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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1904)
Ti. CREGOW -AT JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 80, J THY FUTURE ! taUHflXf VO SOTAaV " Maml0uRevdz:::rJ-Th2WcrIJ$Fr.:3GrcctKl Lht. sab tv i n wcnrmHio CLAIRVOYANT- KNOW j , .-,...... , I 0PBCIAL. THIS WEEK , - ' $10 Complete Life Readings -x '-':'--- v THE WONDERFUL '..- ; $1 BUDAH : BERNIQUE 1 Bora Wtth a OoM V.l Educate Occalc Sctonco la Egypt and India TAc Veiled Prophetess mu tow wm arto wsom tov arras tov m nomi sow o oxiiii An oomoL - nun tbabb a raaorxova . CbAXaTOTAa. t.n the as eoettrre aw I of atr sowers to past, present to future and exactly what yea wast know, that I U1 Mki MO OHABOI1 BO ChtABOflt ' titaf yea eetoto perfect actletoetloe and Bag me eopsrlor to all HEDIUetg, CLAIBVOXAJITS snd PALMISTS to tbto city. The following Itat enow Barely eed simply et Bndah Berataae. THl VEILED ROPHETESS, bu bM eoeeulted by the Ml popular sad WM BOted Ml Bad W0BWB ef to world, and bar reading, ef the ttves wm preaoaaesd Mt woDteful: President Barrlsoa President Cleveland ,i Arenblahoa Ireland . Bo as (or Depew , aVoalor Hum alia Mar loir , - ra Bernhardt ' Blla WWIk Wile nie Ooi4 Hon. a H. Harrleo Preeldent MrKlnlfT , PmlaiM lawnM Ma maa er woaaaa Praetor Porahar KM r bee eaeeatted to Mora notable affatra than aha. la Karoo ana America aha aaa advised to a a a da la various walks ef Ota. sad always to tsetf i ventage. -I TeU Your Name" A This OCCULT WOKDETt la placed in a, elase by bar Mlf, towering head ana houlder ever every rival, and la recognised by th PROFESSION . talP BRIOHTSttT sTTAB. , . ow sareahrt Bad etotrvey- M4 by press sad jmblls the DMlat Urine DEAD TRANC M ODIUM. aat la ia sckuew 7 toe truth, J She tall what yos enow far Peters you utter h word: does sot nek taaaUaaa. aa aaaiiar what roar troubla Bar ba, ... . OalL and ab will nlv) ma wttk . aartalaty htetar thaa howaa aowar. TtiM food ar had. It ait ha af rttal tataraat to th bImih af Mar araaant dlat Tba bapptaaaa aC r-r fetara Ufa Baud anna Iha rlaht aalattoa aad DTDM Than ar a atfatakas la tba prMUcttana toaov bf tba sraat ad waudarfttf 4a4 araaea BMdlonu Yoa Baw wfcto to hrf tt tt to awrlaabla to auka a ahaac la fcwtoaaa. la toTa, to niit. I Can abuto Uibltlnnar to ajf aaw ajadartakiacl" aator tw Uxartox at waUar 'Shal Th rraat m frtai MWlwa ataall I arTy r How aftan aba 11 I aiarrrr "Ami faa a ratorar j "la rbma a rlral to air torat "WhM aaaU mj tor affair aararaato to, Barrlajra F' , v- "tVhaa aaatl arr jawarHe traablaa aar "How can 1 am air Ufa and boau baparfv "Wbaa ahall mj abaaat friend rtararr ' War n I aat rarclT a lattarr 1a av dlaaaaa rarablar i . aaaU I wta n? lawMdtr .. . DEAD TRANCE MEDIUM OPPICB HOURS SO A. M. TO I Pi M, .. SUNDAY AND DAILY. - MORRISON STREET, COR f If Til hJm SSmliZm vatton. ' (ConUnoad froai Para Tlftaaa.) " ajteh to km, tndaad: ha to ahnoat flood. Ahnoat always b Is sad. , Thar Is -raaj touch of tha nisabethaA , splrU la Hito and thara to satna justifica tion IruUia Unas of tha play. But for t tha asajn part ba Is toss prona to action . ' than most of as oonoelva him. Only oooa did ha saom to strlka firs and that la to tha dual with Tybalt. Hera was tha Romao, who tjeonsortad" with a ' f MarauUo) and a Bsnvollo. la tba aaaJn, 4 howaver. ha to without uhtness and tha paaalonata boylahnass that soma-- haw ana likes to find In hlia. . D Let ft not ba thought that Mr. Soth - y era falls. Mr. Sothern to an aetor of treat InUUltane and skllL He reads .his lines with beauty and dlstlnotloa. His ooaceptlea of tba past, as