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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1904)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAt.' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBft ' 80, lr i. Angels Defeat the Browne Again Perm Lowers the Crimson Colors Football Re sults M, A.T A. . C Seconds Best P. A. Journal's Multnomah Vanquishes the Utah Eleven, Racing Results in the East Bowling Gossip Baseball Season Close Today. COLUMBIA DEFEATS KILL MILITARY ISRAELITE WS SCUTHOLD EVENT ARTILLERYMEN EEST AT WALL SCALES FRISK BATTM AT LIVELY PACE IC3 IC3S CAPTUaE MM CQTEST mwm downs THE UTAB ELEVEN GANS' WEIGHT HAS ALAEED SPORTS n? a oxosnuY fitbb match T FXatU BAT A YAJT- OXVB ooloub TWO FOtTaTBS IBT OSTB Tn FVBFttB ASV ootrrm axajsjiAOsra amBOAOsT TaUUMJal O BT SVAmgtS CStOWD OF FOXJTTe WW QUlOSt is ileus, Jir Jam Buoxnrs) a, ' ' ' ' , 1 WO BBTS IB SSAOB. mom otbx rn w. mm move as as? lag. Page rMMIilUy i i BtaTaT SHOW SUFSBTUBITl IBT ' , A 1 FianhDSDS skaa VAJcsar av mm sitb AJT ts BAFTOT OTsraaUTOZMS) ' 7 JAMAICA TBAOSE BSQvS aBrXBSTOID ooaraaT suwrtf masT jooavai SVBaUIMeVS SCOtrxTT,' sYeUKel AJTB mm a sib bsmissj bubsv&m eso wwans sosns in immrT ssr wruwm .woss o reanias nsuiM uuw usi now tbxox was son ASTaaroxaTS) ra uu ajtb bota Tb ss Foxjnra wcw qu xoa woatBi ? UrOAui' smrn mvoxxMm a faxiv Tm tnMlM Wnrtlaiid 1. r 4 J ones. Spies and Kagar, Butler And ?Kelleckey. . ocar Jobm of Ned Hanlon's Brook lvn inn. mm of the eastern Wn him J. an aforlav ktl Imoorted wis th pennant for Los Angelas, final It won a same for tha Seraphs M had all Ml lUCK ; him. for several nifty catches IB the ' outned and a speedy double play palled v oft by that crack young first banes tin, i Hal Chase, assisted by tha veteran, and of lata, ladles' favorite, Helney Splaa, : brought tha big lNguin out of some light holes. Coming down to tha flna potatg of tha i game Jones should ba ereaiteo wkb i ! ahutmi tar m. naaaad bail bV Bplaa al lowfd tha locale 'only tally, and incidentally Butler mi ant also have f hUnkl Ka Ana-atlc trlba had not hla support atada several stupid plays, aueh I .ihs a Mwir a haaa and mOT- Int listlessly after batted halls, which I niava ara not recorded In tha arror col umn, because, tha rnla book doss not uvwlAa tnr aiuh ftfMI I tn mnclS. . Comlderable excitement waa eauaad at tha ad of tha Angels' half of tha ' atnth, whan several excited spectators. f who had frequently thraataaad ta nob Umntre Brown, got Into aa argument with Catcher Splaa of tho Ioo Angeles dub. during which It waa declared that tfca MtrhM at ruck ' a vounc lad who had bean using Mai -caustic .remark tAam tha clever. Tha fray resulted In Boles belne: - nlered undar arrest by mtifmr rirel. Whan tha awttar i flnallv Blfftad lt.WaB found th: at v tha Angel catcher had epmewnat rudaly f pushed tha Ud off tha fence, and tha l matter waa amicably adjusted, i Aa bafora mentioned dame fortune i trailed entirely w whenever Butler Ith tha Morleytles, and core, either Rosa. Barnard or Cravata would make a aplendld eaten ox a , Brownie' Una drive and put tha loeala out of the running, or again It would ba Tin Flood or Jimmy 1 onsen captur ing a hot around er ana mu unsss acoonln their somewhat wild throws . i.b. . aui Minlaf rlnnia In- i stead of iao to barer sror tha vlaacas of tha local fans. na tha other hand, whoa a Xoo Loo i mmmI Ufa aa tha natha. aoasa ona ba- ' hind Butler would bi undar and tha baU . would rlria. - - Jack Drannaa and Lou ftunkla wars ' H Krlvht nartloular stars OS tha looal flrmmmmt Drennea eapturlnf aareral hard drives In eleven atyla. wblia Bun kla handled nine out af tea ahaaoaa ,ln Sua atyla. . ivu AnariM broke Into tha run of imi In tha flrat innlnv whoa Bernard. - beat out a sharp bit to Dans, wnicn ordinarily should hav haaa an aasy out; Flood sacrificed hint to asoond. Smith hit to Back, who throw him out at first, but Bernard, by a darinv plena of base runnlss, earns all tha way from aeoond and scored on tha play, because Da via waa also slow In throwing to tha plate. Chase want out aa first man in tha asoond. sad Tomato beat out a lt to Spencer. Rose hit safely paat Davis and . 