The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 01, 1904, Image 6

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    ti-' ' msrczzzzn ': daily :uh:iau tlai .
lIliu-.jS SUES : :
.7 COMPi : 7
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ilhnd Consolidated
Elects OfficcKs But
- - gamaticl of Roads Not Finished g
'r. : . V..1 " - 'l"
vUv," 't COMPANY.. "; Y Vr
Beginning November IS, th Portland
onsolida"tetf-SrRaH wy-apauBV
. - 1.-1 -a l - m . AA AAA .til
- iriui av capital w ...vyv.vwv,
'uiuim the active operation of th cob--olldaled
street railway llnan la : this
it jr. The company will have completed
-he flnal detail! preliminary to beginning
- -icttvejsasratione'hy that tlma
Stockholdera of tba City Suburban
nd tba Portland Railway company mat
esterday afternoon In th offices of A.
"mpony were epeoed and largo por
: Ion of the atock waa tranaterred. ' The
emaiader of the atock- will be trans
ferred ujoor aa possible. '. v '
f Direetora df the Portland Consolidated
onipanv were elected aa folio we: A. L.
Mill, J. C. AtnewortV C 'lfIgrt,
ijf. L Fuller and W. A. White. h board
of direetora then elected the following
. "fflcera: A. L. Mills, president; O. P.
t ,4 wigert, " vice-president; - P. J. - Fuller,
.general manager; J. C-Alnawortkj treas
jtirer,' and M. E. Swlgert. secretary. t
' V; ;:t'Wn Oncer win . J-'T'f.
A prvwtwwiii vi uv,. uwniauif a , aa
Milla will, of course, bo the active head
;of tba concern. While P. L Puller, ae
; general manager,' will be the operating
'heed of the company. ' Mr. Swlgert will
co-operate, with' Mr. Fuller in tb nui
' agement He Will hare tba management
vn the car ahopo and. haras, the eupervl-
alfia hA "va.Ita AMvt mum! flharM Af
i rpalr and conatructlon work and , the
mechanical department. . 1 - - ' - -'
Mr. Puller wlU hare charge of tit
traffl6 arrangementa -of the company.
,Me la now arranging the plana for car
.and transfer management. ' - ..
Vnttl themlWleof the month when
: tha aWFompany will begin active op
eratlona, the ayatem of tranafer and
tickets that baa been tn new In tha past
I A rail
'""MaIM. W VflM TTllA Willi III II m T TtmT
4th up'rerna iourt of tba United Btatee
:a( W a Ah vwinm hid a fflrmul f h AmMmian
.. of the eupreme court of tha "state of
Waahlagton, permitting the ' recloeure
of llena on a large area of tldelanda at
,1eattlo, which the Seattle & Lake Wash
ington -Waterway . company tula im
proved, . , . ; .: . ... -
Thla project, which means much to
?Beatta, ia of long standing, and it has
furnished a. legal battle of no little la
ttereet, now definitely closed by the de
'rlslon of the highest court in the land.
The Seattle A Lake Washington Water
, way company entered Into a contract
.with the-state of Washington for the
f -filling 4 of- tldelanda andjaaklng water
: .ways over, an area six miles long and
, two miles wide. . Morns Bros. Chrta
(eson agreed to finance the scheme te
'-r A -Hair vei" ghat
WIU Save U.
Tk keeteies ana wa 1 torn bee le-t
tn Km aealU sad seeseaal aesasiit aea
deadretf aA falHat kaw le
ef eiime Lter
b r
. . i ir s -
Strt Railway. Company
Final Details of Amal-
will prevail. Tickets Issued by the City
aV Suburban, company will be accepted
only on lines., of that - company until
November la. Tickets on the lines of
the Portland Railway company will be
acoepted on" Itg lines. Transfer will be
Issued aa In the paat.
-- After that data new system of trans
fers and tickets will be adopted. How
ever, book Of ticket that hay been
purchased from either of th oia.eom.
panles will ba accepted bUtbl Jiew com
pany for either of the old line until the
supply has -been exhausted Whan .the
new company begins -actlr ' operation
complete system of transfer will be
used. Passenger mejKgo to any part
of th ; east side without crossing - the
river. whUthey may also vilt any
section of the. west side without cross
ing . the. river. .-- .. - .;; , : '
v Start middi of sTovsmber.