Intimated above, la aot without justification. ah. An.Ur n ha tr,t that , thara was a certain amount of melan- ohnlv la Wmmm aa thara alMMlld be. Wt '. ara told, la aU votaries at the ahrlne o(. djtipld. It is taa asn ana spirn mm we miss most m this Kames But even to " that there Is Jnetifloattoa. Mr. Oothara's Homes to therefora not so appaaltos as Mies Marlowe's Juliet . though It to abaraatarlssd by art and teUUUniaea. Perhaps la this oonneotlon tt mlcht r tjot be amtos to ctrs aoms sanerpts from the orltlcbm of the daily aanars, as showing tha trend of dplnlon, and at ) the aame time suaweatlaf KrBMthlnc of the impraasloa made. ' Tha Tlnws says: Taken all la all tba -' occasion was noteworthy and memor- able. Superlative are dangerous; but It to doubtful whether the Ensileh-speak-trur etae has any two actors who esuld urpsas the present perCormaaos. . Bpeablns of the "bto; soansa,' tha 'same writer says: . . ' "A marvelous pleea of Interpretation was that la which the grl wife, threat aned by bar parenU with tha Impossible nan-tag to Count Parle, made her last , appeal for amldanoo of her old eonn dants, the nurae, and, bains' betrayed by the eounsel of that simple worldltn. ' - was f oroed back -upon bar newly stirred womanhood. Tba err of "Ancient dam aatlonl Ob, moat wicked flendl' with which ehe dismissed bar, held all the agonr af awahenlnff souL In the potion aoene the varied powers oft the actreas wars saaa at their hiah- l ast The fear of dtahonor struargled ' against ths fear of tha awakenlna; In tha eharnal tomb. Leve and devotion wrea- tied with death. All tha shifting phases of that be rote struegta wars denoted with the accuracy f high art and flowed f together Into a living, pulsating whole. "Mr. Botham'e Borneo to perhaps not ' the happiest of his achlevementa, In the baloony aoene It lacked plastle grace - and lyrte passion. But It was sttU tha . work of an actor af high ability and tn- UUigenca," . . Tha World: Ths honors from the very outset went to Miss Marlowe and remained with bar to tha scene of the ' double death In tha tomb of tha Capw lets. Furthermore, tha night proved that this Intellectually and dramatically . gtfted woman who, even as a child, : promlaed exceptional endowments, has dvsnced to a place of pre-eminence among - tha American woman of tha stags. Her art has grown and matured antll at last It Is approaching Us full rlpenesa Julia Marlowe's Pullet plays "', upon tha heart atrlasw with tha sura ' touch of enlui.M . . . . a i a a a -a "Mr. Sothem's Borneo was ea much - a thing of tha theatre as Miss Mar '( Iowa's Juliet was of life. The tempo , the actor ehosa from tha first was one ' of bewildering dellberacensse, tha mood . was not of frid romsnss, ending In ' f tragto abandonment, but of brooding melencholy. terminating In melodra matle frensy. Tha Impraasloa he, gave ' waa that Borneo had oome from the ; house of Denmark, not of Montague. Hamlet was visible behind this moura . . ful lover." As Others flee I. - The Herald: "It to IS years or mora lines Miss Marlowe tost appeared es . Juliet with the lata- Bonsvt Taber aa , Borneo at Wallaek s theatre. Her por trayal of the same character lest evsn- tng waa, If possible, an Improvement On - that of former rears, braadened and mora finished, bat characterised by the ' asms Intelligent reading of ths Immortal lines, tha same womanly sympathy and tha same refinement. " Mr. Sothera's Borneo, While bot as tas- . fMssloned as that of Booth or reenter, and whllo too somber ha the tovemaktng of the earlier eoenea, waa . scholarly, - strong and dignified." Alan Xale m tha