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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1904)
- .A l uj by t nta a cuUc sT cur gravel, . from IS to 10 y on, both aide n sent out by tha 1 " 1.... t t... 1. k I -l -r la t'-e d)voreecourt the other dy an ictuisj wife ! if ended bar conduct on .the grout 1 that her huaband, autne; for - f ivoroo. c, .tantly or. 1 economy n tra m a savi e bank, "that wa may aava fso usthtnf 1. ,J by for our aupport when old ara ahail coma upon ua. Tha court, granted the huaband'a petition, rive him the cuatody of the children and excoriated tha wife for her misconduct. Tha huaband'a frugality waa commended, aa la that of every food citlaaa - pos sessed of savings bank deposit. In this city there ara over 4.000 of auch de positor in tha Oregon Savings bankj Hikth and Morrison, alone. It la aIe to ey there 1 not a, bad husband in tn Jot. ' . ' V, Tha flratimova to raise tha llcenace -of traveling reataurant man, . hawkers and atreet fakers of all kind waa made ' ' yesterday afternoon fhen It waa decided - by tha licensecommittee to recommend . an increase In tba lloanaea of all travel lug . restaurants to 176 and .waffle wagona to 121. a quarter, - Tha lty . license euliectora ara alao preparing a ' resolution asking; that tha license of .v "all other claaaea Of atraot Vendors b Increased, At a meeting of tha oouint . tea on commerce) landings and wharves : .yesterday afternoon license of M month waa Imposed on Charlea F. Lord for uae of tba publlo wharf at tha foot or Mtark street for boat house purposes. Tha Bailey Oataert'a tha boat yea want - to isa lr you're going to Tha Dalle or any way point, Thla handsome craft 1 th,' stanches t, moat reliable am) moat ooirortabla plying; between Portland aruTLXb. Dallssi. andenlahly the boat j for a comfortable and safe journey. -Ask : any of your friends who have taken the . trip oa the Gatsert a ad they) tell ytmJ wnat a delightful one It was. steamer .;. . leaves Alder-street wharf it I i -every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Bteamer'Regulator. another awlft boat. leaves, same hour on - altesnatlng daye. -isse eiinerooat witn assurance or a aafa. speedy, , comfortable - trip. ' Phone Main 4. , , ' Suit waa filed In tha circuit court yesterday by Luserne Besser against tha heirs of the Lewis Love aatate on two -4almabne for (S.000 on s note dated .August . lt7. wlthlnterest fof six years, and the other for S1.I3S. said to . De due for services performed In 16, let! and 1117, in securing evidence - against Jonathan Ties, accused of forg ing a-will purporting to be that of Nancy Love. - Both elalma have been re- 1 ierted by" the exreutora. ' Beaaer w .once chief of police of Portland, and .1 onca a member of the city counclC He la now an Inmata of tha poor farm.. At. .: torney Mark - O'Neill appears as hla counsel. --. , .-- .' . i Suit was filed In the circuit court yea T fterday by Inman, Poutsn Co. to com pel the Oregon- Water Power at Railroad ' company to carry out an alleged agree- ment to pay 120.000 for a right of way - for fta tracks through applet of land In . Stephen's addition to East Portland or to v f'u 1 a parcel of low land. Aa Injuno ' tlon tat the suit Of the O. W. P. company , condemn the property for right of way ha been granted by the court until i:the. aaartta af-the.caaa are deckled- .A ' larga number of Incidental matters) te bar determined in- tha- adjudication of ina -aetiona,; .. . y-..t -, ; . Though It may rain tat' Portland..