While the new company has really
been organised and moat of th prop
erties of the old companies has been
tranaferrod, it Is Impossible to begin
active operation ; before the middle
of the month. A number of papers
must be .sent away for slgnaturee and
other detail must be completed before
the old ayatem can be abandoned.
Officials of the new oompany are com
pleting th detail of th plan for the
looping; fit thenar. When th plans
are completed th 'Washington - street
ear will sloop down Third to Morrison,
and ,connet with "the present loop of
the Morriaon-street ear, for "Tamhlll
street from 'th east aidej; Care! croaaV
log thteI bridge wilt traverse Fifth
street until they, -connect with',, the
Washington-street line, and then dou
ble to PIrat street. The system w!U be
so arranged that, paaseagera may trans
fer .directly rsm one car to another
to ny part ef the city. v?
th sxtent Of M.OW.vt. About $l.00.
09 of th amount had been expended
under a law passed by the legislature
giving th company th right -to fill the
flat when the litigation waa eommenocd
by representatives of various owner of
tnev land.- Twice the autt ha been be
fore the luprem court, and each tlm
th company, haayprotacted It contract
successfully. The work ha been held
back on account of the ault, as Morris
BroaTaVChristensod refused to finance
the proposition any further until a de
cision cam from th supreme oourt at
Washington. ' i " v. , ; ...
"Now," said Mr- Morrl today, "th
work will proceed and If will giv Be
at tie an area on th waterfront which
that city 1 badly in need of." .
(gpedal Dlspatek te tae Jenrail.) r
' St.' Loula. Nov. I. Aeronaut Knaben
schue. In the Baldwin airship, for the
third time maqe at suosfUjfllght - At
t:lt o'clock this afternoon aMklgnal was
given and th blejjnachtn sailed grace
fully upward' to .the delight of thou
sands Of spectator. - The maneuvering
of th craft waa aocompllbd with th
ame eas aa; yesterday. .-, ...-.. ; .
grows an peyalartty --
anaey Wrteg tiwtmmr eke veMtt ed bat
m aeyteet. Bam eae at keew eheeM Vwk
rue hist. At Beet eiikt et eseererl
kMb e hIm'"s dWweee ewtre's
BarsMae ehwiM ke . U hm aieid
ea4 relttag aelr br aeetreyu
eauareiT an i. a winm mit
Tora nuiuHtt irAjrn.x.
M evm ra Ba-tgrvaT Oerva."
avomaaarr aws.
Binlslli "Wat taea It. f ---'Tee Lata far BwrteMe. V:
iaMwVsWOWBWAli, POBTtAsTD, OMMOO,"' ' ",' ' . , , J
..: Novenjber I, lMi.;-;( -V'.- j. ., ,v-'
lli-My-Mtlmgte on th total vote o be "cart for Prldent on No-
-C ' ; - ' A - V-i .... - "T"," ' -vember
t. 10. U
) NAME ....;............-..