American! "Miss Msrlowo has lost none of bar power to . Impersonate tha ra laetanoe af girlhood. The years have not robbed her of that .. power. Juliet could have beea no , younger at 14 thsa Julia Marlowe was met- night, and If ehe looked old enough to know better, tha illusion of her act tog was complete, 'It was the J allot of swats toy-ttoto- - k-a glon, perhaps, rather than the hot blooded Veroneas maiden, Tha mystic real on seemed preferable, because far mora poetic, and Miss Marlowe sug gested It. It was delightful to watch her la the baloony scene the most try ing and tha most hackneyed episode aver staged.. How It trembles oa the vergs of pathos! -How sasy It would bo to rob tha whole thing c Its meanlni to a New York audience that Is sot si ways In Shakespearean mood.' But Juliet lea alght leaned upon bar band and said all the famlPlar, aetor -cheered lines with Ma grace and llasoaaasaa of a syipa." . - wnilsam Wlatos1 Ttow. In tha ooursa of a long and keenly critical review In tba Tribune. Mr. Wll Ham Winter,-tha moat scholarly of American critics, says: "Mies Marlowe's Juliet combines phy sical beauty, tender sensibility, fervor. Imagination, daap feeling, the capacity of amaalon. and scans saeaaura of traglo force. The vole to rich, sweet and sym patetls. though occasionally pitched too low. The oountanasoa--sometlmea de mur with coy ooafaatoa, sometimes sparkling with plea aura, sometime ar dent with emotion, and sometimes woe ful with grief - leads Itself readily to the expression of varied feeling, and can manifest extremes of happiness and misery. The personality, on the other hand. Is involuntarily predominant, wa- oonsclously potential, and generally ma ture: so that ths actress sometime Is merged In the character, and sometimes transcend It, Mis Marlowe, a Juuei, exhibits admirable acting, and she Auction Sales By CEO. BAKER &CO: Tomorrow (Monday) at 2 p. m., at Residence 554 E. 19th Street, Corner Ellsworth Street. W. a aa lt aMaaA h W H T Belcher, who la leaving for California, to sail tne xonowing xunuiure, etc, oomprjslng Parlor Bockers In golden oak, pretty Parlor Table, Axminater I t.. Ml,n lab invtanalnn Table, T oak Dining Chairs. 9x12 Art Square singer newing aiacnine, ixio Wk IhNa Ttam a aria taa I a Wlth braaa deooratlona, beet Cable Springe, Mattressea, etc. flrat-claaa Cook at ova. Kitchen Table, chalra and other effects, all In flrst-slass condition. Take Wood stock ears to Nineteenth street, two blocks south. Bale Monday at 1 p. m. USAA SASAn as Aliguujwilli On Tuesday Next at 10 a. m. at Baker's Auction House. Corner Alder and Park, o . - Conacleneo demand that mention ba mad of another opening this weak. though It moans quit a fall from our high plana. It la the debut of Weber and ZJearfleM' all-star a lock com nan r. Wham Weber and Fields separated last year, each began the forming of a new oompaay. Mr. Weber weat Into a part nership or arrangement with Zlegneld, the manager and huaband of Miss Anna Held, and retaining the old musle bail began tha organisation of hi company. Their -season opened last night. The play. "Higgledy-piggledy,' is very much on ths line amad familiar by this aai playhouse, and ths oompany seems to have scored a genuine success. Among its clteatel ar euob names aa Marl Dressier, Anna Held, Boaala Maglnn, Almee Ansolea. Aubrey Boucloault. Charles Blgelow and Joe Weber surely a rather remarkable oast. It will be ln- tereatlag to see how tha venture works out and alee what Fields will do when his oompany appears next month la his now theatre. - WEALTHY EUGENE MAN : DIES AT PENDLETON , (Sctal Dhraateb to Tba fceraaL) : toiiawu. fr. rtnt. K.