-there - . Is sunshine seat of tha Cascade range of mountains. The new and beautifully furnished stesmetr Charles R. Spencer leaves from, foot of Washlmrton street . Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, at I " a: m., salllnar up the picturesque Colum-, " bin. through the grandly magnlfleent , Cascade mountains. to The Dalles, call V Ing at way landlnga. returning on alter . rater day a1' Passengers for Portland . should take the steamer at Tha Dalles, ' thus saving In fare besides enjoying the . : i delights of the most wonderful scenery In tha world. TeL- Main llitv.- . Btirnslde street bridge -Is hkndllnf an ' enormous amount of traffle since - the ' i-l-islng of tha Morrison street bridge. - Tfsterday the -bridge foreman kepty a ' record of the number of cars that passed the bridge. Between tha hours of and o'clock . yesterday evening 117 ca passed tha bridge. - Between a and - there were log cars; ' between and T there were TO ears; between T and 0 there were TO cars, a total of 1ST during the three hours. ' No record waa kept of the number at wagons, drays and other vehicles that crossed during that r time. ..:. v . i - -. .-. - -.,;vf - . , The shingle market has risen 10 -cents within the past few days and still tha Portland. and Columbia river' mills have all they can do to fill the orders. .The . Increased demand for ahlngles com from all points along- tha Oregon River V Navigation company and the Oregon Short Line and aa far seat aa Cheyenne. 'It-la probable that the Lower Columbia . mills will make an effort to secure a concession In rates, as they are now pay ing to cents while tha Portland mlUa pay but M cents. a. .'.y ; -Ail result of s conference with City Knglneer Elliott and City Attorney Me- ' Nary yesterdsy afternoon, the officiate of the Oregon Water Power t Railway company agreed to fill the whole of -Water street sndthat portion of the OSTEOPATHY OntwJ Vasty So aeDed able 1 DRS.AD!X&NCXTnXUP ! Oereaa alleT. ATIOsT M Sissnd Strae m m H-w he' Iiwirtit Wwm s -' i - to division super- Tangements poe terfera with the k t i i ! i , y clerks to vols x C . U Is the purpose of the to f e every clerk 'an op ' t v e If that Can be done t L. ... J With tba delivery of t r Lu. U"- i an J those Interested In the rreaervatiua of the timber of thla state a -.lnst forest fires will hold a meeting to frame a h-l to be presented wt tha nntt. s Ion of the legislature for thai r-'otsctlon or the rorests against flra. L-ate fcenator Booth la a leader In the movement. At tha last session of the legislature auch a bill waa passed but waa vetoed by the governor.. - . ; Permanent ' off leers were elected last night at a meeting of the Boas Barbara' association. F! J. Browning waa made pre ent; F. T. Rogers, vloe-presldent; S, Ili Howard, secretary, and A. Jublts, treasurer. An -advisory board waa ap pointed consisting of J. D. Neldermeyer. Louis Henry, Chester Hare, W. H. Ewell and George . Febvet. . Notice' has been aent to alt Grangers by B. O. Leedy, master of tha Oregon State Orange, that, tha 18th annual ses sion of the National Orange will con vene in this city November 1. All bualneaa sessions will be held In Armory ball, and tha decree ' session ' In .the Maxquam theatre. , . A special program la being? prepared for tb Central W. C T. U. meeting to morrow arternoon. -Tne union - meets with If re. Jannar. "resident, at 191 Clay street Among; tha speclkl features will be an address by UrsLi. (Tnruh, on "Woman's Responsibility as- Cltlscns of Portland.'' .. .; :;'! The Portland Consolidated Railway feeaipenyla rushing the work on the building of tha double track to; Monta- vljla. TRalls have been laid from Wi ners" lane-to- Wast avenue. - Tfce work of ballaatlng tha new arack and setting tha poles will be commenced at once. The high wind of yesterday blew down tha big banner atretohed aerosa tha atreet In front of tha Republican headquarters tn tha Hamilton building on Third street. Chairman Praiik ' Baker rescued tha streamer from tha mud' and had ft re stored, . '. J1' . If yon are' Interested In pianos. Just go to (Meyer' a new Piano House. 