THE OREOOK DAILY JOtTRKAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVE KINO, OCTOBER M, 1901 THE ORE G AM THE RAILROAD PROBLEM ASPECT. W , VTOT UOVM oa the gnat trsnseootlnentnl railway f" chessboard, ewory plsa of etosolldatloB and eoo . 7 ceotratlon of Mob totoraeta, id na a long step ' mm to. tho naticekellaatlon of mok Projects. T1m wort the oontrot of Umm vast hvIim bends of a tow tadrvJduale la tha metropolis of tho country the more do partly local or Beottoaal otaotru beeome Incidental and tht mora UMr am they to bo eecrtfloed In tho vast seneral aehanM than presented to tboot wbo dl- , not tho destinies -of these bugs onttrprter. The I MftftoMi mattM ui lata people of tbo toealltlaa sad sections , produce bow condltSom snd thoat wya. Tlma woo whoa wo railroad of thta ototo woro ownod horn., la that , ownara wtro face to taoa with tho loool problems. They woro hi tetlnpato touch with eoodittona oat tho otap whloh MMiitwtM bars called for woro viewed wKh a oartate turn of ympothotlo Interest altogether ualiiflneaeed ay Hif nllj of Interests" whloh la roooat pears boa - -im aeVa. mxa tonal But that atllk ta spilled. Today not a man la Orogoa to tho roal owaor of a aharo of otoek to tbo a R. A N. or h. mt mmt real In the StstO. It hi OTOB doubtful If thoy are owatd la tho United tatea. mm ta hater days have mado no la Choir atosatle plana. With them wo la a largo flack; avfatto wtth at It ta ' no nsrtlenlar offaot of imtao oa of oaaaldorod aot from tbo etandpolnt of - ttoa to a ayatom of whloh wa art bat aa Tho owaonbip being Tootod aad tho " controlled from Mow Tort wtth a pradoat and wary 7 on " ' Berlin aad London, It followo that ao mattor how nooot. aary tram a local point of ?taw a oortala tmprovsinent aaay bo tho vary boat tho loool rapraooatatlvoa af tbo road oan aa la to lounmmond. Than that rscornmondstloa la on- ... . - .a S uula MM - aiaeraa bov irwn vm Nwrayvuib ovoa from tho ataadpomt of tto poalttvo damoaotrablo valoo ' to tho road Immadlatoly eoaooraod, bat from tho atand pomt of tbo ommaatty of latoroaaV moorvod. WmX would bo' good for tho a IL M. mlcht bo Tatooaby tba b.h. K WMhM mwA Ante MlA woald aoooawrlly ooatrol tho attaaUoa. U la aatlroy ' - - - w tk .mil thA TrtlanA nA aT tna Una . has tar yaam 'racoauMndad tho bulldlnc of tho lUparta Lowlatoa eat-off aa wtU aa' ethor araaohaa. From tha atandpomt of thla oootloa aa wall oa from tho atandpotnt ot tho O. R. aV M. all of thla work aboald hart boon dona. But tbo "ooaunuBlty of tataraoto' of totorvoBod and to hofp thorn akma la IntoroiM hava booa aaorlfleod la thla. V All af thai araat aoeaaaarlly load to tf otar boot Intoraata art thaa to bo oaorlflood to tha axl- aaaolaa of tha railroad oomblnartona tharo romama nothing far aa to da bat to Drotoot aaratlToa aa boot wa oaa. Wa havo mado a mova la thla dlroottoa In boildlna; of tbo Portaca railroad; that tho right dlrootloa aad aa ana with tha at haart ahonld root until that aroiaet Ing found tho way, havma; dosnonotratod that oomothlag oaa ao aooampllahod ky oalf rollaaea, wo aro ta a way to aolva tho now aad aomallaatod probiam whloh an tho aAHil( tha iwtiM UtlMM - by thorn. ' V ' ' J ' ' EITHER FAULT OR BLUNDER. ' ' A Tom WVWM TBS APPalaRANCa af arO. Thla Old adtoratloB ahonld bo romamborod aad praotlood by It ta aald that ftoaldoat Raoaovatt la amartlng aador tha erttlctatna of Damoerato ot ala appointment of hla oae rotary of labor and oommoroo aa campaign awaagor aad " - ahliJ ffk. a tnalnnatlMM . that Cortolroa woo aalactad booauao of had gatnod of tho truata and eorporatlona affalra. In hla poaltloa of aaerotary of oommareo and labor. Tho orltldam of Jadga Parkor by tha lffaw Tork World, and othora, of Cortolyon'a aoltetloa aro rtaoonablo and toot. If tho Inalnaattona aro haaalaaa, tho ptaaldant kaa bo ngnt to oompiain ot tbam, tor no aaouia nara xoreaaan lb am, aad avoided ovaatho appaaranov of avttT' Rla appofatmant of Cortolyoa for tbo praaldant la tha . wholo thlag, tha aammlttoa aothlna-waa a MoadOt, aalaaa tbo naana woo what tha Damoerato aaggaat. No aaaoant af roaring protaatatloa will chango this foot. . t iwur invwi mat vow mun uuom, praoiwaur ; tho oola aoolnaaa, of a chairman of a national eommlttoa, totofryfattogotaUtbo aMnay poaolblo out of ovorybody - poor! bio, tort oapaotally oat of truata and ooporatlona that In rocompanaa aro oltowtd to dicta ta lawa aad largaly run tho gorarmnant. . Tht praaldent may wrlta a lattar to hla -r' daar frlaod And-aetproclty' Lodgo aad to otbera protntlng that ho didn't axpact or daalra Corttlyou to taka a dollar omovpt aomabody put It la hla pockat ourraptlUoualy, and without hla lata labor aaoratarya aoUoUatlon or knowl