1 CfA-TE . ......... i
9t pATsaar op ajpt ran. womBED." in order t.; timuut in.;
2 terest In th election and la th "i":; j'.'i"''1 ' V
Great Presidential Contest
tW Vlll glv fro one ertlmat It sent
nr AOormDAjrcni wrrs. OERMAjr
: custom, .- BaoxxTas ; nsnsoi
op bbatx pzra mam worn xa
; Joerael Roeel.l Berrlee.t
l ! Berlin, Nov. ,1. Th HamEun
farmer. Elisabeth Wleee, ha been found
guilty of the murder of fly infanta and
a long ecla of other grave crimes. n
aceordaaoe with Oerman law ah ha
been sentenced five' times to death, one
for each murder. For perjury and forg
ery . h was sentenced . to ' six years
penal aervltude. Another curious pend
ant to her sentence was th, loss-of
honor for th remainder of her natural
life. . The detail of tb trial were re
volting In th xtrme, proving the
woman to be a monater of Iniquity. v'
Th atoryof her. career la on of the
most rsvoltlDg In the criminal annal
of th empire. It appeared from th evi
dence given at the .trial that she waa
born In Hanover, In 186,- her maiden
nam- being Berkef eld, " After -e. loof
wbat checkered career : in her native
province, where several prosecutions and
Imprisonments for illegal operation and
Imposture had rendered it impossible for
her to carry on her calling of midwife
she moved to Hamburg, renting an ex
pensive residence in one of th fashion
able horoughfsrs. Here- he. estab
lished herself aa professional f otr
mother. - - .':':.. :. ,
Her method of procedure was to Insert
In both Oerman nd foreign paper
prominent advertisements, tn which the
adoption of children born out ot-Wedlpck
was promised In return lor a aingie
monetary - -esaymeht. ' These notice
brought her many client from the fash
ionable ' aa well a from th humble
rank of oelty. - Foe - lntanc.--itla
stated that for taking over a child whoae
parents, belonged to the highest circles
of th town of Hanover h received a
fee ef y Q.U,n ,
In th paper other advertisements to th
effect that "young and beautiful girt"
appealed to noble-minded gentlemen for
temporary pecuniary -assistance and
forced her own Illegitimate daughter,
Paula, Into Improper relationships with
tb men who. replied to tnese . tniniy
veiled enticements.? JBhe visited .Lon
don, and th name of person said to
be resident In the English metropolis
war mentioned in th eours of th trial
just closed. ' -
It was further alleged against her,
though on thla count ah baa been 'ac
quitted, that h attempted to poison her
husband, who found her proceedings not
to hi liking. One of the children
adopted by her I said to have been the
child of an English womaH.of title.' Of
the children whom ah was paid to take
thoee 'whose" afeUnad, the. proceeding
profitable were corrupted. Other she
poisoned with morphine, throwing their
bodies Into th Elbe or burning them tn
her kitchen fireplace.-: The crime of In
fanticide waa brought borne to her In no
fewer than five specific ease, and how
far that number war from computing
th gruesome tale of her iniquities there
Is no means of knowing-- A dramatic
feature of th trial wa th appearance
of the woman' husband and daughter
as witnesses agalnsUher. . 1 -
f.4 4
Sheriff Word announced late '
thla afternoon mat no win not - w
release any of th poolroom men . e
-arrested - at - th wames-ey-' y
A chaase until Information ' are ...'
filed against tnem oy-ne , w
trict attorney, ad bond given,
or they secure . their liberty on . 4
writs of habeas corpus. , -. -
' District Attorney Manning '
Clared he would not Bl any in-
formation today, and he 1 not
sure that tb evldenoe will Justi
fy such action at all.
At ' i:i tnia
' afternoon th
hertff wa called . upon by, a
delegation of it traveling Jhen
congratulated nponrt.,-tha.e
. nponrj- tna.,
A stand ha haa taken. :
-- Manager Nease wm toot In
e dined to any much about th e
d "ald or bout tha future actions f--
A of th proprietors of th tab-.
llshment, H declared, how
e i ever, that there would be some-
thing doing in th Immediate fu
e - ture and dvte4 all tho Jnter-.
aV 1 sted In th - matter to "juat
watch." ,. .; :
-.7V". . .' "t ;
(Jearaa! eerlet Servke.r
Chenelle. Nov. 1. Judge Chapman of
Tacoma, who tried J. H. Mann, of Cen
tralis, recently for arson, today denied a
motion for a new trial. Mann was n
tenced to Ave year in th penitentiary.
Judg Rlc tried Mrs. Kellls Mann-on
th seme charge, and a motion for a
new. trial waa also denied In her caae.
She waa sentenced te on year In th
penitentiary. Mann's esse will be ap
pealed, but that against hi wife I may
not be,- ' ' . - ' ' -"
They were convicted at aeparat trial
of firing their millinery stors at Cen
tralis ia August te cur th Inauraac
7Tj - , i . m-m ....... y . . . . , ..
In on th blank above, ' . ;
tiieo mm
; won arusBAaB is cbuej
BSTxaa p
:aa j-satibm aawm.
ha instituted suit for divorce from W.
