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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1904)
Yn-a C-vw I -e . J --... a e-r J. ., : -" ictjt cr tu-'X BTtxnv , Noed U h-rsbr alrea - that to OnhII -- w wiy s roniaoa pror im w loitowuig Ce-aT-bed property and owner owner a being apaclelly and peculiarly bans, I ted to tko amounta act ovposue the sum ( ... By deeerlpttose Uwraut for lit Impror -at . sf GUsaa atreet, trout tb Mat Dm af I..1 - V' Wtot Do Of ProtuJ Uet, ad H rloed. by otdlnascs he. 18.878. ' a A"'. bJotoM to tb pporttoBatent of ot ' J" la twpruTaxsent must be amu la writing t th fuMincll en- CilnA erlte R. A..-lir.-. ' ,7 --. ; u iu-f ib-tttriawA AwiimiT , pox x-iprotk. v Iim k. r ; -"'"..-? pt!'"""t Will ha hnar1 anA i.,.,,,.! ha , ' to pes.... of to erdlaaac aaaeaaiuc A'WP ot ol aald ImDimnu. " . COUTH'S ADLHTION to liM Citr ot Port Maui KLOCtC A, Northar rlfl ' J j.V.7; kt 4, NorUMrs Nucule ' Ifrmiiuai vwiau, ao-oa, oi a, aorrnarB " lfte Taratlnal Oouipaa, $44T.10. BUKJt US, andlTldad u af hi a 'TV. Um. vn.: KJ, imfe) aodlrldad 44 of Vt Portland . a Coanpana, uaMi rortlaad Oaa UKnpan,; landtTldad H of lot . Port - 1. c"Hrt.','-i andlTMod of tot 5! a IVHipanyr H.Mtr BnaiTloea 71, . o. i n fjll ojj. BBdlTktod H -i. ' iia niouai jirga. WMnpanj. l-oJJ. oodiildad 54 of lot T,. Th Alculai ISM yawtU Marahall Batata? Hatr of, f6o6.Sl;. of Portlaad A traet of land l;Ui b - V -;.t i uiarloa Thurlow, Truatoaa. Kto.&Bi rit n ' cnariaa iDurlow, iruataa, VS0P0UD AatXaSJfZrX TO latraOTS- n 1 '; '. miri or RAarroa vrutr," '" . HAtle-, la harobr airaa that tba Ooaaell Zl ... ' rortlaad prouoaaa to aaa . th. followtoa!. waarrlbad arooartr a4 awn ' fT a kaknt apaelaUy and oaeallarlr 'iiaaaj m iaa aaauaau aal anpoait th a ind daacrlptloua tnaraot (or th Imurcremant of Matoa atraat, from th oaat Una of William 'ST: Tjt w.wat una. of Unloa araaiM, a roTldad by rdlaaaea No. It.aiB. - - -.Any ob)acUona t th apportlonmant of eoat I fnt aald Improramant aataat P mad ta wrltlnd I to to Coo.nct) and flud with th Auditor I w aaya -from tha dato of tha flrat ubllcatlOB of thla aotle. and aald okjretvjo Will h haard mmA AdMluJ a. t -.-il I . Jj,or ) P"ia of tha ardiaanoa aaaoaalaf I ; . "Id ImnroTantant. . "l f -VLBINAJ-BIXK'lC So. mth 100 faat of lot M. ' . V XT . ' ? I,,. 1. aaa am TUIOaV aau,vikl : "u un ayw aari norta tDrof and I " I ' ' ,WU.a. . I VparalaH thrwlth, Oorit w Bata. tlfla.07. 1 ' AaT obj ' i.V, -. THOU. fl. MTUIt I I A tract af land Utna oatwaaa tha north lln. for aald I ' - - 411tot of tha City of PorOaaa. . I S warto atraat and a lis 100 fat north I tha r Portlaad. Uraaoa. Oetoaar al. ISO. I ihmof and DaralM tbara with, and L,mLZ I within 1 ..i. i. Roman tlathnlla Aa,l.lahnat m ilu fbLu. 1 vitjwi, ais.uo; aoum iuo feat of lot al, 1.. ' ROBian Oathalla Arrhhlahnn of W1 jr Omm, tiaA. - . J - n, a . . lracaaa ""'" i .o. bvulb at.ov save Ml ootrth 100 faat rf , lot 83. Boaual I :'i ji j CathoTO -.- Alrhblahop , of tha Dloeraa , of Oracoa. 6.M aoatk 100 faat of Jot , . Catholic Archblahop of tha Dloeaaa ' f uraon. a 7; aoutk 109 faat of tot 28. art fkraann aaa a, um.w (Xa . v. mm vainnno ajrcnoiaoov ou to Utoeaa iajjixnio avrcBounop 91 to LHoca ox uraaon. axain awih ina, aaa. a in mm Cooraat of fit. Domini, tS 23; Booth 100 faat ; fwv.J, iobtobc at Bt. iMmtint,; . m,h ft of tot 24. Joba Patara, i(K.; 192 f,t of lot , Ida Jotuiaon. I&3.60; ; Marh. AAa.Ml anaith IAA aaa ta V Wa.lla' a k, ""twl?"-"' aoqto ai.ov it Of lot J a, .... w ! or lot no, a wad Ian jU. uiib- i J - . ."SL"1!" trfOnrcD,; aoutk 100 faat t;l : alJiu,-Wi .8kntM T0i xl'b 100 .' fj .WO-TOt aoath 100 faat of lot 2. ftST? '-'. "r'1 . toO.TOi aoatk j. 7 . '"" JtJ, naran . Htawart, fno.aV; .. . , Blount: (M.W: aontb 100 feat of tot Si. Elmrr - . n. hi allnrv. IM T1 f awilK inA s lna mt Ploiar t Mallory, tnO.Mt anwta 100 faat nf i i . 1 . t iiaon, aoata mo ' ' tLn Iot l Wlko, a-11.1T! aoatk -r fL-W frt of tot IA mm Uatthlac, 65; 1 fc .IZ; EmIn tthla. ll.TSi lot la, tiama irilaoa, aoatk lno BLOCK SO, lot 1. B. H. Plt-flbboa, 1123 M: 7 7 ? aiAi2; aorth 100 i tot A O. Vanderbecfc. T-a-aa. l jw BWa i faat at lot 4, Jaaal tarr. raLMiJ!artB too tt of lot a. o. j. 5rx 5?'. ?.. warth 10 faat of lot a. A. 'ft llaf. H4.&; . aartk 100 f- af tot T,- JB karra, 854.80: north 100' frat -t-j-H Tlm"T"' T. Tomltoatat,; aorth aaal Mi lot, j -imri aat i, llht T. Raaar. M 0: aorth 100 ft Of lot 10. Wrillana Vlaaaaa au a iiorth 108 ft f lot 11, W. f. Kortk, $.14.13; Sli. 100 ,H "H .-. Paul Wlnar 8na.aAl anrtk tOA Can a In D I - ''"T 5a.iav aoatfc 3A faat. of lot 15, -, . i .? . ""W" a-raii, neira at, aorta : ?H fet of lot 15. rtrat Grmaa li B. fSmreh. an n: lot 18, pjrat oV-rmaa If. KL Ch.r-k -wii!'8151.T, BIXIOK 14. aorth 100 foot mt In I. . t ontvaaon. 578.!-.; oortk 100 faat wf lot " A Halm TlBllia,-l B71 BXl U... ia, nn kj 1.". B. MoBtcoewrr BaUta. Btra at. 1 j " t,8S8.l3; aortk 100 faat of lot 4. -am B.l A f!S?,l,0,,T Je-t"L of, $S0.Tj aortk I , . w rear a m; o. aaa B. Mo tat. Halra of. 850.73; aartk 100. .eat of lot a. ciiDarj natata. Hntra r, l. 0.4, aorth 100 faat f fat T, Jam B. -font- 'ZZl'T. !tV'."',,r'-. V)e' - 100 feet of lot a fiD-a at. .!--, ta.,. I Hal . ay-i,. -rL -I. ! ilr 7 I " I'" " ii-i-r, -kjv.-i ; -arm iiar iri or an jj, i wr.ll aa ,n. ia. a . k , . : 12. Jam T. Walla. aaiik in net r 14. Jaaaaa T. Walla, lilt! k 88.58 feed af tot 14. JeJm rarrall. tx lot 19, , .oka Parrall, 1114.88. Total, 88.128.55. i niHt. v. uavuin. - : . . a.- Aadltor of tho Ctty of PorUaad Porttoad. Oredoa, October 81, 1804. --. , - rROPOBZD ABBZABIftRT P0R DfTROTX- . . ' . - -tzin op ' omsioR? btrezt. Wotlca to. - koroby cirwa that tha CoaaeTl or ta city or fort la ad aropooo. to - iaa loiBianad -aacrloaa proparty aad owner or wneV a fcetag aeeiaUy aad peetillarly wr-eiiieo in n amounta net pnoit th Buna Bad deacrtpOoeja thereof for the . latpror-BMOt ' . of DtTtole-i atraet. froau tha waat Una of OrmmA : era to 00 feet weet of th waat l- of Mat inira nraat, a proTtilad . by ortUnaBca - '. .8B.BT-.. a.. .. . ... x Any obactlotia to.tb apportionment of eoat . i anr aaia improvement mnet b I uum to wrttlna? 4h CaaaeU and tiled with . th Andlbar witnia i aaya iron, too dato -of the flrat CihllreUou of thla aotlc. Bad aald objection 111 heard and da. term la d by tho CoancU before -tka aaaaaaa of tha at-dlaaace. eeeeain the ceat of aald tmprtrrament. Bl.l-HK?!!'. AUDITION to the cuy of Porc- laad--BI.OCK 81. tot T. Inaua-IN-ilae-i ream. - pahr. 8180.85: tot B. laataa-PMilaen Uomnan. 1 12 5; aoatk 18 feet tot 8. lnn-f.n-Pov-.ta (aipny, 8H AO; aoutk 18 feet lot 4, .lamaa- n ..... a- aa. la a aea iantpany, ea.ea; mt a In-vaa-foulaea X rocapaay, -oo no, Btocit 00. tot T, Inmaa- r rmiiaeB imnw. iiu. : ma w iiaia , a i a v"Hui;, mv.tmi win , IW reev ptla feet (ampany, 880.83; kt 50 feet mt oiith 10 . . Jfn lot a. inman-ro-ueen (xn-aaay, lil 82. KRRNB' ADDITION to Kaat Portlaad BlrOCIC . - O, tot 8, Thomee Olaea. 