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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1904)
J ' '1 ' . J , - ' ... ' - . THB OREGON DAILY jbURNAi; PORTLAM, ' MONDAY EV, TINO ' i 1, ACTIS G3VECiw3 ATB OFTXOS ootifOf or BOfJWBAJaTB If 6org C BrowneU of Clackaaia ' county, president of tb ntato oae-ate, wr real arbitrary ana danswroaslF an bltknw b oouLd emt all kinds of teTM la th elate of proton )um bow. ' Ho ooul perdoa every oeavtcf, dla ehirn every offloer of tbo overwore ttJL appoint others 1b their pUoes. or- r mm extra mmIos of the lesiajauire and 40 many other thlna that tbo ordl narr oiiioea mm do. HI powor to do til these thins bo in at U:jS o'clock this inornlne. wbon Governor Chemberlala crossed tbo elate lino into CalUorala. Tbo Claokamaa onnty ottlsan la now action; soveroor of tbo groat eommonwoalui of Oregron and la possessed of all tbo powora tbat accompany tbo ofBce. Tbo constitution provide (hat tbo secretary of state shall perform tbo du i ties of covornor whta tbe roal for ernor t unable to porform then and la - th abaoneo of tbo secretary of etate , tbon tbo president of tbo senate aball fill the highest office. Boorotarr of Stat Dunbar 1 mime out of tbo state, oo Mr. ' JJrownll la temporary corornor. A similar condition occurred laf the aUto of Utah wbon both tbo governor and oacrotary of atat were dutaldo tha limits of Utah, Both officials waro Ro publloans, and had Kno Into Idaho to moot BooaevalL Thoro existed a va cancy In tha United Statee senate. Aqullla Nebekaf, aa president of lha senate, at oaoa realised bis powor. Ha Immediately appointed Judge a W. Powers, a Democrat, who wao In Port land recently a delasata to tbo min 1ns onsreea. to All tba vacancy In tbo sonata, discharged all the officers of I tbo ' ffovernor'o staff, appointed his friends and partisans In their places and caused untold amassment am one tbo ; Mormons. When Governor Chamberlain wao In Mississippi a year aso tbo questlorr-srf ' who waa rovarnor In bla absonoo arose ' in connection with tbo Issuance of ex- tradition papers by W. N. Gatene, pri ' vat socratary to tha sororoor. Circuit Judso Sears of this county decided tbat tha aownce from the stats oonatltutaa a disability, and tbat tbo secretary of etate should act as sororoor durlna that .official's abaoneo. SENATOR MITCHELL'S. TRANSPORT PLANS In a letter to tbo secretary of tha cham ber of ootnmeroo received this mornlnc. Senator J. H. Mitchell assures that body of bis earnest support In tha effort to brins tbo transport for the removal of the Nineteenth Infantry from Vancouver to the Phlllpplnea to Portland. Ha aaya: 1 am giving; this matter my vary beat effort and will do all b my powor. as I am aura my colleagues wilt, to bring about tba wishes of your chamber Is this resard." Tha other members of the Oroson del Etton hav been written In this matter, t aa yet have not been beard from. Senator Mltohell la tablr active step hi the matter and will sve It bis personal attention when ho reaches Washington. 'Hundreds of Uvea saved every year by having Dr. Thomas' Bclectrlo OH in the house Just when It Is needed: Cures croups, baala burns, cuts, wounds of ev ery nrt. c Solicit m AM 9V- ; As well as your patronage. We ; want you to rely on us for good . groceries and meats today, to and every day. Dealing A here should . prove a pleasure. i 7 - fi.oo v ' -' 1$ pounds Dry Granulated Sugar. ' r. 1.00 (, ., . fiaJlosi oaa Pur Mapla Syrup, - 15 v t snM Condensed Cream; Me per dosen. ; ,x 35 - ' . i Bos No. 1 White or Tallow Macaroni T. I ban Fele-Naptha Soap. ' 20f - ' Caa Bakrs or GblrardeUrs Cocoa. Pound Bakera Premium Chooolat. ... t - - - i5 Pound TToah Boast Costa Bica Ooftos. 30f Pound Hoffman. House Jam and Mocha .'.I- ' Coffee. V---' 25 : Pound good Ounpowder Tea, FELLOWS 374 Washington Street, v Quick Delivery. Phone Main 2596 i. THE ertaleal J aba A. HoW ba epraed as . - of aki timim barber Aollce it M CUy tl.. , ,' aymtfei poeltlaaa aurBBt4; Otltloa srnd . ' while learalns- Write Drrct aaatbar, U4 CUy st.. Sma rraadeea, i, SKILLrD AK ITNBKlLUIb LABOk t ak ..iUto pneiaOr SBfskea. Fras f abaraa ta WStoiara. v tfAMSSM rtMrXOTaTSWT OPnr M Marts Seeese street, sear BaraetSa. !LnnatMA aw werkf blaar mo piltlm are 4 la Jmrtl 'B iMtoitli anrtBMd ' triiaai. Tesr ad. ander Sltu UotM was US" sir be laasrte d fras f bars. MX!( a beraer trsd s wh m4 eer prodtabie eatttneat eseelel w-ta tot SKiefb: eataloaoe walled fre. Uekr Srrtrw CoUese. Baa rraaelee. CL - , - v TUB OOLrsTBIW PAT.tmSKl wy Depot, beedqaarterj fV sad wilt-: U Ma " l,"r,ll'u- P. Intl. IN reertb st. Pbw Bed !. WEIDSW'Rh fOtteiae t rt,L . nr et aeejatlMlea. AaplJ atee. te Bnt I t.ia A Dreta oorfc. SM BaM SMrraK. SirrntiMlMtW t . dlrlbee r . ai'Bwiea, ! seed . Sos A d ear; I la raeuir; srSrta.Tweauetb adalu; eolured or white. at., near WaabJactoe. OOOD awta ere bard t find, bat (ek As few, egeaalt learaal Wut Oobtwaa, 01 BL or smnaa wasted far baoMseestssi wages, BM Baker sU . OIkL far ftaerel rtrat at. hmnewark. Isowb Mr. ST 01 RL fr (eaeral baeaiwirt. ClMe rront tSO. BTTVATIOM WASTrP MAX. tOVKQ ntaa ef smd addreae waaW a peel ttna with anew aVpartmxnt etnre, tbe hard wara dapertnrat pretwid; ran fl teler nce. Aodraea H 36. Journal. RAVI i mn' experience s P fnLrtlJ?: BHnt nf rnerc1 BWctinilla; wln.Vw trret and farellare swa- AWrea L AS, UU otttce. WAKTBD Work la aar bind f T yonnc sua ef 90: 1 rr'i l9Trbime9 ? darar and eaafertkiaery Store. 