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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1904)
THE OREGON rjXPAY JOUHAE. PORTLAKd SUNDAY MORNINti OCTOBER 30, r t MARQUAM GRAND THEATRE Phom Malm 6S. - W. T. Po-jVa, AMf JWaOww.r, MARQUAM GRAND THEATIl I M pkpmm Mlm 46S. W. T. Pagi Mdmrnt Mmm. Three Nights, Commendng Vei Kov. 2, CC4 Borne of the Popular Colombia Theatre Sock Company Y An This Wert Starting Matinee Today v AT. flt MOBWiri IBil OSASMfflB ' oomdv ' " v.- '-" .... . . IN M IZZO liJRA: n Ave verve noaue, avtvob tfv "ajotobta- ajtb orm evo ... oovxrv. oombotlt stabd nr btbbt sbtax. L IUI miiOTr, 10. All Aw g eiT a. ak am lie. .. aa- ra,aai TOW Jitol i is as sbs, sosj gnar, is, wsttsas is, is aaA-sssr aautiB mr sua hi watag i a av T ie p. ah vaoaa su. , In Preparation "THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME: .Tkev Stage (Continued from Pag Pourta. to his position In Mm, When the cur- tain Ha, a bevy of pretty typewriter nrw ere m reneiNon m a law anion, as- onus they ara not aUowad to -sing at their work. Joined by the male clerka. iney B on su-iaa una noon iaun abl excitement. Tha opening of tha big office aee to pay them off, reveato tha . presence of tb office bor aaleep la tha ' vault. Hla adventure , thereafter nr manifold, nn chief aim la t oneeal from hla sweetheart tha lowly nature of hla noaltlan. Whllo naanina- h tarn If aa ' tha Junior mam bar of tha firm, ba en- eountora some lively ml haps Latter, ba ia minima y iroa o mi i iiiiiwi mm w to lmparaonnta n ramoaa Jockey with . dissatisfactory result wln It baoomaa paotaaary to rM a fraction bora. In tb nd h vtna tha mdy of fata ohole. - Particular car. It la elaimad, ban boon taJua to tha aalaetlon f Mr. tanlla aupportlan' ' company. Tba fanilnlaa portion of tb Dan lata' hoata la led by a talented young- s1ner, Balll . Flahar. who la not wall known m tM, weat althoutii It U hr Mrthplaoa. Ba-. for Jotnintf Mr. Dantow companr. Mlaa Chaparnwa," and . The BIHlonaira." Clara Ball Jaroma. formerly leading anubratt with rranota Wllaon, and with "The Ranaway," ha a Ilka position with Mr. Dentate, and Violet HaJla, aald woman, -play a aadlna part; that of a flAy Bpanlah anri. Other Important member of the oompany ara Louie Uallla. Ida Oabrlali. Maud Walah. Clair Ixtelta. VlTlan Maratoa, Sally Daly. Virginia Harma and Leells Mayo. Amone tha man. tba clever young Ju- v anile actor. Alfred Hickman, has a prominent rola, and ao has- Sydney Totar. who was roorMty In tha support of JnHa Marlowe. Additional members of tha mala oaat ara Naoa Bon vine, Jsmea C; Reaay. David Bennstt. Lau rence Wheat. Laarltt James and 'Nell Walton. . -mmm aouumf oatAzmaKABT. i The aoanas of Tb County Chairman, - which comas to tha Marauam Grand ' thaatr next Wadneaday, Thursday and Friday nights, Novsmbsr t I and s. with tha last performance Saturday after noon, November i. ars laid la a small Indiana village and it mriy rseas wun Its buoolle atmosnhera. It la tha real true country, too. aa Oorg Ad know, for b lived to years of hla life amid , jut such obaraotrs and aosnss, . and Id eoneequeno they ring true. Th first act of Th County Chair man' Is laid In front of th general store In Antloeh In th summer. A oonvan ' tloa to nominal th prosecuting attor- k tttm tKA anmit la H. i In a neighboring villas and th whal com munity la waiting to bear wh hi nomi nated. Jim Heckler, th county chair man, played by Theodore Roberta, brings word that his young law partn-r. Tin ford