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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1904)
THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAV EVENING. OCTOBER 1 31, 1904. . CITT NOTIOXBV OTTT V0TS0M. 01 TT KOTTOM, CTTT BOTIOEB, OTTT BOTIOXB, BATtBOAP TWrirpAv.f-i, 4je"M V v notouD miimiiiw roa : nn or uui btxxbt, Btotka) to hereby elrea that th Cnomctl af lb City of Portland prupooaa t imm tbe following dearrlbed propert Bad owuur S owner aa , being opeclally tad peculiarly aeflted In tbe aiuounU eel oppoalto th namea ml dtMTlfit luoa thereof for the hnnroveinenl af OUha etreet. Iron, tbe- eaet Hm ef Third (ran la tba mt line of Froal Hint, m ( tided bp ordinance No. 10.078. . Anj ebjeettons trf tlM apportion of M Star aald fupruvaBMat nut ba made la writ lac . to th Council end tlla4 with tbe Auditor . Within It daye from the ! ( the ftrat . publication of tbla aotlce. and aaid eeleotloaa - Wit ba beard end determined by the Council ., aetore uw paaeaa oc tft ordlaaa amailaf the rat of Improvameat. ; COUTH'S ADDITION to tha CM of Port- y land Boutb H BLOCK A, Northern Pacific, ," TKtotaaa Company. 01.OO4.T0. BLOCK II, lot . Sd0-O7: bt 4- Nortber Marine TaruiLuoi ', Com pan. 1101.14; lot 1, Norther Pacific Tat . mlnal Company, OSS Mj lot 2. Northera Pa- cine Termmai uompany, 047.10. BMK'K B nndlTMrt ttetlur 8. Tba Nfcolal Broa. Ob Map, jtn.CI; andlrtrted Mot lot 0, Part Una Una Company, 3ua.3; lot B, Portland Uaa Company. 854.3o; undivided KMIotlL Port MUu Couipanr, $01.86; undivided W of lot T, Portland lis Coos pa ay, 1334.04; undivided H a lot 0, Tba Ntoolat Broa. Company. . fl!4B; undivided M af M T, Tbt Nlcolal ' P-me. Company, 0824.80. XI-OCK 84, lot 0, Karpatutia MarabaU EUM. Hair of. WM.n; t I, Chariea Thurtow, Truaiaaa, ilM-M; aMtli H of lot , Cbailea Thar low, Trualee, SO.- aorth U af lot ft, Ambruoo I. Gen ten- ueu. bmj.hb; lot T, Load o TUIOB, Wi Total. 4,801.40. . ? THOS. C. DBTLIN. Auditor of tbe Ottj of Portlaai. Partlaad, Oraao Oetobor II, 1904. smorotKD iwmmiiT fob zhvbotb. Mxn or BTAJITOV BTmBJR. NatUa U karabr tita that tba OoajstfH C tba City of Portland prupoaaa b tba foUswinar dMcrlbad Dropartr a ad own r ownara aa oanif apaeiauy aaa pocauarty ' VaBafltad In tba anoaata aat oppoalta na aamca and daactlptloaa tbaraof fta- tba liuoroTamrat of -itamtoa atraat, from tba aaat of WUllame - STe&ua to tba waat Una of I'aioa mmm, aa roTiaaa wy arowaaca no. u,is. Any obJacMoao to tba apportloaaiaat aC eeat for 0U lmprovaaiaat at oat ba made la wrlttnf to tba. Oonnoll and filed wltb tba Aodltor wlthla It daya froa tba data at tba flrot aublkatloa of tbU aotlea, aaQ aaid abjaetbrna will ba hoard and daUradaed by tba Council , bafora tba paaaaao or tba ordlaaaoa aaiaaalng tba coot aT aald ImproTonwat. aVLBINA BLOC K S, tooth 100 fatt Of lot St. Boajaa Catlk.lSe ArrhbUbop of tba Dloeaoa or uragw, isoa; aoutb in raat uC lot 11. ' Bobmb Catbolk A reft b taboo of tba Dlooaaw f Oroaon, IIXIO: aaatb BT-M foot of aaatb 100 ft of lot IS, Boaua Catbolta Arrbblaboa af tba . Dlocoaa af ftraaaa. 0S-U&; aoutb MO foot et fet SB, Boaiaa Catholic ArohMafaoa af tba Dloeaoa ' of Orotan. M T; aoutb 100 foot of lot BB, Boaian Catbollc Anbbaata Of tba piocaao . af Oragea, ooutb 100 fatt of )t ST, Bovaa Oatbollc Archblaboo af tba Dloeaoa Of Oragoa, I38.B9; ooutb 100 tOOt of Mt X, CoBTont of it. Donlaj, BBft.SJ; aoutb' 100 foot of lot ftVConnot of St. DoailBl, C-16 22; v aoutb 100 foot of lot M. Job Potora, ivi 12: aoutb 100 feat af lot BS. Ida Jobaaoa, M; N apatb 100 foot of lot . Uootcomary. f, $M.Ti ooutb 100 faataf Tor tl, A. I). Uo jrt. aoutb 100 foot of lot SO, Baiily ; Ptrabn. IU.M; aoutb ST.M faot of lot 4, ,ir UcKanna, tlt-ttj lot IS. Mary Ttwmry,; lot 17. Mary Taemar, tM.ttt. BUX'K . 14, aoutb 100 foot of let 80, Swadhdi L Luth ' uraa Ktnaooa) Ubureh. tat.!: aoutb lflO foot .. of lot . John W. Bkaaa.ti0.T0; aonth HJO foot of M 28, 0. A. aadH. Carlooa, t(tS.TT; aoutb 100 foot af lot Tl, Aaroa Mot? Eotato, . Halra of: AW) TO: aaatb 100 foot of lot 20. Aaroa Uatr Batata, Ilolra of. SM.fO; aoutb i ll fool of lot So. Barab J. Stowart. M0.S8; aoutb 100 foot of jot B4, Sarah It. BkKwt. aoutb 100 faot of lot . Rorab K. Bluont. tbO.: aoutb 100 faot of lot 22, Blnaor R. bUllorj. lOO.Tli aoutb 200 faot of let 21, . BltDor X. afallory, IV).St; ooutb 100 foot of ; fct SO, John P. WUaon. tAO.80: ooutb 100 foot of lat IB, John P. Wlkna. BS1.1T; ooutb S7.M foot of lot If, Bnma Hatthlaa, 00.48: , lot IT, Emma Uattblau. til.TS; let 10. Brnma tfatthtaa, 010B.M. BLOOfX SB. lot, 1. . H. rita1Maa, 1 122 .38; lot S. O. A, Vaooorbort, 12.12; aorth 100 foot of lot 4, Jaaele Lay, aas.u; aorta WQ root or lot ft, C. J. Boof brnk. SM.S4; aorth 100 foot of let 0. A- . tUar, $M.U; aorth 100 foot of lot T. Joao K katra. IM.00; aorth 100 foot af tot A. rsuoritl T. TonlbiaoB, SM.H: aortb 1M feat of lot 0, Blloa V. Baoar. AM.80; aortb 100 foot af lot 10, WOltaai TfaTfora, 0MJ9S; aortb 100 foot of lot 11, W. B. North. 0-14.13; anrth 100 feat af lot 1 Paul Woaalnaey. tn.&t anrth 100 foot of lot IS, .Paul Woa Inaar, tM.Io; aouth 42 foot of let IS, Joba Bnurtor BaUla, Ralra of, 028.08; north Tla foot of lot IS. Ptrat Oonnaa H. B. Ofaurrh, TU foot PLOT, no Ti Raaa la, runt Ootumb bL Cbureb. BLOCK 14. north 100 foot of lot 1. Taaaoaun. 0Ta.nO; aortb 100 feat at lot un TooaoaoH. 171 JU: nortb 100 faot of lnt ft, Jaatoo U. Moattonerj Batata, Halra of, 0AS.1S: aortb 100 foot of lot 4. Jaiaee B. MoBtMBorr Batata. Holra af. 0M.TO; aorth 100 foot of lat ft. Jbomo B. IfoataoBMrT Ba tata, Hotra af. 0BO.T2; aortb 100 frot of let 0. J antra B. Mootoooaory Batato. Hotra of, M M; aortb 100 faot of lot T. Jtmoa B. Mont rmnary Ratatr, Batra af, Onn.30; aortb 100 fopt af let 0, Jobmo B. MoutaMMry Batato, Ilolra of. taft.ftS; aortb 1O0 foat of lot 0. Prank Hoi), 08T.2B: aortb 100 foot of tot 10, Prod Wlodlfr. 0M.81; aorth 100 foot of lot 11, Janata T. Walla. 037.40: aorth 100 foot of lot 12, Jaatoa T. Walla. 0-TT.ftO: ooutb 10 foot of tot 14, Jaawa T. Walta. 02.02: aortb 0O.M foot of tot 14. Mia rarron. ; hat IB, Joba Parrba, 114.o. ToUL M.l.. ,. THOS. C. DBVLIN. " " Auditor f tha City of PortButk Portland. OnifM, Oatebar 01. 1004. rmOrOBCO AWIftJObllBT F0K TJCTKOTaV BrxMT Of MTUtOBJ BT&ZXT. Korlea la baroby alraa that tba OouoHl Of tba City of Portland propoaai to aaaaaa tba rollnwlot doarrtbod aroparty tad owoor or owwora aa balna apoelally and poeullarly boBofltisI In tba anvmnta oat oppoalta the uaBtoa and dooniptloBO thereof lor tba lajproroBMat af DtTtaJoa atraat, froni tba waat 11 oe of Orand Cbuo to to foot waat of tba woet Ilaa of t Third etreat, aa provided by erdloaaco bio. 10.874. A ay obj'cttooa to tba aauot tlnamoat of Mt for aald lntprovaairBt aaat oa made k writlnc to tba CoubcH and ftld with tba Auditor Wttbln 10 daya froai tba data of tba ftrat pubUeatlop of thai aotlea. and aald eetocMona will be hoard and deuradnod by tba Council boforo tba paaaaco of tba ordlaaaoa taaaaalBs tba mat of aald Improvaajent. STEPHENS ADDITION to tba Cltj of Port- land BT.OCK 01, lot T Inman-Poulaan Com paor, O1W.0O; tot ft. Innan-Poulaaa Conlpany, SU.3S; -aoutb 10 fort tot 0. Inmaa-l'outaon Company. B.ft0; aoutb 10 foot lot 4, lumaa " Poalara Cbmpaa, 02ft. 32; lot ft, InjBaa-Poul' era Companr. 