The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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    - . ' - .
Mothers as Guardians of; the Family Purse
'.V l
; Jomp-Of f-Joe Creek Busy the Past YearGood
; Work of Granite Hill Encourages Owners ;
i ' of Hoeroos Minins Properties. ;
" 1 V S ' :i i 1
f ' . - , , . ."I - J
o or? Y A 7Y T
la point of eoilpaMnt end energy f
fevelopanent. Um Grant HU1 mining
property of the AiMhOM OoM Flelda
Mmpuir ranks next te the Greenback In
Josephine oounty. The beet hoist la a
VMtan Oregon mine la found at tha ool
W of the dw, vertical, double-compart-hoent
abaft, and tha milling plant erected
an tha ultimate basis of It-stamp ca-r-aeHy,
la alaa aa thorough aa any la tha
mm. Approximately l.tet acres of
i iinwal land m included la tba holdings
of tba eoonpejty. Thar are thret distinct
roupa of claim, known aa tha Oranlta
ill. Bad Jacket and tha Ida, aU oontlg
tjous rat workad by separate tunnala and
ahafta. ' f
Superintendent I ft. Wloetersham,
Portland mi nine man, la In charge of
W. J. Brophy of Chicago "
and C N. Sharp, of tha same olty,
la president. Tha work bams none prota-
connected by an aarlal tram. Tba Ida'a
main workman, ara about iau)t from
tba mUU
. Vadat Quarts mil. r
Tha hoeattng plant haa a dpth capacity
of from l.Mt to 2.9M fast. It baa doubla
drama, only ona bains uaad at tbla Um.
Tha head -frame m 4t faat high, of suf
ficient strength to baar heavy loads.
For tba bolat and ailU a 10 and a 7t
horse-power boiler have baaa Installed.
Tha mill haa 19 stamp installed, tha
battery floor having been prepared orlg
Inally (or M. A BUka breaker reoeivea
tha ora from tha mill bin. Ona thousand
pound stamps ara uaad, at low, rapid
drop, crushing ta W mean. Four vanners
conoantrata values not caught on tha
plate. A oarapraaaor plant of six-dull
capacity furnlshaa air for tha four-machine
drills uaad la tha abaft and drifts.
smiJini nnwuy.t
I i v
S .1- -
aadfram of Hoist ami aOU BuUdla Canaklo of Aorommodatlnd M tamps.
"Amm anottiar heavy produoar of tha yaltor
bnetal, with a steadiness rtvallnc tha
greenback la Its operations af tha past
ithraa years. ,
, Granite and dlorlt dlvtda tba propertyi
t'tha- oontaot stri kins' betwaan tha Bad
Jnoket and tha Oranlta Hill croups. Tba
-qsanlta Hill and Ida ara In n-anlta, and
tha Bed Jacket Is In dlorita. Tba prop.
rty, bains; but six miles from the Green
back, and la tha same bait, has similar
tMndltlona m soma respect, especially to
tha htsh ar-ada of era mined te some of
tha flsaurea. avaral vetoa oroao tha
.property, but most of tba work baa baaa
on tliree.
Tha Oralnta Hill was mined for aeveral
years from an adit and wtosa sunk there
from, rlcb or being taken from this work
to tha little five-etamp mill and aa ar
rastra. Tha new abaft la now down to
about the 4 00 -foot level, and erdsscuta
fcava been mad on the Se-foot and dos
foot levels to tha vain. It la tha pur
.pons of the manaaremant to sink steadily
to tot faat of depth, eroaacuttlna; to tha
,veln at each lfta feet below tha SM-foot
level, where tba abaft pasaad throujrh tha
flssura. Drifts have been extended
nearly Wt faat on tha 200-foot level,
(where the shoot of beautiful quarts
vanvas from three to II feeC In this Ora
fbody there Is a lot of free sold, and la
swe places rich grades of galena. At tha
000-foot level the drift la exploring this
aama ore body, with what la aald to be
ven better results than ware had an the
jot-foot level. The vela la widening; with
depth, as work la tha adit found two to
a?1 re feet of era. Both walls of this fls
kure are axoeptVoaally clean and wall de
fined. ' Ok tha Bad Jaekat aa adit opened the
train at a vertical depth of 7t feet, where
jdrifts of more than tot feet were made,
and a hlsh-crade, narrow body of or
Brined for the- arras tre Immediately be
fow. A ralaa was made from tbla level te
tha surface, which taken for the oom
jnenoement of a shaft that la to be sunk
ot feet. If this vela Widens with depth
aa dM the Granite Hill, and holds values
ms wett. It will prove aa important feeder
for the enlarged mill contemplated. Thar
is about tot feet of work on tha Ida. u
aarutendeat Wlckeraham Intends to keep
!a erew on aH three propartlea. The Bad
jffackat m about a Quarter of a mile from
ftha new milk and when developed and
Tha as in building 1a of the moat substan
tial order, and all Improvements at the
wine he been made with a view to per
manent, eaonomlo operations. The ool
lar of the main shaft Is on tha upper or
bin level of the mill, where the aerial
tram oontamplated will also diechera-e,
there being- sufficient drop between this
level and the Bad Jacket to give the tram
gravity moUoa. A sawmlU with oapaolty
of U.0M feet dally Is en the grouno. ana
was need to manufacture ail lumber re
quired m araotlag tha plant -
Tba eooapaay has good piaoer grouno.
