The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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r thtttt?t(t n i
Work on Them at Fair
. Favorably Building
OMnpletioriWiriiig Almost Finished. :
Hott sttrnetlva of all ttto'aeQerstivs
features of Uw Lewis and Clark ax
poelttoa will be IIm sunken gardens
with their beautifully Illuminated elee
trio fountains. . Th- haw been
dMlfmUd by J. P. DMMtn, Uh well
known sculptor, with not only the Idea
of beautifying tlw em-posltlon grounds,
but slse of illuminating the park at
. Bight ,
Located between the libers! ,arts and
i most ' eonsplcuoue position la 'the
ground The gardens are two In num-
1 bar. They ara five feet below the
natural elevation of th land. Bach
: garden klMby lit feet In dimensions.
where- winding paths. velvety' lewne
- mr4 boda of gorgeous flowara present a
most enticing picture:
t It will ba tho electric fountains which
Will .stand out aaora resplendent . than
anr athar feature of th gardens Im
mediately between tho two gardens and
, n front of the entrances of the two Im-
i - mhih Kt.llrltna-a wtll hat the llTIMt Of
- these rush tne aprtnga. It will stand
t might faat high and tba orator will ba
regulated no that If daalrad It wlU gueh
- o a helsht af at or 44 foot, falling Into
thraa immense basin Myriads of
' beautifully colored electrto lights will
: pur upon tha apraj frees hkhton rs
oesees and somer
Prom tha thraa baalna tha watar will
run off to sport again in tho two aids
fountains. . Thara tha spray will gush
. from tba llona' mouths ana now into
" V a. baaln whars-dolnblns .sport. Hero, aa
. In tba larger fountain, hundrodo of In-
- candsaoonts will land their meny-ooiored
' ltamta which will cast tbatr brilliant
- vey to avoir book and ooraar of tba
; njardeaa.
; Surrounding tha gardens and tha
fountain la a balustrade, tho padootaia
Dt whioh stand four faot high. On oacb
of thaas wlU ba hues vesce In which
. will ba flow era of various varietle At
each ooraer and en oaob aide of ths
' ateoa leading to the gardens will ba
inatra at eleetrU lladita of II a lobes
Muck of thla work has already been
toompleted. Tha two cardans with thalr
.1 aids fountains ara finished and tho
I balustrade la nearly completed. Work
aa tha lara-a fmintaln will heals aaxt
Ths alopsa to tha nmrdena ant
Dr. T. Burgetfe Short, of tha Taylor-
' hlml kMmiAAmt EnltiMMl ehUmhw la
: an eminent divine and devotes moat of
' ths time to atudy and similar occupa-
M tlono that ministers follow. But he baa
r a aide Una. as oommerelsl travelers
. ' would term It that la growing te large
It la performing marriage ceremonies.
During the present month he has said
' ths woros tnat jotnea nine caupies m
tmarVtmony.'and the month to not yet
gone. The business for the- month, he
' 1 say waa hardly above the average. He
had performed only eight until o'clock
i mst msrni. wneti -f uiiua v.nijww
. ' son and Mlaa Gertrude Baffum dougkt
, hla assistance. Mr. Christ lanson la a
eooductor ta ths servioe of tttfjfcuth-
, era nctne. .
The other couples and the dates on
' which they were married are as fol-
" lowu: October 11. W. P. Spalding and
Mlsa lilsale a Msxson, Forest Grove;
Edgar at ovens and Mlaa Kthel Grenfetl.
; ' city; October H. Ben C. Blslr and Miss
Only a slight error
found In correct
ing sight may be
your eye trouble.
Finds these small
defects at the Terr
outset, provides
glasses that will
keep your vision
permanently nor
mal and be a
source of satisfac
tion to you.
;V Accurately
: Tcldcnhcinicr '
Cor. Third itk. WsuAington
f . jj 111 ,
ill !1L
rnvr'TiTP v ta
Grounds h Progressing
Are Bdng Rushed to
ii, -, i.i . Vt. f
already araan. Lawns and ftoward ara
hslnsr nlsntsd In Uta bsda
The tranaluoant fabric rooflof for
tho akyllchte of ike buUdlnsa ,rrlred
during tha weak and la rapidly haine;
out In ntaoa. Tne roofing or ins
foreign exhibits building waa completed
last night. It will take a few mora
dsrs to oorar the other bulldtnga. This
fabric tamade of Iron wire mseh run
through a glue and Tarnish composi
tion and rolled. A soft light shows
through It. and It la excelltnl for roof
ing of exposition bulldtnga where an
abundance of mellow light W desired.
