The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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We CSer S
Hki t mm Cv !,
tieeettte "Uju, urVav
r -V' " -
B. A. Barn, tb muslelaa, who hu
long bMi associated with th BlUn
aausto house, has written and dedicated
to th OV A. B. the melodious bit shown
to th sateempaaylng Uluatratlon. Hla
latenUoa la to bay th poats df the
Oread Arair all over th nation adopt
He Receives Information
'j Sotxrces That Conspirators Will Attempt to f.
Assassinate Him While on Raid o-.-' -
Wnm thra different oaroa In aa
many dan Sheriff Word has reoereed
th Information that a conspiracy exists
to aaamaataiate htm oa account of th
vigor and determination h ta showing
to t-jbti pubUo gambling te this
attr. - -
H learned yesterday morning under
etrcumatance wbloh hay caused bin to
gr to matter seiiou oonUratloa that
th Intention of th altos onsplrators
Is to kp a clow watch on his move
.Bnts and shoot him dowa at a tint
wha tho guilty of th rbn will h
hwat likely to b detected.
He Is specifically Informed that th
plan which has found most favor among
tbos who. It Is declared, would not
to short of blood bad t rmv this
.on sraat obstacl to an "opea town.
Is to tab advantage of a raid In th Chl-
nast auart ar In which ha participate and
ta on of th numerous dark and nar
row corridors with which that part of
tb city t honeyeombed, to shoot him
to th back. Ia oas th plan should be
carried out successful ty. It Is believed,
nspliiltii would tail apoa th Chine a.
' hnnl latter containing thinly rUd
threats hay bean received In tb last
tw wks by Sheriff Word. Tstrday
morning a note was sent him by a friend
tn which be was told that a numb of
on Indlreotly interacted In gambling.
whUs eUseusstna; his policy, hsd aartd
that be would not last Ions;.'' He was
Informed by hi correepondent that from
th natur of th eoavaiwstloa, taken In
eonjonotioa with other otraumstanc, h
had best b eonstaatly on his yuard.
It was barely a month as that Sheriff
Word received postal card signed
VSldshammr.u ta wbloh he waa told
to do hi worst, that his fat would be
to "mt Bmll Weber ta th utter."
weoer, about w year aye. was anox
to Seath at th corner of Third and
Alder strMU by Sandy' Olds, who wa
partner ta a sminbUn; boas which th
murdered maa wa cndeavorlnc to hav
th polte fllo, US feu tat a gutter at
tb first shot, when Olds stood over him
and emptied hi revolver Into hla pros
trate form.
Sheriff Word did not nay much atten
tion to th threat, a or did h attach
pedal slrnlficanoe to th rumors afloat
that violence would be dona him. Th
Information which he has reoeWed ta th
tost tare dare, however, la o tangible
and coma from such onrcs that he
has final I r reached th conclusion that
he has something; to fear.
- Hot th sn dtassh -
Tt Is not believed by th sheriff.' from
what be baa been able to warn by quiet
and diligent hmsUgatlon, that th al
leged conspiracy to end his lit originated
with any of th "big guns" In tb gamb
ling realm, though It Is deemed probable
that la common with many others all of
them have heard of It. HI reason for
this opinion I that on of the warning
he received earn directly from a prom
inent gambler, through th medium f a
common friend.
It Is th opinion of Sheriff Word and
tho f his friends with whom be has
discussed th alleged eonplracy that all
local men who conducted gambling
houses prior to his closing th town
ar to thoroughly conversant with con
dition not to prevent the commission
of such a crime, provided they found
fhemsclv Iff a position to do so. Mont
f them ar still hopeful that a condition
f affair will axis before long permitting
gambling houses to reopen.
The Western Importing Co.
-v (Incorporated)
- on October 29th w win
and will be pkesed to have the public cell end
examine oar large stock of . . , .'
t Chinese and Japanese Curios,
Novelties, Silk, Crepe, Satin, Embroidered Lace
; Handkerchiefs and Pongee Silk
, AWe ere Mraotawtwera of
Lad!c$V Cents; and
J Fireworks and Flags I
th toaat and est It at thalr aamblaaaa
hi th aan manner aa tha Elk hav
adopted and as "Auld Lang r
Tt was a llttl mlody that ran
From Three Different
It Is nicely that this belief Is fathered
by th wish, especially oa account f th
golden harvest to sight during th fair
for th srafter If th town m "wide
open." Th assassination of Sheriff Word
would mean aa outburst of publlo Indig
nation which might lead to actios caus
ing th sporting fraternity generally to
suffer unpleasant oneequenoe ta th
extreme. That th leading gamblsrg are
keen enough ef pereepUoa to foresee this
Is generally believed. Asld from this
fact It Is thought that Whatever
may be their shortcoming, few of th
gamblers would ear t enter a conspir
acy to perpetrate old-blooded mur
der. , . , ....
