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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1904)
, A : N f tlie Week in the World of Society ews o vi V OUTDOOR sports srs attraettng much attention these day. . Th fall handicap on the gol links srs aneoromg muen en thusiasm, and yesterday's round called out a nunbtr of prominent leaders of the sport. Th Utah-Multnomah loot ball .van rulrd interest, however, and tha grand stand presented a gay picture f foil faehkm. Football interest will .reach it height at tha annual Thanks giving same with the University of Ore- Sun and this la mads ona of Um taeb inabie events of tha season, . Hallowe'en with tts revets. Its allur ' tng mysteries and deadly menus, will ha here tomorrow, Several anticipatory en tertainments baas coma oft during tha past weak, though tha magic apell la supposed ts extend only over tha dark hours till midnight of tha oay to quee t tloa. etUl it si ways omU lta shadows ba- tore. A number of prlvata hllarttlas f have been planned for tomorrow. Soma ' can And their way Into print, but pubito my la quality studiously avoided by tha ordinary Halloween reveler, v aral churches, too, have arranged for socials with tha customary tricks. . Tha season for churab basaara ts ap proaching, followed by tha proverbial a roans and gloomy caressing of cher ished coins auppoaed to ba Indulged in by man during this season. ' Nothing ' but spring house cleaning Is aueh a rs- f uted bugbear ts man as church fairs. a reality, however, much sociability and good felloweblp la promoted by tfaewe much abuaed events and many are glad to devote their untiring energies to tha preparations Church dinners, too, are characteristic of thla season of reunions. - Waddings have not bean frequent thla VMk. A number have talma plaoe, but lew of importance to society. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bmedley Evsrte have returned from a short trip and r will ba at home to their friends at 0 Second strset after November U. on Thursdays. They were married Wednes ' day. tHa 1Mb. sad have Jus returned from thtlr honeymoon, i Mrs. M- Shelby Snd daughter, Miss Annie Blanche Bhelby. have raturnad to t Portland after an absence of two years In California. They have located teea vporarlly at the rasldanoa of Bugena Shslby; Hsrrlaon street, Mrs. Sbel- by baa been quite Ul for tba paat month. - but aha la now Improving, sod her friends entertain hopes tor bar speedy ; Ja7IrH. ML Walthsw af frtsttle m -; peeled here tomorrow for a visit-during tha weak, aha wUl ba tha u of her Sttir, Mra Jam- -tel. at the Gull llauma, II Eighteenth street north. Events of the Week Mrs. Helen Ladd-Corbatt was hostess at daliahtful dinner at tha golf links last Monday evening. About formed the party. Dancing rouoweo, w - sons' music , ... J Lincoln Garfield Corps No. It. W. B. C java a sock social Tuesday evening. 'I October S. at Q. A. ft. hall. Miniature socks were given with an Invitation to . plans In It twloe aa many pennies as tba else of thslrueste foot Tbera was a .big crowd present. Whist was playad. songs wara sung, and dancing was ln- 4uiged lu. It was a social and financial ..success - Mrs. H. T. Clark enterUlned tha Tuee dy Afternoon club at bar home, fil : Nineteenth street on Tuesday last. The prog ram for tha afternoon was In the baoda of tha hostess and waa rendered as follows: "The Country, Soil. Sen and Climate of Great Britain." waa treated ' by Mrs. Clark. Mra. Miles told of tha Druids and Mra. Dunham of Caesar's Invasion of Britain. Cassava dasorlp IL. nrii.i w.a read by Mrs. Stal- lings. Mrs. Pugh told of the '-Wall of Hadrian," and Mra. Townsend "Tba Xn- Buenca sf tha Romans." Contributions by the alub membara wars given on (be ' subject. "Historical Facte Concerning fthe Roman Occupation of Great Britain. During tha social hour a vary slabc : rata luncheon waa served by tha hoet " ass. which was greatly enjoyed by all present. Two visitors honored tha stub with their presence, lira. W. W. Johnson , and Mrs. Christie. The nest meeting ' will be, held Iwth Mra. Julia Casto, It. Clay staeet, Tuesday, Wovsmber V Multnomah camp No. T7. Woodman of the World, gava aot entertainment Frh . day evening In tbelr east aids ball. A ' large number , attended. There was an ' excellent program presented, as tol- Xoum: Remarks -of chairman Simmons of program committee, contralto solo. Love's Dream.' Miss Krmlns Hubbard; pillow fight on horlsoatal bar by mem ' bvre of tha camp; Irish ssmedy by Ward 1 and Ward: drill by guards of Royal ' Circle; song, contralto solo, "Sing Me to Sleep." Miss Hubbard; fluts solo, Mr. Rudiman; "Bailors' Hornpipe," Jimmy - King; Ward and Ward. Irish sossady. Miss Hubbard's numbers were re ceived with enthusiasm, her rich con tralto voles finding many admirers. Mrs. leieber playad her accompaniments, lea ream and oaks were served after tha . ro-r,m .