Wheeler, waa ehoaan after 40 bal lots, and that th opposing candidate is to be Judg Rigby and the father of th girl Wheeler had that afternoon asked to marry him and wba bad prom (bad to, do so. - Th scenr. of tha second act hi th court hous grove, where Rlgby opens his campaign by burling Insults and taunts at Wheeler and daring him to partake hi a Joint debate. Whealer bad promised Liuoy h would not pay any attention to hla fathers words, but at last b osa stand It no longer and r pllee botly. so holly In fact, that the scan closes with the sntlrs audience mixed up fn a free fight In this act a political parade takes place, and a company of children and young girls march la. a novel and pleasant departure from th usual participants In political parades. In the third sot, four days before alee- tlon, Haoklsr obtains proof that Rlgby has stolon money lert in ft is trust. Twaaty years befor Rlgby had won by tha moat unfair and dishonest trick the girl with whom they were both m lov. and now Hackler aaes a ehan to both defeat him at tha election and wipe ant partially th old soars ay tb publi cation of these facta. Mrs. Rlgby hears of this determina tion end In a scans eloquent by It aim pie pathos prevails upon him to forego his rev an g. Th last act shows tb town haU en election night. After tha tide of re turns baa swayed th advantage from on to th other Wheeler la finally de clared ehtoted, and Luey, who had quar reled with him over his wordo to and about her father, completes hi happi ness by forgiving him and all happily. Tha ad vane gals' of seat wfH Monday morning. October II. . "Vata VMAarV Cdf OatfCAdW. CasMRsnelng next Thursday night. Cordrayo will offer th greatest of all sensational mechanical melodramas, Tb Heart of Chicago," on which Lin coln J. Carter lavished bis best gonlua. from tha standpoint of artistic saerlt elaborate scenery, stag settings and realism, this play has a awaal an tba American " a, irawa lata II la breathless tntereet tha spectator to car ried from the fearful scone of th ter rible Chicago flrs of 1171 through vivid pictures of actual life to present day conditions In tba grant western merto po lls. Tha play la In flvs acta, tha ftrst opening In tha heart of th city, show ing th Interior of a business office dur ing the awful onnflagratlon which prac tically swspt the city by tha lake off th map. Twanty-on years ara sup posed to alapaa between acts n and two, Tb act opena In tha Chloago of 1891, practically tb city aa It Is today. McFadden'a row of flats, th Masonic temple roof garden and many othar famtrtar sections of th wonderful city. The greatest sensation f the play la th fameue locomotive soon In th fourth act. In th , foreground- is shown a drswbrtdgs of the Illinois Central rail- rand. Th lights are low and far In the distant th headlight of th engins appears, gradually growing plainer until Anally a .full-elsed locomotive dashes onto the stage with' clanging ball and shrieking whistle to the very end of the drawbridge, which has been opened through th machinations of th villain. Tb heroin baa foiled him. however. She flashed tb danger signal , Is time sod aavea th englus. . , V . , - t Last week's bill at the Baksr waa a clever one, but Messra. Keating and Flood announce for th coming week a bill ecually as stood., and hop better. Heading the Mil are tb Kuropean opera singers. . Signor and Madam Boolla They come with every recommendation. Sa popular baa "Pets" Bakers appear ance proven he will, by apeclal