odgo; but orarybody knowa btttar. v . . , Cortotyoo may not hava boon appotntodfor tha reoaona aaggoatad by tho Tlla and wlckad Damoerato; It oant ba . provoni but It locks rary much that way, and thay had aorfaat right to mako tha auggeatloa, without balng ' abuood for It. .. Tho Republican party lant axactly fit for canonisation aa a political aalat y at and Rooaarolt la tha wholo RapubU- caa party. From "ooosea Admiral Tags, aamnMsdor-avohlef of the Japanese navy, whose pre west as a fiawting ssaa has woa world-wide praise of late, comas fro is aa eld school of Nippea warriors. His naval educa tion Is of the best, and be has been tmined Is every way to ho a fearless, caiss. and Unless fighter. Is his youth, he and bis fellow eta dents at the Japanese aaval academy were soouetewed to attend an annual esqoet. They sat st a circular table emu Ml s ato w lr rvfvlnt oannoo loaded with a hen and trained to the level of taetr bw4s. The 4rlgr wee so or reaped tost H teuld be toughed from a O N D A I LY IMDIPIIVDINT NIWIPAPIK - v PUBlJSHSD BY JOURNAL PUBLISHINO Oa l Orsgon. OWCIAlL PAPM Or TNI OITV Of fOWTLANO IN ITS, LOCAL THhX nrBB BALTIO I In tbo war draad until Ruaala'a pacta of aucoaaa li eentrallaed to the aro tow In aumbor tha torpedo flotUla, pubUe. woald ba tamplato off or lng Davy Jonor altar, oonaaaTiannt to tba Uon,. nor to It cold, deliberate1 bat tho bow methods moat bo mot ta tUlttea. After aaa otaaniDw two or . throo of happy day tht tooaT at Cherbourg and for tho fleet to oatl avowth and dorolOB- Tho sant eombtno- but a omall factor aro bat ono ahotp dee, and per ha pa oar only wwa lama.1 10,00 stov ooad. railroad building art aearty 14.0H man. field ptooea, and Oregon bat la rala- Una and absolute awlcnlfloaat part. policy absolutely vongeaneev while .oao-aUlo nno la able to run ato six psaaengtra and handling too man aa hour, lesa than nothing but soldi era that walks like a orlala. which to gain. Tha system tho othor raada boa othor dlroetlona oar tho aoaelaaloa that foared that tho rata portion, as tt should. should bsrout la anrnntini- for f tba waa a lone atop la good of tha atato to oomslotad. Har But under existing tho kaawtodgo ht CABINET I T BHOTTLD NOT mora, making a poach dent. Thorp la no oaald aot do otherwise; hut they would appear bettor ta do so wtth quiet dignity, and not la oontravantton of tbo prosl dent's own prof eased policy that federal officials should and must restrain party politics. That cabinet to become active and Insistent cam palmers sub jects him to the e barge of glaring la consistency, ot aot piaottobig what ha dent, aor bio privato aeoretarlea or personal servants. They aro public aervanta, notwithstanding tha praaldent la allowed to choose them. Thoy ara paid by tba publlo, not by tho president Their business to ta aerve tho publlo rather than tho praaldent or hla party. Hence If tho theory that federal offloers should aot bo active polltloiana la not a false pretense, theet men aro out of place on tho a turn p. hidden eouree outside of the banquet hall. That at eon time during the banquet the oaaneo would be fired ev ery ooc st the labia knew; but just whsn, or la what direction It would as point ing was a mystery. Of course,, there waa a peeeibiiit that the ban might crash hermleeelr betwee the heads of two benquetere, but It was squallr prob ably that It mla-ht carry off the head of some student Trt no one flinched. The shanote wars equal to all. The pfeturesque object of destruction revolving urine, the Jnrlal hours of ths banquet, polntlns; frosj studeat to Stu dent, end ready at a given moment ts Mew say one of them to pieces, was oonaldored Is Japes admlrahl training to steady tha serves of a fighting saea. V" , - JO U R N A L P. C ftUAl U Tho QUEER BALTIC FLEET. FLSKT. Uko Spaln'a Cadis squadron with Amarloa, baa aarrad tha sola pur- A poot of making a tromandoua fuss. It ltngerod In orlontoi float waa nunod. It proo- now oa tha Pacific, oonfrontad by tha Ytetorioua Japan aaa navy, ara boyond ooneaptloa, for tha flvo or ala battloahlpa aro not all modern, tho erulaara and hava but throo good flghtora, wbtlo tho oxaot aumbor of which to not mado h el pi oaa. Kuaala clearly doaa not oon- thla poof remnant of aoa ambitlona upon Firing on fishing trawlers for to mtautea while tho tar gets were under tho glaro of aearehllghts. baa no pallla- fully explained oa any other thaa purpooe of provoking eoavonleat boa- maatha of vroDoratloa for tbo orutoe tho Boara mlanlkln armada oak Vigo for permlealon to r rertotuei and repair. It woald have bean an aoay matter with ooal and auppUaa sufflolant for Tangier or guts. Xnatanco tbo brilliant run of tho Oro goa around Booth