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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1904)
BAY L,WINO. ' OClC2K SI, 1 BBBBsmBBmmflr8smmmmmEm ;BBiBBIiBBfcin :'VmHHIHM!lB!BHHMM9IBBBt -- j IH'I ' aF7 OX. . W I mi I T VJtf ft CSJi'A' . i -iT T- - i ' .'-fc. C TXJtl ST I "J . . . . B i S""'JV; Portland's 1 'T, 7 -J r ' The 1 ' j ': '' : : ":; Jj j J ::ftSS2:H. Quality.:;; ( MfQUOiiM "Different 'jgI "v.- I rti- j A AN AMERICAN TOAST The boundaries of our country East by tha rising sun; north, by the north pole; west, by all creation, and south by the day of judgment. : ,. v health to those lovely women and brave men who set the example of wearing American productions.'' ' v. w V I Z. I Z. F. - V " f". WITH ITS MATCHLESS VALUES AND GRAND EXPOSITION OP PEERLESS AMERICAN PRODUCTIONS DAWNS TODAY. We planned months ahead for this surpassing event, keeping one pi nfrtf of the firm and an extra corps of house buyer to the eastern markets until a week ago, scouring every leading American manufacturing plant for its best productions and most remarkable -valuee. That we are splendidly ready Jto turn the curtain aside today upon the grandest exhibit of American-made goods ever shown or attempted by any western house. Is demonstrated beyond 'question or doubt to any fair-minded sightseer or patron. Tis a grand theme this exploitation of our country's pro ducts worthy of such a store as this. Pertinent points, of timely interest will be brought out during the progress of this sale; illustrating in a homely but interesting way the wonderful ' progress our country has made and its standing at the head of all nations today in the industrial world. . We note with pleasure that another local store has emulated our example, though in rather a forced, crude way perhaps necessitated by the tardy tip given indirectly by this store at a late hour on Saturday. We trust, however, they may improve ere me week ends. A gladiator dislikes a matching of skill with a sick or untrained opponent. Several of the leading eastern stores have held these expositions of American pro ductions' this season with splendid success, among them the great Wanamaker stores. AThe idea is grand; at least One week each year should be set apart by every American store for a special exploitation of domestic goods. We have selected the first week of an eminent American month for ours the festal Thanksgiving period that opensthe annual holiday sea son. We delight to act as pacemakers to others in this grand movement, firstly, because too much exploitation of American products cannot be given, and secondly, because it's only another chance for this greet store THAT PLANS AND DOE8 THINGS FIRST to show its public how easy it is to lead all would-be rivals, both in magnitude of VALUE GIV ING and QUALITY SHOWINGS. Add theec itema to those printed yesterday. , . . Arnerican Shoes for r. iimencans '. 