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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1904)
.-jrua fc Jou, 1 . j-im-. till fjLiX1 1 r M Mirai( (fXfmif) QJtJ)(Bl 'hlHMievJ 1 1 I v'! i f -y. Imagine a heater that Will produce just asmuch heat from VA tons of soft coal (or even slack) as any hard coal heater does with one ton of expensive hard coaL Imagine the saving stop and think how quick this kind of a heater would actually 1 r x If pay lor liscii. , Imagine a heater burning soft coal or slack, and producing no smoke, no soot, no gas. It sounds too good to be true, dpesn't it? It is a fact, though, that any fuel used 1 in .this wonderftil, remarkable heater, cokes any and all kinds -of fuel and reduces it to a fine white ash. i 1 that is what the Buck's Hot Blast will do 1 r 1 1 fU. t j At . t a. a per cent oi gas ana shiokc in boh coai to escape up uic exumncy, dux ourns it up 1 turns it into fuel That is why it is the most wonderful heater in the world How can it helpbut be opular when it actually pays for itself before two seasons are over. i ...... . - V Your Neighbor's Stove better see Buck's A The Buck's Hot Blast BUCK'S HEATERS SAVE FIEL fTOl makbydub I i 1 V 'Ml I f (miTT2U 111 . - III r , . " III ' ' ' ' 11 BUCK'S HEATERS KEEP YOl WARM RISKY WORK,' THIS PAINTING ovs ooowavzo cqn txav inmi om moor WOIT T.ftP BOUJra XV7VST. "0a," MM th eltlww w ha watched th patntsr at work on th Morriaoa ' etrMt bridge, "you couMa't blr m to praoea around on top of tfawa atoal roda," and h movad up a lltti naarar to gat a batter view of ttie oparatlon. Tha painters amine tnalr acaffold ever tha aid of tha ataal atruetura and lowared It from tha top. About half war down ona and was saada fast to ataal cross bar whila tha ether ewune; (ree. Tha mtm, one an each and, dipped their brushes Into tha black, .Car-like mixture and put genaroM coatings ojb toe rough ataal. - "Is bridge painting considered mora dangerous than house painting T" ona of the men was asked. "Weil." be replied, "It la. Ton cant gat a regular bouse painter to work on these kind of oba. It la considered mora dangerous than any other kind of work. Slut lt'a ducks for me." Then be assumed an upright position en the narrow board- mad gave an abbreviated ballet dance. "Hera yea, stop that!" exclaimed tha pu on the free end f tha aoaf fold, as he grabbed his paint bucket andjkiugged the ropes. "What are you trying to doT Hake a springboard out of thle plankT Tha man who waant afraid steadied tha Jlggerlng aoaf fold by bontaat with tha bridge ud prepared to resume bin work. 'Thla man dawn here," he Informed Ilia assistant, -ssys this don't look dan gerous aa steeple painting. "He does, doea he?" responded tha nan aa tha other and nearest tha eltl sen. aa be brought bis brush out of the bucket and with a dexterona twirl sent a aloud of Mack, whirling spray over the audinea below. "Welt ha don't know nothtn' about tt,"- The dtlsen concluded that to be a fact, a he started in search of a. bath tub, benain and soap. But bridge painters, like all other men Who follow dengeroua calling, become accustomed to the conditions and think n more f "prancing" around on top of a steel bridge than on the root of a house. Tha work la considered ..mare dangerous than steeple painting on ae oount of the material. The steal rods en a bridge become wet and slippery, snaking footboMs very uncertain sod treacherous. After one oat ef palm has been put on the rods they are ex tremlr dangeroua, and tha man , who would paaa rVom ona aide to thaether ever the top of tha bridge must g very lowly and mJf certain of hm foot hold. . ever SO gallons of paint bad already been put on the Morrison street bridge, gad the work la only about half dona. II will require many days yet ta eag plete tt. The work en Uibj bridge la very daageroue am ooeunl of the Ir regular outline of the structure. The projecting girder far tha foot bridge 44 ta the danger, for K g LOG HOUSE IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR SHARKEY Fejayaasnwajfiaanyanajn ejj,u W" Wtl MJ IM mp IHHfd .4-.fl '. ' j 7 ; SBfcj. HR. 8HARK17T-I "LOO HOUBS, AS XT APPBARfl TODAT. Many years ago bands of hardy set tlers followed In tha waka of the ad venturers and penetrated the forests primeval of Oregon. They built rude log huts, lived, did what they bad coma to do, then died. Long after tha eomlng of the settler cams tha hamlet, then the town, and then (he great olty of Portland, bog huts disappeared with the town, mod ern build in ga cam with tha city. Tha hut became a relic It habitant forgot ten. Many, many years a ft en tha eomlng and passing of tha settler and tha old log hut, F. C. Sharkey waa born In the olty that grew where tha settlers first gathered. He la a brother of tha coun cilman of that name and la secretary of tha Lucky Boy Mining company. In which a number of city officials are Interaated. He decided to build himself a home. Architects, skilled ta tha latest daalgna and modes of modern building, sub mUted plans. They did not suit In deed, he found nothing of tha latter day pattern that did suit Bo ha went back to tha day before there wag a city, whan tha settlers sum and hawed a tree and built a but What waa good enough for those who re deemed Oregon from tha wastes of forest waa good enough for him. Ha chose tha settler's hut aa tha model oa which be would build himself a home. At Hood and Porter streets workmen are now carrying out the plana that ha conceived. Great logs are piling on each other and by the first of January a home combining the conveniences and luxuries of modern skill and tha primi