The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 01, 1904, Image 9

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kov -in I,
1 1
V w r .
A nMrtakl inanaW
di)layers ar.fighting Jrag-their
under nun is r isner, ilia pacs.
head bandaged is Throp. right
roBD,mroa roeB ssowxvo.
f (Jonraal Special Service.) .
- University of Oregonl Eugene, Nov. 1.
Coaoh Pick Smith, Manager Par
Oraham and 14 battered! football players
eompeelng the Oregon' tun arrived her
yesterday from- California, where tbay
playad tha University of California and
Stanford, losing- to tha former by It to
and the latter St to. 0. . Moat of tka
man aro protty wall ased up by tba bard
itiMt, but they atUI have tba fighting
spirit, and ifter a few day a", rot wUl
ba In shape for any game, ,
Of tha Injured playara McClain and
Hug are in. tba worat ahapa nd will
not ba able .te play for a .week. Hug,
haa vary aore ahouldar and alodaJn a
wrenched knee. Barker alao haa a bad
knea and Gray, hoa bead raa burt In
tfaa Stanford aama, la ready tor : tba
game a rain. , ,
Smith haa Tery raw eommenta to make
Concerning tha gamea la tha aouth, bat
'ha la aaUafled with tba reaulta, although
the Slanford game waa a little eurprlee
for him. Tha man were in Una ahape
for tha Berkeley game, and had not a
little bad luck happened tha aeoro would
have been leea, bat the Oregon playera
ara content with tha ahowtng they made
agalnat a team heavier by 16 pounds per
man and taker thtrtrdafaat Ilka man.- At
Stanford tha men ware not in the beat
of ahape for many' reasons, aa tha line
up had bean altered on account of tha
Injured meri. . and tha . previous weeke
training haa all been dona In very hot
weather, to which the Oregon boys
not anuatomed. , . ..r . . .
-In Smith's opinion Kerros) la tba beat
guard on tha roast and will win a poai
tton on tha AlKCoaat team. EarL Uckel,
la another man who Won praise from tha
California coaches,; and tha Berkeley
coach would have given his eyes for two
... Btraxni sqvas - umn 4 raoM
cAxnromireamM. takmp.
, ooaos, nan un -nut in
. " w roiirtsentli and VYashtngtos Strta - - -.'i 1
t r,i. ; :.: -'i. 'matinee Saturday y.t; ;
'l-V An 'Excellent Compnr Presenting" , ' - 1
iri-.MIZ2UI!lA :
It was Written by Augustas Thomas, Author of 'Arteona'. 1
V , i - Especially for NAT C GOODWIN i- 'v:
gwrosatarxoar BOAmnro pbxcbs xm sow to novu ssats.
.. Prices Hvening, lv Uo. ISc 60c; gallery, lie Matinee, 10c, Ito and
'XlT d'ajT a,nwn0'towrj-TI'ket ofuca'open at Rowe Martin a drug store,
.'ilAth anf Washington, from 10a m. to T p. m. Main 110. i
, After 7 p. jn at the thetra,rourteenth and Washington, f to 10 p. an.
nf V fattHill vtlmnulit. - Tfi fVTnmhla man holdinor the ball has
opponenU off o!;hjnu-The.uppennot figur on the left is Brownrlefwacklerjvrhite
ine second ngure ax me rop
ttckle. ' In tha center of the
each enda aa ''Moorea ' and ChanAIfr.
Latourette ' and v.; Templeton' rdeerva
praise, and Wank Templeton showed tha
awuthernera aootethlng about breaking a
!imv---TM caiifornlana wra yery mnca
surprised over tha artlole jofball that
tha Oresron team played and freely ad
mitted that thay- ware ; outpointed In
play, and It was their weight alona that
counted. i i" ' r i:",-w52-j't-;
The men that made tha trip aajr that
at Stanford and Berkeley they were
royally tmtarta Inert and tha.t.tae men
who make up tha football' teams of
both Institutions are a ana elaas at fel
Iowa' Stanford, la thought to be , the
stronger team. ) and bad aha played
Berkeley last Saturday would have been
about three touch downs better.,.. 11
agree that the nlo thing about both
games was tha fact that the Oregon
boys who attend both college turned
out In force to cheer the men from the
Webfoot state. Oregon's "TSeTtf game la
with the JTnlveralty of Washington pn
Y m : ; v ' '. - V- ;r .