'A. ; : FIRST, FLOOR. . Americtn Shoes 'Wd the world. The European tourist today finds American Shoe ihroi, wll stocked. In, every European city ofeonfMMc and Om sale la spreading throughout th civil lied world. Thomas Balrd, a shoemaker, arrived on the Mayflower, and landad 1ft New England in lf2t with a, sup ply ofbldes, and star tad America's first boot and ahoa Indus try. It soon spread through Naw Kn gland la to Pennsylvania; t-h Bi.nufuitiiM nf ahoaa forma a orlnctDAl ocouoa- . lion lor the population of several' of tha larger Naw Rneaad Clues, among mem A.yiiu Drncimn, ni'wniii, , 7 Ziil ! Worcester, Mass., witn many oiner amair coramumiii. mi Industry has spread rapidly through tha Middle Weat, and la already developing in those states this aide of .tha Missis sippi. Among the moat prominent manufaoturere ara the famous PINuRBES, OF DETROIT, MICH., who make the famous "OIXRIA" It. 50 BHOBfl foy man and woman; also tha "VOOUB." "GOVERNOR" and others that have helped to win favor for tha Olds. Wortman a Xing atora. Tha "O. W. a K. t.U SHOE FOR MSN la. one of Brockton s beat and sturdtaat. as an onlv to boat saaia well as moat fashionable Droduota, We ra for aur Amariraa shoe. -. - ... .,. t- urn A Few Special Vahiet fcr aAsrMcan Week WOMEN'S i.0 SUQEO FOR .tl Women 'a,prea Bhwaa, made af mi Mtn itn nBtt inn. nuin or iiddib muiiin mw wvik n soles. Kesulaf ft.0 vaiuaa. . Amerioaa Sal t prion, apaolal at the nalr . . - k ................ BS.ll WOMSNe ltl AND ff N BHORSTOA 7 Women's Shoes, made af box calf, patent coil or vici aio, wish m wpa pii w iww w all plain kid. welt or twrn eelea. atagwtor S-W and $4.M values. Special American Sale Br lea ak pair SS.T4 WOMKN'B S.ft SHOES FOR ll.Jl Women's 8 treat Shoes, with heavy or light sole Tun rouna ioe ana muicarr , avwu. iwiiuw if "Y value. SDeelal American Bale price at, pair . . B1JS 11.41 FOR DRBSS SUPPKRS, WORTH !. Draaa Bllppara for woman. Or patent COIl Or VICT RIO, wnn uo- lunwa nmu... ui v.udh bjt.., neat? dressy, roand toes. Regular et.10 valua ,. Special American Sale orlce only, oalr .14B flit FOR NURBKS SHOBS, WORTH tl.10 Womfa'i Shoes for hoaoa wear or for nurses' hospital Wear, with rubber heels, hand-turned aolea, patent tips, round toes. Marnier as. as vaiua.. . japeonu amwicta J?i . nrUe aL Datr i S1.S8 l.tS FOR BHOlHk WORTH 1.7 Shoes for OrandmaH Old tadlas' oom- lar $1.7K value. Special American SaJe prloa, pair SlS BOYS' SHOES Boys' Winter Shoes, made of box calf, wit extra, Seavy double aolea, vary heavy uppers anu run spunq toea Blsea 11 to IS. regular i.7 value- American Sale Fries -!?- Sites 13U to I. regular II.M vaiue; American Sals prloa Sises ts 144. recular valoet American Sale prloa Sl.TO CHILDREN'S SHOBS Children's Sboea of box oalf, .with doubla soeaa jwd full round toes, goos anoea ror winier wear - . , ., t- . Blsea to t, value American Sale prloa. pair ...... Slsee 1U to 11. value $1.60; American Bala price, pair "!?-! Blses ink to 1. value 2.0O; American Bala price, pair SlS MEN'S SHOBS, WORTH FROM fS-M TO I&.M. FOB .a-r4faa's Shoas .for general wear. Not all sises; neat, aressy aiyies. soma nave naavy soiee. hoea ranglair bi prloa from II.M to 11.00, Bpattml durtng- American Sale only, pair . . . Bt-SS II.C4 FOR WOMEN'S SHOBS Woman's Bhoee for areas or street wear, in IS OI me newsm, mm strive, in au iwinira, wim ium wr wait aolea, Louis or military heals, stock or patent tips, and matt wa sr alt bright kid uppers, Regular $1.00 value. Spsolal Amerloan Sals price at. pair SJtSd wnifEN'l 14.00 SHORB. FOR 11.11 Street Shoes for women, blucher or ball strlea. Cuban or opera itseia, turn or wait eoies, neat, rouna toes ana :v fine soft uppers, very snappy, up-to-dats styles.