It will not break, yet It win hold
man's? wslaht It la ao Strong.
The foreign exhlblta. tales and
liberal arts buildings are entirely
eloaed. During the weak all tha win
dows have been put In and the eoore
nun, flooring la being laid In tha
states building bod the gaUerlea ere
being put la.
At the forestry building all the large
timbers are now In place and the work
men are now engaged bf putting up the
upper light construction of polos, bam
and shakes, within two more w
th entire bulldlnar will be enclosed.
All the nlumblng la the three largess
buildings has been completed and the
electric wiring Is proceeding very rap
Idly. Globes will arrive sometime
ing the week sod another teat of the
lighting of the building and grounds
wlU be mode. Ths wiling of the dome
of the states building Will be. tee tea
n There are 1.060 globes on the
dome, and when It la Ulumlnsterit will
ha atrlklnely beautiful.
Work on the colonnade. Inside the
mala entrance, waa flnlabed yeatarday.
Tha scaffolding will be torn down
within fow dava. Thla la a very at
tractive feature of ths grounda and
s4wa tha visitor a good impression.
Many start! I na changes ara being
nmAm an the aDoearanoe of the water
front. With tha doaena of teams and
army of workman tha natural oontour
of the land la ehanglng rapidly from
a desert wests to drlvewaye, flower
eardena and Brave I walks. Work oa the
bridge across the lake to alee pro
gressing rapidly. Tha Pile drivers will
soon reach. the opposite ehore, Rapid
progress la alas being made on all tha
other -bullolnga wnicars vnuer con
struction. , -
Nellie Olive, city; October M, VWrov
TwedeU and Mlaa Florence Halleck; C
H. Hleber and Mlaa Lydla Height. Mon
tana; W. B. Cos snd Miss Delia Rob
Inett. city: October It, Jerome Pratt and
Miss Gallenttne. McMtnnvilla: October tl.
John P, Watson and Miss Helea a
Kogsrty. " v
i1 '
iraf at vooa v.
XV BV-iaaAOTtOM--sal mov no-
That ths saptie tank installed at the
poor farm a few months ago by tha
county commissioners has not worked
ao satisfactorily as might reasonably
have been expected to due directly to the
Incorrect reports of J. M. Courtney while
superintendent of that Institution. This
is ths explanation given the board yae
terday by County Health Officer Evans.
Septle tanks were first Installed la thla
state by B. A. Strang, engineer at the
stats asylum for tha Inaane at Salem.
As sanitary conditions at the poor farm
were not of the beat tba health officer,
acting under Instruction of the board,
made a trip to Salem some time ago sod
acquainted himself thoroughly with the
oondltlons governing the ope cation of
such tanks. When he returned snd
made his report the board concluded to
buUd a tank of tha same description at
tha poor farm. Its construction ooat
Superintendent Courtney's reports,
made to the county commissioners,
showed an average of lit people at the
institution." said Mr. Bvans, "He has
reported as high as lit people. The
tank was built on a basis of 109 inmsten,
with a range of t either way. With lit
In metre it would have emptied Itself
In about It hours, and with 1st la about
24 hours,
"It develops that there have never
been more then lit people at the poor
farm during Courtney's Incumbency.
Last month there was only it regular
lnmatea, with 11 persona who received
salaries. This mskes a total of tt per
sona there. Aa a result ths tank takes
four or five days to empty.
"The facta have been reported to En
gineer Strang and he states that the
failure of ths tank ts work aa wall as
expected hi due entirely to Its being
constructed for a minimum of almost
twice sa many people ss are actually
at the poor farm
Jessie Bra sen seed Andrew Brasen,
her husband, for support under the
statute. Circuit Judge .Cleland. after
hearing the testimony, concluded that
aha bad not made out a clear ease and
denied her petition la a decision given
"The burden of proof Is on the plain
tiff to show that the separation from
her husband waa not her fault." aald
Judge Cleland. "The preponderance af
tha testimony does not show that her
husband deserted her, but rather that
she left him and came to thla aide of
the river ta live, believing aha could
thus Induce blm to come over here, also.
