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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1904)
T. - CKO'. JOoRNAZ POaTLAKP. C WDAY LOWING, OCTC2SR 111 illWI'i llflWWMWMi I tcv.ti Tcncs Marejua) On ad. Columbia ....... Cordray'e .. BtkM , A read H , Bljoe Star , Lrtt ..."lbs One Say" "Is allaeoara" relaJ Waedlns" TaudaTlUe Yaoda tlle YeuderllW Yaudma TaedarUl How to provM funds te pay th garlK wardens 1 problem which Is pussllng the mtnlxri of Um Or son Plat, and OUM SaaooiAtloa. Th latest plan DTO- poated to to bar a law passed at th naxt legislative aessloa licensing gun and roda. At tb annual bmUdi of Um association, to b held In Um arty part of November, the plan will be. discussed. A, B. Qebhardt, Um secretary, say that by licensing guns at 1 a year and roda at M osnts. between 111. 00 and t2O,M0 year oould be raised, Aa Um country . gun would generally aacapa Um tax. Um burden of supporting the wardana would fall saostly on urban huntan. ' Take a steamboat nde through tha mountainous psglon, amidst Um matoh 4aa aoanery of Oregon. View Um tract - waterfalls, canyons and glen skirting the Columbia. The steamer Charles ft. Bp near leer foot of Washington treet Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days on Its up-rive? run to The DeJles and way landings, returning oa aJter- Cat days. When oomrng to Portland nit the train at Th Delta and ride down to Um oHy oa Um Spenoer. TaL Main 141. " A report waa audo to Um Roman so ciety today of Um treatment of horses by workmen who are filling In a street at the eaat end of the Buraalde-eCreet bridge It waa reported that an-mbank-ment between II and M feet Blah bad al ready been built and that throuah oare- lessnesa horses ara drtvea ao nar to Um k MMhiHik K- .Haar tall ttmmm Ha, mbankment Into the water. Thre such accidents are said to bar occurred last week and another this morain. Another call for Um standard of On ' sTon wheat and barley, aa established by the chamber of eommeroa omee 1 - ina Kuaaian nun i aaa rTanoano. an a letter to U seoratary of the chamber ins morn ins, vonaui aumhulivu for samples and Um standards as llshed. Asssitant Secretary Moaassoha forwarded Um lltUo aaoka of grain by re turn mail. v " narry Miner or aenoni wm arrcanan br federal offloers at Roaeburar yesler- day on the ebarg of perpetrating land rrauos. 'i n orrona m aueara w new occurred at Medford and he hi aald to hare been attecnptln to oaoap when ar- , rested. Ha 1 belna Biven a waUnmlnarr hearing at Rosekurg today.' ( . Tb aaored opera. . Belshaaaar. under the auspices of the Central Christian church, win be Um creates t musical fes tival of Um aeaeon. A chorus of 100 trained Voices. Martin B. Robinson, di rector, will be heard at the Marquaaa Grand,- Monday and Wednesday evening, Noyomber. T and ft. . The district of Um territory of the Methodist conference In aastrn Mult omah oounty ban bom reorganised by Dr. Rockwell. presiding eider. Tb- head qwarters of Rev. B. S. Fox. the minister In chars, has bom fiaod at Pfaaaaat .Homo.. , . . - ..