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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1904)
4.. It Stands for Something. That's Why1 rth46t3fosj Succeeds. 4 ' i A .. Yon have m guess coming. What dIJ me Woggle-bug say? - " PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER SO. 1901 THE DIFFERENT STORE 99 All Goods Purchased ;on Credit) Monday Will Be Charged on Patron's November Accounts San i liiSin i - A PORTLAND'S LARGEST; ; FOREMOST STORE NOT A GROCERY v STORE n 59c for Women's I Drawers UndermuaUB Annera M Fiooa, Ladlee Sue cambric Dnwm, deep umbrella ruffle, with $ clusters of rooks, S rows, of Val. lace IneerUon and Val. lac edrfng, ree-iilr arte H; special at... 594) Leading Mail Order House on The Coast. Phone Exchange 12 Your Credit ts Good Here. See Me About It. The "Credit Man," Third Moor Grand Occidental Sale of American Productions WHAT grander mission can a big, people's store fulfill than the exploitation of the goods of one's own country? - What time so fitting aa now, aa we stand upon the threshold of s month given over to thoughts of that eminently American day Thanksgiving for such an exposition as this store enters upon 'tomorrow? When one stops to think what wonderful strides the United Statee Is making and how nearly it cornea today to supplying her own people with everything wanted in the way of wearing apparel and things for household use it comes aa a revelation I The interest in the movement for African-made merchandise is growing greater every year. It la always understood that tfeis great and powerful store organisation only brings foreign merchandise into this store when the American markets cannot meet the demand. Any movement that tends to encourage the use of American-made goods in preference to foreign deserves the support of all patriotic citizens. We trust and fully believe we ahall receive the co-operation of all Portland folk, and our good neighbors in adjacent trading territory. In the promotion and display that is given special prominence this week, for the purpose of popularizing home manufactures, in the OCCIDENTAL; SALE OP AMERICAN PRODUCTIONS. The store wul be profusely draped with OUR COUNTRY'S FLAG and the GRAND NATIONAL COLORS; - The windows will reflect the patriotic scheme; and we as a whole, from the Admiral of this good old mercantile craft down to the humblest of our hundreds of helpers who man it, will do all in our power, as we enter upon the Thanksgiving season S time appropriately "pat to further the interests of American manufacturea. And we use "American" in the good, grand old sense, of ALL who, "and ALL that, who and which exist under the starry stripes of the biggest, grandest Nation on earth I ' -i wis. 4 IK The American . ; ' Shifted Woman OND FLOOR SALONS. V iNi. Is the newest type that is being showered by -Fashion's favors. And a right smart appearance : she makes, this trim and charming debutante. ' Wefpre-' pared for her coming secured a smart collection of pretty, stylish "Euclid" Shirts in light; attrac tice flannels, plain colors and fancies. Some' that , look for all the world like those worn by toe Aaaeri ; can soldier in camp or barracks, transforming the dainty feminine, for the nonce, into the ' romping cadet girl with a West Point dash. The new ..Shirts for women are longer than the shirt-waist. but shorter than the man's shirt, 'may be worn b loused or straight, collar in turn-over style, separate or attached. A little,.handy pocket adds to 4 the practical side of this useful garment for street, outing or home wear Sensible as - the - American girl. Ask for the "Euclid" i,....f2 to 3.75 Ah American Sale of the Product, of V 1 American Mills ; fifth stkzsot annex Frae-r floor. V '"V' "Clone the eotrp boom sad ope the mills.1 aM the haw" mortal fcteKlnley. Mo better way than, by buying ul wearing Americanf Silks and r Dress Goods - and both are woven In .our oountry today ta texture of equal quality and ftneneea of th foreign. The snot aalo ttala woak effere apodal values m American waavaa. W print a fow of aianr botaa oxplottod m Um Aaoaa Stor first floorv - COLORJSD DRESS STUFFB. Now Ajnorloan-mado Sultloaa, l ond 14 teenaa wMa, faahhm'a Bowaat o alano ood oolorlnsa our rognlar ta.S Taiua; apoolal for tba woa. aor rrd Kw Amorican-nada Suitlns, ta all tho aow waavoa and oolora. bar revu lar 11.71 valuao; apoolal for tho woak. por rrd h. S1.4S New Araorlcaa-BMdo Noroltr Kaaalah Svltlntm, ta all aow wolchta, ooloro and deslcna, oar nffalar l.f por yard vainoa; apoolal for tho wmk. tho rrd r ' . TH1UW ORBAT SILK SPBCIALa. , V , yarda of aow Aaiortoaa-nado Suit BUka, la all tho latoat Hjt and eolora, aplandid waarlna oualltr for waiota and oulta, oomo In ohoeka, trtpoa and QhancoaMo offoota, araad raiuo at oar roular prloa of I1.0S par yard; apoolal for tho woak, par yard ..6Sd Now Amorloaa-mado M-tnoa all pure atlk blaok Taffeta. Other atone oaU thla oualltr their 1.TS quality, bat oar recular S1.S0 por jrard arade; ape elal for the week, a yard .-. .........., ,f)l,.X8 t4-inoh all pure Silk Crepe do Chene, hi a mil oolor aaaortmoBt tneladtn white, cream and blaok. would bo Tory ehaap at Mo per yard; apodal for the week, "If they laat," only, tho yard ,i .7!r!77&4 The Curtain Rises Upon a Grand Monday Sale of Women's American Tailored Suits 1 Wi t $35 and $38.50 Suits- Monday, $24.65 Yoa select your Suit tomdrrow from a lot of 300 smart tailored creations, some late "buys of Miss Bernard, our buyer-in-chief for the Outer Apparel Salons, who returns this weelc from New York where she has been shopping for Portland's women-folk for some weeks past." Manufacturers are holding special sales too; and our buyer has driven sharp bargains with suius vi fuiiciivasywcai ummii ut nuuicill JUllS. CXampiCS ot oer good ouymg will be here tomorrow tor the store's clientele to profit by. Don't lose sight of the fact that these Suits are ' of the newer, later kind than those shown by other stores who are still showing the season's first fruits. These of ours have . all the bloom and freshness of a later season like rosy-cheeked apples they 11 hang on the bargain trees here tomorrow for your V picking. -Be early there'll be a crowd of pickers. The Suits are in the popular Loose-Coated Effects, Tourist and Half-Fitted Styles, Cheviot and Mannish Clothing Mixtures in swell Scotch. English and American Fabrics, blacks and novelty mixed color . Ings in brown, gray, blue and black and white effects. Hand somely trimmed in velvets, broadcloths, braids and fancy but- A . 1 A I . CI J 1 t lima ,aj9u acu-u imnicu aiyica. omria in piain or piaiiea moaeis. The nest regular values ever offered on the coast at tht two . popular prices of $30 and $38.50 high-grade iA ftZ ; Suits-Monday only you may choose for. .... ..aPnTeOO The World's Pest Linens ' Serve America's Great Festal Season 'Thanksgiving 7 Spools Cotton Thread, 25c Spool Cotton, Amortoan ama- afaeturo. tiaat S-oordtferaad, . for aasd and awcttlno aawfaa tOO yarda to tho . spool, all aumbora, - S to 10ft, Mack and wblto; Spo - elal Aatorloaa Bala! prloa. T apoolo S5 BLACK DRBM GOODS tPSCIALS. Kaw Anartoaa-nado black Draaa Oooda, all pura vool and faat dyq aorgaa, cheviots, Panama, oaavaa. STmnfls and annurao, alpaoa, voUoa, atamlna, Venstlsna, braadoloth Cropa da Paris an poplin do -Choaa. oar rsvular . 