request, be held for another week. "Pete'a" name on th bill for another week may well pi Baker patron. Ha wlU produce an entirely different act, . Durant and Baldwin are down for a Chinese musical set. Judging from their eastern suocesses their turn will prove one of unusual cleverness. Th Great Blgney oomes with a sensation. Big Hedendorf and a" muse band tba bill for th . coming week with a eomdy sketch that la calculated to wring lauxhter from th sourest Individual alive. They com direct from tha Or phcum olrcult and leave a trail of big hits wherever they have shown. Zola. Reno and Sola offer something new by lntroducm their novel doll not Delmaa and Devlne, comedy acrobats. will provide mirth and merriment ovary second of their appearance. Jo Allmon makes his bow to Lyric patrons with a monologue that la far from the old sterotypd kind. Jos Is flrst-claas comedian. Harry Hoyt, th popular Lyric baritone, will render beautiful ballad entitled "Pictures Bygone Days." and tbs Tttssoop will complete tb bill.- showing Th Eu ropean Rest Cur." Continuous per formaaos today from I to :!, nay Is known as the. deep sea diver, la a ls-foot glass tank a will guDSMrg himself. McLean and Mack will present an of Ik.' .,..!.. uKtw alranua avap known as "Tb Burglar." MoCune and Great promts some thing new In a oomedy borlaontal bar aoL Raymond G. Baldwin will sing "Down on th Farm," Mable Baldwla. a dainty soubrstts, will surely please. Perform ances during th weak at f; ami ;. . , .-. , . Hypnotism la th feature of th new bill at the BIJou. Monday afternoon will see th first appearance of the bow acts. Roscos - Is a novelty far any popular- priced vaudeville hous. He mystifies while be amuses. Kthel roadion la ns latant. New marvels not attempted by any other hypnotist will be per formed. - t Kllsy Moors, wlrs wonder, present an act that Is unique. Wen by his riv als he Is admitted to be far beyond th ordinary. His act Is th cm of th medalists' art. Fresh from the east oome O'Connell and Somera. singing and dancing wonders. They have a crack- Inn good turn. Jerome and Unont are musical artists who draw a big laugh every time. Happy Hooligan In the per son of Newman will make bis now. He la sure cure for the blues. Mis Pearl Grayson la tha Bijou's nsw singer of Uluatrated ballade. Her splendid vole will be a revelation. Th viuacop will have th newest In picture. During the week performance are given every afternoon and evening and are continu ous today. '-'...i.. - v ommi. No matter how excellent competing bills may prove th Lyric geta tha crowds, Tha Lyric Is neVsr outdone. Tha Alvlnos and tha Wllllgrsss, four people, com to th Star this week hi aa act Intended to awaken th dormant spirit of amusement ta the breast of the Jaded theatre-goer. This team pre sents a rap Id-or turn that ceases the blood to flow ouleksr. Th Alvlnoa and th WttUgreeg present something novel and new and will no. doubt ba accorded a rouslnc Voceotlon, Clifford and flmrth, - the- hi sheet -aal arted two-man team playing In vaude- vHe bosses, ere rapld-ftre comedians of th MvhMl tTna I Plckert ahd Whlppen. character dancer . and rnpld-chanae art lata, add a-raatlr . to tha caneral Interest of ths bill. Kate Rockwell will narhana command aa much admiration as any of th other performers. , She la known aa th "Girl In Flames." 