoa streot and tha oortk
l.n of Cltftoai atraot. ' - ' ..
Tho KtirloMr'a oatlaiara of th prohabla
, nal mat tvt tha tmproTomant of aald Itnuu
oM - aann ho
Tho ahoT Impfooomont h to ha daaaed, aa
, naoadam topraromont and ahall ha natntalii
h tho City for a pertod-Of Bra roara. prorloVd
. that tha camera of m matnrltr of tho pcopertf
" to6ted b aald Imprwromont or any port loa
thoraof ahall not petition for a near or different
Inivroeaaaant iMforo to osplratloa of ck
plana, opecfrlcaHnna and eatlmatea of
' fho Hty BnaHneT fur the Jmproeeanent of ald
' Iwenty Bret otroot are hereof aooniea.
U .1. TV . tha Ainlltne of TBO 'T
. asf Portland ho and ho la serene olreetea m ito
; not Ira of tha propoaed lnnToeement of aald
Itreet aa proeMad hy tna city rnaner.
iUmonatraneaa afalnat tho aboro Improe.
:toeot say be sled In wrltlnir with fha n (Ser
ai r4 with In SO day from tha data a tba
tint pohllcatlon or thta ajouca.
Vie nrAmr nff the Ctmrt
. .. - - thos. c. nFVi.iJ. .
"' ' ' Aadttor of -tha City of Portland.
Portlaaat Oeeo. etobw 84VW04V-
Motled to-taraby fytreti that tha OoancU
- f tha Clta -of IHartVaad prupoaaa to aaaoaa
- 'tha followlnd deocrlbed pruperty and owner
lor ewnara. aa hla( apoclally and parallarlj
iMneflted to too vwata ar oppoaita tha nam
, nr a tower to Third a tree, from IS feat aonta
- of tna axa-U Una of Maada atreet to to newer
a- enU-h oa nraelded by ordlnanca
Ajfl 14.172.
" AB7 objartlona) to tna apportlonajent of root
for amid awwer moat he made In wrKlnf
to tha Council and filed with tha AadlUa?
arl thin IS daya from tha data ef the fleet
;pnbUcatloa of thla awttco, and aald objection
'I will be hoard and deter ruined by tha Ooundl
' he fore tna paaaac of the ordinance aaaiaalng
' the root for aald newer. - ; -
' a iaornauei inillTIIIS TO OABUTHErur
Dl)lTIO;f to the city "'.',orMBir
BLOCK 6a, Jot , Aa K. Woltrlna. W .
CI . lot T, Anna B. weltriii.; aaai a iaei u.
tu 40: eaat 4 feet of weat 100 feet of lot 8,
. Anna , Woltrln. $0.40; woat M f eetof lot J.
m ! 1 1 reel H im v. anna
i; ilha patent, e
ktik Epateln. Io. ril.OCK tot . Jo
' eeph tak. C.ek. I BtXKK . lot 1 Orw'
' Hallway A NaTlmtloB. Company, faO-On; tot
I-'' 7 Oreo Railway Naylsatkai Company,
' 128.08; lot . Orenn Hallway KaTUatloj
-i..' Toanpany. $a.05; lot 4. Oreaoa Railway A
. KarWion. Company, $38.05. BLOt K m.
eaat 68 feet of lot 1. Jennie barh lae.
, weet 18 toot of eaat 100 feet Tlot iLk lbert
w ul EUM B. Welrht, t-I.SO. Total, fniM
THOS. 13. DiTUN,;'
1 Andltor of the City of rortland.
Portland. Orecon, October 81. 1004.
ooSrijmoaT Ajro aoozttajici o ni-
V ajotlo la hereby fla that WHHam C.
riUott. City Knalnoar. baa Be ortoe
- of the nderalgned notice that BecIU Broaj
cmtxactora fur , the Impiwement of H.ljey
atreet, noder the proeUlone of WMlutare Jto.
!.- bae eompietod eld etrertfronv the
' eaat line of JSaat i-wanty-ioono nmi w
. center Una of Kaat Twenty-alit atreet.
"aa . wiu be eonaldarad by the
HaecotlTe BoarM at 4 o'clock o the 4th oay
. i .nJ flhunaai to the eeeeDt-
anea of aald atreet, A or ay pert thereof.
may-be Bh-d to the oTftce of the undarlned
et any tlanr prior thereto. .
:;.:- By THOS. C. iBVLIH. '.
- . Aedltor of tha City of Pertlaaa. '
PortUnd. owroa, nciooor a.
JCotloa la fcerebf eaa that WllllatoO.
InUntt, Cltr Engineer, baa Sled to tha office
of tha nnderalgnad notice that Warren Con
a tract loo ouapaay, contractor fo the lmproee
ment of Fifth atreet, nnder the nroylelona of
ordinance ho. 1S.S38, baa oompleted aald Mreat
from tbe north Una of Alder atreet to Ua
enter Una of Ankeor atreet. ;
Bald acceptance will be cooa! dreed hy the
Elxemtlee Board at 4 o'clock on the 4lh day
of Morember. l4. and object lone, to the accept
ance of oald atreet, or any part thereof
may be Med la the ofnee of tna nderalned
nt any time prior thereto. .
- -' -' Andltor of the City of I'ortland. ;
Portland. Orogon, October . 1904. ' -..
UJF i nUO. Vi PHT rwr
: Totl ta hereby siren that Wnilama
t nUottT City Enrlneer, aa Sled to toe office
. contractor for the Improeenient of BeUwoo
etreet, nndar the proTlalotia of ordinance No.
4, J3.ii bteompleted aald atreet from the
eeeWltna of Bodnoy aresae to tha weet Una
ai ine auw!reiieai . wmn-w
of I'nlon aeenoa. j. a.
Bald acceptance will be conaldered by the
-r-Fiyecntltw Board at 4 o'clock on tbe 4th day
. of Korember. U04. and objecttone to tka a crop t
bace of aald atreet, or eny part thereof,
may be Sled In tbe office of the amderatoned
at any time prior thereto; . -
" - ' i- Br THOS. C. IKVM!f.
i i Andltor of tha City af Portland.
Portland. Orecon. October 2U. 1B0A, -
. ' JfOnBDltASTIE'S U0TICE. , .
Jtorlea ta hereby elyen that on tna tk Say
of October, 104. I took nn end empoanded
at the City Poand. at Ka. 281 Slxteeolh atreet.
tn the City of Portland, Oregon, tha following
deaerlbed aalmanu . t
(irey marc abod to front and branded circle
bar on left blp. '
Red heifer white oa belly, white eaat on right
-bind ffoerter. - - - - -. -.-
r' Black ateeTTOIf. left bind Tnot Mtraot
nrhlta and wer half of tall white. :
nrtndle d white Bteer.
Light red ateer white on face: and anleea
the owner, or other peraon 'or aereooe bating
' an Intereat therein, ahall claim poeaeoetoa of
tbe Mate, and pay all eaat knd rhereee of the
; fcooploe ana .Meertieinji tnena,. togatnee - wita
the noanf feea oa aald animate, aa proTlded by
ordinance ho. .28.- aa amended, of eald City
of Portland. I will oa the Stb day of Noeem
ter. 1904. at tbe boor ef 10 a. m.. at tha City
k poond. at Ka. 211 Sixteenth, to aald city, aefl
the ahoee deeerlhed anlmala at public auctloe
to the hlebeaf MdcW, to pay the mete and
ehargee for taking Bp, keep Log and adeertlatog
aora animaie.- . ' c . - jk
- Dated tola (tat day of Oetnbar, 1P04. '
F W. BFKn. rmindmeetee.
, BatsblUAod iaai.itrtWU9,tMWTt
aea ' ' a ' a
''a a a a.t a
Idanofavctnram of and
, etaaUaca In avU klnda of
Kuttt, Granite and I f
aiwiaw nvm ;
: SatlroaLea ' Olvoa ' on
, Appuosuotv . ,
, Pet Mndtaon avnd'
Jafferaon Blroeta. ,
. . njHTlAJSiJ. or.
- iH1'llll
it -at- vL-r
I . PFH Will I
L t4) Say Sul teWICfetSb .
I ' Wl a my-liva in ei-ilt I rL.rii- i i. in. 1 vr-,ri",Ju ' . T n nth iii-in I n. X.IXJ- e'C j n -' Vinxji.m nrn I Hi ' 'i
l ... ..ilk. - ' .... . . ...
rxoroBXB nt0Tin: of MTaUi-:-
TXIITS VZMXKt. ' ,-. t' '
Notice to iorebr '"uST Three m
at the OoencU of the y of Porttond. 0reJ
held oa the lath day of October, 1H04, in
toilowliiaT reaolutloe waa aootjtea.
fceeolTed. That the Coancll of fba ntj a
Portland, Oreexm. eMoe " """f from IT
ne to. hnpmTe Seeenteontk atreet rrmo it
to the eooth curb Una of CUftoa atreet to u
followtns m&nawr. to-wlt: . . . rl?h
KlrtBy eredlnc the JlraV Ta!
fall totereectlona to the proper ab-a;raoe aa
' Recond By brlnirlti
mh widrh Vtth ?ll Inlll-to-tnJLT
mil en tun emr riui .--- t,
lUhed grade nlth anacadaaa. . , aide.
Third By eonatructina '?'"".,T,. k.nrlnrrT
walka la accnr.1anca with the itt IWennaae a
pUne. paclftcatlona and eatluijtea-
y-rth-Hy ctrtirtlmr eeuftiJjn "jna
to accordance with the City Itnalneer a pv,
aperinoatlone and eetlmatae. .
Mflb By oonatroctln. atoaa Sottora.