-Jubm Hoffman. a prominent and wealthy Bugen citlxan. died at pendieton taw morning or nesrt trouble. He had been to Baker City fler tha Banarit of his health. He became worse and started for home, but waa mtannlUd tn at no at Pendleam at IS o'clock last night. Ha was aoompantod by a brother and sister at tn urn r his death. Ha was aged ! years, and ahall aall tha hlah-elass Furnl- Brussels Carpets, Rugs, etc., of W tare. modern auburnen horns, as follows: Overatuffed Parlor Suits In rich silk covering a. spring Beat Morris Chairs, ooatly Rockers In wsathered and golden oak, also Mahogany finish; large Kaay Chairs, Patent Rockers with leather seats, highly phllshsd Parlor Tables, handsome Couches, Colonial design: Vases and Bric-a-brac, Port Urea and Xace Curtains, Oil Paintings snd PssteU sood Brussels Csraets. 9x11 Ruaa. wllton. Axminater and Brussels, golden oak Sideboard, very handsome Buffet, China Cabinet Imported China Tea Bet, Round Extension Table, hlshlr nollshed Dining Chairs, Combination uas and Blectrlo Fixtures, Piano Scarf, oak Folding Bed, pretty enameled Beds, beat Bortnaa. Hair and other Mat tresses, Goose Feather Pillows. Com forters. Toilet Sets. "Hartley" Combina tion Waahstand and Dresser, pretty mahogany flntatt Dressers with pattern flat, mirrors, white maple preesera and hlffonlers. Oil Heater. Eclipse Steel Range, Resting Moves, Household Treasure and other useful lots. Sal. Tuesday at 19 a. m. OffiO. BAKER A CO., Auctioneer. a .,, . At Baker's Auction House on Thursday Next at 10 Wa ahall sett the eomotet Furnlah tnga of private houses from Larrabee street an up-to-date furniture and la good condition. Halo at l a. mi. , OIXX BAKER A CO. Auctioneer. On Friday Next at 2 p. m. at Baker's Auction House, Corner Alder and Park. ' Ssveral ewnslgnmsnt of eful H bold Furalturs. stoves, oto. OBO. Ravtcr co. Aartionaora, rmvMM mmJlo laeg. give the best performance of the part that ha boon aeen her slnoa too day Of Mary Anderson." Other critics might be el ted. but these given are a fair Index to the general re ception accorded Mis Marlowe and Mr. SoUiera. At at glance It can be aeen that Mis Marlowe somas off with much th better of It. Thr ara, however other piaye te b presentod, "Much Ado About Nothing and -Hamlet." it may be well to reserve final Judgment until ail hav boas saaa. Auction Sale By J. Te WILSON -: .Auctioneer Monday (Tomorrow) 10 a. m. The last sale at 331 Ankeny. Cor. Sixth. Commsncfng at 19 a. m. wa will dost out st public auction all the substantial furniabmg In our saleroom everything must go regardless of cost, we are bound to reduce th stock to lessen ex pense of removal. You will find a va riety of Chatrs. Tables, Rockers. Beds of every description, Dreaaera, Ltounges, UIah riMb, niiilM.HiiiM TaKlaa. Combination Bookcase and Desk. Libra ry Desk, SO Books, Pictures, Oil Paint ings, Kitchen Cabinets, Cookstoves, and fin lot of Heating Stove; also OOm plete Housekeeping Outflt. i. niiBAjn, ancuaaair, PTtliminary Removal Notice - Having secured the building now be tna vacated bv the Rasmuasen Paint and OU Co., No. 180 First street, corner Tarn hilt (our old location), we will open with a large auction aale of House Furn lah In as. etc.. on Monday. November 7. at 19 a. m. Wa extend a welcome to. our Ktrons and guarantee tha aame cour ses and honeat dealing that estab lished our reputation fn tha auction business. This being ths beet location In the cltv for the auction trsde. war rants good return for goods consigned ror suction sale. note. Should you hav for ssle any Household Furnlah In ga Office or Store Fixtures or Merchandlss of sny description, as us regarding tha sale of It. We buy and pay cash for goods, or warrant good returns oa consign ments, raone Main iuzb. J. T. WILBON, Auctioneer. 