Th real danger, It Is pointed out to
th sheriff, lies In th antipathy ex
isting toward him among the former em
ploye of gambling houses and those em
ployed In saloons formerly drawing A
good revenue from tb gamblers trad.
Many of these man hve criminal rec
ord and noma hav, served Urn for
felonies. They belong to th criminal
class. Their Instincts ar to employ vio-
leno whenever anybody ppoe "ri. V. ih iJrk-n.Tn.
either Individually br as ft alas. ?VLr!L - t5 iJft- S J??
ww, M it tM. kn 'or San Pedro with 00,000 feet.
bouses, aloona run ta connection and
low das rssorts which ar conducted
successfully from a monetary stand
point whan th town was open, ran Into
utm iDuuwnu wnorur s,it.r n
waa closed on gambler estimated It at i
about 11. 000. Many of theee former env
hIa.m .m BMiMiu,. Tha
lam majority of them have gon to
other dues Seattle, Taeoma, Spokane,
Boise, Denver, Bl Paso and. Phoenix.
All ef theee ma look upon Sheriff Word
as tb cause of their being without
work. Legitimate work few ef them
would do provided the opportunity of
fered -
1 got ft tetter ef warning this aiorn-
tng," said Sheriff Word yesterday. "Of
oeurs. I oanaot glv the nam of th
author. Moreowsr. I hav heard from
several eoorce la th last few days that
th threat to kill me hav crystallised
Into a definite onspiraoy. Hot only this.
X think I know few of those oonoerned
la the affair.
"I have lust this to say: The peopl ef
this Community, with th exception ef
the gambler and thr te whom an
open town means financial profit, are
opposed te gambling They registered
their desire at the last election. I took
sn oath to afcrc th taw and I am
going to do It
"No fear ef being killd wfR ecu m
to relax my policy th Slightest The
big gambling house will etay cloved ss
long as 1 am In this of rice. X understand
that th other day a maa offend to bat
another H.0M gambling would be run
ning full blast In Portland by Decern her
L Th nan who refused the bet told m
about It X aald to him To will never
again hav a chance to pick ap 11,000
so easily as that'
"sty delay In tha poet room matter
seed not be taken as an Indication that
X have ccneluded to let the pod rooms
alone, for It Is my belief sow, as It wss
at first, that th city ha a power to
ttoenee men to break a tat law. When
th proper time comes, and tt Is not far
distant tb pool room now running will
be oloeed, a will all other that attempt
to opea.
"And so far as killing me Is cpnoerned,
I may get busy about that Urns myself."
ooan our new store .
Children's Underwear
utAt avcsCc
th rough my head ' so persistently on
day," aatd Mr. Baroa, that 1 wrote It
down, and then wrot words to tt. It Is
a melody that could not be utilised ex
cept as a toast, because It Is so brief,
X gladly dedicate It to tb old army vet
erans, and hop they may deriv com
imr OAmmzmma vaxb atoms
10,000,00 na. ovt ow
taut ttmm : uss vxaj
ivurr tfowTX, air nm w ra
Up to last night It lumber carrier
had el eared at th custom house for
coastwise ports, tb cargo aggregating
10.111. ftOO feat. While the shipment were
a trifle higher last month th showing Is
fsr better than th avrag for th year.
The lumber waa handled by It steamer.
five schooners and one barkantlne. Nine
cargoes went to San Francisco and It
to San Pedro. Given ta detail th ship-
menu ar as follows:
October I, th steamer Aural la cleared
for Ban Francisco with I St. 009 feet.
October 4 tb Steamer I aqua cleared
for San Pedro with feet.
October 7 the steamer Redondo cleared
for San Franelaoo with I7t,00t feet.
October it, th steamer Aberdeen
cleared for Saa Francisco with 100.000
f rt. V
October it, th steamer Pulton cleared
for San Pedro with O0,t0 feet.
October It, the schooner S. T. Alexan
der denied for San Pedre with Ol.OOA
October II, the steamer Adrelta cleared
ior nan raouHo-wiu isw.wv leei.
October it, tho schooner - Taurus
altered for San Pedro with tOt.tOt feet
October 19, the schooner Annie Larson
cleared for Jtaa Pedro with M0
feet .
October It, the steamer Redondo ol eared
for San Pdr with 100,00 feet.
October 11. the steamer Iaoua cleared
for San Pranoioao with (00,000 feet. ,
October Ja, the schooner Mabel Oale
altered for Saa Pedro with 000,000 feet.
