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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1904)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY' MORNING, OCTOBER 80, m uv-Hnun, he. FOB BENT, r. aa0dn CUM oar Hfai i ana uii Tfcre Urge We; hw rider e of frntt; T Nee't in frNW MUn Et Taster St, flS. .VI. Nice Arams Oattagn, Beat Mmth L. Won- ..""Ai'bonrwmia company. . nrtt N. EAST BIDS rental efftee if . I. Wells Cn.. S4 Grand mow-If yoa hart a Imm to ml ar waat to rant t aoaaa.' If yoa hare a beam or tot mil ar want to boy boon ar toe If yea want te Incur year boat and fnml- tp la th PboenU In. Ca. ef Harttert, i iwiul, nu p poone m 01. OITSBS at eereei at leant Om ntnd yoa waat. hat re cu Ban i U d at fara and uii aa, wall a mneh worry, by eon- Baiting Joaradl Waat Col mane far what yo waat Try ft lft iwfc BAH and wife who wtn fnrainh good refaroaoe . aaa nna a rat ctaMf to cat lab home (S noma, alt pMdera, boo vail fo- JJ nnahiy, a (Uratoj KADDBRLT Traaafer Ceamtotlo Oo-i njaaoa !" lurmiwi DDTtd y IDiriMH BOB. llo North Third at. Hon btal lata. Fob bbbt h an. ettag- nd fiat, aw , tad op-io-daU. ranted free ot charge. . I. (kTirti A Bona, Flrat and TaawlB ate, 1 BTNB new cottage: not $13; fumltnm tor nato, : Ciaonanie urma it oaatrabia; M tiaaaa nj daalara. T Ban, L af. BOB BaTfT Xrw matorm T-roMi bmiaa at Ht Tatar, aaa w Ua. Fbaw Baat JH to Mala aar. VOR BBWT-J. eattan at tTl Bakar at, $10 par toaatk. iDQvtra at IT4 Bakar at KBW, Bodarm. T aaat Cook ava. feoaaa. Oommarlfll fet. laqalra m I r Tint t fO UirrVB-rMflu awdani kova, aat. daf aBlra Adams at Bolto-I FOB BBKT KT ar aaW, 11 tTl Martk BMk -nmi kMtoai bath aa4! itaaatB at roR BBlfT-B-rooto fcaafla: ktk aad yuC lrtk Elfktaaatk at , nw laamaia TU But AaftaBT at laaadr IU VAOBB fara nnkwhra far ParUaad aroo .artr; arftaa fra bvk and CUrk fair a-rrmada: anod Arnnia Lam UA fralt traaa. roantn w atari " utw la Mow, bal aaea paatara. Addran T AS, eara JearuL TO axekaaga, 41 rang 4 aaat, - oowa ar otbar Mrftal Mdg. arvaa la towaabla I anutfc. Olackamaa aonnty, far nilleh Brootoek. Boom N'Ca- Bob . I w tottag aad jMaoa boaaa la WltnaaM Araoua addltVa. for and aart aaab. laawlra SM Itt at TWO aaitaa kwiaak aping room for aala, br, ta Mala I avebanga for taam of bar aaa. 4ftl4, ar oaJI W Obapiaaa at. TO axraajaga, g lot la Portland id for aa JoraaUoiTl Baaalda; rahto tsno. C. fl 17 garaatk at. Boata. otty. BOB BALB or aaahnaao A OolaaUrta Merela. i?ri . VJ1. li1 Jtta I -rtfla. 1114 Baat Balawa at rUBNlBHBD tat MO Oanbml lot San rraa- o: waat Portland baa 17, eara JoaraaL LOST ASTB POOBBw LOST A packat book oooUtoiog aMaay ba- I FOB BbTNT4 kawN) Mt raaaw. . . twaaa TwaetUth and Stark and Twanty-flrat ' aaBbrt MwrtaML ehmrm waaty aooond DON'T ba a latorl Ba a wtaaar, by advartlalng la Jnornal Waat ftnranDa: . tha mm 1Kb 1 aaaraat way t aaiaiaa, si wargg far 14 1 U - aaa-j. 4 LOST Boat oa totrtor, whlta atrtaa to fMat dV oral rawarg. Maton Laaa Ofnaa, H Morth: Third at FOB IS BT BW BTOBXBOOMB, nl labia for aflcaa. . pboto- irmpb pa rooaw or aa, ht arar t Batman. laaaai Mg bf- llgt aty al Ba rata Sj Baahml Agaaay, US Flrat at raai Pbaa Bad 1SS1 BTOBB BOOM for rant flaaat location tn Hy. DBOBB BH AW. SM Waahlngtoa at PlKB atora room its. Apply Pan. P. Sbarkay, TOl. Ohaav I of CommoToa. Tblaaboao Mala ISO, I BOB BBNT Oornar ataro, d rootna and to it laoaJra faroaoont at S14 rlrat at ho trass poB asHTPE be iters bob bam POB BAUD Bargain tf takaa thto waak, farat tara of tight rooaw. flrtt-claaa; Oat far .y raatatoaara. 104 Thlrtaanth at PTJKurTUBB of ft-room boaaa far aala ebtap: low rant Tttopboaa Mata 4400. SSO Second at ', EMPIRE roTESTMHrTT DB, , Bnccnmcra to ... ' ", ' Bakar Rati BhUta Ob. , ' ', Chambar of OMnmaras. - ' ' ; Phono MalA SSSt. WE SHOW A PARTIAL LIST OT BOOhT- ntO HOUSES. WB HAYS ALL THE GOOD BCTS IN PORTLAND. WE CAN A R RAMOS TSBMS ON AMI HOUSE 0M OUR BOOKS. It BOOMB Beat, altgaat laeattoa. Sfto . data farnltura. tlcallant carpata, and booaa It la boat at ooadlttoa: rant son. : prtoa, tnetodlog plana... SS.SW B ROOMS A aaat: farnltara aoadt ataan la: rant 40. Prlca STSOl U ROOMS Won fandahad. and s aood bargain; food locatloo, Oaah 700 1 Sf-ROOM cor oar gH fnfwitait fwot-ttoaai 937S month; not f; aa Tantb 1 hoaatkoaplna;; Incog St BOOMS--Powa town; fmaltma' hj of tha boat: making 1160 ovar aapoaaoai - oaMa boaoa: faraaca haat, gaa light: ' mat waaaaabto. Prtoa.... ..a,BM B.ROOM he ail. ; a Mttto baapt good ea baat: saoau. all fnrnltara. farnnea raatad; rant S3a.ft0. BOOMS 0a oaa tf tha aala rtrotta af Portland; an foralabod rary good; rant SidOi do not fall to aaa thai: H la a moo .,,aaoi tft BOOMB Twalfrh ati altaro aaa earpotnj rary ma la: . goal BU. Prtea SSt BO BOOMB TaaibTTlj farnltara tad aar- , nam fha baat: atectrlc llaht ateaai ' brat; boaaa aiwaya fail; rant ftioo. Prtea -Iil0 11 BOOMS Tawth tt; rant Ml Tarp frad earn to ana gooa mrnirora; gta, aata; oa cornor; atl n ugai: taia pi act bworth tnora many thaa yj m SI BOOMS Taaakfrl: torrrblng naw aad ctoaa: aoaaa aiwaya fall af tha baat data at rooawra; at tha proaant prlca thla boaaa to tha boat bay la town ; ' Pail pnrtltaJatg at affloa. M BOOMS Tanmin. aa aaraar, aa Baa flaor; root tTft. laaaa Jaaaary, "Ot; gaa; pan oan ntaha Mg amay to Bala aoaaa .. otortng tha oirT Prtoa PA, 00 IS BOOMB Aldar at.; all goat fara. rata r aoma hosaakaaplng; net SM; part - . aaab, bnlanoa payawata. Prtoa IS. 000 S BOABDTirG HOTJBES. ' SB BOOMS A awall famllr hotel aa oaraori honao alwnrn fall of aood aar . lag toaaata; carpata aad faraltart art of ; tha boot; aood raaaoa Oar aalUag; rant tSW tar IMS. Prtoa..... 