America whoa hontlllUes woro declared betwoen tho United Btateo and Bpala. Rueola to playing a aarloaa farco. Late dlapatohaa la dloato Britain's willingness to asaume tbo luminary stew ardship of pesos by effacing tho Baltic squadron from tho the map. Then could tho groat lumbering giant of tha aorth quit war with vindicated honor, and screech at tho hoottlo Anglo-Saxon for taking undue adyantago. Tharo aro othor than North oaa algns pointing to Rus sia's longing for peace, and tf Bhakhe ta reaumed again eoon. tho situation may become a oriels. Official returns place Russia's oaeueJtleo In tho Shakho fight at above PV materially ao, aa Oyama says ho buried Oyama reports to Toklo that ha lost killed and wounded. Ruaala toot 40 Japan 14. Japan, with a 100-mUe rail oommand of tho see, la reinforcing with a Russia oompttoa In tho same work "over and aa aoa footing. Suppose tho Utter trains daily op tha tnberlaa lino,- with two baggago ooaches to tho train, and on each, with a running speed ot tt miles t,0M men oan be transported dally, It and light bsjrgagv aro takta.- Thaa bow about Ha buddUm and munitions of wart Tho bear man taenia to bo faco to taoa with a real . . . . ASSESSMENT AND VALUATION! TRI ASaKSSKBHT of Multnomah- oounty shows a valuation of nearly ti.000,000 mora than last year's. aot very much la sxessa ot the actual ot saaeeament haa not boon materially changed. Wo aro thereforo credited In the oyea ot tho world wtth property amounting to BO,ooo,ooo, when aa a mattor of tact It could aot bo bought for throe or four times that sum. It could bo vary fairly valued under tho law at tl00,90,0oe, at least, and thoro IP but ono good reason for not doing this. - - - Tho etty com prises moat of tbo oounty. In reepoot of tax able property, If the property of the city woro valued and assessed at ll00,0O0,0Oe, It la reasonably and logically of -taxation would aot doerasso la pro If tho valuation Is doubled, tho rats half, or nearly so, but tho assessor and othora tear that under tho present dty administration to bo specific, with tbo prat ant oounctl In office- the doubling of tho valuation would result la doubling tho expenditures, rather than In tha halving of tht rate. Tharo la no public oonfldenoe In tho council, as a whole. . It it woro possible to have able, careful,' economical though progrtaatva. and conscientious city officials, par ticularly councilman, wo could reasonably and rightly show up a valuation ot $lM,OtO,000 or even more, tn thla city, and a tax rata of M or not over II nulla, instead of 40 mills. conditions tha asssaaor ta probably wise to follow tho old aad abstractly silly custom ot assessing property at about li or 40 per sent of Its value - Boma of tho tnoroaso. It should ba remembered, to duo ta tho repeal of tho 9100 exemption law,. Tho poorest householder, tha man working for $10 or til a week, must now pay taxes on kla little stock of household goods. Thla olasa of property was valued lost year at IIIT.ftK, while this year, nothing being exempt. Its value amounts to $!, 111,10a. Tho assessor was kind, no doubt, and valued poor peoples bods end chairs and dishes at rather low figures, and yet ho picked up about a million and a half dollars from tho poor, those of small means. The repeal of the exemption law waa aa acknowledged blunder, yet there be those who aro not taxed on ono tenth tho value ot their property -who would object to tho re-enactment of the ex emption law. It will bo a happy day for Oregon whoa property aaa bo aaaeassd at lta full value, aa tho law requires, when tho rich aro as fully aaasassd on their holdings ag tho poor, and when tho taxpayers saa trust the men they elect to office. . , ; 111 , I. '!' I " 'W .-' ' MEMBERS CAMPAIGNING. ba oonsldered oonsortoun to criticise the administration for the political activity of members of tho cabinet. All of them are out more or lest, mostly aa and pulling ail they oan for the presi objection to their support of hlmt thoy themselves from active participation In ho permits and probably requests hla preaches. Members ot a cabinet aro not mora hired men of a praal TATS TOW OXr From the aaa Francisco Bulletin. ' Zo you feel anxious and preoooupied when the gasman goes by t , Do you sleep badly f Do rot go to bed hungry - - - Doss your heart palpitate when you sea a steasT Is there an all-gone fooling ta your poohetT . Do you have BlchtmaresT Do you do mental art Unset to every time you contemplate tho pidrohsee af "sef fee-sod" t . . Have you a hunted leekf Do you warn dnwn dark alleys whan you so dews townf Be we re 1 Those aro tha eymptemt. Tou are ousted," Small CLange ii - " " i liirt i pMl Ilttssiaa victory It wu Fab-banks