October is, th schooner Alloc MoDoa-
ajd olard fos Saa Pedro with S4u.sos
jtzt low ceoro wiu MO,
October ii w u w.,H.
. uct0Dr IM7- too Btsmr W. H. Kruscr
cleared for Saa Fraaclao with 460.000
October tt, th steamer Aurella cleared
for Baa franclso with lt0.0 feet.
Ootobr 1. the steamer Northland
cleared for Saa Pedro with WO.000 feet.
October tt, the steamer Despatch
cleared for Saa Fraaclao with
October tt, th t earner Aberdeen
cleared for Saa Francisco with ,
aUres htea Orttlelss week m
MU maplda.
Steamboat men believe that It Is go
ing to b rather a dlfflout matter U
navigate Tbree-Mll rapid with any
degre ef aafety, even after tb United
States snglneern get through with the
work upon which tney ar now engaged
at that piece. At the head of tb rapids
there la a aharp curve to the river, and
unless a big portion f the promontory
extending cut Into th stream la re
moved steamboat men any that It will
be a very perilous undertaking t go
through those waters with a loaded
craft. -
Tb engineers are planning to remove
about 40 feet of the putnt of rocks which
projects Into the stream. River men
say that at least 1M feet of th projec
tion should be removed, or the work Is
likely to count far naught. Of lat a
number of them hava visited the scene
of operations to lesra how matters ar
progressing, and thy have returned
with rather decided views oa the sub
ject. One of them who did not ear to
b quoted remarked last vnlng:
"Good progress Is being msde by th
engineers, but they should blast away
at least IB feet of the point of rooks
which extends Into the river at the
head of th rapids. Instead of thl they
only Intend to remove only about 40
feet of It Th Idea 1 to lessen the
curv la th river at that particular
locality. It Is th Impression of many
competent observers that thy will have
te take ovt a much larger area before
th desired result ar accomplished.
Ther ar many men employed at that
point, and thy hav mad oonaiderabie
headway. So far" they have oonflned
them salve to th task of drilling hole
Into th solid rock. Shortly blasting
will b begun."
to Sajand
That misfortune never com singly
wa again exemplified yesterday after
noon In th esse of the steamer Charles
R. Spencer coming down from The
Dalles. A hoodoo seemed to be hover
lng over her during th entlr voyage.
Soon after she headed for th Oregon
metropolis a number of ths firebricks
la her furnace got loose through com
oauee and about on third of th struc
ture osms tumbling dowa on the lower
deck Mi a crumbled msae As a eon se
quence a very much larger amount of
fuel oil was consumed than would hsv
been ncssary under ordinary circum
stances. Arriving gt ths Cascade locks tt was
found that ther was scarcely enough
water In ths locks to float a skiff. By
th tlm th volutn got sufficiently
great te float the Spencer almost an
hour hsd passed. By this tlm th
team wa poor on account of th acci
dent to tb furnace, and finally It be
es me necessary to abut dowa oa th
new of oil altogether. Then th steamer
was beaded over to a landing, where ah
took en a few cord of wood with which
to product ateam. There appeared to
be big quantities Of freight await insj
shipment en ths veael at si most every
topping plar. Forty head of eattt
had to be loaded ml a the towns,
mai un xaoaa mvmi
bbwabb to run of
of ronton is
Inasmuch as It deal .with a ostloa
which has been passed oa where th cir
cumstances war slightly different by
th stat supreme court, th opinion of
Presiding Judge George la th circuit
court yesterday relative to the suit of
Orvllle O. Jennings against J. S. Seed
for damages In ths amount of 110,004
for alienating his wife's affections. Is
looked on by attorney as of considerable
It was claimed by Attorney J. C. More
land, representing Seed, that the local
court hav no Jurisdiction, because th
only rvlo. of summons wss made in
Clackamas county. Judge George holds
otherwise. He says th defendant Is a
resident of this county, and th court
her hav Jurisdiction la his opinion,
without regard to the pise f th ser
vice of summons. -"
In a decision of th supreme eoart h
draws attention to th fact that th
names of ths member of a firm were
not specified and that ths fact of a
sheriff asserting la hla return that ha
served the summons on 'a person when ha
claimed to be a member of th firm waa
- "I hav brought this matter up," aald
Judge Qeorge "in view of th fact that
Judge Fraaer 1 to decide th divorce
ult of Orvllle O. Jenings of a deed to
property next Monday. What I say now
must be understood as not binding, be
cause I refer th whole matter to Judge
Fraaer for adjudication on account of
the Intimate relationship between th
"If th plaintiff wlshe to amend th
return of th sheriff of Clackamas coun
ty to show that Seed Is a reel dent of
Multnomah, believing Ut will etrength-
sn his ease, he may do so. I cm unable,
however, to s any material lu win
be affected by any uch amended re
turn. and at Vancouver much valuable tlm
was wasted In getting oa board a long
train of wagon and a bunch of fiery
oayusoa which had been browsing on
ths rang all summer. Th steamea
finally reached Portland at I o'clock,
more than two hours behind her regu
lar schedule tlm.