which haa been made to produce hand
somely In the past, and la. workad every
year, two giants being la oommlealon
during the time of flood water. All facu
lties favor aoonomloal work, - and the
egement Is developing along moat
approved lines of mining; science. Insur
ing a thorough test- of tha property.
When eonoantratas are put on tna-
market, the haul Is but II arilee, along
splendid highways to Merlin.
Ore rta Moat, " v -a.
Chase's Ore Flno group, of seven
claims, sad between tha Oranlta H1U and
Greenback mines. Is Installing a cyanide
plant this fall, which will have a oapao-
ltv of about It tone. The plant consists
of a combination aturtevant breaker and 4
roUa. Tha vata for leaching by percola
tion hav been erected. Thorough tests
made of the ore la Portland laboratories
atlafr tba manager that the valuea car
ried will surrender readily to cyanide.
Development baa been on two veins
closely parallel, which may even be re
garded fissures la one mass of vein mat
ter. A drift of about too feet has been
made, for Ut feet on one and than from a
to-foot crosscut, the remainder of the
dlatanee on the other. Wlnaes have been
eunk on both about It feet below the tun
nel levels, and short drifts made rrom
the bottom. The tunnel gives a vertical
depth of from tea to too feet. Th ore
body ranges la wtdta rrom one u a
feet. Mora recant worx has nnooveceq
the best ore opened In tha mln. a face of
two feet ehowlng quite high grade tat
gold and silver. The new plant Is ex
pected to b operating soma time before
tba year closes.
few People Tnew maw Veered It :
Ti His ils Kaatka aad Bisaty
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal
Ja the safest and moat efficient disinfect
ant and purifier la nature, but few real-
tea Its vela when taken into the bumaa
byetem for the same cleansing purpose.
Cnaroaal la a remedy that tha more
you take of it the better; it Is not a
drug at all. but simply absorbs the gases
and Impurities always present In the
stomach and Intestines and carrtss them
put of the system.
Charcoal sweetens th breath after
hmoking, drinking or after eating onions
and other odorous vegetables. '
Charcoal effectually clears end Im
proves the complexion. It whitens the
teeth and further acta aa a natural and
eminently cafe cathartic.
It absorbed the Injurious gases which
aolleet In the stomach and bowels; tt
dtalnfecta the mouth sad throat from
tha noleo of catarrh.
AU druggists sell ohareoal la on form
ar another, but probably tha pest char
rwl and the Boat for the money Is la
Btuart'e Charcoal lsenge: they ara
composed of the flnaet powdered Willow
harcoal, and other harmless ant 1 sept lea
In tablet form or rather In the form of
tare, nleeasnt tasting losenges. th
charcoal being PJisod with honey.
Th dally us of these loeongci wva
eon tall In a much Improved condition
of the general health, better complexion.
pwceter breath and purer Mood, and tha
bemutr of tt m. that no possible aarm
can result from their continued aaa, but
am tha twntrary. great beaeflL
A. BhiBTale physician la speaking of the
hwflta of cnaroaal.1 says: I advise
a.uart's. Charcoal Lesengea tc all pa
tlente Buffering from gaa In etomach
and bowels., and to clear the complexion
and purify th breath, mouth and throat;
t .tea behave the liver la greatly bene
fited or the dally use of them; they coat
but twenty-live cents a boa at drug
lore, aad although Ul some aanas ia
m.iu aMMniM vt I believe I get
i am httar charcoal la gtuart's
Chsrceal boaengea than la any of b T-
Th old Hammeraly mine. In the
basin as the Oro Flno, but aean
head of Jnmo-orf-Joe creek, hai
duoed several thousand dollars In a five
stamp ml", but baa not done much this
summer. It has aeveral hundred feet of
work, showing a onaraetarlatl vela for
that district. '
Oa the Oopher property, T. av May,
superintendent, most of the development
la In tba nature of a crosscut wnicu m
calculated to open th large vein at a
depth of 4 to too feet This tunnel has
a length of more tnan so feet. . num
ber of shallow tunnels have been driven
and many surface outs made to prove the
strike of tha vain. Th mine has a, two
stamp mllL
The Capital City Hinmg company, v.