Under the circumstances X wlU nave to
Ond for the defendant." , ,
Ths new doctor alwsys goes out ts
see hla patients In an automobile. "
"But ehy does hs carry an aaeta tafrt T
"Oh. the assistant attends to the peo
ple lbs automobile rang down.-
(Continued from page One.)
secretary Of stats, here to Investigate
the many ehargae. Mr. Pleros upon hts
arrival bars made an Investigation ana
wired the etate deportment aa follows:
M 'Incredible corruption. Canton; will
you. give me discretionary power, sus
pend MoWads; disehargo auiva, ax-ooar
"This alone, we should think, weald
have been sufficient svldeaoe ta have
caused rou to remove thla man at-once.
if you bold the beat Inttreets of our
republic etfcheart. and wish to ass ear
nrestleo maintained abroad.
"Aa Chinees judge foreigners by their
actions, and more eepeoially that of thalr
representatives, we. as Americans, can
not understand why you do not take
action In thla matter, as you have In
your possession evidence to prove be
yond any reasonable doubt that the con
sul At Canton ta a disgrace to hla office.
. 'Consul-General McWade's continued
d for American Interests,
hla attar neglect to give protection to
them caused m number of American ettt
ssna and bueUisss sgaa to cable you as
- Consul McWade, ex -convict Birrs,
ooatlnuee neglecting: disgracing Ameri
can interests ; drunken, unsavory, deals;
share practices. Wa Amarloaa cUlssnev
msrohaata. orav hla immediate removaL'
-This oablsgram was signed by a num
ber- of Amarloaa business men, and ta
the faoe-of this appeal yoa have utterly
disregarded tho request of American
olMsena to remove a man whom you
know to bsV. disgrace to our grand re
public, which be was as anfortuaataly
selected to rep res ant."
When thie letter produoed no results.
ths Indignant Americana placed cop lee
of all their affidavits relating the facts
adduced against MeWads la ths hands
of a representative of the Hearst papera
When President Roosevelt found that
the disgrace of Canton waa to be made
publlo he acted and" not till then. Thla
la evident from the letter written by Mr.
dhr-J,,, sre of the somplalnanta. la
this hs eaysr
"I, see by ths oablegrams that Robert
MeWade. consul-general for tho United
States, has bees removed owing to the
investigation of Herbert H. D. Pierce
while here some months ago. This Is a
mistake, for the administration had no
intention of removing him until after
ths presidential election. If the enclosed
letter, telegrams and affidavits had not
been sent, -T -
"I am responsible for his removal st
this time. 1 spent several thousand dol
lars la oomplllng evidence against Mo
Wads, snd, unfortunately, I snowed the
affidavits and letter to the president,
to Charles Wheeler of Manila, the man
ager of the Philippine Transportation
company, while he waa hare In Hongkong-
last month, snd he knowing these
papers Were going te the Hearst papers,
oabled Tart that they ware en ths way,
oonsequantly MeWade'a removal. Roose
velt, to square himself, dismissed Mo
Wade before the papera reached Hew
Turk for publication." ,
' Stowage's Blplwnasyv
from the affidavits sent the president
and the documents furnished Pierce,
Consul McWade was a "hunum wonder"
1 'diplomacy. Hers are a few of j&s
specifications: . - - .
"About a year ago tha consul, is a
drunken condition, went aboard - ths
steamship Pstshan, this boat being la
command of Capt. J. J. Loselus at tha
time. -The eonaul became very bolster
oua 'using very profane language and
rlnsultlng the passengers snd the captain
waa tempted to plaoe ths United States
consul In Irons. '
"He became very abusive In his lan
guage toward an Englishmen who was
on board, aaylng that he could whip any
d n llme-julcer In ths world, aa none
of them were any good.