But Captain Spencer nay thai th
hoodoo will undoubtedly be lifted today
whoa tha striking telophon girls go
oa board.
Harbormaster Ben Big! la says that
everybody and everything along th
rlvsr are op their beat behavior theee
day. H explains that almost a week
has elapsed- without any on entering
a oomplalnt about aa ordinance being
broken, and so far a hi personal In
vestigations have extended there Is
nothing being done with which he can
possibly find fault even by a. liberal
stretch of ths Imagination, The
guardian of the waterfront affirm that
the steamboat are net racing through
ths harbor at a high rats of speed sines
a little story on the subject appealed
In The Journal a few days ago.- Th
deep-water skipper . are more than
pleased with ths situation, and arc now
of th opinion that non of their ves
sels will turn turtle.
Bids war opened yesterday afternoon
in th office of Captain Hellner, Inspec
tor ef the Thirteenth lighthouse dis
trict, for making a few change on th
deck of tb tender Heather. Joseph
Paquet'a bid for ll.ltt was th lowest
received, but the contract will probably
not be awarded for two or three week.
as ths flguies hav to be sent te Wash
ington be for a decision le reached. Th
several propocale submitted wsr aa
follows: Hall Brothers, of Window,
Wash., offered to do the work for
671; ths Willamette Iron Work ef Port
land, for 11.450; Moraa Brother ef Se
attle, for fl.tTt, and Joseph Paquet of
Portland, for tl.Xs. The principal
work to be done to th Heather la to
tneloee th passageway on each aid of
her oabln.
No sooner nad tho steamers BafTey
Gatesrt and Regulator returned from
The Dalle yesterday and discharged
their cargo preparation were mad
for them to make a return trip up tb
river. They left hist night at 11 o'clock
for Lyte, where they will get a band
ef sheep to bring to th Union stock
yards In this eity. There ar t.M
animals la th outfit and to accommo
date them all It Is said that both steam-
ere will be crowded to their 'fall
From Chicago New. .
Old Lady Why do yoa go aresnd
begging instead of working r
Tramp "I'll' tell you troth.
ma'am. X beg, tor git money fer
whisky." ...
Old LadyBut why d yea drink
whlskyr .
Tramp "Bo's tor git ap at ourae
tar go round aa' beg, ma'am."
Fablls wradaaQy Awaken to to
The latest fad m operation has been
the appendloltla fad: before the fad for
rectal operations (pile, etc) held sway.
Hundreds of patients were frightened
and hurried Into hospital, operated upon
and robbed of their last dollar, when th
trouble was a slmpls esse of hemorr
hoids or pile only, easily cured at horn
with a simple remedy oas ting but It
cents a boa.
"I procured en box of Pyramid Pile
Cur of my druggist with th Intention
of buying a larger boa later, but was
happily surprised when I found that
I was cured, and stIU hav six pyramid,
left out cf th first and only box. I
have not had tb least sign of piles since
I need thl on box, which ha bean
bout two months; previous te using
Pyramid Pile Cure I had the worst kind
of bleeding and protruding piles for
over tt years, and no one knows, except
thoe who have had the pile, th pain
sod misery I suffered.
"I am a poor man, but hav often
aid I would give a fortune, If I had
it. te he cured of the pries, and now
I hav been urd for tt eents. I should
be very ungrateful if I did not thank you
and glvs yoa every privilege to us my
name and this letter, when I know ther
are so many who suffer as I old." J. A.
Welsmlller, No. lit Blandeasburg Bead.
Waehlbgton. D. C.
The Pyramid Dntf Go. Marshall,
Mich publish a llttl hnnfe e the causes
and cur of piles, which they will be
glad to mall fre to any snpHmnt. snfl
we advise all mffewa from this painful
disc to writ to them tor tt. - ,
For ft D1iom
On every bottl of LlQkoaone wa of
fer tl.toe lor a disss a germ that It
cannot kill We do this to assure yoa
that Uquoson does kill germ.
And It Is ths only way knows to kill
germ to th body without killing the
tissue, too. Any drug that kill germ
Is a polaoa, and U cannot be taken In
ternally. Medlcin Is almost helplea
In any germ disease. It this fact
which glv lAquosoa Its worth to
humsnltyi worth so great that after
tenting' the product for two year,
through physic tans and hospitals, we
paid llfrt.ect for th American righto.