- . v Edward Alb, who fell from a tele phone nolo and received painful lnju Mu is ik.llr wekterdai' mornlnar. Up itomring at St. Vincent's aospltaX H waa MDalrlna; wires for the lctritf coanpanyF U fell about 40 fat The new carbarn of tha Portland A Suburban railway will be 400 feet Ions by ti feet wide and wilt aooommodat S00 car. The barn will accommodate nil the A lb In cam and a portion of Um Woodstock car. , The first shipment of apple from Ash land. Or., oonslstlni of 12S boxes, baa been received by Secretary Olltner of the tat commission and put tnlo cold tor se to await th open in of tho fair. . N Wearlaom routine and onforeod oa flnement produce many ncrvoua aynnp toms and loss of vitality. C C, C Toni will chanc all thia. For Palo at KhtcUta, . MT Wash Inston atraa. . : . , ' ' 1 1.0 A0 reward for any adulteration In Oreon Orapef or "Pacific K vapor led Preert." Flrat 10 eorti flea tea win. th MKO piano.. Kxaanlno Inald of aack lab!.. , . .- , " .. 1 . Wa-Hoo Tonic Th treat brood puri fier, nerve tonic and liver regulator.. TuaO . a.w Whs aaitA hai WMI Jim 11 huaiBw uaja, m w. aaaav v all drumatK ' treet Improvement under way and nnar rui aun bvioti in niom wni f"i between 100 and 400 blocka and will ooat (210,000. . , . ' Chew Dea-Tsi-Oum. hav pearly ttotli EXTRA SPECIAL For Early in the Week BUYERS. 50 Piece 4 Dinner Set Best Semi-Porcelain , HuKtooine Raised . . Work. Only - $3.95 Sree oar Great 10-cent Counter, 100 Feet in Length, filled with use ful goods. . HAINES' Tea Store 170 THIRD STREET . Phon Main 170Cit AST Fu'l UM ra c:::e mm In what w declared by. member of th bar to be on of th moat oaustio de cision ever handed down from th Multnomah bench. Circuit Juvir Fraasr tfcle mornins eranted Orville O. Jeonln- a. iIIwum frena Helen Cvnthla Jennlnare. set aald tha deed executed by him con- veylna- property worm t,ov to ner, and awarded him tiM custody of their minor on. "I firmly ooav1nod,M aald Judge Fmaer, nhat Mr. Jennings and J. d. need ware guilty , of conduct which vould wrany1!!" a neighborhood. She aLknaMal halMul at her huahand while he waar-teatlfylng on the stand. bu( whea- Bead mouniea n an ramovea oer jacKei and acted as would a mead en prepared to greet her sweetheart. "While Detective Carlaoa una testify ing to her eaain ah aat and laughed and Joked in a manner I hav never seen before when a woman waa placed la auoh a predloaaient. Carlson's testi mony waa ao exact and minute as to be tedious at time and at others vary huoaoroua. but that ha waa perfectly oonaotanUoua and told only Um truth J bar not Um least doubt. This man deed has brokea up hle own homo and that of Jennings. He has don something which he can afford only partial reparation for. Mrs. Jen nings is evidently Infatuated with him and ho should marry her aa eooa as ha can legally do ao. "Mr. Jennings Is not a fit parson to hav Um custody of her boy. It waa due to bar training sad influartoe, I am satisfied, that he want on th witness an in this eau and deliberately per jured himself. That ho do not appear to Ilk his father la doubtless du to her influence over him, aa I am satisfied he knew well of th relation existing be tween her and 'Bead. , -as regards th property. It Is my i-1m ) Wr lannlnn would Bver hav deeded It had be known his wife was pot virtuous and was sustaining un moral relations with" deed." within a. few Juda Frassr will pass on the Question of whether or not th Multnomah court nan juneatcm in Um suit of Jennings to recover iw.uw from Send for the alienating of Mr. Jennings' affections. Th summons was served in Clackamas oounty. and Attor ney J. Cf More land clatma this fact takes jurisdiction away from thia court. Pre siding Judge George has elated that be holds a contrary opinion, but Peaeed th question aa to Jodf Frasar for adjudi cation. . and ptwvwnt doeay. .fwrt-wa erery-whera.