-. ' v .. , One sf tha most sajoyabls' events of the week vd tha card party given by the Misses Leelle wad Clam Waldter at their home on Nineteenth and lx ve iny at reels for tha younger sat. Pro- grasalva card games wars the order sf Vthe evening. Miss Helen Barber and Ger ald Bastham winning tha Oral prises. Refreshments were served at tha tables. Tha guaets wars tba Mleses Polly Hew itt, Dorothy Langfltt. Jean Brownies, . Jean afcKsnale, LMlle Smith, llse Xoeb ler, Helen Bates, StelU Frohmaa, Mar--a ret Booth. Eva Jones, Shirley Bast . ham. Marguertta Home, Dorothy Bf , finger, Helen Barber, Dorothy Holbrook. Nora Stewart, Bass Stewart. Maryorta Hoffman and Oertrude Rooblns, Haall ton Corbett, Bertrlck Wood. Gerald Cast ham. Frank Hlggins, James Rabb. Max Snow, Harold Bates. William Walters. ' Bert Whiting. Prosoett CoaUagbam, Ted Hlgglna, Tom Kern, Dtck Jones. Clifford Nichols, Philip Hart, William . Ladd. Arthur Brownlaa. Anson Irobmas, " Iiestar Stokes, . , - Mr. and Mrs. P. A. MoPharson of IT North Twentieth strset, entertained a largo number of their friends Thurs day evening with progressiva flinch. Mr. Wilder waa awarded tha first arise and Mrs. Charles B. Andrew tha second. Tha guayta sf honor wars Mrs. Bradley af Winnipeg. Canada, a slater af Mr. Ma Pberson. and Mrs. Daggaft of Name. Alaska, sister sf Mrs, MePbersoa. There wars sight tabloa. Autumn foil , Sge and out flowers formed the simple but 'pretty decorations, . .... The Bins Nsfhtis WMst erhb was sav tsrulned mat Friday night by Mrs. J. R. Bean at bar home, 77 Johnson street. After whist (hers ward music dancing lhad refreshment a The decorations car ried out tha national colore. Sixteen ware present. ' w w ' Mm. J. B. Wolff entertained the Ors . son Orape VTbt dob as pleasantly at her borne, lea Belmont street, last Twea. 0 aftsmoMn. i'a HsJtowe'en idea wnwoa araps was need abundantly and tha dark cor ners wars lit with shining; Jack o'lan terns. Tha score markers wara sards cut and painted as pumpkins. Mrs. T. Planch received tba drat award, Mrs. Osorge Zeller tba second, and Mra. P. X Zimmerman tha consolation. Tim dining-room waa pretty with a lot more grinning lanterns. On the table was one with Mother Oooss standing an top holding a knot of' green ribbons, which streamed out to the guests' places' and bare their place names. There are 13 In tha olub and all wara there. Mrs. A. T. Cotton will entertain them next tints. . , t ' ... vw d, The, Wistaria etub will give tha drat of a series of whist parties on Thurs day evening. November! t, at St rea cts' ball, corner test Twelfth and Pins streets.' --v . .. ... -w v Miss Esther leaser received Infor mally last Sunday afternoon from I to I at her horns, S8l Twelfth street. In honor of ber guest. Miss Bella nMnger man of Seattle. Ms Invitations were sent and about auesta eslled during the aftaraooa. Bonbons wars enjoyed. ; w Tha masting of IQs popular Ottiv' Cinch elub must ba mentioned ss one of the Interesting events of the week. Lest Tuesday was the flrat Urns they have met thla fall, and on thla occa sion Miss Carstea and Miss Church were tha hostesses at the home of . the former. Miss Helen Morrison got the first prise and Miss JCthel Shea the second. There were autumn leaves about the rooms, which gave a festive appearance. ' The ' refreshments ' ware served st the tete-a-tete tables. Those there wars Mrs. Judge. Mrs. King, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Osorge Brown, Mra. Over beck, Mlsa Maud tiahn. Miss Helen Mor rison, Miss Florence Morrison, Miss Evelyn Palrbrotber, Miss Semels-Gsost Miss Edna Jeffrey, Miss Ktbsl Shea, Miss Delta Watson, Miss Jones, Miss Church and Miss Carstea, L w Tha Tlllleum Chautauqua alub mat thla time with Mr. and Mra. J. B. Scott, Itl East Anksny street, sa Monday evening. "Some Features of - tha Old Regime" was tha subject discussed By J. B. Scott, and Mrs. 1a B. Lucas con tinued tha treatment sf tha sums sub Jest. W. D. Denver then gave a vary interesting taBr 1n tha Russo-Japanese war and demonstrated It with an Illus trated map, Mrs. Eva Plllabury Is going to entertain them nest Una at ber home. III East Taylor strset, -. The dinner given Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mra. Fletcher Llna was a de lightful affair. Covera were fold for 1J at the Marlyn elub, at IM Washington street. Tha autumn tints wars shown all about tha room. On tha table was a basket of beautiful rich, "Ted rosebuds and asparagus fern. . The ' guests wara Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Hockey, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Bauer, Mrs. Walter Reed, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knight. Mrs. J. F. Fink, Arthur Alexander-, and Melville Dodson. Ikftsr dinner they depalred to Mr. and Mra. Una's apartmenta at the Oullllsvms and the guests contributed their ports to a charmingly informal musical svsnliuf. - i v The girts of Willamette , University succeeded ta giving tha men sf the Co lumbia -University team an enjoyable evening la Ladles' hail -the sollegs last Bsturday svening, after tha foot ball match. .