The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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S -
VAlfl WA
f fTiaill Snaf! SarvtM.l
' Washington. Oct. 1L Through lM
retary Hay President Booeevalt bu le
. sued a circular not rtdnuM "to the
5 NprMMttUvM f th United IUt ae
, credited to Uw lowrnmeti slnatory
u..k lata M enil-
1 tag tor another meeting at The Hegue.
Th mu takes as tta baale th reso
hjtlone piiNi by the Interparliamentary
union a St- Louis. whrl th preet-
dnt waa uM to Invito tbo nations to
hold a oonference for the discussion of
matters left open by the laat confer
ence and for tha negotiation of further
- arbitration treatise,
Aftar reviewing all that portion of tha
' Interparliamentary union's work, Uw
.-I" KPMMmt eeoeated tha ehann of-
ferad to bine, feeling It to ba moat ap
thai th MMutlv af tha aa-
tloa which had waleoraad tha oonfaranoa
to Ha hospitality should giro toioo to ita
impressive utterances In a cause which
tha American government and paopla
hald dear. He announced that ha would,
at aa early day, Invlta the other na
tions, partlee to Tha Hague conven
tion, to raaaaemblo with a view to push
ing forward toward completion tha work
elready begun at The Hague, by oonald
ertng the questions which tha Brat eoa
ferenoe had left unsettled with the ex
preao prevlalon that there ahould be a
- "In aooeptln this trust, tbo president
was not enminarui ox toe laoi. vitiv
ly brought home to all the world, that
a great war la now ta progress. Ho
recalled tha circumstances that at tha
time whan en August 24, 18, bis
majesty, tha emperor of Russia, aent
nrh hla Invitation In tha nations t
meet in tha Interests of pesos, the United
States and Spain bad merely halted In
thefr atruggle to devise terms of peace.
"While at tha present moment no ar
mistice between the parties now oon
tandlng is m eight, tbo foot of an astat
ine war Is no reason why tha nations
ahould relax tbo efforts they have so
successfully .made hitherto toward an
adaption of rulea of oonduot which may
mako mora remote the ohaneea of future
wars between them. -
' fn an exciidlngly diploma tie war tbo
ssueiary reiers to na questions wqicp
i 4
the 'nraaldent believe ihnM be em
mrovldln tka mibmUm shall
meet with approval, and asnoneytbeee
are the lawe ox neutrality, which were
rtrr tn bv tha last Hunt confer-
once and lert open ror rut ore actios. -
'It thla bhiM at warfare.' the
note reeds, "which deeply oonoerna the
mrU at.lartre.- KrTorta have been maae
time and aa-aln to formulate rulea of
action applicable to If mora material
aspects as ta the declaration off Peru.
As recently as tha lath of April of tow
vmv the canaresa of the United Stales
adopted a resolution reading- thua:
Resolved, by tha sonata ana nous oi
mruii.(lvi of the United States
off America In congress assembled:
That It la the sense oi cae nwi
tha United tastes thatl t Is desirable.
In tha Itaereet at uniformity of eouon
kv ha. ntrldm stales of tho world In
time of war, that the president endeavor
to bring about an understanding- anions
tha principal maritime powers, with a
vi nf iniMPMnilni Into tho perma
nent law of slvlllaed nations the princi
ple of tbo exemption of ail private prop
erty at sea not contraband of war, from
capture or destruction by belligerents.
Approved. April II, 1HI.
"Other matters eloeelv affecting tha
rights of neutrals are;
"Tha distinction to ba mads absolute
and conditional contraband of war, and
the inviolability of the official and pri
vate correspondence of neutrals.
"As for the duties of neutraia toward
the ballla-araai. the field Is barely leas
broad. One aspect deserves mention.
from tha promlnneco It has aoqulred during-
recent times, namely, the treatment
due to refugee, belligerent .ahlpg la neu
tral porta. y
"It may also be desirable to eonsldar
and adopt .a procedure by which tho
atate'a nonalgnatory to tha original acta
of Tbo Hague conference may become
adhering parties." .
Chief Hunt .has made another change
In his system. He has added one mora
man to his day office staff. Desk Ber
geant Quintan lus been shifted and
made assistant to Chief Clerk Archie
Leonanfl, In his ataad Policeman Jora
Wendorf baa been placed on tho dees.
Chief Hunt's office etaff is now com
posed of . the following: Captain.
Charles- Gtitmnachar; Jailer Ben
Branch; bailiff of court. John A. -Golts:
deak sergeant. John Wendorf; chief
clerk. Archie & Leonard; assistant clerk.
George Quintan. .
