THff C OGN DAI" Y JOUXNAi; PORTLA v ..... B THIRD AND BURNSIDE- STS. ' t. ri necn i hav TARiAnnni v LU J L U n L L Un 1 I V in V U I v V W IN ORDER TO ARRANGE IN - v C:- STOCK AND MARK-DOWN A -5- i SHIPMENT yc of Men's fine tailor-made Suits, Pants and Overcoats, Men's Shoes, Hats, Underwear and Furnishings, Suit Cases and Telescopes. K This is 5 the second shipment o the great bankrupt Sterling Viotning uo. stocK oiuesivioines, lowa, wiucn i oougni ax huc on me aouar ana i x a k will offer, commencing Saturday moni- - ing at 7:30 o'clock, for a; 'A r I I JUST THE WHOLESALE PRICE! These goods were in manu- ... facture at the time I bought the entire stock, and represent Lhe '.icresuii.of the Sterling Clothing Cos unmatchable mer chandise. The Sterling's plainly marked 4. Vr:l1 It IaA uxg wiu la; ;iit every article that you may see and be convinced that our price is strictly in accordance with what we claim one-half thb wholesale price. Positively : the Greatest Reductions ever of fered in high-class clotlung and merchandise. ....-.,..' ,1 J. I -v.- , v? i : '-:.'-; v "'v.'-.-' ?-A'1"'. "7' ; i ... r i lit. j . r v. t WATCH TOMORROWS PAPER FOR BARGAINS TIIE EQUAL OF WICII TORE NEVER DUPLICATED I if spend the balance of my lite and every dollar possess : to smash the JOO per cent profit clothing ring that Is robbing the working man In Portland,. 1 1 PAUL STRAIN. .-.,- --.,, SALESMEN WANTED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ' 7 - V .t. '. 1 .!'.vr5J::',T-.v. "V v. . -- -s r : - '. V