11.10 par rard Taiuoa; apoolal for tho woak, tho yard SI. 10 Special Sale of American Sewing ' Machines $23.00 for O. W. C6s K. Sewing Machines Olds, Wort nun ft Kins Sowlna lfaehlnoa, ' Anorleaa atalto, roldon- oak vablnot, hlh-arm, ball-bsarlnv; drop-hsad. with drawara; apoolal Ainsrtoaa Baio prloa, oaoh SSS04 Sam as aboro, with boa top and I dra oaa Sala prloa oaoh.. $11.0 for a W. Si K. Sowtne ataehtnoo, with qnartotoawod aah oabUtot and box top, . otharwlao H la tho aasaa aa abova aiaohlnai apoolal Aiacrioaa Sai prtoo oalr.,.u....s;Si.OO apoolal Am. r.....SlSO THMi MA Chimes nai inwv rn i ibam xno latoat improvomont apoa that aplondld. Anorloaa - ktTontloa of a araad Amsrloan Invoator. SUiaa Hows, whoso brain arolrod and ounnlaa oraft . . . . . Tha A. W. A K. niAhiiiu sujLiisooii that Ulustrata too ImproToaMBU. hat go oa with tho asaroh of tlasa. - -- Second Floor. t'AlNilNOUNCBMBlNT EXTRAORDINARY I A Monster Clearing Sale of Millinery STARTS MERE TOMORROW DEPARTMENT TO BE -VACATED AT EARLIEST POSSIBLE MOMENT! STOCKS RUTHLESSLY . AND MERCILESSLY SACRIFICED I EVERY HAT IN THE HOUSE PRICE SLAUGHTERED t ' Got to get out that's all. No ifs or ands or hesitations "Sell the stocks at once and get out," come the orders. Great cases of Women's Apparel have come pouring in, the buyer-in-chief, returns this weelc about Wednesday and expects Millinery to abdicate the throne she's held so long, and make way for the reign of Women's Apparel Necessity is a despotic monarch, and we've GOT to go. Soon as possible new Millinery Salons opened la the Sixth Street Annex, but NOW PRESENT STOCKS ARE TO BE SWEPT OUT CLEAN I We bought heavily expecting to finish the season in present location the move ia unexpected TOO MUCH MILLINERY TO MOVE1 Tempus fueit, we're short-on Tempus," long; on handsome Hats that might be hurt In the bedlam of moving, a spray or a feather broken or deli cate velvet soiled knocks a lot off the value of a hat with careful women buyers. We hate to lose on these hats, 'tis a bitter pill that starts a wry face, but the. millinery folk will try to look pleased tnis wee wnue you aeieci your neauwear ai lusing prices. Starting tomorrow Monday WE SHALL OFFER OUR ENTIRE MILLINERY STOCK OF ALL THE NEWEST CREATIONS NONE RESERVED EVERY HAT IN THE HOUSE GOES AT A UNIFORM REDUCTION OF ONE FOURTH OFF ALL REGULAR PRICES I To make the pace Ti otter still we will reduce special lota ONE THIRD and ONp HALF off former low prices! SCATTERING MENTIONS: 200 of the newest styles in Street and Ready-to-Wear Hats, Sailors, Turbans and dress shapes In all new colors, none less than $1.60 In. value, others $3.00 qualities Special at... . ...98e 200. Reary-to-Wear and Tailored Street Hats, in a big variety of shapes very stylish, feather, pompon, breast, wing,' etc, trimmings; values to $4- Special St. i .f 1.49 200 Trimmed and Tailored Hats, Turbans and dress shapes, blacks, browns, navys, reds and greens; values to $5 Special at ,.f2.49 - arctlAb bakvjAIINJ at ....eo.vir ina Look for the RED PRICES they mark a carnage of price slashing. SPECIAL EXTRA 25-feather Turbans in black, white and gray great . bargains at Special this week for .4..- i..f2.98 i Panama Canal School Vote 5 txnx Saturday Scholars send in your compositions Harrison School............ 74,604 High School...., 74,478 St. Mary's Academy 74,364 Portland Academy..,...,.. 61,161 Park School. ol,837 Atkinson School 33,284 and win a share of that $25 In gold. Williama Avenue School.... 25,184 Failing School ............. 20,060 Holladay School' 16,149 Sunnyside School. 15,441 i . tout votes . . 539,706 M tha yard; -S31.S3 SPBCtAI, SALB AJLt. THIS AMERICAN WBBK ALL TABUE LINKNS aUARPLT RKDUCBD. . How aaay wa apply thm product of Iraland. Oarmany, Scotland and Pranea to aa "Amsrtoaa Balar' ona ailaht ask. Tls trua that ellmatle aonaitlona praoluaa tha poaslblllty af manufacturing llaana la eompatltlaa with tha sraat flaz srowlnf eountrlaa. But Amsrtoans d nsnd tha bast llaana tn tha world. Tha moat 4urabla and flasat so wa, aa ona of Amartea'a larsaat llnan buyara so to tha flrat aoaroa of aup- plytha famous Irish Rlohardaon family of Bslfast, and asa our boat Amerloan iudamrat, aoqulrad In ovsr a quarter osn tury of careful linen buytne. and aslaot llnana for thla bis atora'a sraat auopplns f anally. Spools 1 yaluaa mUb waak. . ' " DAMAaX WORTH 11. ! FOR $1.S S. Btaaehad Damask, II tnohaa arid and axtra good yalua at II. ! apeeui Thanksairlna and Ararloaa Sola prloa at yard KAPKINS to match, d lunar alaa; apaolal Taankaclvlnc and Aaaarlean Sala . prloa at tha doaan B3.