TrT C -OMUi- JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 8 AT, as .MD"lMt" is k izzm rm nil S& XVMt SaXVAV- COS. ' Whw aawatnr lMsmeS ft holder there a something TNT wrn with thmi ii BUMtullr graabla about the lack af pportualtiea ud those wha with tha pportenlUes fell HUQH KJRKPATJUCK. to awlu rood. - Tha start f th sue- cmi of Hugb Klrkpatrtak, ' a Journal newsboy at lebenon, thla atata, la aaa that la rarely oueied. '. Kirk pat rick la a youngster of re years' experience ta thla world, aaa who knew bow to haaU. Wit the desire to hustle . ho selected tha paper tbat would brlnfc faim tba blnaat return for his hustling. Of ooarse ha selected tha Journal. Ha goes ta school and aalla newspapers an tha alda. la a latter ha talis partly- of bis sueesea aad tithing f hla work: 1 ' 1 want to tan What bmwlt Svr- tng tha summer sailing papers,' h said. 1 made a little aelllng tha Saturday Bvealng Past of Philadelphia, but. tha moot I amds on the journal. I have msde tfli. NowJ wlU tall you what I nave aoaa wiia re , Tint, I had my, a hat Axed apt had to get new Urea that aoat bm Than . I hooch t a Blot roar-old oolt far lit t aall him Dick. I thlnx h la tha meb- lna of a fln horse, I have laToatad In alty werranta which bring me par aant Interest. Now, doa't you think that pretty aood for a ls-yeer-old boy to do during hl iummt vacation, , Water barrel sayes THIS FIRM'S PEANUTS . v. ,. -r - xtamlove at tha aommtsstoa housa of Belt- Co lOt-US Front atreet, die aorarat that the firm's supply of rueeted peenuta waa dim! alanine; rapidly. They knew it wasn't due ta unusually heavy aalea and aa mvestlgatloa showed that neighboring elorka and nattora war ftunohmg an tha-poanuta.- - - . Then tha fertile brake of tha tty eeJeemaa aot busy with a thought. Ho would atop tha arm's loan, ha saM. ' Ha filled a barrel with water almost to tha too, than filled tha rent f tha bajrei artth peenuta. PreaenUr ik ' aaM- a hwyeV front a lam retail Mora, Tha buyer la some thing of a awall la thewar of apparel, tout ha llkea peanuts He "asked far eome and the city 'aaleeanaa kindly pointed out tha barrel ta tha oarnar and told elm to ketp htmeelf. ' Tha buyer alwaya waara kid alorea. at leant darlnc hualneaa boo re. Ha reached war down ta tha barret to ret an anafuL Ghea he awora and left tha place. Ha throw the alovea away. Other who wanted peaaata war di rected ta tha aaaaa barrel and eon tniently tha ' flrnVa loar baa atoppod. Vront atreet lorera of peaautr aroaa to tha other alda of tha atraet ta pearls tha house at Bell Co. , . QUAKERS WILL HAVE THEIR OWN CHURCH t- Frene rations are Under for tha dedtoarloa of tha . Priaads charoh at Bast Thhty-flrth and streets. - The Ohurch will be completed m a short time and dedlosttom eerrleee will be held Noveeaber IS. t The chorrti nea a roetnbershlp of 130. though there ara said to be at least twtoo that enaar Quekers In Portland. , . Tomorrow the mi rloua win be eon ducted by Rev. C P. Welgler of Co lumbus, O., wh has beea aaalstlng Bvangellat Rath aa a series af services at Berea Mission,- Jefferson and geoond atreet. Aa elaborate program la being prepared for the dedtoatfon sarvloss. Kl JOURNAL'S' v f t c:ji::3Phone C7FER Ml 11 Wt ort lAtmi voumt . AXOVWT BOm 0 IWT aa raw vibl .; ,,; Bow bun uooey will tha dty avvarn- maat hava aest year with which to meet oarrant rpaaia, la tha queeUoa whiok ! aaiiaUoc'tha aUnda of tha city eaua ollnea at prevent. It w4U be only tnreurh tho psoat rtrteseat aooaonty la every department that the preeent year will oloee