"Another ease mora disgraceful on so
osnnt of the publicity occurred last No
vember at tha opening of the Canton
Hankow railway. All the leading offi
cials and people of importance hs south
China ware present Including ths gover
nor of tha colony of Hongkong, hts wlfs
and staff. Champagne flowed very free
ly snd ths United States eonaul became
boisterously drunk. He was oailed upon
to make a speech, but ha was unable to
respond, and In plaoe of a speech he
volunteered to sing 'Auld Lang Syne.'
While thla edifying exhibition waa tak
ing place some one in the rear of ths
audience shouted Hurrah for Ireland.'
The oonaul became very dignified at
ones snd r spited: 'I can whip ths
that aald that.' It to to be re
membered that tirie language was used
In ths prase noe of a large assemblage of
the leading business men, naval and ooa-
sulsr officials, moat of them of whom
were accompanied by their wives.
"Again on June. 104. during the open
ing ceremonies of ths Sam-ahul division
of the Canton-Hankow railway In tha
presence of a large and repreeentatlve
gathering of consuls from different na
tions, and business men. B. M- McWade,
the United States consul, arose to make
speech at the banquet table, la the
presence of many ladlea he waxed aar
oaatlc toward the British people while
speaking of the railway concession they
bold from Kowloon to Canton.
Many British gentleman arose from
the table and left ths building. During
his speech he spoke about the division
of China and the different nations who
had their eyea upon Its fertile fields,
and, pointing hie Anger at tha German
eonaul. said: Yea, you, d a you. You
are also trying ts get a silos of Chins,
Hie diplomat le eolleagues avoid aim
ss much as poalble and make all com
munications with him la writing. Hla
name throughout this section of China
reeks of sharp practices and unsavory
dealings and Is considered synonymous
with ths expreealou 'graft.'
Ws ss Americans, have frequently
felt very much embarraased to be
obliged to lliten -to the comments con
cerning him by aU the people who have
met or known of him, around the hotels
and upon the boats In which wa traveled,
The remark to frequently beard that
If you want any kind of a shady deal
nut through, Juajt tip tha United States
consul here end the deal will go through:
no matter what ths nationality of the
aool leant may be.
la Mareb tne consul uifsnrmiea to
shoot ths men who had made affidavits
against him If ever tbay darkened the
door of hla consulate, and extumtea a re
volver to make hla threat seem real.
Captain Jvoelus made affidavit of how
MeWads had eunktnly insulted Mrs.
Ivosslue, and once asked the captain
leerlngly to send hla Wife over ts mend
tha consular undergarments.
"John Valentine Podd accused McWsde
of defrauding an Amarloaa cttlsen and
having him sent to prison through the
medium of a forged promissory note,
and of accenting a bribe la ths matter.
"But ta all this there ja no hint of
the Chinese Immigration frauds, and It
ts evident President Roosevelt never In
vestigated that matter at all It Is fur
ther evident he had ao notion of re
moving MoWada at least until after
lection, antil he ascertained that ths
Hearst papers were In possession of ths
affidavits gad doou meats la ths disgrace
ful affair.
To yoa play oh ess r asked the mas
with ths high forehead.
"No," replied the man with the stubby
beard, T get only a week's vacation,
as what would be ths use of my start
ing a gamer j,
4 (Continued from rage One.)
votes In the stats of Hew York tor the
Republican eandldata - -
It la on the vote Tor CMOT IOT gev-
eraor In ltvl that ths Demoersts base
their hopeful figures of success, in
that election, not In a preeidenWal year,
rirviar Maw . York nr Bird S.
Colsr, the Candida ts for governor on
the Demsc rails ticket. lll.Ut plurality.
Governor Odell. the nepuoiicaa camu
Amtm mim doers ta the river with I
plurality of tl-IU and won the elec
tion bp ths slight majority of MM
Ths electloa for mayor In tha Greater
City of New York In 101 showed a
a-raat InerMM In tha Straight DemO-
a ratio vote, and the leaders of Tammany
nail promise zrom tne swumr nw
York almoat as great a plurality for
Altoa B. Parker for president ag was
ivm tor Coler for sovsrnor. The
Tammany leaders promise a plurality of
UMt votes i or ureaier new v"7"
A dispatch from Indianapolis. Indiana,
says: "There to confident determina
tion sa the part of the Democrats ts
osrry Indiana. The party managers
declare that ths a tats ta so aloes that
Bryan, bringing Into Una all of bis ad
herents for Parker, ass swung ths
nandulum their way. A number of
things have contributed to this pexao-
- I ne we pure nam suHiiwivj.iw s
srnor, Haoley, has estranged Via Jewish
voters, of which there are T.vve m we
state, and It to expected that this ele
ment will pull down KOoaeveKB natu
ral plurality considerably.