1 ' ; Groceries and Fixtures Sale Th Scott grocery store, st Fulton. Comer Nebraska and Macadam streets, has been Disced In our bands for dis posal, w have decided to sell for ths next ten days at wholesale prices. Should you want to purchase anything In the grocery 11ns you will find a nloe variety to select rrom. ah line com nl.t a. Wo alao have a Delivery Waaron. Hark, Buggy and Harness, and other fixtures ror sale. For particulars paou hooo woe nam J. T. Wii,Orft Auctioneer, Auction Sale of Books vary aft rnott at J:H sad avarj evening at 7:19. ' At 253Plrst Street BOOKS! COOXS! COOXS! Ton of new Books. Books f verr ripuoav 4. ihh a um and dauerhtsr tn Busene. He cam across th plain with bia par ents from Illinois in ism. a k Kaa haan rmmlnent tn Benton. Unn and Ian counties aa a farmer and capitalist. He to reputed to be en of Eugene's wealthiest mem. Hto brother. W. H. Hoffman, went to Portland this rtnnM to meet th body, and bring It to Bhigens for burial Monday. Ha was Mason, K. of P., and workman. T. WILBOK, Auetioaeer. SIO COMPLETE LIFE READINGS ; THIS WEEK ONLY He Will Tell You Your Full Name, Age, Occupa- bo tion and Whom and When You Will Marry. : 30314 Washlnftoa StrwaC , OUTB. t Sir Francis Drake $500 FORFEIT t wtxi roaymrt it vmi f tan tcacb rm bow to faaelnata any ens yes bow to sak. year eaaanea jwr . frtanda, aauea a apMdy skarrlasa with Ua a. of your rholce. aiva yoa oo4 lnfc tod : auks yoa aercMafnl ia yoar basliwaa, re , mere avll Inflaaataa, reaajt. tba eaparatea, five rott larky sambwa. locat. th earth's Bui-tad treaonrM. eettto the aid eetatea that Him baa placd hayoad th. lawyer's brawd- heaa, ana aoatUTaly coaiplaU rear seal Bow - How , Bow . How Row t Huw How "" How How How How How How How ' How ess I saw so4 am-kf ia haaiaeeiT 11 bom. happy t eaaaiMr aiy Bxieef a can cas I anecMd la bai I make Starry tha o.l aaa I marry wMl I aooa eaa 1 marry t ' ' , h can 1 eoneiwr my rlvan . caa I rak. any aha lov. ami . eooa will my krrar arepaaet eaa I get a letter f eaa 1 art a good poatttaaf eaa I rmov. bad InrlnnesaT make dutast eaoa think ef Bwf eaa I bold my hnahaad'a level eaa I, heap my wlfa's la rat HB Wrtt TtUi TOTT TOrS mi SAMS. AC, B. OTClTATlOIt. AND WHOM AMD WHEN XOU WILL MABST. . i WKT OngSTTLT AN lrfFWTf MS DIlTM WHEN 81k rBANCIS DBAKB. THE ACKMOWLVnoBD UUPRB OP THRU ' ALL I HKRB AND HU PC I NO H11HBB TUAJf THOdB LBS COMFS- TKNTI fllX rBANCll RBAKB baa beea St with IT BMdale. raeMeid trom slags, eamaanra sad srleatlns saetotlea, , - nnxntsTD bt thb uuntrta mbw AMP WOMEN Or THB NATION, IN CLUDING THB PBBBIDBNT Of TBI UNITED BTATBB, Some Lives Bead By Drake Pratt Sent MeKlatoy Mra. bicKlnW Sir. Bernhardt ' ilmtral Dawey ' Prlnee af Wales Kainerer William , LI Hvng Cbana smeroy af Cbisa Qeeas Tleterla Late rreatdent Mr Oearsa White Wa Tint Fasg Tha If Ik i An Bataeror Prasria. Jasaph iiora trasa, vtsaror ef Isdla . , SOc asUUHM VTUM BAWnrs-AO. TOST. V m IF YOU ARE SKEPTICAL Read the fanrwin&r testimonial from crateful patrons whom SIR FRANCIS DRAKE has lifted from a life of trouble to one of happiness and success. Then read what he can do for you. 7 If you want to better your condition in life SIR FRANCIS DRAKE'S advice will help you. IP TOP CONTTOPLATB CONSFLTINO A CLAIBTOTANT TOTT gHOTD CON". AND THB MURAL STANDING OT THK ONI TCOV WISH TO CT) N m T il AN IN. TEIXIUBNT PKRBON WOULD CON hi DIB A BfMnEH PRO POSITION. il g