-. . . , - Lbs Saturday evening a few friends gathered In a farewell party at the home sf Miss Lavarne Will sf Albany, who sosass to Portland to llvs wHh her mother. Tha evening passsd. pleasantly with gBttsls and dancing. t . Tba Csmelta chapter. No. IT, Order sf tha Eastern" Star, met In Mason to ball, Alblna, Monday evening. After the ini tiatory oeremonlea, which, are oomtcal, sards and dancing Sllad la tba hours. There was a large attendance. Neat Monday .tha Camel la Social club will give a clam -bake and ail, eligible to membership are invited. it Colonel Evans, C B. commander of the Seven Sh Canadian military district, with headquarters at Fort Osborne, Win nipeg, waa recently married to Miss tleanor McMillan, only child of Sir Daniel McMillan, lieutenant-governor of Manitoba. Tha affair la said to have been tha moat brilliant affair that baa ever occurred la Manitoba, it being the first military wedding ever held In Win nipeg. During the South African war. Colonel Evans waa In command of tha Canadian cavalry serving at the front, in honor of his bravery tha order of the Commander of Bath was conferred upon him by King Edward. Colonel Evans has bean commanding officer of the Royal Canadian mounted rifles, 'the crack mounted regiment of ths land of tha maple Isaf, for a long time. There are hundreds of former Canadians liv ing In Oregon who wish Colonel and Mra Evans much happiness sad several PorUandere have some In personal con tact with them. w ' After ths gams last Saturday tha 0. A. C. boys entertained tha Portland high school team with a theatre party m tha evening ta saa "Mystio Midgets." , Mrs. W. T. Osburg of Kugenerenter. talned delightfully at an "i horns Tuesday in honor sf ber friend. Dr. Mary A. Thompson, sf Portland. This venerable lady, though nearly' four soors years of age, surprised tha guests by her ready wit and humor aa she re cited ths struggles and tha prejudlcs against ths professional woman two da cades ago. mush of which she. In ber untlrmg work for ths causa of woman, has helped ts -svereoms. Ths hotel parlors were baa uti fully decorated, and during the progress of a delicious lunch son Bellman's orchestra heightened tba pleasure of the occasion. Tha Invited guests present' were? Dr. Mnry A. Thompson, Mrs. Osorge Mar vel, sf Chicago; Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Dr. Prosssr, Mra. L. Q Adair. Mra. R. A. Booth, Mm C D. Combs. Mrs. C. 1L Park. Mrs F. W. Qaburn, Mrs. Minnie Waahburne, Mra. Claire Wllloughhy, Mrs. F. B. Dunn, Mrs. Osorge O. Yo re a, Mrs. A. K. Patterson, Dr. Anna M surer, Mrs. W. U Bonder. Mra. W. O. Zelgier.eMra Julius Goldsmith, Mra A. Goldsmith, Mrs. aV C. Hushes, Mrs. O. ft Cbrtsman. Mrs. Luis Marsuam, Mrs, John, O Brian, Mrs. S. M. Titus. . w Dr. Thsenps'fSj. a charter member of ths Pert is ad Woman's dsn, is one of ths most prsmsnint stub women sf Us : Weddings " A promlsertt Seattle wedding sf inter est to some Portland people waa that of Mlsa Mas Stammer, formerly of port land, ts X Michaels af Seattle. The marriags was sclera ntsed at T s clock last Sunday evening st ths boms of the bride's pa rent a, Mr. and Mra, Stem near. The ceremony took nlaos rn tha bay window draped with net interlaced with fem and autumn lea res. A ball of whits roses was hvng In the eehtar. The bride was handsomely gowned la while pans MISS ADSTSRDAM, THB sraps ds chins, trimmed with point lace wars married Wednesday at their nsW and ribbon. Her veil waa secured with .home. Rev. J. Bowersox officiating. ' A orange blossoms. Her bouquet was of number of friends snd relatives wit bride roses and she oarriad a white eatin sssssd ths ceremony. nMwa Knnb . Aha anMtwl aa thai arm " jr i of hef father, wbfr gava ber away. Her alstsr. Miss Etta, was maid of honor Da won P-0 mu viTf " carried pink rosebuds. Two flower girls a -II U I. - jmm-lA kaabatB nf white roses and tba lit Us pags bora thai nn a; in m, viia 1117. stood with ths bridal party, wors.oham- 1 a snit w Mm 1UIIUWVU aura la a. , Michaels left for npoKana on inetr mm eymoon. Relatives from ths east and Ban Francisco were In attandsnoa..' ' ft W nustr vi ruruKina, "- . II, at Vancouver. 0. v ..