SMuleas, oouidnt aboW tbo hfJa Oh, wen, It bsii la dust la posaiblo to play foot The Russian aaval to be Jap-crasy. Why era aome pouuetoao uko floating oawlogs la a streaoiT No aatlea wants that flMt la any of Ita ports. fool Rusalaa Too much fog, perhaps to with high tariff protentloaa. eyatpathy Teong paVOaal lasted mm eoaohoe of baohetbaa a aanaaroua paetttoa. . Oresvaaor eouM flguro tho sam onset Of bnperiauaai dowa to thirty oonts. Tho wonder la that Uaole Chsrloy Orosvonor anas two itiw aonocmi. BxkMtvnskyl Boms allowanoc to to be snade for a auta with such a aaasa. Assuraaoa of tho Inetde ba is a re lief, sad a big point gslned. It will be needed. to aome otostlea to ho- coming of totereat aa football. Most lawyero atoa 'farmera-U. bany Democrat rs gre lawrora. aearty al Wtniam ADea Whits and Alfrod Ronry Lewis are- among tho kepubllosna birod asea wrttara. - With a big oeeretary oarrjrlng a btg the (oft) stick to thslr will Panamaniana bo goodf neip tho " Republican rally, golem la tho Rapublloan. party la help" to Orogoar Journal. Ot Fairbanks Is epaakmg 'to MlssBurt, Of eeuroo U ho had a vote- thoro ho would east It against Folk. . From the way they abuse Turner over tn Washington, becausa h haa been bis own man, tbey must bo afraid of hla Only some hnoohsr or uninformed person started tho story that the Lewi and Clark fair would bo postpone. 4 will oocur In 190s. . ' -s After long Incubation Undo Arith metician Oroorenor has It alt figured out that Roosrrelt will bare 114 and probably UI. electoral votes. Dent toppose you oan escape death or maiming by walking or driving, instead of riding on a railroad train; ths auto mobiles srs loose . and lively oa the roads.-, If sleeted, Mr. Parker, wtll yea revoke tho Panama canal? Chicago Tribune. He mujht at least make some mlahty Inquiries about ths .queer manipulations of ths affair.- . It :W ssid the gas wens of Indiana hredu'eed their flow by one half during the week of Bryan's whirlwind cam palsn. aahna Btateeman. Republican trust-heated weUeT Policemen aot only should aot ho i lowed to get drunk; they should aot be allowed under any- olraumatanoes to drink anything mtoxlentlng. We have had entirely too many drinking polios- The eempltmsnt paid to T. B." Wnoox In leottag him preoldeat of the trans MlmlMlppt congress wss ono well mer ited. Mr. Wlleo has probably done mors thaa any other one man to build up trans-Mleslselppl. or rather da- MUslHlppl. oommeroe with the orient aad he win offeottvely old, aa few other men oouleV tho good work of tha oon- Oregon Sidelights OOtrslOaa ta to bavo a Development league. Farm era seeding. doing mush plowing and Myrtle growing, Creeks Development alub ta Prairie City Is to eleetrle Ughta hava a bank, also Nearly a Corvallls people talk foot ball, baseball and basketball. Isht Blading ere we ara at the new Arlington-Condon branoh. Dehorned cattle bring It oente more per let sounds to Umatilla souaty thaa horned cattle. Ths Coqullls City pack1nshooss has an order which It will fill for it tons st fish for the German market. Polk county claims to lssd ta hope, timber, fruit snd blooded stock. But some other Or son counties might dis pute some of these claims. Tom Waugfca, who died at Bumpier toot week, was the laet of ths old western tared rivers, having followed that occu pation for over II years and sneountsrsd many strenuous experienced, . 1 A Polk oounty mea says he has M bushels of spples that hs will let rot on the ground, unless people want to take them sway. It Is safe to say that he is sot a model fruitgrower. The Calapooola dam 1a about complet ed, when work will commence on the big ditch, and eoon, eaye the Oakland Owl, the waters of tho Ca la pool a. Idle for oenturies, win be harnessed snd pressed into servico f or tno use of both man and beast. Tht North Powder paper tails Its etty marshal a poltroon for not arresting a lot of dloorderly people who terrorised the tows, woundlna one eltlsea with a rlfle-ehot and frlahtenlng many. But the marshal may have oonsldered dtserO' tion tho better part of walor. Tillamook Independent i The question of I ooal option in this oounty doeen't seem ts bo worrying anybody much. Thoss who want to set It. prevail from principle era very few, those who don't oars a snap either way are quite auA mereue, and those who don't want It at all srs tho aoat tersest aumbor. t A Douglas oounty young man has herded over ISO turkeys for ever three Lmenths, taklna them from one to three sines, sno nas aot lost a turkey, is so dltloa to thle he Is studying slrebra snd has made excellent prosreaa. eonaiderina that he Is his own teacher. He haa late ly received another slchth-grsde