-., V . Return from Oana-Brltt a r eelved at, Um Portland club byv direct wtr"',-.' i' ' u' " ' For "Ign see W. P. Bergr a Bm. 114. TamhlU; hne Red S00S. th TJaion laundry sbont It." -tot Main f T , . ' '"i, '' ' QaPFT PWalgOMAJ.. W. C Paraons of ' Arumtm. a,; well known mining man. -la at the Imperial. . H. Day. bu sines awnagw of Th Tenderfoot? oompany, to, at th Port land. . - H. U. Mltehan of eattle Is a truest at th Portland. , . ' , William A. HamneMI m nr xrom Baker Ctly today. ' President H. W, Oood of th Lewis and Clark exposition left tost evening for at. Louis. While ther he will con fer with Colonel Dooch and John B. Wakefield on important aubjecm and will probably close some targe contracts fa fnralen axhiblta Mr. Oooda Will h away for avral week. , .s aaA iimmM aomnlalnt was ' flld tagalnsV Multnomah oounty this morning by th Portland Unioa stocayaru. former complaint waa tnrown om 01 Mua m emaMina Judare Oeorae for th reason that he did not believe the relief asked ooajd- . preperiy p cDtawwu through other than a suit at equity. a- tma. nf aire. Ann Doacher was throw out because the oourOflld not that any decision in in su oald prvvent hsr from obtaining re lief h 4 sabaeqifent suiL In her inter vener h mad a number of eenaatlonal sMegaUcoa ; ralati v to prominent Ui- oovmv Chung Tver, tb dralor In a gambling game, and four player war tried thia morning; befor Justice Raid. Th cas aa niuler adetsament. Ther ere the players gathered In Sheriff Word' draa-net Um night of October is at H Beoond street, a notorious unwe gnro Hiiti.. hmiaa Denutv 8hrlffs Orusal and Downey gave evidence for th state. Th money and the parapnermuia useu in th gam were submitted In svldence. This waa th raid mad on ereh "rar ranu toauod from the circuit court. , . ! 1 . imh kaUa mi until bm aarlv hour Sunday morning the Jury hearing Um . a th. nnww Hound Lumber oom- BHinat t. Psulaon to recover about IMS, alleged to be du for boat ing railway Uea to rnia cuy, wwa un .kia ah - anil the mawnbera ware dla- charged by Circuit Judge Seara Paul son declare that through toe oeiay oa th eompany a mrg numoer m wer not dellveid In time and that others ware lost In his a newer h asked for It.tO from Um oompony. K. J. Sumrvin. oounty treasurer of TJTmatllla county, who aaa been In Port land for th past two week receiving medical treatment, returned to Pendleton Sunday night, where be will remain until after election. He will then return to Portland to receive further treat ment. Mr. Sumervllle i on of th pio neers of eastern Oregon. During the past few years his (Marine has become Impaired. Pines and forfeitures fh th municipal eourt for the month of October amount ed to tl. . ,. Winter Rates It TaqolM Bay. Th Southern Pacific Co, win sell, en Wednesday and Saturdays Of each week, until March. II, IKS, low rate round trip tickets to Y equina, limited to days from data of sale. Th sal of these seuralo Ucketa during Um winter months hi a now departure and-haa been brought about through th desire of our local sportsmen te enjoy th exreptlotaml- 1y line hunting and flaking privileges of 1 aaaaaaa"aaa"aa