4a.t SB BOOMS AMor ot.t vary atoot to: aoaaa BOOMS Btotaath at; mat tTTtl thto la a aalaot boarding aooot and m all . fall af good aartng bonrdara; ataam 3 water la arary roam; too aaaaa. Prlca..., 44.00S IS BttOMtV-Tooth at: alt Pan; h carpata fnrnaca baat: faraltara Al toodlttan: good auM tor PrtoaUtOsI sasi anaa, aa taaea ply BWPtBB IWTBBTMBBtT 00, S Chaajbor of Ooamtraa. far HOUSB H1APQPAW1M1 4 tinToo.' I Iftft-g iMiim Block. 1 naM Buta iso, Wat tna 1 knii hot and 00 id water u I " I OA BOOHS Cp-bVdate femeeeweptag ape ry finely locatao ; tea; ibt; Xurnuhlao vey .ioo ; Saag tarum, Booms HoteL team haat fight TLaa brick; lew mt, Long 99 BOOMS Oa rtftb at.; god toeaUaat M clearing aboat $200 per MMih; 1 Mere' laaaailbJi m a Urgala. $S,2A BOOafB Tarr alacantly fralah4. ataaat baat, kot aa cold water la all raocnat flua tocalloti aa Third it. toaaa, yaara, JlTS toclnolaf ataaja katl, Pilaa BOOMBralrlr wn faralabrf: oohu toad I 41 BOOMS Naw fertek, varr toadan hi avarr way ; narataaiada axxa; ail aatr Hat- Iraaat rant aotr 1U0: 1-Taar laaaa. SI, MM). Mlckt teto kaoaa m ax- BOOV1B alcaat a(wrtmat-kowJa to ttiyi all pnjT fj? tanUsbad; raai fltt; good M BOOMB Bwatt boardlnf -baoaa: bast af toad tlau: dolag flaa boaloaaa; nMitoaa vr aaac, go laaaa. met ngM. m BOOMB aHsbtaBabto boardtofbawa. fltiaiy ronuaaad: aboira eernar; arr - abort dlataaoa frofli Portland feaMll I . frw waao, raax ww. a,wo. M BOOMB Boat part ft WaaktojIaB at.; brick Miiainf, aaat, runDUg wattr ht moat of rootoa ; aow rtaatluf oar 100 par . - waui, nw (o waaa. a,SHh 31 BOOMB OM aatabllabad baardtec wflkaa doing rary flna buatoaaa; high- el aaa tcadai wau lanuHNi Maaa. rnoa, H,wu. St BOOMS BsardlBg: atodara la arary wayi ala . fiiUr furnlabad; doing flaa baitoatoj rant , gist. , .rnoa, aw,oug. Bt BOOMB Tary atcalr fnrntabad, brltk bafM- . ing. gooa tocatloa: doing ato bain II low not laaaa. M.aoq, 11 BOOMB Kaw arkk baOdlng. ataM boat bot aad old waiar la tray room: arary , thing saw aad la good aaadltloo: good ' Ua: aaat Ut; big tooaar-toakar. . aa,ggo. . ... BOOMB AMor at.: aloalr fsrBlabad. sari toMiMkaaplng: aowfjaariag ator list par aanaia. mi,mi9. BOOMS Bight dowa town; won ftonwbad: aiaaaibaat; teaaa. Bat bay aa aaakat. vajy aa,uo. .boarding; akaly famiaVod, doing good , Raiaaaai aanit oniy nw. gB,aw IV BOOMB Oa Munlna at. all aa an Ooari awaiy rarairaaa; rant atw. J,au9, lis BOOMS rarartara ail ntoa, tachdtag ptaaa; ooa weation; anaap root; aooaur baaptagt aiwaya faU. fS,B0. tt BOOMB-o. Waabtogtoa at; wal fnrntobalt . aogloatkai; low raati kaaaa. S.500. It BOOMS- Oa Park at.; hoarding: vary fiaar jocauoa saoai rant it a. root aj,pg. XT BOOMS rniuUm gaod! rant aafer BBIi aaadl at. abort dtotaaaa froto Unrrlana at: ntaafr fnnilahad: nalin Mornaoa at: awary arfeat bafor. 1,T0Q. . U' BOOMS Oa Blla at; awaB boardtnrtfar aitor aad aarprta; vary aaat 1.2T, BOOMS Oa Jff4ra good; taat 4S.M. i ati fornltara Prtoa istw. U BOOMS Oa Tan tb at. J rant S4S) Itoallaia good; baa good la coma, aagg. BOOMSi-Vary tlaoly rbratobod, dcara frt of town; rant 840. 1750, for tow darn. . Prion aaly BOOMS On Tnymr at., wall farnwbadi batb; ana. aitne light aad taraaaa Aaat ' Frloa, atoladtog plana, fTOO. , ' 0KOCCBT STOBBV 0a WwAtagtoa at. dntog tank toirtaito at ctoaa awaa. an. ago. , ' OOrTPBCTIOKBBT. . . -Oaa aa Waahlngtoa at. ......4 BOO I una an- run -,.. .... ....a. w Oaa an btinimrin at 1 1.0OO una aw rirai at.,.,,........ goo . . DBUCATBamSnV. Oaa mm Montana: roctlpta SSO. . ..A. . .11.000 Oaa aa Waahlagtoa at, rocalpta flS.,.S,000 WS CAE atAJEB TBBJU OS AWT OP THS ABOTB " ALL TTTLBS drABANTRWTX BTJTBBS rR OTSKTTS D AS WILL AS SELLERS. WB. WANT 40 TO 15-BOOM HOLHCSj AMIO SO TO 40. WB HAVE SOLD IN THE PART i 10 DAYS ROOMlHe-HWSBS TO THB AMOUNT OP S18.0OB. ' ' TAPT 00. Ablnntoa B IMto Third at BQRBKA BU8INBM CHANCES A BBAL KBTATH AuBNCT. SU Wanblngloa St LAST CALL! BAREBB SHOP fht baat tbJag of Ha kind ta tha town. Par parttaalara ra aalL It ha aold. Tha dnfleatoaaoB aattt aratt aa aaU. a paying opportanlty thla hi than tha Buaalaa and Taa war. Thla atock of aaaortl atarcfeaBdlaa, won aaloetod, opportaatly located, telling at tba Cta of SSO par day. with tha baalntaa balld g. otatt ba atld. Par apoalal latorautioa TWonrarttoafT sntt ba Bold ar paokod aa. Thla la tha mat ehanca for a ha real a. W bao ttbor boalnrta orpbrronTtlor la alaxat arary lla of trado. Llho Noah 'a ark. wt art paakad with all toaaaar af All aJrrt. BBAL BBTATE ItrrOOETB. 400 bora a t-room booaa and S Iota, all ta ilr, S Biiaa alauat trans tag atsrf S3 S00 win bar SD aataa mt Uad aoer Laato. Honaa with 4 rnnai. naw barn ISiSi. larat abad, cblckaa-hoaat. land aU foncad, Thla to a bargain. It matt go, H. ton hay g iota DOiloO, alt thai if. fall mt an nnfla of rmt gooa aonna. mrgt nan, blebw-haaaa all faaead la, located oa Oaraoa HHghta. Maat ba told. Hooara and lota la Laarolwood. Lrnta, St Pohna and otbar anhtirha For doacttpUoa, aaU. All na tartnt ta anit aarehatar. Tbni la bat a minora a tiki ana af thlnga far Owtoa who tank. Inapoet oar lmt i ... DON'T BUT ANTTniNO. DON'T BELL ANYTHING, . ,v UNTIL TOTT SBB US. WE HATB BARflATHS IN BITS I NIBS OrtANfTat. BARGAINS lit APARTMBNT IIOUSBS. ' . BARGAINS IN RBAL BBTATB. WR BURR LOANS. SQUARE DEAL B ROB BRAGS OOMPAHT. US Baraath at. Portland. Or. , S ROOMS, araad-aww faraltart. toratod oa prlnelpla otrort la city; boato fnU of roomart; gnarantoad laooino of 4100 par month abort all rxnanaaa or no aala; fTS rent; long toant; rafarancao roaalrad: pay maat of any raaaoa- amo nmoant aanaractory. aarry AJ odor. 4 North Btxtb, oppMltapottofflaa. 0ENBRAL MERCHANDISE atora far anlo ta tmall town to aonrhara Oragoa; tploadld atw atnrt talldlna-; atock will torolca bttwaaa ST.0OO and Sk.AOOe raaaoa far arlllng. aara twn ttoroa, aaly anad oat: aplandM appor tonlty for tha right man. liTatarnatod, aaV Bang. Mrrtlo Croak, Oragoa, A SNAP "AT ikRwnnn WanonM gio.OTn atoeg ganaral march d dim at dl ttoti tna at radnend: bnlldtant and lota tor at lo, ar will rant naaira at laamai. ar write at today. 9. W. a BL A. ROBINSON. bttmnkhs cnANraa. Bakar gam raack raoaa, grocery aOnraa, amTra try. raotaaraata, hoteC and elgar ttanda, ftwlng ftowaaa, and St. iobaa proaartr a apaclally. M. 0. Chapal Oo.. IwWThlrd. BoowirtG i KBW Arfcaaaaa oil ftahl O. H. Balm. MM- aonrl Padit tauntoratioa agent 'Little Itocb, Ark., aaa got yoa aa all toaoa. tiifHac oa- Parluaai from fntara aala toaaaa. SeaS faralrara n rnnma; brir bedhftoaz. aat ; roat ftSft. Call Ma Third at POB BALA S1rtt-laaa fomlraro af a t-rooai flat Inaahrt OS N. Straateaath at TOBAOTO and tgartttt baMtanmtrnly OaU at ratal St, Ma. H Pwarth at. : Sitfl StTS half totatoot ra a goad oract baat- noaa. SM Waahlngtoa at POB aalt hoa 'aCV' ITS Prolific Little "Want Ad." . Th Bbov idvcrtisemciit wbb inserted in Thursday's Journal for one time by J. Abbott, en interior Oregon town resident, who came to Portland and stopped at the Perkins Hotel to Await results. Friday Mr. Abbott called at The Journal office and received 29 answers. He immediately picked a man and with him left at once tor his destination. Since Mr. Abbott's call at The Journal M more repliea to his advertisement have arrived. (They cannot be ujed, hpever.) , : 45 Answers to a 20cM. l Not So Bad, Is It? THERE'S A MORAL IN THIS PUT YOUR "WANT ADS" IN THE JOURNAL, , . . ....... ;. . - , "T WlT'Wbwi-B. gt ' ' Tba PUea To Bay 'yjk"" ' ' Bnataair Cbaaaai t t nil klnda. lat to Balact Prom Wa Protest Oar CUtata. Wl ABB MAEINO I A LBS Brary day. Oar ltot of bargalna tbia waak a oaada anrtbtaa wa haTt nw had. Don't think of baying an ill yoa bar aooa aa. Wa aaa will uii tmai wntf. JCBNXNOB X00... Stall WASH. ST. BtfHIBfrT BABOAIM BVBB OPTBBBD. Tl BOOMS in good leeatlon, flaa fnmltarai rara cbaaoo tor party laoUag far a aua smat- maai. jicMNiMOS a oa..... M WASH. ST. amawnrwfi norraw snap. Of IB BOOHS All farntahad; plonty mt goad paying., boardara; rant only mw; a aafi ttta waak: nrloa Asam to N). JEbkUNOS 00. .SMm W 1 MM MIB a O.BVSl WaD-faratokadT aoaaa: rant only SSSl laaatad near Grant at.: baa aood aabmaga aad la wall worth looklag np. . , fBNNixtisa uo Wash. sr. IT BOOMBaartaBtat-hoada. Baa fnmttj and balldlaa: rant la a baraaia, aaly SSS; a rood oaf laraaf aat aa4 a aw nay mi bar, JENlflNda 00. ..SB WASH. ST, BOOMS Mo dam Mo darn brtoB walldhnr, laaat at t; frtat-claaa raanltura thioaghoat at ALODo. . r. . . vary tow mat: TMa hi ihu i aa aaa JflNMIMOS A 00 ...MM WAUL loaaat f baa etoatad SaBS la jsNiiiMuf a oo. ......... issi4 Wash. sr. BOOMB Carnai boaaa. to good kwattoa. Boatlr bonarkoaninn; an i at low t; a goad JXNNlKti CO..........SBItt WASH. BOOMS -Oat aw flat with S yaara Waao; mt only Sd. ' Booma aU raatad aad paying WfU. Sao thin. PtIab. 11.400. iXXXWQB OO US WASH. bt. BOOhrBOarnar fmt tn flaa toaitmm; all on aaa floor; rant a bargain; laaaa nil after falrja aanp atJS,SQ0, JBMBIKOS a COT.. WASH. ST. BOOMB Salaat tomrdlna? ''aad laaawaa bona, aiwaya fall at H rat -ctoaa prieoa; atonal baat and modern la Orerr war: locm laaaa wilt fire good trrmt mm parehaot prtct.fto.000. JBNMINOS CO SftStt WASHTbT. 