PBAKrig DRAKB WIllHKg IT TO UK I NDEIUTOOD T'UT HIS REPrTATION IK Bt lLT t'PON TRUTH AND HOKEgTX. MB BTABM ALOKB THB QBBATBaT Or ALL LIVING CLAIRVOYANTS. ' HI HONORABLE DEALINGS, TUB tTABTLINO PROOFS AND THB PAIM AND gQI'ABE TRHATMKNT AC'COBDK D TO EACH ONB Og HIB PATRONS HAVE MADE RIB NAHB A HOt 8EHOLD WORD IN THOUSAND Or THB BKHT HOME IN PORTLAND HIS MARTELOI? gKIIi IB PBAIRD BT ALL. IN HIB CIALTT TIIERB IB NO BXrERIHENTING. NO QUElWlWORg; EVERY PROCEED" TOW DBFINITB AND EX APT. TUN RRSrLT IR ALWAYS, CBRTAIN AKDIATW; PAOTOBY. YOU AN PLATE ARtHH.TITB DBPBNDBNCB IN BVBRT BTATBMENT HB MAKES, ElTHEVlN THIS CARD OB IN A PEBSONAL INTBBV1EW, BEAD THB POLLOWINO TJNROLtriTED WORD OP PRAISB PBOM PROMt KENT PEOPIJt WHOHAVB INTERVIEWED BIB THAN CIS DBAKB AND BINBV riTBD BY HIB ADV1CB AMD ASIIBTANCBt . . yaOhf LILLIAN BUBBELU TUI WBLL-gNOWN aCTBdnM. I waa greatly Impreaaad with BIB PRANOIB DRAKE'S readlag. HI. eaweis are trnty maraloaa. He dwlopa la aaa a fore that eoablaa thm to attrart Ppla. e lo toreat tb.m and U yUaa them to their food and te year 9"vatofeftoaat' the least eUort ea eaa's pert. Bia advice and aaaiataaca bai bwa ef great basest to ata. gaOat A PBOMINBNT M1NISTBB. , ' I seatre to toer viaeoe. to the s-salaesesi ef BIB riWOI "Kn wartL god doaa siv. es aa latoltloa whereby w. may guise ear Br. Th.t S1H PRAhCIS DBAKB noaaraiai tala culdlag ftxnrer to a atarveloua areree la evMeat. Tba fact that Wa TaefrtoreMT warnwaf Vn 'tretot frleam H hkjas a trlbata to Ms iad seaaet sMtssd. 1 saallag with 1L Ht baa asdarad 'Bb,fKSa(,'p - PBOM KL BOTHSCHILD. THB WBLL-KNOWN P1NANGIER. ' Per the past eve yeere BIB PBANCIB DRAKJTS advtoe sad esrlatasee have tov. erattoflneand my baslnem and tnaaelal arralra. 1 have test. nearly every treble to ttlsottieel gad BIB, PRAM CIS DBAKgi advice reueUe aad tor sasarler to any that I bar. ever awt, ... SIB PRANCIS DRAKB. I wlab to sir. my testleSMl far tba beseflt af those whs wish to i rea tr survekMB. I ahall cooalder It a prlvltese to Blaea t esasalted yoa several week, ace I bar. followed yosri advlee aaa tea .laatryyooa yea save BM aa nearly aa J namlnoL t ahall eoaaldar 1 the toaabto to write to ma. Xoare tnly, yea te ear peraea who will to hai'hii Ni.iaLaa. , BB Bute Street, w far. Wa Uke treat pteaaara ia reeamaMaaiaa wmm, ' " ,",r- r m ar ma ataaaina. aavin v oar iroiwn pv - "-- aasas of meatal medlumahlp. Wa eardiauy rMojawd hta toinv IMlj ideal ef ae- nu Dhai rUty that Buy head ale asrrlcas DR. JOHN WESTERFIELD. Prssldeat IasUm stole Aasodatlo ef BsIbUssUsw. e, lest. BXTrUCTS FROM THB PRESS . J - September IB. 190s. EIB PBANCIB DBAKB B) a seea, aaaalved myetery. The mor yea atady. blm lesa yea eaa seeoaat for hto ability to sate tba fotare. whk b forecaata with lag aetaraey. He In able to ss the sersacess ec say mas. -meaas. ., - ' Beptember 14, lSOt. BIB PBANCIB DBAKB to a Waa ef vaet eapertese. ' Bto reiaarkable ahlU, Ma hlth prefesaloaal itaadlog aad abeolni. rallabillty have waa fcv him the eaaasesce had aaUem of the retire eommanity. Hearat a .Chlcase Amerteaa. . Bvery aaTaredaees Ite maa. Alexander eaaaaered the werM; Napotaea shaped the efeatloy f ferop.. -Ia ear eoaatry woaaerfal toiprovaaaeata have beea made la Mritlolam. Belrltuallam and Psychic Phenomena. There to so doobt bat what BIB PRAKCIS DBAKB la the leading apostle ot the BHenra. bia ereolt powers are beyond gueatiea; he eta aieaa,. lowarn aaaa ao ' r. BTVMtm. ewe ai. irm. Oa. of the greatest wonders to this Hty Is BTR PBANCIB DRAKE, me Clalrtoraat. Ta tead bta advertlaeBMSt on weald tbtok he profeeaad to da Ibe ImpnMlble, bat ha Jaae tl, ISM. s: tofaj