41. JwaraaL WANTBP BITDATIOWkKperlaoed tmt-Uaa waiter, aotwr end ateadr. dralrre perauaeat aoaltlea. Addraet r . in artt L XXPRHtRNCCD bAnhkeeeer want aar klad ef of net work; srotb'a trial at roar wa srla. t M, JearsaL WANTItn By wlddle-ared was, sltaatlea aa pMter ta wbeleaal boos; seed reference. S 23, oar Joaraal. PLT'HBER and ssfltter wants Job ta r eat ef city; ran ttnr work; steady and sober. B . aar JoaraaL HAN aandr with tools, ale aceantoBMd rooMlm-bonae work, d Ire MnlerDieat. SS, care Joaraal. HAN and wife want poaitloa ta romataa-Boaaa or aotri or weald c ta eeauUj. u SS, care JonrnaL OARPBNTBB work by day or by Jobi trat nam nu; reveina; a apenatir. ei bui Joamal. PRACTICAL PLHUBER woe Id Ilk ft ta r oat ef lews; nrM-cw sua. B SS. Tbs Joar aal. 0OIRRD was dealt altoaikej . aa Jaottori beat of rriae. A flaw i SS. Joaraal. riRflTtASS Janitor drab poeltlo; food rerereacaa. Apply n u, ear Journal. STBADT soaltloa by somI roaas baker; dty r ivbbu;. w aa, oraai. rSBMMAK rates maa. cylinder asd nUtea. T) 11. MH t ImmI mrsTiows WAvrzn-rxxAi. WANT te as aa eonDaaloa to alderbf todr to, California for wtater or rare for widower' ealle. Addm S J. the Ttaaes, Heppaer, Or. work er take ear of enlldren; apeaba Kmllab sad Oerman. SOS Baet Tblrteentk at.. Nortk. A LADT ef rone addr. wltb bnrt referenee nd eapenenfMl, want tse SMUMCPinrat blah rlaaa rooming bgaaa. 0 M, JouraaL WHIN0, boning and work by tba day wast- eo. hkm rront WANTKH A sned. waiet asd skirt irl X1H Monrgompry at. XMTLOrMEKT MXMCtMMm A. AJ.k Msda ef BMW bels Sot lea free tn eaintarer. WTLUAMS BOTTsa, - tS1 ttertb BoeoBd at fboae Bed tSL M0T7NT HOOD BHPLOYMRffT AOSSCT. far. aleb free to eue ftrxtABLK HELP, si rage A Oolilao, fro Barnald. Bood 174T. OTStt bb ef Jt' kkida farsiahed fro to C Third a, rioa Mala U1S. jT... - ma t . nfN nvT w POSTLATfO Waawn' Rmplormani Cow pea. mnlormani itorleaa. f CO. La sis abut, eer. aa as aumwai aw ai. P10NBER BMrXOTMIHT CO. Loner eoatrae. ton; aetp free to eaiptorvr. XI Morrtaaa. BkXP wanted and eappttd. Dial, or fenal. a. a. DBAKS. SUOH waeHBSioB c may w WORK for bo, too for work. t RATtRRKS OrriCB. XS North Bfd at-- WANTBD Ageata. ladlea er gvattetoea. to eaa- aae-. Addif Jones Boot store, m aiaer. WABT11 M tBOffH.AXTXOIIS. WANTBD fvsrrbodr'a wnnts artld to Joarnal Want Colomaa, Titer reiieta job f all nnnaeaaeary worry. - Renwwber, tbe east la bat Qe a Haei T arena, sure SMfc s Ho. Try fheaa. WANTBD Uor prylBf and whltewaahlng; th onl hmHm eoaanreeaed air apreyinz entSt on tbe eoast. M. 0. Morgaa A Co.. STO Mllwaaki at. WANTBD A atapllng and etltrfclng SMcbtnei atat pnre ana "otMuuoa. Aaoreea at. bart, AJbaay. Or. WANTBD I Oft SeSflfr. (rt thrlf Old bat a aaade Poarth at. WANTED Cheap bar for Aog 1. Baa IX, D.IIWUUQ. WASTXD BXAL XSTATX, WANTED T bar, a-roow eftttaa o tba In- ataumeat plan; araat O moarp ana on mr St or will rest with eotkt to hay. Addreaa SS. Joamal. T" WANT TO BZBT. WANTED bm beaea. flat er rooai la th eltr to b rcpla. A food way ta na wa- Enta to if arrrt1lng to Joaraal Want lawn. They kind f ael yoa want, U word for II casta. WANTBD la rest, wltb ftrltltece of baylag. 10 to B arrea, witk Miiaingt. aaiunie icv raletag pnhltrr; rk to Portland; on tor Une. Marin A Mattsew. Uankato. Ulaa. WANTBD Ta reat aaatll ftrnlahed bo, two adnlta. net far eat. C . Tbe Joaraal. 1 f - ; ar g l.i 11 J I M poa Bxarr vMrukBisHXB aoovs, TWO anforatobed room. Is good eaadltlanV or naia; pnone; one one u w. shw SndS. 13 Wbltaker at. BOOMS AJR BO ABA IWATLT fnratobad rooaw with f4 toW board; aandern a Tasiaarai. MS Clay. Pboe Mala WSS. CONDUCTING a rooming aooaef Adeartla tb fart to Jearaal Want OslasMS aad CU year BOARD Witk rsmos. well farnlabed: BMdr eonreBtoam; table board. X31 Tblrtoentb at rex msnriovaxa. BAST SIT'S rental orftre ef J. U Wetle S Co.. M Or and arenne If yott bar bouae to rut mr waat to reat a bonae. If yoa bare s aoae r lot to erU. er want to bay booee or lot. If yoa want to Inanre yoor booee and far ni ter hi the Phoenli Ine. C. f Uartferd, Cobb., eall op pboo Baet U. BO (JARS are Bearcat at toe, tbe atad yea wast, bat tea eaa ear a kit of car fare a&4 tieta, a well aa nrh worry, bf eoe aalUag Joaraal Waat Co to ma a foe wait re waat. Try tbeaa. XI wwda for IS ceant. HAN and wits wbe will fsralak good rafereae eaa find a rare chant to art lat a good r-nae (I reeata. all ntodern. booa well fur slahed). ncaeaably. by addreaalaf U St. JonrnaL KADDBBXT Traaafar A Cowwlealo O.; ptoM end faraltare woeed br rperUned ma 110 North Third at, Pho bUto less, POR BBNTm cettagw aed flats. sad ap-to-date. rested free ef charge. Oarerta k Sooa, Pint a a