Dan McLauohlan. Chief Hant'a prede
cessor la office, bad a day staff as fol
lows: Captain, Tim Hoe re; Jailer.
Jamas Roberts. . . V , j
tto matter bow long yon have had
tha cough. If It hasn't already developed
Into consumption. Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Byrup will euro It
,' .... . i,. , ,.f
n ma mow os atrmsAV or oomt-
The Bureau of Com me roe ana labor
of Uw national government Is taking
active notion of tho ear shortage which
prevails throughout tho northwest, and
It ta possible that the department may
take soma action ta tho matter. -Tho
following latter to Secretary Samuel
Coanell of tho Chamber of Com me roe
from f a P. Austin, chief of tho
Bursas of International Commerce and
Labor at Waahlngton, D. 0, was , re
ceived this morning:
I notice In dispatches from Portland
under date of October ! that tha rail
road companies are so ahort of oars tn
move wheat to Chicago and eastern mar
kets aa to bring that branch of trade to
a practical standstill. Tho dispatches
In question estimate uu necwevn
fiOO.OOt and ll,00,Ooft bushels of wheat
have been sold for eastern account, only
tin-third nt which has been iorwaraoa.
the balance being still on nana xor iocs:
of available oars. I anouia use very
much to ascertain Just what tho eai
supply has been for tho month of Oc
tober." .
Th. WV aevs that the sttoatioa Will
bo given duo notion In the October sum
mary; .
With tmpC easlva services tho new altar
of tho Sacred Heart .church. Hiiwauaie
and Caywood streets, was dedicated yes
terday morning by Rev. Thomas Abbot,
of lit. Ansel, assisted by Ray. Father J.
H. Black of St. Francis church. The
services were followed by tha celebra
tion of hlah. mass conducted by Rev.
Father Berchdolt of Mt. AngeL Father
aregory, rector of tha church and who
designed tho altar, presided as deacon
and H. Hahn aa euMeaeoa. a large oon
gregatlon was present and Intense In
terest was manifested.
Tha aHar Is a beautiful production ta
Oothlo architecture built of redwood and
finished m mhlte enamel and gliding. It
fills tho entire recess of tha auditorium
and at each aide is tha figure of aa
angel. The altar cost geoo.
i'iiii Mi HI iiIihiii -'i f " ! I 1 " m II i 1 11 J 1 1
AMjfl t trthraai th hie-heit o'unlirw. best stvles maA ST gold at the fewest oricefc We irs
rooted lor quality, style and low prices. No house-on the coast can equal -US -in these three
points. We will be pleased to have you visit here this week and irfepect our American Goods
Americas Prices and American Plan of doing business.- .
s . - .
IVIade Goods'
' Suits
;. By axpresa. Sat
urday, wa received
a swatl lino of
new suits, ta tho
now blue, brows
and blacka. all ele
gantly ' ' tailored,
perfectly - fitting
garment. Every
detail la make
perfect; three
ouertered, tlghU
fitting eoat. SlaeS
14 to 4ft. Tour
Swell - fashioned and
highly tailored, the
essence of perfection
In ail the now mixed
effeote mad solid od
ors. We have tham
for both ladlea and
. nilaaea. Sao tham fop
youreelf. Our prices.
$10.00. ffK.IS, IJIM,
S1.U. I17.H. 114.00,
ir. il and .
A Line for Misses
These Suits fit small women, .without alter-
ation to perfection. The suits are tail-7
ored and fashioned to the top make of per-
fection and can only be judged after, you
' have seen them. We have them for
1 $19.50, $18.50, $16.50, $14, $13.50 '
and ..f 12.50
e- New Kimonos
We have long and short Flannelette Kt-
monos, well made, excellent material, tpr
; . $4.50, $3.35, $2.50, $2.95, $1.50, $1.25, -'
95c, 85c and SOf)
;'. Genuine Imported Japanese Crepe
Kimonos; long ones ft 3. 75
Short lengths $2.45
V Crepe de Chine Waists v
. The most complete line of swell Crepe de
. Chine Waists, in black and white. These
. garments are tailored to suit partic- -"
ular dressers.: Choice for.M.. 8.00
New Nunsveiling Waists
' An elegant line of new Waists, in nuns veil-
Ing, tn cream and champagne colors.
Special, $3.50 and. f 3.25
- Swell Raincoats
. New line of the very, latest, just in by ex- .
f.. press. No matter where you o they
' can't be duplicated, and if you want the
. cream of quality and style buy here. We
can show you the best assortment in all -new,
this season's Coats to be seen in the
city. We have them at $22.60,
, $19.50, $17.50, $15. $12 and.. ...f 10.50 -
p Half-Felted Back Coats
In all the new effects, perfectly tailored; we
have thera in " Kerseys, Miltons and 1
Camelshair ; $12.60, $10, $9, $7.50
' and... f450
: Silk and Dress Goods ,p
Is now splendidly- ready with superb col
lections of the choice, wanted kinds of mates"
rials for autumn and winter gowns, and at
prices certain to please. , These attractive
specimen 'values should have the effect of
crowding our ample selling space all through
the week. ' -
The New Plaids
We are showing all the new plaids if it's
new it's here, if it's here it's newmany new
novelties in s 11-wool and silks. Must be
,Bccn to be appreciated. - j , - . .
' SSOBttlg
ir ashSnsdajg
' rrep wtik
SS Pmxehass
Xsakcep Qraifsd fntrssnoas RIsHt on thm Corner Third sand Motrrlsson
' (Continued from rags Oae.
lag la known outaf'do of offlclnl souross
aa to what the probable outcome of too
mooting wui no.
nettevo Vhae tnvs S satis and sSead
ioarmal Sparis! Sarvtet.)
Toklo, Oot. SL News from the front
today Indloatee that a battle of tha
most d eclat ve character aha already
begun or Is Impending. An unusual stir
baa been noticeable around tbo war of
fices all day long and tha dispatches
from the front are much mors frequent.
It Is pertain that eoms groat move Is
about to bo attempted. Tho ofnelaw
maintain their usual retloense.
That Japan has no Idea of a cessa
tion of aggresslvo tactlca Is shown by
tha war budget, which wlU ba presented
to tha diet November S, whan tho ex
pense estimate will show tho enormoua
figures Of IMI.OOO.OOO,
There M no reason to believe that
these figures will not bo mat with
promptness, as. despite tha drain upon
their resources, the Japanese continue
to soma forward with offerings of money
In a eonotaai and apparently unending
Reserve men. who have boos sailed
home from various foreign countries.
are beginning to arrive In numbers and
are sent to a northern mobilisation
point Immediately after they report for
ffemal Special ServMe.)
St Petersburg, Oct tl. Oonsral
Stoesaal re porta that tho -Russians re
pulsed aa attack on tbo north, front Oc
tober It, and adda:
'.'Our artillery advanced to Pamyeerar
l itmuai feaftlr the JinUMA. Their
infantry oontlnued the bombardment
throughout tho night. The enemy e
approaching our forts and- sntranon
ments and has drawn vary olose to the
Russian defenses.
"Our troops are fighting heroically,
notwithstanding tho dlfflouU prlva
Uons.! ' - - -
Uearasl Bseriel ServMoJ -
Ixmdon. Oct tl. The Bvontng SUnd-
ard reports that the court of inquiry
will meet at Vigo. It to probabm that
tho court will not bo eonstmotad before
19 day. , - -
aearaal Sgerlal Sarrke.1
Algiers, Oct tl. Three Russian torpedo-boat
destroyers arrived hero today
and wlU take coal before proceeding
further on their voyage. . . - ,
WANTS 130,000 FOR "
Walter D. Ford filed suit fn the cm
cult court thla morning through Attor
ney Henry B. McGinn to recover !.-
000 damagee from Edward and jcugeno
niaalav. nnatflaUlM of tha aalOOn Stmt
gambling house conducted at t4t Burn
side street, Ha declares that this amount
la due blm for the loss of his right ere.
It la alleged In the complaint that
Ford entered the place conducted by
Blaster Bros, on October f and was' con
ducting htmaelf In a peaceable manner
when be was sasaulted by Harry Bar
rett a barkeeper and "general all-round
man" In tha employ of tho defend ants.
Barrett ho as sorts, atruck him re
peatedly ontho head- with aome blunt
Instrument s number of blows 'being
en tho right ays. Tho organ grew In
flamed and finally became useless. . It
had to be removed because of the danger
of tha left eve falling to perform Its
functions through eympaihy. The plain
tiff says thors Is grave danger oven
now of losing his left ego and becoming
totally blind. .
' Oearaal eectel Servhe. f
Washington. Oct; SI. After many
montha of negotiation' tho amalgamation
of tha Internal local Association of Ma
ori tn lata and tho International Associa
tion of Allied Metal Mechanic, two of
tho etrongeet and moat Influential labor
organisations of America, became effec
tive today. Tha.. amalgamation was
a Breed upon at a conference held In
Cleveland last August, since which time
tho officers of tho two bodies bare been
busy completing the final details The
new ora-anlsatlon wUl bo known as tha
International Association of Machlnlats.