diploma vera sins It per cent. A young man who thus combined turkey-herd In a and mathematics ta pretty aura to aiweeed. Editor Racier and ' The Oregonian Prom tho Padfle Christlaa Advoosta One of the first thlnss seld to this editor after he took up his duties to the ornoa, In speaking of some severe orlti olems of the Oresonian to the Methodist preach err meeting was, "Tou will have to be careful never to write anything that will be objectionable- to ths Oro gonlan. It Is the most powerful Influ ence In tho state, and Is thorouahly in tolerant. These preachers did not realise what tbey were doing." This was uttered bp ono who was supposed to know what he was saying. But this editor did not know enough to be terri fied, nor does he know enough yet. JHe has aot been accustomed to reserving orders from dally or any other papers. He bos bees taking bis orders front bis own convictions of his duty, aad lloves la the principles of the standards of his church, ss they Interpret the word of God. and be bee ao thought of changing because of the roar of this lion, thouah hs roar never so loudly Tho secret of this stuck Is that ths editor of tho Paelflo Christlaa Advo eate has had the hardihood to oppose the position of this autocrat on local option and other moral issues. Ea pec tally was this done la tho Issue of this paper for August 11. This waa not done by accident, nor without careful deliberates ss to ths consequences, But after the most thor ough attention to the matter, ho con cluded that while this Oregonlea la a great aews-gathsrer, aad a purveyor to the publlo demands, and Is oonsldered fair to all who some to write for Its columns In presenting every side of every ease that may be sf current is- eusslou, still It Is la every essential lta editorial Influence agnostic, and hones an wholesome and deadly. It servos ths pubils well la some thlnss, but Injects Its bilshtlag poison Into evsrrthlna. It Is like an IsvlUng dish set before a hunary man, but dlled with ths deadly hemiook. It receives ths support of tho good and noble people, the tnduaarleua ths honest, ths f rural. snd then espouses ths cause of the Sabbath-breaker, ths saloon, and all its horde of evils It fosults sad tries to dissraca these who do not Osree with It, as in the oass of the Xtev. Dr. Edgar P. Hill, D. D., one of tho most saintly snd ablt ministers of the west This it did last aprlng simply because this In fluential pastor of the First rresoy tsrlan church of Portland bad ths man hood. In a gentlemanly way. to oppose lta altitude on the local option lasua Mr. B. Let Paget had ths hardihood to write soma letters, in respectful terms oa ths prohibition question, and was treated ae though he were a stench and an offenea when ha la one of the moat deaervtns men In Portland, and waa si the Uma of this eutraseous treatment the efficient superintendent of the Bun day school of ths First Methodist Epis- oopsl church la this oity. . Thee sous Iterations, with many others, have foroed thla editor to the ooneluaiea that if he does not oppose the Influence of this paper, as -mould as well close up his office and go at some- thins elsa For tbo Oreeonian stanoa for ererrthtnc that the Methodist church opposes hi ths way of moral Issues, and oppoeee all that for which Methodism stands, so that there Is no use for this lournal If the policy of its conduct Is to be gotten from the offloe of tho Oregonlea. The management of this paper expects nothing xrom tne saloons, aabhath-breakert and opponents of godliness, but earnest and constant opposition, why should any or tne .- 00 Methodists tn the bounds of ths ter ritory In which this paper circulates patronise such a paper as the OregonlanT Why not allow it to get its support rrom those whom It serves f Teal Why should any of ths Christian law-sbldtng neonls in this rood fair land ao run oz possibilities support this papert There srs other dallies tn the racine aorta west which In my estimation are 1m meesnraUr Bunertor to It In all the dualities which make for righteousness and decency. The people wbo intend to make this world better must glvs more attention to the daily papers which come Into their homes, snd ths Ore ennlan as It is BOW conducted it not ethically helpful to any home. Tho idea of thla ebeet, which does not stand for a single one of the great prln olples for which the Woman's Christian Union stands, trying, and succeeding in a small measure, to oast suspicion on ono who has been an ardent friend ana supporter of that organisation from the time It waa started. The Intention of the editor of thle paper was to warn these members of this splendid State orsunlsstlOB asatnet putting too much stress