8ps hit to Runkla. who made to throw - to sacond for a douba play, but Spencer ' waa not eoverlna tha has. and before . ha could recover to try for Bplss at first the catcher waa safe. This fooala filled . tha bases, and when Oaear Jonos shoved ' ona past Beck .Toman counted. Bar . rard hit a lone fly to Dretmeo, on which Boas scored. In tha fifth Los Angelas aoored two : mora on a dinky tnflald poka by Jones, a M by pltchor, and arror by Back and Kellackeya muff af Drctmaa'a throw la of Cravath'a fly. Portland's lone tally came ta tha sISth whan Jonas filled tha baaea by welkins. Holland and Runkla and htttlnf Nadean. . and oa a nets art ball by Splaa, HoUaad raaiatared. Two hits and a psaa to Spencer filled tha bases again for tha locals n tha alshta. with only ona oot. when Hal Chase put a crimp In their chances by pulling; off a fast doubla play with Splaa . as an sMs assistant. Artie Ross dlstlnutah4 htmeelf by get tins; four of tha Angels elrht hits. Jake Thlelmaa win opnoas Doe New ton in tha last game of tha aeaoon this afternoon. q -Tha aosr.---J- v-----: i-.zi.. TORTLArTD. - ' aw W W PA. A. IB. Trennan. e. f. ....... ( Holland, r. t I I Madeau, Lt t i ? : : Berk. Sb. til j i Runkla. ss. . Jipencer. Sb. Kel lackey, a. Da via. lb. . Sutler, a. .. ToUla ... SI 1 S IT It J v -', LOS ANOKLEB. AB. R. H. FO. A. B Bernard, a. f. - 4 1 1 S t 'Flood, 2b. B ! tie Hmltn. ID. cravatb. r I. ...... i.. 4 t f I 1 Chase, lb....! j 1 J Toman, ss..... 4 1 1 1 Rosa. I L 4 1 ' Mnloa. C ............. I 1 Jonas, p. ... Totals ... ...... ...U t I 1! II I SCORB BT INNINGS. I " , 1 1 4 i T t . rVrtlind , 1 I I r- t HIta ... ....... 1 1 i f a Los Angolas .....1 j I I I I I 1- ( Hits " 1 i 1 I I 1 t aTHsfART. 1 Stolen Baas Rosa. Bases on balls Off Jonas, 4 (Bps near 3), Holland. Runkle). Struck out By butler. 1 fChaas, Bernard); by Jonaa, 1 (KalUo key). Doubla play Chase Spies and Chasa. Left on basee Portland, Io Anselea, a. Hit by sltrhed ball Flood. NadeauT Passed ballapJea, 1. Tlaae of gSimel:M. t'mpira Brown. (fesraal apMlal rW. 1 Ssh Francisco. OoL Is. Tha betting tonight an tha Brltt-Oaaa fight was 1 ta I la favor of Oana. Harry Corbatt said be believed that these figures wouM not be amatsrlally changed from now antll tha ansa enter tha ring. Afneuuratral M M, A net In of Winchester.- Ind., knew what 10 do In the hour of need. I is wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians mind not help her. He thought of snd tried Dr. King's New Life PMls and she - t relief at anoa and was anally cared. lg Sea Tha Multnomah elutra football team defeated tha game Utah agmrsgattoa vaster day afternoon by tho daclslvo score of SI to . Tha gama was Intsr- stlng from tha kick-off until tha cail of lima and tha apsetatora thoroughly anjoysd tha eontast Tha day waa trifle cloudy from tha rooter's stand point, yet cool enough go aa Dot to da- jrese tha playera From tha poor showing that the Utah team mads against Washington and Corvallls, It was the general opinion that Multnomah would overwhelm tha visitors, but , auch was not the ease. The Utah man played a hard and steady game and mads the club men earn their touchdowns. After the flrat kick-off Multnomah quickly bald their opponents and soon took the ball on a bunt that went out of bounds at tha center of the field. Inside of two and a half minutes the club men rushed the oval down tha Held by giant strides and terrlno Una plunging by Pratt, Stow, Corbatt and Dolph and 4n the twinkling of an eye Harry Corbatt was sent through for the first touchdown. Stow kleked ths goal. On the kick-off Multnomah began a vicious attack aa the Utah Una which the Mormons could not atop. Dolph would chop off fittc, Corbatt would tear through for a flrat down distance and then Pratt, Seeley and Stow would smash around the tackles for big gains. These olars brought the ball to the four-yard, whan Dolph. by a aplendld kick, crashed through center for the sacond touchdown. The goal was