74 Sixth street-you will not only And there tha finest lines of pianos you ever put. your eyes on, but you will find them at prices that wm te a revelation to ail. - While working around the quarry- at Fisher's landing; an Italian workman got caught by one of the rock cars, and ha waa badly Injured about tba body. He waa brought to Portland on tha steamer tone ana isaen to a noapiiai. . - , . Policeman -Rowley, a ; member 'of the second night relief, has been suspended by the chlejKfor failure to report to Cap tain Bailey for duty Sunday morning, or to make any explanation for his absence. The" annual exhibition of , garmenta'of the Portland branch of the Needlework guild will be held at Parson's hall. Nine teenth and Washington streets, tomorrow afternoon, from I to . r A burglar who entered " Fletcher's grocery store. Ninth and OUsaa streets, during the night, secured $4 In pennies, nickels and aimea;,;-; ;.: '. That- tired '. out feeling-- and general lack of tone call out. unmistakably for C. C. C Tonic . For sale at Knights', 107 wasmngtoo. , - 4 Wa-Hoo -Tonia. Tna-great Mood puri fier, nerve tonic and liver regulator. Just what yon need these days. For sale by all druggists. We clean sndl press your clothes and sine your ahoea for (1.00 per-month. Unique tailoring Co," 147 - Washington. Main 114. The Fortnightly club will meet at the homo "of Miss Ethel Durham tonight at 0:14. - There will bo a good, interesting Chew Den-Tal-Qum, have pearly teat and . prevent decay. . For sale avery wnerau , .. s Free. dispensary for worthy poor, TueaV. Thtira, Bat, 1p.m. 8t -yincent's Hosp. - or oujns siiew. r. irwrjcr m dob. tt Tsmhlll; phone Red 1003. . . ' OSTXRFX.T FnSOVAXk Louis Pro betel of Weston, Or, to vis iting In Portland for a few days. Dr. Charlea Hlnea of Forest O rove la registered at the Hotel Perkins. - Judge eOorgo H. Burnett-of Balsw-4 reglstsred at tha Imperial. - - -W. C Mack, a prominent lumberman of Aberdeen, Wash., la at the Hotel Port land. - . .- - - v . ..- Mrs. A. Nelson and Mrs. H. H. Walker of Independence are gttssts of the Hotel Perkins. -v . : CHIEF HUNT GIVES KELSON STIFF BEAT Policeman Ole Nelson, who waa shot by Charlea W. Walton in the attempted holdup of a street car on tha. Una of th Portland Railway company, returned to duty thla morning. Tha chief signed him to oao of tha most difficult seats in tna cuy. . . -,.. t He la not very stng yet. He has tha beat on, Washington street, from Fifth to Park. Thta requlree him to remain on hla- feeielght hours contin uously, to answer a fuslllads of ques tions from the public, keep sidewalks open, attend to the-crossings at Wash ington and Fifth streets, whers hun dreds of street cars psss dsily. - Yesterday, aa already published, a change waa made In tha office staff at headquarters by tha chief. Station Offi cer Qutnlan was taken from the desk and placed - with Clerk Archie Leonard ss aaaistsnt ' stenographer. Assistant Bailiff Wendorf waa given Mho desk. Comment at headquartera polnta out the fact that- Nelson, who Is fully cap able, might have been given an office