Bald Improeement to Jo made "t,eeJ!!"0,
fth tho charter ar,d, '"7"' 'M.d i. tl
PonUnd and toe plana 'T"c,c7?L i. the
mate, of tha Cfly rttt .ntf p'ortUnd
ofrtce of the Audited of tka CIyof JJJ
on thaM day Vct.-"
ttty Bnctneere P'an- ----.irlrt frug.
ana ine eeimeiie- it
UJe prooauie- amai eiw -y
ine coat oi earn - J th n-oo-
proTlded by the WbVWK?Jd which
erty aicl.lly benefited 'T:: .! oarM of
l hereby delated ftn he .11 the J","
Ma and parcel, of tend W?fZFZi the
KM feet woaterly from and P" " .
weeterly line of Sew teen III reet nd Hna
100 feet eaaterly from ".-"""i H
eaatorl line of Beeentaen h atroet and he
tween the north line of " ,tr 1 ,
the eaat h line of Cllftno atreet
- The Knelnaer a oatlmato of toa jabu Wai
,. evithe imneoeemaat of aald neyen taenia
atreet to S4.B90.0o. . tala .
The ahoee Improraaneat to to ha rtaeaefl aaa
macadam ImproToment and ahaU he inatnta
by the city for a period of flee yeere, P
that wie owner, of e majority of ba l1?"
heMfltad by aald lmroyeinnt er any PtloB
thereof ahall aot petition for a oeer er
ImproTemeBt before tha) -eptretto- of aach
period. : - the
The prane, apanrireTieai am
City Knainaer for the Improrement of paio
a e. .a- - kaoaht nkAefltMl., .ir. ... nV.' V'th. Plt of
"aoieea. ,., , aii- 5id o aire
Fort tana oe ana no o e-r J eato
notice of the propoaed tmprwaient or ai
. . laa Woe Olaak aielfta dhartant".
ItTW-W-pTOTHl-rll WW aewy " a
ri.aa K4 aW dlmVnl fMIT) tbaft MM K. UN
--A-i-t, ih 'c,, ofPoftUbd.
PortUnd. Oreoo, October M. .Oe.
KorosED ncrmoTntTr of fOattmouTH
. - . . . a . aake ,i i 1 1 1 1 e
Bottca M nereny eiTen m.' - -1" -of
the Coenrll of the Cltrof Portland. Oxefoa,
a. e a. l VCkeVW afto. ex a raawtrtltoanf . lliUfi. U K04
towlni.r-wmtioai - ( ,
Heaoieeo. imi " ?r " , -Lji
rortland, oraeoa, oeema ".V.
P to lmprcre V-"-tk 7"" IS!
bona line oi wiiiae.
aoath line of Itoato atreet to the foUowint
manner, to-will - 4fk
Flret By arnotna ue -
enii .t-c?io. la toe erade aa laa by
?- '."TT: ald-ralka. i
rfWBir-Of UHwviiP , J
Third Br cooatrartlnd ernwal1"-
ram JuieTTr-aaaa w -
with the charter and MD."' 'il "'I
af PortUnd and the planej t
eatlmatea of toe Ctty Smttneee Sled la the
oroc oi ate aaitn oi i- v,,'iwi ,V7' T
oa the 4th day of October. . 1804. to?8
"tlty anarineer a plane mma T" r" --
mpreiemonr or f-eeiaiaaewie - -
north Una of WUlametto boalaeerd toe aootb
line ax aionta atreet aaa . . , .7.-, -Zl.
nek t k. avo and tha Brobabto . total eaat
'i a. -a. - W W.
ID ran fT vani fmi"v--in
-tr gpAlU and psrnHiirlT atHl tJT1
J -a. 4 A. Aawalanaaaaaai to. Sa all thdlOtan.
IIKI WUIJal mm aBFIww ayrtanew .w -
parte af Iota and pereete af land lylne; Jwtween
the norot line or noogeioa, emw
Una of afonto atreet a ad betwaea n Una, 100
fe weat af and parallel with the weat Itoa of
r. . .k - A . IDA f Mtt eeet of
and parallel with the eaat Una af Porta month
arenne; aiao ati in iom, i""- ---"
parcela of land lylns between tbe north Una
ot eviliaanetie ooatieverw eww " - ' "
Pewnoa etoaet .nnd netween n. one iv- wej
weat of and parallel with tbe weat line of
rortanMnee aenne ana a aw te IT ;
and parallel with tbe eaat Una of rottomonth
arenne; and a too the eaaterly one half of
Moot a V and M -and tM weeterly one half of
biooaa r and N,. Pnrtomoath Tllla extended.
The Borlnaer'a eetlmate af tbe probable total
coat for thelmpreeement of aald iNartaanoatli
eenne to SS.4Bd.00.
Tbe Plana, epeclneattona and eatlmatea of the
City Enarlneer for- the Improrement of , aald
Portemonth aeenoa are hereby adopted. -
Reaoleed. That the lad I tor of the Ctty af
mi .i . - a- a. " etwe
rvniBi oe aou w aa tawtwwf " - - - w e---
notice of the nropneed improeeaaent of aald
renoe- ae prerlded by the city charter ;m l
mar be Sled In wrttln with, the onderatjrned
within SO -day from toe data1 at the flrat pub
lication of thta notice. - . T-r--r
By order of tna warn. '
' t ' - Aadltot of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oreiroo, October S3. laOa. ,
novoan) ntT0TEjfET or hawthorbe
s NoHee ta baeehr arleen that nt the meeting
ef tbe Coancll of the City of Portland. Oregon.
held en the ltfTD gay or uetooer, lev, in ioe
Icwlng reaolutloa waa adopted:
Reaoleed,-That- the- Connate of tea City f
Portland, Oregon, oeema It expedient and nro-
Kaa to Improra Hawthorne avenue from 13
t weat of tho eaat line of Beet Third atreet
to the eaat line of Eaat Eleventh atreet la
the following manner, to-wlt :
Flret By eonatroctln arttSda! atone etde
walka tn accordance with the City EiiglDOar'e
plana, apeclScationa and eatlmatea. , . ,.
Beeona oy eooairactiag artinciai name curve.
Third By eonatractlng aroeawelka.
Bald Inmroaetnent to be made to aeeordanea
with tbe charter and - ordinance of the City
of Portland and tha plana, apecMcatlone . and
eetunateo of the city Engineer Sled to tie oi
Sce of the Andltor af the City of Portia ad on
the loth day of October. 1004. tadoraod: "City
Bnglnoor' plane and apectScatloaa for the Im
prorement ef Hawthorne a eenne from IS feet
weet of tbe eaat Una of Eaat Third atreet to tha
eaat line of Beat Elerenth atreet and the eetl-
matea af the work to he done, and the probable
total eoat thereof." j .
Tbe coat of aald Improvement re be aaaeaaad
aa pro elded by tbe city charter apoa tbe prop
erty eperlaHy and peculiarly benefited thereby
ana wnicn le nereoy aecierea to no ail tna lota,
parte thereof and pereala ef lead lying berweea
a Una 100 feet aoath of and narallel with tha
aoath line of Hawthorne aeenne and Una
100 feet north of and parallel with tha north
Una af 0nwtbnrne arcane and between the eaat
line of Eaat Third atreet and a Una 100 feet
eaat of and parallel with the eaat Una of Eaat
Elerenth atreet.
Tbe Ena-lneer'a eetlmate of tbe probable total
net for the improrement of, aaid Hawthorne
a ren be I fl.160.0n. . ,.
The plana, apedfleatlona and eatlmatea of the
City Engineer for tbe improrement of aald
Hawthorne arenne are nerepy adopted.
R centred. That tbe Andltor of the City af
Portland be and he la' hereby directed to glee
notice of - the pwpeaed laneroameat - of eald
avenae ee pro elded by tbe city eberter.- -
Kemooerranoee againet the a bore Imnroeement
aw he flleel tn wrlHne with the aml.Ma
within 90 dare train the date ot tbe drat pub
Ucatton of thla notice. . ....
By order of the Coancll. '
. V THOS. !. rtETMW.
. I Aadlhw af the Cltr of PortUad,
Portland. .Oregoa, October X2,' 1904.
Bottca la heeehy given that at the meeting
of the Coancll of the City of Portland. Oregon,
held on the loth day of October,. 1904, tbe
following reenintion waa aooptea:
BeeolTcdr That - the Conucll of the City of
Portland, Oregno, deema It expedient and pro
poeea to Imprrnre. WUilanM aveane from the
anrth Una of McMillan atreet to the eooth line
of Alberta etreet, eeee and except that- per Hon'
nf aald Wlillama arenae tying nerweea a line
Id 'feet north of, the north line af Cherry
atreet and a lino 100 feet eooth of tbe aoath
rroe ox osnaowny, an -ine xotaewing ma a ear,
to. wttt ' .
Flrat By trading the atreet fall width with
full totereeetlone to the proper erfb-grade. aa
ebflWa hy the atakea aet by tbe City Engineer.
Second lly eonatractlng artificial atone
Third By ouueti at ting none blocs aaaaera,
aoeaie row. . .
Foertk Bt hi Tine tile. ". '
Jr-ltth By hrtiurtne tha anrfac of the atreet
full width with toll toreraectlona to. grade with
bltnllthle parement. except that portion of
eald atreet . occupied . by the atreet railway
company aa a right of way, which portion of
aald atreet ahall be Improved by replacing the
rail now la nee witn groove raiia not leee
then aevee torhe to depth, paring the apace
between the ralla and fro- a dtatanee ef one
root awl aide of-the eald ralla with atone Moeke
aet an a concrete foondatha and grouted with
cement mnrtar, the macreto -ondet the ralla
and the atone blneka to ha at leaat all Inehee
In depth and tbe remaining portion ot tbe aald
right of way to be improved .with bltoUthle
.pa vemnt-
Pald tniprviTfnOnt to be made tn acror dance
with tbe charter and nrdlnancee of the City of
Portlaad and the plana, apedflcatlooe and eatl
Iti a tea of tbe City Engineer, filed In the office
of the Andltor of the City af Portlaad a the
loth alar of October. ' 1fM4. indoraed: "Cltr
the ImproTemeot oi , " T a-iiaaheth
IT , feet aoath. ef toe north ''-Vrt Itree
Aoeieeer'a plan and aped flea Uooa far tha Ian.
reoeement of WtUlama arenne front tbe, north
line of McMillan atreet to the avatb line of
Alberta atreet and tbe aatltnatea of the -work
to he done and tbe probable total eoat thereof."