8108.88; tot T, Tba ' Northern Countle Inreatmaot A Trnat Conv y ".L"- -- I the followlB deacrlbad oronartr aad ? t.rk.;- ..-Vt..".' I brio, .paelally- aad r"- r ; m "-aw npi.7, . aewer In Pettr.ror atreet. from . wi.xnr oar r- . nei wt o. lamaB-rooiaaa I ,. - t -pty. IM., 828.41 tot 3, Ckarlea Greeory, ' iVaj77.83: tot 1, Herbert B. IfcEwea, 82H8.0T, tUnitkB, - n, an 0 wuuaea v. arown. aeVT.Tz; : T tot T, Winiam C, IVnwa, $4R10 tot A-WII-I Iiaat c. rwowa, fn.Tl lot A, aiuua o, Rrnwa 391A1A ' All of btoek A to Kerne ; B4dltlaa lyhtp betwee th weat Ha of Bliat ' Third atraet aad a lln 80 feet waat thereof V' and parallel therewith aad betwee th aoutk at -llae af Dtrlaloa (tnet and a Mb 100 feet ' anufb thereof and parallel therewith, M- rarity oaTinta jrni lMupeay, fioi.av. A .,'vV: tBL X8T1.0.., - , - v . Auditor of tho City of Portia Bd. Portlaad. Ort-Jd Octobor 81, 1004. - ; MOPOBED AB8Z88atZRT POR- T1CPROTX- : .... '"" a m ftp OTOfBT BTRZZT. ' -- " Nnttc la kerehy alrea that Ua Council ". ' Of thc -Vltr of Portland prti-naaa , to " tho fnltowlaB aww-rlbed property ard owaer ' or owner- being apeclally and) aecallarly . ' benefited la tb amoonta aat opposite tho aaawa aa - k .. . Knn k.1 la t Hi. I a na a a aan a Qi.ltnhT'.t'rr from the weet Ua, jj're"" I , ' teeeth atreet to th eeat Hit of Twentieth treat, (a taulldad by rdlnaaae he. 18.967. Any obtorttooa to th apoorttonawnt f J. fee -aid InTiaroTeai-e-it aittat k aiad la wrttlna I " to th roaneii ana inea wita w ooaiior -: wlfhlB TO' days from tb dto of the flrat ( BuMli-atlon af thl notice, aad aald abjertloaa . . will ba heard and determine by tb Council beforo tb paeaaa f tho ordinance landu ' . the coat' mi ald tmproTemrft. , COt'Cri a ADDITION to th dtp Of lart.-- J BIAK'R 351. lot 1, outer . uroce, 1X1 17; ' tot 4, OllT-r 1. Onrm. $1T 83: eeet H lot A - : A lertn and CUra Aa-e. $30.1.1: Mat H lot , : 3. Alwlo aad tiara Aao ... . tot A Maria L, F-tadera. j' t. Maria U rlaadera. $1T ':. lot 1, Batlnaa A Loan Bo, '. clero. $.-iW.8fi; tot 4, Barlf a.'Alrrla aad tiara Bade, 8TA7B; weat H (it A alana L, r lanoera. no: weetja " $1774.. HlvOCa aTVa. Boetety at Baa Praa RaTtnaa A Leea Bocletr fif taatf rueHaro, Sdt8t tot By Per- of at. Mark' Church, fit 51; lot A Purlah f Bt. ilark'a Church. 24S.8B. BLOCK 858, tot A ,ottl Baa, $128.70, Jot f. Mary II. Courk. 17.28: tot B, Mary H. Coock, $8.T8; tot A fart PL Onoch. AM.58: lot 8. Mary H. Courk. $152 TO; tot 11 Mary H. Courk. 8181.88; tot -13. Mary H. roach, 8134 VO: tot IT, Mary l(. (Viuck. 81lli tot 18. Mary H. CnucA $1" III lot 15, atary i n.-L BLOCK Ml. tot B. Ollrar 1. Grace. V $11 881 tot 8. OUrar . Groee. $1T.13: tot : , A Cratalatla P. Lewie, $88 04: tot T. Ctoatta- i tin P. Lewi. $3.18 04. BiXCA '334, let 8. 'Mary ,17. Coach, 3H0O.88; lot 8. Mary ft. f Coach. $81.78: tot 0. Mrf n. Ooueb.Jl7.T2; tot T, Mary ft. Coach. 124 (A BLOCK 3A4. .tot i, Joh Hatdeld Batata, hat re f,.$j34 85; .- lot A Edna Halneld. 117. All aaat t tot A ' aalebatl iarOor, leAlTl woat H tot 8. Iowa- f U tM, Alma A. wcx ? i. vwura nradr. i 11 i t, e ,-e Hiii, eol.ld: Met 3-8 lot 11, Portiesd 'lrut Company ef (mlL f fri Ht 1-B lot 11, John , O Brian, I Mi; aat 1 lot ' 14, Job J. obrien, - -u; wear u ai j. n. h. nl pans t aw.. Be 1; to IV D. mU. McKay, r.t-i pi l , bred J.-VariaaAr. iiTX4. Andltor of tta City of PuctUal Portia ad. Creaua, October el, ISOi. - 1 I . . A i . mxxt ox satis btrezt. a I " to frb ftWai that tk DmbcII I T tu vitf of roniano ropoota to aaaeaa - 1 tha foUowInf oaoTlod property aad ownar ,,, Urli lot . to,.; WachV. UO..T, tM anniYHaUllal I umwm iron ia tut off tb 1 . 7 ; r " 7, " . . ... a pro- I br ardlnano o. 14.16S. .- . I Aar obtmtloBa to th aDntlnaaaa t aaW lniBTaaot oinat 1m mad In, writln to th. CoaneU d fU. with tha Audi ti 1 wlthlo 15 daa from . tha dato of th flrat I biUoi v -i ,hlI ntlc B "aid obJaetloBa I mam imnniBn r wia jounrtl i .s VK v wnitnaBoa aaaaaaini th coat of aald lmpmramrnt. .. .. . I " hj 'ln Of Twot-flrt airaal and l u iw im waa mroc aao narallai , twe linn mpactlTrW 10 frat aad 1&8 fct rat of and DaraUal with th u i i ' iTi 'V T a ' BtBHB, T.7. A '"""i L. paiwaaa ina aorta not ?i - . atiwaa ana a una 1UU rt north htof aad oaraHal tnarawlth. and batwaaa wa Una mpetlTelr 1M faat aad MH. taat Waat of and narallaf wlrh 1 1 s U T?t-flrat atrart, . Banford i ... Wbltlna. 4,:L;t.. ,I?C,L "l vto batwaaa th north lln of Darla atraat and a n in Kit aorththaraof and parallel therewith, and Jwa twa Una raapaotirala. aft fet and I "" Para"' with th waat lln f Twwtr-flrat atraat, Julia a. Hoffman, 1M.18. A trart of land lying bttwaea th Bortfc lln af Daala atraat and m Una IPO ft north thrraof and parallal tbnowlthl and two Una raanaetlraly 141.4 ;fmt and S Xt J 'aat waat cf and parallal with th wt I'"". TwBty-fuwt atraat. Fannl gtrahan. "a iktb arreai ana a una 1U0 faat T I j "'"a mail pajniioi inarowitn and ha- 1 a 1 Irr i i fui . . l 1" ," un" rwaty-aona atraat , . ."" . .. .T." aa paraiier I with, tha . waat .Una of Twanty flrat atraot. I Bopbta llolmaa, D3.U. Tha. north 100 feat of parral of land kousuad and daarrlbad aa fn. towai dmarmawrlna at a notat to tha aoatk ltmLVmn,t'A'Ltrt w"t Waat 1IH f Twantr.flrat afrat. tha, u. l. alona th annth' Una a ru.i. . , . i. . I " ul wyoir-iiai Bireac inaar armta ftohf tha waat lln of Twantt-ftrat atraat ta ft mtaraaatfeMl Will. fha MnanVaala linn n Waahlaaton atraat, that- waotarlr 156 feat -akmv tka northar ly lln of Waahlnrton atraat thaoc northar tr to nlaoa of bermnlnr. Wit lian Bharlock Eafata, Halra f, $303 4H. Tha bi. or a parcel or land bonndad and oaocalbed aa foUawai Cranmaiwliw In tha aoatk lln of Darla atraat 108 1 faat aaat of vn aam nna ar iwacty aecoid atroot thane waat atone tba aottth Una of Darla a tree ikti ' rBa Mta,nn UW.hnl. n nn I-. a - aortherly lino f Waahlnftoa atraat 150 -feat Waat Of tha Wt lln of Tarantv.f Ira .- a 7 Jancwwe-tarlr ins feat a lor a th aortharly Ho of Waahlnatna atraat, tbanr northerly I to nlae Of haalnnta. tankaa.. a Bnaalnh,. Th aodlrhtod U of th north 100 faat nf a parcal of land boon dad aad d aerlhad aa followa: Coa-meaelnc at th tntor aactloa of tha aoath Una of Darla atraat wltk th at tin of Twratr-Moond atraat. thaaaa aoath IM feat alonit th Mat Unif TwaatyajMnad atraat, thane' oaat . 1A faat. tnanea northerr. to a nolnr mm tha awtk iiaa Of Daala Ml-aai IA.! fan nan a 1k. a... i I'" of Twa-ify-aeroad afreet, thane waat aiona in aoatn Jin or Darla atraet to placa of haalnnlna. A. O. Heraer. 