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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1904)
THE OREGON IAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.. Mu.At ifh 'NO, OC 1. i "'I oitt jimitiifl .MbOMfO ivnoTSKxm r bete. mm matt. iMe fa hereby ft" that at tna xstxug Heme . j nrtfawl m-aa-on. fctowts nuner. mn width win a l.uiaMliillI ID StVt MiwxZkit WllnwUw, to th "' fched ar :tk ... . eT Third BT ca-tructlna "E dda- .. fc'S Tth aorclf IcatJ u aed setimate. .-.J ' V "iftb-Ry constructing et-ne "TL..- SId improvement te. "'m with tba charter a ,DJlVf?L? l e Portland and the plan, specifications WW eevi 1 . street to th south curb u 1 a, and 1 and th MImM a ba wor to the probabU total cost thereof- . r- TtrMl of said Improvement provided b, the ri'J hy,7 Tih 100 feet weeterly from and P4' . iIS. westerly line of Seventeenth .,",1 '! 100 feet easter from , P"'. b . easterly Hue of Aeveateenth twee tto north H- of KlUstoth atrt , ,th SOUth I1M Of Clifton M. ,-AahU tottl S ; Ths Engineer's L JrXtmnth ' eet tortbe iiDDNfUMit of Sw"0 treet ta I4.wo.0o. -waned a thereof rt.fl tMtitto J," fmproMWt totor tpa tpMtk fcvrateenthstr fcwh "d?P'r ttotin f Uw provoMfl Imiww'nt at M BewMtranci to 'J rIT . W rttM with tM BOVT- , "Sid wWl. SO a7 IroBtfc dU C tlx iflrrt vnMlcatlOB c taw now . . IV arte C tta ChijvHL i. Aafflhw of tt Cir w ofPorOa. fcili X w. day of Ortohar. 104. tba frt- BMOlvad. That tha Council of tfca CHj Una of MoaU atrihtf la, too followla frill totaSartlooa lo. taa grada aa hj "Btrtl-. J nird By eaoatrnttliif eroaawalka. fourth By1 eonatmcting bo gultam . Bald ImtawMoeat to ba mada la acwanea . -arltb tn charter and ordlnanraa of the CltJ , of Portland and tha jJana, apadflratlona and atiSMtaa of th City - Bn(tMr "J i-StW of ta .Auditor of tha Cltyof m. Atti in nr iiMoner. ivvi. rnwnwu. jVflty Inibiw'i Plana and aportteaUono for tho iMprotoraent of Portontb BTenua I eorta Uoe rf WlllanittaboiilaTBrd to th jootb in IK of Manta atroa an tn aallnjatoa of tbo f f Iworfc to ba dooa and toa probaW total crnK tberaof.'r . ... . . TU tmt or ana imnwniTO to .... l a.nnrrldcd by the dty charter pon tba prop- ' rtf apMlally and pocollarly banentoa tnowny nd whit hi beraby declared to bj all tba Vto. pirta of kM and rwh of land WfJ the north Una of JtoaibtoB street and toe aontb 'M t UodU atreet and between a Una 100 ft wort of and parallel with the weet Una of - fVMtanMHitb arpno and Una 100 fjet eaat of .and parallel with the eaat line of Porta month , -OTenoe; abw all the lata, parte of lota and parcele of land lytnf benreea the vocth Una of WUUvette onlard and thamth Mna of lawnon atreet and between a Una 100 feat reel of and . parallel with the went Una of oiortsmontb avenna and a Hn 100 feet eaat of ano parallel witn in oaax una n nrouwuM .tan tha naeterle one half of hlocka M and U and Ota Veeterly one half of ; klorka W and K. rortamootb vlUa extended. ' .Th Bna-lnM-'e eaHraata of the probable total . CMt for tbe fmproTeaMnf PoctaoiooU Teooe tie 10,400.00. . t3k Jlana. perllcaHoM and eatl ma toa of tbo City Engineer lor. to iDjproTemeni ei - anw portamouah arenua are hereby- adopted. , Rroolved. That (be Aodltof of the City of JPcrtlaad ha -and ha la erehy directed to glee satire of the- fropoeed lmproveinent of eaid rentje aa provided by the dty charter. ftensonatraneea airalnat the above Improvement nay be died In writing- with the nnderalgned ', within SO 6ya from the data, of tbo drat pub- hVation of thia notice. , , - -' , r: Bj oriar at the OoonHir . 1 . Andltor of the Ory of Portland. Fort UnO. Oracoo, October 7X. It. 4moron ivionicflrf or mawtkobui iiv - ATBintZ. . Notl eo hi hereby given that at tbo meeting ot tbe Ooooell of the City of Portland, Oregon, held oa tbe l&th Oar of October, 100a. tho fol- -Icwing reeolntlom waa adopted: - bVeolvod, That tha Council of the City of , ftNirtland, 6reop. On una It axprdlent and pro pneea to lm provo Haw theme avenue from 11 feet wast of the' oaat line of Eaat Third atreet to the eaat tine of Kaat BViTenth Atroat la " tbe following manner, to-wit: rtrat By conatructlnr arHactal stooe aide walks to aenordanc with the City Bnglaaar'a laoa. operUcatlono and estlmatea. Recnd Br oonatrnctlna artificial al Third Br contrnetlox croe walks. Bald laprovement to be made in accordance , lth -the charter and , ordlBaneeo or the Oty df Portland ' and the plans, aperlfloarlona and osthnarrN of the City Knaineer ftfed la tbo of tW. of th Andltor of the City of Portbind on tbe 10th day Of October. 10O4, Jodoraed: "City Kngineoy plans and epeclflcatlooa for tho im provement of Hawthorne avenne from 11 feet west of the eaat line of Eaat Third atreet to tbn t Hne of East Eleventh street end the esti mates of the work to ba dose aod tha prohahm total cost thereof." ' The coat of said inrproveinewt to ba assissd "aa provlAe4 by tbs city charter npoa the prop ertr specUlIy, and pecnltarly heneflted tberehy and which la hereby declared te be all tbe lota, parta thereof and pareela of land lying between lino 100 feet aontb of aod parallel with the gonth Una of niwtfaorne oveane and a line . JO0 fret north of and parallel with the north line Of Hawthorne avenne and between tb east line of East Third treet and a Una 100 fcrt eat of and parallel with tbe east Use of East Eleventh atreet. The Engineer'o eetlmat of the prahahl total , dost for the Improvement of said Hawthorn venae Is tZ.lbo.OO. , Tb plana. spelflcatlAat and estlmatea Of the City Enirlneer for the Improvement Of eald IJawthrrn avenue sre hereby adopted. reolved. That the Auditor of the Cltr of rnrtleod be jin.1 be Is hereby direct te give 'notice of fhe prnpoaed Improvment aald gveno aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrannea sitalnat tbe above Improvement gasy be flld in writing with tbe antral sued within 10 day from tha dats of tho Brat pub tlcatloa of this antic. , ff. ''' Ey ordar of tho CobocH. ' , 'mJL. - A"mfr "f the City of rortlaaC VorttattC Oregon. OrUJter S3. 1904. ' nOEOSEE , XMTE0VfnrT Of WTLXIAJU . AVE EVE. - "otic hi herahr riven flat at th Meeting of the Conncll of tbe City of Portland, Oregon, held on tbe 1Mb day of October, IMhL tho (ol lowing rceolurioa waa adopted: Ueaolved. That the Council of tb City of Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pnv poaea to Improve Williams avenne from the north lino or Mr Mi lie atreet to the sonib Una of Albert street, aave and except that portion of said tVIUIanM evens lying between a line To feet north of the north Hn of Cherry .street aod a lino 10O feet sontb of tbo aoitb line of Broadway, la tbo following aainnar. to wit: ' rirsf 9f avaaar the street fnll wMtb with - fall Intersection to tbe proper enh-erade, a abown by tb stakes set by the City Rngtneev. m HeeoadV-Br eooatrmctlng artlftcUl atoaa : h1raV-Bp mastraettng ntaaa Meek header, gamble row. ,,, itrth By laying trie. n ' . . 'fStth By brtnalng th aarfaea Of fhe atreef full width with full Intersections to grade with M tall t hie pavement, eicept that portion of . oald atroet occupied by th atreet railway im rhe ralla and for a dlatanco of one foot oatslde of the said rail With atone blocks D M concrete fonndafloa and granted with cement mortar, the concrete ander the rail ard tbe aton Mnebo to he at least atz tochea . In dth and the remaining portions of tbe aald rl" of W bo improve with attailthlt ITVmrrfwvaeot to ha la With the rtirlc and ordlnaecea of th City of ' Portland and the plan, anewncatlon and leH , of the City Engineer, filed la the offleo 3 the Anoltor of the City of , PUj ? lh dy of October, lw4. lno-rd: Vlty . lailsiu a4aaa and gpnlfloatlsaa far ttw lav cett Eotioes, onent of WlUlame grama. Croat tho north Una, of Mr ui Ilea atroet to the ooath line of Alberto atreet and tbe oattatataa of the work to be Aooe aod the probable total eoet thereof." The coat of aald lnDroveaafat to ho aaaneeil pertcVa hy tbe city roertor opoo the prop erty aiM-ctally and pecaUarly benefited thereby attar wueo la exmrea to no aU tbe tore, parta or iota and pamw or ian lyiaa between a lino 100 feet easterly from and parallel With no oaatoriy una or wuiiaaw aeonae ana line 100 feet weatorly from and parallel with the weatorly tine of WUIlaeaa aeeoue and be tween tbe aoath line of Albert 00001 And tho north Hne or MrhlfHen atreet. Tbe Englneon'a eetlmat of the) probable total eo for th ImproeeaMUat of gold Wlillaaw arenoo lo fTS.MO.oa Th a bore Imirovettent to BO daaeed aa bttuIKbic pavement and ahall be maintained br the etty for a perwd of elerbt year. provldd mat me ownere or a uawntr or tne orouertr benefited by hU Innrorfmant or any Dertlon tnereor nu not petition for a new or different tmiroveafteot before tho expiration of uch period. Th plana. oporlfloitloBo and oatlmatea of tee City JteftMer for the UoproTement of amid William avviin r hereby adopted. Keaolved, That the Anflltor of tb CM of Port land be aod bo la hereby directed to give notice of tbe nopoeed Improvement of gald avenne aa provided by the rity charter. Kemonawaneee agalnat tbe above Improvo ment may be filed la writing with the under aimed wltbln 10 days from the dot of tho nri pniiiicanon or to la mfflet. l eroor of the ConncU. . thou. o. Tn,nt, Andltor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Orego. October M. IdOd. r0P0aID BEWEB IE MUT EtEEET 000K ATTiroE, ALLET TKBOVOH ELOCEj , BJTBETTEW ADDITI0E, AED EOETH W1CE BTEEET, FB0M 1M IT XT E0BTM Of OVTM UEE Off BLOCKS SI ABO SB, 0EE TEAL AJUBIEA. TO BEWXB IE M0BBJS BTEEET AT OELAT BTEEXT. . . Kotlc la hereby given that at th meeting of tbe CoaneU of tbe Uty of Portland. Oregon, held oa tb lOtb day ot October, ISO, tha following reaolutloa waa adopted: MVeolved, That tb Oeoocll qf th City of Pertlaad, Oregon, dsesas It eipedlent and pro pose ta construct a sewer of vitrified sewer I'lpe ta Delay street, Qook a venae, aBey through block , Klv-rvlw addition, and Bortbwick atreet from 10 feet north of tbe south Un of blocks 1 aud 32, Ceutrsl Alblna, to the sewer In Uorrta atreet at Delay atroet. Bald ewr to ba constructed With all aeeeasary eatch-baaiBa, maa-bolea, lamp-hole and branches, and to be of th following dimea iio: Of eight Inefaea clear Insld dU meter from a point In Bortbwick street. 100 feet north Of tb sonth line of block II and H9 Central Alblna, to a point In Bortbwick street where alley running through Mock 4. Hirer view addition, latoraecta aald Borthwlck . atreati theuo of 10 Incbe clear tnelde diameter along surr exiename; lonmxu bioci , Kiverview addition, and hi Alblna avenue te a mint In Alblna aveooe at Cook avenue; taeoca of 13 Inches clear Inside diameter .through Cook ave nne to a point la Oapk annua at 'Michigan avenne; thence Of 14 tarheo clear lnalde diam eter from a point la Cook avenue at Mlcbtgaa awn oe along Cook avenue and Delay atreet to a connection with the sewer to htorrta street. Bald Sewer to be eonarrncteeT" In aeonrdenee with tb charter and ordinance of tb City' of Portland and the' plana, peel f I cations and oatl matea of the City Engineer, filed-In tbe trice of tbo Andltor of tbe City of Portland oa tbo 17th day of October, 1904, Indorsed: "City En gineer' plant aurt aped ft cation fee a sewer u auvemew addition and Bortbwick atreet t al. Street from 1M foot north of tho south lino of blocks tl sod 81, to sewer ta Morris street, and the oatlmatea of tb work to ha done and tha probable total coat- thereof." Tho aald sewer to be oonatmcted for tha pnr pooe of ae waring and draining all tb . lota, vara inrreoi ana parcem or ana lying witnm the aWfct bounded and described aa follows: Beginning at a point In the eaat Hue of veiay atreet 100 reel northerly faom tbo north line of Morris street thence easterly along tbo souui line or lot T. hMta it. Coot's addition. to a point 100 feet easterly from and parallel wira the easterly line of Pelav atreet: thence northerly alonjc a Una 100 foot distant from. ana parauei wira in oaat I tne or jjeiay atreet to a point 100 feet distant la rectonoular measurement from tha southeasterly lino of Cook avenue; thence Northeasterly along a lino iuu reef atstani rrom ana parallel' with the southeasterly Una of Cook avenue to a .point In tbs center' Una of atiaaiaalppl avenne; thence north along the center Una at Mlaaiaalonl are. aue to a Point M feet In reetaneular mcaanro. ment distant from the southeasterly line of Cook evenne; taenoa northeaateriy along a Un par allel with tbe southeasterly line f Oook avenoo to tha lltMlMlnr Wtrh tha aaa H n In hlock 6. BJvervlew addition: thence northerly to a point la the center Un of Cook avenue; tnene eaatarty along the center Une of Cook avenne to a point 100 fact ereat of tha west line of Commercial atreet; thence northerly 100 irea oaxnr rroan ana neraiiei witat na xiutti line of Commercial street to tbe north Una of Blverrlew addition; thence westerly along tbo norm una or Hivarview aaainon to a point 100 feet easterly from tbe easterly Hne of neroy street as jam out in Blverrlew addition; thenc northerly along a Una 100 feet easterly from and parallel with th easterly line of skeroy u-eei mm isia ooi in mvrview naainan to tbo south Une of Central Alhlna: thence west erly along the. south Un of Central Alblna to the center line or allay running tbroagh block 38, Central Alblna: thence northerly along tne center line or said alley to a point mm feet southerly from th aoath line of Beech street: tbenos westerly a ton a Una 900 feet southerly from and parallel with th eouth Une of Beech street to tbe center lino of Alblna avenne: thenc southerly along th cantor Un of -Alblna avenue to the center Une ot Premont atroet; thenc westerly along th center line of Fremont street to tho center Une of alley running through block ft. Cook's addition; thence southerly a loo' tbo center Una of alley through blocks B and Cook's addition, to tbe center Una of Oook avenue: thenoe aonth weaterlr oa a Une between lota 1 and 4. block 16. Cook's addition, to k point BS feet nontnweaterlr of the eouthweeterlr Una of Cook avenue: thence southeasterly along a lino So feet distant southwesterly from and Parallel with the aoath westerly line of Cook avenue to tb aonthweot corner of let I. block .10, Cook's addition; thence easterly along the out her Iv Une of sots Sv 10, 11, IX 18 and 14. block M. Cook's addition, to the west Un of lot U, block IS, Oook a addition; thenc aonth eriy along tho west Une of lots IS, It and So, block 10. Cook's addition, to a point at the Bouthweat corner of lot M, block Id, Oook 'a addition; theace easterly along tbe southerly Un of lot 10, block 10. Cook's ddlttoa. to tbe center Una of Delay street: thence southerly along the center Une of Delay atreet to a tmlnT 100 feet nretherlr from the north line at hforrla atreet: thence easterly on a Una 100 6-et. northerly rrom and parallel with the north no of Morris street to tb ple af begla- Blnjr. The eaat of aald sewer to fee aaaeesed as pro vided by tha city charter noon the property specially and peculiarly benefited thereby and which ta hereby dec Is red to be all th lots, parts thereof and pareela of land lying within the district hereinbefore bounded . and .de scribed. Th Ri)rtnera estimate or th prooehie ratal coot of tha construction ox saw sewer, is fJ.A30.00. . , The plans, apecinrnnono ana eenmaieo ot the City Rnaineer for the oonatmctioo ot aald arwer are hereby-adopted. : Beeolyed. That the AuaTTOT or- tbo fjity or Portland be and be U hereby directed to give notice of the imposed eo Detraction of aald sewer, aa provided hy the city charter. Rmnestrancee axalnst the above sewer hiay he filed In writing with the undersigned within ears from th date at the first pun ilea two of this notice. , Bf order or w jnen. THOU. C. T)ETfJ!f, , Andltor of the Cltv of Portldnd. . Portland, Oregon. October A 104, - FB0EOBED DtTMvTOBB OT VEST OXE HALT OF WETEMOUTB ATEETTB. wmim k nariihv stiven that at th meeting at the Council Of tb City of Portland, Oregon, held on the rftth day of October, 1004, the following resolution waa adopted: - . Reaeived, inat ine uwsai uw .iy Portland. Oregod, deems It eipedlent and propose to Improve th west one half of pVrtsmoeth avenne front the south Un of stHi.matta twin ley ard t the north Ho of Bluff street by eonatrnctlng wooden sidewalks and crosswalks la accordance with toe City Engi neer's plana. snecUlcatlona and estimates. Said improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and. ordinance of the City Of Portland and the plans, sped flea tloos and estlnte of tbe City Engineer died in the office of tb Auditor of th City of Portland on the 10th day or uetoDer, mnorsea: "City Engineer's plana and specifications for the Improvement of the west one hslf of Ports mouth avenue from the south line of Willamette boulevard to tbe north line of Bluff atreet and tbe estimates of the work to B ooa ana to probable total cost thereof." Th. ana of aald Imnrovetoeat to he as- seosed aa nrovlded by tne city charter npon the property Specially ana peculiarly oene Ited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lets, parts thereof and parcels of land lying between the west line of Portsmouth avenue and s Hn 106 feet west thereof end pars I1H therewith, and between the south flpe of Willamette hosisrard and th north ttno ot Bhaff street. . . . . The Engineer's eentnste at too prooooi est I cost for the Improvement of said west, ssmv half of Portsmouth avenue 1 03.10 .00. Th plans, spec! neat loo and estimate of fhe City Engineer for the Improvement of th said west one half at Porta psta swans ar hereby adopted. B-aelvcd. That the Auditor f th Ctty of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of the ftroposed improvement of said avenne as provided by the city charter. Beasonatrancea against the sbove Improvement may be Bled la writing with the nnderalgned within Iff days from tha data t tha Brat paa Urstloa of this notice. By ror of th OoancfL ... T1IOB. P. DETt-tW. Andltor of the City of PortUaC Parttand, Oregon, Oetobsr Et, 1004, . CITT VOlltiU. txqtow iM0TxirT oi East bzaejc BTBJCET. -t" ?TrTf,,w1a that at tha meeting of the Council of (be City of PortUad. Oregon, held on the lPth dap of October, ifo, tha iwrmin, nwilIIB) W0B aHlte4: a Besolved, That the Cornell of tha City of yiTfos. aeems it expedient "and pro pose to Improve bat Btsrfc atreet from th center one .os Kaat Beveath street to the eaoter aT " street, U tha following sua . Bf feaaoelng an loos earth, mnd and .iL""-.!r . . rs g taa atroat mu anau With full Intersection, .Ti"-B' redring rbe Street fall width with full Interoectlous with washed river gravel. iniro ny const rue ting artificial atone side walks la accordant with tbe Clto Eagiaaar'a !, mniMuoM ana aatimsws. EV18' con.tmrtlag wooden rooawJh. ' oj cmwiruciing CVrDS. Blxth Bv eoaetriictln k, hmm.' " Beveath Br cnnatrnctlna- aieaarark m occornanca wim the (lie Engineer a plans, SSeclflcatlona and aatlaaata. Bald improvement to be mad ftf accordance with the charter and ordinances of tho City of roriiana ana tne plans, specifics tlnas and esti mate of the CItV Ktielnewe. fllMl In the office of tb Auditor of the Cltv of Portland on the inn day or September. 1004. Indorsed: "City Engineer's Diana and anerlflratlona for the im provement of met Stsrk street from the center line ox East Seventh at cm to the center Un of East Ninth street and the eettmatre ot tb work to aa doo nam tha probabl total east thereof." The eoet af aald tmiwwromeut to be assessed a provided by tbe eltr charter anon tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby and which 1 hereby declared to be all tha lots, parts or lota and parcels af land tying' between a Une f feet north of and parallel with the north Une of Bast Btsrfc street and a Une 10ft feet sooth of end parallel with the south Ha of Kaat Btark street and between th eaat Ho of East Seventh street and tha wast Una of East Ninth street. Tbe Engineer's estimate or tb neon a M total cost for the tmnroveneBt of aald But Btark atreet Is 1 .110.00. Tbe above Improvement la to be classed as a gravel repair Improvement and shall bo main tained by the city for a penoa or two years, provided that the owners of a matorlty of the property benefited by said Improvement or any portion thereof snail not pennon mr new or different Imorevsmont before th azptratloa at such period. - Tne plana. Pecinranoa o esnmnies or vne City Enainear for the improvement of aald Eaat Stark reet are hereby adopted. Beooived. That the Auditor at tb tiry or Portland be and he h hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Unnrevement af aald street. s provided by the city charter. Bemonetrancea against th above Imnroea ment may he filed In writing with the ander- s treed within 10 dava- from tea oat M th first poMlcation of thle notice. . By order Of the r-n"U. " ' THOS. C TtBYLllf. Andltor of the Cltv of Portland, egon. October 39. 1004. EBOPOtED UtrEOVXMI'hTT Or KoMiLLEB BTEZET. . Notice fg hereby given that, at tha meeting of the OnnncU of tha Cltv of Portland. Oregon, held On the IBth Any ot October, ISO, the fullnwtne raantntlna was adnotod: J- Resolved. That the Council ot th City Of Portland, Oregon', deems It expedient and pro- Kps to Improv. UcMlrlen -street from the fhwesterly Una ot Crosby street to thoeast Una of Williams avsnan la tb toUowtag maa- rirstBy grading dh street fall, width with fuU iotersecflnns tor. th sub-gred glvn by Second -By oowaravdllaT Bton atoefc gutters. oouhle row. - ... , c Third By Igytng til. fourth By oonatructtog -antlttcial aw ha BNetatSa k-ata aw ..rf.u la all Ho the estabHsbed grade full width with fuU UstMectioaa with bltaUthlc pavement. ' neia improvement to ne meoe in aceoraaim with tb charter and ordinances of tho City df Portland and the nlana. anecifiretlon and estimates of the City Kmrineer. filed la tbe office oi tha Auditor of tbe City of Portland on tho Bth dar of October. 1004. Indorsed: "'City Enirlneer plana and specifications for tne improvement nc Meatmen street rrom toe aontb westerly lino of Crosby street to the eaat Un of ' Williams avenne. and the oatl matea of th ork to bp dons and ths jrobehis total coat thereof." - The coat ot aald tntprovemest to ha assessed ss nroviaea or tne eitv enerter upon ui prop erty specially and pecullsrly benefited thereby, and which it hereby declared to be aa fol lows: All the lota, parta of lots and parcels ot land lying between the southwesterly Une or wnesier atroet and a line iw ieei souin westerly from and Barallel srlth the soathwest- eriy.iin ox troeny street ana netween n une lOOSfeot northweeterlr from and Derail! with ta northwesterly line ot McMiuea atreet ana Hne loo feet southeasterly from and parallel with tb southeasterly Une of htcMUlen atreet; also the sontbweaterly ene-hslf of block 10 end Tbe northeaateriy one-half of block 28. ficMU- len'a dditlon ta Eaat Portland. Tha4Engiiieer'a estimate of tb probable total coat far tbe Improvament af said MchUUeo atreet far llS.eKI.00. " The abov Improvement is to he classed aa a hltullthle pavemant and ahall be maintained or u city roe a penoa ox eiayni jvmtm. ia--vlded that tbe . owners of a majority of tho property benefited by said improvement or any portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or different Improvement before tb exptrstlou of such pertod. u Th plana, speeiffeattaaa and estimates af the City Engineer for the Improvement Of aald VI r-U111n atraat are hereby a footed. Beaolvod. That tha Auditor of th City of Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notice of the Proposed Improvement at aald street, ss nrovlded bv tha city charter. Remmatrnnces against the above Improvement tay be filed In writing with th undersigned within 10 days from tha data of tb first publication of this notice. - By order of the Council. '1 THOS. C. OETTJIC. Andltor of tha City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, October -M. 1004. - . EE0PO8EP TETTEOTEIIEET 07 SABX TWEETT-EIETH RESET. Eotle to hereby gives that at tha meeting of the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held oa th 10th day of October, 1004, tb following resolution was aooptea: Reeolvsd. That the Council of tha City Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to Improv East Twenty-ninth street from tbe north Una of Hawthorne avenue to 100 feet north of th north Un of Eaat Mala atreet In tho following manner, to wit: First By grading the atreet foil width with full Intersections to th grsae. aa given by th City Engineer. - Second fly oonotructlng wooden si dr walk. Third By oonstructlng wooden crosswalk. BVinrth Bv ronBtractln' 001 gutters. Bald Improvement to be mod in accordance With the charter ana or ai nance oi to uity of Portland and tbe .plans, specification and estimate of th City Engineer, filed In tbe office of tbe Auditor of the City of, Portland l th Z30 aay OI mpts-moer, letet, ipwiravw. City Bnglnoer'a plana and specifications for tbo- Improvement of East Twenty-ninth street from tna north Un of Hawthorne avenue to UtO feat north of the north Un of Bast Main Street, and tha estimates ot th work to h dona and the probable total cost thereof." Tba-eoet of said Improvement to b assessed provided by tbe dty charter upon the prop arty specially tnd peculiarly benefited thereby, and which at hereby declared to be aU tb lota, part of lote and parcel pf land lying between a Un 100 feet west of and parallel with tbe west Hne of East Twenty-ninth etreet and a line 100 feet east of and parallel with the oast ln0f East Twenty -ninth street and between the north Un of Hawthorne avenue and a Una 100 feet north of and para 111 with the north Hn of Bast Mala street. The Engineer' estimate of the probable total coat for th Improvement of aald Best Twenty ninth street la $5.12.00. Tbs plans, specifications and eetlmat of th City Engine for tbe improvement of ,sld Bast Twenty-ninth, street are hereby adopted. Besolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he is hereby directed to give aotlce Of the proposed Improvement of aald street, aa provided by th city charter. Remonstrance against tb a hon Improve ment may be filed In writing with the snder slgned within dar from h date of the first publication of thm notice. Br order af ttc;ne1l- , , , ' AadTter of the City et Portland. Portland, Oregon, October it 1004. PROPOSED IMPR0 TEhTEET OE EAST BTETS ' BTEEET. 1 atiaa sa heretrv niven that St th meettn of th Ooerndl of th City of Portland, Oregon, held on lb ltn aay or "cooer, lava, tee following resolution ws adopted: Bou lved, That the Council of tha City af Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to Improve Bust Ninth atreet from the south Un of Wygant street to the north Un of Doing strsot to tha following mane or. w- WlWrvt:' Br grading th etrsat fuU width with fall lntractloriB. Second: By Winging tb surrae or w freer fnil width with full Intersections to tbfl aroesr grade with upland bank gravel. ThlTS: fry rw: i a swms iismm Bald Igfprovemcnt to be made la accordance trltb the charter and ordinance or tb City of Portland aud tbe plana, apedflcatlona and estlmatea ef tbe City EnftneVr, filed In the fnce of th Auditor of the City of Portland on the loth day of August, 1004. indorsed: "City Engineer's plans and specifications for the Improvement of Bast Ninth street from the Sen to line or wygani street to to nor is Hne lit Going street and tb estimate of tb work to ho don and tha preoabl total aaat thereof." Tb cost r saio invBrnvenwwT so -so i ii ass i a a provided by tbe dty charter upon the property specially bennted thereby and which La harebr declared to ba all the lota, tarts of lots and pe recta of land lying between line 100 reet eaat or arm parallel wita in east Un of Da't Ninth street and Una 100 loot n-eat af and para 111 with the treat Baa CITT VOTICKB, ,MiHaiW.-y of Boat Ninth atreet and he twee tha south Ma. Wiint street and U-wrtbU af Eeer-a e-tl-ats rfthe protoibto totol reet Ttoth Imnrovanwat at aa Baa Mlath "Th. tbnveveeneat I. to to ctaaaed travel -pro ment and fh.1l bs 1 ned by the ctiy a perioT5 fcar years, provided that the owners or s majoniy mm s"k fiTi bv said tonprovomeat ar any ort'" thereof abah net petition for a bow or ai rrer -tTnrVmenl totbr. tha esptratton Of aaeh "hi pUna. speflcathwey iMl ertlawtoa of the CJtvKuglneer for tb Improwimeot ,aaid Bast Ninth strest ar hereby wpiw- Beeolved. That ZL1?1 J1 awii.njt ha and he h) hereby directed to give nntlc of the proposed improvement t aalg tret, as proviood by tha elty f h.rtor. HemonMrancra against the aJ..7T eoi . ha filed la writing with th aadee- slgned within 90 days from tha tola Ot la first paniieatioa or una oonos. 0 . -v.- tur oroar ax j "c"- ,MT ; THOS. 0. DBTUH. ' Andltor of tha Ctt of PortkiBA, , Portland. Oregoo. Oetobsr H, 1004. FBOFOBES nxTBOvMBET or mrrEm , . . 0TEXZT. ... W.MM (a harahv etven that it tha snsettnuT of tb Council of th City of PortUnd. Oregon, held on tbe 10th day of October, 1804, th following resolution waa adopted: Reenlvfd. That th Ooaocll of tha City af Hrii.iui rapaan. oiwns It exDediant and nro- poeea to Improv Elver Street from the north westerly Un of Randolph atreet to B line 140 feet southeasterly therefrom la tha falmwlag Btanner, to-wlt: First By bringing tha snrfae of th atroet full width with full Intersections to tb grade as given by the City Englnoor with good, clean earth, day. gray, rack ar other naltabi filling. Second Bv ewtrcrtna saMwhatt ptonh aoAd- Way with full intersections. Third By eonotmcUng wooaea moowaina m accordanee with th City Knaioeor'S . plana. apeclflcatloaa sod estimates. f Ssld Improvement to he mad t sewdanee with th charter and ordinance of th City of Portland and tho plana, e peel flee tlona ana eeti- niM nf tha rtt Kneteeer. filed In the offlee of th Auditor of th City of Portland on the With day of Beptember, iw. inoorsea: -TJity En vlneer'a nlana aad aoeclfieetlans for the lm provement Of River street from tbo wthwt- erly lln or Ksnootpn. street u n ine feet outhateriT in ere rrom. sua ue m matea of tbe worfc to bp don and th prohabto total cost thereof.'' Tha Mat at Bate temmat to BS) BBBBBBBd a provided by th dty charter jnpon the prop erty specially and peculiarly benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to be all th lata, parts of lots and pareela of land lyjnc between a Un 100 feet northeaateriy frees and parallel with fhe northeasterly Una or ver street and a Un 100 feet soothwetrly from and parallel wim in so.iweiu uej " " street Bad between a Una 100 fset aorth w ester ly from and parallel with th north westerly Hn of Randolph street and .". feet southeaaterly from and parallel wtth tha onrheaaterly Una t Randolph street. The RnsineeT'a ea timet of the probabla total vast for the improvement . or aM urar axroei la Sl.a5ft.ftft. a . . . Tb above Imaeoveeaetrt M vo n ciaaawo an a plank roadway Improve nseet and Bhall be n.(ti.t k th eltv for a neriod of four years, provided that th ownsrs of a majority of the pMperr benefited by aald improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different improvement noiom n nl ration of snch period. . ' ' ' The plans. peel fleet Ions and estimate -of the City Engineer for tha Improvement f aald Blver atreet ar nereDy awpteo. nlwA qa,a tha Andlfne of th fJtT Of Bhetianil he and he la hereby directed to give notice af the proposed improvement. f . aald atreet. aa provided by th city charter. - Remona trance against tne nnove iapnrw ment maa b filed In writing with, th under- signed within 10 days from tha data af th first publication of this notiea.. to- - ,Br .order af UtoJndL , . t 1 DVO Ve R"M fjm a., Auditor of th City of rogHsmft. , .PortUnd, Oregon. October H 1004. . raOEOBAIB FOB ZnTPRO v SHEET BOaTDB, CITT 07 EOEXXAES, OB, Beeled proposals will ba xawlysA by tka aBderatgnsd at th one of uwr aumt-r or the City of Porttood. Or.- until Taesday. Ne vember 1. 1004, at 1 'dock p. m.. Tor th sl, at not less than par vara and wrnod In. of improvement bonds of tt City of Portland. Or., as tbs same shall be authorised to -t lasued for th waol or any part of OM.011.10. a.iA will ha laamed In denomination Of 8600.00 ach, to bs dated November 1, 1004, par- fbl 10 years from date, bearing inrereei. at to rate of 0 per cent pr annum, pw"" anoaally. intareat ana vincipu vm"T United Dtetee goia coin, i " Clty . TrsBSurer. Portlsnd, Or. Provided, that th COty f Portland reserve th right to to ap and cancel such, bonds, upon, tha paynTent f th face value thereof snu mwwj inter eat to tho data of payment, at aay aeml-annaal coupon period at or after on yoar froa th date or aucn nooos. , . gald bonds are Maud Under ntbortty of aa act of tbe Lcs;lBjaure of th State ef Oregon. ried rehruaryNu,. !, as tit led ."An set provide for th tesuanc of bonds' for tha Improvement of afreets and th Uylng of sewers In Incorporated cltle. and for the payment of costs of such Improvement end laying of sewer by Installments." as amended by aa act at th Lcglalatur of th Btato of Gkragon. ap proved February 38, 1001, entitled: 'An act to amend sections 1. t, 8, 4, . 0 and T of aa act entitled: Aa act to provide tot the U uance of bonds for th Improvement of streets and laying of sewers la incorporated cities, and for the payment af th coat of each 1m provsmanto and Uylng of aewen by Install ments.' filed In ths office af th secretary of state Eabruary H. 1888. and the proceeds thereof are to ba aaad for th payment Jn part for th Unprevunent of streets or constrnctlou of sewers ah the said JUtuWovesnaBta shall bs "T&iidlty of the act of tho W.U tore aforesaid ha bean afOrmod by tha atapram Court of tb Btato of Oregon. BMdera wlU be rvqnlred to submit a tat bid. without conditions, except as to th regulsrlty of the hfine of bonds, and to subartt with their blda a certified Check oa a hank la th City of PortUnd. Or., equal to B per cent of the fee vale of the TSonde bid for pajab e to the Mayor of tha City of Portland, as liquidated damagw la case such Udder Withdraws bU bid or falls or neglects to enter into contract to take .aod pay for eald bonds according to the terms of bis bid and this notice. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reeerved Bid should bo addressed to Thomaa C. Dev lin, Auditor. PortUnd. Or., and marked "Bid for Improve ment Bonds." 7 . iMMEBMAlC I . , , B. R. Am EE. ; ' ' D. 7 SHEER CTT. Oommltte oa Way and Ham Portland. Oregon. October 21. 1004. E0T10E OE mm REPORT OT TIEWEEEJ Of TEE nOPOSED OPERIES, WXDEE IES, LATIN OUT ABB EST ABTiTBW low OP EASE TWKETIETK BTEEET. Notice la herehy given that th report af the viewer heretofor appointed to asaess th benefits and dsmagea In tha msttor of the nronnaed ooenlng. widening. Uylng out And estabUslilog of Bast Twentieth street, from ths south line of D1 vis ton street to tbe north Un of Clinton street, to th City af PortUad, have filed with the uriderdrped their report of ee sessmento far benefit tbst will to derived knd dsmagea that will be sustained hy reason of the opening, widening. Uylng oat and establishing of Beat Twentieth street as above described. Tb Council of said City of PortUnd will consider said report kt the next regular meet ing, Wednesday, November S, 1004, at 1 o'clock p. m. All persona Interested ar hereby noti fied to present their objection to said report In writing. If any they bare, at said time aud place, that tne earns may oe nsnru sou ueier mined bz th CooncU. Andltor ef the Cite of PortUnst PortUnd, Oregon. October if, 1004 Bon ox or mnra or espoet or viewers AST THE PROPOSED OPENIM. LATIaTO) OUT AND UTABUBHXEft 0T - SEEVX ' ATKEVEi " Notice Is hereby glveu that th report af rfca vlawers heretofore appointed to BSBes tb benefit and lUxsages la tb msttor Of the pro- poeed opening, lajins ooi aeo msamsnif ox Dekum avenu, fromjth west Une of Camden street to th east Ane of Tanceuver county road, la the City of Portland, hare filed with tha tindanle-ned their Mport of assessment df benefits that atll be derived and dsmagea that Will b susUtneO by ressoa, or tn opening, Uylng out and eiUbllsaiag Deksm avenue a above described. Tbe OouncU of said City ef PortUnd win consider said report at the Bxt regular meet ing, Wednesday. November 1 1004, at S o'clock p. m. All persons Interested are hereby noti fied to present their objection to aald report In writing, If any they bare, st said time end pUce, that the same may b hear aad doter mtoed by the OoandL' THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor, ef the city af PortUnd. Portvand Oreava. October IT, 100. OOhtPtETIOE AED A0CEPTAE0E OT ZB PEOTEMEhTT 0T WE IT AREA STEEBB?. Notle herehy given that William C. Elliott. Cltv Endneer. baa Bled ta tb ofOc of tb finderdgncd nottc that Bmrtb How ard CVmpany. contractor tor tna imnvoveuMM or 11 sane no, l.l.TTA, Baa cosnpietod said atreet from th eaat Une of first struct to tha osntev Un of Corbett atreet. "aid acceptance win to Pond de red hy th Executive Board at 4 o'clock oa tb 4th day of November. 11KM. ami ohjectloa to th accept ance oi aaia street, or any part tnereor, may ha SW la th sfnc W tha asmurslAaed at any time prior thereto. THE BIKTTlTt BOARD. By THOB. 0. DBVMlf, " Awntor or tb nty of portUnC nrtuasS, OTegon, Octotof B, 1004, . -, CTTT xfOTIOEaV avROEOBBE tMrEOrEntBTtT OT ALBSBTA t ETEEET. - ' Novice fa hereby given that at tha tnaating of tb CouncU ol th City of Portland. O - Sn, held on ths lth day of Oetobsr, MM, r foUuwtng reoslutlon was adopted: EeoalvadTThBt th OouncU of th City af Portland. Oregon, deem It sxpedlent and nro poMB to inus-uv Alberta atroet from th west Una of Union avenua to th oaat Une of Con oerclal atreet by grading th street full width with full Intersection to tna grad aaOhawa) by (he etahss set V (h City Eagl- Bald lmprvmnt to he mad la ascaedanc with th charter and ordinances of th City of Portland and the plana. Bpedncs tlona and estimate of tbo mty angwer aieo, ta the office af the Andltor of the City of PortUnd on tha ISth day f October. 1004. Indorsed: "City Englueer'a plans and aperiucatlons tor th Improvement of Alberta atreet from th West un or Union venue ns tne oaat Un of Commercial street and the estimate of the work to ba uetM ao ta arooaoi total cost thereof." . t Th coat f aald laTptovsaaent to ha assad B provided by tb dty charter upou the property specially and peculiarly beneSted thereby ado which Is hereby declared to he all tb lota, parts thereof and parcel of land lying between a Un 1O0 feet north af aad para 1 11 with the north 11a of Alberto atreet and a Une 100 feet south of aod par alia I with tha outh Un Of Alberta atroat and between the west tine of union avenue ana tu oaat Ua of Commercial atreet. Th Ktaeineer'a atlmato af th sroawhln total coat for the laprovMient af aald Alhorta sjtratt la 81.181.00. ... ' Th puns, sparraeaTiouo ana esnmatsa or qu City Engineer for th lmprovmat of aald Allwa-ta atreet ar hereby a doo ted. Resolved, That toe Andltor oi IB City of PortUnd be and a la ksxeoy uireeie. to give notice of th nroDooed Improvement of aald atreet as provided by tna city charter. Kemona trances againat tne auove unprwveuioni may be filed In writing with tb and reigned withHa 10 days from th data ef th Brat pub. Ucatloa of this nolle. A , Br ordar of th Council. 4, THOB. C nETLlW. ' InitHw af tha ntv of PueflaaA. PtartUno. Oregon, October tS. 1004. EEOPOSEB lltTROTElIXhTT 01 BAEBOLTJI , BTEEET. Motlca to harahv artoe that at th nWOtJng f th Couadl of tb City of Pbrtland. Oregon, held oa th lth day of October, IStHK th fol lowing resolution waa adopted: . . it (solved. That th CouncU of tha City af PortUnd, Oregon, dec ma It expedient and pre pose to Improv Randolph street from tbs northeasterly 11 n of River street to th sout westerly Una of Goldsmith street la th lo mulng manner, to-wlt: - ... PlrBt By grading th treet fuU width with toil totersectloos to th pronar aub -grade a given hy th City Enginaer. Bocond by bringing tbe atreet nil wiowa who fall intersections to grsd with gravel. Third By constructing wooden aldewalka. -fourth By oonstructlng woooea crosswatka, rifth -By constructing stooe gutter. Said tmnrovement to be made In accordance With the charter and ordinances of th City of Portland and the plans, apeclncation and a timet of the dty Euglneer Sled la the office of th Auditor at the City of PortUnd on tb Both dsy of September, 1004. Indoroed: "tier Engineer'a puns ana apecincauooe ns the improvement Of Randolph atreet. from th northeasterly Una ef River atreet to th south, westerly Un of Goldsmith atreet and the eatl Batos of to work to ba don aad th iirababl total cost thereof." ? ' Tha cost ef said tmerevement to to aifSBtd as provided by tbe elty charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which k hereby declared to be all th lots, part of iota ana percela or land lying between a una 100 feet northwesterly from and parallel with tha northweeterlr line of Randolnh atreet and a Una 100 feet southeasterly from and parallel with th southeasterly line of Randolph atreet. and be twee a the northeasterly Una of River street and tha southwesterly tin of Goldsmith street. Th ag-laer' mttzaat of th probable total t far the lnuvovement of aald Bamtnlnh street is 82.389.00. Th abov I eaaeiir 1 to ha da mad aa a gravel Improvement and ah an b maintained by th dty for a parlodof flvh years, provided uisv in owners ox a oajoriiy ox uo property beneSted hy aald Impravement or aay portion thereof ahall not petition for ar new or dif ferent Improuensent hefom tha x oar slider af such pwiod. ill puna, apedncatlona and satl mates of the City Engineer for the improvement of said avanaoipo street are aareoy adoptea. . Resolved. That tb Andltor of th City of PortUnd be and ha m hereby directed to give eotlc ff the proposed improvement af said atreet as provided by tha city charter.' Memonsirances against th abov lmprovo snt may ba Bled In wrltlna- with th under. dened within SO days from tha aateyf th Srst publication f this notice, a . . , ny orue aC the Qouucll. a " THOB. O. PBTLIN, - Auditor of th Cite af Peetiand. ftartlaaA, Oregon, October Zt, IBM. PROPOSED IJtPEOTEatEET 07 BUCBTEX r ' ATEETIE. v . Notice is hereby given that at tb sseetrng of tb OouncU of the city of Portland. Oregon, held on tha 10th day af October, 1004, tha following resolution waa adopted: .. Resolved, That the Council of th Ctt at PortUnd, Oregon, deems It szpedlant and pro poses to Improv Bnchtal avenu from th north Un of Eaat Btark street to the Berth Une of Mayor Gate addition la th following manner, to-wlt t nret By grading The atreet run width- with full Intersections to th ntnnnr auh-raAa a gtven by th City Engineer. Becono ny oringing the snrrae at th street full width with full lutersacttoaB to grad With gravel. Third By soosfructlnaf woeden eldewaUta. rourth By conatractlnn eronawaUa. Fifth -By eonanructlng Bton gutters. Bald improvement to be mad in acoordnne with th charter and erdpnancea of the City of PortUnd and tho pUna, apeclflcatlon and esti mates of tbe City Engineer, filed In th office of th Andltor of th City f PortUnd OU the irtb day of October. 1004, udorscdT "Ctty !nginer's plans and apsclfl cations for th im provement of Burbtel avenu fnom th north Un of Beat Btark atreet to tb north Hn af Mayo Gate addition, and tb estimates of the work to hn dona and tha nrobabU total cost taeroog." The cost of aald tea srove mast to to ha provided hy th dty charter upon th prop erty apeciaiiy and peculiarly bene rue tnereny. and which U hereby declared to b a U the lots. part of lota and percale of Und lying between a line iuu reet west ox ana parallel wita to west Ua af Borate! avenu and a Un eoul- distont from tb east Un ef Bochtel avenu and tb west Una of East Thirty -second street, and Ito extension norther is In Ita nreaent course. and between th north Un of Bast Stsrk s treat and th north Un of Merer Oatsa addition. Tho Bnarlaeer'a eettasat of ta probable total coat for tb Improvement af aald Bochtel avenue w S4.M1.00. Th abov lmprovmsat la to to classed aa a SveJ Improvement and hs!l to ssalatalned by dty for a period of ftv years, provided that tb owners of a majority of tho property benefited by said Improvement ar aay portion thereof efaell not petition for n new ar differ ent Improvsaaent before th sxptrsttoa af aneh period. The nlana. sBdncartona and estimate of th City Engineer for the Improve meat af gald Bochtel avenu ar hereby a doo ted. Resolved, That tha Auditor of tha Ctty ef Portland be and he Is hereby nrectoa to give notice af fhe proposed improvement af gald avenn. aa prodded hy th dty charter. Remonstrances .againat the abov improvement may be Sfted In writing with, th uoaeraignea within 10 days from th data at tb drat po B ratios ot this notice. Br order af tho ConncfL -' THOS. a DBTLIH, Andltor of th City of Portlasd. Portland. Oregon, October St, 1004. . eotioe or rrtma report or ttewerb or THE PROPOSED OPENIEO, WTDEEIEO), LATTEO OUT AED ESTAELISMIBO 0T EAST EAXMOE BTEEET. ' Not to ta hereby given that tb Mnert of fb viewer heretofore appointed to assess tb henpfltn and damage In tbe matter ef th proposed opening, widening, Uylng out and establishing of East Salmon Street, from the west Un of Esst Tblfty-dghth stredt te the west' Une of block 11 and IS, Svnnrslde ad dition, ta fh nty of Portland, have filed srlth the undersigned their report of assessments far bene flu that wiU'be derived and damages that will be suet lined by- reason of the opening, widening, Uylng out and eetahllshlng of Bast Salmon street as abov described.' The Council of aald City of Portland wfD consider said report at th next regular meet ing. Wednesdaf Novemter S. 1004, st 1 o'clock p. m. All persons Interested nr hereby noti fied to present their et iectlons to ssld report la writing,) rf any they have, at aald time and place, that the same but to baaed aad deter mined hy tb CoandL THOS. fj, DETLIlf . . ' " Audit -of the City of PortUnsV Portland. Oregon, Odober ST. 100. rEOPOSES XEROrtTMXVT or EAAT ALDBE BTEEXT. - Notice hi hereby deen that st th mnatln. of th Couadl of fhe City of PortUnd. Ore gon, held on the tOth day or October, tOO. Q fotlowl4greohitioa waa adopted; Beeolved, That tbe Coundt of tba CHy of (Vttland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro pose to Improv East Alder street from th eat Una of Bait Thirty fourth street to the West Una of Sntmyilde Third sddlttoa, to tb foliowtng manner, to-wlt: First By grading tb street full wtdtb with fnll toteraectleaa to tba grad aa, given off the uiiy Kngineer, Beeona or enwarrnriing w onus a si new a inn. Third By nBtrnetlng wooden croea walks In aecordanc wlrh tb City Enaiar' aesna and anectflcatlona. Fourth Pr constructing woodea curbs an a crrrtance with tba City amgUeer'a pUns gad BtHclflcattons. Said ImprnveVnent to to toad hi aconrdanc wlU lb ehaxter and ardlBanoM f tb City af CITT MOtKHEi Pwnd and maiita aC iu th plane. speefacarUoa and sat- City Engineer Bled id tha offlco -7 th. Mi a PnptlauA na, th of the Audit, yB ay of Septomhor, 1004. K -ineer'a pi,M and spedflcB1 Indoreeai -viiy tlona for tha lm- li! Jfiutnt f Ban Alder street from tbo t J- of Bt Thirty -fourth street to tb wed g BAumyalde Third sddltlon, ana tna ati Kite f the work to to don and the ib st-ie total cuet thereof." . Th end of aald improveeaent te ha ease seed provided by tbe city charter npoa the prop erty specially benefited thereby and wtKh U harahv AUhJ t- .u ,,,. lata and narU ?JLtoi" f1 OarosU af Und lying t.-tweea a lUw ?. "wi aorta or ana parsuei wim Un Of Baat aM .J7 .nit a line 100 feel th of and parallel with the south Ua of Rest Alder street, and Itotworn tbo east tin of Bast inirty-fourth street hod tha west una i Bunnyalda Thlpit .iMwia. The Engineer's eetlmat af th srftbehW total "not of the Imprvycment of tb sild Eaat Aldar Th pUna. spedOcstlens and estimates the City Bnglnetr for tb lmprotemeat of aald Eaat AMae.alMat V,..V.. aA.ntaA. Reaolved. That tha Auditor of the City of PnrtUad be and he U hereby directed to give w..v w me propoata improvement veun treet aa provided y th city charter. Hemoe trance against tha soot a Improve ment mar be flUd in writing with fc nnder lgnd within SO dava from th data ad tb Brat publication of thU notto. . By ordar af tha Council , THOB. JO. DBvXlW Auditor of tb City of Portland. PwrtUnd. Oregon. Oetobor Zt. 1004. EROrOSED IIITEOTXltEVT or riEST BTEEET. . Kotlc r boraby given thst at tha toastlns of th Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, told on the 10th day pf- October. 1804, the following rolutloa was adopted: Resolved, That the Council of th City af Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and to Improv Twenty-first etreet from BOUth Use Af Jacttaan atraat to the Berth Un of Clifton atraot la .ta following Man-J her, to-wlt: . 1 First By grading th street full width with full feteraacttoBstto ths prop nub-grade a given by ths City Engineer. Second By bringing ths surfsc of tb street full width with full intense tloos ta grade with macadam. Third Ry constructing artificial atone dda watka In accordance with th Otty login ex's plane, specifications and estimate. Bald Improvement to be mad M accordance wtth the charter and ordinances of th City of PortUad and th plana, sped a. cation and oatlmatea of tbe City Engineer filed In th of fice or th Andltor Of th City of Portlsnd on th EM .day ef September. 1004, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plana aud spedficatlouA for tho Improvement" of Twenty-first Street frosa tb south, line af Jaekaoa street, to the norsh Una of Clifton street and tbe osllmaton of th wort to ha don and th prubabW total Cost thereof." ' Th cost af said Improvement to to a as sea a as provided by tb dty charter upon tbe prop arty specially and peculiarly benefited thereby and. which hereby declared to to nU the lota, parta of lots and psrcela of Und lying between a Ho 100 feet west of and parallel with tbn west Un of Twenty-first street and a line 100 foot eaat of and parallel with th cat line of Twenty-first street and between the south lln of Jackson atroat and th north lle of Clifton street. v Th ' Engineer's estimate uf the frohahU' total cost for the 1mprorsnaat of said.Tweaty ftret treet U nWKI.OO. The abov Imnrovement la to to da seed aa a ; mac dam Improvement and shall to intolnot by th dty for a, period of Ova years, provided thst th owners of a majority of tne property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof shall ant petition for a new or different ln;.rovnat before tb expiration af mwh period. The pUna, spctnest1a and eetlsaate of th City Engineer for th Improvement ei paid Twenty-first etreet ar hereby adopted. , Resolved. That tho Auditor of the City of Portland to and he U herehy directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement at bum Street a provided by th dty charter. - Remonatrsncee a re tod tha abov improve ment mar to Sled In writing with th under signed with In 20, dsy from tb dst of tba Srst ' publication of this aotlo, , . By ssdss af th Council. ' " .' . THOS, fj. DBTLIH, . " ' Auditor of th City of PortUnd.. PortUnd. Oregon. October Ex. 1004.' PBOrOSEO JJaTMrtWEVt OT CatATbUE STREET. Nodes ta hereby given "that t tb meeting of tb Oeundl of the City of PortUnd, Ore gon; held oa the 10th day or Oetobor. WUf. the folio wine rssokathm was adopted: Besolvsd. That, the CouncU of th Ctty af PortUnd, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro noe to fmurov Chanmaa street from tb north Una of EUnatoth street to tb south Una of Spring strest. to tba following manner, to wlt : rtrst-r-By grading tb street to tha prspor oub-crane aa given ay ta uty Enfineer. Second By bringing tbo swrfar of tba atreet to th nroner evade with macadam. Said tsnnrorement to to mad to aeeordaae With th charter and ordinance of tb City of Fort Und and IB plana, speciBranons ana Su matra of the Ctty Enginaer Sled in the of- ac or tb Auditor or the city ox rortiana on th Sd day of October. 1004. Indorsed: "City Engineer' plan ana speciBcsUons nr tho Imnrovement of Chapman street from tb north line of Elisabeth afreet to th south Una of Spring Street and tbe estimate of tb work to be don and th probable total cost thereof." The cost at aald Improvement to to assess ed aa provided bv the dty charter npoa tba property apedalry benefitod thereby and which I herabv decUred to ba all the lota, narls of lota and parents of Und lying between a Un 100 feet westerly rrom ana parallel with the weatorly Una of Chapman street and Una 100 feet ea atari from and parallel with tha east erly Hn of Chapman afreet, and between th north Une of Elisabeth strset and tba south Hn of Spring street. The Endnenr'S- estimate af th neehnhU total coot for th Improve BSMt of aald Chap man street is snvu.uu. Ths a per Improvement is to be eUsewd aa a macs dam Improvement and ahall be main tained by th dty for a period of or -years. Eovlded thst tbe owner ef a majority of property benefited hy Mid tmprorement ar any portion tnereor snail not petition ror nw or different Iwprnrsnasat before tb Dlratton ef such period. Th plans, apeclflcatiea ssd esttmstea of tbe Ctty Engl seer for tbe Improve ment af said Chapman street ar hereby sdoptsd. Resolved. Tbst tba Auditor ot tb City of PortUad pa aad be U hereby directed to give nrtlc at th proposed Improvement of aald atreet as prodded by tha city charter. Remonatranre againat th above Improvement may ha filed la writing with th undersigned with to 90 days from tha date af tha Brat pue- uratiOB or uw notice. Br ordor af the Council. . , THOB. O, DETLIH. ' Auditor f th City of PortUnd, PortUad, Oregon. October L 1004. nOEOBED BEWEE IV BODEET ATEVUB. Notice to hereby gives that at th meeting af tho Couadl Of th City of Portland, Oregon, held on the 10th day of Oetobsr, loot, tba foUowing resolution waa adopted; Resolved, That tb Council of th . nty af rortuno, tirefju. aeons it expeaieui aad pro poses to construct a sower In Rodney avenue from 100 feet north of tbe north line of Er. nvot street to tb newer to Beech street. Said ewer to to of vitrified wer pip of Bight Incbe clear xnaioe ni meter wits an ne catch be eUs, gaaa-aola. Ump-bsUa nrsochea. Bald sewor ta to tanatiatus In acrrdonc With the charter anS oroisance of tb City Of PortUnd and th plane, Bperifl est Ions and estlmatea of th City Engineer, filed la the office of tto Auditor of the City of Portlsnd on th ITtb day of October, 1004, indorsed: "City Engineer pUna and specification for a ewer to Rodney avenue from 100 feet north ef tb north Una of Fremont etreet to th rwer la Beach tre1. and th eetlautes of the work to to do and tb prsbabU total cost Tb cost f aald newer t to assnail aa pro vided by th dty charter spou tbs property specially " peculiarly oeneiiteo inereny, aod whlcfc U awreby declared to ba a folUws: Lota A A 4. A In Mock B0; lota 11, 11, i is. hi btoeh IB. Alblna Homestead. The Bnglneer's estimate f th probahU total cost 'far tba wnstrucUoa at aald sewsr U Slot) 00. Th pUo. spedflcstloua and estlmstsa af tb City Engineer for the onasctioa af Mid war ar herett BdoatsA Reaolved, That th Auditor nf tb City ef PortUnd a aaa ne m aereoy airectea to giv notlc of the propoaed eona tract ton of said wer. aa prodded by tb dty charter. Bemonetrancea againat tto above aewnr mar to filed in writing with tto inderdgued within 30 days from th data af tto firs publUsUen at tbU nottc. By rder f fba ConMdt t. V THOS. a DETLIN, Auditor of tto aty of PortlsnA PortUnA Oregon. October A 04 EOTIOE 0T -PILING REPORT OP TZEWEBB OT TBE PBOPOSED OrEWlH, LATTHO OUT AND EETABLIBHIEO 0E BAST DATTS STREET. Notlee hi hereby given that tba report af tto dewers heretofore appeintea to assess tne benefits and damages In tha ttattsr of tha pru- M and damage in ins matter oi tna pro opening, laying ant and sfa Wishing of Dads street, from the oaat tins of Key addition to the wed Un of Best Twenty- noaed East Dads to ne addition Ithtb strset, in tbe City of Portlsnd, bar filed with tto undersigned thrir report of ss eeas meats for benefit that will to derived and damage that'' will to sustained ht reason of the opening, toying out and tablUUng at Eaat Davis street aa aoove oeecrioea. The mundl of said Cltr of Portlsnd will ruondder Mid report at the Best regular meet ing. Wed Header, is eve in Per X. lgos., at s o'clock Un. All persons Interested are hereby notl to present their oh lections to ssld report In writing, if any they have, at ssld time end place, thst ths same aaay b board and deter mined by tba OouncU. .. THUS. O. mtVUlie, -Auditor af tbe City, of PortUnA PurtUnA Orsgwa, Oetobor 17, 1004. CTTT sfOTZOBaV ABBEAmhIEET TOR IJaTEOTElltJrf or EEETX BTEEET. ' Nettee U hereby given tost tbo ftwnetj sj the City of PeelUiid. Oregoa. at a meUu held -on toe ttet U of Benieliiner, 1004. OVol.rcd 'the SMesnhtBy ordtLsuL-s Sa. 14.J14. fV tba AaBiarovnmeut of Tenth stroot from ihs north line of Washington t treet to the south Un ol ,rnt stroet. In the manner prodded by onil. 'une Mo. 18, U0 upo aacS kt. partej bt sud pared of Und, which are specially and pecut 9arly besHtex, to to aa foUuwa, vUi fAVTLAND HI.OCE EM. tot 4, Beht. B. H. lmes. 8111. JO: lot 8, Hilda 0. UoUnes, SLUTllu; lot S. Oertrude Bsba, 14S.Ud 4 L Clara rrUndly. 10T 08. , A If id of Und lying between tba wuat Una ef Tenth iret aud a Un 100 JUet wet tlMraof and parallel therewith end betweoh S south Un t John H Couch uWatloa lu cUlm aad a Un B0 fset south thereuf andtwralkal .tborawlth, Vara? U. BUtb, bruat ef land lying between ths wort Un of Tenth street and Un 100 feet wet thereof and para Us I therewith, and hetweea th northerly Un of Washington street and tba aouth Una of Joan U. Couch sWstloa, claim, Carclln A. Trimble, iiiie.' JBUaabeth B. tilissn, eft; lot 8. Rodney ., Usan BaUte, hdrs of, 1M 4; kt 8, Rod ney f. uusaa Katate, aetra ex, siuo.ia. BLOCat 00. let 1. Multnomah County, fiai.M; lot 4, Multnomah County. ItttoA; lot ft, Uuld- , Smah County, Siaa.TD-. lot . Multnomah unty, 188.10. BLOCK-TO. tot d, Bfldl Welsh Estste. hdrs of, S0.18: lot i. Adolf ; CoUoa, 808.41: lot 8. Mary Bohmr, tttodi lot 8. Mary BoobgMr, 178.80. BLOCK TL . west IBn feet lot 1, Bernard KUta. S11 '. est TU test lot V, lms 0. McCsIlunt. 