on the suffrage department of their work, but give more attention to some of the lose popular departments of thetr activities. Of course, tf all the women who are allowed to vote oould be brought Into such type of characters as are members of the Woman's Chris tian Tempera nee Union, there could be na doubt but the best thing that oouia be done would bring about eqssl suf- fraao at once. But as they are not nil, nor a majority of them, ready to exer cise the franchise to the hlghsst se vantase snd some swod true women are being driven away from membership m ths anion because of this feature or its work It seemed that tho good women should bo exhorted to give a little more attention to lifting up their sisters and maklna them nearer worthy sf their privileges of ths ballot when It eomes, for it surely will coma But this Ore- sontsn Is a ' poor sponsor for tha Woman's Christian Temperance Union. or for anything that oould with tha most distant propriety be called Christlaa. I - - y. at THE PORTLAND DAILIES t Prom the Astoria Astorlan. The saloon box fell before tha - onslaught of ths Portland Daily Journal, and that newspaper has jut ths quietus on gambling. Ths Journal, sotlng Independently, while still struggling for prestige. has accomplished mors for true reform than the Oregonlsn has accomplished la the half century of Its existence. The Journal has not been Influenced, snd Its suc cess only serves to demonstrate , ths unwavering utility of an In dependent publication. After the death struggle and the triumph of decency the Oregonlsn steps ts tho front to damn tbo van quished. The ehowmg'ls aot a flatter ing ono for the morning paper, but it la gratifying to know the Oreaxmlan has at last acknowl edged the evil of gambling To the merciless it haa been merci ful In the past, whoa It alone re flected public sentiment, but now tt orles "No quarter! The ory la pitifully late, for the period during which quarter might have been Implored has passed. It Is a bitter parting of old friends. Had it been anticipated, perhape the iwagger Indicating ownership of the town would never hava been taken on. Hut Portland Is ts be enfi gra tela ted. it has taken a long step rorwsrd sad will bo belter and mart prosperous for R. At ttc Theatre i I -i - a'owH iJBABoraa mxnm rowmwrn. "Glittering Gloria" will bo ottered at ths Maxauam Oread theatre tonlsht and tomorrow afternoon, - wbea a splendid oast will be aean la thla newest Of Eng lish eomedlen It eomes here with Us approval af ths audiences that wit nesses' it mt Wvndham's theatre, J-os- don, where It was first presented, and Daly's theatre. Mew York, where it was played later. The linos of ths plooe are ail clever and the treatment of the theme la hlsnlv oria-lnaL The production will he Ptagsd la a sumptuous manner. Messrs. nsasr ens Hvlev will no doubt sustain the high reputation they have already gslned In this city In giving us such well known pleoea as "Florouors." "The gUvtr gllp ner" and "Baa Tor." Miss ISSdorS Rush is ths star. Bhs Is well rem em bored for her olevor work la former at tractions, , wow worn "warn OVTIOI srOT." The arrival of the popular oemle opera comedian. Frank uemsis. a naw amm la ae. event always WOlxh reoordlns. This favorite entertainer will appear at the Marquam Grand the atre nest Monday and Tuesday nights. October tl and Movemoor l. in nm AAntrlhuttnn. a, aaualoal OOmsay ll two, acts, edtlUed "The Offloe Boy," which comes here with a record of suoosss i rh. Th. ntene la by ths well know writer. Barry B. gmlth, with a musical mm k the nooular somDOSSr. lua- l BnvlanSaa Boma sf ths best know people in oomlo opera and musical faros are in tho oast of "The umos oy,: a the sosnlo production la described as very elaborate oaa. Beets ara bow selling., , ' - v , immi Asaa ooamT. Amtiiat odeil af New York eaw George Ade'e great comedy drama, "The County Chairman,' whlcb ts to so of fered by Henry W. Bavsgo at ths Mar nun arajut theatre next Wedneeday. Thuraday and Friday nights, Novsmber I, snd , Wltn tne last psriornwuv Ba.tnrda.v matinee. November. S, . United Ht.taa Senator Piatt saw It tout timet. United Btates Senator Chauneey M. De- pew, twice; former United Btates sen ator David B. Hill, three, aad forsser BVaatriant (Iravar Cleveland, oaoe. It waa Mr. Cleveland who aald that The County Chairmen" was one ox tne nest and most wholesome plays be had aver seen and added, that in hie opinion Oeorse Ada was One or too w reauy great A mortoo s dramatists. "Raihm eiut Juiist" ts near ins the end of its auooessful run at ths Columbia thutn. The niece la beautifully staged and has attracted large ana cultures, au- dienoes sit week. The tragedy wiu os