TU Henubllcsn nluralitV te be over-
ooms Is only about ls,00t ta a stats of
SQO.tOt voters, and nowhere In the
United States are the Democrats putting
up a mors strongly organises ngni man
hers. Chairman Taggart has declared
that the battle for, lemocrscy to al
ready won.
TKa nrnnnrtlna sa btetamndent VoteTS
to larger la Indiana than In almoat any
other state. Tba Democ ratio managers
are confidant that Parker will get the
greater part of these, if as soea, n as
Atninuit tat aa how ha nan lose the
state. The Republicans deny the Demo-
o ratio claim and noaat tnai tnsysviu
nmrr-v tha ataia bv at least 10.000. Their
tntmandnus sctlvltv and extraordinary
efforts do not. however, conform to thla
contention. The Democrats say mat
ttan wauls na n ocematon ror tne a Ge
nerate efforts the Republicans sew
putting forth unless they realised that
tha contest-was ao close as tp be almost
desperate, '
Tha fallowin was', comolled by a
Democrat woo, nowaver. eusrwgaras we
iiBima af his nertv. It to a conserva
tive eetimate inasmuch as It gives both
Illinois snd Wisconsin to the nepuou
rama. neither af which stated Is given
up by the Democratic party managers;
1900. MOO. ISM. !.
gTKlaanr. Styaa. Reoea Parker
Alabama .
Arkanaaa .
Colorado ..
Delaware .
Idabe ....
Illinois ...
... si
IsdlasS ...
Iowa .....
Kaaaaa ...
Kentucky .
UMiaisaa .
Hals ....
Uarvlaad .
UaMachttastUt , .
.k.a a.
Hon Una .......
Kavads .
w llampsalre..,. 4
New Jar , 10
New York it
North Carolina ..... ..
Kertb Daketa ...... t
. 4
Ohio m
Oragos A
rennaylvants ...... St
Khoae Island A
tloatk Carolina ... ..
South !akota
Taaaaasae ......... ,
Taxes . .
Utah S
Varmout 4
Weahlaatea a
Wast virriale
Jtotelt MS It UT SS)
Remiblloane olalm I0t for RooaeveJt,
wlth a possible 17t to Judge Parker.
This table waa eompUed by a Kepus-
Rosa whose Instructions wsrs to disre
gard his na rural bias and Ignore the
claims of hts party managers. It dif
fers from the extreme claims of ths Re
pnbUcans ss It gives the Democrats such
states as Delaware, Maryland. West Vir
ginia and thraa western states whioh the
Republican party managers any tney will
carry. Here are the figures; ,
' - ism. isot. , ltoa. ISM.
States, H 'Klaley. BcaS. Boose- Parker.
-.vaiu .,
1 law ara ..
Idaho ...
Illinois .
...... it
lowT ...
Kanaaa .
luia)aaa ......,
Mains t
Wanrlasd .......... t
Uaaaai-baaettS II
MVhlt-aa 14
no tana ..
(braaka S
14 .
Nw Ftansabne ... 4
New Janwy It
Naw York , M
North Carams
North Daketa
Okie SB
Oresos ...A. 4
Rhode lalaat .
Mould rarnllnt
Knot a paketa ,
Vermont .....
Wrat Virslals
arrvas mal-raley ta Oalif
(Speelal Mssttos apTinil Wire to The oeraal)
San Francisco, Oct. It. California
probably will give President Roosevelt
s plurality somewhere between 40,004
and 71.000. It need not be surprising If
It spprosdhes the . latter figure. Mo
Klnley earrted the state four yean) ago
by about 11,000. Tha Republican sen
timent has grown since. Being the
direct beneficiary of the annexation of
the Philippines, California la stoutly
ex pension 1st. Ths Democratic state
central committee has had little money
with which to make a campaign lltua
money and leea energy. At Ban rran
clsoo, where the bulk of the Democratic
vote should ooms from, the perry's
county committee has dona absolutely
nothing la the way of campaigning.