14 BOOMS Brand now baJIduar nam I tarai rant only tag aar month: bonaa hi foil ofattady hoaxdara and roomera: owaar to alek ana moat aalL Thto to a ham In for gi.soo. JBNNIMOS a CO ...tS2m WASH. BT. M BOOMB OaO of tha batt located af Hi alar ta tba city; aiwaya full; cheap rant aad leaae: larre rara aroaaa nana: ami at non JBN MINUS 0O gtSto WASH. ST. S BOOMS Bonaekoaptng apartmaala; a bargain, aaly $40 a month; laaaa. A WTCuuuwa. rnci, onuy aovu. JBNHINOS a OQ.."....at3H WASH. ST, 11 BOOMS Onr nor, tlagaat bnlMIng ami rarnintrt, not loeattomi toaoa. rriea, ai.aao. JKNNINOS a OQ Stttt WASH. ST, SO ROOMS .Cornor batldtag. aaltadM fan! tare laaaa at Cheap faatj Btf met. bs.uw. JAMMINGS a CO .SSStt WASH. ST. tl BOOMS With laaaa at rary brw rant; noma nnfaraJabos. Prtoa, S000. , JXHNIMGS dj CO. ...... .TTmMi WASH. BT. BOOMS Oar aar brUft, all fnrnltart: - laaaa at rorr cheap rant; clear S23S a BMath. Sat thla. JENNINGS a CO teW WASH, I POB BBMT tTrfPTJRKI S HBTV-Slacnat of) 16 Urge room a . fnraaaa aaat, location BSl Baraath. cornor Madtaoa. Ca an mako lai am aU tha aboaa. JENNINGS a 00 tttm WASH. ST. BUBTM1 oppopAtnrmi I TK "U V mf mtsWABB Baa Oragoa team, .ft JOS DEL I CATS-BSSBM andtoneb room, that CIGAR, ' CAMl1r MhV frart "atora; Brtag OBOCERT hi flaa location, will tnrotoa.. l.Too SALOON aa ono af tha beat otraoto d,Tfi0 0ROCBRT with tiring rooma 4T8 PAMILT LIQUOR ST0BB la thla efty.. t.lW RESTAtTRANT, one of the beat In town. S.2S0 Unt'i eri nag toad ttora la ntmrha.,., l.zno WORKING la tenet ta good aawmUl.... 1,000 Tan good a loon pronoaltlaaa and athat good rnaDeta not advtrtlatd. JBNMIMOS CO., SSP44 WASH, BT. SHAF IN CTOAB BTOBB. Laaatad on flna corner: S voara' maaat raarf anry fis: emara orar gioo a month or pontta ana eenpioya s man; prtoa. JENNINGS a 6o....-........S8H WASH. ST. ' PACDT0 CO AST LAMP CO. BhMfe 1S0L. ,S11 AJBftp BbSs. Thla la fha ataan an ant haMratoa. Watbtag mlmay tootled. Tlttoa gaaraataas. Bare la a awoB pfoeotltloa to fha hotel Naa. If yea hart bb.OOO and bmwh baalaatt: New brick bolldlng. 40 rooma. Bawl? rarnmhad. fall arory aJght: thto to a money maker. Long laaaa tad abaap rant. Call fay aartto alara. 11 -room boaaa. good mention: rent SSSt well farnlthod. Moqoette and Braaatb) carpata, oak fnrnltojrn: eUaxlng ftaO par Month. Prtoa STB0. A annn. DrV gooda atock m towa af 10RO beat larattoa for hud neat 1a Oragoa: brick ball flint: rent 30; S ytara' leane; doing a STRICTLY CASS baatnott of SSO.ono: a chance for a ttrt maa to make Mg BMaap; wlU aaU at laralea a boat ST. 000. MAnnfaetnrm I ll Ml. a frrtt-claaa Baa. Terr Kn table: a Urolr Part nor wnnt ft table; tot a of work a boat: wtll aaU man lea aboat IX BO. ntod; a aood lira man aaa ant ta- tareat la paying Dnnlaoai for PSOO; win gaar anta 130 par waak; awaag raajalroa holp Uv medlately eonrraj njanmawtlab baalntai ta rood town to 6artoa coonty ; will aell at tcrelra, aaoat .000: aalen aeorago tSS.OOO par rear, aaarly all cnab: roat I0 aor month; fhh ta as i cootloBal ooaortnnltr to tat n naim hai.iii a Call, ta and ooa oar Sat of roonUaa boaft. from S00 to BT.anO toomo really good bar galaa): grocery it or en. eaady and ctgnr ttoraa. Kaoral anrrcbandlaa ateraa. toanractarlng aa, aD open to maat rigid lavoatlgatlon; oleo aoaaa gjaod pari an: aartaarahlaa to tnrtoma PACTPTO COAST LAND OO. Black 1001. Sit AUaky CALL Inonday aad taratJgato amttry what we can tffer tor 3.nno la tba way af a aoeinaaa rnanoa, toetodlng real aetata, Da- TKUoa, wars Oa., 40S Ohaaabaf mt PABTNBR wanted; IB wanted; k good Bra man oaa got t ta paying boelneea tnr ttno; wlU taa SSO a .wook ; owner rami rod koto tntareat Immdlatoly. Oall at P41 Aliahy hUg. WANT to aa ytwr hwwaoatt Waat to toooat ra anaatntna goonr K batter lareeUMat Try la. . TBnsTWOBTHT man to flB raaaoaafbU aaat. tka aa alghtwathmna oat af Iowa; aanat ba r"7 Jx; goad aalary. Addraaa D Sa, TOB SiTS PiBbTS, PABUS POB BALE SO acraa benrat dam, gw ora, 14 mllao from Pott I nchool; prlca fiaS par acra; Hd: Valla half anna, baj- aoca a yanin. SS ncrM. IS mllaa ban Portland. 01 caltlvaUoB. aeraa aUabod and aaadod aeraa orchard, balanea good tin bar i croak rnna inroagn tunnor; good T-room aouaa Uri barn, yraaary, oeaokaboao and atllar rnona ana m. W. V. Tula la a anion did far no ffaiMt aoll. oa good road. Prlca 94,700. 18B aeraa. SO mllaa Trom Portlnnd. M arraa eraah bottom land. 6 ar T acroa hMvar dam. about TO ion bottom aador cnltlTaifcm, 40 acroa aplaad, Blaafad and oradod; now T-room bonaa, tto, barn; about SO acraa of rary ftoaat hop so, naa ao.arAi; anay mrma. ft mm, 11 mlbt oat oa Baat Una rand. a acroa n atrawbnrma. booat and bam. Prlca SAM. SO aerM. all fa raltlvatloa. bw . bow, nlcnly palntod, Inatda tin tad and pa emaet walka, plrkot fraca, iood bara mni abaun, B aeraa arc hard. A acroa nardan. rich anndy aou, aa ararat: aroak rnna throanh rorntr; O. W, P. rara ma tbrouh tornor of piac. x mnm aaat oc oroabam. rrtoa m,vm 2.600 eank. balanea aaar tar ma. Id acrra, 1ft mllaa from Portland, aa Bflhv bnro road; 4 or I aeraa baaror dam, nl) rlaarod; BP fralt troaa: now A-room booaa now barai telaphoaa aad B. P. D. . , Pilot Bl.sonL 480 aeraa, 100 to ctfltrratkm. rkh onfl. bal anea opon; troaa rnoa through puna; twe mllaa from railroad town; tbw will ax ataka a apitMiM atoea rnnm. Prtea M par acra B40 acroa. 