- Reulay 4 4-00 , value. special ADi.ncan du Rasular prloa Is 12.04 for tha M-10 -HMPRHW8" SHOBS Ths famous "Bmpraaa' Shoe for1 women. In ten new numbers, all leathara, newest lasts and patterns ens of the BUT MAKES menurAfltarea. American Sale price, pair, M.M. Special Great American Sale Libby Cut Glass ' THTRD FLOOR ' ' In this mm Mm alona, namely tba ssttlne oa Haas tat Intrloat and harmonious designs, does America excel t such 'an extant that its leadership Is ooaoeded tha - whole world over. Today tn Burope In the homes of the titled and alas m the komss of thoaa whose highest title Is their rare good taste and culture, tAmerloan out glass, bearing the familiar brand of LIBBT with tha Toledo blade beneath Is found always occupying plaos of honor. During our great Amerleaa Sale every pleea of Llbby Cat Olaes will be reduced In pries, Anticipate your Thanksgtv. trig and Christmas requlremeots sad purahsss what you need during- this great sals. v . Water Bottles, value H-SO; spsawl at Water Bottles, value 11.00; spaelal at Water BotUes, value 111.10) special at Sugar and Cra&m, vmiua 11.10; special at... ...... Sugar and Cream, value tO.OOt spaelal at. . Sucar and Cream, vslus 10.l0t spaelal at. .B BH .ua 17.00; spaelsl fS.ftT Bowls, value t.00; special at.. ......... BT.lS Bowls, value Jll.OOi gpeoial at.. .., .........ail.40 Tumblers, value 111 00; spsolal at, down v I 12. OO Tumblers, value 111.00; speolal at, doaas r..,f ...... .1 lld.BS Tumblers, value 111-00; apeelal at. doses, I 36.40 The above prloa Mat will give you aa Ides, of tba values t be bad and the money you may save during our ORB AT AMERICAN SAL.B. ' An almost endless number of seasonable articles are tnolsded Is th AMRRICAN SALB. Rogers Bros. 1I4T silverware, starling aUverware, eandles, candle ahadas and trimmluga. seal otl, aaa sad el eo trio reading lamps, Amerloaa dinner acta sad a ovmpwt lias of kitoheei furnlehinga. 4.40 e.oa 4.39 3.18 iPBCIAli SAI Lb THIS AMXR1CAM WBJL ALL TABLE LINENS SHARPLY REDUCED How m we anntv thle nraduet of an "American oair one roigni asa. Ireland,Oermany, Scotland and Tia true that allmatlovcon- elude the possibility of manufacturing Linens In competition sum ana tne Franoa to dltlnna n? with' ths arest flax stow in c eowntrfes. But Amerloana Linens in tha world. The moat durable and finest eo we. aa on of Amer lea's larreet Llnea-buyaTS, go to the Brat sou res of supply tha famous Irish Richardson family, of Belfast, and use our boat American judgment, acquired in over a quarter century of careful Linen buying-, and select Lis ana for Uila bis, atora s sboppias family. Special values this week: . DRASTIC ALi WE?K CLEARINO SALE I V ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! A Monster Clearing Sale of Millinery Second Floor. STARTS HERB TODAY v " DEPARTMENT ' TO BE VACATED - AT EARLIEST" POSSIBLE MOMENTI' STOCKS RUTHLESSLY AND MERCILESSLY SACRIFICED! EVERY HAT IN THE HOUSE PRICE SLAUGHTERED! , Got to get out, that's alt No ifs or ends or hesitations "Sell the stocks at once and get out come the orders. - Great cases of .Women's Apparel have come pouring in, the trrer-in-chiei returns this week about Wednesday and expects Millinery to . abdicate the throne she's held sbong, and make way for the reign of Women's Apparel. Necessity is despotic monarch,. ana we re bUl to go. soon as possiDie new muiinery osions wiU be opened in the Sixth Street Annexbut NOW PRESENT " CTATVi AOP Trt HIT CWUPT rT TT C V. AV I -' -r. ( . . .. ?.... 