assignment for a while, instead of a beat, (where at any moment ho Is apt to so caned upon to eopo witn a strenw is siiuatiou, raca mm a - runaway team.' a fire, a light or something rer quiring aa officer' a full strength. . :crtisei E.s!:m tzi Direct EjtIes From eastern tanneries enable ua to give you man's good sewed oak soles at (; the best In the world for loe. Men's heels fixed lie. ' Lsdlae solsa 40e and 0c Ladies heels fixed 20c We pu oa th following brands of whole or half rubber neelst CBulUvsa. Foster Antt- Sltp. Nerve. Esa,-EesO Wslk and M or gas Wrlghrs. .---' Work done while yon' wait Is -our specialty, 'loodyear Shoo Repair Fac tory. Tsmhlll street, near tiasKeompany's ofac, W call for and deliver Ires, , For large shipments "ofplanosnow en route, we are willing to offer great in ducements to ptano parchasera. 7 Ia ad dition to our' larga stock of new. pianos we : at ""off erl ng - for vala tT etehtwirl parlor grand (used),, a 'Weber parlor grand (used),- savsrsl . used' upright pianos and several organs. . Time pay ments accepted. Coma In 'and 1ft us talk It over with you. .. ' ; tn m K9Bxsoir otnurn VUf oiiomm jAPAnn uxki- SlRt OF FOBTLAJT9 WZU uajtt rmooAK Ajuuuran fob Pstrfdtlo Japaheseof"thIs cJIy""iro preparing an elaboraie.progiam In ob servance of the arty-third anniversary of the birth of the mikado. He will- be si years old November t, and tha event will h. Hill, eelahrate In thla rltT 11 Go. Wn DIKTIIDAV; TO: CE" C LED3ATED 10- other cities which have lajrge nunv-LI bars of Japanese residenta. ' 8. Ban la in charge of tha ceremo nies, which will beheld In Alisky halt Tba program will begin at S:I0 o'clock In the evening and will be opened with music- by an American band. Then there will be an address, by Chairman Ban. v He will then lift a canvas cur tain, displaying 'ar huge likeness 01 tna emperor.: The assembles will sing in chorus "Klmlga To," the national hymn of the empire. As soon aa the song la finished TSUKEJI. AIBA. JAPAKESB' VICK- CON8UL AT - PORTLAND. T. Alba, vice-consul at thta place, will read the Imperial edict that will be Is sued by the emperor to be read In all parts of Ms empire on November S and In other countries where the event will bo celebrated. The edict wilFdeal prin cipally with education, ursine hla aub Jecta ont themselves by means of education to'taka the place in the world that, he aaya, destiny haa prepared for hla country. .. " ' -r - A quartet of Japanese young men will sine "The Emperor's Birthday Sons;.' Then there will be addresses by & Wakabaaht and H- Kumamoto sad an other, address will be delivered. The third speaker haa not been selected. Following; ths addressee the quartet will sins; a Russian-Japanese war song; In which ths victories of tha mikado's troops are lauded and tha Russians rid iculed. Then there will bo an address by- 8. : xoahloka and tha audlsnco wlQ ag-aln sine tha national hymn. . After the sons; the audience will Join tn general exclamations of "Banal.'', no correct Interpretation of which la poa albla. Ita alimlflcance Is, . "May tha emperor live 1.S90 years." ' v - ' After the "Banal" tho chairman will drop the curtain, hiding; from view tha picture of , the emperor. At Intervals during; th program the band will rea der selections. - There wfll be do Jap anese musicians. . Tho room wtlKbe abundantly deco rated., with chryaanthem urns, the e-4 tlonal Bower of Japan.. Every one who attends will be presented with a bou quet. ' There will ho no publlo demon strations during; the dsy. . - Throughout tho- day, however. 