100 aeroaffta ealtlvatloa; all good hop land; naw bonaa, wall boUt Tboro la 100.000 acroa oatranga Joining fhln plaot Boat cnttto ranch la Tnmblll connty. mot is. pat n a. aaab, ba laaaa ft paara' 100 aaraa. SJ terml la rnltlratlon: boaaa, barn: 1 tolla 4q or hoot, atora and poatoffloa. Thai la rroak bottom land, ftoa for hona. rrlct ST. BOO. SoO aerag; id terra ptowad. 100 aeraa bat to land aaay to clear; bonaa, part fenced, fete of water, SO oartoga and branch. Prtoa sfCToaT'lS Brraa to entmatten. 41 a la abort and Beaded! i bnoaaa. barnau or hard, flat an an af1horaaa, haraaaa, 10 band rattle. BP ton -af bay, -11.000 grapo rlnoa noorlnc: I mllaa from aood town. Prlca PXS00; SLSOO aaah, babunea S ytara al par IBS aeraa, ISO acrai ta carrtrattoa; hat bam. orchard, fenced to 0 flalda. water aaeh field; m-mlla from good ochonl. 4 mllaa from town. Prtea ftlOOf half aaab, batoiwa aaay. SS aeraa. 18 aeraa la oalrtratmn. watoner aood timber: aroak raaa throaah nlneo. aood miita from rinlaboro; good dairy farm. Prtea asw; Hair eaan, nnianca aaay. we hart anrtral ftoa plteaa af Portland property to trado for atock ranch. LIST TOUB PTtOPBRTT WTTH PS. Wo ham g largo Oat of fnrma to all parte ar urogon. nt can eeu atoat ot aaay term. Call to and aaa oar Uat PACIFIC COAST LAND CO.. Phono Black l01. SU Altoky BMg S40 ACRES. 100 acre lmprorad, balanea la good tlmbar. ft-room bonaa and big, bam, SOO Aratt troaa, planty of water. 130 aerta m Clark connty. Waah.y SB i m eaitiTatioa, aajaaea in timber; aooa and for nttmiuunga Bl gooa onaaitioa) ftl.SOO. 10 aerta. Sunaitlda. Clack am na aoantr. Or alt Ctoarad. 1 H aeraa la orchard; good T-room bona, brick baaement waUa plattorod; SS.SO0. IB acroa oa Section Ltoo road. 0 mllaa aaat from Portland. T aeraa alaarna, goad Boaaa; prlca $ 10 aerta at Buetaaad. ttt aeraa toi prarod ; at aanortta tratt tna ibui rrnita; vno, LAMBERT k SARGENT. 404 B. Aider St. POB S A LB PA BMB laiprortd tamm for aaB) hi tB porta at Ora gon and Washington: payawata auda to aatt parrnaaora. For rail partlcalara at tn rarl ooa yroportlM apply la W. MatMaatot. $11 waroaator bids. Dwnxinu ang nta aeroa, with so acroa aa teanrorod adjoining, Baat Twaaty.4lgbth at 0RBGON farm beet them aEt Aad by am lag tba adt aadar ttla aoadlas paa'U torn flna anaa. A GOOD dSA-aern rtock farm for aala by aaraar. S-jJBi ujuaZIxj!!, wmTTfTra r TOB SAXawHTSCEXXAJTBOVm, POBTLAND BIBD CO.. S04 Third and 1ST North Slrtk. offara tbto wo fancy algoona and ban tame, rery cheap, to t maat room: tbm talking aarrota. al Dying and fancy Wrda, tama atonieya, importea Ja galnoa plga, angora can, ate. POB BALB Aay ameaat af anaoa la I want coioataa tor g aonta a nno; T aver ape worrhj make a llao: aeraral laairrlaat of aa adrorttottoaad aaaafty mmmm a aala. That'a wvm BALB ar i chano far mor land, aero tract fear bloeka from Lanralwaod: tmall dwelling, atbar boUamaga, SO fralt troaa. K aa, eara JoaraaL tottdt wrlUag. Ta ha I a tor. Bali bearing. Light at. SnXIABO AND POOL tobtot tor ramt at tor Ml la oa eaar pnymenta. THB BECKS" ft WICK-BALER COUiRSTDBm CEL. OS Thhrd Bt. Parttoad. POB aala. cheap, anarplato oat fit af Iron deer and fixture for baker a araa. Inaalra $40 ' union art., r, - A PRKBR raw and calf: rantl. good Bill her: three calraa. obn J, Hon, ft. F, D. Ma. 1 Loan. or. POB ft A IB 4 oockvr tpaalal nana, t ah lea and s Tatnniea. (aonira raai Toreatraa, trrlng at LBftAON PREBf TTarlrbt nta no gftO to llSB: argnna. $31 S41H rlrat and Mala. Boos IS. BARGAINS to taoaad-band ajnebtaaa. wood Typewriter Agency, SB Front I FRESH Jnrnay cow and calf S3. Cpaer ARMaa ear, Ctmmarclal aad Baadlna ato. 4a try and roe to , eara ante t L LARGE Jeroey nw froah Bait x Ingnlra Mr. Lewm. ST PI rot ft Hay, S3S.00, POB SALE qinalaa baft b haataaai. STS, W1V Bama are ear. Oecng at HANTRB naHrarafl and ptowtag goat. I'Bian BTBB. BITS Jeraay aow far aato. laojnlr 1S31 Mll- wavkl art. qaiarleh B OoAdrtcb. aitteeto: 1 otaaaMtng tagtatar. Tft AATVAXT PATTMw. THS Trtalded AapbaH Pvrtng On. af PartlaaaV umt tna warotor m. andbbw L CHBtghl SB. ST Waahlngtea Bldg.. gaooral tow hnalnta: oanara title atamtaod. rhoar Mala 1000. . SBBPBBBD, ANDERSON CBIXARS, Attornayn, fj aa an PERSONAL. J. J. BIRSHHE1MBB Panaloa attornef and eeaaaelor at law, 38$ Waahlagton at.: pea atone obtelaed under ail acta of coogreaa far ao Idler ef tb Clrtl war, Hpaalah-Ainerlean war. war la the Pnlltpfrinoa; panaloa fot aoldlora' whtowa, alaar ablUran and dopoadoat relatlrca. CBANGB OF LOTATTON-l-1 wtab to Inform my