The coat of aald loiproeeeaent to be aaaiaard
aa poelded by tbe city charter npon the prop
erty rpeelally and pecwllarly benefited Ihrreby
and which la declared to be all the lota, parte
af lota and parcela of lead lying between a
Una 100 faer7 eaaterly from and parallel with
the eaaterly lino of Wlliiawe avenue and a
Una 100 feet weeterly from end parallel with
the Woaterly line of Wlillama aeenne and be.
tween the aoath line ef Alberto atreet and tha
north line of Mrkllllen atreet.
The Engineer a eetlnia.te of tbe probable total
coa for the IninmTeaient of 'aald Wlillama
arenoe la f7S.M6.O0. '
The a bora lnprtemeiif T "To liecUeaedSa a
bltulltblc paeeaient, and ahall be maintained
hy the city foe a period of eight yearn, proTlded
that the owaere of a majority of tha property
benefltedhy aald Improvement or any portion
thereof ahall pot peUUoa tor a new or different
Improvement before the aaplratlon of aoch
period. ...
..The plana, apedncatlona and eatlmatea of
!T?.i: T Engineer for the Inipmrement of aald
Wlillama avenue are hereby adopted. -
HeeolTed, That the Andltor of the City of
Portland bend be la hereby directed to give
notice, of tbe ptopnaed UniiroTement ot aald
arenee ea pro Tided hy the city charter.
Reotonatrancee agalnat the eboee improre
moot tney he riled to writing with tbe noder
algned within 20 daya tnm the dateot tha
flret pnl'lloatlon of thla notice. ' , v
' By order of tha Coancll. . ' 'I
THOS. C. DETI.l, f
- . -' Andltor of tbe City o. FortUnd. j.
Portland. Oregon, October 22. 1904, . - lt :
rmoposiD imi n dzxat street.
Notice U hereby given that at the xoeetlng
of the Council of tbe City of Portland. Oregon,
bald oa tha luth day of October, 1904. the
following raoolutiaa waa adopted r- -.
lteaolred. That tha Ooancll of tha Cltr at
Portlaad, Oregon, dee ma It expedient and pro
poaaa ta conatroct a aewcr of vitrified aewer
pipe In Delay atreet. Cook avenue, alley through
block d. Hlvervlew addition, and Borthtrick
atreet from 190 feet north of the edntk line
of blocka 81 and S2, .Central Alhlna. to tha
ewer la Mania atreet at Ielay atreet. Said
aewer to be aonatrncted with all neceeaary
catch-baalna, maa-noloa, I lamp-holoa ana
brancbee, and, to be of the fullowlug dl men
alone: Of eight lorhea clear Inalda diameter
from a : point to Borthwh-k atreet 10 feet
north of the aoath Una ot blocka 81 and 2.
Central Alblnd. to A point In Borthwlck atreet
where alley running through block 4. Blrervlew
addition,- tnteraecu aald Borthwlck atreet t
tbenoa of 10 Inches clear Inalde diameter along
alley extending through block 4. Hlvervlew
adclltloo, and la Alblna avenue to a point In
Alblna avenne at Ook avenue: thence at 'IS
Inche clear Inalde diameter through Conk a ve
nae to a point . In Cook avenue at Mlchlgaa
a venae; tbeoee ef 14 Inehee deer Inalde diam
eter from a point In Cook a ramie at Mlchlgaa
avenue along Cook avenae and Delay atreet
to a connection with the-aewer In Morrla atreet.
Bald aewer to be - constructed la accordance
rlth. the. charter and ordlnancee of tha City of
Portland and tha plana, aped f Ice tlona and eatV
aaatee of the Ctty, Engineer, filed to the office
nf the Auditor of the City of Portland on tha
lTth day of October, 1904. Indoraed: "City En
gineer's plan, and pacification for a .aewer
ID River view addition and - Borthwlck atreet
et el. Street from 190 feet north of tha aoath
ilne ef blocka SI and 83, to aewer to Morrle
treat, and the eatlmatea of tha work to be
done and the probable total eoat thereof."
Tbe eald aewer to be eonatnicted for tha par.
E of cowering and- draining all . the rate,
I thereof ana parcela 'of land lying- within
diatrtct bounded and deaerlbed aa follower:,
Beglnnlug at a point In tbe eaat line of
Delay atreet 100 feet northerly from-the north
line af Morrla atreet; thence eaaterly along tha
aouth Hue of lot T, block IT, Cook1 addition,
to a poiht 100 feet eaaterly from and parallel
with the eaaterly Une ef Delay, atreet; tbeace
northerly along a Una 100 feet distant from
aad parallel with the eaat Una of Delay atreet
to a point .10H feet distant la rectangular
measurement from tbe southeasterly Une of
Cook avenue; the net 'aortheaatecly along a Una
100 feet distant from and parallel v with the
southeasterly Una of Cook avenue to a . point
la the renter Una Of Mleatsaippt avenue; tbenoa
north along the center line of Mississippi ave
nue to a point B0 feet In rectangular naeaeoro- j
ment distant froaf 'tbe southeasterly Une of Cook
avenue: tbe nee northeasterly along a Una par
allel with the eoutheaeterly line of Cook avenue
tn the Intersect ton with tha east lino of lot .
block S, Rivet-new addition! thence .northerly
to n point la Ot center , line of Cook avenue;
tbenoa eaaterly along the center Una of .Cook
BTenoe o-poAnt 100 feet weet -of tbe weet
line of Commercial atreet; t banco northerly 100
feet dlatant from tod parallel. with the eaaterly
line of Commercial atreet to the north Une of
Rlverrlew addition; thence westerly along the
north Itner of Rlverrlew addition to a point
100 feet eaaterly from tbe easterly Une -oa"
Kerby atreet aa laid out tn Blrervlew addition;
thence northerly along a Hneioo feet eaaterly
from and parallel with tha eaaterly Une ot
Kerby atreet aa laid out la Rlverrlaw addition
to the aoath Una of Central Alblna i -thence- woat
erly alonay to aoath Une ef Central Alblna to
tbe center line of alley running through block
88, Central Alblna:. thence northerly along
tbe center Una ef aald alley to a point 300 feet
southerly from tha south Una nf Beech street;
thence weaterly along a Una 300 feet aontherlir
front ana parallel witn ine eoatn una ox neeea
street to the canter Una of Alblna' avenne;
tbe nee aootberly along tbe center Una or Al
blna aeenne to tbe center Une of -Fremont
atreet; tbenoa weaterly along the oante Une
of rreraont- atroet to tbe center line at alley
running through block S. Conk't addition; thence
aootberly along ue center line ot auey
through block 6 and 8. Cook a addition, to
tha cento Una of Cook thence south
westerly on a line between lota S and 4.
block -IS, Cook' addition, to point 8ft feat
southwest rrly of the aontbweaterly M.n of Conk
eveune; tkrnce aeuthaaaterly-elong a line No
feet dlatant aouth weaterly from and parallel
with tbe ermt westerly una ot uoog avenue
to tbe armfhweat corner of lot S, block IS,
Cook'e addition; thence eaaterly along tha
southerly Une of Into P. 10, 11. 13, 18 and 14.
block If). Cook' addition, to the weat Una ot
lot 18. block IS, Cook' addltloa: tbenoa south
erly along tha weat line of lota IS, 19 and
SO, block 18. Oook' addition, to a point at
the southwest earner of lot 30, blora-18, (Viok's
aAAHtlon' heV,CO eaatsHv stOTUT th OOUtberly
Una of lot 30, block 18. Conk' addition, to the
center lino ot ueiay airoex; t nance esjinsris
along the renter Una of Delay atreet to a
point 100 feet northerly from tbe north Une
of Morrle atreet! thence eaaterly on a Una Vl
feet northerly front and parallel with tbe north
line ot Morrla atreet to th place of begin
tog. Tbe mat of aald aower to be aaaeaaad aa pro
vided by th dty charter noon the pusaeity
aped ally and peculiarly benefited thereby and
which la berehy declared to be all the . Into,
parte thereof. and parcela af land Ivlng within
the district hereinbefore bouDdad and de
aerlbed. .. . '',
The Knst near a ea rimers ox too prouaoev ui
eoat of - th construction of ald, aewer la
in pinna, rewi"oi""e . - ...
rha. rtte Enelneer for the oouatroctlon of aald
aewer see hereby adopted. . - iv v
Beeolvoa. J net ine aunimr m w iu
PortUnd be end be to hereby directed to give
eoMee of the prooossd conatracflon ot ' acid
ewer;r aw provided bp- -the-oMy - eoartor..- ---ti
...h u seatnst the abere aewer tney
he filed In writing with the undersigned within
30 dav ftova th Oat OK in Sirs! puoircmuua
of thla notlc. , . ' .. . .- -. .
By roer ot xne- nsmi. .
, THOS.. 0. DETT.I". i-V
t Ad1tor of the Cltr of PortUnd.
i .PortUnd. Oregon. October 33, 1904.- ,
rxoroscs MrROTEJtiJrT or wist on
.HALF Ofi woRTBMOirra ATMUafc-
. . l i aaA a ha ae settee ot
tb Council af th City of ortUndt Oregon
held on the 19th day of October, 1804. tb
...II MMnintioai waa adopted t .