8HT.T4; Jot 4. C Una Hayes, 1180.11: lot 6, . William If. DavU, 8101. 48; lot 8, WilUaav Ml. Dnvlaj 81.48, BLOCK TS, lot 1, iHen4 rletta awd Mary T. railing and Emily Cabell 880. IT; lot 4, Henrietta and Mary T. railing and Emily QabelL Sal.TT; lot i, HenrUlt and Mary P. railing and Emily Cabell. SeS.18; lot A Hsnrletu and Mary . ratlin , and Emily CsbeU. MS-ldT BLOCK TB, lot C Ignata Lowengart, 801.88; lot 4. Iguata Low ., eng art, lot 6, Mrs. Bridges Rah lea. . . isflO; tot 8, Mr. Inrldgea Bebles, BLOCK 11S, lot 1, Wakemaa Morss Transfer. Company, fUX88; lot 4, , Wakomaa Mors Traosfar Company, I10D.8B; Ut 8, Ludger, Botre, 104.22; kit J. Lodger Bolre, Ti.04. - BLOCK 1ST. Ut L. Richard Eva nuTlsS. 88 ; lot 1 A Richard Evans, 188.10: lot 8, Uaae Kauf- . nvaa Estate, heir of, 881.70: Ut 8, I a Kaufman Estate, tows of. ST8.00. BLOCK ; 184. tot I, Opmlna Ufsvra, ot.B: lot 4. Lou la H. Tarpley. 807.18 1st ft. LouU H. , TarpUy. S106.14; lot A CotombU Esglneerlng Works. Sllfl.TA BLOCK 148. tot 1. B. B. Kla. pld. lBS.Mil Ut 4. H. KV Klncald. 8151.181 Ut ft. John W., Benry H. and William A. Brown, 11. 41: lot A John W.. Henry H. , and William A. Brown. 810S.SA BLOCK ST, tot 1. Msrgrt0. Wygant, fl70. 18 j ,j d, Margsret 0. Wygast, flouOT; Ut 8, Ut 1, Margaret Marsh U Estate, heirs of. - 860. 1; Ut 4 Margsret Marshall Estate, heir of. SQ0.U; lot 6. Margaret Marshall Estate. heirs of. SBA0S: lot Margaret Marsh all tat. betrV ef, ftOS.M. ELOTE UT. Ut L John Klainna. 308 II; lot 4. Johg Klevnan. . .fil.40; lot iLohn EUruan, O800 Wt fait S. John KlernaA, 8310.08. BLOCK ESS. lot 1. htarrh. Couch; ?14.T4i Lot A Blaev H i fVMlch 4, mary H ) umcb,; . - la S kfaev R fWeh. 8806,88: Ut A I Ooueh. 8801.40. BLOCK 141. tot t .Bavins A Loss Society ef Ban rrascUeo. 8338 34; tot A Sarin A Loan Society f Baa rrsikJ etsce. I1IM.1T; tot ft, Christina rvecaenrteln. ilal ta- lat a Jnaanh Jaakolla. 801.21. BLOCK 84. east block. Willamette Bteem MIU m , Msonfacturlrjr Lomber Comivaay. $58 88. PORTLAND BLOCK lift, lot 8, Henry la Plttock. 81.M:. Ut A Henry 1 Pit toes, . fidl SSTtorr. Henry E Plttock, 80A1T; Ut A Henry t, Plttoctf. SIB8.T87BLOC1C 8H, lot A rhrat Eva nice Ilea I Reformed Oongre ra tional Church, 808.30; Ut 7. First BvsngeUrsl , Reformed Cregs tlona I Charon. SM 44; Ut 0, WlllUm riledner, 889.00: Ut W. Annie iwVw 1110 TB; tot 11. E. T. Blala. 8d3.0 COUCH'S ADDITION to th City of PorxUnd : BLOCK oo, . aoath i fast wbb 00.17. fast BsOCk, - 9 BUI a. . $87.10: west 00. IT feet kA. . rl WlltUm y isi uVrr lu Sanve. fCl-SS; seat u lot T, Kairl. Suv. Biri; wt W lot A . Amandi TW. Reed Estat. helm of. 800.44: west Tst T, AnyindB W. Bead Estste heir of. 8A.0A kLOCK 04, lot A hUrU Kalus, 111 W; tot S. Beruard McDevmoct. Slll oli fct A Qeoree 1. Myers. il,M; 4ot T. 4Uorr fMyer. W-4.8A BLOCK OA sal U hit J. rneaman awee., e-ti .w, nn -m St A Priedman Bros., 847.83: west H Ut Ut A Priedman Bros.. a Mamu Bros.. 841 E airfntna Rlaiee end loan Labbee. 811)1.501 it U lot 8. Antotoe, BUlae and John Labhe. 878.30; north H Jot 1 iro-m npherd Btart llo trust, see us; souta or wt n, Anna BT Orth, 844.08; tot T. Hannah 0. rVUowa. fl(04. 'BLnCX A eaat to tot A Mary i. Q. Bmith All T4; east W lot A uitT 3. O- SBltV 882.88: west 4 W A Albto JuMtg. S44 7lj wsst V of UtAtbln rntiiia ntM.M: Ut fi. Antonl. Bids and lohn - tUbhea. llM.0S: lot 7. Antonl, BUU and John Labbeo, $108 li BLOCK 01, Ut 1. Antonl 1 BUU and )oha Labbee. 8TA5S; north H Ut A Domtna Lefevre. ftH.181 orb Ut A ' Ludger Botre. 84 17: M . Aatoln, BUIso Bud John Labbee. 804.77: tot 7, Amtdn, Blala nd jTa bfcee, OV BLOCK 74 lot t, ipauldlng i Papworth, fn.71; mt 8. Spaold log A Papworth, W418; lot A r. W. PUtcfaer. fgVlO; tot T. P. W EUtchar. 088.10. BLOCK lift, tot A Char lea B. Carey 80S 04;- lot A Chart H. Carey. 088.84; lot A D. S. O-ielllr 8AI.T0: tot T. D. O. O'BetllT. 8T1 30. BLOCK lit. tot A Jasaea Bebertsou, fSASf; Ut 8. Oeorge Krtog. 88.8B: lot 0, Jt ohn Mc. an sua tt ' lac v. jonn hmhisi. eVTuA BLOCK 188. Ut A ColnmbU Bnglseering Works. 81M.11; Ut 8, Columbl Engineer tog " Worka. 80T.S0; Ut A Ootombla Engineering Works. J04.1T; lot T, Columbls Bngloeering Works. tYl8.T4. BLOCK 14. tot 1 Oolumhla -fc Engiaaadog Worfca, 81TA41; lot I Own. V Ua Enfineer lug Works, 8187.87; UI A Oerman Seringa Loan Society. llW.ITi 1M 7. John Oete Batat, heirs of, SlTS.tA " BLOCK ISA Ut 1 Carotin B. WlUenv -8182.88; lot A Carotin A Wilson, Sl4.o; . tot A CaroUne E. Wile on, 3128J6; lot T. OnswUn B. WlUon, 8137.84. BIOCK 100. US i PaclSe Paper Company. UA1S; Ut A Pactftc Paper Company. 8B0.1S; Ut A Pa- ride Paper Company. 188.68: M 7, Peel ft Paper Company, SM.OS. BLOCK 818, lot A . oh neon Petato Company, 8801.08; Ut A obnoan Estate Company. 888138; south 87H feet Ut 8, Johnson Estate Company. 9217.18; north lSi feet lot A John Oat Estate, Vhelra of. Fs 7" ! et J. John Gates Estate, heirs oil an.R BTlttCk SM, Ut A EUU .4 , 0. Hughes aad Presto W. Gillette, Uai.M; jot A Itls Q- Hughs snd Preston W. 011 Ctto. 881 ATT: lot A ElUs O. Haghsa anff Preston W. QilUtts, Im48; lot T, EUU . ' 0. Hugh and Preston W, OUUtto. 8370.08. BLOCK 148. lot A 0. If. Smith, ; lot - SO. M. Smith. 1180.10: kt A O. M. Smith. ilSO.OS; lot T. O. M. Smith. 814B.0T; right of way. City and Suburban Rgtrwar CoSapauy, A ttteent of afotesald eaSetenteet has been Mtared Ih tto Docket af City LUna and M now duo and payabU at th office of tb City. Truaauror, la lawful money of th United S to tee, ' and it not paid within So days from ths date " of thU notice such procoedtnga will to taken far th collection of th same a are provided by tb charter f tb City of PortUnd. - Tb S bay ssswssment will bear Interest 1) 1 Asya sfter' th first publlcattoa f this pettoa. THOB. O. DBVUN. 7 ' Auditor . th QtJLSf .XsrUaad. 1 c PortUnA Oregon. October SO, 1004. " norons ivBOTEJCEirff or boetewjoe . x. BTEEET. . y ' Motlca Bt hereby tlm that at th meeting ' af th Counril of tto City of PortUad. Oregon, new on th Wh any ox October, inot, tb v . following reaolutloa was adopted: i ReeolreA That the Council of tba Cltf of rhrtianu, ovegou,' dee roe it ex pea tent and pro- to lmorove Borthwlck etreet from Ut ica street fro north Un of Kllllnga worth avenue to tb north Un of West Piedmont la tto foUowing man ner, tt-wlt: llrst By grsdlng the street full width with full Inters rtiouu to tba era do aa airaa br tha City Engini-er, . Second By ennstroctlng grarct SldeWalkB with wooden curbs in aecordanc wita the city Engl seer's pUns, specification sud ostlmitaa. Third By covtructlag croeswaUs. ' Sold Improvement to be mads In aecordanc With tbe charter and ordinance of th City of PortUad id tb plans, specification and esti mates of ths City Engineer, filed In th offlco of tto Auditor of tb City at Portland an tha 0th day of September, 1004, Indorsed: "City Engineer' pUns and spedflcatkmn for th improvement of Bortbwick street from tbe north line of KUllngswortb venue to the north Un ol West Piedmont, and th estimates of th work to to dona and tto probahU total ost thereof" The cost f told improvement ta to sea weed a nrovlded hr th city charter noon the orno. erty pecally benefited thereby, and which is hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parta of tots and pared of land lying between a line' 100 reet west ox ana parallel witn toe west line of Bortbwick street and a Una 100 feet east of and parallel with tbe MM Una of Borthwlck street and between the north Un of KJUlneaweetn avenue and tto north Hn of Wet Piedmont, Th Bngirteer a estimate x to probable total met for the Improve meat of aid Be Borthwlck Street M gl.uVB.iW. Th plana, specifications and estlmatea af th City Endneer for the improvement nf aald Borthwlck atreet ar herehy adopted. Beeolved. That the Andltor of the City of Portland to and he to herehy directed to giv not Ira of th Proposed tmnrovement a M street, as provided by the dty charter. Kemoueiraorea atiimn iv nnove improvrsseaf sr to filed in writing with th undwsianed within 30 days from th date of tha tint publication f thl notice. ; My nruer an law ininrn. ' THOB. d. DETLIN. Andltor of th City of PnrtlanC tWtUnA Oregon Octob-r EA xOOA