mm nun bovkd&v Imwbsw mt nr awiupm osttjlu nnxm irfwa-un' iom. Jllllllf 0OMOUO9 ! BWdMsV that aeUo k . MATOB VAVVSTIIAM aMOTm 0TXaSJr za uwstxxi Ther is a prospect that Cordraya . in ka converted into a dim uiaaa W a. n . vaudvUl houa la the near future, and that th aHalr ana navus amguwa , prtsMnt playing there. wiU be swltohed 1 .... v m thamlra. Lincoln and Conaldlne of Seattle war In Portland last aatureamy ana, awa ion oonferenoe with Manager Cord ray concerning th proposition. It waa .. .4.. K. a friend of UM aMatU men that th money has been posted and .w-. 11,. niavaaua naa oiiauaaa nuwa nk. 1. .nia3 h Mr. Cordnur. He say a: w waat to enter Um vaudeville bualnee w hav sufflotent capital with wbloh to do . But anyooay wmw w pw the right prlc. of oourse. UM aouas All this la very hvlaflnit. but local I waii... th.t withtn a varv bwt whila Cord ray and RuomII will hav a leas' oa th Bmplr and Ldnooln snd Consldln will be presenting- l-oent VSUdevUl W HI P aweua a va " dranMa ' "The peopl ara apparently crasy rver .11. mmtA Mr. CcrdrSV thlS af- Mmora. "and lf w go Into It alto letnrTperhap they will tiro of It and turn to UM legitimate. There has been eon. talk of aaakln th Marxian 1 a vsudevllle houa at Um close of th regular season. If that happma Mr. Hellig. Mr. Russell and myself being in teres tcd-rw can bring anany of tb extraordinary European aovltla to Portland and nrosant Um acts alternate . .i .,. mm IkM da IB LjOD- don and Liverpool Having a larger aMUng oapaelty than th other houses, w oould par over tor oar attraction m tmimt, onlr th best. SIM m ,m m Flv performanoea. as we figured It out wouia, onna "- . '.a .uua nat -- W r not looking for aa fengeV hut as I said before, there is a price w vx..,, -and If anybody wants to pay It we will make arrangementa for the reception of Um Stair-Ha vlln attractions elee where. Manager Keating of th Baker and Lyric, when he heard 01 w proep-i .VTL mm iiwui that it another UX XltW Viutusa - - in. kA.,u nnana he and bla partner. Mr., Flood, will hwreaae the .eating capacity of the Lyri and thus be able to oope with th larger houses. wT. T . - mm mAAmA "that thS peopl of Portland waat dim vaudevllU and wa are going 10 mnunu them What tney want, um changes ooeur.T LIBRARY FTO IS WORRYING WERLEIN .m -A-, uiitAe's hoaam ahow thr ar SSS.00S In th possession of th city treasurer belonging to tb city library fund, whan. In truth, ther to a very small sum. This Strang a tat of af fairs la tha aourc of a large amount of worry oa th part of City Treasurer Werleln. . Th library trustees nav ooan ra ma habit of d cawing money from tb city treasury to meet current expense and hendinar th city treasurer a receipt for tha amount received. All that Werleln has to show that he has paia out to money ar tnes recelpta No warrants hav been drawn and ther ar ao other records. Si ther In hi or tn auauer office. . . . This method baa boon pursue, sine April 1. 