It will have a membership of 140,900.
making H tha seoond largest body of
organised labor, of a -single craft. In tha
United States.
CSweUI praaewb Is The Jeuresl.r
Tacoma, Wash., Oct II. A rumor to
tho afTect that during the Lswla A Clark
exposition tn Portland tha railroads will
route all business via Seattle, Ignoring
Tacoma. has led to threats of retalia
tion end protection of scalpers. It Is
eald that If tha rallroada do not grant
Tacoma equal privileges with Seattle
difring the fair at Portland Mayor
Wright will veto the ordinance prevont
tes ecalpero from handling fair tickets.
Northern Pacific officiate deny that there
will be any such discrimination aa is
rumored. '-''.
oovroar bu awsmma.
tfearesl So. rial Santas. '
Augusts, Me.-Oct 11. The cotton
mill of ' tee Edwards Manufacturing
company, which had been Closed alnca
the first of July on account of tha con
dition of Aha cotton market' resumed
operations today under a 10 per cent re
duction in the wage scale. The min
pffords work to about l.lOO employee.
(Joereal Srtal aWvW.) '.
New Torn. Oct, II. The condition of
Xogoro Takahlra. tho Japanese minister,
who was operated upon yesterday for
appendicitis, is etlll serious and h will
not bo out of denser for two or throe
A startling Incident ' lg narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows)
1 was tn On awful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eys sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually In back and
sides, no appetite, growing weaker day
by day. Three phyalclina had given ma
up Than I was advised to uae Electric
Bitter; to my great Joy. tho first bottle
made a decided Improvement I con
tinued their ass for three weeks, ghd am
now e well man. I know they robbed
tho grave of another victim." No one
ahould fall to try them. Only 10 emta.
Ouaranteed, at Bed Cmes Pharmaey,
sixth and Oak streets en Ike way is
the postofBoe.
Voodcrd Clarke & Company
Special tor v wrt
this Week Only $2.19
Thla Wood lark Va-
, POr Cabinet. Reg
ular price SAO.
when you are apt
. to catch oold, and.
having caught one,
It a apt to stay all
winter. f
waits, by using this
. Have one in poor
room and enjoy a
- Turkish, thermal or
medicated vapor bath
at any time at, , a
oost of only So.
Thla Cabinet will
prevent over fatness
Removes 10 pounds'
a month pleasantly
and without dieting.
. . . .-65e)
Walker's Canadian Club....
McBrayer's CetleU-Drook (bottled, in
Fisher's Rye
De war's Special Scotch
Muskingum Valley
Old Cabinet Blend .................
Welch's Grape Juice (pints 23).
Martell Three-Star Brand.
Lenoir's Cognac ..................
California Port and Sherry
Crystal Rock, Ry and Tolu
Imperial Sec, the finest and purest
Champa gn (pints fl.25)
Some Specials Worth Noting '.
rapid flow, out very best, fully guaranteed,
-quart; regular $8. Special. ....... fl.49
Our Roval Fountain Syringe, fully guar
anteei S-quart . . . 88e
Tyrian Family Bulb Syringe, S bard nib-.
. bar pipes '. 374?
SPRAY. Special. f 2.19
Sold everywhetw else for $3.
ii i. - ii yiav ; i
beats the
world; boils
pint of water
in S minutes
-Mises no wick; burns wood alcohol; will last.
a lifetime. Our cut price ...69e
for athletes; ELASTIC HOSE and SUP
PORTERS. We can always supply .special
aiaes to ordetv Skilled men and woman wait
!nXlD OiAIRSjsnd CuictHES
rented or sold. r
i S m i n aaaaa i in
Lyon's Tooth Powder,... ...14d
Espey's Cream ....14
FrostUU ,..14d
Mermen's Talcum ..v ....13ft
Dopendablc Drugs at Saving
: ' ' Prloes v; ' f--'. rs
Absorbent Cotton, pound rolls...... ...'-28
Dickenson's Witch Hascl, pkit.r.,.....17
Baking Soda, English, pound; ........... 5)
Epsom Salts,, pound 7
Powdered Borax, Mule Team, package. .
Powdered Sugar Milk, pound...... ......23f
Soap Bark, fMckage....... .7d
Mixed Bird Seed, pound. .7
Carbolic Add quartsr pound.. ....,..,.12
Seidlits Powders, box ............ f ... . . 1 If
Bsy Rum, half pints. . .14e
Rose Water, half pints ,..141
We guarantee' the purity of our drugs. -
-r New ideas In Leather . "
Ws have juit received and are now dis
playing a- direct importation of FINE
Mr. Louis G. Clarke' while abroad. Our
Leather Department Is famous for excellence
and originality m our offerings this year of
handle designs, - CARD CASES, PURSES,
ROLLS. . -v t ' -i '- -' .
