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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1904)
' ' - ' THB "OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAJU PORTLAND, SUNDAY MCNfflO. OCTC V 30, : t . .... 1-J1ICAT ' MARKETS IN MOST PLACES SHOW II ADICT FOR OUR "IS YBRY FIRM ON CTpAfip , PEBLINO IS RULING IN HOPS AND. HIlLi ' A LOSS TODAY CHICAGO SLUMPS IllAKIVC I THE EXPECTED JAPANESE- ORDERS J 1 LUl .U DEALERS ARE EAGER TO PURCHASE I I rWttaeA Or. rwataga'Sr -w- - t a paper. I -nt; IB - 8 pages wBabM page a . .1 roanw ummni bxwxxOTTATTtx VrorUad-Sanaa nua Special AdvartWng Af"?; 1M Mink treat, aw xars( OTBaoaiPTiov bats. .' 11 I i by Onjri . " The harty fearnal. with lwV, 1 F The DalU Journal. I year Vlil' aSS the Dally Sourunl. Wltk Sunday, BkSStBS. 8.TB The Dally Journal. naontto....... ? The T.lly Jul Wit Bandar, 8 tbs The Dallr JounML I moatba. -fi The Dally Journal wlU Sunday. 1 toonta. Th. Deity, pat week. fcHverei. "assay Inchijed .7 The Dally. Mr week, awlrrerod. atonday aetata - . fare p ja, Tha Dally TmuL with Im. 1 Bw...-g Tbe Daily Journal, I year vlUii' a tn Tbe Daily Journal, with Buada. neathe. 8.TB Tbe Dally Journal, 0 an the- ....-"""f 2 The Daily Journal, with Bnaday. a-etae. The Daily Joaiaet, 8 anon tha. ...j,.-; -;' -S Tee Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 smsBb.., The Da,r Waal 1 moat Tbe feoday Journal. 1 year The ftaiir Jcarnal. 0 malt taa aaai-waawy Jawaai Tka StaJ-Waakly Jaaraai "f5 aarfc baa. 1U ttata. Ml aark i aart, 1 yaar m Waakly JaaraaL SW Waahlr XaatcaL 100 eafeaaaM af raaaV -WaaVlla?maaa.U. faB -wkat ' tpncu. 1 yaar 'i;"T ; MMtttimi aaaal PUaaitUar abaaM W aaa fty r-fJ. V-taJ Mtra. aipra ardr caaaltfcH t 1 aai mm umM ardm a4 ataau ataoanaa aa acaataMa 1 aW K-t fofUp JBffft, . . aWr tg. fwrttaad. Or. vvnnuuaX atonoi. coplbt u tut dty i rtot?r Vw , ftobait Oof lay. art JPf JaSa laa. rnaaral Buaday- ttriobm K. " !' S ft" p. ak.. fro Holmaa a ehtpl. jwrar ; Thlr4 aad SiIdm atwts. RUr an ' mra raaaM-tfally h'ttat atlaaaV latav-Bvt-at Lno Fir caattf,y. Avonos liui toMom w. . 1 By V. T. Wlkma, laa taat nla at tXX Amkamf Mrffl. at 1 a. ia. Kale of all farntohtofa. ate., rasardlm tt eaat. la r4nc atoek ttx raayliy bn m aaartara, 1M Flnt MnaC J. T Wllaaa. aaHloow. Br Gran Bakar ft Cv at ivaMMM, 164 But Xlaataanta atrret. at t p. Sato jf aoawa tmr alahlnta. Gtorga Baker ft Oe- aartlonagra. . WZATSZB BJEtOBt. v1 A taraaa at asnaldarabW aaarfT tta aapaataora off tba Waablagbiai rnaat durlrik tba Uat It boara. an la Utla imlai eaalral If Vaaraaw lalaa. It h raaa4 kick lr4a ai gal atoa tW Waahlactoa aat ad BUalta ot Jaan da Fara. and aftaarara at Ow BMaatk T tba OrtaaabU rlrar aad tm aatba tara Waaktnftoa. la atarm Orawai. aaatwa Waaklartaa aad Idaba tba waatbaW anatlaa fair. Hlafc aoathaaat itiadi mow prmll mt tba oath af tba Columbia, wbara tna wid wm fcloarlait at a rata of 8 aril an boar at p. as. At Tatooab taland k nwilaran of M fro tha mm waa raahad durlaa tba aftaraooB. Tba ladlcatlnaa art that tba atarai wlU an. rM 1U aaattrard avraaant and eaaaa raia tba craatar parttaa of tala dlatrkt feuday. ad ate aaatt ta aontbwaat wtnda alone tba coaat and am tba 4alaad Miaba watara mt WaablDtoa. ,. Bootbcaat atom warataaa var arftara ttdi Mrnlaa at all aaatwrta la tba dlattict. , Ohaarratloaa rtoaad it I a.: ataxlnaa Uraparatara. H deaja t aWMB Maufnian. 48 oBTca: rlaar raadtna at 11 a. am.. raat: ebaaca ta aaat M baora. .S flnat; total prorlpttatloav trarv: taUl prrlplU- Barnal pradpltatloi. atn SapWralMtr 1, 1104. S.4t imtbf , 6ttUtj. S.14 InrbM: total atin fetra. Octoba 38, 1304.. ft, 00: poaatblt aonablaa. October M. 11. 10. IS; baraaaatac (raduead b aaa taval). BH . - Oa tat law aa Oraa-oa aty aar Baa. mm aJlwoad; aaodan. arlaatlfle, aaarptfta. rfi Arialta, W; cblMrM, tL Tliltora ff a. am. I a. m. lNrtUad Saaaatt aa aUlaa. rartlaad. 0c . Tba Bdward BMaaaa CadartaMaa; aanaaB, fraaral dlraetara aad .Baikal ,B &M mat, rbaaw tor. . ' f. f. rialar ft mm. faaaral dn-aetara aad aaahalaaara, bara raasorad ta thalr ar aakab- KaaMttt. ooroar TbUd aad MitlaaB HtMB, tk pbaaaa Ma, B, , , ...... raaaral wrwCba and cat Chvtrara aiMcUlty at Bo aty OraaabaaM, Twaaty aad aad Baal MaTrtB , ape, aaaaatary. , M var taaaata aad abatraabj ta raal aetata rraaa tba Tltla flaaraataa ft Tra aaa- aaar. Chaaibar ot (Vmtmrr balldlaai. BROKERS' OPINIONS v OF THE STOCK MARKET Nraraiabil bp- Oaartoek. Btarr ft Ooofea (to.) Kw York, Oct. . T. A. Uclatyra ft Co. ay: Tba atoek aurfeet baa paaaad tbrMxb notbar trytaa waak, bat tba r alt has Via aoatratad that tbe apwalatlTa auuwatj actura baa baoa bailt apoa aoand SovadaUo and la ant 1 lab la ta ba toppled ovar by aay aairavor ahki aWrlopaMat of ordlaary rtiaractar. WhlW? tba doellBa waa aavara, aad Bora aa n waa totally aaoxportod. It baa bom botldal not aaly ta damoaatrptlaf tba andarljlnc aUoajrth f tba aiarbflt. bat alao ta latprorloc tba tack Blral poaltloa. ladlcattoaa ara farorabJa