paUenta and frlendt that I bare tndivldnalry ope t.ed a new office at 110 Oragonlaa bldg. A. B. Devare, apart llat ta dlaaaaaa af the hair and aealn. Pbooe Bond loSS. GBNTLBMAN, gdadle-agan. would Uke to eor rrpoud with tody- matrimonially Inclined that prefer to go Into rooming boaee buat am la na goo dty. Addreae A. L. Wad. Tha Dalle, Or. MANLY vlger rae tared by Dr. Roberta' Nerve 01 ooa lea. Oaa month' treatment, $2; $ ajontba, SB; aaat aecnrolr aaalad by buIL Agent, Wnodnrd, Clarke A Oa., Portland. Or. CONFIDENTIAL ITBRTIGATTONB Raporta mo on nay INDIVIDUAL, boetacec or prop ty; bonkt txparted; beat olty nfaroncaa. Loch Boa FT 4, Porttaad. Or. "THE BOOK OP MATTJBB. "Book af Ufa." "Mabel oray." itory of a Slave." "Nana I" aatalogaat ire. A. SebaMla, PJO Pint at YOTJB preoorlptloBa are mor accurately and reateaably tiled at Eraaall'a Pharmaey, PJT - Morrloea at, between Pint and Soenad ato. PERSONAL Toar bamneta or profeaatonal eod ia joarnai waat coinmn win Bring bnalnea; 81 word for U ten to. Try pT MARRIAGE PAPER 10. tea tod; $00 wealthy: many worth, $100,000; beet bank raforeacag; ftth peart Rv L. Lore, Deartf, Onto. Q ENTI.RM A N, go ST, la tourtoaaa ta tba dry. dealro aeanalntaaea of reaper table yoaag lady, ohjact matrimony. O SO, JoamaL WATTHES, dtamoada. eny paysaataj dlaaaeada aoogat. w. ,h. utmm. rit wnn chi am TOB SALE HORSES AMD CARRIAGES. PAIR af bar a, weight 3.000 pound, ar oai1 ana gooa agea: aino pair or ram horse, weight S.nno poaada. $ and 0 yearn eld; alao two nta of heavy team harneaa and new farm wagon. Call ReJ Front Stabtaa, Plftaeatk at, Jaat off Washing top. UVESTOCK hi etweye dtopoaad of vary etriekty wnen aaTtrtmoft ta joomai want "nawnt The rate la St worda fag U aanto. Try theah. IP yoa have any borne, wagean, bnjfaiee. bar no or any kind, telaphanw bUto 1130. CnO 3t North fifteenth at. nr. Ant, X new OlSt Stadehakar nbherttred boggy at a bargain. Call at Petaroon'e atalile. si glitb at. Bl'RAL mail wagon for aala; good anndltloa: aenverea at raruana. uarrie . g, Oreeham, Or, FOR aala, cheap, gray aaa re ai id Hototata cow. Jordan, ftontb hit Tabor, reeervalr. near appar CLAXETOTAMT ABB PALHTBT. CLAIR VOTANT I N aTITtTB-J. B centrntor. taealar. clairvoyant, teacher of the occult, aoviee given; tna nchool to aow opea w pupiw orairing development ana advice on oiaemnnaiment I the In tell gene. Inetl tnte I40to BUth kt Beadlpga from S to ft. eaiiy. MADAME JOHN STO N Clahrvoyaat. anlanaL card roatar; I glv facta nllabto and Im portant on tit affair ef real life. Bit ting BOe. ag Baraath at. Brer Oak. PALMISTRY and eard rending; S aaoatlona 4Lsa anawerad for fl Waahlngtea at BARS IMS ABB UOBTKAXMw. OREGON BOUND LI' MB BR CO- 1SI at Phone Grant II TL boat BrnxsnMSv JOHN HTDB Boato bollt to order aad tar car. Beet TamhiU aad Water MB. CTB3ROPODY ABB HABWUBIBw. WM. DBTENT and BBTELLB DETENT, the eary arteattSa chlropodlito, aertoca room soft Drew bMg.. log Second at Phone Mala 130L Thla to the long-haired ginllimaa He b) the toaa yea ar looking Bar. mSARS AMD TOBACCO, ESBBRO-GUNBT CIGAR DLeArlbatatn af P1MB aflABSL Portia ad. OABPKMTEBS AMD B1TTLDXRS, . J. AfTHORS and H. si WOODTeelrpaatera and bnlldera; repowlng aad tohbtng: atere and office Ssrarea ballt . Shop SuS Oniambto. Phaoe Ctay 1A1. . M. DEB batldlas and raraodaNag: ator Sa tnraa a eneetolty. SS pint at Phone Cmy 0. W. OORDOM, aoeetera. abelvtng. boaaaa balH repaired. $00 Foertk. Clay 1T4. ooBrsnssioM buuobjuttb. BTEBD1NS PABBELL. prednae and comana- Blea BBarebaBta. 140 rreat at. Fwruaad, Ot. Phone Mala ITS, DA TEN PORT BROS., IRA Front at. Frntte, ar. dVce; oonalgnmantn toltelted; prompt rrtvra. CAPES. STAR BEST A CB A NT Rome cooking a aaa- Ctalty: meal Uckta $S. The. Leech, prop. Oar. Twelfth and Waablagtea. thb orrrnsx tn wtabington at Pboaa A Mala TTL Pickett Tlneaas. OIMIMT 0OMTBACT0BS. BAWKINS A CO Real dean. Sot Pearth at. phone Front IBM; maneat work ef S da- eerlpttoaa; aataeg. CRAB B. CARTER A CO., former ty Carter A Mill; earnest cantraetert. T4 Tatgart Beat IBT. An work gnnrnatooa. CfBOCXXRT AMD SLASSWABB, WHOLESALE oreckery end glaaewnn Bagel A On,, 100 to 100 pffth. ear. PraeL Stark at LADIES and eMMraa ewrmaato. aHl akirta. tat aad wrai pr Bhada to erdoa, US at Tetonhon Mara 81 IT. MRS MeKIBREN, artlttto aad ! mnkiag. Wl Merrtaon at BOS ABB MORSE BOSPTTAL, DA A J. CARNET. D. T. B, fnterlnarr goon, wtMMd to BH Gttoon at, hat, fv aad rirak eon. OS 11 AT WESTBEM COAL OX, 441 Boyt ear HU; wanbod temp aoottoaa ooaL fa OS aar tool Bat r 00; agonta Sar Oantbru aUngo, ar oo; t.-aiie Gate, $ wb 'maht arlcaa: trot deliver fjoa gnaraatotd. WBBTRBM PEED A PIIEL CO 104 Fifth at..