-., days spent In sightseeing In Vlctorta and Seattle, they have returned to Portland to live and will be at boms to their friends at Rodney avenue, af tar No vember - '. , , - ' r!herlaa M. Oaaton and IfUells M. RUrkhurn ware united Ln marriage Sun day, October It. Tha oereroony waa wit nessed by intimate friends 01 tna con tracting parties, at tha home of J. C mth if Kaat Seventh street. Rev. William HL Randall of Central church officiating. Mr. and Mra. Oaaton will ba at boms to their friends at iss Aioer strset. t. i- - v " ' w . - ' Ana nf tha aeattisst wsddlngs was that of Mlsa Grace Emily Dowllng to Charles Francis Foster on Wednesday even in a October IS, at I o'clock, at tna brlds'a home, nev. w. jr. rgww wui Thai narinr where ths ceremony took plans waa asoaedlngly beautifully decorated with Oregon grape and nut- amn leaven, The orioai party aiuou uiuir b. miwidt of arsaa and white. The dining-room, where Ices were served by Mrs. Apperson, assisted by Mrs. Arm strong, Miss McAllister and Mlsa String er, was decorated with pink and white in tha bank narlor Dunch was served by Miss Agnes Foster snd Miss May Smith. Large American flags and ferns ware employed bora. Tba wedding march from Mensets sohn, played by Mrs. Miller, announced eha hr-Mai Baitv. The STroom. with his best man, James Dowllng. entered first. Tha maid of honor. Miss rtorencs wwi Ing. wss pretty in a gown of whits-organdy, and oarrted yellow shrysahths- mums. The bride en Urea on tna arm of her uncle, Edward Da Hon, wno gava her away. She was beautiful ln a white .111. .M. irimnMl with DuchesSeT lace. snd wore a diamond sunburst, tba gift of the groom. She earned onoe roses tied with tulle, , - Only the Immediate family was pres ent during the ceremony, a reception being held from S:sv to 11 , o'clock. whea many friends sailed ts suenu their songrstulstlons. Ths preheats were numerous ana eost ly, showing the estssm In which ths brlds and groom srs held. Ths groom ta a prominent Becond Oregon Volun teer. Ths honor sf catching ths bride's bouquet fu ts ths lot of Miss Lulu Camptos and Mtas Sara StHnger. Mr. and Mra. Poetar left ths gams svening for ths Sound el t lee on their honeymoon, and will bs at home V tneir friends after November 1ft, at Ml Burn- aide strset. 1 r rn eMtriiM of Mlsa Mands Conway and Osorgs H. Harding was solemnised at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning, ootooer 11. at the home sf ths ansa a parenis. Mr. and Mrs, t. D. Conway at Mount Pleasant. Rev. Mr. Molloy was tns officiating clergyman. A number of in vited guests were present to witness tns mnimmv. which wss followed by a sumptuous wedding dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Hardiag srs resMtng in rvruaoo. . uim a n win and Mara Hurst wars married Wednesday st noon st ths boms 01 in mi" h, Fred WIU. Sr.. sf Aurora, Or. Ths wed- dtna- waa a Brett y affair and largely i.naai The room a hosns Is In Salem, ht ha haa recent I V removed ts Aurora, Mr. and Mra. Hurst ara apendrng their noMyniosn m rvnwns mom Kdlson G. Stanley of Portland and Mta May L. Whitney ot ursy loagie, Mlnsv, wars married st Central Metho- b. a. iilu. s .'.iMk day svening, Oetoher IT Rev. r. I-1 ha-tar sr Dr. Henry atone m wan rran Tourtg offlrtaled. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley elses. north Paotfle field masrtsnsry sf will llws In Albma. WW''1 I goon musical piWaro ami m innn JgjMfiA Leslie and Miss Anna Olsealorsss by Dr. sans, lis was sa bis way w -- adl ft TOTING CTMBOLUM ARTIST. Miss Essie Robertson waa married to I Frederick A. Douty at tha horns sf the ornw inuinvt, ui nvuvi mm " I ail. Orw Wednesday, October is. They I -a tutaia . Ikl, fplaiuU S7B corbett street, Portland, after Novenr- 1 urn wu Independence for several years and waa I . 1 la.. A T.i I I.nn, envanArl awv aavw im iwfww.'v . . ar dr Ths wooding of SI Bradley and Mlsa Nancy Emerlck took place In Portland last sunaay. xr, uraoiey m oeciiotwj 1 w wu ? r . w w Mlsa" Marian Fffbbard was married to Ed Mitchell of Albany Monday afternoon at her horns In Portlsnd. They left im mediately for Albany, where they will maka their home. . - 7 Engagements , Invitations have bean issued for the marriage of Miss Hsrrlette Word to Timothy Wood. Monday evening, No vember 7, st 1:1 o'clock, at Flrat Cum berland Presbyterian church. w w' ' :" Mtss Mary Rlsbsn, who has resided In Portland during the paat few years, will bs married next Thursday evening to Mrrdohn Schlld. Ths wedding wIU take pises at ths boms of the bride's parents, nsar Cornelius. Or. After a short honeymoon Mr. snd Mrs. Sohlld will gs to ' Tillamook, where bs Is engaged Jq business. , ,.. r .CLurcK Notes : Ths spacious dlntng hall of ' the Whits Temple sn last Tuesdar night was hewllnanrtnaT anana a hSantv. th lights with tinted shades, mingling with the gorgeous snaoes or tns vinsmapie leaves, which were hung In long fes toons. Handsomely decorated tables were spread, with seats for lta. The occasion was ths first reoeptloa and banquet of "Martin s Men. " a Bible class of young men of tba Whits Tem ple, which has been seesmpllshlng much good outside of ths regular rou tine of Bible study. Ths members of ths chow were Invited to sit at the table with Dr. and Mrs. Matthew of laoie wiin i-r. sna sera, miiiww