to hifbar prte far tha ataodard raila aad tba bettor da af ladaatrlala. Hattoa ft 0a. y: Contlaaod activity today oa blgbor raaga can-tad tb wkola aaartot ap. Coup! Ira tie batwaaa Boaala aad CnclaoJ prat-th lly left that atoapbara claar for la alda lataraata to ga abead aad aarrkaM carta In rtlhray aacarittra. wblcb will tvoataally ba takra lata tk larpar corporate. Tblt fartor la tba araataat atlaraloat that tha Barkat baa today. Kx porta tlooa of ntra dlrtdeada la tba fatnra froaa a aaaibcr of oar groat railway ratnaj b) eaaalaf tiarcbaam by lamatnwnt Intrrcau of larga Haeia of boat railway abaraa, which la loavlnf tba stark ct enlta bara af aiaor aaaaoa. Tha baak ataUaarat la aboat aa aaUcf' paud. bat wap Bat aa taftaaaclag factor la or atarhat. Logaa ft Bryaa My: Tba market rl id tning. Tk actio of tba atack marfcot hi (ratlfrlaff to tta Man 4a. Tba rocoaary froaa tba lew fla or k baoa abarp aad dadalTa. It to far troas balna; a boar BBarkat aad, wbila aoadltlaaa. fcaarally ap blag, taraagboat tot rountry eeatlnaa ta abow aa taaprovraaaat la nllway ratnga and gcaaral trada. wa cannot Vat adrt tba aareba at atocba a ail ra ctloM. Walkor Bra, aay: Tba aaartot today waa vary atroog aad artlva and trading waa (a larga volna . All tha good atodfa wara bid op and tba tradora forCOd aborta tS-eeror, Wa look for a eontlnnanc of lb la atarkat aad put vaok poet to aoa k Ichor prloM. Dlcat Broa. aay: Tba atock ntarkot opaaod with wild advaara ttla aaorBlna la roapnaaa In an rry apart la American etocka ta Looooo. Dorlna tba r t of tko day, wltk BMr or le Irrocalarlty, thla adraa waa aaaloUlaad and Incroaood. Tba Wwln w fi rally atrang witb arorwa at tblr boat. Tb baak atata pcat wta not aa good aa expected, bat bad aa Inflaoaca. There waa ronatderaMe abort Tar lag la a 1 tba leading atotka. , KtW TOBX BftBZ RftnCIBT. Maw Tor, dbjt, Bank atatomaat far w: lacraaaa. Decreaae. tfaraa ............. ll.oao.7ij fteearo aa FJ. B.) 1.UM.5U0 lwmi .... ... 9M,SOt Koei-ta - 1.BIM laabl l.M.O0 1oo1U , ; 4.3T.0 (waUatoaaf aa.lOt VmiBUBT. MlPaULBTB ABB ftTlil I WOBB. Cltoaea, Qet. a--r1aaarT tarikjtoi ortay. I oar aaa, ' Bh. Be. erwat ... Corn Wihaoaaa1 ,.!.. woe i.sTj.flrw JBT.OW Wheal Ctta ' -aroac wovat "-it and Oaar, bS. f a, bm. Oata. ba .... S41AO ... !, mono TIT.OOt ii mo ...102.IW) 10,000 Six Great Attraction. Ooora-e ft Wsndllnsj, SMnrand Yanco Tooha, Jaroh A. . Rile, Vrnest Osmblo hci la I rompany, Mara, the, ptinee of wtagie, IVrnest Thorn paon Solon la T. M. C A. alar ooursa, oil for fl vd. ..t t nuwom ' Buiima ornce. . CALL CF JAPANESE ISPDALNEWS BOBTAXj ByBBanBTAXTM TO TO BOAn BOJiwDOat VO WW momm mama ov m XtAmaa oiwni roa nrotra. rrrat Stnoat, Oct. It. 4 p. Th principal feeUuraai or th Portland whola sale nnrkota during tha put wee. wra: Wheat markat Arm but qalt. - i JapnnaM t rder flour. Plva oara aaa tarn ago In. Poultry'a ton not bo good. Cracker wax braaka out acain. poutaaa taka downward oouraa. Many bavlea of hope aold. Oragoa butt or hlstiaat In eovntrr. Fancy applca coming to Portiajad. . - Draaaad mUa Aad a Bala. ' ba 9mr Tloaur. It ta now almoat oaruta that with In tha next nonth or mo tna Japanaa bov ernment will ba a Terr noary purehaaar of floor in thla markat. Tba Wgar nlllara sot wind of thta bobm tlno o and Bomo of than nast thalr paraonal rpraaaata.tlvaa to tha Inland kligdora to land aooa of tha big eontracta. ThoM who hoard of tha axpoetad ordar at a latar data aonl thalr rapraaontatiYaai thara today Tta ono of tha Bound Toa sala. Prom tha lata advJoaa to tb Brain houBM hra It la judg-ed that tha as pocted ordro will far aollpaa any ra oarod In thla narkat front that aoetloo harwtofora. Tho flour market la very Arm and during tha week thara waa ante oomo nlbbllnc of email lota by Japanoaa and Chlnaao Arma. Thara la a atorr afloat tat Ruala would Tory much Ilka to raplenlah Its flour aup pllea and tho ajoraromMt of tba oaar ta aald to have offered handaomo prlaea for aura deUvary of Btocka. On ae ootmt of the eiaaelaaa patrolling of all routea to Ruaala by tho Japaneaa boata Bono of tho ordors hava boan aoceptad. Wheat Btarke rtm ahrt Qmlot, " Th Portland wheat market hi Tory Arm but - qulat and practically no Chans wore made In tha quotation thla week. ' Local mill men aay that the prospects are that there will aooa be a vast Improvement In tha oar supply and toon soma heavy ahlpmentB to the aaat ftro expected. . Tho oast la per fectly willing- to buy our wheat and flour providing- there is any way to ship them within a reasonable time. Bom also of bluastem wara reported in this olty during the week aa cood aa H& Supplies of valUy rrada ara so. abort that deal tna; la only nominal. There are aome inquiries for Walla Walla from Buropa, but no oarsoos were re ported sold thU Waah. Plva Obbb BbmBmbbi Saaa Oamnx" Durlns the week Ave oar of egg arrived In this market from the eeaC Moat of tho stoaka were of good quality and found sale several oenta under what