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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1904)
. v'- If THS ORgQOW SUNDAY JOURWJU PORTLAK 1. SUNDAY TTQT INQ, r OtTOI M, 1 L MR. REAL ESTATE BROKER: Do you um The Tournal's real estate columns? oemotwtratea fooa ousiness judgment If not letting thousands of dollars go into the pockets of who does. Think it over. If so, you've you're the fellow Empire Investment Co. on lltfc residence ft:!. 000 ysara, hmiM. hrt IOi1M. a. iu Hoyt: th choicest part of efty. Knob Hill. S4.MQ, cub, balance oa or before tux at nar oant. 10 Ml a-room bouM. lot Ux6: nod trtoom property, lith at. Always vented atsft4 oar month. SMOO. looxioo fMi Oil spa at., hmt l?tk at; bnprovetnenta gcd, corner Knoo hui. fta.WML 12.000 eanh. balance to suit. This L aa Ideal dIim for flats. Au wkoU Uml the moat beautiful and sightly place in Portland, either for a resiaeao or oaia mouMwif aaLaon. IooxIMl right tn tba heart of -tho city aul table for hotel or largo apartment house. PUN, half oaao. fdM Koiiaa. Grant at., lot tlxfto. In- eom tit oar month: between two ear llna Part ruh. Mfl IOOkIOO with 4 -room house aim largo aultabla for warenous. a, anap for omon looking iw m in vestment; It la worth ft,90. Wo wUl all It for SS.W ek 1 Boom houM oa Ball BL, modrn ascent basement, near Portland Academy, SMOO, part oaah. Paper ama Bam Bouee. awtabltahad Mil: wholesale and retail; employs 10 men steady: on of tha largest bual aeaaea of It kin an tha coast. F'r aala on account of aichnss; will Mil for half cash, Gail or wrlta for par ticulars, - , r ' Bat 4SH00L a-room houaa. Bast Sat an on, near tilth st.. nice fruit, plenty for family us TftO, part oash. T-rooaa bouaa, modern, Ella at- 4 lota, 2 lota on Union ave., 14x100. I Iota on Bliss at. 60x1 01; aloa fruit, alejnt home, Saaaa. Part oaah. Vnlom ii and Shafer. lot 100x100, S3 ,100. IM oaah, balance Ha par month, a mar Tinea Cannon Addition, lot 4xl00, atoreroom tax 4 4 and ntre, elean etook of grocerl; doing a oaab buel- wiii aau au or nau intereai. at Staan lwatj a room eottaa. lot lOzlOO. full cement beaement, oamant aldawuka. hot and cold water, toilet and bath. Slaaft. fz&a oaah, balance 19 par saonuu - Empire Investment Cd. LOTS OF LOTS SOLD A FEW LOTS LEFT AT On the Mount Scott car line, S5 minutes from First street, l-cent fare. Purchase a lot today In this, the best portion of the Mount Scott country; build a home and quit paying rent Don't you know that the paying of rent is like the running of Tennyson's Brook? It "goes on forever." You can get your home, as hunt dreds have already, and your payments need not exceed your present rent, and they will not 'run on forever." Hundreds who were once rent-payers are now purchase-payers, and pay no more than formerly. Some of their homes are shown herewith. A ft road S2.500 Iv-ecre trace on Powell otty. Boaaanablo BawtbornCa Valley an ilea from a anap. , - $1,100 Choice quarter block in Ftret addition, Terma. $4,500 Fine doable bouae near ateel bridge; pay IS per oebt; hoaae aw and atrktUy modarav , $2900O A One modern -rom houaa on aflaala- alppl avenue, near Runeel treat; lot Ifxlee: toilet bath, woodahed, fruit treaa Ideal home. Ownere muat aeU Beaaoaabla term. $500 caotoo quarter block on orand avanwa. ear K. surnalda etreet; three houaee: anap. . , . S39250 ! - The Snaat auarter block te Holladay'e addlUoa; mvoatlsata, J $16500 Ftaa bnalnaaa block aloaa In; paya IS per aant, JOHN P. SHARKEY m fthiaiaaf at Evelyn has every comfort of the country, every convenience of the dry. Every lot is convenient to the car line, has an alley and water main. In Evelyn there are schools, stores, churches, 'phones, good roads for biking or "chuffing;" from Evelyn you can see and reach the loveliest scenery and have the purest osone to breathe. This Is your last chance. Evelyn lots are going fast. When all are sold your opportunity for securing such bar gains at anything like present prices and terms will be gone, never to return. , . t-, , ; 1 .. nwVMl'M evifv aw i i i I $75 and $3 down $3 $100 V - ) ..