""'" . n in -a the -eV "31 . . n
rfVtlstllfle tfSn'Bl, mArewe-BRanp a r" - -
propoeeT to iSprora tha west one half of
t? r. "... .n the eonth line of
Er"0"?- "Jr.--"e V- ... I,.. Ulnff
Willamette ooooTsra w '- -
Street by constructing wooden sidewalk nd
erotawalk. to, accordance wltk the 0ty Engl-
"TIald Improvement to be made In acanc
with the charter . 71" J.
bfAr 'Of " TTt HaiWT " V",' w n.a,.-.w.w
oa in "7 j v,rT '-lnSL' 11
th fmpnT-eiit of tho wt ono bl Pt.
" '.7. -a mMm Kdt ShCMltk H cA Wl llfl IMttO
femlmrit- to to tHro lino of Bluff .trot on4
ualM.ta. 4f fha aJaVoTaT 0 b stOBO OOd.lilO
tol.lM,bm.. 'to ' be U
seesed ee provided by- tb city, charter apoa
tbe properly stwi iwnr v r
flted thereby and which laberehy decUred to
be u tn iota, pun. '
m wt - the mimm lies ef Pnetamenah
rvenue and a Una 100 feet west thereof end
parallel ' tnerewjio. ann "-n
line of Willamette boulevard and the north Une
rfTbeaKog'ner'' eetlmate of tb probable total
. . . . ... MWAw.ment nt eald weet
half of Porta month avenue, to SIO.00.
Tn Plane, eprenn-e, mis .
City Engineer for t tb Improvement of the
ii M. half of Pnrlamouth avenue-are
aereoy aaopi-o. .... . ,'",
. icesoiTeo. im "' ' ' , -
PortUnd be had he I hereby directed to give
eotlce ef tbe peepnoed laproveoieat of Mid
arena provided by tb city charter. '
Reuseaotrence againex me aoove iwiimr,iiwm
may be Sled to writing with th nialerslgned
wlihln 30 day from th date af th Urst pub-
i . . . i J k-1 , ulU.
By seder ef th Council. . ' ' i
Auditor of the City nf rarUaad. .
Portland. Oregon. October 33, 1V04,
raorosED FoTiirrfrT or east stark
. - .: street. -.
Jlorlce to hereby given that at the weetlng
of the Con sell of tbe City of Portlaad. Oregon,
held eutbe 19tb day of tictoher. 1804, the
following reeohitlon waa ptedi
Heoolved. That the Coancll of tha City o
rortUad. oregoa, deemo It expedient and pro
nnaee' to JeiSrnve Bsst Stark atreet froan th
eedtar Une of Kaat Seventh atreet ro the eater
Hue of Eaat Muih atreet. In the following -
FlratBy removing an loo earth,' nrad end
debrt from th anrfac ot th atreet full width
with full Intersection. ' -i-
Becond-By redVeealng the atreet fall width
with full Intersection with washed river gravel.
Wrird Hy eenstrMetlno-ortlfti-lal atnaa oMe-
walka to acnirdanee wllh the City Engineer'
pwaa, apedftcatlolia and eatlmatea. ;
yourfn or . w..,...
Sixth Bt- eonenlctlng, boa guHcrn.
Beveath By, eonatractlng wniMlen sldcWtlVt
to accordance, with, th City Engineer' plan,
pert flea tlona andTeatlmatea.
Said Improvement to he made In accordance
with the rharter.-and ordlnancee of the City of
Portland and the plana, epeel flea tlnae and esti
mates of the City Engineer filed In the office
nf the Aedltor of tho Cltr of Portland on the
ath dav of Heptemher, 1904. Indorsed: ' "City
Knrlneer'a plana and apeel flea tlona for the im
provement of Kaat Htark atreet front the center
line nf Fsat Seventh atreet to the center Une
of Raat Math atreet and the earl ma tee of the
arork to be done And th probable total coat
thereof'. ' - .. .'---- .,',-
. The eoat of said improvement to he muni
provided hy th city charter npon tbe prop-ertv-epeMelly
benefited thereby and which 1
hereby declered to be all the Iota, parte of
lota and' parcel of lead lytnc between a Una
loo feet north of and parallel with tbe north
Une of Beat Stark atreet and a line 100 feet
south ef and parallel with the aouth Una ef
Eaat Btark atreet and between the eaat line of
Eaat Seventh atreet aad tka west Una ot Beat
Klntb - atreet, -
Th Engineer earl mate of tbe prohahl total
eoat for the Improvement of aald Kaat Stork
atreet I Sl.zlS.08. .- . '
. Th. shove Imiwovamona to to be classed ae
a gravel repair Improvement end ahall h main
tained by th city for a period "af two years,
provided thst the owner of a majority of the
property benefited by aald ImnroTemeat or nny
portion thereof aball not petition for a new or
different Improrement eefor the sxpirttloa of
eoch period. '
- Tbepla na, aneHflcarlem and eatlmatea of the
nty ispeioee ror vne improvement ex spiv -
ateeel eee heeehy anVmted.
Resolved, That th Auditor nf the City of
Portland be and' ba I hereby directed to give
notice of the propoaed Improvement ot aald
atreet. aa neovlded hv the dty charter.
BeaaoMtreneea agalnat the above Impeove-
hav.fiu te -srHtlne with tb onder-
slaned-within 30 dara from the data nf tha
first publication of thla wunv. . o--;
By order of tn Oonocll. -.'- ,
' , , . THos. c- tlBTM". . -
- " : Aadltnr of the Cltv of rartlaivt. .
Portland. Oregon, October IS. 1904. -
' . STKEXT. .
' Notice ta berehy given that at the meeting
of the CeasncU of tbe City of Portland. Orearon,
held oa tha 19th day of October, 1904,. tb
following reenratloa waa adopted: . .
; Beaolvcd. That the Coancll of tb Ctty of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient end pro
poses to Iraprov McMillan atreet from . the
eouthweeterly Une f Croaby etreet to the eaat
Una of WllUama avenue la tna following man
ner, to-wlt;. : .. .
Flrat By fradtng th atreet fall width with
full Interseetione to to aub-grade as S'Tn by
tbe Ctty Bnglneer. , . -"
Second By eoestruetln- aton block fattar.
doubl row.
- Thlrn xte- lavtne vtlea. ' - 't-5 t-
Fourtb By eunitractlnt artificial 'too
noka u... she eenue of the atreet
to the eeubilehed grade full width witlufull
lctersectloaa with bltollthto pavement-, -
Said Improeenient to be made In aeeordanea
with the. charter add ordinance of tbe City
of PortUnd and the plana, . epedflcatlone and
eatlmatea of tha ,(Xt- Rngtnecr. filed In the
office-of th Auditor of tb City of! PortUnd
on th Sth day of October, 1904. Indoraed:
"City Engineer' plana and epeetfleatlone for
the improvement ot McMlllen atreet frosa the
aontbweaterly Urn, of Crosby atreet to the
eaat Una af WllUam avenue, and tbe esti
mates of the work to ba don and tha probabto
total coat thereof." .
Tbe cot ef aald Improvement ta be a assets
aa provided by tbe city charter npon the prop
erty anedallT and peculiarly bane flted thereby,
and which la hereby declared to be ea fol
low: All tb tot, part of lota and PceU
of land lying between tb southwesterly line
of Wheeler etreet and Une 100 feet south-
meaMrlv hem sail rmrallel with the BOO th Weet
erly Une ot Crosby street and between a line
100 feet -nortbwtoteTlyrhrs an parallel with
tha northweaterly Un of McMlliea tret-nd a
linn 100 teet oatheaeteriy rrom ana psreim
lib the southeasterly Une of MeMlUea atreet;
1a Sh enatrhweefeele nn-.h, If nf block 39 and
the norlheaetorly one-nair ot pines , ascmiv-
len'e an.llllon to Kaat rortiano. -
Taa Knelneee'a eetlmate oC the nrobablo total
eoat for the Improvement ot aald MeMllle
treet I Sl3.488.00. - ' . .
. Th shove Improvement U to he classed aa
e hitniithie mhihiii and shall be maintained
hy the ctty for a period of eight jreeiw. provl
Tided that the owiieta ot a enajoniy ea um
property Per en ted or aaia lmproreaseos mm i
m.Hm .h shall nn netltion for M terW
er different Improvement before tb axplratloa
of eucn perioa. . ' ' M
Th pUn. apdflclocut and eetlmatae of the
City Engineer tor th Improvement of aald
MCMiiien atreet are noreoy awiiiei. ,
TBeaolvwd. That th Auditor of tb City of
PortUnd be aad ba ta berehy directed tp glv
notice of tbe pronoesd Improvement ot aald
atreet, aa provided be. tb city cbartar.
Benvmatrance agalnat in aoove
may b filed la writing with the undersigned
within 30 daya from tha . data at tb first
publication ot thla notice. .,. 4 j . ; .
, . THOS. C DETUrf.
.' aeiiitne c the City if Portlaad. .
lNr-frrxP-)etob 22, 1A04--
WnHen ta herabv arlven that at the meeting
nf tb Council of tb Ctty at Portland. Orsgon.
held on too wta oay ox wroav, aeva, sue
following resnlutloa was adopted :
Reeolved, That the Council of tb Ctty ot
PortUnd, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poaea to lmprov East Twenty-ninth Sraet from
the north line ot Hawthorn venji to 100
feer north of th north II n ot East Mala
street In tb followtng manner, - to-wrr:
runt By grading to srrecx xuu wioia wiie
full Intersect loo to tb grade, aa give by
tbe City Engineer. " '.-
Second By oonatructlng oruudes sidewalks. .
Tklrd By eonatractlng wooden cross-walks. '
' Onerh Re ennstraetln box gnttars.