Clainr oidot ha mm, avaMuJ with bai mDsrlor kaewl aitra af Malt far., anaht him to read ' huiaaa Mfa with sserrlos aeearaey from Intaaey to aid are. Hla powers are woe Awful am Indiana table'. Ua advice la relia Me: hla tororsMtloa eWr, eoncloe and te fhf pelnt to Leva. Ooortehlp. Marrtaga, fHTorre, galea. Wills, Patents, . Jearneya. Peastons. iBveatmpnt. ipaealatJoa, Prop er ir. laser, ec. aiettgsgss, OU aad BUalag CUims, Pweaeae. " SIR FRANCIS ''' : 6naniMa.a.tir.l arfJaTDAT AJni DAZZ.T. a03WABMIINaT01N ST. FIRTH AIND WASHUNOTOIN T. rlalma aothlas that he la set roup awe te oameriau-aie ea ia. aaur. aaiiaiaeuoB a m wooeoaenltbim. The power be poaaraeea la reiaarkable. Tea eaa eall It what y-a Bleaae, or desoonee It ,aa much as yoa pleass. tba fart still remalna that be la pos staeed with a remarkable gift aad does these .weaderfsl thlas.Iidlaaapolla Dnios. Oat this sdiiilaiimial eat to sweM ahtotoh to saaae sad aaa baa. DRAKE ' '. a". ABWATB OOsTgtn. TBCB He panoa win to eattoed to mm thaa aa reading at thai tow fee, as It to awda aa eiatier af advertlalag for rata wk earri after that aU reaalasB wtU ba at reenlar tea. S3 to sIL Ye mast bring tola adesrllmmaaS FOB SOO BBADlNO. IB PRANCtg DBAXB to elffereot fmm other etolrvaysBth becauee ba aoaa what 1hj claim te so, misn isai ara awreae orvtnary anderataBdlng, things that aeem inrpoaalbl. He gtvaa yoa laformatloe, relief, roe or, aathv factloa. sowar aad eon t ml ef a 117 charwi.r. affectlag a or owe or anyUiiag. Peat. Praeaat o- Putnre. Ha tolls yoa Jaat what yoa may as. pert and what to do f or yoar bast tateresrs to a ay sutler. H. awasrne a aataral fore withia yob. and areasd yoa. slvlag yoa a sasret power to restore ua eaoaf r .ar pawaie. maaei anbappiaeaa. diaeaas, povertr, rallure lack tbat ssrreamls yoa. He epeos a a war for tm aneceas and haBDlBaaa roa deetre. A power to secretly eban. the tbotifbra. arttoaa, habita or latoaUeas af .nyoae- avra mlto aeuy. PBRBONAL HAGNBTTBht DEVELOPED. Call thla sower what yoa win. H to a might factor la saaptas the daatlny ef ha man Hvea, There Is a peculiar and Indescribable fascine, tlen and esarm about s magnetic man ar mas that lives him er bar a salqne post- tkm la life. Thla string.. myaterloa Cwer ia labereat to at a. and Its secrets may learned by any pereon wbe eaa read a few almple dlreetkna and follow them. Yoa eaa deielop' your nuraeHe powers to almost any degree dVelred he that yoa eaa control your eweetheert, yoar baa band or wife. Have abso lute toOaeses aver year friends aad meet wits the sealres eaccesa to au rear aeainoaa aa Anaaelal ieallnga. Can res to tnatlce to voatrself afford to s throagb lire with Ibe bops that yes no wore amy aevele by amdeall Ha aires da tee. facu aad Snares. reHahle aad Imporuat adrlca aad laforauttloa en all bnal a aaejartakiass. warna roa ar aenikn danger., arerta teosbl., slcknese, etc., guide you axigst is an ariairs ot me, sutmaf., st vorce. love, law 'and speculation; telle if Meads are true ar false. The future alalaly revealed, tovera aalted. trouble healed, names of friend aad enemies, snd does give tba rame of your future aaabasd er wife, with day of marriage, aad to poelUvely the only avdlnt wbe does this correctly; locates had diagnoses dtoeeeea, reunites the separated wife er hue baud, and secures for you the bead aad heart ef the one yoa leva la aurrlage; brings' yo success aad good lack la aU sndertaklBga, glvaa yoa larky dare, wash and moathe and years, ana teua ail snout yoar rstora ramny and domestic life; gives excellent and rellshl a c rice oa an wings pertaining to mantra lire, teaches elalrvoyancy and develops mediums I rrom ese te 111 moatae, a yea eaa teu every. thine. laenuiinr. aamse. All dsattol aad attended is eoelaees saa to gsrsoa. SrlHa .e- 30354 Washlnftoa ' Stfwwt. Oavfra. FALLS THIRTY FEET TO INSTANT DEATH (Baactol Bumsteh to Tea learaal) Ashlsnd. Or.. Oet. I9.