There has seen a tendency of aha Daaso
c ratio leaders In power to alienate the
labor vote,' and the labor vote Is the
backbone of San Fmnolsoo's Democracy.
Tha registration ln the labor wards ,1s
light f
v Aa. sortacra fallfdrals. Oie great Re-
.. . U
..(. as as i .
V It . .. .11
4 S
.1 , V .1.
1) - J Iff ' ..
' - a -
Tetals ' vtt ' , ' 170
moosvrnxrs nvmAxnr.
Baslmated what st WtB Barn! That
punttoaa stronghold, there are
Probably 19 per oent w -
publfcoan. In Alameda oouaty, another
Republican suoagnota. wm iwav--ls
heavy. ' ' - . M
Thars are no ropuiier eivoaon tat v
fornta. so Watson will get no ea
v v rKa anoka in sTsUa aTran-
clsco ta t.tOO people. thougH his meet
ing WSS not St ail anvcvMswa. .
(Continued from Page One.) V
The former animal was held down by
. khavdlv araldsd br the
escaping steam to addition ts having dn
leg broken and several rins awve m.
Suburban Queen, the speedy little mare
whose work at Irvlngton elicited the
praise of racing men. was seriously hut
ant fBLtallv lntnrad
All the wounded men except Neat who
went to Kugene, were orougnt w rw
Lend last niarht an train No. 11 In charge
nt nnnifiiAtAr Hoffman. Turner snd
Kant, who were the most badly Injured.
urfaraas. awwaadersblv on the Way hire.
Tunar s n oM man. and hla moans
were pitiful. Kent bore his suffering
eioically, and eves joked with) aasaaa
gens la ths car. - j
- Ptad whs SS ta sUama,
The passenger train eras due here at
T:M o'clock last night, but did not arrive
nere unut nve minutes sner ewuuidw
U had ts book up to Albany and taks
the ft. A C weat aide track to Portland
on acoount of the wreckage and the torn
up track barring Its progress.
la. .RV Fields, superintendent of the
Southern Pacine, went te the scene of
the wreck aa soon aa hs received tha
news by wire. He went oa to Eugene
last alght and will make a diligent In
quiry Into the eiroumsunoea, win
view ta' determining who Is to blame.
. p. Jones, traveling pssesngar sgeat
that aannsnv. was on the DasSariaTer
train, and to him Mr. Plaids assigned the
duty af looking out for tne mjureo men
mnA awainar that there Were made OS COm-
fortable ss possible oa the way here. All
were given medica) attenaancc at jemr
Wan belnar brousht to Portland.
I nan tair you little about the v wreck,
as I did not see It." said Mr. Jonas. "The
track was pretty badly 'torn up and
several oars were ems shad, An Inveetl-
nilnn will he made as ta WhO Is to
blaate." r - - . -
aCacsss Vtansp asj aBSss
John Nstross,erho ht a Jockey from
alt Lake, rsoelifed fost of bis Injuries
bv horses stamnlng on him.
We ware takinirn a lot of wood at
Jerfareon said ha. 'and I waa In the
sot of feeding Sellle Goodwin, on of
the beet horses In the Jonnson stasia.
She had had hertfoats and gave me a
familiar slsnsl that ahs wanted watar.
I took a bucket and filled It and was
lust niacins It to ths animal s mouth
when the crash oama I don't know
what bBDoened for a little while. I was
down and out - When I came to Sal Me
and The Stewardess, who had faced
each other before the wreck. - ware
tramotng all over ' me and . I
crammed la suck a manner that
couldn't move. I remember calling for
help but none came for a long while.
Ths msrea finally quieted down and I
waa able to see a streak of light
through the top of ther mashed up oar.
I reached my band through the opening.
shouting repeatedly, and eventually
they dug me out. J-was in such a posi
tion that If ths horsed had continued
Jumping around as they did st first I
would have been Kicked to goats.
thought It eras ail over. Xt was the
wrecking crew that got me cut, I think.
