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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1904)
J r r r : i I3T10TXX- Xf. IX..: 1 . 1 lUItt llUII. . ' . i .(,.. at eke Jfotles Jt,b'r7."VitlJ?? Of the COBCU tk JJ '. k.14 a l"b ' fo,ln wiiim w.-p-i hl"d; iVS ir., t sex" Purl land. Ore.. ? ' ,T Improva Beveu rove "." . - .th at tba aortb Roe or -".in sr - to the eooth mt una h-uuh " " A,llwTiig manor, to-wtv . ... tUtUr grading the street Itail V1" . full hinkiiwi W,1T ' " . L. ik rtrv Jwm la ar. i A XI w K.i.iaHn tn HDlft ac roa BTTrfn fill! arldla arlTB rail inn ratvivua w Liihrd rrada with niartxiaou Thlr By cMitrwir arttfl! " walk ta kwium "b tke it iUatlaaar 1 pUna, paclflcalMK a-4 aatimatra. t-inrtb B otr-'int arufjctal atoa " Iw arromanra wn ia titj - r aperHlcatloaja aad, aataiaora. ilfrk Rr ewtracuiui atom riw Hal4 Improrataant to ha aaaoa hi "ff0!?". una ina anara ani onmr" - . ' v Pwtlaad aa tor P'fU'. a K tka rl f ntnra af tha Auditor tba Cl of on uo no or kot,- iit ariwnnaar a .piam .i...-- - - ' tka tmprarrament of Ha-ratoroth atrrat ,vrnm IT fast armtb of tha aorth ""J? bloat M ba fllad ta writing -with tka oadar atraat ta tba aontJr curb Hao .5 lrmr anthla 80 daja from tba daU of Ua ad tk aatioiatoa of tba work to ba " "Idlrat pnkllcaHoa of- thla autlca, , laa arobabBa total coat tnrraor. - . Tha poat of aald lmproramriit ta ba a paklrd br tho rlt rbartor apo tba iwop - ortr apadall bananu-a P --".".-S Til... a lloa F"B ano par- la vi aj . J"0 f t waatarl fro- and aamUal w1t tao lNl foot raatarl oaatarlr Una of .1 ...j with .tha rMtanth tr)t ba-1 Una of BIlBBoath traa aa4 tn-aaa ' tha aorth Una ith Haa af Cllftoa atraat. . ' Tka Enaiaarr'a aatlnia ta of tba PrD"JJi I roat for tba Imnroraaimt of atrt la M.(H(o.o. . ,? Waaa. aa a Tba abora i-m atant U . elaaaaa ai narada- tmt-roaBtnt aon aau " arada- tmproraia-it aad akaU ""2Z3 f tka ett for Prto4 of f- Tl'SZ: M irwaara ofV3orlt of tba Impart ll IMaald lmnroTraaat ar an portloa Vh.ll t pU? dlftotaat V fllra tba axpiraUoa at aach aaaaac aaiora xmm , v that tha tiawafita-l tharoof al ImiiriTianat rWt,brr.ra b-hr aolrad. That tha Aartltof of tba rtty,ot P-tuid bi aad aita bareb lrt-4 ty 1a JITtri of tba ropoi4 lwwmit of aaM Jait JaTbrn rha rttTrhartar. ' lSStr?2rr-Alat tha .h l-jro Jthlt. 10 dara (rot-Ttha data of tha ind arlrkia ao dara fro brat pahlleatloa af thla notica. ta aroar s tao nwiciL j - Aadltor of tha CM ofPtaUa. ; rVtrtlaad. Oracoa, Oetobar S3. ymorons ntnoTonnrt or roTuio OvTH .. own- a. I.. alM that St tha ahaatiBd M taa OaaaeU I of tta "fP'J; JJ bald oa the ltk da October, MOd. tha rot- V". a th. CJtJ a i. - t bu4 vm-a. (Wtlaad. Ormtoa. daa a It axpadlant aad pro- poaaa to traprora oU tro to. ksrik Una of Wlllajaot ta booVr rrd aoath Una of Monta atraat la tba fell Urat B aaadlaf the atraat fall ',b : full Intaaaactrnaa ta tha trada aa le by tn "Gvw Baartaaer. fnd fc wioaoea rtdawT. ThlrA .Br aaaMtractina or i awaiaa. r f m -aimiliia boa aulutra. Bald ImpreremeBt to he mad ta riM, with tb the chart and er.!nn e the Clt Portland and the H?-, ifB. I , rlmatao of tb Clt ' B- ,ilL1.J of I race of tha Aadltor of the Clt of Portland on the 4th da of October,. 1904. Indorard; fit Endnear'B ptena and apartfl tlooa for tha lmnroremest of Vorta month arena from the aorth Ho of Willamette nooMrara w in liajof Koat atraat and tba eatlmat f tba at aad tka aatlmataa -ot work to ba deoe and tb probable total eoei mrreor. - .... - 1 Ike at of aald Improrement ta '" I aa p aided b to tr h.rt njion tb op- 1 ottt aniaiir i.iarij " eLZiZZ? and which ta bereb dec lared I be all tb ilota, rrta of bt and par la af land lln between h a. a - Ik li IInHallM I P fbdl I h Math line oi aumta air i "no """1 " J .71. 1 f t went of aad parallel With tb t Jtn wiaaaoatn arenae a ui T . ' ST and parallel with tb eal ua or. f""" I rrmna; theore aor theaaterl alonf Uaa par a nna; alao all tba lot. Pertanf "4 allrl with tb mtheaaterl Una 7 Oook arena pairvia i ikhu u ma unwra ' "V" I or wuiADtte Doaierara ana taa f ? 'Ti I west tin of I IieWaoa atreet and barer a a t of and para He with tk wt Mn of .Portsmnotk arenn and a Un 100 fret t f knd parallel wrlthtbe eaat tin of Pott nwatn I a one; and ateo tke atrrlr om half of I block K and M and th "eaferl oa half of I bairke P aad N. Pnrtamoatk VII J??V , I . y - "".''."" . I -enat for -b -Imp eeaaaeat of oaid- rtmoBU 1 arena hi I The man. oec1Dctlona affli eartranta l .tn I CltT Enrlneer for th Imnrorement of aald I a-orauHiaia- arein ar w aoopi - i B nlred. That the Aadtter of tb Clt f r-rtlaad be and k la kereb directed ta trt notice of the pronosrd lmnroiamrnt ot aald arena aa promrd br b ett charter. Btmaaatrantfr a aaalnet tho a here rmiaonmant T be filed la writln with the aaderatirnrd wlthla SO day a from tb dart 0. Uts.S" pub- I tiro tloa of tble otloe. ., - I B order of tha Ceoacfl ' i I10- C. TKtTT FT. .k . Abnltor of th City f Porttaad. - rVr tlaad. Oreoa. October S3. 1004. - norOSZD XirriOYiafXm Or BAwTKOBBB . A- 1 If HITT -l '' " T mn,tn tjr mamni bar ' v w r - iim r tr aiAaar v' Ut , , throodk blocks and . Cook'a addition, to SyfotVce la hareby (trea that at th meethi tb center Una of Cook avonne: then anoth er the On-ndl of tba City of Portland, "Oraa-on westerly oa a Un between lots 8 and 4. t'ld oa th 1Mb day of October. 1804. tb fol. block Id. nook's addition, to a point M feet wlnr raaolatloa w -adopted s arnitkweater ly of Tba southwesterly Uaa ef Cook Beaorred. That the Covad! of tha City of seenoe; these oootbeaarerly amot a 11 n W wiaai, univaj mi iaa it eapeuieai ih pro- l poaes to tmproT Hawtbarna arenae from IS I . feet west of tho aaat Haa of Beat Third atreet I ta tb rut Ua af Eaat Eleraath atraat la I the reiiewlnc maaner, te-wlt: , Pint By eonstiaetlnit artiflel! atoa aide, bralks (a ace rdaara with tb City fnalnaaf s plnv apectd ttons aad aatlmataa. . Beoend By eooa trurtlaj artlbctal atoaa taiba. Third By mfietraettn erawalks. "'BsM Improramaat to be asada la accords with th chart and ordinances of tba City e Portland and tba plana, spectOcatloa aad earl mates f the City Enslne died ta tb of. flea of tba Aadltor of tb City of Portlaad oa th 10th day of October, 1004, Indorsed: "City Enrlneer 'a plana and sssrlg tlona for the Im- ' pro a t ot Hwthorn arena from 13 feet weat of the aaat Une af aat Third street U tha . et Un of East Ktseeath street and tb tl ktes ef tho work ta be dona and tha arabmbU tersl cost thereof - . ' Tha coat of aald Im oec ejeiit ta ha assessed as a Tided by th city charter apoa tb prop, f? Jeelllr asd pecallarly beaeated thereby , and which ta bereb dec lared to be s II foe V. parts thereof sad pare Is of land trlng tie twee " Una 100 feat snath of and aaraUel with the ? !" Hswthoro arenae aad a Un - I'K) feet aorth ef aad aarallel with tb north 1 ? - "rthss trean sad betwaea tb east , Its of East Third atreet and a. Una 100 feet t of aad Parallal with the aeJt Una of Eaat Ele th street. Tim Kasnerr' estlsut of tha seehable total t for th mnrmmat af aald HasthorB "re Is tXllM.OO. . , . i T J speeltestload and satlaMtes ef the C'J Bnalaeer for the raiprorement ef aald ' ,T k"'T adopted. ' Besolred, That the Andltnr of the nt. t Fortladba sod ka Is hereby directed to rt i series or tae npooad Improrment of aald ' are a) sa Branded by fhs city charter. BemOBStraaces aaalnat tha ah i , w,.IOar.h,fr,,tl. dato eTthrSS'Ebl lirstlon of this settee. T rV I . tty erear ar tb Coaocfl. ; . - , J"I0(U c' ; " Por ta .. oVwso? oL?it"i?at- ! rur tMe. onwrm. October S3, 1804. ... ' . i j ' PBOPOSZD UIPBOTIXEVT OP WnjJAJtS -' s , u f . i . , ...i .""'tea Is hereby ftrea that at the meetlns afthe Osnncll of the City. of Portlaad. Orem Keeol red. Tkat th Gonneil nt Mm . ! rortlsnd. Oreaoa. deem It expedient aad pre. poes to Imprere WilUaam arena from the orth i line of Mrlflllea street to the tooth Un aiioeria .iw, wmww sss esc 01 tnat Purtlos of said- Williams areas lyluaj betwaea a Un t feet ' aorth of tb aorth - Mas ef Cherry I strse t ed s Un 100 feet aoath of tb snath line nf Brosdwsy,.