Bald Improvement to be made to aeeordanea
.h .ah. ,k,ew an nrnlnaBcee of the City
of PortUad and tbe plana, specifics tloo and
aatltnatea of the uiry mrism, nm oi
office of tb Andltor of tb City of PortUnd
on tb 23d day of fUptotnhar. 1904. Indorsed:
"City Roglneor'e plane and epoclfleetlooa for
the Improvement of Beat Twenty-ninth atreet
from tbe north line ef Hawthorne avenue to
100 foot north ef the north Une of Kaat Mala
street, and theoatlmete of th work to
be don and tna probabto total cost thereof."
The eoet of aald Improvement to be asarssrd
a provided by th elty charter npon the prop
erty pecUUy and peculiarly benefited thereby,
and Which la berehy decUred to be aU Jh
lota, part of lot and pn reels oflnd lying
between a Una 100 feet weat of nd parallel
with tb west Une ot Bast Twenty-ninth etreet
and a Une 100 feet east of and parallel with
the east Una of East Twenty-ninth street and
betwea th north Una of Hawthorn avenns
and a line 100 feet north ot and naraUol with
the north Une of Beet Main Str!
Th Engineer' eatl mate of tbe probable total
mat tor the Improvement ot Said East Twenty
..h i. ritr.: - '
Th plana. epeffteat1oM and eatl ma tea of the
rnty Engineer for the Improvement of aald
i . . . . . . . . ..........
Eaat Twenty-niniu aireev- ere lewi " -v -
Beeolvedf That the Andltor ot th City of
PortUad be aad, ha la bereby Olrectea to give
notice of the propoaed inipnivenwnt of ld
street, provided by th city charter.
. . p.nweiatesneea aealnet tb ' abov ImprOv.
roent may be tiled In writing with the nndev.
algned within 30 dars froro tb dato of tb
first publlctlon ox mis amra., - , i
By ordar of tbCounclL i.
i ... THOS. C. DnTvXIrJ, ' .
Auditor, of th City ot Portland. V
PortUnd. Oregoa, October S3, 1904, .
' Notice la bereby siren that at the meeting
of tb Coancll at th City of Portland, Oregoa,
held on th lth day of October. 1004, tbe
..iinevi,.e rwonturlon- waa adopted:
Reeolved. - That the Council of tb Ctty of
PortUnd, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
pose to iniprove r,aat,rinio sireex I mm toe
smith Una or Wygant Street to tb north tin
f Using treat la tb following manner , to
Klrati fly graifl ng tba a treat full width With
fall Intersection. -
Second: By bringing tb nrfae of tb atreet
full width wllh full Interaeetlon to tb proper
grade with upland bank gravel.
Third: By cooa true ting wooden sidewalks;
Bald Improeenient to be made In accordance
with th charter and ordinances of the Ctty
of PortUnd ad th plan. ieclf lea tlona and
estimates of the Ctty Engineer, filed to tb
office of th Auditor of th City ef PortUnd
on th 30th day of August, 10O4, Indoraed:
"City Engineer' plena and npedflratlnos for
8e Improvement of Eeet Ninth etreet from
the south Un of Wygant atreet tn the north
Ine of doing etreet and tbe eetlmatoe -of the
work to be dona and tbe probable total seat
thereof." ,
The coat of aald Improvement to b aaaian d
ss provided ' by the dty charter apoa the
property epedallf benefited thereby end whlrh
la hereby decUred to be all the Into, parte
nf lota and perceU nf Und lying betwaea a
Un 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tha
eaat line of Eaat Ninth street snd Une In
(set want ot aad parallel wttb tb woat Una
,.V., - V , e
of Kaat Mh etreet adtwtanyea
line c V.ant atrsvt aao urn see a sea
g tre..t.
thai the rwn7rT a -X""' ',
lfSZLZl Cf tl.tto af oncb
pis... flctln. "j2m?JLl
the r-y tnglneev for the 'nroremeut t ""Id
Ka -Into street are berehy edoptrd.
k-olved. That the Aedltor jtth ntj ' nf
Fnrtmnd be aad n VJZZitS? 2t Said
notice of the propoaed Improve meet 01 aai
atreet, aa nroVlded by tha elty charter,
Heux-aatrVnce. agalnM th. .bov '"Pcvt
ment may be filed I writing with the aadcev
signed within 30 daya from, tb data at tn
flrat publication of this notice. , 1 t
By order nt the Council. " s;
I lino. ,.----i
PotHMBd, Oregoa, October XX 1904.
--rmoroiKB mteotekikt Of iw .;
STRXET. . . ? -.
' Botlca 1. brb. given that jt th -eetlng
nf the Council of the Clty.of Vnnd. 0roo.
held on th 19th day ' f ,CtolH, ls4, . to
following reaolutlon wJ adopted.
Reeolved. That the Council tb CUyaf
Portland. Orgov deem. J,rl1J "lito
poses to Improve River srreet frem h
weetorly Ilne of Randolph atreet to a Un J40
feet eoutbes.trrly therefrom to tb followlag
Banner,, to-wlt: . '
. Flrat By bringing the naTfac of the atreet
fun width with fun ",HtJhi
a given by tb City Kw1'li ,ub"
earth. Uy, gravel, rock other, euitaoi
?18ood-By ctrnct1.g n.-balf pUnkV
way wttb full Interaeetlon. . .
thtrd-By conatrncUn; wooden ajdewalka a
aeeordanea with tbe City Biigtneor a ptaan.
apeclflcatloe aad eatlmatea. .-
Bald Improvement ,to be made J,",KI.;B3
with the charter and ordlnancee f ha City ef
PortUnd and th. plan. nP"?.'! ee
mates cf th. City Enan. flledln tbe of flee
of th Andltor of th Cltr of rnrtland n ithe
80th day of September. 1004. Indorsed: -City
Knrlneer'a pUn end epecin-tlooa. to the Im
prorement of River street from 'ha liort b we.r
reef Boatosueieriy --- mk1
mate of the work to be don sad tb prohabUnl
total eoat uiareor.. i ..aa...d
Tb eoat cf aald Improvement to h Msesssa
aa provided by tha 't..'BKL1B.rS"
ertyVneclally and pecul arly benefited thareby,
and which la hereby decUred to be ..11 tltoljto,
part, nf lot Md par"1' 'nf Ib.
alllnd 100 feet awtheaaterrr trrf ,
with, the northeaaterlg . Une ol : Ww tr??J
and a Una 100 feet ml'Bi
psrallsl with the southwestsrlr Una of njver
street aad between lino 1 ft north
weaterly from snd h &
weeterly Une ef Randolph atreal and
feet eoutheaeterly from and parallel wit the
southeasterly line of Bndolph treet
Tb Enginaor' eetlmate of t be prohabla aaai
cost for tb lmprovenaant ox aaw auvi
to 11.8600. ,- a
ea a pUnk roadway Irapcoveasaot and aba U be
maintained by the dty
year, provided- that the owner i ol m T
of the property benefited by aald ImpcoTement
or any portloa thereof aAaUjwt petition n 8
pew different Improve ment be for the ex
piration of each period.
Tb pUn. epeel flcatkma and a"' "J
ah. cjiiiA foe the Improvement! ot aald
Blver atreet are bereby adopted. a
Reeolved. That U Audrtnr-.rf be'C1ty- of
Part land be aad be t bereby airecxeaj so a'
notlcoof tb nropneed lmpeoveeient ot ald
street. provloVd by th city 'r":,.
Remonstrances . agalnat the aboe nrovo
ment may b filed to writing with tti ander
Unod wltbto 30 day from the date of tb
first publication ot thla notice. ' x; , . - -
By enter at to Council. :
. Tnos. 0L DETT.IrT.
' ,-ieV; Andltor of the City nf Portland. .
PortUndT Oregon.. October 33. 1904. . .
Notice to bereby give that at tb meeting
f tb Coancll of the Ctty of PortUnd. Oregoa,
held on th lfnb day of October,
i sous to
following reeoiuuoo was umspteui
Reeolved. That th Conucll of tb City cf
PortUnd, Oregon, daama It pdlnt and pro-
poeea to conatroct a sewer ta Koamy avenue
from 1U0 feet north of tba narthlln of Fre
mont etreet to tb sewer to Beech atreet. Bald
aewer to b of vitrified aewer pipe ef eight
tnebee clear Inalda diameter with all noosss sry
cateh-baaln. - tnan-aolea, . tamp-noire
heaneheO. - ' '.
. Said sews to -be eetsrrrueted -la aeeordanea
with tbe cbartar and ordtoancea of tba 'City
of PortUad and -the plane, apedficatlooa aad
emetea of tbe dty Kiiaineer. tiled to 'the
office ot tn Auditor ot the- City of PoT-rtasd-l
on tba 17th a ay ot vexooer. lwua. inoorsao
Huts Enatneer'a ntoas and anealflcatloa tor I
sewer to Bodney avenne from 100 fee north
rf th north Una of Fremont street to the
sower I IKecb atreet, end tbe eatlmatea ot th
work to be don aad tb probabU total coat
thereof. .
Th cost cf aald ewer to bo smissti aa pro
Tided by tba city charter npon the preoarty
apoclally and peculiarly benefited thereby, and
wnara m snsur uwecaereu au we en lumwa.
Lota S. S. A S. to block 30x Voto 11, 13.
IX u to block IS. Alblna Homestead. - -
The Knginear'a eetlmate of tho probabto total
coat for tb contraction ot said aswar Is
''xbe plans, apedflcatlnns and aatleaate ot
lbs City Bnainaer for the eoua tract loo ef aald
aewer are bereby adopted. : .
Resolved, Tbet tbe Aadltnr of th City ot
PortUad be aad be at bereby directed to give
Bjotleo - ox . tna propose a oonairocxme ox
aewer. ncovldad by tb city charter.