And we have spent over ti.sOe.too, la
one year, to bay th first bottle and glv
It free to each awk on wh would try tt-
Acts Like Oxygen.
Llquosoa la net mads by compound
ing drug, nor Is there any alcohol la It
Its virtues are derived otely from gas
4argly oxygea gaa by a prooas re
quiring Immense apparatus and it days'
time. This prooeas ha, for more than
M yaara, been the coastaat subject ef
clentlflo and chemical research.
Tha result is llauid that does what
oxygen, does. It Is a nerv food and
blood food th most helpful thing ta
th world to you. It effects ar a
hilar allng, vitalising, purifying; Yet It
1 aa absolutely eertala germicide. The
reason Is that germs ar vgetaiMs; and
Llquosone like aa aetx of oxygea
la oeadly to vegetal matter. '
St DavMs-fl)st Twelfth and , Bel
mont streets. Rev. George B. Van
Water, D. D.. rector; 11 a. m. and T:t0
p. m.; th morning service will be a
rally day service for th Sunday chol
to which th friends ef the Sunday
school aa wall a tb public generally
ar Invited. Special pauale has been
prepared for th oessloa. The rector.
Rev. George B. Van Waters, who has
been attending the general convention
In Boston, will make a short addles to
th children. Frederick W. Good rkth
has arranged the following musical
MorningOrgan prelude, "Andante hi
O," A. Smart; T Dunn la D, Dr.
Woodward; Jubilate la D, J. H. West;
Offertory. "Lay Not Up," Field: Fort
ius, "March Trtomphat, Leramena
KtvMitne Oratmn . nrelude. "Chanson
Veto, Lemare; Magnificat In F, Nunc
Dlmlttw In F. A, Brewer; oncrtory,
"Adasio." Beethoven; Fostluds, "Grand
Choeur," Oullmaa.
St John Memorlal-Usellweoa. Hev.
W. B. Powell .la charge. Sunday school
11 a. at.; evening service ana ermon,
Chapel of ' ths TTcaeflguratlon Sixth
street near OaU Rev. W. R, Powell,
Chaplain; servloe and eermoa, 11 a. -ex.;
Sunday achool, t:t a. m.
Trinity Chapel Nineteenth street, near
Washington. Rev. -Dr. A. A. Morrison,
rector. Rev. H. D. Chamber In charge.
Holy communion t a. m.; morning prayer
and sermon. 11 a. m.; evening prayer,
7:N; Sunday achool, t: a. m. Tueeday
next being All Saint day. tb holy eom
(tiintinn will a celebrated at 10 a. m.;
Dr. Morrwaa wiU offlctoto Sunday. No
vember t. -
Oaa atMnherd Selrweod and Van-
eoavcr. Rev. John Dawson, rectort Sun
day achool, It a. sc.; morning prayer ana
sermon, 11 . St.; venlng prayer aad
ssnaon, 7:t a. to. '
..j,, Ssaeaaaa SaSBBBBBV' j.
HMnU Eieat Tavlor and Fast
Thirty-fourth otiet. Rev. J. J. Staub.
pastor; 11 a, m., "unnsttan uiusensnip,'
T:tt p. sn., in Charge rne men ieaue;
mh "Luther and the Reformation,"
with special music by mala chorus; a
male trio will render Luther's great ref
ormation hymn. "A Mighty Fort res Is
st rA t SmuIb atnhnoL IS o'clock: S.
C. Pier, mperlntendent; Christian Sn-
deavor meeting. : p. as. aw ; mm
Khigery, leader.
First-Park and Madhwm atreeta Rev.
t. WflMMaL TV n.. naator. 10 :W a. m..
eermoa by th SMtstsat'pastor, "A Star
of Promise T:e p. m.t aaenceieeonn
song aervloa sivea by th choir: II It o,
m., Sunday achool. Rev. H- A. Start, au
perlntendcnt: t:t n, m., T. P. S. C.
Ur imm Rloch-Bauer. Mrs. W. A.
T. Bushong, W. H. Beyer, W. A. Mont
gomery; Prof. W. H. Boyer, choir di
rector; Mis lexmora naner, organist,
wiutaaiinni MIseiaslDDl. avenue and
Fremont, Rev. C. M. imythe, peetor; U
m., sermon py m. aa-.wr
nt uitlrwt ronareeTatlonal church: T:tt
nnr Homes:" Sunday chnoL It
a. : Christian Endeavor, tto p. m.