C. Hlggina, manager, la developing tne
Baby. This property is equippea wun n
two-stamp mill, of the gravity pattern.
Proa Doctors of the district state l net mis
group has produced some of the beet ore
taken from tha district from which the
owners realised a neat profit la early
, Mm Vast Arrestre. ,
A. O. Mlnter of Seattle and August
Fetsch of OranU Pass, cwa the Cosmo
politan property, which lies between tha
Babv and Oranlta HiU. From tne mere
surface a twin-tube arraatra was fed for
a long period, the ore being broken down
oa the quarrying principle. The vein Is
pronounced a strong fissure, with diorite
formation. A crosscut of 1H feet has
been dlrven tc- open this fissure at a
depth of let feet, and on this level drifts
have been run. ehowlng the vela to be
stronger than at the surface.
On the Lucy West about fowr aafles
from Merlin. feet af development baa
baaa done. . ....-.,.,,
XrtMky Qaasa BatprAbf.
A new lt-stamp mill Is being Installed
oa tha Lucky Queen mine, of which C D.
Crane la manager. An order was placed
for the mill three weeks ago, with tha
condition that It was to be delivered la
st. weens. All possible baste te bstag
made In erecting the mill buildings, so
that they will be ready for the plant by
tha time that tha machinery la on hand.
Th entire plant will be running within
the next month or aa. Two bumping
table, gravity stamps of 1,004 pounds,
Blake-Hammond breaker, challenge feed
era and both steam and water power will
be the principal features.
Development at the Laeky Queen ties
been pressed with energy during the
present. vac and tba msnsawmeal foals
The Big Store In the Middle ot the Block 69-7-7J Third St.. Bet. Oak and Pine
; OFFERS YOU MORE MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNrTIES than all the store in PorOand combined. fP1 ';
- , an all new Fall and Winter stock of Youths', Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Hats, Shoes and FurnisUings. ;
You don't have to compromise on quality or style at this store to save from . : v " , ,
20 TO 50 PER CENT, ON CLOTHED UK i nt ow i o
Children's Knee Pants Suits
fully $8.
Yoa will b amaied at th immenne variety and
elegance of tha material, workmanship and style.
Will luy a good caasimere or union
cheviot, dark or medium color $2 suit.
Puta you into 25 styles of all-wool or
union uaaimerea and worsteds; worth
. ' i -i . " ' -. ' - -
OP For all the prevailing styks in black
) 00 and blues, also plaids, checks and neat
mixtures; worth $4.50.
(2 OP For $6 Buster Browns, In eight styles
J)0Oi) of color and materials, also Norfolks,
Cossacks, plain,; double breasted and Cavalry
tf fiC Imported materials, In staple and ex
)40J clushra designs, the very latest mate
riala and excellence of workmanship ; aeU at all
stores up tb $7.
fR Qf Are the very choicest of materials,
PU0D made in aU the prevailing and novel
styles of the season, an almost endless variety;'
worth vp 'to $8.50,
Our department of fixings for big boys and chil
dren is replete with all the good things to com
plete the wardrobe of the rising generation. Hats,
Caps, Underwear, Stockings, Socks, Neckwear,
Shirts of all kinds. Waists, and all the other
things you may require, at a positive saving of
20 to 50 per cent. , . -
Overcoats for Children
Tne Chicago always carries the largest stock In
the city. When we speak of any of our de
partmente, not because we want to boast, but it s
facts; If you have not been here you miss visit
ing the greatest top-to-toe outfitters on the entire
coast, where your money buys the beat and most
:: v ' of it - " V ;
20 to 40 Per Cent Under Price
For choice of very nobby dark
color $4 Overcoats ;
For several styles of $4.50 Over
For 20 styles of very handsome $$
Overcoats. "
For a score of nobby, extra good
$7 Overcoats. ; ', .-t
For children's Imported material
$8 Overcoats. t , i
snaeiaijsii naujsa a
v " t
r I " ,
' - A f
I f . V'l " V
1 ;
it ;
Young Men's
We carry a fuU line of D. Pfelser ft Co, Cahn
ft Wampold, Acorn and other high grade makes
of good and fine clothes. Our variety .of styles,
we mean new faU sty ka cannot be equaled on
the coast; including tha largest stores in San
. t ' ; Francisco. - i ' '
0 A AA la where we put odd lots of suits,
$4.1111 worth $6.50: . ,
ah AA For choice of 20 styles single and dou
3f UU ble breasted, tailor-made $10 and $12
Suits. " : .