I don't remember enuch shout what hap
pened. But don't care for a similar
expcrienoe. 1 ' -
, Turass ta Bad CTonditloa.
J. C. Turner, who was In oharge bf
ths Johnson stable, snd who wss prob
ably moat severely Injured, wss barely
able to talk. Me aald between groans
that ha waa In the ear ahead of the ca
boose snd that the caboose waa reduced
to a fragment that he could almost
gather up la bis two hands.
"I was standing ap nt ths time. aald
he, "and ths foroa of tba collision threw
me, I Judge, half way through the oar.
I don't know how long I was unoon-
sctous, but I la sors In every Joint of
my body, and I think the shock must
have been ao me thing frightful.4
Mike Melons, whose left eye was
black and blue snd head bandaged sev
eral times around, waa ss pinioned In
the .wreckage that ks had to be dragged
out by mala force. He earns Into tha
city in his stocking feet, his shoes
having been off when the collision took
place and the wrecking ,crew having
been unable to Snd them. v j .
All of the injured men were In S
dased condition when they arrived In
Portland, atretohed out la bertha snd
none had sufficient strength to place the
Mams sa anybody.
As the train arrived at the Union de
pot attendants from the Good Samari
tan hospital boarded It and as quickly
as ths patients could be wrapped In
rolaatketa they were removed to a walt-
tnff Unbalance and conveyed to the hos
pital. Their Injuries are not neoeeearlly
serious, although It will be severs 1 days
at leaat before any of thtm recovers
front tht terrino shock.
wtn fssfs.
The horses ta the Johnson strtng were
all wall known hare in Portland, where
they had raoed during tho meeting at
Irvlngton Park. Cllvoaa and Axmlnlstar,
tha tare animals killed, were only of
the ordinary kind, both being aged
horses. Sallts Goodwin waa the pride
of the Johnson atrlng snd wss stake
winner many times this season. She
possessed a rare buret of speed snd
could sprint as well ea gd a rout a She
waa a valuable and consistent performer.
The Stewardess was a fair three-year-old
and last wlntes at Sea Francisco
ahowed soma little elssa. ; Suburban
Queen at one stags In her career cava
promise of becoming a great race mare.
She was drummed to death at New Or
leans, however. In both her two snd
three-year-old farm, and while a shifty
trick ran but few races ap to what was
expected of her. - '-'-'
(pedal Mapsha byTasssfd mm ta Tee JastbsI)
San Francisco, Oct. ft. The persistency
with which Rosa Hauisworth denies any
knowledge of the theft of her employ er"a
property hi pussllng tha police. The
proof against her seems almost tnoontco
vertlble, but still she maintains her ln
nocence with euoh seeming honesty It is
difficult to doubt her. The girl who waa
employed so servant In the home of
Harold V. Jackson. Mil .Market street
was arrested by Detective PKagtsstd
yesterday on a charge of larceny. ' Bho
was alao aooussd of putting carbolic
acid la ths milk seed by Mrs. Jaoksoa to
make hot cakes. "
Mrs. Jaekaoa'a Infant daughter Was
made vary HI by the poisoned cakes and
might have been fatally injured had she
act been saved by ths mother's prompt
The pottos art uawtrttng ta prefer
formal charges against the girl as she Is
only IT years of sge. Monday tnornln
she win e taken before tha lunacy
Health and
i? .aaaaa. -
v, Art
' t tng
S V' ii
J - 1 . Tl ? SWT SS 1
Which stimulates ths system In nature's way. It opens thtu
millions of pore in the skin through which Impurities- are ;
. carried off and medicates while doing it M ,
' It does not weaken, but add vigor and strength. - Brings '
a rosy glow to pale and sallow faces; makes the eyes bright;
soothes and steadies the rierves. , - r ,
J"li . It is the lowest priced bathing appliance known. ,
' Treatise ott Health and Beauty Wdth every Cabinet
-Free.'-- - . , ,v
Improved rnethods of manufacture enable us to offer tha
best cabinet ever made at greatly reduced, prices. ' - t
We wilt seD our regular $4.00 Cabinet," which most stores ''
f . t. OS AA .a. ". . , y'
We are sole agents for Fulton's Compound, a certain
cure for Bright'a disease and diabetes. Write us for book
and testimonials from those who have been cured. . .. ,t'i.