4.i. Tba nn- dtTlfVd Va Of tha aaWth IM fee mt a of land .kaaattod. and deacrlbad aa followa: ; ommericiTia at tna totaraaetloa of tb aoatk of l P - Tweaty '" or Maria Jtroet with th aaat Una atraat, tkeaaa aoath -loo -Jart real 1 r loo tha aaat Una of Twntr aerond atraat. thane t 1X1 fret, thane aorthari. . . Clnt la th anath lln of Darla atraet ' 108.1 t aaat Of th Mat Una nt Twaata.aann-- a treat, thane waat tWia th math ltn of V TnMrta at, a. Hlnnn ' Vnnl In. f W1 ii.Totor viz Mrm. v- "r" ' ' . . Ttina n ruatrt t v. . r' .' ! y Auditor f tha City of PorOaad. TVarttoBd. Orat-o, Oetotver 81, 1004. f . T PA0P08ZD AB8E88fFirT JOB TXPSOTaV Jfaara op babt r7iTTT-aaWori btaezt. Kottea h. kerefcr atrea . that 'th ronnell Of, th City of Portlaad prop-aea to aaaaea th followlnd dewrlked proparty and ownar ar ewaera aa balajr paclally and peculiarly ementa in to amonnt aat fannnatta tba a m man an- oewjripiiowa iaiaaaaaatn. laaproTrBrent at Baat Twenty -eaeood atraat. from th aorth lln BnrnVl-a '.trilVS r,Tn?,"Ti Jla.lL 'S? nqrnia . aueat. aa DTOTloed by ardtaaaca no. I 1A067. - " x - . I -- yrr ... a ... . . " I to tho- Co-netl aad filed - wttk - tb - Aadltor within 15-dare fro- th date af tha rtrat pablleatlon of thla notice, and aald akjeetlooa will be heard and determined by the Council befor tba aaae f tbe erdlnanca aaaatnf tba mat of aald ImproTemeat. OrTNN'8 ADDITION to Baat Portland PLOCK a. jot a, a tut aaiunc Company. $78.38; tot , A Atlaa kllUInf Company, 810L8O: lot 1. Atlaa Mllrln.. (Jmiuny, 3118.M. BLOCK T. m ju, aiary e. yoaea, lot V, Mary B. Joae. t-H.T8: lot A Ml lea Jn-ae totT 1. Bllaa Jon. atM.50. BLOCK A tot IO. Edna aU aad Jnba Gat, 3114.811 lot A Krina B. mmA John i.area A Bl , la a P.dwla C, Jobnaoo. $11.-7; lot 1. Edwin C aoaanoa, a-i.ii. nuwt.K a. waat 14 1 frat In B Altaa alllllna f-. .nana , k . . a. o. at. BmitB. iitm tot 8, n. M. Htulth. 8S 7 tot 4. Praak Thleaiaa, 802 67. BLOCK I t 10. tot d, Klbert W. Cooper. $148.81; lot T, I Kioert w, tooa.,; wan 141 it lot 1 8. Paul Broeat Joooa. 811.48: weat 14.31 feet lot 8.. Jaawa P. Annie Watklna. I 3U.2T; to m t t 4, Jamee P. and Annla Watklna, ilATBt tot 8, B. B. Butaer, (148 87. BLOCK 11. lot 8. John P. Cordray. 1148 88; lot t, Joka P. Cordrar. 83A40: went 14.3 faat tot 8. Paul Zrnoat Jones, 811.10: weat 1A3 feet ( Lllll Unrrte Cordray. $1103: lot B, I.llMel mr m. la 1 lie aflorria tnrnrar. 11.11 m a atorris uororay, HUH. Ttrtal. $n,8-0.Ba 1 itius. v. tin, v lain. Aadltor of th Cltr of Portlaad. Portlaad. Oreaoa. October 81. 1804. . . ' PR0POAZB A88E88-CIVT P0B BZWZR ZJ PZTTT8R0TZ BTREZT. . . KotloO la . hereby afrra that tb Council h. fntr of Porttoad -r-crlarly name loo at 150 feet weat of Twenty-fourth treat to tho aewer 1 PettTrrora atraat. aa arorktod by ar-lnanc Na .e.i ia. ' . Aaf ebjeettone to tb apportionment of coat for aald aewer mnat be- made la wrttln to the Council and filed wltk tb Aadltor wlthla tB 01 re from tka dato af ' tka flrat pahltcatloa f thl aottcar-aad- aald abjection Will he board and determined by tb Coanrll befor th l-Mirl of tha endlnaBea aaaia-iliia the coat f aald ewer. - - , wOLIWMITH'N ADDITION to ta . City of ortlan BIytK'A 10. tot . af. Arnold, 17.70: tot T. M. Araotd. 317.75. BIAK.K 11. mv aa. eowm. a 1 ' , .' rt,v.,x . 8. TawtoT.. MeArthur. $28 IB: tot 8, -ami I amltk. . 32A18. TotaL 31T.80. TH08. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of tho City of Port la nA Portlaad. Oraaoo. October 31. 1004. i . . PR0PO8ZD Auzaaiczn - por improtx- KZVT OP THE ZABT JLAXT pP.t-ZIX-aBTa BTREZT. Notlea to kerebr alrea that tba Council of the City of ' Pnrtlaad anmoaaa to aaaeaa tba folio wind deacrlbed property and owaar or owner hela apoeUUy and peenllarly beaeflted la too aaaaaatl aet eeooet te the aamea aad dearrlpth-na thereof for th ImproTemeat of m t aair or airteeBta traai. xrona taa JVwit? ofeeivetVe,faTtaaJi '2 l.TV.fJfZ. Ub Tayloy trt, A a.. Irfia--, i a7i-a.--U mt Lmmt . j , j,??, . j,.. .TTTTa llrMm. Imprareoient a-nat ha . made, la wrltlnt to th CoanMl and filed wltk tk Aadlto wlthla 15 dara from tho dato of tb first publication af thl notice, and aald object lone will be heard and eVtermtaed by the Council beforo th aaane f too ordlaaacs aosoMlad Iiae coat nr aiq tmproreineBK. i PORTLAND BLOCK 810, tot A ft i ft. K lnea Id, fon.e: tat 7, at. a- Aiacau, aaa.. . lotai, - ; ' TH08L C. 'dETUH. -j .. : Auditor af tk ltr of Pertlaad. PortiaaA Oregon, oetooae ai. iau. I COMPLZTIOa ABO ACCEPT ARCR OP IM- PROTZHXaTT OP UBAB BTREZT, f "liHaa 'tc-ti-rehe a1eea-the-WHtlam--f. ynitott, tlty Knatneor, aaa aie la the erne t th anduialaned aotlc- that Portland Hr- oraniic atone tn omnany. contraetor for. tha lo prore merit of Gllaaa atreet. awder tb pro-1 atetae mt ordinance No. 14 181. haa- ee enle ad I aald atreet from 13 feet aat mt tha Weat Una I f Park street to 13 feet Waat t to oast Ua I r Ninth atraet. I Bald ecepmc wiu he reAMderew by th I BaecutlT Beard at d o'clock a th 4tk day I or ooremner. iia, mum eoarr tone i I aa aora-ji. auy he Bled Is ths'ofHeo of taa aadeaataae. I at ny viaae rrior tneeet. ; By TFIOB. C. DBVXIN. Aaitltee af tha fit af P-ellaaat. ISrtlaad, Oraawa, Octtebar 30, 100A - ; r-f-.'i- l- A.., i--.-" '.'..'" war CTT I nyoiu r . f ob JwaoTx. V MVTt C a 4JC tTSXZT. i rTblfra to fcara- rM that th " Ceaadt i to nt of tcrl-vi BrotMiaa to u ruiiawuif ' aarrUal . proawt aira evwi rr ownara aa bali apaclali and aoealUri Dcaaiiwa ia ui amMiatn ( otpoait uo aaaiai and tfaacriDtlooa tharoof fua tka ImuoMaaat mi bllaan atraet, frooi U faat oaat of to waat lino of park, atraat to U faat waat of tba oaat Uu of Kltttk MaH, a fiiflM Of aralaaaM! II.4VI, 1- ' , Aajr oajwMona to tk apaorttoanaat af ot for aal4 tntpmmav t vut Da aaaaw la. wrltta. to Ua Ouuacll and t,-i wlta th Audi tar wlthla IS 4myt from taa oat at th tint DubUratloB of thl notlo. and aald .objaetloa wiu bo aaara aBa.oalariBlBaa tr (aa Coancll btfora tha paasaxa of th ordlnaaea aaanalM Cha eamt i i m . irartmant. t th City of PortlaadV- I COI'CHU ArtDITinm t thTi-it Bit 1. Adulnh ItuPfkaard Bllll? Total, , .-.V---. THOS. 0. DBVLJIf. ' t- ' Andltor of tha City of Portland, PartbBd. Onoa, Octobor at, 100. . I 'AOPOIEO AaV88alKJIT VOS IMFKOTaV I f-. . ' : w auuaiur ' Kotlea I krbr It. that th foar1t I wl Vlty CI roniana ropoeaa to iniii I wiawiaj wwioh propari7- ano ownar or owaara aa balnr apaclaUy and fatuUarlf aad onaertptioo thenuf for Uta taproTaotcat I Northrop atraat, frooi th vi nurinrnp auwac, ironj too waat una at Twantacond atraat ta th caat llii f -tnir trat, a prerluaa r trdUaa ctloa to tba apnartiaaaieBt of mat mnroTemant aiuat b Via da ia wrltlna uoanrti - and flla with th Auditor 5 dara from tha data of tha flrat publication of tbla notlr. and aald objaetloaa will ba hair and datarmln-d by tba Cooadl bafora tha paaaagw af tba ordlnattea aaaaialng th coat of aald ImnronnMnt. v . COt'CH'a ADDITION to th Olty af Portland niAX.& auo. joc a. i. w. xriaroll, biim.u: ' In a . I..,., a a . .. a, aa. 1 . m . M,a v. 1 vfv,iq, , m m.vw t . ir, a , Robart Rrnra Wllaon, IA4.T0; tot , Brtcbjat L.yoaa, aos.av; lot a, iiatnantina L. wtiaoo, t2.9i: lot 12. C'laaMotla U Wllaon. lot It, CUnMBtln U Wllaoo. (; lot ,1T. carotin B. Wllaon. fll.fw: lot 18. H 'Wainar. I9T.2T. BLOCK 8ot lot 1. Kauarltaa Hoapttal, $110.01: tot S. Good Baraarltaa- Hoapltal, 10 tTi -tot a, Good Ba Biarlua Hoapltal, flUI.MS; kit T, Good t marltaa IloaniuL tAT.SN: tot 10. (iood Ba. marltaa Hoapltal, (; lot 11,- Good Ba- .. tnarttaa HoapltaL .vt.l8; lot 14. Oood , anarltan Hoapltal, M.laX , A tract of land ' lylnf batwooii tha aoatk Un of Northrop atraat and a Hha 100 feat Booth tkrrcof and parallal t aarawltB and- oatwaaa tho aat lln f Twanty-thtrd atraat and a Una 100 faat aaat tharaof and parallal therawtth, flood Pamarlua JloaplUl, $U.att. Total, ,-. . ., ' - TH0 C. DKVTJIf, - Aodltor f tha city of Portland. : Portlaad, Oraaon, Octooar (1, i04. PiopoiEB AaaxaamBTT pob ixprotx ; xzn ov batiu itkzzt. .