Pilgrim Chapel-Seoond street, near
Lincoln. Rev. H. A. Start pastor; Sun-
dav achool. t:M A SCI W. D. Soott, u-
Highland-Corner FrMoott and Bast
Sixth street North. Blot school 10 a.
m.; I H. Morgan, superintendent; 11 a.
m.. sermon by Rev. C. M. Smyth; Junior
Bndeavor, I p. a, Agnes Clark, leader;
Senior Endeavor. 1:10 p. m.; "How Giv
ing Reacts Upon Me;" T;I0 p. to, "A
Dlvia Helper la Frayr.M
Th Whit Temple Twelfth and Tay
lor street. Rev. J. Whltcomb B rougher,
D. T., pastor. "On A coord" prayer
roeetins. 10:11 a. m.: io:to a. at, "How
to Save Portland;" Blbl eehool. 11:10 p.
m. Toung People's servio, leader, Mr.
and Mra. John wlee. : a- nvi popular
evangel urtlo ervlce, f:tt p. m. Dr.
Brougher has interviewed th managers
of the several department stores, relative
t th salaries paid and th requirement
mad of th clerks under them, and will
speak of this tn his sermon, subject
"Toung Men and Women In Business."
Hs will also give a prelude to the eermoa
on the "Telephone Girl" problem. Thl
ermon Is the first of a iia oa "Bvery
day Talks to Everyday People." Special
music by th Tempi quartet and chorus.
Central Church Woodmen of the
World bunding, nest Sixth and Bast
Alder streets, William K. Randall min
ister. It: s. at., "Traveling Un surveyed
Roads; Problems Thrust Upon Hu
manity;" Bible school It m.; Illustrated
servio, T:t0 p. m., Prof. W. F. Wersch
kul, director of musts; Miss Rath Sb
grea, organist
' 'at ' ktSY lOSIff,
Tlor Street Dr. P. Burgett Short
Classes 't:0. "Learned. Tet Ignorant"
Sunday school 12:la Bpworth Lagu
Snuday school it:i, Rpwoht League
t:lO; T:t0. "Liks Burets Like." .
Grac Twelfth nd Taylor street.
Gilbert, Ward Denlston, acting pastor.
10 class meeting; 10 , "Ths Modern
Sollder: li lt. Sunday achool; t:t0,
Bpworth League devotional meeting;
7 :10. aa Dpworth League dally aervloe.
Special musical selection will h ren
dered under th direction 'f Frofrssor
Wilder. Mr. H. F. Johnson, district
arwldABt of ta Bpworth) I wlllj
Germ Tht Llquotont Can't Kill
- IAquoaon goe into thaNitomach. Into
th bewele and Into .th Mood, ta go
wherever th blood goes. Ho germ can
soap ft and non can leaist It Ths
result ar 'Inevitable for a germ dl
eaa mast nd when th germs are
killed. Then IAquoaon , acting aa a
wondexfal tonic, quickly rccrtojp a con
dition of perfect health. Diseases which
have resisted medlcin for year yield
at one to IAqnoaene, and tt our dis
ease which eaedlcine never cure. Half
th people yen meet ' wherever oa are
-oaa tall yoa ef eureg thai were mad
by It- ;. t .
, Germ Diseases
Th ar th know germ dlsease.
All tuat maoism can do for these
trouble I t help natur overcome the
germ, and snob result are indirect and
uncertain, , IAquoaon attacks ths germs,
whmevte they ex. And when th
germ whm eaua a disease arc de
stroyed, tb disease most end. and for
ever.' That ta Inevitable, - ..
Kidney Diseases
LUm TroaMaS
Malarhv eivarslfls
ali.Br Beut Troublss
Pllra Pneumonia ,
Plearlsy Qui oar
BVrofnla arpaUIS -Sfcla
StoancB TrovMes
Tercet Treabh
Brunch It la
DI004 poison '
BrbjhtV Disease .
Bowel Troubles '
Oouihs Colas , , '-i '
Couaomptloa ' ;, ' '-
Oollc Croaa
OoiMtlpatloa ' ' ' '
Oetmrrh Cseew
P) Mntery IMarrbm
Dendrsff Osopar ,
make a short address, and th pastor
will speak to young peopl oa th sub
ject, "My Bpworth lan."
North Portland Artisans hall, HI
Savior, Henry T. Atkinson, pastor. Sun
day school It . m.; 11 . m on' "The
Significance of Trifle" Kpworth Lsagu
:10 p. ta.; T:lt p. ta.. "Blind People."
Central Russell and Kerby streets.
Alblna, F. L. Toung, pastor. lt:tt and
T:tt p. m. Sunday school It bl Bp
worth Leagu t:t0. Mr. K. B. Roch
weU WIU apeak on the leagu. .