A 'AA WJM W suits mat seU regularly at
p"eUU $1150 to $15, comprising ail the late
weaves and colors, 25 styles of patterns besides
black, bhw and brown. .
IM 9 AA your unlimited choice of aU our
Plu.UU finest $15, $1$ and $20 tailor-made
suits. This lot comprises a variety of over 50
styles, consisting of 500 suits, and is pronounced
by all aa the moat elegant showing of nobby suits
for young men ever shown in this city.
Youtig; Men's -
Overcoats and
For choice of a lot of $7 A -Overcoats.
.- . l.p'J
For long belt styles, aU-wool $10
and $12 Overcoats, ,;
For craveneftes and belt style, up
to $15 Overcoats. " . f
For choice of sll our finest hand-tailored
Cravenettes, Overcoats, worth to $20.
Our stock of young men's over-garments Is the
most complete ever shown. .The forced clearing
sale prices gives you an unparalleled opportunity
to secure highest qualities right in the very begin
ning of the winter season at a positive saving of
- funy ONB THIRD on each garment.
Tn e,naltl
Suit and Overcoat special Monday flyer. We have taken about
200 extra fine quality $15 8uits and Overcoats, in all styles and
a a rvM. Ja- Rranrlaffee'a hand-tailored earmenta.
CO 10TB, news euna viwi e " , . , .
i A.: a i u:k 1. um Hr hare-ain we have offered this season. Be
the entire lot containa stouts, sums or reguiarn, w -
that ar la slgbt warrants a lS-stamp
.pleat Mora than 10 feet of work has
been done, and now abaft is being sank,
a depth of St feet having been attained,
on which level drifts are being extended.
Tbla abaft la to be put down, with levels
at each 109-foot station. The vein ex
poeed In this work Is quits strong, and
whan opened on the lower levels, prom
ises a permanent reeerv for a plant of
th sis being erected.
set. rm Mas arm.
C. Roofer Is superintendent and
manager of tne lit, Pitt Hydraulic and
Quarts Mining eotnpany, which owns
Uf sores of piaoer and two quarts claims
In th Jnmp-of-Jo district. This com
pany recently acquired a two-stamp mill
and haa the same Installed oa the creek
level, to which or will be hauled from
the lode elaJBM. A arose cat of to feet
was driven t open the vein, which had a
width of It feet where opened at a depth
of to feet; Drifts have been extended on
thle level, opening an ore body ample to
keen even a larger mill busy. Tba placer
property la operated each year.
Ail the mines or tna jnmp-oi-joe oesm
are watnhlng the Granite hill with keen
Interest, for this property Is me nearly
n type for the district than the Green
back. When the Oranlta Hill proves that
It haa valuea at great depth, assurance
la had that deep sinking win be taken
up by many of th small groups which
hav good surface showing.
. ' ,
- - (tarsal Steele! Berrts.f -
vaiurrUl. IndV, Oot. Jt. Jamas Svt
toa of this elty, who haa been selling
Ash at th oownty fairs of southern In
diana for almost St years, and who to
known as "tha boneless Ash king of
America." la te be married tomorrow
nlaht and he baa ensued the largest
hall tn the cltr for the oeremony. He
will aeU tickets of admission and
peots to real la enough to pay for his
honeymoon trie.
Sutton is one of th odd character of
southern Indiana and Illlnota. and a fee
veara an wrote a book entitled "The
Vdb and Downs of a Young Married
Man.' Tomorrow' wedding will be hit
fifth matrimonial venture, U feat been
divorced four times.
nm o
suasxire) sowv
census) xar A
(special OUaatm ta The Jeereel.)
Grants Pass, Or, Oat. I. Bngl
returning from surveying the Gallee
creek wagon road report th finding of
a large body of Jade stone, or Callfor-
nlta, as George P. Kuns. the gem expert
of New York, classed the recent find of
this mineral ta the Indian areek country
of northern California. This seml
prectous stone wee known to the Greeks
by ths name of Nephroa, a kidney, from
lta supposed wonderful remedial quali
ties in dlaeasea of , that organ.