TamfclD ata. POR BXNT New toadera 7-enow honaa at Wt. Tabor, sear ear ka 437. , Pbsae Best S2T sr hUla POR BENT A 4-rooto cottag at XTS Bakw et.. io pw aweta. laoalra at 274 Baker at. NEW, Btoorra. teoni honae. Cowiaerrlal at, aear Cook av. Inamr Stl Irrtng at. POR BBNT t-moa, aaoder bnae. ear. BoUe- Say a. laenir sns a dene rt. POR BBNT er aale. 11-ronW booeai Utk asd yerR. XT1 Hefth Eigbteeatb at. POR mxT-t-Hae be; bath aad yard. North Elghteeath at. xn NEW S-rona ho. laaulr at Tld Baet Sl.fS PBR WESK Lara, la a a. faraJabad hooaekeeplns ro. .na. with a ef Uandrr. bat, Bbooe: a Wo rbaa faaatlabed eutugee. J. UikUcb, 184 SbraMa Phos Clay SM. OOINO heasekaeptag Baeea't toand a pUce te lleet Try Joaraal Waat Ctaaioi tbr-U kelp rS uss a aulrklr. KEWI.T farnlabed aaekpliis roosM; ree unable. njoders, eeBTealeat; AOS Clay. Fhoas VULa Km. PLBABANT farslabed Mean for bouaekee. bjft a MpU rWV' ("UJ- Tmm" CLIPTON. XMH Plrrt at.. a. CahuBbto awl si g.3B per week and SS. j; roi exjt ppkNTSHxa aooMB. O.VB eery farnlabed frost rter. alee ena aide parlor, tollable for two avotleateu er two ladle earn; aleo eerr lrbl ap Btatra roaau, aliely luratod on mrner. with rrery eoevealeacc, at No. SSI Fifth at. POR RIVT Large, airy room; ale lwe rooai: gaa, bath, at earn beat; aewlr fnraUned prlrate boss. SI North TwnUla WaahlagtoB, PINK. tors, doahl reo and two larg tola roam; farnlabed or nfurnlabed: ls ae bo dm ea PortUad helgbto. M8 Biyrlag at, LARON pleasant aeoro, wHh wltkoot board: aaltahle for fw; prirata family, how ook tns; raeaanable. 0S Becoad st THB DBXTBR. B. 1H !.. ear Waeblngtoa Nice coaaij room; atodra aotoaa; traaalent. Pboo Oreea 4M. POR RENT Newly farnlabed roeto ! ebotoe lp catloo. No. 34S ThlrteeatS at Pbaa Mai &4S, or call torewwna. TSS I R VI NO, career Treaty third, foralahed room, farnie boat (a, percalabi bath; a block frosa boapttal. 1X1 TrtlBTBENTH, cor. WaahlagtoB Btwant newly farDlabed roeaM, slagl or B aulu; gaa, batb. phosa. TRRER ROOM aatte for light hoaeekeaptos oo atoeplng roaea. ltd Boron th t NPWI.T farslehad ,oalet tranatoat IS4 Poortk St. Pbonented TO XXOKASSK. POR eachsue. hwa cottof tad roai boo la I Itlama Avenue addition for lot and part eaab. Inquire SBS Iry t TO flrbaase, a lt la Portland for on la Beaalda: rain i2frt. C, . JeramUa, TOd B. Berenth at.., Sonfb, dty. " . ep . ' . 3d tost jjfp yojraw. XOST A ocket booh eon t a! a log mooey. tweea Twei.tlrth and fltark anJTwaBty-flrat nd Oifh. Apply Mr, Ceckbarn, Tweetj-eecood 4 Bat blorrtooa. ' DON'T be loaerl Be a winner, br deertlalng la Joaraal Wast Otomsa; tbey paee lb neareel way to aa .Xt ward tor U eonta. LOOT Norton tarrtor. whit atrtp hi fae; lib eral reward At aloe Loss Ofttc. 1u KorU Third at. POB BINT-rPOBXS. f STORS BOOM for rat - Mcaion ib hit. . . CROSS A BI1AW. , XXS Waablnftoa sL PINS a tare room ea Tarn Mil at., STO per tooats. Applr Jn. P. Sharker. TOI. ,t ber of Cumiaere. Telfponoe Mala IBS. WOtTBTS POR kXNT-PBBBlTUSB POB SALS POB fUI.hV-Birrain If taken tfcla week.' furni ture of lht rooaa. nrat-ctoae; fiat for rent; BKMlera. iwe TBirreenu et TOR BAXAV-KXAX. XSTATB. WHT pdy-ret on swell farm f 1 to arrea arm toe nu wwi" 'f j in from na with, nominal eaah peyaient . end Interact leea than rentl tT.000 will dot T-arre farm near by; tb wood tbrrron b worth STi.ono. Bre a flulck. Mrldaoa, Ward 4 Co.r 0 Chamber of Ceatmarr. BAROAINB ef every deacrifktoe are Mtaatlr edTertleed la Journal Want Colninna. Prop erty owner will do well t sdrortts Waal tbey wlah to Mil In tbM anion, Sa a line T a re rage word toak a Bn. X IN AH Two new loall rldoeea. at bWo, ajoee in; ee i mu om tri, uK.' MiiMtlait- a Ian om j- . rooai, tweWory booee, cbaoiy Addraa owsay, SB Baa) Keren t tooth t - . 1Kb irii PLaWI e, ,'J; 14 arrra tnO net arre; new booa and arree il.OOO; tike Beuead car. Be agent t Gate'e rroaalas at Brat booee eowia. .Kaay term oa alL . nnv-a heaaea. fBrattar and groaedi east 000; IB Bloate' wait front coart hsaaii renu win nor for cucu hi S1 years, J. Lajsdlgea. tS4 Bherajaa. ' ' FOB BAI-R S-rooai cottage and -r 1 nilWBi ATrnu iminimi mi . Owner lea nog - inquire eweirye. POR BAr!E SMK.00, eaay terBsa. Vf, Mt J roora cottoge: bath loom, et.; hard tntob: B pqlnnte car aerrlce dt. M and Baat Taylor. WRTX nntahed Mttag. faU Wt. Baet Nine, teeoth et, 1H blorka to ear tin. $1,000. H. Hatfield. Molkey blk., Becoad and Morrtoos. FOR RALE CTIBAPA BjewaVrooBi, BMdera honaa with lot POxllS feet, with a SO-feot Bllef. but term. Pboe t'nloa SftfH. JTOR, BAT-S S-roooi bmiae, IB aslaatea rid from heart of city; wi dnwa, baL aaothly. Addreea hf SS. oar Joaraal. POR B A LB S-rooM cottage. cenaeBt ceTlar, lot STsloO, 11 X on Bbermaa Sixth, la outre at 0A4 With at. FOR BALE B roora cottage, eenent eallar, tot ST 1 100, fl.BOO. oa Rberswa Sear Sixth. II ejulr at SM Blxth t fj.Am New anodera B-roni booa. eloa la; large lot. hflller, 801 Cbamber of Ooaxwre. WB bolld aaoae. eaey sarBMnta: tots farBlhd If deelred. 