- Tomorrow afternoon On Multnomah
fleld tha Colombia university -eleven will
meet the Portland High school team In a
scheduled scrimmage. High school la In
aood' condition now for a game, while
Columbia Ja alowly recovering from tha
many injuries that have beset tba team
this year. : Tha game will, be called , at
I o'clock And from tha Intereat that la
tng shown, the ' f ollowera af .. both
elevens will be eut la force..": Tha men
will line up In this faahloni "
Mangold ,..,. 1. a r ....... . Holcomb
Scott ; LIT.. Caaon (oept)
Qulnn ...... ....L g. r. Pugh or Johnson
Meany ... a. .Carlson or Butler
Qulnlat.t i-,r g. ljurmi-Symthe
McQuery i.r, Ll..,..y Plnkham
lyeston-Snflth '. . t . . q . . i , . Reed-Vaaper
Dooly. .t,..i...t..t. b Ooodell
Moore L h . Obarteaffer
Waaater-Blngham r.h...,i.i.......
'' .V". V," ' : Armstrong-Oanong
V . ? .Jorael Special BerrlM.) .' '.;
Syracuse,' N. Y Kov. ,1. The Lehigh
university eleven will meet tha Syracuse
'varsity here thle afternoon.." - Both
T '
v rsMH JUl lift "
wno cmn wruat lorwuu ia nuiuauvwu. iu ,w.u
rnelee, only his head showingJseraenthiivtU graatetquarta r-
' :I- (Joamal Special"-V.f
' Chleagor-Nov. l. The racing season
Mosad .In Chlcasra with tha eventa at
Worth yesterday.. Results: :r.
Ona mile and, TO'yarda Rian "won;
uma-i:ti i-a.
Ona mile and a aUteenth Chantrelle
wop; time, i:4tA. . " - :
Sevea furlongs, selling Wakaful won;
time. !:!. . - ' - ,
Six and one-half furlongs rollles
Berge won; time, X:I1H.
Blx furlongs." .handicap JCdlth May
won: time. 1:14 ' -
One mile and an eighth, handicap-
Main Spring worn time, l:t. :
- Six furlongs. La lllng 8tX)aiilel won
time. 1:1S. ! ,
One mile and, a eljcteenta. soiling
Amberta won; time, 1;40. ; ;
' y "Z Balaaaaw'
St tools. Mo., Kov. 1. Yesterday waa
getaway day at Delmar. . Reaulta:
Caesar won; time, 1:40 I
Ona mile, Orland atakea New Mown
Hay-won; time, 1:41.
Six furlongs Optional won; time, s-s.
Ona ' mils and a sixteenth Palerntaa
won: time, 1:47 (. '
One mile and 70 yards Arab won;
time, 1:41 t-l. a. .--L-.-.
; Jew
Six ' furlongs Rosebud
Ona mile ' and - 70 ' yards, salllng-r-
V,. ...A- . ,M. 'fillip V'
L. nva and a half furlongs Thirty-third
won: time, 1:07. , :
Tha Riohmand aadloapj-ala furloaga
Dick Bernard won: time, l:l;i. f
' riva and - a - half . f urlonge-Trapper
won; time, 1:071-0. - '
ve witia end a atxteetith. gelling Sir
Shep won;7 time, 1:41-1.' .'.'";'
- . 1 ) ' - V ' ' . .
. . FOR TWO PLAYERS' - . ....