- la tka follvwl aaaaaer, tn-wttt - -. . -. . . -i Pint By irrsdlnB tb atreet fall width with foil Intersect tona to tb proper snb-srsde, ss abowa by tha stakes set by tb Clt ICearlneer. Reoosd Hy euoatrsctraa aruflctal atone I Corn. Third By aaoatrwrtlnd too black headers, I double row. ' . lonrtk By Wrtn tile., - A' . ? - Plfth By hrlnvln? the serfee af the atreet run wttk wito ran lateraection to grade with tlinllthle pareraent. except last portloa of aald atreet nccatHed by tb atreet railway eoaipany as a lisht nf way. which aortlna af aald treat shall be Imprsred by renUdnt th rail la as with m ored rslht aot b-e tkss aeren Inches la denta. parlnc tk op between the rails snd for a etatanr of on font entente nf th ald rail with stone klnek set oa a concrete fooadatloa sad aroated with rmee t mortar, the ceo eto asder Iks ralH and the stone hlnehs to be at leoat ls laches I depth and tb resaalnln portions of the aald rtirht of way to b imprTd with bilsUthat .rmst. '' M ImntinsaeBt ta be made la secordsa Hlh tb charter and nrdlnancea nf th tty nf ttasd and th plan, aned fleet loo and eett Bnstea ef l"e City Paarlnaer, filed la ih offlee nf the Anui'or ef tke t'l'r of Porttand ea the ltk day a October. !". Indnraed: "City lao-iaeer 8 that aad aaacUi-tts Sot tha tsv CUT VOTXCta. 1 . .-...,,,.., lesBaeat nt wSlUams area trom tba matt ' MevilUeo street to tbe suet Use-of , f wis, Bireel cm the estimates or in vrors W ' probable tutU cost toereof." Coat ( M4 improvement to asrd a povtded by. th. cite rtiiw son ths if art snertillg .n peculiarly benefited thereby Wch la declared be 111 tlx hits, puts " ssd l-wcem ef mod L'B( between a : nn ion feet eeanarlr from- end parallal wus Surly fmrv and parallal with i lh. ..,.,- , or n luisms svenoe aoe Una KM fort westerly trow sad parallel with I tha weeferlv line, of winiasis svesus end be- tweea tba south Una of Alberta strest wl tla I aorta una of McMlllee stresti Tba xtegtassr's eetlaeele el tha probable total 0 ror tbo Imnrovesieot of Mia vWUisi mil ta (TS.M0.01ll. - ' - Tba sbove JmnmpumMl h In ki Blessed aa Mtalltkle pavement, end akall ba maintained oy laa city rar a period ar eight fan, pro-noes tbat tko awaera of a aa)nrlt of tba arooartj' haaantad br. aald Ininraramant or an "nrtloa i tharaor akall aot aatltlna Cur a aaw ar tlirrrraat I laipraraaiaol , bo Cora- tha aiplrattoa at aucfe i Darlod. I Tha plana, arwrinrartona ami aatliMtaa a I it Itnalnrar fnr tba Impromnrat of aald I Wllllama arrnoo ara brrrh adtmtrd, Rranlrad. That tha Auditor of tba fit of Portland ba and ba ta fctr-br a"lrrt4 to irlTa Bottoa or tba oiopoaad Imprarrmaat ar aald arrnoa aa aronaed by tha rlt rburtrr. I Rraannrtr.ncra ...iM tba abora I 6 oeoac of tba OnancU. - ' I r TIIOS. 01 PLI"J, ' ' I . . Aadltor of th CM of Portland. I n rtuao, Uraaum. Oetobar S3. 1904. ' . noroao MXWX I DELAT mrn, cook Arnrrrx, iiiit tkiovh aivoox : . aUTZBTIXW AODITI0V. AV0 B0KTK w-icx mm, nov im rziT voaxB or bowtb LntK or BLOCX1 II An si, out , TEAL ALBUTAa TO llTWTB Of XOBBJI . BTBXXT I DIXAT ITBZXT. Natlra la karah miwmm Ka u lk. -T. " V ..;-:. "T wlii" ... .. "7. r'17. "T rrrn bajdoj tho Itith da of Oetobar. MK. tba tulkrartnt faaoluUoa waa adopted: . fo'aLTbat tba Con rill of tba City if INanhwd. Orvvua, doama It axpadlant and pra- to rmjatruet aawar of rltrlfll aawar ofTLiT".1 11l''l:t, 5 Jff, " or blocka 11 and 83, Cantrak Alblna. ta tha awwer la Mortia atraat at JJata atraat. Bald - to ba oaatrartrd wick all. aooaaaar "tchlna. .aa-bol-, Uaip-bbJaa aad brajcha .ad ty ba of tba lollowlo, dlrnaa- 1 frota a potat ta,.orthwlck atraat 1KO fnt nna oi ina aovlB una or blorka 81 olid X Catttral Alblna, to point la BorthwtrkTatraat "fiT? " nlii throtujb ktaok . ItlTorataw additloa, Intaraacta aald Borthwlek atraat; throe of 10 lncbra elrar tnalda dlaawtar aloaa xtaadlna thmu(k .block 4. Ktrarrlew additloa, and la Alblna aTanoa to point In Atblaa araaao at .Cook areana; ' thanra of IS Inrhaa clear tnalda diameter throe cook ara- a point la Cook a too oa at Michlaan from, point In Cat at kllcbli.a mTm a Ion it Oook aranaa aad Dla atraat ASK!!! "' t-t. uaau ex n inrnaa aiear inaiae pia 1 . . o aa conatracieei in aecoraaace with tba chart .nd dun. af . n.. . 1'ortUi.d aad tba plan., apaelfleaUona and . matea of too Clt Bnainrar. fllrd In too effloa of the Aadltor or the Clt of Portland on tba lTtb da of Oetobar, 1P04. lndoread: "Clt Ko- 'nT a piana ana apecincauona ror a aawar la Bi rrlrw addition and Bortbwlck atraat at aL Btraota from 1U0 feat berth of tba aoath Una Of blocka SI -and SSL f aawar , la Unrrli atraat, aad tha rati mat -of tha work to ba axi ana xae proeaDie total enat tbrraor. " - poaa of aawatina and dralnlac all th parol tkaraof and pare la of land lla S dhvirlct kcaoded and ocacr 1 bad a I iae aaia aawar as ba aonatraeted for tba pwr- tha lota. within Mai Bralanlur at a nnln Im tka u,i iin r PrU atraat 100 feat nortberl from tb aorth Una of Morrte atraat ( thence eaaterlr atone tba aoaia one or nt 7, Diora 17. Cook a additloa, to a poim in t J eaatarrr from aad parallel I with the eaaterlr Una of rwl.r atraat; tbaa i oortharly awac a llae 100 feat dlatant from ,M P" tba aaat tin of llela treet to a polat 100 feat distant la ractencula r maa aareomat from tho aoatk-atarl fin of I""" aortbeastrrl alor a Una I 10o feet distant from and parallel with the I aoatbaeat I Una of Cook arenae to a point I I. .h . . i, , . . ..r nnnB llotyr tb onrtrr rrae of M ao to a point 60 feat In rectangular mra nre- " diatant from th aoatbeaatrrl Una ef Cook " f oa iBtcrarcTloo aawdd-la ei. a.A a ah block 6, Blremew'addlUon: then nortberl Point In the ee ater Un ot Cook arrno; thenc eaaterlr alone the. aentae Uaa nf Cnnk thrnr oaaterl alonk tb- center Una of Cook arraaa to a point 100 feet' waet of the waa t Un of Oommerclal atreet; then nortberl 100 tee t dutant from and parallel with tk eaatarl M of Commercial atreet ta -the north line af kl rrlew addition: thrne w tori. alon tha a tar nao-or. miwiiia aoaiooa oa a point mo fat eaat Ir from eaarerlr Irn-of Keek atreet aa laid m ikm- unhMi. .im a nn. inn ...i. from and parallel with tka eaaterl line of a.arn atreet aa laid eat la BIremew additloa to tk (onto Us of Central Alblna; thence west art along tka snath Un of Central Alblna to th rent Ua nf allay mania throe k block SX Central Alblna: thence norther! alone th renter Una of aald alle to a point 300 feel oath I from th aoath Ua of Beceb street: thed area terlr alonr Una 3n0 feet aoatherlr from aad aarallel with th nouth Una of Reach treat to tb crater Un of Alblna are aoe; then anotherl akwB tb center Una of At bins areaao ta too enter Una of Fremont street: then westerly alon th ater Un Qf jrramnot atreet to the rent Un of alley mnnlnr throadh block 5, Cook'a addition; thence et owari enevaw Terir traoi ana peraiiei with th soathwsster ly Una of Cook is to th ana th west mraer of lot S, block IS, Cook'a additloa: then oenterlr . alooc tha. souther re line ef hits a. 10. 11. IX IS and 14. block Id. Cook'a additloa. to tb west llae of lot IS, block Id, Conk's addition: thenes sontb- erly along tb wast Una of lot IS, .10 and SO. block Id. -Cook's allillMoai, to a point at the othwet earaer of lot $0. block Id. Omk'a sddlttoai thence easterly a loaf the aootherly Ua of lot 30. block 18, Conk's additloa. to tb center Una of Delay street: theore sooth 1 a Ions the center Un of Delay street to a point ino feet sort her r from tb aorth- Un of Me 1 streets thane terlr oti a Ho loo feet nor therly from and psrsUd with the north Un ef Morrl street to tba tplaea of Wcuv nine. - The rest nf ssld sewer ta be aaaeaaed ss n. elded br tb -cite charter sons tb property sneclallr and tiecnllarly benefited thereby and which Is heron declared to be sit th (nts, parts the nf and parcel af htsd lend wlthla he district , haralubafore hoaoded and da- scribed. . f . a . ; . . The RDsineera eatlmat of tb tirobahl total met nf the Cooltrmrtioa of 'Hid fl.OS0.0O. The plan. srdfl Mens and tl mates nf the City Knrlneer or tho eonstractloa, ef said erwer a re kereb adopted. . - B nlred. That th Audit ef th fit of Porttaad be aad be fx hereby directed to el norlc of the - iipnmd eooa trnettnn of aald sewer, ss prorlded by the clt charter, Bemo trsncea ayalnat tb shore newer be filed In writlns with the anitarwlsned wlthla SO dare from tba data Of the first publics ttos i thla notice. - . - , , , v . n. .raw ef the Cnaactl. ' , ' THOB.i TlfJTT.If. AnAitnr nf th Oft Of Portlaad. Portland. Oreaoo. October-S3. 1004. -. ' PSOPOSrO nfTBOTTXZBT Of WW 0M . .' xt CT fOBTSMOUTg ATtTn. fc her br flrea tbt at the Sieettna ot th Cooacll ef the City of Porttaad. Or(on. btd. - lb. th d.'