P. Davenport, to whom she was mar
rled December' r 0. TheyHve St
Silverton, Mrs. - Iavnport charge
cruelty. She asks for tb custody of
their two children, aged 11 and t years.
, .Esther D. Hamilton began suit yes
terday for a divorce from J. L. Hamil
ton in the Circuit court In thla city. De
sertion la alleged. . ' - '
Vh total receipt of The tat land
department for the month of October,
aa ahown by the financial report Issued
by Clerk O, O. Brown yesterday after
noon, amounted to . $11,928. -: ..
Earl Blybach, who was brought back
from Tillamook City last Saturday
evening by Deputy Sheriff H. P. Minto.
was yesterday morning taken to SUyer
ton by Sheriff - Culver, " where he waa
rgtven- a hearing before Jostle" of th
Peace H. D. Mound upon tn charge or
th larceny of ' a bicycle. He pleaded
guilty and waa ntencod to pay -a Sn
of-MB, which-he paid.
Tb Paclfle Btatee Telephone Company
pas contracted with E. M. Lafor to
construct a building for a. new central
offloa' The wires will be placed under
ground In the business part Of. the city.
Bert Snyder was arrested yesterday
for disturbing the peace, having mad a
vicious attack on several men on tb
aldcwalk. . '"',,".' rT :
There will soon be a revolution In the
barber shop of this city, for th city
health officer la after them. Complaints
have been coming to him for month re
garding th unsanitary condition of many
of the chop . throughout the city. In
am shops th a am towel 1 used on two
or three customer.' Powder puffs, and
alum tn stick form la applied on soores of
All these evils will be remedied If the
ordinance prepared by Dr. Bleradorf for
presentation to the city council tomorrow
meets with favorable consideration. It
Is called air ordinance to provide for
regulations for barbers and barber hop
In th interest of health and cleanliness. -
It provide that barber shall wash
their hands thoroughly with op and
hot water before attending each person.
No alum or other astringent ehall be uaed
In- stick form. No towels shall be used
for more than one person without being
washed. Tb us of sponge haJl be
nrohlbtted. Mug and. (having brush
hall be thoroughly washed after use on
each person. Comb, raaora, cuppers,
elisors and other Instrument shall be
thoroughly cleansed, by dipping In boiling
Water after .every separate use. No bar
ber, nnles a licensed physician, shall
creecrib for any kln diseasa Th
floor of th shoo must b mopped every
day and all th furniture and woodwork
kept free from aust. Mi penalty oc vio
lation of the ordinance la a fin of from
6 to $10. , '. 7.: - '...;;
.- ; (yoarsal aseelal Bervlea.)
Wllkesbarre. Pa. Nov. 1. Joe Wag
ner, of New Tork. and uy McKenna,
of Boston, are to furnlah tb wind-up at
tonight' boxing how of tn National
Sporting club of thl city. Th article
call for A - l-round contact at ,111
pOUndSV ' - 'J- -'. ; i
Contractor ' Mertditli's Story of
How ' bo Iroportsnt Portland
Job WaDoool Record Tim.
-Contract ar aa .Important featuf
of modern business ystma. And th
most important"- consideration 'In ooa
tract work I contraot tlm. Contrac
tor B, Meredlts, who live at 1(1 Twenty,
first ; street. Bay that Doan Kidney
PUU , fulnlled their, pontraot with him
la two or three daya '. J ,, : v
. B. Meredith, the well-known brick ma
son, contractor and builder, who llvee at
111' Twenty-first tret. Bays: "Doan'
Kidney) PU1 1 on of tb beat reme
dies I ever uaed, and I cheerfully recom
mend them to any on suffering with
kidney troubla I wa bothered for
year with attack of kidney complaint
and no medicine rave me permanent re
lief until ! procured Doan' Kidney
Fills at the Laue-Davl Drug Co.' store,
comer Yamhill and Third streeta I
wss 'ao wall please With them that
when my wife had a aevere attack a
snort time ago and could hardly git
about to do her -work, I had bar take
Doaa's Kidney Pllla. In two or three
daya they strengthened her up In fine
shape. ' We both Indorse - the claims
made for Doan' Kidney Pills And hav
nothing but th highest term of praise
for uch aMoabi remedy. - ,,
For aal by all dealer - Prlc W
cent ' per . bos, . Foeter-Mllburn Cc,
Buffalo, S. Y ol.. agent for th
United Stat.-.