tha local fresh goods wore waulrha at Supplies of homo esse were mora In evi dence thla week and tna tone of -tbe market waa not quite so cood, although no ehansa wro made In too quotations. BiulfcU obo aaahea Mil. In poultry tho receipts, altBoua-h hot exoeeaive, - wera quite liberal and tbe a me 11 buyins; of tho larger retail Arms In tha hope of breaking tha market caused a duller fooHn - and lata oday aome small oojaceeelons la prtoes were made In order to clean up. Deaplta thla quite a number of ooopo were carried over. There la now a alhrhtly better demand for turkaya aft woU a ducks and feeee. . , Oraokav Wa Breaks omt Afata. All la not lovely In tho cracker busi ness, aa aomo of thb various companies will plainly aay. Tho Standard Biscuit company la at It again with hammer and tones and has made a alios In tho quo tations on eodaa. As a result of tha renewal of the Aght tha cracker bual nees la unsettled. It does not Uka very much nowadays to cause a drop In tho quotations on notatoee and during- tha week prices on aa avetace want practically ifco per 100 pounds lower. Even at tho present low Agnreo tha dealers are not oaring to buy. Several e-rowers brought ta wajton loads of potatoes Utla week and eould not get an offer. They ware compelled to either take tho potatoes homo or leave them on tho afreet to sell on ooaitnls nton and moat of them chose tha latter course. The onion mantet. is very una and supplies ara very bard to obtain. la this lino tho Oregon farmer nas the upper hand on account of tba Bhortasje la the crop elaewbere, Bttsar BaOes of BXepo Are Sold. " During tho week dealers hero picked up mora than 1.10 bales of hops In this state. It Is now estimated that there are but 11.000 bales remaining unsold In tho bands of tho growers and tho deal era era very anxious to secure theee. Tho buying: thla week consulted princi pally of prime and medium ajrade coooa. tho cheaper tho better, tho dealera aay. Reports from Hew York asy that Ore gon hops are sepins there at Sfto, while Newtork state oods are ffolng; at 41c Tho markat throughout tho world showed a remarkabla sain in strength thla week and a heavy advanoe In Quo tations la soon expected. During- the week offers of tic for choice goods wera freely made, but were refused by the srowera Moat of tho speculation in hops now la between tha dealers them selves. Lata reports go to show that the Ore gon creamery butter market has the highest price In tho country. Eastern butter can easily be shipped Into this market and soid several cents under the local product and still tha dealers make mora money than on tho local gooda. Moat eastern butter la now being gold here, while local goods, except tha best advertised brands, are not so Arm. Country store butter ha arriving in bad shape and quotations ara fluctuating badly. Paaar Apples OnmlsnT to PiitlsaB Extra fancy Spltaenbers; apples from Hood River came In liberal supply this week and the choicest foods sold easily at 1111 per box. Tha market has lib oral supplies of the cheaper trades, which sell from loo per box Up. The rape, aa well as the peach season, is nesting; da end and supplies are now very light, with prices up. Tho next rain will prove tha and of tha straw berry seaeoa. Duricx tho week the sup plies were not ao heavy and I0o per box waa anally obtained. Cabbage and cauliflower oamo in faster and wars quoted down. . Buppuea of dressed raeab along Front street were quite liberal thla week. Vaal of ordinary grade oamo m rniite fast, but a out In price waa suf ficient to keop tho market moving-. Fancy veal found no trouble In moving at the top or the list. There was a demand this week tor medium weisht packing- hoes,' stocks that oould be Bead UU tuv WW WOll. The wholesale quotation which ruled at tha close of the week are: WHBAT Now and aid Walla WsBa, ) atseairn, ooc: niai. Bf C. Ba BLEV 104, ziJpOSS.1Bi railed. arawing, w. 0 A TB Prod a care" arla.4te I WUta. ftt.OOl gray. -v uu. IXOI B Eaatera Oragoa i Patoata t4.t; afIIXSfurr-BBraa fit M par tost mU dllnaa, BBVOt; aborta, eopatry, fZLHii oboe. Roan. Waal aad IBM. I k' ftorfl law, aianne tw eitra' "; att:n for rbolcai Ufsou for anaM WOOL HoaDlnaL Valloy. eoaraa' to auw ITOISc: tn. la; aaatara OMgoa. aX4)10a. ajuuaiH naw, bm. RIf EBPSKIN'S Bfcaartaar. lOaalDOl atO30c: aMdlaaa waa. JDflbuai leas weaL fOcatl M each. TALLOW -Prtaaa, par ah. dd)le Be. I a4 groa. tQtUc. CniTTiM BABK at pat to. baytog priea. BIDES Dry nM. JtoT X, too and so, I4Uis par At dry kip. He. I. Ito 1 Itc; dry If. No. 1. sador Be, lVl dry Had bulla and Mage. 1- to taaa dry Hat; Hod Udea, atear. aoand . 00 lbs er'evor. TOSe: 50 t BO ttw. Ta; aodor M a aad enwa. t)Te: at an and balla. aoand. ft-j kip. II to 80 ba, THl aoand. 10 to 14 too. Ba: If. aoand. sador 10 tba. BUoi green (aa aal tad. le par lb laaa; call. lc par lb toaai torao bid. Itcd, ck, 1 5UTB: drv. each. 1. 