.f October. ,1904, U, f0iiowln reanlntloa ws adopted: , Reoolrad. - Tbt tb Council ef th City ef Porn Oreron, deam. It expedient and - imuai. the waa t on half of l. ..... rmwi 4 He annth line of Willamette boolerd to th north line of Blnff street br construct !n woodea sldew.lksssd accornsen w i uie ,r m .mjiIIImHam and eat 1 ma tea. .... I nMauai im ha naide in ccrdncs with th charter snd rdlnsoce of lb City Is Portlaad and th plana. pecl tlon and eatliutrs of the City En l seer Hied In the 1 stdce of tb Auditor or tns enr ox r-ornano Ion rfbeBtb day of Octener. 1804. Indorsed: "City Bnstneer'a ptaaa snd speciacstloos. for th fmprorement of th west on hslf ef Ports. month arenas from the snath line of Willamette boalrrsrd to the aorth lies of Blaff street sod the Mttmates oi the work to ba done aad tb nrohabl. total cost thereof." -- The Inst of aald Imnrore meat f be ss- .sed aaa rinVd b th HtT harta BOO i.m aeenaeta anadsllc and Decallarl.r bene Atad thereby and which la her.h dec tared to he Sll tae mrS. pane aey - la ad Irlmr betwaea the weet Has-of PorUmoath a so aad a Un 100 feet west thereof snd parallel therewith, snd between the south fine of Wills matte boalersrd ssd tbs north line af Blnff street. The Bajrlnee r' estlmsla af th lirobsbl total roat for tb rmprorement sf M west, aa. half af Portsmouth a venae bt .ln.oa -- The Plana. apedAcsttnas and aatliasteS ef th Ctty Pnaioe for the impra nxent ef tke said wt oa half ef PorUaxoatk araaaa are berekr adopted. t Beaorred. Thai, the Andltnr af tb City of Porttaad b sad-be, la hereby directed to 1t ant lea sf the proposed Imnr ore me nt of ssid seeaoe aa pronded by tb city charter. - Itoianastrancea srslnflt th shoe lmnr e men! msy be Sled la wrttlnf with th anderstirned wlthla SO dars from the date ef the Brat pub lic tloa of this notice. x '.. Uf order ef tb Oonecll ... - Asdltmr nf tb Clly nf PerUand. Portia sd, Orefga. October 22. 1BU4. . . ..'. OITT T . riopoira ntrBorr r Cr bait btaxx "."TT' f -t at tee Btearlnc Til r ,L ' ' r'tlaod. (irafoo r . r " oer f etner. leva, tollowlna resnlntlon waa . .. KTe'riATbst tba L ax-.r of the flty of ... ax priii an I aao pro poses to Improra t -t I ark atreet from the center line of Rsst r-ra a treet t th tr line ox r.aax nulla luWL la the follow Mod her. to-wtt: - 7' first By remosin oil Inns earth, mod and ol tcom the em. -co of Ua tract foil width with full Inter ssi' . rBmrnt-Bt re.- -,n the street tnH wtdth tfl'b.f"'! Jntarsaciiona with washed rlrer (rs ret Third By eonatmctlns artlflHal stone slde- waisa is sceoraanee with the City rnslnssr' Plans, SOOCin tloos anil aartlmatea. f"1?" By conatrartlne woodea as alk. mii nr roosimctinc curbs. . BlXtn Br eonetnietlne. bai miIIm. . Bereath By conatroctlns wnialen sldewslks m ornsne with the City KDfloeer'a plana, sped flcs tloos snd aatlmatae. . . Z fald Imprereoient to bo mad la accordance with the charter and ardlnsnce ot tbs City of Porttaad and th Ola . aaaHAMillMa-aiii aatt- nairo ui tne 1.11 Kn(lneer, nied la tb n nf too Amlltnr nf tho Cite of Portland en the mn oa of neptrmber, 1BIH. indorsed: "City Eorlaeer'a plana and snecirteetlnas for tbs Im- brorement'W Km N p b - Cmaa. Ka m itaa line of East Eleventh atreet tar tha eaotae line f least Math atreet and tha-eatlroates of the wor i to be no and .to probabl total cost thereof." .1 ....... The coat af ssld Imnrorement to, ba Baseaaed ss prorlded br tbo rlt charter anoa the nroo. erty prc1lly heoeflted thereby and which ta aerany aectared to be all the bits, parts ar Iota and parcel of had lylnc bet ween a line KiO feet north ef and parallel with the north line of East Btark street and a Un 100 feet ontk nt and parallel with the aoath Ua f r.sat cTara street nd netwaea tne east line or Rant Berenth atreet aad the West Use af East Mntk erreet. v The Bnaineer's estlmst af th nrehahla total mst fnr the Imnrovsateaf af ssld East Btark street I 8l.S10.00. . . iTbs sbora Imnrorement Is. fn be elaased as era rel renatr Impmreenent and akall ba main tained b tbs city, fnr e period ef two years, prorlded that the tie nets of a majority ef tbs pronerty oenentea ny asin imnroremesc or an? nortfnn thereof nhall ant aetltloa fnr a new of different Improve Bsest befor tb1 stplrsaloa. of ncn pernio. The plan, srecl flex t Ions snd estimate ef tb City Enslnear fnr the Imnrorement of said East Btark atreet ara hereby adopted. - 1 rxeeoireo. .Tnat tne ssairnr'nr me nty-'m Portland be and he Is hereby directed to si notice ef the nronnaed Imnrorement of said Street, ss nrorfifetT by ths ctty charter. - nemnnarranr sysiaer tae snore 11 ent mar W filed In arrttlns with ths slrned arlthlo 20 ders from the date of th flret pnhiicatloa nf this iMtlca w , - . , ny ararr at tne oonncu. - , - . , THOS. e vvn., i Aadltor nf the Cite of Portlaad. Portland. Oreeen,. Oetohtr S3. 1804. , riOPOSES XHrBOTEatEBT J OP McatTT.T.r.B ' Notl ta bereb siren that at th ' martini of the Connclt nf tha Clt of Portland. Oreson. neia on to iwts as or. uctoDee. xeva, u fvllowlnlr rssnlntloB wss sdopted: - ( KeaoUad. That tb Council of tb. City ef fart laud, Oreaoa. derma It expedient snd pro- poaea to impmr McMlllea Street rrom ma sooth westerly Mo of Crosby street to th east line of William arenae la th fuUowUi ais- . to-wlt: . Pirat Ri eradine tha atraef fnll width With fnll InteraectTona to th sub-era de aa sirs by toe city Knfine , Second By ouoatrdctlnc stoa block fattara. oouoie row. . . . . , . ; . , Third By laylnt tiles, fourth Br . euastrnctlna arttflclal curb. - - r f Fifth Br hrlnelna tbe enreaes of tha Street to tb established s da full width with foil Intersections with bltnUtble pa eat,.. Bald Improve meet to be mad la accordance wits rn enartee anal Aeoinanee ox xne X.I1X of Porttaad and the Diane, ened ft ratio and eaflmatea pt the City Nnslnrer . filed fn the office of the Auditor of the' City of Portland on the Bth dar of October. 1804. fndorsed: "C1f Enclneeg ptans and sped flcs tlnn fnr Mr imnnnrnaoi ear Ncniiim si vws..tie sontkwastarly line of Crosby : street to to Mat Una of Williams avenue, ssd the esti mates of the work to be duo aad tha probable total cost thereof.". ,1 - Tb cost of said Imnrorement to be ssaeeeed ee -nrevHiee n. -tee eitx narter npoa m prop ertv sneclallv and necnllarl benefited therebr. and which Is hereby declared to be aa fol- Lmi Alt 1.... . . .a la M A m .la of Isnd lrlns between th soathweaterte line bf Wheeler atreet end a Una 100 feet sooth er terlr from ssd nsrsllcl with the soarawes'- erly line of Crosby street sad batweea a Un low- feet northwesterly from snd -psrsllel with lb oor thareaferlr Hoe nf Mrhflllea atreet snd a Una 100 feet aostheaaterly from snd psrallal with the southeasterly Une of McMlllea street: also the southwesterly one-half of block 28 knd lbs Bartheaaterly one-half of block 28, -McMillan's addition to Rsst Portland. - - -- The Bnaimmr's timet nf tb probabss total cost tor - the imnroasmeas ex ssia sacaxue street Is fl 3,44.00. - i xne a no man rem ear m rn se cisi blrallthl Dsrement and shsll b maintained py ta city for a perua or int v rs--ew rided that th owners of s malnrlty of - tbs pronerty benefited br said Improvement or nay nation thereof shalt . not aetltloa far, a aew or different Imprest meat before, tha expire tloa at aneh waiploji The plana, sprrtnexnen and esnmst ot me I i IT engine zor tns improvement ox eato McMlUea atreet are hereby adopted. ' Beaolred. That the Aadltor of the City of Porttand be aad ha Is hereby Olrectee rs sira notice of the proposed Improvement of aald street, ss rirovldcd by the dty bsrtert Rsmiastrsnces ssalnst the above Improvement amy- be filed ta wrltln .with tba nndersljmed wlthla 30 dare- from tha data . of tba first pshlloa flow of thla potlc. : i . vy uracr i toe tmanu .... - THOS. 0. TiErXITf, - " " Aadltor nf tho City of Portland. ftuadV Oredon. Oetobar 22, 1804. - V PB0PO8EP IMPBOTEMlaTr OF XAII i ' TwTtBTT-B IB TK RUT", - . ' " Motlco la bereb elrea thst st ths-ssnsttnc of tb Council of tb Ctty -of Portland, Oregon, held on the lath day af October, 1804, , tb fellowlna? raaolirrVaeu -srs sdorrredr1" ' Resolvsd. That fb Oeanell of tb City f BkMlanl. Omm . n Saa It OBIIS 111001 BBMl SM. poees to imnrore East Twenty-ninth street from to aorta un l lis a laorse svesne to iw feet north of tbo north Una of Bast Mala atreet la the followlnc manner, to-wlt! First By a idlna tbs street run wurta wits fall Intersections to tb grade, aa flrea by the Cif r Bnetneee. - recono ur eonstra cuss vrooooa sinrwsiBi, i ara.1 ....lm,!.. a,.