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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1904)
JKE 3: I : : zz.iti C j C3-Cent Tin 1a Hog t ! C J!s--C:.. Quoted Firmer Prune r ' t CUipli-.: ! Poultry Cent Lower. CJ2-1.Ie7o,Vv - -IdV , ; 4 t '' r ", - k .' Pp- 1 . ; l w 80 ,.. n b . , . . iJc, , r r t -- l. , .! &V..O ... wiriM umro irutssrATaTi. nvMhumi Iwtal AeraT1"'" l. -m. fewt, r !- leMraa iVtr fwxastw bars . . Th !" ImiU, wli d-muoJ, 1 ye...fT.M T" 20 i" ' Joorael. wltt 8 -day, I i" C IUWUL .a....... TM j n'ly Jourael wtth b oday. 1 1 tha. 14 Je l"r JovnU, aaoo'ua...... . 1 Joe felly Journal, wltt nn4ay. i swath. , 3 a pelly. per wwk, aeurarvd. 1 aooaj' The. Dallyr 'w'"aUT"tiwaVf ... UNM ... . J p f'V t VTh Itofly InrrnL wtth Buaaay. 1 year.. In Dally ImtuL 1 rear ?I DaLlv Jauru I, with Sunday. aath j-TS U bohiu. ...... rl! U with Sunday. Bt8. J 1, 8 month!.... .......... L wltt Sunday. 1 ! Tb Delia Inorn. ' The Dally Journal Tb Soaraal, wltt Sunday, 1 Th Daily JooraaL 1 - .-52 Th I Tb Sunday Jroul, 1 Ta Sunday Journal, 4 ya . i ......a -w .Maths ......... " The Semi-Weekly Vernal. Tb Bml-Veel1r Journal, to 1 PMre ch lava. tlhAtntes. full rkt ps Bort, t year ... - Th Wrakly jeaiaal - Weakly JonrnaL 100 1ibm of read- mm unw in....H i.n mmrhat r.porta. 1 yaar i"iL"lfiri Raarfnaaeaa tboald V auU by irarcs, oatal koUa. axaraaa ardtra and nun aasnairta ! eeavUbla 4 1 aad t-aant '.--". , . . ft. Bas 11, rarOaad. t. ' wxxtt tu fopmjiix X4T , ! mux : Tha J-oril aa a faoadam aakj at lb W- lawlna tilaMa! . , t B0I6 iV IDAHO Itmwr baak -a. CHICAGO PaawtUaa Nawa aotapaay nnra atraat. ' Dr.vvm. COT Caa4rlflkr fta ; company, 1 Bamataaatb atraat J, Blittantll and OarUa -attaata.. - SAN8A8 CTTY Taa Nny Maw eaajpawy, AKOEtM B. V. Oardaar. FBprin atraat) OMt Baiaaa, H oata s l atlNNRAPOUS K, ,; Kanaamfk, M ott . VW fOKK CTTT Brantaaal, Cstom aqmara. . HiDFN OiMaa Vev mawi...-;, ' -a-aOVfAHA UHlard Bvtal acw ataad: Watt .....j. BtaUonvry company. Hot hnga atraat. ' iAI.T LAICW OITT Kaaywa batal am tdl Barrow Bra.. Waat kaaond atraat. aViatt. IT. Long Philip Raadar. 1 Laeoat tra.' ft A If F EA NOT SCO W. B. Ardlac. Palae Itatal . . aaw ataad; Ooldaaalta Brsa.. SoO Sataat ' atraat: Frad W. Wtta. 100 Markat atraat. , tPOKAIta WASH. John W. Orakaa Ca. T A COW A, WA8U. Oaatral Kw coapaay, 111 -: Pad araaoa. " - " K " 'Waathar endlrloa tad kcwaral faraeaat f (hwiraa, Waahlat aad Maho A dUtarbaaa ( awdarat aaarcy bat la fraa tt : waa during tba Ua M boar aad 1 eaatrai . tkU aiarDlnc oft Vaaeoarar lalaaaV It baa eauard ahowar la tha north Paella atatna traat ef tba Caaeada awnatalna . ad - akmty aad - tnrat.nlna waatbav la t dlatrieU aaat at V tba Caaeadaa, axeept ta aaathaaatara Idaho, : whara tba waathar la laar. Bbowar eaatlBB v la Trtaa and Oklahoma, aad Uffct aaow la ra- aortaa IB varaxDi; aiaawaar inr-B(ava aa " UBltad Btata fair waathar araralla. ; it al cooiar vaaa aaoai ta a.uu w -tba aiu alddla ! atataa aad th Brltlah faaaiaataa tb - tannaratnr ta abora aoraaal. -i - tTha lBdleatloaa ara for rtoady. baaattlad ' waathar la thta diatrlct Wadaaaday. It will : ha warawr taolaht la tt Walbv WtUa. aaaatxy aad la a(haatera Idaho. ,r Cary D. Bmrdar, 94, aad Oaldia htartla, 1. , J.naa ifartla UacOraaar. 14. aad Alloa Bauut K a. J. P. iaatortTa. Alaavada OausV, CaUtorala. ;.-V bad Say t.-Cmkm. L . ' ' O-tobar 14. to M. aad Mr. Prad OoUlaa, tM -V iarlr atraat; a aoa. . .. - , - October 1, ta Mr. dad Mra. Msrcaa Palarwa, Ul Baat Thirty-a-road tr-t: a daiirktar. Xbstobao t htr. and hlra. J, W. Parttaa, 1bH4 Bart Third atnat: a oa' Oetonrr ST. to bfr. ni Mr. Pr4 A. Black- - Mora, m Eaat Thtrty-atatb atraat; a daoxhtar. October U. to htr. aad Mr. Chrla A. Bar, CM North Klootaantb (traati a danrHtw. , Octnbar 29, to Mr. and Mr. Aadrad O. Sate. BtS Twaaty-tftb atraat; daajat-r. : Oetonar 14. to Mr. aad Mr, Cbarta J. W . thw, 123 Baat Taylor atraat; bob. Octobr XI. ta Mr. and Mr. W. B. HadSay, J .TBI Baat Thfrtaaath atraat; Worth; aoa. Ortob-r a. t Mr. (Bd Mr, fcba. Appl , wblt f Saa rraarlae a aoa. Octnbar IS, to Mr. aad .Mra. Caarlos M. 1 wataoa. 82 Vanarha atraat; daiajhtar. " Octobar ST. to Mr. aad Mr. I. W. IatwrMga, Cbtlla d Hawtbara araaaaj a aoa. . N oobtaoiow TmnmnZ':?r'.-:;r ' tVtobar M. Haw! nd Both Bnat, Ul Wortt 'f Mlnth trat; dlphtbarU. . Ociotiar Sahndraa"T T. AWarraaaV ataat - Taylor trat; dlphtbori. . . - Octobar aS. H-nry Ka.hU. U Bast thirty. Brt tr t, Kortht 1lphUrla. ,. Vi' -.;jatml. SU'X Octob-r 1, Bdr U watllpia, rd yaara. . at Portland anitrtoav, can,.. rhaomaUaav Burial at Hood Blror, Or. - ' 1 October 0. Harold D. Jackaoa, d It year. . at North Pacta aanltaiiaa; , can, gnaabnt Si wmtnd. Burial at Aahlaad. Or. . - Octobar 10, MIcbaal Boraa, l4 TO yaar. at ; Iwowl aad Coach traeU; eaaaa, h amort hat , af Wnira, Barlal at tea rir evaMtary. Octobar tW, Koala Oraavjar, aad 4 yaar. ' at MT Bakar atraat; aanaa. caacat of, Brar. Bur al at Meant Calrary otmatary. . Octaber 1. Tmlat M. Haaaea. ayad I tJMBtka, ' at Arleta, Or.; eauae, BuOaaUltioa. . Barlal at Lona Plr cemetery, October SB, Mloni Anderaoa Alhra, ed yeera. al m hlorth Twanty-foorth atreet; oaaaa, cerebral abeoeae. Barlal at Waablnatoa, P. C Hi mi . " Cramatarraai a Oi-oa Otry ay Ba. a ell weed; aaodara. adaatlftc. oBplet. Caarcaa A Salt.. A( ehlUlreiL. til. taltor t a. av - b S p. am. ParUaad tranttaa taBirlitlta. , Pavtlaad. Oj . . - . - ,u . Tk BdwaH Balmaa Dndartaklaf i ' iiBrl director aad ambalanta. BM i- atreet. ,, Pboaa BOT. : ' v J. p, ' Ptsley Boa. faaoril dbectar aad . ambalman. bae teiaotad t their aew aatab V tiahmaat, orat Third and hUdlaoa treta. Both poaaa H B. v ' k' ' I -'v Panoral wraatb and cat flowara a acejattp ' . at Boas Olty . Ciaaaknnaa, Twaaty atacad aad bat Morrlaoa. aop. aa metery. ; ... . , . - Clark Bra, for flow. MB Morrlaoa ttrwt. ' I pjUL tBTATI TBAOTTMB. Vm t . M. Klekam b4 wlf 1 H. H. Northop "... SlS.t cra la aactloaa 11, SB, 87, . . townahlp I aorta, raaa i wan Title Guarantee A Traat enpa B. : I. Bckaraoa. tot I, bloc a. Majiaaaia. Atoy Harold to H. a. Mora. aaat tot , l6, block 1. Midway t .i2azri. Briot iK IS 1111a block 33, Mouat Tabor Ula... ........ ' , 10 I B. D. MllbaBk and hnanand t 8. av r-1riK)Iou."Wf B-t tad WrK-IT. "r" Parr!' Second addlttoa t WoodUWB.. f ' BOB nr4 Wlta to M. . Jankowaky aa , wife, tot 4, block U, Albtaa Man teaa 1JM ;'' wife' to' T aV'wuioi. B. OBaaarap trnetaa, tot 12, blosk , Mariaaa aou harlff to Wllilaa Maat. lot ia Pleas ant Little Bom Xo. t.i Plclo Baalty lOTaatojent raaaaaay a . Charle Dlrach, tot 10. hkek (, Btw art' Prk i B. Orth to C; BbKln-r, IB Bora la anrthweat hk aectloa SB, towaahlp 1 aoath. raaf 1 aaat . Title noarante 4V Traat nanpaay to A. 1 .- O. Baoderaoa. .TB arr beglnnla cam- v moa co rear ef tot la, 10. IT aad IS, ' North St. John 'fit P.' A. Baacmft to 0. W. BaBcmtt, tot H. block SB. WlUaawtt Helfhta ad-: -' . aittoa ..... vm. an B. A. Oar., lota 8 sad T, block B. Itneedal. loha Ureea sad wlf to J. Walhrlcb t .1 li. L, KIam av rieaaaa 80O Boat tddlttoa v" l.SOOl T. 1. Hewitt nd wlf to M. Hnrdo'h. Berth ino feat kt B. block 4, oba IrT- , " In' Ptret ddlWta L100 herlft to B. Pen lech, kt tiV Uoekv ftV. !2i IS r: U:i 3 ATi Z PACT03 Y c arm - niiTm vr y, obstt ' 1 Preai Mraat, Mo. 1. Tb principal feature f th Portland wbolaaal aaarkat today are: PaU eoadltloa nil la, prune , Oood deauad for fac apptes, .; j .;, ! Ballbat U H klhr. 5 ; Hop belas cleaaed ap fart. f .' Oata!d potato Bur kat ary tow, i;' : Bbort ax u email anpoiy. Bblpotnf wheat on old coa rouitry ft jowar. Turkey -la Srat denuad. ' 'TermlcellA adnuicad A. , ' BtarBOoa aaaoaa I opaa. . f Oood Aemaad far. 4reeeed kfa, - , - 4 . " Bartop to btbt do mi ad. . . ,f .';;.,.'.; '"; c' 9aU Oaadttl Bala to. Maa.' ' ' 'C Tb aran market tbl year I a rery dffflcali a l be fathomed. Th prodoetloa Trywhera wa Tery awaU, bat th beery carry-oral tocka troai laet aoa ara fordnc th price dowata tt toweet poaalbl toral. . Vary few at tb large - pecklat kama ar la' oparatloa to thai etet tbl aaeaoa ea acoouat ef tb eaat (apply ad tha bm I true C tba tia of Idah aad W labia too. Tb crop of prune ht the three aoctb weet state laet eeaaoa at. placed kt SO.000,000 poajut by V, W. Aria, while th oatpat tola ara aoa will aot llhely reach orer 5,000,000 pooad for. tb Mm ter ritory. On of th chief reaeone to tbl car tallateat ef production era th early froata tola beiaf leparlilly fait la th Wlliametta vah toy and where tb crop tbl yaar I aaly aoait BaL T aaako a bad aaattar area wore K to tUrau4 that between to aad 40 par aaat ef th prvne la ta aorthweet tbl mio wa ablpped t avirbjat la a pra ooodlttoa. Bay Mr. Aria: ' "Laat year w hlppd oat of oar packlnB-boaaca btweea 40 aad V ear, hot tbl year w will not chip a eiul on. Th aran market la California la be lowaat 1 trey heard of. Baatt Clara arolaaT at 0 144-bast, white attar ar quoted at IK aula, la Oadlf or al to ere u a abort ou yeer or eo to 60 had BO to 40t aa acaoaat ef th arly rain. " la Otmob there to a boruc ta Italia. Ia tb tocal market wa ar able -ta jeaUea arech for tbaat aa lot CaUforala. bat la tb aaat ther ar MlllDaT at laaa. . W bar baaa carina oa a 1H baala, lea t pa at, . Tbl Jhake la a aiat ernrth Blie - ' .-.:..' Hapa Ar fltoaatap Vp. Vbat. ;.-..-;';' 1 Boater tr cloaalnf ap vary faat, quit few alas, of fate prime 'belna roported at around BOaMVbo, Aecordln to Ureal tba bop mar ket .tbl yaar will wary likely reach 40 as th Mtaattoa la daily (rowla- troaer. . - ; Xallbat b a Half Oaat Vp. ' Av abartas la halibut (aueed aa adraae ef U today. . Tba anuoo for tur(oa apaaii today ad tb Bah I aot4 at T par aoaad. hippla Wheat a Old Caatraeta. v; That railroad ar JgaU (applyiac oar . for aaatava wheat (hlpDMita and quit a autnber were at out oa old eon tract durlnB tba put few day. ' Tb aatrkM la tower oa account of the recent decline u the eaat aad tt UrerpoeL. riewr I ateady toaally. - Kxaart to ouoted to day at B.eOt'.U. Bertop baa a etronaer tone. Bbort ar acarca. .aad a trlfl hlchar. Oat are armer Acaln. j " "'"iPoaltrp la SaU Oent tnrar. : -Tba- poultry aaarket-to H toway today on ehlrkea with tb market duU. eomhaf - feet aoa(h and ar Turkey ace aot oootaa . . Otrtthl Vetabi Market tar. ' AdVtoas recalead from Arlaana and Texai now ia ataraat oa potato ary anil and tow. ar aelrro la " Taxal at Bl - or hnadiwd, wall oohta . ara - cotnar. at . Bl.Th. rrlht rrom tbl etty to TBpr huadred. Ia Arlaoaa, aa well aa Teua. Colorado baa tba aanr market. Ther potato ar quoted ao low that a nipaMats cm be mad from her. Potato ara dull alone tba atreet, ,,. . .,- --. Markafs aaaU Clawapas. : . Blnoabna to adtaaced.M with armtit uric tt 44 In barrel tot. TanatcalU. merareal aad Bprat ar adiaaced (boat Be. Tomato a re doll and lower: Deachea out ef auarket; rrap of pood quality acarca. . Tooay Whole 1 ooouuoaa. . aa. icrtoad. ar as foUowc ; , ! . sv . 0fajm. VanP aad PweaV ,; v ' v WHBAT New and- 14 Walla -Walla, tin tc; blueetaas, aJ87c; ralley, BTOSSc. KAKI.KI Tee. 171 BOIJia.TS; rolled, fBB.00 3.S0; brawlBB, ta-00. . WHit wool, (w oo par aoa) eracteo, a.OQ, BJTB 1 .BB per wt, OATB rrodacers prlot .. 1 Whit. HT.OBl ry, B2OOO0W.OO. : - ' PLOl; BVba.tera Orcaoa: Pateata. B4.4B: tralKhta. 43.75: nllar. 44.10: armkam. Va. 44.00: 10a.4.4B. . ... MILL TTTrra Bra a 91S.BB per ta . tol JNV B1B.0C2 aorto? aoaatrp. tt.eJ hea. HAt rieuacn1 aric Tiaaorwy. wiiwaerr valley, faacy. 14.00O1Bl00: ordlaarr, tlt-Oom 10.00; aaatera Oceaoa, BIB. 0040 1B.40J mUed, 10.001S00; ctoTr. O Ooau.oSi (rala, $U.H i4.wi oneei. aii.ouapuu. . Sana. Waal aad RrlBMI laru lai,fri2 for astra BO031K for choice ; SewfitOH tor prima. WOOL nominal. . Taiiey. ooeree to umh 1T1Sc: Bn. JOc; eaatera Oreoa, UfJlSe. , iTonlta fr. ao. BffHaPBKIXS Bh.arlnp lB0tt abort WoeL tD0Oc; medium weot, BOBoucl toa Wee. BOcfttt.OO each. . TALLOW prim, par lb. 40t Ma. 1 aad t,"iJ.',.,1.. - . "11. l ull i in pawn. ' ew ear io ouynaj pnw, BID IS Pry hide. . rfe. 1. IB to aad apt in, no, a. a to i ioa, 1. BBder B tba. 1BH dry aaltad ball bad I rr aaltad ball bad atae. 1-s lee tba dry flat: alted hide, taY oaad. 80 In or aeer. tee 80 t 00 lbs. T aader 80 tba d eoer BOTei atan aad baOa. aoaad. Bet klB, IB ta 80 lb. TUll aoaad. 1W t 14 n. 1 ealf. eoeraa. andrr 10 lb. 8 He; eTrenfaa; A. H. Cllft nd.wlf"to KbbWt J . aad wir. tot a, biooB a, st rertiaaa - ' Relehta 3.000 B, J. Pack aad wlfa to A. H. PrU and wire, iota i ana x, awes aa. raitoa ; rra aoaitioa ., ... ,.a B. O. Bab la tret Sod wlf to 0. T. Beed, , lot 1 na B, Block 1. KflMiawB anaei . . wv f. 0. Goodwin at al, to M. Bock, tot 14, ., , block ST. Sell wood ' ISO T. O. od t O, h U Btoaa, kt block 1. North Irrtreitoa .BOB polot View Baal tatate eoapaay ta M. t. renruaoa, kxa it aao an, bioca 1 rout ,. ' view .....'..,... ....... ...... . .. aw Sheriff to A. Hirolo, Wt la Morfaa ,. . addition, OlenbaTea Park ill rolnt vkew Real aa tare company to i. Keotaa, Iota SB aad M, block B, Point . Ibb tt. a. Bahuitrom and wife to N. P. Tea- tart, tot ST sad 88, block a, Boaauwa annex .......,....' jh.., 0. VB Ordea to C. H. Van Orden. lot ' BOO 83. Biooa 1. Vhrraroai axunawa , Mo. B . STB Secretary BeVtnn 4, Traat enmpany to ( W. B. Pckbermr. ntull elded H lot 1. ' f .. e mmJi B kLutb 111 Ml. t Clara 'l .Smith at L to P.' C. Swlth ntata, inc.. anamoea mt oioca . 8; aoutk BH feet tot T, block 11, cltri . ' - ' tract O, Orertoa Park aad toad la ' . ' Uiacaamaa aoaaty . ; 1 B. H. Wallao. t tl. to P. C. Smith Batata. lac SBdlrldeel H to 0, block enta tmw reel lot t, 010c 11, ,cltyi Uact C, Orcrtp Jrt.h(d Jm4.Ib: .. Clackaota eeouty oo pea ' lnaaranc and abatracht t real (tat free th Till Ouaraate Traat ea- paay, Chamb c Costa ... I xvxvptKt nutm, Opteber Sl.sO. iSaaaeaj reeldenc. onthwet eomer Vauaba and Pari (treeta; cost, 1 1.600. October 81, Hartmaa. Thnmpaoa A Power, dwellln. Beat Sixteenth between Hancock aad Tillamook trta; coat, $3,000. - October 81. Uartmaa, . TbompaM A Peweri, BweUIn. Sa Bafal betwaoa WIUUBM a4 paney auTeiiiiieii, ee,v". - October 81, Hartman. Thoannao A Pew at a. dwelllnc. Overton between Twenty-Srst end Twcntr.aecoed street! ; eost, JJ.000. Ortobar 81. 0. B. Pomeraat. renalrS to boon anuthweet eerw Raal, Twaaty-Srt 4 CUatoa atreemi osat, inu . -t . October 81, Orleatal Aawiicaa eoaipenr, B (tnry (teal bnlldlnf, Twentieth betweea WLtoaa sad Bonaanlt treat: nt, 811.000. October 81. Mr. rVneletoaTT alteration to bonea, oatbet comer Twenty. Ifth sad hear ay treeta; (oat, 8SO0. ' October 81, H. ET Orlnjm. reaideace, Mllwaa tie betwa 0dea aad Hasp araauasj (set. aHed, 1 per lb V; 1 per to toail kotae bleV. aolted. bi Waul.TB: dre, eeca, 11 OOOI.bOt cola' biu. e-oe, JaBO( (oat ahlaa, aanmaa, each. I.uei Aaaera. - wja aool oa. ech. B8c.l.Uh - . , , Zcs BB4 tafltm kCTTlt PAT Sweet, aenr, Mtt. - K) IT-r-toaY- t Mta. aaira aaau Srad, ,(; oui.iue lancy, STHtiJOc; ordl ry, JbtiiTc; cold atoraaa, 2S4bc; eaters, a.ali6; a lure, lttjlg. - . Ko. 1 freab Orcfoa, Kftl Mtfa, out rr,n..r arw-wem uiapr T . tPaai, -. .- arren, zoc: Apnia, o. CliEKclB New Full cream.' twItv lSOlSM. loon America, 14I314K. ."-nim, iu..e I.THT rt,l..k-. a,I.M4 lAIAetlla lr: katuv 11 He per lb; roootere. eld, Be per lb; you-, lounilc aer lb: brollera. lmttlM Be Ibl fryer. llttlISc per lb; duck, old, lec per lb; youuc 1B0 per lb; com, 8c per lb; tnxkeya, 164)14 ar .to) areeaeu, ilU8aa per. lb.,. ratU aa TtawtaMaa. - POTATOES Beat Orefoa, BOcOILOO per cwti buyer' prices, ua7bu; aw acta, (l.BSOl.BO per ewt: crated, $l.u. ' - ONION- Lwal. t.5(t1.Tt bayera' prtoa, fl oor aarUc. 10 per lb. . K-RRrTu rfttl'l Applea, fancy Orefoa, tl 11.50 box; cheep trade. SflSTbe hex: oraafca, btt Valcaclaa, 44.0UtB.Ot par box; ba aaaa4 8 per lb; lemon, choice. tJ.T8l.u per bo; faacy, M OuftS.80 per box; lliseo, M.alcaa, 860 100; pineapple. $l oOll3: plana. BOao per box; pearhea. SOc per box) pear, ll.uotjl.zsi frapra, T6crtl.8S per bx; Ooa enrda, lu-lb Jbaaket. t"c; bocklcberrlaa, (41 1. per lb; cranherrlc.' tocal, 81.80 per bbl; Cap cod, fS.B0IB8.00 par bbl; praae. S per VBOKTABUalTarBfBa. 91. per sack; ear rota, 13 per Back; beet, 81 par aaekl Oreena radlahea, too ner doa; cabbaya, 0rvca, tl bO cwt; lettuce, hothouse, 80 do; tree pefpare, dOQoOe per box celery. SOW TB do; huh a tore, Oregon, 3be par box; paranlpa, f6J 81. tS: e-raen neae. 8c Iter Ibi reen oalena. 12Va par do; Pi plant. C2V per tb; atrlnf bean, 4c; auUAowor, SOC per due; butter beaaa. So; pampktua. boraeradlah. To pat pfuma, piiteu 1 per m: wie, ajvMMne. .a. pat. Uh tarda, (1.60 par 18-Bi nc. . , - ( T Iiiiwhi, otavBt. : ' . ': BtTQAB Sack baala Cube, 8.40l 1 dayaMBMptoi 1401B pay lb.. NIIVP Tm.! at AA. Brnl I fWt COrrKB Green Haeba. tlBteCl . fhaey, Blki Jaea, (ooo, 20fJ2c Jar, ardtaary ItteUe; Coata Rica, fane are. IB ltOoc; Coata Blc. auod. HBtMl itteTa at Blc. ordlaary., UdllSt M IK iu.m MnfCae la TH. Tt AS On knc, different (raoea. astfOBet rr, powder. SSeJefeUc: Knllab breeWiuat. dlf. fereat fradee. ISHOBBci aplderle. uaoalored Japan. ioQOo; (tea apaa lyary acarce). 80 STPIi--Bato. ..'. 4. B.10a, .S0j table, dairy, 50, 88 8001100: lOfbv BOOOl Imported Liverpool, 50. 815.0OtjX4.00t 100a, 814.504? VB.0O; 334. U.0t 14.50; extra fine, bbto, to. ta, Na, '10a, B4.S0; balk. 830 lb. .00- eacke, 50a, . OBe. - i .8 ATT Coa re- Half ground. 100. BOP tna, 18.8008.50: 80 per win, S5.05Or.O0: Urarpool lump rock, 815.50018 50 per tea; SO-lb rock, B8.Z504.I6; loos. ti.T50S.t8. . . (Abora price apply to ealet of to thaa ear let. Car tots St special price sahtect to AttctuaHone. ; . mmm' -0BAl9 BA0- Calcutta. 88. To 000 par 100. B1CB Imperial Japan. Mo. . c; Naw OrWau kead. (VtOOe-, jUjaek, He; Creole, 4o. . . .. - BBAKS Small , whlto. et - torga wblta. Hc; pink. c; bayou, l4e; Urn. Be; Mcxl- VVTrm; Ter rbofcBH'paf JljS raw, 8OIO0 per Ibi roaated. eeonto, . B8SI 80c per do: walnuta, ls-A014He pec lb; plna v". ' Moats. Ptoh aad xrbjlcaa. ' ' -.- " PBBSH MlATS Inapected Beet : slra, to per Ik; oow. 65Vk P aiattoa.. dinatl 45e per lb; tomb, dreeaad. BO pe lb. PBCsa MSATS Proat itreet Beef teer. 405o per lb; pork, block. per lbi peck- era, H per lb; bulbs Sftim 1 per lb; 00 wa BViOtHc per lb; am t ton, areaaed, 405a Mr lb: real, extra, THc per lb; ordinary, 5CtT par Ibpooc, 4c per lb; limba. Bl45H Pf ,U-. HAMS, BACON. ITfl. Portland pae( toton kama, 10 to 14 lba, 18A per lb; 14 to IS lb. 13 Via per lb; 18 to SO lba, 13 per lb; eotug. 10U.B ear law . an-ahtaal-BiBB.44fr POT 1 BlcBlca. 11 nor lb: rnrnlar abort etoara, an- moked. lOWe per V naoked. 11H P? clear becke. anamdked. 10c per D) anoke. lie per lb; Union butt. 10 to 11 lbs. aaeovohed, 8 LOCAL k- Sm . J team mdma, 10a, 10H per lh 5. i0 par lb; BOa. lor par lb; eon. pound tiereee, Btb P lb; tab. 84 per tb; 80. par Hh. 0AMNBD SALMON OoramM rl-cr l-to tflto, 1.85 l ib Ulla, 88.80; faacy l ib flats, M OO; ia-lb faacr Sat. 81 to ; faacy 1-lb oral. B8.T8j AWak ulla. ptakj 880801 red. $1.80; aomlaal V-IHU-ttock cod. Ta ner tot ftoaaAara. B par lb; halibut, TH per lb; eraba, 81. per do; tripod' ba. lOOllVi per lb: atfteh. f per lb; almon, rhlnook ' . nor lb: allTereldea, 8 per lb: herring. Be per Ibi tnlea. Be par. Ibt (hrimp. 10c per lb; ahad. dreaeed. per lb; perch. Be per lb;, ahad too. - per lb ; had, 8 por lb; black od. Be per afler meti be per Th : Itobatera. 1314c; freab maeharol. Be; erawBah, SOc par aoa; Bounder, 5 per U; (turreon, Te per lb. : OT8TXBS boalwter bay par fax, fffo; per aack. $4.00 Bet: Olytapl, Per Back. $8,861 CLAMS Hard abeTL Bee box. Bt-OOt taaar vwrna, a.w per pox. llaaa. Coal 00. tto. "T B0PB Put Manila. 18141 Uadard. 1MM laal, lOMo. ' , . COAt TIL Pearl r Artnl Oaaea, BlUt par call water whit. Ire bbl 10 par gal, woodea per gal: hand light, 1T0-4X. to 3V,c per gL troa bbla IT par gL LIKhKBD OIL Pare raw. la bbto 84c par 81. caaa 50 pet gal; genuine kettle boiled, eaee Slo per aal, bbla 6 per gal; groosd cake, ear toU lifi.00 par tpa. ton than r $38.08 Bar ton. abo ui n a aeg, slcar rj bbto 80e per 81; tOT. Iron bbl 18 uer gal. BENZINB 4-deg, .ras. bbto 15U per L PAJNT OIL Raw, . ROl km per rai., 1 aaai BSe per tat: liolled, eaae 40 per Bl TTJKPfNTTFBla ewe S6c per gal, wooden bbto. 81 per gal, troa hbl TB per gal, IB-lb toae lota B par gal," . ' WHITS LIAD-TOB tot Tit Pr Bbj BWa lt T4 aer lb, b-ee lota 8 par lb. - WIBB 11AIL8 Preeeat baa t $S.4t. i i II0GS.AND CATTLE - ADVANCE 25 CENTS Portland Cotoa tockygrd. Ho. 1. Brerr fhiag ra lleoatock wa quoted firmer In. tba Incak market today and tbw beat hog and cat tl were onoted Sne blgbei1. - The boa market bre I abowlng aonalderabl (trengtb deeplt the drop In th eaat and th email arrlTabi at cattle help that market, ta eheep ther fa ao advance today, but th ton la eery food ad price are' being held armer. with tb Posulllty 01 n eriy anTance. " xn reevipi y eonalated of but 130 hog. 1 i. , Official ruling price today ar i" ,-'. ' Cattle Beat eaaler Oregon eteere, $8.15Q SB: beat efk ateen. II 00t8 10: a teem. t3 50O3T5; cowa, $3.0003.36; bulla, $LT5tJ ioo;,ua, $3.00, Itogs beat beaey, gfl.TBj block-; M 5f?4 TBI China fiu, $4.60; atorken and feeder, $40O, Sheep Beat grain-fed wether a. 83.3502.50; kmba, 00OS.35; mixed aheep, xi. I lASTnjr boos rrrx cxvn ow. - Oilcago. Ko. ly Llreatnek recclpta: . ' . . Hoar. Cattle. Sheen. frag lininlil 8H.0I 14.00 - 83.000 Kaaea City r... 13 (0 WO.onn 10.000 Omaha 6.000. 4.000 15.000 Ho ope act s tower, with 85,000 left orer. BecelpU year ago war TS.0'10. Bnllng prlcee: w 1 I a. ixiR 4a, ' m a a. nazjait m. . $4.184.tB; light, B4.ivn8B.O0. . ,4 iuw-kiw ana wee a. ,. . .. Baeep-eBteady. . .- ft. 6 TO 8 POINTS IS THE RISE IN COTTON (rnralahed by Orarbeek Burr Cook Co.) Mew York. Sot, I. Cotton futnre rloeed t to 8 potat higher. Th ofBclal oottoa market: . -1, Olen,.llgb. ...Low. . Cloee. . Jaaaary.... rf.T4 8.81 ; . 8.J8 9 7B Kehrimry.. O.Tt ,, .... f, 8 414 Marrh..... B.M 8 83 1.84 B.1-1 April..)... 8 8.1 ' ' ' aatl lar.......NS LH , 8 f0 . 8 0.,', BtT'n-u ln.. .T . - 8. OT . "'. B.BT ; B.001 July t. B OO . ' t li t let t. 0.nir8 Norember., .U 8.54 . 