0 We ougbt hesTiry v expecting to finish the wesson In present location the move is unexpected J-TOO MUCH MILLINERY TO MOVEI Tempos fugft We're short on "Tempus," .long 6n handsome Hats that might be hurt in the bedlam of moving, a spray or a feather broken or deli cate velvet soiled knocks a lot off the value of a hat with careful women buyers, We hate to lose Ofi these hats, 'tis a bitter nil! that -starts a wry face,, but ' the millinery folk will try 'to took pleased thi,week while you select your headwesr at losing prices. ' ' ' - 'STARTING TODAY Monday WE SHALL OFFER OUR ENTIRE MILLINERY STOCK OF ALL THE NEWEST CREATIONS NONE REbtKYtU KvcRY HAT' IN THE HOUSE GOES AT A UNIFORM REDUCTION OF ONE. FOURTH OFF ALL REGULAR PRICESI. , , , . j.v1 v: V'1' '- . To make the pace hotter still we will reduce special lot ONE THIRD and ONE HALF off former low prices I SCATTERING MENTIONS: t00' of the newest styles in Street end Ready-to-Wear Hats, Sailors, Turbans and dress shapes in all new colors, none less than $1.50 in value, others $3.00 qualities Special at... ..........981 200 Ready-to-Wear and Tailored Street Hats, in a big variety of. shapes very stylish, feather, .. pompon, breast, wing, 'etc., trimmings; values to $4 Special at. .9149 00 Trimmed and Tailored Hats, Turbans and dress . shapes, blacks, browns, navys, reds and -trreens; values to $5 Special at ...f2.49 SPECIAL BARGAINS at ... 3.48 and f4.98 Look for the RED prices they mark a carnage of price-slashing. . - SPECIAL EXTRA W Feather Turbans, in black, white and trray: great bargain at $5. Special this week for.. fa.98 7TB0T FLOOR KU WEST CABATIONS IN : American-Made .Neckwear FOB Tn SMARTLY DRESSED AJfattUCAX WOMBli Dosans of swan To mover Collars vita ths buttonhole afreet . la front, white foundation with eolsred embroidery; Amerl- " cm Seie prloea, eaoh S5 TSS prettiest Wtsdaor Ties lmssinsMa, sa Bursa sa4 Pasu 4s Sols ssabrsMsracl sr plain; American Sale prices, .sash .....5e SB, 50 ana 4M4 New tallor-siscls Stock Cottars with lar fe roonS medallions, , vary swell; also new beaded stock oollars tn white with sfteel and old at turquoise beads; Amerloan Sals pries. .........BO to 5.00 TAXCT HSCBrWKAR tSo and lid TURrTOWRB New Turnover Collars, white rroand ' with colored en ' broidery: also a lot of embroidered wash stocks and em hrotdered scrim sollara, reajular leo and I to valuee; special , - Antartcam Sals prloa, each ...... .......i....,.lwdt tt Everyday Wants of American Women LIOfm-T PRICauO IN SBCOND-rLOOR ANNSTX AND ART AI8LB. ChlklrsB'S Toqsao sf wool sr silk, with chenille pompom and Ions; silk tassels In plate and varlecated. oolora, rarular ? prios ll.M; spaelal at - ..SSe9 Lsdtss Tsa Aprons of ftns Swtea, Ions trinara, trimmed with ribbon, 1-lach ruffle eased with laoe rajnlar prices fs and 0e; spaelal as .....t Z4 Ladies Oorsst Covera of Sbo nainsoofc or oaiabrte. fall btoues frost ew broidery or lace trimmed at neck and srmholes. , some with Sno rseklns and Insertions, ail stassf resular pries ll.Ui spsotsl at .... trjht, S)S'dt Ladles' risanaletts Nlslitsnwns, trt dainty eoiord strtpes, squars or hlah neck, with turned -down collar, bcal loped cuffs and souar finished with fanoy atitchlns. rasunw 11 II; peolal at ....... u . Haavy Itnsn eeoter pieces and doUtas ts sll stses, stamped tn a sreat variety of MC MeUlek eelcna resular prires from Do to It M; special at IM U.OQ pr just ons Jwlf of rssalar Klos. ). . if SENSATIONAL BAROATN8 DTTR- XNO THB AMERICAN SALB IN The Men's Shop t . FIRST FLOOR GOODS Ot AJTER ICAN MANUFACTURE FOR WEAR Or COLUMBIA'S MAN i LT BONB. MEN'S 1.0v UNDSmWRAR FOR TOeV A llns ef Hen's extra fine quality merino Shirts and Draw era, samel ahalr color, mads In America and sold by almost all retailers at $1.11 a smrment. oar recular prloa Is ll.M; apeelal . American Sals pries Is, sar in ent TOd BAR AND WAITERS COATS Bar and Walters' Coats. American make, in plats white, black and whits striped, and platn whit' with striped collar and caffa; spe cial Amerloan Bale prices, reamlar ... o for 70d, L0o value for SS, tl M value for 91.OS, ' 11. S vaiue for SI. 35 MEN'S ISc BOX FOR 194 Men's BuperBns fashioned seamless sea. ' black, with natural arajr feet. American make, and extraordinary value at Mo; special amerloan Bale prloa, the pair 194 BOTS fl.M SWEATERS FOR A llns of Boys wool Sweaters In navy and red, and scarlet and preen, slsee 14 to I. raular ll.M Srede; special Amerleaa Sals price, only, eaoh - 494 11.45 FOR MEN'S OOLF SHIRTS WORTH IK. Mena his sraas Oalf Shirts, tn plain tan and hiss Oxford cheviot made ta ooat atylo with -cuffs attached tha blrrest barsaln tn men's Oolf Shirts over offered hv Fortland. ss hasp sr sll this aaasjsaVa) Soods, rofular M-S Valus sad very rsseoasbts at that piiost spaelsl far AsMrlcaa Bals, only. l4w oild's Best Linens v Serre ArrR-rica'i Qremt Festal Season . Thanksgivina; a ' - BFBCIAL BALE ALL THIS AMERICAN . WEEK ALL TABLE LINENS SHARPLY REDUCED. Vow may wo apply this product of 'Ireland. . Germany. Scotland and Franca to aa "American Salor one miht ask. T1a true that sllmatlo ooaalttono produce ths possibility of msnufaetnrtas Itnsns ta sompetltlon with the treat flaa OTowlns ssuntrles. But Americana desnand the beet Uaena in . the world. Ths most durabls and Snast so wa -as oas of America's larsest linen buyers so to the flrst sou roe of sup.' ply tho famous Ivtah Rlohardaon family of Belfast, and use our best Amerleaa Judgment, acquired In over a quarter oca tury of careful linen buying, and select Uaena for this bis tore's sreat shopptns family. Special valueshla weak. " Pmabr:Jworth tiis or.i.i1-. .. Bleached Damask, Tl tashss wide and extra rod value at fl.M fc yard special Tnankasivtas and Americas Bale price at. yard..u. Bis WtLINf mlch- 4"Br ,u?' D5li ianksslvtns and AmsrtcaVsIle nss at, iu dosan.......s. v ..-Sj.os. ;!.. i BLEACHED DAMASK WORTH 11.11 FOR ll ts. - Bleached Dkmaak, 71 tnchss wide, recular J Vl -value; special ThaakasivtnsT and American Sets price, the yard TT .TTT, aS All NAPKINS ts mates, dinner else; spsolal Thanksylvlnc had American H Is price, the oosen , sua ai LUNCH NAPKINS, raaular ll.Pt vslus; extra apodal fVThsXivln5 and Amerloaa Sals, ths soson 777-77. kTwT$.4 r: - v UMINISTt . 1 ' ' Tabla Cloths, stsa til yards, wtth 1 dosen Dinner Napkins to match: special ThsjAswirins and Amerloaa Sola price, sot ...rTr...,....7Vl7...j5S5 1 Table Cloth, oms txIH yards, wtth t doom Binnsr Mspklns to match' sna tel ThslueTtes M Amorlcas Sale prlca. set ... aV. ",.T!m!t5 Table Cloth, stsa SM yards, with I dosen Dm nor Napkins to match sds .slal Thanks4-lvtn sad Asasrlss. Bals pries, set . . ,T. . .7. .7. Separmts Clots, bus txl yarda; spsolal Thankstivlns and American Sale prtas. each , ...