-,ilaa ,i, n ai IB a 1 Poortb By eonstrocUod box gutters. Held lmnrovv ment to be msds la accordance with th charter and ordinances ef the City of Per tlaad aad tha plans, specifics tloos ssd estimates of the City Bmrlneer. filed la the office of the Aadltor ef tb Ut ef Portland en th 33d day of September. 1804. Indorsed: "City Enxlneer's plsns aad ened flea tloos for tbs In pre cement nf East Twenty-alath street from the aorta line oi riewiaorne evens to 100 feet north ef the north Une of Eaat Msla street, aad ths eetlmstes of the work to be done and tba probable total cost thereof." Th met ot ald Improrement to be ssatssrd ss BTOvlded by the city chart apoa the prop. erty specially and peealhrrlr benefited therebr. and wnica is aere o accsirefi to ve in bite, parts nf lots snd parcels of. land tylna between a tin 108 fret west of and parallel with ths west Une of Best Twenty -ninth street snd a line 100 tret seat of snd parallel with the east Una sf Bast Twsntr-ainth street snd between the north Una of Hswthorn arenae snd a Une 100 feet north of and parallel with the aorth line ef Beet Msla street. ..." . rha Gnstsaffi estimate of tb probabl total en t for tbs Improvement of ssld East Twenty- ninth street m noa.taj. , , Tbs plsns. spedflcatloas and estimates of the City Kntrlneer for the ImiB-oremest of (aid East Twenty-ninta sireer are smmr siovaa. Resolved., That- the .Asdltor of ths City of twtiaad he ssd he Is hereby directed to aire aotlee of the proposed Improvement af said Street, ss prorlded by th city charter. Remonstrsnce acsinsx in soots improve. snent msy he filed In writing with tbs ander signed within 30 -dsrs from tb date ef th first pnWIcstloa of tMa notie. ,r v . uy oracr ox tee iikikh. " " i . Andltnr nf th Cits of Partlend. Portland,-. Orrcoa. October S3. 1804. , . , v ' PB0POS1D XMPKOTEVKirT OP CAST BHTTH stntles Is bereb siren that at the awetlns ef tbs ConneU nf tb City of Portlaad. rson, held on th 18th . day ef October, 1804. . tb following reanratka wss adopted: HewHvca, l net ins uooncii oi xso i.ii or Pta-t land. Orexon. deems It expedient aad pro poses to Improve Rest Blnth street from th aoath Una of W'ygaot atreet to tbe mirth Un f Uetsg street la tb following aunoer. to. ""iret: By -radlRg tbs street fvU Width with fall later eetloo. Heermd: Br brliirinr tb snrfscs of the street fnll width with full Intersect loss to the Brooar grade with aplandbenk gravel. inirs; ar "e-v., . Sh11 1 as nrove stent to be msde Is scenrdan aiih Ha ehartae end ordlnsnces of tbs Cltv of Portland snd th plsns. sprctricstlons snd rati ma tea nf the City Enrlneer, filed la the office ef the Aadltor ef the tilty of Portland a the Una esy oi asvuet, imx, inonraeo: ntr Enslneer 's blsos snd specltlcatlous for the Improvement of East Ninth street from tbs sooth line or wyyenc street to tne aorta o of Uoisg sirs son use estimates ot the work to be floaa aad tba probable total seal tberenf'' ..... ... The cos r of ssia impmecuiciit to se aani s i provided.. be-. the city rbsrter apoa ths propertr suedaiiy ben n tee increny sna wnira Is bereb dertared te be sll the kits, parts of lets snd parcels, of bind lying between line 1O0 feet esat nf and parallel, wltk tha east Un of East rttntk street and a lln 100 test wast ec aad psraiiet-si yta us wsst .na CITT IIC nf Eaat Nlntk street sad r ' wees tke s line of Wy(ast atraat ssd I -e aerU lias ef Th. iiL.-i sMimate efth. arcnta total eoat for lb Inproroamnt ef asid h w Mma Street l H. ISO. 00. . V. ,ua .. Tb kbnv improreamnt Is to b enmseo ss grswl liorm-t end shsU be mslntaln-d by th ctty for a period ef four ysre, p-riaed thst ths swacr or a essjorii o beJmflte. by told lmprnfeat er a.y p.;r t . thereof shall aot petition Tur .'""''j.": ot Improvement befvee xplrattau al sack ;o7'ipU'. ipedfl-Hcais aad estlmstes of , Knalna for the lmprovmnt ef aald Esat Ktath street xrr renreby sledV--- . . Resolved. That tbs Audl,to oftbo t f Portlaad, be aad as sere nrsi". -antics sf tbs proposed lmproremsst at MM . - Ka tha elts ChSfteT. --' - Bemonstrancr sfslnet the se Impre - ment amy ee riled in wrttiiig e. alsaed wlthhi SO dars from tba data si tb flret pahlleatloa ef tble sotics. ; , . v By srdct of the Conncll. . . . i rf. . , . THOU. C, BBTLl!, ; . ' Asdltor of tbs City of Portkjd. Portland, Oragoa. October S3. 1804i -. J. TBOP08Z9 OIPBOTE-fWrt Or . aUTim . ITBIXT. '. ' ' ' ua l. BM atan that St tbs saeetlng of th CooncU of the Cttyrrf rVrDOrgM. held oa tb lnta oay ox leriooar, i following reeolottoa wss sdnptsd: - Resolved. Thst tk Conncll of tba City ef Portland. lAreeoa. deem It expedient and pro. tjoses to Improvs River street from tbs manner, to-wlt: ' -'. .. .. . . First B bringing ths surfs of tns atreet a.., i .,.w . iK II Intars aetiona to the arads as aires by ths City ICnyloaer with good, clees earth. Clay, graret rock 0 other , sslUble "fload-By eorartrocdng aaa-baU plink read way with full latersectloDS. - "i . Third By cnnatractlnr woodea aldewalka la accornan wits ins t-ir aa - s uiImiIm aaJI estimates. ' BMd Improvement to be made la aec dsace with th cbsrtnr and ordinance a of the City of Porttand; snd th plans, specif! cations and rstl- ...... .ka Clt a Bnetneer . tiled In the office of th Aadltor of th Qtr sf Porttand on the sink day. ec nepienioer. jt-, imaar. r k.Imm, 'a nlane and anedflea tlona for the 1m- pmrameat ef Rlrer atreet from th sort h west er lr Un of Randolph street to a line 100 feet southeasterly therefrom, ssd the est'' mate sf ths work to.b dps sad tb probable total coat toe oi. - ... . Tke cost of ssld Improvement te be saaiesad aa ueriaMl tiv -tha eltv ebarter anoa ths pmp- J . aa naenflarte benefited therebr. sad which la hereby declared to be sH the lots, -' . ita iul ear la nf land lrlns between a (In 100 feet northeasterly from ssd psrslM .1.1. ,w-, line ef River str eet snd 'a Une 100 feet enathweatarly f sndt psrsllsl with tns sowinw lorij r- sir t and betrreea a Iin, ino xeet swun westerly from and parallel witn in smo westerly Una of Randolph street and all oe m) feet sonthesst ly from aad parallel with th annthasster ly Une of Bsndfilph street. . Ths Enirlnaei's estlmst. of tlw probshlt total cost for the Isipreranxnt of aald Rlrer atreet Th shove Imp ent t$ t be ' aa a plank roadway Improveoient and hallke i. ..i-a kv -tha ette fne a netiod of fear Lrr. provided thst the. e aers of a majority l . . e Ma1 It, aalel lam dm aklsMlf or say portion thereof shall not petition for a neW or different Imnrovemexit before th x plrarloa nf each peHod. 'ji - The plans, spec! flea floss aad eetloxatea OT the City RnKlaeer for th lmnrovmnl t sajs Hirer street are hereby sdopted. ' . . Resolved. That ths Aadltor of' y Port lead be and k ts ,briete4 to H r the nronnaed Improvement of ssld street. .. Jiroylad by th clt Hemonstrsnre a aie, - '-- - - . k - 11.4 u areiHne with the ander alciwd srltbra SO dsrs from tb data af the flrat pnlillcatioa or mm notice. ;A ... V.T::,;. '; iiy erorr ox tse immtu. . .,-----v v . THOS. C. MTUJ. " " Aitoitor of the City of Portlaad. Portlanit Orecon. October S3. 1804. - PROPOSALS rOB IM-pB0TBtfT BOMDd, rcrrr or fobxiabd, m. ; , , - Be led will received Try-lbs, ae .lanaJ it tbS f 8 . of tb Aadltof tha ntr- of Porttand. Or.,- astll Tnesdayt No vember I. 1804. at 3 o'clock p. m-for the as is. st not bs thsa per rah and a r aea isterssi. wf bonds of. the J ; OT., -SS ins same aau -a . . , ... o Issued for tbs whole er any psrtef ,"", a.ia . Am in ka leaned In denominations of f.vw.OO easb. to be dated November 1. Ie04.-pay- . . ... . - J . Bmu ntafMt ax tne SOW lO yesrs BTwaa aaw, - y .- rsts of per or nt per -aanors, .yable aeml annually, Interest aad principal ayabl la nlted States sola coib, st. iue "T . City Tree surer. Portlandur. rroTuiru, tost tne lit ot roneaa i,"" ap and cancel such bonds, anoa the Payment I 1-!T i... h with aeemrd later. sasr vns asfj ' v mxssvx uim "-"t, - - . . sst to the date ef payment, at aay asmt-san 1 eon dos period st er af too. aa year, from the "1!."?. bh.Ma' "--da aathorltv of a act of the Ledslstnrs i of the Bsto ef Oresoo, passed- Prbrnsry 18, 1 soil t led! " A s act 1 l- Otkaa flaMhBMtMba. Aff I Ml 1ml TOt UM of atreeta and the laying of eews la Incorporated cities, snd for the Psymoat sf roe ts or snca imrwoveineiMa -y "a -. - hyr Matallmenu," aa amended ny asci x the legislator nf the-Btxte of OregoB.sB itl , -., oa luni entitled: "Aa act te ImeS W loas iTlT S. -, .