00O)i. M: cola7 bid. ca, SBOseei goal kins, nan, aacb. 1 0S) loot Ansora. Wttb weal aa. each, aVOtl-OO. Bettor. Xasa sad Psalwsv ' BtTTTUR PAT Bwoat. BHe; BW. BH. . BUTTKR City ereainerr. oat- toe; eoeoed grade, 6ar7He; aatalde fancy, STHB0c; ordl rarr, BafaTHci cold a tor aaa. Baft eastern, aaU2ftc; a tore, ISCIlSHc. BOOB Mo. 1 6rh Oragoa, tTHet esstsm. CHM8B Stow roll ereasa, twta, UfJUIiec Tonna America. UHAc. . POULTRY Chlckcoa. ntrod. lHf" Bl nana. 11 HO lie par lb: mooter. oM. t09t lb; rounr, lottfjue par re; nroiiara, usik r" lb: rrrrra. 11 OH He par lb; dncko. old, 14c per lb: yonag. lfe porlb; gooaw. ic per lb; tarkaya. lie par lb; led, naiawe . froths aaat Tajitohlia. POTATOBB Boat Oregon. OOcdltl.OO per ewt; bayera prlooa, TGttTne; aw la, fl.BO pat ewt; a td, 11 .U. onionk loal. tt.dBell.TBt barora nrtoe. fl.3Jl.i CaiUoraia, 1.71; aarus, Bajioa KB K8H rnriTS ApeWa. fancy Oragoa, 11 0 SI.B0 bx; cheap gradra. BnaTPo bos; oraagea, it Vatonclaa, M.ontM.O? per box; 1m- aaaaa. 6a per lb; lemoaa. ebolee. fl.Toajl.oi BM- box:, fancy. S 0U3.eO per box; UOMa esloan. OBe 100: olneapolrat -MSS; pinna. OnOOOe per box; pearheo, ROe per box; peare. l.i(l.av: traxH. Tk-1. nor boi: Oroa. BC-OTOc; Conraraa, 16-lb baak at. BRa40e; canto- oupoa, Tortxvi.m nor crate; easaua. ai.ou par dna; barkleoorrlM. OtxlOe per lb; rranberrwa, local. A. SO per bM; Cape Cod, fS.ftO0JB.U0 par bbl; pruoea. Be p tb. TBORTABLKB Tatalpa . 91. B) per eb; oar rota, aark; boata. $T B5 par cki Orecoa raniab . 16c per dm; eatvbara. 0t.aoa. fl.BO ewt; lettuce, bead, Ik doe; green prppera, eOaBOc per box: celery. 70 TV per doa; tnnatoaa, Oragoa, dffQMe box; pa rani pa, TI4) fl.Bt; green peaa.l Or par tt( areen oalona. IVli r doa: local oroen onrn. Sl.ial.Bt per a ok; pla plant, tt par ! string baa, or; cucumber. 60r er nek; oil flower, 00c p doa: batter beano. Ac; pnmpklna, lUe per to; horaoradlah. To nor lb; Sproats, Ba; B b- roorna, atsjmc per lb. DBlKO PBTJITB Apptas, avaporatod, TV par lb; aprtoota, mqike par to: era, u P bale; peaah ; Q1B par fa; paara pre is; pran . Itallaa, IHS per i rreoca, B1iCJ4H per lb; Baa. OeUferx bkek. per lb; California w hi toe P "' praata. piltod. par to: eatra. giltoa, Mas p Ibt tarda, tl.SO par lb-ft boa. 4fwWariaTaw VwPvVa owfcVfto 'L ' BTJQAB Seek baata Cnbe, Oa.40 powaorad. e.H; trait granalatad. M il; dry sraaalated. in. w aa on. ft. m ilt soldea 0. tolm; hbla )0ei H bhh). Btoi boxes, loo advaa oa ch Ha tta, to Bto ewt f sash. IB dara aaaple, US) 10s per Bk. HOlflV ifOlBc. -' ' OOrrnB flroea kloaba. ejaPffaVl Save, fasep. BBflito; Java. aooa. JL Java, ordinary lRdaOc; (Vets Blco. faacr. !: Cbato Rtca. good. IS 01 ac i c ta Blca. ordlaarr. USJlat par tb: pachaae corfeo. 14.TS. TBAtV-Oolnnit. different (radee. sattBtoi aw. Kwder, msjsiawc: Bngflah broab at 1f rent pradeo, TlHarCfie; epMarlag. aooalored Japan, fcoto; er a Japan (vary acer K SOS) AT-KlnoBalea. to. bm, 4a. Ba toa, B1.M:, tahlo, dalrr. Boa. tSunajllflO: lone, ssoo; imported LirerDool. Boa. llk.onqiis.oor iiaw. l4.B0CilB.oa: iMa. Sll.Hnrll4.B0: extra fine. bbla. to. to, IW. YOa, 4J0; boJh. SB) Bw. 14.00; aacka, 60a, 0&R, s A ir Oeeroo H a If srewnd. loom, ear a, rio B0: Ma per wa. Bt dBCrr.oa: Uvarpoot no rook. IlK.soAld Ml oar ton: KMb lees. 6. TB: Inna, 15 76M.B1 . Abova nrlo anniv to I Of torn tana r lota. ' Car tots at seeetol srio sshtost to tactoattona. . ORAIM B A OS lea tta, .!) per Wf Bir Imnerial l.ttaa Mn 1. 4j.e: Mo. 1 Br: Now OrUaaa b-d, BHOBt; adjadk. Ooolo. 4e RBAwai Btnall , white, tot torso SUc; pink. 4c: aaroaJttls: Iia a. tot Hd- rruTK paaaato, THej faab . H s ro: raw. lAIIW iter to maoteA aoeoanata. BR Or per tno: walnut a. 1.lufllUi par lb; pine nan. maim pm Jd: btrkorv nam. toe par rneotnata. aaaten iaia ho U: Kraal) oata. lb per Pt: BTberta. 1K1B per lb; raaey erase. l4S)laa par tot ahaoada, Ua)lBt par to. tents. Ptob ssd Tin Miss, rtnii Mrtrn .loamtad Koaf. staors. par lb; eowa. 6Q&4 per lb: Diartob. Art ad. ipv jw m; limns, era aa seaee per tn. mirn mm tb rrfiai nrwi booi. ao nv 405c per to; pork, block, dtHe per tb; pack era. hs per lb; Mil la. lajiHc P" m o HW4Ur par Tb: attoa. dr ed. 406c pai il. extra. 744r dot Ibi ordinary. 60)70 lb: tnnr 4 Mr n- lilKhl BUAnUe nor lb. HA MR. BACON BTC. Portland nackt len bams. 10 to 14 toa, lHc per tb; 14 to 10 tba. l.H4 per lb; is to w lno. ise per in; eottasa. inUr nor to: br bfaat boron. 14ale per Tb: olnitea. lie ow R' ul.r ebert olaara. BB aotoc iohc per W, araokos, nc per w: eloar hacka. aanoked. 10c nor lb: a ranked, lie par lb; Onion bat to, to IB toa. eaanokeB. nor Tb: amokod. Bo nee tb: clear bellies. BS- amoked. 11 He per lh; anMhed. 12 He per lb. UH IL LARD Kettle 1 t. loe. uf per : Be. liai nor lb: BO tb Una. lfl"4k per lb: roam rendered. Ins. 10 He per lb; be, l"He par lb: BOa. inr par tb: onmnoun-1 tlercea. sa ear nt: tana, aaj per r: boo. ae par mt. OlNWr.n A lAf n ( Coin nibla rlvor t- talk. 1. A3: f ib talla, 12.IW): fearv l ib data. It OOt H-tb fa nor tata, i Sn : fa nay I -lb orah. ax Tn Alaska tall, plak, H4J; red, il-BO; aoauaa bikft hnok' and. fa a to; fWwndera. Bt per lb: bairhnt. Tc per to; eraba. $1 28 par eon: atrtoed baas. lOSMttt Per tot eatBab. 