W (Journal Bpeelal Sarvlee.) . -
Cincinnati,' Nov.- t In the" east they
insist hat a deal, by which tha Cincin
nati club hopes . to aecure Third Base
man BUI Bradley Of Cleveland and Short
stop. FTed Parent of , the Boston Ameri
cana, la still on, It Is claimed that the
aunr of t'e.OOe Is involved. In tha -deal,
and that President Hermann of tha lo
cal club la entertaining the hope that
tha transfer will take place soon. It ia
true that President Hermann made tha
statement soma time ago that ha waa
willing to pay SB.00O for three not two
American league - playera, ' and that
La jo la waa not ona of them. The fact
that he haa ralaed hla ante to 110.000
and reduoed' tha number af playarsfram
three to ' two, la nwoto , hla - local
friends But, aa Mr. Hermann apparent
ly wUl atop at nothing to give Cincinnati
tha beat' team possible, tha statement of
tha eastern writer will have to be ac
cepted aa tha truth until it is knocked
out by Mr. Hermann's version of the
alleged negotiation : ( , - , ' ,
(Jeareal ifteajal serrlee.) -.
" San' PranclscOt Nov. L Mosklmaa
downed tha T I sera again yesterday In
a pitchers' battle. Score: . . j
- BatterleeThnmaa and Hogan; Mos.
Jalmaa aad Brnaa,
i 1 r t :. i
At faasaiea.
Torkv Nov. . Jamaloa
been downed and his fello
r7 t
CAimuuqAir ivosbs
aptxs xatzbo cotobxo aoxxm
rmAorxoAUT wurns, Ajn
"mits oavs wxrxa O SOS KW&M
nan reucxsT xm tsajbS. - ; .
' (Joarsal ipectal SerVlce.1
tt-San Francisco. Nov. 1. Jamea Edward
Britt, pHda of the Olyinpio club and Idol
of California's flahUna fans, fouled
Joe Gans last night in tha fifth round
of their 10-round battle, and Referee
Oraney promptly proclaimed Oene1tfce
winner. Britt had the colored man
practically beaten and It only required
a cool head and a little mora time to
aoeomplish' tha trick, but the fighting
Britt Insisted upon hitting his opponent
while ba was -on his knees, and conse
quently forfeited hla splendid oppor
tunity. This la tha eeoond contest tnat nnti
haa lout on a fout. the other being with
Jack O'Keefe In Portland, Or, when ha
hit tha Chicago lad below tha belt alter
ha had him unmercifully beaten
While Britt la a wonder In hla class.
perhsps the cleverest boxsr in the world.
there appears to bo omstningirao.icauy
wrong with hla head every tlmAthe for
tunes of a battle ara beglnnlg o smile
UDon him.- It geema htraage that a
fighter iof hla ability cannot bo handled
in auch a way that he will not throw
awky his good chances in the moment of
victory. . Many charge Britt's foolish
ness laat evening to tbe fact . that
"SDMor" - Kelly. Frank' Rafael and
"smfllhg? MeUftaf, Jhree of his seconds,
stood behind his corner and urged Britt
to ad In and finish Oans, instead of
putting him away carefully and surely,
even though It consumed a few more
rounds. , . - .
From tha way In which Oans dropped
to one knea when, hard pressed it looked
as If ha were airaply drawing Britt on
to a foul, knowing that tha Callfornian
had him beaten, and tnoee wno Know
Oans Intimately say that It Is ona .of
his old tricks. - In tbs fourth round
Britt had the colored man going, and
during the confusion at tha and of .the
round hit him accidentally, but tha fpul
was not allowed,
In the fifth round Britt want after
the Baltimore man hammer and tonga,
and beat him to tha floor. . As Oans
Was attempting -to regain his feet after
one terrific punch In the Jaw, . Britt
landed hla right on hla jaw and Oraney
at. once ordered Britt to hla corner and
pointed Oans out aa the' victor. .
As soon aa Jttrui reatiseo mac jiexoree
Oraney had decided agalnat him. ha
made a ruh for that official and began
to mix thlnga.up In a lively fashion.
While tha Opeetators flaw Into a f rensy
and began fighting among themselves.
Tba police swept dowa on the ring and
In the twinkling or aa aya tha arena
was filled with blue eoata' Oraney and
Britt were separated, and aftsr tbe bad-
lam ' waa partially quieted Britt
apologised for hla rashness. '.