&8 ft BLBACMBD DAafASK WORTH $1.11 FOR fl.H. Blaaehad Damask, ft tnohaa wlda. racular 11.11 Talaa; apaolal Thankaairlna and Araatican Sala prlea. tha yard S)1.O0 KAPKINS to match, d lunar alaa; apaolal Thankavtrtn and Aaaarlean Bala prlea, tha doaan SS.dK LUNCH MAPKINfl. rarular lt.M ralus; aztra apaolal for Thanksaivlns and Amsrloaa Bala, tha doaan 92.48 UNBOf aWSB, Tabla Clotha, alaa txl yarda, with 1 doaaa Dlnnar Napkins to aiabsh; apaelal Thankaslrlna and AnMiicaa Bala prloa, sat S5.85 Tabla Cloth, alaa txl yarda, wltk 1 doaan Dtsnar Kapkina to match: apa olal ThanksaiTtnc and Amarlcan Bala prloa, sat ..S4.7B) Tabla Cloth, alaa txl yarda, with 1 doaan Dtonsr Kapkina to match: apa elal TbankaaivtoS and Amarloan Sala prlea, aat B)T.40 aparato Ootb. alaa txl yarda; apaolal Thaiikamivtnc Amarloan Bala prloa, oaoh S.TO Baparata Cloth, alaa txt yardst apaolal Thanssatrlnff and Amartaan Bala prloa. aach 9S.S4 BanaraU Cloth, slsa Ixl yarda; apaolal ThankaalTtos and Amarloan Bala prloa, aach ...S4.0 TRAT CLOTHS. TEA CLOTHS, LUNCH CLOTHS, SIDEBOARD BCARFB. DOILIES, ALL AT BPBCIAL THNKBOXVINa AND AMERICAN BALB PRICKB. 11HO FOR COTTON BUZTXNOB WORTH laa. Dark mtxad aettoa Bultlnga, racular laa raloa; apaelal Amarlcan Bala prloa, yard. .. .lXfcd lOo FOR 1IH FLANNIUBrrrBB. A larsa aasortmant of Amarieaa-mada Ftan aalettaa, raajular 114a valaai apaelal Ameri can Bala prlea, yard.... ......10d WOOL WAJBTINOa All tha latest -daalsna In fancy Wool Sultlnaa, Amarloan made; apaolal Amarloan ' Sala prloa, Tard Od. T6d wd S6a HALF WOOL FABRICS. Voile Crepe and Superfine Voile, toshes wide, hare tha touoh, finish, lustra and drap tt lna qual it laa of costly fabrtoa at popular - prloea; also Danish and Poplar Cloth, It - . k Incbaa wide. We have a splendid aasortmant of eolora In both these Unas; apaelal Amerl w oaa Sato prloa, Um yard ..B5d No underwear Like American Knitwear No values to match these elacwhara In Uncle Sam's broad domains' Flrat Floor , woatmrs ilii wool undbrwbar for isa. Women's medium weight Jersey ribbed Uadarwaar. TS per eon, wool, hi white and eray, vaata hand-enlabad, extra eUk trimmed. ' lonr alasTea, panta and tlhta with French band, ankle lanajth. This la tha famous ' "Haroda" Underwear, the beat knit underwear made In America, reseller ' 11.11 values; special Amerloan Sala prloa. each ...88e) Mo FOR WOMEN'S COTTON UNION SUITS. WORTH 91.11. Women's "H erode" medium weight ootton Union Suite in white, lone; ar - short sltarea. ankle length, hand-flnlahed, extra allk trimmed, good value -ai tl.lll apaolal Amerlc Bala prloa, suit fd WOMJBNS 4ee HOSB) FOR'llo. ' ' -Womea'a Cashmere Hoe. Amarloan made, aaainleaa, fine , riooao. Many stores sou noee inu are not aa good foe . Our regular prlea for them la taot apeelal merlnsa Sale ' price la only, pan .S9d childrrns ahbrican-madb Hoam Children's black cashmere Hoee, fine ribbed, aaamlsaa Siaee S to T. yalua laoi Amarloan Bala prloe, pair. . . .. . 16d Blaea I to I, value toot Amerloan Bala prloa, pair 19a Blase . H and 19, value Mot Amarloan Sale Frtoa, pair. Sid MISSES AMBnUCAN-ntADB UNDBRWBAR. Ml sees' high grade, natural wool Veata and Panta a very fine, aoft garment, the aery beat ef Jta kind for the money Blaea 1, 1, I. 4, I, , T. a, regular prloa Tie, lee, IS, 4 !, l.o, 10t, 11.10; Amarlcan Sato prlea, A Odt wSdt tOe), T5e, flOa), S6, SOe). tic FOR WOMEN'S WOOL UNftWKW BAR, WORTH t W. -We are selling at antra speelal price some edda and ands M Woman's Swiss and Richelieu' ribbed wool Vesta, la pink and gray; also Swlaa ribbed white wool Panta. all ef thtn 11 1 values;, apaelal American Bale prlea. Ua garment .fra4 !' - tr- :.i 7-.