wltnoat a aeiicn. At u opealnaa af tha year IfrM tha dty oof- fere will be aUneet depleted. KatUaatlnr aonaarvauvely, tha valva of aaeeaaiUa property In- tfala dty ta 4f,aM,at. Tha city aoverzunent re eel vea eeven pallia an each dollar of tha araeaaed valuation of property for run- nlnr euansee. Thla wilt brlna hi a rev eoue of liN.m, - Thla year the revenue from reneral U naaa will total about 1110.000. All revennea front thla eouree goea Into the enerai fund, About H.eaa derived front Uaenaat. an. vehlolea r Into, the atreet repair fund. It la aspaoted that with the a-rat a umber of peddlere. atreet vendera and fakera of various kinds who will oom ta thla city durlnc tha oomlna; year for tha Lewla and Clark expoelUen, tha re venues af tha Uoanaa department will be Increased at least 10 per cent next yaarver tha amount re ceived thla year. That would JDeen that there wjjl be f Xtl.QOt In tha aueral runa ana aaout izr.owvta im ima r pair fund. Added to this wlU be the revenues to be derived from fines from tha potloe ooarta which will amount ta a larae. aunt awlna; to "Ota pla af collect lna a fin af la a quarter from the eperatora of aach alofcella-thalot maohlna. Ha- oolpta -from thla sou roe will amount to at least tlt.tOd. Thar are alao tha rev- en uee derived from aaaasamanta made by tha elty engineer which will amount to at least J All told tha money to be at the dlapoaal f the city adminis tration far running expenses the oom lag year wUl amount ta about ,, Under tha charier tha amounts wbtch may be paid tha different departments fmm Ih tmw bin am mm rnllnvar treat lighting food. 70.0e; fire da- partmest, lltt.70: polios depart meat, ,; street repairs. flt.lbO; library fund. I a, 100; park fund. I2I.M0; Interest fund, till. tea. Total, sm,Ma. Tbes raaulta are derived by apportion ing 1) mills for lighting: fund; tk mills for Mr department; 1 -t mills for police department; mill for atraet repair fund; l-l mill for library fund; fc. mill for park fund; 1 mills for In terest fund 0h bonded Indebtedness, which la not Innlndsd la tha aevea mul lavy. '. " . ' These aanennta wilt not aaarly .naat tha running expenses of tha year. Tha estimates of the ourreat expenses af tha different departmenta have not be made aa yet but wlU ha completed Soma tun next weak, With the various Improvements ooa templated In the fire department 17. 0O0 wlU be required at leaaU Conaerva tlva astlmataa of expenditures of ether departments are aa follows; Polio de partment, 1119,006; englneer'a depart vent. $M.t0o; street cleaning depart ment. $,aot; board of health, $lft.0M; euy ajbdltara offloe, 1 1 .; dly treaa urar'a omoe, II, 000; plumbing Inspect ing department, .; elty pound. II.- 000 r municipal court. 11.000; city attor ney's office, ff.lo; advertising. 1 10.009; library, II. 100; atraet repair fund, fle,- HI lighting fund, 70,0; park fund. ISS.tOO; olvll aervto oommlsslon, IStftM; olty ball, t4,0. Besides all this thai are many ether small expenses which will crop up dur ing tha year. Amounts aeoessary for tha different departmente over the tax lavy will have to be transferred front tha general fund. At a recent meeting af tha elty oouncfl tha ee time tee of tha expenses of tha dif ferent departments for tha oemlng year war ordered to be ready by November t, when they wUl be takes up and considered by the ways and aisana aoav neltta -. . 