Remember th nam DOAN'S and
take Da ubetltHte,
rrcBT nr rurx pob AuaaAwoa I
In addition to obtaining a divorce
from Helen- Cynthia Jennlnga the cus
tody of hi boy and th cancellation of a
deed to property valued at 7,000, which
wa. executed la her favor. OrvUle O.
Jennings may get damages from J. 8.
Seed, th contractor,- aa a; result of hi
suit charsins Seed with alienating hi
wlf' affecUona. The eourta nave oe
elded Seed to be guilty of conduct which
oroite up two bomea. ,- . 1 .
Circuit Judge Fraaertook under aa
vlsement th Question of damage thl
morning after Jennings bad told hi
tory on th witness stand, and Attorney
Bronauah had submitted a number oi
authorities bearing on th matter of Ju
riadlction. Seed la In default, having
failed to 1119 an answer within tb limit
preacribed by tha codes. ' . s
Jennlng testified that his vocation of
locomotive engineer la most exacting
and. demands not oaly ?the jnost of his
time and attention but requires that hi
mind ahall be untroubled. On hi Cool
ness - and attention to duty daily - de
pend the Uvea of many people.
' 'This trouble with my wtr na.
worried me a great deal," he said, ' and
tirn that should hav been apent in
sleep and rest ha been apent In worry
ing over her conduct with Seed..' That
man baa broken up my home, and while
money can never repay me for tha Buf
fering I have endured or ahall endure 4a
the futura I. feel that he should
punished. have loved my wife de
votedly for that matter I. love her yet
buc-I eaU-thath ea neves agala
be wife to me." . v : . '-,
Questioned by Attorney Bronaugh. Mr.
Jennings said bk had been deeply morti
fied as well aa pained by hi wlfr con
duct. Not desiring to appear In the role
of Injured husband before the public
he bad kept away from publlo gatherings
aa much a possible, H is a-Mason
and ha been elected to tak advtnced
degrees, but the trouble With his wife
had prevented him from coming , to
Portland to take them. - -. .
Attorney Bronaugh and Judge Frsser
discussed briefly th question of Juris
diction. Attorney J. C. Moreland, repre
senting; thedfendaat. claim that tbi
Court 'baa no Jurisdiction on account of
th complaint having ibeen filed In thl
county and the ' summons having been
served In Clackama county... Judgs
George ha held - that - the . service of
summon wa valid, but left th ques
tion to Judg Praser for final adjudica
tion, V -,s'-s -r-'
With tha declaration that ah
afraid of her llf and thai h haa had
to hid in the home of a neighbor to
avoid being murdered,- Mrs, Celia Ben
nett today called upon Municipal Judge
Hogu and 'Deputy District Attorney
Bert Haney and swore to a . Complaint
charging her; Auaaafld.' Prank Bennett,
wtth threatening to ktll her. If possible
the arreet will b made tonight. ;
Laat night Bennett, It I said, put in
n appearance at the home ef Mra R, E.
Baaey, bl mother-in-law, and 1 alleged
to have told her Ji had com to kill her
daughter.. He said ha had a revolver
which he had brought from Troutdal
f or th express purpos of shooting hi
wife. H wa raging with anger.. It la
said, and left th house when Informed
th Object of hi wrsth bad engaged a
room dgwn town and waa therefor,
not at home. He 1 aald to hav declared
he would remain In .Portland until he
found her and kilt her -oa- sight, - .V . ..
, "I ara In fear of my life," said Mra
Bennett who ia but a glrL ' desplt th
fact sh wka married two years ago.
"I had .to leave my husband because he
had aald he intended murdering ma
Laat right my mother received a tele-'
phone message warning her that Bennett
waa oa hi way there from Troutdal;
that he carried a revolver and aw ore
ha would -murder ma before the bight
wa over. I went to a neighbor' home,
flv blocks from my mother' bouse, and
hid there until word cam that Ji bad
gone away.'--'.