presented tonight, and tomorrow after noon aiwl Bight. Tho matinee la ontlrely sold out. - Beginning with the Sunday matinee tKa iiaiumbu. theatre stock company will present tho favorite wdrk of Au gustus Thomas, "in Missouri. - w wumn the weu known eharactsrs or Jim ttaa hun. and 'I. la' hath will bs Impsraonated. .mwiiwW h Bdnr Baumo and Cath- eina r.ountlaa. rrod Bsmeiton wut suh his debut with tbo company In "In Mia-t ourl, playing vemoa, um wwwmui. nwwjLra BmATXaV towioj The llehtalno will flash, tho stem parent will drive the helpless girl out In to the storm, tne eraexsmen wui maw muh tttm vault, the Mtadlns snow Wilt fall upon ths unprotectea nena os w nnrr m the streets ax tne iimm city, ths cattle will come lowing home ward in WO I army era even, ana hhfj Metila na Couraev will Bins and dsn OS her way Into the hearts of tho audience at Cordrsy a tonignt wnsn -an vrpnan s praver" will asmln be sreoehted. There tii ha but three more performsnoos. to night and tomorrow matinee and night. eVT Danolna a oakewelk on a alack wire Is one of ths difficult aad graceful feats nerf armed by the two girls of the Al sine trio this week at the star, ana thslr sot almost takes one's areata. away. It la ao daring, Tbo trio Is oom posed of one man and two girls, ail splendid specimens of muscular develop ment. Ono girl performer turns somer saults on ths wire, and lsaps aver a ohalr and fiaeTS. but aianages to retain her Balance. The aot la one of tha best seen hero thla season. Tor tht oomlog week at Cord ray's ths attraction - will be Theodore Kramer's erAnderfullv successful melodrama. "Ths Patsi Wedding,' produced with every cars as to detail which waa observed on tha aneasion'of Its creet metrosolltan run. The play has scored a tremendous hit throughout the country snd le well known to local theater goers. The en gagement will open with a matinee Pua- day. raXDAT IB tOU fJXwprw AV &TKEO. There are three t gold pieces wait ing st the-Lyrie for the holders of luoky ooupone that will so issued, tonignt. Gold night" baa become a popular ono for the Lyric In sddltlon to running a good ohaaos of getting ft, one sees a oracksr-laek bill. Ths L.yrle has ons this week that eon compete with the best. . The grestsst ever." This Is tht ver dict that eomes from the Up of those who havs attended the Baker this week. A bill equaling that shown at ths Baker this week has never gotten this far west It represents ths cream of vaude villa offerings and Is undeniably head and shoulders above any bill aver of fered la Portland. . . , -. , AT Tonight Is amateur night at tht Ar cade theatre, and a number of talented amateurs will be permitted by ths man agement to appear on the stage and demonstrate to the pubne what they can do In tho way of eoterteinlngb These amateur nights always prove amusing, and ths show tonight will bo aa txeep- Uoa to tba rule. XIJDD SMkaTIttWW. ... Thla MMiir at S e'jllAnk a amid infnk Will be aiven away at the Btloa. A watch coupon baa gone with every matinee ticket. The watoh goes to ths nwtit ta the Sntiaa hAlalna, )k. vtK coupon, or the number nearest to It Tht great odd hour amusement. oar tmiAB ros Oeorge Marshall was arraigned thta saorniog to the municipal court on a charve of larceny, J. B. Pordyca being tho oompiain Ing witness Ths esse wss continued nntll tomorrow. Mereaelt Is accused of entering the apartments of the Fordyoes st the Norton while they were at lunch yesterday snd of stealing Jewelry valued st about $300. ' Prom Town and Country, "Brldgot, you must be more careful wtth your dusting. X declare I oould write my noma upon the ptsne." "'Deed, ma'am, it's yereUf hag ths gtseY addyoarshMBi"- QLKSSED AGENTS TO JAPAN PAT wmn stow. Beeent privato advtosa ts the mtUlng Interacts of the North Padfle oosst from Japan tall of the probability of a heavy demand for Aour from the Japanese govsrnment as welt as from private arms of that empire. It la known to a oertalnty that the stock of hour la Japan and China is running very low, and had It not been for tbo fact that ths flour dealers of thoss countries bavo all along be lieved that the markets here would go lower they would have been buy lug heavy supplies before this Uma As matters now stand ths stock to' China and Japan has become so low that It must be replenished at once, Newa of thla foot baa stirred up the northwest millers as thoy have sever been stirred before. . gome of those who had advenes no tice of tha abortags'Of flour aent their representatives on ths last steamer to sail for the orient but on the next out going vessel from tho sound the rest of tht mills will have a man epieoe oa board. During tha tost week or so Jspaness merchants