7a per lb: lanon. rttlnonk. Be not lb: oilrertlaeo. Be nor lb: herrino. Be nor to: eowe . So nor B: oh rim pa. 10c par tb) abad. do; od, per lb; neren. ao nar : ana a roe. nor o lrelt. Be per To; lonatero, H sc; rrooo nurarm. Be: crewtoh. BV per doe: Boenaars. sa for io. OTBTERJI--rnioalwater bar, par gmf. ft M nar aaeh. B4 0O net: Olrmpla. Bar ck. B6.B9 CLAbfRnard anetL DOT BOX. Bt-OSt maer tarns. fB.00 it pox BOPS rare Manila. Uk-ei siaalara, S "AoTl Prl ar ' Aatnl-aBba. 'BHe par gal; water white, boa bbai IBc sap gaL wrooas par gai: aotisot, iiu-ot oob S3Hr per gal, iron bbla 17e par gal. liNffKcrT oil-rare raw. la bbla 64c Bsr gnL can Bsc par gal; Bosnia kettle boned, da lle par gal. bbla Bee par gal; ground cake, car fota aB.0B par tea, to tha ears B.0 OASOUWB- das. saBM Bst pop sat, wea bbla B6c pr e; atove, ens saS par gat. aroa DTi la ise uer gat. Bsmzinav-eB-Jieg. pat sat. -oa bbU IS He nor aaL PAINT Oil Raw. bmb aaa par sat, SBe per gal: Iwlled. r 4oe per TTJB PBNTIF I Is eaa me p beta, lie per gal, rma bbts TBs lota BAc par f aL WRITB LBAbton toto Tbja sat SA tote 7 per to. le lobi Br per aV V1BB BAIlArraoeat bo at fS-o. BXW T0KX OOffll MABJCBT. Hew Tort, OH. B off fwtnres pmoOny ancnangoo. nil ornciai ic cwm: -A a.b I MA Aab OVtoboP ...BtlflO 16 8 ! April ,.1.. ..9710 17.18 NoTerober .. B.OD B fln;Mar 7 JO T IB Deremn t. C.TB . 80 June ....... T.3B T.36 Jannarr ... f W 6-W) July 1 SO t on rehrnar ..BOB T.nol Anrnat 7 40 f.Si March 7.00 T.OOISepientber , . 7.90 f.Bo Caab aaftoat Be. T bm, Bacj Be. J Santas, B4c. Hut ton Co. y: Tad toffee ark at was Strong. Large receipts will ake an Inert a la tba Korean vUlbl of a boat aui.onO baas The opinio, la, however, that thla baa een well dtaoHinted. and they look for an artlva weu aiecoanted, sod an actirs and klrtar bat ta looked fee asxt swata. H A T-rrnmmt i re arla 41 math Wltbt erta allay, fancy. 9l4.OOOif.ot): ordlaary, llt-OOA 13 00; eaatcra Oivgoa. l8.00la.M; ,ifJxrd. 10.ftf)OllO0; efercr. OOOtl.00; greW 1.0t mH.tot eb L Ml oodjil-iO. v ar gai, wvonaa J gai, le-to Ml , (Tram tbe rtorthwoatara Mluer.) HOW LONG CAN HE PO - IT? CONTROVERSY AS . TO GOLD EXPORTS (Bpoctol Maaateh by Leaned Wire to Tbe ae ssl) New York, Oct. St. There has been rood deal of controversy this week aa to how 91.100,000 gold oeutd have been ensnared on Monday for export, with exchange below 4.8 H, tho Interna tional parlty;-bt an equally lntereatlns question Is how It oame to bo exported at all In Octottof. Thla is normally a old Importtnsr month, when tho trade balance swings heavily In our favor, be cause exports of produce ara then at a nuiximum. Last October wo aent no old to Europe, but Imported large) y from Canada and Australia. In October, 1009, we shipped none to Europe, but re ceived 91.000,000. ThO story of 11, 1999, 1999, 1197 and 1999 was tba ammo, . f i -v XB01 Waa aa biibsIiib ' One notable - exeootlon to tho mile waa 6i J B01, when 9300,000 wo& was or dered bora for Germany an October 19, and 997,000 for Parla on October 98, Nobody doubted tba reaaon for these un seasonable experts. Our bankers were heavily ha debt to Parte. Paris eaHed In Its loans and we had to foot tha bill. In tha third week of October, 1894, New York sent 91.000,000 sold to Germany; that export wen explained by the double fact of absolute trada stegnaaion hero and enormously heavy sales of our stocks by Europe. It Is not ao oasv to arrange an equally good explanation for tho abnormal movement, unlsea It can be found In the-disturbed condition of Burope'a money markets. What makes tho parallel atUl mora difficult Is that tho rata of foreign exohansa in Both 1001 and 1814 waa oloaa to the normal gold export point. ThO atock market opened at Sharp and Beneral advances thla morning, and It retained and bettered tho sains made In tba Initial transactions exceedingly welt tVemlngly tho dominant Influence In the dealloM was tha virtual assur ance that tha difficulty between Great Britain and Ruaala would be em tied alone; diplomatic lines, as eat forth In the speech of the British prime minister hast nfajht. At all evsnta the London stork market was notably strong; today. American shares showing advances which. In .a number of oases, approxl-' mated and exceeded ono point. Throughout tho whole of tho present ysar's advance In prices there has been no mora excited and" enthusiastic open Ins to tha market than waa witnessed this morn ins. On enormous transac tions prices advanced rapidly, la practi cally every quarter. Tha only conspicuous exception to tho Ben oral tendency waa New York, On tario Western, which declined rather abruptly, apparently on the notion that with tho change in the control of prop erty the minority holding of the atock would not ba dealt with. In tho Industrial