-. j ... , I Of tb KoHe to Irartby atawa - that taa Coonclt City of Portland propoao to 1 ,D toltowlnd aaortbad woparty and wb 1 " wwaara aa kalnd pocUUy and peealtarly I knfltd la tb amoonta aat ppolt tli aataaa I "nd daacrlptloua tharanf for tha ImprOTamant of -'7; "r . 2c "i c i r IZ lktk atraat to tha aaat Una of TwMity-alBik fatraot, aa prortdtd by ardlnnic Na. iJ.WW. I . m-u oojaciiowa m m apporuonaieBa oi coai or P" iu aiuprvTcxBan anna mm utws ua wniiai to the Cvanctl and tiled arlth tha Auditor within 15 day from tha date of tha first pabllratloa of thla not lea, aad aald objection will bo board and determined by tb Council bafor th paaaana af th ordinance aiee1n tho coat of aald tmoroTeaiant. WILLAMETTB HKIGHTS PLOrK C. lot 1, IxMila Goldamltb. lot A Loula Gold- smith, 814 Ml lot , Loula Uoldamlth. 3T.1; .' lot T, Loala Goldamltb, 890.40; lot 10, Lonla ; Uoldamlth, a-ld.HT; tot 11. Parry H., 8JJ3.47i tot 14. Percy H. Blytb, 8fi.T: lot 15, Kmlly T. aad, M. ft. Moor. 81W Mi V.t 18. rhartoa Knhn. SAS.10! lot 18. Charlaa Kohn. . 8nX43. BUCK' B, jot 4. Percy H. Blyth. 8M.08;' lot Sa Parer H. Blytb, 114.00; lot 8. -jfella PrUdU uian oar. t Birth. 8111.27: a,- mtvtrmn,. im a. , r r, J n. ,.w ac , . . . a , lot a, rani van rridaah. . 8100.08; tot 12, IfatUd C. Uclntoeh, 8106.51; or .o, - wiiuam HacainToan, aa.av: rot ja. Winiam Marklntoah, (fi2.1Bj tot 17, W. P. Prooka.. 352. 78 ; htf.i-JjWa.-L Brnalta', tad, Mi I Ja?l. ..II.Wl M -i -- m , ... tWav 1401 aTt ' VaaVrV w w-V . TB08. C trBVLIH. r- - f ; Auditor of th City of Portlaad. Parttoad, Ore.on, Octiber 81, 1804. PA0P08ID . ABBIS8HCTrTP0aV XatPBOTXa -nn op.tbx aotm hijlpp xatxob Notto ' to fcrty rlreB - that tho Coondl of tha -City of Portland twopoaea to .mil tka foltowtM dearaibad oronartr ' and awaaa or ewneaa aa helnf apaelaUy and pecaUarly kaaafltod to tko aaniaaai ai t apfolto th Bamea aaa naai upturn inaraor tor to impreramant t th aoath half of Taylor atreee, tmai th aaat cork Un of Mitoaatk ' atraet to- a lln ruu- I aar aaat or to east lln or I xteaolk atraat, a anded ky ardl nance No. 14100. Any objectloaa to tb. apportlonmant of mat for- aald- Improrameat mnet be made, ia writln- Wl,"" 15 n"7 front tb data of thj Hrat --,hiiin, - .i. . . .... ....... io n vouncii na ii lea wirn -tn -Auditor ,. .7 . " : T . T' . . tna coat oi raid lmproTtmtnt. POBTXiA N D BLOCK $18, aViBn-aV Ala- cm,, aoe.u. i . ? THOA. C.' DZTUN. ' "-'J..' . ; Auditor of th City of Portlaad. Portland. Oregon. October 81, 1004. - PR0P0AED AB8E88MEAT P0R OtPROTX- KZRT OP rRAWa-T nr BTRZZT, NeMc ta berehy rlrea that Aba Cn-aeil of the City of Portland aroooaa to anna tb folia wind deacrlbed property and owner or owners oa belnr apeclally aad peculiarly benefited la th amounta art epooalt the name ana oearnpilone, tttareor tor ta Improrement nf Pranktla - atraat, from tb weat lln of Thirty oreood ' atreet to th t lis of Kiifby aurwaa, aa pronoaTa oy arainaoca jeo. Jo,ueK. An Ah IIajm la IKa .naa llwieail -t. 4 for aald Impreraawnt maet ba aude ta wrlttnc to tb. Couarll and filed with tba Auditor within . day. from th dato of th flrat pubUratloa of thla notice, and aald obleetloaa will ba heard and determined by th Coanrll oerore m paaeire 01 cue eraiaaace aaaaaalBQ iiw net nr aaia imnmTement. WIfJAktrTTB HEIonTB BLOCK ZTToT 4. ' i-ercy rt. tiiyin. Bito.aii; mt A rercy 11, Blytb. BIAfld: lot A. Percy H.- Birth. 871.82: tot A Charle U. Hiraina. $.8I: bt 0. -i Percy H. Blytb, 80A57 : tot IA Cm tta la A. i i-aacrnir, fttn.10: lot la, 1'ercy n. Blytb. '. $84,471 lot IA Percy H. Birth. 8-I2.M: tot 17, Percr H. Blyth. $50.33.- BLOCK 31. lot J. BcottUh Aaaarlcaa IineatBieat Tmpeny, Ltd . $l8.7t; tot A Beotflah Aaiertcan In- .'oeataWTit Coaipaay. Lt4., IV 80. A trfrf of land lyrnf betwee tka aeatk Una of Praak 1 Ua atraet aad a tin 100 feet eolith thereof ' aaej parallal t -are arlth aad hwtweea tb waat Ua of Hooatoa atreet and a Una 810 feet weat thereof and parallel therewith, Bcotttah America a inyeatniont uempaay, Ita. V4WT.T1. TeUI, $1.378.00. , THOf. C. DETtkllfl "' , v Aodlfnr of tho Cltj of Portlaad. Portlaad, Orecea. Oeteber 81. 1804. PR0P0BZB AASEBBaTENT FOR XXPROTa- atTBT OP ZABT THIRD BTREZT. - Korlro to kerehy alrea that tb Oxrnrll or tn my or - tmrtiana prnpoaea to aaa tba folio win deaulbed twnnerte and aei or awnen a be tna: apaelaUy and peculiarly benefited In the amounta aet aeeoallo th naaaea nd oearrtotlooa thereof for tb Imprrrrement of Baat TWd - atreet, frora a point 80 feet north of tho aortk Un of Kaat Daeta atreet to th aortk Uo of Kaat Ooucb atraet, aa aro- i a a k i a. . , . . . wr miw woii line ei ivaea Lionel Tided by ardlnaar No. 14.141. Any obiectlotta to tb nnortlnrtwint af e at for nld ImproTtment irmnt be nude la wrltlnd to th Council, and "filed with tka Auditor within 15 day from tko dato of tb flrat pablleatlon of thl notice, and aald ebjeettone will to heard and determined by the Go-mcll befor the pa roe .e of tb ordinance aaaeaelaf tka- eoat mf aald ImpreTaatciit. SABT PORTLAND BLOCK on, (neitk Bn feet - tot n, oretun Real Batat Compaay, 858.71; lot 8. Ore yon Real Batata Company, 8HAS8. BIKK m. lot 8. Caroline Ana aad Marietta v Menaailnrfer. $105.T8; tot ,T. Carolla Ana and Marietta MetMadorferl 8S8.S3; tot A Tahlthe J. Wllaoa. ettO.07. lot B. Tahlrha 1. Wltooa. 858.07, BLOCK TA aoatk AO feet mt a lewiiaa it. atone Eat ate. heir ef, $8A18; lot A T-mta 11. Moor, Katefe, halra nr. tiw.Fj. nun to, mt 1, Michael A. . Pllnn. $108.18; tot A Michael A. rtlnn. . 80.88: tot A P-oeb J. Col burn. 1 50 JO; lot 4, P bee be t. Colbnrn. A10.4e, Total. $tr0.71. "j, -,... THOB. C. DZVTJN. ,i ' . " . Auditor f th Clfy of Portland. Portland, tlregoa, October (I. 1004. PROPOBED Afl8Z88aTEWT P0B TXPR0TX- MEAT OP BIRTRI BTRZXT. ' Itotle to hereby alrea that tko Council of th City of Portland aeapoa tat aaaeaa th following oVecrloed property asd owner or ownere aa being apaeleny and peculiarly benefited la tba amounta aet oopoolt th a and dVeer!itotia Ibarenf for tha Improrameat of Math atreet. from the nor IB Tin of til tee ",,.J,a,k, Unof . Il.jytaUaeWa prnTtrted by ordinance No. l4.1ia. Any obleetlo to tb pportlomnt of mat for aald tropcrrrenveat mnet be mad la writing to tho Council nnd filed art I a tha Audline wlthla 15 Bar - from tad dato ef tb first emhlleattni fc mt rhkt ,W . .. a UU -Kiainna will bo heard and determlaed by tb Council he fare tb paaaag of the ordlnaaea aeaeeelnc lh aaet of aald traprarement. COrrrf H ADDITION M th cite of Portl.o BLOCK 78. tot 3. Adolob B-rckhardt- Baa.: , tot A Adolpk Burcubardt. $44 08. BLOCk. TA tot t, Leoo (. wla. 844.0.: tot A lAtoa H. Lewla. $44.82; mt A. .aatee II. M.ddleer. 