Bemonstrsncea agalnat the abov aewer may
be filed to writing with th undersigned within
30 daya from tba dato ot tba flrat pa bile than
of tnia notice. ... ,(: .. ( ,. , .
By nlcr ot tb fVmnclt ,
" r : 7l 'THOS. a TlETTJrT, f
V Auditor of tba City of Portland,
rertland. Oregon. October S3. 1904, v
- rtetto 1 berehy given that at tb meetlag
f tba OoancU of tb aty of Portland. Oregon,
held on the luth day of October, 1904. the
following reaolutloa waa adopted:
Reeolved. That tba Council of tb Cits' ot
PortUad, Oregon, deema It expedient aad pro
nrjeee . to improve Bucbtel avenue from the
north Une ef Kaat Btark atreet to. tb north
line of Mayor teste addltloa la the- followtng
manner, to-nit:
Flret By grading tba atreet fall width with
fall Intersection to tb proper eub -grade a
given by the City Engineer.
Second By bringing tbe aurface of tb afreet
tall width with full totersectlon to grade
with gravel.
Third By eunatt acting waodr ddewalka.
Fourth By eonetructlns ctosswalhs. .
fifth By coosWuctlng stons. gutters.
Said Improvenient to b mad to sccordaae
with tbe charter and ordinance of tb City of
PortUnd and tb plan, eoactfleatlons and eatl
matea of tho City Engineer, filed la tba atflc
of tb Auditor ait the City of PortUnd on the
17th day of October. 1904, Indorsed: "City
Knxineer'a plana and apedfleatlona tor th Im.
firovement of Ruehtel avenu from tb north
In of. Eaat Stark street to th north lln of
Mayor Gatea addition, and th eetlmatae of
the work to bo Aon - aad--tho-passable total
oust thereof." , .
Tho cost cf Said Improvement to he aaeesaad
a provided by th dty charter upon th prop
erty apeelally and peculiarly benefited thereby,
snd whlcb Is hereby decUred to be U tb tots,
part of lot and parcel of Und lying between
s lln 100 teet weet of aad parallel with tba
weet Un of Bucbtel avenue and a Une eonl
dlatant front the eaat Une of Bncbtel avenue
nd tba weat 11a nf BaatThlrty eerond street,
and Ita extension northerly in It present cum,
nd between tbe north lln of Beet -Stark street
and the north Une of Mayor Gates addition.
Tb E nglneer'a estlmste of th probabto total
cost for the Improvement of . paid Baehtal
avenue la 84.21. 00. . . .
The abov Improvement Is to b classed a a
gravel Improvement and aball ba maintained b
tbe dty for a period ef f It yeare, provided
that tb owner of a majority f to property
benefited hr aald Improvement or any portion
thereof ahall not petition for a new or differ
ent Improvement before tb oxpUattoa of each
period. ... ''
Tb plan, pedcat1ona and ectlmst of the
City Buglncer for tbe Improeernent of geld
Bucbtel avenue ar bereby adopted. " '
Beeolred. That tbe Auditor et tb City of
PortUnd he and b I berehy directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld
a re no, aa provided hy th city charter. -'
Bamorjatrsnce agslnat tb a bore lmproveieent
mar be filed In writing with th nndetelgned
within 80 days from the dato ot tb tint pno
U cat Ion ef till notlc. -
: By order f tb Cnnncll. , . '-
..,- THOS. C. DBTLIrf, .
Andltor of th Cltr of PortUnd.
rortland,' Oregon, October 23. 1904.
ixoroBXD utrxoTEMxxT -or AIJXXTA
- BTXXXT. ;- .'... -Notl
Is bereby given that at tb meeting
af tbe Coancll ot the City ef PortUnd, Ore,
goa, held en the ltb day af October, lieVA,
the following reeoiutMru wea wnwai -
KeeolTsd, That lb Council of th City ef
PortUnd, Oregon, deem It expedient snd pra
te improve A Inert street rrom in
west Une of Union avenne to th jest Una
of Commercial street by grading the street
eii width with full Interseetione to th grad I
.h... he ihn atakea aet hr the Cltr Knal-
ZLr . - '
Said Improvement to n mad ta aeeordanea
with tb charter and ordinance of th City
f Portland and th plane, aped flea Hoot aad
estimate ot th City Engineer filed la tbe
office et tbt Andltor of th Ctty ot Portland
on tha 18th day of October, 1904. Indorsed:
"City Engineer's plana and speciBcatlnn for
the Improvement of Alberta street from th
erase linn of Union avenne to the eaat Un
f (mmercial street aad tb astlmatoa ot tb
1 -e Au, later'a eatlnuia ".J"'
coat fur i Improvaiiiaut, of lo,ar-bu.e
.be above Improvement U to he cUesed .
grav.1 ImrmToamnt and jhall be ? J
V . as avh. aawwb- VU
be done gsd the drohable total coat
-t ef aald linprovaaDeet tone amass. rl
-by tha city charter, apoa toe
. ec lly and peculiarly bcneSted
" wuih le hereby decUred to be ell
i. I "s tocreof and parcela of Uad lying
i a -lie 1"0 feet north of and- parallel
t s .
b- -
a i a nor ip line et A I Deris atreet aau s
l. 1 i feet aomn of and parallel with the
- i I ef Albert atreet and between toe
wt Una ot Union avonno aad to eaat Una of
t -ne. I ateeet.' '
a n r s aettmato et tb nmbabl total
eoet t - a Uaprovemeat ot Said Alberta (treet
I t.l oO.
To t na, apect Sea tlona and eatlmatea of tb
C"y I near fur the Improve meat ef aald
slii-eeta rest ere beesby doptoaV i
beaolveO. lhat the.. Auditor cf tn City -of
For, .and b aad A la hereby directed to gtye
nonce ot the propoaed Improvement of told
atreet aa provided by the elty charter.
Hamouatraneee aralnst tb above Improrement
shay be died la writing with the naderalgned
wuhln 30 daya from tna Sato ot tha Orat pub
lication or tela nolle.
Aedltor of tha City of PorUasd.
PortUnA Oregoo, October 33. 1904. .
- - J ; BTXXXT. - , .
Notlc ta bereby given thst st the meeting of
the Council of the City of Portland, - Oregon,
held on th luth day of October, iUoa. tb fol
lowing reaolutloa was adopted: W.. .a
K sol red. That the Council f the CUyf
PortUad,. Oregoa. deem It expedient and pre
pose to lmprov Randolph etreet. from th
nortbesstsrly Una t Klver (tract to tbe outV
w ester ly Ua of Uoldamitk .alreet la tb fol
lowing manner, to-wlt: . '
, Flret By grading tb Street tall width with
tuU IntereectUMis to the proper sub-grade as
give by the Ctty Kngtoeer. , ' , ' ...
Second by bringing toe atreet full width wttb
full Intersect to na to grade wttb gravel, ' ..
Third By eoaatructlng wooded sidewalks. .
Fuurtb By constructing wooden eroeawaika,
' Fifth By eonatractlng stone gutters.
Bald Improvement to be made In accoadJnca
with tha charter and ordinance ot th Ctty
of Portland and the plana, apectOeatlsna and
eatlmatea of the titty Kngtoeer Sled tn th
of See of tho Auditor of th City ot PortUad
a tb both day of September, 1904. Indorsed:
TitV KnaHneoele nlees. mmA BnadAcatlone tot
the Improrement of Randolph atreet from tba
northeasterly line of Klver atroet to tbe south
westerly Une of Goldsmith street and the esti
mates of tha work to b dona ana uo prooeum
totsl coot toereof." . ..
. Th mt of said Imwoeaaaant to be aseeeaed
aa provided by the city charter anon toe prop
erty apectally benoSted thareby and which la
hereby declared to be U tbe Voui, parts of
lota aad pajKeU of Und lying between 8 line
lis, tmmt aa.lharait.rlv nam snd oaralUl With
the aortnweeteriy line of Banooipn aireei sun
a line 100 feet eonthaaaterly from and narallel
with tb southeasterly line of Randolph atreet.
an ratSMH the noelheeaterlv Uue ef RlVOt
atreet aad tba eoutbwestarly lino of Ctoldamlth
Street. . - - " . ' , . ,
ins Kogmasr eatl mate or too prows oie ioisi
at tar the lmiarovement of aald lvaadolpb
atreet to 13,888.00..
Tn abov ImproroaMnt x to b eUaed sa a
gravel Improvement aad ahall he maintained
by tbe -dty for a period ot Sv years, provided
thst tha owners of a majority of the property
be Bed ted by said Improvement or any portloa
toereof ehaU not petition for a new or dif
ferent lmprov ment before- the . expire uoa el
ancb narfcul - ...
- l sa piana. spscineniions ana emaMire w
tbe City Knglneer tor th Improvement ot aald
Beaolved. That tbe Andltor of tb City f
PortUad be and bo to barebr Olrectea t give
notlc of tb pronosed improvement ot esia
atreet aa awwiaei . he ran el rv cnaaiar.
Itoneooatrascea agalnat tba above Improve
seat may be AUd to writing with tba under-
algned within So daya from th dato at tha Brat
publication or tu nonce. .- ,
Ay oroar ox tna uooncii. "
Auditor at th City of PortUnd.
Portland. Oregon. October 3V 1904.--' , .
-'v taTMsW.T-. ...
Mnrrtna ta keeebr sivrst that t th anaotlna'
of the Coanetl of th aty .f Portland, Ore
gon, bald on tbe win oay ox tictousc, save,
h. el lytmri ... eraSOnBtMBl WSO aaVwtedt
Reeolved, That tho Council ot tb City ot
PortUnd, Oregon, deema it expedient aoe pvo
soees to Improve- Bast Aktor- street from tb
ii,. nt ibast ntrtswfourtb street to
tb west line of Bunnytld Third addlUoaVin
tbe following manner, to-wii;
rteeane eee dine tha.stroet fan width With
full Intersection to. tb snd ss sjve by the
J - aaanatiuvrHno wooden sidewalks.