1 - . . - HOTEL THIEF IS HELD TO THE GRAND JURY Oaorga Marahairs afflrnurtSong nana i a him to be held to the grand Jury that mornlag by Municipal Judge Hogua. Ton are abarged In this complaint with tha orhns of laxoexy af goods a J. a rarayea, hi th Morton houss are yoa guilty or noT asked Deputy . Dlatrlot Attorney Baaey of JaarshalL ' I .-. . - 'Tea, sir.' aakt MarebaD. ' 1 understand you wish ta Waive pre liminary ( hearlngv-4s , that T oorraotr aaked Mr. Haaey.. . ' . "Tea, air," replleeT MarsnaH. "To know yoa ara entitled ta a hear ing, and If Yoa waive, I shall hold yoa ta tha grand juryf" aaked Judge Hogua. "Tea, sir - ha replied. Then I hold you." aaM th Judg. - 'Tee. atr," said the prisoner. Ha waa nattohalaat' through tho Questioning. He accused af robbing tha Pordyoee of ewe)ry valued at about MOO Thursday, while thy were abaaat from then apartments. ' '" f WbfWiM? ,- and . other prlsas, which wli be awarded for the aeareat oarraot atlraatea af the pop ular vote for president. Tho prises ara valued at MO.sOO and bear m mind th contest alaoss o November ' Take a ohanoa and sand In your estimate today. One goes Is allowed for ovary H cents remitted for aubscrlptkttal at regular rates ta T Journal. ... :v - rrofaasor Baton apansd hi daaolng class Monday.. October S. and will oon- rtlnaa Monday and Thuraday evenings for atg month. Oentleraea lit, ladle St. Arlon hall. Second and Oak. Thou West ft. - - ii a .. .i i f ' Atlea Iewfs' Best Brand. I IS PROVliNCI 1 1 - i -n in 101: a. ...EASED Nun Praia every seotloa of tha alrr tha err for better fir Drotectlon la arising. Especially la thla true oa tba aast side. where aa many new district are being opened. There ar oertein looalltlea la Hast Portland where . hundreds af now and bands ocas resldenoss are located without any lira protection whatever. Many of theae districts have not avaa flra hydrants and ethers ara aa tar re moved from any boa or engine company that It would ha impesaible far any service to be give n case f ire. - lace It baa been mad know taat tha dr commissioners ara planning to enlarge th department After tba new year, whan funds will be aval law e, many petition, have been rooslved from residents la tha less protected looalltlea asking- for engine and boas aompaales and Are hydrants. All tha petition cannot be granted, but an effort will be made ta give aa good protection aa pee albl ta avary aeotloa of tha dtyv . ' tvv sTew OiBBjaalis tt M an assured fact that two paw. engine eompanieee will be Installed on the west aid. 'One af theee will be located in tba vicinity af tha union depot. Tba angina for thla station to al ready on hand and all that ta neceeeary la to oecure tha ground, buUd tha bouse ana man tha company. The other oonv pany will be looeted an tha Macadam road la South Portland, where the prop erty owners have been long suffering from lack of Are protection, Several months ago -they deeded k Ona piece of orooerty to th dty with the under- standlng that aa angina company was to be located there th coming year. Thla wlU be aa af tha first promises ta be kank Portland heights m als art or setter Or protection and at a reeeat meeting of the flra commlsatonera it waa prom ised ta grant their petition aa sooa aa funds were available. Aa englaC oom pany ta thla locality would be able to take care of Portland belgbta, Jung's heights and- the neighborhood around the Bt Vincent and Ooo sminisa n- pltala. . y There la a asovement on foot among; tha resident of Highland to have chemical company No, 4 abanged ta an angina company. Such a ehange aa this la alao desirable at tho ahemleal engine house at Union and Holnday aveauea. Tha house at the latter place la very small