84 hi; tot 8, Jaaua ft. Maddto ua, $44. 83a Total, $27. T A . t . ' ThlOrl 0. DCTUNA " Andltor af tha Cltr :of PertUad. Pwrtlaad, Grageo, Or. take $1, 100A - - '.-. '-'- , citt ir- co.Y-tno-r us ic m nt ; .tiXXJfT OP KA.f I rXT-)-I0T KVM-n t. hae-Ka 1 atean tat WllllaBl C PUi- t. City Kn.Loeer. I) t -d la to of8c o t a anaeraiinad Botiea mat a. r. aiem- ua, Aonftactkir foe tha Imuwaoiei.t of A at TwaBty ..,i -'eat. auder tj a pr uam f ordlnaiio lo. IJ,l, aaa eumpeatra aa,a auwaa i um rooter lta of Taylor atraat t th eoato. Un of iMlatoB atiwat. - ' . a B. ..I anna,., will Wa Cnnalflared btT . t- sf NoTeubor. Lu04, and ohjautlona to tba aceatrf. anr of aald atraat. or aar Bart thereof. riM-ut t ,- ar a o-cincB on taa mu i -Bar kj died la th offlco of tb un-araifnad at,,aW..wa pntw tnerero . , , . - U v a r.v lima a,- . : By THOU. C. DeVUlf. ' Auditor of lb City of Portlaad. Portland,' Ciecon, OetotMr ,at, ItfO. CLITI0aI AHS ACCZPTAMCX OP HI- PBOT-U-XefT OP DA VLB 8TA1ET. Vottoa la h-a-ha arlaan that WllllaBl milnt fir V,.al,.aa haa died In th ofBo or lam aaamiaBod none taai aiavtn m " ard Company, ooa tractor for tka luivroTa-aent of Darla airact, aattor tha prut luaa of ar. Basea No. 14,183, haa comphitad - ald . atraet from 18 feet ait of tb waat Uu of Tweaty 8rt (treat to 12 faat waat of tha oaat 11a of twenty aacotid treat. . , . a Bald acoautanca will ba oo Del dared by th Baecatir Board at 4 a'rlork oa tb 4th day c Miabr, 1W04. and objoctloa to Ik aoorpt- mrnvw va aaia . etree, or aau . pr m"''i Buy b Bled ia tha efdea al tb under-licued at aar tun prior thereto. - . , , Tilla EXBt LTlVB BOAHO. ' '. 'By T1IQ8. a- OBVUK; . . , Auditor af tha City of Portland. Portlaad. Ora(on. Octooar Stt, 1K04. coj-Pixnomr aitd' aootptajtcb op nc . PROVXa-ZaTT OP PROMT BTAZTT. Kotlca li herehr vla that Wllltaa. C. KlUott. Cltr Kiirluaar. haa Bled la tba offle o uo aooriua aotlc that Areola aiaaoa, ecntractor tor Uia Improvaaaent of front atraat, andar tha prortatona of ordinance Mo. ll.OoH, ha completed aald atraet fro. Id feat aorth oi tha. aorth Una of Wood atraat to th aoutk one at uror atrt. - Bald acrapuaca will he aonaldcred by tb t-tecatire Board at 4 o'clock uu tho 4tk day of Noraaiber, lMVt, aad objection to th accept uw w aaiu aoreet,- or any pure inerauf. atay he Bled lm ta otllc of -tko- aanaaalQaai at aa Utuej-rloc thereto. XntK kCXKCUTlTB BOARD. " . . B. JHOS- c DKVLIK. ' i f ' : - 'Auditor of tha City of PortUad, Portland, Oraaon, October tt. .Ire. OOHPLZTIOaT AJTD AOOZPTAjrOZ OP DC- pzoviamrx op park btrzxt. : - Koflea la herehr alreai' that " William 0. Elliott. City Eaainr. haa 8 lad la th ofSe f tta anderalgned notlco- that Smyth A How. ard .Company, contractor for tb Imprtrraattent of Park atraat, Bode . th Korlaloaa af ardl- Banco No. IS. 554. haa completed aald atraat from th north lln of Waahlnftoa) atlwet to u eeater lln or ntara -reet, Bald accept ace will ba eonildered by the Eiecatlr Board at d o'elork on the 4th day nTemor, iwu. aaa ODjectiona to taa accept- .u. va ...u aueet, vr any yar. ,ui. v . Buy a died In th offtr af tb BadaraUaad as any. Time prior inereio. . 1 i i- -rt) BABCUTITB BOABD. . ;;; . By TH08. 0. DEVLIN. ' . v . Aadltor o to City of fortlaad. Portlaad, Oreaoa, October u, 104. roiinrnoar Aim accept arc op iv- - pROTEimrr Op park btrzxt. Notlea la error . alean that Wlinaat C. in I lot, rite Knainaae. Baa died In tha ofBa of tho underal.ued bo tic that Star Band Com. pny, contractor for tha Improve. exit of Park atraet, andar tha prorlalona of rdluanc Ko. 13,864, baa. eotu plated aald (treat from tb ornter lino af Btark a treat to th aata Una Burnald atreet Bald aeceotanc WIU ba eonaldered br Oka Br af tire Board at d o'clock oa- tba 4th day f Norrmber. 1004. aad abjection to tb accept ance o. aaia a treat, oa any part tntrwt, may b Bled la tb offtr of tb underrtaned af aa ttmaprlor thereto. tntt EaM ITITt boar II. V. B')tor of th m?f Portjaad, ay anvil, u, iya,a,in. f r ox liana. um-j.1ib-i ..i-jv. a amaiaiaaaaBmaanwaw COatFLZTIOB ART! ACCZITABCX OP HC. . pROTx-rxn op bouth on kalp op LTAZiOR g!M-r-.,A.)re-.".--tlT,-.-i-irnZg-M - Notlea hereby glTea that William 0. 1 Elliott. City Eoalaeer. has Bled la the office I ef tb under! Ur tied notice that Portland Hy-1 draullc Ctone Cempany. contractor for tb Im-1 proTeaaent of ooutk on bait of Taylor (treat, andar tka arorlalaiia of ordinance No. 14.150, haa completed aald atraet from the aaat curb line ef Blateeatk (traet to a line 100 feet Mat of tko oaat curb Un f BlstowU street. Bald , acceptance will be cecal tiered by ta BieeutlTe Board at d clock oa tk 4th day ar Ne-remDer, I not. and oojMctiooa to uo aeeepr aac of Mid atreet. or aar part thereof. may be Bled In tba offlc of tba underalgaed at any .time prior taereto. . - THE BXECI-TITB BOARD. 7 : . . By TH08. C. DEVLIN1, Auditor of th City of PortUad. Portlaad.' Oregon, October 30, 1804. tt-tTLITI0B AR A7EPTARCX OP Uf. ' pROTxitxirr or xabt onx jult or an. '. TZERTH BTREZT. .'V- -" .. Notlco to berehy alrea that William ta Elliott. -Cltr Enrlneer. baa Bled la the-efllce of tho anderalgned notice that PortUad Hy u. aui.I . u Mfu, vwauf . aukiMav.. .. , u. . n. - proreaient of Mat one half of Sixteenth -etreet, a uder the orortaloBa of ordinance No. 14. 15H. baa completed Mid street from the- south tvrm Un el iae lor atraet to o -Hee ion teat ewata f tba aoath curb Una of Taylor atreet. Bald accepuoM will na coooiaerea try tb Ei ecu tire Hoard at d O'clock oa tho 4 til day ef Noreaiher. 1004. and objectloaa to tka accept ance ef Mid atreet, or any part thereof, any ba Bled la tko offlc of the undersigned t any time prior tBereto. ' rr : TJ1B BAB'l'TITI BOARD, ,1 ' , . i;,f By THOB. C." DEVLIN, ' Aadltor ef th Ctty of PortUad. Portland, Orgo,0j October 38, 1004, 1 - CO-TrTZTTOaT AJTD AOCZPTAXCTR . Or M- norzMvrt - op btrtk btrzzt. Notlco 'la herehr airea that William C. Rlltott. City Engine, haa Bled la tbe office of tho asderatgnrd bo tie that PortUnd Hy- dranlla Btooa tympany, Co tractor for th ua- aroremeat ot iinta atreeu anaer me proTntloco of ordlnaM No. 14.153. kss completed Mid street from th aorth nn or liimi atreet to tho aeatk line of Hoyt atrbet. ., bald acceptance will bo eooalderad hy tba htecatiTe Board at 4 o'clock oa tbe 4th dar of Koretaber. 1004, and object tons to tha accept ance of Mid -treat, . or any part thereof, auy bo Bled In too of 8c of tba aaoaralgod at any time prior Tnereto. . . . . . TllA E1U ITITI BOMUD. ,. . By THOB. 0. DBVLIN, V Aadltor of tbe City of PortUad. fortUad. Oregon, Octobor 30, 1004. CflRrTrno An aoceptarcx or in- ROTxxxiTT or xabt runxTr-zioHTK BTRIXT.,i ; ;-...-.'' ...'