kicked.' On the kick-off Multnomah scon red the ball and started down the field at a good clip, but a few stupid plays eauaad the club to lose the ball on down Here Is where 'the Utah men took a aplendld brace and began a systematic sttsck on Multnomah's line. On diagonal plunges snd straight bucking Wapyagard, Jar dine and Egbert advanced tha ball fully 70 yards, coming within II yards of tha local's Una, where the club men held and took the ball. The crowd showed their appreciation for the efforts of the Utah men and cheered them on as they con tinued ta tear up Multnomah's heavy line. It appeared for a while as If tha club's goal was going to be crossed, but aa soon ss Keller, Boas and Seeley put their heada dowa and got busy, the Utah's advance stopped as if it hit a stone wall. From that time on the visitors were vaabm to make their dis tances and the club man shot through. thein at a lively clip. in tha aacond half the offensive and defensive work of Multnomah Improved and In IS minutes three touchdowns Urere made. Sam Stow, Multnomah's nnwarful left tackle, was a terror to the opposing line and'ml&e big gains. On tha other side Mart Pratt waa doing likewise.'- Both men tore great holes In khe opponents' defense and helped their runners along considerably. ATter a eerlea of sucoessful playa fs which Roaa. Blanchard and Dowllng flgured promtnently. Stow, by a magnificent line plunge through Utah's left ' tackle, crossed the goal line, after which he kicked a pretty goal. Tha club men at 111 kept up the rushing work and In a few minutes Horan. aided by perfect Inter ference, was -pushed across tha line by a powerful force that oouldnt do stopped. This goal was kicked. After the next kick-off to Utah Multnomah quickly recovered tha ball by Elan ch ard's good work and In the aacond Ker rigan sprinted II yards for tne nrtn ana last score of the day. The goal, though easy, was missed. The bum ended with tne nail n Mult nomah's possession on her awn 40-yard tine. Although a big aoora waa maqe against Utah, tha visitors mads ths club men work Ilka beavers, -rns oiuo s at tack eras sharp on line bucks, but on end runs the interference waa alow and heavr- Considering that they were nartiallv crlDDled and outclasses, tne visitors put up a stubborn contest. For Multnomah, the entire team played fairly good ball. Multnomah's defence must be etrengthened greatly or else the Ore gon university eleven wlU trounce the dub men properly. . -' The lineup was: : Multnomah. . Utah. Grieve O Peterson See, ,,.. ..R.Q..-. MkrtinacB Ross ..,.lt neison Oault, Kirkley Pratt -.,' ........ uisen Btow ...K.T Maasan Dowllng R.E.H Ksaiets Rlanchard . UK Rooerts Horan ......... .R-H. B ... , Wanysgard Corbatt ....... .1 H.B. ...... . Jardlne Dolph .B Kgbart Referee, Lonargan; umpire swvwmii timekeeper. McAlpln. DIAMOND GUSTEMNGS WBtnfc Vrsrv. wrha baa been signed by1 nmi.r arrived in Portland last evening and will play first base or oatch for the locala this afternoon. Manager Butler Intends to tnaaa an effort to land Danny Shay, the crack In flelder of tha St Louis club, to finish th. auann with Portland. 8haV la now playing In ths California State league. Jack Holland asaea ior ana receiveu Tile release yesterday and will leave for hla home tonight. Holland's leg has been bothering him considerably of lata and he decided to quit the diamond for tha rest of tha season. He will piay this afternoon. ' HeiaaW has made a decided hit among the local feminine fane. They had revenge en the veteran yesterday when ha had the esoort of Officer Circle from the grounds. Dat WiMklman nrnla had the done on the Tigers and after the flrat Inning yesterday he plastered them with largo and generous doaea of whltewaeh. , . art, STTR FOlaIVS OMT. (peetsl Messtcb by Usees Wire b The Jearaal) Baa Francisco, Oct. It. The Uni versity of California foot ball team de feated the eleven from Pomona , col lege by th scant margin of five polnta an the Berkeley campus today. The playere from the cRrua belt were from IP te IS pounds to the man lighter than the men of the atate unlveralty. Pomona waa faster by far than the California a, and their playa were started ao fash that the men af tha Blue and Oold seamed unable te put up a vary strong delensa at any una ........ . .L .. j .," '.:. '' '' (By W. W. Veughtom. .(Special DtapaUfe byLeaavd Hire to 'lbs Jeersslt Baa Franclsoo, Oct- SB. Theps , were pusslsd looks In sporting circles a faw daya ago when It wad learned that Jos Qaos weight had Increased from H4s to 1SSH In a alngle day. . Everybody wanted to know what It meant,' and there ware mysterious whisperings In regard to the Baltimore pugUist's fluctu ations to avoirdupois. It was noticed that there waa no par ticular alarm at Oana headquarters over the matter. True, Mr. Herford appeared ta be annoyed about It, but Trainer Frank McDonald treated It as a humor ous Incident, and concocted a funny story with which ta regale those who wanted to know the lew down.' "If Joe hadn't taken a nap after com ing In off the road Wednesday morning everything would have been all right," said McDonald. "Joe. like all fellowa who in stripped to skin and bona, la bothered with thirst, and moat of his dreams are about running brooks and splashing waterfalls This day he dreamed that he had whipped Brltt and had returned to a farm near Balti more. Between snores he Imagined that after much experimenting be had pro duced a seedless watermelon snd that his fortune was made. .Ha was sampling ona of the luscious fruit or vegetables or whatever they are, la the preaanoe of a committee of experts, when we woke him for lunch. Hla tongue wss sticking to ths roof of his mouth, and what he did to the stewed chicken and Iced tea was a disgrace. Ha put on nearly three pounds, snd that la the atory." Tha real facts, probably, are that Oana went- lower in weight than he intended. during eome unseasonably hot weather we had Intel and hla handlers purpose ly allowed him to indulge hla appetite for sloppy viands so as te prevent him from becoming feverish. The absence of concern shout the matter provea that the maa close to Oana are satisfied he will be at weight when the time comes. That ths betting public is not under the impression that Oana will have trouble over his weight is shown by the pre ponderance of Oana money at this writ ing. According to tha opinloa of the pool sellers, the negro wllf be a favorite at 14 to S on the day of ths contest. If indeed a more liberal price Is not laid against Brltt, " WelgM, The writer had a talk with Oana on the weight subject, and Ocas said that he would aave his forfeit, and be In full possession of hla fighting strength. 'Just tall me how you will regulate your weight from now antll ring timer" I said. Wan. I expect ta be 111 pounds to an ouncs going to bed Sunday night. X will not be an ounce lighter than that at any time between now and Sunday night I always loss a pound during a nlght'a rest that Is, when I am train ing so I will waka up on Mon day morning at 111. Whatever I gain by eating during the day will be coun teracted by the work I will do oa the road Monday, and when I leave my quarters for San Francisco f will seals a half pound or so under 1SS pounds. That means I will weigh la safely at tha ringside." "And be strong?" "Yes. and be strong," said Oana. 1 have proved tn my own satisfaction since X have been In camp that I can fight up to my usual standard at the weight Brltt has asked me to make." Tha pressure of Oana money at this time la the best evidence that Oana wmiM h mm MunhalMln faviwll. te he match were at 114 pounds. The form students are willing to admit that the negro may not bo qulta aa durable and springy at the lis notch aa at the heav ier weight but they appear to think that Oana outclass ea Brltt sufficiently to snabls him to win In any ease. It may be a little risky to hint at the price at which tha men will sell as sometimes when a looal man Is to fight the volume of "sympathy mosey" cute a figure In the hours preceding a match. BHU will surely find favor with the youthful bettors, whose wagers seldom exceed IS. and there