quarter sugar refin ing waa tha conapleuoua feature, and reports were current that there would be an early extra distribution of profits upon tho atock. Amalgamated Copper rose Oharply also, partly .In sympathy with tbe sharp advanoe in copper atooka tn tho loondon market. A strong tone waa common In tho Industrial and mla- oellanooua atooka. bow ever, with no special soaslp current m connection with tha movements In particular atock a. In tho railway Hat there waa a fur ther extensive advanoe noted In Dela ware, Lackawanna A Western, and tho othsr anthracite coal stocks were decid edly strong. Elsewhere the moat nota ble transactions were In UnloA Pacific, Southern Pacific, Rock Island. Atohtaen, Pennsylvania, St. Paul and New York Central. In the bond market tba Ore gon Bhort Lino partfclpatlng fours added further. Foreign, bouses were heavy buyers of stocks In thla market and ursent covering of short eon tracts waa observed and the business of eommio- stoa houses ehowed a largs increase. Tieadlar Steaks fkoead Bisk, The atock market eloaed exceedingly strons and active and with moat of tha lead Ins lasuea at the highest figures of the day. ThB total number of shares sold today oa the stock exrhansa was 1,0B9,9B. against 70.809 a year ago. Tho total as I so since January 1 have been 187.979.779, Axnlnol 189,019.499 the I Baao time last yaar, Tbe par value of . it.- bonds sold today was 98.979.009 sgxlmst 8BBB.000 a year ago. Bines January 1 tha bond salea hava bean 9098.901.990 against t87,H7.00 Last year. atmha, Xoeb II Oe. Bay Bond. Kuhtv Loeb 4k Co. have- bought .from the Oreaon Short Line 940,000.000 of the new bondai Tha bonds are secured for the prurient on the Northern Securities atock. with tha usual right to sub-collateral. They ara BTuarantead tinoondl- tlooally, principal and Interest by the Union PaclOa All bondholders who do not desire to participate in the sub scription to those bonds eaa have their Oregon Short Line bonds redeemed tn ear -t 10914, and Interest oa February 11909. , , . . ,(i fTTTT DBBCBIPTlOa. Anaconda Mining Co.... Amal. Copper Co Atealaon, com do preferred.,,., Aa. Car A round., earn. do preferred. . ., Am. Ingar, row Am. Baaelt., ooai.. ...... do praforrod. ......... Am. lea, eani......H... do prefer rod Baltl ore A Onto, eoni. do preferred Brooklrn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, eaxa.. Chi. 4 Alton, CO do sreferred Chi. a Ot. Wont., ca. Chi., Mil. B 84. Palp... CbL North., com.... Chi. Terminal By 109 100 XT; 148 H 72V 118 0014 07 IBOU B5U 187 r ufi aa un. v void. Buaia., nqa...... do Bd pre f erred Co let preierrea..i... Detawaro Hada.... D. A B.Q., cmb da prof erred. ....... Brla, com do Sd preferred....... do lit prerorres. minora tral fl44 Lotuartlle A Naahrtllo.. Metro. Traction Co..... ManhatUa Elevated.... Mexican Central By.... Minn.. Bt P. Ste. M-. do prof erred... Ml ourl PacuV M., K. ST. oo OO pTwfdyl"r9fl . . uttiii Row York Ceatra Norfoto Weatera, OMB, do preferred....,,.... North American K. Y., Ont. Wast..,. Pannaylvasla By P. O., L. BO. Co Preaaod Btoal Car, Oat. do preferred Parlflc Mail Bt . CO. . Beading, com do Id preferred do lat preferred Bop. Iron A Btoal, com. do preferred Bock laland, ao . ,.. , . do preferred Southern Ry., do preferred....,.,,.. Bon thorn I'aclBc n. L k I. r n pfd. da lat prof erred it k C so-.... do preferred.....,.,.. Texas A I'a rifle Tean. Coal A lros. . . . .1 T., Bt. Lh A W OMB. do preferred Dnioa PoclBc, easi do ore f erred 0. B, Leather, eaa ' 0 preferred v. b. Kuotter, eo ...... - ds preferred TJ. A Bteol Co., so... do ara f erred ,., Wheel A U B., easi... da Sd preferred , do lat preferred Wlaconaln Central, eon. do preferred Weatera In Ion Tela..,. Wabaah, - com. do preferred B4 Canadian PaclBt, eoninton, ex-rlghto af 6t e p cent. Total 1 far any, I.0T1.BM POBTLABB BABB BTaTBsTBlfT. Ttw ly rapart of tbe twtlsad a Hag riringa. Batoftc . ...91-VI 442.74 9lia.2flx.04 ...i on.ftnnsi 4.MH)m Monday '.. Teeeday W'-dneoday .,. Thara day Friday Batarday irM.2W.28 BB.B40.SB iw. i t (ii MB.B4I.7B BAS.OO0 B9 701.21)3 AX SBB.54g.7p Totals for week, B4.610.ina Tl Omn rsT M Totak year age.;..... I.IM.B11.BB 0B,J04.4B ' Vow Tarfc Oarto ' "' NW Torlr, Oct. to. -Cto : Northern Oecon tlea Opened 11T4: blah, 118; low, U1k; atoss, UI0le, Sakw, B.noO sharas. Btorltna-. New York. Oct, . Demand stortlnAt, 4BB.T0 41.80) 80 da sBsJOVJABa.lO. . tILS RECEIVE to:.:? i im wttobbb, arBcaaa abb MAT CUbsaj ih flams SZOB-Strx.T OrOBS ' 1 BTJU ABB OATS m WAMMOW. . - " 111 .. . THB WHBAT MABKBT. Open . , Cloee . Ctoss Lo k.. m.t. . Vrl. Bat. neca-bar .... 1.1IU l.wl .01 Mar liiU. 1 iu tl.iatf ' .01 Jsiy jtn .