The nght, while it lasted, was probably
tha fastest and most actentlfta ever seen
in this country at III pounds.- Oana
plainly showed the etfecta of reducing to
131. .and his eustomarr sprlghtllness
was not In evidence, although ha fought
gamely. Britt waa never In better con
dltlon. He looked perfection Itself when
he entered the ling, while Oana looked
pinched And wrinkled. 1
The caiiromian a enaurance, speed ana
prowess aatonlahed even bis clnsent
friends, wane aia oiowo were scientino-
a)ly--sent. "
Uinrter ,Set: ,
- Crockery
'" ' ; ' Glass ware :
" Ornaments
Prices never so cheap
Need the room -b-
New, Holiday Gooiii
Come early
Creat Icolcai tapuliaf Tea Cv'
y'., Monej SaTUgl Storar
'"'..' S91 WaahtarOoa Bteiai, '.
,. r sag PliwO .Street, ,
' .9WtmA. .-.i , " ,
lonlhat had Britt not lost tls head ha
could easily have whipped Oana, . Britt
landed three blows for ona in eturh
and had all ktnda of steam behind them,
while Oans failed a number of times to
break Into Biitt'a perfect guard.
. The crowd , hooted Oraaeys decision.
and nearly carried tha roof of the pa
vilion away with cheers for Britt aa he
left tha. ring. Manager Herford got
Oana to hla dressing room as quickly as
possible, aa It became noised about that
Oana deliberately laid a trap xor Britt,
and the strong sentiment for Britt over
came tha crowd and they hung abo-ut
Oans room for two houra after tha nght.
Oana la tha meantime going aut baa
other exit.
' Oana waa-the first to weigh In and
Britt followed It minutes later. Both
men failed to tip the beam at lit, being
a trifle under- weight. ' After another de
lay of almost (0 minutes tha men en
tered the rinf apd the nght was on.
: right by moaada,
' Round 1 Britt went at enee Into his
noted crouch, and they aparred .for 10
seconds. Britt shot his left twice In
succession to Oana' body, but tha blowa
lacked force. - After mora sparring Britt
hooked hla left to tha body again and
foUowad It with right to the head. Then
BrHt ahOt his left to tha body and
missed a right for. the head. Oana, ap
parently, was aislng up Britt's reach,
jaa missed a straight right for tha head.
Britt was short with left for tba body
and miaaea a lert ror the head aa the
bell nng. Tha work In thla round was
light, Britt having a slight advantage.
Cena permitted Britt tv do most of the
wort t . . ' -v .- . i
- Round t Britt mlaaed left and right
for tha body and they went to a clinch.
Britt lunged hla left to tha head and
then brought It to tbe body. ' Oana con-
tinned to force Britt about the rlngand :
they 'came to a clinch without reeulL
Jimmy missed a left-hook for. tha body
and then-eeat a straight left to Oana
noaeOa' comic gbaxX-Wlth lafl lo-liie
body. Britt bored in. boo ring with left
and right to the Wind. In tha mix both
exchanged righta and lefta to tha face.
Britt missed a left .for tha body. They
came together, .Britt-missing .left and
right for the body. Britt landed right
and left on tha face aa tha ball rang,
bat net bef ore be had received a straight
left to the Ties d. Britt did most ox taa
leading in this round..
. Round t Both boxers .mixed matters
at close quarters, doing soma very clever
blocking. Oana got In a- right to tbe
body, but Britt retaliated with a straight
left to tha stomach, xaey mixed. Britt
putting left and right to tha body.. Britt
caught Oans with a terrtno right to the
Jaw, dasing tha colored man. H fol
lowed the advantage wiin a ngmc ana
left awing-to tha head, forcing Oana to
a clinch. Britt rushed In, swinging
madly. ' Britt bombarded Oans face and
body with right and left awlngs and
put soma terrino rights over the neart.
Britt, at close quart ere, distressed Oans
Ith a fearful right under the -heart.
Oana clung to Britt to avoid punish
ment and the gong found them In thla
position. ' This waa Britt's round. V
Round e unit waaea in, -rushing
Oans to tha ropes with a hsavy left over
tha heart, He then missed rlght'and
left awlnga for the body.' Brjtt kept
himself well covered. Britt sent Oans
back wlth a ucoesslon tHT rights' and
lefts to tha face and a left to tha body.