1M2. On the auditor hooka ISf.tOo stands to tb create ox um li brary fund, while in reality this sum ha ba paid out. If anything ahould happen to tno receipts mm auuiun mmm mw.1A ihM daflalt Of II COM lO th treasurer's accounta. for ail record of ht bavins paid out thia money would he mm and he oould b bald liable for thia amount. treaaurar Werleln is attempting to clear hla books of thia aooount, for be does not Ilk th Idea of being held re sponsible for uch a larg um when It doe not xtat. He baa agreed with Auditor Devlin that when b makes up his semi-annual report to turn these receipts over to tno suauor m neu m th regular city warrants and have him ehara theae receipt Um earn as h wouM a warrant. In order that thia condition of affaire nav anl eslat eaain Mr. Werleln la fl ing to attempt t get tb city library trustee to adopt th earn method of drawing; money from the treasury a to followed by alt the other departments. n ivi. auat.Nl a aauinlaltlfMi la anede bv 4 he Ubrary trustee on tho city auditor. The auditor and mayor tnen a raw war rant uoon th city treasurer for tha amount desired. In thia manner not onlv th treaaurar. but th auditor, has a record f the money paid. . WELLS FARGO & CO. MUST ANSWER SOON Tea days Um was granted .Welts, Fargo Co. this morning by Presiding Judjm George of th circuit court to answer tha suit of Mayor George H. Williams and Henry Welnhard. a stoek boMara of th old Commercial National bank of Portland. After being fought through th circuit, Um state suprem and th United State suprem eourt. the cas was sent back with th Judgment of th lower court affirmed. It waa than taken Into the federal ooart and was re cently remanded from ther by Judge Bellinger. It to alleged that tSD.tM to du th stockholders from Wells. Purge Co.. that being Um amount which th assets of th bank ar aald to have osded the nggregato amount due creditors and de positors. Th plaintiffs allege that Welle. Vurgo Co. made the transfer f Um bank stock to Itself simply a matter of bookkeeping. CASTOR I A . per JitfM.t4 tad Childrta. At KM Yu Haft Aliajt Bottfit ataara in s'k ywi . OITT ATOlTOmw BOOKS ' BMOW cmwBi Os? tmjoa &xmMW TaT BBdJalTT WM TB iiisiss i" mvTat wrrmotr-e OXTT W-U--Urw';"-;:' ' & . -i- .: Moying On sccount of too much stock must miks room, and win sell 20 POUNDS OF SUGAR for $1.00 .With every purchase of $4 worth of gro ceries we will give you 80 pounds of dry granulated cane Sugar, not beet ' sugar, for .............$1.00 Sntdsr's Oat. up 2 bottle FLOUR Cor We bought flour before the price went away up in G, and to make room, we'll sell it at the best hard wheat flour in the market; elsewhere $1.40. For. .$1.35 Best Valley Flour, elsewhere , $1.0. ' For fl.10 Chocolate, sweet, I Jio pkg. for 10 POTATOES The best Burbank Potatoes, 110 pounds for........' COFFEES Our. 40c Mocha and Java, at 35d or - , 8 pounds for., s, .9100, syrups One-gallon can Fine Table Syrup; 50c size. For, ,..........:a.....40r Half-gallon Can Fine Table Syrup ; 80c size. For .....v..W 20s) One-quart bottle Pure Maple Syrup. For 25a . Log Cabin Maple Syrup, per gallon , .f 1.20 Log Cabin Maple Syrup, half gallon, .65f '''r.':v:- RICE- V;:C'. i - Choice Rice, 10 pounds for, ........... 35 New York Qf ocery Corner ELEVENTH AND GENUINE RETIRING SALE NEW FALL CLOTHING This means buying from a reliable bouse that for years, for less than you can buy elsewhere. an elegant line of J Suitsf Overcoats, Craveriettes FALl AND WINTER UNDERWEAR. Our stock ot. Underwear Is mors complete and grades higher -rhUt the prices are far below competitors. We Tery much desire to show you. ,' " . ThC I R6(l FARMER LOSES HIS ' ARM IN ACCIDENT . - . I "' Br th accidental dlechanrs of a rifle ysaterdar afternooa John