- ed-t.aa act entitled: 'An set to nrorlde tor ths ls sosb ef boBde for th improvement of atreete and uylng of sewera in laammirmy IrH for tha narmen t ef the cost of ssch Im. prorem ts and laying ef sewera M tastall; merits.' died la ths office ef the la rotary af state rbrnry S3. 1M. aad to procse thereof srs o seen war toe -rer. i. . for ths latproreasent of afreets or construction of eewera as the aald lmprovemests shall be completed.. ... - - - - - ,..,.- .riSI.M h.a been affirmed by tb Basrsma Conrt of the gtste nf fnjgoa. , --- . . . Blddsra will as reqiiirea id aooio.. - . .wi nim as st aa to tb resnlsrlty ef the- Issue of bonds, and to anbmlt with their bids a rttfted eck eiU benk la the City of Horrlarid. or..- eqnsi to y ex wn -fVcVvn. of tbiTVoada for. aayablo to the Mayor, of the- City of Portland, as llijnldated ds mages la case sack bidder wlibdrsws bis bid sr falls or neglects to enter Into contract to take aad pay for ssld bonds according to the terms of lis bid sndVthta notice. The right to reject any and all bias Is hereby reserved t BldTshoald be sddrwmed to Tbomss 0. rtee Ha. Aadltor. Porttand. Or., and marked "Bid for Improvement bobos.-- . , .t. . v ,' H, Tn. AUtEB. - i ' ' D. T. BHERRWTT. ' ' Committee on Way and Massa Portland. Oregon. October St. 1804. . , E0T1CB 6r rXLIBO BXPOET OT Tlxwlll Or TstE PB0P08TD OPIBTBO, WUJI- nra. - lattbo) ovt abd ebtabushdio Or EAST TWUT1ATH STBXET, wle- la harenv sires tbst the renort Of tbe rlewers keretofore appointed to assess the benefits and damages In the; matter of the , ,s -naalne. wldeolns. taring eat and eatalilaiklng of Ksst Twentieth street, from tbe south Uns of IMrlsloo street to the aorth line ot Clinton atreet. la tb City of Porttaad. bar filed wltk th anderslgtied their renort of as sessments for benefits thst will bs derived and da sis res thst will bs eostslned b reason of the opening, widening, laying oat aad establishing of Rest Twentieth street ss shoes described. - The Coandl ef ssld City ef Portland will consider ssld report st the next rcgnlsr meet ing, Wednesday. November S. 1804, st S o'clock p. m. . All per eons Interested ess kereb noti fied te preenot their oblec tloa to ssld report In writing. If sny they- bar-, at ssld time snd place, thst th as me msy bs beard aad deter miaca py xoe vesseii, - - , . - ..... . i nun. v, iiBTuid, ' ' " A edit ef the City ef Partis ad. ' Portland, tregoa. October ST. 1804. - , sroTiox or ranc or bxpobt or tixwebb 0V THE rBOFOSKi oriauv, i-xiixu OUT ABB EStABUSatn OP DEXOTI ATEVTfE. ' " i Kotlee Is kereb V slrea tbst th report f ths viewers heretofore sppolsted ts .assess th benefits snd da ma fee la ths matter af tke pro nosed opening, laying eat snd establishing of leknm arcane, from tns west iioe oi urn atae-e as the east line of Vancouver eeanty read. In ths City ef Porttand. hsv filed with ths anderslgaed their report sf sssesameet df benefits that will be derived and damages that will be eostslned ny ressoa or rss opening. Uylng eat end establishing sf Dskam arsaas ss above described. The ransrlt of ssld Clt ef Porttsnd will consider said report st the set regular meet ing, Wednesday, noremoer s. is", at s e ciocs p. ax. . All per eons Interested are hereby aotl fled to present their object loss te asid report In writing. If any they hare', st said tlms snd place, that ths same may bs beard and deter- py .a. cocix.- ft ; . Aadltor ef tbe City ef Portlaad, Portland Oreson. October if. 1804. ' 00lfPI.rnOB ABD A0CEPTAW0B OP IM- PB0TXMXBT OP WHITAXiB STREET. Korlc la hereby glrea ' thst WHIUm C. Blllott. fits Knrlneer. bss Sled la tbs of of the snd era Ig tied notice thst Bmrtb A Hon. ara company, contractor tor ins xmnrovemvnt of Whltaker street, ander the provisions st ordinance No, 13,77. has eosnpleted ssld street from the east Hns of rirat atreet t th renter Une ef Corhett streets held a ore ounce will be eoeejdered by th Kiecutlvs Bosrd st 4 o'clock oa the 4th day sf Movrmber. 1804. and ebtac tmaa to tbe accept ance oi ss la e tree t, er sny pen tnereor, Biar bs filed In tbs ffto of tb aaderslgned st sny time prior thereto. , ' .... .. TUX EXsV ITIVl prtABn. ' By THOU O. UKVI.I1S. '.',-. Audit nf th City nf Purllsad.: Portlxsd, Oiegou, October 38, 1804. cm ire tic; nofBOtrEux: - TBXST. V I here by given that i of X. a f b.U ? fhs Clyf I T . i so 1 ths l'k day f I i f . ag reeolnlWa was SO ed. That the Cosacll vt i a f f . (, Oreaoa. derma It ss" " p- to Improvs Alberta sjreet f a.t P- of Uswa areaue to to a-. ' of Co .nsrclal atreet by ga. g I t tuB w.ih wltk full tatsrssctioBO te i s i ss snows by tb sukss est by the C.j . bald Improrement to be Blade la a- 4 a win ths ebsrter SSO "mum or . sf Portland and ths plsns, soect t aatl-ut-a ef the Clt Enslneer x J a I office of the Auditor of the City sf I J on tbe loth day st uctoeer, iie. "City Enslneer s plsns snd spaci-es) ,-ns t e tb lmnrormsst of Alberta street t,-e t a wsst Hue of t'nloa avenne to. tbe east 1 f Commercial atreet ana un estimates of t a work to be done sod taa . praoabw total euet thereof." Tb cost of said Improvement t b aassesed aa prorlded i by tbe dty charter apoa tea property specie irr sa rerniwir oeoeate therrby sad which la hereby declared to be aU tbe arte, parts thereof sad paresis sf lead, lying between a Une 100 fset north of snd Bsrauel with tha north Une of Alberta atreet and llae lOOo feet Bonis of wed parallel with tha south llae of Alberta atraat and betwaea tbe west Un ef Cnlos areas aad tba eaat Use of Commerdal street. , . , Tb Engineer's, eat (mate ef tb prnbahla total cost tor ths IsipreTsment af said Alberta street la St 181.00. ' T-' -la an-dfleatlons ssd estimates ef ths City Engineer for tb lmnrormeat t asxoV ATherta street are asrso aoopies. , Reeolrsd. , That the auoiio at tae vsty ox For tlaad he aad be at bexeb directed to give notice of the proposed lmtwovement af aald Street as pVvlded b ths clt charter. L . KsasoostrsB a axsinsi me soove nuie.u,.iueui ms be Sled In writing with ths aBderslgned fcithls SO dsys from the date of the fust puh Ucntloa of thla notice. " , j.- . - By order ef tb Cossrll. , : , r - - THOS. C, DKvTI!,. Asdltor ef ths CVky of Portia sd. Portlaad. Orcgoa. October SS. 1804. PEOPOSED IMTBOVEMIBI OP BABDOLPBrl .l TBXXX. -.:-.T NeHce at hereby glrra tbst s4he nxseting at ths Council of the Clt ef .Portlaad. tirsgpa, held on the 19th da of October. UU4, the fol- towing resolutloa wss sdopted: . . l(,f SUITCa xnat ins lauactl or aa Portlaul (5r.ioo, deems It expedient snd pre poses to Improve Randolph street fres the Borthetsrl Un of Rlrer a tree u tbs aoathj. westerly Uns of Uoldaatlth atreet ta the fob lowing manser. to-wlt: ', First B rradlng the atreet fan width wltk foil Intersections Tjo ths prop sub-grsd ss elvan hv tha I 'II Kna-lnaer. - Becsaa by bringing tbs street run wxuis, wbs full Intersect loos to grade wttb graveL . miro By conatrscting wooden, araewmias. .. , Fmirtb By constrnrtlng woodsn erosawsUU. ' Fifth By constructing atone gnttsrs. Bald Isaora vement to be msds la accordance with tbs charter snd ordluancea of the City ef Pertlsad and tbe plsns, apedflcaUon and estimates f tb City Englaeer Sled la th of flee of th Asdltor of to City of Porttand a th 80th day of September, 1804, Indorwd: "City Engineer plana and apeclflcstlone. for the Improvement ef Randolph street from th northeasterly Uns of River street to tbe south westerly Une of Goldsmith street and the estl mstes st tbs work to be does aad the Brobahl total cost thereof." . . , . .' Ths cost f ssld Imnrorement to b asanas' ss provided by th city charter apoa tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby and , which la hereby declared to b all th Iota, parte ef tots, snd par la of Isnd tying between a Un 100 fret northwesterly from snd psrsllsl with tbe northwesterly Uns ef Randolph street and a Hns 100 feet oothsesterl from ssd psrsllsl with tbe oatheaeterly Une of Randolph street, and between the sortbea sterlr Une of Riser street ad tba south westerly Has of Ooldsmlth street, - ' - Ths rndneeP-a asrlnuta of ths arobabla total met for the Improvsmsot of said RaaOulph treetJs 13,388.00!