Our Saviour, Norwegloa Synod church
East Tenth and Grant street O. Ha-
goee pastor. Bvenlng services at T:t
p. m.; no servloe to th forenoon; Sunday
school at Thursday th ladle' eld
meets at Mrs. A. Gerde, Bast Tenth, aear
Beacon. ,
Norweglsa if North Fourteenth
street Rev. J. M. Nervlg pastor. 11 a.
m. and t p. at. Rev. J. H. Meyer from
Chicago, HI., will conduct both services ;
Sunday achool, 1:41 a. m.; Toung Peo
ples' society Tuesday evening; Ladle
Aid society will meet Wednesday after
noon with Mra Thora Tonseth. Hunter
Station, Mount Tabor.
St Jams English J. A. Lees, pastor.
Reformatio asrvlc at 11 o'clock by
Sunday school; Luther leagu devotional
aervloe at t:4l p. m led by Km met
Painter;- ETventnf service at T:4S. Pas
tor's Aid society will most at tt Mill
street Thursday afternoon,' November t-
St Paul'sBlast Twelfth and Clinton
streets A, K reuse, pastor. Festival of
reformation; morning festival service.
10:10; confessional serrlo and holy
oommunlon, T:tt p. m.
Calvary-Wteventh and Clay street,
Rev. W. S. Gilbert, peat a. 10:tt . m
"After All It Is a Matter of the Toung
Man;" T:tt. "Monthly Praia Service."
Choir. Ml Lin Line ban. opraoo; Miss
Virginia Spencer, altoi Mr. Jones, tenor;
Mr. Street baritone; Mtos Margaret
Lamberaon, organist
Piedmont Chapel- Cleveland avenue
and Jarrett street Rer. L. Myron
Boomer, pastor. 11 a. ss. and f:lt p. m.
Sababth school at It a. at Chan. Voepu.
superintendent Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening, at 7:tt o'clock.
Arbor Lodge Chapel Ssrmea by Rev.
L. H. Boceer at ,4 p. a. Sabbath sehcol
at I p. m.
First Rer. Edgar P. BIU, paster. At
lt:tt a. at and T:tt p. be.
First Church of Christ Scientist Seot
tleh Rite cathedral, Merrlsea- and
Lownsdnle streets, servioe 11 a. at and
t a, m., "Adam and Fallen Man;" Sun
day school at close ef morning aarrlo.
Wednesday evening meeting I p. a
Second Church ef Christ Scientist
Auditorium building. Third between Tay
lor and and Salnoa street. 11 a. mv
snd t p. m.; 'Adam and Fallen Man;'
Sunday eoaool 11 a. at, la th reading
United Evangelical. St John. M. at
McVlcker. pastor. Preaching next Sun
day, 11 a a aad 1:lt p. as.; Sunday
chocL It l ai Jr. X. L Q Bi, 1:10 a.
m.; Sr. aad Jr. K L C B.' will hold a
union servle at T:lt p. m.
United Evangelic Kerby and Fargo
streets. Rev. J. Bowereox. pastor. 11
a. m. aad 7:10 p, m.. Ths Subject and
Purposs of Paul's Preaching;" Sunday
school at It a. nu. RP L, C. R.. 1:41 p. at
" OsTJalamaVB?.
First Park and Columbia atreeta B.
0. Muckley, pastor. lt:lt a, m., "Report
of National ConvenUon at St. Lou la;"
7:41 p. m "A Maa Wh Wanted to-
You don't hear much about sympathy In dentittxy. . Do yonf
People usually speak of dentists M-cruel snd csllouBsd to ths
pain they bifllct That if because our irtrthods hare not been
tried. We are so- confident that we can operate successfully
without pein in any instance or under any conditions that
'we ask for a close investigation of our methods, , As to th
, ' durability of our worlc, wa inrite inveetigation. also.
DK B. L Wright's Dental Offices
' 9i2)i Washington Street, Corner aerentK ,
Omc Hour 4 a. ml te t p. to Sundays, t a. at ta $ p. at ,
sataFie. - V FHONB
Ok ' ; hoT. Mease. )
1 ih. ,e "'V1- eoeteflou. diaeaeM
rta aiVtETfl-MiSL ,,"lpw Voiw blond.
5Qc. Bottle Free.
If you need XAquosen. aad hav
nvr tried tt, please send aa tola ou
poa. W wiU ther. snail yoa aa order
oa a too! druggist for a full-sis bottl,
and w wiU pay th druggist ourselves
tor tt Thl ta ar free -gift, mad to
oonrinc you; to show yoa what Julquo
aoa to, tw wat It aa do. la )utio
to youieelf, please, acoept It today, for
It ptaoea yea under no obligation what
ever. , ., .
IAquoaon cost lc gad 1. f T
. f set eieear nla. mi
was we stann as, nail It te UeaM
Oame 0e SSAeM Waaeto ava!, ff?
try dhess la r.....vJ...............