and It la desired to dispose af it and with tba funds purchase a pteca of around In .that locality on which to build a now sarins house. It la alao desired to take truck No. 4 st 'this sta tion. Vhhth la bow out af oommlssioa. and Place H la commission at angina oomnany No, t. This wlU do away with paying storage for this track. Many nre hydrants are te be placed during tha aomlng year and tha Sra alarm avstsm Improved. The lot hvdranta reoeoUr 'wurohaaed by tha water board ara being placed and aa ef fort is being made te secure Bio re when the are .11 la aprvlo. v.. Members of the dty eoanoll are vary muoh la favor af giving tha flra mission ample mesne to make many im provements hi tba Ira department aast year. In all probability the amount of tha estimate af expenses whick they win allow . trill exceed that of last year, which wak 10,00. Thla included mack of tha expenaa for tha fl reboot and alao for purchasing and manning much aew apparatus. Ia all ptwhanuitr the estimate thla year wUl amount so UTMoa. r v 1 anv ta favor of" enlarging tha flra deoart stent.9 said Councilman H. XL Alb. "It hi culte neceeaary that we strengthen both thla and tha police d Dartment during ths oomlna; year. T am Tory mack in aympai&y witn tha plan- to Increase tha apparatua and tha force of tha flra department tha aomina year and I believe tha council will make sufficient allowance for this.' said Councilman Mat Foaller. "Both the flra and aollee department hav to be greatly -strengthened durlnc tha Low la and Clark fair. "We need, better Sra and polio protec tion" said CoonaumsB C. hV Rumeiln. -We should hav 110 mora polleemen and tba flra .department should be greatly strengthened. However. If It comes to an issue l wui vote xe inereas tba flra department la preference te the potloe d apartment. A burglar am In jure only ova man, while a flra may destroy tha entire elty. Thar are many sections af tha olty wholly without lira protection and If- on house burns, the entire neighborhood la endangered. Oivs aw flra protection avary time.' PREPARING TRANSFERS FOR IMMEDIATE USE Oeneral Manager uUsr at the Port land Hallway company baa placed a larga order for transfers ta be Inter changed aa ' soon as tha consolidation of that ltns and tha City and Suburban takes place. There ar' nine sets of theee transfers to be printed, and It may take some time ta get them off tha orees. but aa sooa aa they are out the publlo will be benefited by tha fanrnedl ate Inauguration af th system. Ust Lw Rate ExcbtvIou h r tfae 0. W.P. Toaaorrow Is the laat. Take advarrb are af tba day and a trip Into tha woods. Tha fishing Is at Its best. Tha hunting goed and tha Hotel Kstaoada prepared to Serve alt aomera a good dinner for the low rata of to eenta. Cars every tar houra from First and Alder Rerel Rcrel Hertf Oraac Sodallat rally totught. O. tobar f. -at TSxpoeitloa building. Nlaateenth and Washlngtoa streets. Will be addressed by Ben Hanford vtoe-presi dential aomlne of Soelaltst party. Big tlma sTveryoooy orm. rraa. exceedingly popuur:; and many persona are taking advantage of it) CT KOT YCU? woi MIMMfttttttl vtfvrt' " rdbw WlCrC y, Areas. lUm eel I i . Ths Kind Ton Hbyto Always v ta us te orer 80 ywsns mas bono ths siro csT - r ; " : - sod has ben made vnaWSla par ' . jrj(f-Z iwnel npawrlslnin staos its ioSmsfm '--r7Xi cA44Q ' Allow bsoom to cceJreyM ' AM QoontarfeHa, IsHfaloMS aa4Jhgt as grjodarvj bat xXBy4nMnito tlM tt w ' litlhAts and Chllda-ffiiiaiUfliiis asrainat Bxpetinboa What Is CASTORIA ? j Cssttorla ts a harmless sobstttoto te Oawtor OH, fatw sjorle Dtops and Sooihixts sriwps. I Is Pfaa sktit. I ; ' ' aontalns neither Opiom Morphmo aar othez KaMOtls ' v i V anhstaaose Its are is lis artukrawtee. It deaaiojs Wanasi v ' and allajs FeTarlshness. It cmres Diarrhm and 'Wmtt . . vCotto. It relieves Teethhis; Trambkm, cores ClogsgtiMteosk ' and FfattuWcy. It aawimiaitrai tha Food lrajrrtetes tbs .; . , Ittonavch aatd Bowels, sjtvimc xbealthy and aatvral sLeas Ths caUsdiPansfwa Tha Mothars CMssad.. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean tha In Use For Over 30 Years. nmtiTfv- CUTLER EVERY-BLADEVARRANTED CHIEF HUNT MAKES A PECULIAR WOVE 9A.Y mowataa. 3f pDUcamaa aT ths Say pacrat and aaa and night roller oould ssaroaly bet lev their eare thla morafng, - when Chief Bunt Informed them that la tka future they may aooept tnoney fur extra duty. In mans where they ara aant as watch aball games. attend marrlag or da any work for private parties, h esi- plalned. they saay hereafter aooept pay. I ssnney. hs said, hi be ba turned wear to him. and he win mak reoommsnda- tlona ta tha aaaauttva board. Ha aald he think there wtU b no trouble in arranging matter so th man wUl haw the mony. Thla ardor M Ik dhraat aoatravantloa te tba rulea haratsfor prevail mg; P eemcn hav. not beea allowed ta aooept money or any otner oonaioeratioa for aarvloea rendered private partlee, al though It has beea thought by ail that they were entitled ta at. Tha sudden ohang on tha part af Chief Runt has started tha tongues of the polloemen to wagging; They are very gmd to be able to reoelve pay for extra work they think they deaarva It, but tba quest Ion aaked te. what brought about thjs chan get - . ; "The chief mad tha Brat move in his political campaign.' aald a high of ficial of tha poll-as department, com menting oa tha new order of thing. "He knows tha policemen dislike him; knows taat ha la unpopular not only with hla mea, but with ths public at large, aa welL In making thla move, be simply shows Signs of weakening, and also that be deatres ta regal th good will of hla man. Also, ft la said oertaia officers have been doing a lot of extra. work aad receiving pay for It, A reoetK newspaper article frightened the chief. and he einoe deoldea to alter Blatters, ao no trouble would occur." Polloemen Courtney and ' Cats have beea selected te attend tha baaeball games la future. They ar te recerv lilt gam. .It ta understood that pel Icemen at the Seism Bad Mala raoea received ftiada .... v u Yj r: Whether you t : Cole's Orf Is ths thinf to hYt for " c-rfbrt economy. This fctovo is fwsognisod thro- c ; , e worlj j th best hestlnf stove yet manufactured, simi t i it tue largest of any ever put - ' " v -Up0n mSu-J tiiis country.. . . . " ' ( ,) ;:;;'The UnlvcrizI rn;Vv-vv U noAer prims favorite in tiahome. Hundreds of hoawwhres ia Portland delight in its pa. on, and you will, too, if you V;,; s$.a.,1 hVB 0m ! your sbods..; v v, ALL KINDS OP H : "7 TINWARE. AND -:l--f r.yVKiTWi4 inwiLs .rv- At Kadoorrs well knervrn Uttle prices. , We have Waahlng BCs :; v . chines, that a 4-year-old cLd can operate with esse. ' T mm Itoosirt, sad which has 81gnatiira of t : - ' u.' PIANOS Wa carry art throughly good ptanoa; thoroughly good mean aa tha ta the Vital Part of the Piano vary Man ease in r atora la wen ooostructed from abotoa seleetloaa af beautiful . ' weeds but averyon tudaa af tha autetda far hlaaseif. It Is tha inside, "the busts ass part, that should be looked aftsr earafuUy. Qur Pianos will stand tha moat erttloal In-apecton-xe