$M.T eparats Cloth, slss taJH yards; apeelal Taaakasivte and American Bala prt' Beparate CToth, stae txl yards; apeelal Thanks tirln and Amsrlcsn Sals prloa, each . 94.44 TTt35T?8;Ti2TH LtJNCH CLOTN SIDEBOARD SCARFS, 'WBB. ALL AT SPECIAL THANKBQIVINO AND. AMERICAN SALS lBMd FOR COTTON BTJTTTNOS WORTH 1 to Dark mixed cottos Baltlnss, ragulsr llo vslus; special Amerloaa Bals pries, yard 18H 144 KB lllte FLANNEXBTTK8 A la rye assortment sf American-made Flannalsttes. rsular UM value; speetol American Sale prloa. yard. IB) WOOL WAISTINOS AH ths latest dsslyns In fancy wool Bultlato; Amerl. oan made; apeelal Amsrlsaa Sals prloes, yard 44t 744, 5d HALF WOOL FABRICS VoUs Crepe and Superfine Voile. II Inches wide, have ths touch, finish, lustra and draplnc qua! It tea of soetly fabrics at popular prlcea. Also Denlah and Poplar Cloth. S Inches wide. Wo hsvs ' "pl1l?, "rtaon f dolors la both these lines; special American Sals Sriss ths yard ................ .Bad "Yankee Notions" of American Folk FIRST FLOOR. w ft costs Bothlns to ran these notions ' thraush vmm. oui mu is aisim 'am ss your own. S5d FOR DRBSSma COMBS, WORTH tec Amerloaa hard rubber Dreaalns Combs, with Sua and coarse or all ooareS teeth, value Ito; Amerlesai Sale prloa, spsolal at, sseh.BBd 44 FOR PAPER NAPKINS, WORTH leo Paper Napkins , with colored borders, Amerloaa manufacture, valus Its the hundred; American Sals pries, apeelal at the hundred, .fta) ld FOR WHISK R ROOMS, WORTH tsoWhtsk Brooms. fine Amerloan corn brooms, with selluMd handles, value leo; apeelal Americas Sals prios, each ,& 104 FOR RUBBER CUFF PROTECTORS. WORTH tic Rubber Cuff Protestors, checked style, fay ass In office sr store. Talus lie; special Amerloaa Bale prloa, pair. 18 144 FOR NET SHOPPING BAGS. WORTH lie Net shop pins Baa, extra atout oord wood hsndlsa, vslus lee; eps stal Amerloan Bale arms, sash 15 FOR 4VRITINO PAPER, WORTH Wo National Vellum, tne Wrttlna- Paper in white, aaurs and tray Unts, snvolopes to match, valus e special Arosrieast Sals prloa at. ....15d 4BFOR BELT BUCKLES. WORTH WcdUCwt Steel and riveted Belt Buckles, valus It; special Amerloan Bals price osly. each. ........ .4Bw 494 FOR MKN-8 WATCH FOBS. WORTH lis Men's American told puts watch Fobs, with lockets, vslus tie; special American Bals prloa, ' 4Shp 994 FOR TORTOISE SHELL HAIRPINS. WORTH l.Mteat Tortolss . Shell Hairpins, plain sr crimped, 4 pins pi boa. valus ILK) special Amerl. , oan Bale pries. bos....r ......,.. ..i.....,..,.),........B5d 194 FOR BEAUTY PINS, WORTH Iso-OoM plats Beauty Fin, t and plasats, valus Me sstt spaelsl AmirlLau Sale price, snip, set....... IS 4 B FOR BACK COMBS. WORTH to Fins sualtty Back Combs, shall , 00 lor. extra, quality and Snlsh, Anaartoaa msMufeeturs, rasalar We valuej apeoial Amsrlsaa Sals arias, each.. ...7.... .4B4 Md DRSRB SHIBLDS FOR M Aiaerttas msds Dress Shields. w"e. ltchtwelcht, waahahls -and osoiieoe, medium siaa, rasuiar Joe v olal Aaasrleaa Sale pries at tla. or I pslrs for 94 FOR SAPBTT PINS, WORTH ss Nlckal.p1aMd amv ' - amaU, medlnm and Mvaa, X doses, sat sard, vslus e; Bals pries the sard a woe pTajR tmrrsnsian, wnstTH $Lto w 1 briatlea, Amerl wan saaks, res J at, each