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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1904)
jou -i.ra.Wf. 1!. iV j!RVOYAfJ VAN CORTLAND 3I3Washingt6iSt. $10 Reading mo cbtabob vabm - SATUrACTOBT. ' Nmr before to the . history sf occult science has maa or rninw vae wium s pro fessional standing consented to place hie vice at the disposal of the public (or oefb t nominal conelderatloa. . Realising that thla 4fy has been overran with pretender, and that many of In best citiaeas ara anxious to Ttalt a genuine clairvoyant an apliit mo il tua. he km decided to place hia consultation . fee within reach aU. As a trot ta row , readlag k will toll poos mama and tka objaet of rour visit without asking you a question. - HB GIVES ACOl.RATB ADVICE ON ALL "BUSINESS, speculation. " Investments, taar a oca, - etvsngee, travels health, lore, dtooree, MARBIAlJ.LAW8lIT8. separations. WILLS. mortgags. patents, t'IMlMa, ol loc ttona, ate. ate. Ho will tall yoa what trade. Dual' Ion rot) ara adapted fori . HH T It I.I A EVERYTHING. Ha will tali yea your naaM. id alt tolla Fear Ufa froai too cradle to the grave, and near nu yns want to snow. PROF, VAN CORTLAND 812 TtaUaitai Street. Private Batmass ea Blxth evtroot. , - Bora. to S, dally and Sundays. pahimimrs- SPEECO 1 GOTIIAII xs mm mobt vmvitimo abb bcbtmodb bbtotbb insmoi . 'So ruin An tbpbtA. .- - - ' (Joaraal Baaelal Bartica.1 , "--r3ftew'Tork. ThouaaadB f Irt- ' terestad1 paraona, both Democrata and Bepublloana, STected Jadsre Paxker. at Madiaba Square Garden laot night, where b mad his flrst apeaoll of the oaropaln tv ogtalde rot Eaopua, Saldom, If aver Id . the hlatory of this city has a candidate - bewn acoorded so anthuslaaUc a raoep- - tlob'a that giren th nominee from the , moment -ba en tared the trarden. , -One of the most notable features' of the speech was the fearlessnesa with which the nominee attacked present po . luteal campaign methods and . without ' mercy denounced a process of selection wherein money seemed to be the all controlling; factor, ; He admitted the ne-l ' craalty of certain reasonable amounts to carry on a campaign and believed such! . method of campaigning legitimate. . j - . But the spectacle," he said, "of de fmandlng campaign funds now presented to this country la. when rightly . re ' garded, of a character to shock the moral senaev.. We shall do welf to pauae for a moment to ask whither -we are drifting In our Indifference to tight - - standards, - and to our old-fashioned. ; sense of propriety in such matters," . Corteljrou came In for stinging com , . merit. ' ' : , '' Parker's treatment of the trade ques tion was dignified and eloquent, and his references to tariff and trusts wss such . as to provoke enthusiasm not bhTjTTrom ' the Parker and Davis Business Men's association, under whose auspices, the speech was delivered, but from laboring ' men a well. Nearlng the conclusion of . his reference to thla aubjec he aaid: - "We are approaching the parting;.; of the ways. . Either we want, or we icer- .taJnly need, a foreign trade In certain articles honestly made by honest and industrious workmen"-as the result of steady and lucrative employment,, and ttoBestly sold en all markets, or-we may - look forward to a time. not remote. 1 - -when only a fraetton of our ezietlng ma : chlnery and powers of production can be - utilised, and when idleness and demoral . - - iaatlon must, of necessity, come as the , effect of our own shortsighted policy." v Parker today expressed himself as gratified over the ovation received at ' . Madison Bqusre Garden last night and "T" more- confident than ever This morning ' that the national Democratic ticket will . carry, New York state. . The1 candidate will leave at I o'clock 'thie afternoon for Newark, Jf. where he will speak tonight. ' After the evening meeting he will make a short speech . la .Jersey City, returning to New Tork ' tomorrow evening;, lie denies himself to ' callers and Is today devoting his time to eperjch building. ' .. ' Shortly after noon Parker went to consult a throat specialist regrdtnijr a slight - hoarseness resulting from his open air speaking, lie wlU-aeealr at Car negie hall and Cooper Union Wednesday night. ' . , rUAMOO-AMXMXOAW ASCXI.S TOUT. Joaraal Bpedal Berrlre.) ' .'.', V Washington, V. G, Nov. l.--The ar- . rangement for a parcelk post recently concluded between the United States and Franca, Including Corslca"and Algeria. went into effect today .under-contract ' with the Compagnie Generate Trans atlantlgue and the Americari - Express . company.;-. - . '' :,' . ' doorni kxxt nr amort. - j ' -' (Joarnal Special Barrlre.) . - Detroit, Mich.. Nov. 1 The National Black Cooperage Manufacturers' asao rlntlon began Its annual ccmventlon here today and will. remain In session two days. A number of matters of import a nee to the trade are to oe oisoussea. no wins? kaasAma tntaf-fnaT . CbTLT. aTtllfl A I'll othor pri, whtoh will b awarded for -. . .1 ..tlmal, af iha nniw Lja nwi v . - - . . . ,--- ular vote for president. The prises are i e tAO fiM m rtA ikaer tn mind the content closes' on November Take a chance end amfl In your miuwus. rooay. Ona guess is allowed for every 21 eente . remitted for subscriptions at regular mr win v-jkaxb. orlflnal Johe K. P-'-s. haa opened ona lie famous barber miifm at 644 Clay sc. ban Freoelaco; . special Induce men Ca . tbla month; poeiitons guaranteed; tultloa earned waila learning. Write curreot auaUiar, 044 Clay at., Saa Francisco. - 6KILLHD AND UNSKILLED LA BO la at a dssorytioos, promyuy ..eaaptted.' Frea mi aharir to ampin era. ' BANflRNB iatPLOThlBHT omOB ' M Korth eooad atroat, aau Bwaaloa. LOOKING t I Itanr aood noaltlana ara oonatantly adaartlaed la . Jooraal "Help Vantad" aolo mna. Xoar a a. nodot -"Sitaa- ttona Waatod' ohart. taai , bo laaartod . Croa of aflCN ta Irani barber trade 1a woaka and amra proataua position; apaelal lodoro menta tbla anntb; eataliira mailod froa, Moler Betraa Collaaa.. Baa rraactaeo, CaL IHB OOLI'MRDB CALIFORMA wina urpnt, neaaoaertrra rne , raoca and waltora; all fcloda of wine 5c par a lose retail. P. Loratl. 148 roorth at. . fhone Rrd 1M3. S WKLL-nRKAaart. ontlrmeb - ta oollclt: M par erat eummiaaion. Applr at arte to Kllte Cteanlmt A-Pytnd wotha.. 8M ICaat Morrniun WASTE Rnottmi to . tark alrna, . dlatrlbata cirnnara, eanpiea, etr.; (ooa pa, bun A rorualad Baraaa. Cbleaaa, W A VTTr A teawatar to dtira coal tram. n?n .eu a . i p V J ' j.1 la Bnv iw iv. aim w fnui nr i ' i ,i ' ,, KTL WAimiV TEMALX. WAXTRDr-Btroao (tri; rood pay; T la famllr; adalU; tored or white, 7 .North, .Twentieth at., aaar Waablnctna. IX-OO lrn ara bard to find, bat to reaeh the raw. mailt Joaraal Want Colnauav . LADIES to aril Una of epecialtteei U tt 13 par day.. blorrlaoa at., room 1, OIBL or wntnaa wanted for benaakeeptag; food waraa. H Baker at. ' ,. WAXTKD A aood want and akkt Ctrl. Ultt Monttomory at. mr axiom WAMTtnuAix. POaiTIOlf ai hotel elerk or aa bookkeeper or at other clerical work la any kind of of Bee; bare refexenoeat want llrla waea, A. , . hladwtek, Qulmby hotel. ' . BATI 3D yean' azperleaoe aa packer for ablp nent of feaaral uercfaandtaa: window dreaaer ana furniture smb. Adoxeee L Bo, thla ofnea. WCKTLD ' like 'aoettioa aa city or traTellna aaleamaa; bara had yeara o( experience and ran aire arai-ciaaa reieraacea. l eo, aoumai. YODNO MAN: arrd 1. wan fa nmfltahla mat- ' tloa of an kind; experienced book kaa par; good nitmcm, Aoaraaa eo, journal. 1IA1V of BB. oanerleneed to atnrea. bard ware and metals, wsnta position; rafaraocra. ., L o. seat Twelfth St., Aorta. - - AM " lntalllnt, . Indnatnooa, one-legged man , wanta work at anything ha can do. r- Apply at 61 North Bocond at, , . , " PLrMBKR and gaaflttar wants Job la or opt of - . mu oirare wora; sreaoy ana nooer. a , BB, care Journal. -.... TJAKPEKTEH Wofya)r-r-br -ymrTrar. elaaa maa; repairing apaclsty. K BT, care ' JoamaL . . , ... OOLORKD mad dratrea a attoattna ae Janitor: beat of rafereace. Addreaa 86. Joaraal. riRflTXASB Janitor deatrea noettloa; good refareacea. Apply If eO, ear JoarnaL BTBAOT .pnaitlfla by rood yoaag baker; atty or eoantry. t 13, JoamaL PRSPSIUN-Union man, ry Under and platen. FV 81. care of Joarnat. " UTTATIOaTI WAVTlS-njfAXX. WANT to ga aa enmpanioa to elderly lady to ' Oallfornla for winter or care for widower's Child. Addreaa B J, the Tlmea, Hrppnor Or. l"IR8T-rTJlR8 ladr ateeocrapbar Beatrea hoilftoe! acquainted with bualaeaa methods la large bonae. 428 Alder at. Phone Bed J890. ZKFLOTatZ'BT A0XaTJXa. ALL kin da af mala help, foralabed ea abort , eetiee frra to employer. . WILLI A kt 8 si HOtJBir, ttt Berth Boeoad at. Pboae Red 1B1. , BtOtllCT HOOD Ckt P1OYl KftT AOBKCT,- rar- nus r-ea to ron kem aulh Hur. Mnagor A OolUaa, 370 Bornatde. Bood. IteT. r HOTEL help ef all kloda forntabed free to empic-Tera. . westers ampmymeat Boreaa, r Third at. Pboae hula IB IB. r . rOR LADIES ONLT. ' PORTIA Wf Women's Employment ' fXaapasr, fid Anaky. ear. '. as sad taorneoa. Bed ton. PIONEER EMPMTlIt CO. Labor eon tree- wra; oaip tree w nwi XI B BRLP. wanted and aapplted. male or female. ak . dbakb. B0Bfc wasnugtoa sr. ciay eea WO a It for men. mew rr HANBBN'B 0rriCB..M North Becnod a. "'- 'A " WAaTaT013Ta. ' ' . WANTED Areata, ladles or gentlemen, to can vass. Addreaa Jones' Book Store. 211 Alder, WAJfTTIc-inBOTiAaTEOlTa. WANTED Bverybodya wants adrertlsed la Joarnal Want ooinmaa. -They relieve yos or all nnneeeaeary worry. Remember, the coat bet 6e a llnet T average words make a Uaa. Try them. WANTED More apraylnc and whitewashing; the only caaollne enmpresaed saea air anraina Korgaa Co., BTO .ralM on the roast. U. O. Korg MllwaakU at. WANTED 100 taea to get tbetr old bate made new. H. u. smith, practical natter, zia Foorn'et. ' 7 - WANTTD Cheap bursas for dog feed.. Boxja, Benwooo. . WABTrDBEAL 1ST ATX. WANTED To bay. e-reom cot tare oa the In stallment nun; arast ee ssoaera and on larro kit, nr will rent with opUea to bay. Addreaa H JonrnaL : WANTTD TO ECTT. WANTED Every boaee, flat or room la the ettv to be occupied. A coed way to nod oeca- psnts ta bv advertising la Joaraal want - Cnlsmaa. Tbey reach -the -kind at aoople ' yoa west-' 81 words for In casts. B00XB ABO BOABB. " NKATLT furnished roams .with food table noara; modern coaraniencoa. , . so viay. Pnone Mala SOW. mNDIICTINO a roomlna bonsai1 . Advertise the Tsct la journal waac uowmne ana siu your BOARD with rooms, well fitrnlshed; Sanders coDVardeueeat table board. ZZ1 Tbtrreents at. TOB RMTT HOOBra. BAST BKfB rental eface of J. L. Welle A Oe,. 4 Grand avenoe If yoa bare a bones to real or want to rent a honae. If yoa bare a house or bit to aril, or want to buy nuuae or tot. If toe want to Insure your boose and fnrnl. tare In the Pboenlz Ins. Co. -of Usrtturd. Cons., call np phone Beat 81. " BOUBES are scarce I at least, the stnd Toe want, but ton can save a lot of ear fare end time, aa -well aa much worrr- by soiling Joaraal Want Columae for what yea . want. - l rj uem. si woraa ror is can. MAN and wife who will furnish good reference - esa find a rare chance to get into a good home (8 rooms, all modern, nonet wen inr- Dished), reseonably, by addressing H 82, -Journal. ', KADDEItLT TraDafrr A Commission sTeH-plenaa ana . romitnre moved ay eipenencra mea. lla North Third at. .Pboae Mala IB-. rOB RENT Hoaeea, eottagis end flute, mo oof a ana sp-to-dste. Tented rree or enarge. L Uerarta A Sons. First aad Yamhill ate. tOR BENT New tnodern T-room boose at Mt. Tsbor, aear tar Una, Pboae Bast A2T at Mala al. i . 1 POB RENT A 4 -room enttsga at BT1 Baker St.. fis per mowta, lnoolre at X74 stater si. PUR RENT Corner store, 4 room and base meet. . laqalre forenoons at Sit first SI. NEW, modern. T-roem bouse, Oomraerrlal at.r ,.ma ere. manure oa irviiig w. rOB BB.TT sr eale. 11 room hotiaa; yard. 2T1 North Klshtaenth SC rOR RENT e-ronm booaei bath Sad yard, 171 H ROOMS. " " 'lurwwei iwim, in f -'1 oouflltloa; use - aio, iww, n, aour irons car. aiaia wwm -o T? hiuiik aa.. - F0B BINT HOUIT -?r0 B00MB. I1- PBK WEE; Large, eleaa. fur slaked axa-sartina roini, win uae of laundry, beta, ;.' f1 rheap furanhed eotUfoa. J. suierioaa, raoae Clay aua,' WINO boaseksepingl' . Psvea't feead a piece -" " , - . j aiauHi waoc v oia ainfi uwj u 1 ouickly. , NEWLY forntabed housekeeping ronmai-rea- Mia 60A " PLEASANT foralabed rooms for hoaeskeep. ' In, fne MnU ul.. . 1 1 . iiu V,n. bm iu : ' -y..- CL'PTON, mh rtret at., aor.' Cohimbia ulta - weea ana an. gQB BXMT TTJEBIaHZD BOOMS,' ONB very nicely furnished front parlor, also siue - peruir, em utile lor two aentiameo or (wo ladles each; slen very desirable up atalru rooms, nicely located oa corner, with every -convenience, at hie. 831 JTIf th. at. lOB IIKT ' .In, annr alao alcoTT . room; fit. bath, a'tram beat! awl rornlabrd priraia noma. 07 Aorta xwencwia au, aai Waehlnntoa. - . .. : - - .' i"INB. large,- double room and two large alnrl rooma; furnished or auturnlsbed: IB tins noose on fortiaoa aemnta. aoa aprine; ,v. NIOELT fnrnlshed rooma. or whole at beuae i rooms, neta ano aaraen. rent esv w sponsluie party, lftv Porter at. . THB DEXTER, No. 184 12th., ear Waehtnrton Nice comfy rooms; modern roureulracesj tranalent. Phono Oreea 486. - KOH HUNT Newly famished room: choice Io cs Hon, No.' 848 Thirteenth at. Phone. Mala 8463, or call forenoons. - 158 IBVIMJ, corner Twenty-third.' fnrnlshed rooms, furnace best, gas, porcelain bath; I blocks from hospital. . 121 THIRTEENTH, eor. Wsahtoftoa Elesknl . newly fnralshed rooma, jingle or ea suite; gas, bath, phone. THREE ROOM suite for Hint hmeekeeplng sad one sleeping room. 1B Beveath St. NFWt.T farnlehed onlet rrsrsiHst toomn . 1M Poarth at. Phono Red 8881 r- Si TO ZZ0BABOX." win aMMw MMThss and a-room h botue In Wiillam Avtmie addition for; lot ana pare casn. inquire pop . toBT abb roinnx " LOST A pocket book eoritslnmg msney, ber . (ween Twentieth and BUrk and Twenty-first and Oak. Apply Mr. Coctbura, Twenty-second and Beat Morrison. . v DON'T he a loser! Be a winner, by advertMns In Journal Want Columns; tbey - pave the : nearest way to success. XI words for M LOST Bnstoa terrier, white stripe ta face; llb . eral reward... Maine Loan Office, to North Third at. ' - ' i . . . u ... FOB BIBT BTOBIB. STORK BOOM for rent. fluent rocstinn la eirr. - CHOWt A SHAW. - i ,838 Washington-at. ' riNB store room oa Xamhlll at.. $38 na month.. Apply Jan. P. Bbarkev. TOl. caaa bee of Commerce. Telephone Mais 10. K0TBXI FOB BKBT IUBB1TUBB FOB BAM )D fnraltnre." 11 rooms, brick bids.. corner. rent $2&; will take kits part payment. LJia te Jinira .si.. ronn a. FOR BALB Bargala If taken this week, furni ture ot eirni rooms, nrsr-ctsas; siat i ta re t; modern. - 14H Thlrtoeatb ak,- -- - -- FOB BALE BEAT, ZBTATB, WK RAVI BARGAINS. WHY pay rent on email faxrne of 10 1 to 90 acree near ma city jnri rou cau ray w, same from aa with nominal raab perment and Interest Isea tbaa rent T 87.000 will buy 157-srre fsria. neat by: the wood tbetton la worth as.ono. He us quirs. iisviason, wara t On., 40B Chamber -of Commerce. BAROAINS of every dracrl prion are oonstsntly advertised la Journsl Want Colnmns. Prop- - erty ewnera will do well to advertise what they wish to sell tn these eolnmne, . ee s ' Una; T sverage werda stake a line. UN IP Tan new colonial restdencee. east aide. close In; one T snd one 8-roomf nil .concrete basement; modcrs thmughout; - also one 1- room. two-story konse, cheap. . Address ewaer, 408 East Seveateenth si. . .FIVB-ACBB TRACT. ' . 14 seres A10 rer acre; new. boose and BU acree 1.0UO; take Estscsds Vrsr. See srent at Ostc's crossing at Brat honae south. Easy terms ea alL - 14.000 g bouse, furniture and ground; coat .. so.nooi IB minutes' wait from roart haass; rente will pay for property la d years. J. ' Landless, 184 Bhermaa FOR SALE C-rnom eottsre and e-roora house tn WUllama Avenue addition; must be sold. Iwner leaving city. Inquire SSg l-et,. WEf.L finished cottare. foil lot; East Nine teenth St., iV, blocks to car line, 81.000. H. 1 Hatfield, Mulkey blk Second and Morrison. FOR ' SALB CHEAP A new 8-ronm. modern , bouse with rot OOslin feet, with a- BO-foot alley; assy terras. Phone Union 8004. FOR BALE 8 room honae. IB minateaf ride from heart of city: 8A0 down, baL monthly. Addreaa M 80, care Journal: . - . FOR SALr-ft-raem CM tare, cement cellar, lot 27xlno. 11.800. on Shermaa aear Sixth. In quire gt one Sixth at. FOR SALE IV-room eottsre. cement cellar, lot 2Txloo. $1,800. oa Shermaa aeaw Blith. (a- qulre at sot nixtn at. t ACRES platted In hvta Arllnrtoa Heights, ton or i annon roaa; wiu eeii eneap. laquira zst Mornsoa at. ao.ano -New' ITrt1fBi Ssstrtat bOOS. ffTiaa til ', , Urtr lot. Mlllfrr, 90S Cbmlf of, Comnrerc. If siMl-ed. 13 ConiiivWrU! Bld. Mitn SMO. Ooop. ni t-rrion Irome. r. Etut'Tlttrty- W vsyar, jra. ay. DniWil, StlfTtsBWT 1 1 ey, VrTs FOR' SALB FARMS. OREGON farms beat them alll And by answer ing the ada ander this oeadlBg yoa'U find some fine oaea. . A OOOO an-acrh etnek fsrm for sale by 84.BOO. B. H. Darla. Corvallla, Or. FOB SALE MIBCEIXAiEOUB. FOR SALE Any amount of apeee la Joaraal - Want Commas for A eeata s Una; T average ; Wona make a line; several Insert lone ot aa ' advertisement usually suks a sale. That's , ONOEBWOOn TTPEWBITBR. Visible wrltlsg. Tabu Is tor. Rsll bearing. - Light manias. ' Agency B8 Front at. j Phone Bed 181. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for real sr tor as in on ease pay meets. ------ TUB bKUhftWIrfc-HAl.KS COLT.BNDBB CO, . . e Tatre pertlaae. LEWON..-r-EE! i prls-ht ptsnos $00 to 818; argaaa, a. 941 V, First and Mala. Room 11. pESIKABLB No. 1 row, giving milk; price - ,i. me. . i ... A rraaonaoie. lev . ai., lynmruir' srsrn. rtAROAlNB In aecond-hsnd machines. Uad - aood Typewriter Agency. Bfi . Front St.. , MILK dairy and route) for sale; doing good business. H 83, rare JoarnaL LA ROB Jersey cow, fresh nest May, 125.00. Inquire Mr. Lrwla, 27 First at FOR SALE Genuine buff bantams. tT W ti lls aia are., eor. Omng at. MAMTRB dcUvered and plowing done. Phone 1 nionnin, - - .. BU8IVU8 CRAJrCZB. NEW Ark. miss nil neld O. M. Kslley, Mis souri peelBO Immlgratloa agent Little Bock, Ark.T -can ret yon an oil' lease, trifling ex- petiss. rortnnea rmm rutnre sale lea are. PARTNER Active or el lent, la beet aewapsper pronneition on F seine eeast: required: ' hesi refereacee -glveav Address R 48, ears r t i iBTt vvrvt"- a e B0OMIN0 BOUBB BBAPQOARTBBB. -4- TAFT CO. 12t- Ablnctee Blorh. Phaae Mala lea. ai ROOMS Fashlonsble hosrdlng-beeae, bast M furnWilnra very flw; eteem jhcs' hf.t and cold ""T' Vlr"""1' 1 rent tXA: good lease. , Price, ,00. tetata houeekseomg apartments; "e?, ilnely located; good loses I rent rirbt; lMrnshlne very beat) steam heel! 8t,o6 Easy tetina. WaaaTUils Is aVogaV 13,260. : , ROOMS Vary elegantly furnished, steam 44 r-.fmt Tloeathm ea Third at., lease. B yeara, r." Si7B. Including . steam beat. c Price - $11,000. A tt BOOMS fairly well furnished: doing goad .-l,ft!W. ...... " ' S 1 , f: 'I JO BOOMS New brick, very modern la every . wsy: fumtshm good;, all baby mat- treases, m wv w I . J.S MM). Might take smaller house la ex change. ,, " ' , , -,. '3- IQU'l tjernatnilj aJSSwaa aunsw m . lease. . $3,740. . . . t ..,-... ' 81" ROOM Fashionable board In f-hoose, very . finely furnmnea; Choice corner, vst -abort dlalaace from Portland hotel; 3 ' ' yeara' least; rent low. 4,0U0. M 'EO0M"Beatpaft ef Waabtngtoa St.! brlcli OUIlUIlia Mmm.j . .. ...... : moat of rooma; now clear lor over $400 par ,' month; low teat; leaaa. 8o,S0Q. .. . M BOOMS New htick bulUUng, etaasi beat. . nox ion gwh w i.i ,u w.w.j ... . --- - i.- AMt In nwl eeetriltkmt eooa thing sew aad In. good condition; lease: - teat . $iiei Dig ,ar. $d.BU0. so nnoKro nieKr mil rantlefisd! Beat buy ea market. - . eiran neat, amiww. Only $2,000. : IS BOOMS On Morrison St., sll ea ana floor; $.B00. - - Bicaiy xuraaMieua. sans siwi ; 18 BOOM Oe Park at.; Iwardlngt very fine; socatKa. goooi repi eis. rnxm - ITOOMS rnrnltare good: rent only S8t good . locauow, Huiiaa ihui twiw . ,. 11 ROOMS Oa Tenth at.; rent 848; furniture good;, has good tncome.f au. . ROOMS On Tavlor at, well furnished; hath; . . raa. electric - iiaot ana sorsmvo -- Price, Including piano, $600, rnvrrcriANMBT. tme on waaaingum si eao one es first at. ...... One ea Morrisoe at...- ...k. . ,...,. aoo 1.000 Ttajr.ic.aTP.aaB'r- .-:'' One e Morrlaon ; reoetpu 8. ii-fl'!IS One oa "Washington St.. receipts fSB... 2,000 -WB f IN MABB TBBMfl ON ART OF TBI - . - PVaMUla-i.i ALL TITLES " OrTABANTBEt). BUTBBB PROTECTED -AS WELL AS BEIXERS. n, . , I, MV, , OtW' UOIIflipd,. A T SO en to aa TAFT - - " 1BVB Ablngtna Block. ' loeb Third St. EUPIRB INVBSTMBNT OOr-" Baker Real Batata Co. 8 Chamber of Commerce. . . i bona Main S33d. i is von ABB rwKINl FOB A ROOMING BOUSti, CALL AT OUR OFFICE. WE HAVE A LABOR LIST OF THB BKOT mi is irj PORTLAND. CAM - ARRANaR-TKRMS. . ON Ani OF THIS. .-.i! -';.. a nous waa Vaek- awrv eloaa tn: taat owl messse $80. Ptsta ........siaM SB ROOMS Market st-i always taken; a cnaaoa . money; rent $78. ' Price . ,000 10- ROOMS Sixteenth at-t rboms "fnr- . b.i.1 I,, mmm Cnllf a hie tMB! rant SIS. Price V ...... t' .r,n .$280 It ROOMS First -class location: new furni ture; good for V inaient: maa ana wire mm n,he maaA tnenm fross thla hOBaa! terms U desired. Price. . . .'..r880 19 ROOMS Boarding: very eloaa hw gas. , bath, not and eoid water, rurnace . . beau n m full .ef goo paying board- era; fnrnlture and earpeta In beat of , condition; present owner selling ea ac count of sickness; half cash. Price. .$2,000 3 ROOMS Third. street; furniture and ear- ; . peta aa rair-eoaaiiroa; en osa oeuioiieBeii boose: owner baa made e loruine Price $2300 11 ; BOOMS Tvrelfth-street Vocation: extra '. rl furniture ana carpets; vary csjee rent $58, Price ........ 12 ROOMS YamblTl; very fins fnrnlture and , rsrpetsi . aooaeseeping. ror a vuics. sale v..-. .$1,180 25 ROOMS Apartment boaee; swell lnea. . tloa; furniture and carpets ine nest; ... very be t ojaas ef tenants; Income $328; . '' half cash. . . ... . - 10 ROOMS Fourteenth at rest; rent $40; T nice furniture aad earpeta; 'income sw. , Owner reduced this from BB50 to $800 for a speedy sale. . ; A GROCERY Very good meatloB ea Male street; fine pueinese; soon traoe, mwiy CASH; low rent, with lease; wlU ln . voles or sell an lump. - - - . 1 - DON'T RUT ANTTtlINl, ' DON'T SET.L ANYTHING, . . UNTIL YOU SER LB. , '-.v , -"" WB HAVE. - ' '" 'V ' , BARGAINS IN BCSINEflS CHANCES, ; BARGAINS IN APARTMBNT HOI'S KB, BAROAINS IN REAL ESTATB. -WB MAKB IOANB. SQUABS DEAL BROKERAOB COMPANY. -. M SevsnU St., Portlaad, Or. A SNAP "AT ABHWOOD, OBEOON." $10 mi stock general marchandlas at diseeeatl stock eaa be reduced; buildings and lots for sale, or will rent. - Inquire af Joaraal, sr write as today. J. W. A M. A. ROBINSON. GENERAL MERCHANDIBB store for sale. Is small town In soothers Oregon; splendid sew store building; stock will Invoice between ' ST nm and U IWl! reeaoa tim aelllna-. have nmty for tha right man. If Intureateo. aa- orees n. Bang. Myrtle trees, oregoa. 20 ROOMS, or and -sew farnltare located ea . prlndpls street la city; bouse full of reeeners; guaranteed laeexne of $loo per moath above all expenses or no sale; $78 rent; king lease; I refers sees required ; payment of 'Say reason able amount satisfactory. Barry An. Alex, aader, 4 North Sixth, opposite postof flee. WANT aell your bwdneast West to lavaot Is something goad I Be better rarest mest tbaa advertising for what roe want ta Joaraal Want Corsmna f 81 words tar U BOKBEBS OKA -BEAL WANi . rMb to buy T em bv. , west side: pai" '-erea. t. eooe Joe- .. rEBIOBAT. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Raberts t Tt Globules). One mouth's trestment, ; aientba, 88; sent seen rely seeud by i A (vats, Wnodard, Clarke A Co., 1-ort.eBd, "THB BOOK OF NATTJBB." "Book ef I' a," "Msoel orsy." Btory of a IU," "b. ,i" CstaJue-aea free. A. Brbmale, Lut First at. YOUR preeeriptlone ara more aoeurataly t-1 reaaenably filled. at Byssell's pbarma v, I aiorriaoa at., petweea nrsc ana aecosHi m. PERSONAL Your buetneas or profeasfesni eaed fa eouraaj want uorumna win prmg yoa best seas; 81 Words IB cento. Try tt CARPET-TLB ANIKO Carpeta cleaned ea- the Boer without removing xurnltnre rmai room; phone Clay 881 -for a free demonstration. MABBIAOB PAPFR 10c, sealed; 800 wealthy: many worth f iuo oso; peat nanx retcrencea; Bid year. R. U Love. Denver. Colo. - ... PACIFIC Coast Detective Asaoclatloa, ' Inc.. teiome 218 and 218, uoodaough; reasonable rates. - TOBACCO and rtsarette bsbtt positively, cored. call t room 2ft, No. 14H Fourth at. FOR III F BOBBES AND CARRIABEB, LIVESTOCK ta always disposed of very otrlekly . whea advertised In Journal Want Columns. The rata is 21 wards for IB easts. Try - tbess, ' '. - ...... ..- RRBAL mall wagna for sale: good .ecmdltton; delivered at Portlaad, 'Carrier - No. $, Oreaham, Or. CLAIRVOTABT ABD FALaOBT. MADAMB JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, palmist. card reader; I give facta reliable and im . portent oa rB affairs ef real life. Baa lings 80c. 6S Beveath at., near Oak. PALMISTRY and card reading; t questions snewered' for 2B cants. Roost 41, S28V Wasblngtmr St." ' . - K3 ARCHITECTS, i Ooodrlch A Goodrich, srcbl tacts: Wm. W. Oood- rleb. consulting engli T8 Stk. ASPHALT BAYTJteV THB Trinidad Aaphalt Paving Co. e( PortlaaA UIIIC TT Ul ajsssja.esar DB, ATTORHETB. ANTIBBW- 1 CHEBBkf 2,- Tt Wsshlnrtoa bldg., general law business; papers drawsi '. tltlea examlaed. Pboae Main 1! SHEPHERD, ANDERSON A CELLARS, Attoraera. OlU-oMUl Marqosm bldg. aAROtBoTiuis iiOHTESTJO."' ORBOON BOUND LCMBBR CO Ml. Burnside St. Pboae Grant 1171. - BOAT BDTLOIBO, JOHN HIDE Boats built to order aad sale. - Cor. Rest Yamhill aad Water eta. " 7" CKXROFOST ABD MABICVRIXO. WM. DBYKNY and ESTELLB O EVENT, the only sci en tine cblropodlats, parlors room SOB " Drew bldg., 162 Second St. Pboae Mala 1801. Tbla hi the long-haired geaUamaa. Us Is the sua yoa are looking for. . - . . 0X6) ARB ABD TOBAOOO. C8BBRO-OUNBT CIGAR CO. DtetruwtorB ef , FINB .CIOABa Portlaad. Oregsa. ' OTBFEKTEBB- ARBs BfflLBBBBr- A. J. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, carpenters sad bulMera; repetrlng and jobbing; - store sad ef flee Bxtnrsa built. Shop 2o Columbia. . Pkoae Clay 18B1. A. M. DEB, bonding end remodeling; store fix. - rnraa a speelslly. , 2W2 First aU Pboae fisy B24. 0. W. CORDON, counters, ebelvinc. boajers built and rcpslrcd. 208 Fourth. Claf 174 ' T" OOJOtXmOW BrEBOHAHTB. BVBBDINO A FABRELU produce aad eommue slos sMrchants. 140 Front St., Portlaad. (sr. ' Pboae Mala 17. .. DAVBNPOBT BROS., ISO Front St. Fruits, pro duce: consignments soUciee;-prompt reairna. CAFES. TAB " RESTAURANT Home cooking e ' spa- cialty; steal tickets $8. Tboe. Loses, prop. Cor. Twelfth and Washington. THB OFFICB. 288 Waeblngtoa at. , Mala m. Pickett A Vlgaeeax. Pboae a OEM EBT OORTRAOT0RR, HAWKINS CO- Residence, SOS Fourth St., phono Front 1288) cement work ef all de scrlpttoas) step wore specialty t worn guar- r. SBteed. . .: . .'-. CHASVH. CARTER A CO., I formerly Carter A ' Bll) cement con Use tore. 74 Tsggart. Pboae East ISTBAU vrors guaranseeo. UROOXERT ABB LASSWARR, tinot.irnAI.E crockerv and rls Bagela A Co., 100 to 108 Fifth, ear. Stark at. BBTMBlfiKniO. J.DIES' and children's rsrmsnta, silk skirts, waists and wrappers stade to order. . , 1S1 RVaveath St.- Tslepkone Mala 8127. MRS. McRIBRBN. srtlstle- dress and , cloak snaking. 661 hfonisoa St. BOO ABB BORIS XOgPITAX. DR. B. J. CABNBY, D. V. A, veterinary ear geoa. removed to BSB Ollssa st set. vow irth aad Fifth ats. COAX ABB WOOD. ORUAT WE8TBRN COAL CO- 441 Beet, eor. . llthl washed lump sootlsss coal. $6.00 per ton; sat. $5.0lt - agents for Cumberlaud Range, $7.00; Caatle Oate, $860; who leas Is . prices i free deUvery; full welgblai .sstlsfae- . uoa goaraaueo. rnoue suis eao. - - - WESTERN FRED A - FUEL O0. 164 North Fifth at. sealers la oomestie saa steam coal,- blacksmith anal, cnareoal ana ease. Pboae Mala 101B. ALBINA FUEL CO., Rsllrosd St. and ARrina , are., near lorry; sue ana dsxb wood, ary aad greea. Phone Beat 074. - -'.: BTREL BRITK5B WOOD YARD Wood and coat Office, 218 Holladay aveaaa. Phone B. AS. C. B. VELIN, first-class wood and coal: office ' s Aibina a vs.. nesr terry, ury sisowooo. OREOON FURL CO. I all kinds of eosl sad wood. 844 Morrlaos. Phone Msle 66. BOOVBR A COHTWaY.' 81$ Water St,' Wood snd eosl. Pboae Mala 46M. 17YETB6) ABB CLBABTBB, PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND BYEINB Works; practical hatter In eoaneetloa; feather knee and .lames cleaned and curled by aa ex pert. Ill Fourth. rhone Clay 704. t . CLOTHRA CIJtANED AND' PRESSED 81 nor . wjoota. unique mioring ca' .47 waaaisg row ex. ' B. W. TTRNRR, prefeasinaal drer snd eleaner, SOB Jefferson at. Phone Msla to 18. BEO0RAT0RB. BBNRY BEROER 180 First St.! wiUosner. Ingrains, tspeatrisa applique frlenaa, later- BARCLBB. MRS. OR ANT'S adhlt snd children's el ' Academy ef Mnstc, Morrison at., eor. BecoaA ELECTRIC AX WORKS. R0RTRWEST ELECTRICAL RNOINEERINA Oompsny. $0 Btark St.. Portland; O, R. for everythlnf . la the electrical Una, - Pbeas MsIB lane. FTJRBTTVRB FACTORIES, rURNrrURB SMnufactnrlng snd special orders. L. Baveneky'a furalture factory. 870 Frsat St, ORBOON Furalture Mannfaeturlng Cmapaay bfsausctnrsra ef furnltare fat the trade. BOS M-ZZZTiJ, l. . ' rA.oiwuioe rl fra e- ft nnrtbwsst; ar.. -s tie i -. tc ,it supres aecretary, Si8 tr- tat bug., IwniaBd. tat. Tee- a, r :t RZSERFl BCBJJf. .' -eVB SCRIP FOB BALB AB. -vauicted, rexir for Immeoiste se: B. F. A F. B. svitey. U - et t -mi Vf- - ... . ...tain, matrtnsr: m. Hi esses saada tu o-v , e. r- ig Ls's, 60 Washington at. Ihone r-4 lii. ' ' OROOERS, WI vg A CO., wholesale rrsrera, maa-I-; -rs and eoanaslaaloa BMrcbaaU. Fourth and osA sot. AL' HI WIS. cemmlaston aad wuduee -op end Iravls sts., rortlasa. or. ETrMAB HAIR ROLLS. RRO. tnaafr. hamsa hah- rolla 42B R, wim. rnooe nasi ani. Baore, nym saomsoa as. KOTELB. HOTEL Portland. Amertcaa plaai $8. BS per day. RELVEDBRBl Baropeaa plant 4th-aad Alder ate, XBSTTRAKOB, ISA AO L. WHITB. Bra BOO Dakast JAR. Mcl. WOOD, employers liability and la- oiTiouai secioant nretr beftaa el SB Bises, Pboae 4T. BuS McKay Mag. . H. P. BABTBLS COMPANY. Cre lueatss.s. 448 Boar lack bldg. Oregon Phone Clay ass. FIRB INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A Ce., 21 suarsaca Blag. f bone MSIB isoa, ARTHUR WILSON, fire .insure sea. eing. mono Msla 10OK . qtOB WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Esaiooara. BMae factursrs of marl as, mining, logging sad saw mill machinery; prompt s test Ion to repshj Phoae Beat 2. Hawthorne eve., a B So. LTJKRER. ,,t v' NORTH PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY Not la toe eorabtno Cnnaetty reef per day. i The largest stock la the city of dry rustle, .Boorlng, celling snd finish and all common grades. Will fill local orders at the lowest market price. Prompt deUvery guaranteed. " Purchasers should see ear stock before placing - orders. Offices. Mo. Worcester block. Phone Mats 23. Mill. Sherlock are. sad river front.. Phone Bala 282. -. 1TEBI0AX. MRS. L. A. ELLIS, M. D. Oh rente diseases scleotlncslly tree ted. omea son Balraoa St. " BUB1CAL. THB MUSIC SCHOOL OF PORTLAND! Illus trated cataiogve tree; a 11 departments. Ad' sreaa P. O. Box 906. . . l- LRSHONS.. BOe: pis on. orfaa. guitar, hante. tnandollw, vtoBa. 841 Ftrst-st, cor; Mats. Room 12. - MR." AND MRS. tt A. WRBBER. hanto. msnee- na. guitar Instrsctloo. Mela S088. 178 W. Park. KTJBI0 BEALERB. FISHBR MU8I0 CO.. ISO Third St. Victor tatt ing macMBes; repairing, atea eua. MA0RETIC HXALLVO, MRS. U H. BART autcese fully tree ts all dia eases; method taught- "New Thought" . reading room, .811 Tourney bldg. Mala 41 7 A MAONETIO healing sad scale treatmset; eaa face treeawst free. - Reaes 42. 828 Vb Waah- lngron ac ataia szao. XABSAOE. FRRNCH lady gives bath and mssaags treat -meat. riitn ex. weec 107B. OVBBALLB. BOSS OF THB BOAD O VERA LB and SMchaa- tea cnth I na: anion made. Neastadter maaafacturera. Portlaad. Or. - - FAIRTIR0 ABB PAFER-BAROLBO. ft. IfW mr-i M L u,ai, .. - nn noun w-, , a. pwiu&iHg, aiaiuaj, paper-oseging. eux . ausseii St. ; woramaa ship sad startal gssranteed. Pbeoe tnbrn 638L F. . SUTTON-, palater and paperhsnger. 186 Msdlson et.. west eaa Of nriare. PLITBIBEBA I'ONNBRBBRO A RADRMACHER. esalterf plumpers, ae rouna as. sma FOX A Co... Mattery plumbers, 281 feeond bet, Mala and Salmna, Oresoa Pboae Mala 8001. 0RXT TO X.0AB. RBB - H.- 8TRONO, 'FINANCIAL A BENT. - Monlee On Da mmmImU, I f m ia a poaltlon to Stoke Immediate Vaans as id proven reel estate or tor bonding anrnesesi any amount; moderate Interest Wa ap- , Prove loans from -plane gad advance saeaey as suuaing progressss. -wpuoa , la repsr- sasnt after one rear. . , w FRKQ H. STRONG, Financial Agent. i ' 108 Second St.. aear Stark. ' ' - thb aria r-oiM m. Any salaried employe, wage-eavaar. eaa get ee mwm mmm. . ,111101 , nfiiaa Month. H-wonta. wees. 5U5' es 818.M .ar $e r or 83.88 R3.00 Repay to-aa i A8S or 83 M or it. M 116.00 Ropey to ea $ 4.00 eg $2.00 or $1.00 U.Wm.. Weeu : .'.'" rtrpey to ea at. 16. SALARY TANS Yoa eaa borrow money from as oa yonr salary or Income for one to ats mouths, la any amount from $8 to $10 V"t " Btereet; ae wait as de- eunfidentlal; payments soapeaded la ease ef . -nr-w. tne ireacenx tanaa tjo gonlaa bldg. ........ .- . ALARY LOANS Any as Is tied person having a rteeVIr position with responsible f rm eaa ehrala tncney on the essy riyn-ent plan, with ewr nubllclty or delay: all bualnesa treated "rVrtly.tXnsVleutl.L NORTH WEST LOAN . CO.. 221 AUsgtoa bldg, etty ' - - 'O8. ON THB RASY PAYMENT PLAR.., am asiarien People. Strictly Coafideatiai . Office hours, t a. m. to 6 p. m. . EMPLOYEES' LOAN CO.. . Phone 124. .: Room 71 l, The rtekum bldg B W. ear. Third nad Waabtngtoa sts. MONET -TO LOAN oa real, persoeal and atd lateral security: .Special attsnttoa to chattel Jiortgsgee: notes bonght. C. W. Pallet, B04-O Fen toe bldg. 84 Sixth at ninoi v . .... . . . . aa u a rsvpecTSOie piece WBST ismea sou Eta eaa borrow atoncy en diamond sad airy. Collateral Loss Rsnk, 8o Wash tnn aae - - - O l-a. v BRB , r, r a. H i a-w - - ..lata eA Unsocial areata; money to'Wa oa mortgage " securities at low ratea la Bums tram $800 to - stp.w7 -lewa y ii st at. 1 MORTOAfrB 1IANS en Improved end farsi prwperry rr lowest rarreot rates: Miiaiag rrene inatsument loaaa. wsw Maaaustar, 811 Worcester bldg. . . . T MONEY ADVANCRf) salaried people, teamsters, AAA ,.W.. ' -. . - - wimimi wcinir; easy -psnnawiei an est Ixirine-s tn 46 principal dtlaa, . Touaaa ' 222 AMagtoa bldg. . , MONEY loaned on pianos, fiirnltaro and ether . ehnttel securities- sll bwstaeae strictly prt- vsie. MUHTHWE8T tiOSN CU Abing- on Drag., erry. ; " I AM- prepared to hoy good notes secured oa any kind of real estate In Oregon ee Wash ington, h. a. nobis. BIB commercai bis. nsr i'im,i , . . . a . vnni ir.u.mni in amoumu rmnaina from to $8,000; rooming aoaes a eoedslty. R ' Era Loan A Trust Co.. tnd Ablngtna bids. New MONET TO LOAN ea Imnroved ae tmlmprnved " ftty property, la sums to salt. Parrlah, Wat nine m lo,. xna aider at, - LOANS at lowest i-ates ea fnrnl t see. elanns: anv security notes purchased, Eaatsra Leas - ernes, sis atrnay Bldg. .... MONEY TO LOAN ta rave ee smart mounts en coon errant rt veweat raise. William u. Reck. 807 Felling ldg. . MONFY TO LOAN en Clacbsmaa enuntr landa R. F. end F. B. Riley, sr Chamber et Cets- PLATTBO. THB OREOON PLATINO WORKS. 41 Wssh. . Ingtoa at . Pboae 2878. , PeUehtng, plaUag rrtTt.yCTArTi.o.:';-, Ai. ? At R. 0. tfPIOHT, domes' e sd forei-n petestal.;. a P In- ' .-cent was, 4 I um f, y PRnrmio. RfWHONO A CO. Fjont and Stark ate., print- Ang. ntbograiihlng. blank nonas aao "rues auneKea; work done -en tlaae: moat pomphrte printing otuce ta the west. Mala 104. ANDfcHSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, prtntint, , ltnogrsnhinr. blank aooaa. rnoae am ii. BA A lore st REES ourrmoB. MARR VONBYf TJSB PBE8S CLIPPINGS! Ring Bp Biaeh 11 sad order a swath's ssishs - covering every tow a In say er ail eoeas states: da'lr aaeeeenger ssrvice; sdvaaee re ports ea all coo tract work. Portland etflee, V Baeand at. FAIBTB. 0H.S ABB OLASB. . B. BEACH A CO. Pioneer Paint Co., serMne the beet thlnrs made la- pelnta and geneesl a.. . - building materia la: window-glass snd glaalng s specuity, iaa First, aa Pbo-w Mais lui. , , f. P. pttLLER A CO. Msnnfaetarera Pioneer Lead, Pbuealx Paint Kopallne: a guarantee even with every galloa af paint ass as fee red by as. -.-,-.. RASMUSSBN A CO. Jobhera, aalata, ell. glaas, , sash snd doeea.' ISO First st ROPE. PORTLAND CORDA0B CO. Cocoes Fsartoeatb and Northrop ats., PortTand. Or. LA BO WIT stork la eJtyt Irlebold wort: leefcosvs ."' opened. Began. )au work, atrei celling, treat ment and goods meriting your patroaas. , J. R. Dart a. OS Third et- ' ' l O N' i' ii - J V' . - RTTBBXB STABFB. P. C STAMP WOBKS. S4B Allien at... pboae rt , - Mala T10; rsbbar stamps, seals, stencils, bag ; ,. ' gaga, trade cbacka; sand for catalogue. . CHAS. B. POTTER A CO., rubber Stamps, (e mo ecu no so nrex sr., near ntara ax. - R00FTRO.- . .. i. ..... TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repetrlng snd gsaeral . lobbing.- J. Los 11. 212 Jeffersoo st . ALL kinds af roof repaired sad pa ilred sad painted, . W. J. Farrslt BSH First Scott B4X SPRAYXBO ABB WRITE WASKTBO. ; I WANT to hid ea yonr palsttng ef roofs, docks, ware nouses, stnees. Balls, auua, lactones see " Sll other almtlar work done la oil or water paints. In some reepecte better than hraab. ' ' wltk th spray pump; my own process ; many ' . raars ef expsrlenee Adrdesa G8S Eaat Wash- ingtoa. Phone Union 1205. t N. Morgan. f. 8PRA YINO - and whitewashing, trees, base. soeuta. l-arna. dorks, etc., M. O. Morgaa A -Co. Call np B-ott 2124. w will call sod -giv yoa flrures oa your work. The largest - raaollne spraying end - whltewaahta eatfll s Msltnomah eoanty. 170. Mllwaukle at. Portland. Or; BH0WOAIEB ABB TXTRES, HOWCASES of every dsscripttont bank. bar . and store gxturee made to ardor. The Lstke Maaaracrariag tja., rorrianu ana oeetxte. . ITORAOX ABB TtRABiTEBT " SAFES, plaaos and furniture moved, packed reedy for ahtpplag and ahlpped : - art week -guaranteed; lame. 8-story, brick., fireproof: i wsreboose for storsg. Office 12S First st . C. M. 0LBEN. Phoo Mala 4T. - '.-- . a O. PICK, office SS First st.r between StarB and Oak stm; pboae 606 pianos and taraU tare moved and packed tor shipping! com asedloua fireproof brick : warehouse.. Freat and Cray ate. " 1 - ' ' ' . ' TRANSFER ABO HAVURO OREOON TRANSFER" CO.'. - 124" North Sixth. " - Phone Mais 60. Hesvy hasllag sad storage, POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Na. 200 Waab Ingtoa st. Phase Mais TMS. - TYTXWRITXXB. TOBT XPRWRITBR HEAOQilABTKRi - SSQ Stark Btreet , -- ; We rent" repair, sell, exchange tyns-rrltera, . ! . AB auppnea for all mschraes. - T . "., ' Staadsrd tascblaee 82B end ap to $100, . ; Do roe want a stenogrspbse or tvrdstt ' -"' ., , Wa have Vat of good anpHcaata, '. ' . . Phoae Black MTi. ' ITNDFRWOon TISIRI.E TYPEWRITER. Sgearf st SB Front St. pboae Red 1,V. ' Comb, brush, aosa. 81 per month. Lswrenc I tV. Fourth aad Coach. fP Rree.' Towel Biuly Pboae 179. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-186 - St., bet Yamhill sad Taylor. Portland. FDrARCOAU, OB90X as BAB PJIAWCIBOO VABX, need office, w oid 'kr'tl1 aesa, make biaaa. discounts bills aad tssaea , letters of credit available for travelers sad tor the purchase of merchandise la any city of the world. Deals la foreign and domestic exchange. - I Btereet paid aa all time de posits. WTAVHACUAB. Basager. I Cbsmher s . Osaimwae B'lfldlng, Third sad - .-- - . Btark Bfaeeto. ,--': SBovmrrr batxbtcw it tbust oo 8C6 -Iterrieea fit.. Pert land. Or. Tieassets a Oaaeral Banking Dnslsna. v BAVIBOS DEPABTM EBT. latawsst Allowed on Time and Saving Deposits, - - Acts ss Trastee for Eats tee. Drafts and tettara of credit svsllsbls Is sll parts - ' Vat the world. -. ADAMR v.. .. Prsaidewt V ta. A. LEWIS..,,, First Vice-President T?.. A. Ia MILLS.... .w.Seeoad Vbxt-Preeldeot R. 0. JUBITB Secretary URTTBD ITATT8 WATtOVAT, BABX, - OF PORTLAND, 0REO0N, M0RTRWE2T COR. THIRD ARB OAK STS. - Treses sts a flsneral Raaklag Bualaeea.. . DRAFTSy-TKSUED AvalUble la all rltlee of 4he United S to tee and Europe, Hoag Kong aad Manila. COIXEOTIOBS MABB 0B FAVORABLE XERMo. President. I..... ......,a. .. J. C. AIKSWORTel Vice-Preel del. t W. R AYBR Cashier ......R. W. BCHMEttJ Asststsnt Cashier ....N.A. M. WBIOHT M' BBCXAErTS fATTOBaAE BABX, FOBTLA1ID. ORBOOB. J FRANK WATSON......... President R. L. DURHAM. ,...VIc-PTe1dcnt R. W. HOYT7. t ...Cashier GEORGE W. HOVT... -..Assistant Cashier - Traaaaitte a aoneral Banking Businees. - Drafts snd letters of credit Issued available , to all parte ef the world. -' Conections a specialty. Gold dust bought rXMBT HATIOWAX, RABf r of Portland, Or, 1 Deelgastod Deoosltorr anA Flnnotal Agent of the United Statea. . ci!::::::":::::::::::::'wNEwTiRn? Amlstaat Cashier ..c wJT-0ieA.'--?.?2 Second Asalatant Cashier..... TR SBTEVENS Letters ef credit Issued svsllsble la,. Europe - . and the Eastern States. '.. ' Bight Bxehsnew and TeleeTsrmle Tranafees sold on New York. Boston. Chicago, Bt Lout. St. PeoL Omaha, San Frsttelsce snd tha prtnetnal points In the NoHhwest f Blgur anu line ' . " " . - I OU MlWajilUl T.FaiiM,.. aau a a ,. . .w. "1. a. ii . wnM VAhnhama. Conenhsaea. 1 " . : . a.T.I PMlnA . Una. Lnran n i n ' - '" - - cow. Enrich. Honolulu. Collection made as faverabl terma y .; LBJDS ft nXTOTF. BABTCBBB, . - , - . lEstabllshed In lsnn.t . . Transact a Oeaeral Baaklsg Businees. . eollectlnaa made at all points ee. fevnreble term. Letters ef credit leaned available le Enron and nil pointr in in imiww row, Blaht Rxcbaoae snd Telegraphic Transfer anld aa New xora. eusranss. ilcaeo. St Louis. Denver, omana, ran inrsnwv snop Monuna and Brltlsb Ojlnmhl. - . a- Bichange anld ea London, Psrna. Betlls, Frankfort Boos Koog, . Yokohssto. Manila sad f Hoaolulu. j . ' ,'', MOBSIB BBOB. ft OaXITBBBBB. Iffsr gilt-edge Inveatmanta i Municipal aad . ValliW Beads. Write er sall,. . MlUj First it. Portland. MOPfOAfrt?. LOANS - . , 0e Portland Real Bstate at Lowest Rataa, -t Tltlse Insured. , n-irscis mrnianr - j nru BTJABABTBB ft TBOBT 00s rates to ine w ai run. noria aisaieeata it. : ., . , '' fa-t ' - ' r woeraa. . .,,,- .... - first sv -. . , . - Rasa A Chamber ef CotasMtee anu Mcurnng. - ' I1'' ' f I 11 j .