&b jnsk o Jrarahnbod by Overbock. Btarr AOoofce Ce.) ' Chicago, Oct. . Logan A Bryaa y: wheat waa aodor praaanra all tbroogh tba an loo, barrlae ooa Httlo rally. - which brought ont renewed aollbu. Beoalpta to tba sorthweet continue liberal and atooka ara accaniaiaung tbera. Tho uouhIii mcoIddi are at 111 of good rofattne. and caah beatn to ad prloaary markota to alow. Trade moat not focget we baea bad a pretty fair decline ta wheat this WOOh. and anaalhlr anHo a tlttla abort Ding. It la atlrl a oralBlns aaarbot. Trade to alow sad tfsdws afaoald take profits wbaa to sight. Qora Pit Ball. . x flora to rhlo ntt aa ostranolV dnfl. fOMBb afon boue ao 14 afar ears at tba opening, which tooaea iixa uqnioatioa. Toe waaaneao " ariocuc tnis pit adversely, a promen and e levator aoncarn waa Uar aarly to the oaatoa. bat sebaeqaeatly took back tha hne of corn pat est rltor . We. ear la are set rmaathr with the Idas of Ulng corn nt this proepect of a largo crop. We m better than oW aurhat, dVl narehnaawef enra tar aaoe- oarlr data aa tna nope ror -nothlnc and oa breaks adra ate ptoftto. oaw Tiaai arrow. W 0a i tittle alnlfliwa to tb as trada today. Pit conditions are anrhaaged and caah baalno ta Indifferent. Tba trada to ton narrow to expect more than S acalptnx srkst, and wa sdrtot Uklng profits when to ight. Pravtaiaas Bald SfcoaaB. OonaMertes tba WMkne to the other ptts, Bnvtolona bald romarkablr strong all tbroogh the ee toa. Recstpta of hot conttnne lrberaL Mt tbera price today. Be IOC traders eaa expect bnt scalping arket. Today'a eCflctoi ajarxet: WHBAT. Oct Dec Mar 11BU July .07 COBB. Oct Doe .... J9HM .4BUA ..46 "4 A May .... : .aei .4 Jaiy .... Oct .. Dee .... May .... July Oct . - Dee Jan May ... 4BA OATS. r .'98 IS .tlai .11 . POBK, yv 1S.B3 LaBD. lO.BOlt 10.0TVL 11 tt lAtt jV.'otU IB.41 Lf.eS Oct Nov Dec .... Jan .... May.... T.OTHrl -t07UM ABB If 7.074 t.nj : .t9 . 0 45B . A00 7.10 7.B0 T.10 BIBS. T.a 47 B.BBH V.ot'4 T.1TH Oct Jan May ... T.! 7 0 o a AM B.4T Atat 'FRISCO FOLLOWED ' THE OTHER MARKETS (Pur Blah ed by Ovarbark Btarr ffeafcs fc. ) T: Tbe a-eaeral taadoacy of the le 1 wbaat market today k boan to follow tea dechae la tba roreign one uaicaae awitn. iiwinuj wiiiTiin. waa a Aort nai lai Thara Barley to atrong. pecan ear aaa ay saa aa Illng at tba me prions. , TteefArlsla-rkcta: ; Open. Hbrb. ' Low ' Ctost. to i.oa l.OBtA 1.AS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0 1-0014. 4WTJASO 0ABM WBBAT. Oblrage. ehanged to Oct. te Bo tow. He. 9 red 8 rod sard whiter hard whiter sTTi OdM I.... J.JX 1 11 1.08 1.17 1.11 1.08 III 1.18 LIB f.10 1.19 i. No. No. No. Me. 1 northern aprtos northern spring 8 spring TJvarpoet, Oct. SB.Ctosst Whes 7a 4Hd, d tow- Cerav-D oar. 4s BA d tow. - flwata Mithili Tacoeaa. Oct. Wheat iaactlve. Be: club aad rod. B6e. Balatb Sraia BtorhtA rmtnth, Oct. B. Clo : Wheat Dacaajb 918 hid; May. 9L biA . Ba! Wta nk Weihad St. fonts. Oct. B Cto i WhMtr)eaaBib . Bl.u; May. si.tato. ( Baaaaa Olty sweat Barfcet, Kansas Olty, Oat. Ctons; Wbi ter. 9LQ8t r ii-0- Ma Tark arato laajfcet, Hew York, Oct. B. Cto : Wbaa bar. fi.lTn , ... f Wlanaanalaa Srato Markat Mtaneaaolto, Oct. m do : Wheat Pa bar, fft.uto b ; mar. '1w . SHEEP MARKET RISES TO A HIGHER LEYEL Portland CnleO B toe Tarda. Oct. B). 4 p. Thla week th era waa sot S Btngto change in tba euotationa oa llreatock, but tbe Bboep mar ket la a bowing srery Indlcatloa of climbing higher at an early date. In bogs tb recelpta were smarter thla Week and thM canned bettor feeling to prevail toward tho cloae. Cattle era not coming fait, bst till the receipts ara larger than last week. Tha aurkst aaa a very good tone. - i Tha rooalnto abow I - , This Week Lest Weak 1.42r BB 1.B44 t tea Hots 490 rattia .......-.. an SbrVn 1.6TB official nltos prtcas at tba ekw a week are Cattle Boot 9. an; boat valley tors Oreroo eteera, 98.0049 teera. BS-BO; cows, 82.00; balls, 91-70; stags. 3 no. Hogs Boat heavy, 90.B04B.78; bloc, 04. BO; China fata, 84.51; atnekers and feed" re. I.1.B8. Bheep Beat grain-fed wether, 2.28SJ1M; to-be, Q8.004j8.8Bi -lxad aboep, 9A80." , , ; '' tUSTBBa BOOS STBADY. - CeVaaa, Oet. 99-atoek recetpts: Boga. Oattl. baea. CWeagO 8.nO0 pno . a,ono Kaneaa CttT 8. . t , 000 , pno Omaha 8,000 BOO BOO Hogs Opened steady with 9,000 toft vr: recelpta a yehr ago wera 18,000, Prtcea: MUe and Utcbers.; good heary, BP 10 8.31; naghlMBry.T4.B0O4.B0; light. 90.004 8.0B. . , Cattle Week. , v ' Bheep--fttady, '" OVERBECK - . Mom ibors Chieaso 109 Third StreeC sBoXay Baudins, Portland, Or. ., Coatlxuoui Bfarksts by Private Wire, Quick Hervloe. RETRHKHCT Id sa TUtoo, bsBkera, aad United States MaUonal Baak of ForUand, . , m CIACGES ARE : TO O FASTER ' " . 1 ': Bnnrs) oobtibs iSbb-QVAk RT WlU A4M BB BBTBBB BtrTTBB SBOWS SXABV bbobw . VOTAVOBB) ABB eSWIaaaBBa, a j ... V.' (Sseetal DUawtcb bytVaaead Wlra to Tba Journal San Pranclsoo, Oct. . A atralaht cargo of wheat was Bleared today for ureal Britain. . Tho local speculative markat had a drop, Spot prtcea wera no lower, but eloaed weak. Barley fu turee had a further advance. Decern bar ahowlns a not sain of Aent nor cen tal, Tho spot markat was firmer, with a fairly atood demand and llsht onTerlnsa or cnotoe ieee. oate ware inactive at unchanged piioee. Other cereals and hay remained as prevloualy auoted. a sood shipment of pom waa made, to uentrai Amonoa. Tna abtDtnenta at flour today were 99,989 barrela, 91.9SS belns for Honskons and China, 9,998 for Japan, 1,189 for Japan. 