- dealer to dumeetle and coat, black ami (a anal, abareoal, aad Pboag Mala 101$. North ALBIMA PUBL 00., Rallraad at and Albtea are., aoar ferry; Vlab and atoak amaaVdry and grata. Fboae Boat aTd. STEEL SRIDGB WOOD TABD Wood Bad OtaL Office, tt$ Honaday e raoaa. Pboaa B. ' PI0NBBR PURL CO., reajoved from teot btor- rlton to Mot Halt at raoat main iw. a B. TBLIM, Sret-etom wend and eoal: efftoa SB Amlaa arpw aaar tarry, ury utnwooa. OB BOOM FUEL CO. ; all klnda of eoal and weed. B44 Mart man. Pboaa Mala 0ft. BOOTBR k CON WAT. MS Water at. Wood aad coaL Phone itain anaa. DTXTMS AMD CLEAMTMB. SLXT'BSSOES to tba Owl Cleaning aad fi laning Company, ate a in cleaning, dyeing ana re pair lag a apecUIty. 17 H Ftrot at. Boom $. Pbooe Mala amm. PORTLAND STEAM CLE A NINO AND DTBTNS Wort; araettcal hatter In eowBactloa; feather boa and ptomea cleaned and arld hy an ex pert Zll Foarta. Fboaa day roa. CLOTHES CLEANED AMD PRESSED $1 par month, Dalaaa Tutoring Co. 04 waahiag- ua at H. W. TTRTncR, arefeaatoaal dyer and $00 Jeffereea at Ph Phone Mala BB1S. DECORATORS. BRNRT BSRGER ISO Flrat atl waVannar, lagralna. tepntrton. aspllana frtoaaa, tetor tor deeorettng. BAjronre. MBS. OB ANT'S adaH and ahlldren' tteaaaa. Academy of Maale. Morrtoon nt, aor. Second. BXJtOTlUOAX WORKS, NORTHWEST EIjBCTBICAL ENGINEBRIMG Company, SOP Stark at. Portland; O. K. for everything ta the etectrleel Una, Mata isal FVRErrVBB TAOTORXXS, PTJBNITCRB auanfaetartng aad anerlal ardara. L. Rarenoky'a faraltare factory, 370 Front at OR BOON Parol tare Miirafarrnrtng Com aaay Maaataetarara af faraltara (ar the trade. a. SOS Fint at PTEAMOIAL. $3,000 0ABH will nay aa to tenet, tactodlng reel attata. that bonnd to be a big winner. Call Monday. D video. Ward A Cv, 40S Chamber of Com mere. PBATXBMAJ. DfSTBABCBi ORDER OP WASHINGTON Ponmoat frater nal aactrty of north wee t; preteeta tha liv ing. J. L Mitchell, vnereme eecrttary, 013 ahS flft Marqaam ftWaj., Porttend. Oa. Tato paoat Mala tdp. TOBXST RXSBRTX SCRIP. PORR8T BB9RRTB SCRIP FOR SALE Ap proved, aarretrartod, reefy tar immediate ana; fcwaat price. B. P. P B. Alley. 000 Chambar of Cc earner. f BRBITURB BEPAIRXMOX VPHOLATERIKG, repairing: awttroaaea maa to order. Unci DUk'a. t$0 Waahlngtoa at Phone Red lift. eSOOEHS, WADHAM8 CO.. fnctarera ant and Oak ate. ALLEN a LEWIS, antomlattoa tad an dee aMr- ehaata. Front and Da via ate. Portland. Or. BUtDWOOD PXOOXS. BABDWOOD Bonn, etrtetlv mm to datoi ni ana atcotaing pornmr. See Tlmma, EDWARDS A CO., SOS Free Bt BTJHAB HAIR BOLLS. i. J. BORG, awafr. haaaaa aatr roTla. 4SS A Bth. Pboaa Kot SS11. HOTELS, HOTEL Portland. Aatorteaa pma; SB. $ par day. SSLTEDBBE; Ewraeoaa plan: 4th aad Alter atl. IMaTBAMOE. ISA AO t WHITE, Srw JAA Mel. WOOD, mptoyor BablTlty aad In dividual eed dent anrety beada of aU Uada, Pboaa 4T. $03 McKay Mdg. I. P. B ARTE LB COM PA NT. Bra laaarane. 04$ Sherlock bldg. Ongoa Pnooe Clay BOA rPIRS INSURANCE J. P Koaaedy aia ltot. A Oh, BH Bbartoah bMg. Pboaa Mala ARTHTJB WILSON. Ore bid. Pboaa Mate IntMJ. raoB woRXA PHORNIK IB0N WORKS Snglneerv, BMaa- raeturer or martn. miaing. logging aag w. mill maehlaery; prompt attentlen to rep ah work. Phone Baat SB. Hawthorne an., A E4A BORTH PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANT Not to the emablae Capadtj SOO.OOO feet aar day. Tha Urgent totk la tba city af dry rootle, Sooring, celling and Salab and all common graden. Will 111 local ardara at the lownt gtarhet prl'-e. Prompt dellvtrr mnrantaed. Parch at era ihoold ate ear ttock befor placing order. Offlcve. No. $ Worenter Meek Phono Main 30& Mltl. Shertoch era, aad river fnat Phea atota StS. BTXTOCAL. MBA L. A. ELLIS. M. D. Chronic clentlteally treated. Office SOS galmoe. at. snrsiCAL. TIOCIN, BMBdoUn, ooraot atortnet and aU atrtng and wind lantranien awtramenta. Prof. Bdwto A. Smith. Mala 4T0A SV4 Twelfth tt THB MUSIC SCHOOL OP PORTLAND; flhtt- iratoa wtauea rree; au gepertmnta. A4 drea P. O. Box SM, LESSONS. BOe nUno, organ, galtar, banto, tt, pr. Mate. mandollB, rteUa. Ml Ml rlrai Boom IS. Ml MA AND MBA BL A. WBBBEA haat. tin, galtar UttmetJon. Main BOA. tTS W. Park. HO B10 BTALEBA PIRHBB MUBIC CO.. 100 Third at Tletof toBfe- Ing machlaan: repairing. Red BOA HAGMXTTO RKALTMS. MBA L. H. HAET aocnaafaily treatt an die irtbod tooght "New Tboubt" reeding $11 Toaraey BMg. Main 41 IS. MAGNETIC healing and arelp tnatment ana fan treatment free. Eaoea 43. S3ftm Waah lngtoa at. Mala tm FRENCH lady rlvta bath and m SOD Fifth tt Watt tOTS, OTEBALLA SONS OF THB ROAD OVBBALB and mechaav ko riotaiag: anioa made. Naaatadtoe Brmh, toaaafactarera. Portland. Ot. TA1MTEM0) ABB TAPEB-HAMAfEOX KRICKRON A MBlJWtM. patetlna. ting tlTp and BAatorlaJ faaraateeA . Pftma tatea tSAI. P. B. SnTTOM, pa rater and aanerbaagaa, 101 w-t ew of b- i P" BAl'KeS i et. . IPOBBT TO MAS, PBBD H. STIO.tO, FIN A NCI AL A . 1 w maa. ! oar 'an. any Brar lo.n from "; maaarato Utaeaat. W plana and advene money Opt taeat after oae year Bi IL STBoNO. PlaaactoJ Ageat - V . lot Second at- aoar Bt larB. Tna STAB LOAM Of. TJiJ- "PWy. wage-, -SHU- wltheat Bknrt maa n Honib. U Moath. Weak. to tittt or ft s) 'SaolaaB ew iwlea- $1 S aa $ tto ar BLOS ar ft.tS S3B.0V-R.U lia.OO Repay "AMB-Tas aa. toei7 Zi"Z. Bn.ana St.flS M' bbi mm go to giooi of tfrh gontaa -f h-w hi wee. L,.VilL DV W,t reeponelhl rm ot St HJVJ V,-"f nyweat ptoa. with 2abllettyordl.yI . bi.