Seattle, who wars guests of honor, but ... - - nth thla iwnntlna. tna bajiauat waa entirely for tha men of the Blbm school and their men friends. An elaborate menu bad been prepared, with the as sists noa of ths ladles of the church, which the large company vjf men dis cussed with sbundaat appreciation and mivh anthnalaaaa. " V After dinner, E. L Moses, president of mater of ths evening. H. W. Stone, secretary of tha T. M. C A., who Intro duced ths speakers with witty and ap propriate remarks. . Just before Dr. Matthews was called upon, J. W. Belcher ssng S beautiful selection, "Sing. Slumber, Smile.' responding ts a hnarty encore, with a song dwelling solely sn changeable, m constant woman. Dr. Matthews undertook to vlndlosts womankind by stating, among other things, that Mr. Belch- sang out sf ths "emptiness sf his Ignorance." his repartee being greeted with hearty laughter. His., talk, which followed, was on "Men snd ths church." A. L. Veasle's talk an "Enlbrt was full sf bright remarks. He paid high tribute to A. Is Fie gel for voting against tha poolroom license measure, snd other speakers did ths earn, Mr. Pis get himself, spoke sn ths "Making af a Man." Jsmss Edmamds, supertn tendewt of ths BIMe school sacks on "Men snd ths Temple School," snd O. F. Martin, leader of ths organisation, on "Martin's Men." It wss mldnfltht, when, after s 1 raw ww r , manful entertainment was brought ts st-latere. , . . few words by Dr. Brsugher, this sus a 1 'Tha m f raent sf tha' svening. An orchestra j played tln-osghaut the dinner, and solos by Mr. Belcher and Mlsa Ethel Lrtle were Inters seroed between ths sfter- I dinner talks. A re sept low wss given Monday - -- . nm ITnltartan church ta ik. tTnitariaa Mhnreh. ' There ennd musrral prosram and a short ad- m ha nnrHl TmMta MMfaS-emea held at Salem Tuesday. Wednesday and Thurs day of this week. A - number of dele rntrnm evnm th ehurrh here and any they were royally entertained. They wara Dr. and Mrs. Ueorge wsser. mra. R. F. Mclearn, Mps. H. S. Gils. Mrs. U A. Whittlesey, Mrs- 1. P- War, Mrs. w. n. ajtlmaon7 Miss Ellen Ellst sad Mrs. Mini Trumbull. - ' ' Z Tha Ladlss Aid society of First Con gregational church will bold Its regular meeting la the church parlors neat Wednesday afternoon at S:S. The pro gram consists of tha following: vionn solo, Mass Cornelia Barker; talk on ex- tension work of ths 1 anas Harris B. Vance: vocal solo. Miss Elale Garrett, wccompanlet. Mrs. Wsrres H Tbotpaa, All Interested srs Invited. Ths Toadies Aid society of MlXpsh Drhi,riin church met Wednesday af ternoon with Mra. Olive D. Ksler. The business of ths afternoon dealt largely with plan for the coming basaar to be given in early December. A special fea ture. It Is planned, shall be the Ladies' Horns Journal booth, which Mil present soma novel feature Fancy work and domestic srtlcles will bs on sals st their varloua booths. - ., Musical Notes Merino, the well-known California vio linist, will make a week' s tour of the northwest, opening st ths Marque m In this city tha early part of next week. Ths extraordinary talents of this srtlat, his attractive and magnetic personality, makes his solo work something more than usually Interesting. He will be sc eompanled by a picked orchestra, who have been st work for months under his Inspiring baton. Lovers sf chamber muslo have a great treat In store, and this la probably tha only opportunity of this kind that will be offered, since the artist oon templates as eastern or foreign tour another season. it it ' Ths sacred opera "Belshsiaarw will be given la tha nsar future m Portland un der the direction of M. Edwin Robinson. Many will remember the production un der the same leadership last summer at tha rhauuiifliie hef ore one of the largest J audlaucea aver assembled at Gladstone Park. A chorus of about 100 voices is Yehaarslng every evening for this event. Many who assisted at uiasstone an in tha ehorus. Jdr. Robinson conducted Xuen Esther" here last spring with eucoeea. "Belshassar ha counts the stronger and mora dramatis of the two. - Ths New England Conservatory club held lta first regular meeting for ths fall at tha homo of Mra. T. T. Davis. Willamette Heights. Vedneadaysfter noon. Mrs. J. L. Schults had charge of tha program on Bach and Beethoven, which presented soma very Interesting features. Following Is ths program: Papsr. John Sebastian Bach. Mrs, Ross: aria, "Forgs Me Not, O Father," Bach, Moderato Andante," Baeh, Mrs. Schults; (a), "O Trusting Heart," Bach. (b). "Ave Maria, Bach -Gounod. Miss Watt; sketch. "Life of Beethoven." Mrs. Prsel; The Heavens Declare His Glory." Beethoven, Mrs. Ooddard; "Variations In F." Beathoven, Mrs. Davis; "Bvsnlng." aitants Canea fsonata. Pathstloua. Bes- hDML Mrs. Bh 11 lock. The officers of ths stub are Mrs. Max Shlllock. presi dent Mrs. John H. Hall, Vice-president; Mrs. Grace, Watt Boss, secretary: srs. R. Prael, treasurer; Miss Agnes Watt. 11 Trme J An eld-faahloned singing elsss has been organised at tha lmmanuel Bap tist church under ths direction sf Charles H. Hart. Already 7 are en rolled and enthusiasm la high, Tbey ataat Am Wiriav aveainas and follow out ths plan of tha old school Ons roads about. J. Adrian Kpplns; of ths Western Ailn,w nf Blnelo will arlva a atanent entertainment for tha Memorial Pres byterian church Of' s Vancouver -next Wednesday svening. Ths Urge Audi torium hall has been engaged and thla will probably bs sn important musical event of ths season there, Ths program will eonslat of songs by Miss Reaths Fowler and J. 'Adrian Bpplng. readings by Miss Bods and O. Lester Paul, vio lin solo, sonata No. $ Beethovan), by Ruthyn Turney, and a Lisst number on ths piano by Mordaunt A. Ooodnough. w w - Miss Frances Amsterdam Is so fast becoming well known for her instru mental work that people have failed to maonhs her vocsi powers nns is studying with Mrs. Ross Blsch-Bsuer. wka ! varv anthualsstls Over her srara- atle soprano voice and pronounces Mias Amatardam a thorough musician. Her vocal training was received In Chicago, .A-tiar with Mra. tacov William of Sherwood College sf Msste snd later with Vernon D'AmaJie. ana siaeon tlnued work sn bar voles when she went ts Spokane, a year ago, and has now been studying with Mrs. Bauer sinos she oama bars, about two months Miss Amsterdam will bs remembered 1 mm , 1 cymbalom with ths Hungarian orchestra J - . , , 1 Tnm mt A A . Ilu ,H Aff aa tha talented young player or tns at ths Hotell Portland, At ths age of t years aha went ta Budapest. Hungary. ts study thla Instrument ana remained ther three years. Commtf Events Inanlia elrela. Mo. 17B. Women' Of Woodcraft, will give one of their enjoy able whist parties Saturday svening. No vember a, st their hall in the Ablngton building. Refreshments will bs served. aa' ' We terminer and. Mr. Rasmus DT th -Weatarn AcademV Of Music Will bSVS k.,a n tha Mtararv ana musical part of ths entertainment given by the Royal Aroannm on nest Tuesday at Auniionura kail Thnai who will aPOSSr OS thlS oooaslsn sr Miss Rsatha Fowler. Mtas Bertha Royal. J. Adrian Eppmg and Mr. Baser ta sons, and Mr. Rasmus In readings, S-.ara , eeu-H-n 3S4. WL 1-Of B.. Will gtvs a Ha How " en party tomorrow even ing. Members SI tns sruer ara vlted. A , .' Ths Woman's em-hang hi planning an afternoon tea for Thursday from 1 ts I A'iw mt thlr humm. 1U Tenth street Mrs, W. W. Johnson ts at ths head sf ajTangeiTietitS and this promises to Se an Important soetnl event among thoas lu teres ted m domestic questions. W w Tha W. O. EHot fraternity sf Ftrst ITnttartan shorcb ts planning as slab orats entertainment to be given at Par son's hall, Friday evsnlngv November 11 Htleeia Iheatrlrsls Will bs the at- traotlsn of ths swiram which will be fallowed by a dunes. It is snttclpated that thai wIU bs a vary enjoyable af fair. Ths Honoweew party to bs given morrow by Portland lodge.. No. Modem Foresters, promises to something sat of ths ordinary. In ttans have been issued. I w w I A rscspUosi gad recital will bs w w bv the facflW if ths Western Academy of Arts next Tuesday evening, ln honor of ths law department recently an nexed. Hon, C. M. Idleman aa Hon. r. M. D'Arcv will deliver short addresses The following program wIU bs given: Baiitong solo "Postilion".. . .... Msjioy Ronald Braaoury. Violin solo ' Beivouse''.,. ....... uooara . Ruthyn Turney. Address Hon. m. Mienwi Plsno solo " WaJdearauschen" . . Llaat Mordant A. Ooodnougn.. Messo-aJlo solo "May Tune , , .oiey bpsskb jfim Mas Brsslln, Hon. P. H. D'Arcy Addrsas, D ances rha lUtottlah Rtts Masons srs making ee.d to iva the first of their winter's entertainments, a grand ball, Thursday. November 17, la their hall on ixwne- dale and Morrison streets. These salts ara notabls for thslr success and srs patronised, by many prominent society people, - : . .--.. Monday evening Miss Jeffrey gava ons of her popular parties. This wss s very successful dance, to couples sr mors, with Parsons' orchestra, being In attendance. It was the flrat oanoe given In Parsons newly decorated ball. Lemonads punch waa aervea m tne dainty green punch room. Miss Jeffrey gives Informal dances every Monday ev ening from e to 11 o'clock, after fcer be ginners elsss. No Invitations are nec tary for theas Informal social dance for Saturday svening, novem- ber i. ' . , A number- sf young people In the Portland high school havs organised the "Fraternity Club," which promises to become very popular. Ones a month on Saturdays they will give an Informal dunce in Parsons hall, the first being November 11. The club members are Lane Goodell. Curtis Sargent. Earl Par ker, Jos Feary, Eliot Holoomb, and Roy Fields. Their patronesses will bs Mrs. F. M. Batchelor. Mrs C SL MasUck and Mra. J. F. Strauhal. - ' w - w - Ths Clan Ns Gaels, a Scotch organisa tion, has made preparations for a big Hallowe'en celebration tomorrow night In Elks hall. A dance with Persons' music, will wind up ths svsnlng's reveia. Ths New Century Dancing , elub will gtvs Its nrst party sf ths season, next Wednesday. November 1 st Fsrsons hglt This-club has bean ta existence for five years and as Its membership Is limited. Invitations ara sagerly sought for. Ths newly sleeted officers for tha coming year srs: President, J. A. Wil son; vice-president, O. A. Hardy; treas urer, B. J- Jaeger. f: Tha Gss Lo Ras club has Issued fflt vttattons for ths second dance of Its ss riea, Thursday, November ? st Parsons' halL. . - . ' - -v Tha Z. B. R. S. club will give Its see- ond dsnes In Parsons' hall Thursday. November IS. Thslr parties srs being given on a more exclusive basis this ysar than last, ths invitations number ing many lass. . . ; - The A Volsnte club Will give Its sec ond dance at Parsons hall Thursday ev ening, November II. Ths elub ts com posed sf so couples and so invitations ara sent eutslda. Company C. O. N. G., gava ons sf ths most enjoyable armory dances sf ths season last Wednesday evening. Ths decorations were strings of incandescent lights festooned shout ths large halL Punch was served. Tha committee on general arrangements waa composed of Lieutenant D. K. Bowman, Sergeanta A. Wager, Ray Walla, F. HVeet, Privates George Godfrey,. ML Stannard. Everest's orchestra furnished ths muaio snd there were several new selections which met with popularity. "Babes In Toyland," and "Golden Sunset" wars wsltsss en thusiastically applauded, and "Mrs. Hip pie," "Polly Prim" and "Tha Trouba dour wers twoetsps. The program cards wers neatly designed to empha sise the letter of Company '& . w ' t The Cavaliers aavs thslr - opening party sf ths season Friday evening et Parsons' hsJL This yssr's attendance is limited to lot couples, which Includes only rlub members sod a few outsldera. The party waa a pretty one, fruit, punch snd water Ices being served. Mra. J. R Beaa and Mrs. W. S. Ward were the patronesses, Tha unique circular pro grama, handsomely embossed In red snd gold, ths club colors. With ths club em blem, attracted much comment. Ths managing committee Is William C Mc Clure, Harold C Howes and Amos B. King. Four parties will bs given during ths year, ths nest dsts being Decem ber II. '"ww ' - ' Last Monday evening ths Bachelor Buttons club gave s pleasant little danoe In east side Woodmen's halL About 7 couples attended. Punch was served. Mrs, A, A. Bailey snd Mrs. J. J. Con way wers pstronessss. The club mem bers srs J. H. Turney. M. O. Ballsy and J. Far. Their nest party will ba given ThaAkaaivlng gvertne-- t it it ' "" Ths Arcanum .,ub .tas Issued Invita tions for ths second of Its series sf dances, Thursday, Novsmssr S, in Woodmen's hall. Rest Sixth snd Aider streata. Ths patronesses srs Mrs. Prances Raymond snd Mrs. William J. Vail. Everest's orchestra will play. Tha club members ars Arthur Jones. Fred Raymond. Btevs Allegranl, Ales Oliver. Fred MoCsrver. Transfers srs gtvsn by all lines to the Burnslds bridge's ears now and tba hall saa 0s easily reached. Personal ? . Mrs. Jack Dougherty of Salaam M tba guest of Portland friends. Mrs. Deady la tha guest Sf her sister. Mra Osorge Murch, sf Coburg. Hon. snd Mrs. S. H. Friendly of Eu gene arrived Monday to pass a few days in Portland. Mrs. M, C. FVrgwaon snd daughter sf Sslem srs visiting la Portlsnd. Mis 'Galatea Humphreys of Salem ar rived tha Scat sf the week to visit rela tive. Mtas Nellie Walters sf Ortnnell. Iowa, wbs has been visiting ber uncle. Dr. D. A. Walters, in Salem Is mow la Portland. k Mrs O. t. Ltrrn and little daughter sf Eugene srs ths guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fletcher Linn. Mrs Florence Hsmmsr has returned ts Albany sfter a short visit with her recently married daughter, Mrs, Clar ence Craw. Miss Msry Sheridan of Salem Is a guest at the horns sf her sister, Mrs, F. 1. Benedict. . Mrs. Wllllsm Shults of Pendleton has d in Portland ts pass trie winter, s. i Mra. Hon tt .v. ---y of . in i m ' t ef v 5 e are visiting Mr. and Mra, B, L. Fisher -Of Rosaburg. Mrs. Alios Ross and her mother. Mrs, Day. of Eugene arrived Wednesday for a short vlatt. v , Mrs. H. H. Brooks of Rnssburg sr . V2JaJ., o Join Mr. Brookes -a. p",1," wnre they will reside. The Misses Brookes will come later sn. Mrs. D. A. waiters sf Salem Is In ths city. - " Mrs. Ixrule Allenhopf t ths guest of Mrs. A, C Lawrence of SaUav Mra. J. M. Powell of Monmouth was a Portland visitor during tha week, Theodora Rowland Is visiting his par ents. Mr. and Mra. L. B. Rowland, of Eugene. . Hon. S. H. Friendly of feagens was th tha city during tba week. Mtss Strowbrldge ts the gusst of Mrs. Edwin Stons la Albany---fr. and Mrs. O. L. Irwin sf Saieea Lsrrived