? ' a tint La. ' hi kerebr elreu ' that WIITUm O Elliott. Cltr. Engineer, bag Bled fa the offlc or the aaaeiwigneo aotim taat . It. O'lsell, contractor tor ta improraawnt ot Kt Twenty eiaotai meii '". , i , eu,auie mt wye Banco KOr lAtm, bm wmpiatea Mia atreet from tba canter line or Bear lamhlll atraat to tha ceatsr Ua of 70a at Taylor atreet. . Bald acceptance will be coaeldered by tba R.ecattee Hoara at 4 clock oa the 4tk Oa af Norember. ISO, aad oajwrtion to tb accept. Bare an,, .mvw ,. . kai iia may ba fltod la tb efflce of tb anderalgned B( any Ua prior Tn-r-m, .na r.A ea ' lira jitrAKjv. , By THOB. O DETLIlf, - . " ' Aadite of tbe City of Porttoad. lorHsnd, Orsgoa. Octebec 30, 1004.' - OOXPLXTtO ART) ACCEPTANCE OP m. PROTXaOiri or , zabt wabbtrotor BTRZZT. , H i -, :,. . Notice to hereby gtroa that William C. tnilottk- City Enainosr. baa Bled to the nfnen of th BBderelgned aotlc that 3. R. O'NetL contractor mr tne improremeni oi neat Waeh Ingtoa rraet. under the proTlaloM of ordinance kn. is fix ia- In completed Mid (treat tram, th. Mat line ar un ininyignta atreet to tbe weat ' Un of Mat Thirty-alatk atraet. - Bold acceptance will be eoneidrred by tb r.iecntle rV-ard at d o'clock oo the 4tb in ef Noreuiber. 1004. aad obJectVnaS -ttrtk cept- nco OI sain lirwi, any pen Tlterejar, may ba Bled la tb ofttoa of the, ndrslnai at any time prior thereto. , - j ....... THA IXttlTITI BOARD. By TH08. 0. DEVLIN. Aadltor of the City of Portlaad, Portlaad. Oregna, Oct 30. 1S0A .. COxtTOZTlOB AX A0CZPTAR0R OP TM- PROTEMZRf OP XABT TWZRTY EIOarrH glintrT. Notlea to bereby alrea that ' William C. anintta Cltr T.nelneer. baj Bled tn tha efflce. of tho aa-erslgned aotlc that Beehlll Broe., eoutracn-ra ioe to loipreemeai or a-iat Twentr-etehth street, ander th oranslor-i ml otdlnance Ho. 13.048, bar completed eald atraet from tbe soma line of Belmont e treat to tko crater lln of Feet TamhIU atreet., t Bald acceptance wtif oe cnnatQeraa ne rta BsecatlTe Board bt d OVhark oo tko 4th dar ot Norember. 1004. aad object tone to tho aeeept- (oco or tan e treat, or any Dart taareof, amy ba Bled la tha Ofne of tho uadereie ne at aay time prior thereto, - - . . , lata back i lira aoaati. By thos. a devlin, - Aadltor of tbe City of PortUad. PorUsad, Otvgoa, Oetotur 20, 1004. , . . ' ( csrr roxir-a, ' ,' ia-i ka.-i,aBastawBaw l83ja-akA-a-i pzopoazD azwxR nr xabt aloxr vtxxz.t i,,VTJ h,'"7 tire-, that at tko -e-t hi ..,iU,f,Lthi C'T of Portland. Oca, , " Bb day f October, ioo,-t-4 following feejilutloa-tia adopted: PmZirhJ ih Couarll of th City of .LlL .' It arnedlMt and pro- ru,-t aewer la ieet AMaf atra4 feet waat at Hut Tatrty-fma araet i..'- rwnl ln E."t Thlrty-fcurth atreet. bad ? .o .rltrlBed awr pipe wttk all Bonaaary Mtek-toalna, m.o-holea. kmp-koto aad Bald aewer to ha anaa at. a a- -a. a a Sllaiai? r.y.r ,n4 "- of the Clty! Sl?J? ,kl V?. ''i, MetAtloM aad rati- ?ib.4.u115?rLb c" J'orttond .oa tho tmiS. Ortober, 1804. Indorsed: "City Engineer a a ana and apedncatloM for. 8 tower In Baat Alder atraet' from TB feet weat uf Bat ThlrtJ-Bflk .treat uZwm7ui TkI.. inUy. fourth atreet and tha mwT- j 10 ."a. na the probabk) total coat thereof. !J a V I wrwer ea aa aateaaed aa pro- rldad by tha ctty charter seoa - tba srooertr -jeaclaUy and Porallarly belted tIb7(5 which la hereby deeUrrd to be followa: ftaTo The plana, apertflratiBha a Tbe plans, spertflcattaha aad eattmatea f tb city EDclneer for It are heeehv mAAntmA tor lh aoaatruttlaB of aald aawaa Reaeleed,- That tba Auditor of the City of Portland be and be la Bareby directed to aire notlco of the ototnaed eonatrndian a ...a aewer aa prorlded by th elty charter. Ramonatrance agalaat the ahore aewar miy b Bled la writing with the undersigned wlthla 30 days from tha data of the . Brat aubUea tton sf this notice..- - , . - By ordot ( 'tk Coanrll. , -i THOB. P, ' DETLIN, : Auditor of tk city of Portland, PortUad. Orrgoa. Octotor 33. 1804. 00MPLZT10B ARD ACCZPTAVCB 0P Of. -- PROTXMZRT OP M0RRIB BTRZZT, Notle to hereby Blwaa that . Wtlltam n. Blltott,-Cltr EdcIomt. haa Bled In tha efllce f th u ode reigned notlea that Glebtach A Jon Hn. coatractora for the Impror tuent of Morn treat, andar th prortoloo af rdlnaaee No; 14. lax. hare completed aald street from th vast. Ua of Union araena to tb wit list of Arhlna. Bald acceptance will be considered by tha ccbUw Board at 4 O'clock a the 4th die or i-OTemner. ana oDMctton P toe accept. aa a a. la akaaa.l . A. .a- . k. , . -a,,, .tint, -a a . I ' .mivi, may bo Bled In the offlc of tha undarsl.oed ( any .lime prior xneratn. xii BXBft'Tirn noAitn. .it: .Br THOB. a DEVLIN. , : Auditor of th City .of PortUad. - ror liana, uregon. October u, Iwut. COMTTaZTTOV - AITD AOCXPTABCX OP Ht PBOTpafXjrr op xabt. iniRTT-nnRD '. btrxzt. ... '. - ' - ' Notlco to herehr aire that. William C. KlUott. Cltr Knrloeer. haa Bled In tb offlc of tbe aattorelgned notice that Oleblech A Joplln, contractor for th Improrement f Kaat i nirty-tnira - street, under uo prortuon ot ordlMo-a no. 18,078, karo nmpleted Mid street from tb cent- lln of- East Alder atreet to tbe cents" Una of East WaafclngUia Bald aoreataanB will ha eonaldered hy tka K-ecntlre Hoard at 4 o'clock" on at be 4th day ot KoTauner. 1004. and objections to tb may ba Bird In th ofdVe of th underslxuad at -aay time prior tnereto. -n-r"- , TUs -. AMt C Tl VB BOARD. ? ..-VJe By THOA C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City nf Portland. Pertlaad, Oragoa, October 20, .1004. ComxrnoN abb aoceptarcx or n- . PBOTXlCXirX OP RLAIB BTREZT. ': Notlea ' ta herehr a lean that William C. Elliott. City Ena! neer. baa Bled th th offlc of th attntorelgned Bottee that Smyth A flow- I ... vuuiiari i , a- ... lur WW ininm-eon rof Mala street, uader the prortalon of ordinance r.o. it, not. aaa cnnapietea Mia "atreet rroia the waat lln of a-ooad atraat to tba Mat Ua of Third atreet. Bsld acceptance will -be considered by tb P.ierutlre Board "at 4 o'clock oo the 4th dar of Norrmber. 1004. and objection to tb accept- "nT-?m4'Vt -th f Bc yr'l iinderslgDrJ a , aiif uu. 1'rior inrreio. ', . Ill BAEt'lTlVB BOARD. ;;; By THOB. C. DEVLIN, ' . Aadltor ef theiClty of PortUad. V, PortUad. Oregon. Octar JO, 1004. . COMPLZTIOR ARD AOCEPTARCX OP BEWXR I MaXERCRER ARD WTXXZT BTRXXTB, ' Nettoo to . berebr etae that William f. KlUott. City Knglnaer. baa Bled In the offlea of, tka anderalgned notice that BecbtU Brae., contractora for th ceuatrejetkra ef a sewct la McKarcber and WUley streets, -hnder th peo- Ttatoaa aa raioaao as. l,i7W, aoe oempeatea Mia eewer - from its reet .aorta or ta aorta Un of Hawthorn arenue to a connection with the aewar la Kaat Tbirty-third (treat at Wlllay iinei, ... . . . Said aecantanc will be -oneJderad by- EiecotlT Board at d alock on tba 4th day ei noremoer, iwo, ana objection to too aeee-t a nee af said aewer. or anr nart thereof. may bo Bled, la' tba offlc of tbo uderslgivrd at any lime prior tnereto. , . ... en in avivi-efTa feAim .