000.44: tot 0, Inuaa-PeuhMa Company, 029O.0A. BtCK 00. lot 7, I una a -- Pou 1 a Compaajr, 1222.01; lot 0, Idbmb ,; pouJaae Company. 0M.7S; aauth 10 foot tot 0. Jaiuaa-PouUoa Co id pa ny, 01T.TT; aouth 10 faot tot 4. InnMn-PouWo Coca pa ny, 020.0B; lot ft, lomaB-PoulooB CoBtpaBy, fftaST: tot 0, . luBMn Pouuwa Coapauy. 2W n. BLOCK 01, aaat BO foot tot T, laBMa-Poulaoe Company, OU.20: aaat Bfl foot tot 0. laaaaa Poulaon Covpaay, ft.tO.W2: aaat 00 faot of aouth IB faat lot 0. Innan'Poulaon CotBpany, 10.S2. XSaUNS' ADDITION to Boat Port land BLOCK S, lot OTTboinaa Olaan. I19R.M; tot T. The orthorn Countloa iBToataMat A Truat Com pany. Ltd., 023 41: tot S, Chartoa Orafory. TT.: tot 1. Horbart B. airBwan. ft 20fl 0T. BLOCK B. tot 0, William C. Browa. 02OT.T2; tot 1, William 0. Brown, 042.10; tot S, Wll - Uaai & Rrowu, OM.74; lot 1, WtlUam 0. Brown. 0218.10. All of btork A ht Kama" . addltloo lyhit bttwooB tba waat Moo of Baat Third atraot and a Una 00 faot woet thereof and parallel therewith Bad betweee the aouth tine of Dlvtatoa afreet and a lino 100 foat aouth tbaraof and parti lei there wltb. Be curltr SaTtaaa Truat Company, 0101.00. To tal. 02,071.00. ' THOS. a D1TLIK. Auditor of the City of Portland. PbrtJaaO, Orefoa. Octobar 01. 1004. nOPOOXO AOOTOftbTTBT P0B fStTBOTK. SUSTT OP aVUfBT BTBXXT. Vettoft la hereby glrea that the CeonHl f the. City af PortTaud nropoaaa to aeaeee tba foltowtns daerrlbod property and owner or ownara aa belnc epertally and perellarlr boaefltad la the amouaU eat oppoalta fba Banaaa and deecrlpttoM thereof far the UnproTement of Qulrahy atroot, from tba waat lie of Aerea toaBth fttraet to tba oaat Una of Tweuttotb atreat, aa provided bp ordlnaaee Ko. 10,007. Aar objortlona to tba apportion maut of mat for aald Improvement nwet be made la wrltlna to tba CounHI and filed with the Auditor wltbla 10 daya from tha data af the flrrt puhllratlaa of thta nottee. and aald obioctkna will be beard end determined bp tba Cooaell before the peenase of tba ordlaAaoa tumtas tba roat of aald Improvement. COl'CH S ADDITION to the dtp of fwrtland--, BI'OCK SRI. tot I. Ollrer I. Orore, 0121.17: 1 tot 4, Ollrar J. Oroee. 017. OS: eaet'tf let .. Alwla and Clara KaaV. 000. l; .eati H ?t Alwlo and Clara Kade. 0TB. TO: ' weat tot 8. Marl It PlaBdera. t 80: weat Jajot 2. Maria L. Plandera, 1T7 ftt. BUHTK SU, , tot 1, MaTtnen dt Loan Seriate af Baa Pria , . atom, 0"W Oli tot 4. Mavlnga 4 Loao Ooelety of Baa PraBrtaeo. M201; let Parlab of at. Mark'a Onreb, BlT.Bl; lat t, Parlab of fiark a march hM. BLOCK 28. tot 4, tottle Bae, I1SB.T0; lot 0, Mary H- Coarb. 117.28) tot 0, Marr H. Coach, 0n8.70; tot 8. lory H. Poach. OOiM; tot 0, Mary B. Coach. 8152.30) tot IS, Marp B- Coucb, llSl.M: tot 1H, -Mary ft. Coarb, 0104.00; tot IT, Mary ft, Coaeb. 018.11 slot 18. Mary H, Couch. ' OSM 08. hUX'Jt 080. tot 8, Olltor 1. C.rore. Iiift eO; tot 0, Ollrer Orooe. llT.12; tot - 1 Clemtatlna t. Lewie, 010 04: tot T, CVmto tlea P. UwM. 08W A4. BLOCK 284. tot 0. Mary H. Court . unrkBOi tot ft, hlarv H. . Coueh, ftl.TO: tot aVMitri H. CJoueb. "jlf.TJ: ' tot f. V r " - 144.82. BIX1CK 284. tot L ' batra of, 1104.00; ' aaat tot 0. Mt 4, Tbeo- taor Habokoot. M.tT; aaat'U lot T, Alva A. Uargaaa, waat lot T, Baraard Brady. ! jm; aaat t lu. ftam a.. naaBuaco, 41.7ft: waat U W 10. Jacob Baaar. Ul.14): aat M lot IT. Portlaad Troot Cvmpanr of Orafoa, waat I t lot U. hhm I. ObrLa, vn.U; aaat 1-t lot liV Job I. 0bria, tn tti waat H M H, I. H. and PaDDla rraoco, 47 n: tot 19, U. m. McKay, ItiOt; lot it, rrad J. Taraabr. T.6t, TBWM. 4JL DlVLIir, ' ' Aadlhw at tba at at PartUad, ravtlaad, Onwoa, Oetobar JO, UM. rBOPOSXD iSQIOOIIIOl FOB U7KOTB Bnarr or oatib btbxbt. Hottoa to herebe el too that tba Count! I of tba City af J-Portlaad propoeea to ftaaaaa tee roiiowia aeoenoea proparty a bo aw oar or wwnere aft beag apocially and jpeeullBrly Denaflted la tha BBMUata aat ODDoella the namee im aeeeriptloBa tbaraof roc tba improvement of Dot la afreet, from IS foot Oaat of the weat Una Of Twenty-flrat atroot to 12 feet weat of tba aaat Una of Twoai oocoad atraot, as pe rlded br ordtnaaca Mo. 14 IAS. Any objectkina to tba ajporttoamaat af coat Oat aald tmproeoment atnat be maoa la wrltloaT to tba CouncU and died wltb tba Auditor within 10 daya from the date of tha flrat publloBtloa af tbla aorlce, and aaid objectlone will bo beard and determined by tb Council before the paeaaee of tba ordlaaaoa aaaaaalat tba coat of ald ImDroTaraeat. KINO'S 8KC0ND ADDITION to tba Ctty of RM-uaad A trart of Mod lyt&f be tween tbe wait Itaa of Twenty-flrat atroot and a una 1UB foot weat thereor and parallel there with, and between the north line of Davie atreet and a line 100 feet north thereof and Da ra lie I therewith. Oeoree W. Batee. 1134 07. A Uct of land lytai between tbe Berth Hno af Davie atraot and a Use 100 feet north thereof end parallel there with, and between two llnee reaper tl rely 108 feet and 1&8 feet weat of and parallel wltb tba waat tin of Twenty-flrat atreet, a M- Smith, OW.ftT. A tract. of land lylnf between the aortb line of Daaia atreet aud a line 100 foot nortb thereof and paratlel therewith, and between two llnee roanectlrelr 1A8 feet and 204 faet weat of and parallel wit. tba weat Una of Tweatp-nret atreet. Banford m. Whlttol. 047.72. A tract of land lytn between the aortb line) of Darle atreet and ft lino 100 loot aorth tnoroor and parallel therewith, and between two llnee reepectlTalr 304 feet and 841.4 feet woet nf and parallel wltbjne weat 11 oa of Swaaty-nrat atreet. Julta. K. Roffmaa. 0182.10. A tract of Mud lvlsa hMwM !. aortb lino of Dayta atreet and a Una 100 root worth nereoi and parallel therewith, and between two llnee. reepertlTrly 041.4 feet and psT.a rear weat or am peraiiei with the weat line af Twentr-flret etreot. funii I'nhm 001.14. A Uat-t of bad trto between the aorra into or t'arw oireei ana n lino itn root aorth thereof and aarallal tberewrth and be tween the oaat ' line of Twaotr-aeoood atreet ana a una una teat weat of and parallel with tbe waat line of Twofttv.firat Btwt Sophia Hblinec 083.04. The aortb 100 feat af parcel or inu ooaaaea boo aaecribecl aa fol lower CotnineneJaa at a nohit ka tba aonth line af Darla atroot 10 8 feet weat at tbe weat una or xweaty-nrat- atreet, tbenca aaat atone tba aodth Una of Da via atreet to the treat Una of Twentr-flret atreet. ttma aouth alone, the waat. line of Iwenty-rlraa atreet to lia intereeeueu wilb m northerly lino of Waablncton afreet.' thence weaterly )M feet alona tbe nartbarlp line of Weahlactoa -atreet. thence aortlterlr to plaee of be tn nine. Wil liam Oner lore Batata, Jterro of . t2t2 -4B. Tbe aorth 100 feet of a parcel of land bounded and deecrlbod aa foftowU; CmawiK-toe tn tbe aouth line of DaTla atreet 100.1 Teat aaat of tbe waat line of Twonty-oecond atreet, tbenca wear alona tbe anuth Itae af Darla atroot 18T.1 feet, thence .aoutherly to the potot hi the northerly Had of Waahlnftna atreet 188 feet weat of the waat line of Twenty flrat atreet, thence wearer! y 180 foot atone tba northerly Hno of WaahlnrtoB atreet, tbenca northerly to place of bealnnln. Xapbanan Or Spanldlna. S38S.&1, .The nnrllTtded U of. the north 100 feet of a parcel af mid boarided and do arrived aa tnttowa: ComiaaaetaaT at the biter aecttoa af tbe aouth line of TJavm atreet " wltb tbe oaat Hue af Twenty -eeoond atreet. , ttienee aouth ISO foot alon the aaat Una of j wny wowq oweoi, inenca aaoi lai reef, then ra northerly to a point TB the aoutb Ihie of Davbi atreat 108,1 foot oaat of tba aaat Itna of Twenty aacoad atreet, tbenca weat atoos the aouth Itaa of Darta atreet to placa of neetoBtof. ft. O. Hereey. 084.01. The en divided V, of tha aortb 100 feet af a parcel of land bounded and deecrfhad aa follow: Common dog at tbe biteraecttoa af tbe aouth line of Davbi atreet with tba aaat Una of Twenty aecond atreet. thencn aouth 100 feet alone tba aaat line of Twenty-eecand atroot, tbenca aaat 101 feet, thence northerly to a Clat la the aoutb line of Darla atreet 100.1 rt aaat of the oaat Itae of Twenty -eerend atreat, tbenca woet atone tbe aonth line of nnvlo atreet to nleoe of eeetoatac, C Bereey, $MM. Total, 01.22T.ftO. . THOS. , 0. TrKTUK, ' Andttor of the City of Ptwthtad. Ptwtland. oreaoa, October 01, Mod, noposzs ABftXBftarxaT roK nnon. btBjrr or bast rwarrT-onooBii otuzt. Notice to borebv atveaX that tha Oaaaeft Of tbe City af Portland pro poena to aaaaaa tna roimwiaf neaptiBaa property Bae owner or ewnero aa being- epenally and peculiarly benefited la tbe a tun on ta aat oppoalta tbe aamea and devcrlpttona tboreof far tbe Improvement of Baat Twenty oocoad atroot, from the aorth Uae of Dunn'a addition to tbe aortb, lino of Bast Bumaida atroot, aa provided bp ortlaaaea be. 14,O0T. Any ebioatloBB ta fba aaparttonment af coot far aald Improvement moat be made la wrltlna; to tha Council and filed wtti tba Aodltor within 10 dara from tha data of tba flrat pubUeattoa of tale notice, and aald objectlone will ba board and determined by tba Council before tbe paaoaa af tbe erdlaaanw laimlar tbe coat of aald Improvement. DUNN'S ADDITION to Beat Portia nd BLOCK ft, lot ft. Atlaa anillna- Company, 178.88; lot i, Atlaa Milling Company, f 101.80: tot 1, Athi Mtninp CotBpany. 1110.8ft. BIOCK f. lot 10. Mary B. Jonea, li.2- tot 0. Mary B. Joaen. 02. TO; lot 1 Bllaj Jonea, 000.78: tot 1. Sllao Jonea. 0108.08. BIKTC 0, tot 10. Bdna B, and Joba Oatoft, 0114.01; tot 0. . Bdna B. and Joba Oaten, 038.01: tot 2. Jldwla 0. J oh noon, 0110T; tot 1. Bdwla 0. obnnoa. 081. Tft! BLOCK ft. waat 14 8 feet lat 0, Atlaa MllUnc Oompaay. 014-71: tot . 0. M. Smith, ITSTftS: tot 0, O. M. Smith. 088.47; lot 4. Prank Thtemaa, 0O2.8TT BLOCK 10. tot 0, Btaert W. Cooper, $148,011 tot T, KIbert W. Cooper. 08T.82; woet 14.2 foot tot 0, Paul Braeat Jonea, 011.40; weat 14.S feet lot 0, Jamea P. and Armla Wathlna. 011.2T; tot . Jamea P. and Amite Watklna. lM.70; tot ft, B. B. Butner, 0148.87 BI1CK 11. tot 0. Joba P. Cor dray. 0148.00; lot T. Joba P. Cordray. 080.40; weat 14.S feet tot 0, Paul Brneat Jonea, OH IO; weat 14.2 feet let a, Utile Morrto Cordray, 08.41; lot 4. Llllt Uorrta Cordray. 01S.A2: lot 0. Ltltta Morrto Cordrap, li 19.24. . Total. 8j.0to.00. H THOS. a DBVLIN. Audttor of the City of Portlnad. Portland. Orefoa, Octobar tl. 1004, rKorotxD ABOoeumrr ro orwxa a rXTTTOKOTB STBKKT. . tHotlee la hereby atvea that tba- Council of the City of Portland pruiioaaa to aaeeae thft rollowlBf deacribool nroparty ana owner or ewnera aa being apodal ly and peeallarly benefited la the amounta aat oppoalta tbe namoa and uocr1pUona tbereof by tba eonatrocttoa ol a aewer fa Pettirava atreat, from ISO feet weat of Twenty-fourth atreet to tbe aowar In PettTareve atraot. aa arorlded by ordinance No. 14,170. Any abtoettoaa to tba apaertleemeat of coot for aaM eewer muat ba made ta writing ta tba Council and filed wltb tba Audi 'or within tft daya from the Bate of the flrat publication of tbla notice, tna aaM oojeenwe win be Beam ana uetermineo ny no mown before tbe naaaan of tba ardlaaaea aaaeaataa the coat of aald aewer. OOI'DB MIT H ' 8 ADDPnOtf to the Cltp af PnniaadBLOCK 11, tot a. Ma or mo aem atnla. 038.10; tot T, Lou to Ooldamllb, 02ft. IS. BICKIO. tot 8. lwia L. McArtbur; 017.78: lot 8, LoulB Ooldamltb. I1T.TB. Total, lOTJO. THOS, C. DBTL1-N, Auditor of tba City af Pordaad. . Portland. Oreax. October 31. 1004. PBOVOOXO AJmKftnThrXaTT FOB DCPBOTS- MKXT Or TKX BAR SALT Of SUTKKjrTOI aTKXXT. Motlee la berewv riven that tba Council of tbe City af Portland propoeea to aaeeae tha following Oenrrlbod property and owner or nwnera aa being opeetatly and peculiarly haaofltad ta tha amounta aat oaaoatta the namee and deecrtpttono tbereof for tbe Improvement of tbe aaat half of 8 In teen tb atreat, from toe aouth curb Itaa of Taj lor etreot to a Una 100 feet aoutb of the anuth Itna of Taylor atraat, ta provided by ordinance No. 14,188. Any ODjeciiona w ine apnorrionaMm or uuui tar aald lmnrovement moat be made la wrltlBar to tba Council and filed, with the Auditor wtthta 10 daya from tha date of tbe flrat publication of tbla notice, and aaM ebjerttoee will Be kearo an aetormtaea ay me vouncu before tbe aaaaan of the ordtaaaaa aanaalng ttir east of aald tmufoatmaat. PORTT .AND BLOCK 010, tot 0, H. B. Klaeald. 01 ' ji. a men la, ftet.aa. toui. ' Audttor of the CTty of ParttoaO. Portia ad, Oreaua. Octobar 81. 1804. OOKPXVTIOK AJTB AOCKPTAKOB Of IaV rBODtXBT Or LTBAlf BTBXftT Notiao hereby atvea that William C Bfliinrt. Cite Knelneor. haa Bled hi the afOco of tbe arMtoraUBad aodce that PortUod Hy dra one atone Company, contractor tor taa im- prirveaaent or Ullaaa atreet, unaer tae aro atalone of ordinance No. 14. 181. haa mmateted aald atreet from 10 feet oaat af tba wait lino of Park atreet to IS feet waat of tba aaat llaa of Nlatb atreat. Said aeeeptaaruj mn ba ieaii8ia wp tba xacnflre Board at 4 a'etocb on tna 4th day of November, 1004. and abtoettoaa to tba eccevt anee oc eaia atreet, or any part tnereor. mar be Otod to tbe offtca af tba aaaarilgaoJ at aap Umejrrlar tberato. ini ITITB PIARD Bp THOS, O. DBVLIW. Auditor of tb Cltp af Portland Oragea, Ottobur St, 1004. , Partlaao. rMrOKCO A0uT28nTXST MB OCPBOTaV nxsjrt OP OUBaUft Haw, Btoeton to bp flvaa that tbe Council of tbe Cttp of Peruana oropin in aaeeae tba following, drecrlbed property and owuer wn3 balua apeelalfy and peculiarly hwnud lu the aiuounU aet oppoalto tbtt namea and " tbercoi rur ua uuiHuvsataai Of OtoalTSircei: from U feat wt oftl;; we-t ST OoaSu "Tb4 Olrf 'tb tba" ailta? wttala 10 dpya from tba data af tbe flrat puZcattoa S tblilc. "4 MJd abeetlo win ho hoard and determined by tbe Council rJil.J7!....