..Last night Captain Moor waa ap
pealed to by Mra Bennett "and - -her
mother, who Informed him of the caae,
aa told today to th court officlala
Policeman Seymour went to the house
and remained. During, hi BUy Bennett
called up by phone and asked for Mra
Baser. She answered.1 .He started to
tell about having a revolver and to say
be would surely kill hi wlfa Th offi
cer took th receiver and heard the re
marks, , ' .".'... ',v - ,' f .,
' ' (Hpecial Dispatch te The Jeoraal.)
- Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 1, Pas
qaello, th ' Italian, . waa sentenced by
Judge Brant thl morning to serve live
years In tha penitentiary. . He shot Do
mlnleo Valerlo last September. Th Jury
returned a verdict of. manslaughter.
. 'The defense made a hard light for a
new trial, alleging misconduct of the
court on commenting on the testimony
and the cross examining of the defend
ant, also that.Phtl Berry, a deputy sher
rlff. Ulked with tba Jury after it be
gan It deliberation on. a trip to ex
amine the scene of th shooting. The
motion- waa .overruled and Jils attorney
will appeal to tn supreme court.-
"'i ' . .
f ' ) .v'' . ' ..'- ,--t--
-(Joaraat Rpeclat Berries.) -"r
Washington, Nov. - 1. Tb eas of
Beckman O. Johnson agalnat th South
ern Pacific for damages for Injuria re
ceived "while . coupling car st Promon
tory, Utsb, that is being argued in th
supreme court today, waa appealed from
the Utah court by Johnson, who bases
his claim on th provision of th safety
appllanc . act '. requiring automatic
couplera ' , , .; ,'; "...
''- -' AOOXDaaTAUT' warn. ,
-(peclal Diapateh 9The JoarDaL) ' .
v Independenca Or., Nov! 1. Word
reached here laat night that Tom Hons
cott, IS years of age, living near Buena
Vista, south of Independence, wa put
ting away a gun after a hunting trip
when It was discharged; th charge of
ahot entering hi body Just below th
heart end killing him Instantly. ,
.... ' . I - -
Preferred Stock Oaaaed Oeoda.
'Allen aad LwU' Beat Brand, ,' - '
4 4
Promotes Di&stioaCbeerful
ness and ResfjContains rteliiur
Ctoiunvtorphine rtorMiasr&L
.. ' JUS - r'-. L
- .. An I ,'. I
:' -WJae-.rl
A perfect Remedy forConsQpov
Tlon, Sour SloinaciDiaiTlioea
Worms .Convulsions .Fevtrislv
ncss and Loss or Smm,;;
lteStwala Signahir of ;',t-'f
v rSEW YDTIK.V . ' '
Our Phono
- .-.-.-.---VJ--1
W rcspactfully call th attention of Hotel and Reetaurant trade to:
the fact that we manufacture Hotel Range from t-ft, t ft-tU both portable
and to aet In brick, also hav large line of Hotel goods, copper and retlnned.
"Writs or phona u for prtc. . .? ... p .4
W ananufactura th largest Una
oa'th paelfto Coatg' T-'.2.
w',ov 1 ": , loiri utx AaxtzBTzai BTaaaTa.. i v C-'-.;:
Dry short 4woodrstove-
lerigthsrpcrT-ir II
j 'cord -
Same Kind of Wood What's the
y-:;. r Inference? ;? tPct conj V4.U
piione Main 333-;
.bneclai rt'mad'l familla and
bath establishment In the hotel.. .
William Hanson, captain of bos eom
pny No.' of th Are department waa
Bned )tl and ordered transferred to An
other compsnyty th Ar commission
er yesterday afternoon a a result of
hi trial before that body for the al
leged assault upon X.i I Cran last
Juna ' Much contradictory evidence wa
given on both aide and th investiga
tion resolved Itself Into A political
wrangle, la which Whitney I Bols,
C. B. Rumelln and others were frequent
ly mentioned as being Interested. - "
It developed that Cran wa th cap
tain of th ' Republican force In hi
precinct According to the testimony,
because Hanson had ordered Cran not
to solicit rot In the fire department
house aa-alnst th rules th civil erv-
TTee-o6nultW,Crii'n had become ngry
and h had circulated report to tn
ffeot that Hanson was a Democrat.