We mark your name free on leather
goods. -
Our Rubber Department
Is a, great satisfaction to people who want re
liable goods at a fair price. Our guarantee
means perfect satisfaction to you or money
back. ' . . - t y -
NOTfe Ladies will always find competent
''saleswomen in attendance. .Direct telephone
(Exchange 11) to our Rubber Department.
We make prompt .and free delivery to all parts
of the city: '
The largest Photo Supply House on the coast
. ,We are agents for the celebrated' 4
, , . . CHINE. . . ''- r-,,-.
QUICK AND WEIste-V-'jr:-..
Our Sale of Oriental Art Goods
Htua w.lf Woeaat. f4lhmit laaT .
Aa Oriental Art CdlectJoa superb tn character, per
fectln detalF without duplicates and repreaentlng tha
i most scrupulous cars ana artlstlo experience in Its se
lection, eotnprt "tng- ' ; 1
sTronas Vases, Koeoa, Baaaehis- , r. '
and &anterma AMlgna Poroe- t ---rM
lalna. Base Pottery,. Pino; .;.t , ; -v '
. - . Carved Zvoiw end BborapSaO. j ... , r,- .
, soma . aad Clalsoms Weoea,
Plate and 1st SUvea. " ,
Oar regular prices In every instance far below
those of Art Dealers, are, during lata sale, cut tn two
without reservation or exception, presenting an un
equeied opportunity to every one wterosted In Oriental
Art- , . - - f. -;f -
W are sola agents for Pulton's Compound, the celebrated ours for Blight's rHssase and Diabetes. v Send for
book free. You can always savs money and gat tho best herethe only drug store with a oomplste telephone
ehaago--rour trunk lines and tan extensions. The only store receiving Canadian money at full value.
Woodard, Clarkd & Coitii?t
The prohibit ton late of Multnomah
county will hold a ralTy at tha T. SC.
C A. auditorium, tomorrow evening.
In addition to Bar. B. Nelson AUea of
the Cumberland Presbytsrlaa church.
Rev. J. Whltcomb B rougher WlU ad
dress tho gathering. K. C Bronaugh ta
expected to speak.
Tha prohtblUonlsU are eagerly quot
ing tha attitude of the Antl-Saiooa
league' a national journal, "The Ameri
can Issue," regarding "county option.'
11 oeyoi r. '
"Because of the extereme measures
adopted by tha Prohibition Alliance In
Multnomah county, soma of thef rlends
of local option are wondering if It
would not ba well to amend the law so
that It could apply only to precincts.
Ohio, Ullnola and other atates are work
ing daaperately to secure county local
option. While wa have a good thing wa
would bettor keep It. What would yon
think of a general who destroyed all his
rifles because tha enemy could ba
reached only by artillery t If all forces
will harmonise, the Uma la not far dis
tant when county local option will bo
needed oven In Multnomah county.''
(Spedal Mspatrt te The Jearsal.)
Crescent park, Wash.. Oot. 11. Aimer
Johnson a well known farmer, was
thrown down, beaten senseless and
robbed of 170 harvest money that ha
had lust collected to make a payment oe
a threshing machine. There 1 n clue
te the robbers. -
floors special Btrvtee.), '
Indianapolis. I no.. Oct. II At Tit
o'clock this morning Senator Pelrbanks,
Republican nominee for vlcs-presldent,
left this etty on a special train for hll
closing tour of the campaign. The en
tire week will bo spent In I nil lane.
Night speeches will be fnade at Port
Wayne, Hammond, , Latfayetts, Terra
Haute, Bvanavllle and Indlanapolla in
the order named. In addition to these
oJtles speeches of IS minutes or a half
hour's deration will bo made at mora
than 10 points throughout the state.
Senator Bevortdge will be with tho spe
cial a part of the time, as will J, Prank
Hanly. the nominee W governor." and
Secretary of the Treesury Leslie M.
Shaw. The tour wlU and In Tndlenepnlia
next Saturday night. When Senator Fair
banks will deliver hie e losing adddeaa on
tha poroa of ate home in North Meridian
You Can
a Week
1 ' ' f-
,AjBsmST'W' jr-v
JggessSSha -j
H ' . - A v ' I : it
I WEEK 1 '!
; V Buyg tle Best I
Watch MacJ JyJ
Ws are showing all the celebrated Wsltham, Elgin and
Duber-Hampton nKnretnentsv in gold, silver snd solid, gold
cases, from ' . ' ' ' 1 ' '. '