-:-7- -By THOA 0. DEVI.!, i - . Aaaitor ot the tity or Portia na. Portland, 'Iregon. October 30, 1004. OOKPLZriOR ARD ACCEPTANCE 0Z- BZWEX V- v tM XABT ABB BTRXZT, NntlCO In herehT risen that William Elliott. City Enalneer, hag Bled la th offlea of -tbo aoderalgned notice that Beehlll Brae., contractors tor uo eonetruetlo of a sewee la East A ah atreet, ander too prorUlona of ordi nance No. 14.228. bare completed Mid Mwer from tbo oaat lino of General Anderson' A4 d'tloa to) a coanectloa with tba Mwar la East Twsnty-fnurth (traet. aaia scceptance will ke.coluldaced by tb P.tecntlT Board at d o'clock on th 4th da of Norember. 1004, aad bJictlCM to tb accept- r ox Mia aewer, ar a ay part toereot irkt Bled In tha offlco of tbo BBd-eeUaed ll any time prior Tnereto. . ma KAKt I'TITB BOARD. ... By THOB. O. DEVLIN, - ' v Auditor of th City of rwrttoad.-r. PortUad. Oregon. October 30, 1004. 1 COM PlkZTIOK ART) AOCEPTARCX OP azWXl IB ZABT aXOOirO BTRXZT. ' Notlea la Lerehy airaa that ' William C Elliott. City Engineer, haa Bird la tb offlc ef th anderalgned notlco that Iralser A Kaat tag. coatractora fn th ennstrueflo of a aewer la Eoat Second t reet, andc tbe prr-rtetooa of raimnco oo. l. iw. oar rotupLeteo: ssi ewer from tbo renter Uae of Orego street to a connection wltk tbo sewer in Eeat Gllaaa atreet. ' 'Bald acceptance will be ranat dared by th E-rcutlT Board at 4 o'clock oa th 4th dar or T-oremoer. iwo. ana onjMTtoao to rua accept- amy ba Bled la the offlco of tbo anderalaned as soy .1 Be prior tuctcto. n .., a ,s sow ai, i live iioanif. , ,'.. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' Aadltor, ef tho City of 1'ortUnd Portland. Oiegen, October 08, 1004, . WxCrXITIOR ARD AOCWPTAROX OP BXWXR ,' IN PIRX BTRZZT. : Notice ' la bfeby aiTea tMtr WlllUm C. Elliott. Cltr Enalneer. haa filed la tha offlea of tho aaderslgiied aotle that H. K. Bluer, contraetor for th ooMtrsrtioo mt a aewer la PlM street. Under th praTlaien of ordinance No. 14.187. has computed Mid aewer from the east Hat of 81. tk street to tba WllUaastt rtrer. .... ,T . SaM acceiiianca win as coiiatdered or the Btecutlto Board at d 'clock oa tho 4th dar of Norember. 1004. and objoctlooa to th accept, aoe of Mid eewer, or any port thereof. may bo Bled to tb offlco of the underalaned I any Umeprlor thereto. - j ; , TUB KAlCt liTITBJ IKIIIP, . : By TH()B. tt DEVLIN, , Aadltor ef the City af HortUna. ;. Portland. Cieg-m Ortol-er 20, 1004. , C0rPlETI0R- ARD A0CZPTAR0X OP IX- PXOVZlf ERt " or-TrtTOTaaruT.-x Notlc ts. herehf gtre that William C. Elliott.. Cltr" Enrlneer. baa filed In the off! re of the anderslmed aotlc that Panvet A ioha toa. contractora for ttf Inwrorement of t'nloa retina, seder tha aconaiona or ardl nance No. 18.8KT. baa mmnieted Mid atraet from the renter tine of Kaat Madleoa (treat to tha aorth Una n II.elhMM 1M-I ... Held eccentane will b considered hr . the ' PrreeutlTe Board at 4 0 clock oa tbe 4th day of Norember. lOtu, and object km to tk accept a nee ef Mid atreet. r any part thereof, may We Bled In the offlc Of th anderatxaed at (ay tin prior thereto. . . ..vias axai i lira xhiakif. , ; , - By Tnoa. c. pevlin. . Andltor of tb City nf IrortlaDd. v P-rtlsttd, Oregoo. Octnber 2, loo. . . POONDRASTZR'B R0T1CX. Notice U hereby liren that an th 35tb dee f October. 1004, I took up and amtw-inded at tha Ctty-4aaiaf -r-rer-a. mrteMth atreet, la too ity r r-nrtuao, vregon, too touowug deecrthed animal: ajorrel kocae, left hind foot While. ' ecar oo left front foot and abed ha front; and anleae the owner, er other peraoa or pereono hsTtng aa Inoreal therein, ehU rUlm peaai-aeton of th ( aad nay all coets and charree of the keeping and adrertialng earn, together with the see ad fees on sold animal, aa d cot Med hr ordinance No. B.020, aa ameniled. of Mid City of Portland, t will on the 4th day of Norember, Intel, at the poor or in a.. m at rtte city Pawed, at No. tot Blateenth. la Mid eltr. cell the a bore deerrthed animal at piihtie aw-Uoa to tbe highest hldiler, - to pay the coat a and rharge tor tat tna an. keeDlnr And sdrartUlua Back animal. Dated thla 38th Bat of October 104. , S. w. RItU, PMBalmaatar. . . .. iz:rcBAxa poi t. rr wozz. . ' $aeed proooM-t-nr b recelTed St th sf. f e of te Antiitor of tbe City of PortUad aa,a t lui-e', botambar A lkvd, at 3:00 'lnck p. m., I t' jV--krvtae-t of Thurmaa atreet tram t wear i.u of Ahy atreet to the weet Use of Peter Oulld ( doaatlou land claim, la tbe manner ryrerldad by eruiuanoa Na." 14,255, ano Ject to the prorlsloM of tbe charter and or, ti ne nM t tb Glty of Portlaad aad- tka, eeM- mate of tha Cits Enel neer. on 8U. hiAa axii it k-v airioil In aoaardanea wltk printed blapke, wblch will ba , furnUbed oa npueatioa at th oiac ot tbe Aadltor of the City ot Portland. And aald tmprerament pinat be wmtilrted oa or before 130 dsya from tha date af the slgolag af th, contract partlaa thereto. No propoaaU or bid will be considered aa- taaa accm-anlad be eertlned ehaek 'Mr able to tko ea-der of the Mayor of the City ot roruaaflu ceruses oy o twsboosiu mob . na an amount eaual to 10 Par cent mt tb si aat btodomL - to yigat to reject any aaa. bii mob w Bereby res-rrod. , - -. ' ... a ... By order of tb Xxeentt Board. THOA a .DBVLIN, - ' . Aadltor of the Ctty of PorUaad. Portland. Oregon. October 211, 1004. . T : T" pxoPoazD MPxoTZ-rxirt oa PAROO ' i. ' STREET, : ,' Notlc to bereby glvea that at tbe aaae ting ea ina fkXrnovu oi we or i-oniai-, I'reaoo, beld-oa th 10th -day of October, 1004. th fullowlng reaolutloa wsa adopted; Keaolred. That tha CobbcII of tb City of Portland, Oregon, deetna It expedient and pro pisea to Impror Farg street from tha Met line ef Gantenhela aranoe to tb east lln f romaiercLal atraat m in following rnnnrr to-wlt: ' l ltt-By gradtna tb atreet fall width wltk full Intersections to tko Brads, as glraa by vue viij- kOel'ieei , . . Second- By eumtroetlaf weodea aidewallta. Third ny constructing woodea croaawalka. ' bald tmproTamest to bo made la accordance with tb charter and ardiaaoces of tho City af Portlaad aad tha pUna, apeclftrstUmo Bad estimates of the City Engineer, filed In the einee or to auatsor or iae city oc rortlaad on th 33d day af September, 1004, lad. coed: "C4ty Baalneey'a nine aad apMirtoatioo for tb ImproTetnent at Pargo atraet trom tbe east lln of Gantrnheln areau to th eaet lln of Commercial atreet, aad tb estimate f tk work to bo done aad tba arobabt total eoat thereof. " . - The- eoat f-ld liearoee-aeat to as ((aisn-d aa pro tided by tha city charter upon tha' prop- arir epwuii am pecauarir oenemea tnereny. ins vim ere pthw uevuires so oe all IBO lots, porta of lota and parcels af land lying totwoen a lln 100 feet north ot aad parallel with tba .north Una of Pargo atreet and a Uae 100 feet aoatk of and parallel wltk tha aouth lln f Pargo atreet and betweea a Una 100 feet east or gad parallel with tha Mat Ua of Qaotenhela . arena and tba Mat Una af Commercial trt, - - ... The Engineer' estimate of tba probahto total coat for tba Impress-tani of aald Pargo (treat to is-s.oo. ... , The plans, aped f! cartons and estimate cf ih City Engineer for the ImproTomsat of said argo atreet are ATrreby adopted Keen' red. That, the Auditor nf tbe City ef Portland be aad be to bereby directed to gits aotlc af th aropostd Improrement of aald street, aa prorlded hy tba city charter. RemoMtratiere against tho ahore Impror ateat. Buy be Died la writing with tka nnoTer elgtied within 30 dara from tko data of tko flrat oobllcatloa nf thla aotlc. t By order of the CotiacIL .' ' 2- .