- . . Th shoes Improve ment b to bs classed so k gravel . Improve ment snd shsll be maintained by ths clt tor a period ef Sv years, provided that tha owners or a majority of the property benefited by aald Imprevsmeiit op oay, portloa thereof shall aot petition for a aew or dif ferent Imnroeaaient before the exutratkat ef such pstiod. xne puns, specinesnoos ana estimates or the City Enslaear for tbe tmnro vement ef said -Bsnostph -atreet. ars adopt.. . i - steeoivea. xnat iae Auaitor ox tne fjiry ox Porttaad be aad be la hereby directed to give re lice of the proposed Improrement of ssid street aa provided by the city ebarter. ' - Resaoaatrancee against the above Improve ment may bs filed la writing with ths ander. signed wlthla SO days from taa date ot tba Brst pablleatloa of thla aotlee. . . xy sroer ox toe council. THOS. CDBTtlrJ. J v Aadltor of tbe Clly ef Portland. . s-srtMna. inssrsa, uetobsr SIX. lBOs. MtOPOgyp- ntTBOf EMEBT 0T MWIRTIL ATEBUE. : ;'' ' rtotlc ds hereby given .tbst at tb meeting ox xae xjoaneii ox ue uty er roruaaa, trrego, held ea th 18th day of October, 1004, th follesrlog resolution was sdopted: ReeolTed, Thst tbs Council sit the Clly of Portlaad, Oregoa, deems It expedient and pro poses to improve eiecotsi svsnoe irom toe north Un e East Btark atreet to the Berth lln of Mayor Gassa addltieai la the fellowlsg Banner, to-witf- , Klrst By grading th street fan width with fall Intersections to the proper, ssb-grads as gives br -tbs City Engineer. Hecosd By bringing ths sarfacs ef the atreet full width with , full UtersocUons te grade witn gravel. - . . . v . Third By coostrsctlng woodea stdewalks. - Foorta By - eotsxtroctlng crosewalka. Fifth By soMtruetlag atone gattsrs. - Bsid rmorovsmcBt to be msde la aeoordaace wltk tbe charter and ordinances of tbe City of Porttaad and tb plans, aped flea tlona gad estl mstes of tbs Clt Engineer, Bled la tb office of tb Aadltor nf tho City of Portland ea tha 17th day of October, 1804, Intoned - "City Esgtaeor's plana and sped flea tines tor the im provement of Hocbtei avenue rrom the aorta line of Best Btark attest to ths aorth llae of Mayor Oatea additloa, and th earJmatee or ths work to be dona aad tae arwnaOM souu cost thereof." Ths cost of ssld Imnr or ment to be aaacesed provided by the dty char tee anoa tbs prop erty specially and peculiarly oenenteo tnersoy, snd which to hereby declared to be all tb kite, parts of lota aad parcels of land lying hetwees s lias 108 fset west ef sad parallel with ths weet Has ef Bacbtel a venae and a Una eejnl distent from th raet Un nf Bochtal sveone and the sreet line of Baat Thirty a. rone street. snd Its extension aortherl la Its present course. sad between tb aorth Una of Esst Btark street snd tbe aortk Ha of Mayor Gates sddltloa. aVn Hnelneer a estlmst ot in pronsuis torsi Cost - for tb improvement of asid Beebtal nan SB Ae.M1.ori. , Ths shoe Improvement la te be elseeed aa gravel Imprere ment and sn.'l se amiaisioea or the ctty for a period of fire years, provided thst tbs owners of a majority af tbs property kM-niat', hv said imnrorement a aa portloa .haa r aha II no netltioB for s new ar differ ent -tmprovsmeot be lor IBS sxpu-auoa ox saca serioa. Ths plsns. sped 80s ri one and estlmstss of th Clt Engineer for the Improvement ef aald awan aea tkaa be adonted. - , ... . Keaolven. last us saimr et xne vn Pertlsad be sad be 1 serep sirecra to biv antic ef tbe priiposed Imprnveassnt of ssia arena.- aa prerlded by the city ensrter. Re svme trances aralnat the a Dove improve men 1 eaae he filed In writlns with the Bhdersigned within SO day frnrn tbe date of tba tint pub lics tloa or tnis notice. ; . By aroor of the cmtncii ., -'?''' THOB. Y TJXVTJW, . ' I.SIM aS aha fl. nf SWtlSSd. Pertlsad, Oregoa. October H 1804. BOTicx orTLnrv xipob r ttewxbj -.Or THE nOPOSES OPEBIBO. widesi, LATIBw OUT ABD I8TABUSHXBO 0T XAST SALM0B STEEXT. Mnelee ta herebr eiren that tbe report of the view ere hereto fore appelated to assess ths benefits aad damsges la tad matter of the proposed opening, widening, laying out and eatsbllahtng ef East Hal mo a street, from the west line et Ksst Thirty-eighth street to ths weet 'line of bucko 11 and 13, Sunnvslde ad ditloa. la 4k Clt ef Porttaad. hare filed with the undersigned their report of assessments for benefit that will be derived and damsges thst will bs sustained by ressoa ot the opening, widening, taring eat sad serabliehing of Esst ilmoa atreet aa above eeecrineej. - The Cenndl of said City of Portland Will consider ssld report St tbs sett regular meet ing, Wrdrtsedsy. November 2. 1804, st S o'clock Ras. AU persons Interested srs hereby aotl cd to present their oblectioos to said report In writing. If ssy they have, st ssld time ssd place, thst ths same may bs heard ssd dstsr. mlsed by tbs CossdL, , THUS. U, IIS V 1.1 n. - ' Aadltor ef the Clt of Porttaad. Portland. Oregon, .October ET, 1804, PROPOSED IMPB0TPMEBT 01 XAST ALDEX ST EX XT. (,.-.-,. Boric to hereby given that at th as ting er tb council x in vity 01 i-omaso iire- eeax held sa the lwtb day ef Octol it.' following reaohi tloa' wee adopted:. Reeolved. Thst the Coandl ef the City ef pnrttand. Oregoa, deems It sxpedlent snd pro poses to improve Best Alder street from the esst Has sf Esat Thlrty-fnurth street ta tb weet line ef Bnnnyeide Third addltlea, la tb following manser, to-wtt 1 First By grading ths street full width wllk fnll Intersections to the grade a flrea bp ths CHy Engineer. peeood rty eineill witng eiaiuew noreiiis, "j bird By ennatrnctlsg woodea crosswalks la coords sea with tb City Engineer a Blase snd erteclflcetlons. ' - . - Fourth Hy eonstractlag wis ids a esrb ir se ecrdases with th tltr Engl seer's ptaaa gad sptddestlnns. . .... . ' . Bald Improvement to bs amde Is secorrlaace r-lih the charter aad ardlaaaces of, tb city f 4 t'e p's, s-ee' --'--, r 1 e t t., y. auginear i tuts e of ths Ci of "-" . K.,.e 1 1. iiL C x e sad anscua-stloi.s t f I - -et Alaer stre-t tro,a ttm t , .irtr-fourth atrt to the ! , 4 third additloa, and tae !- e-k to be done aad tba a i s .t t -rof." Ae a-., a Imoenve meet t be Si ' ly ts ci.y charter apoa the prop- benefited thereby sad white ta ' -d to be sll ths lots and parts i i ees sf tend lying letweeo a line a of and parallel witn tne nor. a i A--- at at and 8 Una 100 test sot -irallel with ths south lino of I r s -t, sod between tha east Une of ' ' ' ty-. - di atreet aad tba weet Una of A. "I axt.Xlslavan v -a a -.a:, estimate ef tbe probeble total e t el t i -luro vement ef the ssid Esst Aluar . 4 estimate f th P Hnnt of told I t H s. . . 1 m ' e. sneclflcstloBS snd I ,r i - - - a tk I I , . .. . . . . 1 mA,.t.tmA -rd. "lost the Auditor of the City ef P" -od bs and bs la hsreby directed to rire e- ics ef the proposed lnipsosement pt -aald vre-t as provided by th city, ebsrtsr. , e -mo ue trances against tbs above Imseoew Bient may be ad la writing with th sndec a ed wlthis 3d days from tbe date of tb Bret pahllrtikm of tbls notica. . . By order of tbe Council. - " - . ; thor. o. nrvxnf. . ' ' Aadltor of ths City of Porttand. PnrHsnd, Oregoa. October 33. 1804. rxoroszs utpovrmiT or.iwwrxT. ' " rieAT KXXET, -Kntlcc s hereby given thst at ths SMSting ef tb Council of th City of Portland, Ore goa, held oa tbe loth dar of October. WO, the following resolutloa ws adoptrd:, . Beaolred, Thst the Council of ths City el fVrtlsad. Oregoa; deeaae It expedient and pro pases to Imprere Twenty -ftrst street from the south tin of Jsckssa atreet to tbe aortk line wf Cllrtoa Street la-the folkiwlug mat aer. to-wlt: .. First By gtsdlag tb atreet fan width wllk fnll Intersections to ths proper sub-graos aa glvea br th City Engineer. ' Beoond By bringing th sarfacs of the street Ml width with full lstersectloos - to- grade with macadam. - Third By eonatrsdlmr artlflclal atnas side walk a la accordance with ths Clt Knart Beer's plans, sped flee tlona and stlmatss. - Bald Improve meet to be made Is records nee With ths charter snd ordinances of ths City sf Porttaad snd tbs plans, speelfloatlone and cellmate sf the City Engineer died la ths of nca sf tbs Aadltor of ths City ot Porttaad ea ins zan as ot nepTemrjer, usee, inoorwrni "Cite Haal-aee-a -lana and en-dScattnnS fil th Imnroveowat ef Twot-8rst street from tb smith lino- of Jackson street to ths aorta line f Cllftoa- street snd th eetrroetea of the. work to bs dose aad tb probable total can xbsreof." . : .. ., . ... . The rest or said Improvement to as sssessea ss iwwsided be Its eltv eksrtsr anoa tbs Dron. erty specially , ssd peculiarly benefited .thereby snd vxhlch it hereby declared to bs all tbs lots, parte or .lots sna parcels ox is so tyins between a llrS too feet west of Snd narsllel with ths weet Un of Twenty-Brat street sad a lln oo reet esst or ana parallel witn rss ssst line of Twenty first street snd hetwees ths aoath Ua of Jsckssa street ssd tba aortb Une of-Cllftoa street. , ' The KertneeeV , eatlmat a of tb Pfobsbls total cost for tbe Improve meat ef aald twenty- Brat , atreet IS fsoo.oo. ' The above Improvement la to ba rrxsaed as a macadam Improve merrt aad shsU be mslntalned by ths city tor a period of 8ve years, prortdtd th owners of a msJertt ef th property beaelted by asid Improvement or any portloa thereof a sail ant petition ror a new or oiiirreni In iirovemast before tag sxplraUos ef such psrtod. ..