la such an army of them here that ft would not sur prise me if the constant dribble of Brltt money wilt sat up tha lump aums which are said te be awaiting Invest ment on Oana If the sporting barbers and aaloon keepers are te ba believed, soma big commissions have been wired from the east to be placed on Oana. One report Is that Bob Deady of Philadelphia haa sent word to- hare f 1,490 bet on Gens at even. If possible. vorlas arsme; axoemd. There -are a dosen similar stories, soms of the Oana monay at a distance being amid to reside In Baltimore, Chi cago and New York. Britt's friends are jubilant over the prospect of good odds. Without laying too muoh stress on tha becking snd filling In connection with the Oana weight they argue that Gens cannot possibly ba at hla very beat at 1SS, while Brltt was never known to be In auch grand, fettle aa he la at present. It must be said that too much cannot be claimed for Brltt In this respect He la aa elastic aa a rub ber ball, and la both good natured and high spirited. s "Battling" Nelson, who fa here to boa "Young Corbet!" visited Brltt a day or two ago and was qulta enthuslsstla over Jimmy's condition. Nelson said he never saw a boxer trained to auch a degree of perfection. . "I hope you lick Oeng and that I lick Corbett" said Nelson. "And what follows T' asked Jimmy, laughing. "Why. you and I will have It out" "I'll go you," said- Jimmy, and they parted on the beet of terms A good many comments are heard about Young Corbett'o accumulation of flesh While away from here. Moot of the local sporting man think he will have a hard job to place himself in fighting trim by November SS, the date of hla contest with Nelson, hut he seems perfectly easy en that score. When It comes to deciding which way the purse money should be divided Nelson wanted SS snd 4 per cent, Corbett asked for TS snd JtS per cent Corbett's figures ware agreed upon. Lornbago r - .. Get tastasa Beflef SrVB CM Painkiller The 'varsity eleven of tha Columbia university yesterday morning defeated tha Hill Military academy eleven on Columbia field by a aoora of s to t. Tne game was fiercely contested but It waa unfortunately replete with wrangling over decisions, rough playing and slug ging on both aides. Columbia's fulbaclk and Hlll'a can tar- ware both ruled off for tha Utter offense, Tha cadets ex pected to play a practice gams of abort halves, for tha team had undergone hard bucking, practice the afternoon before and many of the players were sore and In poor condition ta play. Therefore they were very wroth when Columbia practically forced them ta play a regular game of SS and SS minute halves and they went -Into lt In no gentle mood. During the first half Columbia waa en tirely outplayed. Tha ball waa ecarcely once forced Into tha cadets' territory. but they had loat two good opportualtlea to score when Columbians goal was but a abort distance away. In the second half Columbia took a decided brace and their greatly superior weight and Indi vidual strength began to tail. By a series of exceedingly fast and snappy playa they repeatedly took the ball into Hlll'a territory only to be held for downs snd hsva to da the work aver, again. Toward tha and or the gams Columbia reached Hlll'a 14-yard line. and It required a very close dec Is I en for them ta retain the ball and get first dowa After that with but a minute and a half to play left they forced the ball over the fine tor the only score of tha game. Columbia's offensive gases 1 Improved wonderfully and ths plays ware got under way with great speed and snap. The cadets have greatly Im proved la defence sines last Saturday, but they lose much valuable time and opportunity by wrangling between plays and ragged signals. - McCoy and Hoiman made the best gains for Hill, while Moore, Bingham and Dooley distinguished themselves for Columbia. The coaches acted aa officials Mr. Goodrich for H, M. A, and Mr. Lonar gan for C. V. A The llaeup: ; . - - ' ' H. M. A, V- 4 '- C. U. Taylor .1 e.r.. ...... MeKenna Herbert-Yolgt ...ILf. Mclnerny Fulton J-e-r. ....... Qulnlan French, SHerbert ,o...t Mesny Stack pole T.r. g. ...... Qulnn French, H. (capt) .r. 1 1..... , . Scott Maya ........ ...r.el....4... Mangold Pease , ., .q. .......... Smith French. R ,.', ,..!. h. P. ,....(. Bingham Holmasr 4r...,..,.r.B.l. ........ Moore McCoy ... f... Dooley-Webster LAMOND CAPTURES BOWLING TROPHY ' ' . - W' The prise offered 4y the Portland al leys for tha hlghaat eoore made last week was woa by Harry Lamond with tha princely score of SSS. - Kneyee was second with S4S. 1'hs ten pla bowlers are rouadmg Into fine shape. The first meeting of the winter league will be held this morning, when suitable prises will ba discussed for the teams bavins ike kigheat aver ages 1 The match game of seven pins played Kdax night between tha Pines vs. plea waa won by the latter by SS plna, Tha Pines led by IS pins tn ths first game, but the team work - of the Maples in tha last waa too strong. The score by games follows: MAPLES. BouUngor ST 4S SS 171 Watklns ... SS SS Sfi 111 Oatl lard SI 71 71 202' Closset SS BS 41114 Dale 71 IS. SS SO j Total 7sS7 . FINES. Lamond... TS TS SO Sot Jenkins SS ST 44194- Kneyse . SS SO SI 151 Bourk SS SS BS 171 Rows SS SS SS 17S Total ... ..............SIS The high average was mads by La mond, SS, the highest Individual ecore waa 7S, mads by Oalllard. Tha match game of ten pms played laat Tuesday night between the shoe vs. crockery departmenta of Maler Franks was won by ths later by 11 plna. A return match will be played next Tuesday night, which; premises to be exciting, aa there ta a great deal of rivalry between ths team a. - Tha practice game of a team from Prosperity camp. Woodmen of the World, last Thursday night showed the boys wars gsttlng Into fine shape. Dutch' Grimm, the captain, made some vary bard shots which brought forth, a warm applause from ths spectators. FAOXFI0 OOASrV UAOVa - TaeooM 8111111)14 B0 .nan .sno .624 .13 .44 .SOB Lna Angeles.., Oeklaed Seattle ,. Ken rraertse f. IS Ill 91 Si s 13 14 lsjid 101 41 Partial 4 Si Lest 194194 '40j4les! IS4I3B1 avdwxaae AOTXTB. (Jearssl Specie) Berrto.) BpokeV. Oct IS, Bowling has been lively during the past week and some Important work has bees done. The tournament at the S. A. A. C Is still going on. Dr. Harvey Smith leads tha Individual average men la tha contest for the Bertonneau trophy. T ravers la second on the list and Huber third. Tha Champions still lead la .the race for high team average. A new two-teem tournament win be started at the Km pi re State alleys to morrow night and three flrat place teams will be given prises, c mum " Ueerael gseetal BerrW.) Roeeburg. Or.. Oct SS. Owing to a dlapute here today m tha game between the Bugens high school snd the local high school. Referee Booth swarded the gams ta ths latter, 11 ta S. (Special Despatch by Leases Wire te The Josraal) New York. Oct St. At Jamaica, weather clear track fast . First race. Six furlongs, handicap Monet (Gannon. to I, won; New York second; Ascension third. Tims, 1:11 S-S. Second race, ona mile and TS yard a, selling Lord Badge (Crimmlne), T ta 10. won; Thistle Heather aeoond; Topic third. Time, 1:44. Third race, Cutohogue handicap six furlonae Oamara (Phillips), S to L won; Olorlfler aeoond; Dandelion laira. Time, 1:1L Fourth race, the Bouthoia naeoicep. ona and a alxteeath miiea uraeius (Sperling), 4 to 1. won; Agile second; De Resaks third. Time, 144 1-8. Fifth race, ona and aa eighth, miles, selling oravina (PhUllpa) 1 to S, won; Namtor aacond; Daisy Oreen third. Time, 1:44 S-S. Sixth race, five and a half furlongs, msldena, two-year-old Oxford (Martin), S to I, won; Sup Court second; Courier third. Time, l:ST 4-s. "' At Wovth, '.' Chicago, vOct 14. Weather clear, track fast t Flrat race, one mile, selling Jigger (Truebel) T to I won; Bard of Avon aeo ond: Meeao third. Time, 1:41 S-S. Second race, six furlongs, purse CoL Buppert tTruebel). S to S, won; Pancre atla second; Scotch Irish third. Time, 1:S-S. Third race, one mile, tha tteago rtdgs handicap- Gold Enamel (Domlnick). S to S, won; Monte aeoond; Dr. Leggo third. Time, 1:41 