.' Third By construetler woodea cruaewalka In
accord eee with tba City- tugineer a pUna
aad eeecUerattooa. . . 4 .
r,rh n, ennareuctln wcantoa earns la ac
cerdanc with tka Clly KnslneoT's plans Bad
urwllMi. .
Bald tmuioeeaaaat to he mad ta cordnc
with tb cbartar and ardlaaaeea of tb Ctty ef
PortUnd and th plane, apeclnoetloua and rati
mates of ths City Knglneer Sled to, tb office
of tb Auditor of tb City of Portlaad Bth
SHb day of September, 1904, Indorsed: "Cltf
nglneer'a plana snd spsclflcstlons for tb Im
provement of East Alder street from the east
Hn of Bait Thirty -foorth street to tbe weet
ltoo of Bnhnysld Third addition, and tba esti
mates f tb work to h done and tb Prob
able total ooat thereof." . , .
. Th. nnat nf a. Id tmneovement to D SI
ee MMlrUa he k. elrv ehartee anaa th taTOP-
erty spccUlly hens flted thereby and which 1
nereoy oocuroa to n eu tn en enu ire,
of lots sad pnroels of Und lying between a Hna
100 feat north of aad parallel with tba north
Un ot East Aider street and a line 100 feet
aoath ot and parallel wttb the noutb line of
Beet Alder street, nad between tb east lln of
Beat Thirty-fourth alreet and tba Treat Un f
Bnnnyeld Third ddltlo- - . - -
Th Engineer's estlmste ef tb prohabla total
ceet of the ImproTemewt ot tb aald Kaat Alder
etreet I 8813. . ' . .
-Th pUna, apwJScatton aad etlmata ot tb
city Knainaer ror ta -.lmproveaasaiv
v..e - ' . h .he
Reeolved. That tba Andltor ot the City of
m-...i a w. .a w. a. v ...... ai. ee ted to aiv
-. .e th. roooaed Iniprovement Ot M
ef tb proposed Improvement i
nn mmrmA hw the etre Chart.
reaaresnees aealna the abov ImHTCV
sim an. . he 1n In nrettine Wttb tb Onder
lgned within SO days from tb date of th
Srt pabiicatioa or tnia notice, . . ,
By ardor ot tb Couidl. -
r Aadltot of tb Cltr ot PertUa.
Portland, Oregon, October 23, . ISO,
rxoposxD zxTrxoTxitEwr - or : chapmar
-,...'. .. . BTXXXT. , . . .
' WnrMen to bamb riven that at tb wetottns
of tb Council of the City af Portland, Ore
goa, held oa tbe 19tn nay . or ucvooer, urva,
the following rsaolntloa wa adopted I
rrafl "T Tl. , use UyUDCll OX IM
t tbe Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, deem It aipsdlant .and
pose to lmprov Chapman street from tb
north tin of Elisabeth atreet to tba aoath Une
of Spring treet, in tb following: saannot. to
"'irixat By grading th street to' tb proper
nnb-graO as given oy in wy amaanwj.
Second By bringing the ararfse ef the
atrent so the nTsMt arado with macadam.
Said Improvement to be mad In aeeordsnc
with tbe charter and ordlnancee of tha City ef
PortUad and th pUna. apedfleatlona and esti
mates of ths City Engineer Sled In the of
Sco of -tbo Andltor of tb City of Portland' on
k a a nf October. 1904. Indorsed: "Cltr
Engineer's pleas and specifies tlou . for th
improvement ox t-uspmeu eureva irwn ue bw
line of.Ellsabstb atreet to th outS Un of
Spring atreet and the estlmste of the work
SO DO OOne Una ine emvaur. win. era, omm.
The eoat nf ld lnrDrovament to b
ne neneirind be th dty Chart BDOB
property aped a fly benefited thereby aad which
U hereby declared to b all th tot, part
of lots snd parcel f Und lying between a Un
100 fset weaterly from aad parallel with tb
weaterly Un of Chapman atreet and a Ha 100
teet eaaterly from end parallel with the at
.rly Un of Chapman street, aad batwes th
north Un f Kllaebath trot and tb aoath
Un of Spring street. -. ... t v,
Tb Enrtnaer' eatl mat of tb prebsbte
total ooat for th Improvsment of said Cbsp-
man street Is awo.oo. i
Tbe a bore Improvement U to be cussed a
macadam Improvement aad ahall ba - main
tained by tbe city for .period of Sv year.
proTlded thst th owner of n majority . of
ib property benefited by laid laiprovmnt or
ny . porthmv tnereoi mu on pel i won , irja- e
BOW or ailiCTent iiBiavrfSMai lejiiAre toe ea'
.l.tlAn nt aneh nerlod. ,
Tb plana, apecUlcatlona and eatlmste. of
the Ctty atoglneer for the Improvement of said
Chspaiaa street ore bereby adopted.
Reeolved. That tbe Auditor of the City ot
Portlaad be aad be Is berehy directed to glv
net lee ef the propoaed Improvement of said
atreet ae Movtded by the city charter.
Re mrmatra ncea agalnat the abov Improvemevt
nty be filed tn writing with th undersigned
within 20 days from ths date of tha first pub
lic a tloo ot tnia notice. f - , v
By rdt ef tbo ConndL ' . ' : : -
. " - Andltor of th City, of PortUad.
Portland, Oregon. October 22, 1904.
pRovEMxirr or wkitaxxs stxxxt.
' Notto Is bareby gtvea -that William 67
Klllotl,T-Cliy Eaglneer, ha file In th efSct
nf ha nnderatoned notice thst Smyth A How.
e.d fmmnaar. contractor for th Improvement
of Whltaker atreet. nnder the pravtalon ef
ordinance No. 18.T7. na completed earn atreet
from the eaat use or rust street to to center
rUnn Of C
OuWI .! a ,1 ,
amid aeeeotance will' be' considered by thf
Bxecutlv Beara at 4 ariorg on tn a in aar
ef November. 1904, snd objections to tbs serepf
anee of aald atreet, or any - part thereof,
may be Sled lu the office of the u n dermic ae a
at any time prior jnerein.
Aadltnr or the City nf Portland,
rertland, Oregon, October 39. 190.
i: ;..:i i;;.:)ri roi ixixovx.
Notice le hereby -rlvHn that luo CoouclL .
Of Uis Cliy uf furtlauj proiee to eases
la following described property aad owner ,j
or ownere a being specially aad peculiarly '
oeoeutvu in to iuuunta set oiiponlia ine aaawa y
snd nacritluim llierif fin- the Improvement
of East 'i weoty-elgtiUi aUest, from to souih ' ' .
una oi xwlinuot alreet to the noria aim
liawthurne avaun. aa prevlitod by oroauaac-
o. 14,P-d.
A ay oectloa to th apptsrtlonmnt ef coat - ..
fur aald luiuroveiiicat uiuat be made to writing .
to tbe Cumuli and filed with the Auditor '
within 18 daya from lu dato ef the first J
pubUintlon of thla notlc. and said lubjectloua
will be heard and determined by tb Council ' " ,
he fur a tbe passageor the ordlusOC aaecaalus " T
tho coat of aald Imnrovemaut.
BANHirt-it - AOllllioN to KaSt Pattland-r
BLOCK P. kit a, Mrs. M. AngeratolB. f,Tsi ' - .
M I. Airs. M. Angerateln. 81i.82; eaat -M ht y,
a, 1. I'. Woods,; vast V ht S. '
1. P. Wuode. l-a.Bo: weat H lot ft. WlUueg . '
r. ... ij er , ww es av v nrrrirM i
age, 88.2a. BLOCK 13. art S, Loula
iirurn,, uti 1. lunula l. uonrya, e-.ou, , it
lot d, Mary Ciajghlln, IJ2.02. lu 4. Mary ." -
toughlln, IU3.0H. ) "
Ml KIIAY HlLl, ADDITION to Kaat Portland ' .
biaick s, lot , harsh H. Isaacs,; kit ,
. T. Sarah H. Isaacs, fu.ja; lot , K. M. Bar
E.uw eai-vu, aui o, aueepa '. tainaua, eoi.if. -
LOCK 8, lot , T. tlT Brownsun, 8i.ul
lot 7, T. C. Browneun, 836.31.; Jot S, X. .U,J
Brownaon. 81&.97. . - . - -T
DO LAM'S ADIil'i'loN to the Cltr of Eaat Port-'.
Und BlrOCK 8. lot S. Ida Ray UrauuVs.
. weat va aot a. ins na r au-anriea. u.aei
east lot S, Aniil M. IVarca, AIT. 80.
Block s. lot 8,vzipporh Whit, ti.) lo
l, aiippnrsn wniia, .n i; lot a. sipimraa 4;: .
, WHIto. 840.89; kit S. Zlpiwrah'Wbite, iri.w.
Buuth II, tot s, Irouiss m, otMrenoer,;
lot T. W, L. tiordon, Sal.Kt; lot a, AVilllna , :
0. rastor. AIT.71, tut , CulUn 0. i-'rasior, .
8JT.84. - - . , .
laoa BLOCK HI, lot J, Id xfi. atobert, -'
Sd-oT; let 3. Ida R. Roberta, 81.6T: weat W
lot 8. KUsnor Palmer. iu.S9; west -4 tot .'
A Eleanor Palmar,; east Vh lot 4,
: Ida K. Roberta, .T4; eaat H lot 8. Ida. B. .
Roberts, aa.Ts. . BLOCK -34. Vit-1, J. C.
ltobaru, 80.M; lot 3. J. V. Boburta, .37.18; . .
-I Krl , e t,, SWUSTts,. Mil n, a . u. ....