- r ' -. - f a month Buys a Sot In Evelyn. The saving of TEN CENTS each day will secure the nnest location for an ideal home. In the past year hundreds of lots In this region have doubled and trebled in value. Evelyn Is the "creamof the Mount Scott country, which Is the choicest of Portland's suburbs. Portland outranks all the north western cities in position, population, proportionate wealth and individual health. - It is the center of the most favored territory. In the world, teeming with resources as yet scarcely . touched. Portland can't fail to prosper and Evelyn is the ideal place for the homes of Portland's people. 1 . , ' If yoo miss thia chance; you will lose the opportunity of your lifetime. Agents on the spot at JSvelyn. City office is open evenings. GEO. W. BROWN i 'i ;:. Y Room 203 Failing Building Phone Main 2129 Don't Wait 8t Johns grows every day. The town is young and there ' is money to be made there. $150 $5 down and $5 a month boys you a lot soxioe. These lots ' will earn you money. A Plats and literature at ' S Chamber of Conunerce. yuan Inpi I Poms i A K BAROAIN i- loslAa on nortbeaat eorner 16th and X. Stark, with atrwt Improvamenta all . . made; eemeat walke. Price, W.H.MALL&CX). '' Soaa Patoa IBM, naat ahumaUa W nKATk2 !. 1 m autherlaed eby3 o1t9T foT time at ; modaat -room cottage on Orand avenue . north, two blocka to achool, 10 fact to aero, all la nice condition; a ral anap r. W. TORQLER. 10 Sharlocli Hide;. STAGES WW RUNNING OUT OF WHITE HORSE rapeelat Btamteft te The JeeraaL) . Vancouver, B. C. Ook-MStage travel freea While Uorae to Dawaon aommeaoed an October 14, aoeordlne to advteea re aetved here today. Tneee. - the flret atagea to take tha road after the eloae of navigation, ware wheeled vehtclae and they will be maintained at aarvlce Ml aaok time ao tke river eroeeinga freese aver and U la poaalaie-. tp pat runner under the vahlclaa. Tna anew along tha Tnkoa bow reaohea tha weter'a edam but k baa not yet at tained aaw graat depth at any point along the route Wtweeat White Horee avid Da wean. The laet weather repnrt aaaa that the temperature aiaoc tke a o Sec the Leaders In Bargains Today agaaa Abeolotaly ana of tha handeom- eat niacea on uie eaei mum, awcu locality: quarter block. A plaoe , . that cannot be exceeded lor mf nlflcenoa, comfort ana oonvenU ence; room with bath, hot and cold water piped all through tha bouae; furnace, gaa and, aleo- For a vary beautiful l-aer place; very handsome building, choice fruit, garden and gprub- bery. X mil to care, ml laoor. For a very etegeni i-nw vv Uge; eaat front. Tha equal ean- not be found ror tne price in we city. Within walking diataao of bufilnea canter. ... Beautiful B-rooni cottage; iota, barn, chicken park ana poultry house: choice fruit, fine garden and shrubbery. Penlnaular ave. 74-acre farm: very goon, ouno Inga: excellent variety of fruit; rich aoU: fine bottom ana peet ure: 1 mile Fellda aUtlon; tnllaa Vancouver. No better bar nln Mn be found than thia . Beautiful cottage home on Beat Klahth etreet; elegant lawn and ehrubbery. No other auch home can be found, for tha money. In the eitr. 9 tet .Lot 106 feet equare with neat f- room conage, owoae, iinun car. Com to us for ch'ap lota n every part of th city. From 116 up. Kle- aant acre craci xnai cannm ow w TOU'LI NRVER FIND THB BAR GAINS uNTii you aaa w The Dann Lawrence Co. ' 14H ACRE TRACTS I ACRK TRACTS at Una Park on tha ?owell Valley road, eight mllea from ortland. Juat think, you can bur B acres for th prloa of a auburbaa lot. Price. 1 100. 