I save sever trtMUeenosa, set M yne
wjh saeair ae Me tottl ftee I wiU
'v., -....;.......;;..:.....z:,....
ft Slve fall ddries'. wilts euilaly.
mae wiU be gUdly auppUed fsr a test
Obey la His Own Way;" Blbl school at
lt:lt p. ul: C. U. at t:tt p. nx
Rodney Avenue Aibyn Bsson, attnl.
tor. 11 a. ml and T:10 p. m. C. A. Dot
on; Sunday school at t:4l; T.P.tCI,
at p. m.
Central Bast Twentieth nd Salmon
streeta. Rev. J. F. Ohormley pastor.
It:t0 a. av, "Blhsssar or th Fall of
a Nation r T:tt p. m., "Th Rise of a
Nation;" Sunday school 11 m.; T. P. S.
a B tut p. m.; Junior a B., ttSt p. at
i Letter-Day Saints Service very
Sunday, Allsky building, hall 40, cor
ner Third and Morrison; 11:10 a. av aad
7:tt p. av- AU Invited.
T. M. C A. Assoctattoa auditorium, ;
Fourth and Yamhill. Men' meeting
Rader on "The Man Who Wlaa" Music
by Feret Methodist quartet Mtsa Hslea
Barstow, soprano; Miss Imogens Hard .
lng, alto; J, Ross Fargo, tenor; Dr. W.
A. Cunning, base. '
Millennial Dawn Ninth and Bast
Grant strts; 1 p. at subject "Tha Mew '
Divin Truth scisntiste in Bivnth
street T. M. Mtnard. pestor; U a. av,
"Th Light of th World-"
anc"c D. Sewtslla, superintendent,
German Reformed' 'church. Tenth and
THa I'hrlal la T anil U alMMM alH.
Stark streets; service I p. at,; Friday
venlng t:tO. f-
People's Christian Temperance Vnkm
Free religious society of student In
th art of living; Unity ball, ltl Second
street; 11 a. m.. Individual Interpreta- '
tlon: sddreaa bv F. B. Coulten -sradest .
and teacher. "Th Jacob Period, or th
World of Affairs"; ll:lt p. m- class In
mental and spiritual philosophy: 7:41
p. m Instrumental concert by Union ,
umnnirs, m . mt. aic,uray, Director, iui
lowed by Mr. Coulter' lecture en "A
Critique of Natural Scieno, or th Con- -.
filet Between Law and Intelligence.' ,
Aret cf a series upon cause of natural .-
me r ir sjpirnani nwmy -inii in
hell, Ablngton bu Wing. Third Street
lt:tt p. nv children's progressive ly
esum; 7:4t p. m, Mr. Mlruv Hanley of
Grand Rapid, Mich., wilt lecture on ,
"Spiritualism,1 followed with testa by
Rv. O. C Lev. '
Beree Mission 4eeond and Jefferson
streets. Rev. J. H. Allen, pastor lt:0' .
a. ta.. 'Tha Bnlrit of Truth and the Sntrlt
at ainvr , f .a v , wm.f r-"B n
Buth will preach.
Evangelical Assooiatten F1rt Bnx
lish church. Bast Sixth and Market
street. Rev. G. W. Plumer. pastor 11 ,
a. bv- "The Revival Needed: t a tn..
Th Idler"; It a. bl, Sunday school; t
p. av. Junior alliance; 7 p. at, Toung
Poeptes alliance.
First Unveraallat Bast eeuffi and
Vast Blghth: 11 a rm. subject "A
Strang tory".r lt:lt p. m Sunday
Church In Eton, Rev. John Alexander
Dowle, general overseer; Allsky hall. No.
101, second floor, Third and Morrison
streets, Rev. Charles A. Hoy, elder In ,
oharae; I p. ut- Junior meeting: I p. m.,
"Jen th Healer, or Divtn Healing a
Present Day Reality."
Th Church f Spirit Communion
Wllamette hall, 1704 Seooad street;
l :e c. nm., ieoiure amei ev"
by tn". waeeier.
Society of Friends (Oakers'J Thirty- '
fifth and Bart Main streets, Sunnyslrte;
10 a. m., Sababth school; 11 a. av and
7:10 p. av. ser vises: t:l p. m., cnrtstiaa
Endeavor. Edward D. Smith, pastor.
- II,-. S
i i a.. v. j, a . a -'(.-
ine rresiaeouai tonicsi. , .
ther Is still a short tlmo left to send
In estimates. Five thousand prise vsl- '
close on November t and yea may be a
winner. Bend la your estimates. On
guess tor every U eents remitted for .
rubecrtption tc The Journal.
MAIN 111. Fee BeS a