-News nsxhed here this afternoon that a fatal socraent oocurred to Basoo Jervia, a young maa employed tg tend tng a fhim at Andraon and Sim' sawmill oa Neil ereeh, south of Asnland. - J err I wa at hi nsnal werk ahootmg lnmber down th flum three mile to Aprs Bpr this atoning, whoa h lest hi halaao and tea from th flwsa traetur 99 feet to th raeka below, crushing hto ahull aad oaosing taatant death. DwD't Fffjet U. Guess. Th presidential gossslng oonteat elose oa Movomber 9. Forty thoamand del tors worth of handsome and valuable prtoa to be distributed. Every one ba an equal ehanee. Put en your thinking cap and send la your eetlraata today. On guess to allowed for every St cent re mitted for suboriptias at regular rata to Th Journal. fpK CLAIRVOYANT ratabllabed In Portland f Yearsr-5I5K Wa&vblngton t. VAN (CdDDBTLANID) fever before ta th history of ooeult setoaos baa a man af Profeeaor vaa Cortland's professional standing son- sntd ta plaee hi aemlos at th aia- poaal of the pubUd for aneh a nomlnai oonelderatloa. Beallslng that thla city has been overrua with pretenders, gad that maar of 1U boat Ui anxlou t vtolt a genuine toirvoraat and spirit aedlwm, he baa dewlded U pise hla ocmsultatloa to within rwuh of alL 1 A a teat la your rdtg ho win ten ywar asm arm tha object or your Vtatt without asking you a gus- UOB. . ' , Merit bring Ha own rowara, arm Waa Cortland ia tba only elairvoyant wa ha vr boob la Bortland whose msrlt ha beea rewarded bp tha eogmaasa, patronag aad fwspset f th oattaw . monlty. - 1 , sTJi BAB BABE A UPS BTTOT CMP ana warna. aara Braawaaaa o awraw AJTB) Aawar TOV. BTO BtAT. Taa WBAT TOtra vacmauai aaa. la hla oapaeity ther t a guworh. Cvary pvcdur la awffntta snd aaet, and ths result la eartaia. tW TOff BtATB AYJBBvAOT BUBB A BBWABB, wTWaOWBT AW AT TOVa BMSTaTT, and lost couBdton thraugb dealing wtth parrlslly developed rrradtama BVjUBW BTXlVT AST 00naTBt. He will tell yoa frankly yof eonditkm are what you may zpeeL . No C-liarge lSv No Charero Unless ' Untess Satisfectory BJ pi Satisfactory No Charge iTISi No : Unless ' : W Unless . Satisiactory , - ' S800 Ajr ooaTaaAarm, by his aev vioe, brings uoeee. res sevea ail faa Hy trouble snd stragmas. ara arwaa AociraATa aawtea aw AU BUBiaaaaV pecaUUom, laveav merits,, insurance, ehangea, travel a. health, lov. dlvorts. BliBlBTB, IAW. BVZra. eeparatlona, . wlXXa, dsede, mertgagea, patent. 1f-TtT. eetlac tlona, etc He will toll yo what trad, bust nee or profession you ar adapted for. . Give truthf! revet tlone oa ll lov affairs, troubles, marrlagea, and bp proper dvlo res to ree loot affection, re unite th - separated, eat ties lovers dnsrral. tolls vou WBTaBT AJTB Waaat TOW wiu baBbTi aad how to wta the maa a wotaaa you love, and boar to make poor huaband r wrf true t you, and how to overpower all your ne roles; give full secret how to con trol and) charm any oa row lov a it. not BAI Br eonsuHIng Brof. Vaa Cevtland yoa WIU leara bow to pi health, ra tals youth and rastac loot vitality.- Tou ar told bow be avoid walrna warned ageinet all troacberou friend. Locate mined, old estate. ta. ... Ha will toll you jtmr am. Ia git toll your life from th cradle to tha grav. and exactly what rtt want to Jtnow, i " f ' . PROF VAN CORTLAND n ata Woshtnc'. - - . t , t -e'- --.4e ; ' mr W 'aav V Private Entrance on Sixth Street v r - t