Jimmy then, shot -a- straight right to
tha body and followed It with a right
aweng to iba body. They mixed fiercely
at close quarters, Britt landing several
neavy diowb. uans snot ma leu nara
to Britts Jaw. but in return Britt put In
body blows that sent Oana to hla kneea
After a mixup Britt sent Oans to tha
floor with a left to tha Jaw. Oans rose.
but waa Again floored with a right and
left to tha face. . In this round Britt hit
Oana accidentally while Oans was down,
but a claim of foul waa not allowed.
Oans appeared to ba greatly distressed.
Round 0 They mixed fiercely. Britt
sent Oana to tha floor with a succession
of rights and lefts to tha Jaw. Aa Oans
waa gsttlng up Britt mat him with a
desperate rirht to tha Jaw. - Oraney die
qualified Britt and awarded- tba decision
to Oana ,
aTOTSa 01" m BATTXM. " -
The' climax of tha Oana-Brttt fight
closely resembled tha aoene that fol
lowed tha Brltt-CKeefe match in thla
city laat year. Both fights were given
against . Britt and in both Instances , a
free-for-all scrap took place In the ring.
The house waa worth about 110,000.
The fight ere will divide the purses ss
psr agreement. Had Britt won he would
have got 1 per ct, while Oana would
bave got but is.
Referee Oraney waa criticised lsat
night for not standing between Britt and
Oans while tha latter waa down, in order
to- keep Britt away.
Oraney etated that he could have
Faint Spells
are very Often attributed to. biliousness.
and tha stomach la treated to cathar
tics. - .
That a wrong. - -
Paint spells ara oftsn accompanied by
biliousness, but you will also notloa
shortness of breath, aathmatlo breath
ing, oppreesed feeling In cheat, week or
hungry spells, which ere all ear)y symp
tom a or near wiunna .
Don't make the mlatake of treating
the stomach when tha heart la the
source of tha trouble.
, . Dr. Miles' '
ftew Heart Cure' ,
will strengthen tba nerves' and muscles
of the heart, and the fainting spells, to
gether witn ait otner neart trouDiea,
111 Disappear. .
-rnu vmfi an I waa verv lnw with
heart trouble, could hardly walk. One
day I had a fainting spelL and thought
I would die. Soon after 1 began using
Dr. Mllea' Heart Cur, and after taking
thrss nnttlie I reel that l am cured.'
Mrs. EKFIhi CUOUQH. Ellsworth. s'alle.
The first bottle Will benefit If not, Hi
axugglal Wi letuxa your money, f
liain Store, Third and Yamhill,
First Quality Drug Store
We provld for the peopla who have Had enough experience
to know that inferior good ate dear at about any price; who"
have learned that good goods, of first quality, from a first
quality, trustworthy house, are always cheaper really and
aggressively cheaper to buy. ; Can we aerve rou? . Prescrip-
.a at r a at) - ,- m
- tions csuea xor ana aeuverea wiuiout extra cnarge.
ii , . i r .i
60c and 75c values.
Special for one week
, Patrons will find, these:Sci
sors exceriti'onally good nual-f ,"
ity and f ouai-anteed by ,
us. Money cheerfully re
funded if not perfectly satis-'
factory.' ' , ; . -: ;f. .
To cure your cold in one day
Price 2C Cents
Depot for Spring and Elastic
Electric Batteries and Belts."
Trusses-" .
-l-Me -KlarHr After (Ml have, used
1 and ascertained by personal experience' that its tone is Just as sweet
and true aa wnen you nrei nnugni ii; mat iia oucn is as accurate aa :
when you first played it thee, you Will begin to realise why thtf
XNABK planoa aro prised by their owners.. And every year that
: passes will add to your contentment. - - - i
- Purchase a KNABB and when yotrara-TWiWwItK'lt let jrour"'
Children have it, for It will stUl render satlsfaatory service. Quite
a number of other high-grade planoa in all tha dealr'ahla. ttylea, al--wayo
In stock. - Oar prices and terms ara most reasonabla ; - "r'
Alien & Gilbert-Ramalter Co.
riven Oana the award In tha fourth
round on a foul, had he wlahed, but
aa no damage waa- done, ha let tha fight
go on, t- .. ', i '
Rrttt aava th'at he can. easily whip
Oana and wants another chance at him.