61 1 Comiaeretal Bids. Mate 1S40. sfWllt'l'T B OBWbB MlMraBW rVbT1 WOfafl 4JB rlTor. A. J. Brown, Carrlaartlle. Or. POB. BX3rT fXATS. TO BENT Threeoow flat aAcely fnrnUbed; nnnr; modern ooaieaUacea. BIS Xvtb t. Portland helgbto. POB SAXXPABBtS. POR SALE FARMS ImprtiTed fai fa rot for aahf ta all porta at Ore gon and Waablnstoej payaiento wade to aolt parcbaaera. Pnr fad particular aa to Tart- ea rroornjpauy ta wsa. . i DWBJXINO and fir acre, with SO acre as ImproTBd adjolnlns. East Tweaty -eighth at Apply M Twelfth at. ARBMN heat tbeaa all! Aad br a Ing tbe ada oader thk aaadlBf yoa'U 0ad aona fla eaaa. A OOOD dsruacr tork ten for sale by aw aw. 94.000. K. H. Darte. Corral lie, 0. FOB f BIT fT" awwei FOR BALE A ay aaaoent ef pc to Jowraal Want Colusa for B eeatt line; T averag Wona make a line: ral lneertlo of aa adeerttoeatasS oeaally ajut s . Tkt' UNDERWOOD TTPEWBITBB. Tlsfsl wrlnac. Tsbalator. Ball bearing. Urbt raasla Ageocy AS FToat st Phone Bed ISSL BIIXIABD AND POOL tobies far read et mm aale on eaar Baynwatt. THB BUOhflWrrfc BALES fmXSNDBB 00. S Third ft. Portias. UCMION PRI orgaaa, BS4. I! Vprlght ntaae S0 to flU: S41H nrat Md Mala. Rooai 13. DEBIRABTjB N". 1 row, firing Wllh: price reasonable. TVS Dawaoa at, Unlreralty Park. BAkOAINS ta aeeeadAand Btachlnaa. Dadar- a-eod Typewriter Ageecj. m rroet st. FRRSH fereey row and ralf tSB. Up AJbtsa car. Conuaerrlal and Banaiaa em. - MILK dairy sod reat far sale dates peed n SB, care jaors!. LA ROB Jeraey cow. frfhh wit Hay, dXa.00. Inquire Mr. Lewi, fj Tint t FOR BALE Owal haft basti Heaw are., me. Oolnf et. ts wu hUNtrRs vu rared aad stowlsf deo, rmt J.ic- fkTlaaXB 0 RIAL XsTATS ABB UWB1U. U th Otatrlrt ro-rt rf tb Osltod BtotoS- ffoottag? flriTOrrg U at .prl"" Si, to tie -bighest bidfar.ft?:,g.rt.a the following aVacrlbod prawlsaa as BorwtSfornet it Mock 4 "heir writ 8BS.4 feet ".rib iTth Oregoa 4 California nlM oath Vt degree weet 10 : Tee. tbBc cat W fori, theac sortk 100 tot, khm Mat 1M feet;- thence aortb l" ' loTto X B-Vcs of beglnaln.. SttoH J.l acrea of land. Boee s aw. M Ale begtoatog at polat la , townahlp A aoath. rang teet weat of the eouitwt cprnof of lot I to block 4 of Georgetown. Una CO f Oregon; Ibenc weat 1 '"li ' il.tI erwOi II I feel; these eouth XT degree totaat. w-t T37.4 feeti th e-t 10 fet; tbeace north t4.T fget; tnenca Mat Xu feet, and thenc north to tbe sUtf Of beglnnlos. ouetaUluf X.7 gcrea of land, Bur r lea. Excepting from tb a for Id prens. tb part thereof convered br the totdLons m Rlngban Lumber companr to tba Ore" A Bou thraater n Ballroad oMnpaDr, tb Mth day of Uarrh, 10O8. br tb certala reaVrnVrseurd April 4, loo SS of retawe BO of the SffJ J2f for Us coaaty. Orsa. deecrleed aa foe gi7nf "at point la aeettoB BAWf ablp Booth, rang waat. SO feet weat f the aorthweat arr to tot L blork B. of Georgetown, Is Ua eoonty. atat oC Oregoa; theoc aouth 4T feet; thence weat TB feel; thenc north S4 degree sjlsuteB wni XOf feet, nor or leaa to tha couth at boundary of th ground eoarejedbj o. w. uns te the o. s i. a a. 4. oo- panr; aortb XI degree ', eaat 1SX feet: these north 1ST .1 feeti throe eaat Io6 feci to th place of hagla- alag, containing l.Bt acrto of land. Btor or kB,.aU sltsatod hi Una oouaty, Oce- Ala tbe fellowtos aawwifl ptant Uwatrd . apoa th aboT premlaa. to-wlt: On Double Cbcalar Sawmill, on 40-lnck Port Uad Iras Work Baser, one 121 Am Euglne. 4n 1MX4 Corlla Ei.glae, one eight bora anwer Enttn. Jil two BOxOO Am Bollrra, on 00x14 Erie Boiler, one A mm-r loan Planer. B4; one No. 44 InrtBclbl Flaner. one oO-liwb Bnrkejra .Blower, on Nation! Dry Ks cpmplet . and bull dl oc XlxM, oss Uth Mill and Bolter, not act ap: es COt-off Saw and Arbor, sot art op; four all Uah Tmcka. one TB light Dynamo, eo US Uaol. and oa Log Turner. Alao tbe Iota numbered I sad d th block , S f OeorgetoWB. , . . . Alao lot! X aad to block 1 hi th J. L lanea Addition, to CotUge Oroee. All the right title and Inter, of Jn aid Bankrhpt ts, mm following deecrtbed aroprrtr . , ' Brglnals at the ntbet corner of lot a, -block C Jooea' Addition to Cottag GroT. Oregon, and rannlng. thence et I7T.T feet to hllll ilrert la fte Becoad Addltlo te Oeorgetowa. Oregon; thano nortb 110 feet, weat 1T7.B feet. Booth 110 feet, to brala alog point; commencing at a point 60 feet eaat of the ooutbraat eoraer lot on, btort ' t, Ih Jonee' Addition to Cottage Gror. and - mnnlng east 1TB.4 feet to Mill atreet north , SIS feet. wat 17B toet. to .the eaat aide ef tbe moat eaaterlf atreet la Jonea' Ad dltloa to Cottage Orere. eooth IIS feet to plare ef beglnrdna: coanmrnVlBg at the nor (b weat corner lot 1. block 8. Jooee' , Addliloa" to Onltage Orore, Oregna, wat SO feet, sonfb 112 feet, eaat BO feet, north 11X feet; atao lot 1, block X, all Ja J. IT Jena' Addlthal to Cottag. Or. Ua "'ofoTthe land hwtdcrihed hi 1. eecrow and prorld for tie parnMBt of Il.tTS.OO; -SffTfi.OO ha bee paid and 1.000 00 la annate. . ,- That all -of the prearteea Shoee rtbd efe In Un eoanty, Oregon. Bald nale to to be aonjeet to onoflrmn tlon br tbe Oeort ato? 10 days' aotlc to Dated at Cottage Owe. Oregoa, thai- S3d day sf October, 1S07 ' .,'-r II" - Truatee, J- "iff-'.. BOOMtNO BOTJSB HSADgTJABTBkS. 