Hanson aald thl made him very angry
and h set out to And Crsna
When they met hot word and fiery
pi that wer hurled back and forth.
Crane says . Hanson atruck hint. Hi
witnesses also aald ' o. Hanson testi
fied that h merely shook hi flat under
Crane's - no ', and .called . him names.
Several eye witnesses verify hi state
ments. Hanson also stated that Crane
had boasted that he would have him
dlamlased from th department eh'd af
ter he . wa uapnded had mad th
statement that he would never be rain
stated. ,'..... o : - ;
' " (Jonraal tpeel'it gervtee.)
' London, Nov. 1. The Central New
thla evening Issued the following: 'W
'are enabled to state- that there la not
th slightest, foundation for. the sensa
tional statements' current thl after
noon reelecting ' the relation . between
Rusala and, Oreat jsmaia,--;
' ' 're' s
b, . fM i iMf
Esrcturo tV... '. . -
1 B ..7 II
-ot Cook aWove. Range and HaaUr"
ZZC s2Lz--1 '"t:'
; stove J
Jcngths, per. .
.. ; cord .i, .." .". -
90 Third SWCpn'Oak
roBnAav. obboom,
'" A ete lM".v
rasasws a stiia
mt f v.. J Ha.
" rcr wv caKi vpwani
alngl gentlenrerv A jmodern -TurkUli t-j
- . ti Bywtata. Manager. . v
e ' ,, (Joorsal gpselsl Berne.) -" - ' ; 1 ' o
x . ' v v. irt,. maIm ' A - V
office tonight, confirm th re- w
e port o the departure of Rojeat
e x venaky and the" Russian fleet
. From Vigo, ana aaa mat ne wasw
-instructed that he.muBt prevent e
any lpjury to foreign ahipplng 4
whila en rout to -the far eaat ,.
"In compliance with the Anglo-,,
Russian engsgement," the foreign ,
.'office add, "four Russian offi
cers wers lft behind st-Vlgo,
: and the two ; govesnmenta are .
now discussing thp erm of th
propoved inqulry.T ,. vt y, s . .r '. -'
'''" y ' ' -c
Hammond. Ind.. Nov. l.-Kxeurslo v ,
trntna-havw brought many -la4tvra,t --
thla city from point throughout northr. , .
western Indiana to, hear Senator Pair- i (
bank tonight ' Th special train of th
vlce-presldentlsl nomine I dua here at
7 o'clock thl evening, in tn aumoer
of his Speeches ' Bens tor Fairbanks ; Is
running dos to th record of ,WJr
Bryan in thl state. HI pech her to. .
night will b th twelfth on hi schedule
inc leaving Port Wyn thl morning.
1 irtrppaBS aaoaaa uia.': ": 1 b
Moscow, Idaho, , Noy. 1. Ernest
Thompson, agsd 1. fell from a horse,
striking on some rock, rendering him ,
tineyinsclous snd breaking his leg. - ' f
A Sar Thing.
It I said that nothing I ur exoept
death and taxes, but that
Is not alto
gether tru. - Dr. King New Discovery
for Consumption Is a sure cure for all .
lun and throat troubles. Thousand ,.
can totlfy to that -Mra C.R . Vsn- ;
Metre of Sfiepherdtown. W. Va, aaysj , ,
"I had a aevere case of Bronchitis and
foe a year tried everything I heard of, ..:
but fcot no relief. One bottle of ,Dr. , '
Klnss New pisoovery then cured rh
absolutely." It Infalllbl for Croup, .
Whooping, Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and 1 ; -Consumption.
Try it. It guaranteed .'
by the Red Croe Pharmacy, corner
Sixth and Oak treet.-on th way to . r
kA nnainffli-D. Trial bottle brsa Ku. . .
aiaaa ILO.1? . ,y - '. ',