8 40 , V B MnM UeaaUtt I.U 8.78 8.81 1.7071 1 UA IM. IB IBI aia-outa. ac; mnanrooma, um per 10. DBfSO FRtTtS Apple, raporated. Td)8 pw lb; (prleot, SUfilUc par tbl tocka. It per lb to; peach ea, at) 18c per lb pear . .. per Ibt praaes. lUUaa, 8S404H per to Preach. StttHtt par Ibt Sf. CallforaU black. IAAU1 a..lhi (Vllrnenle whltag- i Uer lb I 80.88; fruit traaulatea. .io; ary sraaaiam. 4.181 beet raaaUte. 84.05; betr 0. 84.11 (aide a. fs!to: bbl. 10c; H bhto, ttol bexee. ioe adranceoh back bail, toaa toe ewt tat aaah. per 101 amoaao. ao per id; ci-er ewuen. -unoked. 11 We car lb: amoked. 12 H per lb. LA BD Kettle leaf. 10. 11 P-r IBVe. mmm. U.- A4a tine. tO-K OCT tb: 0 V-." - 6ns ,crsT-i A tiTTxa ttzax irass ov Acwxrr cr xc-jsa mVfXmVrvsxM rj-rsixaa- xsz.Axn New York, V. 1 Logaa A - Vt: Tb (tock aiarket waa ateau, but a c b4 Bpea log It deTelopod quit lit tl WeuaAkte oa ra mota of war and Ua bear pro-aura. It a rery aarroua aiarket, but en I -e deolal I af tb braaklng-off of aegottntion bwtweoa Eng'end nd BueU tb market rallied "d tb Ce wo troag. It la a two-aided maraet, a"d will probably b a aerToo one until oar ! .ion to orer, but I liable to ba affected at a,. t"e by ramu!i regarding Bngluid' Sttltodo townr0 itiiaala. Ueaeral condltlou are nncbanged. 1 Ituatloa ia too' far eaat ahoald be carefu. y watched, and until that matter 1 aatttoa w ad Tle allying cloa to bor. , I'oday' efflctaj atock ujaxketl -, ', ' bESCBIPTlON. Aaaoond Mining Co.... Amal. Oopper Co....... Atchlcoa, com. ......... do prf erred Am. Car A Pouad.. com. do preferred. ......... Am. Sugar, com ...... Am. SumIu, eoaMM..., do preferred. Abb. Ice, com.. do preferred. ......... Baltimore Ohio, earn. do preferred Beeeklya Bapid Tranalt. Canadian faclAc, eom.. ChL A Ot. Weet., com.. ChL, MIL St. Paul... Chi. A North., com...., Chi. Terminal By..... Cheatpoak A Ohio Colo. Kual A Iron, om. Colo, South., earn do 3d preferred. (to let preferred.. ... Delawar A Hudaoa.... U. A B. 8.. com , do preferred. ,!, com.............. do 3d preferred, ...... do lit preferred... Tin r . 142H 1 Sttt Ul sr-H 804 tOH 11 - 142 132 i 121. 101 H 141b Loniarllla A NalU.. Metro. 1 recti en Co.... Manhattan Klertted.... Mexlcaa Central By.... Minn., St. P. A Sta. M.. do preferred..,,.,... Mtoaoorl I'aclac....... M., K. A T., aoat..M.. da praf erred New York Central....?, horfolk A Waa tarn. anal. do preferred. ........ . North . Amerlcaa. ....... N. X.. Out. A Wt,... PBnaylTaia By....... P. O., U 10. Co...... Pre td Steal Car. com. . do preferred .......... Pacific MaU Ht earn. Co.. IT. St ill 144 0.1 lolH XL 6TH 14 1I8 it 1S2H T04 "25 a : 48 ia 1MV io? 1014 Bl 5 mr we au prexerreu. ...... aa a-lh a ) 00 let prelerre. ,. . . Ben.' Iran A Steel, aom do preferred......... Book laUnd, caa... d. prfgrr4..aaeee Bou there By., foa..,. 00 prfrrd......M, Souther r Pacific.-. . . . , . St. L. A S. P., 24 pfd. ' do tot preferred. ..... I It L C W, aai.M a preferred..;.. Texaa A Pacific... "Teaa. Coal A 'lron. HI ac u e a. w.. ' do Bf e f M I at.'Y. rennn 48 Unloa PadBe, eom,.M. 110 mi ao preferred, U. S. Leather, .40 preferred. u. a. KUDoor, do ore f erred V. 8V. Steel Co., am do preferred..... Wbeet A L. K., cot do lt nraferrad. Wlacenaln Centra a, Com. - ao peararre. , , r.. Wee tern . (Jnloa Tel... wanaaa. com., ) 31 H no prererre Total aale for day. 1 867,800 ah are. slax Per can 1. -, - . saj rxAsroisoo tmrnro stocxs. . Saa rraaclaco. for. 1. -Mining atoeks ttoalagl BIO. Too. Meataaa.$l.o am. Orawa Point.. ..$ . Oon. Imperial...' .OBA Aloha Cos.. ...a .15 . Belch .87 Sierra n era da... .88 Bulltoa ........ .18 Over ma ....... ,18 I'ntoe Coa ...... .44 Challeng .18 And .38 Co. Naw Xork. .08 OOnldoaca ..... -.88 Utah .a .00 Beg. Belch. M ' .08 Jnatlc . ,08 Caladoal .41 Occidental ...... .74 Bcarptoa-...... a M Belamat Midway .... 8a Ton. W era da ... .08 ' Ton. Ooid Mt... .IT McNamara .88 Jnmbo .41 Tna. Oold Ptetd. .BT flato A NoTcroas ,T0i allow Jacket.. . eatucky .OS 2blr ...M....a t.58 exlcaa ...t... 1 OoatdjA Carry.. .18 Brat A Belcher. 1.88 Cob. CaL-VaT... 1.80 parage ....... .80 Choiiar ji Potoal t,..m,.m .13 H . i v -a. " IWaylraato BMaaaS. Hew York, No. 1. The pennaylraala raltway baa declared tba regular arml annual dlrldead of B nor cent, payabto No-ember SO. to boldor af retold NeTeBbr B. '"i. . - ... , ri-Li." WW Toil CTJBB. j v ; -:,.!"'-';. : New York, No. 1. Curb aooUtlona! North, rn SecnHtlea Opening. 118,: high. US; tow, 114U; Inat Mat, 115M; doe. UBtJUBVal toto. 4,000 bare. - - . . v ! - ItomaaA BbnltoaT. f New' York, 'No. I Demand terlhlg, 488 .88 0488.78; 40 day. 4840484.18. , V0BUAVO BANS 0XJJAOTI (SB. Clearings Balance , t........87tl.oil7 ...8-,80A4- BOSTON OOrPX MABXXT, ' Plnatoa, Nv. 1. Copper quota tiona. Cloetngt Arcadlaa ,mi, PO . - 100 Arnold 78 ' .80 Atlantic ...... ...... 1814 lOVb Bingham .....1.... ...... ......... $84 4 Calumet ....... w... .. , BftA. Oeatehnlal ....e...... ......... ' BOU Copper Range ....... ......... aavi . o. Ill Boyal v.. ......... 30ft . 80 Igan ...,,..m. V 10 . iwk .... BtS ' 83. nomlnloa -, ST il ., at ' t ......i. 87V, .. alt IV, l Qnlncy .. 106 Bant Pa 14 . 1 Sbannoa ............. ji..!.. ........ Tl TV Trintiy ...... .......... SI IT victoria 4V turn.. .-. 4V en Wotrarln i. .j..... a set Pals Webber A Co. air: Th aiarket ae4 teday aaeaay at altobtly algbe peloee tee laet night' rloae. It dneed eepeclalry atraat Bad with A etmtiaaatloa of tb good feel tag, ,, -. , ' snW.T0BK COPTBB MAJ-XBT.', ;- New York, No. 1,Cnffa ISitara cloeed 8 to 10 lower. The ofBclal rketi - Bid. A . .- . BM. Aak. Nnembr...B4 60 80.55 Map .i$T.0B $T10 nreembor... 8 00 B ool January 8.70 S.T5 nn,...i... M....K... T. ir T mat...... f. 73 Jo 0 88 40 r.hruary.... 8 0 ,8fl! An March 8 ao 8. On Bentcmb t.88 April....... et-OOl October .,, T.58 , Winter Rates to Yaqatoi Bay. i Tbo Bouthera Pacin Co wUl aalt, on Wednesday- and Saturday a Of aacii wk. until March tl,' IBM, low rat round trio jtlckat to Taflulna, limited to lya fro data of Bala. ' Th sal of throe axonrston tickets durtnsT tha winter months I a bow departure and has bean bronght about through th dealr of our local sportamen to enjoy th exceptional ly fine hunting Sod fishing prlvllctes of that. 801100, . IMM GAKiS i 1 1 1 UIUAU1LU omo4so wmt iiuat mows " mXMATt ADTAATOM AW OnMTBTCI ; Aire oxrOCB-kAt -tturt trr ajtd 4TTX.T ih am sion-. v- . TOOAT'B WgtAT MABKBT. . .: . ... Opea. Cloa ... Cloa 01 - , Today. Today. Moa. Teday. Peramba ..$l.loV $113A$t.00 - $ .oV h-iy tioi, HB liov ".oiS lalp ........r"JgV ,87ft .; SbSLk JU - (rurarahad by Orerbeck. Starr A Cooke Coll Chicago, Bo. 1. Itoaaa A Brya aa: In wheat th atreagth at th npaalng waa oaoeel by htgaar bbm aoa aa aaeeay timg reaa toeT th atra aaaatton. Brevmhell oxblad parting okt, damn waa tba la Argentina. Mora ar lea rauorU ef aeiiaUt coodltioo reaillB to th whaler-wbeet eouolry rord loney. It to ctlll a oalpln market, and aa ay faeorabea turn bi event a brod tba marketa would ba la poatttoa to U ft age la. Th aituarloa la tb far eeet mi te aa aa acute on, and ahonld bo carefully watched. Tb abort Internet ba beoa raa tela a cartata axtat. If tb aewa 10 bmntow to mora farorabla. abort, Una will aa doabtodly ba pat out. ... " ' Buakuw Bataras IMaippatat. 1 - f . 1 la anra tb now to bad y that beaktog return ar 4taaopetnMag. Ther bj aotbtng Bee) . to tba eaah and axport domaad. Thar I atlll a large and confident lotereet to eon. Trad to eery qntoC We feel that Cora at 45 will aot hart Tery Back to bay. . ' t . Oats Traa Uskt - Oats Trad to rary Uabt. It la petting It (trena-th aaoaUy from oora. It la kexppotot tne rroea a aoeaatotlea BUadBolat. ..w are to- dined to fBot tb parebaa ef May t aa m Pnakar SaU Ihwrtotoa. J aa paw.a.Mjno uwuw m "e .e-T medlaaa proepect for totter price with ta pack ra' attitude aa It to at praaont. M.. . . A- ll WM Xboap wneiai mara-etsi . . . - WHBAT. v .. Aaaa. High. IiOW. - Cloee. Dee. ....8 1.10V 8 11 Kit. Julr. . :".-... .' " wVBWB', I ' V $ -' wP4J.SBto c - ' 4 aAaiar ... . A A rwm , . . OATS. De Mar Julr. ... POBaw . it jaa... AS. Be nT 1S.STW - J su TU. ay..ea aeeeee. . . T.... ...,. Kow.mVm e. mi a' 13.434 13.88 LA BO. leec, . m. ...,,:. Jin.., f.OSU V:6b, tIbo" f.lTH BIBS. 0Vk Pe. i ,i i a b...e 4 40 bu.. 8. 59 ' i ' is" S.83HN 8.57 'FRISCO DISREGARDS lOTIItR HAEKETS (Faratob4 bp Orerbeck Starr A Cook Col No. 1. K. P. Huttea A Co. a I The local wheat markat aeania to ala- regard tb etera aaarkata, whether they go P or Aowbmi Tbora are ao apodal feataraa to tb aiarht aad It to purely a aoalptat affair. , Sartoy to dull with few bay er aeltora, i eday' ofAdal 11.80 . as. Btarkett : A- . trtmm UImb ' IaW.''19Da.'.' Wffcatt- ...I1.48 - $1.44 ,v L44 1.48W - BABUlf. anwAJT . -pa9 f Oaotaabar .M L08I4B ...... eaeae : 1.0BHA BxuTxrrB 8)BArjr nntB. Corn Decree a of 818,000 baabeto. : Pets Deereeee of To. 000 boabekk "T ' : '' . '. Ba. Wheat 1 42ft 000 Oora 48,000 Oat .4,443,000 ..,..4.810,000 Own ....... v.... .I.TB4.000 Oata e.BOtrOOO Ba, S04.OO0 808.000 ' 884.000 fSoo 801.000 ,808,000 ntrnAxr, txaiitxT- and otxABAiroxa. x Chicago, Mew. L Primary reeetpts: - . . ... . . Today. Tr Ago. ' Ba. B. Wheat .1,041.000 l.BM.OOB Cora ...........aVBJ0 843,000 BblpoMat warai Wht . ....a. ......... aaa . SS4,0fl0 . TSB.OOO Corn 410,000 SU4.000 . Cliial werat Wheat and float, ba. .............,...Tf f0 Oat, ba. ....... ert..,,M...w....jii s,0OB Chicago. No1. 1 Cash Big bee, Tb caosugi I Bid. Ask. $11 8 . lit 1.18 1.13 1.18N 1.15 Lib No. f red . No. 8 red . .........M.a..$l.lS 1.13V4 N. f hard wtator No. B bard whiter I 1$ No. 1 aortheva aprlag 10 jo. a aortners apriac Ne. 8 prtos ....... in 1.08 ',' . ' .OUTill)! WaTXAT CXOSXI. f ' ,v.-t.lecibe. Mllw(e ......81.12 hew aora ....a............. l.ln MlnnaanoUa 1.15 Dulutb 1.13 Chleag 1.13 Saa Kraarlace 1.43 . LlTeraool December, Te 444; ' ' tlarpl Brala Markat, : tlranwil. Nor, 1. Cloe; . . ' ' . Wkeat December 7 4V t klgbr March, T B4d, hid higher. ....... Corn December 4s 8Hd. tower. ' v .' Ueoraoel Cotton' lwr. ' Lrrarpoal, No. 1. Oottoa . fatareS - (loaed e to point low. ' ': " Taeaaxa Brafa Market. ,' v 'Teoes, No. 1 Wkst BomlnaL . Bhmlem, 88c; ctab and red. So. AronnAnn ow mniAwmmuM. " From th Saltlmor News. Mr. Melvln O. Wlnstock of Portland, Or., Is tuaat At th Belvedere. ' Mr. Wlnstock Is on of the spellbinders for th Republican national committee, and has been through Oregon. California, Washington, Montana. MlnnaaotA, 1111 nola, Ohio,-PennaylTanla and Mew Jr ay. Ho will spend tba rest af his tlmo until th eloso of the campaign in Marr. lavnd. haYlng been aaltnd to this tat' by roqaeat of tho Maryland eomrrrltt, roup pears Ago bo stumpod OTerjr atate In th Union. . , , , -- ; . ., "Spellbinding, as . political .SpaaJtlng haa-bacoroa to bo known. Is not an easy task." said . Mr. Wlnstock. "but It Is fascinating And paya a blgv reward la satisfaction. To prepare th points of argument on which Uta apellblnder will baa his apoAch) means the exercise of utmost oar In leaving bo loophole for attack, and th apeAkar must, In form ing bis - addcoaa, bnlld tha arguments suoceaalvetr and ospresa- thorn so that tha dullest mar At enca grasp tha vlUvl points. Altar I have prepared A a poach and arranged my tdeea In their proper relation each to the others. I dlaoard my manuscript, apeaklng entirely , apon taneoualy. There la a splendid harmony In the Republican ranks of Maryland under tho laaderahlp of Collector Stone, and I think the stat Will ba In th Re- jubUcaa soluma without, trouble. " : TflmJOCMRTEil JBIa" .SUVA -.8114 V ! 10 SON . on t JbtU S.4ZH B.T ft Chicago, No. . Orato rtafble supply t ' Wheat Beat of Rocky mountain a, lacra ef t,8l,O0O bsabela; E a rope and afloat, lncreaa ef 800,000 toanwto. Total town, 8.001,000 bsatv to. - . " May. a . - 1.14 4 1.48 Mares option, ...."wer- r '. -1 TEUU YOUH NAMB 1 Spechl this Weci, ( Ther are ao mtarake rn tb ralettoo Made by th (aelt aad wonderful paTchlc. XOB Btay Wla to kaOW lx u a aaneeoea - rake a. bag la bualueaa, to tot. 'ah.ll l - - -. Im naaa nneVrtakln f "(a a I obtain aar bono. Jar wishes... sap ato aaiioner . "SbaO I rrer en a I rrer en lor tb fciiurte f woatthf I trt my friend f -e enemloar , vr ; "tlBB 1 Hare "When aball 1 marr How often bTI I aarryT' ''h.ll I .M. MM t...Ml' ut'Doa l Bother (bar tb toe that rightfully belongs to met' If ao. whom i, . Am I loved la retarar T-' "la there a rival la my toveTrt 'Wbea hU my tore affair' termlnst amrrlagar - i ' W. mml M.M . -.. - KlM mJH "Row Can I make my life and home hippy P wnea enau my a o went rnena reiurur "Why ao I aotraerlra a totter X'-i nor n ia a natt r ixn trnrniT. . 1 Morrison St., Corner Fifth ant xnoAt ef Boston Beatal irajlora. Crook County Lands FOR SALE Six contracts, 160 acre acht of the Columbia Soiit&ern Irrigation company, Deschates, Crook county, Orc lon. WiU "trade or aeU in amounts to auit.-' ' ' VV. H. Grindstaff 4 248. Stark Street.1- n9Xmn. "rron, thSXleOndonTCxpfoss.''' "Stars and strlpaa" fluttered over tbo atrta of. Oraveaand Beptentber tt la honor of tho visit Of tho American orulaara OlrmolA. Des Moines and Clove land Tho neayop Of ftrnTfe"it, t b' robes, attended by his mace bearer ana accomrjanled bv member of tho eor po ration, paw- A orf wiai- viait to- nlral Jewell on tho Olympla. extending to tha squadron A hearty welcome to tho Thames.;:-.. ....'.." Tha eentar ef attraction to the towns people wad, of eourae. tho Olympla. which waa -Admiral Dewey a old flag' ship. And bundreds of paaaengers tnade tournava around tha- veaael, in small boats.1--':'- :w. V J--" .;'--; ''- tt was difficult ta Imagine this trim erulaer - with Its gloaming white hull and yellow turrets, as It must have ap peared on May 1, a muddy gray fighting machine pounding th bopelees Bpanlah wquadroB to dcatruetiort lit Man. Ua bay. . ' -'v Only on of tho officers on boasd th Olympla At preaent took part tr th h.tia f Manila, and" ha is a "warrant maohlnlsC while but A handful 'of ther present crow war under uewers com msnd on thst memorable occasion. ; ;f ;j Oownl a rw Tork. pVom tho Now Tork Bun. Tb W-ton motoorlta waa being taken Up to tho American Museum of Natural History tho other day. - In front of tho hug truck which carried It were II horses, And As thoy passed up. Eighth avenue, traffic was st a standstill when ever a cross street wai reached. On th corner stood tho Tammany captain, tu tho nrotflnct. 'What's tn roc ( na aoaoa A by tarMor. "That's th big meteorits that Peary brought from Greenland aad has given to the Museum of Natural History. It fsll from tho heAvena." . . "The dirvlo It didi won. ir Anyooard present me wir a thing us mat i a pinch lm. so A womo. . ouon a nun over a rockT ' " .' - ..' And bo .turned away in aiagus to study tho mora familiar excise ques tion. "' ' -' k ' - ; IrianufACtarcr r of Crsin Tile, ' Standard .etawop Pipes and - Fitting". Vitrified Bricks. tc. and can furnish anv. thing In this , llno At "rock bottom" prices, your advsnUg every way.i . Drop ua A sard and we'll mall you further - Information and prlcS lists. v ' .. f ' Dlfimond Drlcl Co. Offlo 101 Mnsson Bt. VortlAad. Ot. Tard Too aVakany BUeet. - COMMISSION) CO. (laeerperabad Room 1 Chamber of Commerce, Qrourd ,..'.'.' ' X rvw '. ( ; ., . Oapltal amd Bmrplas HOOtWiaOw. K Brokers 1. ; - ' CrilruProviJions, Sioclu and Bonds large Prrrat Wlr Brataaa ta ye. - IT Caarg W laterwt ; (at Oarrylag Lea av V . "" , BtocfcA . E3e K, AL.DBN, ManairBr ,' vowirrsTO. sovxzwti oX, . I-.!''! a tlustAbllahed ll- .-7VV wssav A-ra BTocat aUioxmaUk : -1 mo-nva 4, rnwnd plaet, , eXAMABxt Or tVuITaaaieaCrB. O VERBBCIC STARR Cz CC C Mombora Chicago Board of Trad. raoTtsxozr. oorro. artr-J " r 101 Third atraat, McKay Building, rert " C T-I 0 A BTBXOT&T Ctl " CoaUnuoti Markets by- Prlvt Wlr. juiuo, Baasera, ana i;niA s:st Sr FnacH Crilt - 30314 Wash Inf ton StrtbBt. Sir Francis Dmllo $ 1 0.C0 Ccirit!ste i Lla TLtzz. far f eaB. e. woe ... -aaw waw may . a a"w m. T a r - m,m mwm mm un' ea .ml. kill . AGS, OCCUPATIOM, ASL . WHOM. AJiD. WHSN XOU WILL, IfABRT. I will, ferfelt 8408 where t fall to track ye bow to faslBt nyou yen aeair. bow o , Bin your eneaalaw yon rrmnejn, eae-e peed marrlag with th e t yoar eholoe, give yoa good luck and ah y racraaarel In yeer bnelneaa, remove vt! In Hue area, re- a. , k. - im mm Wlf Bumhora. locate th earth' bnrleA tree a raa, aetlla th old ewtate that tlm ha placed bayoa IB lawyer ahrewaneae, aad aoeiuraix oampieio . Row raa flow ea low caa How caa : How can have aaal Ineb ' an oread In bualneest' : make my home happy! conquer my nrmleat marry tb oa I ebeotof