1 Mr. Alba, the vice-consul, wilt receive all hla countrymen at the office of tho eon sulata In tho Commercial building; Sec ond and Washington streets. A cpa- tlnuous reception will be : held. .. SALT LAKE GIRL IS - DANIELS' PRUIA DONNA The disciples of Brtgham Toons have an advocate and .friend with tho Prank Daniels company. She la Miss Ball la nsher, and la Mr. Daniels prima' donna. She halls from Salt Lake City, bat Is not a Mormon. She haa thta to say of them, however: .-.', bearan my musical eareer fit Salt Lake-City. I waa a member of a local opera company. In fact I waa tho prima donna and waa the only Oenttle la. the company, all tho rest being Mormons. I thought I wss the real thing until I want eat and was forced, tn become member of the chorus of the "Burgomaatsr' com pany. r an aeemea to realise loot 1 . . ... P ' -' 111 -1: .''Se-feSL r THlE ; fSEATTLEGETS IT The $l,0Q0 Piano Which At tracted So Much Attention ; ' at Eilers Piano House. ' - One of ths new-Instruments known aa the "lerf acted piano," the feet piano," of the Pianola. Fl- variously ..n 1 v nerfaot nlanOu' sno, has recently Keen purcnaaea at EllerS Piano House by Mr. J. W. Cllse. one of Seattle's wealthiest and moat In fluential cltlssna. - ' The Instrument Is simply ths superb Weber piano with the mechanism of tha Metrostyle. PliuiolsTt bvtit Into ths va cant space, which up to now has been regarded as useless In upright planes. It can be played In the ordinary way with the - hands or by simply sltdln back a neat psnel In tha front of tha piano. Inserting a mualo roll' and un Iniriin, m. of nodals any one can play the piano without- tha sllf hteal knowledges of music and Dlay It with as much expression sa the most skilled musician. - Tale make the. piano an In strument at the disposes of every muatc lover. , 1 Tho Pianola '- Piano Jsui already he come immensely popular. Many people hava remained allent for lack of a player thn -with- .one ,whkh-every -mem oar of ths family can play ana iay wsji. The one recently sent to Beat Ha for Mr. Cllae la among- tha Very hsndsomest yet received by Eilers Plsno House, Some less szpenslve styles will be found Mti.ll. mmtlnt antoTv. - If -oa are contempUtlns; tha purchase of a piano, it will pay you to lnveeug-aie the Pianola-Piano. Kllers msno House, X6t Waahlnston street, corner' Park. Lsrae stores also San Francisco, CaL; f-okana and Seattle. . wasn. Oil CUTLERY EVERY BLACEVARRANTE) hadf been a prima donna on the' shores of tho saline aea of tho plalna. My ea- pertence wlth the company . proved ln- vaiuaoie. However, ana i soon aovaaaea to a good position with "The Billionaire." and only left that organisation after tha asd 'death last winter or jrrome ayaea. when Mr Danlela selected me for my present position.- . "For the Mormons I have nothing but good to aay. I know them personally and have found them to be most delight ful people. . The girls are excellent mu sicians, ara cultured, ana, like tns men. are refined and educated.' . 'Li-Don't fan to Thint Because you have already sent la aa estimate on too popular vote for presi dent that you need not send In another. Tha mora guesses you send the. better your chancea. Five thousand handsome prises rained at lio.eoo. too contest positively closes on November tv Act at once. One guess Is allowed for every u eents remitted for aubscriotlona at resnllsr rates to The Journal.' - Watch, -JIS THIS ISN'T X PUBLIC HOLDUP. BUT OK -THB CONTRART SOMETHI NOVTO HsXP"TOU;,:'--rr''""T-'Tr''" WB ONLT WAJST TOCR WATCH "TO CLEAN OR RE-. PAIR JUBT .AS IT MAT NEED. , TOUR WATClt IS "OP BUT