From tha result of tha battle It looks
quite certain that Britt ean beat Oana
. in nminda. but at catch weights Brftt
had better not tackle Sir Joseph from
Baltimore. .
Young coroatt, vauuni- ntiwn
my Gardner and Mike Twln) Sullivan
challenged tha winner of last alght'a
fight - ,.-:::.;.
i-aeoma ..............
Lne Anselaa .........
s s
OakUad ..
attle ..............
aa nraactees .......
t. mn
noamn arc to noKrama.
Tiokata ware forwarded thla morning
to Tommy Burne ef Chicago and Dave
Berry of Ban Francisco for thsir trans
portation to thla city for their Intended
contest here on November IT. Both men
have good records and caft fight soma.
- Oly-Owae sTewtrpaper aUB. -
The Dallr Oraphlc-Heifald Of Wehater
City, la., tha muulolpal ownership news
paper, haa auspended publication. Tha
paper was tna omy oauy ownm ny
municipality In tha United States.
r ' RUSTPROOF Umbrellas
and break through the material,
brass. . It is impossible to turn thetn wrong-side-otit il they
.-have the Windproof brace; ' u 'V'-'l'v: v, -'
.THE COVERINQ of these Umbrellas is made of a
wood fiber and worsted, the strongest material known for
wear and rough usage and one that we guarantee not to split
( Get our make and you get the best. . '
Two Factories CCD Morriaon
Branch, Cellxcc J. i
- r i ii a i. ' i
We . bave just , received a"
j' Urge shipment jtf the v--'.!
,. :Ti 'i. . .''. " finest'" v tiV
which we place - on sale to
morrow. Quality considered, .;
we are quoting . the lowest ;
prices in the ctty ; Prices
'; ''' ;;; .-'' from . ;
i : - r POWDER s "ai;
This is our regular price, for
-this 25c rjjowderc-y
r -
For your Liver and Kidneys,.
': . ! ' --i 5Me : r-'..'.
Price. 25e.
a, KKABgi 4a
we foe a-few veers ' 4
the appearance of reteif Jackson, tha
Baltimore colored - middle-weight, to
England ha ralaed quite a howl aver
tha fashion whloh American 'boxera have-'
Introduced in their ring eostumea. For
merly boxers over there used to use
knee panta and sleeveless shirts. - Later
they doffed tha shirts and assd only the ..
trousers eut oft st tha knees. Theao
have gradually -been out shorter from
time to lima till of lata tha boxers, aa-:
peclally Americana, have- heen--omlng
Into tha ring with only abort' trunks :
similar to those ased by swimmers,
which reached from tha waist barely to
tba hipa. ' Thla costume left a man al-
most unclothed, and tha style began to
arouse criticism. The first time Jack
son came Into tha ring, however, tha
limit waa reached.. The Baltimore black
wore only a etrap or supporter, leaving
him practically naked. The appearanee
of the man, according to the Knrllah
sporting papers, waa disgusting, and that
press calls for the boxing club managers
to Institute a reform In this matter. It
would be well If the American boalng
promoters followed suit, for many of tha '
rigs In which boxsrs appear aro far too
scant, There-la nothing to ba gained' "
by this studied abandoning of decent
clothing In the boxing ring, for, aa'.a.
general thing, tha better claee of boxaa '
oiothe themselves property, while tha .
lobsters at tha game ara almost alwaya '
tha onea who atrip tha closest. . 1 w
ii: .. ii i mi I
Him "Tea. he's an artlat, a muslolaa
and a poet."-!. - ,; ,
Hei "Poor fellow I . X had no Idea
poverty had auch a bold on him.' - ,'
. ' 1. q ! 1 I...LU
Wind-Proof and
: $1.50 to $3.50 y
cannot rust off atlhe top
for the ribs are finished with
C:reet, 121 V5hir:tcn
After the. pgbt it .waa tno tasiu puu
;- - i.'