Cado. a farmer residing wear Waahouaal. lost III laft arm. Th bullet shattered th bone ao badlr that th ana bad to be amputated. At th ttm of th aoddent Cado. ao compeared by. an arqualntane. waa rid ing In a bunr- ' They were oln oat on a short hunting trip and th rn was standing between th injured sun's feat. On of th, wheel of th rehlcle went down la a ahaek hot, and la some msn ner tha trler got eauaht and Cado re ceived th full discharge of th gua tn his loft arm. He wa taken to Washouaal. whirl tb surgloal epratloa waa performed. . - i e. ; . - (spsetat fHessteh If Tke ewarsat) CotUa Orore, Or.. Oct. !. -A strike of oonoantratlng r ba Juat been mad In th Rarmond prepertf a th north Bid of Cat reck mountain by Hon, R. at. Veatck and H. H. Vaateh of this city. The rain In th. main adit had been widening for several days and now th far of th drift shows four feet of or. Sample hare been sent out from th property aad wLU be aaaayea. and no room, and a big lot -of goods tha following tjirt days Mall order carefully pecked and hipped. Try one. loe pkg. oorn starch for aa Fancy Cream ery Butter. SI per roll, suaranteed. ilb. can of mur der t Ao can) 1 tor SOB, 100 to ....91.10 i 8 glasses of GUS H. HINNENKAMP MORRISON STREETS. After "Twenty-one Years of Business," We Are Golntf m oDifif swell, up to date makes in i FrOIlt 2e27l COLUMBIA rswrlwwwtli and TONIGHT AT 8:15 AND ALL THIS WEEK - MATINEE SATURDAY SHOW M E , IN MIZZOICU . . . . . Art EXCELLENT COMPANY AND A HArfPSOMR THEATRE CWOWTV KD TO CAPAC1TT TWO PERFORM ANCKS TBSTERDAT. WAS THS PLAT OOODT ARK ANYBODY THAT SAW IT. IT WAS WRITTEN BY AUOT'STL'B THOMAS. AUTHOR OF "ARIZONA." KSPBClAILr JnOBMATlbv BBtABOISf VSIOM AJTS BOW irarrrvsa prlrae Brvaraj, Uc. JBc, . iOr; aUr, Ik. Uatleae. lOc. lee sad She; ! AlVttsp Saws taws -Twttt erftra e- at Saw Hsrtkj' dragatats. Slitb asd Waskfaata. hum l . a. to I i. a. - After, p. m at tka tbestre. Mtk at . itne, T W p. av Pbam all. ri m. i J : " , I,' canted good coming in, w st pricsa quoted below Breakfast Foods ' Telephone . , Main im. . Scotch Oats, per package. ...... ...'...lOd? Ralston's Breakfast Food, 3 packages. ,25 Ralston's Pancake Flour, 8 packages. .25a Yellow or white Corn Meal, per sack..25d MalU ViU, packages fdi;.......,..25d . Crespo, 8 packages for. .25 Force, t packages for. .25d Teas and Coffes Prompt de livery Eaat . Side, Tuea days, Thurs days and flaturdaya. Special, 1 pound English Breakfast Tea, 4 kincf.:. 20 Special, 1 pound Fine Gunpowder Tea, - 40c kind s... ...20 Our Special Blend Coffee, 35c kind, at. .25 Tomatoes, 8 cans for. i . .25d J CANNED GOODS - Tomatoes, 8 cans for. .v.. ......... ...45d Tomatoes, 19 cans for , .00d All best grade Tonatoes, the leading brands iri the city (we are not allowed to mention the brandaV t'eans for.... .25 D. 1aaa than urirt1a1e trire . all .2I r: t i U Early June Peas; 8 cans for. ..........25 Per dozen .;.;...........a....-.90d) Sweet Corjf, 8 cans for (8 cans only to each customer)... ............. -25- String Beans, 8 cans for. . .......... ..25 Per dozen 00 AH high grade Corn; the best in the city, 8 cans. . . , . . . .;. . . ..... . . . .... .25 JELLY fine Jelly for..