L1TT1JS USE TO. TOU IP' INACCURATE WE'LI. PUT IITJN GOOD SHAPE rOR A MODEST SUM. .' ": . A-M-VDIGIiT- 293nORRISONST LLUIU 1 Ybor Watch, I tililiiil' It is not only the goldier who must be on guard, but the general public andl merchant ai' weJU The former must guard against being, "taken in" by fakers; and imiutors. . The latter must guard his established repuUtion (if it's good one), ; Seventeen years of fair dealing haw won for us the confidence of all who know us. They believe in us because they know-oar business methods are honorable', our prices lower than elsewhere, our terms s I - " "-an''' .a a s-n' ' ' ' I "- i Lasy neekiy or Montniyraymenis diamonds, Watches, Jewelry Can be secured from us without considerable outlay and without any risk -to you. ' You simply pay part down, the balance youmajjte yoiif "own terms." ' We are the only ones .In this city selling "on credit "for cash prices, giving : you immediate possession when making first payment. 't- Xi'j:v-'.Ww demand nosecurityTcharge no interest. ,,-; Your Sidney Back if. You Find Any DAN. MARX, Proprietor 1 74THIRD STREET", WmlmJ00Urmn0lp0me0mm0mm!mt Msrqssm Grand Tbtstre PhOBS hUlB SSS, ' Wae. Tbara. rri.talkta..T. J. 1. 1M. last sarfaraunra Bat. Mat, Svt. B, Oaorga da's eiejly drama. ' " -i- .' . "TBJ OOVsTTT CThT ITimi." Kvealns Prka-EaUn k)r boot, tl DO. Balconr. ant row., 1.00; rt, at, .last rswa. TBe; Mat rewe la bakoay. ROr. Ko ttre callery, )e. Boxes sad luces. iO.e--- Matinee Pricwa Eatlre knnr floor. fl.OO. Mleoay, sret rave, TBe; kat rows. Ma Gallery, SOe. Ke. Seats srs sew BelUaa. MarqoMn Grand Theatre S,1' Tealght at 1:11 oVax-k, last earnirskisce ef that . ., ,, rasay eoaMdlaa, ,- Is ths staslcsl OeaatSy, UmsMaf Ssceess,'- "isji ojtiuji at or," MICIS Satire lower soorr 1 00-- Baleoor. JTrtSc.We, Satire gallery Out. , Boses asd C0RDRAYS THEATRE OORDSAT BUSIELb atasagers. Portlaad's sunt sonata Blaikoaaa. Twa tn nlrbts, with la4tear apeeUl bargain statti iaadar. Tna aay aaa ' rtser 1 asd S, rrMcaa, ' last TATAX WsTSOZXrO." " Tkfee Blgkts,"ewsMneiag Yhanaay ere.. Km. m, wiia nararoay suinaea, aa esiireiy " eoaipaBy. UseeU J. Garter's gnat spaa. or oxxcAoo." ' Another Ua ancaaaat . Begaa sseatat eeaaery. Woaoerral swckaaical anlM. W electrical effeeta. ' A vtvM sletore ef ttaaasseat are. sea the marvetoas appmarfeles trala. 4 uv. -i uu pMnair. lnTrnmni.a lilessld Haa PTleei, 10c, soe aad gOrt aAectal rata. aoc. Xfatlnea, tS eeata t. aay sart ef The Star Theatre ert rsrtt -asaT wsilisgtas.. KJI JIIB KOST yASSIOSASXX nR. AND MRS.'JACK BURCH "TNEFP ANP MILLER - KATE ROCKWELL ' JUMPINO DE ONZO ' A WILLC HOYT i . THE IPROJECTOSCOPE - aewisg ytm grcrt mmrlmm plptor.. . -r, Ort ' svuOBary." . , bow I'M te 4:M a. m . -SA . a-an . " -- - mvm aaia, an, B AKER TH E ATRJ Talrd aai Tawkin sta. Keatlag A flood, sagrs. IB'""' fainrrua n'liiai la s SalffH s -1 m soolii ' ' :" PXTE BiHB t DTTBAsTT ASfS BAUWTJT ' ,i 4 ' , TBtB BUAT BIOarET i '' ' MT.BAM AsTO MACX. " " M'OtTaTB AJTD SsVAJTT. , BATMOsrO O. laXDWIS : - ' IU1LB BAXDWTaT. -' TMM KOasVAYM. - Asatssloav 10a. rsrtaraaaaeea, :. f . g. BIJou Theatre 111 -rnia wees e nrotraiBT . , BOnCOn, aTTPliOTTST . ' . "-- Misa btsobiv poauicm nacai , -lamostt - UMnKOOM"-:-'"---; 21 '" ' MASVBT SrCWMAaT ' " .",',' -'fTjmm raau tufiov ; - 't '. 'TU SfOTIJia' PXOTOsVBS. All f IS eenta. Arwrseaa, fraai M is .; evesiags, frets : a 10;. ... ' . . The Arcade Theatre.. - - Tae Ortgaael reaafly Tsssweffle Haass,--' ' . Tab) aw: -- " .-'-anrjr AATIaTOS ' ' - , -f. aLAXKX BOTn ' r.'r- ' ' CXTTToavD AJn asrrrsl ; iuut Asm mm .. .. KAti com , TMM suoaoorav llm t M ts 4 SO Bu ts. T:io te M M a. - am. Aamlaaius. 