-lanrVt.$ MBft?f,rt1"'-k NOBTnwBST LOAM CO.. SSI ALltigton bMg. eltyw n ins east payment plab. liJi?1 tL rtrtly C4ntll. Offlra boar. 0 a. m. to t n. m. BhTpLorrnr loam col T Tit, The riekwm htg, B W. ear. TarreT and Wtahlngtoa eta. HOMBT TO LOAM oa real, ponoaal aad et. ! munir; anaetai attention to enanri mortgage: .tea bnocht C. W Palhrt SU Oommarelat blh. Phono Mate IBM. BIGHLT ratnoctabto nlnen anmc tedte and a ana borrow away on dUmondaad y. Coltateraf Loa Bath, 300 OJ ab et Tetonboa Btnfc TL The Bonn-La wr. nee Ca.. rati atteta and nneneiai agrnta; aioney to man oa avrrraf aeenritlaa tt tow rta la aim irom $im to 10. non leou Ptrtt at MORTGAriS) LOANS an haprweed and fan muMoru rt iowant enrrant ratee; nenimaaj ban l fnet.rim-nt ma an. Wa. UaaMaatar, $11 Worneter bMg. HONBT ADTAMCMD ealerted peevla. tee meter. wv.. wimnat aeenrwi aaar MvnBant: inr eat bvrtneee ta 40 prlaotpal ettte. To! em. . BBS Abfagtoa bldg. MONET toanrd oa atanaa. fnrnttar and Other enaiM cfirtnea: all naatnee Btneuy an te. NORTHWEST LOAN CO.. ftp) ,AbU ton bldg.. city. r AM aranareg to bay rood note emai'd oa anr kind of real aetata 1r. Oregon or Wi trgtoa. B. Mobto. $11 Cauaerrl ato. CHA'JTHI, Inana In amotnta rninc tram tPS w an.trm: rooming hoove a Pfrtrr. new Era Loan A Tmt Co.. tnt AMnern hide. MONMT TO LOAN oa tatnrovad er unimproved euy property, la enm to aalt. Parrtok, kin A CO., SBO Alder et LOANS at loweat rate no far alter. aeai anr aacorlty note rerenaaoA Eaetera Loan of nee. 410 McKay bid. MONET TO MAM to mrw er omn oa good arenrttv; nwee rata. WMIlam O. Seek. $07 Palling bldg. MONMT-TO LOAN in Ctockame eoaat? lend. a. w, ana y. b. EHey. sot Chembrr ot ov PATXMT ATTOEBTTS, L O. WRIGHT, oBtV end fnrelm pt lefrtngement: enaer, 004 Dekcm bldg. PRJMTlMw. BTTSHONG A CO. Fleet and St era eta., print ing. Draogranblng. blank booh aaf office nanfttlee; work done en tlaw: Mt cm printing erne ra tha went Mala 104. ANDERSON A DTNIWAT COMPANY, nriattat:. nrhogranMng. HaaB baenm, Pwea Mate IT. snt Alder t PtATTWO, THB ORBOOM PITTING WORKS. 4B1 Woab. togton t. Phone SBTS, , Pnltoblas, pea ting ana mcqoenng. B1 CUPPIMBSv make monbyt use press clippings! 4 Blng ap Stock tl and ardor BMnfb't aerrtco jvertng every towa la any or en atatet; da'lv mneenger aerrln: advance re port oa il contract work. Portland eftle. jam a nana ac SATMTB, OILS AMD SLABS. P. A BEACH A CO. Pioneer Paint Co., aollten tb Beet thing mad In pa lata and rroeral halloing material: wtodoW-prlan and glaalng t aaeetolty. (SB Flrat at Phone Mata 1XS4, F. P. PTLLER A m. Mannractanr Pioneer Lead. Ptioeata Pal at. K opaline: tea ran too Uvea with every gaoon af aalat Bnanfaa. tend bp at. BARMURREM A CO. Johhere. noiata. atL gtoaa, mah and on. I BO rirt et ROPE. PORTIiAND CORDAGE CO. aad Morthmp tta., Portia ad. Or. LARGEST atock I city; Dlebeld work; leetom opened. Repair, toil work, it eel celling, treat brent and good meriting year patraoaa. J. B. Da via. at Third at. BVBBZB STAHPA P. a STAMP WORKS. 940 Aider ot. Mala T10) rabber a taw pa. team, atanena,. bng gaga, traOa eheeka; ing tor Mtoknyna. CHAR. B. POTTER A CO.. rabbet etaman. a. moved to 00 Plret tt.. near Stark at. ROOnMt). TIM ROOFING, awtterlaa. rentlrtog end lobbing. J. LoalL 313 Jefft SPBATZMS AMD MBJISWAAWTMS. 1 WANT to Ud on year ar nttadtna n neha. warabontea. torta, belle, ml lla. faetort aad all other aim liar work done la all er water petnta. to mm riapertn better thaa ten, with the tony pamp; tnv own proe; many yaara af experience Adrdea OBR Baat Waab lagtea. Phone Uatoa fttBB, H M. Mergaa, SPBAYf Mfl enJ whlftwaahlnn ate at, bama. aorta, etc.. M. Q. Moreen n Co. OaU op Scott 31 14. w wtTI caO tng give yoa ftierea m year Work. Th. larrt faaoHne op raying and nrbltewaehlng eatflt Mnitaoauh . eeanty. ITS MUwaakto at. Portia nA Or. ftEOWC ARTS AHB PTXTTEES, SHOWCASES ef every aenrrtpttoni hank, bar and ator flswree manj to orOer. The una Maaafnetnrtng On.. Portland and Seattle. BTOBAOB AHB TBAMSTKR. SAFES, ptaaoo and fnrnltan annveA. packed reedy for ehlpplng and ablppad; all week gnranteg; Urge. B-tery, Irlri, areproer warehoo far atora go. Offtca 131 fflret k C M. OLSBN. Pban Mala $4T. & O. PICK. fSe SB Pint Bt.. be lee a Starfe and Oak eta. i phone ID: plant and far al tar moved and peeked far ahlontag; eem aeodlona Breproof brick wanbaaaa- Treat and Clay ato. TBABbTTB AHB HABTJMw.. IRBGOM TRANSFER CO.. 1B4 North BUT. Phoa Mata OA Ueevy haaUoff and atorag. POST SPECIAL DRLITKBT Mm m Wee. hertoa at. Phone Mala OSS. TTpswair YOST TTPEWBITEB HI APOnABTSBS 330 Bterh gtreet. Wa ant. repair, eelt ichang tvai AD npnnee tor n maraine. Standard maebl p and ap lit. B y. want e etenoarapn er trptotr tNPEHWOOn TlB!tTR TTTT- A. no-,, f t 81 FY! et.. P t i flPW