Hoi marry waul ; How (oea Caa I marry t .. Jtow caa I conquer m rival Sow can I make any aoa lnra (eat ow Boon will my lover proxnawt ,. How caa Igea a feuer get good pnaitto : How make" dlatant onea think of met---- i II.. m.m f h.LI mi. kH.h.nil'a aeal ' How raa I keep toy wlf' toral SIB PR A "CIS OBAKB tolto all aad aomt aaka anoatlon. . . , 803M WASniWOTON HT.. It'll ll'iu -" AND WASHINOTOH STS. , CTTT I0TI0XI, a.A.iUefil.avan wmm M aaw aw TV .' ' ". awran, nxuT, . . ... Kotlc I ; beraby lva tkat th Council at th City ef IHirtlaaa ' nropoee m aeeeee I - following - OcocrlDeo proper ir - now - ewMMre aa beln aoWtoUy and peculiarly - aeaatiie in w e Tr t - ' - and Seecrtptlona thereof br the conatreetlon . .. i. "Third atreet. from 18 feet aowtb t tb north Une ot Mrad atreat to th ewe la alarunaai gulch, aa provided by erdluanc Aayctloto" te tfia 'pprtloo(eBt ef iet Bar id rawer annei oe meoo r'V.. ta th Council ana nie win ipw within IB day front the date of " pahUcatloa t tbl notice, and ral4 eek-e will he. heart and determined by tb Council beforatho paaeaae of the ralaaace (aaaialag tne coei ine eejv . , . CARl'THBHS1- ADDITION TO CABtKBST AUDITIUS to uie ", '"""""7: K aa. lot . Anna B. Woltrhig, 80 88: tot T. Anna I. Woltrlng, 8 B eaat 4 feet of - weet iw ire. wi "i , n B0.40; eaat 4 frat ot wear low reev or . o, Ann . Woltrlng. 80.40: weal M teM of tot . -bilk R net elni .anf weet m mi w Silk M. BLOCK 88. lot JJl u a,k ao. mjM'K ea. lot l. Railway A Karlgatloa pompany, 2S.0tl) lot 1, Oregon Railway A KarUattoa Do-ipany. ttM.06; tot 8, OMgon JMilwiy A Navlgattew iVHcpany. taAoa; lot 4, Oregto RaUway A eaYtlo feet of tot iTlennl. Hart Lra, t0j weet IS feel f eaat 10 frat o tot 1. Albert . B. and EleU B. Welrht. WJA rrotJ, (17S.G6. .. . TROA C. DSVL1N. - . Auditor of th City of Porttoas., Portia ad. Oregon. Octobor 81. 1804. - OOlTfttTIOV AJTD ACCIPTAaua or uv Mw Mi.aee leirif . rawTaaaas va a.n.. . Notice to berabv alvea that William C. Blllott, Oty Kngmaer, hae Sled la tha ofSce t tb anttoralgned Botlc that Baehlll Broa.. oon nactora Bar in- imprwrenien w. itreet, ander the pro-laUioa .af erdlnaan 18.80. have coamleteA aald atreet fro ordlaaace ho. eet from th aaat Irne mt In! TWentV-frmrth Itreet to. tb enter line ef Beat TweBty-alxth trat. . Bald acptc will be cooaldered by tb Bxecutln Board at 4 e'rrork ea the 4th Say af November. 1804, and btocttoaa to tb accer.1 oca of aald street, or any part thereof. may Bled la th rse t the Boevaiga . . ... tu w.w ,h..., TUB BXIOTT TITB BOARD. 1 j . . - - ay j, afo..r., . . " ' . Aadltor ef th CMj f PorUaad. PartUad, Oregon. October to, 1804, OOamJCTIOaT ABO ACOXPTAVCX 0 OV , VB0TXKXVT 0V nm BTBZXT. . WoUce to hereby glvea tbt -WlllHto fC nilott, rtly Rnglneor. baa Bled r tha fra of tb anderalgmd notice -that Warren ( a tract Ioa (mpny, coatractor for tbo Improve, meet af Fifth atreet. under tb Brovleloa of arrtlnanca No. lt.AW. ka enmplel icmu Mua tram tb aort na t aioor nreei w aaw canter Ilea ef ABkeny afreet. ' ' Held arewptanc will b eoalderad by tb BvecBtlv - Board It 4 'clock oa tb 4th Sey of itoveenber, 1804, and ohjectloas to the leceet nc of lal4 atreet, or any part thereof, may be Bled rn th offto of the Baderalgned at any time prior thereto. , TUB BXkXTTlTB BOARD. i; : By thos. o. psvliw, ' ' ' '- Aadltnr f th City of Purttoa. PortlaBC Oregoa, Octobor SB, 1804. matPLXTIOB AJTD ACCXPT AB0B 0V XX' eMwwMwatM) aw avr f.ADB Brrmarxer. , orlc:'j serany gieea xnaa "' i. Fnllott, City Peglneev. ha Sled la tb f f tbo ander.Ixned aotlco thet Ini '" eon tractor to th Improvement ef Bellwoed treat, under tb provision of ordinance bn. H.T24, baa completed aald atreet from the center tine ef Rodney araan to tb weal Una ef fntoa avenno. - ,LL. a. Said accept nc will be conoldVred by the Rxecatlve Board st 4 s'clock oa tke 4th Sep t November. 1004. ssd sbjoctkm to th aeoer. r of raid atreet, or ny part thereof... stay be Bled In th oftlc f th underalgned at any tlaae prior thereto. - ' ' TUB BXWTTITB BOARD. .' y by THOS. 0. DEV1.IW. AnAltn or tna.tity ox rorusao. nrtla. Oregon. October X). 1804. MtnrDltABTKB'S B0TICX : Notlc I .beraby given that en th torn toy ot October, 104. I took no and omponnded at h Clty-Poand,' t No, Ml Sixteenth atreet. In th City of Portland, Oregoa, the following aoerrtbed lmato: . . . . . Urey mar a bod ta front aad braadad drcto bar oa left hip. 1 " . .... . . . . a. heifee whit oa bcllr. whit spot ea rust White and lower half ef tall white. Hrlndle and wsit areer. . Light red atee wblta aa faeef aad ante the owner, or other peraow ee feraona haetng i an tntereat therein, aha II claim puaaaaaloa of th nm, and pay all eoat nd chargea of h beeping and drecttalng them. ether with the pound tea on aald animate, aa proeMed by ordinance bo. B.20. amended, af aald CUy f Portld. t will ea tb 8tb day af Novem. ber, 1804. at tb hour of in . m.; t tb cur Prand, at be. SHI Sixteenth, la aald wlty. aell tb .above described nnlmala it pi kite aulto t tb blgheat bidder, t pay the era I a and charge for taking ap. keeping nd (drarttolng such animal. Dated tbla II it oar or ticroner, ie-. , P. W. RP.KD, fotindmartMr, ekwenk .. IS- u I..' 1 BtoM say I , . i ww are. I" , I by eeeea. -t , J 81 to. or ( r. m. fjiMatla. a..l no a -e. cm' ' - . . . . . w, i : Jb-1" f KW "S3 ea""!-! K XllkHN DaMfBtotiMAnl la 4 aaa I laebaraej.ltoaa4Hoej aearaeMMt J trrlUlloa a aleereueej eat a alrMaea, af m( meaaereeMa, I f Pi nan C 1 . T8lMtCl I ABBUraATl I .' 1 ahead b toa-amsao e N'l ,1 1