'k: M-- TAr . pa 1SS4 lMssto Block. : - oowavHBkbHMhie hoardta boa. inretmn:, rnrnianion rm nam, mw heat; hot and cold wtr la' mot ofrooms; root 9Xa, floaa was, raaca, e,vu 00 BOOMBA-ry-to-dat housekeeping apart aaaw to; eery "iineiy encaieu, . rrmmm, .. rirbti fjirtfiahinaa ry beat; eteam kaat; ';' O.S0OyBuy torm.. ' an Buwtuawnintel. iIhb meat. Msht am to date; aeW l)rlck;low not, to eea , ,,,-1, - SS mcWMBOa Fifth at.i good imtlost now ' clearing about S900 per Btontb; X years me; inm m a objb- ewpaw 44 BOO NTS Very elegantly ftwstohal eteam beat, bot aad cold water in au room. nn. lno.ilnn rmt Third at. : toaae. S rear. inn. iBcludtoa SIMM boat Price ' ".0o. - - t BOOMS Fairly well farsiahed; donor Bod , pro fit a bla . bob la ass; . rant a ,1.000. eS BOOMS New brlrtt, eery atodera to rrery war; rornunuiga aooo; an . " treeee; rent only 100; 2 year leae BB.&00. . mlgat toA smauar boobs hi b caaag. U BOOMB alceet apartment -ho h rttfj all full; alegantir raraiaOMi real ui ajaa . to. a,7M. ( U nnoHB raablflnabbi Bonrdtarlwa, very finely ' farnlabed: ehotc corner; ry ahort dfattaac from Portland baisli X yaara toaee; r t low. S4.000. IS B0OMR Bast part f Wssblngtea at.! brkh bulhllBg. eteam beet, running water In atoat ef roooia; aew ctoarlna orr S400 Bar tognthi low rest; to. Ifcew. S4 BOOMB New Vlrk bonding, ateam beet hAt an nld ntM te ererr room: Trr thing new aad hi good condition; good - leaee: seat BUS; big moo j maker. S3.SU0. - aa annul ai now .town! weO faratebed ateam beat; leaee. heat hoy oa awukat Only 12,000. IS BOOMS On Mrertom at. all oa en Ooor aloely famiaaed; reat a. a.ouu. tS BOOMB Ob Park at.; bearftng: wt flng tocattoa sm; rat or. . rric i.ew IT pooif Pumltre good, rent ealy B; good locaUoa; bea fall. fl,S0O. 11 "BOOMS Ob Jefferao good; net S2.go. i at.: farattars very Price SBM. U BOOMS on Tentk at.; rant B( faraatar good; baa pood toeooto. aooo. a anntfi n Taw at., well farnleoed: brh na. electric llebt aed faraace heat - lVlce, Ucladtog plaao, SaOS, rvw eav ti am BBT. On an Waahlnetoa at ..... ...t SBB Ou h riral at...' A.V) 0b n Monhm et .. 1.000 ' DELI OA TBASB7. Oo as Borrlaon: raeelpto ''ii"-fl5 ubs ea . WaahiBf tee at. rcipta WB CAW MA KB TERMS Off ANT. OF THB laiva ALL TITLES flf A B A NTEED. BDTBRS MfiTtrrm an well ah SELLERS. WB WANT 10 TO iri-BOOM HOtTHRBj At0 SO TO 40. WB HAVE BOLD IN THB PAST 10 DA YB ROOMINO-HOUSM TO TBS AMOUNT OF flB.fOQ. TAFT A 10. aXB-S AMngtoa Btoek. , " 10S Third t THB ECSEKA REAL ESTATE A BL BIN ESS l CHAM'S AtKft ( Ii Kll Waahlutu Bt. New apa of dlfereat quantity aad SnaHty. rosa hnd tak year eaoic uar m Tarent Iota, fcoaae front 11.000 ap, lat- Krrd and modern. In all parte of tb eitj ' nartlmlare and torma atmlr to as. In faxM w bar s ebote tot to toet We hare ttmber ton ta fact If there la gay ta tag w hare not got w caa get it J. J. HIRSnHSfMfck, Manager. A SNAP "AT ASRWOOD. OR BOOS.' 10.000 stock general merrfcandtea at dlacoaatl atoeh eaa be redne!: tmlldlna and leta for ale. r will reat. laoaire f Joarsel. ar writ, -a toA,. w R n. FOR BALE Flret-elaea aaodera fnrnltnr of a trraoai Oak . ISdalr M . SOfesMaafS ab SB . H GENERAL' MBKCHANDIBB etor for eel to email tow la aoutbera S; aleadld aew eure balldlag; atuch will tow.1 between 7.000 and V.raJOi reaao for aelUns, bare two atofM. oly need oat pUndldpoe tontty fur th right lfl"Tld, ad dree. M. 8eUg. klrtl Creek. Oregon. BOOMS, brd-ew faraltare, tocated ae prliKipU street Is clir: b.a full f roomer; guar-1. teed Income of fU per month above ail nuenae or no sale: 1T5 rest; long leaee; n-ferenree reanlred: parmaat of aay reaeon bl emonnt aailafaclorr. Berrr A Alex ander, North BUth. eppoett aoatofttc. WANT to aell roar iastsMal Waat to tareo. la aooM thing good? N better laeeetawat tbaa adrerttolu ror wea jwe h Joaraal Want Oalamaa. XI weed fog IB eeeta. Trr it NEW Arhanasa ell Beld-. M. Bailer. Ula- aoon i-acise immigraiwa wk;. Ark., can get too a oil leaa. trifling as pea. gXartuBM from fator al leaa. PARTNER Actlr or atlent, la .beet aewapapee propuehloa on Padoe coaai; aji.utio reuulred: heat reference glTva. Addreea 8 41, care Joaraal. v S ISfl BL'YB half latereet la a good etSo enst- nea. smb waaoingroB a. FOR BAL Caady store, BBS Waahlagtoa at. J. M. Haaaoo. WANTED Batcher to take H ef mom witk grocerr;a tocwaiai ai. W AJfTEDRXAX XSTATR. ' WANTBD Bar rS to key 1 1 ar -row joV era soaae, wen eiaai pariicawra eaewe aw eteen. H XI. rare JearnaL msovAx. J. f. HIRBHBBIMER Peoalos attorney aad oaaeelor at uv, an waeaiugto et.; yea alona ohtolaad ander all acta ef co agree foe aoldler of tb Clrtl war. Snaalab-Amarlcas war. war In tbe Phlllpplnea; pen lea fat soldier' widows, salner eolldre aad depeodaat reUtlrea, SUNLT etfor lastored by Dr. Roberts' Nare Olobntoa On moath's treatment. S Bootha,H; seat ecarlT iea ny mail. Agvnta. Woodard, Clark A Co.. Port la ad. Or. "THB BOOK OF NATURE," "Boek f Ufe.M "Mabel Oray." '"Slotr of Stoee." MNaaaM aatolicae friaa. A. Bchaula, SSB Ftrat at TOHR Breecrlnttons