havs been nibbling at flour, and several salea hare .been Snado in from !. to l,MI sefck lota During the past month prioes havs been a great factor tn securing Japanese orders, but now It la not ao much a question of price aa It la of actual do ltvery of atoeks on the Islands, Ths supply of flour In this city,. ao cording to the millers, la aot vary large, and similar reports art received from the entire north ooaet Borne of the millers' representatives In the orient have been Instructed to cell no dour to tho government on tbo present market prios without cabling ths horns oAcc This Is looked upon as Indicating that tha Japanese govsrnment will be forced to pay dear for its procrastination ui buying. If the published figures of tho pri vate crop reporters and that of the United Btatee government oount for anything, there Is going to be a short ags In tho stock of flour oil over tho United Btatee before the season it over. Bxport brands of flour srs quoted la this markst at present from 9t.M to II.7S a barrel, hut no offers st ths for mer flgurs ars now accepted by tha mills on oooount of the higher cost of n the millers ars talklns sf boosting their export quotations before long up to M a barrel, aad tho local prioaa up proportions my. HUNTER SHOOTS AND KILLS HIS FRIEND Mistaken for a deer by a fellow hunter, Stanley Outon ghlpman, well known In this city, wss shot ta tho hack . last Wednesday evening and died yes terday. He was deer hunting with A. ur mt frianili In the AdlrondacB ' mountains New York, and hearing a rustle ta tne ousnso went iwvmmi a oompsnlOB hearing tho same noise, but . nut uIim shlnnan. Bred, ths rifle ball striking the young men In the bask ' squarely between the snouioero. -Bushing forward to bag what hs sup- posed was his gams, the hunter waa horrified to see the body of hla com panion. Bverything that waa possible . wss done for the wounded man, but bs died without regaining consciousness. His remalne will ho burled to New Tork City. , , Bhlpmas was a graduate of the Har vard law school, class of list. During his Harvard days he spent his vacations . with relatives to this city gnd Is well knowa among locali dub and society folk. Last summer, la company with - Judd duplet on of this city, he made a tour ox Booueoo, THEY HAVE LICENSE BUT CANNOT MARRY "hiv ernreil th lleefiss October la. but Chsrlss Lyons and Mabel Brown . have not ye been able to gather euHl olent money to engags a minister or purchase necessary household articles to enter upon the matrimonial state. ' Both landed in the central police station laat nta-ht. and were before Municipal Judge Hogve thla morning on charges . of a serious nature, one waa aent to tho Boys' and Olrls Aid society, aad ho to tho city mil ror so oaya , JNuIm HnaiM and Denntv City AttOT- ' ney Pltsgerald thought It unwise, under th avlatine- eondttlons. ts oermit the oouple to marry, ao he ehooe the method named of separating them, Tfia-giri, who Is only IT years old, to of weak mind. The man pleaded guilty to ao- oeotin money from her. She to from Eugene, aha says. ITALIAN GARBAGE COLLECTOR CAUGHT A wall of Indignation la arising from the people residing along Marquam gulch, In tht- vioinlty of Fifth etreet, because the gulch Is mads a dumping ground by several of ths elty garbage men. For aome timt past two or three garbage collectors have been dumping their loads In tbo gulch In direct viola tion of the elty regulations. Nnthlne a said about It fOT BOmt tlma as it waa thought the health au thorities would discover it. xne stones from the dump became obnoxious aad unbearable. Be vera! days ago the dump caught fire and the smoke arising from the burning filth permeated every home in the oommunity. Protest wss made at once to the health . office with the result that investigation was made and the fire extinguished. II was found that the chief breaker of the lawa waa an Italian, John Bpady. Ba erne fnueul by DeDUtv Health Officer W. Beutelspeoaer and under threat Of er rest was made to take away all ths gar bage he had dumped la tho gulch. fMir&VMWBm xa MxrnnnrryjL ; A bunch of eaullflower aent James J. Armstrong to the oounty Jell for ala months. It was worth hut 71 oente. It belonged to John Dick, a rancher, and stolea from hla wagon by Arm strong last alght, Tha thief was seen to take It and Policeman Hlrsnh waa called. He took Armstrong to JalL Thta morning Judge Hogue passed esBtenoe , if - bt kin grog - Oa eheraes of burglary, Harvey Ollen heck, William atlllngs, Charles A, Beach and Charles Peterson were held to tht grand jury thla morning by Mo ntolpal Judge Hoguo, Charles Boggesa and William Nelson, also ebarsed with 4Burgtorpv went soleased,