100 for Anoon and 94 for Colombia. Soma also wont to tho Hawaiian lelanda, but tho ejuantl ty waa not aaoarteined before tho ouetenA bouso eloaed. Tho frurt asarket was uaaaueilv outet for Balurday Durins tha oomiruj weeH now crop oransea will probably basin to arrive In larsor quantity, and It ta to be hoped they win abow up bettor in, ripen aaa. Soma tansarlnas oamo In from Oro villa and aome new crop naval a from PortervUla A oarload of Cape Cod oranberrles of the late Howe variety will ba duo on Monday. Strawsernea wars quite plentlfuL All melons have beam dropped from tba list, as belns no lancer worth quoting-' Grapes . wars oasy for table varieties. Soma fine tUnfaadsl - wine srapes sold blcber. tdnlaoos warn la abundant supply and weak. Huaklebarrlea wore mostly ta poop condition, and tho same applies to flea. Apples wara la heavy supply and to brlnsj over 11.11 a box they bad to ba except Uonally choice. Tho potato market remained tn th same shape as previously reported, dull and weak, Tho demand was wholly lo oaL Onions oontinued firm, owlns to a) scant supply. 'Pomatoea war In abund- anoo and weak. Othorwtaa tho marketj showed no pertlrmlar ehanse. Tho past week wttnsaasd a very abarp) decline la freah butter, and the markat oJossd . decidedly" wash today. , Son dealera reduoed thalr yasklns prlos fos--faacy creamery to 94 oente per pound. In aomo Instances a allsht advanoe was aakod on tho ontotdo quoted prieea for fancy mild ehssa auwl aoiocted ranch SSa. rtfv ebaansMBt IlH " " ' Tho past weak waa a rather poor aw for California poultry, the doaBand sena orally bavins' boon somewhat loos than tha supply. Ffv earloads of eaatersj wore reoerved dvrtaBT tho week and roo tellers .bats their attention mostly ta tha same. Oamo moved off well and at firmer prions for aotao Und, 5 TO 6 POINTS IS ADVANCE IN COTTON v.-- ' ' t - fTaratobed by Oierbkek. Btarr A Ooaa Oa.) ' Haw York, Oct. BO-Ootton ratnr olinl 1 to a nana hlabar. Tba offtotol mar baft: Open. Blab. Low. Cloa a. iw. ciose. ".KM at ' aonSut Jaansry 90-I5 , yebrsary B.77 I March 0.80 , 0.BB M.::::n:::rB4 io:oo June O K WM July B.OB ...... October B M 0 07 November 0-40 B.8B Detwmb BOB 0.7S 8.0091 B.BR(l9B o.ts - m&m KM lO.OoA'KI io 09 a d 0.09 r O-Maa BB1 O.UuH IS 0.71071 Tbe eottoa market T. A MetBtyre A CO. ssyt enrlDg tha past weak bss fraotnated wlUta narrow Umlta and tbe sat result of tbe week's trading baa baoa te toara prlc ealy sUgbtty ehanaed fro tbooa of week ago. This would appear to Indicate that tbe force of tbe bear sampaiga bm already boon spent and that Ctc bara not worked down to a boat tbe val where tha buyer sad Iter will some cloaer tngethar. Tba benvp saovasteBt of settoa baa heaa ooa of the prtorlpal bear carda, bat thla s aotwIthataBdlng falling off ana re ceipts at tha porta wiU enpare with tba targe totals af last yaar, and- this om perta will sjva a saora bnluxl aspect to tbe sttaatkm. Tba crop baa advanced no far that tbe appear anas of frost baa not sxcttod bay asprabenataa of nt bears, aad according to all adrlcaa. picking baa progra ad at an anaoaally rapid rate and will ss enmptoted exespttoa ally earlx oovxow yrsiBLB sspnT.' " ' Now York, Oct. "w.TlaaBcUl Obtestotog Oguras sf aotAoo-a Tlaibla upplyf Thta Weak Leaf Year tree. Yasp Bait Bal Bales American :...&4a.M9 World'o A6wB.BB9 In sightl World 'a. . ....9,07. BBS IB0B.4BB lam, MB 878,409 A TAB, &04A0B0 821,047 ,S17,BTB 448,801 BXl.SBO Uverpoet Oct. BB. ttaa ra 9 te 9 potato tower. BAB fBAsTODMM BTrBTJT BTOOBsV Bas Pi is. sire, Oct. B.-AfJalag keaf Toa. MoBtnaa. .81.P0 Belmont ,f0 Midway .m McNaBaaia .... J Jumbo Bl Ton, Gold YlaM. .04 Toe. Marada ... .08 Toa. Oold Mt.. 1.71 Crown Fatat .. .10 Ophlr t-BB Meitcaa ..-.J... 1.80 Oould Curry.. .17 Boat h Bek-her. 1 IB Con. OaA-Va.. l.M Potom .ISA wo. ym. Issjerlsl.,4 .18A Belcher 80 ft ah .08 ' BXchaeaar 4Ba Overman .18 7nloa One ..... .44A Hirer Hilt .... .81 Ooa. Hew York. .08 Alpha Ooa .18 .81 .30 .80 .00 .00 .X Klerrs Havana... BalltoB 1 IBes. Bekner.... lJuattee Unlla Kentucky OS Hate Korrross .71 Challasno ..... Yellow Jacket. s Haw York. Oct. BP. Havre eoffee ndrancod c, Hamburg advanced 14 a. Ban too iw-lple, 6o baa. Market aatot. Bto receipts, 11.000 MfcNMOwQMEIIs rjM Bl 49 for aaaataral diharr JsJam matlona, IrrtUtloaa aloa rations af muooas ambraaaa. KlaUea, and aet astrmw fotelhihed'1 18V , ABB BTOOB A Orrewad tnsov. am or oo BOB. af ailaakeafa.J aaanaia Pj M OM M MrteMra. B fl reewoej Caojahk 1 trMlVMCMB 1 t y BHBHsurn,! -w a SoM bp BwobjbSsOB) r er seat ta ptala wrapaav. J W esareaa, troaald. awl A 01 Ok. or I hot Ilea Sl.TB. BK oienalar aent oa reau a otado a arrrnrwi3 rrr Board of Trada OOTS, OOVTOBt. STOCKS ABB BrOBaTS, r w t I - . f