are mor aeesratoly hnd reaaonaniy Blie ax arraaeu e rpiriii.rr, m, Morriaoa at., be twee Flrat and BecoBd ata. PERSONAL Toor baetoeea r crofaaatoaal cad la Joorna Waat Column win Bring y baatneea: XI word for 15 eenta. Try M. MARRIAON PAPER 10e. aealed; 800 wealthy: many worm o"i nana mw, Stb yr. R. L. Lor. Dearer. Colo. WATCTIES. diamond. May oarraata; dlaaaonda TOBACCO and rfnretto habit poalttety (.ail at room zo, no. ruuru m. FOB BALE HOBflES AND OAkSiASES. ?AJ B'boraem? weight SLOOO pottBda, ar Mind nd good age: aleo pair ox rarm n oreea. weight S.300 pimnda. B-an a year eld; alao two aeta ef bearr team haroeea and new farm wagoa- Call Red Proat StaUvA, Flftoaath at., jaet eff Waahlngton. UTEflTOrK to hear atepoaed of racy nthly whea adeeraaed is Joornai want uotama. Tb rat U XI wrda for U aasta.. Try them. IF yea bar any borer, wagoa. baurale, bar- new or any una. leetDBoa mam ixao.. .mu SS North Fifteenth at. NRARI.T new Bits fttadehaha rahber-tbed borer at a bargain. Call at Petereoa . atable, Bl BUtk at. . RURAL nail wagon for a1! food con dltloa: oeurereei ax raniaaB. vomer e. . e. Greahaai, Or. v FOR aale. rhean.. erar oaare aad Holateln , row. Jordaa, Boath ML Tabor, sear apper reeerroir. CXAZBTOTAkTT AND PAXJOBT. ce&tratar. healer, clairvoyant, teacher of tbe eealt. adrtce gtren; tbe rbeol hi bow fteB te pnplla deatrlag deeeloament and drlee oa dlaembodlmeat at 0ie tntellgence. Inetl tute lAVh Sixth at keadlaaa from t to S, dally. " - MADAMS JOHNaTONCUireoyant, palaatot - ceeu cu nuiiw on i imrtaaf oa in amira i real ur. fOe. -- SB Seventh et.. near Oak. newered for Si eeats. Beaei SI. BXtaj WafalntOB t ABtlB 11 API'S. Goodrich A Goodrich. areultaotB; ta. rteh, eewBBitlng engloeer. ft ASPXLALT PATTES. THE Trinidad Aapbalt Paetag C. ef Perttosd. 0 Office BS Worceeter but. ATTOBJTbTbV ANDREW L CHESEM SB, Sf Waeblngtoa bldg., general law boalnee: pepera draws; title examined. Phone Mala lfeo. SHEPHERD, ANDERB0N k CELLARS, Aitorwra. Blfi-dXHTJI Marouam bids. BAkSDfS AND fBTXATjrB. OBEOON BOUND LUMBER CO.. ISt at Phone Grant 11TL - aoAT BTOJmrs. JOHN B TDK Boats bollt to order asd few aale. Cor. Bast TambiU aad Water ata. cKikOPODT avd EuncvmzB, WM. DETENT and EBTELLB DBTBNT, the only scientific ehlropodUto, frtor room SOS Drew bldg.. IBS Becood eL Pboa Mai 101. Tfcla bj the toag-haired geatla. Bs M th aa yea are too lag nr. OXSABS ABB TOBACOa BSBERG-OUNBT CtOAB DtoMbstote ef , FINS OJOARA. PortMsd. Or age. OAB.FZVTEXS ABD aTDTIJIBBSV A. I. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, carprator god builder; repairing and Jobbing: etor and sffW fixture baUt Shop SOB Oaboxbi. Pboa CUy 1ASL. A. M. DEB. balldlBt and reaaodeUagj etor fix ture a apecUlty. SBS first at. rhoa CUy BS4. S. W. GORDON, coaster. sWIring. booee haltt nd repaired. XOI roarth. Clay IT. ' ODMkTXSSIOB EOT ETERPINO A FAB BELL, prod and eamsate wum BAercbaato. 140 Front St. Portland, Or. Phooe Mai ITS. DAVENPORT BROS., 1B0 Proof St. FroHs, pr duce: eonalgnaaeatB ollclted: prompt retnrna. 0XJTES. STAR REST A UR A NT Home eooklag a ape da It r: meal tJcfcet BS. Tboa. Leach, Broa. Cor. Twelfth and Waahlagtoa. THE OFF1CS. t8 Waahlnetoa at- FheOO S. Mala TT1. Pickett A Ttgneeas. CKWXBT ODsTTBACTOBB BAWKIN8 A CO BeeMetws, SOB Foorth at.. shone Frost ISSt; cement work ef all de Bcrlvttoaai atop work agaMaltyt work gr anteed. CHAS. B. CASTER A CO.. (former lr Carter k Ell); cemeet contractor, ft Taggart Phoaa Eaat lgTS. All work go ra a tee. VBDOatlBT ABB SfJlBSWABB. WHOLESALE rocbery and claaswsr. Prl, Begel A Oa., 100 to I0B Fifth, ear. Star at BlESafBBnfS. LADIES' sad cMMrea'a earmeata, alTk aRirto, walats aad wrapper aaade to rdr. IBs Bleeeath C TeUpboB Mala tiff. BRA. MeKIBREN. arttatl mekia. HI Merrtoo t DOS) ABB BOmSS BOsBSTAZ. DB. B t. CABNBT. D. F. 8.. wtoriaary ear geoa, remored to XW Oltoee St. btt Fearth sad rtrth ebk . . , . GOAL AND W0OB. OKUAT WSSTXBN CO A IT CO., 441 Beft, W. waahed lump veotlea eaL per tea; aat. aA.00; ageat tor Camberlind k -ag. ft tioi CaaO Uato. W 1 wkul-eale ; free deliver;; full wetohau eaUafas- tba guar a teed, pboe Mai B4S. Western feed A ri el co.. i4 North Fifth at, dealers bl dotoeetto Sad Mm coal, blaehaaiitb !, ebarau! and wae Phoo Mala 101 A - , AU1INA FUEL OO.. kllroadwit aadAlhtna are., near (errr: alab and btoek wood, dry sad free. Pboa Eaat Bf. BTEBL BRIDGB WOOD YARD Wood aad eoel. prfio. Xia BoUaday aren. Phoo a 4S. PIONEER FUEL CO., removed from toot Mor rtaoa to foot Uala at. Pboa Mala laS. a B TSLIN. Bret -clam wood and coals fO at Atttlaa see., soar ferry. Dry atobwwod. OREGON FUEL CO.; all hind of oal sad 44 Morriaoa. Phooe Mai SS. BOOTEE A CONWAT. BIB Watag at woed and coaL Pboa Malh 4SBS. DTTINS AND CLZAJTf. 8rorr.OIU to ton Owl Cleaning aod Praatog Company, ateam ale n tug. djelng and re pairing a apeeliilty. 101 Flrat t Boom . PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DTE1N0 Work; practical batter In connection; feather .so aad elnmee cleaned and curled br aa ex pert XI 1 Foorth. Pboa CUy TO. CLOTHES CXBANED AND PREBSED fl per month. Unloa TaOorlog Co.. S4T Waahlag toa at ' B. W. TTTiUfEB, arvfeaelonal drer ad tar. w jerrereoa at. rnone Main aoie. DXO0SATORS, BENBT BBRORR-1SO Flrat at.f waVpa. Ugraloa. tapeetrtoa, apaUoaa Brlmia. tolar- lor deeoratlng. " 1UKOTJIS. MRS. GRANT'S adult and ehlldrea'a elaaaej Academy of Moelc. Morrleoe st. cor. Second "" T XBCTBIOAX WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL- ENGINE BRING Compear. BOS Stork at. Portland: 0. E- for everything Is tha etoetrloat OA. Mala ISSS. aTBBTrVBS FAXTTOBIZS. FURNITURE aaa an facta ring asd special order. L. Baeeaahy'B furniture fartory. STO Froet at OSIBOON FBrattare Manufacturing Comaaay--Mafc1arr f faroltar far th trade, Sad Flrat Bt nVABOLSX. BS.00A CASH will bay an tntereet fcwtadts real eetate. that la bonnd to be a big a'laaer. Call Monday. Daeldaoa, Ward A 0a 400 Chamber ef Commerce. FBATXXNAX, ITJAJf0B. ORDER OP WASHINGTON PWemost fratar sal society f aorthweat; protect tb liv ing. J. C Mltebell, apreme eecretary. SIS and CIS Marqaam bldgM PortUad, Oa, Teie pbooe Mala S4X, ' ' FOEEBT MSBT somiy. FOEXBT BERNBCBIP FOB SALB Ap Keed, aoreetrtrted. recJr fag ImBoedlnto Me: rit price. R. P. a f. hi BUay. 0S Chamber of Ccmi FURS IT MSI BXF ATBIVS). UPBOtJrrBBINn. renalrtas: mattreeeee mad to order. Unci Dick a, BBS Waahlagtoa Bt Pboa Red 11X. ' SROCEXS, WADflAMS A CO.. whola Mil grant, aaan m arch a at. Foorth factarera- and nd Oak at. ALLEN A LEWIS, satomtoaloa aadprodac M- CBBBX. e roni boo m.n ate-. w. BUBDWO0D TLOOBS. HARDWOOD Snora, stolrttr as to dto Cl ana Booonuna rmraew. t Bee Tlmarn. EDWARDS A CO.. SOS Ftsat Bt BVBAV HATE BOLLS. i. J. BORO. auafr. bam a a hatr rolla 4SS B. - Stb. Phode Eaat SX11. Store. BBS Moerleoa at BOTXXS. HOTEL Portland. Aaeertcaa plaai IS. BB per day. BBLTEDERE; Xaropee ptoa; 4th aad Alder Sts. IBSVPJUfOB. ISAAC L WB2TB, Sr J AS. Mel. WOOD. mpleyrV ItoMltty a4 1. dlridaal aeddeat aorety bases ef all ftisd. Phoo 4T., BOB McKay bids. ' B. F. R ARTELS OOMPANT. gr laeoraec. dtt Saerloch bldg. Oregoa Phoaa Clay 6XS .FIRE INSURANCE J. P Keasedy A CX Stl ' BBarbirk bids. Faeoe Mala looe. raov woxrs. FHOENIX IRON WOnKS Bnaioeere, maa rietarera of merlae. mining- leggtaa; aad eaw mlll machlaerr; promnt attentloa to re pah work. Pboa Eaat SB. Hawthorne ar.. A E M. lUafBEB. NORTH PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY Not la th eon bine C a parity ano.ono feet par aar. The largeat atock la the city of dry rootle. Snoring, celling and flnlah Bad all common grade. . Will Sll local order at th tnweat market Brie. Promnt delivery guaranteed Pnr rbaa ii i ahoald see oar atock before placing order. OfScea, Ho. S Worceaur MOCK Pboa Mala SRX. Mill. BWleck are. am rlrer front. Phoaa Mala SU. ktXDZOAL. MRS Tj. A. ELLIS. M. P. Chmnle dlaeaeea erlentlflcallr treated. Office ana saiOMB at xnrsicAL. VIOLIN, String Smith. ndoll. Urlnet and aU String gad wind Instrument. Prof. Edwto A. Mala 4704. SM Twelfth at THB MUSIC SCHOOL OF PORTLAND; llhi treted cataloev free; all separtaMBts. Ad- oreea r. v. nra uvo. LEBBONB. SOc; pUno. organ, guitar, banle, mandolin. vtolU. X41f Ftrat aC, or. Mala. Boom IX MB. AND MRS B. A. WEBBER, banjo, ma ndo- Ua. guitar Inatructlon. Main goea, its w. rare. MVSI0 PS AX ERA FI8HER MUSIC CO., 100 Third at Victor toft Ing macblnea; repairing' Red BdS. BAwBTOO BEALZNS. MRB. IV B. BAET ceafal1y treat an 41a eaaea; method taught. "ew Tboogbt readlns room. Sll Tourney bldg. Mala 417. MAGNETIC beating aad eearp treat meBtj eo fare treatment free, Boom 4S, Xtk Waah- MASSAGE. FRENCB lady glee bath and tnaaaeg treat meat SDH Fifth at. Weet 107k 0TEBAXXA, BOM OF THB BOAD DTERAIA and mochaa- lea' clotblag; snlo mad. Ntadtf Ira. maauractarera. rornana, or. PATNTINA AND 'PAFEB-BABSIVSv sail nmm m nnwin, Bainnag, oecoranng. Saper-haaAins. B09ti Buaeell at. : work ma -hip sad BMtorlal gfloraateed. Fhoa Uatoa esai. . - F. B. STTTTON, patntor asd. pperaegr, IBS Masieoa at.. wei ad of bridge. i PLTTMBXRA 1-ONNERBER0) A RA DEM A CHER, aattarf ptomben, aa roarts t Sots ymomm. Mais Bad iaiaao. Oregoa rheaa Mala SUB. SfOBXT TO LOAB. .FkkD B. WTBUNG, FINANCIAL AOBkf, Uu h. Bt ratlnilHla. I SB hi a poaitloa to make Imniedut toass a improeeo reai estate er par ounaiaaj pjnvt ny amount;, moderate Intel eat- W P Bror loan frOi plaa Snd adraa, money aa Building prugreea. Ostlea la rVf saaat arte? o r. Fa SO H. STRONft. Ft aaertal Agt 10B Seeand at., sear Stark. ii. .! .aim en r aabirtod employ, waa -earner, BBS set SB Bla ktU. Bttkau wrl -o-Remty to . fUSk IdLAkT LOANS Toe eaa borrow meeef from s oa year aalary or toeotn lor t jBS month. Ta w amount from IB ta flOni , lowest rt of Intereat; oo wait oa de ergonanone are arriniy i rvnSdeatUl; pa; toe at aaanended to.pM. BK-irorae. Tb Ctmwaet Loaa Ca- HI 0 Bonlaa bldg. ALARY LOANS Aay MUried perMB fcarins rteady poaitloa with reepotiatble rm cnB otal money oa th eaey c-iymeot pun. wit cpubllrttr or 4lay; all bMn-lreted Teily x nBdeatUL NORTH W EaTS MAS "w. wi aiilBglOB BMg, clty ANR ON mm BAST PAYMENT PtjAN-e n!!!?1 .p"f,l-. Strictly OooMeatla. 0ff1bonr B s. m. to n. fA. BMPLOTICrS LOAN CO., rltoB t4. Rwa Tl, The DekB bUp, ' a W. or. Thbd aad WaBbfogto ate. MONEY TO LOAN bb real eereeaal aad eet- Himi M-intr; special attentloa ta cbbi. toortgagee: antes boajbt. 0. W. Palkrt. tt Commorrlal blk. Pbon Mai ISBS. BIOHLT reapeetabla pi Wtmr ladlea and genta caa' borrow aaoae y ea Atom "ad and jewelry. Collateral Loaa Bank, SBB Wasa Ugtoa at Tetophoa Blaek Tt SEB The Dana-UwreBe Go., real aetata aad D.nrini aaenta; money (0 loaa ea mnnmmtn fecurttt at low rate hi treat S00 to 10.000, iew pirat et MORTOA4B LOANS an tnwoored and farm n lowtwe i bi ui niei i "'" Sll W'oreeet-r bldg. , MO NET ADVANCED Mlarled peooto. te meter. wnnoon omniir cbbt ea i hibiv eat bfwlneea to 4B srtoetp! attlss. Toimaa. XSS Abfagtaa bids. BtoifleT lea ed eo plana, fornttar and thet ,. ehattet eerttl-e: U baetiwee atrtetfy ert ato. NO ETH W BBT LOAN OOw '- Aab-W tea bMf.. rity I AM Brenaeed to bay good not- axeied eat any iiad of real eeteto lr. Oregon or wa Ingtoa. B. B Nobto. Bit Commercial US. CHATTEL ma ta aowaats ranging fromtJS an an.onn; rooming boaeea a eoedarrr. now En Loaa A Treat Ce,. SM AMnewrn MSg. MONET TO LOAM a bnproeed er anlmaved fir W "V" 17- i "UBie m Bib a aai mm- fcln A Co.. BM Alder et LOANS et toweat rate a feral tore, sktaaeff any oMnrtty ante frrbgaaC office. 4IB McKay kids. MONET TO LOAN to. ler ar amatl aaaeont oa rend aaenritTi Vmm rata. WllUam a. Beck. SOT Pa Ulna bldg. MONET TO LOAN Cu-nua caty UodB. BFasd F. SL BUay. BOS Chamber er.oaaa. PATTBT ATTOBSf IS. R. C. WRIGHT, domes Hr nd forelre aatato Inmngemeat ceeee. 004 Dekam Mas. ' fklBTlBEs - BDSHONG A CO-Ftewt end Bfurk ato.. prln. Ing. lithagrarhlraj. blank boek and efflc nnpltea; work done ea ttato: Boat cesaBtot printing efoee to the west. Mai 104. ANDERSON A DTTNIWAT 0OMTANT, arinttna. NtHogTenht'. hbtsk blBSB.' Pboa Mate 1. SOB Alder st - m TLATTVaV. THE OREOON PLATING WORKS, 4S1 Wta tagto at. rhoa BITS. ' FaUaUas. UUbS and la -Q oaring. WBXSS OXlPFTSOa, MAKB MONET I UBB PBBBS CLIPPINOSt king as BUck 11 ad order aoath' wrvto corerlas erery town la aay er an oet atatea; d!lr me gr eerrleel adraae r. porta o ell eeatract work. PortUad edtlas ' iOl Bcaqa- st FATETS, 01XS ABD tXASS. W. a BEACH A CO. PtoBMT Pal at Ce,. etUas . ta beat thing stod la paint and general ball ding aaaUrUle: wladow-glae i a aperfalty. IBS First at Ptora boildlng Butorlaai: wiaoowiaa aa tiamas Main ixa. P. P. FTTLLEB A OO. MaenfactBrora Lead, Phoenix Patgt. Kopallae; a guar rite airea wlth vrary salloa ef aalat' aaefae- BAB MUSS EN A CO. Jobber, peiatB, aU, gtoa mab and do. ISO PI ret at BOTB men.A nrn minina m . and Ifortarop at.. Port I an, or. LARGEST stock ta city: Dtebold work; toakeaia brined. Repair, jail work, ataet ratlins, treat, awat and. good meriting year fatroa, J. B. Daria. SB Third et BVBBIB STAJaTS. P. a STAMP WORKS. S4S Alder sr., phew Mala T10: rabber atampa. aeal, eteoHW, ba gage, trad check; rend far to logo. CHAB. 1. POTTER A CO., rabber Btnaapa, mored to 00 Flrat t., near Stark at BOfFTJka, TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and jobbing. J. Loatt, SIX JefferBoa at ALL kind of roof repaired had palstaeV J. FarreTt. 09 H Flrat Scott SdS. SPkATtNS ABB WEJTXWASNTES, I WANT to Md a year Mlaflnf f Toof. doeka. w arenooae. BToraa, Baiia, biuis, hcwh Wth the Bprar pamp; my own proceaa: many rear of experience Adndaa 6 Eaat Wu. dv- n.iM eqaa W Wr, .agtoa. PRAYINO asd whltowaahlBf, treea. Basts, bars, dock, etc.. MV O. Morgaa A Co. CaQ op Scott XtK w will eall and glee yoa figure ta your work. The torgret Kiaonn arraying whttowafhtof aatftt Mnltaomak eeaaty. ITS Mibraahla St. Portland, or. BrywoASxs abb fixjubes. SHOWCASES ef erery er1prto4 bask, bap and etor gxtwre mad to order. Th Utk . Masafactorlng Co., Portland aad Brattle. Mge5izjamB ST0BAOB ABB TXaBSITB. SAFES. plaaoB snd furniture mored, pecked ready for shlnpins nd Bhlpped; on. work guaranteed! Urge. tory. Brici. rjool warebooe for storage. Ofte 1XB Flrat st C. M. 0LSBN. Pboa Mala B4T. C O. PICK, ofte BB Flrat St., betw Stark j and Oak Bts.; paone bmo: P"""? tare mored and par perked for ahtpptacj rora- Bodloa Bjress wiBBoaaa, end Clay ata. TBA3TSTTB ABB sUSXIMeX OREGON TBANSFFR CO.. t4 North Jxtk. Pbon Mala BS. Baey kaallss and Btorag. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY.! . S00 WBSb tngtoa at Phone Mala BSX. TfPlWRlTBBB, ' '' TOSTI TP ivSLTTK RI ETX) H A RT EBS ( " SBO Stark Street , We rtot teaalr eU. axebange tysmtora, - All ro ppl lee for all machine. . Standard macblnea t and ap to tldS. Iha yc-a want a atcBograpber or trntatl V Bar Met of good applicant. ' - , , j, Fauna Black SSTi, . t UNDERWOOD T1BIBT.B T TIR W "ITTEB, ageacf t BTt Front t.. phooe Red 1BB1. TOW EX SDPPLTt f.., ntt.r -rmh, brh, eo, tl sr Btotith. Lawrea Broa.' Towel Supply Co.. Foorth and 'Couch. Phone S9. WALLFAFXB. BtOBGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 1B4-1BS st. sat, YsBaUl-esd Taytor, PortUad. -'4 truHI Boreaa. tiwn LSMB lleV , ..- . - ; :t.. " '..