S-S. Fourth race, one and a alxtaenth miles, handicap Rankin (Abusbon). S to S, won; Four Leaf Clover second Ananaia third. Time, 1:47 4-4. Fifth race, six furlongs handicap- Nannie Hodge (Lannon). S to 1, won; Poseur aeoond; Mayor Johnson third. Time, , Sixth race, one and a half mfles Seor tie (Jenkins), T to S, woa; Charlie Millar second; Little Blkln third. Time, St Louis. Oct 1 4. Weather track fast m ' First race, three sixteenths of a mile, selling June Collins (McLaughlin), 4 ts 1. won; Jennie Hughes second; Fieri third. Time. 1:S4H. Second race, eleven sixteenths of a mllb, selling Bleanor Howard (Mc Laughlin), S to 1, won; flu bad or second; Laura Hunter third. Time, 1:99. , .Third race, six furlongs, purse Anad stoo (McLaughlin); 4 to 1, won; The Bya second; Cashier third. Time, 1:14. Fourth race, one and a sixteenth miles, handicap Pretension (McLaughlin), S- to l, won; Footlights Favorite aeoond; Mainspring third. Time, 1:41)4. Fifth race, thirteen sixteenths of a mile, selling Tom Manklna (McMul len), 4 to 1. woa; One Mora aeoond; Sweet Note third. Time, 1:1. Sixth race, one mile and TS Tarda, eell tng Inglothrift (Conway), I to I, woa; Lasso second; Ivernla third. Seventh raoe, one and three sixteenth miles, selling Amberlta (Blake), IS to 1, won; Frank Rlos - second; Bengal third. Joa McOlnnlty. the "Iron Man" of the New York Giants says that be will finish ths season with one of the Coast League clube tn spits of ths mandate of President Brush. i - 55-57 THIRD ' only FIRSTUSS ' "'.sassBw I i'--v i ....... I ) y;;v"-; I - About 1.09S speetatora wttniaail ona af tha orettleet ooateeta that has ever taken place at Vancouver berU a run ma kuutuv point ox view yesterday, when tha four teams for wall scaling wars lined p in front of the IS foot wall on the athletjo field. Each battalion of Infantry furnished a team, and the artillery battalion made up the fourth team. ' The Utile time need by the teams toi getting over tha wall and la lining- up on the other aide IS yards In tha rear of the wall waa almpty astonlahlng: V Lieut Roderick pew. ISth Infantry. had charge of tha taaxs from tho Sd battalion, ISth Infantry, which team was the first to make tne attempt. - The total' time taken by the team In climb ing the wall waa 1 minute SI 14 sec onds. There waa great applause when the time waa announced, for this cer tainly seemed a abort time for SS man to gat over a IS foot wall. Lieut Perrell then formed the Sd bat talion team, and when tha pistol was fired they climbed up the wall like ao many rata It seemed certain that this team woud win the . contest There was great deal af oh earing when the time wag announced 1 minute IS 44 seconda, Lieut C W. Leonorl than tried " to beat this record with his team tram tha let battalion and succeeded In get ting over In 1 minute and IS seconds Ths greatest Interest snd excitement was dispisyed, however, -whop Lieut. Wj K.. Wilson formed the artillery team In front of the wait Ths pistol was fired and the wagon soldiers worked like Hock-work. One after another reached the top of ths wall in rapid euceselon snd dropped on the other side, it was certainly a pretty stkht to see the artillery team work. Every man seemed to know Just exactly what to do all the time and the entire team oT SS men fin ished In SS 4-S seconda. Tha applause when this time was announced was deaf ening. The artillery team waa composed of an equal number of men from the Sth and SSth batteries. The two ser geants of ths winning team were Swlta erlet of the Sth and Coley of the 14th. After the wail scaling each battalion entered a team of eight men a mile relay race. This race was won easily by the Sd battalion. ISth Infantry. In S minutes 41 seconds. The 1st bat talion finished second; ths artillery bat talion third, and the Sd battalion last , Ths scores follow below: tVo.. ISth, SI feet; aeoond, Bert rand. W' Co.. ith, SO.S feat; third, Mendell, SSth battery. 