. Roberta, 81.78. BlArCK , tot 1, J. B.
ocott, 40..i; lot 1 J, hi. Scott, A3.7;
Jot 8, John J. Doyle. 8M1.93; kt 4, Fred W.. .
- Hanson. 840.88. BLOCK 2H, kit 1. Aaa Col-
Una. 840.90; lot A Ann UiUtna, i.m; tot o, .
- William Stevenson. 814. Ik.
BO LAN'S ADDITION to the City of Eaat Port...
Und BLOCK. 3, lot A William Bteveaaon.
818.7: tot 4, William nteveuaon, .flit.
BLOCK T. lot 1.. May Uarley Jeuts, 3a3.76
fct 3, May Uarley JenU, 8U.8oi hit 3, May V
liarlay Jenka,. 840.911; lot 4. May Barley ,
Jenka. ttaot). - BLOCK 1U, lot I, Sylveete -Wklteonih.
848,70: lot-.. 2, bylvcator Whit
cimn, . l Weat J, hit 8, N. nd - t
Mary . uavnc giH.grj- weai n m h a. . i., ,
and Mary
m. osvia,; cast n oi
1. N. aad Mary K. Davis. 80.48
J: erst J int""''
Id.lU. Tutol, v.
8. 1. N. and Mary .v.- vans,
st ana u j. .-.
. ' ' THOS. O. DKVUN, - ,
' . Andltor of th City of PorOtsd.
PorUasd. Oregon. 0hbr 81, 1904.
rxorosxD assess xxirt rox DtrxoTXa.j.
, BfXBTT OF LlnAB BiaVJ,s,T.
Notlc to bereby gtvea that tb Coundl - .
of the City of Portland proposos to assess ,
tha followtog described property and owner - ,
or - owners - being specially - end peculiarly --
benefited In tn s mounts set oppouta in names
end dencdotlooa thereof for tba Improvement-""'. '.
of OltseB etreet, from tha weat Una of Twenty
second street to tb eaat Uo ot Twentr-thlrd . ,
treet, previded by ordinance No. 18.877,
- A ny nDJaction to ine apporaonmewi ox oai j -for
said tmurovomont muat be made la writing :
to th Council . and -filed , with th Auditor .
nrlthln IK . dan from tb dato, of th first'
publlcatlou of thla notice, and aald objection -i -
. . . . . . , . .... k. , ... i
Will nt-aairs SM ewu i nine r. .r una -
before tbe passage of th ordlnanos paseaslns .
the coat of aald improrenarni. ..
MEAD'S ADDITION to the City or TortUnd y-y;
BLOt n. Z, rot 1, maooea menu saiiiv, aeuw
f, 8A7H; lot 3, SxerTheo Meed Beta to, belre
of, ' 80.98; lot 5, Stephen .Mead Katato. heir
of. 14. M; bt A Stephen Mead Batata, bdr i
of. 84.7ft; hit S. SUpbca Mead Katata. heir -
-ef.- 810.13. - T"' ' '" ' - '
A " tract ot 1nd- rytag between the.. .
.th linn nf fluaan atroet . and a lino loo . .
Le-fet oath thereof and pnrsllel therwttb- ;
I n. .. t. a lln. a fS , , a Hil.l , jf
; ana net neon- ine eiyi . ..uv-m..,. ,
etreet ad a lln 3t0 feet t .thereof and ,
Burallel there wl th, Uuatare and' Albert C v
urkbardtt - Suiot, - - - -..-- i-- ,
'A tract of UndL lying betweca th rewth tin
of Ollaan atreet and a. Un 70 ft north
thereof end parallel therewith, and between ..V,
tb went nn of Twonty-oacond atrset and ;
a Una 100 feet weat thereof and parallel ,
' therewith, Stcphea Mead Kststa, bdrs.of,
iia 14 . .. '"-, " - -
KING S" SECOND ADTrlTION to the City nf
Portland BICK 17. north AO- feet lot 3t ;
' Harry W. ferrtt.-3lr47-T, A tract of Und
lying between the north tlno f Ollaan treet , ...
.'.and n Un lo teet north thereof and parallel
. theeewltk and between- two line Teapeetlvely . , -
100 teec and 150 teet weet of nd patollel .!
: with toe weet Una -of Twenty tend atreet. t
- Bether Hnrrto. SA.8S. - A tract of Usd lylog-r .
between th north nn ox uinma streei o -j ,
a line -100 feet north thereof -and parallel , ;
therewith ond betwe-etwo Une roapeetlvcly
180 teet 'and feet weet af and para 1UI
, with tb weet tins of Twenty -second treat, .
Sarah MadfrnneU, loj-ni- . f ' .
KINO'S SBCOND ADPITIOlt to" the City oi
-. PortUhd BIKTK ,17. . tot . w,l?wU,, ,V v
MrArthnr Batote helin of, SlflTl.' toj' 1
.Berths Cobn. 8H0.10: lot IA Berths Onhn,
879.78; lot 17. Ousts v and Albert Burkbarrlt. ,
1.1.90: lot IS, Ouatava and Albert Burkhardt,
384.13: rlrht cf way. City Suburban Rail
war, 83X87. Total. 468.Br). ;v vt ..,.,. ;
' - THOS. C. 1tTJ-. . '
i t --i . Aadltnr of tb City af rMrtland. -
Partlaad. Oregon, October 81, 1904. .,
rxorosED XatrxoTxiixsrT or xoxthwicx ;
v - - tTXirt.
rotlc U bfah flTell-nxt at'tb BWllng '
nf tn OstancU of tb City. of PortUnd. Or-gou,
bald a tn 19th day of October, 1904, th i
following reeolution was adopted: ' , -
Beaolved. That tbe Ooancll of th City . ot ',-
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro.
panes to Improve Borthwlck etreet front tha ,
north line ef Kllllngswarth avenue to the north --v-Une
et West nedmont to tb foUowtaf . mau
"iret-lVy grading th stoaet foil width with . m
full Intenectlon to th grade aa glvao by tba ' .
"ftoeonoBy orsiaetlns gravel sidewalks ' V
with wooden errrbe In accordance with the City i
Bnirloeer's plana, epeclfleathma and natlmsts.
Third By t-onet retting croeawsUs. ' ' " " T"
- Held Improvement to h mad la aeerrrdanc
with the charter and ordlnancee of tha City of . , - '
PortUnd sod th plan, apeclftcutlons snd eatl. A
mates of tb Cltr Engineer, filed ta tb fflc . . '
of the' Andltor of the City at Portland an th .,
Sth day ot Bcptomber, IPO, todnreed: ''City -Engineer'
plan snd peclflcatlon for tha -improvement
of Borthwlck atreet from tb aortb .
line of atllllnrsworib svenoe Jo the north Un.
f Weat Piedmont, and tbe bafl mates of the .
work to ba don and tbo probabto total coat
Th coat f said IminmeaieiA ta bo sseeeeed
mm provided by tb city rhrtee upon -the prop-" .,
rty peeally benefited therehf. snd which to?..",
herebydrclsred tn ba all t be tot, parts of lots V.
d rr?U Uad lying between Une 100 , ,
feet weat of and parallel with th.west tin of -Borthwlck
atreet and a Una 10 feet eaat of and y
parallel with tha eaat line f Borthwlck atreet ' - .
and betweeo tb north Un of Kllllnrawortb-.
aveana and tb north Un of Weat Pledmoot.
Tbe ahiglneer'a satlmate ot tb rrrobabU total
enat for the tmprovement of eald Bortbwkk ,
"The pUni.' psxJflclona and at1mte of th ,
Mty Engineer for the Improvement of ssld if.
Borthwlck street f berehy adryted. k
Reeolved. That th Auditor ofthe fy of :
PortUnd he and b I berehy directed to gly.-
antic of th rrropoeed Improvement of aald
reeT. .. tirorloedl by thj .cltr U .
- ttomooatrance agalnat thf hov Imis-ovvrnent ;
maT b filed la writing ltb the J Bod-rntgned ;
wltnto 30 day from tha data of the first ,
puhlteatlon af.tbta notice. . .. - vv ' ' , ,
By. ardor ot the Couadt ,w t
: ' , - TH0H. C. DETtlrf, " V
- 1 Auditor of tho City of rartUed. ; . ".';.
PortUad, Oregon.- October 32. 1904. . e
Notlc. b"bsir ? ,.w,.h'.,,!:rr:
anntractor . ior iom -jr-atreet
andar th prOTlalon .of ordinance ho.
liTrrs, bM T eompl'tod aald' atreet from the
"iter VnW of w"llllam?a.nn to tbo- center
rnce'ot ..ld.. S'aaSA
may ne niea iu wje .
rt Bf "-Wr-T'T. BOARD.
- fur THOS. C HEVI.IN.
. ' ."..' Aurltorf the Cttf f PortUad."
Portland. Oregon. t
noTEttxur or tirth strxxt. v .
Notice Is hereby given that William C.1 tU
Bntt. City Eaglneer. bss Sled la the ofnee ef
the undersigned nolle that Sts Sand Company, ,
contaaclor for ths Improvement of Tenth street,
nnder the provisions of ordinance No, 18,818,
bss computed said atTeet from th north Un
of Waahlngtnn street to th center line of
Btark atreet snd from the center Ilne ef Bnrs
aide atreet to the renin Una of Ilnvt atreet.
Said acceptance will be conaldered hy tho
locative Board st 4 o'clock on tho 4th day
st November, 1904, snd objection to: the ac
ceptance nf said atreet. or any part thereof,
ansy be Sled to tbe offlr of th- a nder signed
et any tlm prior thereto. -st
sny urn. RXtfrrTIVK BflARD." -
, ' '. Aadltnr of the City of I'ortland.
PortUad, Oregon, October 29, 1004.
tj:. - r. , ' -
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