- c tbe ordtBiaaa XtT..,T m inniTinM u th. (Itv of PurtUDd HIlt;K TB. MI 1. mare ""i tot 0. Adolpb Burcftbardt, 0110.07. , Total. W-9 , j-HOS. O. fcoTVLIN. Auditor of the Ciyr af Pprttoad, Port hi ad, Orvgoe, pevooar a, aeuu. MOPOSBD AOaXBBMZVT FOB DfPKOVB- MKtfT OP MQBTJUUT BTBXBT. Ma t imb U huabr el van that tba Council nf tbe City of Portland pMpoaaa to aaaeaa u aihMiM UvritH41 nronerty and owuer or awaera aa neina; ap-Mi'r p"1 benefited IB tbe amounie aei guuiw im namea .mi AwrinMana thereof for the Improvement of Northrop atreet, from the went Una of Twenty-eecond treat to the aaat line of Twenty-t&ira. ftwam m avrw" r wa Any oblacttoaft to tba apportion moot of coat tor aald Improvement ftauat be made la wrttluc to the Couacll and iua wtta um auoiior within m a mm (ma tha data of tbe flrat publication of tbla notice, and aald objections heJea the oaaeare of the ordinance aaislna th. am) r uld ImnrovemenL COt'CIl'B ADDITION to too Ciry or rxTiano BLOCK -aUO. UJl O. w. vtikuii, o'-oa. tot ft, Artbar C. Bpeneev. l4.iaj; lot 5. Robert Bruce W I toon, 0H.TO: tot 0. Bridget Lyona, 000.00; tot 0, ClemoBttne I Wlla.n, OdxtMi tot 12, Cleatentlne U W I toon, 808.01; fct 74 CtomeBUue L. WllaotL 6l9; tot IT. Caroline B, WIlaoBtlO.iej Tntla. fcmuel Waaner. 00T.S1. BLOCK 006, tot 1, Good Samaritan Hoapltal. 0100.01; tot .Oood BamarltaB Hospital, ain.oi; , uouu aa iriiu RnanltaL S5U.8S: tot T. Good Ba aurltaa Hoapltat, OBT.08; lot 10, Good Sa maritan Hospital, 068.80; tot 11, Oood Ba- marttaa HoaplUL ftM.10; tot la, uooa an taarltaa Hoepltal. 100.00. A tract of land lying between tbe aoath Una of Kortnrnp atreet and a Una 100 toot ooutb tbereof and parallel therewith and between tbe oust Una of Twenty-third atreet and 8' line 100 faet east thereof and parallel laerewitB, Oood BamarlUB BoepluL 011s.Bw Total, THOB. 0. DKVtlrf. Aodltor af tba Ctty of Porflemfl. Porttoad. Oregoa. October 81. 1004. lpooOT AaaucsabnorT roa nrrBpvx , Mxrr or battkb stkktt. Mottoa la berobv Jlroa that tba Coonclt of tbe City of Portland propoeea to aaeeaa tbp filtowlns aascrtaaft property ana owner or ahrnem aa belna onedBllr and oecullarly benefited la tba anteuett aet oppoalta tbe namea and deecrlpttoao ftbereof for tbe Improvement or Barter atreet, from tbe weat Una of Twenty olrhtfc itFMt tn tno oaat line of Twenty ninth atreet, aa provided bp or din a oca No. 14,000. any oBjectioao to -caa apporfionmeni oi coau for aald Improrement muat be made la writing to tba council ana moa wkb tno Auaiiar wltbln- 10 daya from tba. data of tbe first imt.llMUou at thla entire, and aald oMecttona will ba board and determined by tba Council before tba paeaare or tno oraiaaaeft aasimina tbe oaat Of aaid improvement. WILLAMBrTTI) HJEIfiHTB BLOCK O. MT I, Loubj Ooldamltb. 0101.81: tot ft, LoaU Oold amlth. 014. SB: lot 8. Loula Ooldamltb. OUT. lft: lot T, LoWla" Ooldamirb, 080.40; tot 10. Loula Ooldamith, OM.ST; tot 11, rarey it. njta, 052 47, tot 14. Percy B. Birth. 0M.S7; tot 10, Fmltr T. and M. B. Moore. I104 0T; tot 10, Chart ea Kohn. OSS 20: tot 10. Chartoa Koha, 051.41. BLOCK B, lot 4. Percy H. Blyth, 1800; lot 0. Percy H. Blyth. 014.00: -tot ft. PeUa rriedla odor, aOT.40; tot 8. Percy H. Blytb, 0111.27; lot 0. Pant Taa Prtdagb, 0108.00; tot 11 Melitda C. Mclrrtoab, 0106.08; lot 0, William Mackintosh. 033.20: tot 10. Wlttlam Macktatoab, 0S2.10; tot IT, W. P. Brooka, 062. Tft: tot SO, W. T. Brooke, 004.00. Total, f 1.300. B0. r THOS, O. DBJVLl!, Abdltor af tbe City of PortlaaeV Pert la ad. tagee, October 01. 10OO. BOPOBKB ABBT08MTaTT rOB XKrKOTB- MKVT Or TBS BOOTS, SALT OT XATLOB BTBKZT. Mottoa to betebv Brecn that tba Council of tbe City of PnrtTead pronooea to aaaeaa taa followlag Oearrlaed property and owner or ownata aa brine aneclalfT and Docallarty bene f1 ted la tba amoanta aet eppoalte -tbe aamea aaa aaocrtnnoas urreor roc in lauroeemeni of tbe aoutb half of Taylor atraot, from tbe cent curb Una of fa I teem a atreet to a line 100 feet oaat of the eaet Una of Sliteeatb atreet. aa provided ov ordinance No. 14.180. Any aMectloua to tbe apportion meat of coat far aald ImnroreawBt muat he made la wrltlna: to U Oouacil ftnfl Iliaa wltb the Auditor wltbln 10 daya from tba data af the flrat publication of thla aotlce, and aald obtocttone will be beard: and owternunea ny no council before tbe eeeaago of tbe ordlaaaoa ftaaaaa I as toe coat or aaJd improvameat. POBTLA NT BLOCK 010, tot 0V B. B. Kto- TH04L A ' Auditor of the CHy af PortJaad. PurtbiBd. Oregoe, October 01, 10O4. PKOPOOXD ABBIBOMEaT FOB XbtTBOTaV btxirr or fbobki.tbt btbxbt. Notice hi borebv aivea that the- Ooonell of tbe Ctty of Portland aropoaaa. to aaaaaa taa following ueacnoeo nroporiy ana owner or ownen aa being eper tally and peeallarly aeaentea in tno anvnnu aet opposite tno namea and deacrinttona thereof for the ImDroTement of Franklin atreet, from the weat Une of Thtrty-ercoad atreet to tbe eaat Una af Ragby atreet. aa provided by ordinance No. 18.888. Any objecttoun to the apportlonuaeat of coat for aald Improvement moat be made la writing to tba Councu and filed with tba Aoaitor wttbln 10 daya from tha date of the flrat publlratloa of thta notice, and aald obtocttoaa will bo hoard and determined y tba Council before tbe paaaag a of tbe ordlaaaea laasaalnj tbe coot of said Improvement. WIUAMKTTB FI EIGHTH BLOCK SB. tot 4. Percy H. Blyth. 0100.40; tot 8. Percy H. Blytb, $18.08; tot 0, Porcf U. Blyth. Otl.SS; tot 0, Charlea M. Hneglna, 0QD.81; tot 0, Percy H. Birth. 008.ST; tot IS. Cynthia A. Itaacroft, 008.10; tot IS, Percp H. Blytb. 084.47; tot 10, Perey H. Blyth, 082.00; tot 17, Perce H. Blytb. 000.22. BIXCK 21. tot 1. Beotttah American Inveetment Comnany, Ltd.. OtOBTS; tot Scottish American In veetment Company, Ltd.. 038.00. A tract Of Mod lying between tbe aoutb Itaa of Prank -Un atreet and a Une 100 feet ooutb tbereof and parallel therewith and between tbe weat line oi Heme too atreet ana a line am reel West tbereof and parallel therewith. Seottluh AmerVaa Inveetment Cum nan, Ltd.. 0401.71. Total, 01.2TS.08 THOB. ft DBTLTIT. Andttor of the City of Portmad. Part la ad. Oregon. October SI, 1004., FBOPOSKB ABBZBSbTXlrT POB ZBTTBOTaV BTXbTT OT BAST TBUBD 8TKXZT. Notice to berebr atvea that tba Council of tbe City of Portia ad nropoaaa to aaaeaa tbe follow tug described property ana owner or ewnera aa being specially and peculiarly benefited fa the amoanta art oppoalto toe namea and deecrlpttona thereof for tba fmprovement of Baat Third atreet, from a point 00 feet aortb af tba aorth lino af Knot Darla atreet to tba aortb tin of Kant Couch atreet. a are vlded hp ordIuance-KcTri4.14l. Aar nblectlone to tbe apportion meat of coat for aald Improvemant arast be made hi writing to tba Oouncn and filed with tba Audi toe wltbln M dara from the data of the first puMtcatlon of thta aotlce, and aald objectlone wilt ba beard and determined by tba Council Before tbe aaaaaa nf the nritlasara a as a Baled the coat of saldT lnt prove snout. BAST PORTLAND BLOCK 00. Booth 00 feat tot a, Oregon tie a I Batata company, SM.ti; tot 0. Oregon Beat Batata Companr. 000.88. BLOCK 08. tot 8, Caroline Ana apd Marietta Meuaedorfer, linS.TB; lot lT Caroline Ana and Marietta Meuaedorfer, pm.tX; tot a, Tabltha J, WltooaV ISO OT 1 tot 0. Tabttna J. Wllaoa. 080.07. BIXICK 74. awtth 80 faet tot 8. Louisa H. Meora Batato. helre of, 080.10: tot 4, Lonlaa II. Moore B-tate. fcetra Of. 011088. BLOCK TO, tot 1. MtebaVl A. Pllnn. 