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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1904)
- - - THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER S0 ' ' snmaaaanwanWm j FORMER PORTLAND GIRL IS MARRIED IN SEATTLE "TTJT1 ff11-1111"111!13 f Tov.71 tc?;cs K jpmv- i;:; Special Sale of Ranges tonyi uromum STvST? . I "f ,', .if 1 " V' ' . "' Owing'to fact w hart two carloadk CohmMe ' Cor dray's star , UkW ... E1S t. Arc ad ' ' i i II 7 W Jk I I : I I . ' : . . X . 1 1' ' -' So popular to muwl training becoming ttuU the different eluwt In Uw Stephens center have beooana badly crowded d urine the peat week. The boys am taking up lh work wltb nuoh anttaualaam. Tbay war acratmbljr aurprlaad wban UMlr ln atruotora put than to work on tha draw tag board and handling tha T aquara, fn ataad of batng put to work with tha ham mar and nalla tha Drat day. Tba port able to ba jiatd aa workanopa hava beaa moved to tha Harrlaon. Thompaon and Holladajr aoboola during tba paat waek. laatartala wltb which to furniab tham hava not arrtvad. but thar ara as paotad abort y. An andaaror will ba nwda to hava thtra raady to a tart alana In thaaa oantara by tha flrat af Mxt waak. -jTh workahop (or tha Couch achool wlU ba aacurad this waak. At a moating of. tha dlraeton rA atoekhoMara of tha Northwaat Slaetrlo KnalnaaiiiuT aomnanv. tha Intdraata of C "Cannon war purchaaed by tha olbar atookhoMara of tha firm. Tha principal changa. aalda. from tha rati ring of Mr. .Cannon, was tha Incoming of Henry C 'Be bad, who for aavaral yaara haa bald tha position aa purohaalng agant af tha Portland - Oanerar Elactrto oompany. Mr. Be had antera tha Northwaat Klaetrto Snginaarlng oompany aa a - atockhoidar and ganaraJ managar. Tha other naw of Ocara of tha oompany ara: Dr. D. A. Falna of Xugana, praatdaat; Oaoru w Mandaakar. vloa-praaldent; L. O. 1-ulln. aaeratary and traaaurar; W. O. Rowan aupcrintandent. Tha Bailay Oataart'a tha boat you want to taka If you'ra going to Tha Dallaa or any way point. This handsome craft la - tha stanchaat, moat rellabla and moat comfortable plying bafwsaa Portland and Tba Dsllaa; undcntablr tha boat for a comfortable and safe Journey. Ask any. of your f rlanda who hav takes tha trip on tha Oatsert and they'll tall you what delightful one It was. Btaamsr leaves Alder-atreet' wharf it T t. 1a every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. ataamer Ragulatar, another swift boat, ' leave same hour on alternating days. -. Taka either boat wltb asauranos of a safe, apeady, sKmfoa-table trip., phona .Malni.. They aaoaped from tha JaJI at Chamawa Indian school, but Al Boott sad Jin Me Oaa hardly had time to look around and alas up tha situation ta Portland last night, whan thay were taken Into cus tody at tha Union depot by Policeman Barter. Both beat their way from tha school --by freight train, J saving there early yeatarday morning. Wham taken to 'tha central sUtlon. they baggad Acting Captain Hogaboom to give them soma thing to sat, aa thay had not tasted any thing since leaving tba school. Thay ara minors, Thay will ba returned. ' Three months aa tha wife of s saar- -oula la auffldent for Anna Hammal and she hasaakad tha oourt to grant bar a di vorce, on tha grounda of non support. alleging that during the period of her . married, yfa tha marquis had donstod .tha sum of 1C to tha maintenance of . tha household and that ha has continuous ly urged bar to use unlawful means to get money. Tha defendant is named la tha oomplaint which was filed yeaterday ' afternoon as Marquis D. Lafayatt Ham- 4 .jnal.,,,.. .:-; , .... ,. -r. .1 ' Ifawmaii TJehtman brought suit m tha .' circuit oourt yesterday to raoorar US bsJea of hops from W. C. Millar and dam " ages for wrongful posse km tn tha amount of 94,0oa. In aaae tba bops oan not ba delivered to blm ba asks for their ' value, which ha places at $I.M, John iMannlng appears aa bla attorney. It hi . alleged that Millar unlawfully took poa sasslon of tha bops October It. Demands slaos made for them. It Is ass art id. hava bsaa Ignored, , . Nomab Circle Na Is, Woman of Wood . craft, entertained Sola circle of Oregon City and Mount Scott circle Wednesday evening. There ware visitors from every circle In the city. The occasion of the gathering was the exam pi moat km of the work as fberformed by tha Nomab ,'Ouarde, said to be tha beat in tha city. After the earamonlea 0 enjoyed the , banquet that was sewed. ' A fortland printer acquired tha sav ings bank "habit" and now owns his ; own newspaper la Idaho and la fclsan lng up" se par week, gome young man make the saloon their banker and don't own newspapers. Money left with ' us earns mora money for Ha owner. It doesn't sleep. It doesn't waste away. Oregon Savings bank. Sixth sad Morrt son. " Testerday afternoon Informations against the following poker players were filed: Peter St Maria and A. Shapiro as proprietors and deal era, and tha follow ing as players: George Waller, C Berg, Pater Horn, Fred Slgler. George Fuller, a Hulbert, J. Yokel, Ben Woods, Paul teles, T, Uarrts. I. Sneord and H. Ota. I Two aaw nose wagons ordered from ' ing A Mulr several months ago by the V citv exeoutlve board for the fire depart ment are now finished and are waiting Et II II THE STEAMER tiT A TVT A TVT A THE FASTEST RIVER STEAMBOAT IN ALASKA, THE LIGHTEST DRAUGHT BOAT OF HER SIZE IN THE WORLD. CAPT. JAMES T. GRAY DESIGNED THE : : HULL AND SUPERINTENDED ITS, CONSTRUCTION. WE DESIGNED AND BUILT THE MACHINERY WHICH - KEPT HER LIGHT AND MADE HER GO. ' , v y r,- . ' ' ' Aa7ne and Steamboat -Machinery installations 13 OINH CP OUR SPECIALTIES r MT M H 1G ! ; Rival W a Ranges & Iff. - rRUll SUMMATION, f : I " . . 1 V , " - ' "T . -" . - 1 fj III m " T " I ' J mm ' MR. AND- MRS.' J. MICHAKLS. WHO ; WBRB MARRIED IN SJBATTIB LAST WSDK MR. MICHAELS FOR--MBRLT L1VBD IN PORTLAND. aeoaptanos. Thay wtB bo era mined with in a few days, altar- which they will be accepted by tba board. They will ba put in coeamiaaiow a vna m T . The offlelal haJioto for the eleetton to ba bald November t hava bean prepared under the direction of County Clerk Fields. Twenty presidential electors ara on the ballot, four each for the Repub lican, DeraocraUc Prohibition, Socialist and People'e parties. ClaJlots ara to be marked by' a cross Between the number and the name of the candidate. The vote for or against prohibition tn tba county and tha subdivision consisting of ninots numbered a to 74, inclusive, will be' registered at tha bottom of the ballot. I will emava any ease) of freckles, however severe, for ail ladles who oaJl within the next days, at tha trifling expense of? II. There are many faces otherwise beautiful which have been made repulsive beoauas of these hateful IdlsAguremenla. Many women are not aware ina ineir yuwiiuut wir restored. Madame Asm Holmea-Rlb-beeks, 14 Morrison. The funeral of John J. MoSweyu. who haneed himaelf In his sell at the oousty Jail reoanUy, took plaae yeaterday after noon at I . 'clock. Bervloee were . held at Flnleyg chapel and burtsl was In Lone Fir cemetery- Relative of tha suicide live to .Boston, and none were present. r- - Theodore Hardee writes from St. Louis to tha Lewis and Clark fair promoters that Ceylon and India will very likely erect a tea, pavilion, jointly, on tne grounda. It will be constructed after ntlv. architecture and tea as a Quid and la packages will be gold therein, . On Wednesday evening. November l l public reception will be held at III Eleventh street, corns of Montgomery street under the ausploee of tha Ladles at Divine Truth Center. All members and friends of the oorigraejdiosaj oor- d tally invites to aliens, , Jamb Trust and ' Mauds Sunderhauaa war man id al tha Hotel Lents Tuesday evening last at 1 10, In the presence of a few Intlmata friends and relatives, jar. Trust Is tha proprietor of the hotel and the oouple will Dp at noma to msnos Autumn .Leaf circle, C, F. of A-, will celebrate Its flrat anniversary Halloween with entertainment and dance at For esters' haiL Free character reading by Wanda, the palmist Admission lla Rafrashments free. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jwsobs. II North Sixteenth street, returned Friday from an extended trip through the east, during which time they visited Uw St. Louia fair and Yellowstone park. ( Artvernor- rttembartein left for Call- rrai last evenlna to nartlclDSta In the campaign tn that state. He will apeak la San Franolsoo atooaey evening. , Ws-Hoo Tonkc The grant blood puri fier, nerve tonic and liver regulator. Just what you need these days. Far aaJe by ail druggists. Launches start ferrying from ' Bast Morrison to Stark, street Monday morn ing. Fare I ante. hma ' itmM ner ojosan at tha Northwest Electric Engineering oompany. lot Btam strati. , Concert by Swediah Wngtng alub, Columbia,- Saturday even lag. Novem ber e,ll04. ,. t . r , . V.. .. . ' New elentrto flxturea at one. North west Blectrio Engineering oompany. tot Stork street . s Chew Den-Tal-Oum, have pearly teeth and erevent decay. . For sals avery- whara. . Ladles IB. 91 trimmed velvet hats. 11.11. M. S. Copeland, 111 Washington. Oeorge R. Wendling in "Saul of Tar sus" st Y. M. C. A.. November I. Oil II HI? MM SPIES GETS L ri -1 L ; R M TO LOCKUP :rXrsdl Htimr lanninn' pre- '.a ;- . I . .... - w. a. uw- h h Miw fliwmi n iuon WW-I a . im t Aa a eHmu to Testerday basball gams between Portland and Loa Angeles, during which he was hissed by women every time he nova in eigne, wcbw Henry Spies, of the southern aggrega tion, was arrested by Policeman Circle and sent to the central police station In n patrol wagon, A charge of assault and battery was placed against him at the request of Carl Orton. Tne ianer la a youth who exercised his lungs voci ferously and provoked hta assailant to violence. To thla both aides agree. Sensation followed sensation after the doughty catcher from the Golden State walked over to the Orton boy and shoved blm to the around. Hooting and yelling, the ''fans leaped to their feat, and for a time there was bedlam. Ev erybody had something to say. and said It so loudly that none could ba hoard. Policeman Circle ruahed to tha scene and took charge of Spies. He started to lead htm to the nearest patrol box but when ba got outelde the grounds he met a large crowd of women. They had been hooting Spies all through tba gams because ha oalled them "old maids' at Friday's exhibition. -Now their boar - had eons and they used It ta the beat of their advantage. "We're old. maids, ehr they Jeers! as Policeman Circle rang for the wagon. -Old maida! You're going to ba a Jail bird. We'd sooner be old maids, we would. Hbaa what you'ra going to be." It was a sad hour for Spies. He was tn the hands of th Uw and defenceless. Besides, he bad until Friday com manded the admiration of the fair sex and he felt the humility keenly. But be made no reply tn the taunts. H kept bla peace and went to polios beadqmar terst There Deputy District Attorney Moeer listened to his story and allowed him to go on W bail. "I dotTt ear much about prosecuting Spies since hearing both aided cf the case," said -Deputy Moeer. The catcher say he only shoved the boy over and didn't hurt him. The boy amid at flrat that he was hit. but then said be was only shoved over. Tha oase will be oalled Monday before Judge Hogua, and irs up to him to nay what notion hall be taken. Th trouble occurred a tha Browns were going to bat la the ninth Inning. It was because of Umpire Brown's alleged anjust ruling In favor of Bpleo at Friday's- game that he waa taunted and finally applied the inveotive to th woman. EUGENE FOLK WILL ' SEE FAIR IN STYLE Eugene, the horn of culture and edu cation; la also the' borne of an Idea. Just who originated the Idea, wher and bow It waa- conceived. p still a mystery and Indeed the idea ltaolf wan Intended to ba a secret for several month yet Plans are being perfected by It of th moat prominent oltltena of Eugene for a unique way of enjoying the Lewis and Clark exposition at a vary moderate coat They propose to erect In thla elty a temporary structure that will accom modate that number f people. The building will ba erected -at a moderate oost. but will have all modern conven iences and will be constructed la a way that will guarantee aa muoh comfort as ordinary dwelling houses. Those who are la on tha deal propose to keep their tarn U lee either here or at Bugens and to stay here themselves aa long as business will permit They will be enabled to spend In (hat way greater length of time at the fair than otherwise without Interfering with or aegleotlag their business. The club up to thla Urn ha been confined to the original II member. No outsiders have been admitted, though many hav discovered the cleverness of the Idea and have attempted to "butt ln."i But they have been unauooeesfuL Aa a oonaaquance there may be many other eluba with similar purposes formed at Eugene. It is assured thst similar club will be formed -in other cltiea as soon aa tha plan beoomee generally know. It wUl be n mean of saving considerable money to thoee who live in neighboring towns and aeelre t spend great deal f time at the fair Residents of Portland, at least those whs hav learned of th proposition, are elated with the plan. It will avokt many perplexing situations, they say. "Th people of - Portland are always hospitable," said a Port lander yesterday. We aie glad to entertain, but It is likely that every home in tha elty will be crowded during tha fair. ' The peo ple of Eugene hav taken th initiative and are preparing to entertain them selves." , Fisblnf m4 H.ntiBt m tk Th a W. P. nuUres Its last low rules today. Taka advantage of th day and- ae. All ears from First and Alder eats. . ; -. t , . ; SUPREME COURT LIKELY TO DECIDE I S J Whit the stat contends . that the failure of Charles W. Walton to plead to th information charging him with munbrmulv aaaaultlna Polloosasn Nel son and with holding up and robbing Emanuel Johnson, tha streetcar eooduo- tor, 11 not vital its action tends to snow that It la dlanoeed to look on the error na serious. One of District Attorney Manning's duputlea, asserting wejioa had pleaded but that the tact had seen nvarinnkml wulMrnml vae tarda v to In dues Circuit Clerk Marion R. Johnson to sign an affidavit to that effect Mr. Johnson refused to elan the affi davit and an appeal waa taken to Pre siding Judge George. His decision waa that tha court and ail officials must abide by the records. Clark Johnson say he does not remember that Wal ton pleaded to the Informatlona. There fore the records cannot be cbaiured. Sev eral who ware present in oourt at tha? time any thay re member oienny mm ui.iiah AtA not enter a alee after tba demurrer interposed to the information waa overruled. The sees was tha main tonta of dis cuss loa around the oeurthouse yester day. A motion of Attorney St Rayner tn Slamlaa tha defendant from1-custody wilt be on the ground that his convic tion waa irregular aa wiu raise iwo imMM.nt euastlona which. It la said. hav never been passed on by the au- nreme aMirt ' In enaeaina tha motion th Mat Will advance two main lines of argument first, that th failure to require th defendant to plead was merely a defect of form, cured by the vsraict. ana sec ondly, that the defendant having as serted on the witness stand that be la not guilty, th finding of th Jury that be was gunty completed: tne ease. Roth District Attorney Manning and his deputy, G C Moeer, who conducted the ease for th stats, assert that no substantial right of the defendant waa mIiuIImJ hv hla failure to nlead and that tba testimony adduced and tha ver dict would have been exactly th same la case he had done so. Tm ae three attorneys assert that If either of these two contention p re vel la a dangerous precedent will hav been established. Few eases can be found in tha law hooks bearing on tha matter. Attorney St Rayner will urge that Judge cieiano, in instructing in jury, erred ta saying Walton had pleaded nnt eniitv. As Walton declared bo waa not guilty while on th stand, other lawyers, say. It hardly forma a material Mint- It Is deemed practically eertate that th oass will go to the supreme oourt Tka eueetlAn which attORMVa lOOk On as ths most Important ta whether - or net the rendertna- of a verdict under such clreumstanoaa makes a naw triaP Impossible. Ths state constitution pro rid ee that n man shall be placed In leonardv twice for the sam offense. Courts are said to hav ruled that a man's Ufa or liberty la placed in jop rri when the trial for la sworn in. From this It to hsld that If the oourt should decide th failure to plead on titutee an error of substanoa and not of form, Walton oould not again be tried for either of the crime of which ho as been touna guury. Tn aneltlm. Attorney Str Rnvnsr ad mits, In fact boasts that hs knew of the error alt along and trembled for fear It would ba dlseovsred while there was yst time to rectify It He says hs aa an afraid the ninaaautloa or ths oourt would discover the error that be did not even tell waiton about it un til after the a rat witness naa Been placed on the stand at the second trial . Raised X Mrs, D Neat It eeeme to me that. for a man who claim to deserve oharlty, you hava a vary red roee. Moldy Mike Yea, mum: ths aheap soaps that us poor people use ta very hard on the complexion, mnm. The Strain on Women's Eyes Women's syce get their worst strain when Ihey ara least able to stand It after the day of work and worry, when every sense Is laded and vitality at Ha lowest point A pair of "rest glasses" will help the tired eyea stand th strain and prevent actual dls- Don't hesitate, Taut torn aoo. ANWRIGHT- 293ri0RRlS0N-ST I P1PST STREET ' V ' BASEBALL Portland t VS. Los Angeles sCTEATHm PARK. October 30tK Oame. eatleS I: St p. at, Admfewhm. Itc; children, lie PORTLAND'S FAIR JS TALKED ABOUT C. F. Swlgert, general manager of th City Suburban Railway oompany. has returned from St Louis add ths eaat with a report that Is very encouraging to those Interested m th i-ewie ana Clark expoeltion. 1 hava heard a great deal about tba Portland fair," said Mr. Swlgert, "and we will have a larger number of people her from tha eaat than la supposed. The r eople seem to be Interested, gen erally, and every person I met who knew I wa from Oregon asked Ques tion about th exposition. Not only among travelers was this th sentiment but prominent exhibitors expressed their Interest sod declared they were ooming bore to be represented. The general eritiolam of th St Iuts fair." continued Mr. Swlgert. "la cor rect. There Is so much to see and th show la so scattered that It beoomee dis couraging. On starts out with th In tention of taking It all In.- Then the ex pense of It dewne on him. he regards a view of the whole as impossible and give up after seeing the Pike. It Is as Mr. Dooley says, It out of St go to ass ths Pike and that la wher th twentieth lands." Portland, according to Mr. Swlgert. will eel I pee the St Lout show for varloua leaaone. There they have not th natural beauty that should surround an exhibition of the kind- no landscape or foliage. The locality la hot and dusty. Ths forestry building of tha Lewis and Clark show will be so unique and Inter eating that It cannot be compared with anything at St Louis, and th fair her oaa at least be seen. "As a show, to see and enjoy. I believe Portland haa th Louisiana Purchase ex pod t ton beaten by the proverbial town block," concluded Mr. Swlgert INTOXICATED SAILOR IS THROWN FROM CAR Wnitam Mcintosh, chief cook of Che steamer Joseph Kellogg, felt from the rear platform of a streetcar at Front and Bums Ids streets at T o'clock but night and sustained Injuries tha extent of which are not yet fully determined by ths attending physician. Henry B. Hilt A police ambulance conveyed blm to St Vincent's hoanltai. Where b was resting fairly well at a late hour. Policemen Van able ana iaaon am Mtnturf he aereenet Hoaebaom In the ambulanoa, stated that tha Injured man wa vary drunk wnen no reu. ne was too drunk to make any statement or was unconscious. No on was able to toll which last night t ' Mcintosh tried to board th ear. which ... M iinA as the Portland Railway company, and .was refused admittance, at first. Friend apoa to wo oooaucior ana ,i i1.lni fne him. When it started, the Intoxicated man lost his bal- an oe and fair to (ha stone pavement striking on his bead. It Is not