1 Neff and Miller, black-fsoe comedians and burlesqu boxers, will also appear. The Jumping Do Onso, the world's great eat barrel Jumper, will be there. Will Hoyt will sing The Man Outside," and the projeetroeoope will show a bank rob bery from lta tnoeptlocu to the usual finish. w BO&UI AT To ths Arcade this week ther oomes the Zola Slaters and Reno in an act sur prisingly new.. Th curtain rlsee on doll house, aa attendant enters, who dusts off tb dolls, makes them talk, sing anddanoe, and Anally becomes so rn raptured that he, loo, Join la ths revelry. 'Harry Boyd tells original humorous stories and sings delightful parodies. The Sandow Mtdgats, real exponents of physical culture, engage in a weight- lifting and balancing tournament. John J. Sulley and Blanch Phllps present th comedy skit entitled The Irish Orator," a sketch that la epi gram matlcal, spicy and new. Kate Coyle. th Justly popular singer, wtH render "Handy Lee ' and th accom panying pictures will be true to the text of the song: The bioscope will have two new Alms, on entitled "Wilful Murder. and en showing; the armies In Man- ohuria. iromue ctkamkow oo James J, Jeffries, the champion of all aruunplons In the pu silts tic realm, will be een at the Marquam Grand theatre shortly In th role of "Davy Crockett." He has surrounded himself with a good oompany and la aald to ba aa actor of ao mean ability nlmeelf. Tb champion's position Is a vnlqu Like th great Alexander of the ancient Grecian days, he sighs for mors worlds to conquer. H ha fought his way from the bottom through a long string of heavyweight to the top rone and there Is now a possibility that he may have to give up th pugilistic game for the want of an opponent. As none can be found, th big botiermaksr has turned his attention to the atage. Moil and Jm. Nights. Oct 31 and Nov 1 1904 ' " CHAS. a DILLINGHAM - " WO! Present America's Greatest Comic Opera Farceur " IT IV A Ml DANIELS In the Laughing, Musical, .Beauty Show v '. . . - S l ne urace Doy By Harry & Smith aod LtuSeng Englander The Same BritLiut Cast at Lost Season ALL THE BIG SONG HITS '!' Ob the Water Wages how" "Plain Mamie O Ho-Uj." . r , "I Nw Hid to Werk." "A Hal4n'a Heart." After OfBe Mor,M ,..' 4. '-- ate., ate., au. . Orifffnal NwYork Prodoctiosi and Beauty Brigade ' 1 ' PRICES Entire lower floor, $1.50; oaloony, first mix rows, $1.00 ; first three of last six rows,. 75c; last three rows in bal cony. 50c; entire gallery, 50c; boxes and loges, $10.00. . ..... , r Seats are now selling.: Carriages at 10:55. : .. ' s: k " Ualai mating Saturday BSNRT W. SATAQB OfTKItS OaOROB ADVS " QUAINT COMEDY DRAMA it THE COUNTY tkW A wnt ainllsan giiiislswia ha Whleh ffliswsnse a a wtmm , With Ttsattsy am Ttgas. yKIJSKWTKP BT A POWERFUL AND PRRFBCTLT BAXAXCXD CAST OF rULTEKS. ..... J.-- ntaoDoaa aoaavm WILLIAM LAMg a. J. DILLON JOHN OOBUAN CLATTDg BOTSB . , HAROLD OEAtJ J JOSKVU DAXATT . eaoaaa mATcma WILL L. PHILLIPS CHABLBg BURKg J JAM Eg BAADBCBT OBOBOa OAINB fiAROl-B MOR1ABTT DWAJU) OOBMAJI rLOBENfla gMTTRB fLOBlDA KINUSLBT ORACg BOMINB CRN Alt B WILLIAMS PLOKENfB OBRAJ.n KATHIXNS McIMM- NBLL AONBS LBWM Most Remarkable Character Play in America t Big Company! . Magiincerit Production! ill THOBS IN NSW TORX 11 TIMES IK CHXCAOO. Bventag Fihiea Xntlre lower floor, 11.19. Baloony. Arat 4 rows, 91.g first of last rows. Tie; last rows la Dalooar Ia Satire gaUsry, SO. Boxes and lege. fl0.0. Special Matinee Prices Oitlra lower floor. 91. M. ' Balooer, Srst t rows. Tie; last i rows, i&a Oallerr. lie and tie. Advaao sale of seats will apa Moadajr aftorulng; Ootor n tt II relock. , - . . , , . .. . r Skak espeare m r New York 1 far falas rreei fa Jew sal Owe Own N 8W YORK. October !.