aU aid tJ labia aaskaa that have werfced their way Into public favor aa their merits alone. Wa do not car ry tha rat aa pood" plaaoe that aa am knows aaythlna; ox -- . Scule Bros. Piano Co. earn ' Take no chances ... withjrour Printing --demand the best. A - Our imprint is" a guarantee. .,4.ll ' aXrtnntalUaa fhrss ,', ,'f4 mONT J. TaL Met ij)t ' - (giiiml Dtspawh ta Bi fesrasLr ". ' Grants Peas, Or Ook i. T. C Rutohteaaav proa pee tor, died hare yaa tarday front the onToota f aa evsraeea af laudanam. which ha waa taxlna for Intestinal trouble. Ha had no money and died occupying a bad la tha onto af Uvery stable with th eity marahal aa kin euros. Tha empty laudanum bot tle hi his pocket told the story after it ms tea "lata. He waa about dff years of age. Hla relatives reside In Cal ifornia. 1 lanawa-aaawajgrnasMai 1 c s ... , PclnHUer 2S3 r T 1 Year, Hours corooofasjor ruttkir 3 Blast Heater V M.M.MM..MMMMM I '.When": It Comes: to Colors I r X Well, the man who aaa select necktie that will please his wife 1 a won. d der. We mease tha wives of thousands .of men with our selection of , ' j"mu niece you, we give tomm a enoioe ox rorty aiRerent su- ' ' 1 In plain bouse paint. The paint that won't come off -made Portland factory specially for this climate eold under tha a of guarantees. Color aatd availed aa raoelpt af postal sard - reuueat. Fisher, Thorseri & Co. V : I aiaaifsUHS) laa, ssa FaoTf awaaa. 4- Dry short slab wood, stove V teisw--:.12 A(j cord... Same Kind of Wood Whafs the wsDinrenoe?. Per cord .:m BanfieldVeysey Fuel; Co. s Phone Maia 333 ; . 7 SO Thlrxt St., dor. Oak 'b ii l I ,7 ; ' ' Special rats made ta fanrftlaa bath establishment ta the hotel. Holmes a ' Gollege i 1 ''Through ths kirfdness of V the Y. M. C day and ... night school U being held T " aa usual at the association - rmilding, Fourth and .'. Yamhlu streets, telephone ' ; Main 513. 'V-.r. . fliSI Military Academy v 1 POXTLasTS, OBawOa. - " a amece eocrctay sad aav SrbasL. . Maasel tribdaa. atlU- euy dleelplhM. ellf ereeare. j" . ties. Bor of aar f aamltt CUT THIS OUT Aad wan a Br. 9. w. mat, xmt Mlllton ' 9or1mmA tm 1 save .... sera, whoa 4 wast a sasd ts a anlKafT lebaiL Tbes? aeaa am . PIum et bm prices and taraa ; aba OlsstoetM tiaartf dve mmhigae at rear idnl , : - j-.- sMUSs).g.p' I - ., l ,4AaaVsB), ...tttagH... RW.BALTES & 'CO LI PANY PRINTS Ra BINDERS FIRST & OAK STREETS TELEPHONE MAIM 105 1 :. . .. ,. . . . 'ill . .. . . . n 1 All , )'i .tMsfaaallsaas ;-'J. ;' 3. COL1T8 ORIGINAL , HOT BLAST ; ' 8TOVK OU WeSlowt Twirnle, Firtt I3AJ S i .y 'MM w Dry short conhrvood, stove $1.50 IB Portland 4 ' AiMricaaPUn j. 13 Par Day and Upward OS. amm ooagaiaaotu vasTauaaa, rmgla gantlemeh. A modern Turkteh j . it v xx. ovnans, manager. BUSINESS A. 4t .if COLLEGE ' SPECIAL COURSE IN Y- PENMANSHIP Oft Monday and Thursday erenirigs horn f to S o'clock. v TUJT10N, 3 Hons., JIO.00 This class !s In charge of Mr. 1; M. Walker and Mr. H. W. Ennis. Mr Walaer was a student of ths noted penmen, Behrenamier, Scbo field ft Williams. Mr. Ennis -has been - card - waller at Meier ft Prank's for ths past bur years. . ' TOP FLOOR Of STEAMS BCOJffifi Betabffebed la lit. Open an tha yaaP. Prtvaae or slaa kistnietloa. Thousands of are'' .tea In peeluonet opportunities esnati- aeeumng. it pars to attend our aeww..e .ian, spsekstaaa. sta. ft '".!. f::t. r: a. alcih A peamaa and teacher af national rep utation, la principal of tha , -' MUiVaOalAnT laSTlTUTB. ee sxxni irsm, Mil vasts asra wsavssfat siassas sd VaS sTOmT&gJtBt OuV 'v M'- 4,