00. It ACRB TRACT A ranging in price from il.U0.09 to 11,150.00 on the Hnrlngwater Dtvlalon of the O, W, r., K R. just south of Sail wood. M ACRB TRACTS In Clark county. Wash., t mile from boat landing and Sallroad station. Pin lvl land, om of the tract have enough wood on them to pay for the lane. Price. 110.00 per acre. M ACRKB, all cleared and under fence; fin soil: H mil from Clackamaa ata Uoa, M tons of kay raised this year. LAMBERT a SARGENT CHEAP Lota 40111 H, on Bast Ankny at. IKI0 each, on eavy term 1 100 down, balance IIS per month. W. H. MALL & CO. RESERVOIR PARK Where tba strawberries are rip and ta bloom. A most unusual sight. Coma out and aee them. RESERVOIR PARK Is one of tha moat beautiful tract thia country and excelled bv none. Ideal situations. It la only a short dis tance south of tha aft. Tabor reservoir. It adjoins Laurelwood Park on the east inn Kern Park on the north. Only ao minutes' rids from the west Bid. It haa all the advantaaea to make It the moat superior of any property being sold today. The ground la aa level as a floor; la aaltlvatlon, too. Come out any day. at any time, am convince yourself It la all we claim. I you don't agree that It' tha beat prop erty on the market we 11 refund your oar fare both wayst A QTTMTIOW Whatfs tha use of navtna rent when you can Purchase such a beautiful sits on ths terms we offer? There's absolutely no reaaon why you shouldn't be your awn landlord. aVOTS SIM aaa For further Information call at oAoa at, station on promises, or at tha of fice of METZQBR aVABTAOXsre owaut . , Phone Main 474. Promt Street. Pocttaai. Or. Oftloo at Kara Park and Reservoir Park Stations, Ma Hoocbuildcrs and Speculators Your Attention I Do not rati ta carefully examine VaLBTT PABZ property. H la lo cated on ths moat sightly table land be tween th river and on both Car lines. No question Walnut Park will become the most valuable resident property In ths city of Portland. Prices most lib eral. Terms oaah; monthly or (uar tarly Daymen ta Do yourself a kindness by eaniaa ar aandlng for WALNUT PARK maps. RfiUEMBER. I have many mora choice bargains la Portland property. W M. KILLINOSWORTH Baal Beta Sealer. SI bar of Commerce. Slate Oood t-room house and two lota t Mid war, near car line; a snap lle New 6-room cottage mar B S4th street. Varv 'nice B-room aottaare: lot . GOxlOt: on Corbett at. SSSOO Fine 7 -room houaa and fall lot on k. 'rayior et. Rlegant T-room house, an 7th street, near Harrison, west side. $ geeFin lot on B. Yamhill, toxioo reetj a snap. h Charleson & Staub S4BH Kovymea. riMMffZ T-room complete house, all VliUILC ,B rir-clea order; mod- and walk; nice lot In a nlc location at 7l Rest House now vacant, will sell at a great hergaln if sold before U la rented. Make no mistake. See It . P. Fa TargUr, IH SbMteak. BlaeW . HOME A Fine Block Overlooking the Woolen Mil! at St Johns can be had for $1750 If taken day. : within three Shcpard & Tufts Real Estate Exchange' Phone Scott 4o0i St. Johns, Or. $35 CASH Buy a lot an th Peninsula en St. Johns oar Uaa; high, sightly, level ejty water, streets graded; adjoining lota name alas. without Improvements, selling for list; must be sold to doe ant aetata. Title perfect, abstract with each sale free. Last chance ta aeeure a lot for Hi of Its true value, and are aa fine aa any Va tweea Alblna and St Johne. BROWN, 151 Stark St.. opp Library. St Johns Park Flna new cot tares near Woolen Wills and car Una, for aala aheap, an lavtall meat plan. On with 1 lota On with 4 I t lot Il 00 Three with 1 full lot each ago Th Woolen BUUa will be hi operation or.n and to to loo new houaee will be needed la St. John. CHIPMAN & KINQ St. fohaa. a Bolkreok, Owner, VPS Oomameree. MONEY TO LOAN At 4 per rent on east ar want side resi dence property. W.H. MALL & CO, Psrms-Special Bargains Hare are aonte