3S.S feet . Three broad jumps First Chatman, A" Co., 19th, SS feet SH Inches; sec ond. Mendell, Slth battery, SS feet S Inchest third. Hatch, "I" Co SS feet S Inches. . . SSS yard run First, Bilks, T Co., ISth; second. Wethers, "A" Co, 19th; time, S:1S 4-S. ' 4WOA4M FATOB BASTS. (Jearaal special Servtoe.) Chlcaeo. Oct St? There as ems to be plenty of Gens followers In Chicago who are enthusiastic enough to bet on his chsnres. Odds of IS to S on Oana are freely offered and considerable money la being ahown in that way but 1t la getting little . response snd few takers. "BDBRY MJiM tS ODD. ;;c ' v v:-:x:::.' A very good looking suit may be sold at a profit . 'V. by nnscrupulous dealers for a very few dollars, and . a few days wear will prove U to be halt' cotton. v YOU DON'T WANT THAT KIND OF CLOTH- a, IN0. WE OFFER YOU THE BEST READY- . u. ' V:. f ifS AetTf VkT TU "5UO rAnf SS e ... siAva wwininu in yoar custom tailor makes for you, only It costs less and fits without a -"TRY-ON.1 Suits, Cravenettes and Toppers Mimosa flilld ; Clothinl Store North of the Oumlwf Commerce v OAK - Joe. Marshall, formerly with Portland, la ami af the top of the Coast League battsrs, although KmU Frisk, . ths hard hitting Seattle outfielder, ts steadily climbing up after his recent stamp, due to aa injured wriat Taooma. the pres ent leaders ta the pennant race, has three man over tha Joe mark la Del mar, Nsrdyke snd Bgaa, fleet tie has seven men batting .S79 or aver and' that club leads ths league la hatting. The averages up to and 't"M1ns On-" tober SS are -aa follows: Pla A. P. IB SL B.JL ManuuUl. PcrUaad TO rrlak, Seattle T01 Delates, Tscoeas IS atofaler. Seattle Tl Nordrke. Tamma 831 is snr 4s - S4 4 SM XSl SSS iea sit tlrebasLO., Oaklsad SOS Kens. TaOMaa 0U9 ' Htldebrand, Sea rraseMS..Atl4 Hrtreedle, Portland Hll Bernard, Las Angelas SSS Delhanty, Beet tie ...TIS goeehen, Terwua T graardr, Oakland ........... .BT BUDkesasin. Seattle .. .489 ,44 - IIS il , T SIS . 4 154 ' S0 1ST " SM SIS T SOS 170 1H SIS SI 1ST SIT It 189 188 1 . si 1SS 181 SM 8H3 Smith, C, Seattle '.-..Tit Vea Bare a. gas Ft aerie as ..,.! (.'Mr. Taeoata 9U W lores. Baa Praartsas H,..TTS t Oorbett San Fraartaes eg a-k, Portland 9TT Mr ay, gas rraarissa ext. Ctaaae. Los angelee 484 . Shields, Portland sad Seattls.iB , Braeaear. Seattle aad L A....T f Nerteao. Port Use ...068 -, Dealer, Oakland TSS Tan HaKara. Seattle 814 SOT '' 971 no S7 93 174 kfoeirlaun. Oakland Se Irwin, gas rrasrteee ess ISO sea Smith. S Los Aea......4 108 Sat Tbleiaeea. rertiaaa ...... ..ars Wllaoa. Seattle and a F 4M Plood. Loa Aasebe Tg Wbeebv, L. A. sad S F SOT TnoBwa, Taenma ....168 Orabaam, C. TaeosM 414 Cravatb, Lna Angeles.. 9U Lysck. Tacoaaa 4M HrLoaehlla. TaenSM 0B8 Drennaa, Pertland 037 Holland. Pwtlaad T8 atahoe.Seattle SO Btoval, Seattle 4 jDsea, 0., Loa Aagelae yranka, Oakleaa ,.T14 Iiwm nahlenS T8I TS fit 11S 1T4 49 48 108 149 sas BW SM S58 SM Sf4 SM ITT ITS ' SSS 157 i 2M 19 S50 1 SM SM SM 1 ITT 948 S49 190 Dunlevy, OahUsA BS8 . 129 4 848 Dojle. Taeuma ( 94A 155 - 940 Barbae. Seattle and 8V f 179 4 840 Rosa. Im Angeles ...S Eacer. hm Ancelea ..IM Oortoa, gaa rraiKWCg ...... .900 Rneneer, PortUnd 24 gtrelh. OekUad 658 Dprereaax, Oakland .OOS Byrnes, Oakland 4u9 Hoe-hea. gas PTanrteee 141 141 & 84 1B1 - 158 98 - SS S39 , su SSI SSI 839 xir sir ts S2S 331 i zn w su Andeeses, Baafraneleee. .... .le . 1ST Spiee. Loa Aafelee r,.w...524 r, 119 steebnan, Portland' .....r,...M 10S Leahy, ft P. and Bettla.'.t . .4M - 99 markelHi, Port U ad 18 V 4 Waalea, fiaa Sraaelaee 148 S4 lit F04vmAxa, mMmuvrm. Fann,- HHsrvsrdV V " ; ' Tale, S4i polumblay 9. ' ' Prlnoetea IS; Cornell, A.,. indUna, 14; Virginia, S. Ilchlgan, . SS; Wisconsin, S, , West Point, It; Will lama, 0, Minnesota, 11; Nebraska, 4, Northwestern, IT; De Pauw, S. . Stanford, SS; Oregon, i. Centralis, SI; Reform, Chemawa, SS; Monmouth f. Monmouth . Normal, ,1S( . IndependV anoa, 9. Columbia, S; Hill Military, 0. - ' M. A. A. C ('varsity), S9; Utah. 9. M. A. A. C (eeeond), S; . Portland academy, 9. Couch District. 19; fit M, A. (Fourth), 19. BUT WB CAN FIT HIM" Clothes Are Clothes of TODAY! xnik wvnjuu. just, iiss : 3 SB I SM SHI Si ST9. 179 ST S7S ST1 3TS