Tuesday to spend a few days Mra. B. L, Bogard and daughter. Mlsa Grape, prominent society people of Eu gene, are visiting Portland frteiwta. They will soon bs Joined by Mr. Bo gard and will .thea take aa east era trip. n, Jacob Proebstel of Portland, wbs has been visiting his daughter. Mra. J. J. Geraghty. In Salem, has gona to south ern Oregon for a short stay. Miss Carolyn Benson, whs has been recovering from an operation for ap pendicitis, returned to the University Nf Oregon at Eugene last Thursday. Mrs. M. B. Morrow is ths guest Of Albany friends. Miss Pesrl Barrett has accompanied her cousin. Mlsa Clara Hsslsm, noma for a visit In Salem. Mlaa Barrett formerly resided there. Hon. snd Mrs. R. A. Booth ot Eu gene arrived Tuesday to spend a few days. ' Mrs. Charles A. Mscrum went to Eu gene Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mra. Oeorgs B. Dorr is, , , Mrs. Whit Holms n of Salem Is Us guaat sf Portlsnd friends. S Dr. K. DsWItt Connell visited ta Coe val He last week and went sn a bunt lng trip with bis host. Dr. T. L. Tufts of Portland conducted services' in various Csrvallis churches last Sunday. ,,. - Miss Letts Mes sf Salem . arrived Thursday to spend ths winter, Mrs. H. M. Clinton of ths city' di rectory was ta Salem tba middle of ths week. . Mrs. W. H. Drsnnan Is visiting Mrs. W, H. Jamleson sf Roseburg.- Mra. H. Kllham with her two chil dren has returned from an extended visit with her mother In Ashland. Rev. E. S. Mucklsy raturnad Friday from St.. Louts, where be attended tha national convention of the Disciples ot Christ, He will occupy tain pulpit aa usual today. t Ralph Bacon and Edward Lister, Junior and sophomors Is ths University of Oregon, srs In town on business oonnseted with the University Monthly; Mr. snd Mrs. M. L. Holbrook of Portland were guests of Mr. snd Mrs. H. J. MiUer of. Chehalla, Waah last Sunday. Mlsa Lucie Godley has returned to Chehalla, Wash., after visit with Portland frienda. President H. IX A easier of Monmouth norms! college spent the last of ths Week with W. Gilford Nash. , - THE sppsrsl sf ths Jewish priests . wss ths forerunner of ths robes sf ths great Roman pontiffs, tha latter being Indeed ths ssms with only such sltsrstlons ss Urns sad changes la liturgy prompted. ' Tha easuls. the holiest sf sll ths ec clesiastical vestments, shaped something like a bell. Is an olden time Oaltls rolls which from time immemorial had played a part In the atlre, particularly of tba lower ranks of Gallic society, during bad weather. However, la ths seoond cen tury It waa word by Roman matrons snd senators, snd tradition has It that ths apostls Peter wore such a garment at ths time sf his death, which wss afterward preserved ss a rails. This tat ter fact served ss Its Introduction to ths wardrobes of tbs priesthood. Ths dalmatics, sr stole, with wide flowing sleeves, waa worn by Pops Syl vester U and wss termed Levities robe, and. was also worn by ths lower clergy. The pallium, a short Uttls cnsnlls which was wound spirally around tha body, back, and shoulders, was ertaiaally given by tha emperor to the pops as a garment sf honor to ths bishops. It was sf ths neat Unsa sr finest white wool, adorned with gold and purple stltcblnga, snd survives today ln ths emblem conferred on patriarchs, prim ates, and archbishops aa s sign thay share ln ths plsntltuds sf ths egisoopal office. : The shepherd's -crook was first tarrwd la ths fOwsth esntury, although It did not at that tlms sasussa fixed form and underwent many changes. Headgear was not particularly senate at ths first sad tbs most that tbs clergy aspired to wss a hood. This, however, gradually took on mora and mora decor ative effscta until at last la the twelfth century tha great bishops snd arch bishops sppesred ba ornamental head wear much after the fasblea of tbs son--temporary princes of tbs world. And soon after earns tha great, richly be decked mantles with the gorawosa hoods falling from shoulder down tha bach, mantles which appeared la a variety of forms and faahlona and which aurvlvs to ths present tlms In soma sf their modifications. It waa only hi tbs twelfth century ths ths pops had begus to assume tbs stats and brllllsacs of his later career. When Pops Gregory became ths bead sf ths church he assumed that the Importance of bis poet entitled htm ts ths use of ths regal tiara and the high papal hat dates from his reign. This waa tha beginning of ths various secretions to the papal splendor sf garb, which wss held ss symbol les I sf bis earthly and heavenly anA rank. Today ths SSS-S theory holds and bM roaws snd sll his vestments srs chosen In part ts repre sent temporal might, ths throne, and In part to represent divine might, ths altar. Mlas Jeffrey, 'phone Mala UM. Les sona, SO rents In class; private Issaoss by appoint menu J. H. Kv cornet and Jt-Wr J i Evolution: Oaf Pope's Dfeas f v I