well located farms we are offering at specially iow price in order to effect immediate sales: 06 acres, 10 miles from Portland, near Uiwefo; SB j nne cuiuvanun. oatanue pasture; aoll very rich, onion and hop land; buildings are fair: I ooo wens; on good road; near school. Price greatly reduced, from 146M to 400,' for Im mediate aala. a tOO anra In rTtaekema COUnty: 1T0 rich bottom: II In cultivation, all of whlok la good bop land; 0 acre slope land, on vhlrk ara maaA hOUSS insured for 900, new barn Insured for 1150; balance of land Is In timber; all of whloh can be contracted to a sawmill snout a mile dowa oa Clear creek from the prop erty and on which water tha logs can be floated ta the mllL No waste land of conaaouanna. and rich aolL From aever fall In brook practically all of cultivated land could be Irrigated If de al red. Thia arm nan be haa. IX taken at once, at 11Z.60 per acre, alt oash, or S3600 down and balance .yearly at per aant. 44f acres ta Yamhill county: la plowed: balance timber and pasture; rich anil; mnnlnr water: fair bulldlnss: orchard, good fences, good grata and stock farm, and offered ror immediate sals at $12.60 per acre, lower than aver before. Half down, balance at t per cent This 1 on of th cheapest farms In tha valley at the price quoted and III not he BA offered aaaln if not sold. 144 acrea near Ifolalla, Clackamaa oounty; 70 plowed; 140 onoic stum nasture: balance Jn aood timber: rtc into house; good T-room Douse ana gooa 1-rooBs house: two erood barna: oa aood road and near school cnurcn ana stores. Price ISO per acre. Time on part. 46 acre tn eame locality; 100 plowed 100 aood timber: balance Mature: sol Is rich; 11 acrea flna bops; hop houaa in first-class condition, vesting flOOO; new t-room house, barn too reet long; second barn 14x60 feet, and other outbulldlnas; wall watered and fenced. This la a flna hop, grain and stock farm, and a bar gain at price now offered, til par acre. Time on next at t ner cent. Ton will find It to your Interest to Investigate these properties, and at once. If you are looking for good farma at low price. W have several hundred other farms for sale and will send list upon appli cation. . ...... City properties Wa have a large 1tt of wall located and reasonably priced city properties, and In aid of purchase are willing to In nil BO ner cent of the eel line value at low rata of Interest, thus exemplifying our faith tn our offerlnge as wen aa as sist Ing purchasers to secure them. We also have choice building .site and can likewise lend money to aid In build in thereon. Intending purchasers will do well to Investigate our oflerlnga be fore making purchase. well located pro cant interest. Uoans ef fill W are prepared ta oper Those make loans on rtlea at ft and M per In need of h money ahmild lnvaatls-ats our terms. We take charge of estatea. collect rents, sell propertlea, furnish aubataa tlsl Investments, eta The Shaw-Fear Company . ana wn aobb IT aeres: 12 In cultivation: partly cleared: living water: ' I mllea " from Oregon City; flna fruit aoll;. Would dl vide Into two places. Sf SBB AOBB 11 acres; ft In cultivation: 4 more easily put under plow; 1ft acre fir and oedar timber; creak, gooa noma oroaara. dwelling, barn, onicn-aoue; eobool and a tore. post- 49 acres: I tn cultivation, balance good aaw timber; red loam aoll, fin for ap nlee: eom email fruit: dwelling, barn. workahoo: near school and town: .fine 'PrinE nitoldaf. ' ft acre; 1C in cultivation; 6 flna fir and cedar timber; SO acrea light timber. easily cleared; large spring; e-room houas, barn: one mil to school. office and store. fa FSB AOBB, 10 acre: IK in cultivation: 40 good timber; house, barn: one mils to school and poetomce; muea to town. CROSS & SHAW Baal Batata Broker. teS WABKZBOTOB S OAKDALE MOniCRN COTTAGES. In thia beautiful suburb on the Mt. Scott dtvlalon of the O. W. P. R. R-, are selling from 11,100.00 to 11,160.00. Lots ftOxlOO. ust outside of the cltv Umlta Car fare I centa Get off at sta- tlon. Cottagea Just north of station. 1 Why not buy a noma and atop pay ing rantr LAMBERT d? SARGENT 40 B. AXPBB ST. BBLP WATgn. MITT A COMPaTPNT whisky traveler who baa ec- qaalntaaca vita tna waea id taa sertnwMt eaa aad taerattva and permanent amplarawBt by applrlss In owe eeodwrltlnf C 2S, care JoornaL gararaacea rjulri ail saoBdaae treatad eaeadesUaL TBI ertaisal Joan A. Molar haa f Ma fa 044 Olay st.. ef Ma ramoea aarear eelleasi at aa rraaclaco; special Inducement thia BMam: posltlosa gnaraatsad; taltloe aarurd wblla laaralna. Wrtt. CUT St.. aaa Praacleee. BXILLRD ANP CHI KILLED LA BOB ef al eaenatlaaa, sreairur aaapita. Vta aaaraa to esmlniera. fUHgkN'g EMPLOTVBirr OFTtCS , " M Berth seeoe awett. aaar Beraalea. - LCOKIIta tef werkt Many good postttaas ar BMtantly adTtrttaad la J oar nil "Hh cciQmaa. zoer aa. oader "situa- . jaay be loaartad bee f SOBM kared" tlona Wasted" ekarga. UBff te aacore at.Dta Moleff flratna laara .barber trade ta I weak and ladece eat aloaa. nutlet free. Oauar. Sea rrsaelaee, OaL prodta ta acalttonf : pa rial tnu Bxinra ; THB OOUnfBTJg CALirORNIA Wine Depot, h.(Jirartcr for eaefe tad waiters; all ktnda of wlaa ftc per Uaa rrtalL P. Loratt las roeru at. Pbeoe Bad ltPS. WaN'TID To ear. e-room cetUg aa tha la- fliaiunasT pn; sntat aa tneara sea eo it raw lot. or win real with estles Is bar. Addreai H S. JoeraaL WBLVDRRmtRD gaatlamea te aohcit; M v cam eomminioa, Appir at oea to hi It. laanlag A OMng workt. 804 Beat Merriaoe. WANTTCD Planer reader, fts.m; mlUand ytrd m.n, fi.m nn. 1 tn inia lorrnonn. wnM awn's La bar Bnraaa, fta Morrlene et. WANTED galaainan; Ulwral pay waaklr; per- mannt; eaiaMinliMl trad. Brews ambers Company, BocbHler, N. I. WAKTItrv BimtWrt te Ucfe tlfna, dlatrlbate cirraiara, nnpin, ate; geoa pay. Bus As vrrtltlna Bar a a. release. 11 WANTED Btroeg girl: frx SSelta; color .4 ar frtatta. St., seer Waahiagtaa. par: T Is fasillr; ar nana Twastlatb OCOD gtrk ar herd ta fled, bet to leaeb aa rw, eoeaau aoereai wast Co la wee. Ol BL er wMsas wasted far hneaiHislnai asad wage. S44 Baker t. 4IRL tar gwaral ba at re era. Lewla, ST rmt St. leealr Mr. OIRL far aeeeral yaasa treat St, BITVATXOn WAPTTI BTITW Ton NO upartaacad sua ef tt would Uke work la aoiea store S saalataat ablpplua Merk aa paohar; alao guod aaleauaaa; raier eecaa. AOdma P Al, . ear JoeraaL XOitno ataa ef aeod addrass waati a posi tion with eoaie dcpartnifut store, the sard ware prftiMt prrfamd; eaa give ao. Addraaa H aft. AmraaL ftto.oo TO ANTONB aacartn ma eteedy work: lnaida arafarrae; good paumaa and gaad at truraa. roM evaslsg Uata tXT, bet. ana a (boat evaslags Uata WANTBD-Worfc Is aar fclad ef Store by a voaag was of to ; 1 yaar's aiaerleaee la lar and eaafectlonarT store. B 41, ioeraaL WANTED SITUATION Exptrtaneef Brst-elaai '"'i woomr ana araear. ora P" soaltloa. Addraaa W oTeU Braratt L PIBRT-CTJun betldlag feramaa at msartstand- S at want work ky ay eaa savka sUaa. . care Joe real. BXPBBIBNCBO bookkeeper wests say fchid ef affte work; BMDtk'a trial at year ewa srias. WANTBD Br anodla-aged rati PW tar tm wntaaale So: gee tt, aare Jeeraai. itaarUa aa B BAN haedy wltk toola. ka Seceataaaad ta roajlng-fcoea wera, eaalrae sapktfaMaa 0 tt, aar Journal. HAR end win waata acatrlaa ta roaaUag-fceaaa PRACTICAL PLDiTBKft weald Hk Jab to est of tows; tim-alaal sua. P). Tm Jo OOIARKD mas eaalra s ttaatfca aa Jaaltotl eaa or rareresea. ACCraaa j aa. Journal. STBADT seal ties b good psaag ssfcerj dty a oaeairr. r a, jonraai. - PBBRSaUN TJnlee aiaa. v 01, care ar journal. BmrArion wawtkstbalb. BXPBB1BNCED eaJeajrlrL axpatieacad la dry moa. mutuary aaa Boa on. OMire wars. an aveowaj, ear. lfirt. . Oread ave. Psoas UUea TOTTNO waaiaa waata BealHaai to J work er take ear of enlldrrD; apeak Bngllah and Oensaa. 16 Beat Talrtoeath at., Nortb. A LADr ef gnod addraas. ' with haet rararaecM and arpariaacMl. waata the SMBaarawBt ef Bigs ciaaa reosmlag bouaa. S Sa, Joaraal. , Poa aaBi1 iwniBgiit xooxa. on a SB yarr Bleely fornlabad froat sartor. ato aaa ate prlor, suitable for two aatwai er twa Uola tact; alao vary orelraUla ap ttalr noma, sJcal kicatad aa rnrnvr. with t erary eoaraalaaca, at We, go flftk wt POB BBNfr-lAraaj, airy ; also tleeve raaei; gaa. balk, ataam beat; -wb furulabrd prtrat hosto. gf Marts TweaUatb at, seal Waablagtua. POK RkNT Twe " alealr furnished ronmSt faltabla Jo ladlas or gentkiBMa. Pr1t T block freer u Us. 1 Pho PURNISHEO reeei far gastlaaMst large. Peas ant room Blth prrvato famllj; all awdarsaoa. Ito, it paw vaiUaiteas: wsOtlag dtoUBO. ftaraatk at airftBAipg HOTCL Bet Bast Oak. rernlahed ana aareraiaiMa rooms, single sad s anlta: Hs-lag, ftl Bet weak sad sa, Vkm amtt PINB. Isrg. doable roes and twe large shurf rooms; farniatiad er aafnrnlabad', I ftas boaw ea Portlaed hatgbta. BOB Bpriag at. POB BBNT Ntcab7 fsralaaei treat reoja. fnr Slat, reapectable working paraont balb. Call tweea S sad at 40 Bast Ninth at. aorta. LABOB room, alealr furalabad, to SwxUrB eri. rata aema, wiia sraaaraat er 11a at keeping privttogc. aeft Uarrtaoa st ruRNianan rt , to but block from ear mm: snitabta far en et ruoae cast mm. LA BO M. pleaaaat ran aaa. with er wltkaet boardt Sitaaia ror twei priTato faaUly, 1; reasonable. cQt Baeoaa at. fftrBLY ssd eom fort htr ferslntd' ' ronmat , TUT. DBXTTB, Xe. 134 Itm., ear Waabtngtoe Nice sfl' tmsi; toodra MraBlat traaalaat. Paaae Oreaa eS. PI. BAB ANT roast 1b sew sat. aewlr farnlahad' throiigbnnt: central, noaera eeavaaltncta, rH Park, aaar Jaffateoa. PAB BBNT Nawlj ftimlihfd roosi: choice V ratloe. No, MS TblrteerHh St, Phea Mala aaea. er tail feraao. Bft IRVINO, sear Twenty-third, farntahed nenw, rnrnsce hat, gas, sereakda. katht 4 btocks from heapltal. , , . ltl Till RTTT-NTH. aawlr reratabad gas, bath, paoae. : WaaMagtos) Blivtnt sugis ar aa suits) TO UNI, seat, reepactable girl wants pnaltlnK to de gaetral booaawork. Per asrtlsslsrs WAflniNO. tpsnta and work bp tba day want ea. roan rroni nm. BMP LO I SLUT AeKMOTaS, ktoe ef SMle baht senea ner m aaapiorer. WTLLIAM8 a BOTTBH. Ball- Berth Seeoe st. MA LB bate ef eaaeriptloes far all Isdaatrtsi proaaptir ennpnaa rree er caarga ta atapiorere. . B. MAN8RN. JT M SU Paaae at ale UOMl MOtTNT HOOQ BMPLOrMRNT AOENCT, fr- raa ma to ve kki.iabi-s nai.r. ajpsgti Oelitss, ST0 Bartends, Bead 1T4T, . aD ktods faralabad HOTCL seat ef a! amplorera. waatcra Enpto;mri( ga Tblra St. gTaase Mala Mia. anweea? POR LlDin ONLT. PORTLAND WoBMn" Bnptormest Cntoaaav. nt AUaky, for. Id ssd Morrtoea. Bad KMT. PIONBRB BVPLOTMBNT CO. la har eestres on; hate free to aaaplorere, ml BBLP wantad and aspeHad, male or nmato. n. . uaaaa. suo waasngtos c may can WORK fnr se. awe far work. 'S OPP1CB. M Nortb aeaad t MANgRN' B BUT aI)a ead moeer audcar for sgBts on earth; a sew seaaabelO secaaaltri X 000,000 Wild: 08.000 aold 1B MlBnaapolw: eoata T. aall far BSe; raealla to sataa pmpla ta am tarrltory; agent autka from u to tm par dar: ao i pattonc aifwiiry i deaf asd dumb aaes can aril It; aw ew plaa bl S winner; sail ea atght by showlsg what tt will de; not said la atoraa: roe aaa prove tt ess do what res say It win do; seopla bor row Bmr to say It: erlla to poor and rich: grae teat aallry aver In a tad: agent' aetflt 10c. Do bis tie Mfg. Ox. Desk IS, Mlnaa apoila, Mine. , WANTED Armtn. ladlaa er geetleasae. to asa Taaa. Addrtaa Jeaaa' Book fltora. Bl Alder. POI'R reoaaa a ault: anttra fleer prlnta raal. dceee. 01 Et Klgnta. aar. Weealagtoa at. Pbnse Bast MTO. THREE-ROOM esHe far Itokt aeeeahaeptag sad aee alaeplag room. 100 seventh al. MPWLT fraMid qelaff tr tent v. not aaa ssss. KinKXT fafahaitd front ram; bats, gas, shea. 100 Park at., sear Morrtaoa. POB liTB ITil XgTATB. LOTS to Ltn-als Park Asaea rssglsg la prtsa from 0300 to 4400. ' Pins onart-r block, wnrtbeaa. ear, pear tsanlh and WHdlcr at a., tanno. Quarter block' and 4 hooaoa sarlag ft -pa, seat a tba la we taunt. Pine let In John Irvlagtttet sadlttoe ea Broadwar at.. ftW. . Lota ta Hawthorns Avenue aeaattoa at BM per lot. Lota ta Bleesaasd nag-tog frem gap) to ftpjg nam gat la the eentral part ef east aide, lot B Or ion. Brings ta goad lntaraat aa tba mvaatmcnt. New ft roast aattaae and atom naiUtlag with tot TOxlOO, In dtalrabla part ef ths city. ft&ftOQ. Par pre cent. - LAMRRRT RARffENT, -404 Bast Alder ftt. FOB BALS. -A MODEBN T-eaoaa boaea. earner tot to feat aqware; allay 1 rear, at Uulvereltr Perk; I blocka from aaw etry nark; 1 block front aaw street ear Una. ftTSO rasa, balance on tint to salt porch aaar. Call oa aw aar. 1)4 Chamber ef Coeiswes,. Isr tot rat asd sea abet t pusilaaa , BT, JOHNS. ' . Hasdqearten tor BC Joan sad Pal vara! ty Park prnnarty. Hoeaaa bnilt asd sold en Skat aliment, small parstent down. Isiprovad farma aold and eirbangad' for eftr preparty. Herran tlta bealnaaaaa and real aetata ef aU blnda sold ana axcBaagcd: bona, otecve. farm and properttas reated and leased; also beat aaa eaanrea. . . CHAR LBS UNO, 1S4H Vrtb St, Pboa WANTED Rrarrbody's wants adverttoad h J noma I Want (blames. They relieve JO ef ell nnneeitanry worryr Ra aaa saber, tea Is but So s Uaei T averagj vgrds toaka a Has, Try them 1 irrnrifw marin and erhltawaahlaa: in onir gaaouna comaraaae an anrarmg earflt en tke ceeaC M. Mergaa Oa,. 070 Mllwankle st. WAXTBn lod saebBd-basd gas raaae; start oa la nrsvcMaa eanoiiMs aaa a sergem. ee ran wy raeae sura una. WANTBTX A atapUn and stttcblng BMcblna; uu price sa eneaiuoa. aaarem a. av usi hurt, . Albany, Or. WANTED 100 mea to get tbetr eld bats mads new. h. a. aauta, atacttoai sattar, an rani vs. WANTED 4 good tad. Can today at Aider BC wharf set. a and I p. si., with aog. WANTED Caeap euwooo. tar deg feeA Baa ft, WANTED Brary boast, flat er ream ta the atty to be eeevpleA A good way to find aces pasts la by aatrtrlng la Joaraal Waet OuhuMM. Tbav reach me yes wssa, n kind ef weed far at canto. WANTED to net. with ivtlas ef berlsg. 10 to Bt acre, wits aeiMings. emtasia ror ralalag poaltrri cbvat to Fnrtlandi a tor Hne. Mario k Matthews, Mankate, Mtaa, WANTED Te mt small farstohed knee, twe adnlta, net far oat. C SO, The Jaarnai. FOB BtTTT B01 mOOBS, THRBB fwalsbed or wafsrnlabsd satiaekaepiac monM for net cbeap; sau ana paan. no, 1004 Eaat Taykw, ear. ThlrtyevBtb prt vat family. ftl.Tft PEE WEEK Large, ctee. far slab a 4 sbon; alao ebeap faralahad tot tag. , A fcaBaupis, 194 Bharatos. Paom OUy tOB, OOI NO beaaakaeplngt Knvar Trr Joornal want Canaisa ip yea flsd a sastbar at goad Vilckty. Raraat fonnd a slam onrnal Want Cora aaa tbar'll A PtEASANT ananr room ta good leeatloa. wiib pnnirge 01 getting light meaia; appiy Monday. 414 Plflb. TeTtpsose Mais loCL TWO alealr fnrnlahad rnoms with alcove, see range, nam ana pnnne; private ramur, 4m BnrnaMe, between Tenth sad Bleranth ate. THE Tint LIB R. tSOUj Oraad eve., nrnkthad bouaeberping snitcs snd nag la ravens; alaa a DnnwBiane rrosi NRWLT fnrnlaned koaekeplBai 1 11 11 sal, rea- eananre, nMoarn, aewraaiaaii eus viay, rapes Mala SOW. rR BBNT I hewaekaantBg ran aaa. part Ij far. slBbcd. ltf Beat Mztaanth st., setVlserrlseB and Ahtor. , PLRAgANT farslahed teema for. hnosakaan- mg ror ceepia, srivsn rasui-f. see laav hlll it. , CLiTTON, BMTH Plrat st.. ear. Ostaainta Batwg sz zn per wees ana an. POM BEB-trMPirRBTgaTEn BOOBS. TWO anfarnlaaed rooaa. hi good otndltlea: eaa or bath: phone; on eeer croai ear.. Mats . 149 Whltaker at. BOOMS ABB BO ARB, riRRT-n.AU room and beard la private faa Ilr: tjoaae conaingi aaa wire er twa gae lamae; raaaaaable. S to, care JeeraaL EEATT.T fnrnlahad bnara: bmwm Pbose Main na. rooma wttg K4 Ubls Clay. OONPTJCTINO s now lag bnas-f Adeacrta tba fact ta J ears 1 waa Oolsassa sad au yeer BOARD wtrh reoms, well ferstabed; saadera 1 naat esra, gal TaAttomtk st. WE RATE BAEnAIMS. WHY pap Tent ea small farms of 10 to sera near the tit when roe eaa bey the ease from us with nominal rank permvnt and nteteet leas than rentl will ner IBT-tcre farm near by; tha wood thereon la worth Sea aa onick. Parldaea, Ward k Co.. 40a Chamber ef Com marc. t- POR BALB N toe-mo a boest, enparb Oneea Anne stria; I lota; chicken hone, afahla. wondbenaa; 18 baarlng frnlt tree; gl.R0 If said In 14 day: a anap; O0t Howe at.. Dnras a.. Bast Weedlawa. Issss atoor. Abatteag title. BAROAIN af every naecrlptto are eaastantly dTartlvad hi Jonrsal Want OBlnoma. Pron erty ewners will de wall to adrertla whet they wlah te esfl Is thane Seine n. ft a ' tin: T avenge wards snake a Haa. SNAP Twe sew eoloalal rwlaaseas. aaet aMa. eloae Is; eee T snd eaa 0-room. fan csnerete baaenMat: atedera threegheat; ! aaa T room, twe-atory benaa. cbeap. Addraaa eararr, 400 Beat RereBteests St. PITE-AOBE TEAPT-tm -14 seres ftsO per acre; new bouae sad ftU arrea $1,000: take Eatacada ear. Bee agent at Oato'a rrcaetag st Brat hoes saath, Baay terms ea all. . TAKE the Moent Bcott car Bandar and art nff .at LaaralwnoA If you wast to buy a alee little , chicken ranch or a tot for a noma; Both tna; . down sad assy paxotaats. , Inquire ret Mr. Towne. POR SALE or exchange far farm or dty prop, arty, good paring bnalnaaa en Waahlneton at.; atnek and flxtsrea, is.onn: raaaoeatna lass. . Address. Pans. J onrnal office. i.ftflO g ban aaa feral tore and gmesdi coat OB. no I i nlaetee' walL from eoart bnsset rarawlO jmj for property la ft ream. A sew ft-reoai honea. re; on Mount Joe Nash, at ftTSn BIO SNAP far cash, aaw B II eomplata; lsrga frnlt tret cott car line, see owner, J N a ah Till startoe. -L HOMtPTEAJNt. prairie, wheat lands; toeattoa fees SSO; only two left. Adrtreea Lock Box 44. er call t 101H Bast Third L, mem ft. The Da Ilea. Or. ( POB BALE ftraom cottar and d-roonl hones In Williams Arena addition: meat be aaWu Owner leering cftr. Inqnlre SM lay at. POB BALB easy tmns. sew; neat 4 roani oottage; hath loam, ate; hard aatb: ft tolanto car aetTlca at 4M and. Bast Tartor. , WELL nnlahed cottage, fall lot, Eaat Nlae tee nth at, 1H block to car line, . Hatfletd. Mnlkey kit.. Second sad Iforrtson, POR SALE Pnar lata hi Leorerwood. eaa hloc from station: two well locatrd for hnnlneoa pnrpnaea. TM Waablngtoa. Phone Black 01. POB BALE CHEAP A new areola, ntodera honse with lot 00x115 feat, with s tO-feot allay 1 easy trr ate. Pbose Osloa so4. SOHETHINO rood for the nvoey A reams, well rumlabed. eloae hi; rent ; prlea only B400. Gelaer A CarlhUa. fOSlft Merrtona St. POB RaJ-B Lot Bsino. ea Raeerer blocka from Montarllta ear tin. ftTft, Jastos MlUar. TOO Tascesrer ave. laoatoe POR S A LB B-raam rottage, cement cellar, lot fTtlOO, ftl.tno os Bharswa aaar Sltth. Ia nra at v hhui bk. POR SALBj rooaa tnttBge. cam ant cetlnr, let gfrioo. 11,000. sa flnarsnaa aesr glxth. In. sln at Mt girth st. NRW moeVra 10-room cnttase; bath, hot and colg water: mnet Da MIS at enr. Baa owner, KM William ave. , gf ana New modern I mm heaee. rlnaa tat WB bntM bee, may payaenta; tots rnralahad eia uommarciai Biog. smis jweo. tf saetrad. PORTT a area tJmhar far wend ea Ctoskamss er, A. J, Brown. CurrlBevine. Or. riv WAP?TTD BEA1 EBTATB. ' WANT go Mare eaat ta bey t er fteeoi west Ma; partjeslan 11 . ear Jonraal. pop BrrrwrLATa. TO BBNT Three teom flat, akeelr fmtokad w '"'V ' . . V 'eoeea. au svts SV, 'V