-..........M25 Phone Main 2287. Successful to Retire has stood the test We are showing c Seasonable roods for RAINY WEATHER: A. A. CUTTER, UNITED WORKING MEN'S N APT AN SHOES. OIL CLOTH .CLOTHING, UNDERWEAR, ETC MorrUon St. f Btad 20T THEATRE CEO. L SAKEK, Mgr. rlMSB HalBl l Waslmagtoa StrwsU lUrqoim Grand Prrt w -i," Plmea Mais en. WadMedax, ThitnxUr. m -ar Wsfct. NaW a. a 1U04. La.i PrfM aataroajr Matlure. Hanmbmi B. "Tma oousttt Oaf at, vw." sV-rtaj rTh-ee-fcuur lower Soor, U.S. alr.Htf.Srai raw,. $1 ou. bet $ mt V 19, laat I row, ra aaken. . k tk salWry. H. Bom asd lumm. I0.BO. yattua. mraeEuUra low.r soar. 1 no, SaWr, jni TV; bait rows, swe . rv.t. ars sow aetuag. Mamoam Grind Thatre w -ZJiS "ekhtsM Mom Meht at 1 e'ehwh. IS the Moal Oinu-dr Lauahtus Isiias, PalfTtll Kuiira kw S.k bi as, ! trrt I mwa at Uat ' LV D bak-mty. Satire galtwj. aua-Bui-a .ad ' Sla ir. now arlllng. CORDRAY'S THEATRE " J rORPSAT BI KSKix. Maaaswa. PertUDd a amai eouular plaibowM ttasdhef room nuly asala. lUinwrd, Umea aiMjT The law stay gin thrm te tha huahaa. b Uod tare larai to Ut avlar." Tfcrea aor BlSBta. with lartt-e' ajireta batfale stHaM tMmday. Monday. Taeeday aad Wa4aaadT, Oetobrr n, KoTcsiMr 1 sua X the amatesi atledraaHi m wrlttva. r VATAXt wrnDBZaTSV" Tbrae ssykts. neana-nrles Tfciii iiaj aw., Se rainbcr S, with Hamrday aMtlne, aa aatlraly sw eostDaaj, LlneelB . Outers great ate, tsealar produrtloa. 1 -rata aaaBt ear OXZOAVO.- Another Uf atirms! Klrranl afectal Ma aery. Wonderful Btmrha steal d-rlraa. Myetarlaea letrlral effacta. A vtrld plrtare at taa sraal ra. See the amarwilows apsreaehlss trala. A powerful paaapany. latrodaelss a aplasSld IBM ttt algh-elaaa apla1Ue! Prlcae, 10c, v ssd Sorr maetol wear ad rata, 5S. ifatlnae Si eeata is aar part at tha basse: ehlldrea (aprrtal aeata), lSv. The Star Theatre Oar. Park sad Waaiwaftaa. TKS BXST AXD MOST rASSIOSJJU TAXTOSTIXXX TSXATU. nit AND MRS. JACK BURCH v NEFP AND MILLER , kate rockwell jumping db onzo pickert and whippler , ' will c hoyt The projbctoscopb ' Skews t-.m te :SS p. St.. T:S B t:S a. m. Oeseral sdadaalon. 10c; iaerrtd baa aaeta, a. BAKER THEATRE Third asd Taaihlll sts. Keattsa; need, BSjm, Largest TaudTllla elooaa I Aaaarlaa. . . Til BOOXJS Til OraUIAT aUOsTBTT i kf 'XAAJT AJTD XAOX. M'cun ajn ftmajrT. aUYatOBTD O. BALOWZI , 1UKJ slAXSWlsT. ' Tata nooavara. ASaaWhioa. 10e. yarferaiasces. 10. T:tS. a B!jQutTheatrc Sixth St. Oftoalaa. Thia ke srosram: X . - mpaOOJ. aTTlfOTCTT SDlis STsTBla FOaOXOat , momi a ivamowt v. K1XIIT WOOBB 'uurntiui i inxa rsamx. sbitsov . m MOTuro noTtrus. AW tot 10 cants. kftarsoaC frosi S:W te 4:10; nasla, T a Sr The Arcade Theatre Tka OrMi twally TasdsrUl . Thta wr: . -., w. tmm axTuroa - ' ' f . ' XAMT BOTD (umoiD Aim ncrni : NUT AJTD un ooTui t:SS te 4:S p. a., T: a. Adaitaalea. 10c, te any seat. THE LYRIC THEATRE -.. Seeestfc asd Alder Btraeta. Thia Waek. wsDBiroomr ajtd KaAtm, SOLA, 11IO AJTD KOLA. BSXatAS AVJTD DBTln JOS AUtKOsT, , MAJUiT KOTT, m TXTAsoevm rvrfarmaerea 1:90 ta 4:90. T:S0 t M p. bl Adnartoa 10 easts as l-er. OOMOSMT liUt- ' . ( BLAStBB SBOfc . ODKOSST ( STlISt IMIt ; 9s-M "icliirsroa. PortJaam'B Cisst-t Book Sure WhitingV Stationery The latest style Paper and Envelopes of the finest quality. ' Regularly 60c For Three Days Only At SIC OUR WINDOW The J. K. GILL CO. Booksellers and Stationers. THIRD AND ALDER. Graat Ttsaaf st $35 CA Bars a tot on the penthsnl aHJ oar Una; high, slghtir. revel: r treet gradd; ao without Imnrav prfeet. Lat e tr-. 39c 1 ''.