- - THOA a DBTtlW, .. ; . AB(,tor ot -x.y ol PortUad.. PortUad. Oregon. October 33. 1004. COMTLZTIO ARB A0CZPTARCX OP X-t- PROPXJfXXT OP aUAAR BTRZXT. . Notlco to bereby alrea that - William 0. Klllott. Cltr Enatneer. baa Hied ta tha nfflc of the artdonlgned notice that Blaof Rlner, coatractora lot TB imnroranieBi ei uueaa a ncler tb neoTtaloM of ordlnancs- No. 12.870. hare eomDieted Mid street from tbe esat lln of Third (traet to the weet Una-of front atreet. Bald acceptance will bo eoneidered hy ta BreentlT Hoard at 4 o'clock oa th 4th da of Norrmber, 1804, And objecttoo to tb accept ance of Mid street, or any part , thereof, may bo Bled In tba ofSca of tho saderslxoed at any time prior thereto. TUB EAtri.TJTa HOARD. By TH0aCx.ilKVLIN.IX Indltor of th Cftv of PortUad. rHr'ort.iBar fegon. October 38, 1004. Dotible-Track Missouri River The ChlcBfjo-Pottland Special, the moat luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room Bleeping; cara, dining car, buffet atnoking and library car (barber and bath). Leaa than turee dara Portland to Chicago. , r , Throughtrains to Chicago are operated dally rls tb Qregoa R. R. NaT. to- U. t. R. R. and Cblcaro gt North-Wstra Ky. to Chkago from Portlaad. and poiau ia Oregoa aid Eastern Washington. . - , i Dally scarloas la Pullman toaflst ' sleeping cars from Portland through to Chicago without cbaog. B. R. RITCH1R, A. O. BABRRR. Osal Aet. fmt. Ceaat, , Caaaral Age, C.AN.-W. B. v c. aa.Vrhy. a mtj Msrkat street, m Tklid Bteaet, Baa f a-jeciaco. Cal. iMBTtAMB, Oaa, J-AJTIHORJ. t OHIO R. R. Almlt XtAIN5 VIAWA5nalataTCy !l.!a;l!i; TVskst OBIoa 12R TRlrd It. Vhos 080 Trn-sontlroritiil e-aV TralrtAB Oeilly ' , mmiS FAST TIME TO KPOKANrl, BT. PAt't- UUI.TJTH, VHNNKAPOt.lS. CHICAO0 AND ., ALL. roiNTa tvAAT. . , Daylight trip through th Ca ad and Ko-ky mountains For full par Ho niara, rata A folder, ota, call on or ad drooB a.t ' ttU-U.1i lax Talrd t Chicago .LJ ;A.l,ra;;in-Ca-:3 1 TRAINS T0Ti:2 EAST DA:V." Through UnH) a stadard aad tonrl-t eVa- g a dally ta Omaha. Cnlmn, hesl I tourist leeptog car dally t Aansas t i thiwagk Pullmea tourist Meant s car fp-e. ! ally oBdu-te4) weekly to Chtrago. -,a-j rbalr cars Issata tre to th Beat dauy. tlMON DEPOT. lams 1 Arrlaaav- : OlUCAOA-PORTIiAMD ' "TT ' BPBC1AU 8:18 a. to 8:38 a, av "t Por th Eaat rta Baat Dally. D-ny, . .. .' log taa. ' . ' 1r-' ; - 8P0KANS PXTEB.. f - v. ' Pr Kastara. Waahtng- '.w ton. tValla W(Ua. Law- 3 -Id p. OA. 815 ABA tatoa, Ooeur d'Alene Dally. Dally,, ' and Oraat , Northera - '-V - - . ' -. . potato. .. . ... .1 , ). ' t ...i -. a J, " ATLANTIC BX PRESS. a . 1 For toe East rta Boat- m ! lagtoa. Ki-r-t P0B, BAN PRANCiaCO: m T - '. ' ari-..?1'1- r 8 i, a. a, Coiumbi-. ;: a:oe t-m- Oct. A m, ba ' ; Ool-mbto Rlror TJlrtotoa. ia ' rOB A3T0RIA, aad way 8:00 a m. j paints, eonue. Hug with Dally. " Abn$ - -' '- -- tmr. for liwaco ' and . Sunday Bit p. at, . NortB Beach, atr. Baa- Satnrday oa. Buaday. ';. Mlo. Ah -st. dock. io:oo p7m. f-m-uTTiT; RoutoT ' ." ' "' ' " IOB DA TTON, teresooli V i ' '' -City ad Tamhlll Blrar TMii A 8 80 a. at. C'lnta,- atra. Ruth and trlly- ' Dally. - v . "toe; , Ash-st. dock. n. Bonday ex, Bat-Jay. .-. .. (water permitting. POB LBWIBTON, jd,.. and wsy potato from Rlpario. Wash., atmra. Baokenand Lewlston. 8:44 ABA IUIIy.- . A Bat, " Atomt 8 no a, m. uaiir. - Pii iftey. TICKET 0PPICB. Third aad Waabiatrtoa. Taio- enawe IBia Tin. -KmTZkAJTO a. ABXATXO BL B. OOu . Tokohama and Koag Kong. Mlllng at Hrba. Nagnoekl and Sbaagsal. taking freight -Jia cennectlna ft camera for Manlla7nrt? Ar-, . tbta and VUdlroatok! 8. A ARAOONIA. Oct. f 5,!a, rlL1ViCO-!l5D,A'. Nr73l; A A NUMAN- ' kara atly ti r ' Prt4co-. Jlura kr nsrarnAis . T(phoa Bala 35A v uppor Aasika ttoca. - aJ - ..-- .J- " EAST via, SOUTH riMTeA tmiOlt DEPOT. AniTM. OVERLAND BXPREBBl trains for Ha tern. Uoaa -.. . k. 1 a n 8:B8p. 0- . Me, eaiia 1, a me tt to. OardeB. Baa rraa- T:0 A as. daco,. Stock tea- Lm Aa-I Kea, Ki rsae, ntw ur ne BBd-the Baat, Morning trala eoo nect at Waodhara dally eicept Boaday with, trala for MA 8:88 8.1 Tiiaa.) A axel. 8 1 1 r t a FrowasTtUe, 1 1 ll field, - WsadiUg ABdi natron. Albsnr mi 4.-O0 p. at, T:80 a to. 114:60 a.m. neeta at Wesdhura with 10:19 ASBs Mt. Ansel and AUa-eJ too loeak Orrallle 1 8:88 a. at Bherldaa s-uus-ager o:s o. as Dslly. IIDsllyv eicept. Bandsy. PortU-4-Orwege Bnburbaa 8 an lug aad Taa-ULt . . c Sirlalra. 0 Depot Post of Jefferaoa Btreet. . " tavars PortUnd dallr fVi Oaweee r an a a. If (in. 3)6, 3:25. 5:20,- B:25. 8:80, 1010 p. as! -Dally (eicept Bonday), 8:80, 8:80. 8:85. 18:11 m. ;ou. ii:w.p. bl, Bonday only, 0.00 at, ' . ' Rettmln from Oewero. anira Stortlaed Mta ' 8:30 s. m.; 1:55. 8:05. 4:35. 8:15. T:88a I 1. 11:10 a. m. Dally (rnopt Snndar) a-3jCT: l, 8:80. 10-30. 11:48 am. Eicept l-4Hly, Uiai p. m, nunoay en 17, jtp:ow n. m. . tkCST from m me depot for DsTtos a ad tots. ' toedlato point dally (except Baadsy) 8:00 a. av, Arrtra Portlaad 10:2ft a. m. Tbo - lndtaader sloOraoarth Motor tJao oneratM daily to MoaiBosth aad Alrlto, - aectine witn aoutaera ractno Mate-any' tmcad at Dal Iaa and Indcpendenco. . . , Plrat-cUH face frora Portlaad to Bacraa sd Baa Praaclaco 820, Bertha 55; faro 315. Beeotid-else berth 82 50. - Tlcketa to Zaatern Dotntn and 1 f scan. China. Honolulu aad A ne trail. City Ticket Ofneo comer Third aaa Wa Inrtne) atreeta. Phaaa Main T1A C W. BTINOEB. ... 1 W. B.' fmiAW. ciry xtckes Agent. ... siea. pn TIME CARD : TRAINS ONION DZPOTa r Scaarto. ArrtT Sou ad lalmttad. for Tabama. BrattU OlympU. Booth Bead and (ifay'a Barbae 3 AO A m. 8:38 a, ab. point. nrx voasa Iki-nie-j. r Taeoau. Beattls. Butta, Bt, Paul, Mln- 8:00 p. ax. T:08A av. BMpollA CklMgo. Hew Tort, Boston and eotata Eaat and BoutheoaA Twla-Clty BinrMa. I Tacoeae, SOattl. Spa ke oa. Helena, St. Paul, MlnnMpolls Cbleago, New York. Bo to aad UldlBiSA Ml ak all pntntav Baat aad etoaflM-eat. '. Poret Bound a It ansae City-!. Lao la Bneclal. for Tacom. Seattle. Bpokaa. Butte. Bllllnx. Denrer. Omaha, Kauaaa Ctty. 8t. Laoia aad all points Caat aad Boata- 8:88 A m. IM,A M- All ' train dAITy szceat oa Bonth branch. A. D. CHARLTON. a Aral-tan Oeneril PasMngey Agent, . 328 Morrleoo St., or. TblrA PartlaaA On. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. - -am. UNION DEPOT. . Arrtr Boot Dally. Pot Margars, Rainier. Clatakaul. WmtDnrt, Cllftoa. AetneiA Warn ronton, r la rut, Haaa- Dan, llle A Ba, BmoA Port , BtoTan. Wear hart Park. Beto. Astoria aad Be us are . Zipreas dally. , AstoHo Biprtaai - Trfaj . OA Dally. . . 8:48 8-1 r t f. 0. NATO, O. P. d P. A.. AsW- C-. a A. BTRWART. Com-seraUI AgMt, b-4 1- Bt. Pbom Mela BOA - - m rr.ena 1L -ll"-" to . .!. 1. seat af k 41.-1 Ore . .TXT i:xi . ": . r -' - ' e-ll-l ctrr .