Tha new find on Rogue river bj the
variety known by mineralogists as ad
Ite, a silicate of alumina with a hard
ness between seven end eight and a spec
ific gravity of about three, and a cryst
alline, granular structure. It ta perhaps
not quite eo tough aa nephrite, the sil
icate of magnesia. Geologically speak
ing, this mineral la found la aa extensive
dike nearly 100 feet wide In serpentine
formation, with a north and south strike
and a dtp to tha east. It was discover ed
by th workmen In blasting out tb road
bed. After many attempte to drill tt
with th hardest of tampered steel ra
effort was abandoned aa fruitless. Re
peated blows with ponderous sledge ham
mere In the hands of the workmen was
th only means by which it sou Id be re
duced to a proper condition te be re
moved from the right of way.
Bxperts have made a careful examina
tion of the new discovery and pronounce
It almost identical with that found tn
northern California, with perhaps a Httl
mar apaolty and greater tcughneaa.
An reed la sacred history of tha New
Jeruaadem with lta streets paced with
gold, but Oregon Is ths first state- tn
the TJalon to boast of Its Jade paved
roada. Samples of th mineral may be
seen on exhibition at the rooms of tha
Grants Pass Miners' aasoclatloa. - ,
(Joaraal Speda Serrlee.)
New York, Oct. x. Tomorrow la
what kt known aa "Prison under,' a
day on which th National Prison Asso
ciation asks ministers of churches to
discuss problems relating to the pre
vention of crime and the treatments of
th criminal. The association, which
has 1U headquarters la this elty, Is so-
tlv la calling attention to what It con
siders to be th principal means by
which the penal system and lta edm ta
le t ration may be improved. Among the
reforma which tt advooates are th fol
lowing: Punishment to begin only after con
viction of crime, aad not Immediately
after arrest, as tha association says Is
too often the ceee.
The administration of the prison sys
tem te be freed entirely from politics.
Th extension of work under the pro
bation law and th appointment of mora
proealtoa tnoere, especially for th
oare of first offenders.
Better oouuty Jails, and the abolition
of th system under which the sheriffs
are paid by the day for th keep of
prisoners In their charge.
The enforcement of ktw providing
for dally labor of prisoners under sen
tence and th separation of prleonera la
county Jetle,
Th application of the Indeterminate
see ten oe to aU classes of prisoners, and
the 'extension of the parole system that
tt may apply" ta long-term prisoner. ,,
The Ust tf the Postage Stani Rites.
Th O. W. P. win discontinue Its
summer excursion rates after today.
All ears from First and Aider where
Uobsta mast be purchased.
tr wm oa
scat uotraw
POS TlwSTrrtaT
uoauuvnai aiaooari
A commit tea from the chamber of
oommeree will likely request the gov
ernment ta erect a net of standard seal
oa tba water front that will be per-
mA kw MMmiiiMt amnlovea Ths
committee wan appointed to discuss the
matter aa the result 01 tne xouowin
recommendation submitted to tne cnam
ber of commerce by the navigation com
mittee of that body:
"The attention of your navigation
committee waa called to th fact that
tb United States government baa ar
ranged with tha state board of harbor
commissioners at Saa Francisco for tb :
erection of three set of standard oceleo
along th water front, such eoalea te be
operated . solely for" government em
ployes, and thsy will hav a oapaolty of
M tone per load. Tha government will
operate th acalas xcluivly for th
benefit of Importers of merchandise at
that port, and th handling of foreign
goods will thug be greatly facilitated,
A most direct advantage to the San
Trend sco Importers will lie In the fact
that tha government will make no
charge whatever for weighing the good
"Th navigation committee took no
action In this mttter. realising that the
conditions at Portland ara vary differ
ent to those at San Francisco, but re
quest that tha matter may be dlsousssd, ,
and If considered desirable, soma action
be taken by th trustees to get the gov
ernment to erect on st of standard
aoalas somewhere on tha water front f
- "Respectfully submitted,
' "W. & amsoN. .
" T. H. RANSOM." :
I 319
Com- .
a em tt t wlea hi ssfflelest.
flna te bny. Pertlead'e papaleuoa
If ye
mw taeres
U win eery fee s raw awre reen enni w w
k ih wIM aneeeh fee Invest it 1
Ike greatest benefit Voai ul rwtV 2"jT'tJ?J?? M
Osfl st ear effles en let ve shew yes sf the eargakn we
Wa.kav that weald nnke a susnt an . v-.
........ . , r-r -
mt b Vr Pertland real ertste. wtbIN
ret as per rem m tot pest rear year, aa
i8 tne SMtrepolU of the Psctlc Coast,
ca la good real, aetata saw wttt reap
mra tc enaaa. - -
kav la
geaarF eaaroaai lene"-,
'J '