010B.10: tot S, Michael A. Pllffn, ORO tM; tot 0. PMebe J. Cnlburn. 088.70: tot 4. Paoeba J. Colburn, 080.40. TotaL $000.71. THOST C. nSVIJrf, Aodltor af tbe City af Portlaad. Portlaad, Orogoa. Octobar 01. 1004, rBOPOSXTt ABOiooMrrr roB dctbotb. bTKXT 0P BIBTB bTTBKIT. Noflea la berebr at tea that tba Council of tbe Cltp of Port land propoaai to aaaeaa tba following oearrtaed property ana owner or owners aa to-lag apeclally and peculiarly beaeflted tn the amounta aet opposite the namea and deecrlptloaa thereof for taa Improvement of Klnlh atreet, from tba aortb Hne of Oltoan atreet to tba aonth Hne of Hoyt atraat, aft prevlrtorl by ordinance No. 14. lea. Any obiecttoua to tbe apportionment af cost far aaM foprovamoat moot be made la wr1tlna to tha Council and filed with tba Audit within 10 dara from tha date of tbe flrat publication af thla notice, and aaM abjecttonu win ne Boara ana aeterminea ny tee tnancii he fare tbe aaaaaae of the ordtaaaaa a Basul aft the root of aald Imorav assent. 001'CH S ADDITION to the city of Portland njLOTK Tft. tot ft. Adninb. Barcfthsrdt, Mi n; tot ft- Adotoh Barckbardt,- $44 88. BIXK'K ft, Ml, Tona 11 lwla, $44.00: tot 4. Lenn H. Lewis. $44.80; tot 0, Jamea H. Httddlee. a. $44.82: tot 8. Jaaata Uaddto aoa, 04.4. Total. fSOT Ta. Auditor of tbe City af Portlaad. PartMaa, Orttea. Ottabar ft), 1004. OObTPLBTIOV ABB AOCkPTAKOX OT tH pbvxkkxt or bajt twxi rr-BioarrB BrBSBT. i Notion m haeane Hm that WHUam ft Btllort, Cltp Buglnoer. baa Bled la tbe often ui wo uaaaraignea aottca ai 0- niemaHino ot 41 tractor far tba InnraMunt of Baat Twenty algbtb atreet, under tba pro via to do of ordinance No. 1S,48, baa completed aald atreet from toe neater Haa of Tar tor BUeet ft the eon lot Baa w Mian atreet. Bald acapt.oc wlD be aaaataT4 by tba ataecuava Board at 4 o'clock oa the 4th Bay ef Novaabar. 1B04, and abtoettoaa to tba accept 4nce at aaid atreet, or np part thereof, may ba OWd In tba offtca eT thauderaljoed t aap Uaia prior thereto. , Tub BiKt i TirB boabd. By THOS. C. DKVLIN. , Aodltor of tbe dtp of Portlaad. roftUnd, CicgoB, October SO, 1004. OOBtPLSTIOB ABB AOCXPTAVOB OT Oft- rBorsMZMT or datis otbzzt. nKotloa b) hereby glrea that WU Ileal ft Elliott. City Kaglncer, haa Bled la the of Bee of the BDderalgaed notice that 8 myth A How ard Company, oyntractor for tbe Improeeuent of Darla atreet, under the provnitona of ordi nance No. 14,188, baa completed sold atreat from 12 feet eaat ef tha Waat Una of Twenty -ftrat atrNt to 12 feet west of tba aaat Una af Twenur-eeeond atreat. Oold acceptance will be eoneidered bp tbe BaecoUve board at 4. o'clock oa tbe 4th day of Norambar, loot, and objeottoai to tba accept ance of said atreet. or any part thereof, may ba Oled to tba offtca of tbe aderalned at an Uiue trior tberato. TUB BXBCt TITB BOABD. By THOS. a DETLIIt. Auditor of tbe City of Portlajat. rortlaad. Or.gvn, October 00, 1004. . OOKPLBTtOV AJTD AOOBTTAVOB OT Hl- rBOTXtrjaiT or rmovT kbxzt. Kotlea b) hereby glreB that WUIUm ft Elliott. City Eugleear, haa tied la tbe efflca Of tbe undersigned notice that Archie Ma toe, contractor for tbe Improrement of front street, under tba provlaloaa of ordinance No. II, Soft, baa completed aald atreet from 10 faet north, of the north Una of Woada sueat ta taa eoutft Uae of Orovar atraat. Said acceptanea will ba BaaalOrtiS bp tba Biocntlte Board at 4 a'etocb oa tbe 4th day of November. 104, and eb toe t lone to tba accept ance of aald atreet, or any part thereof, sup ba tied la the office of tba aadarabruag at aap time Lrlor thereto. TUB BXhXUTIVB BOABD. i By TUOt. ft DBVLIW. ' Aodltor af tbe Ctty of PorUaad. Purttaad. Oregon. OctotoirrS0, 1004. OObtPLXTTObT AbTD AfJOKPTAVOS OT SV PBOTZblZBIT OT 0AAX BTBXBT. Notice lft boreby glvea that William ft Elliott, City Kngtaeer. aaa 8 led fat tbe ofOee of the andoralfned aotlea that Smyth A How ard Company, contractor for tbe Improvement of Park atreet, under tbe provtotooa af ordl Banc No. 18.004, baa completed aaM atreet from tbe aorth line of Waehlugtoa atroot to tbe canter line ef Otark atreet. Bald acceptNOce will ba coualdered bp fba Bxecutlve Board at ft o'clock 00 the 4th dap of November, 1804. and obtocttone to tba accept anea af aaM atreet, or Bay part thereof, mar be Otod la tbe ofOc of tba aadaralaaed at aap ttato prior thereto. . TUB BMLftX'l TITftl BOARD. By THUS. C DBVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of PortUod. PortUnd, OropoB. October 00, 1004. OOOtPLKTIOnT ABB AOCXPTAJTCB OT XB FBOTBBaBT OT PABX OTKnT. Notice to hereby ntvea that William ft nilmt ntv Enalnaer. baa tied fat tbe ofOoa of tba undersigned notion that Star Sand Com naar. antraetor for the lmnrovement af Park atreat. nadot tha proviatoae af ordlnaaee bo. 18,804, haa eo m pie tad said atreet from tbe center line of Btaxk street Oa taa Beater Uae at Buruulde etreot. - Satd accepunce win be OB aet ear ib ap ma Bxacutlve Board at 4 ucleck on tbe 4th day of November. 1004. sad abtoettoaa to tba accept anea of aald atreet, of any part thereof, may be Sled ta the offtca af taa aatorrtaned at. bap time prior thereto. , Tna) auupii nvai atvnnv. By THOS. C. DBVLIN, . Andttor of the City ef Portia ad. Httland. Oregoa, October SO, 1004. ttoMPLBTlOB AMD AOOXPTABOB OP TJ8- PBOTKMZNT OP BOUTS OBS HALT OP TATLOB BTBXBT, ' Kntton to borebv aivea that Wtttlam ft anitott. Cite Rualoeel: haa tied la tha ofOc Of tbe uwdatslgned notice that Portland Hy draulic Btoae Comna ay, aontractor for taa la- provement of eonta. oa half of Taylor atreet, onto tha nrfa via loan of ordinance No. 14.18& baa oomplated aald atreet from tbe east curb line of flliteeath etreot to a line 100 feet aaat of tba eaat curb Une af Blstaenta atreet. Bald accepunce will be eonsioerea or pie VvwDtlea Snard at a o'rloeK oa tno 4tn asi of November. 1B04, and obtocttoaJ to tba accept- anca of said atreet, or aar . part inereoL atov ba tied la tbe efde at tb aader signed at aap Ubm prior thereto. TBI Bj a ba. i lira owao. .. Bp THOS. ft DBVLIN, Audttor of tbe City of Porttoad. PurtUnd. Oregon. October SO, 1004. OObTPLrnObT AJTB AOCKPTABOB OT TJt PBOTKMXBT OP XABT 0KB BAIT Or BI mrn btbxbt. Kotleo la hereby aivea that WITTUm 6. anilntt. fitv Enainear. haa tied la the offtce of tha nnderalcned notice that Portland Hy draulic Stone Company, contractor, for, tbe lm nrovement or eaat one ball or Bix taenia street, ntidar the nrovlsloaa of ordinance No. 14,188, baa eomnleted aald atreet from the aoutb curb una or Tovior atreet so a una iw ioea aoaw tk aonth curb line of Tavtor atreet. Bald accentane will no cooawreo 07 van Kaamttve Board at 4 o'clock on the 4th day of November. 1004. and object too to tba accept- um af aalfl atroot. ar anv nan IBeroor. mar be Oled la tba office of tba undoritdned at aap umepnor tnereta. lam Ein.i riva nunu. c By THOB. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tha City of Porttoad. PortUnd. Oregoa, October SO, lftoft. OObTPLXTTON ABB AOtTEPTABOB OT IM- noTtxnrt or iim otbbxt. NMn to harahe atvea that William ft aniiott. rite Enalneer. ban filed ta tha offtca of the anderaunea notice mar rorriana mt draullc Btoae Company, contractor for tn Im provement of Ninth atreet, under tbe provlaloaa of ordinance No, 14.100. baa oompleted satd atreet from the aortb nne or tjuaea, atroot to tba aouth Una at Hoyt atreet. aald a crept a nee will be auaalderud bp tbe Bkecutlve Board at 4 e'etor oa tbe 4tb day of Noeeaibor. 1004, and obtocttoaa to tba accept anew m miw aum, v. wu a mar ba Oled la the offtce of tba aaOirilaaoi at aap time prior tnareto. ma hits auiABiir. By THOB. ft DEVLIN. Auditor of the CTty of Porttoad. Pcvttend. Orogoa. October SB, 1004. 0OMPLBTTOB ABB AOCKPTAVOB OP TK- pmOVMKJTT OT BAST TWKVTT BISBTB BTBXBT. Kottoa k beretre atToa that WllMam O. Ilinit. Cttr Enainear. baa Oled la to efBee of the aaderetoned notice that J. B. O'NelL contractor for tbe ImproveaMat of Beat Twenty- elghtb atreet, under tbe proeietooa af ordl- nance No. lft.aan, aaa compietea aeia street from tba center Dae of East Yamhill atreat ta the center Uae of Baat Taylor atreet. . Bald acceptance will be funaldered by tbe BsrcuMve Board at 4 o'clock on tbe 4th dar of November. 1004, and obtocttoaa to tba accept anea OS eaia Ptreoi, or any pun inereoi mar ba tied la tbe office of tbe aaaetstaaiad Bt any time prior thereto. A MB FIX BP I IV WIIRII. Bp THOS. 0. DBVLIN. . Audita of the Cltp of riatliaat PurtUnd. Oregoa. Octobar 00, 1004. 00BTPXBTIOB ABTD AOOKPTABOX OP XM- PBOVTXEaTT OP BAST WAftanBOTOB BTBXBT. . - I Notle h berebr give that WHUam ft Ktiiott- Cttr Enaineer. haa Oled la tbe offtce of the aadevetgned notice that J. K. O'NelL contractor fat Ibe Improvement of Boat Waab tnirtOB street, under the provlatona of ordtnaaca No. 14,808, baa completed aald atreet from the aaat Hne of Baat Tblrty-elghtb atreet to tba west llaa af oaat Ttilrtj-njntb atreet. Bald accept oca wiu oa eeaaiaered bp tba neurlve Board at 4 o'ctoch oa the 4th dar of November, 1004. and objection to tbe accept ance of aald atreet, or any part thereof, mar 0 Otod la tb ofOc af baa aadaraigned at aap ttanenrter thereto. iUm tAHUITf DuAHD. . By THOB. C. DEVLIN. 1 Auditor of tbe City of Portlaad. Portland. Oreaua, October 20, 1004. WEPIXTTPW AN AOYJCPTAVOB OT TJt- pBOrXMXMT OP BAST TWXNTf -EIOXTK BTBBBT. Notle hi berebr alva that William ft halLait. Cttr Sngloear. haa Oled la tbe ofOee of tbe undersigned aotlce that Becblll Bros.. contract ore Bar tno laaeraveOMat ef Eaet Twentr-elebth atreet. under the nrovlstoao of ordlnaaee Ho. 18,040. bate computed aald atreet from fba seuta line f Belmont atreat to tba nter line of 'Beat Yamhill atreet. Bald acceptance will be eoaaMered ftp fba Eiecnrlv Board at 4 o'clock oa tha 4th day of November. 1904. and obtocttoaa to tba accept ance of aald atreet, or any part thereof, atar be Oled la tbe ofOee of tba aaaWatoaod at aap time pHor thereto. I ins aApriiTi boasd. MT THOB. c, piruit, Aodltor of the City of PorUaad. d, Oretwa. Oetobor SO, ISO. , norooD oxwn nr bar aldxb stxekt Notice la hereby plvea that at tbe meetln or uw ueuncu of taa city of roriwno, wuj, held oa tba lftth day ef October, 1004, tba following- reeolutloa waa adopted; . . Beaolved, That tha Council of tb CI9 of nrttoud, Orogoa, deeme It espedlent ana pr prjoea to eonatruct a aewer la Eaat Alder atreet from Tft fact waat at Flit Thirl V-flfth atreat to tb aewer la Bast Thlrty-fourU atreet. Said aewer to be of rltrlBed aewer pipe wltb all ateearp eatcb-baslna, man-hol -ho lee, lamp-aoiee an brancbee, and to be of eight laabaa atoat to aide dla mater. Said aewer to be ennatractad la accerdaac with tha charter and ordinances of tb City af Portland and the plana, spaclftcattoaa and eatl matea af tba Clip Kug1ni4r. Otod In the office of tbe Aodltor of the City ef Portland en tbe Ifth day of Oetobor, 1B04, tndoraed: "Cltp Bnglneer'a plan aud apeclflcattons fur ft newer In Kaat Alder atreet from 70 feet west of Baat Thirty-fifth street to aewer In Eaat Thirty fourth atreet and tbe eatlmstee of tbe work ta ba done aad tb probable total coat tharoof." The coat of aald aowar to be aaaeaaod aa pro vlded by the ctty charter boob tbe property specially and peculiarly benefited thereby and which la berebr declared to be aa follow : LoU ft. 0, 12, block ft, aud tota 1. 10, 11, block 0, Bunnyalde. The EuglDeera aertmate at tba probable total coot for taa eons t ruction ef aald eewer to $02.00. . Tbe plana.- epectfteartou iad oattraatoo of fba City Engineer for tba coos traction of aaM aewer are hereby adopted. Beeolood, That the Audttor of tb Cltp of Portland be and be la hereby directed to aire Ob t lee of tbe propoeed conatructlnn at aaM aewer aa provided by tb ctty charter. fteraonetranceu agalnat tb above aewer may be filed la writing with tbe undersigned wltbla SO days from the date af taa teat pubUea ttoa of thU aotlce. Bp order af tb Oouncn. THOS. C. PBVLIN. ' , Auditor af the City of Porttoad. ' PortUnd. Oregon. October 22, 1004. OOKP1XTION ABB ACCEPT ABOB OT Dt PKOTEMXaTT OP HOBX1B BTBBBT, Notice hi berebp given that WD Bam ft Elliott. Cltv Knelneor. haa filed la the office of tbe ttuderetgned aotlea that Olettlaob A Jop- II a. con true tors for tbe improvement or Morrta atreet, under the provlaloaa of ordinance No. 14,100. bar completed aald atreet from the eaat Una af Untoa are aaa ta tba aaat Una af Alblna. s " Bald aeceptanca win be aaaalnevaO bf te Biecarlvr Board at 4 o'clock oa tbe 4th day of November. lM. aad obtoctlona to the aceept aaca of aatd atreet, or any part thereof, map be Otod la tbe offtca af tbe aBaralsaad at aap time prior thereto. TUB BXBCl-TITH BOARD. Bp THOB. ft DEVLIN. Aodltor ef the City of PortUod, Portlaad. Orefoa. October SB, 1004. OOMPLETION ABB ACCEPTANCE OP Hf- rBxTB3fxjrt or bast tbubtt-tbzbs BTBXXT. Notice la kerebp flvea that WIlMam ft ftnilott. Cltv Enainear. haa filed to tbe office of tbp undersigned aotlea that Otebtocb A Jo pi in, contracture for tbe IBiprovesneni 01 East Tbirtr-third atreet. under tbe provlatona of ordinance No. 10.078. have oompleted aaM atreet from tha center Une af Eaat Alder atreet C tb orator Un af Baat Washington atreet. Said accepunce win be canal dared bp fba Executive Board ftt 4 o'clock op tbe 4th day of November. 1804, aad obtoctlona to tbe accept ance of aaM atreet. or any part thereof, mar bo tied tn tbe office ef tb aadenigned ftt Oaf time prior thereto. Itia IJtKLTIVO 0UAKU. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, ' Auditor ef tbe CTty ef Porttoad. Portland, Oregon, October 20, 1804. - OOktPLETTOB AND ACCEPT AX OS OP Dg. PKOTEbTEKT OP MAZB STREET. Notle to berebr atvea that William, ft of tbe underalfDed noftce that Smyth A How- era Compear, contractor ror tna improvement of Main atreet, under tbe provlBVne of ordinance No. 14.000, baa -completed aaM atreet from the went line of Beeood atraat to tba aaat Baa af Third atreet. . Bald acceptanea win. be eaaatdfriS bp tb Bxecutlve Board at 4 o'clock oa the 4th dap or November, 1904. and obtocttoaa to tbe accept ance af aald street, or any part thereof, map ba Oled ta the offtca of tba uaderslgned at amy time prior thereto. . TBB BXBCCTITl BOARD. ' . ' - Bp THOB. ft DEVLIN, v Auditor of tbe Cltp of PorUaad. PurtUnd, Oregoa. October SO, 1004. OObTPLKTION ABB ACCEPT AN OK OT itwll IN KaXZXCHBX AND WHJLXT tTBKKTB, Kotlea to berebr aivea that WllUam ft BlUott, Cttr Bugtneer. ha Otod ta tbe offtce of tb Badoralgnod aotlc that Bacblll area., contractors for the coos tract ton of a aewar to McXercber .and Wilier strreta, an dor tbe pro- vialona or ordlnaaee no. 14,1 TO, bare compietea setd eewer from 100 feet north of the aortb Una of Hawthorne avenue to a connection wltb tbe aewer la Beat Thirty-third atreet at WUtor atreet. Bald acceptance win b aoaaiaered br tba Executive Board at 4 o'clock oa tbe 4tb day of November, 1004, aad obtocttoaa to tba accept ance of aaM aewar, or any part tbereof. may ba filed la tbe offtce af tba aoderslgiied at aap time prior thereto. Till RTiXlTIVB BOARD. " : , By THOB. ft DEVLIN. ' Audltur af tba CTty nr Portlaad. . Portlaad. Ornana. October SO, 1004. COMPLETION ABB ACCEPT AN OK 0T 0ZWZX IB BAST ASK BTBXXT. Norte la hereby atvea' tbat WTllIam ft BUtott, City Engineer, baa filed lb tbe efftoe of too UD arraigned notice that Becbm Bros., contractors for the eonetructloa of a aewer to V . . . , , jtmm Ik, immI.Im. .f rwlM . nan c No. 14.220. have completed aatd aewer from tha eaet line of General ABdrsooifB Ad dition ta connection with But Twenty-fourth atreet. - flaid acceptance win be eoneidered bp tbe Baecntlv Board at 4 o'clock on the 4th aap of November. 1004. and obtocttoaa to tba accept- SOaemm aa Bnm.t ma vTOJT. ub; BtOftf pm)r . -ftftv--v-ui , map ba Otod ta tbe offtce of the saoerela-aed at anp time prior thereto. . TUB EXEC C TITB BOARD. By THOS. ft DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City af Portland. Portland. Oregoa. October 20, 1004. OOMPLXTTON AND ACCEPTANCE OP SXWXK IB BAST SBOONO BTBXXT. Norton hi berebr atvea that WHMam ft BUtott, City Rnglneer, baa filed ta the efftco of tbe and reigned notice that Pralaer A Keaf lac, enntractore for tb construction of a aewer la Bast Second atreet, under the provlatona of ordinance No, 14.1 OB. bavw compietea sate aewar from the center Bn of Oroaon street ta a eoaaocttoa with tbe eewer la Baat Gllaaa atreet. Bald aeeeptoaa WIN be oonel ftar0 bp tb Baocuttve Bean at 4 a'etocb aa the 4th day of November. lf-4. and obtocttoaa to tbe accept map ba ttod to tbe roc f tba aadersLgned at aap tuae pier nereto. . THB BXBCt 'TITB BOARD. . - Br THOS, ft DEVLIN. Auditor of u Cltp of PortUnd. Portland. Oier a. October SO, 1004. O0MPLXTI0N ABB AOCXPTAaTOB Or BXWBB n rm st but. Nottoft Oi berebp glvwa tbat WHHam ft BUIott City Enainear. baa Oled to tbe offtce of tb mderalgned notice that H X Blaer, contractor for tha eanatructlon of ft aewer la Plan atreet, under the pro via I one of ordinance Ne. 14. 107, baa completed aatd aewer from tbe aaat Uae af Otitb atreet la tba WlUaajette riBaid acceptance win bo fonetdeved by tbe Bierutlve Board at 4 O'clock on the 4tb day of November. 1B04. and obtocttoaa to tbe accept, anee of aald aewar, or any part thereof, mar be Oled la tbe offtca of tb undersigned at aap time prior thereto. . THB EXrx-r-TTTB BOARD. Br THOS. ft DEVLIN. Aadltor af the City of Porttoad. rwrttond, Oicbib, Octolr SO, 1004. O0MTLETIOV AND AOOXPTANCB OP Dt BBOTXatEBT OT ONION ATElTUt . Notice berebp flvea that William C. Btllott, City BiMtlaeev. baa tied la the office of tb ojtderetgned eottce that Panuet A Jobn atoa. con trart oca for tbe Improvement of TJntoa avenue, under tbe previa lone of ordinance No, 18,087, bare completed aald street from tbe center line of Rast Madleoa atreet to tba Berth line of Hawtborne avenue. Said aeeepUnee will be considered bp fba BiecutlTB Board ftt 4 o'clock on tbe 4th day of November. 1004. and obtocttoaa to tbe accept aac of aaM atreet. or anp part thereof, map to Oled la tbe offtca af tbe uaderslgned at aar time prior tberato, a. aay "-"g pjxst l TIVX BOARD. By THOB. C. DEVLIN. ' Auditor of tbe City of Purttaad. Portland. Oregoa. October 20, 1004. rOVNTJNASTBX-S NOTICE. Nertce ta hereby given that on tbe SStb Sip Of October. 1B04. I took Up aad eaapouaded at the city Pound, at No. 081 ftltteenth atreet. tn the CTty of Portlaad, Oregoa, tb foltowias daecrihed antaul: Itorrel borae. toft bind foot white. Beef oa tort-frot foot and shod la front; and antoea the eeraer. ar other peraoa or persona having aa tat teat therein, ahall claim poaacaatoa of the aee and par aU eoeta and eharjtee of tbe keeping ana1 advertising earn, together with th. hmI faM on aald anlmaL aa orovldod br nrdlnanr No. B,2ft, aa ameoded. of aald ntr of Portland. I will oa taa au aap or ,wonr, IftfM. at lb hour or in a. m., at ine ntr Pound, at No. 281 Blrteentb. to said cttr. a. II th Win aWrlhed animal at aubllc anettoa to the Mgbeat bidder, to pap the cots srd ebart-e for tftklaf BB,. keeplnj and advortlalna aaeh anlnMiL . D...0 toto V.,Vaia.tor. PBOPOOALO POB OTXXtT WOBX. . ' Sea tod prooaa wilt be rvretved at tha of. See ef tbe Auditor af tbe Ctty of Portland audi BVldav November 4. 10O4. at 8:00 O'ctoch B. m.. lor the unprovamoat of Thurmau atreat from tba west Hne of Rugby atreet to tbe weat Ua-g or roior uuiia bumi m wt't-tm im meaner provided bp ordinance No, 14.088. eub ti r tha nraetalona of the charter and ordl- naneea of tbe Ctty of Portland aad tha anu- ii tka ntw Bawl aer. am tie. nirfa ho atrlrtlv in scoordaneo With a-rtnt4 kianka. which Will he furnished en application at tba office of tbe Auditor of tb City of Portland. And aaM Improvameat mast be completed oa or before ISO daya from the date of the algaln af tba eon tract bp tbe pa rile thereto. . ... n wnnain m MA uritl be eooatilered aa toaa accompaBled by a certified check par able to tbe order at tba Mayor of tbe Clip of Portland. Bert t Bed bp a responsible bank tor an amount equal to 10 bar coat af fba adftte gate propoeaL Tno- rigni ea rajeci nay- nam aaa a berebp reserved. Bp ardor of taa Bxecntlv Board. 1 MU. U. UK. Andttor af the Cttp of Porttoad. Portia Od, Oregou, Octobar SO. 1004, PBOPOSKB DCTBOTBnTXBT 0T PAXOO BTBXXT, NnHr to berebr aivea that ftt tba BMettaa af tbe Coonen of too Cltp or rnrtiano, urogoa. held oa tbe 1MB day of October, MW. tbe following resolution was adopted: Beaolrod, Tnai tna uoancu or in nty or Portland, Oregon, deeme It expedient and pro poeea to Improve Pargo atreet from the aaat Une of Oanteubela arena to the eaat Une of Commercial e treat la tba telle win maaaer. to-wlt: I Irat Br grading the street run wiatn witn full, intarsecflone to tb trade, aa ivoa pp tbe Oty Eitoeer. Second By cooatractlBS wnoden el dews Iks. Third My constructing wooden eroes walks. Bald Improvement ta oe aude la aocordane wilb the charter, and ordlaancea of tba CUV of Portland and tbe ptona. speclflcattona and eatlnutee of .the City Engineer, filed In tbe office of the Aodltor of the City of Portland On tha zoo any or Bopumoer, iwh, inaoreea: "dtv Etiaineer'a plana and aoeclftoatlona fee the improvement of Pargo atreet from tbe east Uae of Oentenbrla avenue to tbe eaat Une .of OomaaercUl atreet, and tbe eetlmatee of tba work to aa dona aad tba pro hie total east tbereof." Tbe