tive simplicity of tha old log hut will be com pie tad. t- " - Tha building la eorapoeed entirely of logs. Smaller logs are used to cloaa up tha crevices. Inalda, of course, there will be laths and plaster. Outside there win be nothing but the logs. They wtu be dlled, but no weather boarding or paint will cover them. It la one story la Jieight J. M. Bell la foreman In oharga of the workmen who are building tha house. Mr. Sharkey ta building U as a home for himself and family. blip and In falling strike ona of those Iron bars It would mean almost Instant death. If tha fall la free from obstruc tion there Is not so much danger on a bridge, aa a man can get himself In entae shape to strike tha water. If he strikes properly ha may escape with nothing mere serious than a general shake-up. ' The men oa the Morrison ntreet bridge are experienced bridge painters. Have Yon Cnnsed Yet? The preeldenttal guessing contest closes on November a. This Is your leaf opportunity to get an equal chance at i.oe hawdsome prises Valued at S49.0O0. Don't wait but send In your estimate today. One guess hi allowed for every 3S cents remitted for eubaerlpUoaa at regular rates la Tha Journal. HARRIMAN MAY GET : COLUMBIA SOUTHERN Railroad row haa beard a great deal lately of the proa pact ef tha sale of tha Oolusnbbv Southera railway. Yesterday the rumors were partially corroborated by tha departure of kV B. Lytle far the east hi response to a telegram. Mr. La-rte la president of tha road and Its originator and builder. It hi believed that the dispatch aummeatng him to New York came from the office of Si H. Har nma If thla be true there la little doubt that the western railroad king In tends making the Columbia Southern a emr at am ayqtean, TARIFF 9 v; ; THE PHILIPPINES mnt bb &oi SATS M. A. Tha axlslng high tariff on eurar end tobaooo must be lowered before the Phil ippine lalanda will develop into a great commercial country. Thla, eaye H. A. Lampmaa of the United Statee disburs ing office la Manila, la tha solution which the Interests of tha Islands are now demanding but which nnngraaa la vary alow about promising. "Contrary to the general supposition that rice ta the principal produot of the lalanda,' said Mr. Lempman," to baooo and sugar are the staple products. Tha natives raise rice because they oaa not sell their tobacco and sugar In tha United States at a profit owing to tha exlstlna- hta-h tariff. Native inn actu ally buy their rice cheaper than tt oaa be raieoa on ma grounds out walls tha lice culture and hemp fields are limited the augar and tobacco possibilities are al most unlimited. If a tariff would only be provided which would permit thla product to be sold m the United States the development of tha lalanda would be rapid. "Preliminary steps to accomplish this have already been takea after eeveraT years of waiting and urging. Beginning with the first of September, the Inter nal revenue law went Into effect This la similar to that Introduced in Porto Rico and It is estimated that the revenue derived through the operation of thla law from the aalo of liquor and tobaooo alone will be fully tlO,000, a year and tha coat of maintaining tha government does not axoeed Ill.eOO.OOd. Whan tha present work la completed, which will be la about a year and a halt the Maaila harbor will be tha only ona la tha orient where the ahlpa can unload on tha docks direst withntit nain. lighters. Tha harbor improvements un- aenaaaa two years ago will cost te.doe, 00 bat will give Manila the finest port In ths Orient. At nreent ah In loaded by means of lighten, ths cost oeing neavy. Mr. Lamp mah has been visiting in the United States for a abort time and will return to Manila on tha Xmpreee from Vancouver next week. He made thla trip by way of Portland on account of havina- beard threeta-h th work n Commercial club of tha beauty of the uregon country ang the preparation for the Lewis and Clark fair. THEATRE DEAL IN ' 'FRISCO FELT HERE Ona of San Francleoo'i moat noemlar plaoaa of amusement. risbera theatre, is to neoome a vaudeviiw bouse oa No vember 7, at it and U cents a seat, and the general representative will be Samuel H. Prtedlander. As aid-tunerg la Portland m insist DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE LOW PRICES . CASH VALUES EASY TERMS a SBhB ' -! . w.:..a. .a? : TV. 1. ODCKS e i 5 5v fy '! EASTERN OUTFITTING ; COMPANY TtM Storw VVhtri VoarCrwdU U Coo J SU-90-93 WASHINGTON STREET bar. Prtedlander was . the first local manager of the Marquatn Orand. That was in tha days when Al Raymaa owned tha -hoDsa. He want from here to Saa Francisco to work under Herman and Anally became ma Barer of Fischer' a. In hie new position. Prledlander will attend to all tha bookings for tha Novelty theatre syndicate, of which ruber's be comes a member, and at the head of whioa gtonda Paul Tried rasa, a whole sale liquor dealer of tan lanotooa Tha prion paid for the well-known house was tfte.OO. It wlU be remodeled and re daoeratad. , t Portland k eomewhat , taterasted la the change, aa tha Star and tha Arcade of thle city are on the as me etreatt as PUber's and will show tha eame acta. Only aavea guests ta tha eemfartohli Ban ton aauaty poor beaaav v , t ... s .... . i - Doil Fall tt ThlDkv ' Because you have already sent ht an estimate on the popular vote for preet dent that you need not sand ta another, Tha mora guesses you send the better your ehanoee. Five thousand handsome prises valued at 140.00a. Tha contest positively closes aa November . Act al anca. Ona guess la allowed for ovary at eeata remitted for aubaartatlaaa na grucuilar rates b The Jauraab . . j