10e.ta say eaat. . THE LYRIC THE A TRE : ' ' Seeeatk sad Alor Streets, This Wees. . ' WiDfiihoar Aim arwATTaTaTL i. - tou, uto an iou. . ' BBtMLaai ASTO BSTXaTAV " , ' - Jt AXOJaOW, i- , .!-a .''.:.."... aUSBT FOTf,- '"" ' ' -::. S. TM vTTASOOPS. ' wlorBaeea t ae, I t ta M:gs p. a. A4a-loe IO eaata ser kisser. , COSCSST UU- SLAXiaa ssos, coran-mii trtcsrr. V tMS-te Biiivsrt). GEO. DLACII flcuc ;jcccu:jt.:it- Wast It, Cesetal Praetiea. Taepatlr.ihMie. Fatets Wars. , gseeau saa rwtedKat aaaita ArtrcIeTDifferent Than Represented --. BUSINESS COLLEGE r-1 :' CHT SCHOOL , '. ." ....- ... . - SXETsT AMD ' KOB3USOS'-ETS PstaTMAjnraiP and" Thursday evcnlnga from" sa van h- nine. - - - (Laboratory Method), SEOBTmAsTl-(Pernln System). f fpEWaUTIEti (Touch method)' QOsUls.aVCI T AJUTJUaCRXt. ' and ;". ',''.". '"". nXsTCIX," Tussday, - Wednesday " ' and Friday evening from seven -'; to ninotblrty, . . - . , . By the moth-fx dollar for tha . first month. Srs dollars per asontav for ths following-Ove months and four- dollar - par -month there after. - ; , . . . ; I Call or send for Catalot t)ur Monkey Is Kept Busy Handlnc out ' GLOBE WEATHER PROOF PAINT the kind that contains a guarantee Ha every paclusw to deal ers sad patrons on every sand. . PORTLAND PAINT AND -WALL, PAPER CO. Olstrfbntors, lSeond. at,TlajaA, I worn sAidB r A. A. nrURCH A CO... ..lit Taylor sL CAR8TENS BROS.... Mnntsvllla J. B. M'PONALD....t4 vVUliamaava, Wc Offer No : Delusive Dw to Catch; a Patron Our work la all dona oa honor every etrokeref It -and It ! only, a question sf time when tha Portland publlo Will discover that It pays to patronise such a Institution. ' Tho Chlcsgo Pslnless Dentists will never ' make a promls they will not fulfill, and we now prom ts the VERT BEST TO BH HAU AT THESJ3 TRIFWHa PRICESl ,. , OOLD CROWNS .............,.f TI.OO rUI.L SET OF TEETH f J.OO BRIDOtS WORK SILVER FILLINOfl SO OOLD FILLINGS fl.CO ciicaco C2MTAL PaA-?C?.5 Southaaai r 1 1 i :-a Y ik r a r-m J. . f Pcint the To vvn ..-:',Rcd: X ' I' you want to. but be careful ; in eiectina' the Paint for your new bom you "are building. ;i Jf "J you.-come to us we will aid you " 'In selecting ths proper coloring , , and . will guarantee ovary gallon Lof paint we sell you. Oar paint f last and won't some off; Adapted i der thf moat liberal ' of gusrsn- 4 tecs. . Color card .mailed on re- " ' - ' oslpt of postal card requcsC. -. sriatTSisa tw war a in Z com. rsost ajto mmmRTso?. ISO, 1M. 1M rBOsTT - iraoameaaTSrafi pporTr"yo; . send u your washing, no tnat- tar ' what kind, - w do It right. W aro prepared ,t J'.1raal the common, coarser colored clothas, -a ; well aa ' th finest linen all w do 1 dona well to your, sat isfaction. - Wo ' eall .-for v aad promptly-return, all work. We will appreciate- a. trial. - Tele phone ua your order. ,; . . ; -,, From tHe Mailer rt to the V carer Save the retail priced ' Com aad have your measure taken for. -w Aurora AnamTS. any ptseo of , goods In tho bouso for. .S)S.O TAnOaVkTADB STTTrS, art silk Ruined . uujmua. CUTanTTS - OOATS, . hi anr stylo ,.v-.i-.vr.;.; .flTO - We also have a branch stare at tit First street, where yon aaa - get yowr II. M and.T MUSM for 92.05, tha rest Of this moata ' only. -' . , -' Don't mis tho bargain. - -r--' A. LIPPtUN ' ' XJLSXSS TAXbOa. - ' SS4 TaamaiU St.;. Satao. Rod Its. sTon: flti"- fat e-i r - .r -r r c--a r a B4 ' , 1 " t aetn tit i wood- w e 1 1 tl.4. ) - v.- . . . was) Side Oftleo US Mh MX. ". , i Xaaadry, Wataw SUsst, Baa Hda. ' ".A