eoet af aald tm prove me nt to ba s see nod aa arorlded bp tbe city charter upon tbe prop erty specially aad peculiarly benefited thereby, ana which are hereby declared to ba all the tota, parte of tota and perceto of land lytoa between a Une 100 feet north ef aad parallel wltb tbe aortb lino of Pargo atreet and a lino 100 feet aoutb of and parallel wltb tbe aouth Hne of rargo atreet an 4, betwoea a line I0U feet eaat of and pavatlal with tba aeit Una of Oantenbeln avenue .aad tba aaat Una of Commercial atreet. The Bug taeer-o earl ma to of tbe probable total coat for tba Improvement of -said Pargo atreet la 8820.00. . The plana, apeclfVutloas' and eatlmatea of tb Cltv Enaiaecr tor tbe lmnrovaarat of aaM largo atreet are berebp adopted. neeolved, Tna I u aoniior or toe -iy or Portlaad fee and he la bcreby directed to ft norlc of the proposed tmproeernent of aaM atreet, aa pro vlded by tha cltp charter. Reason trances agalnat tbe above Improve ment mar be filed la writing wltb no under aignad wttbln SO daya from tba data af tba tint puhltcatloa of thla- notice, Bp ardor f tbe Council. r, , , , THOB. C. DKTLIN.- 1 Auditor of the Cltp of PoruaaaV Pwrftond. Oregon. October 22. 1004. 000LPLETION AND ACCEPT AN CK OT IM PBOTEMXNT OP CUBAN BTBSBT. MatLm ta brrehv arleea that William ft BUtott, Cltp Engineer, haa Oled ta tbe office of the auderntfaed notice tbat Blaer A Rlner. enntractore for tea improvemom or uuhu atreet, undo tbe prnvtotona af ordlnaaee Ne. IS 8T0. nave completed aald atreet from the east Une f Third street to tba weat llaa af front atreet. " . Bald acceptaaea win be oaaaldered bp tb UiMiiln nluard at 4 o'clock on tbe .4th day of November. 1004. and obtocttoaa to tbe aecepl bbm al aatd atreet. or ear anrt tbereof. aaap ba Oled la tb ofOc of tbe aaderslgaed at aar time prior thereto. Ttia KAMI MVB - , By THOB. ft DEVLIN.-. Aodltor of tbe City of PortUmf. Portland, Oregoa, October 28, 1004. Ite Oorjr ' Double-Track Missouri River The ChkaftPortUriri Special, the moat luxurious train in the world. Draerine-roora oleptngcaro,dioiDg car, buffet omoking aoa library car (barber and bath). Leos tJua tureo days Portland to Chicago Two ThroughTralns to Chicago are operated Aalty via the Qrepoa R. IL ft Nar. Cc, LT . E tL aad Cbtoago Nortb-Weetem Rp. Cbkago from Portland and potato ta Orefoa aad Eaaterb Washington, Dally excursions Ib Putltnau toartat . aJecplntCafslrom PortUod thrOadB,' Id Chicago witboal change. , ol bitch ib, a. a. bab ram. Seal Aat. Pat. Co. eeeeral a t N..W. BvT CAN 'irwky. tj Market Street, spj Tklid Kreet, Ban Pbawcuco. Cab. 1 ruatuuto, Oaa. EM TrmrmGritrt-wirm& e- TroaJridO Lmv y v . PAST xr TO BPOKANB, BT. 0 . HaNNKAPOT.t ' . L I 1 . mi Chicago BAJLT1MORX OHIO tL R. j-Uale Xl VIA WASH o I riiAfwr I ffovimf WjraKJAato and Union Pacific J TRAINS TO THE CAST DAILY Tbrwagb Pananaa ataadard aad toartot etoea. tng can datly ta Omaha. Chleaeo. tpehanei tourist aleeplnf care dairy ta tuami tit.-; 1 through Pullman tourtot aleeplnt eatft InereA ally conducted) weakly to Cblcaro. Beclialam - chair eara tosatt free) to the Baat daily. I PNIOB DEPOT. Leave Arrtoea." CHICAGO POBTLANO '" SPECIAL. 0:10a.m. I Bs fat fba Eaat via Baa Daily. Dally. tngtoa. 'bpokanb plteb."" . , Par Katera Waahla ton. Walla WaUa. Lew- 0:1df.ak 040 a. ta, tatoa. Coeur d' Atone Dallp. DaUp. and Oreet Bar there points, ATLANTIC BXPHESB. ' ' ' ror the "H "MfjoxAB anb ftrvxi 6AtiftX'm POB BAN PBANC1BOO: .1 ' X X Cnhtmbla-a lps Oct. 0. lft. 20. - -' Oolambla Blvor IHviataa." POB ASTORIA aad way points, connecting- with atmr. for llwao and Nortb Beach, str. Bae aato. Aab-Bt, dock. 8:00 a. a. Dally, ex. Suadap 0a tarda p 10 . 00 p m. About 0:00 . m. TaauUlfBrlra-naeuto. S B ntviiie r- aty and Tamb'tn aUer T a. an. :ba an. Cinia, arra. nutn at doe. Aab-et. dock. (Water barmlttln Dellp. I Daily. Bnab Blvor Beuto, mwibtdii, ide.. 1 ft 0a.a. About 6 00 Dull Spokaaa and Lawtotonl ex. TICKET OPP1CB. Third and Waablaato. Sblft . Phone Mala Til. vrnnxan axxatxo p. a. a Por . TokobBBkx aad 1 and ltoac Boar aaBtac eft and Obangbal. tokla; frwlpbt rteamara for Manila. Port Ar- Krbe. Nagnakl and eta eonnectlne stoat tbur and Vladl voatok t a. a iRinnxn 4a 28; . B. N ICOH EDI A. Nov. SI; 8. X NUMAX- TIA, Dec. 8. for freight aad further paruea"- JA MXB f. DBWaOlf. Aeuoa. Tel Mala SOB. Uaaar A tonka Oeem. EAST via. SOUTH UNION DSPOT. Arrtvea. OVERLAND BXPBESn traloa. for Satoax. Boaa burr. Aabtand. Bacr- o;00at BMnto, Ogdaa. Sea Prnn-I clac. Btork to. Lea Aa-J getoa. El Paso, New Or-4 loans and tbe Baat, Morale trala aeeta at Woadbural dally area at Sunday jsa.ak wltb train for ML ofu :w. o 1 b, Browaavtlle. If ilif- BeM. Waaftaxat BB Katrea. Albany pom 1 a or eei OjOO a. aa. aeeta at Woodbur with 0tSOi mt. anaea - aaa aiivnr 1 toa toeaL 7 tOO a. an, Corvallta tl 0 00 a. m ILn-m. Sheridan paaaepgar..... 0:2B a. at riaiir. Dally, eicept Sunday, -Oa sua Babarnaa Bervtoa aad in via ion. V Depot Pbet of Jefferaoa- Street. Leer Portland dally for Oewe 7:00 a. BVI 12.B0. S:00. :S5. 0 20, 0:20. 0:80. 10:10 p. m. Dally (oicept Bon day), ft SO. !W. 8 8S. WTl a. avs 4:00. 112S p. tft. Suadap aaap. OaM RrfmVatBmmF frtwat OlvrlM) MTtf"! DBwTfrPal tftw 0:00 a. m.) I SO. 0:60. 4.00. 0:10. T OO. 0 . 11:10 p. m. Dallp (escept Bundav 0:08. T ift. 0:00, 10 20. 11:40 a. m. Bxeept Meudar. U:S a. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. - Leaves from earn depot-far ftoltoa and totor medlatepolnta dallv (except Baadap) 40 p. St., Arrive Portland 10:00 a. m. . Tb Indenendeace-Moumnatb Moe Um oner a tea dally to Monmouth aad Air lie. nectlnr wita oniaera ruciae 01 a Da llaa anoT IndenondenM. Pirat-claaa far from Portlaad to Bacrai and Ban Prancleeo 820. bertba en: fare OlO. aecond-claaa berth OS.BO. Tlcheta he Eastern aotuto and 1 V-. . UnuhBi mrjk inrtHHa CUy Ticket Office enrner Third and WnnOk- Ingtoa atreera. Pbeaa MaJaTlX C. W STINOEX " W. B. CrrMAN, City Ttehe Agent Oea. Paea. Aeeat. TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLlrVNOB -UNION DSPOT. Puget Sound Limited. for 1 Taaimi. Seattle Afilisav OXftftV 8b, TMOa. m. f40a.ato 1 i ' t m vtOa Olratnla. Sou tb Bead 040 a. m. and Orar-a atorbor aointo. North Coa at LI art ted. for Taooma. teat tie. Butte, Bt, Paul. M lo ne 00 11 a. Cblcaro. New S.o. m. York, Boatou and polnta Eaat and Boutbeaat. Twin -City Eipraaa. tor! Tacana, Seattle. Spa-! kane. rielena. St. PauL MInaeapoUa Chicago. New Tork. Boa tna and U.-d0B.BV all nolntft Baa South eaet Puaet I Clti-St. Loula OrecUL for TacomB, Seattle, Onobano. Butt. BIDlnea. Denver, Omaha. Kaoaaa City, St. Louts and all potato Seat aad Boa ta 840 a. av rsal. AO tratoa Sally aatcept aa Snatb Baai breacb. A. D. CHABLTON. Amietsnt OeeeraJ paaanger Agoat. tat Horrtooo ftL, aor. Third. PerttoaaV &m Astoria &. Columbia River Railroad Co. Leave. TJNION DEPOT. Arrtvea. I a. an. Pr OUypaiB, Batoter. Dairy. ' DaUp, Clarahaale. Wealport. UiM ft. Sb Cllftaa. Aetorto. War 1, ronton. PlavsL Haai- ond. Port Stevens. Oearhsrt Pnrk, Oeaalde. AatarM and Baaakera, ' Bimiaft Oftiia. . T-00B.m " 0 40 p. to. tir. Aetorto txgnm. ft r.