thought hs hi seriously hurt, EVANGELIST RUTH CONDUCTS MEETINGS Large attendance and great enthusiasm has marked the series of special meet Ins opened In Berea mission FrMay sight by Evangelist U W. Ruth ef la- maw- Txryrr mmwmwib An ouat xxxobxtiobt wiu bTaat A. I0 TO XnT IsAeTT WATS, FURNITURE CARPETS STOVES "DIDNT HURT A BIT BY OUR Wa are seal are emftMS lth at sea Q see absolutely wltaeat pels ar tad after TffertoT Psesls la esLcets basttt . btre a fear, se ear Sirtaes ef - ettraetlng fa fMSttrWly sent sad eeas Istelr palaleM. XbseKts ta ear wette. We as afewe aad srtdae n-tirlwtav eat asm. Our IT years' easertaoesta aiwfrrt tatae a rant bit. nt.em - WleSB BROSn! DENTISTS fas. tit FATXTNO BLTX3. Open evening till ft. Coiner THIRD ANDWAnTilSaTON sfs. Perfect Workmanship With Perfect -Appliances v Marks tha Record ef That Great port - land XnstituUseu The Union Laundry Second uA Cotambf ; Tn.nrflree heated irons n is wmiMv-e "I." 7Z , i ... w u inMa nMi Are neateo Irons, and thla Is the advantage we claim for our appliances aooTe ut use in this city or stats. t . . PROMPTNESS AND ACCURACY or DELIVERY . Ara eel lent feature of our '2 STORES W WMft$t0w ta asal $1.15 eed wsh Repairing and Recovering Hotel Estacada Oi the Banks sf the CIkUom OFSN ALL Tim THAR. GOOD HUNTING AND FISHING - HEGULJtK MEALS ' firrr cents O. W. F. trolley care to Its door. ' For Special Luncheons or Thin ners, phone Mr. Marlines, man ager. OREGON C0NSE8VATOOT OF MUSIC SOXOOL Of MUXJO, tectedlag eleeatiaa. taagqan sat aeasemlc (Haf in. Tat ersartmreta ar under etlert iaBu-aetors. Who aav eavoted tbew livej ta task particular work toe era set oely gradsates, ant TEXCHkU la erary seaea of tea word. Opea Um yar 'raeae. Stvdlue and ttW. WBaalnrtea aad Seventh. Bearding oVraitawafa Collfa as Twelfth. Ver arte, peetas and eautocae sderass L. M, KTBX-otaT-TtDWAaD. rortlaad. Or. saa lean mad hy nntoaaef fte e. ?i r t at v as ! a all I Vr eaue, ana ma a-. dlanapolbx Fa ta Ray. C. F. W on hi leurn' Meetings T: 'c vlted. s the etne Wesjte. -M w a - ar T rlear Stata 7 "P7 293 Sntoir w',., . Nser Pslth. BBS ir with. Man on ths way ws ar going to sell tU thoas now on hand at imoing" prices. Two carloads is a whole lot of rang ea, you'll egree, and we're got to have room to store them. To get this necessary space for their accommodation we've de cided to sell our present stock at greatly reduced prices. . We are making it worth your While to buy during this sale; a tact you'll agree to if youll get our prices. The NEW RIVAL is a range of ranges and if you'ra seriously conaidering pur c hating soon youll save money in getting one of these. Prop in and let us tell you about thsm..' & Sons PORTLAND, OREQON 15 WHAT THEY SAY METHOD saweei new ens elttlaa. eesiuvev Sundays from ft It. , Phone. Mala Mil. Blue Mountain - 1 Sanatorium Consnmptioii Sanatorium treatment la tha Ideal and only suooaaaful treat ment for tuberculosis. It con sists principally of Ufa tn th open air, rest, forced feeding, by-dro-thorapy and massage. Th bathe at thla Institution ar sup plied from natural hot mineral springs, th waters ef which ex ert a marked curative Influence, patients from th west aid of th mountains are especially benefited by the change of climate. Th dry sir of eastern Oregon and I. feet ef altitude stimulate tha ap petite and Improve nutrition. ST. Oe. Buy wckees by man. DR. J. E. BINGHAM TEETH Boston Painless Dentists Known tha world aver, ar the only dentist tn Portland having tha lata bo tanical DISCOVERT to apply to the gums for EXTRACTING. FO.LINO and CROWNINO TEETH WITHOUT PAIN, aad guaranteed for TXN TKARaV , s sa a Silver ruung. Gold FUllag Pull Set Teeth that Bt tten. ...... SVeld Orewna ... gX-OO te BrMfs Work ........... ..ta-M to I rtiTii RTTrmrflH tn due tn our FJ LK88 METHOIiSv XOW PRICKS AND OOOD WORK DONal BT SPTCC1AMBTS Is each department. NO STVDKNTS In the office, tll work done PAINLESSLY by SPBCIALJBTS of long yeara e Hence. Give us a call, ana you wlU and we do Just as we advertise. Boston Dental Parlors Calumet eA -.. 4; j Q aan ' Free Ja A a W--e e -t