- spear spells ruin and Ibsen spells rot!" How long has It been elnce we have heard that aloganT What! revive Sheas spears! It would be financial eel do' Aa for the Norwegian,' that ereatov of" the sordid and gloomy, that deploterof the de generate and terrible, audMno would tolerate hlml WelL Ibaea has been dhwovered to b anything but th aersem suggested by the above dje tlvea. While he has not ooan entirely lata hla wa and has not yet received his true recognition, the publla m earn ing t see that he is is neither ator btd nor degenerate 'nor tha rest of th things that, thoe whose Ignorano will not permit them to understand him, have called him. Slowly but surely his position la being realised. And that positively? Khali y the greatest literary fore of his time and among tha three or four greatest dramatists of all tinea W have had -several af his plays produced, too, and they have proved far from financial failures. -This paper la not. ho !, a dm- quMtton open Ibsen. It Is with the other half of the dictum that w are concerned. For the last two years there has been a marked, Increasing in terest la Shaksepeare. Actors sad act rssstss. great and small, have played him th last two or three seas one. Th culmination of it all came this year when Mr. Charles Prohmaa made one of his saoet brilliant and daring strokes, presenting m one oompany two af the finest srtlsta upon our stage Miss Julia Msrlows and Mr. U PL Bothera. Tha expense aeuat havs been tresMnd ous and th venture a great risk. Tt Mr. Prohman chose for this company a akeepeareanjhrepeTtolr. Last Monday at th Knickerbocker theatre came th Metropolitan debut of thla undertaking In a presentation ef "Romeo and Juliet." Before speaking of Individual merit It might he worth while to look at production on what might be called the mechanical aide. Rarely, If ever, has New York seen ao lavish and sumptuous a Shakespearean. revlvsL Of course, ther was that ex tra vacant production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" last year that cost thou sands and which proved a failure, That waa, however, go far from tha original oi Hears Most topriar PUyhosae - CDPHP AV' TH P? A TPP II OORDaAY RUSSJUX. TWO GREAT PLAYS THIS WEEK'BY TWO STRONG COMPANIES TWO Starting Sunday Matinee, October 30 4 Days eaaday acaaday, Tuesday and J ; Wednesday Mattae aad Night, SHE SINNED BECAUSE SHE LOVED IU jj Sullivan, Harris and Woods' Blshor- , ata .Production of New Torlfa . ... ..k Big Success. j Si ' ' "'a.' U j .11 II" I . W Ji iVl U I The Fatal drama Bver wtttUa, WWT HtBSNO n XrlHir I WlU A PLAY Tons Burter , , Tone Sweetheart FOR is ess"" Three Nlght, Starting Thursday Evening:, Nov. 3 naii.uaaa'e KAfrnm-Mi UNCOU X CARTER'S 6REAT SPECTACULAR PRODUCTION Another Big Success THE HEART OF CHICAGO IOVS. See the Marvelous Approaching Train JOHN T. NICHOLSON as JOHN AMES . A POWERFUL COMPANY ' , ', tas, eft, aftsi sgsilsl taaavvad seats, son. aTaWsae, ga a any yrh g IN EXT WEEK. NOV. 59 Masoa & Mason in their Latest Musical Success RITZ and XSINITZ; mm TaauuH lASSISC TATTDTTTLLa dMKaiOd. Week Starting Monday, Oct 31 OIUTUU BT BAXXm OaCaTBSTBA. TUB BOOL1S Slsaor snt Hsilsai Boons, Befgess Oeera. 8lBSn, VflioM Bongs Have Dallas ted Vboaseaei oa Tws Coatlnrnts. , - By Uprrfal Beqiw-t, PETE BAKER Tfcla Pnpalsr Bs-wra gtar Will aapear tmt Anotbsr Weak In aa Bstlrsly IHtteraM Act. DURANT AND BALDWIN A OhUMs MesloBlArtjrerth eMsg Miles THE GREAT BIONEY pssp g Wtw. as Act Bvttoely Mew In the VivdevlTle Werld. D1t is I 1B Voot Oka Tsnk. Bats, IMnks, Tslka BdS - Imokea Wntls Ssbmersea. Hu Crest a gBassUsa Wsatsver B Has Appeared . McLEAN AND HACK fTewstlng s aoariog Oemeay gstefe aw UUd 71Tks Bnrjlar." Tbs Peentart Bver. Praak-McCUNE AQRANT-May OesMtey HMrtssatsl-Bar Act. rwnmslsg TatMlsblsg ra sad BUcft Bsars ef laagbter. RAYMOND O. BALDWIN , Tb Pepabir Barttsss la a Bew Boeg, "Down en tke yara." nABEL BALDWIN A Dalsty seebcsHe In geegs sag Base. THE BIOORAPM Sbfraing Ute Latest Japsnsss War WOm Takes a tb lisle ef Aetle. Admission 10 Cents -rfrUMSfcS, T:M and a. . ' 4- splrtt 'as to becom , almost a para soanlo affair. ' It waa Beautiful, unde niably so, but It alatast made you for get ths original text. It night be r msrked en passant, too, that It de- deserved far greater support thaa It re- oelved. Then, too, there were several beautiful ahakespearaa product Ions by the late Augustln Daly; but reosnUy they have been scares. There ars slghteea aoeneo aad sla aeta la th present are- sentatloa and for the moat part they re not only beautiful but saor ac curate la detail than we ara wont to Th number of people is large. Considerably ever a hundred, aermlttlng of splendid effects. This was especi ally notice M la th duel scene where they brought an animation and vivid- aesa gait oonvlnelng. On this side tb aroduettea la satisfying and store. Ts eon down to th acting sow. Ther nave probably been greater afr- cutloa than that presented by Mr. O. Harrleoa Hunter, though bis perform ance waa far from poor. Ther have been greater Friar Laurence thaa that of W. H. Cromptoa, though his work Is lly excellent. There hove been greater Kursea thaa that af Mr. Bol Smith, though st the moment X do not recall the at. Perhaps, too. there may evea of recent years have bees greater Romeos than that, of air. Bothers, though th mind does not readily sting But ta th pros sat genera- TUB Psrtlsnd's r4oo vseeevMs Theatre. Wasting-to, sear Berenth. NEW BILL STARTS MONDAY Zola Sisters and Reno Semi Who Com te Life aad Daaei glag and Chaag CostoaM at tba BMSd ef aa aatertahuag Qwadlaa, Harry Boyd Orlalsal Sterlas and Startling Pareslss That Brlag the Jay ef Tears ef tanghter. Sandow Midgets Seal Bxpoasota ef Phyalcal Co It ars. Wb latiodsee WlchtUftuui and Bala sets. Sully and Philps A Has sad s Weaua WHh tb Uveneet ef gkstebes, aatltlad, "Ta Irtab Orsur." Kate Coyle Tas ravarH Osstrahe, Will The Bioscope ttaf Teat Ta Hew ts ta F1ctsi tins Is Overleoaed by me Areaes. CONTINUOUS BILL SUNDAY t to f-Mm. Week day :ao, t :su in ie:su g. au aay asst. 10. ,, bows. I ll to tloa of play-goers there baa been a Juliet even to compare to that of Mis Mar low a However much Mis Mar low may have deliberately turned aald from her awn best tb last few years by tripping t th tune of th popular" novel, aha has now demon strated ones for all that sh Is st prev ent tb feremeet actress of America. Too eftsn w mistake emotional act ing for really great tragio acting1. At bottom emotional acting la trick acting. Tragic acting ts stralght-forwsrd, meaning and upon an altogether differ ent plane. It la of tragio acting that Miss Marlowe Is mistress, of real act ing, ghe practices ao subterfuge or chicanery te win her audiences. She resorts to none of the petty devices whleh so many actress ass to piece out a modicum of talent. Her method are the methods of sincerity and truth. Besides this, she posssssas a voice of metoglou richness and reada blank vera with a oadenc and meaning that make It a aheer delight to bear. ' Above all, aha la almost aa charming. If not mora so, ta humor as she Is hi pathos. Her Juliet to first .sad foremost beau tiful, aba appeals to yoa by her phys ical, bmmb1 and mental beauty. 8 charms you by her grace. Miss V lows may possibly lack a btt of girh nee hi the first scene, but. a th i grows Into womanhood under the qi enfng Impulse of love, she sounds auanoa and depth ef par ehaxaoter. Alvinosand Willigrees AT THE STAR THIS WEEK NEW BILL STARTS MONDAY Aa Brtraeritlaartly Olavar ttosn-eay, WUek Jactls, Slog, Daae aad Priaaat Boaruis Parca With tb Oa-Mity W S Masklaa Oea. Clifford & Smith Btebsst galarlsd Two-Ms Team Ptoytogea th Caaat. Is smrtl Bssadi ef PsmTub- luga-aa Plckert and Whlppcn Oalck Cbaagaa f OergeMS OostoaMs Wttb Cbaractar Oaaelag .ie Bait a gsrta f Tbrllla. x Kate Rockwell "The Ctrl ta nnm" rreamtlag me la aa lire Daae and "Ulr Dance" to a Ores Ostalnlsg aog Tare, ef Silk Otots. Neff and Miller Btorkfam CasMMass aad Bsrliaosi Who Are Undw Searaatea to Laosbtor. J urn pins: DeOnzo The Wira Ormtaat Bsmrl feaper la a Btartllag TeraeThlng Tkat JsWsw. Will C. Hoyt Vesatar Teang Barrtes "Ts Mas Oatslas.N The Projectoscope gristost Mevtag Ftotares la Ta tb Baal Bobbarj. OoaOMMes Mil Baadir. B h M:l a. m. Wh4 day Show. 3 SO to 4 SO, T:fe ts 10 a. av Oeaersl sSiaajna last aarred box seats. Xte. v LYRIC TMBATRB is Aides asm Bevs if noosx Si Seating: . Capacity 7M. WEEK STABTING MONDAY Oct 31 ' sraaToaa bt lywbo ncdendorf Kraoae Oesaady IkeYeh Direct Pram am Onbaaat tirmii. uaaw rragarsa m y lausatog.- ZoJa. Reno t Zola , IsUuCsclaa Taato Novelty DeB Act. Teafes Neverlsaa Aaytblag like ft Setose. DELMAft DCYINE Oaswdy asmbato. Tatr Pasay Banish Dull Oars. JOC ALLMON Meastognlst ssd'Onmiinss.! Kaswa Tbi-aab-est America for His Wit sad Pssattr mr Pmoklag Mtrta. w MARRY HOYT J mm Brer Feaolar Baritone Wffl Btog T tores ad Says (toes By.' 1 fi HUM Sang. " TtlC VITAftCOPC tb Tary teteat Prha, . ah "1 pssa Beet Care." Tkls ed. and 1 win admit twe to say wauiin iw. na aiasar. was not hard to sas In this Juliet, the woman who could turn a Borneo from an to tense lov of bis Rosalind to a mad devotion to her. As she stood upon the baloony trembling between her fear and bar boldness sad yet always under the spell of her lev, you realised as yon never did before the meaning ef th saccharine 11 nee of th play and not a word that Romeo said but that yoa would subscribe ta In the stronger scenes, the seen with her parents and th potion scene. Mis Marlowe was even better, conveying simply, directly aad without any of the over-emotion am airy found here, the struggle In the woman's heart, her fear, her despair. All this to great praise. It to poHlbls of eours bar end there t ptok Haws ta Miss Mar tow' pr formano. But take It an ta an aad It to euoh as to make evea tb aroet trtod a bit enthusiastic It waa at standard and plan seen only too rarery upoa aw stag and thus deserves every lot ef praise accorded It of which To tara aow't Mr. Sothera's The first thing aotloeabl Is tb key in which he plays th role. Ther Is lift I lightness to this Rome. He la very lnttd oa t onriTto-. II lten HI 11." Bijou THEATRE PROGRAMME, WEEK Oct 31 The Wendrcas -OUCilag ROSCOB T ETHEL POSDICK Toe wm L. fatttal As-set asee f JEROMB A LAMONT O'CONNELL a SOMEHS Btogisg and Daaatog Weadara. ' KELL5EV MOORB SHB Aastbar free Paas, NEWMAN Iftftllea. A BBS Ui-piwbiriatrla. Ptret AsssersS'e af MISS -L f Maw