- . ... ' . Tke pleas. spedAcxtlomi aad estimate of th City Englnr foe tb Improrement of Said Tweaty-Srat street srs hereby adopted.- , Resolved. That tb Asdltor of th City of Portland be" and bs fs hereby directed to give nadirs of the proposed improvement of ssid street s- previoea. uy in J-iiy manar. Henieemtrances sssinst too snovs l! ment msy bs Sled la writing wltk tb aoder slgued with la SO dsys from tbe date ef taa Brat pnblleetlon of , this aotlcs. , . . Aadltor ef ths City of PortSa! Portland. Oregoa. October 33. 1804. , . : PBOPOoXD araorarxir , or oxutkaji TXIXT. ". - '- , Notice ta bereb alren tbst at tb Sleeting of- the- Ceencri ( the -dtp af PertUaeV Or. gos, beld-ea- the luth day of October, 1804, tbe following resoniiioo wss soopieai - . BesolveV That, tbs Coandl f the city f Porttand, - Oregoa, deems It expedient snd pro. poses to Improve Chepmaa street from ths north Uns of Elisabeth street to ths aoath Uns of BprlBg sxreev is tba following maaas. to- FtratBy graoing the street to tba proper eab-grd aa glrea by tbe City Engineer, eecena ny anBgina- toe awrisce ox tam street to tbs proper grade with macadaaa. Bald Improvident to be msde la seeordsar xne ensrrer ana orsinsneee s tsar Mir er Porttaad and ths pUms speciorettona and eetl ma taa of tba Cits iBnaineer died In the of flee ef the Auditor df the City of Pertlsad oa tb Sd day f October, 1804, Indorsed: "City Kngtaesr'e plsns and spedflcatloas fog ths Improvement of Chapman .street .from the aorth line of Elisabeth street to tbe south Uo of Spring strset and th eetlmstes of the work to be done aad tbe probable total ant thereof. The coat ef said Improvesaetit to bs aa aa prorlded, by tho city charter spo ths uruuettr aaedaltr -aeneflted therebr snd which la hereby declared to be sll ths lots,, psrte ef late ssd parcels ef lead lying between a line 100 feet westerly from and parallel with ths westerly Uns ef Chepmaa atreet aad a Uae 100 feet- easterly from and parallel with tbs eest eriy Une of Chapman street, aad betwsea th aorta une et suae nets atreet . aaa xae Boats line af Spring street. . The Ensineer'e estimate ef - tb - probe b la total coat for ths improve meat of said Chap- bus s street la 8WU.0Q. The above improve meet IS to be classed aa a mace dam Improvement and shall be main tained br the ett for a usriod ef Sve rsars. prorlded thst ths owners of a uaorlty ef the propert benefited by aald tanprovrmeat ar any poruoa thereof shall aot peiltloa fur a aw ar different improvement before tbe ex piration of ach period. Tb plsns. epecl Acs tloos knd eetlmstes of th City Engineer tor the Improvemest of asid thenmas axrert are bereb adonted. Resolved. Thst tbs Aadltor of th City of Portland be and be la bereb directed te give net tee 01 tne propoeea xmpiwrsmeni ex ssm street ss provided by ths clt ebsrtsr. itemooa trances against the above Improrems it bs Sled la writing with the undersigned witMn SO days from the date of tbo Srat pab Ucsttea of this Botlca. By order ef tbo Council. . THOB. C. EvTIW, --- ' Auditor of the City of PertlaaeV ' Portlaad. Oregon, October 22. 1804, nOPOSID BXWXB M XODBXT ATIBTTX. Notice 1 hereby glrea thst at the meeting nf tbe Council of the City ef Porttaad. Oregoa, held ee tbe 10th day ef October, 18U4, the followlnc resolutloa wss sdoDted. . Resolved, That the Council of tb Ctty ef Portland, Oregoa, d.asas It expedient and pro poses so enastrocx a newer in swaney a venae froes 100 fset aortb of tb north lln of Fre mont Strset to tb sewer is Beech street. Bsid sewar to be ef vitrified sewer pips of eight Inches clear taslde diameter trlth sll s.cisa.ry ratrh-bastna, mss-botos, . ; Ump-koass aad branches. ., x - Bald eewer f s ko exmstrncted Is scrorda no with th rbsrter ead ordlnsnces of the City ef Portlaad and the plane, specification and estlmstes of -the City Kngtacer. filed la ths of fir at the Auditor ef the City of Portland op tbe 17th day of October. 1004. Indorsed: Tlty Engineer's plan and sraarlftcgtlons for a sewer la Rodney .arenas from 100 fset aortb rf the aorth' line of Fremont atreet to the sewer In Heech street, and the estlmstes ef the work to be done aad tbe probable total Boat Tbe cost of ssld sewer te b sea cased ss pre. tided li tb dty ebsrtsr apoa tb property specially and pecallarly benefited thereby, and which Is hereby declared to ba ss follows: tots 8, i, 4. 8. to block SO; lots U, 12. la, 14, ta nines JO, aioxaa j-ioaaeaieaa. TBS Englnssr'a sstlmsts of the probable total cost for urn . constraciioB ex ssw , sswsr ax 1100.00. " '1 oe pwne, nenimivai i . a iinsnoea VI tbe eltv Enainerr fnr ths fimsliaetloa af ssld sewer srs hereby adopted. Resoireo. Thst ta Asoirnr or tns ctty er Porttaad be end be la hereby directed to give notice of tns sropnsed 'eonetrsdioa -ef -aald aawar, es prorlded by the city ebsrtsr. Remonetrsscea sgslnst th shave eewer mar be filed In writing with th undersigned wlthla I SO days from tbe data of the first puhlicstioaJ sf ibis notice. By seder af tns rnnnciL. f. j v ' TUOS. a I)XTtIJf, - - - Aadltor of ths City of Portlaad. Porttand. Oceania. October Si- 1804. BOTICX or PTLIH8 REPORT OP TIXWrXRS OP TO PROPOSED OPEBTBw, ' LATINO OUT ABB XSTABtlSHlBO Or - EAST D ATIS 8TBXXT. - . Notice Is bereb given thst ths resort ef the viewers heretofore appointed te esses the benefits ssd same yea In ths matter of tb pre poed opening, laying ant and establishing sf Xeet Paris street, from ths esst line ef Key atone additloa to tbe west lias ef Best Tweaty etrhtb street.' In tbe C'ltr et Porttand, burs fllrd With tbs uadersltned their, renort sf ss- sees men tl far brneflts thst will bs derived ssd dsmsges thst will bs sastslned by reoeo of ths opening, isylng oaf aad sstsbHsblng of Bail Davis street ss above described. . The Coandl of ssld City of Portland will en Bolder ssld report at ths aext rsgnisr meet ing. Wednesday. November X 1004, st S o'clock 1. m. Ail pevenn- inrereoiea are aere oil led to present tbelr ohieetloontto ssld reanrt In writing. If say they have, st said tlms snd piece, thst tbs as we may sa heard aaa ester, mlsed by th oaactL ' . thou, c uaviiir., ' Asdltor of the Clt of Porttaad, -Portlaad,! Oregon, October tl, . 1004. , .. T V'. t ,e..- i -1 r. 1 1 ''1 3TX- 1 .-ti .. . rr-ti nt-iixT. ' c I 1 er ytvea thst ' tns CoubcII ot I 1 f f pf t -e-t ..u4 prtHea to SSSin -' te 1 f Cea.uad proiiariy ssd owner or ea t-.. eoecieuy sod peculiarly be-, In 1 a g-'-ouo s set oiioiiiis tu saute o A 1a ,,a strset. from ths sou Ik . ' I s it ' -t aeel to he north llu of i I aw 1 s.aiMet, ss prvvluad by oruiuancs bo. lw, . , Any i, e. te tbe apportionment of cost for said 1 - .ment most be mads la writing ' T to t-.-. .1 s"d filed wits tbs Aiwllu within 16 o ei.vm th dale -et tb first " pn .uostf of t, Botlv. and said "bwjeettuus r4 nl fas beard aud determined by th Council betur th poeaag of too ordinance sea easing th cost of s-' l l"inrovsaMat. N'8 . ...-t. to Essb Poftlasd-- lot T, Mrs. (. n. il.tA; ssst M M Jt P. V,or .. k'l-eO; ssst H lot . i- -a88: west HhtK VVilmsg pial s, s t a, ra. M. Anaerstsia. seu.iei U Page. t.ii: weet M k Wllmer la, Page, el'i- BLOCK ll kit a, laHiia C. liaurya, a.dS; lot 7, Louis 0. Henrys. 5o; lot i, Mary Couguiu, tt-Uj )ut ft. Mary Coughlla. "2.6s. -v MIRK At RUJ, IDniTION to Eaet Portlend , iiMCK s, kit a. Bar ah H. leaaca, fjo.Jo; kit 7, Bsxsk H. Isascs, -.lo; lot , hi. M. Bar gent, ,T li lot o, Juseph C. Uibsoa, 837.17,. v: BLOCK tt, kit 8, T. U. BrowBsoa, i Oii ..lot T, T. 0. Browasoa, 830,18; lot t, . U. I brownsoa. 818.87. , OOlJlK'li ADIHIION to tbe City' of Eaat Port ' . laud BlaJCki 8. kit 8, Ida Hay bra odes, .; wsst H lot 8, Ida Kay Brsndes, ' ssst .Mi! Annie M. Pearre, fiT.OO. BLOCK 0. lot 8, Eluporah White, gdi.oni lot : 7, Zlpporak Whits, 8-v.00; lot 8, Elpporak ., 1. White. 840.88: lot S, mipporah White, t2 DO. BLOCK I L, lot 8, Louisa M. (itiarender, -W.6ft V , let 1. W. L. Goruiui, 8UI.I0; tut a, Colllus ' C. Frsxlsr, lT.71ilut . tlUaa B. rrsslet. ' HANoON S 8RC0ND AIDITI0!f tb Ksst Port's land BLOCK 21. kit 1, Ida E. Mobsrts, ' 88.87; kit 8. Ida EXrtetierts, 81.87: west H ,Lt 9. iBtaaaor Palmer. 818.88; west Vt ki, -, 4. Etaasor Paiawr, 87.80; esat x- lot 4. - Ida JC Roberta, 8.T4: ess! H lot it Ida K. Roberts, 88 78. BLOCK 34. lot 1, s. C. ' . ltobsrtst .68; lot S. j. C. Bobsrts, 1 7. In; Kit 8. d. c.; mix a, i. v. Uoberts, 81 78. BLOCK . as Jot 1, x,- i. K. Scott. 8o,i: lot 2. 1. h. Bcott. sea.87: lot 8, Joba t. Doyle, 100.83; lot 4, Pred W. lianson. 80.88. BLOCK SH. Vt 1, Aaa Col. . II ua, 80.80; hit S, Ann Collins, 41.88; lot 4, William Bteveneon, 11.18. DOLAN'8 AUDITION to the City of Rsst PoH . kind BLOCK 3. lot 8, WUUxm Sterroeon, ' 818.78; lot 4, WllUam BteveBson, . 8.18.B6. ; ' BLOCK 7. lot lMy Harlee , Jenks. fu.78; : lot 3. May Msrlry jeuks, U.Wi'lot S, May , Hsrley Jeaks, 840.W: lot A. Msy Barley -' Jenks, 8tU.Ui. BLOOK 10. hit 1. flyrreeter Wkltooaib, 848.101 lot iT Byrrester Wblt- k ... ..T . . . -. 1. n t w ..a ;: Msry B. Dsvis, 18.d8: west V lot d, . . aaa MST Si. USVIS, xi.lo, eeet TS es v. ,' J. N. snd Msry E. Davis, 80-43; eeat H lot . 8. J. N. sad Mary B. Uarla, fO-hU Total, " 11.408.83.. ,. . v-s- v Asdltor of tbe City of Porttaad.. ' Portlaad. Uregos. October 81, 1804 rxorosxo assessuxbt ro ntPxoTx. ;-XataTT or eusAXT snxxr. t Notice ta herebr - glvea tbst the Cooodt ef the City of Port land prupesss to aaa aaa the following described property and owner er owner ss oetar epsriaiiy sna peeau benefited In tbe amounts act opposite the ai aUssiy snd deecrlptiona thereof for the improvement ef Ollssa strset, from tha wsst Uns of Twenty second street to ths esst Un ef Twenty-third atreet. ss provided by ordinance No. 13.87T. Any objections to tbe apportionment of eaet for said tmoro vement most be made la writing to ths Ootrucl! snd filed wltk the Auditor .' within . lb asys irom ins asts 01 tns xirei publication of this notice, and sold objections will bs beard and determined by ths Cooed I before tbs pssssgs af tbs ordlaaaca aaeiliig tb cost of said lninrovemsnt. , MBAO'B AUDITION to th City of Portland BLOCK S, lot I. fltephea Mssd Eststs, 'ketre '. it.75: r rrvfsL A r trsct "of land rytnr-- batweea thn-V-. , south Use af Ollssa street and a Ua o feet south . thereof aod parallel therewith and hetwees tb east lln ef Twenty-third atreet and a line 300 feet eaet thereof and . parallel therewith, Gestae aad, Albert C. :, -e- 1 . . an a. - ' - - , ,a A tract of laad lying bet wees tha aortk Bne of Ollssa strset ind a line to feet aorth , ; themif sad Bsrsllrl therewith sad between ... ' tbs wsst Une ot Twenty-second strset snd ' a Une 100 feet weet tberwit and parallel . therewith, BtspbsO . Mad KaUts. heir .of.'. DNO-'b BrXWtD'AnWlOrf "to the City nf V Porttaad BLOCK IT. north 80 feet lot 8. , Parry W. Reott, 814T. A trsct af Isnd, , lying between th aortb Une of .Glless atreet - and a Une 1 feet north thereof and parallel - therewith snd. between t Une reexieetlrel 1 " ino feet aad 180 feet west of snd . para IM -with tb west' Une nf Tweirtyecond street, r , Esther Hurris. 8 80. A trsct of tend lying - betwaea the aortb line of OUsaa street snd -' a llae 108 feet north thereof aad narsllel . r therewith and between two Unee reepectivelr . rife fcet-and SOB feet west aP and psrsl 11 with the wsst Hne ef Tsreaty seouud street, . . a. u.wwm.,1 eei m , . , , - . . KINO'S BBCONO ADhlTlOIf tn-fb Clry-nfr.'l Portland-BLOCK IT. . lot i 8. .Lswta L. "t McArthar Rstote.- heirs ef. S10.T1: lot 11 . waaiha iVKi, gsA.10: lot IS. Bertha Cohn. f8T8.T; tot IT, Oustsve aod Albert. Burkksrdt.j; Kit in. vrasisvw ene sue,. ,-.,,, 804.1S: right of wsyr Clt aubarbaa Ball way, $32.81.- Tstel. 84C.S.S8. t '. THOB. C. DEVUf. , - ; " . Aadltrr ef the City ef Portlaad. -. ' Port lend,- Oregoa.- October 81. 1904. . rxoroszD raiPxoTiMXBT or B0XTHW1CK 'T ,. " v.-r ,.ttesa. ' Botlcs to b-reby glvea thst at th meeting ,; sf ths CosecU of the Uty W -Port IsjmL Orsgoa, held oa tbe loth stay-ef October, 1804, the,, following resolutloa wss adopted ; '- - Resolved, Thst the I pood I ef tb Clty-st i Portlaad, Oregoa. deems It expedient and pro. poses to improve Borthwlek street frota tha north llae ef kllllngsworth venae to th aortb lis of West Piedmont la ths foUowlsg axsa- Be. tC-Witt ' r ' - . '. First By grading th street fuU width with full in tere rtioos to tbe grade as glrea by the City Ksglnesr. . - , Keeo-d Rr enssti at ting gravel stdewalks - ith woodea airbs la sccordsncs with tbs City , gtflgineer plane, te-vn ii-iuim, hs . Third By cesxetractiag crosawslks. . .. Raid Improve ment to be seeds la accordaare with tbe charter ssd ordinances ef tbe City of Porttaad aod the plena, specifications and eetl matee et tb City Engineer, fllrd la the office v 1 of the Aadltor of the Clt ef Portland ea tho 8th day of Keptember, 1004. Indorsed: "City - , Engineer's - plans snd " sped float Ions for the Improvement of Borthwh-k atreet frost tbe north Uus nf kllUnssworth avenue to tbe aortb Una of Wsst Pled most, aad tbe estimates, ef the work to be duo gad tb probabl total cost ' 1 thereof." 1 . ' The cost of aald Improvement to be d v aa prorlded by ths clt chert er apse the prop. . erty specs!! benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to be all the arte, parts sf lots " and pa reels of land Ivlng bet wees a Uae IU0 feet west of asd parallel with ths west Une nf Borthwlek street And a line 108 feet seat sf sad psrsllsl with tbe esst Un ef Borthwlek street end between tb anrth Un of Kllllngsworth , arena and tb aorth Un ef Weet Piedmont. Th Eaglneer' estlmst of tb Probe hie total . enst for ths Improve Blest 'of said Borthwlek atreet I $1,883.00. . - The titans, specifics tloa and estimates of tbe ' ; City Englaeer for the - Improvement of said Bortbwlck street are hereby adopted. , Resolrcd. Thst Us Auditor f th City of Porttaad bs aad he Is hereby directed to glen notie of tb proposed Im prove meirt ef ssid street, ss prorlded by tbs sit ebsrter. Ha monstrance aaalnet tbs above lmi-ovrvaent wis be filed la writing with tbe andsrslgne4 within SO dsys from tb data af tba first -Dsblleatloa ef this sotics, . ,f ii ; . By order of tb CnuaetL . ... r . , , - . THOS. 0. MtU!, ' . .: , v - . Aadttor af tba Clt ef Pertisade. - Portland. Oregoa. October 23. 1804, i i x 00MPLITI0B "aXTD- ACOIPTABOX OP IkV. 1 rxoTXMrjiT or hasob btxxxt. ' Botte to hsreby ireea" thst W""" mMU Clty-Bnglnssr, has led to lbs ef Bes of ' Mb? aadirslgnVl astlce thst Oserg Bsaer. onatractor for the Improvement of "asoa street, snder tb provision of rdlDec No, . 18.8T8, bss jcombleted ssld atreet from tha renter Doe ef w'uilama araaaa to the oester line of Clevelana areaqs. . , ,,.---, Bsid acceptoaee will be eousloe rey y rn fc.urlrVxto.rd at S'clock es the 4th day Sf November. 1804, and objections to th accept site et eald street, r any part -Mereef. msy ba Sled la the office of tke ssderslgsed at aay time prior thereto. ' " . vTniB EXBCI'TiTB BOARD. a - - . By THOS. 0. DBVLIS, c , .1. t auditor et the aty ef Portlaad. 1 Portlaad. Oregon, October 88. 1804. . OOstPtXTlOB ABD A0CXPTAB0X OP Of. . . pxoTxxrxxT or tibtk stxxxt. ; . c rtoUce'18 hereby slrea that Winis0i KU Hott. CKy Esgteeer. bs Sled In. the efflc ef the aaderslgned Botlcs thst 8 tar Sssd Compear, contractor for ths Improvement ef Ten tk street, ander tbe provisions of ordlnencs Ka. 18.815, kss completed ssld strset from tke Berth Has ., of Washington street to. tbs center . Jne ef Btark street snd from tbs center line ef Bora. aide atreet Ve the center line st Tlovt street. Bald acceptance will be eooetdered by tbe . Eterntlre Board at 4 f'clnek ea tbe 4th day -sf Nsrember. 1804, and abjections te tbe ec centsncs nf ssld strset. er ssy part thereof, ' msy be. tied la tbe of tba esderslgoed st sa time prior thereto. , , . THB BXFCITlTf BOARD. . , By THOB. C. DEVLIN,' v ; ' - ' , Audllo ef the Ctty ef PNirtlaae. Pts-tlxsd, Oregon. Octobs 28, 1SCH, . .it I 'I ' -;-