You can always save money and get the best here tha
only drug store with a complete telephone exchange four
trunk lines and ten exterisions.. The only store receiving
.Canadian money at full value.
r r
Woodard, Clarke t Co.
"Thave ta a nreaoher at Alleshenv. Pa..
who Is a strong advocate of the doc
trine that every man snouia do nia own
Hnu .ntiL He baa sent letters to hun
dreds of people concerning the merit of
hla sermonos and some of these same
hundreds have. In turn, requested their
famiiv Mwananars to nsoeura the ser
mons of ths gentleman and print them.
Tha Journal has received many" of the
letters recently. . Barnum and Bailey.
Blaallna Rma and AdsBB FotanaUatb'a
helre have overlooked an opportunity la
not enlisting nia services.
This particular genlua to knosm as the
Rev. Charles T. Russell. . When he to at
homo be runs tha Zionist church and s
monthly publication, called Zien'a Wstch
Tower. Formerly he ran a shirt store,
wore long hair and advertised himself sa
a dealer la mines. But now he gets
nthara ta da his advert lslnar. He man
ages to have petitions sent to the news
papers every dsy for ths publlcstloa of
hie sermons. -
"Editor Journal Could yon not secure
tK aatnnAna of PaatOT C T. Rnsaall Of
Allegheny, Pa and publish them regu
larly, as some otsere ere ooingr i ney
Elegant Tailored Suits and Cra-n
V , venettes Away
The shrewdest observers la aU ages Shakespeare notably
-agree that in establishing a reputation dress Is an impor
tant factor, and for a short time we have decided to estab
lish our reputation among the best dressers- of Portland by
offering- MEN'S GENUINE $35.00 SUITS AND .OVER
COATS, made especially to order, - $25 O O
We Don't Forget the Ladies
This week's offering should bring a crowd even in a bUstard,
since everybody is on the lookout for Cra venettes.' ' WeVe
all tha latest shades ta choose from, and made especially
to order :. - -" . ' . -f .
Swell $30 Rsglshs for $20
The Portia CIoaK St Suit Mfg. Co.
S86 Washington Street. , . , Slling-HirKKBuilduig.,
iniOTerable and thmr at noth-
which will so surely bring
tat? ths turns as a v:
This Week
are being -widely erreulaied, ' ' Myself .
snd many ethers would -enjoy tbem.
This Is a sample. From all parte of
the country similar-requaeto have been ::
received and. strange to relate, they all .
wind up with the same expression: "My- -self
and msny others would enjoy them.
From Talent,-Salem. Baker City. The
Dalles. Co rvalue and Ward ton these let
ters have poured in. They all end with
the-asms sentence. Tha people are hang
Ing out of the window a, - apparently,
to reoelva the glad tidings disseminated '
by Pastor Russell. The Question sat- -u
rally arises: How does ho manage It
One suggestion to that hs uses the 'end
less chain." or soma modification of
that system. Possibly hs adopts the
simpler method of sending a form of
'request to people in various parts of the ,
country asking them to mail the requests .
to ths nearest fMwspRpe. : -It
to really a queattoa for ths Woggle
;r fN wm? - '
The handsoma touring oar. snd 4,ttt "
other arlaee, whioh will be awarded for .
the aesreetjoorrect estimates of the pop
ular vote for president. The prises are
valued a titjiot snd bear in mind the ?
eontest closes on fc November t Take a
chance and aend lk your estimate today.
One guess to ailoawd for every M oents
remitted for subscriptions at regular
ratal to The Journal. ,
7 Last Uw Rate Extortion 01 .
. IheO. W.P.
Today to ths lass, , Take advant
age of the dsy snd a trfp Into ths
woods The fishing to at Its beat. The
hunting good and the Motel Betaeada '
prepared to servs all comers a good
dinner for the low rata of tt oents. Cars l
every two hours from First snd Alder
streets. - -... .,
Under Worth
4 V
4; X' U-
' .f: