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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1904)
TK3 C 0.GON La. JOURNAL, PORTL 09 0 0 1,J 1 A 7 1 Tth Tc!h ths Story KG FiKE AT THIRD AND 1 . " DAVIS SUNDAY WIGHT UmMm Km ee km m fo MlluuuHUnnM riUii tU Dana. fierce flr wu 8. Brombtrctr, the cloth- Mr and rurnleaer, OD in corner or inira and Davis streets. Mr. Bronbwnr bu been in business on this corner for the past IS rearm, under the old familiar nam of CHEAP CHARLEY. HU loae la by water only, m the Are proper did not reach bla stock. Mr. Brontbercer re wrote the Joai Terr much, a be, hd Juet received hie FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINO. HAT", SHOE8 AND FUR MlSHlNOa. and be ear hie etock la valued at about $40,000, with laeurance about 110.000. Other sufferers are; Pari H6use, damage, 14,000, insurance IZt.OM; C. L. Hon Co.. Job 14,000, In surance 14.100; Cosmopolitan asloon. loee 12,100. Ineuraaoe same; Spanish res taurant, loae S00, insurance $1,000. TWELVE YEARS IN BUSINESS ON THIS CORNERTHE STANDBY OF THE NORTH END ; tC S. BROMBERGER, Proprietor COIL THIRD AND Di! STREETS Ocr Less Your Gain JovmxAi. oo is) SUNDAY1 FIRE THIRD AND DAVIS-LOS IS 2I,500 Vaauaw to aU Boas Tvily Oorered r laamwwae Imnl Halaeaa mrfam r rtbhir Ttoabamt . Bead era tnet A14 tk IMcbeere. One of the heavteet loaera tn thla fterce Are was B. BromberKer, the cloth ier and furnisher, on the corner of Third and Davis streets. Mr. Brotriberaer has been Ln business on the corner for the past 11 year, under the old familiar name af CHEAP CHARLEY. His loss la by water only, as the fire proper did not reach ha stock. Mr. Brombercer re grets the lose very muoh, aa ,he had Just received his FALL, AND wl NTER CLOTHINO,, HATS, 8HOK8 AND FOR NIBHINOfl, and he saya his stock 1a valued at about $ 40,000, with Insurance bout 1 10.000. Other auSarers are: Paris House damage $4,000, Insurance $16,009; C. Li. Hon Co., loss $4,000, ln suranee 4,8O0; Cosmopolitan saloon, loaa $3,100, insurance same; Spanish tvnm f.iiiw. iihiiwih win, oumiiiii restaurant, load $800, Inauranoe $1,000, FURNISHINGS FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, SHOES HATS and That wers slightly damaged by water in th big fire which occurred at Third and Davis streets on the night of October 16, go on sale tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at a ' great sacrifice We had just finished marking and putting away our Immense Fall and Winter Stock when mia disastrous fire overtook us. AS OUR LOSS IS PAlt BY THE INSURANCE COMPANY we are going to throw this fine stock on the market at a tremendous reduction in price. Tfee quality of the goods' is not injured in any way., They are just as good as the day they left the factory. " V M - ..' , ' . t, ; 35c AND 50c ON THE AEV. fsr w. we , tsar jbt a Are"the prices at which 'you can buy these goods now. Every item on this page is from 35 to 75 per cent tes s than you can buy em for elsewhere. The store wi& be open every evening until o'clock m order to give 11 an equal chance to share in these Elxtraordinary Bargains. Nothing misrepresented at this store, everything; is marked in plain figures. THIS SALE ECLIPSES THEM ALL. Such bargains are not picked up every day. , DON'T LET ANYTHING -I -4'-'. KEEP YOU; AWAY FROM THIS GIGANTIC SALE CLOTHING Our stock o clothing waa without a peer iri the north end it was the best that money could Duy. wnue some of it got a little wet, the quality, fit or style were not injured in the feast You can buy it now for less man SO cents on the 11.00. v f V3e I d "Price on all of our Men's Suits and Overcoats, mat sold for $3.50. ti QC Zs the Fin Sale MJOd Price for Men's fine Suits and Overcoats. - that sold for $10Lf - . t& 7C I" m Fre Sale Del 3 Price for Men's ex tra . good Suits and Over coats, that sold for $12.50. f0 7C'Xs 410 Fire Sale 7 Ad Price for Men. Ut- est style single or double breasted Suits or Overcoats, that sold for 916 and S1&50. ti ? 7C U Fire Sale M )e I J Price for Men's ex tra quality fall and winter Suits, that sold for $20 and $22.50. f- . r w ., .y Is the Fire Sale Price for' Men's medium weight Rain Coats. that sold for, $13.50 tQ 7C Welti Crsvenette and $15. ti A 7C I the Fire Sale Price for Men's best quality MUeltJ Crsvenette Rain Coats, in several food shades. that aold for $17.50. , , , - ; - QC- Is the Fire Sale Price for Men's fine fitting wool vt)v mixed Pants, in all shades and aixes. that sold for $1.50 snd $2. ....- ..--r , a the Fire Sale Price for Men's extra fine cassi- mereaor worsted Pants, that sold for $2J0 snd $3. Is the Fire Sale Price for all-wool Pants, that sold for $4.50. ; , , .,;-..:fT, Is the Fire Sals Price for all-wool Pants, that sold for $5. f . .j , S1.45 $2.15 $3.25 ti 7C I e Fire Sale Price for all-wool Pants, mat Omtd BoWfor$6.- v . Is the Fire Sale Price for our celebrated BUCK SKIN JEANS, that we have handled for the nast 1$ years and always sold for $1.50. , ;.UV COYS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Here's a chance for the busy motnW to dress her voune: bopeful at a cost that the lightest purse will hardly feel We've piled our entire stock of Boys and Children Clothing on a table and you can take your pick at 25a on the f 1-00 of the wholesale cost . UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY wear, in red, vicuna or gray, that aold tor 5i.0 The quality of our Underwear and Hosiery was known the town over ; now you can. buy them for about a third ' jf'" of their real value.'; C -s. . Q- Is the Fire Sale Price for about 60 dozen fine Bait 0C briggan Shirts and Drswers that are only slightly, soiled; the regular 50c and 75c grades. v Q. Is the Fire Sale Price for Men's sanitary fleece, jer 1 0W sey ribbed and camelshair Underwear, that sold for 50c and75 t ... y -- - . jC-Is the Fife Sale Price for Men's fine natural gray 4t)v or brown wool mixed Underwear, that sold for- $L C- Is the fire Sale Price for Men's tan, gray or flesh Utiy color fine ail-wool Underwear, that sold for $1.25, rA- Is the Fire Sale Price for a lot of extra good quality t)vw Underwear, in broken sixes, that sold for $1 and $1.25. -..v. .':vV-"- ' ' "' ' ; rr.Is the Fire Sale P(?ce for Cooper's genuine derby Jvv ribbed, in a variety of shades; always sold for $L QC Is the Fire Sale Price for California Flannel Under- OtJW weai and $1.5U A Is the Fire Sale Price for the kinds that aold for elU $1,75 and $2.' .. , ' ; , ::::::SOX::;:;:.. .' i. A pair is the Fire Sale Price for Men's fast black Sox, K that sold for 10c , vi ' Ln A pair is the Fire Sale Price for Men's fine wool UC mixed Sox, that sold for 15c , Is the Fire Sale Price for Men's all-wool and Cashmere Sox, that sold for 25c. OVERSHIRTS y cr Is the Fire Sale Price for Men's Golf Shirts, In good assortments of plain and fancy colon, all sixes, that sold for 65c snd 75c j ' 6CrU the Fire Sale Price for Men's fine Golf Shirts, ww"that sold for $1 and $1.25. OCr Is the Fire Sale Price for Men's extra fine Golf OOW Shirts, that always sell for $1.50 and $2. -Cr Is the Fire Sale Price for Men's fancy Stiff Bosom LOK' Shirts, with separate cuffs, aisea 14 to 17, that sold for 50c and 65c. " ' XCI the Fire Sale Price for the better grades, that Unsold for $1 and $1.25. -. AC Is the Fire Sale Price for the better grades, that sold for $1.50 and $2. ::: WOIUCING SHIRTS 77rIa the Fire Sale Price for a big lot of all kinds of "y Working Shirts, that always bring 60c and 75c. lCr Is the Fire Sale Price for Men's fine cashmere and "71' negligee Shirts, that sold for 65c and 75c . keIs the Fire Sale Price for Men's fine wool, cash Uvl'tnere and flannel Overshirts, mat always sold for $1.25 and $1.50.' -, . QCrIs me Fire Sale Price for Men's blue flannel, single ouwor double breasted Overshirts, that aold for $130. t C Is the Fire Sale Price for Men's blue flannel Overshirts, single or double breasted, that sold for$2.50. . : ,;: ; . ;J. . 12c MEN'S FINE FURNISHINGST UNHEARD-OF PRICES Just because they got a little wet wfc are going to sell , them for ahnoat nothing. , 7- COLLARS AND CUFFS ; Zc Each iftthe Fire Sale Price for a big lot of Men's T fine Collars, in all aisea, regular price was 15c IOC PeC Fire Sale Price' ior all our regular Cuffs, i . f , ; t NECKWEAR. Big assortment of aU the new 1904-5 shapes, styles and makes, at One Third of their real value. ; G Each is the Fire Sale Price for a big lot of Four-in-oc Hands, Tecks, Puffs and Windsors, . that formerly .sold for 25c. .. Ar Bach is the Fire Sale Price for a grand assortment of Bows, in all the desirsble colors, regular price was 25c 7)JLc I- me Fire Sale Price ior a fine showing of Midget String Ties, former price was 15c and 25c , r, ... Jc Each is the Fire Sale Price for a big lot of Bows, " that formerly aold for 10c - , ' " t v SUSPENDERS 1AC Is the Fire Sale Price for all 25c' vV Suspenders. V,;- CC Is the Fire Sale Price for all 50c - . ' Suspenders. - -,4 ,.,;": 2JJC U the Fire Sale Price for all 75c Suspenders. , '.-.c 1 ;i. .... , j . .' ' HATS 6ZrU (he Fire' Sale wc Price on our Men's Stiff and Soft Hats, in all the new and popular shapes, that formerly sold for $1.50 and $2. , QCrI the Fire Sale "JV Price .on all ou fine new Hats, in all shades and .styles, that formerly sold for $2.50 and $3. , t? fS For the JOHN B. 4.UU STETSON HAT, in all the popular shapes, that formerly sold for $4.50. Zr Is the Fire Sale Price on a big lot of Caps that oc were 25c . r 171. And 25a is the Fire Sale Price on a lot of fine Ibfifr Caps, that were 50c and 75c 3Fnr 10rIs plr price on a lot of Firemen's , . Caps, with long or short visors, that were 30. ! the Fire Sale Price for Men's BOSS OF THE Vv ROAD union made, blue or black tlaia Ocewrfbv tnat aold tor 00c v ;r-- - ; . :.- v' . t(kcU the Fine Sale Price for MenV BbS OF THE v ROAD unfon made engineer's black, blue or striped Overalls with continous fly, that sold for 75cv -. f Engineer's Jackets,. to match, at the same price. r ' tgrSWEATEMi f.Cr Is the Fire Sale Price for Men's all-wool Sweaters, wcthat aold for $1.25 and $1.50. 5, ...... CaIm the Fire Sale Price for Men's cotton Sweaters, wv tharaold for 60c and 76c tl 1C - U the Fire Sale Prici for ail $2 r. V V Is the Fire Sale Price for all $2.60 Is the Fire Sale Price for all $330 1 kinds. . -f $2.75 x Fir Pric for GLOVES 1 1n I the Fire Sale Price for Men's Working Gloves, loc that sold for 25c and 35c ' 7QrIs the Fire Sale Price for Men's Working Gloves, AOCmat sold for 50c, 60c and 75c 7CrIs the Fire Sale Price for Men's borsehide, buck wskin sealskin and hogskin Gloves, that aold for $1,11.25 and $1.50. . . r ; ;, 7Cr Is the Fire Sale Price for Men's Dress Gloves, in 'Vkid and moca, that sold for $1.25 and $1.50. - OIL CLOTHING 1 Our stock of Oil and Rubber Clothing is well and favora bly known to everv worldngman within 50 miles of Port land. We are selling this reliable line now at about One . . .'- Third of the former prices. $1.45 $1.75 SHOES Wo carry an immense line of Men's snd Boys' Shoes, too numerous to mention in this small space, out the fol lowing prices will give you anidea of the saving you can make by buying Shoes here: V;' ', ' QCIs the Fire Sale Price for Men's OOSf .ral itvW that snM fnr ti 7B mtsA tft ti ft&I I the Fire Sale Price for Men's extra good box 91.00 and vici kid Shoes, that sold for $3. ti QC Is the Fire Sale Price- for Men's vici kid or box calf 8hoM( kid or calf lined, in several shapes, that soM for $3.60. v ' ICIs the Fire 8ale Price for a big lot of Men's fine Vvl SUppers, that sold for 75c and $1 in Shoes, Dnnr FOR.GET THE PLACE --- THIRD AND DAVIS STREETS